The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 03, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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yv Likj I
A Light Was Seen in the Place for
Somo Time Beforo tho Alarm Was
Sounded -P. O. 8. of A. Notes.
Marvin G. Kramer, of North Brora
loy Avenue, Had tho Ball of His
Eyo Injured by a Piece of Steel
Camping Party Going to Harvey'a
Lake Personalis Notes.
At 3 o'clock est"iclny mornlnff the
Iron tno-vvorkf of S.tnt .nt h06 Chest
nut street, vvoie completely rloMtoyed
bv flrf. The works wcro (-lint down on
July 3, nnrl slnce then there hnse been
no fire In the biillilinjr People IIvIiik
near the uotkf say the paw n
moving liRht In the hiilltlliiR foi nlinost
mi houi before nnt nl urn w.n tinned
in A nnn living In the in Ulibm hood nrouotl by the k1u of the fire,
n id quickly dremlm; inn to the West
Sldt Motion liriiiHt and notillpel Patrol
man Dive DivK who tinned In an
n'nun fiom box Jj, comer of Main nve
inir and .Inrkson stieet.
When the ('cilutiibln nnd Ktnnkllnq
nnlvecl on the rreiie? thev found the
shop ,i ro-irlntj nmfl of tc thlnK Humes,
lli a eiv few sciond the the ram
pinlei had several Htiriiini of water on
the hulldlnp an well a on A 13. Yen
pei's hl.irkr.mlth shop, uhltli ailjolns
the ffnre vvntk on the south, and
which w.i.- In ptcat dingei for some
After about an hour's hard woik the
fire was gotten uiidV i control and today
all that rem-iln of the once buty
shop nip a few ihaiied tlnibeis twist
ed iron and mined machlner.
Won Slders are v mulct lng what
caused the fire and It la undci stood
that a veiy spMrrhlns Incjuiiy will be
nindt into Its oilcln.
Ciiuip 178, P. O. S. of A.
A committee nn programme foi th
dedication of tho new hall has been
Washington hall will probably be
dedicated in September.
Sixty-five new member H the record
for li-t tei m
The AtUntlc and Pacific Tea com-p-in
will oifupv one of the laigo
Mores In the new building
If ou w jut one oi moie of the J5
bonrir, of which there me -inn, call on
Attorney Wallet Hev.ili. These bonds
Tie and Almond Creim removes
rclnes it tho rUn n 1 nofhes the
pain of funlutn In fro nlcht. Tasc
a bottle with p.u on jour vacacion
ion su: by a w. jkskixs
Attractive Specials for
Our Saturday Patrons.
Just the the thing you are likeliest to want at the end
of the week, or if you should happen to be going on a short
holiday trip, and at such prices as will make buying much
easier than usual.
Ladies' High Class Shirt Waists
in extra fine linens, hemstitched, tucked and beautiful
ly trimmed and finished. Also in silk ginghams, exquisite
mercerized fabrics, etc., .all made up in fashion's latest and
best styles. Two superlatively fine lots, at special prices
for Saturday patrous.
Lot 1.
Waists that sold from 2.50
to 3.J0 each will be offered
Ladies' Smart Hosiery.
Stylish stripes in all the
leading colors and effects.
The regular price is 370
the pair. The Saturday
price is 25c.
LaW Muslin Underwear,
Cofset Covers V or square
cut necks. Fine muslin
and -prettily trimmed with
lace,retc" All sizes in a
qual'ityhat ottglft to bring
18c. , On Saturday 2 for
25c- .
Good News for Corpulent Hen.
During the past season we
ialty of Stout Men's Underwear. It is no easy matter for
ilfeu to get well fitted with comfortable uudergar
WeMl do it and do it well. To emphasize this state-
nd prove its truth, we
Fine Balbriggan Under
wear in extra sizes for
Globe Warehouse
bear C per cent. Intetost nnd the pro
ceeds go towntd furnishing the new
In the prison of President Uvnn
Jones vie. hae one of the most popu
lar members of the camp.
The legalisation that hns mother
Linden V Decker for ilnnilelnl secre
tary 1ms n treasure. nitty-live new
membeis means some work In collect
ing dues, but Hrother Decker Is there
with the best of them.
The huge nuinhei of old "ntnndliv"
at the meeting show that the boys
do not lose Intel est In the camp.
The new lodge room Imh been rented
for thieo night- a week. This rhows
that lodges iippi relate n good tiling
when thev see It.
