4 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNfi- MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 1001. FuMlihed tilth', Except Snti'. by The Trlh in fuhllthlne V'ompsny, it Kilty Cents Month. i.ivv s. nitiiAnn, Editor. O f. nYAllr.K, Business Minufr. Kew York Officer 1M Nassau ft. S. S. Vnf.F.t.ANP. Sole Ajtent fur Foielgn Advertising, Entered tt the Pewtofflee it Scranton, !', as Seiond Ll Mall Matter. When pic will permit, The Tribune l alwa) Itlad to print short letters from Its friends " lng en current loplcs, hut In rule Is tlat ;"',"' mti.il ,e lgned. tor publication, bj the writer Mai namej iind the londltlen precedent to ac irpunce It that all contributions shall be subject o editorial revision 1UK FLAT 1UTK VOtl AUVKiUI'MSfl. The following table shmva the price per InHi each Insertion, space to be used within one jean I nun of lldlnrenl I ull DISPI.4.V I'ipT MS .20 .lii i .is Position ".SO .21 .in .! .18 few tfin nr Inches " inches J!i Sono " Per cards of thank, resolutions of condolence nf slmlhr contributions In the nature of d 'riline The Irllume nu'.n a charge ol b cents line. Bates (or Classifier! AdiertlMru furnished on application. PfllANToN. AI'tJl'ST R. 10M. Instruction in m liiiinlns Is certainly n.i inipnrtHiit as Instruction In quad ratic ociu.it Ions or tlio Rsoj;raphlcai wheronosx of K:ime'lintK'a or Terra del Ttifso. Yot It In generally left to chance, with tlio ic-Mill Hint drnwniliRS abound that mlplit ear-lly be prevented. O. for more common sense In educa Ion! To Fight It Out. FAIM'I.K of the neRotlattons foi a pe.ioe.tne endltiK of the steel strike Is deplorable fioin the standpoint of the losses which a piolonned contest will Inflict not only upon the bclllRetents, hut likewise upon defenseless neutrals. Alieady these los.-e I lui.e mounted high among the millions and in mo.it instances they will not lie made pood no matter upon what tcims the tliml settlement Is touched. Still more de plorable Is the inenaep held over pub lic order, which ma.v at any moment devrlop into costly forms of riot. Vet if theie s no better way than a biutal IIrIii to determine the mastery of the AmerliHu steel industry, let the ilRht come iuickly and be soon ended. The Is-mio is clearly defined. On the one side Is the Amalgamated association, with a demand, in sub stanee, that It shall tnonoptdlze the labor factor In the steel business and dlvidewlrii iheciiiploylm; IntereMs con trol of the ni' u employed in their mills. Opposed to it Is the steel trust, de mandlncr, In subsume, that its mills shall be open to union anil non-union emplojes alike, without discrimina tion oi Intimidation. It does not chal lenge the liRht oi labor to oiganlze, but It does dispute the tlRht of organized lab6r to draw dead lines around 'work men not of their union: and the logic of lis position, now- that the die is cast for war without quarter, will lie refusal heieafter to deal otherwise than with emplo.te-. directly. As to the outiome, theie is little un certainty. The woikliiginen have been placed by tiled leaders in an untenable position and no matter how bravely they shall stiKe to maintain It, their defeat Is Inevitable. Mr. Kt tiger is credited with having Induced tie Hoeis to lontinue their leclng stnrgple by the tabled assuiance tlm Alleviation would be sent when nffded. It seems to us that It Is about time for Oom Paul to begin to deliver the goods. Fundamental Truths. Pnoi-KKOINUS In various i mrts R-'iwing out of strikes by labor oignnlailonn for higher wages or belter terms of work Tvcal an almost uniform ten dency mi the pail of til unionized worklnpman to let inn.i of his pug narltv out on the fellow woiklngman who does not i hoo-e to jojn his union. The "scab" so called for cxeicNlng a constitutional rtplit H jecied at, thteatened. pivcnted fioin purchasing the neieiiiiei of life, and in many las's Hcluall., assaulted, I'pon his head and upon the heads of hi.4 wife