'!, THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1901. XJ1'. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA SUSQUEHANNA. Kpe 11 to me suantim ininme sntpquiMiunru. Auk. t. Ilrv. lather Fntrnn, of Grout Houil, ycstcnlny 10 turned lionir fioni his Huropenn trip. Mr. .1. P. .MuiKMii tlilnKis lie will bo nblK tn settle the Mori strike within n fp day?. After that will ho kindly do a llttlo HcttlliiR In Busaiichnnim? In any community the-man who can fettle a Htilke Ik much mgre vnlunble than the man who Htiuttt one. rtev. Father Hioderlck lslted Itev. Father Kiirhii, at Great Jtend, last evening. Mr. and Mrs. William KpcH and chlldien arc HiiIiib ilnh fit Coxtown pond. Mr and Mr. Charles Tobey, of Rcranton, arc Ruests of Mrs. Tobey's Jiiother. Mrs, C. T. Bertram, of Eiist Chuich street. S n. rjpinlin. of ltlnchamtoti. Is In town today. A doc; polfonnr Ih abroad In the town, slaylncr his supcrlois. Stirh wretches deserve the halter. If the Lord ever made a mistake It wan vhen he let such rlff-rnlt Into tho world. Oops throughout Susquehanna county are fair. rt W. M. nouton, pastor of the Avenue Methodist church, Is at Sid ney tamp meeting. The annual reunion of 'The noys nnd llirli of '7i" took place today-at fa't SpiliiK". this county. Ii-s Lillian I'ompton, of Hallstead, Is vislllncc Susrnteh.inna fi lends. t Vnlnndale. on Monday night, lightning killed sixteen iowh lieMonging tti John Jones. The animals v. cre tin rloi a tiee. In tloiiemlt. .Inly L'O. by I!ev. W L. TJ.ites. Conrad lirhvmi nnd Miss Har liet Verinllyea, both of Susquehanna, weie united In mnnl.isy. The Susquehanna Rod Men 111 at tend the Five Comity Red Men's con vention, at llcpolt. August - Pyion Fiench Is 111 at his home on West W.iMilngtnn stieet. Family leunlons mo blossoming. A reunion Is nbout tho only pl.ue on eaith where poor and ilch rel.itlws meet on the level except whoie they nre laid In their Braves. Theie are woise things than family leunlons. Take (lunch picnics, for Instance. Miss nilsta Frnzler Is the guest of relatives at C.innonsvllle, X. Y. Trof. and Mrs. C. T. Thoipe. of Forest City, aie visiting lelatives In town. The Thayer family leunlon will he held at Lakeside. Aug. fi. The C-isp family leunlon will bo lield on rto.s Faik, Hlughamton. Au gust o County Supeilntendent of Schools Charles U. Moxley, of Hallstead, was In town on Wednesday. Principal R M. Tease, of the Hall Ptead s-chools, was In town on Wednesday. than electric light, and it Is hoped that the good people of tills boiough will view It In the proper light and put forth every effort to help tho enter prise along. The At unstrung family held their an niversary family reunion In the Academy giove yesterday. It was largely nt tended and much enjoyed by tho members and others. Mr. A. R Finch Is out again after sevcrnl days seveie lllncsc. It Is surprising how neglectful Borne of our citizens are In icgard to keep ing the gias and weeds cut along the side walks fronting their propeitlcs. Some people never seem to think of cutting the weeds In fiout of their properties until fenced to do so by the proper authorities. The side walk along by the watering trough Is nearly closed up by over hanging weeds nnd nettles and Is a disgiace to the town as well as a iwlninco to the traveling PITTSTON. Special to Hie Scrsnlon Tribune. rittston, Aug. L Mr. nnd Mrs. Mor ris Wicks, of Drummntxl street, Hughestown, w oi e considerably worried today over the sudden and mysteilous disappearance of their daughter, Ina, n young lady L'2 yeais of age. She has been of feeble mind for tho past eigh teen years, nnd her condition lias nnt been us goi,itl as usual lately. Her trouble wi duo to an accident when slip was three years of ago. A ser vant gill had set a tub of hot water on the Moor nnd tho little child In huny-' Ing In response tn a call from her father in tho next room fell over and Into the tub of water, receiving sell ous scalds nbout tho head. Tho Injuty Immediately affected her mind. She has always been conllncd In her room under close surveillance ami was nev er allowed out unless nccompanlcd by a member of the family. At a Into hour last r,lght, despite tho watchful ness of her parents, who have been iiniiRUnlly vigilant of lute, owing to the chnnge In her condition, she succeeded In mnklng her way from tho house un noticed, and no ttace of her could be found until lato this afternoon, when word was lecclved trom Wllkes-Bnrre to the effect that the girl had been picked up In that city, and was in the PORTRAIT PUZZLE. FACTORYVILLE. Fiisv Jjj w'Mff Cut out theie several p.irN an 1 ee if you oin f'rji the portrait of a great writer? public, and should have been attended to long ago. m FOREST CITY. Fpeclal to the Scranton Tribune. Faetoryvllle, Aug. 1. The supper at the M. IC. chuich last Wednesday even ing was a decided succetu, socially nnd financially, over fourteen doll. us being realized. r Mr. and Mis. Henry C.upenter and family 1 etui nod Monday Mom Hones dale whcie they had been spending Borne lime. MltsS I Inn lot Ciisnmii Is spending a few da.K with her sWter In Sciantou. Theie will be no services at the M. V church next Sunday and a imdlal Invitation Is extended I" tho congie gation to attend services at the Flist B.iptl.