The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 02, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Published Daily, gxrept S.indsy.'hv Th Tflh.
me Publishing Company, at Kitty Cents Month.
i.ivy p riciiaiid, Ediior.
O. F. BVXtlKK, ni'slnes Manager.
New Vetk Oflkel 1M Nassau St.
it. H. VlttXMND,
Me Agent tor rereljjn Advertising.
Entered it the rostoffke it Scranton, ft., al
eecond IUm Mill Matter.
When spsce xv 1 11 permit, The Tribune I' "
rlad to print short letters from lt friends best
ing en current topics. Iiut IU rule Is tht lncs
mint he signed, tor publication, bv the writ"
real names and the condition precedent lo sc
cerHnrt Is that all contributions shall be subject
to editorial revision.
The following table shorn the price per Inch
rath Insertion, space lo be wed nlthin one yean
fethan 5Y Inches
-"i Inches ...
t" rd of thanks, resolutions "f eondMenes
nd alntiUr eontrllnitlons In the nstiire of d.
"tiling The lilhune make t charge cl S rents
Rates for Classified Advertising furnished on
af Plication.
King Monrllk. of Ab..inn. is III.
Klnp Mfnellk, it will lip lempinbeipd. In
the dusky innnnrrlt vhns.e "family tree"
rf fleets iipnn tlip motallty nf Snlnmnn
nnrl thp qupon nf .Shulm. itiul has spoil
ed a beautiful Sunriny m IiooI Mory.
The Public's Protest.
IT IS HTNTKD n popular peti
tion will be prppaietl which will
rlepipccue the notion of the Cnni
niiFslorr of Soldiers' Otphau
.Thonls and ursp Its reconMdotntlon tin
i-pRaids th f-chnol nt Hnrfoid. Till?
historic Institution, sheltered amid the
beautiful hills m Su.fuehatina lounly,
Is dear to the citizen of Not thenhtern
Pennsylvanln. It Is a hiMorlc epot
made a pan of tlie rlassle ici-omW of
the state by reason of Its brilliant
paces In the annals of educational pio
Slew In Anieilca. No one doubts the
truly conscientious motives of the com
mission In recommending the abandon
ment of this site and the consolidation
of the schools with others far iemocd.
The commission has been most nobly
managed and no scamhO or hint of ex
travagance has touched It finrp Its first
organization twelve yen is iiro, but It Is
to be hoped that the pioposed inten
tion, so radical and so Intensely repug
nant to a large portion of tlie tesl
dents of this commonwealth, will be
acted upon u:th extreme dellbeiatlon.
The Harfv.d .cimp I located In n
spot so lemaikably free fioni unsani
tary conditions, and amid such beauty
of sunoundlngs, mil. puio nlr and the
advantages of surh excellent food that
It seems unteasonable to expect that
a similar state of affalis can pxlst
where the consolidation Is pioposed.
Economy and many another vittue are
practiced In that tjulet haven. The
management has i cached a perfection
hard to be realized except by those
who hae visited thP Harfoid school,
and the interest of a multitude of In
fluential friends In this region has long
been enlisted in Its behalf. It will be
against the Intense piotest of a vast
number of people throughout the state
If the peaceful, happy little community
dwelling so contentedly In the richest
envlionment of natuie must be thiust
out like thp Acadlanft fiom Hip safe
shplter wheie many Inmates hnve lived
Finer- eaily childhood to go forth Into
a crowd of stiangers far away.
Let the Soldiers' Orphan school at
Haiford icnialn until tlie last little giil
and hoy of the lead hemes go out Into
the woild as man and woman better
and nobler for having lived In such n
charmlns spot.
tThe platform of the Indianapolis
Socialists ought to please all who deslie
to get Ucli quick at the expense of
Herlt Rewarded.
TIIKRK l-AN mz no doubt that
Lord Uoberts deserves the
$rp00.n10 money token just
voted to him by parliament.
When he went to South Africa the
situation of the Hiltish troops was
not only precarious, It was alaimlng.
England was expeilenclng her tlaik
sst hour. Hobs" took up the tangle;!
thieads, and almost from that moment
the mercuiy of British hopefulness
We are learning now some of the
difficulties he had to contend against.
In every direction supplies were de
ficient and the staff arrangements ut
terly Inadequate to the long dis
tances and barren veldt of the the
itre of action. Yet with sine general
ship Lord Hoberts effected the relief
of Klmpeiley and Ladysmlth and the
capture of I'tnnje and the occupation of
Blfinmfonteln and Pretoria followed al
most with machine-like rapidity and
precision. His stiategy lose to the sum
mits of military genius and his grasp
upon alt; the. problems involved In his
txtraord.lhary tajik was true and strona.
There has been no greater figure
In British military hlstoiy than
.his kindly-faced, little old man, who
iterally. saved the empire by his, con.
ummatiiknowiedge of Just what to do
at a time when failure to know or hes
itancy in acting would have meant
llMMer incalculable.