and t hlldren aie heaped all the -corn find Iciiomlny that malice can devise; in the ptii-hiilt of him law Is continu ally being violated, property destroyed arfrl a condition of riot Invited; and all because th spirit which sent mar tyrs and wiiclies to the faggot pile in the years of darkness still lives in tho human breast, onlv .slight ly subdued by the veneer of our boasted modem civilization. Mort of th men now engaged pro fessionally in fomenting stilkes and strife are shrewd enough not to put themsplves on public recoul as favor ing trje boycotting and abuse of non union; worklngmen. They perceive that to db this would put In Jeopardy the public sympathy for the cause of lahorwhlch is an essential factor In th success of their calculations. Where they fall short in ungaclty, however, 1? in not peueivlng that In order to retain public sympathy they must not merely enter perfunctory disavowals of this nauovv nnd danger ous spirit of proscription, but actu ally and earnestly combat It. Some of them appear to forget that compulsion and the tyranny of force; never yet fur nished a duruble basis for any foim of grojvth In tho atmosphere of Ameri can liberty, nnd that the surest wny to electioneer for a downfall In this count iy Is to claim privileges for one class And deny them to another. These aie bringing oignnlzed labor's wholo caute into reproach. Tliejgioundwoik of Americanism Is equality of pilvllegcs befoio tho law. Thus men may Join labor unions who will, and stilko when and where they plea?e; but they are not to trespass on the lights of tho neighbor who elects to remain out of tho labor union nor to try tn execute vengeance upon him when he offers to fill their vacated place. As well might the members of our chinches take literally the scrip tural Injunction to put on the aimor of 'Ighteousness, und, with drawn pistols Piper I Beading 1 1" .S7J .an .2.' .in .Ki m .17 .is is and club, proceed (o ansnll the Infidel!". Man Is not made, for labor unions, but labor unions nre made for man. Home men. apparently, feel the need of them Hnd some don't; but those who do have no light in law nr inouils to Interfere with thoue who don't. Simple us these truths nte. evidence is wldCHpiead nnd cuinulatlvo that they ate either unknown to or else dlsie gnided by thousands of Americans who, If the relative position wete re versed; If the "scabs" were numeious enough nnd poweiful enough to make mincemeat of the unionists, would dc ciy with clanioious emphasis any nt tempt to force them to nbandon their union. The tule of equal rights knows no favorites. The law Is for the union ist nnd for the "scab" without dis crimination "In eminent by Injunc tion" Is as open to one as to the other. Those only need fear It who aiemluded to commit acts of rucioacliment upon the rights of others. And not until labor unions lay alde strikes, boycotts and nil forms of persecution and vio lence will they be a teal help to honest workers. It begins to look ns though the troubles about the IsthmiKs of Panama would render It necessaiy for t'nele Sam to assume temporary rout in! of the toll-gate In the Interest of the trav eling public. Will Niagara Vanish? THOSK WHO have not alieady lslted Buffalo, the Pan American and Niagata had better not put it off too long. If they sJmuld, they would perhaps Hnd Hutfalo n lingering hint of past gieat nes. and tho "Pan-Am." an annul of antiquity, but Niagara would be no mot e, Kor, according to Professor Orabau, a Itennselar Polytechnic Institute ex pert on locks and stones, befoio the grent cataract, which Is now cutting Its wny backward along tho bed of the liver to Lake Kile at the rate of about four feet a year, reaches the head of (Jrand Wand less than live miles away, there will be mi Niagara. The whole s.vstem of the Ureal Lakes, he asserts. Is changing. The waters of Lake Michi gan at I'hlcago aie slowly rising, and Lake Krle Is growing shallow. Kvcnt u, illy, unless a