The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 02, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Che West Side Driving Club Had a
Big Day Yesterday and a Number
of Font Heats Were Drivon Funer
als of Luther Woodyat and Miss
Ida Bartholomew Father Mathow
Excursion to Saratoga Springs.
Meeting of Look Social Club.
Other Notes.
' Yesterday afternoon at 4 oYlnck the
West Hide Driving flub ami their
friends left for tin; Speedway, where
the member of the dub meed their
horss. Justin drove the winning
horse, belonging tu Albeit AVIckes,
whleh miido the course In l.'Jfi. W. C.
Brimlng won second prize ami Mr.
Scott raffled off third prize. The
MHi'k horse, driven by James Kviitis,
plumed some line pines and promises,
with training, to become a great
At 9 o'clock the club repaired at
the hotel of Mine Host l-'ahy, where a
banquet was served. After all the
pood things In sight had been disposed
of, speeches by members of the (dub
were In order.
Two Funorals Yesterday.
Yesterday afternoon occurred the
funeral of l.uther, the Infant child of
Mr. and Mrs. Blehiird Woodyult, of
111! Fifteenth strict, Itev. H. 1. Kviiiik
olTlelatlng. Interment was made In
AVnshburn street cemetery. The pall
bearers were the Misses llcrtlia Wat
son, I'dnn Kvnns, Margaret Davis and
Sadie Davis, Annie Jones, Kdiia Bovv-i-er,
Margaret J'hllllps acting as
Jlower girls.
From the home of Mrs. O. I'. Hall,
iio'i Ninth street, yesterday was held
the funeral of the late Ida liartholo
mew. P.ov. James Hughes had charge
of the services and spoke consoling
words to the many weeping friends
fathered around the casket of the
one departed. Interment was made
in the Cambrian cemetery. The pall
bearers were James Mathcson, V. J.
Travis, Harvey Stevens and V. II.
nient. The service was conducted by
ll"V. K. J. McIIcnry, rector of St.
David's Kplscopnl church, at the
homo of the deceased, 203 Tenth
The burial was In chaige of Hyde
Park lodge, No. S:)!, Free and Ac
cepted Masons, under the personal di
rection of Worshipful Master W. Hay
den Kvans, he being accompanied by
the following brothers! F. W. Mason,
A. H. Htovens, T. J. Mice, C. It. Pit
cher. William Hlume, William K.
Lewis, Senior Warden Cleorge Ober
dorfer and Acting Junior Warden
Daniel J. jHlties.
To Saratoga Springs.
The Father Mnthevv society will run
Bn exclusion to Saratoga Springs on
September ',, over the Delaware and
Hudson railroad. The tickets are to
bi good for four days and the date
has been so arranged as to give the
excursionists an oppntunlty to be at
the springs during the lloral fete and
I hr Miirdl (Iras festival. Th latter Is
to be an exact duplicate of the Mnrdl
dras festivals whleh have made Now
Orleans so famous.
The price of tickets for the excur
sion has been placed at the extiemcly
low figure of $1 for the return trip.
Leek Social Club.
Wednesday evening the l.eek Social
club held a very Interesting meeting
at their rooms over Kvans' hotel, on
Jackson street. Much Important busi
ness pertaining to the club's welfare
was transacted, and It wax decided to
hold a special meeting on Aug. 0 to
make final arrangement for the an
nual camp of the club at l.eek Glen on
Aug. 11. At a late hour a bountiful
lepast was served by Mr. Kvans, after
which speech-maklng by the niembcis
was In order.
Funeral of L. E. Woodruff.
The temalus of the late l.ymali K.
Woodruff were taken to Salem. Wayne
county, jesterdny morning for inter-
Today's Funorals,
The funeral of the late John J. Jones
will be held this afternoon from the
residence of Mr. Henjamin Hughes, on
North Sumner avenue. Interment will
be made In Washbuin street cemetery.