Card of Thanks.
Mr. and Mis. John II. Meredith,
whose son. Daniel, was so unfortu
nately ill owned nt Lake I.odoie on
July 15, and whoso mlsfoittine awak
ened such profound and he.ut-felt
sympathy on the part of the public
and brought foith aid for the rceov
ery of the body In the hour of sad
ness and death, wish to epies their
giateful nppieclatlon to the membeis
of the following committee
Mrs. Moigan Thomas. Mrs Thomas
Thomas, Ml-s Maiy Hnbbr. MKs Alice
Thomas, Ite Thomas tie ("Iriichy,
Hew D. D. Hopkins. A. H. i:.vnon. P.
J. C.lbnev. Janus A. P.vans, John 1.
Jenkins. Thomas II Jones and Mot
Kin Thomas, also the Ciocers' union
anil the many fib wis who so faithfully
assisted Hum In the houi of beiL.ivo
Man In n. Kiomer. of North Bromley
iivonue. met with a pilnful accident
while nt woik on Thuisday evening,
he being hit on the bill of the ee with
a "hiup piece of steel.
The membeis of the Jnckson Street
mptlst church held an Impoitant
meeting in the chinch p.ulois last
William Smith of Kim street, Is home
fioni Hit tonvlll
Itobert I! Lie. of Shnltzvlllo, Is visit
ing nt the homo of his mint. Mi. M.
I! Kioniei of Nmth Hiomloy avenue.
Mr and Mi W.tgstalf and famllv,
of Kynon street, will spend the next
two weeks nt Atl mtlc fit v.
The Misses Jones, of Mollis court,
are at Hie Pan-Aniilcan
John Mooie, of Hoik stieet. is homo
fioni I.cstcfhite
Chnrles I'leagei, foreman of the
tershlre Hoc end, Is spending a few
d.ivs with Mis. Mooie, of Hock stieet.
Miss Martha Hovel, of Philadelphia.
Is th- guest of fi lends on Washbuin
Two special mis cnrrled the Plrst
Paptist cliun h Sund iv school chlldten
to Nay Aug otuda
INdias Howell the ilty controller, Is
home f i om PhllTdelphla
Miss I.Iale Miles, of Noith Iboniley
avenue, Is spending her annual Nata
tion at West Point
Mi, W. H Hopkins nnd daughter,
Stella, of North Itebecc.i avenue, aio
vlsltlnc at Pottsvillo.
Patrick Cannon, Mai tin Itatcliford,
William Gerrit Patrick Sheildan.John
O'Biien, Janus Philbln, John Mona-
Lot 2.
Waists that sold from 2.00
to 2.50 each will be offered
Ladies' Ribbed Underwear,
Light weight Knee Pauts
in all sizes. Broad rib,
but fine, and handsomely
trimmed. The every day
price is 75c the pair. For
Saturday only 45c.
Men's Fancy Hosiery,
Vertical stripe Half Hose
with silk clockiugs, on
Black, Tan or Colored
ground. Genuine 50c Half
Hose, will be sold on Sat
urday oulv, for (ha pair)
have made a successful spec
will sell tomorrow
Rhan and Pernard Kelly composed the
Pcllevue CamplnR club that left re
let day morning for 11 two weeks' camp
at Hai vey'n lake.
Clem Marsh, of Hyde Park avenue,
Is seilously 111,
Ivor Price, of North Pllmore ave
nue, In nt Mnplo lake.
Fred Youmr, of Lafavette street, nnd
J. II fount, of North Main avenue, me
In Oworo, N. Y on business,
Mrs. 12. 12. 1.01 d nnd family, of 121m
stieet, me home fioni a lslt In Wjoin
ItiK county.
Miss Anna Low Is, of South Main
avenue, homo from Honey's lake
Mls l'lorenco Povvlcr, of Jackson
stieet, has returned home nftpr a veiy
pleasant visit at Wllkes-Harie.
James fl. Palley. of this side, left
jesteiday for Dundaff, vvhete he will
take charcc of the Piptlat church dur
HiK AliBiist.
Wllllnm II Courtrlnht, of Luzerne
street, will leave for tho Pan-Amerl-lan
Mint I.e.i Kitchen, of Wllkes-Birre,
Is spendliiR n few days with Miss
Maile MiAnultv, of North Hiomley
Mis Lewis Warrick, of North Ilrom
ley avenue, Is seriously 111.
