The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 31, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Secretary Atherton of tho Board of
Trado Has Heard from Several of
Them Progress of Work on
Plants That Are Now Being Con
structed NfUlonnl President of
the Car Builders Was in the City
Yesterday Wordon Manufactur
ing Company Chartorod.
After ft period of several weeks' tem
porary Inactivity theie has been a
boom In hotmt of Undo mutters, and
Secretary I). H. Atherton, Just returned
with the jefflinent, from Mt. Gretna,
finds that the coming of AukiM bring
nlong with It Increased activity In tho
line of new Industrie1) whose piomoters
are casting furtive glances at Scrnnton
ns the prospective site of their".
Secretary Atherton expects a 'visit
today or tnuioirnvv fiom persons at
the head of the ronceni, manufactur
ing patent roller axles, which will moit
likely locate here and Is bound to prove
n most desirable acquisition to this
city's manufacturing world. The lub
ber hose mauufacimlng company
which will have Its factory In Klni
huist, has npplled for n (barter and
will stnrt operations at no ery distant
date with llfty skilled mechanics cm
ployed, until the concern Is once fairly
under way, when the number of em
ployes will be greatly Inct eased.
Several Klmhuist citizens, notably J.
31. Tthodes, nre financially interested
In the company and me devoting tire
less efforts to making n success out of
the enterprise.
TlmmcH and llecht expect to begin
work at the lolling mill of their spike
factory In the Valley by Atig
ut. 1. The rolling mill, which Is tho
largest part of the pl-int, is now com
plete and the woik Is In progiess of
electing the furnaces mid bolleis. The
spike mill ptoper has not jot been built
nor will It be for -oine time. The
contract for its construction will be
rooon let. Mulheiln & Judge had
charge of the building of the rolling
mill, which will be utlli7ed for the
manufactuio of spike rods and turning
out of bar Iron until the totuplete plant
Is In working order. This portion, of
the works will employ about llfty men
at the outet.
The Graff Iron rum.irp lompany.
which has transfened Its plant from
Kllzabethport, N. J . to this rlty. and
has located at Pilicburg, expects to
open up by Sept. 1. Tie found) y and
finishing room ar" p."i"tlrallv templet"
and by Sept. 1 all of the wort-Iris nn
ihlneiy will have been install) d. Tho
Green Itldge l.umh.'r company has li-cn
in charge of the constitution cf th"lr
plant. It will employ one hundred
In tho Building World.
Secretary U. K. Laudlg, of th Hulld
ers' I'xcli.inge stated jesteiday .if tt
(noon to a Tribune man that opeiations
in the local building w i-'e"i a." 'er
dull at piesont. Th" .oh mn is en
joins the summer vacation and th"r
will be no iivetlng until the eaily pan
of September.
Of late there have been but few nev
structures of anv size as loii'enuence
Marted. but woik Is being rushed on
the numeious edifices, public and pri
vate about the city which are in an
unfinished state of construction. The
Y. M. 0 A. building is shooting up
rapidly. Contractor I' S. Williams be
ing lu a measure obliged to lush woik
on it, by icas-on of the long delas ex
perienced in exiavatlon, on account of
the peculiarly haid natute of the strata
of rock which had to be tenioved.
Work on the ecaatlng and founda
tions for the printing plant of tho In
ternational Ooiiesponrlcnoe Schools Is
piogrcslng satlsfactoilh and largo
numbeis of men aie cinplo.xod on the
slte of the new Met (hunts' and Me
chanics' bank on Spiuce stieet
Tho Carbuildors' Strike.