The funeral of the late Jenkln Kd
wards will take place this afternoon
fiom the home on South Kebeccn ae
nue at :i o'clock. Interment In Wash
burn street cemetery.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Honora
Kelly will take place till morning at
!) o'clock from the Holy Cross church.
Interment In Cathedral cemetery.
Hojc ami Almond Cream remove
redncts of the tMn ami soothes the
pain (it tunbum In one nlsiit. Take
a kiltie with you on your vacation.
The small boy seems to think It his
duty to make the life of the publlo
miserable by continual blowing on that
llendlsh squeaker.
Mr. W. C. WIlllaniH. of the West
Side bank, has leturncd fiom Wllkes
Harre. The Prohibitionists of this side will
hold an open air meeting tonight at
the corner or Main avenue and l.andls
street. Mr. isomer D. Hecso will ad
dress the meeting.
There will be an important meeting
of the past chancellors of the Knights
of Pythias In Masonic hall. North Main
acnue, next Friday evening for the
Attractive Specials for
Our Saturday Patrons.
Just the the thing you are likeliest to want at the end
of the week, or if you should happeu to be going on a short
holiday trip, and at such prices as will make buying much
easier than usual.
Ladies' High Class Shirt Waists
in extra fiue linens, hemstitched, tucked and beautiful
ly trimmed and finished. Also in silk ginghams, exquisite
mercerized fabrics, etc., all made up in fashion's latest and
best styles. Two superlatively fine lots, at special prices
for Saturday patrons.
Lot 1.
Waists that sold from 2.50
to 3. jo each will be offered
Lot 2.
Waists that sold from 2.00
to 2.50 each will be offered
Ladies' Smart Hosiery,
Stylish stripes iu all the
leading colors and effects.
The regular price is 3730
the pair. The Saturday
price is 25c.
Ladies' Ribbed Underwear,
Light weight Kuee Pants
in all sizes. Broad rib,
but fiue, and handsomely
trimmed. The every day
price is 75c the pair. For
Saturday only 45c.
Ladies' Muslin Underwear,
Corset Covers V or square
"cut necks. Fine muslin
and prettily trimmed with
lace, etc. All sizes in a
'quality that ought to bring
iSc. On Saturday 2 for
. Men's Fancy Hosiery,
Vertical stripe Half Hose
with silk clockings, on
Black, Tan or Colored
ground. Genuine 50c Half
Hose, will be sold on Sat
urday onlv, for (the pair)
Good News for Corpulent Hen.
During the past season we have made a successful spec
ialty of Stout Men's Underwear. It is no ea3y matter for
foeavy men to get well fitted with comfortable undergar
2hent9. We'll do it and do it well. To emphasize this state
ment and prove its truth, we will sell tomorrow
S sl Fine Balbriggan Under- "- g
s u CL wear n extra sizes fr -"lUr
Globe Warehouse
purpose of organizing a Past Chancel
lors' association.
Miss Ireno "Warner, of Athene, l'n.,
left today for Itoncudalc, after a very
pleasant visit with Miss Ksthcr It.
Davie, of South Main nvenue.
St. Patrick's l.ndles Irish Catholic
Benevolent union held an Important
meeting last evening In St.'a
W. W. Williams, of Wllkcs-Bnrre,
Is visiting West Side friends.
Mr. Coiner O. Iteese, the Prohibi
tion organizer, addressed n large
meeting on Wednesday evening at the
corner of Main nnd Jachson,
Dr. .lames S. AVulton, y:lfc and
child, of Amsterdam, N. Y are visit.
Ing the doctor's mother, on Hyiton
Mall Carriers William V. Morgan
and Thomas It. Jones returned to
duty yesterday morning.
John Brynnt, of Washburn street,
left yesterday morning for Chicago,
on business.
Car "I refused to work on the cor
nel' of Main avenue and Jackson
street last evening. The trouble
seemed to bo In the air brakes. The
hand brakes were ulso found to be
useless. They weie taken to the barn
In tow of another car.