Miss Myrtle V. Kramer, of North
Uiomley avenue, Is spending a few
dajs at D.ilton.
Chailcs Thotn. of Carbondnle, was
called home on account of the lllneR
of his sister, Mis. Warrick, of Hiom
ley avenue
Ueoise Tnnmi, of Main nvenue, 13
spendlnK his vacation at Dalton
Dr. P.eMinlils, of North Main avenue,
is leported 111111 h better.
Orltllth 12. Thomas was a caller In
town jesteiday.
Miss Anna White returns today to
her home at Hiwley aftei n Mt of
(eveial das with the Misses Taft, of
P.lakely stieet.
Kev. 12 J Hnttghton has returned
fioni a months vacation spent In Can
ada. Mls MaiRiret I2den. of Hrlnker
street. I, t-peiifilnpr some time with
f 1 lends in New Yoik.
Pinnk T. Moncan nnd children have
n tin ned f 1 0111 a stay at Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mis Prank Williams and
famllv have returned fiom the Pan
Aineilcan exposition.
Juan P Hlanco. who reicntly came
ft 0111 Pnlaido, Porto P.lco, and hns
been the Riiet of Mr and Mrs Harland
Plnckney, leaves todiy for Washington
nnd Jefferson ioIIorp, wheie he will
take the complete eolleRe couise.
Mis. OaIe and son, David,
have returned to their home in New
Haven, after a visit with relatives In
Uev. W. P Gibbons and famllv have
1 etui ned fiom a two weeks' cnmpInR
tiip. spent near Pcthany, Wayne
Mi. and Mrs. "!. P. Williams and
diURhtei, Miss Delia, of Bloom street,
me at the Pan-Aineikan expos-itlon for
two weeks
Ilev. Chailes II. Newlng spent yes
teiday at Lake I'lemo
Pliit Methodist church,
P.ev. Chailei, Heni.v NewlnR. H D,
pastor. Sen Ices at 10 30 a. m. and 7 20
P in MoinliiK subject. "OveicomhiR "
evcnlnc ubjeit, "The Thins LackliiR."
12veniiiR "-eivko will be short. Sunday
school nt 2 30 p. 111, evenliiR piave'r
seivlce at (5 30 o'cloik, mld-weck praer
sen Ice, Wednesday evening at 7.45
The Dunmoie Piedv terlan chuuh.
Pleaching by the pistor moinlng and
evening Hei vices nt lO.'ip n. m. and
BJ0 p. in Morning subject. "What
ri nits'" ovenlnp tubject, "(jalnlng by
Losing "
The Tilpp Avenue (hilstlan thtiich.
Punching both moinlng and evening
by the pator, I!e . J. D. Dabne
Moinlng topic, "Abiam and Lot,"
evening topic, "Why Men Do Not At
tend Chinch" Sunday s-chool at 10
o'clock. All ate welcome.
Mist. T2ther T How lands, assistant
secret.ny of the South Scianton Young
Women's Christian nh.-oclatlon, is
.spending her vacation nt the Pan
Ameiiean exposition and Toronto, She
will ituin home in September.
James Prennir and James Bohan
have letuincd from a week's stay at
The leRular Sunday afternoon Ropel
meeting of th Young Women's Chris
tian nusoclulon will be held at 3 4t
o'clock at their rooms, on Cedar ave
nue Miss Anna Kiebs will lead,
John Hoehe, of Oenet stieet returned
to this city esteidaj, after a two
J ears' stay at Pittsburg
Peter Koter. who is i-erlously 111 with
Inn In ftvei, has slightly Impioved,
which gives hopes for his recovery
Oenrge Hofnagel has returned from
a week's stay In New Yoik city.
Mis. Homy Zlegler and son, Tred,
nccompaned by hei sifter Miss Cm ma
Pontius, left for the Pan-Ameilcan ex-po-Itlon
Mis. Philip Klcfer. of Brook street Is
vMthiff her &011, H U. Klefer. in Jer
111 11
The memberfi of the KnighUs of St.
Gcoige, Bianeh No 4 J, will meet In
reRiiIar monthly session Sunday after
noon nt -' o'clock In St Man's hill.
12mll Smith the s-v ear-old son of
Mis I2mll Smith of Maple- street, who
was (.eveiely bitten bv a laige New
foundland clog Thurhday, was jester
diy lepoited as icstlng easily. Dr
Walsh Is hopeful that the boy's ear,
which was fearfully torn, can be saved,
hut oung Smith will alvas cany a
scai on It.