Tresident Albeit T. Fish, of the Na
tional union of Ameilean L'ji buildup,
arrived In this city eailj jestorday
morning, and left dining the du, after
visiting at local stilkeis' headquai tors
and discussing tho situation at the
I.ickavvanna shops with the St i anion
While beie Piesldent Klh oxpiessed
himself hopefiill.v as to the i insults of
the stilke and expiessod bis hope of
Fecuiing a confeicnie with l)cl,ivwtte,
l.Tckawanna and Western olllcials
Had It not been for the fact that both
Geneial Supeiintendent T. II Clarke
and Master Cai Duildei 1. T. Cantlcld
were out of the city an effoit would
probably have been made to have the
car bulkleis' piesldent meet the heads
of the other fide in the contioveisy,
Piosldent KMi ni lived heie at n to
o'clock icstcreliiy inclining from his
home In Iluffaln and left heie on the
1.55 o'clock tiuln yesterday afternoon
He will i etui n heie Thuisd.iy morning
At Buffalo, Mr Pish has been busied
the past few da.vs In straightening out
dlftlcultles existing nt the shops of the
New Yoik Central laihoad. Eleven
men weie dischaiged theie for lef using
to woik on damaged Lickawanna en
gines, and the men threatened to go
out In a body unless they weie leln
Rtatcd. They weie tlnall) taken back
Into tho shops and tiouble thus aveit
cd. It is icpoited that llfteen of the
strikers jeturned to woik yesterdoj
morning. Master Hullder Canlleld left
for New Yoik city Monday night, nnd
yesterday moining (Jenoi.U Superin
tendent Clarke left for the metiopolls.
Mr. Clarke is not expected home be
fore Sunday.
Worden Manufacturing Company.
The Worden Manufacturing com
pany of this city 1ms been chartered
under the laws of PennsjluuiU with
a capital of HOfiOO.
It lu the puipoo of the company to
manufacture the Win den sliding dlor
hanger and other novelties. The oin
cers of tha company nie: U. G. Wor
sen, president and manager, S. S.
Spruks, treasurer; A. N. Walker, sec
retary. These with Henry Spiuks nnd
M. K. Worden constitute tho board of
It is tho Intention of the company
to open a factory in this city In the
near future. It has already opened an
pftlce in the Meara building.
To Divide District.
District President Duffy, assinted by
t)rganlzer Sehlosscr, on Saturday af
ternoon Installed the officers of tho sub
dlstrlct of District No. 7, United Mlno
Workers of America. The new district
Officers were Installed at Coaldale, hut
jthei office will be at Lansford, as that
town Is the centre of the Panther Creek
coal field.
The new district la quite a large one
nnd contains many miners whose In
terests In common nre similar to those
of the men In the rest of the district
hut the condltloim of mining nie dlf
feient, nnd therefore the same head
cannot govern judiciously for the both
districts, and not only that, but the
territory In Dlsttlct No. 7 Is too great
for tho local ihllcers to look (if tor every
grievance, as Is their duty.
Hollowing nre the new olllceis of the
clhttlct: President, Samuel Boyle: vlco
president, George Tllllnghasf, socio
tary, D. M. Werner: treasurer, Cor
nelius Itellley: executive board, J. L.
Duck. Hugh O'Donncll, Frank Oven
felt, Maurice Klnley, CI. W. Foster,
Kllsvvorth Arner, and Joseph D. lloyle.
Tho officers are all unsalaried.
D,, L. & W. Board for Today.
Following Is the mnke-up of the D,,
It. & V' board for today:
Tri-siuv. Jt'l.V 30
VMU rat, Kat S p. in, T. I'lUpilrlcki 10
p. m , P. Hallett.
WiM Cats, Kont 12 '0 a. m, .1 II Mavters,
3am, V .T Mojler; 5 a. m , Mlltim Mrbjj
R a m , 0 Staple; ID a. m , II (llllluan It a.
m , I. llmkliMt; 1 p. m , O Kearney; 2 p in ,
II ( ovlrr, with II. Dohfrtj'ii crew. T p in., .).
