THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1901. xxxxxxxxxxxx; S THE MODEIUt IIAnDWAtlE 8T0I12. Mann's Holdfast Screw Driver Docs not require the as sistance of a hammer, gim let or brad-awl to start a Bcrow. It holds the screw like n vise starts It, drives It does It accmate ly, quickly and without trouble. It is to simple a child can use It. See it in our window. Foote & Shear Co. JI9N. Washington Ave :xxxoooooooc Some Knit Garments for Babe and child that will make a mother happy and the child restful. We are bpeclalists In this line and have everything In the ad vanced styles for Infants and children. Th? Baby Bazaar, 510 Spruce Street. If Vou Have funds which are temporarily idle, bring them to this bank. They will draw interest. THE PEOPLE'S BJUiK. &Jflioki 'blU&.' 0.0000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 Gossip The homp of Mr. Power, on Cedar avenue, was the M-oue of a very pretty wedding at high .noon yesterday, when Joseph Johnston, of Hcthtcheui, Pa., and Miss I.auia M. Drown were united In marriage by Hev. U. M. Allien, pas tor of the Reformed Kplscopul church of Wyoming avenue, Tlie couple were unattended. The bride wore a chat mine coivn of rerslan lawn over taffeta silk and car ried a bouquet of bridal roses. At the conrluMon of the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the home of Mrs. Powers and congratulations extended to the happy pair. The couple left on the 3.MI train for the home of the groom at Rethlehem. They will make that city their name. Harry Thomas, of Pine street, last night entertained his fellow-employea from the Crystal laundry at bis homo. The Iiouhp was beautifully decorated with potted palms, while electric lights were strung about the grounds, a pleasant evening was spent by tho many guests, who enjoyed dainty re freshments at a late hour. Miss T)nra fiiiggs entertained a number of her friends last evening at her home on Plttston avenue. Games nnd other amusements: were Indulged in and at a late hour refreshments were served. PERSONAL. Mrs. U II. (ilblu ami ilati;litcr are at Like Wtrioli. The lif Anna Cilfflin. KMc Smltll anil Maiy lJle mc In HuflLilo, Mim Katlidinc Mft, of Jeiscy Shore, li., is Minting Inml fi few's. JIi nnd M:s. II. l Tiuinr and t.irallv jh. tndiy lrlt tor X ii rammed Pier. Tlie MUr I.ewK ot'oiel, I'a., aic ?urU of Mim llaley, on Madison aenne. Ml. Mjrv Sliaw, of Venice i, N. V., U tho Riiest el tho Mir Mltilirll, of 1'cim aienue. The Mir Maiy II. and Katie Imp left for Jniry I'ailv, to spend their vacation. MIm Ivillle Keller Is the (suet of Mr. and Mr. fieorsr Bittenhendei, of bnjiiersilllo, .Mcnrae intinty. Mii I.auu"n, of Mullieiiy Heel, hat le tumed from a tilji tn Iluffalo, Xlacua r'alli nnd t'jiueU. Jtv. .1. .1. MiCalit, of Auliurn, li., arrived her jfslrrday. He luj returned fruni n Hii ropean til. Mr. J. II. Van Herjaii and Mm. M. It. Kay Hid ihildien, of HandeiKin aicnue, aie hack from Akhnry I'aik. Dr. .1. W. Cooliclfe and ' I,. Cooliile hiv returned fioni trip einhuilns tho raciHu coast :ountry and Colorado. Mrf. r"onrad Schroeiler and Mr. Prank Car luccl left )eteulay mornlnt; for a two weekj' itiy at the Mr. It, M, l.lmleay and fimlly. of Montey ivenue, leaie today for I'mtui I'aik Lodge, Mine they will tpciic thli inontli. Ml Nettle Newell, of Mmwy avenue, 'eft resterday for Caimel (Jtnvi, X. V., wheie l,e hai accepted a o-.ltlon as iiiconiunlit for ths Chautauqua assembly, v Kupeiintondnt of Car Service M. II. (Vey, ot the Delacvaie, Ickaanni and WeMnn Hall road company, left the city yetcrdjy on a limi ne". trip to Rutlilo. Mia. John .Uytiu and family. Mr. .lonea, Mm, H. HariltiEton, Mm. John T. Mullen, Mm. Wil