'M f v J ""M ' V. Y " UJ rikwte. 'v" J 11TI V4U II THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCRAOTON, PA., RRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 2, 100T. TWO CENTS. 1" rf ""- ?1 IjlBffflSjJ'jMkTfcllwy'y aktaH jnPjyWiBBMtjtflB.- -J ANOTHER DAY OF SUSPENSE Amalgamated Association Executive Board Cannot Take Action on the Peace Proposals. MORGAN'S WORD DESIRED The Board Wishes Another Confer ence With the Companies find Will Remain in Pittsburg Until n Re ply to a Messngo Sent to Mr. Mor gan Is Received They State That if Ho Does Not Again Rocognize Them the Strike Will Not Be Set tled. D hvtlmlw Win fi 'in Hie Mniileil I'r -" Plttsbmg, Aug t - AnolliiM da of suspense tilid tho end not i '. The thlnl ull-dn s's-slou of tin- Aiualsi mnted Htsrnl.it I ill ovtiitlvo linuiil bas Ii.tsxoil without at Hon being taken on the New Yoik ilili'K me p"iice pin pos' ami n no' t-i session will lie liel . iinioiiow. l flit in! in lliin.ttloa in the status of tho sfol woiki-V stilke, as It was outlined 1. ill" A-mi-i l.itcit Pics lust night, was given In tlir (iiiront isue ot tin Amalgamated Jrniinal, w hli h Is Hit' nigun of the association The executive lioilil of the association Is. In fai't. waiting for a wind fioni .1 I' Mm can Altoi the boaid had lii'aid fiotn Piesldent Shnffei tontoinlng hi tilp to Now Yolk last week. II was Or tided to ipqnrst a change In the (im positions of Mi. Moignn .ind thev sent n message to Mi Mnigan In New Yoik on Tuesday night nunouni tug tlielt deilslon on this mallei In t -pl.tnntlon ot this message, tin- .Inui Jlrll snjs: 'I lit eeiiiHi boaid iK-liis anothei tonfciente with the lopiesonlntives of the constituent companies and will le nialn In the ilty until an utiswei Is to iel tl rpnn the ipmiU of Unit an ew cr will dtpend whelliti the sti ilt will be piolongcd indefinite lv " In the "nine statement of the tesults of the lonlueiue of tin ixri lithe boa id, the .loinn.tl had tlil to a 'The Mi Ike slhittlon as we go to pi ess Is about the mine as it was one wctk i.go as fai as lb" 'oiklng ion dltlons f the mill, aie ccrceincd. No attempt las been ma 1 to .stall any of the t lowed mills oulslde of the "Wells ille plant of the Atniiiian Mitel htcil coninan, in id theli effort In this in stall c has I eon a liuluie "Th" mnt Intel e-tu , phase of tie stlike dl.ling the pot vrek was the Hip tt J'lcident Miutiti and s,een-tary-Ticasuioi Willi hum to New Yoi U '1 hey weie an ompanled h Colom 1 ticoigc B M llaivev, who camt on Uoin New Yoik as ii l opt est illative of Mr J I'. Mm pan, and who suggested that If Piesldent Shaffei and Socie tal Williams would ro to New Yoik he i mild nuance a meeting foi thtm with Ml Moigan Colonel llamj thought till", would he the best wa to leath a heller iinilctstnndlng and pae the wa toi a settlement of the strike. "Piesldent Miaffei aftei consulting with the other national olllt lal, de rided to ait on Colonel Uiuvcj'h pto positlon In iiiiniiliimi' Willi this de liclon Ptesidint Slnffti and Sotie tH i Williams met Mi .1 I' Mnigan, Piesldent Sihwnb, ol the l'nlted States Steel t oi poi.ilion. and .lutlgi fmi, head of the updating dcpaitnitnl last Sat uidn Aftei sonic houis of discussion the nllliliils of the I nili'il States Steel oip lion tiskid l'M'sliluu shaffei to rail the eei tithe board togtthei to see if a k ttleini lit i mild not hr lenhtd along the lines Indkated h Mi Mhir.iii and his colleague". "Piesldent Miaffi i and S-ctietaiv Williams c iiiijsomIi tl will' the irsult thai a merlins; of the emithe boa id was held at llii' uulolial heaihillai ttis Tuo-da.i and the usult of tlitli dellli. oiutlon was suit to New Yoik tin same evening." Ultimatum to Morgan. The llieo'-aRP si nt lo Mi MoiRau, while not so stated Is In. lit i il to be ill ultimatum to the hi ad ot tile I'tiltcd States feteil loipuintlou It is viewed as such by the lahoi luulus ahout I'ltlshuiR. If the ski I woikeis do not Kit iheli demainl foi this toiifuenie the stilke will ro on Indt llnlteh . noon, after ihe eseiuthe boaid had brcn III session all 11101111111,' and in a loiiual maniiei wailed foi t iep fiom Mr. MoiR.in. ihe meniheis ilei ided to mako an olllilal tltiilal of the lepoit ihn thcip was 11 1,0 of iiiiimmiy in their ranks. To tho lepbiteia piesent iney Rine out the follow Iiir. "We. the membeis of the Reueial executhe bonid of the Amalgamated association, deslie to tlein emphatli -ally the lepoits published expressive of