The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 02, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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r 8
It Wat to Commemorate the Signing
of Emancipation Proclamation
Which Freed Their Million Slavos.
Foaturo of the Occasion Was tho
Address of Rov. D. S. Bontloy,
Pastor of tho Howard Placo M. E.
Church of This City A Very
Thoughtful Discourse.
An rnlhiiMitfttlc upon nlr retelirntlan
wns lield nt AVIIkr.s-Hiivri' ycHtonliiy In
one of tlwt fltj's junks, at which mi
nted penjilp fiom nil over thin portion
o( tho nliite woio jiii'sont. A special
excursion wnn inn lmvn from Scrim
ton, hiiiI a l.irRo ilt'lcRiitlon of Scran
tOlllllMH uvallcil lioiimclvi't of It.
Tliu day was hji.miI Im kciiciiiI cnjo.v-nit-nt,
tin' affahH liciiiK In the imtino
of n public celebration of the sIkiiIhk
irf tho Kiiiaiiclpatlon iioclani.itlon
which frceil tluce million Klne.. A
laiRC number of Intel ostliiK iiiIiIips'o
veto heard limine the iliiv and at
hIrIiI there wiih a (l.iiuc In the jmvlllon.
One of the distinct featuie" of he
day was the millions made by Hev. I).
S. Hciitley. of this city, jmstnr of the
Iiuwnid J'lace JI. K. church. He said:
Mr. Clnlrmili, l.iilir mul I.. Minim.:
Thl l mi iKi.ihiii wlml .iwiikun inriimt ir
rf jMti fntif li., iln lull l'i"l t'" liMrH
.inrttclcil m tin' ullii'inm III" nun nml wminli-
lininl !( a I .Hi' (III! 1'O.llt llinll It Iniliy tlio lnill.ll
df ninny "iinl i'ipr.'i'l"ii wlili li mipil rutlnlng
I111111.111II.V fnr mcr COO jiii. Hut I innie not to
male mi iiiinini mvr I In pel. imr ill-palf ut Hie
Inline wlikh Ilea lictoie m itli It unlolil
It II tlic riipirmc duty nf t lir- ict tlilnlrn nt
n uie vr i nation I" Imliiut ilio iiij-.m In tin
ivIiIt rilnrli1r n( iitimlilp it tlic nine time
roJtfiHllintr. n 'n1 in i"IMr. th" lire nt p.ililot
lin. N11 jMiiplc I1.1t p ctrr lirininn In lml-lif-i
nml imlile in life tilllniul n tliorniiKh
iiillitiitlmi it llifi' lni!i,int piimlplci It it
jinwllitc t I1.1I trnr (lllyrn.lilp 111.1.1 Jil.iv lt put
woll in tlio i 1 of Jifc ttltlmut ttl'lllll, MHll
ii tlio mm Id iall meat, Init it lannot aiMi'ie
1hi cmlr-l tlitnrlot, ttlllinnt huiior, tninlinraj
nml intrmitv. lltriy po-i-owiis tlicto Ur
ines I1.11 dniio tmiili tnn.mN llltln; up livltn 111
ily, tliiu Hiikini; llio ttorhl iii'tlrr. V stiwl
tinLiy In tlii iniiNt nf iiphc.itnli ami (oniiimtlont,
rrnt ttr nrnl ml fur Mice me tml the pre
llinlnmv rkliuiMir tn tlic bit it Initio wliMi
it to (Iniilc liotitmi Pfpnl rillitt .Mid ilcspollMii.
between truth and rrmr. l'nl.Hionil will neiir
triumph, If tmtli It lrft frrc to loinlat it.
1111: l' mi:am in:.
'Hi' re are manv rr.itont why yon limiM he
rnurapeoiit. 'Hie lamented 1I..uc1.h. wlnwe life
snd iharacler will lie xludicd nml rniulatid hy
the dtuiiintit nf lilttory. I nu lemril at haiiiii;
Mid: "Meauie not tn.r tue In the lieUliK
ttlilih tlirv lute ailileied, 1ml In the deptht
frmn which they haie hien liflid "
Veil liny not hoitt nf ,1 irnnn n'pretfntinK the
wealth ami dlcnill nf n nation r.r of hatnitf inn,
tnluded an army whi li fnipjlit anl ron.iiet.,il
feme crcat cinpiic, but jou 1.111 irjoico in two
Kirtt That J oil arc an nierinn eidm, mil
a moli jour untiring lahor in the rnlimi tleldt
rf (ienrzia, the lirak't of I. r:i. 1,1111 nml
the rice nwaniiw nf Snrli f'aiolini, together
with tour lierijlc and nnii h iitlin; effort in w.n,
bite not only helped to nnko tint rutmtr.t uri'.it,
but tho blood of (ho tare, ulieil in mint i hud
foueht bittle, hat helpul ai Idete tiitoriea of
which the American people lma( todiv.