liam Atihlulil, Mm. (harlea Connelly, Mlts II. JlcCnrnuck. MIm M. .McCarthy, Mln Sadie lie line, of this city, and Mm, Ilert Kime, of I'llH ton. are (pending tho week at ths Hand cottage at Lake Wlnnla. John J, l)at.on, of New allot t, who hat lum U!n;r ai clerk tn tlelcctiio lleattle, tf tlio Pelatrarr, Lackawanna and Wentem railroad pe. rill agent' rlepailment at llohoken, hn mlgnwl and accepted a position In the ame depailineiit of the New Voik, New Ilavtn and Hartford rail rend, at chief ileikvith headguarlem at New Y'irk. He entered upon hit now duties lerdiy. Mr. IJawmn accepted hU poiillon with IH Litkawanai last Dettmber, surf&gS&h. vf5C3K'i' 5j REVENUE COLLECTIONS. July Was a Groat Month In the Ofllce of Collector Penman. A statement given out yenterdny from the ofllce of Internal Itcvcnuo Collector T. P. Penman bIiows the total collections for tho month to have been $282,100.61, which Is over J3,000 greater than those of last year. The detailed nccount of deposits for this July shows there were collections on tho lists, amounting to jr-,uS.:i7, and $l0,R36.:o was del I veil from the sale of beer stamps. Spirit stamps brought In M.'JT.S1, and from cigar and clgatctle taxes theto was derived $9, oJO.91. Tho tax on lobaccu yielded $10,3o:,3:, and( spit It tax stamps brought In $l.l,0!i.7t!. Documentary stamps to the amount of $1,S."1." wcro sold and worth of proprietary stamps, giving a grand total of J2S2, loo.fil for tho month. Last July the total was ?Jlfi,9l9,iO. This year's revenue fiotn beer stamps Is over giealer than last year, but the documentary tax, owing to the war tevenue, was over $15,000 greater. MONTHLY METEOROLOGICAL SUMMARY. M.i'ion. Nranton. 1'i.j Month, July, PXI. Tiuipcratiire, Char. . . . l'liilpl- nricr Date Mix Mln, Mean, tatlon of day. 1 1" Tn SI 'n fleir ' IK Ti ' n Clear i ui :. f ,o- ! t ivnij l ' ui SO n I cloudy "II 71 ft) T 1". Cloudv c, 02 71 SI. T 1. Cloudy " 1 111 ',: .31 1. Cloudv H 7S ,'i" IW II ! Cloudv ii 78 ill 7n II I'. Cloudy 10 'H HI 71 n lear 11 M HI .ill ( loiidy Vi 71 l'. i,'l O Chiud.' t.t 7'l (.1 7J 0 Cloudy II lrt h'l ,7 n P. Clmid.i 1". 7rt 7!l .111 Cloudy 11 !U 7J 52 ,02 Cloudv 17 5 70 7' .A I Inmly l r.7 77 O P. Cloudy l'i :! en 71 a P. Cloudy :rt 7 .M 7n fl clear M fid re, .n n flear .' Id 7.1 ..! 0 Cloudy ':i fl r,r, 715 n clear Ot 01 m 7il II P. Cloudv Si -n t'l 7.1 n ( toudv M I'd i'l ftl .7.'. lloudy "7 'i .M n't n I lear '.'? fi C& 7'i T loiidy "I I2 CA u -2.11 Cloudy .'HI ! 71 .'21 P. Cloudv .(I 2 li 7.1 .in! P. Cloudy Mean. 'I IH 7rt SCMMAHV. ran almo-pherio preuie. '2'l.M decreet; liit.ii. ctt pie-ure, :'0.'2I. Itltli; limeat pressure. '2".7", hih Mean tcmp,iaturo, 7i" decreet; liluli.t triiitei.iiuii'. t), ;d: lrmcot lemperatme, SI. 07lli ceitet daily ranee of tnnperatiiio, .M dccriee, 'JOiii; Ir-nt dilly lance of tempiiatuu , fi dei!rei. 'Viih. Pieiaillni; ilireilion of wind, fouthwet. 4U per mil; total mo, innil of win I, CUrt unlet; niatiinum telocity ot wind (taken fioni any .'minute iccord), ilireclion and dale, "i inilet per hour fiom v irliiwet on fie '2iti. Total pre. Iiiil.illoii. 4, i , h. ,; ii'iiolxr of Midi .n null or nioie of pio ion. til; num ber of ih'ir i1.m, 7; pirili i loudv ii.ii. It; i louHv ilijt, II: mean, relat lie liumiditv, 70 per lenl.: lmiiiln r of diw witK maximum temprr.iiuii' alioe ml deLrri, 111. P. II Ciarke. Looil Koieea.t CUTliial. HE DIDN'T TAKE THE OFFER. Edward Jurkwicz Said He'd Give B. Levy $50 for Cominp Down Stairs. B. Levy, the Penn avenue Junk deal er, had Kdward Juikwlcz. of South Washington nvenue, nrrcstcd on the charge of threatening his life. Levy testitled at a hearing before Alderman Itiiddy that Jurkwicz