disagieemrul animiR us, We aie dlifponins of the wnik befoie the 10111 inlttee as fast as Its inipoitance iu permit. "No member lias epiessed .n,v opinion 01 Riven any Htatenieut nf the business or of the attitude ot other members. Nothing has been made public, nelthei will any lepoit Issue from us until a (Infinite eoniluslon Is leaclied Wo aio slinplj tijIiiR to 1 each n settlement whleh shall bo honoralde and satlsfretoiy to all con coined ' Whether Mr. MoiKan will answer the nussj.iKU of the Amalgamated assrula lion or not seems to be a question that even tho association oMUim don't erne to predict. They hope that ho will leeoRnUc them to this extent. Tliey state positively that If lie does not, there (an be no settlement at this time of the strike. All day the exeiutlvo board sat and waited for a reply. On Wednesday the samo proceedings vvcic cone thrmish with. Mi. Mm khh's ell ne Is lesaided by some as slRnltlcant lid ominous. Otheis piofoss to be llHiPihat lie Is In cousultatloil with oihrr oflli'ials of tliu United States Slr I coiiioiatlon and "will answer shoitly. Sccretivonnss Continued. The seetelhencss of the mtttltiR of tin- Anuii'HiiiHled nun vv hlch has ihar- ndeilcd the piecedltiK nicclliiRS was Loiitlnued today The ineinbeiH of the pxeiiitlvc boaid Ratheied eaily In the nioinltiK and iiinaliied Loulliied In the tonfeieuie loom of the heailquai tns all da with the exception of a hilef liituli hmii Tlieie vseic the same Riiaids pi aid outside of the oMlecs and tiewsiaper men vvcio kept liiuk from all aripioailies to the inectlnR At I otliak In the afteinoon Piesldent Shaffei, iittiiiR on behalf of the boaid, sent wold to the newspaper mi 11 that tlieie would bo 110 statement Riven out tin publication to-day and that time would he a uitetiiiR of the boaid to luol tow 11101 nliiK at 10 oMock. The iiKetiiiR' did not adjoin 11 at this hour, however, but icpialnid hi session un til neail.v 1! o'tloik. UiiiIiir the aftei noon .loselib Itlshoo. of the binild of iti hit 1 a t Inn of Ohio, was picstnl for some time. Kx-I'i evident M M. !ai land, of the assodation, was also in the ofllies foi a time, but both of these men left eat I). Thej declined to dls- 1 uss the. situation hi nm foi in, uxupt 10 sa tnat nicy din not Know vvnat the luobohilitles veie foi a setllemeiit. SPANISH AMERICAN WAR VETERANS MEET First Oathoring of tho Pennsylvania State Camp Held in Armory at Harrisburg Officers Elocted. Bj Pxilmlic Wire Irom The oclalrd I'rtw. I tin 1 Ulmi j Ant? 1 Th,. Ill st mepf- Iiir of the Pennsjlvanla state tamp of the Spaiilsli-Ameriian Win Veteians' assotlatlon was In Id In t lie alinoty heie todav. twentj -tluce tamiis biliiR leptevtnted out of the foit.v-llve In the department Colonel C. T ONrill, ot Altoona, ileiiaitiuent lommandei, pre "ided and It was annoutiied thnttveiy !'i nuslvanla leRliutiit and (oimnand in the lite vai was lepiu-entcd Ite foie the business session biRan Col onrl James R Coijell of Phlladil lihla. was Intioduted and Riven an ovation b his ionn,ide As senior vlie (oiuinaiider In chief he made an additss leviewliiR the hlstoi and riow lb of the oidet. Lieutenant Stlne for the lonnnlttt e on lesolutlons, made a lepoit, whldi wan adopted, uikIiir Colonel O'Neill to ait 1 pt a le-elettlon as depaitment oiumauder: emloishiR- Colonel Coi.vell foi lominaniler In chief, and lusti uot InR Pcnnsjlvanla deleRates lo vote for him at the national encampment meet Inar In Huffulti. txpiesslns Rilef over the death of Colonel II. t. Caldcr, late assistant adjutant Keueial of the tle paitment, uirIiir the adoption of a tils, tint the national unlfoim for tho order on leiemonlal occasions and such other teatuus as inav have a tendonej to uiuniiaRe luteiest In the oidei, x- tendliiR a Rruei.il invitation lo nil Mil -vlvois of tlio Spaulsli-Aint'ilian win to nt tt ml to next annual met Hug, iiir Iiir the eiiattment of legislation to plu vial the misuse of the national ilag for advei tlshiR- pin poses, and to movent tho wealing of InsignlF and unlfoim by unauthoil.ed pel son". The following oflheis weie elected' Conuiiandei, Colonel C, T. O'Neill of Altoona senior vitp t onimandor, Col onel (Jeoigo C. Itlchaid", Oil Citj Jim ioi v Ic e comiiiandoi, Captain P M Ott, Harilshtiig, assistant adjutant Renelal, Lieutenant C A Seldeiustelekei, York; assistant Inspeetoi gcneial. Captain P. A. Snvdei Wllllainspoi t, assistant sur gean genual, Major Salem Hellman, Shaioir Judge