Secnnil You hhnuld rxult in the fait that nv
the rare nf life jou hate adt.iuird a i.ipidly at
nthrr peoplet nf the earth, wo'i advantacrt 1 ir
mpoiinr and meant more nnipli' True ulion
fhip rr,llta from well ordeieil si liool. lucii moi
nit ami li trlleituil ti iliun? N11 h a t'ii
of frwiwfinn fornt an Miipien il.le foundation
upon whMi the lilcli ii'i itlon of all inllm t
In tlnl l1111iKnl.1l ('.iciiiint In wlni li 'Omliiit
blncnlii proilalmed lllvilj to our four inllllnn
fUlct, they lieffan to il 1 .,iiirltilncr f,.i thiin
seUen, Now let nt ee hit l.ron luoni
dlhrd. To wj tint the r.ue a icmuaut n
the extreme at tho ilo.e nf the war of ldl. 't
a flit whlih 110 one atlruiptt In ilini Ihlt
trfereiuo it inailo not to le.leit diMiedit upon a,
lielplest people, uirned In iru-l i-rrvituHe. but
In mraMire the difmiiltlct wliuh they haie iu
Jiiountcd. The illlteraiy of Hie ine ha? bi eu
reduced 10 per tent, i-lme the war: Mrt lionk
lute been puhli-hed- time are in the (outnal
lule Held tod 11 .".i"l ni'H.papcM piihlbhed In
llfuroCt: 2 ("""I lantern Imlit prjitnr al the
bar; about the ame number nf ttotort wall In
tho homes of Hie iufliiu. u nnn and loiitid
mcr tnelte million i.,l)n' u.ini, ,,( , I.. .,1 pi,, p.
rrlt : fo'l.t million.' toith ol ilmnli prorit;
one liinnlrYil and forti 'luiiivind farms and hoii. t
Mililid at KCien liiiudiril and fun million dnllo-.
and peuenil pinputt 1lued nt eienteui million
dollam: robed nwi el".ni mlllli.u dollir lor
the i.iii'n f (iluiaiioii. Imii. 'Mih i'ii. aid of
friend., our i:o.riii dun, he. tml Mien
Sudden Prostration Is a Feature
or Hot Weather Upset Nerves
and Weak Nerve Centres Are
the Causes.
All .1I011K the Imc of mental and inus
cillar exhaustion s-o luevnlcnt iluriUR
the Minimci muiitbs Is ihe iiiidi.r Imr
r.'tlirt' of overu diked Xeives-oei coii
sumptlnn of Xuve Tissue which has
not been icjilHced. It Is manifested In
tho mind lefuses to icielve and
act upon lmpict.sion In the usual way
niul that, sometimes when attempted to
bo whipped Into wnik. Juiujis the
bounds of reutoii and ilounders In a
maze of confuhlon. It Is manifested
physically by an over-tlieil, languid,
evertlonless, nniscle-ielaxed condition
that lacks reslstliiB' power which Is
iiecwnry to wltln-tniid heat -exposiue.
It's by the Inlluonce of Dr. A, AV.
Ohaso's Nerve J'llls In jullyluK the
Nerve Force that enemy Is (iiileUened
the great weh-llke Nene Byslem of the
body vibrates with new life Uialn
Nerves HeartNerves Stomach Neives
feel tho influence as activity replaces
lassitude and strength Is regained. The
hidden current within which spells life
has been brought to Natiue's lequlred
Mrs. James Watson, of air;
Twelfth street, Sernnton, Pa., says:
"Dr. A. "W. Chase's Nerve Pills nie
line, I began to use ihein for ner
vous sick headaches and nervousness
nnd bad great sucooss In stopping
them completely. Recently I used
them to overcome the depression and
weakness following giip, nnd they
were again successful In giving me
bodily strength nnd nerve steadiness,
An an all around nerve and general
tonlo they are grand, nnd I am very
much pleased that my attention uas
culled to them through Mathews
Brothers, Druggists, corner Washing
ton and Lackawana avenues."
Dr. A. W. Chase's Nervo Pills RO
tentn a box at druggists or Dr. A. W.
Chaw Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. V.
Bee thnt portrait and slgnaturo of A.
W. Cha&e, M. li., are on every pack
re. i Cold In Scranton by Matthews Bros.
college, one unlrersltjr. tientf(n lttdemlc,
fifty high ichol, three lir nehooli, one medical
ichool and twenty-fiie theoleglctl emlnarlr.
which fpeikl olunteA for t peeplo ttheja juthwiy
hii heen eUtruitcd by prejudice and matrcd by
mioi'i.d HtnuKi: row. ii:i:ts.
