,1 THE SCKANTON T1UBUKJE-SATURDAY, AUGUST 3. 1901. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA SUSQUEHANNA. Stll tn the Vrant m Tribune. Susriuflmin.i, Auk. .'. The political papers oi N'ii' county iiox.uliix.s turn with v.isue ,unlnn.n to "Kill n Km." In thf fihfcnii sir facts nnil particu lars In the cnK, Xho louder Is left In elenso doubt ns to whether It H n new variety of hue or nn lnfertlou dl(MM3, which i! likely to lir-comr epidemic. There ouclit to bo a key and man to the pilule. The ninth Hlne family reunion will b held nt Oion (formerly lllne cor nei0, Aiir,ii.t 0. The nnuuiil reunion of the Tallman Plx families will lie held nt the home of J. Ml. Shny. In Jackson, on Wednes day, August 2. A nine from the Susquehanna Knights of Colurnliu will play hall with n nine from the Blnchnmton Knights of Col umn u' von the asylum mounds, In Hinr ,mton, today. apple and potato crop In this ' .ihty this j.ear will bo much below che aveiage. Charles Curtis, Jr., will next week take charge of ids fathei's extenslse lumber Interests at (Jlhson. The Kilo wrcckeis were called to Thomson lat night on nuniiiil of a DeHwaie and Hudson freight wieck. The Erie wreckers are In Groat Hcnd this morning, woiklng on a freight w reck. Dr. and Mr. W S. Mitchell pleasant ly entertained a laige party of Susque hanna ladles and gentlemen at their summer cottige nt Columbian grove. The borough Is repairing the em bankment on K.ist Main stioet, near Spencer's mill' Miss Kernlce Houghton Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Lairabee, at 1'ojn telle. Special services are being held this week In ht John's Catholic chinch. Theie aie 12fi Sunday schools In the Susquehanna County Sunday School as sociation. Mnitln H. Biull Is the guest of Cleve land relatlt?s. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith are vis iting friends In Chicago and Toledo. The Lanesboro Methodst Kplscopal Sunday school picnicked on the chinch lawn this afternoon and evening. Mrs. John Morgan and daughter, of Carbondile, liae returned home fiom a visit with Susquehanna relatives. Thomas Casldy Boland, of Oakland, Is prepailng for an automobile trip to the Pan-Ameilcan and Salt Lake City. TH0A1PS0N. Special tn the bcranton Tribune. Thompson, Aug. 2. Mrs. 12. M. Clncebox leturned to her home at Poultney, X Y , Wednesday, after a month's st with her parents, llcv. nnd Mis. X H. Kiench. Her biother, Chirles Tiench, nicompanlcd her home for a few weeks' visit. Mr. and Mi. Samuel Truesdell went to Franklin Torks Thursday for n, visit with friends of fotmer trays. Their daughter and husbind, Mr. and Mis. -Roseboom. of Sidney, X, Y., accom panied them. F. M, Lewis was doing bu&iness In Ulnghamton Wedneday. Pi of. V.. Mi CJompton, of Spilng vllle, who has been engaged to take charge of our grade school the en suing teim, was in town Wednesday, and engaged tooms In wlilih to llo of O. M. Wrlghter, on Jaikson stieet. Rev. nnd Mrs. P. 1$. Tower letuined Tuesday evening after a delightful visit of two weeks with iclatUos nnd friends at Hamllnton and At lei. Harry P.. Settles, of Syiacuse uni versity. Is spending his vacation with bis parents, Mt. and Mis. L. V. Searles, on Jackson street District KIder T. J. I.ogan has moved his family on to the new camp ground and other tenters ate expected this week. Mr. and Mis. A. II. Ciosler returned last evening from Carmel c.roe, where they enjoyed the assembly for f-evcnl days. Mrs. Dell Partridge and Mrs. C. M. Lewis tpent Wednesday atl Caune Grove. The wieck at the toe of the hoise shoe, between here and Aiarat last evening delayed trains for thro hoius or more. Xo one was hurt, however. It was cau&cd by two much force fiom the pusher. Miss Abby Hull, of Rlnghumton, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. L. F. Searle. Miss May Dai ling, of Hlnghamton. Is the guest of her uncle, W. W. Mea fiinger. Mrs. A. K. Duntletchei, who;e slik ness his been mentioned In these enl umns, died this morning nt the resi dence of her husband's daughter, Mis. C. F. Whitney, In the township. Arthur Santemlre, of Waveily, Pa, was In town today. Ho dined at Rett Cottage. Reese D. Jones and family, or Seian (on are summering at the. Jcifers-on House. Prof. Thorp, of Torcst City, has been I business caller In town this week. Miss Ressie Terrell, of Windsor, re urned to her home yeterday, after a week's visit with her aunt, Mrs. Ada renell. Her cousin. Miss Stella Ter fll, aecompmled her for a shoit visit. Rev. J. T. Logan, who Is tenting m the camp ground heie, was called n Vineland. X. J., today by the death if a brother. TUKNHANNOCK. Ipecial to the .Siranlon Tribune. Tunkhannock, Aug i Dr. I", n. )ornslfe, of Centermoreland. is vislt ng his father, Dr. D. H. Dornsife, at his place. Frank Ace, who is rmploxed at the hlelds stone mills at Xlcholson, Is vls- ,lng his family here. Mrs. DoVIno nnd little daughter, of lontrose, ate guests of Mr. and Mis. )xvight Lonw, on Tioga street. The statement has got aluoad In some ray that a lav wns enacted nt the ie- ent e-esslon of tho legislature whbli irovldes n talari" of $600 for the distiht ittorney In our smaller counties, but men Is not the case, A bill containing uch provisions was Intioduced In tho h'use hy a member from- Tioga county, and was