advocate, Captain Ani biose lllggins Piiiladclphla, thaplaiii, I!ev. Pi IIeni C McCook, Philadel phia, c oil 11c il of ndiulnlstiatlon, Colonel C How DoiiRheil.v Wllkes-Ilarre; Cap tain Cliaiiis sipauRlti Allentown; Lieutenant Colonel J. H llutehlson, Haiilsbuig; hletiteiiant J. 1.. S'hlek, Caliisaiuiua. Yoik and inrahter both asked for next .vein's meeting, but tho time and place was left in the hands of Com maiuler O'Neill, who will also appoint the delegates to the national encamp ineiit The leinalnliig houis of the ses sion weie spent In a social unj, many of those present not having seen each other since thox weie musti'icd out ot the si iv Ik. Department Commander O'Neill lepoits the ordei n gi owing inpldl.v and tint t Its piojcitois aie much ciuoui.iRod REQUISITION FOB ROSE. Governor Stone Grants Papers for His Removal to Apalachian. Ill 1 i lump W irr ftuni 1 hr VsvotUtctl l'rf- Wilkts-H.uie, Aug 1 (.ioveinor Stone today giauted the necessaiy ieiiilsllion paieis for the ieinov.il of Peter Itoe fiom the countv Jail heie to Apalachian, Tioga coimt, N. Y., wheie he Is wanted foi a muideious assault committed oil an Italian named Ciuleppe Vldeis Aftei committing the 01 line lime Hpii to this section of Pennsylvania and found emploinent nt the car shops of the Leh.gh 'all i.iilioail, this ie, wheie the machinists weie on stilke, lie wiote a letter to his foiiner em ploei lu New Yoik stale requesting him to foi u aid his wages This led to his auest. Steamship Arrivals. llv I.ilule Win' Iiom The Vwiuicd I'rfM Xi Voik, Ausr I Vnlicih ) ut.iliUnil, lliiuluiii: sjllol' Puut Ili-nurck, ilnnlun; u PI.miouiIi liii'l Uici'iiiiirr, It l IminiidEii', Hiir PLimmilli Vinidli Culumlila New Vork ti r t'licrlivirc in I liiinliur'. C Imlu ue -I ilinl Itjinfrln Mull Hi.'mii (funi llrcnKii in I s0i t Hiiipl'li). Xr Vork trntnui -sillnli VUJotlt, Xr VoiK rimoi Vrrlinl: 'Inivr. Sci N r iU n.i CiiliiuPir iml Xipln .tit Uriii'i-saiifd, Poudiiii, lliulrerr ami i Voik IRON FENCE WORKS DISROYED Shortly aftei 3 o'clock this morning Hie broke out In the Iron fence manu factory of Sant Hi os nn Chestnut street, between Jackson and Rcranton sheets. The building was tutally de. HllUVLd BIG DAY ON GRAND CIRCUIT More Than Five Thousand People Witness the Events on the Columbus Track. EDITH W. WINS FAST RACE Was Practically Unconsidered as a Winnor Favorites Win tho Two Slow Classos A Jockey Injured at the Lake Erie Track Tho Heats Exciting A Good Track at Albany. tli Fxilmlt VMrf (rem The iociatnl I'rfM. Columbus, O, Aug. 1. This was the big day of the giand oil cult mooting and moie than live thousand people weie piesent. The Hist event was the unllnlshed 2.14 hot, four beats of wbhli weie de cided oil Wedliesda, Dl. Hook having two to his ciodlt and CS1.1t Ie Onwaid and Wiiulinn each one Dr. Hook, how evei, tame to the fiont in the sixth heat nnd won casll. The feature of the day was the 'J Pi! pace, the fastest class of the meeting, In which seven gooel hoises faced tho stailer. Hetty Ci. was made the favot Ite at $30 to $40 over the Held. Pontile Dliee't won the first heat In 2 0i'i. Hetty G. took the sotond heat In '.'O'i'i, but to the surpilse of her baikeis she was unable to tepeat, nnd 1'dlth W., pi actually uneonsldeied as a winner, won the next thioe heats and the laie. Kgnson (-' Ofi'O was tliawn after the set ond beat, having stiained a ten don. The two slow 1 lasses went to tho favoiltos In fast time, Dainty Queen in tho 2 24 pace, and Captoi in tho 2 20 hot. The weathtr Indications tonight aie fav enable for the last dnj's racing and Ciosteus will hot against his record of 2 0J1 tomorrow. Tho Summaries. ln-t Hie (iiiinlliwl). ill U"t, puiis; if-VO Hour hralu on rrlncil 11 ) llr II Kik, I" Mihlnnci lllnrdei 1 1 2 t - t WauLdn (Cinti") i - I 1 I 2 duclo (liiw ml (Mini) " 1 - """ Xinn hinr (Mij'i) 1 ' '- il' J I) (lliistim) "i '""Ir Hit Miller (M-iUlcr hi Tiinc-J ll'. 2 10'ii 2 1J'i; JU'ii -ll'tl 2 1 1', sctoml rate, 2'-t thm, puliis, piiiM" i', Ililnti (Jiioen, In Peeler (Vunviii)..J 2 111 n 1 '(Me Line mil MeDvull) 1 1112 lean Cutler (Mnrplit) 1 " '-' -' ) MU (irttrmlc (Mill) 1 t - hs ( liarhe Hnfer, li c (Ilului0 IN llliolllrnun lilk in (( urll) Ii litnr !!10it. 2 1IIU. 2ia,i 2 IJ'2. 2 12't. 'llilnl rue, J(i iliMi, Mif, iihm sj.iKi 1 1I1II1 W . hi It'll lonun llinmr) t I I I I 1 lei It I, (Vhbieiil 1 1 1 2 Hi mile Direit (Mcllirirt) ' ' ltilei II tl riin) 2 2 I i I I lelel (Keiinej) " - 2 I Milton S (Ponell) 5 li 0 tli 1 even (Crlttlitielil) " T ilr line-2a.i,, 0-,'4. 