-t chun h. The pioblom of electilc lights lor our town seems to hae been solved now, and It is only a matier of time when yip canhaveelei tile lights If so desired. A company of Sciautnn capitalists have applied to the governor tor a chaiter fm an electilc light company, the pin uuipohi of will li Is to light tin towns of Waverly. (ileiiluun. Claik's Ciiecti, Clark's Summit. P.iltnii and Factoij Vllle. The plant will be located at Dalton. It will In- ,t question of piiie nnd the decision or mir cltlaens as to whether we will have the lights 01 not. Theie is no better light to bo obtained Fpecial to the scrantnn Tribune. Foiest City, Aug. 1. The First Xn tlonal bank completed Its first year of ex,lstonr.p today nnd the quarteily statement Just Issued shows a very Ki.itif.viiu state of affalis. The de posits have alteady passed the $100, 000 niiit k and the institution enjoys the confidence of the public. Miss Martha B. Whipple, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Whipple, nnd Mink Davis, two well known young people of the town, weie united in marriage at the bride's home nt 8 o'clock last evening. Bev. It. L. Claik was the nfllclating cletgymaii. Miss Whipple, n sister of the bride, attended her and Mr. Olbson, of I'cekvillo, wns best uitiii. Itev. W. Hollenshed will deliver his lecture, "Help Yourself," in the Bap tist chuich at Clllford tomoriow even ing. Sheriff W. J. Maxoy was In town yes terday. Beginning Monday the Forest City postotllce will close each evening at 7 o'clock. The union service will be held Sun day evening In the Baptist church, Itev. .lonathan Davis pleaching, C. D. Hemming, a Scranton laboi editor, was in town Monday and Tuesday. The Henterpilse Hose company has dec Ided to hold their clam bake and picnic in the giove near the Ontario and Western depot. , T. L. Hoi ton suffeicd a paialytlc stroke this morning and was uncon scious for vetal hours. Later he i allied and Is thought to be out of danger. caie of Mis. Ileitiile, of the humane society. Her patents Immediately left for the county seat to take her home. Sevcial young men who weie out quite late last night weie given a scare that will doubtless result in mme leal good than a patental lectin o. It was at - o'llnck in the moinlng while on Water stieet that they wore badly filglitened by an app.ultlon In white. Although they had made their boasts over theli unbelief in gliosis they lied In tenor as the white robed figure strode up the street waving a lighted lantetn. They told their stoiy to a patrolman who Investigated and found tho strange figure to be Mrs. ,Ioeph Whltiock, wlio i.ldes In the rear of St. .lames' Kplscopal chuich. For the past few days her mind had become demented and dining last night she wrapped herself in a sheet, secured a lantern nnd left her home. The police took her In charge and she was placed In a cell In the city police sta lioiv. Today she wns a Living maniac and this afternoon was icmoved to the Danville nsyliim. The Brothers b.i.o ball team of Hiighestown was at Olypliant yester day and took nnnthcr victory from the Olypliant Browns, who have for the fourth time this season pioved an easy team for the fat Brothers. The latter will be at Hanover pail; next Satin day afternoon, when they will meet the strong Wllkes-Barre nma tcuis. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. Under this heading thort letters of Interest will he published uhen accompanied, for publica tion, by the writer's name. The Tribune doei not utume responsibility for opinions here eipreued.l The Other Side of the Jermyn School Controversy. IMitiir of The Tribune. Sir: Will jnu Kindly allow in sptcc in jour v a 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 e paptr to (intent the "other side" uf jS II COFFEE A LUXURY WITHIN THE REACH OP ALL! If you went to buy a Hon whelp you would'nt accept a kitten as a substitute, even if the dealer urges you. Now, don't accept a substi tute for LION COFFEE. It is bound to turn out a com mon yellow cat, with none of the strength