The record of his achievements Is
in Inspiring one. not to be eclipsed by
the general belief that the cause In
which those achievements were per
formed iTas in It elements of Injustice.
. m
The Innocence of about everyone Bnve
the chief; of police seems to have been
established In the Kosburgh muider
Troublesome Questions.
TIB KKMAKKS of the chair-
man of the convention of
& Ohio Democrats who met In
"' Columbus this week to ex
prem their dissatisfaction with the ac
tion of the regular Ohio Democratic
convention In tossing Bryan and free
liver overboard are both Interesting
ind significant. Among other things he
"Already can be heard upon every
hand the statement that' vemutt 'get
n Us" that we, can win uponj that
I Iliin of .dlngon
I'aper I Heading
' .IS' ' .275
.'.0 ,2J
.l .ITS
t. .17
.IS 15
Bryan has led iw to defeat twice, and
now we mutt gpt somebody el who
can bring us victory. The champions
of thp gold standard are dprldlng fliy
an, denouncing the principles for which
he stood, and nie paving the way to
secure control of the next national con
vention, in oider to nomlnntp some
man who will be the tool and servant
of Wnll stteet. Will the bolters be
able to ;onttol thp convention? If
they should, and It now seems qultp
certain that they will, the work that
was done In ISM will have to b- dono
over ngaln. if It should bo. Ihe Drmo
cratlu patty, ns such, theronltpr, will
cease to be n factor In American poll
tics, Shall wp assist them In this
work? If the IiPinociatic party was
right In lf?fi and 100(1 upon thp money
question, and that question Is not set
tled, then why should that patty In
Ohio abandon It In 1001? If the conten
tion was right duiing those cam
paigns, It is tight now. If politics li
to be carried on for the purpose uf
securing office alone, then why bother
about great pilnclples that Involve the
well-being of men?"
Thesp nie logical and timely ques
tions. The Democratic orators and
press gave the mneit solemn nssuinuccs
In both U36 and 1000 that the restora
tion of free silver coinage was a mat
ter Involving the highest pilnclplc;
that It was proposed as a remedy for
outrage and Injustice, whereby the shy
locks of the land wpip grinding the
faces of the poor ind from thp
common people the birthrights of
Anipilcan citizenship. They cither
meant these assertions or they didn't
mean them. If they meant them, It
would be cowardly In 1001 and In 1004
to compound a gold bug felony or to
desert the poor of the land to their
grinding doom. If they didn't mean
them, what assurance have wp that
they mean what they say now?
Vntli these questions are satisfactor
ily answered, the Democratic party Is
likely to have an unprofitable quest for
The Bryan stampede nt Columbtii
was as devoid of Jarring elements as
the footfall of a man wnlklng In his
An Admirable Appointment.
THK TRIIU'NE, being deeply
intetcstcd In the forestry
question, and also well
awaie of the admirable
work that Miss Mil a Lloyd Dock has
heen doing for years in tills state In
co-operation with the stnte's eminent
forestry commissioner. Dr. J. T. Itoth
rock, is greatly pleased to take notp of
Governor Stone's appointment of Miss
Dock on the state foiestiy reservation
commission. She takes the place of
Mr. Albert Lewis, who leccntly re
signed. The other mcinbeis of the
respiration commission aie Dr. Itoth
rock, its official head; Isaac Brown,
secietaiy; John Fulton and A. C. Hop
kins. Miss Dock, it Is to be recalled, has
made profound and piactlcal study of
the subject of foicstry, both In the
t'nlted States and in Germany, which
count ty leads the world In the conser
vation, protection and wise economic
use of forests. As a lectin er on her
chosen subject she Is well known
Scranton people being among those
who have learned to appieciate her
enthusiasm, her knowledge and ability
to impart It.
Her appointment s one lo be wel
comed as fresh evidence of Governor
Stone's deep Inlet pM In the forestry
woik and as a tribute to both Miss
Dock's own woik and a recognition of
the heli) which the women of Penn
vanla have given to the foiestry move
ment. The appointment Is the more
welcome because theie is no shadow
of politics In It It has been won purely
by proed fitness for the place.