2(i-.14i 2 or1.. 2 nT,. lourtli ruee. 2 2'. 1 1 is. In tllns. m W Cirtor, li C it ill in (VlJiiin) II It Ciipliin nrriiken (luln) 1 i i AltrnnettJ (Snider") 112 1 Dclrctn (oiini;) 2 .1 I t Hie Iliitili (Inis) S 3 ell JI111.-2 151., 2 12".; 2 111 2 11 At Erie Trotting Circuit. Kile, 1'a., Aug 1. At the thin! d.iv's meet of the I.akc lhle Tiottlng 1I1 cult, J. 11. Hwalt, who was giving .loan of Alt' a prellmlnaiy spin ainuud the tiack, was tin own out, the maid bolting, and his leg hioken. Tho heats weie exciting, and in two cases the favorites won. Suinmaiics. 2 14 rutc, tlnee in tlic, pune iWi Cutliiuc filrl won, C imlintlse (Slrl, wcond: II 1. 1' , tlitli) 1 line 2 li' , ElJ'i, 2 1j', Bli'i, 2 in1 2 17 tmt, tline In flic. p"re ;0 -Viileellx vi on; Mllhrd sounders, nemid, nlli M, tldid rune 2 !. 2 16, 2 17: 2.17 2 21 tint, tliree In die, purse Miia nlin liny won. Pic It c, fiPcniul, 'lurk Itu.-ell, llilid. lime-2 1, 2ir'ti 2 17; 2 17. Good Track at Albany. Albany. N. Y.. Aug. l.-'lheie wa a good tiatk and good latlng tod.O 'it Island Paik. H' suits. 2 is tli". tinttinu iimfliiiilml in Wnlmnliv) -Htw-iell T, b ir (lltnn), won, Iti 1 tmniti , li g dtllei) Hinnd Wlnlfieil M, In in (II II11W. Ililut lint time, 2 IP, 1 17 1I111 tmllliis su-le I. r 111 (Vltlteel, vion: All night, Ii. g (ei.ider), kctnnd; Helen V li in ( in Viikin), iliinl tie-! linn, 2 IPi 1 111 fnrall, lueliic-loiiiuir. Mk k (Mill hi 11I1II. tton, IndliiM, li L' KhiKi, ieuiiil, i 1 eeiila, li c (lioull, Iliad H"t time . 2H"'i. I'll il iss, Irolluu tnnHnllied) - Vwiit 1 li 111. ill neli) 11011 tnu boat l'li-ai:t Hill llrlle, I 111 (llml). rmnd lutli one lieif IIhih, Ilk in (Snider), tlilnl II t time, 2 Wt GIRL WHIPPED D0G-CAT0HER And Rescued Her Pot From Official Bondage. Hi rvilmlu Mire irim I lie initrd l'iri, Aillngton, N. J.. Aug 31 Miss Ada Saigent, the 17- ear-old daughtei of rrecholder IMward Saigent, of Keai nev, publicly whipped James Helney, the oilltlal dag-catcher of the town, and rescued her pet dog, whlth Helney had captmed. The episode was witnessed hj a laige ciovvd, which made no effoit to Intel fere, DUE TO ANTI-OANTEEN. Soldier Visited Filipino GroRRory and Killed Comrade. P Evluihe Mlrc Irom riif Aiiotiatcd Preaa. Wheeling. W. Va., Aug. 1 -Mis. Dean Fleming, inotlu r of Seigeaiit Chailes H. Kleiulng, of Company I, Twentieth Infauti . ice tiled a letter today fiom Captain Ocoiro D Mooie, ot that coiup.il) .stationed nt Magslu riiI, In tho Philippines, announcing that her hon had been murdered on Juno 17 by a drunken soldier of an other letrlment. Fleming was chatting with other sol dleis when the drink-dazed man stop ped out nfa uatlvo gioggery, and inls lug Ills gun, (lied Into the patty. Tho bullet passed thtough Heigcant Pleni Ing's hcait, causing Instant death. In another letter by Captain M0010 to Wheeling lodge, No. 144, Knights of I'jthlas, to which Seigeant Fleming belonged, he hii.vh the death may bo cliaigcil directly to the abolition of the canteen, which had heielofoie fin nlshcd mild stimulants to soldleis, lie savs tlieie aie several other cases wheie soldleis deprived of the oppor tunity lo sieiiio stimulants under the tontiol of l heir olllccts have com mitted nun del. SOCIALISTS ARE AGAINST JOINING THE MILITIA They Must Also Refuse Office at the Hands of Capitalists. Hi l.vetiHlto Miie from The AuMnialnl I'rcn. Iiidlauniiolis, Ind., Aug. 1 The nit I'lonal socialists' convention today adopted a lesolutton cndoislug labor unions and advising nicinbeiH to Join. Anothei lesolutlon was adoitcd pio vldlug that an sotlallst who shall Join tho militia 01 actcpt an appoint ive utile e nt the hands of capitalists shall be expelled. It was decided to appoint a munici pal committee whose duty It shall be to furnish lnfoi mation concerning- city alfalis to the public. THE JEFFERSOnTaNS SPEAK BITTER WORDS Meoting' to Reorganize Democracy of Philadelphia Nearly Ends in a General Row. Bi I'vilmne Wire Irom The Awociatrd Pre. Philadelphia, Aug 1. The Jeffor sonlan .soclet, whlili was lecently elected foi the puipose of icoiganl lug the Detune l.itie p.uty III this city, held a meeting- tonight, which at times ihteatcncd to wind up in a low. The object ot the meoting was to hem a slioit ndtlicss by foiiner Ooveinor Uoboit V. Pattison, who last week was elected t hail man of the city committee, to suttecd Chailes P. Donnellj. Mi. Paulson's