The meeting of the Vit Side He
publican club, to bo held last evening,
wan reported postponed.
Theie will be tin Important meeting
of the Jackson Street BnptWt church
this evening In the church parlors.
Kvery members Is earnestly iciiucsted
to be present as business of lmportnnuo
pertulnlng to the church will he con
sidered. Miss Mary O'Brien, of Philadelphia,
Is spending her vacation with her par
ents, on Iiusscrne street.
Mrs. Oeorgo Carson left yesterday
nfteriioon for Atlantic City.
Mr. William Cannon Is now enjoying
his annual vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Kvans, of
North Oarllelcl nvenue, left yesterday
for Lake Idlewlld.
Arch. Mears, of Boston, Is the guest
of his father, Joseph A. Mears, of
South Main avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. William Walklns, of
Decker's court, are visltlngflfriends at
Miss Mary Nolan, of Sugar Notch,
la visiting her sister, Mrs. J. J. Mona
I11111, of Stratford avenue.
Mr. K. S. I.owry, of South Sumner
avenue. Is home from Philadelphia.
Mr. Harry Davles, of South Re
becca avenue. Is convalescent.
Mr. John D. Hughes and family
were off for Lake Sheridan 'today.
Dr. 'I'. P. Phillips. William H. Johns
and Albert Lewis are home fiom Lake
The cars for the First Baptist Sun
day school will leave Main and Jack
son at this morning for Nay Aug,
where they will spend the day.
The Ladles' Aid society held nn Im
portant business meeting last evening
ut the home of Mrs. John Bryant.
Mr. Albert Poster, of North Hyde
Park nvenue, loft today for the Pan
American. m
Max Gclslcr was arraigned befoie Al
derman Lenten last night on a charge
of larceny. His father-in-law, John
lllsllntr. was the iiioscctltor. The de
fendant was attested about two weeks
ago on a (barge of assault and bat
tery, non-support and itiirylng con
cealed weapons by his wife, Mary liels
ler, and her father, John Hisllng, for
which he was held under Jt.'OO ball.
To get revenge he took smiip of His
ling's tool. The latter had him ar
rested again last evening. He was
held under $300 hail, which he could
not furnish. He was sent to the coun
ty jail.
The members of General Grant coin
inandcry. No. 2S0. Knights of Malta,
will meet In regular session this even
ing at HarliuauVr hall.
Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Marry will leave
today for Atlantic City, where they
w 111 spend several days.
Mrs. Alex Ciulp, of Cherry street, is
seilously ill.
Clmties Clurenson. of New York
city, Is visiting Joseph Hiinnlck, jr., of
Plttston avenue.
.Miss Mary Tarbell, of New York, Is
the guewt of Miss Agnes Coyne, on
Plttston avenue.
The S-year-old son of Mrs. Kmll
Smith, of Maple stieet, had one of his
cars almost torn from his head by a
large, savage New Foundlaiul dog
which attacked him yesterday. The
little fellow was 011 an eirand for his
mother when the dog sprang at him.
He was passing the house of Mr. Ileitis,
the animal's owner, when the dog sud
denly ian bill, spring on the hoy, and
by Its weight bore him to the ground.
It then bit him In the face repeatedly
anil, catching the ear In his teeth,
pulled on It until neighbors, who heard
the boy's ftantii cries, came to his as
sistance and drove away the beast with
c1ii1k. Young Smith was carried into
his mother's home, where Dr. J. .1.
Walsh cauterized his wounds and will
make an effort to save the car, whleh
is only held to the head by a liny snip
of tKsh.
Lieutenant of Police Day succeeded
on Wednesday night in arresting a
mini her of hoys who had stretched a
heavy wire nctoss the Albright avenue
bridge nnd who sat alongside laughing
at the pedes! 1 inns who weie thrown
to the ground in attempting to pass.