of the linn. Wi.,mU ...... .... a, a ttuti.il our nuxi Baveriisemeni You want LION COFFEE because it is LION COFFEE. If, on the other hand, you want a coffee which, in order to hide imperfections, is "highly jiu.vtu4iu ivb4 6&a wu uwiui preparations, wieu uo noi ouy "J5 V If LION COFFEE were common, ordinary stuff, coffee drinkers would'nt insist on hav ing it. It is used in millions of homes because it is the best coffee in the world for the i price. If you doubt this, take a single package home and try it. In every package of LION COFFEE you will find a fully illustrated" and descriptive list. No housekeeper, m fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in the list some article whtch will contribute to their happiness, comfort and convenience, and which they may have by simolv cuttinp- out a certain number of lAnn lAe fnm u nf ... ..a ..Ja (packages (which is the only form in which this excellent coffee li sold). W00L50N SPICE CO., TOLEDO, OHIO. the wvcslletl ".lermjn school muddle?" It Is sild lint we should be njlck to hear, hut iW tn fpfiV, (or a listening cur nnd n silent tongue are ornaments cf srrst rslue. hut the Wppe" (m no lute beii (filled In withering MriM'in) hao been so niitreueentcil tlut now the time seein to Intc mine when tn Veep silent would " rniMinlh. M. 1!. l.nott list thrown ilon tho trnuiitlrt. mid If we illd not tke It lip wet would bo untrue to our sntestry and to our hit-torj-j wo would be flc to our eonselente and our country, ami would tirnvo ourtelvet tecresnt tn tlie ilutlet and opportiinltle' of the hour. The "battle" U forced Himn us bj a nun who rilit for peaco wlirn he detlrts no (lone Tn b sllrnt wn-ild be to iile cur content to the mcnttrniii nm pattcnx of a rrllglont minority In our town. Our foe hat pietlpltiled the con. fllct, snd we mutt neither stand still nor flee sway, but mole fornanl In the ilffrme of truth nd llbrrly. Tlie crjilmllng clat of IW1 of the .lerrnyn high thonl p.mtect by iininlinnui vote that they would attend services en June I, 100), at the Melh-idltt Kpltcopil church, at which time .1 I'nccolaiireate sermon was to be preached to them. They Ivtued Imitations foi the tame and Imlted the faculty, school noani ami the ptt tors of the town The teat-ten and the grsdunt Ing data were to meet st the home of t'rafesor Ihrrett and go to the chinch In a bedy 'The Cahollc teachers were Just as enthutlattlo as tin ethers until Scturdiy cienlng, .'une t, l""!, when a .nb.il protest was nude by Director Crmt, W. V.. I.t noil's "right hind man" They had received (heir linltatlojis oer nine dsys before lliev made their protet. It eildently took them a long time to discover the "violation of the rights of Catholic tavpajers," .1 viola tion at he sees flt to call It, hcrntite five Trotcst snts went to the church to which he It opposed, A petition was presented to the board, signed not by ninety, as he cltlnis, but by sixty-four, snd twenty-one of tliete unable to prefix thel' signature tn the petition With the petition came n retinue of guards of honor, who lrmlnd ed us of the dis of Cr.ir.mer, whin their crv was, "Let the dog't beard be mule." We could not view the petition In the light that lilt "highness" and guards of honor did. Conse quently we were branded "Pett autocrats cloth ed with the pciwer nf a day." huch narrowners and blgotrv belongs to the primitive sges. tie his made a gieat adn about 1 ! election of I'm fester tlarrett, whom he cialnit to be the "c.ui'C of all Hie truible among the cllirrna and neigh bors here." Hut If the name of l.jnott were substituted In the rlice of Dirrett we would have the progenitor of all the strife and discord here Profesnr Barrett Is Innocent of lh charges so foolishly nude. Professor tlarrett re. celved eight votes of the nine members, Kd- rounds casting the only negitlvc vote. He also has much tn sa.v of the degradation of trailier. etc. Hut not a word was said last jear by this "in-tlre loving minority" when Ills Vail was taken from Ttfom 5 to Itoom 2 anil MIs Mulhrnrti plaied In ltnom 5 and salary riised two dollar n-oro than eirr was paid a teaiher In that room lie'ore "Oh, consistency, consistency, thou .irei Jewel'" The nippers do nnt presume to know .it much ss hit "hlghne-s " but thrv knew well what was bet for the Infer os' of the school when the changes were mide, and if M II l..vnotl or any other cltlren Is anxious to know tho icisnjn for the changes the board will willingly volunleer tho Information. He pmkt of "pnweifiil Inluenie whlili prevent ed the majority from c.injing out their pur-pa-e " It is evident to the tloM-ra Miat he knows more about that "powerful