V Iiovlne; 6 p. m , T XI. MiCarth)
Summits, Ktc 6 a, m , cat, J. Carried 3 a.
m , vvct, (J. Frounfelker; 10 a, ni , vvet, f
I'lniiftljj 0 pm, rat, F McDonnell, S p m ,
rat, V. II Mrhola, 7 pm, Nay Aug, K Mc
Allister; 7 p m Cayua, Mit.ane, 7 p, in , Cay
ugi, Thompson
I'lvhrr 8 a m , Homer; 10 a in , S Kin
rifrtv; 1130 a, m , llotidliin; 7 p ru . T Van
man, 0 p ni., I.inipimt; 10 a m,, A VVdlrncr.
I'awcnKcr tnclnci 7 . m , niltnev; 7am,
smjiri 1" a m , Seeor; .1 U p in, fctuiilon,
7 p hi . MiCinicm
VMM Cil, Wet-,3 i. in, M (arniod.v R a
in. .1. (llnlej: 10 a ni , Villllim llnir, ullh 1),
Caw's rrevv; 11 n. in, I, liiliasan; 1 p in, V,
KlnirIf i ; 2 p m, O llindnlpli; 4 p ni , .1 II
McGinn, fl p. m , I Hixfer; ti p. m , J. j. Mur
iij, wllli hclchim's crew.
.loliti MtCue will tako liia run,
Juh at
ii i, m i
Ilrikciinn 1 mcrj cal will g3 oa vcllh V J.
Mnsloi ,Uy HI
llrikmiin P. Kearney vltl en nut with II (ill
lliran, .luK' 31, In P, llcnnlsran's placi, until
further notice.
This and That.
The Westlnghouse Hlecttlc and
Manufacturing company, of Pittsburg.
Pa., has been avvatdetl a fair-sized
contiact for the electilcal equipment
of the Spanish government gun vvoiUs
at Trubla, 'Spain. Shipment Is about to
be made of some 30-horsepower motors
and iheostats.
The Howells Mining Hi 111 company,
of Plymouth, Pa., has Just sent to the
International Mining ongrcss at
Dolse CIt. Idaho, fourteen different
st.vlea of hand nnd nlr drills of the
augur type The Howells company Is
now pieparlng to make electric dillls
which It hopes to have ready for ni.u
ket by c.uly fall.
The Denver office of the
company has closed a contract
with the Tellurldo Reduction company
to furnish nil the machinery for the
new bromine plant, to handle Cilpple
Creek ores. This will be an Independ
ent mill of large capacity, backed by
ample capital. C. D. Glove, the chief
engineer and mctalluiglst, Is now at
the Allls works in Milwaukee, wheie
the plans are being piepaied.
Officials Claim Improvement in Boil
er and Blacksmith Shops.
Py Fxclimip Wire frnm The Aworialcil Prew.
Iteadlng, Pa . .Iul SO. The Heading
company brought some thirty or more
non-union mechanics heie late last
i.lght and today tho olllcials claim mi
Improvement In the boiler making and
bhicksinlthlng departments, which had
been badly crippled. They leport that
twenty-eight blacksmiths' fires are go.
ing and that thirty men aie at woik
In the boiler making Miops, The stilke
leadeis dispute these- liguu-s and say
that the men aie not full-fledged me
chanics. The ofllclals likewise claim an Im
provement In the situation In other de
partments and that the places of tho
sti Iking freight handlers hnvc all been
Idled. At the car shops they say more
men are at woik than at any picviuus
1 m
The Miners Forced to Idlenoss by
Superabundance of Men.
y Fielmhe Wire from The tochtei) Prm
Altoona, Pa.. Jul 30. The inlneis of
this legion aie walking only about
half-time, sajs A'ice-Pi evident Patrick
Killda.v, who visited heie today. He
gave a his reason for this slate of af
falis that theie Is a supertilitind.inie of
men brought heie a jear ago to open a
lot of new shafts, when theie was a big
demand for coal Now, when none but
high-grade coal has the call, many men
aie Idle
He anticipates improvement In de
mand when fall conns Speaking of tho
mine vvoikers' oiganlzatlon, he said
that 25,000 men out of 43.0U0 In this dls
ti let were union men.
