THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1901. WEST SCRANTON ASSEMBLY OF GOOD FELLOWS ORGANIZED LAST NIGHT IN MORGAN'S HALL. W. W. Davis la the Ruler Chosen. Funeral of Jnmos G. Burnett the Enginoer Who Was Klllod on Mon dayNow P. 0. S. of A. Building Is Nearing Completion Oriole Camping Club Will Spend Two Weeks at Hnrvoy's Lnko Por sonal Notes. V ii pro mi; Deputy Herbert . AvoillI mid William l.lnnpy. both of this city, lust nlKlit nipaiilziil mi assembly of tho ltoyal Society of (.Sood Fellows In MuiRani' hall. Thirty-two memheiet wcte Initiated, anil tin- following otll ers were chosen: Killer, AV.W. Davis: Insttuetoi, Frank Heck; lecoirtiliR sccietiu.v anil trens uier, Frank T. Stover; llnanclal sei rc taty, M. V. Anderson, pielnto, The opholls riillllps; di pi tnr. Luther Thom ns; fitiaiil, P. IVinbinki' Stevens; sen try, Meiijiiinln Dvnrii: past i tiler. Arthur Stovei: ouimpI. Kviiii K. .times: trustees. Dr. I.. II l'.ii.vuiond, Mcnjamln Kvani anil Theopliolls Phillips; mgnii )st. tint field l,nli nieillcal examiner, Dr. 1.. II. I!a. iniiiul. After th" Insinuation of the ofllceis, nil the ineiiihi'is ipp.ilti'd to Faltchlld's hotel, wlii'ie linn h was si'ieil. f'unoral of J. G. Burnett. Klllli'ial service. vi-n helil at 0 0'i'Ini k yesterday mm hIiir ovci the icmaltw of James J. Iltirni'tt, tho Lackawanna en gineer, who mih kllleil .Momlay In the explosion of an oiiKlno holler at Tlnoop. A loqulfiti mass was celebinted In St. T'atilik's I'huii'h by Kev. P. K. La vello and a brief eulogistic addles. KlVell. At tho Cathedral i emetei-y, w heio In tel inent was intuit-, a brief set vice was t'Ondili'ted by the Itiotherhood of Loco, motive Firemen,. The p.ill-benieis weie John Thomas, Myion Sloie. It. K. .limes, Daniel Iliialus, Clark Mitchell and Martin Delaney. Boforo Aldorman Moses. YcMcnlay .lolin Kcene, of MT North Hiomloy avenue, had n warrant sworn out for tho anest of thiee j diiii nion, whom ho olalmed assaulted and rubbed lllm In a field near Peltehonc stieet. At tho hearliiK last evcniiiR the pio.eciitor could not proe (nothing aculiist the nuns' men, and Alilmii.ii'. Muses said SUNBURN Ttoo nn'l Almond Cream remove redness o( the Km and soothes the rain of eunburn in one nlRht. Tak a bottle with you on jour vacation. KOIl SALK UV O. W. JKNKII'S. A Real Bargain Sale Of High-Class Embroideries They're New. They're Beautiful. They're Just What Well Posted Buyers Want, and Yet Any Portion of This Harvelous Bargain Purchase Hay Be Yours for Less Than Half Price The assortment includes Embroidered Edgings from i to 12 inches wide, with Insertions to match. There are hundreds of pieces to choose from, and not a last .year's pattern in the lot. The Entire Main Center Aisle Is given up to this remarkable sale, and the entire purchase has been grouped into Four Memorable Bargain Lots at 5c the yard 10c the yard 15c the yard 25c the yard Most of them are worth quoted above. The Sale Starts Globe Warehouse there was absolutely no case, and so he discharged the defendants. He warned Mr. Kcene to be more careful In the future and bo sure of his case befoie ho swore out a warrant. Lost Valuable Purso. MIm Kllzabcth Dcnnett.of Butte City, Montana, Is vlsltlnp Mr. and Mrs. Itob crt Harris, of lull Hampton street. Yesterday Miss Dennett was In the central city on business, and about 12.15 took the Duryea. car at I'enn avenue for Hyde Park. When she left the car at Hampton street she missed her pur-e, contnlnliiR a sum of money, a buueli of keys and severat valuable receipts, 'As It Is very Important that Miss Dennett should have the keys and receipts, a reward will Kindly be Riven for the return In tact of the purse to 1211 Hampton strict. Union Excursions. The union exclusion of the Hampton, Simpson ami Piesbyterlan churches to Harvey's bike yesterday took about SOU West Sltlcis with them, they requlrliiR fourteen coaches. The tares were a Ki'.uiil success, the honois being about equally divided among' the