II 12 Amies, who was at one time
the treasurer of Washington camp. No
y2 Pattlottc Order Sons of America,
at Yostvllle, was arrested on Tuesday,
charged with embezzling $4.'6 4 of the
camp's funds. He was held In $1,000
ball by Aldeiman Donovan.
Mr. anl Mis. H. P. Justine, of Chi
cago, who aie the guests of Mi and
Mis. James Carioll, of Stone avenue,
weie tendoied n suipile pait.v by a
number of fi lends fiom thl part of the
ill) A flashlight plctuie of the merry
paitv was taken.
A hoi so belonging to a man named
Vosbuig was taken with nn attaik of
the blind (itaRgus last evening, while
being dilven along Ceclai avenue. Tho
animal icaied and bucked up suddenly,
thiowlng Mr Vosburg out on the
stieet The buggy was hacked on the
sidewalk and would undoubtedly have
nashed Into the -large windows of
CiUthelnz't; meat market had It not
been stopped by .ome passeisby The
hoiso teaied and plunged madly for n
time, but was finally quieted. Mr Vos-
buig sustained only a few slight
it wpII ai tho han Uomt, and nthtri
11a bullM in call nn any rlruiclit ani gtl
Irfo a trial Lottie oi Kfmp'i Rjlm (or thj
Ihroit ami Lungs, remedy that is euirmtetd
to (urn and relict e all Chronic and Acuta Coughi,
Atthnis, lliomhltli and CoutumptlQii. I'rtce "Jic.
j nn ,'idr.
He Left His Regiment at Fortress
Monroe Without Permission Fun.
oral of Mrs, Martha Jerman Clark
From tho Resldenco of Hor Dautjh
tor, Mrs. Joseph Wlghloy--Rov.
John V. Davies Has Accepted a
Call to tho West Market Street
Wolsh Baptist Church.
Howell Gabriel, a deserter from
Port Monroe, Vn., was a nested here
Thursday night by Lieutenant of
Police Lonn Day. nnd esterday morn
ing given Into the charge of Lieuten
ant H. W Davis, who is In chaige ot
this recruiting dktilrt.
He will he sent to Governor's Island
and there given a tilal for desertion.
Gabriel left his command July 5, and
nnlved here a few da later, giving
out the Improtslon that he was homo
on a furlough He was In the service
fourteen months, having enlisted for a
three years' tenn. Ills last command
was the Thltteenth Infantry, etatloned
on the coast.
Funornl of Mrs. Clark.
The funeral of Mis Martha Jerman
Clark, who died nt the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Joseph Wlghley. of
Summit avenue, took p'nee j,esterday
afternoon nt 2 o'clock nnd was largely
nttended by a host of fi lends and rela
tives. At 2 o'clock the temnlna were con
ve.ved to the Welsh Congiegatlonal
chuich. on West Market street, where
Ilev. Dr. R S. Jones, assisted by Ilev,
It. J. Ileese, of the Puritan church,
conducted services Ilev. Jones spoke
of the deceased in n most tender way
as a kind, noble and charitable woman.
Rev. 11. J, Reese offeied piajer, after
which Interment was made In Wash
burn street cemetery.
Accopted tho Call.
The Rev. John V Davle, who has
been a missionary tluough the west
ern states for some time, has accepted
a call to the West Market Stteet Welsh
Baptist church, and will preath his
first sermon tomorrow nnrnlng.
Ilev. Davies Is deseilbed as. nn able
and eloquent preacher, and the mem
bers -of the chuich nie congiatulatlng
themselves upon having secured him.
"William Rolls, of Putnam stieet, Is
spending his vacation at the Pan
Ameilcan exposition.
Ilev Albert Hatcher Smith, pastor of
the North Main Avenue Baptist chutch,
will leave Monacy for Northfleld to
attend the Bip'lst ministers' confer
ence. Mioses Mnme and Rachel Evans, of
School street, will leave today for a
week's outing nt Lake Wlnola.
Pdward O'Mallcy, of West Market
stieet, Iiif returned home from Allen
town, where he went to see his hi other,
Philip O'Mnlley, who was lnjuied last
week by a street cais.