passed by that body, but did not pass the senate, consequently the emoluments of tho office lemaln as be- fore. Ahraham S. Wlntcrmute has been ap pointed Jantlor of the borough schools for the coming term. Mrs, Harry D. Hillings, who has been very 111, la slightly Improved. The new barn, lecently erected In mnneotlon with the Keeler house prop- rtv Is being wired for electric lights. A i.lllt In trespass was commenced iicre on Trlday by W. W. Uaid against Lord Hyron Oieon, on account of slnn det ous words spoken by defendant against the t haunter of the plaintiff. The parties nro from Fnctotyvllle. William Drown, of Xoxen, announces lniiFClf as a candidate for the olllce of county treasurer, subject to the action of the Republican county convention. Mis. T. A, Jackson, of Kast Lemon, I visiting her son, Mai Ion Jackson, on Second stieet. Dr. C. Klitsr, who has been spending some time nt Scianton, Is back ngaln In his olllce on Itiidge stieet. The Mlses Moks, of Hltnlr.i, X. Y ate guests at the homo of H. W. Lewis. UNIONDALE. Special -to the Seranton Trltnin. Miss Nellie Parker, of Hlnghamton, Is a guest at the Methodist paisonage. Unlondale.Aug. 2. Large parties have PICTURE ""'" ' -,! II ! , I y-,. TSS i . H . , ii -.. . . -I Little .Miss Muffett, She sat on a tuffett, l.ating of curds and u, hey; There came a black spider, Who sat down beside her, And frightened Miss .Muffett away, Find her brother and sister. been to the mountains after huekle beirles, and their efforts have been lowned with abundant success. Kffoi ts ate heinr ni.ido lo holn John Jones to icplace the herd of cattle which he lost in the seveie electrical stoim hlrh supnt nver tht.s rei?lnn ljit Monday night. His loss Is estimated at $500. Mli.s Xettlr. Xeuell. if SVmnlnn. I helng enteitained by her father and brother. Tho Tnlond.ilf. b.enH will linlrt nr Inn cream social on Davis' lawn on Satut- day evening, August 3, Mis Alv r.i Davles. Mis Mnrv 1:111s anil their fathei, James Dennett. veie guests at the home of Mis. L'dwnrd Moigan on Tuesday J. F. Rase, will occupy S. H. Dronson's new stote In the future. Rev. D D. Jenkins and daughtei. Marjoile, have leturned nfter a two weeks' tl In to Attlia. Xlacaia Falls and the Pan-Ameilcan. The Misses Mnv nnrl .Innet TlnUnr nn. tertained the Ladles' Aid sneletv of ih P.-esb terlan rhuieh em Thursday after noon, August 1. The Htiwoith leacue of the Methodist chinch held an Ice eieam social on the lawn of Robert Tennant last Wednes day night. It was a very pleasant af fair. A larce ntttinrianre ens n. fentnrn nt the lecular mretinc of the Knunrth league last Sunday evening. It wns of unusual Interest. Miss Xettle Xewell picslded. The Towner quartette, of Seranton. under the dlrertorshln nf Chailes Xewell, evangelist, gave sev- oial excellent selections In a ve cred itable manner. P1TTSTON. icual In the fciranton lnbune Plttstnn, Aug. 2. A peculiar explo sion took place at the Delawnre, Lack awanna station at Lackawanna lat Wednesday morning. Seveial I'ases of soft drink set on the platfoim tf the station. The soft drink was evidently heavily ehaiged with gas, for when a passing locomotive Janed the platfoim theio vas a subdued noise, followed by a seatteilngof liquid nnd broken glass. Six of the bottles hud exploded. The Pliysli lans wlio comprise the staff of the Plttstnn hospital, with a t'v invited guests, enjoyed n spread at the Ragle hotel this mening. It was given bv Dr. Hevnn anil Dr. Thompson, who have Just Mulshed n thiee months' setvlee as attending plnslelans, being the first since the ie organization of the staff. The ill st timbois of the new breaker to be constructed by the Krlo com peny on the site of Xo. 14 breaker, te cently detioyid by Hie, weie placed In position today. Tho Misses Rvans. Misses Thomas, Miss Laura Stubhlehlno and Miss Sarah Davis, of Rellevue, were guests nt the home of Mt. and Mis. Henry I. Kvans, on Wvomlng avenue, last even Ins. A twelve nnd a half pound carp was taught In the Susquehanna opposlto the Lehigh Valley station this meaning. Tho I'xeter colliery will resume woik Saturday after an Idleness of four days owing to the destruction of tho high trestle connecting the wnshcry and tho brenker, It having been blown down by t lit severe Moim the eaily pait of the wick. Atl eutliely new nestle has been constructed At a meeting of the Fifth Legisla tive district Democrats here this morn ing, City Solicitor George O'Brien, of this city, Hdward Keating, of Jen kins township, nnd Matthew Kelley, of Plains township, vvcro elected dele gates to the state convention An Impnitant meeting of the Retail Liquor Dealers' association of this dis trict will he. held In Henry Grattan hall this city, net Monday afternoon, when answers will he received from tho Cen tral Pennsylvania Rrewlng company and other private concerns, to tho p'op. nsltlons recently submitted to them by the association. Most Important among the grievances of th retailers Is a demand that the trusts i educe the price of beer to what it was before tho war J tax was placed on It, tho tax now hay Ing been taken off by the government. The trust has nlrendy made a reduction In the price, but the I eduction Is less than the tux amounted to, Tho retail ers have also made n loqucst, It Is said, that the