Some .iililned me In my upecch today not to
make referenie to the ratajes of war, tu let
theae londltlont of (trite and bloouhed lie
llent In the patt, A people who do not rchnke
foul ileoilt to which they are auhjected by a re
puhlic aie not tvnrthy of cltkenthlp In a creat
country like our. Tliere It tatt difference
betueen the cblliratlon of .lamcttottti and tint
of I'l mouth lluck. The fnrmir dlidajii Itt
power in the to Cirollna.t, (Icoruta, Mlttiwlppl,
l.oultlain, anil Ita fruit li well hmmn on
both aldoa of the aea. Rut the elnllratlon of
I'ljmoiith Iloik reflecli brllllatit thoiichl, taking
the hlithett pottihle eiouiid for Clirljlltn lib
erty, and the mutual adianiement nf Ihe roni
mn people. We hate j(t muih to learm better
lnhiii and the kmmledgc of a hijher life, tilth
mhirh Mill (onie h'tler iltlrenthip Tn pneti
theto nnhle nualltlea It the duly of the hni.r.
Our ilrriit Himlmp at inlesral ptrtt of the
roteinnient la, after all, fatorahk, to tiy the
lcat. Thric are more than W.irno of our people
nppilnted to office with annual aalailcj aEnre.
mtiriK mote than K'.OUii.Omj; tliu.t taking local
appointments mhIi at "leik nf innrlt, null ear
rbr, Jinllnr, etc., ell tho amount to about
,.(mn,(i anmially. 1hl, In the (aio of preju
dlio w blili eirrnheie leara It lijilla-hcjil. aul
In many inttaniet bhmtt the flnrr tentlbllltln
nf 1 iroile utrucRlliu; for a higher jdaee In the
oimird niarili nf citlllratlou. Mill (hire hat
been prejudko In all aget. 'Ihe .Irwa hated th'
Itomaut. at foreign oppicoi. aral Die Itrmtn
de.pled the .tew at a (omiuiied ponpli, wlille
the (ireckt, finm llielr phllntophlral hrml t,
looked ilnun upon the iet nf the wnlld us Im
liaii.ins. So la it eten In our dav.
MnliR thlt line the people hue vet to be nlu
latid KllnoK and ilnraitir onlv thould In
inntliler d In the piouiollon nf men and vtmiMi '
tn pimlllont nf honor nnd tiutt, iiiitMiit. f
liitlon.illly nr preiiont innilllloii. and nlun do
piople of thla repiil'lii. with IK Ilium iw weal'ii
and culture, Miall htie oteiiomi 1 ilorpliohlii.m,
and rriomilro .1 man hrtaiiM' he is a man, a new
cia it 111 hate datum! upon u. mid the Xu.irfcan
e.ikrh 111 in the finest and best suite, brood
her Mines our i (leoplo equally flee.
t'lll'llfl-'M OK WOMIA.
Our tinmen am lmdeicolni; aeiere iriiiuni,
and 1 tuhmlt In 'inaui iitincea tl.o cnttiiin it
ju.t. hut whin no ionidir the dit.idiautue iu
dor uhlih lliey aie atrucKllnfr, and the f.iiluie
tn lute that eiilv moul lialtiitisr tthiih i- of
tnctlmihle table lo the ro.uhliis of that hluher
jdane tn tthiih tininiiilinnil thould atplre, tliry
liate done iuartelouly well. Tint it ien
lurli't In (lit clop a people cnmirFant with Mi"
higher realm of thotiuht, and to fill luoad'r
.tphetet of u'rfultic-u in life the lilttory of
tiatlont allettt. The men nf the nation are
tih it the ttotnen mike tl.ein. If e would hate
Mronir men no mutt hate (roni: iininen. Moth
er thouhl not only teaih their children on
their Infant kneet tn pru. hut thould inttrint
them In all the principle whlih tcr.d to de
tdop a nohlei man and wominhood.
We will mntt likelv reimln heie. Theie nre
a treat nian.i of our ra.e leadeia who no dit
ciittlnir the tuhlei t of ennci.itlnn tn frln In
leed thlt Ncriii ipictioii it neter ditinitned from
the pulili' mind nookt haie Wen mil are b-in;
tirlttrn heailns on il 'Ilio Ik-I pihnlar of .nr
time are .udeitoiiM; tn tolte lhl nol,lim (
a few atjo, Mr. llmniat l'ortune of ew
York. Bate to the world hit solution nf lie
piiihlem. lie salt the -lnal of the r.ue
problem it alxoiption. Whether hit tint It
iniiciU the future alone will deiide. (hm
thine lo ine la ilear, the fuuilv
It in the mill it limp Monet are turned bi the
omnipotent hand of, and it libit lull eicn-tii.i1l.i-
sriuil do-in to a common leirl all tho
nation of the earth.