Rev. O A. Cure, pastor of the Pi evi
dence Methodist Lplscopal church, and
family will leave for Tompklnsvllle
next week, whirc thej; will epend sev
eral dajs.
Rev. Dr. G. 12. Guild, of'North Main
avenue. Is spending his vacation at
Walton, N. Y.
The phvslcnl culture class at the
North Main Avenue Baptist tabernacle
will continue Thuisday evenings of
each week, under the direction of Pro
fessor Mertie Pinery.
Mrs. William Martz, of fi27 Past
Maiket street, is slightly improved
after a seilous attack of sickness,
A fniewcll sin prise party was held
at the home of (J. 12 West, of Dean
stieet, Tuesdiy evening.
Miss I2mm.i Colvln, of Deacon street,
Is entertaining her cousin, Miss Sprake,
of Pl.v mouth.
Miss Gertrude LnRose of Deacon
stieet, enteitalned a number of oung
folks at her home. Wednesday even
ing. In honor of Miss Spiake. of Ply
mouth, who is visiting MIfs Colvin.
Professor Haden Cousins, the popu
lar music Instructor, has been engaged
as musical instiuctnr In the public
schools at Dickson and Throop.
At a meeting of the Lmory Slate
Picker company last evening, F. H.
Pinery was elected to the ofllce of
president and geneial manager, and
Thomas R. Hughes to that of secre
tary and treasurer.
Haney Slack and William Morgan,
of Dickson avenue, will spend Sunday
In Carbondale
Mr. and Mis Knight, of Dickson
avenue, aie at Harvey's Lake,
Mrs. A. A. McKee and children, of
Pottsvllle, Hre visiting at the homo
of Mrs. McKee's mother, Mrs. E. Price,
of Dickson avenue.
Residents of Dickson avenue com
plain of back water fiom the sewer
pipes flowing Into their cellars. There
must be some obstruction In the out
let. Miss Cairle Hitchcock, of Washing
ton nvenue, is spending a few days
with Miss Louise Rockwell, of Staten
P. C Hazzard, of Dickson avenue,
will leave tonight for the Pan-American
The building known as the Septimus
Thomas slate picker factory, on Green
Ridge stieet, caught fire on the roof
yesterday afternoon, but the fire was
extinguished by the employes of tho
Green Ridge Lumber company before
the aulval of the hose company. The
damaga was slight.
National Heuetaiy P J McGulre. nt
the Caipontcis and Jolneis of America,
haw been Indefinitely suspended by tho
union's geneial executive boaid. This
ni Hon was taken at a meeting In Phil
adelphia, no leason being Riven out lor
the action. Prank Duffy, of New Yotk,
was elected secittai pio torn.
It Is said that tho board and Trens
titer McGulic clashed over a minor
m liter of tiades union policy. Mr.
McCiuIro Is the founder of the Biothei-,
hood of Carpenteis nnd has been sccte
taiy ever since Itfi formation seventeen
years ago. Ho Is well known In this
city by local carpenteis and union
Will Defond Canada's Cup.
P l.vcliil Wire frnti The Aisoclitert TrcM.
Chlcsfo, iiff 2 the Cadillac, nf Petrolt, I'M
been ntiiclall cetted tn delend the Canadi'a
tup agaltut the Camdian challenger, Invader,
The deciilon mi leached Mav by the judgn
alter the Cadillac had vwn snolher decUhe vic
tory over the Milwaukee, heatlne It oer the line
hy abmit eleven minutci. The couite today un
trlaucular, tucntvone mllri In length.
An Excellent Combination.
Tho pleasant method nnd licncllclal
effects of the well known remedy,
Synup or Fios, manufactured by tho
CALtroiiNtA Fin Synur Co., lllustrato
thovaluoof obtaining- tho liriuld laxa
tive principles of plants known to bo
medicinally lnxntlvc and prcsentlng
thcmln tho form most refreshing to tho
tasto and acceptable to the system. It
Is tho one perfect strengthening- laxa
tive, cleanslnp tho system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet piomptly and enabling ono
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. It3 perfect freedom from
every objectionnblo quality and sub
stance, nnd Us actincontho kidneys,
liver nnd bowels, without weakening
or Irritating them, make it. the ideal
In tho process of manufacturing figs
nrc used, ns they nro plensnnt. to tho
taste, but tho medicinal qualltlcsof tho
remedy are obtained from senna nnd
other aromatic plants, by r. method
known to tho California Fm Svnur
Co. only. In order to got its beneficial
effects and to avoid Imitations, pleaso
remember the full name of t ho Company
printed on tho front of every package.