Influence" than do thiv. M. V.. Ijnott has made a mountain out of .1 mole hill Ale we all under the heel of Hie Uini in Catholic clinnli? n when Mio sacs lint our sent and ri (lighter cannot have the lilierlv fur whli li we fnugiit, nnd when s'ic would une an Injunction on a class tniipnteel cnr'rely if ProtciuHs from attending ffrvicrs In thes fhurih of their choice when tliee thdigt come tn the light of div. evcty mill with '-.ul in blond III hit veins and liuerlcnti h-c ntv in tils hcait frcls hit checks Hush with righteous Indig nation, and Ids soul ablare with patriotic protes tation. In tins lat decade nf nineteen cen turies of ( brUtiau procross and elvlllratlon Is it poIMo that we aie luli'd and dictated tn by the .lr.suitic.cl biotherliooii? If it is mi, let us Implore an Almighty Pioildenie to roll bick the ecus and put us where we belong, in thew dark ages when knowledge via a crime, Ignor nine and virtue and religion iiiispoik ihlo slavery. l,nt us puk up, big and liaggage. and move tn wiine iniinlrv- whcie we slull find nirrnundin.'c inoio sultiblo In thos. tvranuii'it Miinptious of tills vampire of the twentieth century. The rtocr. unlike our riicinv, have no words of nhlnrpiv to hurl nt apv nillcunlllv. I'or (,'od his made of one blond all nitious lo dwell on Hie face of the eaith. Wo aie willing to grant M. li I.vnott the simo luiilleges .is an American citlren which we ourselves enjoy. Though this his been and still Is, noiiiluallv, a I'lotestmt land, wo hive tilt no de-lie to hamper tlie fob loncis of any oilier faith It Is the hpirit if I'rntcslantl-ui to grant eveiv in in libeilv of con mIchcp and fieednn of aitlon without tt trie tlmi. ho long as the public we.il is not adveri-elv af fee ted. Hut If Honiiii ( '.illiollc teachers how t Is tt they .no under the thumb nf ,c prht: tliat bo conttids their luilucss trlations and their of ficial acts, then thev pitlly incur the Mi-plt ion that neither our tibcily nor our IntcreM is aale lit Ibrir liamN. Tlie Catholic- light of duly lOrvll, llnratcnt a bo.vcolt on Piotrtants. If ltoinan Caibobct obey the thicnleiied bojiolt of an linnctt mm In an liunc-t buslncs, then the conclusion is tint tho dictates nf a priest are more to lluin thin prij-onal independence. We cannot re ist tho conclusion, nli-o. (hit thev aie not their own masters, and tint our business relations with them depend not upon honesty and fail ness on lur pait, but on the caprices of one man, Vie do not want In revive the blstoilc memories i, the pa.t. We aie witling that the pit shohld be buried. Hut today, when that chuich emplncs bulldozing and bojiolting, the modern Inqul-i-Hon by which ch hopes tn foice men Into their tialn nnd nnko men obev her, then we (annul help icialling and recounting the past Tl is n (T .i 1 r Is of minor Importance but i straw will how the direction the t intent Is going. It sounds a note of alarm whlih should thrill every man who pilretlns conscience, loves bU countiy and believe in religious liberty. Willi mi II Moicomb, tleorge Illake I' I. )CKW T H Ci.ivvlorrl. Simile Watcis. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New ork, Aug 1 - l'odi)' rebound in pru.-s, when trading was commenced al Hie iock e change, seemed lo be one or tho tonal rluctui lion of tin1 narrow piofoi.!onal maiket and was (haracteilstlcally lacking In any nuva lo explain it J Hole a limit icvision pf .ciiuiueni aniong't I the hadera In accord with the new movement, but llila was a much an circa as a cause of tlia (hanged lourse of puces. Having cold slock lor thice dajs without any active paitlclpalion on the pan o fout-ldo public in the iiiatket Iho loom tiadeis bigau lo led that their shott lines were gelling uniomforlably cxlended and they proceeded to buy stocks lo cover. The fnitcd I S-latcs Mcel tncks (onmunded the principal ut- I tcntiun and rebounded shaiplv fiotn )ctciclaj'H I riepic'Kklon. There was no new of any (haniie I in Hie ktatns of iho strike negotiations when the I market opened, but the traders had conic- to the I conclusion that they were unduly petimlttt- (iv ei Hie prospect of a settlement when they , sold these stocks down .votcrilav afternoon. v 1 they bought back what they had sold. The le I covery ip those stocks had a dominant Imluence , en the rot of the list and on speculative kenll- nient in general. In seeking lor a hull aigumcnt I lo move prices in tho new direction the lecent siipn-Mh of Norfolk and Wealeui and oilier bllli- mlnmit coal carrifis offered a lead. I'lut group of stocks was accordingly bought and bid up by tradcis and the movement spread to the anllua cite loads. The movement seemed tn be based on tho general consldeiatlon nf the sound conditions In the trade and the periodical advance of ten cents rcr Ion In the prlca ot anthracite which goes Into eflret today, I tilted St aim Med more than lost its two point ilse and the preferred stock saved only a small fraction, Tho notable gains at other points weie reduced almost cntlielv In fractious and numeious net losses were citablUhed. 