I.Ut nf letters terminal,: iineallnl for at the
Sirintnn iio.lofflce, l.aikananni ennui), Pa,
Juh 31, lfl Perseus lallins for thii-c letdrt
will plcjse ri advertiserl uinl pne il.ilc of ll-t.
Kii II Hippie, I'uMmacter
Mh M llhlkmuki, S S llnone, hitle liar
relt, S. I) Ilotume, Philip II llevan, J. W.
Iliirni, I. Ilarner, Harry Brewer, 1-aiJle. I.
Pakir, lhrrj Hurllncham , I).
Marcjiet Cramer, William X, Carmleluel, John
Colcnun, It . Cjmcron, Wllllim (nee, Conmll
llrniher. lamec ( adden, John Courlcl, Profes
sor Fmeit K Craier
Miialum Dier, J C. Pnlei, Vlrn M Davlei,
Mi,s Oeorule Dunn, tirade Dcvlnc, Chi la Iluveaii,
J 1) I'can?,
Ilele Friend Special), Paild Falmolli, 1ho.
H I'lnnetij J J I'lannlu'Jn, John FoiBiuin,
IMminl rinnetran, Fill Fullir
Maiv f!rlmhaw. Miss C liavitt, Clnrha (Iniuer,
( luile ilieen, ituuire (."Men Ctmtc (Janln r,
filer Ilmtlien, Mt II. O Oiidner, 'llioima II
Cm Ell
John Hlliliinl. .1 II. Harm. Amv I, Ihrt
nan, William IIUMej, Mr Sue llirwnl, Mia
Pit r Unban, I.Urle. llunkile, I'liiu Keller.
V. .1.11 via
Vlia Sarah .1 Krinpler. I.lrle Kennedy, Jnepli
Kev, Mrs. C. Kiuffman, IMrr M. Kellj, Mr. and
Mid Wllllim Kl'ln, IMeir i:. Knox
Ihrrc Line, C. A I-onsr, Anueline l Clair,
John l.erte.
Ihonna Menihan, Mr Ichn McNiiltv, Mri. K.
MiCnunack, John Mn.raili, r,. Mijcock.
.toisepli Nruhaiu, Calc,b K Mon
Mjrnn (! Parmentor, V, Pattrunn, Kdiu Pon
tl'is Helnrlch I'alil, J Phllllpa.
lrs. ltejnoldj, Mutual Itencnc Insurance iom
pi".1 Wlllhm II. Smith. C. h. f-mart, Mri. hlla
blierwnod, F I sitiK'nlk.
Teler J Telling (2).
Itebert Van llrun, Helen Van Keurrn.
An Write, Mm. Water. Misa Carroll, Mavter
I)ui Welw, Uatlierlne Wlllliimi, Vlarcnet Wled.
envall, Joseph Worplia, Fred Wcldllch, lllclurd
West Scrnnton Station.
Mr. Fmnu name, " lin.c, Ponrem, Dais)
Fxltt-ards, Adam Franc. Miw Ella llartf, W. .1,
IIoklnj, Mru Mar; Jjme, II. Zemhy, Anrey
Malklejvtlrt, VMU Mi. In
9 JSi
3 s-s. KV A i jp lmniii i " '
5 "v 'vss. JE!d'--h .t'-
3 fcytrtj" u" 'c u c -nj tF-vai EJiiJiy-Pyjpl Itii' i .
- A:.'.,!! hBBibIH tmMajlWi IB'dlHff isSI1
i.. --. i
v: r i 'I
"Sii1 Eif ini
.4 jmumi
. ti ,5r,4a?!ii
JZ fe rW",M"1.
. v ii ' -r w-1""- ' ' . .hi bmjj ii
g of money by calling here at the right time. It will pay any person who is desirous g
g of purchasing a Piano to take advantage of these rare opportunities. Si
5 The public is invited to call here before buying.
H N. B.There is but one Guernsey Hall in the city of Scranton. Guernsey Si
Hall is located near the Central Post Office Building,
I J. W. GUERNSEY, Proprietor.