trust close the speakeasies by refusing to sell them goods, LAKEWINOLA. Special to the Seranton Tribune. Lake Wlnola, Aug. 2. Tho young ladles and gentlemen nt Lake Wlnola alio busy making their costumes for the masquerade to bo held at the Clif ton next Monday. Dr. A. J. Mooie, of Hazleton, Is spending his vacation with his parents at the Clifton hotel. Special accommodations are being made at the Clifton to accommodate the people over Sunday at Lake Wl nnln. The Wanlta Camping club will attend the stilt t waist hop nt the Clifton In a body Satuidny evening. The second annual masquerade ball will be held nt the Hotel Clifton next Monday evening. Hxtra music has been engaged nnd every effort will be made to make this a giand event. About four hundied Invitations have been Is sued to the fashionable life of the silt rounding cities. A gtand shirt wnlst hop will bo held nt the Hotel Clifton, Saturday evening. PUZZLE. This is to be the grandest event ever held at Like Wlnola. The Misses Hlnterlelter, of Kuty town, Pa., aio spending the month of August at the Clifton hotel. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New ik. iiff 2 -Hie futlliH l the ellorts nit'lo tin week ! aw iken an mutest In the t k iniiket or to rtleu i mnwmtiit nf price tint ofleieil anj ihaiice tor mirdilivp niofila tor lules nsulteil in i cr. miiiII attemlinic this tiinintng nt even tint ilia of c!i.dcM nn the liiuiil Ihere is no Hue f ativ nthrr cpeiiliun. thin thnp h trulrr This inniniftc'rf it ukct, b .1 ii niLijuenei, nuile pen q lilile iirijjir;. Inw mil', the innilninn nf alinlute si lunation to wlinh fl u4 luen trnilin ill Ihe wtrl, ipu inil the in ilk. t u. hit lnll In the ilimiiH nf the mall rmnn truhrii lluie w i no chleme nf tlie i ift' ni-i nt hi. ii l.n si limit oiileis nu the urn hihil nr of Mipiiiiitini; nnhrj nn the oih. fi Vicorihnjle the iinfcinii il titunil their limited cipentinna quite efleithe in mnttnu in id-. Hut the npei ilinn nl lakliiz piutiU. rlthir In spiling' long i.lnck tn realle in In coering horn icmU the tlitltiiuu. ihiruter ol the inociiient and nrutr.ilie'i it 'luila'i report nt mli ticai-ur npirillnna sIiowa that the gnerii merit itiMiiutmu took fiom the monej mirit Mime IHOii, In pile nt the (lit that i hei ks weie paMihle on the lli-t ot the mmith lor the l.'0eimiient intere-t There l mualh some ile la almut the piesriitation o thee ilieeks, but a liaUnee in fior of the null tieamv nn an tr trrct paMiimt la U im-uil ami tails itlentlou to the mnstint renulremenM upon tin mone market I; reuon of the rreemv uiplu To moriow'a hank tatrmrnt was not uiuler iliius tinn in the dn'fi tpeciilitiou Inluiiions pnlut to an unimportant i Imnre In the .ih refere, but the iliance In the loan item I likeb to Ie aOiilril be the paiinint nf Home heiw ninrlirat siil'vnptlnnn, wlilih buaiue due nn Vus t The n icre trullnir icnterrd almut the reneunl fears of irrp itamiEe HtCResled h the MreitRlli in the mm miiket ami th piopoerl lon-ttui (if n il a misar refinery in opponition to the Ameri can Nmar entnpwv n appeiianre of i oiusiilor able weiknis was thus inriiner at one time durlni the iln. lint the ringing up nf rnntraita tirmmht prices hiik shirpU tow irils last ntcht'a lesel Sueir failed to hold its rall ami the Iinrkit iIomiI hraix Hie t mleil sae Steel Flocks wire lf ailhf Ihm tor wmip lime pit on I filled tn r)nv tho effect nf the reports r diacicemrnt nvci the Atiil Mrike The mm. nv n wis it one turn iliwn nrr a point, Imt both ilo'eil villi fiulionil net nalns. Totjj Mle, ."iiI.OjIO Kharrs The railimil Imnd msrkit was liirrrn of anv ffiluie Total file pjr alue, ifl 2Jniio I nitel Mates bonds weic all unelnnued on the la.t call The follonlnc quotations are lurnUhe 1 TTv lhime bv M a Jordan ft Co , romia rnv 7M Wean tultding, Seranton Vs. Telephone 50M Open. High low. fTos inc. et, fit Ini. mrrnin usr lin iirv, n;i; 1.7'i Mchoi Tt1. TIVi Tl'a 71 VtchUon, Pi 'i'i'J 'iS'I dl ni'i ninok Traction "h'a TmI, Ti, 7il, Halt & Ohio Wj Wij IWU I'M, nnt Torimn Wi Mil firti; fr.ij t hen K Olilo i 4H, r."$ tH Chip fit. West ! 2JT 'i Vi'a St Paul IfiD VW; is;s4 17', Hoik Itland I3 1 Is HV, IIS Kan f. Ten . Pr. S2'? '.."i V2 InuU A. Nash HH'I iniJ HH 10i Mm l.leeateit lift, 11 117 117it Met Traction P5 lhiUJ pr, jnrt Mlsso Paelflr '7' 07'a 'l-i'i 07'. Xrnitli 1'ieinc :.'iii .WJ W. SV Norfolk K West SI'I "ii l.'U SJ'i tVntril 1M IM'i JVl'i )Vi4 Ont K Western li's "II 2fe 'Ii', t'enna n It Ill, tn 114 ltn, Paclfie Mail n'i UK 4f; iH Iteiiilne lt sJ'i il 41 41 nracllmr III Pr 7fiN "U 7oi, 77V i-nuthern II It 3'iJ 'Ji's O ?'IJ Southern II II Pr ' ftt, CI Ct Tenn Coal K Iron f.J H.' fit (i f s l.r itlirr U 11' I2T II t s leiller, Pr., .... 70 7'j 7', TO f Itnlilier in VI 1 li, 1 nlnii I'icllli ciVi in imi4 .7V, fnlnn Pacific, Pr M 81 M'j 8"i W.ilnh, IV R i 4'i' .'11 S'li', Western t'nlnn fj'l ." dl'i ftl'J Col Kuel iV lion UVI l7 tiM', 117 Vmal. Cmiper 1iss'lll lli'J tut; 1'eople'a (Ut lllt UK 11! II U, Vrle 37 :i7'i .17 .171J Trie, it .- m'i r a, m Col Snullirrn H H U 11 Texia Piellle 0'4 411H in m 111er Par Kminilry .... '.""i 21'i '.""s 2H V i Meet Co 4JH 41U 4H, 41'i U. S. Steel To, Pr , ... fli K Ol'i 0i!i new vonic nnviv mmikh. Open Wah. Iiw. CIos. WHFAT. Inir. est est. In?, Peptemher tsi 74'. 