In lonclutlon let mo urcje that 3 mi en.ulilo
the het eatnd"t Riien bv lhoe of anpeilio
ndnnlacet and oppnrlunllie. nd im.emh r
tlnl in (hit nngmlfitriit lountri Mire are bo, 111 1
Iim noiet of weallh, both of knowledge -nid
monet. airaiiliiir M10.0 who will pun them-el.Cd
wort'i.i of lontlcleratlnn,
George T. Slade Appointed Assistant
Superintendent of the Main
Lino of the Erie.
ionrfre T. Sbirle, for two eais gen
eral Mipeiintemleiit of the Kile and
Wyoming ralltoari, and who was a
short time hro put in chaise of the
V. omlng and .leffirson division of the
Ktie r.illioad, was yesterday appoint
ed assistant Keiwd li.i'iager of the
lCiIe nystem east of Sahiinauci, with
his otllco In New Yoik.
This Is a veiy icspimsible position
.mil comes decidedly In the w.i.i of a
jiiomntliiii and maiked tecngnltlou by
the Kile of Mr. Slade's ability. He will
be -on ceeded heie by J M. I)uls. who
was division siipeilntendcnt nf the Kile
and Wyoming when Mr. Slade was
gcneial siipeilntendeiit. Mr. Slade came
heie f 1 0111 the Kastein ltalltoad of
Minnesota, where he tilled a position
for e.ome time.
lie is iccosnlzed by lallioad men of
this city as being a most (oinpetent,
IMlii'taklng olllclal and a oting man
who will miik" his mark In the mil woild. He will be mlvvoU In
Seianton society, where he has been .1
piominent flgtne since his local ad
ent Strike at the Woodward.
The miners at the AVoodward uil
llety of the Delaware. T.ackawantia and
Western company, near Kdwatdsvllle,
went on strike yestetday iiioinlug be
ifiuse the mine olliclals lefnsed to pei
uiit a coinmlttee fiom the local union
to examine the cauls of the membeis
of the union.
The lommlttie was ajipnlnled at n
meeting of the lowil held on Wed
noMl.iy night, the object of the exam
ination of the cards being to find out
how many men weie behind In their
dues. The members of the committee
took their jilates at the head of the
shaft iMily In the morning, but weie
ordered away by the bosses.
The members of the union had de
elded at the meeting to go out on
stilke If the committee was lefuserl
permission to examine the canKs and
they accoullngly lefused to woik.
About nine bundled men and boys were
throe, n idle In conseiineiue.
Notices were Immediately jnistcd an
nouncing that there would be no woik
at the lollleiy today.
The Car Builders' Strike.
The htrlklnpr car hulldeiH held a
inentltiR In Uuernsey hall last nlBht,
nnd, after dlsi-imyliiR the situation, tool;
a vote on the question of returning to
work. It was unanimously decided to
remain out. President Albert T. Fish,
ot linffnto, who was exjiecled in the
city yesterday, did not anlve.
A telegram was, however, received
fiom him, In which he stated that he
would be In Scranton today or tomor
row. At Intt night's meeting It was
decided to hold another session tomor
row night and President Klsh will he
present at this. Tho sttlko situation
underwent no change yesterday. Gen
eral Superintendent T. K. Claiko and
Master Car Builder la, T. C'anlleld, of
tho Lackawanna, nre still out of the
city, and ate neither of them likely
to bo home hefote Sunday.
D., L. & W. Board for Today.
Following Is tho make-up of the D.,
Ij. & AV. hoard for today;
iiiunsnvv. AUfi. j.
WiH Catt Haat-8 ji. m , II. (Vncr, th 11
Doherty't tren; 10 p. in,, II. VUlhuc.
ritlPAY, MM, .
Wild Cala Fatt-J-.'.:,o a. in.. W. .1. Mn.lri)
3 i, m., William Kill,); 1 a. in,, I'. 1" Mi'iCn.;
10 t. m., J, A. Uu.lii 11 a. in., L'. W. Uui.u;
' w I
ia v p 1 - A'
; y k .u ...a W1K v. w w 'Hi fl
5 lissflaHJJffi B By
"""--. --.- -s-s- "Inland
?t sj. (KKIIiNlll
j of m'oney by calling here at the right time. It will pay any person who is desirous
H of purchasing a Piano to take advantage of these rare opportunities.
