The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 01, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Boon k , v
for Mf
Babies AW!
Dr. lUnd'nCondcmed Milk con
tAltia phosphate,, of lime nncl od,
for tfeth nnd boneaj hypophof
plintrs of potnftitliim, for nerves nnd
hraln; hypophosphltes of mntiRB
., to enrich the titood-liicrenae
the red corpliitclt. Tliew food
elements nocenry to bulletins K
perfect body nrc blended with the
pure, rich rallU nod In
Just as they tM In m nnd
nnvo the snme flavor Hipv d
wheat. They innke the milk ery
rleh, but moro pnlntnbln than
'frir' milk. It never Relesonr,
nnd von won't need Ire to kiep It.
Booklet on Infant food free.
Scrsnton, Pa. f',
t.l.KS MM.T lONIfJIIT Vranton loil(;e nf
Flk will bold a regular meetlnc tlil evenins
at s
MWAfinuN TO Mi:Hr The msnisus o( the
Hume for Ihe KriendlcM will hold a rcrular meet
Inc tomorrow at the uual time and place. A
full attendance li replevied.
PllOPMlTY 01' JOHN' .lOSKS. Tho cattle
ftruck by liKlitnlrp at UniomJjle en Monday
last were the proprly of .Tones, and not
cif hi son, Henry Jon'-s, as reported in The
Tribune jc.tcrdHy.
LiniNM". CtlMMITTKII-Mir hrrne commit
tee of ncleit i mint 11, width has wrier roniideia.
tlon the two litt-nv tax ordinance, the one oris
inilin; in peit and the one oriRinattnc in roni
mon. will meet tonight at fi SO to dreiie whiih
one to leport upon at tonight's mcetlnj.
in Imnluntaiy bankruptcy w filed .eterday in
the n" clUtrlit conn by four creditors
el Mc.ter "pirn, of Watnrvhoro, Franklin cotin
tj All l'ur ire Rilthnnre bmlncfs men and
a'llce tint S-piro's iltlil aiBregalc ocr ?1.XI.
At Dl.ltM MC MMtilHtii: -George I.. Moklet,
o' Vo-Hllto, and Mi Mie f!. Webster, stopped
o, ti this litv ilirilai on their av to the
Tan and sot nniried b.v MjsWrate
Ilowc Krank Mlpp and Kmini Aiker, both of
tlil tilt, were mairicd jiitcrrtiy by Migi'trate
M ( l l.i-MTI, U'PLH'Wr --monK the three
hutnlreil Miiirwfiil applicant for state medical
certirlcatfi aniiniiiiiril b the stite hoard of
lucillt il eximiiiert, ar- the following from
Niiiann: t. M. jh. 1'. .1. lnic, Chariot
r'.ilkou-k. I.ouls llalpcit, :. L. A. Klescl and
.V. fl. MiMuiua.
RIPS' ni:CEIVi:n.-nuli were opened at
4 o'tlock je-.teiday afternoon in the po'lolftVe
building for iinproveninla and rrpaira on the
frcond floor ot lht I'edoral building Contrac
ton T. S Williams, M. ,1. Ruddy, Ponrad
Sehrofder, .T. H Woolsev k Co. ard .lolin nc
pore and llowley Pro, all put In Mila, which
were not examiurd bv the loeil authorities, but
lent directly on to Washington
John A Purge, of HarriOiurg, and Krxnk I.jnn,
of ilkea-nirre, were arrested yesterday by
Fperlal Officer MiCue, of the I.ickawanna rail
road, for riding on a freight train They were
rommitlcd to the county Jail by Jlaglitraie Mil
lar In default of a $10 fine
It I.ety xtas yrMrrdav arretted on a warrant
istued bv Magirtrate Milhr at toe intlaiuc of
I.enx Wolfgand. who charged him with aanlt
and battery. The case wat fettled ry the de
fendant agreeing to pay the cotes.
Scranton Business College.