71 74 Peeemtier 7'J 7Ri 7JTi 7,5 ronv Kepteinber tl'S Hl'i Wi fCtif. December . 62J en, ei'J Bcranton Board of Ttade Kxchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100, fifOCKS. DM. A,k,d LaeVawanna ll-ilrv Co , Pr W) Tounty falns Hank k Truit (To., eta Tint National Bank (Carhondile),, ,., 31s, Surdard nrtlllnB Co 50 Third National nank m Dlmo PepoJlt and I'iacount Hank,, 27S ... Ketnomy Light, II. I. Co ja, rimt National flank Km ... Ijfka, Trust Mfe Hcposlt Co IV) CTaik k Snoeer Co , Pr. 123 Seranton Iron r'enee k lllir, Co joo Sernnton Asle Works pj Firanten -iln Pink av ... Trailers' National llsnk 175 , s.nnton Molt k Nut to 101 People's Hank .... 133 ... New Mexico Hy. A. Q gtrantnn Passenger Railway, flrt Morteacre. due IWO........ 113 ... Peeple'd Mreel Railway first mort. Kce, clue 1018 1IJ ,,, Pceple'a Street Hallwiy, Oeneral mortrraire. due Wl in ... tilckson Manufacturing Co m larka Township Pihool per rent. ... ir City of r-eranton St. Imp. (1 per rent 102 l,ilVHc. tleans-Per Imslicl, choice inirrow, $2fi0a2M Seranton Traction fl per cent .... m Sernnton Wholesale Market. iCorreeteil liv II. (I lale. 27 Laekiwinna Aie) llutter 1'resli ereamers, SOtiaJlc; dalrj, fre.li, ll'jiiil'je. herse I'ull ireim. lmialte. I-bus Western liesh, HaH'jc , nearhy itatc, IJl.ilclc. Meilium llcatis Per l.uhel. 2 I0i2 45. Oreen Peas Per liuhel, 1 40U s. Flour Rest patrnl, per hirrel l t. Reans Per bushel, ihoice inatrow, J,3Jj2o0. Potatoes Per bmhel, Ial 10. Onlons-l'cr bmhel. )l. New York Grain nnd Produce. Vew York, Anir, 2 ITour Slradv anl fairly netle Wheit Spot eaai , So 1 red, 7ie. f o Ii afloat. So 2 reel, 71c delator. No 1 North ern lluliith, 7,ic f n, b nfioat. Options lol lowed an opening adanee with a dull and easier niatket. The elone as nully and cwy at So. net ileellne vplemher closed 7le , (Vtobcr, 71V , llecmbcr, 7fl Corn'pot dull, No 2, Mli,r eleenlor and hVjo f o Ii afloat Option market eititlntied ILs a.hince, but eicntuilly sold off ami closed eaj at liV net lower, r-eptfmher clewed MH ji , lleienilier, fil'o Oils -Stmt easier. No 2, .Wi,w,r., No. .1. 31c ; No. 2 white, llii:. . No 1 white. 40ille . trurf mixed western. .17'si11se , trick while, llitlo. Options opened Mini and then sold down with corn llutter- stetdj . eieamerv, Kilrtijc; fie tori. HalV , lmlntinn ireameri, lliK'se . atato diiis, ltil'ii (hcese 1'iiin, fmei laiKe enloiecl, fic' ; fincj lirso white, 'I'ie , linn smill eol oieil. 0V . finci uttall white. fl'i')si I'kcs Sleadvi lale and Pcnnsihania. lflilN , western uneanclleil. Mile , western candled, Ualfi'jC Chicago Live Stock Market. f'hliaeo. iic 2 -Ca'tle Itctclpt. 'no, in cludinc 2 0 Texans. market dull and lower, most of adiance enle in week cone flood to prime eteers, i5niil, poor to medium, t 10a b JV. stoikeis and feeders, 2 "All SO, cows, tl 75 at M), helfrm, f'iiitnil, cinners. $1 MiJ 10, hulls. SJiOalin. lilies, .1i'ij, Texaa sleers, $."11 10 Hogs Receipts tndai, 2.1,(101). tomor row. IH.ikhi, left oier, 4 tmfl, actho and 5 to 10 cents higher, mixed and butchers, J " i1aH 12'ji cood tn choice lions, 4"i S."ae. I , rough beis, IHi7x, light. firSaSf.. bulk of siles. fn .1 ol siieep anl Iimbs Recelpta, SOmlj sheep slow- anl lower, lamlw, mostly 2.V; lower, good tn choice wethers, $1711, fair lo iholie mixed, SIZSiliVi, welern sheep, 1 2"i1 73. jenlins". f.1 7Sit J5, natne lamlw, 2 21a', 40, wrsirrn lambs, 2Xi.ri Olfield reieipts and ship ments for eeslenhi Reoelpls-Cattio, 14,ViJ; hogs, 21,111 sliiep, 1l.4'i7 ""hli nicnU Cattle, S.SOs, hogs, 4,ieiJ, sheep, 2,'i5. Chicago Grain nnd Produce. Oihajo, ug 2 (.icjulriallon nf corn caused a sharp break In tint ereil lodiv s-ptiinher dosed V lower ind was influential in the other markets Srptnnlier wheat eloscd 1'ae. lower and September nits lt down Provisions clo-ed iinihingul to 12'. 1 ilciii.cl ( i-li iiintitioin were as follows Hour Pull: .No red spring wheat, fil'oV ; No . 2torn, .'J", c No 2 irllnw, .'.hiii , No 2 rats, IVje : No 2 white. i7'iHc : No. .1 while, .HSa"Hsc , No . rie, fiiii"i74C . filr to iholeo mailing, iYfli ; No 1 tii -rr. SI 70, piime tim nlru seed, j, mess pork, $lf.0ii')i lard, " 72Va a7, short libs, $7 i"n', sliouMirs. 7'saSi-! short clear sides, -tiiin, whkke., $12!) Oil Market. Oil Tin. ug 2 Credit Inhnees, y, cerllfi. catcs, no bid. Miipinents, UVI.32J, runs. S7,ijJl. AKCTIC DELICACIES. Frozen Weeds, Seal Oil, Walrus Meat, Hide and Hair. lie 111 the 1 millf tompitilon This Is the way an lisklmo lndy sits at the head of her table and dispenses hospitality, and these aie the delicate Items In her hill of fare. They weio tested at Hist hand hy V. 11. Olldcr, when. In crossing SlheiiT, at the noith, he- hnel to accept native customs -with what giaee he might. No matter how eaily you may awak en In the inclining, you will nlwajs llnel the mlstiets of the house alteady up that Is, her position has changed from lecdlnlng to sitting. Hut as soon as she ol wn es that xou aio leally awake she hands you a small piece of meat to steady jour neives until bu-akfast time. Then she goes Into the next apait ment, which Is meiely an lnclos,uio for keeping the dogs nway fiom tho Moies and after llfteen minutes of pounding and chopping letuins with tho lueak fast. A laige tlat wooden tray Is placed on the