The boys nnested were Hal Jackson,
Patrick Cutlass, Henry Ackroyd. Wal
ter Miller, Joseph Pan and Kred O'Don
nell. They were each lined $:. and se
veicly reprimanded by Magistrate Pld
ler. Misses Kittle Boblnson and Mamie
MuNealls, of Wllkes-Harro, are guests
of friends In this part of the city.
Permanent Man Kvan Sims, of ihe
Liberty Hose company, is on Ills va
cation and will visit the Pan-American
exposition before he goes on duty
Thomas Mills, Chit lies Cutler and
Thomas Kvnns left yesterday for But
termilk Palls on a fishing trip.
m (.laro Terwilllgrr. of I'rovldeiup toad, H
fprnlins a few tlayt unit E'nlp.ircnt at
Ml, fharlca Tilpp and l.imlly, of Stcrlliu
Micet, aie fpciiiliiie 4 lew ilajs at lUrvvy'a
I.dward Roj null!, of itcilins Muct, and
Chulcii Morgan, nf pick.011 City, arp tpriuliiiK
tliflr vocation In New etk lt.
Mi. Salllc WufTi-tvlcn, of WillUm.timn, who
lu been HifiiliUB "10 la' "v ri nli Iict, Mk. I,. II. Hji'ik, of Sterling unit, tm
relumed lionit.
ti will m the haniUomrjt, nnd ntherj
tie Imileil to tall nn ny druisUt and net
(ice u ttlal liolllo ol Kemp' lUUam lor ths
Throat and Lungs, a teuiidy that U uuiuntced
to cure and iclievc all Chronic and Aiulc C'oushi,
Aithiut, Prunt-JilliJ and (.ViimiiiiiIiimi, I'litv :'.W,
Friday at the Big Store is Every Money-Saver's
Bargain Day.
Our Great Friday Afternoon Sales
With their Unmatchable Bargain Givincs were created with this Duroose in view and so thorouchlv successful
have they been that today their name and fame reaches far beyond the city line, and people from every nearby town, )
as well as Scrantonians, share the good things they offer at money-saving prices. .What great values you can get here )
una ween ta tutu 111 utc news ueiuw. wc uun 1 umieve you can miiKe money-baving quicKer or easier man Dy taicing
advantage of them.
Sale No. 1
Begins Promptly nt
2 O'clock.
In Basement
S.U'C'K 'ANS-C5cnulne Agate En
amel Wine, nn i-rjuart size. This Is a
special lot, and Is worth ordinal y I'Jc, 9Qp
Filday's sixty minute price, each Lt
strong Imported Willow, They are reg
ubuiy worth 49c. Friday sixty minute OKq.
I'AKD HASK15T, or Fancy Hreiid
Hasket. It Is made with a strong wire
frame and has it line porcelain center.
Regular price 15c. Friday's sixty Op
minute price OC
STOVK HIU'SlIKS With wiredrawn
center and good quality brittle. Regu
lar value, laiic Ftlilay's sixty minute Qr
price Ot
TOILKT PAP1CP. Made of fine
quality paper, 100 sheets to a roll. FrI- 1 fjp
day's sixty minute pilec, 'A tolls for.... "
(.'AHPKTW TACKS In all sizes. Or
dinal ily we sell them at s packages for
rc. Friday's sixty minute, price, 5 r
packages for jt,
fne gallon .sizes. It 'will he a long
while before you villi have another op.
portunlty to buy I.V JuS for half price. Qn
Friday's sixty minute price OL
I'l.oTHliS PIN.S-Mudo from good
quality cedar, well trimmed and smooth Cp
Filday's Mxty minute price, 60 for....