The demand for bookkeeper and
ttenographeiH continues even dm lug
tMcation. Many students, ate jecehlng
Day and evening session will teopen
Tuesday, September 3, Those who tie
tsirn information should call any time
after August 10,
Attention Camp 8 Sons of Voterans
The membeis of Camp S ate teriuestcd
to meet at their hall at 1 p m. todav.
to attend tho funeial of our ,uo
brother, Geoigo AVelnss. Hy oulei of
"William M, Hamlin, Captain.
Attest: J. H. Illume, Fltst
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. F. & M. T. HowIey,231 Wyomlns ave.
i o . ..
Try tho new 5c cigar f'Kleon."
2 Investment
(8 Broadway, X, y,
wUket.uirre. Caibondile.
t-t-t Commonwealth bid';, Svranton, l'a
ft k II lilt M ft M tl It ft M M ' M tt J
IJOVMi MK'AM'M -On I'rldiv, Vug !. the
Ilm.ll rciiiutn will run a joint excursion to
j,ake I.odore. 'Ihe toinmlltee In charge If com-po-eil
of W. . lliomiing. (i 1' K.tnon, I!. W.
I.tue. i. . nentlcr, n. (I Morgan. II. K ltan
del mil W Ile in, i:ery effort l bting
niarle to imkc thU the lriding excursion et the
Tho Kilties of Toronto, to So In Thl
City Next Monday.
Next Monday afternoon and evenlnj?
the hand of the Forty-eighth High
lamleiB, of Toiontn, will play at the
new nrniory tinder tho ausplceM of tho
Caledonians of this Uty. The hand will
lm dreaded in full HIrIiIiiwI cotlumo
nnd will parade the city streets at
7 o'clock In tho evening. The Prcni
Itepuhllc, nf SpilnRfield, Ohio, Kpeak
Ihs nf tho concert In that rlty said:
"The people of SprlriBflcIrl and sur
rouiHlliiK tuons tinned out en manse
last night In anticipation of raio treat
In the form of a concert hy the Kilties'
Hand, and from the continual storm
of applause tendered each number
they were not disappointed. When the
curtain went up and revealed the Kil
ties in their unique uniforms, there was
not a seat to he had In tho Grand
Opera Uoite.
John Slatter, the bandmaster, won
distinction as soloist In Her Majesty's
l.lfe Guards Hand, London, England,
and In the Seventh Fusiliers of Gieat
Ilrltaln The music was something grand
and masterful displaying the great
talent of each musician. Themaloehor
ui wiim par excellence and In one in
stance was brought back for tho thhd
time. The ScottMi teels and dances
weie received with many outhuists of
enthusiasm and the closing- number!),
Amerle.i' brought down tho house."
f'ongressman Connelt suld yesterday:
"I see It has been published that I am
doing the- recorder's woik for him. This
lx flattering to my ability, but unfor
tunately It l Inaccuiate. I have not
asked the recorder to make or with
hold a single appointment, or to do or
not to do h single thing In connection
with his ofllce. Nor have X attended or
heaid of any confeience of p.utj lead
ers for the puipose of dlouslng
changes In tho personnel of the city
police and flro bureaus. Not lo my
knowledge was any such conference
held or Is one In contemplation. I have
conlldonce enough In tho present te
eorder to believe that he will do his
duty without outside dictation or pica
suie." "Is it tuie that your office is thronged
by seekers after city appointments?"
Mr, Connell was asked.
"X have had just one man come to tee
me on such a mission," Mr. Connell re
plied, "and I promptly tinned him ocr
to the recoider. My Idea, whlih, If I
were recorder, I would put into exe
cution, is that the employe of the city
who does his duty cflklcntly and faith
fully should be kept on the pay-toll,
and tho one who doesn't should be
bounced. 1 haven't heaid of any con
templated head-chopping, and don't be
lieve that any competent and faithful
emplne need have n moment's fear."
There Is a possibility that the meet
ing of the State League of Republican
clubs may be held In this city tho eaily
part of October. The selection of the
place Is left to the executive commit
tee, which is now casting about for a
suitable city In which to hold the con
vention. The advantages af Scrnnton
ate to be presented to the committee
and It may be that It will be decided
to hold the convention heic.
The president of the league now is J.