lloor, and the landlady takes her poltlon at one end In the attitude elegantly tlcM'iibeel 4s squatting. Tim family and their guests gather ainuncl tho hoaid on either side, bing Hat on their stomachs, with their heads to waicl the brenkfast and their pet out The llr.st coiirt-e Is home- fiozen weeds nilNcil with seal oil and eaten with small portions of flesh hluhbei, which tlio lady of the house cuts with a laige chopping nlfe. Tho next eoui.se Is wait us meat, This Is alMi eut up by the piesldlng lady, and Is seixed with no unstinting hand. At this portion of the meal the ono who mil m allow tho Ingest piece without chewing has tin- advantage-, and the only way to get even with him is to keep one piece In j,our mouth and two In our hand. After this joint has been thoroughly discussed theie comes a large plerc of wait us hide, whlrh has a small poi tlon of blubber attached, nnd the hair still on the outside. It Is about an Inch thick and eiy tough, so that It Is Impossible to affect It by chewing. It Is theiefoie cut Into xery small pieces hy the hostess, and finishes tho meal. Henlly, It la the most palatable dish of all. Labor's Gieatest Weakness. Marxln llughitt, nf the great Northwestern siitem sain that the neakn'sa of labor tolii is Its tick of oalt Toe Isli-i- unto is. to t laiao extent, hue upturned loialtv lo the emplojer Tli-v attempt the fals and Impnsaihle woik nf I ringing all men down lo the same letel nt not illflerentialliig aa to abtlllles, and they rlliida the thought cf the emplote. Ile cannot be absu. lutilv lojal to a union and jritr the same loi ullt to the emplnier A eorpor.itloii, like .1 rill" load, needs the highest kind of kkilled lal or in nearlv etery branch of ita work. It Is willing to pav well for that libor. It is stilling to pin. mote ile-ritlng turn It ibis not wish tn ills 1 barge men It is to Its otn beat Inlerr.ts lo lute good men .Hid tu tako (aie ol tlinn. Lxtr bud) 'a Magatinc. BASE BALL. National League. At Ro,ton- k. II. K. Rrooklin 0 0 10(100001 6 1 Hoiton 0 0010JU1-! 8 1 llatterles llughea and Karrelli I'ittinger and hlttrldje. Lmplie-l)trr. At New York- H. 11. K. Philadelphia 0 1 0 0 0 n 0 1 1-J 0 1 New YiiiK 30l00inn-5 10 3 llatterles Ponnhue and JacMiUch; Taj lor and WiiiMi. Lmpiie tmslle. Other elubs not scheduled. American League. At Palllmore- It. h E. Washlntton 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 7 0 Baltlmor .....0 8 ft 0 0 0 0 J i H 1 Rattcrles Carrlek nnd Qlarkj Nopj anl Prea mhan. Umpirn-'llMkrll and Cantilloii.' THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Pour Lines, j Cents tor P.ach Ilatra Line. For Bent. 'Vssts'.ia.aa.A.aaVrfWssi For Reoto About 1200 feet of floor space on 4th floor of the Tribune building, suitable for light maufacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Enquire at office of The Tribune. KOIt R1AT ll Mnc room bouse In pleasant upper (Ireen RicUe, !ept. 1, Wrilc 0. W. ., Tribune Olflee. tOlt ItKN r-i:ight rooms. 733 Jefferson atenuej All trf A t-rn MsntAnlnnrAt W3 ORKl'V RIDGE STRKFT, trn rooms, modern lmprovementsj steam heat lurnlshtd! elesic" desirable. Rooms Wanted. WANllD-Hv oung niuple; no children; four nr lite stnill rooms furnished for housekeep ing or small furnished house; references. F. C. P., M2 Connell building, Seranton. "WnnteH. WANTH) Two good eamawcra for Seranton, cither mile or female Hilary or commission. Notei induccnients to but era ."-trauton Hook genej. Room 101 Paul I Hullding. WAMKI) One thousand peraons to buy ono thousand bottles "lxnIMits' Aromatic Syrup of Trunes," natute'a greatest pb.tsie. Ijrgo bottle, 2j cents. Chas. P. Jones, 1557 Dack son atcnue. It 1 VTL'ri- 1 .. lt- 1llAn flrt.l.Alfnt Ijrlv lt rPO tletnan to fill a light, pleasant position! good ray, if suitable. Address P. O. Box 20, Seranton, Pa. Boarders Wanted. WANTKP Table boarelcrj. Mrs. Tompkins, 631 Washington avenue. Help Wanted Male. CIMIi SKUVIC'K goternment positions. About 'i.JOo appointments made last jcar. Probably 10 OoJ this .teai. Only a common school educa tion rcnuiieil t'italnj,uu ol Infcumatloii fice. lolutnblin Loriepuiiilt,nc College, Washington, IK t-. ltl.li)KNT MVNVtll.R WNrKU-Wllh head quirtira in t-tranton, Inr a manufacturing coni.in3, marketing 1 pimluet ot cnoimous dailv lonsumptlon. good salary and ofllee expenses piid, ixullent opportiinit for man ot good standing and enme capital tall for Intertliw, b II Wilson. 11 tod. Room 17, Hotel Jetm.tn W VNTIID Rockmen wanted, 3 machine run ners cm veeuie stead) ttoik at good wages in Wot Mrglnla Se 1) M Rosser, Mngsteiti, on or before Wednesdat, .luW 31 UAMI l lniing mm as assistant stenographer and ttpewrlter. must bite go.i.1 addres and filr educiillon ppli at nnee. Pulsion freight and I'as.enger Agent's offlee, Laekiwanna R R. WANiTIt- Men In nolt our water motor to tun washing michines sk for Kunsiuan, loote .x, Miear to, 111 Washington atcnue. U NTi:i T ONCI. A touni mm Intween the agea of IS and Si, who Is a tirl ila-s tenog ripher and Itpewrilcr, and aiiii-tomed to gineial ofllic work Appl) In own liandw tiling to P. 0 Ilo S75, fit WANl'l.!) oung man as a.sitant bookkeeper, who understands stenograph! and It pew lit Ing A chan e for adtarieement for the right part. Address "C," this offlee Help Wanted