The public is invited to call here before buying.
N. B.There is but one Guernsey Hall in the city of Scranton. Guernsey
j Hall is located near the Central Post Office Building,
I J.W.GUERNSEY, Proprietor.
2 p. m , P. Caiaiiaucli: fi p. in., . (!. ll.uu
unit, a p. in , II 1 1 ij- I in ti.
Miniiiiiw, Kit -il a. in.,, .I. (airicc. "s a
in, lift, O. I'ruuiifrlkir; Hi a in, ct. M
rinmit.i; p. in , (ut, i'. Miliniuull; s i. in,
ci.t. V. II. MilinN: 7 i. in. Nay Amr, I.. Mi
Alllstcr; 7 i. in., Cainira, Mi I. .mo; 7 p. in., lay-iih-i.
Tliimii wui.
I'nili(ri i a. in, llnii-rr, 10 a. m, Viii
lirity; 11 .ill ,i. in, l,ii,llian; 7 p. in., Mir
ilij j fl p. in , l,.iinpliu; In p in, . Wlilnci.
Vavrnccr llncinr T a, in., Oiffncy; 7 a. m ,
Sinsrr; In a. m, Sdnr; p. in., -t.iiiloii .
7 p. in , MiUiiiorn
Willi t'jl, Wr.t - Sa. in, .1. II. MiCjini: 7
a in., .Inliii llilloi; S a in, M. .1. I Iriinl-nn .
in n. in.. .1. .1. Murray, niili 1. K Kctili.nna
iiru: tl a in. W. . llirllmli.inrii ; 1 p in.
W.niloll. with tlouilii .ili'i, uiu; J p. in, I.
Wall: R p. in, It .(i.i in i, I in., I. II.
.Mj.tcrii 5 ji. in., -M ( aiiiniil.i; (i p. In, .1
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In llflwt June I, I'Ol.
Tiains I. cue hiianton:
l"or riillailclrbla anJ N"iw York ila I) II
11. It., ai 0.1 ami 0..W a m., anil ; H, t.7
(lllaik Diaimiiu' i:pn-w), ami ll.;io p. m. hun
daja, 1). & II. K. I'- bM, h.27 p. m.
1'cr Wlilto llawn, llazldun ami prlntipal
points In tlie ioal imions ill I). & II, It, j ,
H.15, '-'tl anil 1.-J7 p. m. I'oi l'ott-.iille, c.15 a
m.. 2.1S !' "'
for Ucllilclitm. ration, Ilojilinc. llariMnni;
ami inimlpil liitciinciliatc t.tailon via II. lc II.
It. It., O.IJ. t.."S3 a in.; '.MS. I.J7 iniaik lH
nionrl Kxpif). I'"0 !' '" f-nniiaja, I) & u.
It. II , l SS a. m. ; LoS 8.'.'7 p in.
l'nr TiinklianniKk, 'I'oiianda, lllinlra, Illiaca,
ficnria ami primlpal liitriiucillalp htatlom, via
1)., Ij. k W. II- It f-1() " m 'i"J 3.10 p. in,
l'or idici.i, Hoilirtcr, nuftalo. Xlagan Kalb,
Cliiiacn ami all iulnls iie.t, via D. k J. It. n ,
T IP, 11. !' "I-. ' -' ''' ("lack Dlanwinl Kv
pit), 7.1'. 1 l. H-SO ji, m, feumljjS, 1). & II.
It, II., 11 63, H.27 p. in.
I'lillinin pai'.ur nml alcepbiR er I.chlch Valley
parlor cara mi all train brtnrrn Wilkc.-llirr'p
ami New Ymk, I'lillailclpliia, IJiitTalu anl Sui
pcnion IliiJso.
ItOI.I.IN II Wll.nrit, Cent. S-upt , J Cortlaml
trort, Nw Yoik
CIIAHI.KS S. M'.i:. fii-n, l'a..a. Agt., 26 Coitland
ktirct. Nriv olk
A V. OSSTM.U-lll'.It, Dll I'a-a Ast , South
nrililrliim, IM.
Knr tlikfts ami I'lillmun ir-n-iatinm apply to
iC) Lackawanna awnni'. Sirantnn, I'a.
Centrnl Raihoad of New Jersey.