dam Is built to pi event It. ns has- heen proposed, Lake Michi gan will overllow to the Illinois liver, as It did centuries ago In the last prc glacial period; the basin of Lake Krlo will be tributary to Lake Huron, the current will be leverscd In the Detmlt and the St. Clair channels, and the whole lake system will dialn southward Into the Mississippi. Then Niagara will vanish. This will not happen irr a minute. In fact, it will not begin to happen much shoit of a thousand yea is. Lake Michi gan's watei.s nie rising at the late of only nine or ten Inches In a century. At this rate It will take about I'.HOO yeais for the Illinois liver to compete strongly with Niagata liver for the honor of di .lining the lake basin. Fif teen hundred years latei, according to Professor (ir'ibau's calculations, the Illinois river will get all of the suiplus water of the lakes; unless, In the meantime, man shall arm-t natuie'tt cc centilcltles. The shoaling of Lake Krle at Cleveland and at other points on the Ohio shoie has alieady given cause for alarm and the stoppage of this natuial movement in the general drainage s.vstem of the lakes, which is attlibiltcd to the giadual tilting ol the land In the Northwest, has been seri ously considered. The plan proposed to stop the tendency is to elect an im mense dam in the Niagara river above Huffalo, with tlio object of cheeking and eventually deer easing the oulllow. This- tilting of the leriltoiy in the northwest, as a w liter In the New Voik Sun recently pointed out. Is a curious phenomenon for which tho geologists cannot wholly account. It Is plainly recorded in the beaches of the old glacial lakes, which had a uulfoim c le. vatlcui while forming, hut now aie no longer of a unlfoinr height above the sea level, rising progressively tow a id the noitheast. The movement 16 still going on. Piofessor t!. IC. Cilllieit has made an extended study of the prob lem and he has been led to the assump tion that the whole; lake legion Is being lifted on one side, or clepicssed on the other, so th.it Its plane Is bodily canted towaicl the south-southwest. The rate of change, he cellmates, Is such tliat the two ends of a line 10D miles long and lying In a south-southwest direc tion are iclatlvely displaced to tho ex tent of four-tenths of a foot In a cen tuiy. From this it follows that the wateis of each lake aie gradually ris ing on the southern and western slimes or falling on the northern and eastern shoics, or both. Opposition to the pioposecl damming of Nlacara comes mainly fiom the capi talists who aie Inteiestrd in the de velopment of electrical power at tho falls. They fear a dam would Inteifere with their business. It probably would, but If scientific Investigation shnll con firm the need of one, they will have to take their chances. From the manner In which tho Democratic newnpapers lash themselves Into a frenzy over the Schley investi gation, one would almost Imagine that they consider it a campaign issue. Criminal Neglect. IN THK northern part of Minne sota some 7,000 Chippewa In dians, divided into a dozen bands, own Inndrt having on them pine foiests estimated to be worth $8,000,000. According to tho chief (Ire warden of that state, white lumbcimen have in many cases tricked these Indians Into making most unfair sales of this stand ing timber nnd have followed up their shaip dealing by wanton wastefulness In their methods of cutting the timber. The watden t-ays that were the gov eminent to buy the Chippewa foicst lands for a public paik, pnjlng tho Indians $3,000,000 for them In install ments of $100,000 a year for fifty yeais, the lands could be administered on for estry principles n as to yield the gov ernment an average of $lu0.000 a year moie than paying for the path. As It Is, tho Indians are being cheated nnd made to feel sullen and levengeful to ward the whites; about 70 per cent, of the valuable timber on their lands is being cut In the most wanton nnd