lcmaiks weie In ief and the bin den of them wns patty iinit. At the eoniluslon of his cpcpLli, a lesolutlon was pic sented, bitteily denouncing tho two local Democratic leaflet h, Donnelly and ISv.iii, whlth was stoutl.v opposed bv a number of those piesent. Hit ter vi 01 ils weie spoken by both sides, and the meeting tlueatened to bleak lip lu a low. The lesolutlons, vvhiih also piotested against the seating of the delegates filendlv to Dounellv mid Ux .111 li the coming Dcmoeiatlc state convention, weie dually adopted. Thou a lesolutlon was piesented cndoislug P. 1 Itotheimol the inde pendent candidate for dlstiiit attor nev. to whlili was tacked an amend ment eniloisliig .IiiiIrc Maxwell Stev enson for the common pleas bench The tcsolutlnn and the amendment caused .mother extltlng discussion, but they, too, weie adopted. SMITH LOCKED UP FOR SEEKING WORK The Mayor of McKeesport Deals Piomptly with a Stranger Who Had Ambition to Labor. Pv Exrluite Wire (ion The Vwclated Prei McKeespoit. Aug. 1. I.a.st night J. W. Smith, of Wellsville, O. 111 lived hue and imiuiied for work as a toller in the W. Dew cos Wood plant. Tho Mt anger had been lu the town lea than ten minutes when he was sui 1 minded by a e towel of tho stiikeis. Prompt inteifeieneo b the police averted a Hot, and Smith was leaked up on tho chaig'e tit dlsoidcily con duct. The man said that ho did not know that a stilke had been declined in MiKcespoit. The Int Ide nt tanned In tense eseltenunt and the stilkois to newed their vlgllenee at the mill en hances after Ihe auest. At the hcaiiug thin uioinlug Mavot Hlack dlsihatgcd Smith, but lold hint that unless hi left town he would be sent to the woikhoiise foi thlity davs. Mi. Smith left at noon. THE LAND" LOTTERY IS CONCLUDED Drawing of Numbers Finished Yes terday at El Reno Specula tors Ready to Sell. U tveltmic Wire from The Vwoi atcd Pres r.l P.ono, O. T, Aug. 1. The (hawing of winning uumbeis In the United hiHtes land lottfty was concluded to day, liOno envelopes having been taken fiom the wheels, 0,500 f 10111 each land dlstilet Beglnnlnswugust fi, one bun dled and twentj -the names in eieh dlstilet will be called dally for sixty dnH tor the llllng of homestead en tries. Homestead speculatois who legls tered for the sole puipose ot selling their pilze If they should he wlnneis .u c nlieady seeking to soil letlnqulsh ments of their claims. RACE HORSE DROPS DEAD. Petal A. Ruptures a Blood Vessal on tho Poughkeepsie Tracks. ttv I xeluiiir Wire Irom riie Ajiocuted Prut Poiighkeepsle, X. Y Aug. 1. The tiottlng and pat lug meeting at New Paltss was com luiled toda with a sensational Incident, Petal A , a bay mate owned by Francisco Hio, of Little Falls, was favoiite In the race for L' 3ri tiotteis and patois. She won the first and second heats, dihen by one of lici owueis, who then gave tho lelns to Oeoige o, Smith, a 111010 expei lenced dilvei. Smith diove her III the thild heat. Sho was leading at the half mile when she ill opped as. If shot and filed in her hacks, having ruptuied a blood vessel. Tho hoi so was Mi oil by Hod Star and was enteird lu JS.OOi) woith of stakes this season TO ELIMINATE THE NEGRO Declared Purpose ol the Maruland Democrats In State Conven tion at Baltimore. ISSUE OF THE CAMPAIGN If Such a Thing Be Possible Undor tho Constitution of the State the Colorod Voter Will Be Placod in Position to Have No Voice in Politics in Futuro Combinod Sagacity of Democratic Leaders Enlisted in tho Preparation of a Platform Advocating the Disfran chisement of the Negro. tlj- Fxclume Wire from The voeutnl l're. Italtlnioro Aug 1. The Demociatle slate (Otiventlon which met here to daj deviated tint the putposu ot tlio pnrty, If succettsful In the coming elec tion Is to eliminate the negro fiom politics In Mao land, If such a thing lie possible under the constitution ot the state. Upon this pai amount issue ot the campaign ivlll stand the candi dates nominated todaj foi state oilites and those chosen In tho various count) and dlehlct conventions as candidates for places. In the legislature of lflOJ, which body will elect a United States senator to succeed C.eenge I.. Welling ton. That his sutcessoi lu the event of Domotiatlc iclory will bo Aithui Poo titn man Is settled bevond question, nl thouglit no formal announicmetit of Ills candidacy has as jot been made The nominal put pose for which the convention met was to select candi dates for the oilhcs of couhollei and cloik