Stations In Now ork-lool of l,jl,ciiy troct,
K. II.. anil hnutli Iciij.
Trains ltae Snanlor. for New ulk, Nciiarl.,
I'lljalicth, J'lillailclplil.1, baiKm, Ilotlilrlum, AI
biilown, Mamli tliimk and will to llaicn. at S 35
o. in.; fxpr-ta. 1.10; cincia, 1 00 p. ni, sun
ilaij, 2.15 P. I1,
l'or l'ittslcn ami Wllktw-llanr, P 3j a. in. j 1 10
ami 4.00 p. in- sunilaj.. 2.1 j p. in.
l'or lUltlmore ami Waflilnjlnn and points
South and West la llctlilciirm, S.M a. m, ,o
and t.00 p. in. SuiuIj.w, '.Mi p
l'or 1oiiC llranib. Ocean (lioie, etc., ut S 55
ni. (Iliioiisli (oaili) and 1.10 p. m.
l'or Itcadlnit, Lebanon and MairMmre, I la AI
Irntown, t.oi a. m. and 1.10 p, m. Sundajs,
2.15 p. in.
l'or I'ottaillle. 8 B.1 a in, 1.10 p. in.
lor .Mountain IMik. S fi'i a. in., Ill) and -t m)
ii. in.
'lliroiiBli tl'Kt to all polnta ia.t, anmli and
lint al I c nt latra nt lln .tation,
C. M. III'IIT. (Im. IMw ABt.
.). li ni.mrsiA, fir,,, sipt.
Now York, Ontario nnd Western.
Time Table In 1-lTcct Sunday, June 2.1, jnoi
Leaio i.iaio
.rrjtna r-irantun, Caibondale,
An lie
Tralni. r"".'" -"'"""oic. laitoia
No. 1 WM "' '" ' 1? a' '"' '' P. m.
No 3 ... l) !' ,n' . " ! "', 6.00 p. ,
S" 7 ... 0.10 p in. U. Cnliondalc. C.lti i ,n
No. 7 ... " bOL'TH-nOUXU. U ' ,n-
lAlll IjlllA
Cadaia. I'ailinridalc. .Si,i(0n
&;:::.. -m. wSii:!!i: js
No' ' .. S.i P- "' iM "' " II' '
,rio Lrair AiiIib
hiranton. lail.oii.laI. ,..,,
No. 0 ... " a' m' , ; ,a' '" 1".H j. m
??' J . 7,vo p. I". Ar- JilMimalc. ; ij ji ,
Uaie l.(ac Arilip
Uadosia. t'ailiondalc. Si i intoi,
?S:!o-::iP.-.e5SI iSSS
'Irains No. ' ufrk iU'- n 0, on Mai.
dajj, make mam line lunricitlona for New Yn.k
illy, ftlui Wiclda, (Imrsa mid Intciiiicillate
'I rains Nof. II and I make Walton, ),l, j.
den and Wdnc ronncill'iiiu.
J'or finllier lnf n rial Inn inniilt tliket aeinti.
.1. I', AMIKHSIIS. (I. P. A., x.w y;tk.
J. L WJXbll, T. I', A,, buanton.
Schedule in Effect Juno 2, 1001.
Tiains leave Seianton:
6.4D n. m., week days, through ves
tibule train from Wilkes-Barre.
Pullman buffet parlor car and
coaches to Philadelphia, via
Pottsville; stops at principal in
termediate stations. Also con
nects for Sunbury, Hnrrisburg,
Philadelphia, Baltimoie, Wnsh
inpeton and for Plttsbuig and the
0.38 n. m week days, for Sunbury,
Harrlsburg. Philadelphia, Balti
more. Washington and Pittsburg
nnd tho West.
2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays,
1.58 p. m.), for Sunbuty, Harris
burg, Philadelphia, Baltimoie,
Washington and Pittsburg and
the West.
3.33 p. m., week days, through ves
tibule train fiom Wilkes-Bane.
Pullman buffet parlor car and
conches to Philadelphia via Potts
ville. Stops nt principal inter
mediate stations.
4.27 p. m., week days, for Hazleton,
Sunbury, Hnrrlsburg, Philadel
phia and Pittsburg.
,i n iirrniiN-ov, n Mar.
J. n. WOOD, Ccii. l'a. gt
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
In l.ffrit Inly 21, Vol.
'outli laMii' Sriautiii for Nriv Y"i k .it 1 ID,
.100, 5.."0, 7..V) and 10.nn a. in.; 12 l'i. .! il, S .,0
i in. I'm I'lilladclplila al 7. in and inu. a in..