churches. Tho First Welsh ConfircRiillonal and the West Market Stieet chinches will hold a Joint excursion to J.nke I.odnre on Tuesday, August 13. All arrange ments for taking caie of a large ciowd have been piovlded, and also ample amusements. Among the attractions will bo nn eisteddfod, the liuinbeis of which will be announced later. Washington Hall. The new I'. O. S. of A. building, now Hearing completion, which Is being built by Allspuugh Uros., according to the plans and specifications of Aichl tecl Iliutman, Is without doubt one of tht llnost buildings which the West Side boasts of. On the first floor are two tine large (stores, 21x8." feet, Willi largo show windows In front. In the centre of the building a io double doors which lead into a huge vcstlbulo with a mosaic llooi. in whlih aic the lettcts "Wash ington Hall." From this vestibule starts the winding stairs which lead to tin second floor, whore nre found a huge hall U?iO feet, which can bo used for social ,cutoi talments, amateur theatileals or banquets. (In this lloor nlMi are finely nppolnted check rooms, dowels nnd toilet rooms. Theie Is a spacious platform in the halt, with diossing looms on either side. On tin thlnl lloor Is a large lodge loom 4l.fiii feet, with lalsed platfoiins on all four sides for the use of the tiMi'i'is. Hack of the lodge room are several ante looms, also toilet and clos ets for pharaphernalla. On the fourth tltmr an- sevuial good sized rooms for storage purposes. The building is well lighted, finished In yellow pine throughout ami will be heated with steam. A Fish Story. Augustus Foster, of Hampton street., who has been camping at Lake Henry for sonii time, has returned home. Mr. Foster is an expert fisherman and more than double the prices This Morning. It la very seldom that he does not bring something homo as the result of his trip. This time ho Is showing his friends a large Lake Erie, catfish welshing live pounds nnd six ounces, It being Just twenty-threo Inches In length. The very Interesting story of the catch must bo heard from Mr. Foster him self to bo fully appreciated. Camping Club. Arch Moses, David Thomas, Martin Marly, John Williams, Thomas Thomas and John Thomas left yesterday morn ing for a two weeks' camp at Harvey's lake. While there they will be known as the Oriole Camping club. NOTES AND PERSONALS. Mall Carrier William D. Morgan, of nock street. Is home ftom tho l'an American. H. 1. Kvans, the well known South Main nvcnuo merchant, Is closing up his business. t i4,4j Miss l'earl Hersey, of New Tork city, Is visiting tho Misses Fanning, of 711' Hampton street. Theio seems to bo quite a little kick coming from tho people In tho vicinity of Jackson stieet and Fillmore ave nue, on account of tin; stagnant water which Is always standing In the nelgh boihood. Mrs. "Acker, of .South Main avenue, nnd ilaughteiM lluth, Elsie and Har riet have gone to Lake Wlnola camp ing. James Haywood, of Hampton street, Is passing good cigars It's a bouncing boy. nr. T. Phillips, William Johns and Albert Lewis aio homo fiom a visit at Lake Wlnola. Mr, Zliinnor. of Noith Mnin avenue, has purchased a handsome delivery wagon. The Ladles Aid society of the First Haptlst church will hold an Important business meeting tonight at the home of Mrs. John Hrynnt, corner of Wash- biiiu nnd Mullln streets. , Tho Tabernacle Congtogatlonnl cliiiii'li will hold their annual picnic at Nay Aug patk on Monday. The Mlses Evans, of Itock street, left this nun nlng for Ocean Grove. Attorney and .Mrs. Charles E. Oliver, of Noith Main avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Evans, son Wendell and daughter Ethel have teturned from n visit at the Fan-American, Niagara Falls and Canada. Mis. John (iallske and son Thomas aie homo from Lake Sheridan. Miss Jennie Jones, of AVcst Locust stieet. Is home from a visit at Roches ter and tho I'an-Ameikan. n Monday evening the many friends of Miss Mabel Hancock, of Eynon street, tendeicd her a pleasant sur prise party. Mis. Leyshon Ewins, of Aswell court, Is slightly Indisposed. MWs Maine Monahnii, of Shenan doah, is visiting friends on Stratford axeniie. Hany Da vies Js quite 111 at his home on South Itehecca nciiue. Mis. William Wright and daughter Maty, of Covington, Vh., arc tailing Mrs. John Williams, of North Mnln u '111:0. The West Side Drhlng club left this morning at I o'clock for the Speedway, where they will hold laces today. Tlieie will he h very important meet ing of the Hubert Mollis lodge tonight. The annual election of officers will take place. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES, Funeral of George Woinss From His Late Home on Fig Street. The remains of 'the J,it (rem-pe Weliiss were consigned to mother cai th in Mlnooka. cemetery yestetday afternoon, 'the home of tho lieieaved famlb on Fig stieet was tluonged with friends and relatives for bouts previous to the time for the funeial. The icnialus lenosed In a beautiful pink casket nnd weie viewed for the last time by the multitude of soi row ing friends. Among the societies mesent vvmo tho Sons of Veterans, the It on Work eis, of which he was a members. There was nlso a number of his fel low workmen present. P.ev. W. A. North, pastor of the Hickory street Presbyterian chweh. conducted the seivhes at the houe and preached a inlet senium. In which ho spoke tcel Ingly of the death of the deceased. At ii'i o clock the casket was closed and the funeral cortege moved to the ceme tery. Mcinbeis of the Sons of Vet- cians and the lion Workers acted as pall bcareis. NUBS OF NEWS. The one-month-old child of Mr. nnd Mis, Henry Snyder, of Moltke avenue. died Tuesday. The funeral will tako place this afternoon at 'i o'clock. In terment will bo made In tho Foicst Hill cemetery. Alchlo and faille Fenne. of AVIlhur street, have left for a few weeks' stitv tit Mount Pocono. The Seranton Saengerbund will hold their outlnc to Haldner's tmi-k Sunday, August I. Mis. William Koinacher and chil dren have retained from a thiee weeks' stay at Lake Ariel. Lackawanna camp, No. ST17, Modern Woodmen of America, will meet In regular business session this evening at Hni'tman's hall. Attorney Thomas Hundley left yes terday for the Pan-Ainciican, Great Lakes and Canada. CRUSHED BY AN ENGINE. William Watkins Received Fatal In juries in Lackawanna Pit. William Watkins, of Wllkes-nane, who was employed nt the Delawate. Lackawanna and Western Rallioad company's lound-hoube, received In juries Tuesday afternoon, while nt work, which resulted In bis death Tues day night at tho Moses Taylor hospital. Watkins was workjnp In the pit dur ing the atternoon, directly below en gine No. 26, which was resting on "Jacks" n buppoits. ' The latter gave way suddenly and Watkins was caught under tho falling engine, both of his legs being terribly crushed. He was taken to the Moses Taylor hospital and, after buffering great pain. died. His remains wcie taken to SL'5 Olive stieet, whcie he was living with his mother. He was 28 years of age and unman led. THE HOMLIEST MAN IN SCRANTON si well as tho hanJomct, nl ctherj ire Imltrd to nil en any Utucsiit ami nti frto a dial bottlo i( Ktmii'i tuium for tho Throat and Lunga, a remedy thai It tuaianttrd to rui and relieve all Chronic and Acute t'oughi, Aithrru, UiunihllU and (.ontuiiiitloii. Price tW. and UK: CAN'T DISPUTE THIS Because It Is a Local Transition and the Citizen Is on the Spot to Confirm It. Tho reader of this must concede two Important points: First, what follows having taken place In Scran ton can easily be Investigated and proved to be true; second, there Is a vast difference between opinions pub licly expressed by a resident of Scran ton In Seranton local papers and the opinions dally mot with In the same papei's columns which wcro orlglnnlly drafted In Maine or Montnnn. Head this caso and acknowledge both points: Mis. Sarah Farrell, of 1919 Price street, Hyde Park, says: "I honestly bellcvo If It had not been for Doan'a