hud offered hi in $J." If he would come down on thoMlats and permit himself to be punched for jut five minutes. On another occasion, he said, Jurko wicz had offeted him $o0 if he would come down sptalrs. lie said with many excitable gestures that he was afraid of Lit- hfi i, nil Alderman ltuddy cle cided to hold Jurkowlcz in $Jdi) hall for his apptcrance a court. NEAVE MAY RECOVER. There Is a Possibility. However, That His Skull Was Fractured. The chances for the recovery of J. It. Xeave, the lineman who fell from a telegraph pole on Tuesday, were somewhat brighter last night. His, physician reported that a careful ex amination had revealed the fact that none of tho bones of his body are In oken. Thoie Is a possibility, however, that bis skull may have been fractured, and until this Is settled definitely no prophecy as to his recovery can bo made. TWO ENGINES COLLIDED. Slight Accident Occurred Yesterday at Lackawanna Crossing. Two engines collided at the Lacka wanna, avenue crossing on the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western rail road yesterday afternoon, with, fortun ately, no (.otioiis lcsults. One engine was returning from tho Diamond mine and the other had Just come from the yaid. Tho foiim-r, No. 211, was loaded, and the latter, No. 9W, was empty. The engines wote partly stopped be fore they came together or the col lision might have been a serious one. Ah It was the pilot of No. KC was btoken, but no other damage was done. POLICE AND ALDERMEN. AMriiiMii ltuildv Unuil uarraiila for the niret of i mull ho,t who an. 1 liaised with Heillne copper fioni the Suanton Safelv Lamp compiuy. The wananta mil lie ,eriei lodav. Mliluel I., of Tlunrp, w, ,h'arj;ed with riiilieulinu' ' from the letmal tmi. (limine cuinpau.i, Mailed ,1 dealing liefoio Matji'liate Millar ye.lerdai and enteied hail 111 the eum of ijl.tioi) u,r hu'apprarance at touit. MauMiMte Millar ,ieteulav moinin; ludd Mor tis llppieln in .(' lull, on the chaiue of hi reny, piefened liy L. (, wlm aiiu.ea Mm of i.teallnff four fhaftinrrt' which ho cold to Junk Dealer (iia-u, ot thli city. Suit Against Erie Company. Mrs, Margaret A. (lardner, who owns a property In Dunmore borough, yes terday began an action In trespass iicnliistl the lvi'lo ( i'(.in,,.,. through Attorneys Patterson & Wilcox. It Is alleged that the company re cently so changed the grade of tB tracks as to throw a largo amount of nurfaee water on to her property. She asas miniuges in tuc sum ot jt.uuu. NEXT SUNDAY AT LODORE A Most Enjoyable Place to Spend tho Sabbath. Ample opportunity Is afforded every body to attend tho popular Sunday excursions to Lake Lodore, tho most delightful place In all the region for a day's outing, Tako your family next Sunday, August i, and spend tho day ot the beautiful resort. l'aro from Seranton. adults 75 cents, children W cents. Trains leave the D. & H, depot at S.EO and 11,33 a. m. Merry-go-round, steamer, etc. Excellent catering. HouceR for sale, rent or exchange, Traden' Ileal Estate Co,, 128 Washington aie. HEARING THE TESTIMONY INJUNCTION A0TI0N AGAIN UNDER WAY. Large Number of Witnesses Ex amined Yesterday Bofore Judge Kolly Somo Tostimony That Mer chants Were Asked Not to Soil to Men Who Took tho Btrikers Places Louis Knoller Says That He Was Called Vile Names and Had Stonos Thrown at Him. llcfoic Judge John P. Kelly In the main court room yestetday the hear ing In the Injunction case of tho Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western com pany against the members of the far Hullders' union was resumed. Kotmer Judge K. N. Wlllatd, Hon. -'. P. O'Mal ley and Attorney Joseph O'Hrlen ap peared for the company, and Attorneys