wasteful manner, so that It will he many years before a new pinwth can take Its place; nnd what Is not wasted or cut piemnturely Is Imperilled nnd In many Instances snrtlilctd by forest fires deliberately stnited by the lum bermen to open pathways for the mote inpld bringing out of rirrrrcil logs. This Is not wholly a subject of senti mental Interest to ihmmhis living nt n distance fiotn Minnesota; foi as the Minnesota foiestry olllelal says. It will make a dllfeience of hundreds of dol lars to eveiy poison who has to buy lumber In quantities' In the next twenty five yenis, whether that state shall per sist In what he terms Its present waste ful consumption of forests, or Inaugur ate measures for forest legenerallon. Piopetly piolected pines will. It Is esti mated, einn 3 pei1 cent, compound in terest on i of use lnnd. To tlnow nwny this gift of untitle is cilmlnal. The man who vviote those "hot nlr" Demociatlc lesolutlons In the Second dlstiic t should Immediately be lae-soed and put In place of the octopus editor of tho Scranton Times. Do Vacations Pay? ONK OF those piosy Individuals who nte foiever reducing the expel lences of their fellow men to tabulated numer als figures It out that vacations cost the American people not less than $100,000,000 a year; and then ensues tho question; Aie they worth the price '.' A writer In the Chicago Tribune points out that with $100,000,000 public libiaries might be established all over the country and half a dozen gieat unl veisities propei ly endowed, still leav ing money enough to carry out several niuch-needecl lefoiins, Would It not be worth while, the writer asks, to re fialn ft inn taking vacations for one year and put all the money so saved to a moro useful purpose? Ho evidently thinks not, for lie adds; "To almost every individual a vaca tion Is worth all ho pays for It. A week or two, properly spent, may Im prove the health and acid to the vigor of a workmnn In almost any industry to such an extent that lie will moro than makes up lor the time nnd money lost by doing more nnd better work during the lemalnder of the year. The money spent in vacations, vast a the sum Is in the aggregate, is not to bo mourned ns u loss. It is, on tlio aver age, proiltably expended. Instead of complaining of the large number of people who now take vacations, an ef fort should be irrade to give every man who works steadily a season for rest nnd recreation dining each year." The fact that the American people nre accumulating wealth moie rapidly than any other people on the globe and beating out fair competition in all parts of the globe olfeis ample justification for the vacations they take. Hut It remains to be added that vacations, to be of greatest usefulness, should be sanely planned and Intelli- centlv executed. They should bo neii- odb of well moderated recreation com bined with rest, ami not maniacal de bauches. "(loveiniuent by Injunction," It Is In teresting to note, has existed for hun ch eds of ycaiH and was never com plained of except by those with whore purposes It interfered. The strike Is to the settlement of In dustrial disputes what mob law is to the settlement of other disputes. Clvll Izatloifwlll ceitainly have to enforce a moie oi doily method. The Montana judge who permitted a Delilah to get him Into public: contempt fortunate ly represent, a rate example. Jeilin Mitchell's strategy in dealing with Pieipont Morgan was evidently superior lo that of T. .1. Shaffer. The foielgu tioops are now billed to bid adieu to Pckln one week tiom Thuisday. Seeing i.s believing. President to Uisif G.fl.R. Encampment Speeijl (Vru.