- -v THE SCUANTON TlUBUiNJS-MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 19UI. I CITY NOTES : VOTILK IYI CnMI'SM -n n count of Ihe ceiicMt t thp urtiiotj Ininnthw rtcniiiis, mem btr of CotniMHj V f "HriM to return I t(c propHlj on Piic'di uenlne. 'i 0, IW RIHK Tl.VM 1 I llIKI. The Tlilrlftnlli Kliiirnt' ilflc I Mini "111 Imc for Htnilal t 10 II n'tlftik WfilnoOn motnlne tv pcml lliP Hy tliiro pMillitnu Inr Hie nwlihM whiili trt ffloii to lAn plrfir At Ml r.rrtna Hip niriilar trum mIiMi priclucil at lamp lll 1 tlit tnfii to so lo llonpillc H.h'" t l.r 1III.1 Hie TmlfrV Snlloml bunk rrjorn tin follunini; flrmlim for Hip f-iranton Muring lloiw nv-mUtlnn for tho w"k fmllnr ue. .1 MoimIj), 17.l29"t. rucirJay, $22W 71; Nedmfcln '.t.lTs 71 . Iliurmljv, fOTU1, VrMiv, fM.Sl l. 'Jturdj, JttV 07flM. total, .,a:i,j:i i; ic tinting fir thp rorrpponlin? wtrk cf ht et ttcio. l, 8I3.2M II THE STRIKE IS OVER. The Backbone of the Newsboys' Fight Against New York Papers Was Ye1 "day Broken. The tin on tPtird hHIKp of tin- t lt nottslioyK itpiiliiot tlio Now York p.ipit. wlili li thoj i erased to can y unless llif.v touM iniu hasp them finm the I.iicKii wamiK News ncency for four uml a hnlf lntend of Iheients nnittn'il c toiflHV nioinliiR and tustr 1 jtit iilitmt ilftfcn minute1, at the c riliiitlnn or liloli time one of the )tn liniiillv Mi lei ed thp shop and n-ki d .1. A. Cm IN, ului N In (Iuurc for hi. itrftilar nl lntinent ot impel. Mo was folloiM il In aiiothn lio and thon nuothei, and anothPr, until noaily all of tin-1 tow d of hot ron -eeiil-lle and oiip liuudiPil kiIiii -fated unhliis had tumped intn thp jilaee and t a ken nut tlieli )hpim l.tlt one Hriiio whs lclt outside ,i-hnlt stlllil, HRRltssr IooKIiir outh mi who'e i niintcnani c tin 'incrx wmMiiRs of n ft enled ih It Men' e.ilh dlseeinlble It was Unify. J.iuies Iufl. pic-ltlent of the News hoys' and Hnntlilac W union. Tile stoim was RitheiliiK. and wlitn nunc of tlie lio.vs made tin lr exit, e.injIliK hunilles if piieis tho iiu.dpiil stloe to le kindli tlio sinouldeiliiK t-plilt of his fol low im by toiiKiie laxhliiRf. and. In smne i ifs, an elllc at lous u-e ot a pall of Knolt little fists 'I he Ml ike was ovti, houivei, and diuliiK the day the pations nf the uir t lopolliiin papeis expeilcnied not the leat tlouhlc In RettlUB: theli iiiple one linfoiiunate oun? upwmIxu w.ih peildlliiK the papeis about the I.aiki w.inna htatlon diuliiK the mninliiR and em onnteii d two faithful unionists The lillei 'iniimed upon him and aftoi tlies had llntid the atmospheie a bilKhl cciiik'ili b a ihoiiu toilet linn i.l titles with wiih h iiioj biandtd him piniecdtd to gio li 1 in a scuip diuli bniK. As a ink. the papeis nie dlsti Hinted fit the I.tiKaw.inna station l) Mi t'm 1 is- but etoida, he took tliem to tin nmwj'h e.stHbllthnicnt In t'entei t-tmt imp thrie. the 1ios wlio had follow id 1 1 mil the rt.itlou Hooped In and de manded to know what he was roIiir to do "i'dl them to Mm a usual ' he an sweied. and added 'Aien't .oii iead rt to stoo this fooling ; ' "Kc("' howled a t hoi us of one hundiid lcatht i-lnused ouiiKsteis 'I hen Ret out." he extlalnud and the bo liiuneillateh depaited and 10 lutilucil about the pienilscs until the in Hter t nliuin ited as told above The union met hatunla, nijjit in liueincej hall, and oideifd the stilkt m mM ,,f a lefus.tl of lln.il demands Kepiosjri tathes weie piesent fimn the Ni w Yoik lleiald, .jouinal and Woild and ftet aiRlliliR aqalnst the stilki I tt t tin hall The lios tlaiiu that thej tin tiit make eiiotiKh inoiie out of the Miutlav papeis at the pitsenl i.itis tonsldiiliiR the etia ontioiis woik ol iHit.vliiR