Female. VNTHV- good liundress at Korct fit Meam I.aiiinlij W s He skins, W NTKII f,irl or middle aged woman for gen enl hnusrwork in lountr hotel. Addnas H K. Smith, HcettlUc, Pa Heal Estate. HWIWlMi; PIOT at I'actoittllle, bfaiitilull) situated, few minutes from station Pos ctscs lotely tiew of suriouuding countr) Will cut to suit buieis Prices tei low ddie9 W T. Ilaekett, Real hotatc, heranlon, Pa Personal. OUR WW ROOK sent free, fully illu.trated, treats ot all conditions of men. tells how to attain "Perfect Manhood." Should be in the hands of cten male adult Addiess trie Medical Co , "Hook IKpt ," llufTalo, N. V Situations Wanted. liOclltltl.Kl'Ht (male) desires cmplotment three ill d ,i week, l.lctcn mm re in U,i situation. Addiisn V. II K , 'lliLunc tlhee A WOlN w inta men'a underdothij lo wish, hist class hundicvi. p , Tribune olhci A WOM N tt ints w i.hlng to do home or o out, .iIiIum II M , Intuitu' nHlic. tslirvriON W NII l I. a woman tn o out ly tin diy wishing ur cleaning. Mis llu.iwli, Ul'J ( idai atcnue. Mil VIION WN1HI bv a 0inig Inly sti mu I ipliei and tpewilter liiislniM. coll'fc graduate Addtiss ( all, larbuudale, Pa tlll.WliiN WAMI.Ii-llt a girl to do genera; luiu-ewnrk nil leidlnauii strut, ill. fcin M10N WAN1KII-H a well cxpeileneed jciung man as clulhing salesman, ilso under stands tare of books, Addrios salesman, eare ot Tllbune Offlee Mil MIOS W NTril-A good slea.lv and re liable girl wants a situation at geneial Imiisenoik In mull famll icferences, if do. sued ddrcss, K M, suanton Iriliune, fits. SirtAllON WNlHJ-llookl.eepei, expeileneeil, wants petmanen' position with goo I i one em. best of icferenee ddieisi Kdmund fchimp, 1J) l.asl atcnue, Hridgcton, N I hUtTriO VN1KII-Rv a man, Imllding eel lais, tligging or lating aldewalks, nr pating gutters Addrcis Mason, 1116 I.loj.l stieet fclTt TI0.V WTH-Hy an experitmednaun dresa, would like to gel gentlemen's latin rirt, beet of city leiercnecs, lllci Llod stieet. ddress Laundicis MTLATIOV W NThn-Hy an expert laundress, on lidies nr gentlemen's fine clothes; best of cltt icfrienrea, hotel laundiv preicned Ad dress 110 l.lod street, laundien bill VTION W NIK-ny a mm. tutting lawns or takltg care ol gaidens. 1116 Llod stiett, second floor. t Pliilidelphia p, if j. Hoston .1(00,1100.116 '.'I I Philadelphia (lOOOfliinoo n 7 llatterles Young and hchiriknngcfet; Ucrnhatd ami Power. Umpire Lonnoll, t rhiiago n H, J;, Poiroit o o o n n o o n n-o i Chicago 1 0 .' 0 0 0 0 J 7 s 0 llilteriea-Sietrr and Ruelowj I'jttcuon and Sullitan. 1 mptrc bheildaii. At Milwaukee p, . k, Cleteland 10 0 0 0 10 0 2-7 11 0 Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-0 1 4 llalterlcs-nowling and fonnoi; Hustings and Donolme. Umpire .Manas-au, Eastern Lengue. Worcester, 7; Piotldenre, J. llrncklon. & llartfoid, 11. Toronto Buffalo game forfeited to Toronto, be eau'e Buflalo refuted to play with Slur key as umplic, Norvs Like a Flat-iron. A woman who. suffeiecl for three yenrs from nervous prostration says, two bottles of Idchty's Celery Nerve Compound effected a complete cure. She hardly knows today whether he has nerves or not, as she never feels them. It Is certainly a wonderful remedy. Bold by, Matihews Bros,' mmmfm0mmfmBmB SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. For Bale. nm-ui'ttt' sniick" f..r jte. ciiaranteed nrontable intestment. L'ompant now nrgaiilalng, I0 per shsie; sure, safe, nrolllahle Inti-stmeiit. In. testlgation solicited. Pailliular MlleHll Coni pan, 1018 South Hftecntli, I'hlliilclphl.i. IOR SAt.K-Two phaetons, three lumber wanons, tiro sets ol haines and three horses. At Ansle.i's Lumber aid. I'Oll SM.l-Three eheip draft horses, would ex ihnnge for pair weighing not less than 2,ilW pounds, Sil OakforJ court 8UITI! 01" bedroom furniture, Including Inir matltrss and Ikix spring, l; ul l-j fall at WM Madison atentie. I OR RM.i: Two Williams ttpewrllers and one Model s. Manhaltan, all In Hist c lasa rlnpe. CS,.n 1 l,...,.!.. .. . I......I.. ..., ., . A, S-U fan tlmi . .v uuiii ai i.jiiiain an. i r.'.-i, u - lime at Underwood Ttpewrlter Ofttie, I R. L'ofAn, Maniger, Roein A. Arcade nullilitu, el'y. Coffin JUSI' ARRIM:i) with a isrloml of horses and clrltcis, weight (torn 1,() to l.tvoo: seteral rloaelv mattbed teims fan le seen at 3.H Ha mond court. V J, Cobb, roB RM.K A fottrell k Sons cylln ler press, .1.1x36, In goml condition, new rollers, if.100. Arply Wilkes llarro limes Offlee, Wilkes Rarre, Pa. Money to Loan. SNSwanSnNiA'' 3J0.U0U TO LOAN Lowest rates; strslght or monthly psments Stsrk ft Co.,Trsders' bldg. ANY AMOUXT OF MONRY TO LOAV-Quick, stralglt leans or Dulldlng and loan. At Irom 4 to 6 per rent. Call on N. V, Walker, 311-315 fcnnell building. BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Ba Eecelved at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 F. M. Central City ALBERT SCHLUTZ. corner Mulberry street and Webster arenue. OU8TAV P1CHEL, M Adams avenue. West Side GEORCE W. JENKINS, 101 South llaln arenue South Seranton FRED U TERPPE, 720 Cedar avenue. North Seranton CEO. W DAVIS, corner North Main avenue and Market street. Green Ridge CHARLKS V. JONES, 1557 Dickson atentie T. J JOHNS, tKO Creen Ridge street. C. LORKNZ. corner Washington ave nue and Marlon street. Fetersburg W. H. KM.PFEU 1017 Irving atcnue. Dunmore j. a. bom: & son. LEGAL. ft S1 OS, ssVfcl-" COMMOSWPxI.'ril Ol' Pr.NSSl.AM.V 1RKAIR DKl'MUMKNl llarrisbuig. Pi , July Jl. 11: Statement (f ani.iunt in the slati treisur.t at the tleiso of business in July .11. 