ceptional opportunity to buy a large
gltts lamp at half price. One tall (ilass
Lamp, one Hurner, one Chimney, one
wick the lamp complete for one hour 1 Cr
on Ftlday lJ
.IKLLYTl'MULHIl A splendid grade
tumbler with Jlrm tlttlng coers. 1 (1p
Friday's sixty minute price, fi for.... "'
DINXKIt SKTS-A splendid grade of
porcelain with underglaze ileeoratlons
In two colors. An even 100 pieces In tne
set at a severe price cut for one hour
only; usual price, ?7.'.is. Friday six- rQ
ty-mlnute price, a set J.J
LlOX HKAXD t'OFFKK Need mote
be said except that on Friday ive will
sell it at an unheard of price. Three
pounds only to n customer. Friday 'JCf
sixty minute price, three pounds for,, 3L
SAliniXKS Domestic. In oil; they
come handily packed, especially adapt
ed for picnic use. Friday's sixty mln- TCp
utc price, &even cans for Jw
Sale No. 2
Begins Promptly at
3 O'clock.
Main Floor
LACKS Another lot of the splendid
qunlltlea you bought last Friday. In
the a.'hortmeut are Point tie Paris, ,
ranging In width from '1 to S Inches,
with Insertion to match! also t renin
and white otiontnl lacs In various 1 ftp
designs. Friday's sixty minute price. . "
a line quality of sllkollne; they urn
full size and contain only clean, white,
new cotton; the coUom Is nil nnr
sheet, which renders It light nnd Huffy.
There Is just t!5 ComforUt In the lot;
regular price $l.."i). Friday's sixty mln- Q7f"
utc plieu
genuine, and at the samo time one of
the best soaps on the market, It comes
nicely wrapped, three cakes In n box.
It Is worth Me n box, although It does
not bring that even nt regular prices. Cp
Friday's sixty minute price, u cake....
TAHLU OIL CLOTH At an- extra
ordinal y price a a matter of fact you
can't buy at wholesale at our Friday
pi ice. it Is f-4 wide nnd comes In all
the bite patterns, Including plain
white and nimble. Friday', one- ITl,
hour price
Sale No. 3
Begins Promptly at
4 O'clock.
APRONS "White only, In various
Htyles and for various purposes. They
are all made from a lino quality lawn,
some aie plain, some tucked, sonic
hemstitched and .some have rulllcs: reg
lila t and dining room lengths. Friday's
one hour price
)XFOi:i T1KS For women, made
from a high grade dongola kid, in the
very newest too mid heel shapes. They
have hand sewed turns and hand sew
ed welts, and are soft and flexible; at
$J.."0 you would consider them good -J rQ
value. Friday's slxty-nilnute price l.J
Second Floor
Dt'CIC' SKIRTS For women made
from it good quality of duck, In black
and navy blue polka, dot. They aie
made with two rows of seal colored
braid, finished in the flounce style.
Friday's sixty minute price
chance tit Fancy Straw Rraid. Hlg
su-.soi'tnient of styles and many colors.
Friday's sixty minute price, per bunch
Main Floor
OXFORD TIKS Made from fine
quality Dongola Kid, with patent
leather toe caps and the new toe and
heel shapes; soldi leather throughout.
We consider them splendid value at
$1.2.". Friday's sixty minute price ....
RIHUONS A splendid assortment of
ribbons at a way down price. All Silk
Taffeta Ribbon ranging In width from
S! to t Inches, also All Silk Satin and
Oro Uraln Ribbon In the name width.
All colors In the lot. Filday's wlxty
minute price
UMHRF.LLAS The continued pre
valence of ratty weather prompts us to
make another unusual offer In Umbrel
las. Regular sizes with steel rod mid
Congo handle. The cover Is made from
a fast Hlack tweed1 cloth. Friday's
sixty minute price
PHRCALKS Extra heavy, good
quality, 32 Inch Percale, In dark
medium and light grounds. A good
assortment of new paterns. Value lOu
a yard. Friday's sixty minute price ..
NOTIONS A combination pale of
notion. Llttlo needfuls nt 'reduced
pilces. Better add them to your list
for Friday.