How the Conductor
Won His Mollie.
PHllI.lM ltHAHDOX, late of Rnllln
iloo, County Orilvvay, unci later
of Dublin, -vvlieie ho is ct ip
nioniliproil by fiequrnteis of Col
Icrp CJri'on and the Hank of
licli.tul as "Handsuinc Jeikho," the
enh driver, W now a conductor on n.
CnlciiBO street cat. He lias black cm lv
hair, the shape ot Apollo and a brogue
v broad as the ('umhkIi of Kindare.
Huirior has it that he's about to be
mat lied to Mollie llannlgan, the piet
tlcst Kill In rather Kellj's pailh, nnd
heieV the vvn he aimveri the Ros.slps:
"Maiil'd? Well, Ol dunno. "rf aiei
t'be nun lied thin t'be bun led, but th'
latther Is Kin'iall mote parnilnlnt,
p.ntlcjly In this counthi, o OI'm told.
Ol nlvcr bin man led an' C)i nivei bin
hurried, but Ol s'pose t hoy's no escape
fruni alther. Ast Miss Mollie Hnnni
Kan, two dois fruin th' povver-hous-e.
"l'ls her f uncial, annhovv, as Ol hoar
thlm sa."
ills HauulKan vvoiks In 11 laundiy In
Kianklin stieet, and her wit Is as
bilKht .'H her ecs, .She has the ellovv
hair ami blue cjes of her Oermnn
niothei and the shaip toiiKUe and quick
IntelllKoiiio of her father, Mike llan
nlKan, who kept the Owl saloon foi ten
fins befoie the hmw bains were turn
ed Into pmvoi-hoiiMS. He's been dead
these six eais, but the niotoiiuen and
conductiiis who fiequent the old place
et call It "'s."
Mls Mollie hud alieady a scoie of ail
mliei.s when Conductor Keaidon came
to hoaid at her house. Khe otod him
11 sicenhoin the Hist time she hc.uil
him talk, and In spite of his Kood
looks and leady smile rifiolvcd that he
was "not hoi kind." nut the k.iIIjiu
Kreenhoin was not to be denied He
made no secret of his indent admit a
tlun tor Mollie. and with a grin Ignored
her eftoits to tt oat him with silent
contempt, lie nevei saw her without
a "Kud maw mln,' Mistiness Mollie,"
or "cud cvenln', Mistiness HannlK.rn,"
till she began to feci that ridicule
and not dignity was the best weapon
with which to deter her unwelcome
admirer. She had, until two months
ago, never deigned to notice him In
tho street cai. She has two or thice
Kill ft lends of the neighboihood who
work In the luundiy and who ac
company her to and fiom woik every
day except Saturday,
When the conductor first began his
"gud mawmln's" the other glils al
ways had a laugh at Mollie expense.
Sho never condescended to smile or
give tho retort couiteous, but she
couldn't suppress the blush of nngfr
that only served to make her pietty
face ptettler In the ees of the Iilsh
conductor. Hut In the meantime she
schemed tin audacious method of mak
ing life miserable for the conductor.
One evening when the car was packed
with homo.golnsr people Conductor
Henrdon edging his way through the
ciovvd, nppeared smiling before her
with "Oud cvenln', Miss "
Tha was as far as he got, for Ml?s
Molllo biolce In In high-pitched and
puiposcly alfected tones, thus:
"Aw, I say, conductor, is this the
road to Mandelay?"
I'oor l'hellm's brown skin turned
puiplo as he hcaid the loud loar of
laughter which giected this queiy.
Vlvciybody looked at Mollie, one man
suggested that It wiih "tho icicky road
to Dublin." mid tho girl heisolf felt
suie that sho had taken "u fall" out
of tho persevering admirer. Hut The
lint came back pietty quick with:
"No, Mistiness Hannlsun, 'tlsn't tho
road t' Mandelay, 'r tinny other kind
o' delay. Bo be quick wit' ycr nlcKl."