aiound a sninH-iMp' pa pit The letelied a ledintlon to foui and a lialf tents b i oiniiiunliatlns; dliettl, with the ,Nni Vmk papeis imt aftei out week the piite aRalii inlsid The ote on a i-tilk tin. IB Mr ill t Im l.s sal,) I,, lia v o ofiiud tht lmf a toniisslon In allow Iiir tin i i i the papeih fni Inui and a halt nuts It thoj Mild pa i ish when delKind c tin in At piestnt tln.v pa oiilj foi thoj-e tlip sell Guernsey Hall. Puie upjim pllle milk, piiie sun lure llnxwilujr ni.ikt puie it e iieim That's llanloj's. 4J0 s.nuLo street. K a jr V it V te tf n t: r If V ar tt v V v DEAL EKS IN Bonds and Investment Securities x .' .li tt, t X 1 . ,H x X tt Broidwy, N. T. Wilksi Drre. CrboniIle. X X X 4 58 Cemmoiw tilth tld'jr, Sorinton, n J 54 H to tl M to tl it to '4 H 4 H ta It C.uein'e Hall Is the most iip-to-dato and populai Mush lltiusr in tlio state on i an alwas Hud heie the most iPlebi.ited makes ol Planus einln.u. iir the win Id l enow ned W'elx i Soh luci. Melillu .-ehubi.it KlDrisliui) Und many otheis i:ti Instiuuieiit pui ch.ised liei' is thinoushlj suaianteed, and. what is iquulh as ood, ineiy iustiuuii'nt will be miIiI in the i liis wheie It beloiiR am at a pik, suitable to Itn leal Nairn ispeilal b iigalns tan be sueuifd heie maih even day op Pianos that have hem (.lightly ued oi lelt on i-ale b pnllfi. leaNlup the elt. All pi'iMins disliliiR to n'liit.. M. pakiH in Pianos m Oisaim aio io- iiKhteil to eamliu taieiullj the atl- uitases offtied hue . II Jin nut be misled as to the loiatlon ); . niemlici thai then? Is hut un (iueinsiy Hall In Seiatnon. ami that Is lotatill 1u-t above the posiofllie. Xo ".II nnd rifi .Voitli WiislllllKtmi axeiiue. Set nil ton. In THE MEANING OF TRUE FAITH SERMON BY REV. DR. R. Q. SEY MOUR, OF PHILADELPHIA. He Spoke Last Night fit the Perm Avenue Baptist Chinch Snld That Faith Is the Assent of the Under standing and the Consent of the Heart to the Fact That Jesus Christ Is the Savior and Lotd of All Man kindAll Should Be Transmitter of Divine Power. ' A pplpudld Mention on "I'alth" was pieaihed last night In the Pcnn ave nue Haptlst (hiiiih bv Ilev. H. O. Sey inoui D. I of Phlladelplila, who took Ills tevt from Aits 111: Jfi: "And his iiaiiie throtiRli faith In his tiHine hath made this sttoiiR, whom e set. nnd know, ea. the faith which Is by him hath Rlen him this petfpet soundness In the piesenie of ou nil." He spoke In pait as follows. In June of this enr In the Academy of .Music In Philadelphia I watched the Riaduates of the Unieisity of Pcnn Nhanla llle in on the htiiRe nnd take their plates and as 1 watched them my luait was stilled ns I thought of the Kieat possibilities wrapped up In those oung men and t wondered what the message was that the otalor would bilng them , "1 was fearful that It inlRlit not be what It should be, hut I was pleasnr- nbh disappointed. The ot.itor was I'nlted States Plstilet Attornej Ileik and he made a nuignllkent uddiebs. I The points lie made were four. points m: maui: riist, the oung men must hive faith In themselves, second, they must, liae Inllli in the woik Iney tnle up, thltd. the must have faith in their fel lows, and font th tlio must hae faith In the Infinite Cod. I thank (iod that stub li message was Risen to these jouiig men, foi thete tould be nothing better said to them than that faith is tile t'llntlple that lies at the basis of (ti man's life "I'alth is a t-ommon principle of our tlailv lire We exeieise It nil the time. If we tild not luue faith in our fi lends, the Miilnl fain If would give wn.. It Is onlj because we tiust in one another thai business tan be successfully tar i led on. Paltli Is a pilnelple