Kidney Pllln i would now be In my grave. Six years ago my kidneys commenced to trouble me. At first, I did not pay much nttentloit to It, but It kept getting worse and other symp toms nppeared. I tried many medi cines, but without obtaining perman ent relief. I was so bad that blood passed from me: my back ached so I could not-got up or down. I was short of breath and finally I had to tako to my bed. I was gi owing weaker and my suffering became more Intense, and the doctor said he was doing all ho could for me. I often wished and prayed for death for I had given up hopo of getting relief. My mother had Doan's Kidney Pills bi ought to her notice, and got a box fiom Matthews Pros.' drug store. 1 took them and the first box did me so much good, I got more. After tho fourth box, 1 thanked God that 1 had found a rem edy which had given mo a new lease of life." For sale by nil dealers. Price f0 ceut per box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Hliffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Cave in Caused a Big Hole at Fond and Depot Streets and Sam aged Sewor. A hole mensurlng thirty-five feet In diameter was caused at Pond street and Depot stieet. North Seranton,' yesterday morning by acave-ln.which occurred In tho abandoned workings of the Leggett's Creek colliery, which run beneath, known as tho Diamond vein. The cave occurred near the spot whole the steps lead down from North Main avenue to the Providence depot of the Delawaie and Hudson Railroad company. It started at 10.20 o'clock and continued settling during the day until 4.30 o'clock. It is supposed to have been caused by the mine supports giving way. on account of being weak ened by pillar robbing. The cave worked under tho fence fronting the property of Thomas Dcacle, who lives nearby and brokn a basin and several feet of pipe In the newly constructed sewer, tho mains of which arc laid in the vlinity. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. Mr. nnd Mis. J. F. liobluson and family, of Leggetts street, have re turned home from a visit with friends in Kingston. This evening, the Sunday school class of Mary Lewis, of the Methodist Episcopal Sunday school, will give a lawn social and Ice cream festival on the spacious lawn of Mrs. W, M. Cou ncil, 201S Noith Main avenue. Harry Stanton, of Mulley's depart ment stores, Is spending his two weeks' vacation at Lake Wlnola. PJchatd Williams and James Pi ice, of this section, who have been spend ing a few days at Lehigh, have re turned home. News matter for The Tribune will receive attention If left at Davis' drug store, coiner of Main and Market stieot, or at the S. and S. smoking parlors. The Moshwells and the OHaras, of Theodoie street, are again at war. Last evening, their fourth case was aired befoie Alderman Myers, when Nicholas Hoshvvoll had Mary O'Hara and Bridget O'Hara up before tho squire for disorderly conduct. Nicholas claimed that the O'Hara women caused him a lot of trouble, and would not let him peacefully slumber. The alderman, after heating both sides of the case, fined the O'Haras $1 and costs, which they could not pay and wore committed to the county Jail. An Ice cream and cake social will be conducted on Friday night at the Court Stieet Methodist church. GREEN RIDGE. Mi Piibllla riilllliv, who ha been a visitor In Frridand for tho .it month, Ii.m returned to her home nn VtiUit avenuo. I'lofe-or William SihiinpfT, of Mirlon unci, will todjy to Join a rampant pJily nu the binUa of tho upper llelanarc river, liny villi travel donn the river in Ihelr own lxuu a lar a the Water Cap, returning humc lioin thcio by rill. Mr. It. M Und-ay and family, of Mon-ey avenue, will leaie tomorrow for 1'rcston Park lodjfe, uheie tiny will jpend the month of AtlRlht. Mr. .1. H. Van P-eicm and Mm. M. I! Kaja and children, of Simlcioon atemie, hate retunud from Ability Pari. Vi, Van lleisan'a inaiiv friend villi he L' to know that her lualtli Is veiy nut h impiotcd. Mim Maud Harvey, of