Then theie, was another laush, The
women nsiced that Mollie had the
uoist ot tho exchange, and tho men
r-'Vj-..- .' ,-
In; llluvic.
took sides against the conductor. The
Kill was a little puzzled as to how the
honors had gone, but she lesolved to
try again. In the meantime Phellm,
whose vanitj and heait weie both
badly hurt by Mollle's tldiciile, i evolved
to avoid hor entliely. "When he sat at
the same table with her or met her
about hoi miltherls house he Just
touched his hat and said nothing. In
the stieet car ho icfused to n..k her
fate, and so connived It that his
method of overlooking her proffeied
nickels nlvvH seemed like a mistake
on his pint.
The conductoi's i hanged manner
piqued Miss Mollie beond expiesslon
She saw how handsome he was and
how the other glils In the neighboi
hood weie "miming after him," nnd
besides sho felt humiliated at being
obliged to nccept fiee tides at his
hands, rinally one evening, when he
had deliberately Ignoied her fare, sho
bridled perceptibly and In a loud voice,
touched with .1 mocking biogue, asked:
"O' Mlsther Contluctoi, d'jes want
:ne fnie?"
"Ol'd lather have ez fair thin dmk
nnny time," answered Phellm quickly,
so eveiybody could hear. "Hot
or lolfe I want e5. Ol never did lulke
The laugh was on Mollie this time
and she knew It. "He Isn't half as
great a yap as 1 thought," she mur
mured to heiself as she alighted, still
blushing, In front of hei house. If
Phellm hadn't peislsted In grltmlns
over his vktoiy sho might have de
dal ed a tmce that evening, but the
Iilshnian couldn't keep n twinkle out
of his eyes eveiy time lie saw her aftei
that, and she couldn't icslst the
temptation to have another "go" at
"I'm going to ask that Irish conduc
toi If he has change for a collar but
ton," whlspeied Mollie to her two
chums as they sat down In Phellm'a
car on a hot June morning. "He's got
so he colleets my faie now, and when
he comes round Just watch him."
Sure enough, when Phellm, still with
the meuy light In his black eyes, came
to Miss llannlgan, she delved into her
Httlo pocketbook, pulled out a little
gold collar button and holding It out
with demuie slnceiltj asked"
"Can ou give me change lor a col
lar button, please, sir'.'"
"Ol can," snapped tho conductor, ' av
yest'll tako It In cuffs."
The laugh which followed this sally
left the girl no loom to doubt who
had got the worst of It. Dvon her
friends chuckled with glee over Phe
llm's lightning wit, and poor Mollie,
with tears of rage In her prcttj blue
eves, said not another woid all the
vay down town.
Hut she changed her opinion of the
"So jour going to many rieaidon
after all, are you, Miss llannlgan?"
asked John Colllgan, tho boss teamster,
Mollle's former favorite, us he leaned
across her front gate last evening.
"Humph, Johnny Colllgan," sneeied
pietty Molle, "when did YOU stop
goln' to mass on Sunday'.' Ir you'd a
been theie last Sunday as Phellm was
ou'd a heard Father Kelly call It out
fiom tho aljar fur the thltil time."
jqnn ti, icarieriy,
James Monroe, of Old Forge, Suppos
ed to Have Been Buried nt Sen.
Jnmr Monroe, of Old Voige, died
Sunday on boatd the steamship Cam
panla, as sho was leaving tho harbor of
Queenstovvn, Iielund. It Is undeistood
the body was taken to sea and burled.
Montoe whs n miner, and sonio two
months ngo left for Ii eland to visit the
scenes of his youth. His death vviu? duo
to apoplexy. Monroe Is survived by a
vvlfo and chlldten and several btotheis
and slateis, all of whom eslde ut Old
Guernsey Hall
Is Headquarters for the
Leading High-Grade
Pianos and Organs!