Stockinet Urcss Shields Friday's
sixty minute price, a pair
Brooks Spool Cotton Friday's sixty
minute price, .1 spools for
Machine Oil Friday's sixty minute
price, -' bottles for
White Tape, all widths Frldays'n
dxty minute price, 1 plccca for
Second Floor
ROY'S KN1SK IWNTS-Tn plain blue
and brown, cut full sizes, and made
with good strong waist bands sizes 3
to 14 years. This Is a splendid quality
doth pants and no doubt will sell fast.
Friday's sixty minute price
NICtUT C.OWXS For women, made
from good quality of muslin; nome uro
plain, olltera have tucked yoke cut
full size. Friday's sixty minute price
TARLKS A 24 Inch Roxed Top Table,
in mahogany and oak linlsh, shaped
undcrslielf. ornamentally turned sup
ports, value Jji'.UO. Friday's .sixty 1
minute price J
Engineer William H. Swartz Killed
Near Gypsy Colliery by Falling
in Front of Hia Engine.
Engineer William H. Swartz, of
Cherry street, yesterday afternoon full
it tan the tank of the engine which ho
was 1 tinning near Oypsy Grove col
liery and was instantly killed. Fire
man Albert Smith was at the throttle
and Mr. Swartz was Inspecting the
tank of the engine when owing to the
sudden stopping of the engine he lost
his balance and dropped upon the, the engine passing over his
body, which was frightfully mangled.
He was the oldest engineer In the
employ of the Erie company on the
Wyoming division, having run it binall
yard engine here way buck In the days
of the old gravity. Ho was born In
the year 1&31 at Moscow and had been
u icsident of that place duiiii.1; tliu
past twenty-live years. For many
years he had been an active member
of the Methodist chinch. The luiieial
will take place from his late residence
13J Cherry street, on Saturday morning
at 11 o'clock. The leinalns will be con
veyed to Hullstcad, where interment
will be made. They will go on the
train leaving Scranton at l.or. p. 111.
He Is survived by his widow and two
sons, Frank, of this place, and Will
iam K uf Elniira, X. Y.
Gillette Fuuornl.
Rev. J. D. Dabney conducted the
funeral .services over the remains of
the lute Joseph C. Gillette at the Chris
tian church yesterday morning nt U
o'clock. The qdltke was ciowded
with sorrowing fi lends and neighbors
ol the depaited.
The pall bearers were Amos Washer,
AY. IJ. Crawford, Albert Conrad, Pies
ton Smith, Frank Van Horn and Ben
Jamlri Parons. Interment as made
In the family plot in Uuiimoie ceme
tery. Undertaker Letchworth was In
charge of the funuial.
Rsuben E. Jones Buried.
3'ho funeral of the late Reuben K.
denies, who met death on Monday last
in the boiler explosion at Tliroop, oc
curred yesterday from his lulu resi
dent e at Nay Aug.
Services weio conducted in the Tripp
avenue Christian chuuit by the pastor,
Rev. .1. 1. Uiibney. Interment was
made In Uuiinioro cemetery. The pall
bearers were W, U. Snovcr, Mortis
Pony, Frnnk Edwards, Prank 'Hedge
lln, Henry Fili and Charles Hulcher.
T. J. Golden Injured.
T. J. Golden, of Chestnut street,
while engaged in repairing the awning
In front of his business place yester
day, was thrown from a ladder and
received serious Injuiles.
He received 11 bad gash on the back
of Jtls head and also complains of an
Injury to his back which causes him
much pain. Hr. (Survey was called and
dressed the Injuiles, several stitches
being necessary to close the gash on
the head, Late last night he was re
ported its resting somewhat easier and
It Is now thought no serious results
will follow.
Owing to the large Increase In the
volume of business done at the local
freight depoi, the Erie company have
found It necessary to enlarge the
quarters occupied as oliices. A force
uf men under Master Car Rudder Mil
ler Is now engaged on the work,
Miss Nellie Rone, of Rlngliamton. Is
the guest of the Misses Rone, of Rltike
ly street.
fianlel Rlrgham, of Hnwioy, Is visit
ing In town.