W.vomlnj aenuc, villi leavo todi.i for an extended vitit with filcnda In Host on Mr. and Mr. II. W. Ta.vlor and children, of Capouo aieiiue, ilt leave today for Naracran sett Tier, whrrc they a III apend the comln; inonlh. Mn C. M Can", of I)hki.on avenue, apent .vestrrdav ? the Buett of Mrs. C. ft. Urady, of llonesdale. Mr. 1'lotem.e and Miss Mable (loodwin, of New York iltv, foimer residents of Oreen Itldgr, are visiting Miss Orace Ward, of Mouey aienue. The ice cieain social, which will be held oa the lawn of the Oroen HhUe I'mbyterl.m thunh this evening will be iindtr the direction of Mm. (.'. M fan. Mrs. William . Ilovd and Miss Ile. am. membcr of the board of manage! of the Ladles' Aid sotleiy. 1heo ladies will be assist, ed by a number of the toun; ladles of the ihurch. hould the vuatlier proie unplt.iMnt the social villi be held in the churih pirlors. A musical and literary entertainment villi he given at Chrbt's church reitory, (iieen ltldge street and Wahmgton avenue, this evening. Pro feinr Walkinshaw and the following pupils will take paiti Hull, Tialne and Centln: Mr. 1'urso n ill alt In th? progiamme. Tickets, 23 rents, Ice cicam and cake will be for sale. KILLED AT BUFFALO. 0. 0. Ellis of This City the Victim of an Accident. The following telegram was rrcclvd by tho Western I'nlon yesterday: Hurfalo, X. V., July 31. Mrs Hills, fk-ranton, I'a. mir son. C. I . I. ill., u killed by cars n-ar Iliiffalo. tumor hai nlnesllion rl-aU I Vinke of body. William '. Hutler, Coroner. Tito Western Uuloji messengers wcro jesterday unable to locale the Mrs, Kills to whom this message be-liiigcd. DUNMORE DOINGS. Hen Employed at Hurray's Mine Havo Docldod to Strike It Will Bo Idlo Today. Murrav'i mine will be Idle today m the re sult of a meeting of tho. men cmploied there, held lat night, when It was decided to strlko until their grievances lime lietn adjusted. Tho trouble arises our the alleged shortage In the pay of two drivers named Hellly ami Mauley At the time this was reported the drliers In the mine struck, but tho matter vvus soon settled and the boj.a returned to work. Since then it appears the two boja mentioned have been dis charged and list night's meeting was called to consider their case, wllh the result as above stated. This action will throw CIS men and bn)s out of work. Mine I'ureinnn Ribbons was not at home when a Tribune man called last night, so tint his vendon of the trouble could not lie learned. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. Mm. Whitman, of Moosic, is visiting friends in toun. John llrlnk, of (he llvchnnge hotel, who la spending the summer at lllg fond looking nfler Ids lirge number of summer guests, Is spending a few dajs In town. Mis. Harenco Jaikon, of Drinker street, is 111 at her home. Mis. Hiram lllatkmore, of Ward sttect, Is in lis Itussell, the little son of Mr. ami Mrs. William Itoblnson, Is sufTering from a sevcro attack of cholera Infantum. Itei'. Hairy N.u conducted the prater ireellng senke at the I'wdiylrriun thuuh la-t iiiuht. The Hre alarm sjtem his been lepalrcd, and is now in woiklng ordir again." PARK PLACE. The Itcv. fl. O. I.jman, of the Court Street Methodist Kplseopal cliuuh, spent 'luculay in 1'ittstoii arranging for a tamp mccllns, whlih villi begin Aug. '-0 at W'jomlng. Mis Ilertlu HUhop, of Hiimond avenue, Is visiting friends' nt Slroiiddntrg. Miss llerlha Preston, of Couit street, is spend ing home tiino with her sister, Mm. Ruddy, if lautatUr. MM .Nellie futile, ol Diamond aienue, will leave for Magaia, where she will .inept a posi tion In one of the laigo depaitmcnt stores of tint city. Mis. I". ti, Wren and itniglilrr, llomijno and Oliie, bite rtturmd from Carhondilc, where they have bion for tlm Lcntfit of Mrs. Wicn'a biallh. Mis. lime Skier and Utile diughter, of 1'ioildeiue road, have rrturntd after a three weeks' visit with her parents at l'ark. OBITUARY. JOHN F. McDONOUGH, n young newspaper man who had a host of friends In this city, died