K. (. Newcomb and C. llalcntiuo for the car builders. The entile day was consumed in taking testimony and It Is ptohahle thai many more days will he consumed before the case Is closed. Considerable testimony as to unlawful acts upon the part of the strikers an'd their sympathizer was put In yester day. J. M. llnffmelsler, a Cedar avenue butcher, said that after tho car build ers' strike began a man asked him not to sell meat to "scabs." He did not know who the man was. lie did not refuse to sell to Martin Kunth. Prank I'errcttl, who tuns a peanut stand at Washington and Lackawanna avenues, testitled that H. K. Miller, tho master foreman at the car shops, came to his place one day nnd bought some fruit. A number of strikers were standing at the corner and when they saw wlliies wrapping up the fruit they asked him If he was going to sell to scabs. He said no and reluscd to deliver the goods to Miller. Tho lat ter corroborated Pcrrettl's testimony about the Incident, itu named J, J. Snyder and John Flynn as two of the men who spoke to Korrettl. W. J. Neave, who has charge of the fire, alarm system, was called to testi fy with reference to the false alarm of lire which was sent in one Sunday from the box at the car shops. His evidence was ruled out. SfilPLTZ WAITKD iVPON. William Hehitltz, n Petersburg grocer, testified that Paul lioynor and ICtnll Staskel. strikers, requested him not to sell goods to scabs. He told them if they wanted him not to he nould obey their leiiuest. II. L. Vaughan, who has a store on Hanlsou avenue, said the strikers asked him not to sell goods lo Wlnton Hurley, who was working in the car shops after the strike. He thereupon lefused to soil to Hurley, Captain P. J. Mi-Andrew, the chair man of the Car Mulleins' union, u-uk called by the loiimlainant for cross- cxanilUatioit. He m requested 1I1 produce a circular which was nmtnnl. ed to various wholesale dealers of the city asking them to do no shipping over the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad. He has no know ledge of where the circular Is now. It was issued, he said, for the purpose of enabling them to get a conference with tne oiuclals or the road. Tlmv fmn'-l it wits not necessary to adopt such drastic measutes and the intuitu withdrawn. It was taken around to the business men by the witness and Patrick Coyne Patrick Coyne testified that he pre pared the circular and took It around with Captain McAudiew for the pur post of getting signatures tn it. Albeit Westprahl. whoe father runs 11 large gtocery store in South Seranton, was called and Identified a letter which ho sent to Louis Kncl Ur. who was employed in the shops (luring the strike, telling him that he could neither sell nor deliver goods to him while the strike was on. A com mittee or strikers consisting of otto llage. John Fllckeiisteln, O. A. Con nolly and August Hrauer asked him to so notify Kneller and ho did so. because ho thought It would ho a favor to the strikers. SKCHKTAKY CAMPH1CLL, C. H. Campbell, secretary of 'the car buildeis' union, was called for cross examination. Ho was asked about a letter he sent lo a number of persons, asking them not to assist or hoard the men who were working in the Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern shops during the strike. Tho let ter entered In evidence had the seal of tho car builders on it and after much questioning, Campbell ad mitted that the seal would not be at tached to It If the letter had not been approved of by the union. He also admitted that It was In his writing. John Under, who runs a saloon on upper Lackawanna avenue, said that since the strike began, lie refused to sell drinks to Lewis Kneller