Hampton Mooie, ot Philadelphia, who
Is .serving his, second term. Mr. Moore
will not be a candidate to succeed him
self and thedo will be a veiy spirited
fight for the picsldency. The lcagua
lias not met In this city since the
fatuous battle of J.ick Xtoblnson for
president ten jears ago. ,
This afternoon In the Kt. Chailes
hotel the convention of the Second
dlstiict Democrats will be called to
order by J. F. Hamrnes. the district
chairman. The object of the on ca
tion is to elect delegates to the btate
convention to be held In llnriNbuig,
August Hi The district Is entitled to
tlnee delegates, one of whom will bo
Hon. 31. i:. McDonald. i:-Shcriff
Chailes Rnblnxou was selected as
another of the delegates, but he does
not want to go.
J. F. Ilammes wants to go, but he
has not been slated, I.ast night the
Indications weie that Hamrnes will
get a nasty throw today. T. Mel
ln, John i:, .Shea, Fotmer Shetlff John
J. Fahey nnd several others aie men
tioned as among those from whom the
delegates will be chosen.
Several Wearers of tho Gray Will
Leave City Today.
Seveial cai tiers at the central city
and West Scianton postofllco will
le.ue the city this morning on their
animal vacations. A number who
have been spending the last to weeks
In tect and enjoyment will lesiiuic
The latter are Cieoige H. Gehier,
Joseph Shlnids and I. Jollier, of the
icntial city force, and William I.
MoiKtin and Thomas It Jones, of West
Scianton. Those whose acatIous will
beRln .no William Prosser, John H.
Kelly, 1,. K. S(iilies. John McDnn
oiigh. J. T. Maloney and D V. Kcese,
of the cential cltv, and William J.
Cannon, of West Siranton.
Programme That Lawrence Band
Will Rendor Friday Night.
The following piogiamuie will bo
rendered by the l.ituieuce band Fil
d.ij night at a (oneeit to be given at
the Scianton Hleycle club bouse, on
Washington inenue;
Mntli, "lliMlinir (noii" n. W. I'hllllpt
Oirriuie, 'lin Till Twilight" Ilrnnrlt
It' ite, "lliimonx of l.oc" Ilrookt
Mnlli, "I'xu.rpt of Popular Melooici"., .limit
Minli. "Minlw.t" Ilrookt
Fanlatii, "Mi Old Kentuikj Home". . ,.l).illi
Oiiiiun, "KiKllial" Kelerll-la
Meiile), "I'.ilnotio ,li" ( jilln
Match, "I'hllhaimonlc" Illiiut't
Guernsey Hall,
Guernsey Hall Is tho most tip-lo-date
and popular Music House In tho state.
You can nlwavs find hero tho most
celebialed makes of Pianos einbinc
lug the world lenowned Weber, Soh
mcr, Mehlln, Schubert, Kingsbury and
many otheis. Kveiy liistiuineut pur
chased bete is thoroughly guaianteed,
and, what Is equally as good, e.eiy
instrument will be sold la tho class
whero It belong and at a pi Ice suitable
to its rent value. Special bargains can
be secured hero nearly ovety day on
Pianos that have been slightly used or
left on sale by parties leaving tho city.
All persons desiring to securo bar
gains In Pianos or Organs aie ie
quested to examine caiefully tho art
.antat;es offeror! here. N R Do not
be misled as to the location. He
member thnt there Is but one Uuenuey
Hall in Seratuon, and that is located
Just above tho potttoflico. No 311 and
AIR North W.whlnetun uv4au, ticraii
ton, P,
Directions Given to the Parties to
th Suit Two Oases Against the
Scranton Railway Company One
of Them Is for $20,000 Damages
Two Bonds of Tax Collectors Ap
provedBusiness Done In tho Of
floe of ths Register of Wills Mar
riage Licenses,
President Judge It. M. JJdwaids yes
terday bunded down an intcrlocutoiy
deetee In the equity case of A. D,
Dean, tiustee, etc., against H. M.
"Wlnton, administrator, d. b. n etc.,
ct nl In which ho handed down nn
opinion a week ago. The decree fol
lows: In puiHuancc to the order made In
this case, counsel for plaintiff submit
n form of nn Intetlocutory deciee, which
Is excepted to by counsel for tho de
fense. The fourth execution Is sus
tained In part. The form of tho deciee
Is modified In other respects.