last night at the homo of his mother, Mrs. Catherine McIJonough, -107 Fourth nvenue, of heart tumble. Ho hail been HI for about six weeks, but it was only le cently that his condition was deemed serious. He Is survived by his mother, and the following sisters and brothers: The Misses Sarah, Kate and Ulna McOonoiigh and Peter and Wil liam McDonotigh. Ho was a member of the Seranton council of the Knights of Columbus, and had been Identified with St. Peter's Total Ab stinence and Henovolent society of Pellovuo since Its organization. In newspaper circles, Mr. McDon otigh was highly esteemed by his co workers. Ho was an earnest, diligent nnd accurate newsgathercr, whose pen dining the last live years did much to add Interest to the pages of the .Seranton papeis. His first news paper wotk was done as South Seran ton concspondeiit of the Times, and bis aptnes quickly won for him a place on the city staff of that paper. Later he was employed doing special wotk on tho Sunday newspapers of this city. His last newspaper wotk was done for the Truth. A special meeting oT St Peter's so ciety has been called for tomorrow night to make arrangements to attend tho funeral. MPS. MAUTHA JL'RMAX CLARK died Tuesday afternoon at the home of her daughter. Mis. Joseph Wlgley, of Summit avenue, after a brief ill ness. The deceased had long been a resident of North Seranton. She was fi:i yeats of age and Is survived by her husband, W. N. Clark, of Clark's Sum mit, and three daughters, Mrs. Kllas Kdwnrds, of Forest City; Mrs. T. J. Guyne, of Cayuga street, and Mis. Joseph Wlgley. of Summit avenue. Tho funeial will take place Friday after noon at 2 o'clock from the home of Mrs. Joseph Wlgley. The remains will bo viewed at the house only. Ser vices will be hold In tho Welsh Con gregational church by Dr. It. S. Jonns". assisted by Itev. It. J. Ueesc, of the Puritan churih. Interment will be niado at tho Washburn street ceme tery. MI5S. HONOHA KKLLV. wife of ps Alderman John Kelly, dieel at her home, 7-1 Seranton stieet, yesterday morning, after a three months' Illness of tliopsy. Mis, Kelly was B7' years of age, and had been a resident of tho West Side filnee lMfi. Upsides her husband, she leaves a son, Alderman John P. Kelly, and a ilaucliter. Mrs. Peter J. o'Don nell, of avenue; her brother, James Cuslik, of 213 Van Duron ave nue, and a sister. Mis. Priilget Mr Nulty, of .Maryland. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning nt 9 o'clock, with services nt Holy Itosary Catholic church. Imci incut will be In the West Side Catholic cemetery. WILLIAM Hl.'C.HKS, of Ltizeine nnd Twelfth sticets. Mm of the late W. M. Hughes, died yestciday moinlng at 2 o'clock. Mr. Hughes went to bed Tue.s. day evening feeling In unusually good health. About 2 o'clock esterday moin lng his- mother, heating a noise In his room, went In and found him dying. A doctor was Immediately sent for, and he pronounced the cause of death to be a hemorrhage of the heart. The family aro almost prostiated by the shock of his tsmldcn death. Ho was a kind and loving son, and beloved by all who camo la contact wllh him. He Is sin vlved by bis mnthei, Mrs. Maig.iret J. Da vies, and the following slsteis and hrothets: Margaiet, Helen, Mis. (i. F. Taylor, Mrs. Richard Davles and Mis. f. O. Thomas, of Carhondale; Hugh, Dertle find Kverltt. The funeial will be held on Saturday, and Inteiment will be made In the Washburn stieet ceme tery. MRS. MARiiARLT URAHAM, of 531 East Market stieet. died Tuesday afternoon, aged 5S ears. She leaves, besides her husband, thiee sons. Tho funeral wilt tako place Satin day af ternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made In Foiest Hill cemetery. CONDITION IS SERIOUS. J. It. Heave Was Unconscious Al most nil Yesterday. J. It. Neavc, of Washburn street, the Lackawanna Telephouo tompauy line man who pcrlencod such a terrible fall from a polo Monday, Is reported to be in n seilous conditliiii. Ho iccovercd consciousness for a. short