of the eouit ot appeal"", ami It fullllled this task l uuanlmousl.v nam ing Di. .leisliua W. Herlng. of Caiioll, and J Ftank Tiiinei, of Talbot, to succeed themselves In the plates men tioned. This action was a fort gone con elusion ami tho leal business of the convention was the fnt initiation and adoption of a platfoim upon which the DeluneratH could go befoie the people of the tato with a leasotiable show of w lulling. The combined taga( ity of all the Demociatle loadcis lu the slate was tailed Into urmlsltlon fm tills puipose, and under the advice an 1 gul 1 mice of Mi. Gorruan the following dec laration upon the chlet point ol issue was evolved: Tho Platform. 'The Demociatle pait icpic-ents moie than 40,000 majoiity of the white people of Mai .viand The, In toinmon with their bretlnen of other states Into whleh huge nuist-os of eoloied votots have been Injected Into tho nndj poll tic, lecognle that the peace, good or dei, pcisonal safotj and piopoi devel opment of tmt material Intel ests de pend upon the tontiol ot the com monwealth b Its Intelligent white les. idents. Without the nld of tho bO.000 eoloied veiters, the Republican put In Mnijland would be a hopeless mlnot- lt "We, theiefoie, without hesitation protlaim that the success of tho Donin ciatlc p.uty will mean that while we shall deal with pcifect falinei-s In e cuiing all the benefits of good govern ment and full and fnc oppoitunltles for education to all classes, such ac tion must be taken as to pi event tho tontiol of the Mate government fiom passing Into the hands of thoso who liave nelthei thiablilt nor the luteiest to manage public affalis wl-ely and well" The othct pi mks In the platfoim re alliim the devotion of the lotal pnity to the piliulplis enunciated by Thomas Jefferson; aseit that Dcmoiratlt ton tiol Is necessniy to the welfaie of the state, commend the tidmlnlstiatinn of John AValttr Smith as gov ei nor, pledge the pnt to amend the njstei and school laws in t-uch manner as may seem piopei, declaie tin ionise of tho governor in ( tiling a special stolon of the leglslatuie and the ae lion of that bod in passing laws to limit the exei cIsp of the light of fiiimhlbc lo those who art able to lead and wilte to bo pahiotle In the cNheine denoumo the feeleial atlthoiltlis tot fiauds and li le Milniltles in the late fedeial lenaus, cominciid the statcaulhoiltles foi the inaiinei in whMi a lecount of the pco pli was made, and pledge the patty lo the adoption of such laws 113 will make the prlmni elections as fall as those held under the geneial election law. No Dissenting Votes, Tlio platfoim wont thtough without a ellbsontlng voice 01 vote. The only lift in the lute of pel feet haimouy came when the announcement of tho incmbeis at the new state ctnti.il com mittee wns made and It was dlsiovered 'that evtiy opponent ol I. Freeman 1 P.asln lu municipal polities has been 'ill opped fiom the list and their places filled with thoie whose loyalty to the oiginlatlon Is unquestioned. Hoth Mr (joimait nnd Mr. Itasln weie piesent throughout the ptoeetd Ings, but neither of them appealed on the plutform, nor did they octnp sents In tho body of the hull. After the convention adjoin ned All. Ooiman held an Infoimal leceptlon behind tho scenes and gieat enthusiasm was shown by those who clouded toiwaid to shake his hand. COMES AHEAD OF TIME. Omen of Frosty Nights for Corn and Buckwheat Crops. Hi l vtluiie Wlie fifin Hie ''milled Pien. Wilmington, Del , Aug. I. Tho up. pcaianeo of the kaljdld two weeks abend of time has caused home minis!, no.! among faiiueis down tin state. Faimciii say the hats did comes about sl weeks ahead of the (list host and If this should piove hue the torn nnil buckwheat ciops would be dam. need, THE NEWS THIS MORNING- Weather Indication ToJnyi rAIRt WARMEft. 1 liriiPMl lllit !)iv m (irand ( Ircult smpeiwe in Miel strike settlement. Vhrjlund tn l.llinliitlp the Vearo hecntiiry me lldilen Silile'l IleqiiMt. 2 (Irnrral Cuiliondilc Depirtmtnt. 3 Iieal- Injunction ithn Vmln 1 mler y. Pmenvi ot tlio diiiitinnjl Contcit. 1 lditmlil. Noli jtul L'enunent. S IhuhI I ttinlntllnn h at an t.nd. In Mnndtin llarfoiil (irplian SeliooU 'I lie lnv en Coit"M.illnni (i 1 licit Wot Nimtuii and siiImiiImii. 