Paul J. Curry, of the Union cash
stores, Is visiting his old home at 1'ni
luotsbut'g, Md,
V,', S. Ames, of Haw ley, visited
friends in town yesterday.
Mrs, Albert Wagner and daughter
Jessie are now occupying their cottage
nt Lako Wlnola.
Tlir (1a1c1.1l of William Ihiuy held fn.m
I1I1 Lie liniiii" en Siiulcinuis iiu'iiui" ' ii!.ty !
tcuioon. cikn were In Id In Aitmry thunli
tniit wrir- LOiidni teil liy 'lie pi-tnr, Hi V. (,.
Mliipsnn. A nealtcllo (mill llif I'liltuh tlinn,
cniM.tinir of Mr. Oi-ltlnsiT. Mi. Catkin". Mil
ium l.unvnii a 'id .Mi. Ollvrr, uniinril
muslcil .pltttmii... 'I lie DuhbiMifi well' .low
Ctrihan. 1'iril Piftoll, Unity Miilllv liiiliiui
Mieilicnl, (liar. OnuviM'. .luhu Ciirtm
(Vhln atU'iI a tlowcr licnir. InkrniiTt ,J
liuilf in l'oir.t IIU1 irmi'Ui.
Mi. ( laurno . Wilruif ami family ami
JIM IKiia Hoc, cif K.inJ Oily, vim i tlnir
Kiioi, iitm I lf.t I'W'iiliis (rum it two momln
lay at A.btny I'.uk.
V. II, Peck ani family, of 'ccl.mii, mt
H'itilh a lew 'lays in New otk illy ami otlur
point aloi'E tlii Atlantic cna.l.
.Martin Stliank, ol .New Voik ulj, It vhlmu
(iirm Ili'liic (llni'U.
Sir. 11 nd Mil. I'led i:. Ilctr. nf Cnr1'1'!'1 uv.
nue, me vliltlns llio funnel' paitiiU lit Hunt,
Mm. KnVm (iiicn, ol llilawaic ituvt, lias ic
t m in il finni n lllt llcne-ilali' (ti.-tnlv
Mi. (irniKC Smalllirlilui'. ol H'tulil nl hi me
nur, ami Sir.. William imillliiMgp, of I'eiin att-
nui', aie vMliiu ulriiiU in .Viclti'cn,
Col. I'. I,. Illttliioik family, nf Wnlilns
tun .tirnue. am cvnttcil litmii! Iiont tlirin tiroto
TI10 roof nl lliu Imllilliu on llkk"t attliur,
otiuplnl liy William Slmmr, taiisln rile j i I e t
ilay aflcinooit from a Uefci tive ililmmy. 'lliu
tianiaep wai kliflit. ,,
Thcio vv.ll tu an lie ircam foil" tl on tlio
in of tlir Capouic ili.ipcl lontKlit. ( akc iitli
lunnnailo will also lie scrvnl,
In the Philippines the Natives Use
Them for Food.
"One thing 1 have found out since
coming to the Philippines," writes a
Kansas boy, "and that Is how to catch
grasshoppers and prepare them for
food. The Filipinos not only make
grasshopper pics and cakes, but tliey
rAitiud them Into powder and, steeping
them In water, drink It.
"There aie several methods used by
the natives for catching grasshoppers.
The most eifectlve is the net. Tills Is
ti large butteiily net, arranged with
netting placed over a loop and to the
latter Is llxed a long handle. The na
tive takes this handle nnd with the
mouth of the net tow aril the grass
hoppers, he rushes forth, bagging con
siderable numbers: at a time.