In connection with this, while speak
ing of the general advance of appreci
ation of the Immeasurable Importance
of forest conservation, icstoring, and
use, we am glad to give especial notlep
to thp amendment of thp act of June
1, 1S87, which act made piovlslon
for annual payments to ownprs of land
that had been cleared nf merchantable
timber who should reforest It "within
one year after the said land had been
so cleaied" and maintain it, under cer
tain sppciiled conditions. The amend
ment extends the provision for such
payments fiom "one year ' after to "at
any period" after. The text of the
amendment leads:
"The owner or owneis of forest or
timber land in this commonwealth,
which has been cleaied of merchant
able timber, who shall at any period
after the Hald land has been so cleared,
plant, and who shall maintain upon the
said land young foiest or timber tiees
In sound condition, In number at least
twelve bundled to the acic, shall on
making due proof thetcof, bo entitled
to receive annually fiom the commis
sioners ;of their respective counties
the sums of money mentioned in the.
first section of this act: Provided,
That the tlrst period of ten years shall
be counted from the time that said
land has been cleaied of merchantable)
timber, and that after the said Hist
period of ten yeais the number of
trees upon the said land may be 10
duced' as In the tlrst section Is pro
vided." . There stand also to thp ctedlt of tho
last leglslatuie's forestry woik the
act, approved on April 11, "to encour
age the preservation of forests by pro
viding for a lebato of certain tuxes
levied thereon"; and the one, nppioved
May 'J, for the better protection of for
ests against fire by which tho commis
sioner of forestry, on complaint mado
of the failure or neglect of county com
missioners to fulfill their duty In tho
matter, Is authorized to take all neces
sary legal steps, employing detectives
and attorneys, for tho conviction of
those guilty, "wilfully or otherwise,"
of causing tho burning mf timber
lands. In such case the state will not
pay to the county tho money that Is
due for tho payment of ofllccrs who
have neglected their duty.
The long silence of "Coin" Harvey
may be an Indication that he Is en
gaged In figuring out a new calamity.
"HUtorlan" Maclay's place In history
may also be detlnltely determined by
the Schley lnrcstlgatlon. '
Th Travails of Reform
-JJ"V OH YEARS past a certain
I element In the Democracy
JL of Pennsylvania, which has
been In suspicious affiliation
with thp ltcpttbllcati Insutgeuts, has
been sounding the accusation that the
men In control of the Democratic) or
ganization In Philadelphia weie In
conspiracy with the men who run the
llopuhllcan machine. The rpr.ult has
been that the Democtatlc strength In
Philadelphia was divided and an a
minority party It offctcd no check
upon the ambitions of thp leaden of
the majority. During this period of
family qunirellng, the one man whom
all Democrats profpsspd to honor ns
tho embodiment of all that Is honor
able, progressive and virtuous was
Hubert Emory Pattlson.
Heccntly tho chairman of the Demo
cratic city committee of Philadelphia,
at whom most of this criticism was
directed, stepped down and in the In
terest of harmony proposed that Mr.
Pattlson be elected chairman In his
stead. The suggpstlon was piomptly
acted upon, but Instead of stilling the
family dissensions, It seems to have
had Just the opposite effect. Not only
aro the Insurgent Democrats taking
dally falls out of this former Idol of
reform, but "They have recently been
lelnforccd by the whole outfit of the
Insurgent Ilppubllcaiis. In vain has
Mr. Pattlson pleaded for peace. The
more he pleads the fiercer Is the
brandishing of tomahawks nbout his
unprotected head.
Why Is this thus? Are the profes
sional roformers of Philadelphia, the
John Wanamakeis and Judge Gordons
who wish to reconstruct both political
parties to their way of thinking. Jeal
ous nf thp great leform govprnor of
ISSa-O and 1R00-1? Is their devotion
to thp cause of so-called bettpr go
ernment simply limited by the pros
pect of personal proprietorship? Do
they fear that they could not manipu
late a man like Pattlson to their
schemes of personal or factional re
venge? Must no leformer show his
head who does not wear their Inbel
and disport the sign-manual of their
control? Must every reputation ex
pect bombardment from the Journal
istic batteries under their thumbs
that declines to submit to their terms
or refuses to cringe the knee of sup
pllanco before the throne which they
seek to set up?
These leformcrs! these reformers!
Verily they aie a sciumptlous lot.
Mention of liquid air these days calls
up lcmlnlscences of the Keely motor.
. It Is easier to begin than to end a.
Contrasts and
in California
Special Correspondence nf The Tiibuno.
1'Hwclen.r, .Inly v'4.
HE WHO St.KK a u.ition when- hi ha-i
nc imic... i oine to him b eriy null
,ii d lil u in I fileli'U Muleuri'l him
nen llkr Ihn-., lHPiUi.ii' to him .110
tliic In wltkh ho nenrN hU pinfped re r,
will preli.ibly no luck wllli little nene- in his
nine-. Tho juntlt nf .111 outinj .n cll n Its
plci-un cumin iHrurlc thtniich .1 h.tio com
plilf .n iollir. Heine the aliio nf ilen'e fm-'
ei-lo tn Ihrv-e cli.nncd l"i .1 Jul In tity louline.