7 (irnenl Norllientem I'ltnwjhanla. llimulM and Cuiniii"re.Iiil. 8 I mid- I II trillion (elcbrntiin. Indiiitrlal ind l.ibor. MR. GROOT CHAGRINED. The Man Selected as Independent Candidate for Governor of Ohio Rofuses to Run. Bf Fjcluttve Wire In m The Amoclited Pre. Cleveland, O., Aug I. tleoige A. Clroot, who was chairman of tho Pryan confcieiue at Columbus es teiday, was todav shown a dlspalth fiom Dr. It. II. Ueemebn, at Cincin nati, salng that he would not 111--eppt the nomination foi governoi on the Independent ticket. Mr. (Stool was "Vldently ehagilned over the an noumement. "I suppoed tho com mittee that made the nominations" Fiild he, "know what It was doing, and that the men selected would nm 'The executive committee will have to fill the vacamy I am sine I don't know who will be nominated." "Will you bo tho gubernatorial can didate.'" asked tlio icpottci "No, sh. Ceitalnly not What would I want to bo a candidate foi .'" was the reply. MINISTER OF WAR OF VENEZUELA RESIGNS Senor Pulido Refuses to Accept the Orders of President Castro to Re gard tho Revolutionists. Hi l.vilmlie Wire from rt,e Vwmatul i'rin". Pott ot Spain, Island of 'Irillldad, Aug. 1 The Venezuelan minister of wai, Senor Pulido, who Is tho loader of an Impoi taut political pait, has icslgned after a violent stone In tlio cabinet, (lining which the mlnlstei ie fusod to accept the oitleis of Presi dent Castro to leeognle the 1 evolu tionists in Colombia as holllgeients and to deliver a passpoit to Sewn Hit 11, the Colombian minister. Scnor Pulido denies that the luvadeis ot Venezuelan teultoij aie Colombians, as Piesldent Castto claims but Insists that the aie lovolutionlsts. The resignation of the war minister has mused a pinfound linpievsioii heie. The government hoops have been de feated in theli 1U nt eiieountci with the lebels 110.11 San Cilatoh.il. Othei up lislngs aie taking place lu the inlet lor of the countiy. Senor tSueu.t succeeds senor i'uituo as minister 01 wai. FACTORY RULES ARE CONSIDERED They Occupy the Attention of the National Glass Bottle Manufact urers Association. D.v Fxclutlie Wire from The Anniteil Prrw Atlantic Cltv. N. J.. Aug. !. Faitoiy lilies continued today to occupy tlio attention of the wage (onunlttee ol the National (It ecu cihis-s lioltle Manufactuicis' association and tlio CSiocu (Uass Blow ois' union The en tile sps-slon was consumed In the dis cussion of the w 01 king of men iv palis and threes on (citnlii guides of bot tles. Two and iluee men aie ie qillied lo blow some til the bollli s, and It has been the tiisloni to 011 gime a "lending bnj ' on viaie above tivciit-fnui ounces. The "tending boj" tallies tlic glass hum the Die to the blower. The nianiifactuiuib' coniniltue to day nude n pioposnl lo illspcnso with the bojs 011 bottles undei thirty-two ounces and eniplo.v another man on the woik. The bloweis objected to Ibis on the mound that the labia is 11 it sutllleiitly leiuuiifiathc and that few men would iindeitake to do tho woik foi the small wages paid No decision was reached and the lull was again taken up at the afttr noon session. IN LIGHTNING'S PATH. Two Children Burned to Death. Fishermen Perish in Storm. Dj Fidunt Wire 'rom hie Uioclatrd Presi Oiean Cltv. Md. Vug 1 Two of Jo seph Heni.vs chlldien weie binned tn death In his bain 11e.11 heie whlili was htiiuk bv lightning on Tuesday night and two otheis weie found 111 a thicket nearb), 11 bo aged 7 veins, dead and a gill of T. eais iiiiioiicou. A nuinbei of vcsf-els, Including the police boat, Nellie Jn' loon, weie sunk and seveial ilshermen lost theli ll t. FennBylvanias Eninings. Ill Fvclulio Wire fmni The M01htcd l'rc Pliilidelplli, Vue I -hie 1 11 11.1 h.ml 1 liill 1., til tonipjiiiV 1 milt Jilu n of (iinliux .ml iv kiic (in nio'lli 01 lulu, Pml, nnd lot s in nilln rndiiiE line " Pill. 111th -niii tulle 1 of llm m 11 inlliinv' I'll iiit..iih iillimd Hi" illieilli "1HI tlnl Mnntli nt Inne, pml, .1 ii iiinlns', lini(i, nlll.J'lO, eien ., Indus, friii..!'"'! tt t eariilnK" liiira, Hll,ii 1 sl ninnllK rndlne Inni .:, I'mi, cniv. 1 unlii'.'J. in nrne. I.mn. .'i. fiiw iiiiii'ii, l,inpvl, nrl ruiiliiE. Inuti-t, .',! i',l' Hi ili'i ' nillic il'i i'"t In hide tlic nii 1 itimi uf llic l)u(. J fjlo and .lli,iiiiii V 1U diiiduii. LONG DENIES THE REQUEST Admiral Sclileu's Siioacstlons Thai the Precept Be Modified Are Not Heeded. DEPARTMENT'S LETTER Admiral Objected to Ohnrgo of Dis obodienco But It Was Copied from His Own Despatches Text of His Lottor to tho Department and of Latter's Roply, By Ixrtuilie Wire from The .taorhtM Vttv. Wasiiington, Aug. 1. The navy tic paihucnt has 1 of used to accede to Hear Adinltal Hchlej's suggestion