1101, exelusite nf inoiiis approprialed to the sinking fund: tatmcrs aiul tUehanies National bank, Philadelpl.il, fJ,1I.MU2 Alleghiii.t Natliinil bank, Pltlsbiiig,. Sa'J.JO. til Luinnion'wi ilth (iinrintre, Trust and Safe Deposit eonipini, lliriiburg, J7i.i'r' 41 Athens Nationd Imik, thens -jo.issl (l llu-stir Nitionil bink, theslir, .... lJ.IKsl ii barter Nilional Kink. Midla 10,lA) W Mtlngs 1'und and 'lnist compan, lancastil. . ... '-1M ( fitlitu Nation it bank, Washington, "j.unj on torn l.xehangi) .Naticnal bank, l'liil.i- delphla lAimiO) Knlerprlse National bank, Kllegheii, J(..,,il i"l Hrst National bank, llarrlsburg lMi.on,ll lirst National bank, Hingor Jl.uo OH Hr.t National limk, l.ibanon 1V 00 First National bank, .nmersrt ; OK) IS) First National bank, I nlontnun, .... fsi.tss) 00 Vreelmld bink, Pittsburg Hl.tUJ li Iranklin Trust eompim ji.iiOO to Farmers Natienil bank. Went hester, ii.OOO W Faimers' Deposit National bank, Pittsburg, 1"1"1"'" Oeiman National bank. Mhghent, .. 11,11100 llarrishiinr National bank. Ilarrislmrg, IJO.OSl no llarri-hiirg Trmt To. llurisbiirg, .. 450,000 ( 1 aneaster Iribt Co, Lancaster IV"' 00 lincoln National bank, Pittsburg, .. x.mo (s) Meicantlle Tnist f o , Pittsbuig lOO.cVs) ISI Mechanic bank, llarrisburg J'l.ooo em Nallenal bank, Ki.ter lO.crtl 00 National bank, Oennantnwn, Si.noil (l National bank, foitesville lu.neW (W Oinker City National bank, Philadcl' phla. . ... l.'M!" 0' Second Natienil bank, Pilt"tnirg. .. 71l100 Second Nalionil bank, Mleghen, .. l'sl.KH tsi Union Trust C . Pittsburg ;u,0f) (i Oil fill Trust (o, (Id Citt 2-j(,) Union National bink, Mihitmy I itv, 'JS.llcjO HO Title Ouuantec and Trust Co , Wash ington ftMiOOHi txilunge National bank 1'itti.burg, psi.tol HO Narirclh National bank. Nirareth, .. ILOOl m he.tstone National bank, Pltlshiirg, . &,( OU bouthwark Natienil bank, Phlladel" phli 00,010 00 fommercial National bink, llradford, 10,Oi) 00 merican Trust to, Pittsburg 17S.0OH 00 Ridge Meiiuo bink, I'lillnlelphla, .. SS.OOO CO People's l"iust (o, llnd.lork Z(m 00 Sixth National bank, I'lilliilelphli, .. M.OOO 00 Wishington Trust Co, Washington. . 50,(Ji 00 Adtames to members aul emploea of leglslaiuic 1 ,V)l TO Cash in drawer 5,119 ,11 Totil amount In general fund . W.iiaJ.OII 07 blate of Pi tins) It inla. ( itt ol llarrisbuig. k reisonallt appeired before mo K P Harden bergh, auditor general, lames K Harnett state treasurer, who being dulv sworn accoidtng ti law,,salth that the for.going statement Is true and correct to the best krowledge and belief bwntn and subseilbed bcfoie mo this, thirty first clay of lull 1's.il t. H HMlPl.NHHtOII. Auditor rirneral. 1MI." y liVRNr.n', Mate Treasurer Published in pumunce nf the protlsions ot section S, Ut nf May l, 1S7I, entitled "n act eupplcmentart to seteral acts relating to tho slate treasuier anl the commissioner ot the sinking fund " h n llvnill'.Mimtill. Auditor General. IlirrUhurg, Pa , Vug 1, 1301. Lb I VlE OF niOIIRK A, 111 SfllnP. late rf the ell of S. union, county of Lackawanna, state of Penns,tltaiila, ileerasrd. I.etteis nt administration on the ahote named estate hating been granted to the undersigned, all persons hating claims or demands against the same will present them for settlement, and all those indebted to slid estate aio reipietted to make patment to ALIA. W DIChhO.N, Administrator. Or to Fcutiton, Pa. F K TRU'V, Mtornev for Kstite .NOlTfK Is- HI.HhllV filVKV that an applica tion will bo made tn tho goternor ot the state nf Prnnsltanla on the lift x dji rf August, 10H1, by I dward II .lettnjn, Amlrew hennedt, (1 Robert Campbell, Henri W Ktana and l.iuard James, jr. under tho pintlalona of an act nl as sembly nf the commonweal lli of Pennstltinla en titled "An .let to piotide for the Incorporation and regulation n cirlaln miporatlons, appiond the twent-nlnth dav of April, lal, and the teteial supplements theietn, for a charter nf tho intrnded tciporatlon to be called "I ho (ilasgow foal ami Coke (Yunpan," tho purpose and oh Jeet nf which la tho mining ot toil and the manufacturing of coke and selling coal and coke, and Ii r the transaction of all such lulnrs as may be necessarily appurtenant thereto or con netted therewith, and for these (imposes to hate, possess and enjot- sll the rights, benefits, powers snd pilvllrges of the said set ot assembly and Its supplements PAI.MFR I., WILLIAM". So(tor CLERK'S NOriCF. IN RTNKRUPrCY -in the District Court of the United statrs ler the Middle District ol Pennsianla, Samuel 4. Don eho, of Seranton, Liekawanna count v, Pcnnsyl tania, a hankrupt, under the set ol eongresa of Jul 1, ISO-, having anpllel (or a full discharge from all drbta rroteable against his estate under aid set. notice is hereby giten to sll known eredl. tor and other persons In interest to appear betore the said court at Seranton, in said district, on the twenty-fourth dav of August, inoj, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, tn show cause. If any thev hate, why the rraer ol the said petitioner should not be granted. EDWAOD B, Y. taORLK. Cuvrlc. XSEgS J.'s"'y.i' f isft ssf-S dSfl, DIRECTORY! 