This case came on to be- heard at a
regular term of equity court and was
argued by counsel, and upon consider
ation thereof, It la ordeied, adjudged
and decreed as follows, viz:
Fit st That an account bo taken and
stated of all tho moneys received by
tho said W. W. AVInton as tents or
royalties for and on account of coal
mined from the Isaao Dean one-fourth
of the tract of land descilbcd in tlio
bill of complaint in this case and
known as the P. C. Grlllln tract; also
a like account of nil moneys lecelvcd
by the said AV. W. Wlnton ns puidnme
money for tho wale of lots on said tract.
or for other property taken in exchango
for any part of said tract, and for all
moneys received by him In any other
way from and out of said tinct of land.
Second That a like account shall be
taken and stated of alt moneys tecelved
by the said W. W. Wlnton as rents or
royalties for or on account of coal
mined from the Joseph church one
fourth of the tiact or land ofnrcsald,
and of the monejs received by the .ild
AV. AV. AVInton as purchase money for
lots sold from said tiact and for othor
property taken In exchange lor any
part of said tract and of nil moneys te
celved by hint In any other way from
said tract of land. II. M. AVInton. ad
ministrator d. b. n. of the said AV. AV.
AVInton, Is directed to Hie In this case a
statement of tho details' of the foiego
lng accounts, so far an the same have
come to his knowledge as admlnls
tiator Third That a like at count be taken
and stated of all mone.vs icielved by
Catherine AVInton for or .m a-ioun- of
rents or royalties fo.- coil mined from
the Isaac Dean one-font th of said tinct
of land and all other moneys ii-cl.d
by her from the Dean oii'-fouiMi
afoicsald, or for other propeity lccelved
by her in exchange for any pint of said
tract, and likewise of nil the proceeds
realized by her from the Joseph Chunli
one-fourth of mid oal and surface
lots and lands exchanged as afoicsald
The said account as to the Joseph
Church one-louith to envoi a peilod
beginning In Januaiy, 1SS7. and ending
with the death of Catheilne Wlnton In
ISOi, and the- said Walter AV. Inton
and H. M AVInton, siiivivlng- ovecutois
of the last will and testament of tin
salrt Catheilne AVInton. aie rtlieeted M
Hie in this case a statement in detail of
the two last mentioned nnoiiuts. -o far
as the same have come to their knowl
edge as executoih.
Foul th That a like aci ount be taken
and stated of all moneys lccelved by
tho AVInton Coal company limited,
from ot on account of the Joseph
Church one-fourth or the afoicsald
tract of land, whether the s.iine was
leielved from routs or lovaltles loi
coal mined on said tract, or from any
other sotuce from and out of said tint t.
or from and out of other piopeitv taken
In exchange for an.v p.ut of said trad.
.At a hearing before me. the ot op
tions to the foim of the deuce had on
July 9. l'.iul. counsel on both sides
agiced that exceptions to the liillngs
on evidence, to findings of tact or law.
or to the deciee as provided In Rule fil
of the equity rules, may be Hied loith
with. and that aigtiiuent on the same
shall be made at eh.unbeis, August 1,
1301, at 9 a. im
Trolley Company Is Defendant.
The Scianton Ttnllvvay company Is the
defendant In two actions to iccover
damages, which were befrun yesteidav.
Patilck J. Judg' and his wife, nildget
Judge, of Old Forge, aie plaintiffs In
out notion, In which $20,000 damages Is
asked. Mis. Judge was a passenger In
one of tho cars which met In collision
on Neho hill, In Old Foige, on July 8,
1900, when Motoiinan AVestbrook was
Mi Judge alleges that by icason of
the collision her left eo was made
totally blind, her wilst spt allied her
legs, hips and back Injuied and hei
nerves shattered. Tho plaintiffs aie
icpiesented by Attomes J. c. A'aughaii
and Joseph O'liilen.
John M. Fan ell alleges that a hoi.e
and wagon owned by him was slunk
by one of tho defendant company's cats
on Lackawanna avenue and hi badly
Injuied that he wants $ioo damages.