-1'niHkiRC of 1 lie Tiihune. ( Iccl,iii(l, O , Airs. I, NOl'IIIMj WHICH luc - jrt !i,inpmil in cniitKMimi uiili tho :lilrivrmh iutkni.il en. liiipnirnt or the liurnj Army occin-. In In in; llio cu'M mi in. il 114 tlir ,ill,iini lie WYdiioelij in l aiilnii ol mr Eoiitkinni i irmly cuniioitul wtli tin' event, tn lu.il lo tlio pie-ielcnl nl llio I'liilcil SUl in icimiii the irii.d intl- t.ilii'll I'rCJ'.IK '1, .ItklllK llllll 111 Ill'lKU llic uii.U U.itlniiiiS wllli hi- iiceiui 'llio p.irl of .'on tli'iiirn wliu Iclt (irvcUnel at II J. m. Wi-ib nf'ldc fti C ant nil fin 'In iui'0.v ct fortiull liivltlne llio nilnit .iivl urging tipm liiin tl a t his iiir ncoic on tin1 iiiviMnn N ronlUl to tlm 11111111101011044 n llio uro.il ocnt lHaltrr nt (ion- (r il (iOllllii I..HII'l-"H, ll 1 1 111.111. .mi Minuol Mucin r .mil SiiiiKn. ,M. t llum.i. iininlirrs cil tlio (ii.unl nun cniniiilltio on IiivIUUoik; llvcr emi 1(1111110, iliioitii: itoiut.ll nt llio eiHiiiiimrnt, unl II. W. Ilnij. rciicLiiy nt llio oveeiitlw mm inittco. Tin' imiuii'in is iiicucoil in cM l.ns IMi on cliocp-Klii ,.iiclitncn. It leads: "In tho 1'ir-lileiit: On liciiill ol tut' ill;' of (livcland jihI llio rlrii n Uncut rit Ohm, thp honor eif jour I'ir-eiiio is ifUClcil at the tliilU tilth national i in riiiiniifiit or rln liraiut A rim of tho Ropulilic, Srpl. 'i tn It, riei The Imitation lirai-, ih tilled nt l lie -ulilicis' and .liion,' niuniuiiciit .".lull, the fl.i.- and Hie iliaiul Arm) cnililcur crouped In the upprr Icfl hand corner and a repioduitiun ol tho ntrlilal ((land Annv dclCMle tMdge in rhr lower lislit hand cnnier. 'Ihe eiuhlem and tho liarlse lie clnnc in their niliotul minis, o At Canton the uinthm between the thief rvivu toe and I lie rrU(.-mtatlr ol the rlliem nt Cli'ieland was i lurai lirl.ul hj the greatest ci r iIIjIIi;. The president will hnd It epci i.illv easy In lie inocul at llio (Ji.iinl Ann) eiuanipmeut Ihl jeai, iiin home In C niton luiug only a few mllis (mm flriolaiid. Mjii.v ihIh-u linitjtioiu will i'O cNlrndrel, incliidiiitr rinitnnt mm in statcfcraft, llleialuie, rrlucitiein and tho army and iu;. 'Ihe garherius will he a irpnivii tativil) imtaUlc! aa any in tin) hulory of Ihe Gund Ami. e w. W. Pattcr-nn nnd W. II. Iliblnnir, of Ilille fuiitaliio, linth pat comuuiiiliii if Ri.ml Viuir 1'n.st Kugenc Itejliolds, of tliat pine, were iu Ilia cjty WVilnemlav , and applied fur (rre quarter fur one lull, duel ami Ally meinUra of ihe Logan ( ocrnty tiiand Aim' aoii.itl"ii an tlicir liand fur euiainptuent week. 'I lie association i.ni.i.ia of Itejnolih ioj.t, Aitluir post, ol l.ak.'iiew, Him) lliirlinan post, of W'et Min-tW'M, I'.n.ell pnt, i,f Went l.iliuly, and Jompli Sj)Kr wl, of lie (Iran", ci Milwaukeo nuinhere of the (Jrand Aiiny are planuini; to attend the I Inrland rnianipuii'iit In fiuie. 'Ihe II. It. Wnkrilt post, of whleli l'at National Ciniitiiaiidcr A. (1. ttoiwert and many othrr W'lsioiisiii nnlalilia an- niemlieia, U.u al ready iliiiiiinl a i-i'rci.il train, and will lake with It its drum ior;w. which liai a riallonal rcpiilitlon The I!. It. Wolcoit pojt, 130 Irons, will lie JisUtfd li) Ilobrt Chlwa po.t, Ihe Ce iled In f cut prt In the state, sjhlnc Milwaukeo a u'ood rcpienciitalioii at the enciinpmcnt The K fl Wolcott I'o.l Itellef crtpj, lllly itronj, will alio pa) I lei eland a int, coniln; on the ume train with the yon proptt. WonderTiil Record Is Made by Cotton special L'errMponeletice of The Trllnine, Wachliieton, Auc I, KINO fono.V mm., luc hcit recoil! In the Heal jear hut ln,'d 'Ihe tnure ..t 't. Treasury tlincju of suilsilca slmw thai the value of the raw cotton exported 'n tho ncal )ear t'ml wai nioto than In any pie vloin jcar In tho hlstoiy nf the country, and that the total value of rollon and Itv product exported accrajed tlKul.tuKI (nr ever) day In tli cer. The total nluo of raw cotton ex. polled In I'HU waa Ml,l,nT,l,ll, ualnt li.TI'i.s s'tS in the ticst jiai ever ticfoii' known, lM, and the (old value of colion, cotton sooi., cnltou ced nil and me.tl at.d other product of tint plant rtpoitnl mi W.4OJ,707 In o,iian tlly Ihe o'SimK of the j t.ir who not ir greit av In li, peisj or l"ci, Imt the price wn m tinirli t'liter that Ihe v due evicted hv many nilllloin that of the sp.rr of ihe nicalost moie incut acj tiieasuied In pniinrl. 