"Then we have the paddle method,
which consists in using n long stick,
to the end of which is llxed a piece
of Hat wood about ten Inches In diam
eter. If the grasshoppers pass over
one's own property this method Is used,
for then all the grasshoppers killed by
swinging this Instrument through the
clouds of grasshopper as they pass
over are dropped to the ground and
can be picked up at leisure. Another
method consists In exploding cut
ridges In the midst of the swarm
After an effective explosion the ground
Is covered with them, but this Is very
expensive and Is seldom used. Crass
hopper catching Is1 a piolltable busi
ness in the Philippines. They sell at
'i- u sack.
"I never saw a native eat a gn en
giasshopper, but 1 have seen them eat
the dried ones by the pocketful. The
housewife In the Philippines takes con
spienihlo delight In placing grasshop
per pie before you. tSreat care Is taken
In preparing them, so that they do
not lose any of their form."
Silk Growing in the United States.
Whether wo ihall guw the tliui.i to foil mil
lion' worth of ian- till, wlili h wc aru
now linpoillnir depend,, more upon the ipn.u .1
of Ira.llillly thill that uf nwiblllt.t. iJ O. p.
Ait-tin In l'. rr.t lind.v'i. Mauaxiiie. NIK ha liin
I'loilnii'd in many of the Mate. 1 ven a fir i.oitli
a .New llii'iland, ami if 1,1 r ninth at.
lull for t,n lull', emu', .hli'iiy l.n k .it rp. n nn
and til 01 I In- ihc.ip .mr.- i.f .ho
Oiii'lii ami llal.t, 11 hit mil h;rn a ilr,i. !il Mir.
ie. Tlir tii'iilualloii nt . ,n" in ul. 1 lii',i
ol luiitf-nt'Slctliil IndiKli iniy iIuiili' ill t.i ,'.
I In- iiiiiiilK-r of i-ilk 1 nn ltd. itniiiif lat.i'ili-niiiiiil 1
ill till' I lilted Hl'"t I' liic'ialtm I'.ctf cn,
tliat.t-nlni' lew id.inl' 1 1 ) m 1 ir luin r-lal'lkhei
In H""1 ulono; and thrir niodmi now uiiioiiiiH
to ntrr one hundinl tnlllion nnnuall.
II U nl linpir.lialile that .111r1 eciiiiij n
poilnl liy Ami'iiean tapllal may it nnd .1 w
of iip'llni; fiom our ' lultie the foily'f.1)
lion d.ilUi.' worllt uf rait material wliklt lhu
lailotk requite.
The Campbell's Arc Cominjr, Hurrah! Hurrah
Monday, August 5,
Afternoon and Kveninj, at
The New Armory
l ndcr Ihe anpnr of the Caledonian Club.
fcAiond Olfn ul lonxrt Tour of
"The Kilties"
tih llicl lantlrr-. Toionlo.
CanadaV (i,nl Milnaiv Hand 10 imukidn',
pi tinal (hull, o .lam u- and, under
the liadrithlli ol Mi. .lulm Matter. Appeaiint;
in full killed Hi aiiihontv of tl.D
lliiinimon ftniiiniinni and bv kind i-peeial per-mis-ion
of Cnhnii'l Maul. in ild and nflirets iom
m.iii.l inc he IMh Ilifflilandi4' trsiment
Ha-, iieaii'd a fuioie uf cntliii.-iiMn In a htm
died Anierh an - mes.
I'ltH r - Viteriioon, 25 and 50 tents: ctenmr,
Mi , T.V. and 'rl.O.
By a recent at t of the legisla
ture, free tuition Is now granted
at the
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Bloomsburg, Pa.
to all those preparing to teach.
Tills SL'ltool maintains courses
of study for teachcis, for those
preparing for college, and for
thoce studying iiuHc.
It will piv to riie fur paihniliri,
Nn uiher nli""l oflrm inlt tuncrlur ad.
vanlaffi. at auih loiv rate. Addict
J. P. Welsh, A. M., Pli. D. , Prin.
j&W .