pcilod yesterday, ,'yrine which JONAS LONQ'a SONS. Today we welcome August, the month that is in many respects the forerunner of the approaching Fall. We do so with the feeling that the Big Store is becom ing more and more the everyday trading shopping centre. Whether it be Monday, or Saturday, or Friday, or any other day, you will always find the Store ready icj stive yuu wmi me Desi ai an umes. The Store News for August will be worth a little of. yuui itueiuion eacn ana every day. Carpets, Rugs and Mattings At prices that are possible only at this season of the year. flattings. All kinds of Mattings in var ious patterns, plain and fancy. 3SC grade going at 25c. 30c grade going at 19c. Remants of Mattings in lengths up to 20 yards, from 9c to aoc a yard. Carpets. The constant arrival ol new Fall goods in the Carpet and Rug department makes this one of the most Interesting depart ments in the Store. All broken assortments and short lengths will be closed at a big reduction to make room for Fall goods. Ingfain Carpets, new patterns, a yard, 21c. Tapestry Brussels Carpet, the 70c grade, now 51c. Tapestry Brussels Carpet, the 85c and 90c grade, now 63c. Remnants of Tapestry, Body Brussels, Velvets and Axmin stcr Carpets, to make center pieces for offices, dining and sleeping rooms. These short lengths are just the thing. Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases. You may be going away and don't want to spend too much money on trunks, It's not at all necessary. You can get a good Trunk for $3.98. or a good Suit Case for $1.75. or a Hand Bag for 89c. A well made Trunk in four sizes. It is steel bound, canvas covered, hard-wood slats and set-up tray with hat , ,0 box. Size 28, $2.98; 30, $3-48; 32, $3.98; 34. ip4.4o Telescopes made of good quality board, covered with drab duck, leather tips on top and bottom corners; good leather straps and handles; cloth lined. Sizes 18 in. 75c 20 in, 90c 22 in. Si. 00 Suit Cases, well made and lined, has brass lock and clasp, stretched-leather handles. The color is a Drettv shade of olive. Tcun ci7c $I."7C :inH Sl.nR Ask to have your name put on trunks or bags when purchas ing no extra charge. Jonas Lods's Sods Your Opportunity to Get in on the Ground Floor IN TUB KINGOILCO. OF BEAUMONT AND EL TASO, TKXAS. AN OIL GUSHER GUARANTEED or YOUR MONEY RETURNED Liindliirsoenoush for flvo well luciitt'i! In Lot ISH.SplnflloTop Heights, the Man- hnttan (JuKhor Derrick touches ours 011 one aide, tho Itentty No. '4 nn the other, 100 feet from Itentty No. 1, l'!0 feet from Heyood No. 3, 70 feet from IIoRg-Sunyne, all five (iusliern netnnlly nurrnuiutliiR our well, mnkliiK in Sflti: OF OHTTINd Oil.. Your Money Safe and Sure to be Worth 5 for I Inside of Sixty Days The contract for drllllnir. on which operations has brRiin, has been made with the Famous Uey wood Oil Company, which cuarantees a 0-Inch oil iiiher or no pay. As a bulnes proposition lt Is hardly likely that .1 concern of their NtundlnK. with a capital of iSOO.OOOund three flowlnc wells nveraulnif over TO.ouO barrels n day, would undertake, this contract, placlnir their time nnd monej analn-t the well provlnc a Rusher, If they were not actually nnd txisltlvely Mire our property was, oil producing land. For they re ceive no pay until thej produce a 0-lncbill wisher. The Capital Stock Is only$300,000. Shares$l Each. Full Paid and Non-Assessable Title In fee simple. Wairanty deed nnd cuaruntee bond behind It No Mlarlcd officers. Other companies capitalize $1,000,0(0 to f3,000,000, with no assurance of a guaranteed proposition. Tho officers and directors nro men of Round business principles conservative and careful, and look for MirejeMilts before Investing. HANK REFfiREINCCS-Tho International Kxchnnsro 111 Paso, depository; First Nntlonal Hank of lleaumont: Citizens' National Hank of Ileaumonti Itosenbers Hank of Galveston, aro nil transfer banks, and aro referred to by permission as to Com pany und Company's holdincs. orncKits. TTeMclMit, W. J. Fefl. capitalist flrt vice president. ft 1'. Nuake, inrrlnffe manufartuieri wcoml vn-c priC dent, K. Andeipon, capitalist, rhtbuahua, Mexloni tiYa urer, O o Mlttlnwr, luinleri secretary nnd general manager, VV, C. William;, axflstunt tccictnry, II. L. hdnaid. Don't delay securlns Mock nt once, ns the stock Is only offered a short time at most, nnd If vou havo any doubts us to our land belnir In oil bearing territory, richt up nmomriind clo.