His attoine.vs aie Flunk K. Dole and
U, P. AVcdeman.
In tho Register's Ofllce.
The will of James C. Deiker, late of
Carbtuidale. was admitted to probate
.vestotday by Register of AVIlls Koch
and letteis testamentary gianted to
Mary A. Decker.,tors of admliil.stialtliu who
granted Jn tho following estates:
Calhailne A. Claike, late of Scian
ton, to AValter J. O'Malley; James
Claike, late of Scianton, to AVnlter J.
O'Malley; Jeiemlah Simons, lato of
SerantJti, to David J. Davis; C, ,,
Heeis, late of Scianton, to Martha V.
Marriage Licenses,
Among the maulago licenses gianted
yesterday by Clerk of tho Couits Dan
iels was one to Geoige H. Cuter, nf
Ithaca. N. Y and Mis. Matle A. Camp
bell, of Owcgo, N. Y. Ho was dlvoued
at Ithaca In June, 1S97, and she seiuied
a dlvoico at Kltnlra, September st;, isiS.
Tho other manlage licenses granted
William .1. Klein Simmon
Maiv Pcmhi in Siranton
lo.cph .lolm.oii hVthlchtiu
Laura M III own sUlllltoii
Iknrdlit Audi oil lVikillle
Mula Cipallcltl 1'nk.llle
Otoiue I,. Mokley Vuttlllc
Viae (i WtlMcr Iliknille
l,inir I' O'Malley OHphant
Mary lluduay 0lj,lwnt
Peiclval Miller, who seivert duilng
tho Civil war ns a membei of Company
H, Nlnetj-thlid Peiinsjlvanla A'nlun
teer Infantry, wps estenlay granted a
lleenso to peddle by Prothonotaiy
This morning the lieailm, In the In
Junutlon piotciidlliCK of tho Dilawaie,
Ititckiiwunim and Wcsurn comvany
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method nnd beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Svnur or Fiob, manufactured by tho
CAuroitNiA. Fin Svitrji- Co., illustrate
thovaluoof obtaining tho liquid laxa
tive principles of plnnts known to bo
medicinally laxntivo nnd presenting
them in t ho form most refreshing to tho
tasto and acceptable to tho system. It
Is tho one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing tho system offcctuolly,
dispelling colds, headaches and fovors
gently yet promptly and enabling ono
to ovcrcomo habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objcctlonaolo quality and sub
stance, and its acting on tho kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, mako it tho ideal
In tho process of manufacturing figa
nro used, ns thoy aro pleasant to tho
taste, but tho medicinal qualities of tho
remedy &ro obtained from benna and
other aromatio plants, by a method
known to tho Camfoiinia. Fio Svhup
Co. only. In order to get itt beneficial
effects and to avoid imitntions, please
remember tho full namo of tho Company
printed on tho front of every package.
Forsalo by all Drugglsti. Prico 60c. per bottle
acralnst the striking car builders will
be lesumed before Judge Kelly.
An appeal waa Hied In Prothonotaiy
Copeland'H olllce yewterdtiy from the
decision of Alderman John T. Howe In
the case of AV. S, Langstnff against tho
Municipal Contracting and Improve
ment company. Mr. Lnugstaff claimed
JJ10.7G as wages, and sued the Munici
pal company for that amount. He was
given Judgment lor tho amount of his
claim. The loinpnnv, through Attor
ney A. N. AValker, has taken an appeal.
The bond of Harvey Ihuety, tax col
lector of Jett'erson township, was ap
proved by the court yesterday. It was
In tho sum of J5.300 and has M. Foley.
H. K. Mitchell, David Waltz and
(icorgo II. Jackson for suietles. The
bond of David C. Phillips, collector for
Itlakely borough, In the sum of $17,000
was also approved. The surety Is the
Fidelity anil Deposit company of
Maty land,
Bids Will Soon Be Opened for Con
tract for Building New Grace
Lutheran Church.
A meeting of the congregation af
the Citato Lutheran chinch was held
last night and the plans for the now
chinch, work upon which Is to be soon
started, weie unanimously adopted,
and a building lommlttce appointed.