tint the language lu thp ilftb sppcltleatlon ot tlio piecept to the com t ot Innulty be lnodllied Tlio adiiihal In his letter challenges that speollhatlon in which It Is set foith as a fact that he had dlsobevcit oideis and suggested that It lie modl lled. The tlcp.it tnieiit In Ils icply de cllnrs to nuke tlie suggested uindlfl cations 011 the gtound that accoidlng to tho olllelal lccoids Admiral Schley himself m know lodged that lie had dis obeyed 01 dots. The disobedience of oidois was an established fait, wether unwillingly or willingly. Fol lowing Is the text of the communica tions. "Cleat Neck, N. Y, Julv 27, 1001. "Sh 1 have the honor to acknowl edge ictelpt of tlio depai tinent's cnni liiunltatlou of July 2f. Inst, Im losing topv of an oidei "convening, piiMnmt to the leriuesl contained In (my) com munication of the 2.M Inst., a tourt of lii(iilty' Innsmuih as the tout I Is dlieeted to 'Investigate,' and, after such investigation icpoit "a full and de lulled statement of all the peitl ncnt fails whlili It inav dot ill to bo establish! (I together with Its opinion and recommendation In the picinlses," 1 would lcspct tflllly suggest to the do p.iihiHiit that paiagiaph .". of the de piitment's pitteit wliith Is ns fol lows, vU '."1 . The clti umstaiites at lending and the iciimius for the dls. ohedleiue bv Commodoie Schley of tho 01 dei s of tho dopaitiueiit contained In Its dispatch dated Jliiv 1, 1ST!, and tin piopiletv of Ids tnndiKt In tins piemlses.' be modified so as to omit tile depai tinent's expiession of opin ion, and thus leave the louit fieo to expiess its own opinion In Unit matter. "Veiv lespeet fully, "W. S. Scliley, ear admhal "lion .lohn I). Long, seuotary of thr navy." Department Roply. "Nav Depaitment. "Washington, Aug. 1. llnl "Sli The depai tmc'iit has iccelvei! .vourlttui of the 27th ultimo, In whlth .von in knowledge the Hieipt of a 1 opy of tht oidei convening, at our itiiicst, a tiiuit of liKiulij to iiivestigale your 1 oiidiie t elm ing the w at w itll Spain, and suggest that paiagiaph D of said Older, dliettiiig the 1 ouit to iiKiulie Into 'tint t iitumstaiiKs alttndlng and the lea sons for disobedience bj Coininodoio Sflilev of the oideis of the depait ment,' eh , "be so moditied as to omit the depai tment expression of opin ion and thus Have the (ouit flee to eptoss Its own opinion hi that niat tei ' "In iopl vou aie advised that tho piecept calls for an Inqulij by tliu (ouit and the astei taliunent of pertin ent facts. For the puipose of setting on foot this Imiuliy the pieeept tieats certain inattois as established, such, foi instance, an the aiiival of the 'liv ing Miuadion' off Cli'iilucos and oft' Santiago the letiogaile movenipiu westwaid tlie tllin ot tlic IIiookl.vn on .Illl.v J, IVts and the laet that .vou ills obejed oidiis, as teioited bv vou in out telegiain daled Kingston. Ma 2s, IS'is. in wliith ou s.ij . 'Milch to bo leglttttil, taiinol obtv oideis of the depai tine tit ' ' Inasmuch, howevu, as It Is the de p,"ihnoiit's tiuiposp (int tlie totiit shall be absolutelv life to lepoit. If Mirli hliiill be found to he tin tasi, that j oil did not wlliull) dlhobe.v the oidei. 01 that oii wete Justified In disobevlng them, and that this in ij be (leailv undei stood, oiii letters of the 27th ulti mo, with (opv of tills icplv, will be dull foi vv .11 did to tlie tourt "I' V. HaikPh, At Hug Set letarj "Head Admhal Wlulleld S. Schlcj, V S N, CSteat N"ek. N Y." SCHLEY'S SON REBUKED. His Comment on Court of Inquiry Contrary to Army Rules. Washington Aug 1 The war do paihucnt has taken (ognlmce of tlio published Intel view of Captain Thomas F s,u,ev legiudltlg Ihe eouit of ln quliy upon Ids fathei. Heal Admlial Schley. It Is undei stood that tho de paitment has lnfoi med the uiptaln tliat suih Iniervhws aie tontiai to the niniy it'gulatloi'n. It Is not believed that a geneial oi dei dliedliig aim otll(eih not to talk for imlille.illim about such matteis will be neiessutj. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. loul ihn fur nc 1. 1"(J llil.lie.t iFiiiin iHiuit Iimi-t iiiniiiatine "V. ilecrret ml ilmirct Iteiaiie llimiidili. s I in Tt fl edit s i 1 VS irr tenl, Piei Ipll (linn, - (vi ended H i, 111, nunc; tuatlid, 1I1.11 f-f-f-f-f 'f'f-r-f-f-f -f-f -- -f WEATHEn TORECAST. lilnstiii. Viit. 1 I'm ft ml i"t Frl iIji and "iliniln I i.iem Pennjrinl I ilr Indai nil 'iiiinln uaimer Krl lit In iioittitiii piiiM.n, belli northerly uIiHj f ttlftl