'Iho dos ing was dull and heavy. Total (ilea toda), UV tioo ,hares, Business In railroad bonds was small and there vveio recessions fiom best piices in the course of the day. Total sales, par value Vxa.oOO. V. H. bonds 'wero ull unchanged on the kit call. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" DIRECTORY. 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than four Lines, 3 Cents lor Hacli Extra Line. SITUATIONS WANTED PREG. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More 1 han Pour Lines, 6 Centt for Uch Ettra Line. Tor Bent. For Remit. About 1200 feet of floor space on 4th floor of the Tribune building, strtable for light maufacturin&. In cluding heat, lifiht and power. Enquire at office of THK TRIBUNE roit nrAT-right rooms, TJ3 Jefferson avenue; all modern icrvrnlent's WO mtKII.V ninni: -tni:KT. ten rooms, modern Improvements! steam heat turnUhedi desir-desirable Wfinted. WAXTKI) One Inward persom to buy ono thousand botllej "Knights' Aromitle S.vrup of 1'iunet," nature's greatest rb)",c' 'istf. bottle, 13 cents. Cliai. P. Jones, 1557 Hack ion avenue. " WANlTrt-.AnTrTeliTKenl (Catholic) lady or gen llemit, to All a light, pleasant positions good ray, It suitable. Addicss P. 0. Ilox 2, bcrantcu, Pa AW. V SVSl VvS'SS,WW .."s Va. Rttl sfc.'svsvsv. rtv.vs, vvs e FOR SAl.H chear. for want of me. 1000 ehsln less Spalding blcvtle. 1J3 North stunner avenue, tOlt SILK llirec cheap draft horses, would ex change for pair weighing not lcsa than '-'.lOU pounds. 5'J.I Oakfoid court. &UITI5 01' bedioom furniture, Including hslr maltiess and box spring, $bu; cost flia Call at WHl Madison avenue. FOIt SAI.K-Tno Williams tvpewrlters anil one Model A Manhattan, all in Mist class shap. Can be bought at a lnrgsln and see.i at anv time at Underwood Ttpcvviltcr OIHec. I It. Coffin, Manager, Itocm 5, Atcadc ljulldinv d'.v JUST AimiVKII with a cai-lnad of liores and ihtvrisi weight Iinm l.trt) lo 1,5(0: several closely mitihed trains Can be seen at MSI Ha) mond couit. l M. Cohb. FOK SAI.K-A Cottrell A Sons cylinder press, ai3ri. in gcod cindltion, new tollers, fSOO. Arply Wilkes Pane Time OfHce, Wllkesllarre, Pa. Help Wftnted Male. nKSmKNT UNOlil''VAVIKW With head quarter In !ciaiiton, tor a matiulac luring cempan), niatkctiiig a product ol enutinous dally consumption! guod salaiy and cfllce, evpenvat paid: exullcni opportututj fer man of gocil stliidinif and some capital. Call tor Interview, S. II Wilson, 11 to n, ltoom 27, Hotel Jcrmvm WANTKD-Hoekmen wanted; W machine run ners can sciure Heady work at good wages In West Virginia. See li, M Hosser, Kingston, en or before Wednesdav, July 31. WASTI'.li -Young man as ssslstanl stenographer and lipewrlten must have good addicts snd fair eihieatlou Apply at once. llivlilon Freight and Pasienger Agent's office, Lackawanni It. It. W.WTKIl-Men tn sell our water motor to run washing machines. Isk for 3. Kunsmau, l'oote : bhear Co., in Washington avenue. WAN1KI) AT OMT.-A young man between the ageg of l and i"i, who Is a flrt-clas atenog rsphcr and tvpenriler, and accustomed to general efflce work Apply In own handwriting to P. O. Hot r7.", Citj . Situations Wanted. A WOMAN wants men's underclothes to waih) first-class laundrcM, II. M., 'tribune Oluce. A WHMAN wants washing to ih home tr so out. Address U. M., 'tribune olllce. TTl AT10N WAMIII) by a woman to go out ly the day washing or cleaning, Mrs, ltusiel!, 12ID Cedar avenue. bll'l ATION WANn.ll by a joung lady stenog taplier and tjpewntcr. llinliicw, college gradi.ate. Address Clara, Carbondale, Pa SITI'ATIO.V WANTKtl-Ily' a girl to do generij housework, fill Ferdinand ntreet, city. A.Yri:il Vuung nun at assistant bookkeeper, who understands stenogtapli.v and tjpewilt tng A thine for advancement for the rlghl putt. Address "C," this (ifflcc, Help Wanted Female. WNTi:r AT ONCK Two girls. Cnok and gen eral housework. Hotel Mahon, Oljphant, 1M. Siri'ATION ANTi:i)-lly a well etperienesd young man as clothing salesman, also under stands care of books. Address Salesman, cart of Tribune Otftce. MTHVTIO.V WANTKD-A good ateadv and te llable girl wains a situation at general housework in small family; leferenees, If de sired. Address, K. M,, Scranton Tribune, CIV. Si ri'AriO.V VANlKlIiiookkocper, experienced, wants permanent position with good concerns best ot tefcience. Address lMmund fehlmp, 1 Fast avenue, Hrlclgeton, N. J. SITUATION WAVmi-nv a man, hulldlne I lar, flagging or laying sidewalks, or paving gutters, Address Mason, Itlfi Movd street. SITI.'ATIOX WANTIIH-Py sn experienced laun dress; would like to get gentlemen's laun dry; best of city tcfcienics. HIS Lloyd street. Address l.aundiess. SlITJATION' WANTHD-lly an errert laundrej. on ladles or gentlemen's fine clothes; best of city refereiicct; hotel laundry preferred, Ad diess lid I.loid street, Laundress. SITUATION' WANTI'D-n or takln second floor. ly a mm. rnttlntr Isvns or taking cure ot gardens. 