by v.hlch we .ne guided dutlng our entile life Theologians dellne faith as the as sent of the undei standing nnd the t ohm nt of the heart to the belief that Jesus Chi 1st is Sa loin and Loid. Tlieie aie man), many poisons call ing tlitinsehts Chiistlans In eety toniniunlty who belee In Chi 1st with theli luad, but not with their heal t. To have tine faitli in Chi 1st, or in othei wouls to be a leal Christian, t 'In 1st must be mipipiuc. Tlio uues tliin What would ni) master do" must be put befoie the iue&tlun What shall I do.' Is answeied ' In the text wo see the souite of the u nutlet ml powei of faith The apos tles luue hcaltd the nipple at the temple gati in the name of Jceus elitist 'in the name of Jesus Chi 1st of N.uaitth. ilse up and walk," said the apostles and the nipple lose and bounded with jo. Tills teaches us that in Jesus Clnist nnd in Jesus Chi 1st alone is theie sahatlon. voNoi:nrL'i.i.Y csiirui,. "You know what the loupllng phi on a fieiRht liain Is. it's a voithless piete of lion out of Its plate but In its piopti position its wnndot fully useful. It attaibts one t u to the othei and makes It possible foi the wondeiful power of the loiomotixe to be ti.ms mitttd to all the tais of the tl.llll. I'alth Is the toupling pin that attathes mil life to the Divine life nnd hi lugs .Miu into tout li with the Divine move ment ' We should all lie tiansmltlei of Divine powei as well as the apostles mention! d In this ihaptei. We should be iii-wnikeis with Him in spemng the salvation of the i.itc. If )ou have faitli vou will have powei," RELIGIOUS NEWS NOTES. Hit W Mm. ! I Ik hi k P I) , irra in-1 vi-MpmIji motility tt itio I iM Pirvl.Wf lun limit li Hint wa in ovruliitf scrtuc It, V I lliiutuii of Hrlinudjlr, otcuiilol lie pulpit "( Hit inn l.iitliti.iii iliiinh "i Unlit, t lie pii ii 11, t I'll yitlm inn, Iioiiik ill. "f lirl't urn IVnr" win the -ul.jitt of lit tl.'imnl i-r i inr.ti pi ivlird list tni,l)t lit Utt. I W Mft.ii i,ti. pel "f li'1' Zimi I'tntiil f a a iiLTf I it il tlnnili In the iiioidIiil; i tlirnie mi 'W-iinliu Smint I alr lint iriiirs "' II M Mih toM llr tnr) til his nuitcrMon tr-ttiili) .ifliitiiiti .it Hit- mi n' iiiiriitig In 111 Hi In ul 'iciuii.' Mtn'k (liiii-lnn v.tlitiun i oi tn j Ittt V II tINiill prrjiliul trrttitlnt mini in.' al tlie l.ioi u HI1H.P llaplut tlmrili Ho lit 111 1111111 Whttlii, pir-iiliiis' lilt r el 111" Mm m Mitlioiil I iImiiuI tlnnili tlolhtrcl A M-rnii r tr-ttitlM luoiiilni.' at Hip lloniril I'lm 0 1I11111I1 Tin mi in hi at 'In ritniuK KfiiitP .ti iu it I111I lit l!i I II llrmii-t ATLANTIC CITY, $5.00. Via. Central Railroad of New Jersey, August 7th. Do not forget that this Is the tenth annual Atlautli' 'it) exclusion of the Hid Men Tickets will be good to te- tuin until August 17 on any tegular tialn No tiansfer of baggage. One bundled and liftv pounds nf baggage iheckid fite to ami f 10111 Atlantic City. The Cential Itailioad of New Jeisey Is the onl) all tloublo tiack l.tlhoad li'twen Sti.tnton and Atlantle City, tlius Instiling absolute safet). The finest Pullman make of conches 'will be used on this exclusion Tickets will be good on an) ttaln from Philadelphia duilng the tin), giving excmslonlsti an oppoituult) to lslt th" laige stoics ami take advantage of the great bat gains now being offeied. For further Infoirn.itlon apply to tic ket agents, O. It li of X. J. Special tialn Ie.tes Sciauton at S a. j ni , Wllkesnane at S30 a. ni , stopping ai mi wieimeuiaie stations. Washory and Mine Operators, inathlnoi) nnd Junk men, and waslieiy lumbciineii, am linltvd to coriwtuble'b rale, bolleis, pump, shattng, wheels, pIpliiRh, buckcth, heavy