On that pilr.ifple f .ill torni i U In In rccom
mernlnd .h .1 1etro.1t inr l,.ilini pllilino. Wo
wniilil .i tn tiieil mo .is Ihc immnilnl C.ieeloV
siil tn Ihr jntnip mm-"(in We-a, tir Hr,t,"
oor the l.'ii hie, and fiel jnuri.elf In 'in .ilni'i'.'
plure n Hltletent as to bo found on the
Ensliin f.lile nf the .Ml mile, I . i t r 1 h 1 1 y tho
chance U uieit iht one fecK he breithe
.mother all. 1 hi dijne l fell, tint only on
the luuhed pliln and dei-eit wa'len, but r
peclalb hole in till entitlioiti pntt of tho i.t.ite,
where m in in; come tn ocipe tho humid icm
Hitimit nf-jiur he.iboard MHtlon. 1ln amount'
nf moUtvio i o hmall In thU put nf nor
country lint one i nmnod nt the rltoneo
nl plHiit- and people. It iein.4 that all fh'iuld
be dewdmted.
Tho Moailinoi of the climatic lendilinns U
siuli that nn nno hi any cmloitj a.s tn what
the weather will bo, foi II will be icitanily
one tliliu drj. The uratlici Inne.iii at this n.
mil Ims nn diilicultj' In prono.ti,itnn. It will
S on fctiadlli fur umnthi ju-t rn it hat wl:h
le ir hkien, Nn lady need fear hot 111 w bonnet
will lie spoiled as Ihe mkMoii i.ilntall lif(iid
upon It. The Mriiuter i cmMnutlj wnudeiiiu
why It ilnoa not lain, and cinimt hi ho a . ti -thine,
secetalinn or nun, can t.uirt the dioutii.
There are nn heavy diw tn lelieve the cIijiion
It is MUihiiio all tin lime, 111utnl11e1l as we
aie to howt's, ill tin lltnu hae brnuatit
limtiirll !, v hUh no nno is tempted In Meal,
us time will bo no ihe fnr them fur a loinr
I me In come r wne luni Red as we emend
Sm I'l.irn 1-c n h tho weleomltii: ininniittro with
Ihe ipieiy "What did Jim brlnir uiiihullas foi .
ou will urn nied tin in." And so fai wo line
nnl. Tho inoinlnc is rlr.11, the no"n ilitM,
leiilni the same S'i die alur da v. llf nuii.o,
tin iiiahle climate, with nn falling luoUiuie,
iiwj bo unii fm lnaliili and fiehle puoiia.
Xs tn whiiher it is lici Inr aieraeo Imdlu
we lcao as an npiu ,pie-tion Duo jnum; linn
in 11 Sin I'i.hi.Im.o ttoie id to tho witter
that the Mininras of the weathci was tn hhii
tlii"lne. and ho v as li.'Wns In sit back ti
wheie Ihe inld nf the winter braied the Mftini.
Wo iln not ill.-cr--, ihe wnrtli of the iHmates,
cavt and el, liup iindeilakris and ceineteiloj
prosper In all pi ices. We mplj iy that here
the weather is n utilfoim it i not euu a
kiihjeit for inntcticatiiiu.
n nno tiniild uppne that California is all
the aine, for it is a crejt nile, ntr"trhini; oier
niaiij defrees of loneltiide and latitude, and
reaihiic Irom ea level lir nn toward Ihe kj'.
It has deep allejj, tall moiinraini. and rrqulieg
.1 lore?, nwlft pa-'MBe tn werp nier ita sailed
territory. In a sieat lanje jou can find
ani hort nf climate jou nlh I am now writms
of Oils portion of Ihe (itent Hear ftate. You icel,
at puce jou aie hero, tint jou ate nit In oir
Inn Id. ineiiailic temper iture nf .inly and Autf
ut. It was ceitalnly a nevv reion fnr going
nut of Ihe eilv In mldsiimmer, when on Mailing
a friend who hid inowd out from San l'ianiin
to .1 ialli Mime iltteeu miles auay, c a.kid
why he lelt that city and went tn tho country
at this neanii, and lie replird: "He cane out tn
eel away from the cold' lunu'lue a citiren of
Scianton or of New Virk hlcliur awaj tn nomo
nual letieat tn k'up tho plenln; nf Ihe chilly
brrctfis if Ausust. At the (Jnlilen liite there
in a kuiiuncr cold. In fait, it Is their winter,
o far as mercury tells thu klovy. IIIrIi Kales
fiom tho racIHe and fo; that arc enough to
eml hhrr all tbrnuli the tleh are felt nt this
time nf the joar. Sn the people (jo tn the conn
tiv in July to keep waim! Ion lieio at Vd
iiedena, nearle WW inilo kouth, the weather Ij
hot now, and thiu icxulirly waun and diy for
lialf the joar.
o -
A contiast very notleeable In "an I'taiifhen
tn our Kastnn cities and towns it the ahjp'ica
of trees on tlie streets, .'unahlne Is in Important
theie to lessen the chilly lauipnea, tint no ona
plants what will tlnow 11 kIuiIc on Ids ho'iio.