and Peter Nouls, who are working In the shop. He did this of his own motion, how ever. No one asked him to do so, Louis Kneller, who was working In the shops before the strike and who has been working there ever since, testified that on several occasions ho was accosted while on his way lo work and called a "scab" and other vile names by V. H. Stanton, and men named Moran, Thompson, Camp bell and others. On tho morning of July S, with seven other workmen, he was on his way to the shops from his home on the South Side, when a great crowd of men, most of them, at least, strikers, tried to Intercept them. J. J. Thompson called them "scabs" and talelil to some one to hit him (Knel ler). Just then a stone whizzed by his ear. Ho pulled his revolver and turned around In tlmo to seo II. II. MlhtsiPiiberger throw nnothor stone. Ho was about to shoot at Mlutzeu berser when ho was restrained by John Schroeder, one of tho men who wns with him. UKFUSKD C.OODS. Kneller told of being refused goods at Wentpfuhi'H and of receiving a letter Into on night. It was delivered by a messenger boy, a Hotel Jermyn onvelopo being used. Tho letter was Look for the "HAItP AND THK HOOK" in the street cars, Conservatory furnishes hest eourfce for piano liintrttotlons. First year course 130,00. Numerous recitals. Ranid progress . -iert. Write for catalogue. J. Alfred Pennington, "Director. for the purpose of decoying him from his hniiie, an he believed, for the pur post of killing him. On cross-examination, Kneller said ht- was a deputy sheriff, having been worn In by Sheriff Schadt, at tho In Ktance of L. T. Canileld, muster car builder. Thete were a lot of other men made deputies at the same time. Mr. Newcomb tried to get t!io witness to admit that tho mooting on the Or ehiitd giouuds on tho morning' of July 8 was colled through tho connlvanco ov officials of th" company, for the pin pose of cau.dng a conflict betwc-mi the strikers nnd deputies that would put the former In a bad light befoie. the community, but was not success ful. Anthony Wlntermanlle, financial secretnry of the car builders' union, was asked If he was not the man who smt the decoy note to Kneller In the Hotel Jermyn envelope. He denied that he was, and Raid ho was In bed tu the night in intention. He denied that he said at strike headquarters that with o'Donnell and Hughes he laid for Kneller lo beat him, but could not get at him. Hy request, Wlnterinantle then produced the led ger or the union and rend off the names of the member. In good stand ing. There were t!7J ot them. CAUKY'S TKSTLMONY. Daniel Carey, of Hoonton, N. J., a deputy who has been watching about the simps since tho trlko began, tes tified that ho saw strikers hanging nroitnd the approaches to the shops nnd trying to stop and talk to men who were going tn work. This was befoie the Injunction was granted. On the morning of July S, ho was one of the deputies who went to pro tect the South Seranton workmen on the way to the shops. He saw Campbell and Wlntermantle pick up Htoucp, but did not se them throw them. James J. Thompson, n member of the executive committee of tho strikers, was on the stand when court nd Journed for the day. Attorney O'Mal iey read what purported to be a minute of the various meetings of the executive committee and asked him about the statements made therein. In almost every Instnnee, Thompson entered a positive denial that any thing of the kind was done at the ex ecutive committee meetings. COURT MATTERS. Benjamin S. Robinson Is the Plain tiff in an Action to Recover $1,500 Damages. Henjaniln S. Uoblnson, of North Seranton, through Attorneys Vosburg and Dawson, yesterday began proceed ings to