IJ I'.i and :i.."l p. in. For Toli.ili.iniu at n.lii p
tn. Milk ai i Inn at " tn p in. rruo
in lluliukrn at li.!", 7.l-. 10.2-, li o, i.lj, 4 l,
7.111 p. in. niie in Philadelphia at I. Ho. .1 -! i. ami s.2-' p. in. nlie fimu Ni n ork at
1.10, I!. 12 and 10 2.1 a. ni. ; 1.00, 1 .li, 5 li, 11.00
and II. ..0 p. in. I'roni 'luli.iluuiii at ML) a m
Ninth l,f.n iMianton for llnlfaln and int. r-nieillati-
Gallons at I l' iri'i and 11 ihj i u ,
1..11. S.l and II.Ki Ji. in. I ol (l.iieao and iu
i iim' at 1.15 a. in., h.i'iji. in and 1 51 p. in l'or
I'tli, l at ll li .ii a. in. and I .11 p. m. I ,,r
MiintrnM' at i.nn a in : l.iU and 5 l p in For
Siihol.nn at I do and Oil p. in I'm llinuham
ton at lO.'.'O a in. rilie in Mrinion fimn llnf
tain at 1 21. -' H. "! t" ami ln.nn a. in.; I ;n and
S.OO il ill. Kiuni (liwrco and Mtiauw at 2.11 a.
in,; 12.S2 ami S.00 p. in. l'lom I ilia at 2 35 a
in ; 12."2 and M.'IO p. in. l'lom Nn ImNon at 7. 1 j
a. in. and H.00 p. ni. 1'roin Jliintiop at 10.00 a.
in. ; S.50 and S.WI p in.
lllnninshuiK HHUIon- l.eair Sianton fnr
Nnrthunibcrland at H.l'i. 10.01 a. in. j l.ji and
fi 10 p. in. For I'liinouth al S.10 a. in. ; .1(0.
S.50 p. in. rilio at N'ortliumrierland ji n:.5 i.
ni. ; 1 10, D.OO and 8 1.1 p. in. Arrlie at I'lvnumth
ai O.oi a. m. ; 4.3'i, 0.15 p. in. iilic in S.ian
ton Iroin Voitlrtinibeil inn at 0.1.' a. in,, 12:13,
I 10 and P 15 i. ni. I'lnm KlnR.ton at 11.00 1
m. Fiom Pl.inioutli at 7.15 a. m.; 3.20 and 3...j
V' '"' SfSlMV TRAIN5!.
Souili bene Scranton at 1.(0, 3 00, 3.53, 10 01
a. in,. 3.R.I and .I0 p. m.
Noilh "vranton at 1.11, fi.31, 0 00 a. in ;
1,1,1, 5.( and 11 35 p. m.
Illonnobuie Diilslon-Iaaw Suanlon at inoi
a. in. and H.10 p. m.
Delaware nnd Hudson.
In i:ffeet Juno 0. 1001.
Trains for Caibondaln leaie iranton at f.:C0
r. 00 8:51. l:,:t "' iiM- l"J- a'. :
S: fi:J, 7:57. 0:15. 11:20 p. in., 1:10 a in.
I'm lloneadito and Lako lodore, 0.20, 10.1.1 a.
, . (l and 5.2'' !' '
Vor'WIlkea'Uaire-fiilJ, 7M, ;(, 0:19, J0:41
a m Wiftl H-J3. S:W. M.U. 1:27. 0:10, 7;IS,
in. 11 ll'.i'O p. HI'
i'oi U V. II. " polnti-iU, 0.S3 a. m 2:1S.
j.-'7 and 11:30 p in.
l'or I'enn.jlvanla It. It. iwlnt$-0:l3, 0:39, 2:18,
I."! and :-' P' '"'
For Mbanv and all poind north-0:20 a, m.
and 3:52 P. mWsnAV Truss.
l'or raihondale-8:40, lliil a, m., 2:l(, 3:!J,
S'R' and 10.52 p. 111.
l'or WllWw Ilairr-HHS . in., 12:03, l;Js, ajj,
6;.li and S.1J p. m.
for Albaii) and jiolnts north 3:52 p. m
1'nr Ib'i.rndalc and Lake Lodoic 8.50, 11. 33
a. 111. and S.K p. in.
Erie Bnlhoad, Wyoming Division.
Trains fnr llauley and Intcimrdlale points leave
Siianion a (nlln: No. 2, 7.10 a. ni.j No, (,
tl ,'i0 a. m J No. II, 2.2S . in I N". S, 3,20 p, m,
.No, 2 and I lliiouih tulni lor New nrk.
Arrlial-No, I, l a. m.i .So. y, m.jij ,, m .
No. f, M.U p. 111.; No. 7, 0.15 p. in, Traliu NoJ,
& and T are Ibrouch train fiom Nrw Yoik,
St MlY llttlNS.
lKpaiturek -No. 20. U a, in.; No. 22, p, m,
' Atrlala-.Vo. 21, 12.13 p. m.( No. ii, &.ljp, tu.