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Than Tour Lines, 6 Cents lor Bch Extra Line. Agents Wanted. s AjSV Jh JK WANTHV-Rellablo sgenta to taVe suhserlptlom for our popular magaslne In lonneetlon wttb new ecu. us Atlasj exreptlonal opportunity. Write lod.li. John Wanamaktr, Dent, 163-A , New ork. AOLNIN, t,t) no a xteek snd rxiense guaranteed good men selling ( hemlial Machines lor cool. Ing all kinds of Refrlgeiatora, Ice Roxci. fioda rnuntaltu, etc. fluaranteed 7 per cent, cheaper than ice. Also our ( hemic al Ice Cream Frederic-quires ii,, labor, works automatic; .V) per cent, (hcaper thin Ice Write, loda lor samples and agenc v. ( hernial Refilg. A. hreer Co , Stiller. IJ, Clileago, 111. For Sale or Rent. IOR HAI.K OR RF.NT-Slngle house, m Web. n-. i. V.m"'- '' f n.rnomi, steam heat. 0. E. Re nobis, Connell building. s Furnished Rooms. IURNISIIK1) ROOMS-Front room. Court Hetiv, wpiaic; bath. Call ill Adams atenue. room PROFESSIONAL. -"' ,-, -,-,-, r, i-i.rim.-L-.-i.-u , - r .r .nr. - r n n asmi Certified Fubllc Accountant. K''WAjJ' C. SPAULDINO, 23 TRADERS DAN,. Building. Architects KDWARn H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, CONNELL building. FRLDF.RICK L. RROWV. ARCH. R. REAL Lstato Lxchange Dldg , 128 Washington ave. Civil nnd Mining Engineers. H. L. IIARDINO, 60 CONNELL DUILDINO. Dentists. D2;0; L IEnFnt. paulF buildino, Spruco street, bcranton. DR. 0. a LAUBACH, US WYOMING AVENUE. Lawyers. FRANK U. DOYLK, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Kooms 12, 14, 10 and 13 Jurr bulldin.. f. K. TRACT.ATrY.COMMONWEALTU'BLDO. D..1- ,nt-,''OOLE, ATTORNF.Y-LOANS NEGO. tlated on real estate security. Mesrs building, corner Washington avenue and Spruce street. WILLARD, WARREV ft KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and eounsellors-at law. Republican building, Washington atcnue. J1S.SUP k JKSSWP. ATTORNEYS AND COUN. sellora at-tanr. Commonwealth building. Rooms 10. 20 and 21. FDIVARD W. THAYER, ATTORNEY. ROOMS "03P04, Pth floor, Mesrs building. L. A. WATRK's. ATTORNF.Y-AT LAW, DOARD of Trsde building, Scrsnton, Ta, rATTERSOV k WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL Rsnk building. C COMFOYS, 0 13 REPUBLICAN BUILDING. A. W B1RTII0LF, OFFICE MOVED TO NO. 211 Wycmlng atcnue. Physicinna and Sugeons. DR. W. E. ALLEN. 813 NORTLt WASHINGTON st enue. , DR S W. IAMOREAUX. OFFICE 339 WASH. Ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulberry Chronio disease, lungs, heart, kldneya and cenito urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Hotels and Resturants. THE ILK CFE, 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN at enue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIGLF.R, Proprietor. SCRANTOV HOUSE. NEAR D , L. W. PAS- sengcr depot. Conducted on the European plan VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B. BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools; no odor; only Improved pumps used. A. B. Rrlggs, proprietor. leave orders 1100 North Main at enue, or Elcke's drug store, cor ner Adama snd Mulberry, Both telephones. Seeds. 0. R. CLARKE ft (X) . SEEDSMEN AND NttRS crymen, store 201 Washington avenue; green houses, 1950 North Main avenue; store tele phone, 762. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR Sll LACKA. AVE., Seranton, Pa , manufacturer ot Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DRKSSMAKINd FOR CHILDREN TO ORDER: also ladles' vtaisU. Louis Shoemaker, 212 Adams avenue. ilEOARGEB BROS , PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EN. srelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 133 Washington atcnue, Seranton, Pa. TUB WILKES BARRE RECORD CAN BE HAD In Seranton at the news stands of Reismau Bros., 403 Epruco and 503 Linden: M, Norton, ?22 Lackawanna) avenue; L S. Scbutier, 211 Epruce street. FINANCIAL. OLDEST! WALL STREET SAFEST! Money Will Tarn tile Monthly nrcT Returns. BLol. Thelnteslor'sKundPsysSeml monthly.. The oldest established in America No certifies holder has cter lost a cent Payments made to all subscribers etrry 13 days. Nn trouble No delay. Money refunded on demand. Write to, day for particulars, free tn any address C. U. Mackcy A. Co., Hudson Bld'g., New Yctrlc Bond Offerings. Paying 3 to 5 Ches. & Ohio, It & A. Dlv. 1st Con. 4s. Evnns. & Teno Hauto 1st Con. 6s. Iowa Con. Hy. Co. 1st 6s. Louis., N A. & Chic, Chic. & Ind. Dlv. 1st 03. Mexican Conttal y. Con. is. Missouri Pnclfio Trust he. Mob. & Ohio, Montgomery Dlvl(lt 6s. Oit'Ron Shott Line 1st Con. 5s, Rio CJrando Western 1st 4s, St. Louis Hrldse Term. Ity. 1st 6s. St. 1.. lion Mt. & Ho. ltefd. 4s. Mil. i:icc. Ity. tt Lt. Co. 6To ,Vt&. Stock. ,? ; Complete Circular List on Application. Spencer Trask & Co 27-20 Pine Street, (IS State Street, Albany, N Y, NEW YORK THOUSANDS Aie suflejln.f a"ftd at a lois to know svhat Is the matter -Thess consult their doctor, take bis remedies with no beneficial results, then they consult another snd another, xtlthout betteilng their condition. Oo to pr. Sedgwick. SO Penn atenue, Mranton, and" HWK lOUR CRlVFr' NALZLD, it costs but a trifle snd ynu will hate the satisfaction ot knowing what Is the taiu4o! j our trouble. L .J- P 3 -Maf i