recover 51,500 damages from Henry Chappell. He alleges that Chappell maintains a cesspool on bis property adjoining the plaintiff's which overflows at In tervals and caused groat damage to Koblnson's house and lot. It Is nllcgcd that tlie nuli-auce has existed for the last live years. State and County Tax Collectors. County Commissioners Morris, Pen man and Durkln yesterday appointed the following state and county tax collectors for Seranton and Carbon dale: I'irtt tianl Jnlin MiDonnell. Tliinl v aid Thomas V. Sillry. Coiirth ward -Itolie.t T. Cldiccl. K'fili vairl - no7.ileel J).iir. MMh v.iril -Mm S. l).nie. v-tenlli waul 'llio nit Morrlt. I'.ielith tianl II. Flank Sootier. Null 1 V..111I-I:. T. Sweet. Tuitli u.uil-l'. V.. Itoli'mrn. Kliiriilli waul Theodore Ilein. Tiirlllli and Nineteenth warilt-liiii St'hwait, Voiiileentli u.iid -Thomat I'ossrroic. I'lftenitli uaid Inlni Wllllanu. Sixtri-ntli u.inl Simon Setjal, Seienleenth ward C. F. Kaufman. Dchtcetitli ward lohn M. Heaiimnnt. T entlt Mi ward John I', fillihona. Turiitj -ttivt ward Lot l.urliilg, The following were appointed for Carbondale: 1'io.t waid Henry Pirrce. Third, Fourth. Fifth ami Sixth wards-Wll-II im Pa-man, The appointments for tho Second and Thirteenth wards have not yet been made, Statements Filed. Statements In two trespass suits were filed with Prothonotary John Copeland yesterday. Calvin D. Wescntt wants $1,.V0 damages fiom Thomas C. Orlf fln. He alleges that on March 1':'. 1300, (biffin, without warrant of law, cnteted upon ills premises, demanded a Mini of rent, raised a big commotion, levied on Wescott's goods nnd on Match L'U illegally sold them. Joseph Cooper makes a somewhat similar complaint against Cclma Hern hardt, Horatio Pierce and Henry rieree. He alleges that on Feb. 2, 1H0I, they broke Into his house, seized his furni ture and evicted him from the house. He asks damages In the sum of $1,000. Tax Collectors Bonds. Hands of the following state and county tax collectors were approved by tho court yesterday: Henry V. Lawicr, Wlnton borough, J:ifi.0SS.,VJ; sureties, James J. Lanier, John J. Sweeney. John J. McAndrew and M. J. Gallagher. Patrick Casey, Carbondale township, $14,000; sureties, Patrick V. Scanlon, Oeorge Lee, M. H. Cavanaugh, Phllo Lee. Charles It. Whitney, Elmhurst. $13, 000; U. G. Schoonmakcr, n'. H. Hipp. The popular Punch cigar Is still the leader of the 10a cigars. ' Special Conn's Breakfast Java. A clean berry no doc toring no glazing nothing but good coffee3. Don't imagine that this is a 20c coffee. Inval- ue it is better than many higher priced coffees, 20c p&r lb in any quantity. E. G. C0URSEN PUSHING FOR THIRD PLACE WILLIAM MILES TOOK A LONG STRIDE FORWARD. Ue Is Twenty-three Points Noarttr Henry Schwonker in The Tribune's Educational Contest This Morning. Was the Only Ono That Scored. But Twelve More Days in Which to Enter Contestants Should En roll Before It Is Too Late, i'H4-HHlt"Ht Standing of Contestants, TABLE NO. 1. II this vug ths lilt At j, theaa would win: fAlt,. ', ', 1. Meyer Lewis, Seran ton OOiJ ! I 8. Miss Wilhelmlna " Griffin, Providence. 375 .. 3. Henry Schwenker, ;; south seranton... auu '. '. 4. William Miles, Hyde Park 318 . . 6. Garfield Anderson, ; ; Carbondale 219 C. Ray Buckingham, Elmhurst 142 7. Miss Norma Mere dith, Hyde Park . . 108 X 8. Miss Vida Pedrick, Clark's Summit. . . DO TABLE NO. 2. How nuny of the will be in Tible No. 1 en the closing day? Points. 0. August Brunner, jr., Carbondale 95 10. Frank Kemmerer, Factoryvillo 63 11. David O. Emery, Wimmera, Pa. ... 