We nnllecd that all aparltncnta idverllsed ipci,
fled, If true, that they were on the sunnv lde.
One can hardly iralle tmvv hare tlda Western
cltj looked In our eves, aeen.tonieet tn srinl
maple, clintiivitt and elms on the allien ilka
of the residential porti-ni of our rltlrs ,lmt
w-ilk alon cm beautiful Jefferson aicnue and
nbservii its sracrful tieca and feel tlvlr it
fruivlnj coolne.i, and iinuine all those rbi.'iit
and iliin!! nf whit a dlft'ifn. It would nnka
in that fair atictt. Sn liecleia San franelico,
atthoush dei orated with tin rd toliaje and
fplendld lilcoin plants, licMnsi in me. feat
element, arhoieal beautv. (iiaui and tlin have
nn ublltutes lo our ejes, a neel'M lilt Is
ilesiit nf brlrk, WcmiI :i'nl inillus,
t'ontliiulng euf illmallc lonlrast, wa find here
In Sv.ul 1 in ilifotnla that 0 ro Mot Uvc
In IVnn-.ihatil 1 what we note here warmth
(11 thp dijtiiui', and tin 11. as ,1 rule, the. niichts
and e.irlj mornings are cool and delightful. Ae
nail nf svelt-rller Kaiwis and tlie tntrldltj mat
er lioine, and lior tint the .infill picitratlnic
heat did not diminish much until fir Into tin
nlilht, If at all, it was a ureal lomlort to lie
lure, is In iii ns i.onn ns old Sol'a raja were with
drawn, ihe temperature lmvirctl and .1 icstoring
lireerp sprang up, i tint tml lovitlne wis
arj- and i.leep deep and rifrrliln;t. .Iltlnit last
tilahl nn Ho por li of the iterant iniiislnn nl
Mie. II. wan. n well known in mir
I'.leiiilc Cm, wlnw pilalla' linme has IVM
hcipilr.tllv tn jour Mirusiitiiicnl, It was .1 .y
uns cakaldo In tie tanned by the dell; f'lt
hrc-v as it blev Inlmj, Udell with the olnra
of mvrlads of (lowers. 'Hut leuiinds us that
tin flower Idonm here in lei unrtinleil faliion.
The lifllntir.pc we uittlvale o can fully lo hue
It n'ponil ns .1 llsht icrunth with a few Mvcet
rennlips upon It Is heie a vat mas nf liundmls
of ccti'ers, fhaklmc nut of puiple rup an incense
that is a clelinht tn nur lalilul Fcn-ei'. And
this pleat hiiilm' nf lilnoiiiliig it keeps up
out of do'na twelve tnuiillis In tho viarl One
needs to some licru to me plant lite in ItJ full
V"stenl.i we xe-e at tlie Slurb taneh, once
a famous pla.c kept bj' .1 Spanish lamilj In
the b(l onlir, and eivv one linmeuse mound of
bloom ol the llneanviellla ns It crew over a
pio-trate tiee, and Hleiallv was micIi .1 nuintity
of bright, beaullful color as we have r.ever fecn
In ii n display In hot house nr exhibition. It
was a profuse. pleaintf outdoor show, to Indicate
whit Saline can do m.dir fivorable condltlona.
llf e0ure bloom makes us think ol hlids It
Is n privilege to nno who his tn live wlrre
the spirrowa hive Rotten up 1 tru-l and driven
all other of the fcatheieil lilbes oat of iom
petition with them, tn Ret nwnv fiom their end
less telteiitioii and woeat and to be where the
housetops and tree branches are ilmir lolls,
from whence waible the weelel oiiRsrr. .No
ITncli-li siniinw lus jet invaded I'avedona.
Ileiter birds are brie tn iharnt us with inter
enlnir iinti'n. He hive he-nd, i.ulv and late,
nme of the flnest of the tune-leis nf the not k
Ins bird fimllv. One whose favorite fpot for
his pcrtninnmp is 011 a peak nf the nel houc
tn Mr. Swnn'd, Is a warbler of suili lilnh Riadc
that we rank htm as in the aiiio poositlon as
P.iiepa f!ni I'i'iipiid a noiu the slnaera of her
fe Onlv he alves his ivvho a day perform
.nier "ilhiiut ili.nsi'. tine of bis lijleners Ins
Itlven hhii tiialitiide fnr n much nf hiaveti as
he Ins swept Into the soul n a wandering pll
Krlm lioineaiik for the I'etter I'le.