luinbet and constiuttlon, almost new, at 10 o'clock muinlns of August C, Tuisda), near Juiv tlon of DpIhw.iio and Hudson und DpUwuip. Iitkawarum and Westcin iDlamond biamli) lailioails Hiniiiinh in.tiiirllon I niv tuition rates I faadiule .eiure best iiultinis sonio j)P now I lulu .ilalra "f fl.JA l.5) and rbsun I Mjnt In (lie and "It months ij'Hlifi lheniebei I to fill positions l I h pa; $1) aid wal per nmnth I Hlhenirt n e Hiinti hi of WIllKtU s loiiiiE people Is solhltrd lPollloni furnUhed, Writ ' '! f"r tiitulaw. I " BUCK ii WHITMORE, SOKANTON, PA. HOSPITAL CASES. Thomn hflly, pf lluiiiiiutr, ai tnktn In Hi Itekaninn hopilal jotlrnliy, lutilly luitnpil, t t lie rrtult nf an acciilcnl In tlio Imllcr inoni t tin Jolinnon colliery on North Umhlntrtnn vpnui, ttOre lie in rmiilojrtl Strum pniltiR from tmlltr hip Inlllctttl lerrible fcI.k en ii rut Ire Irft ilttp, Vimililrr an t lilp A man wlii tllil nit Rite lil mmc n jratcriUjr Irrilrtl tt the I,ntliHinna hmpltal for InlurlM rrtclvnl In t ratlirr jieeullar nun nrr tlnp of M rlbi on tlir left IiIp wi I rokrn anl nothrr llahtl) injiiml lie rliimcil tint whllp Rftlltitr on utrrrt ear, carrURp yivtd and srirotl the dr. the thafta p-ti Iklnt? Mm vlotrntl)- In Hip ultlc and lircaklmj tlio Tib Up left after having it ttcilrd .lop nillorllioli, a tiny Syrarold Imj, liop parrnta bio In Vortlt Rrantcn, vvn v crol) Injured In railroad tatlrldLO jMtenliv lnoriilnc 'I he liny found the cartritlitp en the trail,, and takinc it home pounded It with a, uttnp In the rrploitlon vvhlth followed, tlio tin of the raitrldgc ap tut the little fellow' neck, making lonx JjfRed vvound. lie vvai taken to the lickawanna Pmlltk liearrhank-. of .trMiip, 1 rereltina; treatment at the lckiwanni for Injiiries re telved Mtnrda) At the Merrick Creek colliery. He ta bnkeman on a box rar tnd vva tlirovvn to the ciotintt under the vvlueU Ills arm n c uiglil and torn from the liodj Ihrry Uk, a joiinu ho) rinploved at the lllamonl collier, i catiRht between Hip liiitnperii of two cars itul painfull) lirtilwl Ho wai irtnoved to thp Mojc lajlor hopital. SOUTH SCRANTON WON. Dick Nftllin's Team Dofeatod South aid's Picked Players Saturday. Fcaturos of the Game. An Intpipstlng though lnther looelv pki)pd game of base ball vns wltnessptl by it huge number of speetntois H.ttui tlay nf let non when the South Sciauton itcam tlefeated Southaid's picked Snantnn nine by the stoie of 11 to 7 at Athletic paik. Hoth tpams lieldotl pootly and had piopi r suppoit been necnitled the pltih eis, the number of runs si 01 oil would have been far less. Hoth llaitllng and Ciossin pitched good ball and the bit ter had the better ot the aigiiment. He fanned nine men ami kept the seven hits he gae well siattciid. Moieoet, of the nine afo tlrlves initio off Harding's fast delivery tour wcie solid tvvo-bacct rs. Two Villa Xovu phi) eis made their .11tnp.11 .101 p lit tbp traine Itlehaid Xal- liu untl Joe Weir. Nallln also pla)eti laHt ear with the stiong Lliestei team He was stiong nt lltst base S.ttmdnv nnd led both teams with the stltk Welt lleldod piettlly, but was unable to hit Ctossin, who funtuil lilui not twice. , The lleltllng feat 11 10 of the game, oe 1 lined In the fun 1 lb- limine nntl was contilbuled by MeHiigh, of the Scian- ton team l lossln was on second ami Kane on third, when Ciano came to the bit. He lifted a. Iiicb twisting llv into shoit left Held nntl Mi Hugh turned and 1 an foi It, It was tin over Ills bead and no one thought foi a moment that he tould gel it, but Mlddenlv tin listing out his light hand the ball dtopped Into it. Kane was way oft thlitl nntl a tjuitk thinvv to Hiadley completed