1hl hrlniia tho evpnil value ef colion and IK products almce tint of all hte,idtulTa nr alt cliessra of prn.ke. on. ami nnly about titi,iiini.nrin es tl.an hicad (lufls are! prnclciom voinliln.-d, the .veir'a ef porSs of hriadctufls lielnf f.,"A..,'.i,il1S and of pioclslon, $lliri.;i. -he acifRalc value of the cntlon experts in the pat decade is over 12 OeX.OiO.cniii, n The followlns thlc l.niv the value of the raw cotton exported In each of the hlsh reeoid .vein ulnco ll, th nuintil) exported in the lileh record )eara xlnce Isft, and the value of tlm exportation ol all rotten produ'ta In the tlual .ccar lust ended; Value of rntton export" in the jeux ot high et record, from 151? to 1991: mt. Value, ll $ eVl.rcH.iit 131 Il'.'.yi3,.'ll7 ts',ei U",;ts.',::l 1'K.II 1,mMV'i) 1'iVl fal iftn.iyi.vn (li) ,Jl,.1VSil l'w ia) nj.ris.m'i (h) 'Jell.tTO,:! l'TO ca) lM.lisT.l.u h) 22T.027.ilJ t 17.1 (li) -27.ill.om 170 (li) ll.iVl,2e'.2 1:0 o,MIV.or ll ICfil-i.Ttl 1J.1 SI" S2,72t 1'fS 2l,OI,,7Mi 100 S.VI.T'W.TW 111 2',7l2,,i' 3 lsOJ 2'.i.lot,241 U17 2.0iTiO7t 1000 2I1.M:,7.c7 . I'll .1l.-t.cST3.441 (a) cold value, (li) paper currency valuex. o Quantity ot cotton fxpoits In yens of hlr;heit reeoid: Qumtity. . Year. l'ound. ivs 2.inO,):,77J IkOH 2.t71.7!W.'"il s')J 2.M1.2l').isl lisij ."i..ii".m,irrt lsOS ,1,S-,n.2il,2'V, lll .1.77.'!, 110.21 1 1'ielO r.llW..-,i.l.I4 lll S,'s30,fi1O.4l? Value of colton and Itx producU exported In 1001: Cotton raw JfiH1A7...Ul fottou in enufactiirox 2n,272,ll) fotton neerl oil K5ll,:i.!l Cotion seed rced 11.111.0is3 f'olton wxte l.tll.eiOl Cotton teed Stirt.nvi Total $.WJ, 105,707 m LINES TO A CROW. Old Bitde liuicaneer! did wllv Hihlle thief! "Ihla runt) a pa,sincj xevr Of hud ami falllui: liif I'm' heird th.i olimoiinr rhinccs 'un Vmoiiif the Holds oi yellsw cjrain. Or -cen thro siiiniin: hlsh upon iui Miiiil pIiil' across the phin. A lohlier irl tlmn! Oumneroiis of tide, Thi oh ids wooilland hough Or wild haricn w ixle Are eiiull) thy free elomain. Nor ninnnrr heal, nor witury flair, Nnr dioulh nor pourin: flsorlx nf ian .Via) Mop thy bold a-jicrtive taw. Ilnlel thou art and Irce. ct cautioiLx, ton, withal. Sinloriic in tliy flee, Vul iroimc in tbv rati, et often in thy muooiix cioak Methlnks a filendly note i'ce heard I'lfini out llio houghs' nf condor oik tlun I minll b, old raven bird. Old sibl pihlol, Si cnn-sl Hit tn our clime. Thou iaie.t not x jot Who ownx cil tills (he sill's l'u moii (hee Willi thy capin: hcik Oil eh tno hot for thioclnj woik, IVnlieil In tho nhnle .iboce the ciccr. In eliovvev ?iIciuo-)ct aleit. I nolo thy parhmi frlcht, Ihy Jet, nisph loin rjc, lln mi III and client llicllt When d mt;' r cotnex aniich, 'lln lioirso, dcrilo cioik of fun When .vnndir jnkrl of the farm Crocpa i unions' out with bis new-bought jun At d vain cssc)ic tn do thec hairi, Adieu, old eoible , imi ! I "i ull th) l .nit and i.cv, lt"llrr thou art, I know, Thau they wlm prato of l.vc, And piosini ol niiMtliei'o laek. Vet hide enouli of beso desiic '.Seatb all their whlnlnc, lanllntr crack To ilinii' lliem'iu llio llesll's firex. .li hn Onslow, In Kver.x body's Maraiine. BUFFALO'S ART DISPLAY. t'lnile, II. faffln, in rho Woild's- Work 'IIiom' who aie conc'ii.aut Willi innili'in pctnt lu; ant have wall hod iiip.ithi'ti(,ill) its cxtu nidlniril)' rcpid pnuiis In Vnn'rii i iluinii; Ihe last ipiuler if a ceiilinv will fmni their men i "lii lii'lnnx as In Ihe eviellems and ovhiliratli g ctVeit of Ihii i1iplai. Tn other I would Miugrst th it. if ailltio at i oniplichiiieiit and the number of painters rrpioi-onted b) talen Inln anount, it is i betlei clisph,' lb, iu i until he rude todav bv an) coiiiitrv oiitKlde of Kiaiiu 'llie pubtn imv liidi il with tho lull assuiance tint, although a rrreat nuiubei of tui phtures xxlir, h onur tn nne' meinoiy are not included In it, and id thoiich ll doc unhide a ceiiaiu ainmuit of woik whleli cultivated taste