Where nne (lift sees the palms nut nf doors
en Immenii, tlie oiante tiees nn beautiful with
Riddin fruit amid polished leavia, ihe olive
croves en rlih In follave, the prrper trees so at
tiaellvp in took and sn aromatle In scent, with
all Ihe varied vegetation of this rait of the
firth no unlike bis homo siiiiuundinss, tho
tourist wonders if he is dreaming or Is In a
real wmld. lie is surprised that he pels no
nionev hut Kilts r or sold, and Hut Ihe p-oplc
prefer coin to paper curirmv: lint in 1110-t
plaies he finds no cents in c in illation, that
as In the .New nrk churches vvlirn, befoip the
collection, the MISsTCstinu is Hudi . lib m'Is or
nnlliins;. sn hue that is the umillest piece nr
tuuncj with width tn leiv ot eell, (hit nn
manj of the hluhwavs thej do not hpi inKlei
water to liy the ilu-t, thej ml tliem, a pioee-j
Ihal Is less expensive, a one pieprr Kreuinc
will krep Ihe mid fie- from du-t fnr mill)
tnonlhsi that be Is eveivwhirc ineetliiR John
Chin. im m as took and house servant. n t h it
the maid Is uualv a man; that while sn ininy
kinds nt friuts kio'v liere anrl atlain such Flzc Ihe apple will not de lis be.l , Ihal with
a Cleat sea along lis coast the ovalei is m entail
that nn one caies tn cnp it, and the blvalv-s
have to inmc fiom the List; that where we
reitllire In eel a nop lliey Irrigate, and have
cieat remit frnm tie element for which .1 true.
Krntuckv Bourbon has no longing ater. Ho
cannot help fiellng lie is in a strange land.
Man. bv his aid III Irrigating canals, his taken
the place of clouds and rains, and, el'ing Ihc
needed nourishment to the oichirds and gir-ile-iis.
has. made California smile with floweia
and fruits. But nn man from the i:at, as he
fees the dustv look, 1 in help feeling a shower
would wafh the silled fate into neve beaulj.
-C. M. O.
A contributor to the August Koium chsreos
the farnvbutnir.s policy of the Hrltlh govern
ment with being largely accountable for the
tenaeitj- ef the Borr reiUtanie. lie examines
the pfluial return nf firm-tiurnings in the light
of the aiticlcs of the Hague convention.
"The Traveler' fleadj- Heferenee CiuHe" is
out for July with all the summer time table.
It ilsn contains a list of the hook Issued by the
rallioad and steamboat lines describing summer
lesoits, a most useful addition for prospective
touilst a it enables them to asiertahi at once
evhere they can obtain Information In regard to
plaie which Ihej- desire to xlslt, hotels, etc.
This guide is tlie successor of Appleton' and is
the one which Is carried upon all the Pullman
cirs, which is a guarantee of its reliabilltj. It
Is published by the Knickerbocker fl'ilde com
panj, il Paik I'lice, New- Yolk, price ?"'cenu.
Mrs. I lora Annie hleel, whop "Face of the
Hateie." and "Hosts ot Ihe Lord," have had a
multitude of Ainerbau readers, is a name not
often mcii in American magizlnes, In l.eflle's
Monthly for August she tells a new storj- of
India, "The Squaring of the Cods," which
show that flic is still a perlect Intel preter of
the mvsteiles and superstition which make
India what it Is.
The August number of the Wcnnn's Home
Companion Is chlclly devoted to rktion. It con
tains seven short stories li- leading writers. 11
is a raplnl magazine for a lint afternoon in ,1
hammock nr to take with jou to lead on 2 jour
ney, l'our ci liege presidents contribute lo the an
nual educational number of the Outlook, Presi
dent llidliy, nf Vale, President lhaper, of th
I'lilvcrsily of Illinois; Piesident Aldeinan, of
Tulani university; President Hill, of C 1 irk -mi-xendtj.
The xuhjpct treited respectively ares
"The Lnd In IMuc itlon," "Wejtein Slate t'nl
versllli," "Kdiiialion in the south," and "Dan
iel C. Ciilman," the retiring president of tin
John llopklna university Portrait of unusual
escclleme llliistiate these articles; and pictorlally
the niimhei is al-n notable (or tlie elalmrato his
torical aillile on the evolution of Vale, bv Ar
thur Keed Kimbill, wiitten with refeience to the
approaching Vale biientenarj".