For sale by all Druggists Price 60s. per bottle.
died yesterday moinlng at l'J SO o'clock
at the residence of her fnthei, Henry
Klein, 424 Alder stieet. Deceased had
ben ailing for a year and her death
was not unexpected. She was I!4 ears
of age, and much admired by a large
number of friends for her nmlable and
sunny disposition. She was nn active
member of the Young Ladles' sodality
of St. Mary's German Catholic chuich.
She Is survived by her fathei and two
biothcrs, Henry and Jacob Klein. The
funeral will take jdaco Sunday after
noon at 2 o'clock. Services will be held
in St. Man's church, and Interment
will be made In the Twentieth ward
JOSEPH UOONEY, the Infant son
of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Uooney, of
317 Biomley avenue, died jesteiday,
after an Illness of several weeks' dura
tion. The funeral will be held at 3
o'clock this nfternoon, with Interment
at the Cathedral cemetery.
young son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Marlon, of 1:13 Pranklln avenue, died
yesterday. The funeral will be held
tomorrow afternoon, with Interment
at Pittston. Plttbton papers copy.
The funeral ot the late John F. Mc
Donough will be held this morning at
9 o'clock from Holy Cross church.
The new rules for the government of
the lire department, which have been
compiled by Dliector of Public Safety
P. L. Woimser, and which are now
being printed, are not to go into effect
until October 1. This decision has
been arrived at on account of a pro
vision In the rules regaidlng the re
moval of members of the depiitment.
This provision provides that no
member of the depaitment shall be
removed after the uile.s go into effort
unless fcpeclfic charges have been pre
feired against him, and then not until
these charges have been heard and
passed upon by a couit ot inquliy,
to consist of five of his equals or su
periors In rank. This will pieclude
the posslbllty of any lemovals for po
litical purposes.
Dliector of Public Safety AVormser
said yesterday to a Trlbuno man that
the rules would not go into effect until
October 1, in order that the depart
ment might be put on a proper plane
ot efficiency before they became oper
ative. "Before this provision for a court
of inquliy goes into effect," said he,
"I want to be assured that the mem
bers ot the department aie competent
and efficient men, and It will take two
moie months to do this. Before that
length of time expites It might be
found necessaiy to lemove someone.
You can say, however, that If any
body Is removed before these rules
go Into effect, It will bo solely and en
tltely for Inefficiency, and for no
other leason."
The director has been largely guid
ed In arriving nt this determination by
reson of the fact that none of the
present members of the department
were nppolnted by him, and he ac
coidlngly has no other means of ar
riving at a knowledge of their fitness
for their positions than his own ob
servations. Director Wormser is exceedingly
anxious to have councils ratify the
contiacts for the hook and ladder
ttuck and new flro engine on the
giound of expediency Ho believes
that If common council passes the res
olution recently adopted by select
council, piovldlng for a re-advertisement,
that the city will be sued by
tho two companies with whom con
tracts have been entered Into, and
that endlefcs litigation will icsult.
Tho new hook and laddei tiuck Is
alieady in the city, and the consump
tion of the flro cnglno has been nearly
completed, so that in case the con
tiactH aie latllled, the two pieces of
nppaiatus would bo ready for uso al
most at once. The fact that llecoider
fConnell has been from the tit st In
favor of latlfylng tho contiacts, and
that tho members nf select council
were mistaken In thinking otherwise
will, It Is believed, soon icsult in the
passage of a second tesolution legal
izing the whole tiansactlon.
The select councl file department
committee Is to consider the question
as to the advisability of the city pur
chasing that part of the flre alarm ss
tem owned by the Gamewell Fire Alarm
Telegraph company and opeiatlng tho
entire system on its own hook. All of
the voluminous cortespondence on the
subject between the company and the
department of public safety has been
turned oer to ths committee.
This correspondence Includes an offer
from the company to rent Its thirty
six Arc alarm boxes to the ilty for n
period of five yents for tl.OnO n enr,
or for a period of ten yrats for the
same figure, with nn agreement to turn
over the boxes to the clt nt the expir
ation of the contract. The company
ngices to sell the hoes outfight to the
city at any time for the sum of $0,000.