- tm,i
Guernsey Hall is well known as the g
most liberal Music House to deal with. j
Prices are always low, terms easy and g
goods equal if not superior to any in the ffj
market. Kvery instrument is thorough- S
ly guaranteed.
Pianos are a few of
and celebrated instruments that can al- g
ways be found in stock. g
Special bargains can be secured here fj
almost every ,day in the week on Pianos g
and Organs that have either been re-1!;
turned or left on sale by parties leaving
the city. You can often secure a $350 or &
$400 Piano for less than half that amount Si
Lehigh Vr.lley Kailrond.
In I ITcct .lunu 2, J'11.
Train Leiio .Vrmton:
For Philadelphia and .Sew ork vli I). A. II
K It., t (!4J ind n.lS a in., and 2 13, J7
(Wick Illinium' KprPN), nnd 11 M p. in iun
dajs, D k H " I' . 1 & '-7 P m.
tor White llaicn, lluUton and principal
points in the coal unions via I) K II II. 11,
lltj, 2 1s and 4 J7 p. m toi 1'otUvillc, 0(3 a.
m . 2.1S p in.
Tor Hcllilrhcm l.atnn, Itrjilin?, Hcrrishuri;
and princlpil Intoinuiliatr ttailnns vh I) A. H
It It., BtJ. -s ' "' ! -,v- '-" (IH-ck Ilia
mond l piriu), H P " Siindid, 1). i. II
It It., !'.i a m , 15"', f- p. in
for runkhannoik, Jnwimlj, l.lniln, Itlian,
Ocnovi nnd prim qui Intermediate titlons, 114
I) , 1,. r W It It , s in a 111 , and ,T 11) p m
lor Oeneva, ltm lieslcr, HiilTaln, N lag 111 1 alls,
ChUacn mil all points cf, U I) A. II It. It,
7 4, 11 f" 1 ni , l -". 1 A (HI id. Dhmond i'r
prcM), 7 4, 10 II, 11 ..0 p. Ill, bundjjs, 1). k U.
It H , 11 5, S 27 p in
Pullman parlor nnd Merpins or Lehlch Villev
parlor ars on all Irmw lictunn VV ilko llirrn
and Nth ork, Philadelphia, HuTilo and Sii
pension llrid.c.
HOI I. IN 11 Wlint'H, Gent. Supt., 2d Cortland
Klr"rt, Ni oik 1
Cll VIII I S s 1,1 1:, Gen. li. .st 58 Cortland
Hreet, Ni olk
A W OVl VIUlIFlt, Dlv. Pa-.?. Act, South
nethlehrin, l'i
For tiikeu and I'ullniin reervatimn apply to
30J Lickiwanni avenue, Nrmtnn, Pa.
Cential Unilrond of New Jeisey.
Ftatlon In Vcvv York l'oot of Liberty street
K 1! , and south Urrj.
iimi, Tvm.i is liner n si: :ji, 1001.
Tniini 'c've SKiantnn (or Niw oik, Niuirl.
Ellialieili, l'hilidclplih, ranon. II. llildicm, AN
lentuwn, Mainli I hunk nnd White Haven, at S ,5
a 111. il""nt 1 lu iM1"". W 1 1. lu. bun
davii, 2 15 P '"
Tor l'lttiui and V likes Pane, Silo a. tll ; j j0
and 100 P i" SundajN 2 15 p m.
Vox Itillimoic and V,ihlnjlon and poinU
Siuth ami Went vli llethleheiii, s ,"i u. in, 1.10
and too p. " midavn, J 13 p, ni,
toi !-on? Ill indi, Ot, 111 Giove, etc, at & 33
a m ithiovuh eiuih) ulid 1.10 p. m
For Heaillust, Ulunon ami llarihlmrg, l Al.
lcntown, SJ1 a. in. and 110 p, m. Simaai9i
J 11 p 111
K01 l'otlsville, f6"i a. in, 1 10 p m
lor Mount iln I it K, 833 a in., 110 anl i nil
p in
Ihmiigh tliket to all polntJ east, eomli and
writ at locvttt I.'lci al Die sliillnn
c vi, in u. (.in pij. vet.