1118 Lloyd street. PROFESSIONAL. WANTKD- A good laundress at Forest City Steam Laundry. W. S. Ilosklns, For Sale or Bent. FOIt SALH Oil 11 KNT -Single house, FOI Web- titer avenue Ten i minis, seam heat. (!. F, Itej nobis, Connell building. Furnished Booms. I'UHNISIIKI) ItOOMb Front loom, ( ourt Honso square; bath. Call iti Adems avenue, room 7. Money to Loan. JSaO.iKM TO LOAN" Lowest rates; straight or monthly pavments. Stark & Co.,Tradcis' bHg. ANY AMOUNT OF MONKY TO LOAN" -Quick, stialgll leans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N". V. Walker, 311-315 Connell building. BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Bo Becelved at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALDKUT SCHl.tlTZ, corner Mulberry stieet and Webster avenue. GL'STAV P1CTILL, 620 Adams avenue. Boarders Wanted. WANTKD Tabl; boarders. Mrs. Tompkins, Ml Washington avenue. Personal. OLIt NKW HOOK sent flee, fully Illustrated, treats ol all conditions of men, tells how to attain "Pcifoet Manhood " Miould be In the hands of cverv male adull. tMu- Kric Medical lo., "Hook II pi., iiuii.iio. .. Out, k Wc-tern Ws -r2 3"s 3Jks Pcnna. It. It MI'i I I'i's I'aclfle Mail t'l luij tO ( Heading II. It H's ;!' ., Heading It. It.. Pr .i " "' s-mithiin H It 2'"-a '" '-'s 's Tenn. Coal A lion Hi H.l'3 rtJ W's I. si. Uaihcr U7s U'i 1-!Ts I'' t . S lc.it hoi, Pr. .... T'l Tu'j 7 . t S. Ilnbber I'l I'' Vi 1') Inlon Pacific- ' 1 """ '". Cnloii Pailhc, Pr i-'s'i S' Ss "v'U IValnsh. Pr S'l's 41 : . Western t'tilon f! OJ'i I?s KU Col. Fuel A- Iron fin's ''!! W, ln'i Miial. Copper II f Ill's H-H- IW'a People's lilt IF. IIS IM 1M Uric1 :T"j Iv'. :.7i Ij's Frie, 1st 'il ' ,,r' Sin. Car 1'ouinlry 2i'i 2''"s -"' '-"' I'. S. Med Co I.', It's li'i "' L. S. Sleel Co., Pr.... !'.!' OJ'j M's Pl'a NKW iOUK CltMN MMIKFT. Open. High- Low- Clot- WHKAT. lug ett. est. ne September 7.1'i 7P 73's 7t"s Deceinlcr o't Ti.'a 7."'t .'j COItV. J-epleuibrr A'l's m' "') o0 Ilccenibcr i's i'1' '"' c'j West Side OhOnOF. V. JENKINS, 101 South Main avenue South Scranton FRED L. TKKPPE, 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton GEO. V. DAVIS, corner North Main avenue and Matkct street. Green Bidge CIIAHLES P. JONES, 1557 Dickson avenue. f. J. JOHNS, mn Oreen Hldge street. C. LOItENZ, corner Washington ava- nue and Marlon street. Certified Public Acoountant. KDWArtl) 0. SPAHLUINO, 23 TRADERS DANS Duildlng. Architects EDWARD H. building. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, CONNELla FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH. B.. REAI, Estate Exchange DIdg., 128 Washington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING. 600 CONNELL BUILDINO. Dentists. Petersburg W. It. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore j. a. noNi: & son. DR. O. E. EILENRERGER, TAULI DUILDINO. Spruce street, Scranton. DR. 0. 0. LAUDACII, 115 WYOMINO AVENUE. Lawyers. FRANK E. DOYLE. ATTORNEY.AT-LAW. Rooma 12, U, 16 and 18 Durr building. F. K. TRACY,ATTY,COMMONWEALTH BLDO. D. II. REPLOOLE, ATTORNEY LOANS KECO. tlated on real estate security, Meari building, corner Washington avenue and Spruce street. THOUSANDS re suffering, and at a lois to know- whit It the matter The) consult their doctor, take his lemeilics Willi uo bcuiticial results; then they consult .niui lur and jiinihei without belteilng theli sntielitii.il. tin tn Dr. Soilgwiek, 'JOii Penn aveiiue, -cr.inle.li, and IIWF. Mil It t'lIIMl N1.NI.l), II costs but a trifle unci you will hive the naliifactinn ot knowing what Is the cause of jour tremble. 12(10 150 125 .150 171 104 MS 80 10 100 95 100 102 102 The following quotations are furnished Thi Tribune by M. S. Jo.