Bids for tho complete renovation
and geneial jepalr of the Columbia
fire house In West Scrantoti havo been
advertised for, nnd will bo opened
next Monday nftetnoon nt 4 o'clock by
Director Worinset. This building line
been In veiy bad condition for a long
time, nnd during tho past few weeks
the fear has been expressed that It
might collapse on nccount of the bulg
ing of one of the side walls.
The Ph omen's Relief nssoclntlon has
received foun A. 12. Ilogeis, tho lew
der, a handsome thirty-day clock,
which has tccently been hung In their
club rooms on Spruce stieet. There
are very few thirty-day clocks In the
city, nnd the fliemen aie Justly ptoud
of their gift.
Important Work Undertaken by tho
United States Geologicnl Survey.
It is not geneinlly known that the
government, thiough the United States
Geologicnl Survey, has been making a
cnrotul study of thu tlveis and tho
linden giound waten supply of the
tommy. So Impoitant has this woik
become, nnd so helpful to ninny widely
ellveislllcd Inteicsts, that a special
branch, known us tlu) division of
hydiography, has been organUed to
conduct It. This division has been In
existence since 1SSS, and Is pushing ltd
Investigations ns rapldlv cs the ap
piopilatlons will admit.
Bioaelly speiklng. Its woik consists
of a caieful Inspection of the habits
and behavior of llveis, I. o., thu vaiia-
tlon of the amount of their tlow
throughout the jenr nnd from jeur to
year. This entails a Jtudy of their
drainage basins and nn nee mate mens
moment of tyielr dlLhnige. The
knowledge thus obtained. Is tho neccs
N.iiy foundation on which all entei
piles contemplating tho uso ot llveis
must depend. In the east many rlveis
valuable as a souue of water supply
are under examination. In the west
for these puipotes alo and for lirl
gatlon they me being measured. Tho
veiy Impoitant matter of river pollu
tion Is one which demands the same
initial Investigations, and the govern
ment Is rendering Its assistance to
clcik nnd save Its gi owing evil.
Out on the gieat plains, wheie tho Uv
ets aie few and tho lainfall Is light,
the undeigiounel well wntets, so neces
sary to the inhabitants, mo mapped
nnd thus made available,
A number of states In different parts
of the country have seen the value of
this woik and have made nppiopila
tlons to have It continued within their
own bordcis moie lapldly and fully
than the government alone could at
tend to conduct It. The county's
water rcsouices, which ate among the
gicatest It possesses, are pi.ictli.illy
Inexhaustible nnd have but Just begun
to be developed.
Cor. Sixteenth fit and Irving Place,
American Phn, .3 50 Per Pay and fpwirds
furopean Plan, $10(1 ppr Da and Upwardi
Special Hates to l'amlllca
loa.ioi-ion East intii street.
The JT.i I KllSON la n thoroiishly firat-clana
family and transient hot tl offering nt a mini
mum cost a ma zimuin of luxurc and comfort.
On 15th street Juat rant of Union Squarn.
It is within a fer nilnntoa of tho loading
ahope, theatre nnd clul
European Plan, $1,00 up.
American Plan. )2.50 up.
Suilei with Privato Gath, $2.00 up.
For apodal rates guide or information write
jnilV -. t ilTMtlII, I'rnprlctnr
X For Business Men X
In tho heart ot tho wholesale
4 district-
For Shopped
"t minutes'' walk to Wannmakers; -f
S minutes to Sieeel Cooper's. Wit .a,
Btore Kasy of access to the creat .
Dry Goods Stores. ""
t For Sictlitseer.s
One block from B'wny Tars, glv- .
1 Jns easy transportation to all j
T nntnis of Interest.
X Only ono Block from Broadway
t ROOIllS, $1 Up. ProraL 4
Your Qpporluriify to Gd
51 INI
w, &s. m&m pjp,
Hi Ql chQ uEZmB NHnr wee WBKBKu
LiindlarKeenoiiKh for firo vTclUlncatrdlii Lot 38,Rilnil!nTop HelRlitn.theMan-
liattun (liialiirh Drrrlc It lime lie t nun on oiik hide, Itio lle.ilt y o, 3 nn thu
other, 100 feet from llintty o. 1, ISO fret from Iltjvrood No. 2, 75
feet from IIosk-Shhjuc, .ell flc e.mlurH nctunlly unrroumtliii;
our well, m.UclriK na SUlti: or (IKTTIMl Oil,.