-o to tho very larcest, wrlto to any reputable cltlen or our bankers for Information. Address for applications for stock, proKpcctussjr other Information to! M. J. RUDDY, Williams Bldg., Seranton, F.scal Acent for Seranton and Surrounding Territory. time Iip tolrl how ho burl first received a shock which ciius-ed him to, lose his balance ami then hart fallen. After tellliiK this ho fell Into a stupor and had not yot 1 01110 to hlmt-olf at the time uf tlllH WllttllB. THE AMERICAN MAN. His Physical Supeiioiity Proved in Life Insurnnce Figutes. Fiom the Intrrnauonil Mnnililj. The most important, hccausi' the moHt fundamental, of ptoliloniH rnn ccinliiR the iuulity of the Ameilcan man, concerns his physical condition, as toinpaied 1th that of his kindred beyond the sea. As to this point the evidence Is so clear that It needs little tlisctisHloni It Is evident that tho American Indians, a lacfl evidently on the Riound for many thousand years before the comlliB of the Europeans, hud found the land hospitable For savaRes they vveie remarkably vvellde veloped. and thoueh unfitted for steady labor, their bodies vveie well made and cndutiiiff. TakltiK their place, the not th l.utope.tns, leptesentlnK a wide idliKe of local varieties, l.nfrllsh, Irish, Highland Scotch, tioiin.ins, Scandina vians, Not mans, French and many other Kroups of old world peoples, have since their Implantation a hundred years or mom hk. shown that tho reinaikable petcentiiKo of lecoverle.s from wound... This eudiiinmc of hi ini nt tho continent from the Itln ntaude to tho far 1101 th Is as suited to our kind ns Is any patt of the e.ttth. This Is sulllclently ptoved by the sta tlstlis of Ameilcan soldiers Ratheicd during the civil war, the American white nun of families loncest In this country Is, on the aveiaRo. lai'Rer than his Kurnpean kinsman, tho Inctenst beliib mainly In tho sUo of the head JONAS LONG'S SONS Rugs. Beautiful Wilton Rugs, sizes 27x54 $a.Q8. Beautiful Beauvais Rugs, in new fall patterns! $2.50. Rex Rugs, same sizes, 89c Smyrna Door Mats, 4oc. 24 in. $1.15 26 in. $1.25 f otitncTons. C. OnnMlet, banker, Cblhuahua. Mei leni VV F Payne, uhnleiale- commhpion merchant) J A llerrera, real entatei VV, K. Porter, ntnckmuni A. MattlaK, whole ante, ttry t;oodi A. Urmfcton, capitalist and mining. AMUSEMENTS. The Campbell'! Ate Coming, Hurfjlil Hurrah Monday, August S, Afternoon and l.vciun;, at The New Armory L'nder the au-pkcn of the taleilonun Club. S.c'nd 0ffltl.1l Concert Tour cf "The Kilties" 4 th lllEllllllilriii Til Tit i Cinuli'i ( uik Mibuit Hand P miuuiint, 16 01.1l choir, n oun rig and liispiprit, under the lejileuliiii of Mr .Inhn -latter Appeirlns in lull killed irstinicutaU 1H .minority uf tin ) ) nil 11 ! n gntriimii ni 11 d iy kind tpecul per iiiifiImii of Cnlnnel Mj'.I 11.1I1I and nuitrit iom ln.iiidinu' 'lie IS1I1 lliulilumln' irclmcnt lUa 11 cjlnl ,1 loi.'ir ol cnihu-idui in a hun died nu. I'RK l ftriimnn, i'i and SO itnt, eienins. .'1O0 , 7.. .ind 1 fi and chest, lt Is fuither Indicated by the enduiame of these men in the) tUal of the soldiers life and by ths wounds was leRarded by the lain Dr. Hiiiwii.Seiiiitid as a fealuie common to all the mammals of this continent, beliiR, as he claimed, nn the basis of an etenslve cKpcrleiii e. as chaiaeteiistlq of Ameihaii labliits as of American null. Moreover, the statistics of llfn iiiKiuniKo companies doiiiR huslnesii In this country appear to ludtcatn that the expectation of llfo 13 El'PUter here than In tliu old woild. ,1 "v,. J - aJ