the double pl.t). Calkin made a sensational catch In Caulkln made n sensational catch In game Xallln'a thteo tithes wcie the batting featuie, his two-baggir and single being good clean hits Ills thhd hit. however, was meant for a sacii II 1 e. but was transfoi nietl into .1 sin gle b.v Kellet's woik in handling It. tuny elglit innings weie piaveti, tneie being a mutual misundeistaiitlliig at the end of the eighth that the game was oer. The scoio follows; SC (ANION I! II tl. 1. Weir. 21 0 J J 0 1 11 n BOS 1 a 1 i i 1 Cnlkln. cf 2 llraille.t. .lb 1 Irnif, If 1 hrllrtl, 1 t MlIIiii.Ii, si 0 l.aiiKlian, Hi - Ihnixiti, 1' n Haulm,', 1 .0 21 10 SOtnil sokvmo.N. II. II IVniP. II 11 I llnbnd, .li 0 1 .Millriuld, if I 1 1ll1n. Hi t 1 rnir, l 1 I ii tli. t J 1 lliniheilir, Jl. I n K in.-, if I 11 ( iniili, 1 1 L 11 :i is Pi siiantoii 1 1 0 n i 1 n o 7 buith sLiai,ton 0 .! 0 1 .1 a 1 1 11 rn ba-p lilts Nallln, Inn', Croni, Wirth, llaiilintc Sminrp hitltriilln. Si ile.i lnea I ian;r, Cnlkin, Iiiiii s,ut, out -lit Cio-un, 'i, li) ll.iiiliHi.', h liniilile plnn It'uli II r to Nillln. 1 1.1117 to Ilintheller to Nillin Mi JIuRh to llr.iilli) l'iiit on lial't 17 Ctci in I, ff llaidiiu'. 4 Hit In pIMi r-riilkiii N ill n Italk llinliiiK I 11 puts Coleman and Hear dun lime --' 10 The Ol) pliant Ileds joiiruecd to Pottsvllle Pi Ida) and were defeated In a closely pla)cd game by the stiong team of that plate. The Pottsvllllans won out In the last Inning, The scoie follows: l'0nsllI,K it 11 o a r I1I1H. if 0 110 0 smith, t 0 14 2 1 llelTnei. :ii 0 0 0 10 Jink, M 0 14 3 0 J'W. II I 1 It II 0 I. olden, if i I 2 J 1 0 Maui), Sh o 1 3 1 I llaitr.i, If I 0 0 0 0 Srne, p 0 0 2 5 0 Totals 7 U SCHM)N It. II. O F (Itary, ss 0 1 1 fi a Connor, 'Jt 0 Dili Ann. i. c 0 17 10 Wheilrr, Tli 1 1 1 J 0 Patton, rf 11 I 1 0 1 (Jjiblil. lb 0 tl 10 1 0 botighur), tf 0 0 2 0 0 How, If 0 0, 0 0 0 baWdfc'O, p 0 112 0 Totals 1 3 27 II 2 Pottsvllle 00 000 000 "-a stianton 010 0 0000O 1 laned run-PotUiill? Double plavs (larbid (una-ohU'J); Sevres ami Mack; Maurj and Jones Stolen lates-CIearjr (2); Tilua Strmk ont-lleffiier (2), C'onn3i, Tatton, "Htm r.nr. Iml (-), Smith, Golden belt en bacs Potts. ville, fi, heranton, 2 Ilasei on balls -Titiw, 2 lilt by pitched lull-savidco ("). Patton Passed lull Vine Time 1 id. Umpire Charles MJir1'. Reduced Rates to Chattanooga, Tenn, & Return Via. Southern Railway. On account of the twelfth annual convention of tho National Association of 1-etter Carrleis at Chattanooga, Tenn , ScpiPmber 2-7, 1901, the South em iHllvvny will spII round tilp tickets to ChattanooRa, Tenn, at late nt one llrst-clnss fine. Tickets will be sold, to anone, on August 31, September I and !!, with final limit to September 10, 1001 Through Pullman thawing room sleeping can t" Chattanooga, dan). Dining car service. Charles U. Hopkins, distiiit passpn gei agput, .Southern railway, SJ8 Chest nut slit el, Philadelphia, will furnish all Information. DEFENSE WILL BEGIN TODAY COMPLAINANTS TESTIMONY 18 ABOUT ALL IN. Saturday's Hoarlnff in the Injuno tion Caso of the D, L. & W. AgRinst the Striking Car Builders Did Not Produce Any Exciting Testimony Attaohmont Issued for M. P. Flynn Who Was Not Present to Testify-II Wilt Be Examined Later. Not much testimony of any Import ance was htottght out at Satutday's hearing In the Injunction pioceedlngs btotight by tlio Delavv.ue, Lackawanna and Western company against the sti Iking car bulldem. "With the excep tion of the testimony ot M. r. ITynn, pioptletni ot the I-atkuwunnii A'nlley liouse, und one or two other witnesses the complainant's ruse is closctl. Henry Mo)le, of South Sciauton, one o the