-ilsn & Co., rooms 705 7fJ Wears building, bcrsnlon, Pk, Telephone 600.1i upep. iiigu. I.nw- v:ios ing, American bugar ...... ,111 AtdiLon 7.1", Atchlvon. Pr. n5 Hrook. Tiactlon 70 Ha I. k Ohio Hi ( hei. A Ohio West. t hie. k at St. Paul Rock Island Kan. k Tex Pr. Leull. k Na.h , .Man. Elevated . fi's , S24 .lisi'i ,i:i'J , At .10-21, ett. cit in1,; mi1; 7Pt 7T. Pis 01 7H'i 7H n Ii7 t'Ti'j IK 22 2Vi irtlli JV)t no in m si lOJICJ 1014 IIS lis ing. ItO'a KH, f: 7U I'T'o ml 22 'i IHI'J 110 101 i 119 Met, Traction 1MI4 107, lll l'i Minn. Pacific 01K HO n;s r7J Southern Paeifle .M't Mi 61' t's Norfolk A Wett I 11 Ss Vli N. Y, Ctntial 151 lit l'l ISOVa Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Far of 100. STOCKS. Bid. Akeel. 1..i, kaw inna Daliv Co. Pr r,0 Count) SaviliRf "in '""'?" "" Flist National Hink (Carbondale) Mai.ilaid Drilling Co . . Ihiiil National Hank , 40 Dime Deposit and Piscounl Hink.. 2;s l!c"non,)PLigbt. .11, I'- V ... First National naim ....-. Iacka. Trust Sate Deposit Co.... Clark k t-novcr Co., I ' Scranton lion Vcnce A Mlg. Co. Scranton Axle Works Scianton Savings Hank Ti adeis' National Bank Scranton Holt k Nut Lo Itpnnlr's Bank sew Mexico Ry. & C-o.. Scranton rassenger Railway. A.at Motlgsge, due 1020 11J l'e'cnlc's Street Railway, first mort esse, due 1018 115 People's Street Railway, fiereial mortgage, clue 1021 Ill .,..!.... inmifactur ng lo jacka. Tnwn.hlp School 5 per cent. ... Cilv of Scranton St. Imp. (1 per cent 15il V"C. Besns-rer bushel, choice marrow, $ Ma2.01 Scranton Traction 0 per cent 115 Scranton Wholesale Market. iCorreclcd hi II. O. Dale. '27 I.ukawanna Ave) Butter 1 icsli cieamery, 20'sa21c; dalr), Ire.h, 10'ia20i.3c. Cluete Full cicam, 10',a11c. Eggs Western fush, llall'jc; nearby state, lji-alin' Meilluin Beans Per lu.thel, M0a2.l5. liieen Pea Per bushel, 1 111.15. lToui Besl pilent. per lutrel, ft. 15 Beans Per bulil. choice marrow, 2.53a2.60. Pniatoev Per hnsliel, tlal.lO. Onions Per bushel, $1. Now York Grain and Produce. New Yoik, Aug 1. I'loui IJiilel, but a shade fliiner al the cloce. Wheat spot niaiket Him; No 2 rid, 7iiV. f. n. b. afloat and 7l"(ic eleva tor; No I northern Diilutli, 77'ic. I. o, b. aflui Opt inns (I, dined during the forenoon, but tallied lain. iuImI sticug in the last hour, and ilesd ,c net higher epieinbrr dosed "I's'' ; Oct, Is'tc. ; Dei., 71'-e. Corn -spol mong, No. 2 die. elevator and file, t o. li nfnit Options cpened fitni bul la.er eased o,l rs.il, seepieut lulllsh (I ip new, including the "li mii stale lepoit of a irop nf only '21 p:r cent nude an market uiJi the close veiv sluing at lst Si ne t advance. -eplctnher elosed "O'n . Oil., Ul'iii-.; Dec, rJl'tr. Oits-pot steadv ; No. 2. ,ISc; Nu. :i, 37'jc s No. 'J white, Il':al2c: No. a white, tO'je ; tran. inixeil wisirru, ,,'j a'l'ic ; tiack white, .'lO'-jalOi Options epiiet but steady to fl,in with coin. Butter -Finn; iieain cry, I0.i2flc.; factoij, ISallo. ; imilatlon cnum (rv, Hal7'jc,; btalo daily, Itildc ( heec -Film; fancy Lugo roloieel, n,a')a,e ; faney large white, Olic. ; fancv small mlicil, OUa'i'.si laiuv ipiall white, a',-i'i,c, EgLs -tead) : .tale and Pcnna., Ihalsc. i western, ciaidndled, Salic ; western, candled, 12alH2( Chicago Grain and Produce. Chicago, Aug. 1. Tiade In guln was upset today by the suspension of Hie rhllllps loin pam, wlilth resulted In slurp mining and a swift advance late In tho sesslnn, hepicmhrr corn closed 2sia2'!io. ; ssept oats, 'ia'sc , and Sept. wheat, 'so higher. Other inrluenies con trlbiited to the advance. 1'iovl.lons clnird .1 to S2', cents up, Cash fuoutloas w-eje as follows! Flour Steadv! No. 3 spring wheat. f5ah7c. No, 2 red, 6Ua,sae'. ; No. 2 coin, 7c ; No, jello.v, SJiiiSTc ; No. 3 oats, Sliic; No, 1 while, 3rTaKltc.j No. .1 white, 35Hs364c; No. 2 ryt. J5',3c,; No. I (lax wed, $1,S3; No. I northsrslern. ?1.'S; prime tlmnthv sd. Sl; men pork, (H.UJan.Ol; Urd, (S,t)7VaS.70; short ribt, $;.smS; dry sjlird shoulders, 7i71tc; ehort clear sides, ..JUaS.10; wliiskcj, $1 2tf. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago. ug. 1 -Catile Receipts Fi.OOO, in cluding I, I.V1 Tcxans; fancy becvet, steady good to prime ttcois, if, 1.50 HI..; j; poor to medium, SI.IOa.1.40; stockers. and feedcis, V.loal 10; cuws, !f2.73al id; heifers. S2 "SaS; (.inner', 25 ii.M: bulls. s;j,50il.50; calics, $3al.71; Texas Heert, $.1.11.50, llogt -Receipts tod I), 21.0011; tomorrow, 21, 000, led over, H.000 in live and steadv to lo. higher, mixed and lumbers, tj.J0.iV3; good to duller heavy, $VMa0.u"i; rough ehavy, 0.:0 5.7.1; light, Y Wla5.T0; bulk of alca, Ifj.t'lal.W. SheepReceipts, 11,000; sheip low, lowci; Iambs, choice, strong; others, dull; good to dioiie wethers, if 1. 7.1 it. 2.1, fair fo choice- mixed, M.25a.l.75; western sheep. M.2aJ.S1; jearllngt, $lsl. .tl; native lambs, 2.2JaS.IO, western larnba, lfl.35al.IO. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP, ATT0RNXY3 and counscllora-at-iaw. Republican building, Washington avenue. JESSOP le JESSIIP, ATTORNEYS AND COUN- sellora-at-law. Commonwealth building, Rooms 10, 20 and 21. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTORNEY. H0OM3 tman, Dili floor, Mcara building. L. A. WATTIES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade building, Scranton, Pa, PATTERSON & WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL Dank building. C. COMEOYS, 013 REPUBLICAN BUILDING. A. W. BERTHOLF. OFFICE MOVED TO NO. 211 Wyoming avenue. Physicians and Sugeons. '. K. ALLEN. 513 NORTH WASHINGTON DR. S. W. L'AMOREAUX. OFFICE 339 WASH. ington avenue. Residence, 1314 Mulberry. Chronic) disease, lungs, heart, kidneys and gcnlto-urinary organs a cpeclalty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Oil Market. Oil City, Aug, 1. Ciedlt balarces. 123; cerllfi. catca, no bid. Shipments, 10il,105: average, 101, UO. Runs, llrsfijl; average, E8,G03. BASEBALL. American League, At Balllmoie It. If. Washington 0 2 0 0 10 0 2 0-5 11 Baltimore 10(111 I 002!-fl 13 Bittciiej (fear and Cloike; McGlnnlty Brcanahan. L'mpiiea Cantlllon and Haskell, K. 0 J and At Baltimore (second game) It. II. E. Washington 10 0 2 0 12 2 0-3 1.1 1 Baltluioie 0200 11000-1 10 6 Batteries Lee and Clarke; nalun. Howell and llrci- At Philadelphia- R. Bo.ion 3 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 fl Philadelphia 4 0 1 0 0 O a 0 x-3 llalteiies Cuppy and Sehrrckcngost; and rowers, l.mplie Connolly. It. II. F.. 12 4 12 B Wlltse H. 1 10 i:. At Chlcaso Detiolt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Chleage OO u 1 O II 0 J v-l Baticrlcs Yeager and Shaw; I .U hi han and Sugden. L'mpires Sheridan and Mananau. Cleveland-Milwaukee Not scheduled. Hotels and Besturants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZKIGLER, Proprietor. i . i . . - - - - - - SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L. & W. TAS- senger depot, Co ducted on the Europesn plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B. BIHGOS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools; no odor; only improved pumps used, A. B. Briggs, proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Elcke'a diug store, eor ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones. Seeds. O. R. CLARKE CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NURS. erymrn, store 201 Washington avenue; green houses, 1950 North Main avenue; store tele, phone, 762. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL. REAR 611 LACKA. AVE., Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN TO ORDER; alio ladies' waists. Louli Shoemaker, til Adsma avenue, MEOARGEE BROS.. PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EN'. velopes, paper bags, twine, Warehouse, W) Washington avenue. Scranton. Fa. National League. At Hoton- R. II. K. New uil 000230103-0 12 Boston 100 10 000 3-3 II 2 Batleries Matthew-son and Warner; Diiiern, Nli hols and Klltrldge. Lmplte-llwjer. At llrookljn It. II. E. p.iooki oooo (inoon-i 7. s Philadelphia n 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 8 1 I Hatteiles-Kennedy and Ms fStiirir; Duggleby and Mcl'arland. Umpire Ennlic, At Chicago- It II E Si. Iouls 0000000 10 -I 6 1 Chicago 3 1 0 1 I 0 0 0 x-J 9 s Haiieries -SudhorT and Schrlier; Waddell and Kuhoe rmplrr O'Hav and Brocvn Pittsburg Cincinnati Not nheduleiL THE WILKESBARRP, R'XORD CAN BE HAD In Scranton at the news stands of Reismail Bros. 406 Spruce and 50J Linden; M. Norton, 22 Lackawanni avenue! I. S. Schutier, 211 Spruce street. " ' 1 FINANCIAL. OLDEST! WALL STREET SAFEST! Money Will Rarn Bin Monthly nrcTl Returns, D to 1 1 The Inv estor'a Fund Pays Srml-msnthly, The oldest elablihed In America. No certificate holder has ever lost s cent. Payments mde to all subscribers every IS das. No Irouhle. No delay. Money lefunded on demand. Write to. day for paitlrtilars, Tree to any address. C. H. Mackey 4: Co,, lludon Hld'g., New York. Eastern League. Bnii kion, 0: Hartford, 1. Woiirster, d; Piuvldence, 7. Mnntieal, ti; Hoi heeler. 1. Toionto, 11; Buflalo, l'l. AMATEUB BASE BALL NOTES. The Young Scrantons would like to play any tram under the age of 7 jcaia, An.iver In The Tribune. The Young Stars would like to pliy any team under the age of 8 yi The plajri (olli.v Nathan Epstein, catcher; Harry Vartovfky, pitch. er; Jes Dinner, first hase; Abe fgsl, leeend bile I Htvld Levy, shortstop; Julius Levi, Held er. Any team wttHng to play ua will m-:et at Penn avenue. Answer in The Tilbune. $55,000 Rocky Mount, N. C 5 Water, Sewer and Electric Light BONDS. Yielding 4.40 Per Cent. Write for special circular. Rudolph Rleybolte & Co. 1 Nassau St., JJew York.