At n previous meeting the general
plans for the edlliie weie atlopted.
Tl'e coinlnlttcc elettcd last night
consisted of tho pastor, Itev. I.uther
llcss Wnrliig.Attoiney Dalhy 1.. Flckcs
nnd James Mattel. Hlds will be open
ed at an eaily tlate and It is hoped
that wotl; will be started by the lat
ter part of September.
The lot whli h has been put chased
as the site of the chinch Is at Mul
berry stieet and Proscott avenue. It
Is 10." feet deep and lias a frontage of
S." feet on Mulberi v stteet. The church
which will bo built In actoidance
with the plans tliavvn up by Aichltect
II. C. Ituthpifoid, of this city, will be
iiO feet deep nnd have n 47-foot front.
It Is to bo i nnstt m ted of icd brick,
with stone facings, and will be built
In a combination of tho Gothic and
Romanesque styh s.
It will be two flnois In height, the
Sunday school rooms on the Hist floor
and the auditoilum on the second
floor. The school looms will be 1'.' feet
high nnd the height of tho auditoilum
will be L'l feet. This loom will havo
a seating capacity ot four hundred
pei sons. The total height from ground
to the highest point will be ,11 feet.
Theie will also be a high toner, built
In the liomanesiiue style, dltectly at
the corner of PiescotU avenue. Its
height will be 7.1 feet.
The windows nf the ohm eh will be
nf cathedral glass, and aie calculated
to add matei Lilly to the statellncss of
its appellant e. The chinch, when
completely furnished, will have cost
about 311,000,
O. A, Boemer nnd John Mattin Leave
tho Department.
O. A. Iteemer, peimaiicnt man of the
Nay Aug Knglne lompaiiy, and John
Mai tin, tlllciniau of the Hook and
Ladder company, have plaied their
leslgnatlons Jn the hands of Chief
y.lzelmnnn, tho same to take effect at
Until men weie appointed n few
mouths uc;o, upon the lemganlzatlon of
the flro depaitmeiit. Ueenier Intends
to go Into the lestaurant business
once more, while Martin will take up
his old tiade of machinist. There aie
over a dozen applicants for tho posi
tions. At LakoPoyntello, Sunday August 4
Special excursion tialn will leave
Scianton la N. V., O. & AV. It. 15. at
o:30 a. in.; C.irbondale, U.10 a in. Most
lefieshlng spot In Northeastern l'nin
sylvanlo. Located In the hlghlnnds of
AVayne county. Klevntlon L'.L'OO feet.
Faro from Scianton und tetuin $100.
Catbondule CO cents,
County Committee Meeting.
A meeting of the Republican coun
ty committee will be held ut the Cen
tial Republican club rooms. AA'ash
Ington avenue, Scranton, Pa,, on
Filday, August 2nd, 1001, nt 2 o'clock
p. m., for tho purpnso of fixing tho
tlmo for holding the next prlinaiy
election. David J. Davis, chairman.
K. D. Fellows, secretary.
For County Surveyor,
I heieby announce myself as a candl
dato for county surveyor subject to
tho decision of the Republican pri
maries. Having had twelve yeais' ex
pel lenco In geneial work as a surveyor
and engineer, six yeais nf which was in
tho county survejor's oniee, I deem
tu) feclf competent In till the position.
Arthur AV, Long,
Dunmuie, Pa.
Auk. J, 1901.
That Is the Belief of tho Wifo of V.
H. Plnkney of Dunmore, a Porto
Rican, Who Recently Came to This
Country to Join Hr Husband,
Porto Rico Had Its Dark Days
After the Amorican Occupation,
but the Sky Has Since Cleared and
Porto Rlcans Are Happy.
'The establishment of frc trade be
tween my native land and the Vnlled
States, while not only conducive to our
very best Inteiests, has had the effect
of removing from the lnlndu of my
countrymen the great shadow of doubt
as to tho Intentions of tho American
people towaidi their now possessions,"
said Dona Cnu V. de Plnkney yester
day, In nn Interview with n Tribune
Senota Plnkney Is n native of Porto
Rico, and with her husband, A', H.