45 12. Arthur C. Griffls, Montrose 30 13. W. H. Harris, Hyde Park 23 14. Miss Minnie Wallis, Carbondale 23 10. E. J. Sheridan, Haw ley 6 10. Miss Jennie Ward, Olyphant 6 17. Robert Campbell, Green Ridge 3 w4 William Miles stole a march on tho other contestants In Tho Tribune's Educational Content yesterday, as he was the only one to score and It was a pood score too. He brought In twenty-three points and took a long stride forward toward third place. Two more days like yesterday and he would ho very close to Henry Schwen Icer, who would he compelled to drop another place unless ho succeeds In bettering his present score. Tho contest has still a little over four weeks to run, but new contest ants cannot enter nftcr August 13, which Is now' hut two weeks away. Those who ontomplntc being In at the llnlsh should lose no time In begin ning, as every day lost between now and August III counts. Anyone who Is Interested should send n postal to "Keillor Kducntlonal Contest, Tribune. Seranton, Pa.." and full particulars, Including a handsomely Illustrated booklet, will ho sent by return mall. If you wish to enter the contest, ad dress the same as above and a book o.' subscription blanks will be sent, so that you can begin work at once. FEDERAL COURT NOTES. A miliiouia 'In bankruptcy na ,ve-lrrii.iy i fiinl by Clerk Scarlc, ot (lie cllttlct federal ci-iiit, In the matter e( ti.e Taint com pany, of W'illiani-iiort, ncaimt tlie Uiupliin Ilililce and Con-tun Hon company, ulilch It wa petitioned be ileclareil bankrupt. A hearing will lie held before .ludtcc It. W. Archibald, Ancr. SI. Petitions hive been Hied In the ilNtriit fed eial court for discharge in the cae of Samuel llallen, of Hnriiburc; l'rank 1J. Otto, of Wl. liaimpoit, and Siinurl A. Unnalnic, of this city, .Indue- Archhnlil will conduit heaunci ill I lis flrt tun caM Adj. '.'(), and in the Donahue matter Aug. 21. Marriage Licenses, John .fanett Taylor Laura i:ani Nrantnn William Inseinian Ciihondale Addle Naomi Kllthem ....('aihondale (lu.t.iv (h.ippalln Dunmora .lulla I.ilkcn ., Throcp William l.elphan ..; I.aikauanna I.izie .laiknon Laekaaanni William tvuyal' IM) mouth Jralc Iliidi'.ivicz Scidnton W'M-H''H-T Every Day We sell shirts to men who come in "Just to look" and found out they could do better by buying of us thnn the old house they had been trading with. Shirts, with cuffs attached, SI. 50-2.00. Shirts with plaited fronts, S1.00-1.5O. Plain colors, SI. 00-1.50. White Negligee Plaited and Plain, Sl.00-1.50. hnfiAC'wjrl 03 WMtn At A 4. 4--H- j,'4' H"H4' t Oils, Paints and Varnish : T . Maloney Oil & Manufacturing Company, 141-149 Meridian Street. TELEPHONE 26-2. Steer Si CASEY B Wholesale Liquor Dealers, SPECIAL CONVOCATION. Knights of Mystic Chain Convene Here in Two Woeks. A special convocation of the Select castle. Pennsylvania Order Knlrrtiia nf the Mystic Chain, will convene In Castle. hall nbout the middle of this month. The object of the session will he to confer the mark degree on past com manders entitled to iho distinction. It will he a county nlTalr, but the state coinnianelor, Perry J. M. Helndle. of York, will have chaise of the cere mony, which Is to bo followed hy n social session, A latRe delcRatlon of knlRhts will come up fiom Wilkes Ilarre to witness the conferring ot this degree, m SOHOONOVER'S SHOES FOUND. One of the Mysteries Connected With His Killing Cleared Up. The shoes of Kelwln Schoonover. of this city, who was mutdered nsar Way mart a few weeks ago, wvte found yes terday morning by fomc brush cutters a short distance from where his body was found. When the murdered man's body wns found much speculation ns to what had become of his shoe's was indulged In. One story that was afloat was to the effect that they had been taken by Wlnans Hull, now In Jail accused of the