defend. tuts, was pxnmlncd when coin t opened and testified to having done picket tint) In South Seiantun fins Wlnskev, of Moosle stieet, the next wltuesfl, went to work at the cat shops after the strike was declared. On July 10, he sild, be was met by a number of the sttlkcrs, who toltl him they had been sent by the union to prcunt him fioin working. He was met by a patty of stilkets .1 few da)s afterwards and again told not to woik, but was not molested elthci time. lie couldn't Identify any of the de fendants, but said hu watt fine that the nun who met hlm weie strlkeis. Mi. New comb. In the cios-eainlnatlon, elicited the lufonuntton that Whiskey had not woiketl at the shops for n )o,tr before the sttlke, uml sought to piove by Ibis that he was, theiefoie, not in a position to know an) of the Htilkeis. HAAS WAS IN THAU. Joseph Hmiis, who went to woik alter being 011 sttlke for about tlnee weeks, was met on the way to woik one morn ing bv Campbell untl Thompson, two of the tltfentlants Thompson told hlm that he would kick him If he was not his filend. Haas said he was constant 1) In ft .11 of being tluashed Joseph St hull, a young lad, testified to bus lug been teiused meat at Slmw'.s niaiket In cause Ills father wim woiklng at the shops dining the stilke. SImw, tne bud lit 1, was called and denied lining eei waited on )oimg St hult? He said he had never been waited upon bv any of the sulkeis and requested to 11 fuse the Schultz family meat Heiheit A'aughan, of the flim of YaiiRlian & Slatle, of Pie&iott avenue, said that he had lefused to sell Fuller and Hall goods because he was nfmld of being bo)cotlei. A. A Woodwoith, geneial foicnian at tin tump in) 's 10uutl-hou.se, testified that he was stopping befoie the strike at thp l.at kiiwanua. Valley house with his wife ami child. On Mny 10, he was requested to leave by Piopiletoi Fljnn, and ditl so Mr 1'lMin was called but did not le spnud. He was sent foi, but was found to be out of town An nltathment was Issued ami an attempt will hf made to have him in totut totbi). Judge Wlll ai tl ald that If Th nil could not be readied todu that he deslied to ic spive the light to have bis testimony, as well as that of two other witnesses, who nie out of the clt), heaid befoie the defense doses its c,ae ill Nevv cumb object, d to this, hut the tomt 1 ult d th.it the plaintiff had a tight to the testimony of these witncr. SAW STUIKHI5S POSTKD Heniv Smith, of Dunnioie, fm t man at the tar shops, testllled that he had ficquentlv seen htilkeis posted about the nppto.ii.hes leading to the )anls anil car spops. tSeubeu (iauinnr of South Stianton testltletl, in dltet t CMtminatlon, Hint W H. Stanton, a ineiubei of the sttlkeis' eei utile tommittec, had met lilm on the stieet und called bun a "-tab" and other names. On t ross-exnmlnatlon, Mr New comb elicited the lnfoimntinn Hint Stanton hail been aneted for 11ip alleged oftenso nnd that Oatimar bad Monday Bargains. Pretty Light Lawns 2c Printed Dimities, all new 12Jc. Linen Shades 7c Fine new 1230 Batistes, white ground black figures.. 9c Dimities, iocliue of pinks, blues and reds Sc Polka Dot Madras on linen and white ground 15c Crepe de Chene, 4SC kind choice light tints 25c Plain Mousline de Soie, stripes and figures of same shades, 50c all the season 29c All of our best Linen Ginghams, silk stripe Madras, Japouette cloth, Grenadines ete 19c Big new line of open work stripes for waists, 25 to 30c grade 18c White Lawns, full iJ'S yard wide 10c Best Apron Ginghams 4Jc All Best Prints 4c Good Brown Muslin 4c Best " " Sy2c Plill Bleached Muslin 6Jc Good " " 5c $1.25 Counterpanes $1.00 Russia Finished Crash 4c Disc Pattern Linen Napkius 79c value 59c MEARS&HAGEN 415-417 Lackawanna Avenue. failed to Identify him In the aldei man's couit. , Mi. O'HHpii endeavored to hap ad mitted iir evidence the paper drawn up by Mr. Co.vno nntl sent to scvpinl mer chants, requesting that tiny do in busi ness with the tompany or any of the non-union woiknien. Mr New comb ob jected to Ha admission, contending that the paper had btpn withdrawn by the Union utter one day Judge Kelh ie fused to admit It as evidence Todnj the defensp wilt begin to offpr testi mony. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Juiltip t'irpenter has orJend a heitlne; fur ng (I on Hip petition ol Frink Halertnrskl, of ttiulli WashltiBlon avenue, who seeks to have his son, R;ltetrr, committed ti thu lloup of itefinje. He alleies that the boy is Incorrleihlo. and that to ibents lilinaelf from homo for long periods .bitlce Carpenter has hmded down a. decree in the rise o( ('. V, llrlsteur a II T Craven and the Imperial Underwear company directing the defendants to Klve ihe plaintiff credit for iiie) worth of the eotnpin' toek 1'reemin larned, r md Ireemm I.arned, Jr., vtho are the ilrfiiiilmlii In an eipiity action liroiialit In Joseph I' (llldvv, tmsleo for the eld er Irfrtied creditor, Bled their answer ti the plaintiff' Mil on Saturday They deny the ktatemtnt tint f inied. r , transferred property to his on In older to defriud his creditor (.'corse tltitli, through his altornejs b P Wedemin tint Frink lloyle, has beiiun a milt for JJ.(S)t) datnaites aKalnst the llirrlaon (Jranllp compiim. of Vermont. He Mas struck by a filling derrick durlni! the construction of the otillrrs' and fallout' monument by the com. pan) AN IMPROMPTU CONCERT. Given at Lake Henry Through the Kindness of L. T. Cnnfleld. Tliiough the kindness of 1 T. Cnn fleld, master builder of the Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western Ilulltoad ctmipnnv, who set tired the Hlectrle City quartettes, the cottagers at Lake Henry and their guests were tieateel to a. most enjoyable sat ted conceit )estei thi) In the newly elected pnillon In Lake Henry paik In spite of the shoit nollte given, fully eighty persona founcd tho nudlence, nmong whom weie the Hon. William Connell, with family and guests, A. U. Win man and family, ex-Sheriff Charles lloblnson, Dr. Call Sllei, G, D. Steen, the post master and genet al purveyor of botllly comfoitof Maplewood, II O. Sllkman. tho owner of the park and tho gt eater poitlnn tif the lake; Mr. and Mis A S. Kcir, Miss D.tvl, Miss Faile), Dr W. H Denhiud, of Philadelphia, C P I'otd nnd wife, who pla)ed the organ The progi amine, which was ai ranged and conducted by Mr. Canlleld. con slsteel of the Tendering by the quintette of "When the Hlg Hells Illng," "My Old Southern Home," "Down In the Corn field " These weie Inteispetsed with the singing of li)mns by the congre gation. The Kleclrlc City quartette Is com posed of the following colored gentle men. Sllasi Hrtz, Thomas Hone) Charles Battle and Hany Logan. WILL ARRIVE AT 12:32 P. M. See "The Kittle" Get Off the Train This Noon in Full Highland Dress. At 1J3-' p. tn. today tlif- Klltlcs will an he in this city anil be prepatcrl to Che two conceits In the new ainioiy, one in the afternoon at -'30 and the other at 8 In the evening. They are cninltiK here undei the auspices of the Caledonian club, which orEanUatlon has made atranRements for a fiee stteet paiade at 7 p. in. As the nrmoiy is laiRo enotiKh to hold 10.W10 people without dlscnmfott, It hnt been de cided to have a Brand promenade hII aiound the liullillnp. Tlio bnnd will have the full Highland costume of the lliitish