Plnkney, ot Dunmore, Is visiting the
latter's parents, prior to their depait
ure for AVashlngton, wheie Mr. Plnk
ney Iiha a government position. She Is
a very cultured lady, and notwithstand
ing the fact thnt this Is her first tilp
to the United Stntes Is, novel theles,
thoroughly conversant with American
Institutions. She stated that duilng the
Incumbency of her uncle as mayor of
Ton. Alta, the constitution, laws and
form of government of the United
States were so often tho objects of con
ideiatlon nnd study thnt she was
familiar with all of thein long before
the acquisition of Porto Rico by the
Amci leans,
"We hailed the American troops with
Joy; we built fairy castles in the air;
we seemed to feel a sense of liberty
from the very day of their arrival; our
hearts were tilled to overflowing, nnd
tho bells of our churches that day
seelned ns If they pealed forth the toc
sin of fieedom and Independence to
Porto Rico. AA'e were to become part
of the great land of AVashlngton and
Lincoln' AVas theie any wonder, theie
foie, that when the Stais and Snipes
floated for the Hrat time over the San
Juan palace that a mighty hurrah went
up from the heatts of my countrymen
all over the Island?
"Then came daik days. Piesldent
McKlnley's statement regarding fiee
trade was never realized. Our former
markets were closed to us. America
had too high a tariff, crops lay rotting,
finances were low, the hurricane devas
tated our coming crops; In fact, there
weie times when some of us lost all
heart and faith in the Anieilcan people,
and legarded the American policy an
seemingly lapaclnus spoliation, as a
breach of faith Itself
"A'et, we see the mistake nf thinking
ourselves entitled to all the preroga
tives of American citizenship without
being conscious or what such tltizeu
shlp meant. AA'e see the leasonlng for
a fractional tariff for revenue pui poses
we can follow the policy of the gov
ernment throughout nnd And it built
upon solid foundation, not effei vescent
emotionalism, but with a view to the
welfare of the Island,
"We Alow the futuie with pleas
ure. The ominous clouds of dls
tiust and dissatisfaction have nlown
away, commerce and ludustiy have
i delved a w outlet ful stimulus A
substantial form of administration
has been established, we aie In
closer connection with the United
States, prosperity smiles upon us. and
1 but voice the sentiment of the Porto
Rlcan people when 1 say that we look
forward to the day when that (Jem of
the Antilles, my beloved Rotiiiqueii,
will occupy a firm plaie in the gloil
ous Union, when on the starry baunei
a new and additional .star w 111 shed Its
lustie tho star of the state of Potto
"The liberal establishment of o
many educational Institutions will he a
mighty power In the development of
the present geneiatlon. The building of
so many fine roads throughout the Isl
and will stimulate agrlcultuie, because
of the facilities for rapid tianspoitn
tlon, agrlcultuial development hereto
fore having been handicapped, because
of Inability to transpoit produce to the
coast. The building of the Nicaragua!!
canal would gicatly benefit the Island,
antl If the haihor of San Juan weie
possessed of good diy docks, ek It
would be but a question of time when
Porto Illto would be a base of supplies
for all vessels from Km ope.
"I am delighted with Scianton. I
think It a line clt.v. I think It u city
ot wonderful resources and a city of capabilities. I have had oppoi
t ii ii i t y to thoroughly appicilate the In
tentions of the United States towaids
Potto Rico, and I have no hesitation In
silng that Porto Rico will prove hoi--elf
woi thv."
Keystone Academy
Piepares for all the leading colleges,
uulvetsltles and technical schools,
Provides fiist-class business and com
mercial couises antl graduates pupils
In music. A normal com so Is also
provided for those wishing to teach.
The school possesses a beautiful
cunipus of twenty anes und mountain
spilng water. For full partliulais
send to
Rey. Elkanah Hulley, A. M., Prin.
Factoryville, Pa.
Radically cuicd utilmut p. nn or dr orUKiii n m
Iw.miw M.l. sl'l.tlVl. lsr.W.- ot mis
VM HOMr.N SdlMIHlVIIV lilt Villi,
Vl0 ni.l.s AMI, 111 'I UK hlPM-'-W AMI MUM VI II, l'l J iluuun nt I
jeirn' adlir praitltf, h cuiliutr of oik or iho
trading nifdltal ioIIckm ol H.e I iniid sidt..