"The Knd of the Peal" is ihe litle of an un
usually pood business serial story which I tn
begin in an early number of the Saturday Ksen
ing Post, of Philadelphia. A tannin ranaction
on Ihe I hliago Boaid of Trade i the basis upon
which the author, Will Pijne, has founded thu
striking romance nf the wheat pit A charminj
love Kory luns through the stern and staring
Beginning with the August number the Metro
politan Magazine will tie red.i.ed in "c'i trom
23 to IS cents per copy, and manv new- feituics
will b added. Kach number of this remaikably
siutes-'ful periodical will hereafter fntin, be
sides many illustrated article of timely iuleicst,
at least l ilmrt stories by famous American
authnii, The li'vv Metropolitan will be excep
tionally sliong in Hi lion, and each toi will be
Illustrated by a well known Aniciiian nitikt,
In tlie August number of Alnslee'a theie li a
good lot "f loadable Hit inn, halinccil by neveial
characteristic artlile. "The Wonder of Chris
tian Science," by Kugene Wood, Is 11, mil ivoie
lively than any treatise or Itact, and Is well
etocked xvitli leal knnvvledge of the subject, 'the
phulngiaphs that aciiniipar.y tho tent shnvv what
iieaiitlful churches have been built by the devo
tee of Jlra. Kildv. "Lavvson, cf Boston, " by W In
Held M. Tlionipsnn, is an excellent topic handled
in giaphle tjle. The illusiiatlnns alio uro very
eltecllve. In Ihe seiies, "(irrat Tjpr cl Modem
Biulnciss," the touitli silicic, "Dcpailment
Stores," I bj II. II. Armsticug. It is a plctiir
escpie lilt of wilting, and full of interesting de
tail. "Ihc Woman C Itu-en," bj Kills Mucdllh,
author ot "The Master-Knot of Human Kate."
contain much valuable information of the woik
done by American women in rducattonil, philan
thropic and political tields, "James T. I'oweis,
Comedian," by Itlchaid Puffj', is an caij narra
tlve of the career of a livorile comic acior,
whose personal side as heie revealed shows a
man pleasant, unassuming and intelligent, The
artlile l amusingly illustrated wllh photographs
of Mr. I'oweis in numerous grotesque disguises.
Hftrdlj Accurate.
she had returned with an M ll Irom a unl
xcrslly nfler her name, and had been fleet 'd
In Ihe ihnlr of l.rallih liiciature in a small
local college. Iln Ihe day betore the session
opened the piesi.lcnt wa explaining to her Iha
dude of her place. "In addition to jour work
in Kngllsh llltralute." he said, with apologetic
hesitation, "I should like you to take the Junior
and Senior clashes in elocution, and alto assume
charge of tho 1 "
"I theie them no leather of crocctlonS" leaked
"Well, no, not at present. "
"And who has e'ntgo of the rlhyslial train
ing'" "To tell the truth, wr have no teacher a jet
V011 peril ip noticed In tne catalogue that thoca
two depaitmenls weie 'to he'suppllfd.' '
"And I was elected to the chair ol r.nklbh
literature- "
"e," the president answeied aloomilv.
But he was leaseured by her wlnnini, sr'.ie.
"I will take the work and do ,r!iat I 1111 v p.h
It. Dr. Smllh," she said liilthtljl "rut why
didn't jou will" me al first thai the 'chair' waa
a eetleel" llaipei' Maga.lne.
Humor of the Day.
Al n table ol r.eimin and Knjllsli student
reeentlj- one plessint little fJertnin was keen
on shotslng his knowledge of Mnglisli. Kveiy
senleme ( his was iiotind tn contain hsjve and
olieittj; a bit of slang was lo Ixl 1 11 a por.deious
ns tlie soke ot an otacle, and the English th
wis simple Impossible, lie , ommented hiokenly
on the bewket on tho lable, and the gajuose
In M.' tiuttonhole
Hut the climax was iraclrd in answer to a
question put In good (ieunar.
"Ah: you going to the theatie tonight, Herr
"Arli, no!" with n w ivr of his hand; "der
ghost is lellj, but der meat Is feeble"
Then the uuiet man straightened out our
wrinkled hron by sucgestlnis that possibly In
meant "Tlie spirit Is willing, but the lleh is
weak." London King.
Our Outing
Sale of Shoes
With prices we are as
thankful to give as you
are to receive.
100 pnir Youths' Leather
Bicycle Shoes, tan
and black V OC
500 pairs Men's Tan, high
and low cut, usually
$3.50. This sale.... 2.5U
20a pairs Ladies' Black Vici
Kid Button Shoes warranted
to be worth 1.50.
This sale 75C
Lewis & Reilly
Capital $200,000. Surplus $525,03).
United States Depositary.
Special attentiou given to
INGS accounts, whether large
or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from S to 9 o'clock.
Wm. Connell, President
Henry Belin, Jr., Vice Pres.
Wm. H. Peck, Cashier.
Oil Stoves,
Screen Doors,
Gas Stoves,
Window Screens,
325-327 Pcnn Ayenue,
A Second-Class
City with a
First-Class Stock of
Gut Glass,.
Sterling Silverware
Clocks, Etc,
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
Mercereaii & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
Bingtiamloi PfivahTraiflfoi Mwl
(or nervous, rsckvaid and Deal Mule Chil
dren. Manual Tulnlnf, rhjilcal Culture,
Needlework, Music, Kirnlerjarltn, Allien a
tlon. Open )car round. Cirrular. Piicsi
moderate. S, A, DOOLITTI.l..