murder, and sold. -. CHARGED WITH LARCENY. Owen Sweeney Held in Bail for Court. A young man named Owen Sweeney was arrested yesterday and arraigned bef3te Alderman Iluddy charged with hc lEtccny of $:U from J. .1. Flaherty's hotel on Penn avenue on Tuesday. Flaherty testitled at the hearing that Sweeney was seen behind the liar while he (Flaherty) was out In front nnd had evidence to show that Sweeney was exceedingly flush with money on tlitl particular afternoon. The alder man held him in $M)0 hall for his ap pearance at court. AFTER HER HUSBAND. Mrs. Luxan, of Mt. Carmel, Thinks Ho Eloped With Mrs. Camp. Jlrs. Thomas Luxan, of Mt. L'armel. is In this city endeavoring to linel some trace of her husband, who she believes ran away a few days ago with .Mis. Paul t'amp, a neighbor. She has swoin out a wariaut for his arrest and yesterday took a constable with her to tho house where she learned Mrs. Camp was stopping. She saw Mis. Camp, hut found nei sign of her hus band. Mrs. Camp elenle most emphat ically that she ran away with Luxan. Smoke the Pocono Cigar, 5c. I White I I Beauty HKImii- K K The best flour sold in Seranton at anv F, price, every pound is pm.t, cvciy puuuu IS g guaranteed to give per- O leci satisfaction. White Beauty Flour makes the lighest, licious bread you ever B tabieu. m Try a barrel with JJ your next order and 5 you will never use any other brand. 55 We are sole agents O for the state of Penn- f sylvania. a 6 JK50iU?5C30JC'5 All Wool Suits to Order $15,00. Worth $30.00 King Miller, Merchant Tailor, roll LADIK9 AND HUNTS. 435 SPRUCE STREET. it m ( i . We nre steering straight for pop-' ularlty and success. We could not do this were it not for the confi dence our patrons put in us. Tnis confidence Is gained by such offers as Our Bottled Porter The only stimulant for that run down condition. ROTHERS, 216 Lackawanna Ave. f-H-M'Mt :: Mid-Summer 1 Sale of lam hi Our entire stock of joe Sofa Pillows (ex cept Gibson Pillows) will be sold this week only at 39c I Cramer-Wells Co., f 130 Wyoming Ave. 4.-H--H"H Ho! for the Pan-Exposition Or Summer Resort For this trip you will need a well maele Trunk, Suit Case or Satchel, one hullt for harel service and rough handling. Wo have that kind In great variety nt prices lower than any other store In town. Conrad, "A Gentlemen's Furnisher." 305 Lackawanna Avenue. TITj-vm-4- I Real estate has lYlUl L" I always been the most steady and certain investment to be had, but it has been shunned gages by many because they were so hampered In dealing with it. Many mortgagees, when they have at tempted to collect their loans, have found out that their security was worthless, because of prior liens or defective title. A Title company in issuing its policy to the mortgagee assumes all risks. If there has been any mistakes, the loss does not fall on the mortgagee. TITLE GUAIvANTY DTfiUSTCP- OKSCRANT0N.PENNA. 516 Spruce Street. I 'A. WitrM, frMldenUH. A, Kmpp. V..Prei. A. U. UcCJIntock, Ralph S. Hull, Vice-president, j Trust Officer. W? Candidly Believe These Are the Greatest Ualties ever offered In Hedroom Suites In fact, wo elon't see how the' price could ho lower, unless we gave the Roods away. Complete Iiedronni outfit, con sisting of nineteen pieces. $37.50 For this outllt of nineteen pieces, consisting of Hedroom Suite, solid oak; Fiench Plate Mirror, oval beveled; 8 pieces of Furniture; a tcn-plcco Decorated Toilet Set;" cotton top Mattress In two parts; a "Woven Wire Spring. An outfit llko this cannot ho duplicated under fifty dollars anywhere. We Includo Matting forthe floor for one dollar additional. CREDIT YOU P CERTAINLY 1 THB. eOWMY ..221-223-235-227 - WYOMING 'AVBNTT. . . 4