Your Money Safe and Sure to be Worth 5 for I Inside of Sixty Days
' Theeorttr.iet for drllllnir, on which operations hns begun, his been made with the
Famous Hej wood Oil t'omiunv, which ku iruntcc a iMurh oil irusbei or no piv As a
bune-8 proposition It Is lurcllv llkelj u cnncc rn of their standing, vUth n capital
of JSPO.OOliinel t!iieoflowni' weliNiiveriiRlnKover 70100 barrels u cl, would undertiiko
this lontrnct, plactnir their time einii mnnc upalnst the well provlnir a KUsher. If thoy
were not nctuall unit posltlveh suieour propcrtj was, oil produclni; land, lor they re
eclvo no pay until thej pioduco u el-lnUi oil cusher
The Capital Stock is onlyS300,000, Shares $1 Each, Full Paid and Non-Assessable
Title in fee simple Warranty deed nnd uuaranten bond behind It No salaried
officers. Other companies capllalUo to J,oiX,000, with no assurance of a
Kuaianteed proposition ... .,
Tho ellcers nnd directors nre men nf sound business principles, conservative and
careful, nnd loit for Mile results befnroiiivnstlns
HANK KCn.KLNCI!5- Tho International Hxchance Bink. I'.l IMso. depository!
First National Bwli of Beaumont Citizens' National Binkof Beaumont Hosenbers:
11 ink of Cinlvestcin. nro nil transfer banks, and are relerrul to by permission as to Com
pany and compans s noicuncs
Vrldnt. VV J Jewel enrltillct nrft vl"o preildrnti
II r seaxe, carnage maimior,uir ,i:iiiki h
Aunt li Ani(rAnii. i nnlciilltt. riilhualiim. Mextroi
urer. II O llllitnier. tanker feeretnry ami k
mnicr, VV. C. Wlltiaw, anelstant MireUiy,
Don't delay wcurlni; stock at onco, as tho stock is only offered a short time at
most, and If ou havo any doubts us to our land belnc In oil bearing territory, rlnht up
nrnone nnd close to tho verv I truest, wri'o tn any rerutablo cltlien or our bankers tor
Information. Addnss for applications for nock, prospectus or other Information to,
M. J. RUDDY, Williams Bldff., Scranton,
Fiscal Agent (or Scranton and Surrounding Territory.
The Campbell'i Are Comlns, Hurrah! Hurratil
Monday, August 5,
Afternoon and Kvcnlnfr, at
The New Armory
Under the amplcci of the CalednnUn Club.
Second OlfUal Concert Tour o!
"The Kilties"
4"tli lllchlindcru, Toronto.
t'anida'a Crack Military Hand, in minlolant,
til voul choli, (1 ilnnris nnd hagrilrc-rii, undei
tho Iricleiahln of Vlr lohn Matter Appeulnil
In lull klltiil irslmentil. I! mthnrity o the
lloiulnlmi envemmrnt mil li kind freeiil per
ml. Ion ol Colonel Minhmlil anl odlcera com
tnanrilnir tho (Stli tllglilandeis1 regiment.
11m created a furoie of cnthualavm In a hun
dred uncrlcin "We
PitK (S VftrrnAnn. i". anA M .(. Ai.nU-
SV , Tic and t 01 ' '
rty a recent net of the legisla
ture, free tuition Is now granted
at the
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Bloomsburg, Pa.
to all thoo pieparing to teach.
This school maintains courets
of study for teachers, for those
piepailng foi college, and for
those htudj ing music.
It will piv to write for particular'.
other ulionl offers Midi aunerior ad.
v int irc at euch low rates. Address
J.P.Welsl, A.M., Ph.D., Prin.
RTheso liny Capsules ur-
llncon vrnlcnrc iilteeilon MITTf" 1
ucim una luieciiona nn,,
309 nichlgaii St., Buffalo, N. Y.
New fur
niture and
ly modern
Write for
Martin T. Dcvaney, Prop
Manufacturers or
485 to 455
N. Ninth Street,
I1IUI1, Hi
Telephoat) Call. 2333.
in on the Ground Floor
r nnnratr. Milker. Chihuahua, Stex.
loot VV V Ittjne hoIcaal comniltiloa
nienlMnti J A llerrfis. ifl e.tatei VV,
t I'orler, Hoekraani A lattlm, holf.
alortiy kochIii A liiuiiou, caplullat anl
- ntrol I
It, l
iiis is