3 Kairvlew Aemie.
After August 15 no
will be
The Tribune's
The Tribune's Educational Contest has been open eleven
weeks and still has five weeks to run. There is plenty of time
even yet for new contestants as is demonstrated by the fact that year two of the winners were only in three and four weeks
The eight special rewards arc offered to the young men or
women who secure the largest number of points in the contest.
They are required to canvass for subscribers to The Tribune and
are credited with .one point for every month's subscription se
cured, a year's subscription counting twelve points. .
Two of the winners will secure (our year scholarships, valued
at Si, 000 each, for the work of a few weeks. Why shouldn't
one of them be you ?
The Special Rewards:
Scholarship in Lafayette College $1,000
Scholarship in Swarthmore College 1,000
Scholarship in Stroudsburg Normal School 675
Three Scholarships in Scranton Business
College, $60 Each 180
Two Scholarships in Scranton Conserva
tory of Husic, $75 Each 150
Each contestant failing to secure one of these special rewards
will be given ten ( 10) per cent, of all the money he or she turns in.
N, B. The first two scholarships do not lntl'id" mfals, but the rontrsUnts stcurlnj
Ihwc svill be cistn tin (10) per cent. o all the money be or she turns In to The
rrtbune, to assist In paying thu expense.
There are six weeks yet ot the contest and it is not too
late for any energetic young man or woman to enter. Some of
last year's winners were only in three or four weeks.
Send a postal to The Tribune for full particulars, including
handsomely illustrated booklet. Address,
Editor Educational Contest,
Tribune, Scranton, Pa-
Allis-Chalmers Co
Successors to Machine Business of
Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton
and Wllkcs-Barrc, I'a.
Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining
Machinery, Pump3.
L. SOMMAR. Building Contractor.
Employs union men. Kstlmatcj checrlull
given. Remodeling and repairing a specialty.
BERNHARD, jeweler.
Gold Medal
,e Photographer
Children's 3
Artut. T
nrcr.iKS nd vvao-
0fc of all Kinds,
also llousss and
Iluddlng Lots at
bargains. HOUSES
( MPPED and
OIlOOMl'.li at
M. T. Keller's
Mo'a freight. Furni
ture and I!j;i.-3k'ii.
r-sf-s. Piani-a and Ma
cluneij Ji; l.a Kaujnna Vie
Dealers in
Plate Glass and Lumber
Will tell nil their ramplei of fine Imported
Madras Shirts for men at Ii9c ; worth $1 to $: M
214, 216. 2ia PAULI BLDQ,
Attorney-nt-Law, Scranton, Pa.
fAl.VU Mear Ruildm?. Parlois open Monday,
rhuisday and S-ttmdjy evenings.
rear ill I.ackanrvnn lunif. manulaciincr of
Wire screens of alt kind, full picpared for
the spilng naicn Wc make all kindi uf poiih
srree i s etc
Geneial t'rntii ler, Ilulld-r and s-"'alrr in
Building Mint ( cl cellais a spc
cully. Telephone iSW.
Offi. e, r;T Washinston avenuo.
more new contestants
received in
Merchant Tailor.
319 Lackawanna Avenue.
Parlor Hotel. Accommodations unsurpassed
Special SUMMER RATES to peimanent BuesU.
Get them. Table Board. V H. WHYTG.
Successor to
We make a specialty ol fine bread atuffs.
Orders for Salads, Oysters, Croquettes, etc.,
rromrtly filled.
A full line of Leo Cream and Ices.
F.lertric Wiring and Fixtures.
Electric Bell and Telephone Work,
12' and 121 Washington aienue. Scranton Pa.
Oflie e hours -8 (i to U in . 1 .10 to 5 So p. m.
Only practicing lady osteopath in :,ertheist
em I'cnnschania.
Staple Groceries and Provisions, A full line
of Vegetables, etc . rer.ivnj
Mskeis or I'ailng Brick, etc M II. Dale
i,c.crat ."ales Agent. Olflce 3M Washington av.
Works at Nay Aug. Pa . 11. A. W v It It
Kinqsbury & Scranton.
Manufacturers' Afcents
District Agents for
John A. Iloebling's Sons Co 'i Wire Rope and
Electrical Wire. Uutta Percha and Rubber Mlg.
Co 's Belting, Packing. Hose and Mechanical
Rubber (joods, Knowllon Packing. Carter's
Oil Clothing ItfTom 310 raull nidg,
Home office, SOS-200 Mrars Building, transacts a
general building and loin business tluoujhout
tho stale ol Pennsylvania,
Successor to the Hunt & Cornell Co., In tin
and sheet m.tal norli and cntlltion. Carton
liiruaco, ii pairs unl pemul ilr, nork a
stvcmllv o 412 I. if k a wanna avenue
lashlonaliln Tailors (lnt Jeunvii Bulldln?)
i'! Spiuce street, Scrantin, Pa Mnts pressed,
Sj .cuts, panti pressed, M cents clothing re
palled, cilled for nd dellceied Vevv Phone, iffll