Ml corrfipundciKC t r i c 1 1 uuic und in p.iu
Call ui'on er riip to
T. H. Sedgwick, H. D.
No. iW Pmn aicnue, Stnntnn, Pi,
Offlco liouri 3-12 . ru.i 2-S ind i i p, m.
The Strongest China Made
The highest stiinclnnl or quality is none too Rood when
it comes to dishes. One must live with nnd use them
three times a day. Inferior goods arc always expen
sive and unsatisfactory. Our new Open Stock Syracuse
China has no superior, for service; a pretty pink flower
border with gold, 112 pieces, S30.85. Select Such pieces
as you need, nnd replace breakage nt any time.
CVyVxv"VfeA .
Geo V Millar &
VJtU. V . XTlllim W
A Summer Sale
of Kitchen and
Cooking Utensils
Our large center show window will rIvo
ynu an idea nf our large and varied stock of
Kitchen and Cooking Utensils, together with a
"thousand nnd one" little things ot conveni
ence and necessity in the household.
We promise to save you money If you can
purchase from us. Let ub do It ?
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue.
Annual Summer
Reduction Sale
Our entire summer stock to be closed
out to make room for the fall stock now be
ing manufactured.
The entire stock of Straw and Felt Hats
that were $2.00 and $3.00, to be closed out
at $1.00. (See window.)
Sale Price
$2.50 add $3.00 quality, $1.98
1.00 and $2.00 quality, 1.39
1.00 and $1.25 quality, ,85
$1,50 quality, sale price $1,19
1,00 quality, sale price .75
,75 quality, sale price ,50
.50 quality, sale price .35
Big Reduction
in Hosiery
Remember, we have no old stock to
work off, but are offering you new, season
able stock at less than cost, as we NEVER
carry over stock.
Louis H. Isaacs
412 Spruce Street.
ffCgTry Our Special
the new shapes.
309 riiclilKmi St., liulfnlo, N. Y.
New fur
niture and
ly modern
Write (or
Martin T.Dcvaney, Rrop
T. J. Ko.tfr, t'reililcnt. Klmrr II Lwill, Trru.
It, J, ioitrr, htanU) 1'. Allen,
Vke rrcildcnt. Smetiry.
Co 4 Wyoming Avenao
WU. w.lkln.adL.ok Around.
All 50-Cent
Quality of Neckwear
Reduced to 35c.
3 for $1.00.
Twenty Per Cent. Reduction on
ail Leather Suit Cases and Steamer
Reduction on alt grades of Shirt
50c quality Belts and .
Suspenders reduced to. . . . A-JlC
Elastic Seam Jean Draw- .
ers reduced to 4xC
Wash Ties reduced to..
Karkee Summer Vests
reduced to 1 . 1 V
Reductions in all other depart
ments. See windows.
10c Linen Collar, in all
Grand atlantio Hotelnd annex
Virginia Ac. ml Itcach, Atlantic City, N. J.
Sixth )rar; 350 1'fjutiful iooiiu rtiiuilr, tingl,
nd with bath; hot anil told tea-water bath
In hotel and annex. Location ttlei-t and rentnl,
wilhln lew ard of the Steel Pior Orche.lta.
Offers special npiinj rates. $12 to $15 by wtekj
tJ.50 up bj da . fepeclal rates to famllicj, Coachei
meet all train. Write (or booklet
The Delaware City.
Atlmtlc Citj, V. J.
Tennee aienue and Deaih. Centrafly located.
Cheerful. I omforlable and home-like, jable and
ten he utisurpa(d. Cap.ii It, 2UO. ,,
iikvi a nniirUKRrt.
Fint Fummer ll-tel In Northentrrn Pnn,'.
anla Hotel hacka reit Delaware, ltckavanju
and UrMirn train at rVtomllle. Leaf In
Scranton t a in. and i p. in Wlte lor ratei,
ttv.' J. V. Moore, 1'rcp,