will no! lndore. vet llu acsrrjrile ulrt rrisonehle pride In the piv. and riithuiasiic anlb ipalion (or Ihe future. Vineriiaii art lias rcuhed the fulfillment of manhood and ttill has the buo.cant vitality of south. Our Outing Sale of Shoes With prices we are as thankful to give as you are to receive. soo pair Youths' Leather R Hicycle bhoes, tan and black 75C soo pairs Men's Tan, high and low cut, usually , n $3.30. This sale.... X.5U 200 pairs Ladies' Black Vlci Kid Button Shoes warranted to be worth Si. 50. This sale 75C Lewis & Reilly 114'lte WYOMINO AVENUE. V FINLEY'Sf Final Reduction on Imported and American Wash Dress Goods Jc'BT IX THR HKIOHT OF THE SlaASO.V WK Ol-'KKR TUB DaMN- TIK8T I'RKTTIKKT AND FINEST LINKS OF SL'MMKIt URKSS FAB RICS AT AROl'T HALF THUtR RKOFLAR VALF13; THIS Bill CUT IN PRU'l.sJ IS MADF. TO CLOSE Ot'T THKSK LINKS QUICKLY AND CKRTAINLV THliSB LOW FIO- ITRKS OUGHT TO CLEAN UP THE STOCK IN VERT SHORT ORDER. DIMITIES AND BATISTE 9C l WCr7 ISC. Finest Ainorlran Manufacture, alt thin Benson's patterns, late styles, In complete llnp of colors. FRENCH CORDED DIMITIES IS1-2C; wene 2sc. GENUINE IRISH DIHITIES I7C. WERE 30C. SILK FINISH PONGEES I9C; WERE 30C. SILK FINISH FOULARDS SBOi WERE 3BC. FRENCH ORGANDIES AND HOUSSELINE DESOIE with corrlcl stripes, In floral and fancy figures. SBCj WERE ROC. REAL SCOTCH GINGHAMS with silk .stripes; also embroidered stripes. 23CiWERE 40C. IHPORTED SWISSES In dots, figures and stripes. 35c,- were esc. 510512 Lackawanna Ave THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital 5200,000. Surplus 5525,033. United States Depositary. Special attention given to BUSINESS, TERSONAL and SAV INGS accounts, whether large or small, Open Saturday evenings from 8 to 9 o'clock. Vm. Conneil, President Henry Beun, Jr., Vice Pres. Wm. H. Peck, Cashier. Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Screen Doors, Gas Stoves, Window Screens, Hammocks. Wi, 325-327 Penn Averine, A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Gut Glass, Sterling Silverware Clocks, Ete, Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereau" & Conneil, 132 Wyoming Avenue. Binghamton Privatj Trainini School (or nercui, Duck card and Deul Mute Chil dren. Slanual Training, riijsical Culture, Needlework, Music, Klndergartn, Artlcula. tlon. Open )car round. Circular. Prices moderaU. b. A, nOOUTTXE, t2 Fairvitw Aunue. ENTRIES CLOSE AUGUST 15. After August 1 5 no will be The Tribune's I I EDUCATIONAL CONTEST CBeamniimraxinvisssiiTeHiiMraeiHiiiiiJMii icsrieiiipiepivirMiiHiHiiiiBMciHMiviienRiiiMniMiHiBHipcHi The Tribune's Educationnl Contest has been open twelve weeks and still has four weeks to run. There is plenty of time even yet for new contestants as is demonstrated by the fact that last year two of the winners were only in three and lour weeks respectively. The eight special rewards are offered to the younjj men or women who secure the largest number of points in the contest. They are required to canvass for subscribers to The Tribune and are credited with one point for every month's subscription se cured, a year's subscription counting twelve points. Two of the winners will secure (our year scholarships, valued at Si, ooo each, for the work of a few weeks. Why shouldn't one of them be you ? The Special Rewards: Scholarship in Lafayette College $1,000 Scholarship in Swarthmore College 1,000 Scholarship in Stroudsburg Normal School 675 Three Scholarships in Scranton Business College, $60 Each 180 Two Scholarships in Scranton Conserva tory of riusic, $75 Each 150 $3,005 Each contestant failing to secure one of these special rewards will be given ten (io) percent, of all the money he or she turns in. N. R The flmt two wholarthips dn net includ" meals, hut the rontcstiinti ((cuiinj lhM will he uiven ten (10) per e-nt "1 nil the money lie of fhe turns in to Tbo rribunc, to assist in I'ayln; this fsrense. There are four weeks yet ot the contest and it is not too late for any energetic young man or woman to enter. Some of last year's winners were only in three or four weeks. Send a postal to The Tribune for full particulars, including handsomely illustrated booklet. Address, Editor Educational Contest, Tribune, Scranton, Pa- P. Ja HONAN, Merchant Tailor. 