Guernsey Hall
Is Headquarters for the
Leading High-Grade
Pianos and Organs
Guernsey Hall is well known as the
most liberal Music House to deal with.
Prices are always low, terms easy and
goods equal if not superior to any in the
market. Every instrument is thorough
ly guaranteed.
Pianos are a few of the many beautiful
and celebrated instruments that can al
ways be found in stock.
Special bargains can be secured here
almost every day in the week on Pianos
and Organs that have either been re-
turned or left on sale
the city. You can often secure a $350 or
$400 Piano for less than half that amount
309 riichigan St., Buffalo, N. Y.
New fur
niture and
Pan-Am ctt
can visitors.
ly modern.
Write for
Martin T.Dcvaney, Prop
Strong Nerves
arc the true source of good, healthy
rcrbons with hair-starved nenxs al
ways look worried nud "ilra(;gcd-out."
You cannot be happy without nerve
vigor; you cannot be natural without
all the jiowers which nature meant you
to have.
produce a healthful glow which art
cauuot Imitate They invigorate every
organ, put new force to the nerves,
elasticity to the ttep mid round out the
fare nnd lorra to Hues of health nnd
SI OOpcrtiox fl boxes (with written
truaranicei, $.100 Hook frre, Tkal
Mediums Co , Cleveland, Ohio.
Kor tale by John II. Phelps, 1'liarmatiat, corner
tVjcmiic aiciiuc and bpruie street.
August Sale
Shoe Bargains for Everybody.
k w. wintu mreai, UUIlrll1IUll in
y M f) I r Telephone Call, 2333.
('jfWM CTffWtYlPm --- , " I 8SProfXFfHEECj2r.iSCT
I m t "t m F U M I M Mm m ni?' .u W ss i nu-iiifV'. n-i " phiui H
Zl im m I 'Im m I M M m m Mw m 1 W X! Mrt . Ul erin.i'ri,iri.,.b;iiirri.iu,
V m If JK 1 Mm MM M MM 1 M M M I M jT .r V IA m !" !, !, BUM rl.n,ll.r..i..
V .M Im Jm JI wmJMM M mm .. .M m Ju J M m . is lrVrajiii,kiui,.i,.ihonM.i,i,,l.,...
MMW m Mr M TT WW4 - " 71 ll.-Unralllnri
by parties leaving
General Ajcnt for the Wyomb.ff llistiict for
Dupont's Powder
Mlnuis, niatins, Stiortln?, moVelrM and the
rtcpauno ( licinlial Company's
Safety l'ue, Caps and Exploders, ltoom (01 Con
ncll Ibuldln; ,crantcn.
inns, ronn
joii.n n Mimi k son ..
Cooms 1 aiiJ2,Com,mi BTd'g.
80RANTON, Pat.
nining and Blasting
Maste H Mooalo nd Ilush-laUs Wor IM,
Kle etrlo Batterlea. Kteolrto f:rplo,1ri,
zplodInK blaats, bifety Km nai
Repauns Chemical Co.'s nx.oTiVc
HaIfPrice ,
Manufacturers' surplus stock of
Parasols purchased at half regular
cost; same manufacturers, quality
and stvle as our recti ar stork
goods, These, together with ofj J
own lines, have been merged into
one grand assortment of Parasols.
Attractive styles and great values,
including plain and fancy Coaching
Parasols, Chiffon and Lace Trim
med Parasols, in white, black and
white, and the new colorings: of
ferinc an unusual ODnortunitv to sc
cure the best and newest in the
parasol line at
One-half the
Regular Price
Ladies' Plain and
Trimmed Parasols
At $1.00 Jusf half price from $2,00
At 1.50 " " ' 3.00
At 2.00 " ' " 4.00
At 2.50 " " " ' 5.00
At 3.00 " " " " 6.00
At 3.50 - " " " 7.00
Fancy Parasols
At 25c Just half price from 501
At 50c " $1,00
At $1.00 " " " 2.00
At $1.50 3.0c
Lackawanna Ave
There is nothing neater
in inexpensive porch fur
nishings than the Grass
Cloth Upholstered Fur
niture. It is finished in
natural wood, and in col
ors, and is particularly
adapted for Porches, but
is equally suitable for
Summer cottages.
We have several styles
of Chairs, 'arge roomy
Rockers, Settees, Stands
and other suitable articles.
Hill & Connell
iai N. Washington Ave.
Mnuurncturers of
n)MtUpmn1i 8hrnkrn Orft".
ifrfStM rur4 4 U 10 );, in jfr prrttk H ynnl
IpiJig itrf Mfxllctl UrUlMl fri4fc ttlts tkb mmivT
" fin irrnniV O