aim), .scailet. tunics', Davidson taitan plaid nnd Kilt, and white spats and pi cent n most picturesque hectic As a botl) of musicians "The Kilties' are hdlii to bp excellently tt.ilned and di tiled, lendeilnp; their inu-lc with -pliit and umleiMnndliiR'. under the dliectlnn of theli ery able leader, Mi John Slatter. The New at k, X .1 , News said of them. ' The Kilties' hand cairled eei)thlnK by stoim. The hand some new Auditorium wnfi eiowderi to the dnnis by a dellphted audience, 1'roRi amnio scheduled for twelve min utes, hut these wete doubled and tiebled, no great was the enthusiasm. Male choius sang magnificently." Try the new 5c cigar "Kleon." uuw j wiien Buying a Cliina Dinner Set 9! It seems natural you should want to buy wisely, for It 45 means llie investment of money for an article which will Jg last a lifetime, provided it is the right kind of china. We have a lew French Chin -ts of recent importation which 5 should go in a day. il t ,ilue and quality is considered. 100 piece Clum ,U Havllnnd $25.00 113 piece Thcoilo 0 llnvllnnd $38.00 qj Newest shape, handsoii.. decorations and gold tracing. Why that is less than you pay for a plain White French vnuia sei. Cvxvarvgx, Geo. V. Millar & BARGAINS IN An unusual trade opportunity enables us to offer : : two exceptional lines of Lace and Tapestry Curtains at : . lrtrC fl-n nfsir ,.! ,.i. aV . . . -L. A . ja! . is.03 u urn p-i-:t,'iii cum 10 manuiaciure. as quantities are .. limited an early inspection is advised, as when present " mock is exnaustea we cannot duplicate. Lace Curtains Nottinghams Choice line of Brussels, Re naissance and Irish Point De signs. Real value $1.75. Special $1.25 Real value $2. 35- Special $1.50 Real value $;.oo. Special $2.00 Real value $4.50. Special $3.50 Real value $5.00. Special $3.75 Real value $6,50. Special $5.50 Furniture A select stock of Foieignand Domestic Novelties in I TAPESTRY, VELOUR, I SILK DAMASK, FROU FROU I Estimates for all classes of upholstery, cheerfully f given. We make a specialty of Slip Covers Special clearance CARPETS, WALL PAPER, The most complete stock WILLIAMS Temporary Store Annual Summer Reduction Sale Our entire summer stock to be closed out to make room for the fall stock now be ing manufactured. The entire stock of Straw and Felt Hats that were $2.00 and $3.00, to be closed out at $1.00. (See window.) Shirts Sale Price $2,60 and $3.00 quality, $1.98 1.50 and $2.00 quality, 1.39 1.00 and $1.25 quality, .85 Underwear $1,50 quality, sale price $1.19 1.00 quality, sale price .75 .75 quality, sale price .50 .50 quality, sale price .3) Big Reduction in Hosiery Remember, we have no old stock to work off, but are offering you new, season able stock at less than cost, as we NEVER carry over stock. Louis H. Isaacs 412 Spruce Street. BTry Our Special 10c Linen Collar, in all the new shapes. Co. 'Si!?"1"!"',4 4,4, 4..t, 4, 4.4, 4,4,4,4,4,4,4. DRAPERIES Tapestry Curtains Some new color effects in Oriental Tapestries Real value $4,50. Real value $9.00. Real value 10.00. Special $2.50 Special $6.00 Special $6.50 Couch Covers I Special values in Kelim and Bagdad effects at $3'5 to $8.50. Coverings prices on entire stock. BRASS AND IRON BEDS, Etc in Northeastern Pennsylvania. & M'ANULTY 126 Washington Ave. 4,4,,M All 50-Cent Quality of Neckwear Reduced to 35c. 3 for $1.00. Twenty Per Cent. Reduction on all Leather Suit Cases and Steamer 'I runks. Reduction on all grades of Shirt Waists. 50c quality Belts and Susnendeis reduced to. . . . Klastic Seam Jean Draw ers reduced to Wash Ties reduced to ... . 42c 42c 5C Karkee Summer Vests reduced to 1.19 Reductions in all other depart ments. See windows. J u hi