319 Lackawanna Avenue. SCRANTON'S BUSINESS HOUSES. THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. L. SOMMAR. lliiildlnir Contra, tor Employs union m'n Kstlmatci cheerfully given. rtemodellnK and rcpairlnt; a specialty. 320 WASHINGTON AVE, HAVE YOUR WATCH FIXED RIGHT WE ARE SATISFIED WITH A SMALL PROFIT. BERNHARD, jeweler. 215 l.CKWASV. AVK.STK. EDWIN S. WILLIAMS. CONTRACTOR, BUILDER ROOM SB COAL EXCHANGE, SCRANTON. PA. Oold Medal ,$ rtiotojraptier Children's vV. Art nt. FOR SALE ntnr.iKS and vn- 0b of ill Kinds, also Houses and llmldin; Lots jt barpains HOIlM.b. tl.llM'LH and (1ROO.MI.I) at M. T. Keller's LackawannaCJrrujo Woiks, FARRELL'S T RANSFER Moces (reisht l'lirru line and Hl'Kji$, cMfcs, Pianos dml Ma i Inner)' J. B. WOOLSEY eg CO covrs?jcro?s AND BUILDERS. Dealers In Plate Glass and lumber OP ALL HINDS. LACKAWANNA UNDERWEAR STORE Will sell all their lamples ot fine Imported Madras Shirts for men at tW 1 worth $1 to ' 30 WALTER E. DAVIS. 214, 216, 2IB PAUL! BLDQ. Attoniey-nt-Law, Scranton, Pn. MRS. SARA ALLYN, MANICURE. CHIROPODIST AND SOALP TREATMENT 603 W) Mears Ilulldin!; Parlors open Monday, Thursday and tsatuiday ctcningi, E. JOSEPH KUETTEL. rear Ml Kackauanua atcnuc, rnanufactiner of Hire tScircns ol all kinds, fully pupaiec (or Ihe sprlnc seacon. Me make all kind, uf pon.h scieenc. etc PETER S riPP, General Conliactor, Hullder and Iiraler in Huildio; Stone lemtminz of ccllais a ire. dally. Telephone JM ' Office, ;,it7 Washlncton asenue. more new contestants received in Allis-Chalmers Co Suci'Cf.sois to Machine Ruslncss oB Dickson MnnufacturltiB Co., Scranton and Wllkcs-H.urc, Pa. Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. HOTEL TERRACE. Parlor Hotel. Accommodations unsurpis.vi3 Special SL'.MMt:it It TI s to perminent Kuests. (let them. Table Board. W 11 W1IYTE Hanley's Bakery. 420 SPRUCE ST, Successor to HUNTINGTON We make a peclalty of line bread stufs Orders for Salads, Oj iters, Croquettes, etc., promptly filled. A full Una ol Lee Cream and lees. W. A. HARVEY. riFttrn Winn,; and Fixtures. Kleiliu Hell and Telephone Work. 309 Commonwealth builoinq. UlIiOMC MM-. ,M.S A SPhCIALry. DR. S, GERTRUDE EVANS OSTEOPATH. 12' and i:i sshin?lon aienue, Srranton Pi Olll. e bonis .,(1 rr IS m. , 1 .10 In 5 M p. m Only piaiiinriB lady oteopalh in Northeast, ern Pennsylvania. FRED H, WINTER. 824 CAROUSE AVENUE, Staple Groceries and Provisions. A full line ol egctables, etc, tcceitcd daily. The scranton Vitrified Brick and Tile Manufacturing Com pany .M.ckers or ravins liilck, cle. M, II Dale, tifrcral Sales Agent, tilflte 3i0 Wsedilngton iv Works at Nay Aug, Pa.. II k W V It 11 Kinqsbury & Scranton, Manufacturers' Atrnls MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES, District Agents for John A Itoehlinj's tons Co.'s Wire Hope snd l.icilraal Wire Gulta Peicha and Ituhbcr Mfg, to s llelnng, PatLlng, Hose and Mechanical Itubber tbiou Uimttllon I'aiking. Carter's Oil Uothltig. It'iom J10 Paul! CM- SEOURITY BUILOINQ A SAVINGS UNION, Home offlcc, COs-COO Mcaia lluddlng, tiansacts a gencial building and loan business tluoughout tlio tato ol I'cnn.jlvanla. JAMES J, MURRAY, Succeaoi (o the Hunt A. Cornell Co., In tin ard sheet metal work and scntlUtton, Canon liirnaics, irpairs anl crucial ill, work a specialty No 412 I tikavwnua avei.ue WILSON A COMPANY, Kailnonahle Tailors (Hole! .lermjn Buildingi S'."i Spruce .treel. Si rant jn. Pa Milts pressed, 1.5 cciiis. pants presced, 10 cents. Clothing re piired. i allrd for and delivered New Phone WH ASK YOUR GROCER FOR KIRKPATRICK'S PURE SPICES AND FRESH ROASTED COFFEES. . m-JtVm LA .-llli .., II HWl m-iJUi .jHHtL. .- - L A