J II OIHM'M N, Gen upt.
Dolnwnio nnd Hudson.
In I.Hoit .lune 9, 1'jill
Trains lor Carlmndiln have Siranton at iVCl
SO), S51, lf U ' '. -'. 1.2'. 2.11. K.3.
6 "a ( 25, " '" ,:l5, n'-u '' m 1 I -i m
loi lloneniiie jiiu uuuuic, u.;u, ju n a
m . 2 41 and '.2' P "' .
i:or"MlkrjHarre-B.n, T.IS SMI. 0,-W, n n
a 111, U l - 'j!lS' S-aj' --7- :J. ?.1,
10 41. U " I1 "'
lor I. V. It It P"IuN 0.13. D.35 . m., 2U8,
4 7 and 11 'J V '"
r.r Pemivlvanii U It. polrts-OUJ, 0;;:5, 2:j,
5 .! and 4 27 p. m
Per VUunj and all point norlli 0:20 a, m.
and J.J2 p. m.
Tor Carliond lie S'W), HiOJ j. ni , 2.4, z.'i!,
6 32 and ID ''2 p in
lor W tikes Pane UsIS a. in,, 12:0.!, iij?p 3.1
0-12 and f 12 p m
1 or Allunj and point nnith-S'U p m
I'nr llwudile anl lake I.odoi 0 3 10, ll.s
a in. and 3 52 p. m
Now York, Ontario nnd Wostern.
T.moTW.l..rcStM;Hl.,. Junes?, ,101.
1 Ol 11. m
rnlin. f-eunton
II in a. 111.
m- J ;;''
1 II 111
I IliJ p m
v., 7 . 0.10 m. r Ciriiomjjlc.. 0 jj .. ...
I e.i
( ailiondilc.
7 00 j 111.
10 HI a 111.
7 10 a ni.
10 Id j ,
C i ... sioa. in.
v 2 ... 2 IS P- "J
5 p. Ill 4 00 p. Ill 4 13 , ...
'" "'-": .inn
hi raiitwi.
No 0
N0. S
... BM a in. " i a. in. 10 r, a m
.. 7.U1 p. I". Ar 1 ailiiiiac,, - J3
MlUlllllOt Nil. ' m
1 .ca V i.eno Vulva
CadiiiJ. I'aili. ndalc Siunton
No 0 ... ",XI u "' 7 40 1 ,
No 10 . . 4 SO p 111 1.00 p 111 ni-,,, m
lraln No 1, u'i week cli.v., and , 011 nuii
clij, mako miln line inniiritiniM In New ork
rliv. ttki, Ouclda, O.wcsu .ind liiiciineill Ho
pulnt'' ..... '
Iralm No a and t miko Wallon, Ddhl, Hani,
den and Sidney conncdlnm,
Ik" further inloiination romult ticket ascnti.
J. C. N)F.ltON', 0. V. A . .Now Ulk.
J. i:, WGI.6II, 1". 1'. A, beranton.
ill Is i I
the many beautiful
Schedule in Effect June 2, 1001.
Trains leave Scrnnton:
6.45 n. m , week days, through ves
tibule train from Wilkes-Bnrre.
Pullman buffet parlor enr nnd
conches to Fhilndcjlphin, via
Pottsvllle; stops nt principal in
tei mediate stntions. Also con
nects for Sunbury, Hnrrlsburg,
Philndelphin, Baltimore, Wash
ington nnd for Pittsburg nnd tho
0.38 n. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Hnrrisburpr, rhilndelphin, Balti
more, Washington nnd Pittsbuig
nnd the West.
2.18 p. m., week dnys, (Sundays,
1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Hnrrls
burg, Philndelphin, Bnltimoie,
Washington nnd Pittsburg nnd
the West.
3.33 p. m., week dnys, through ves
tibule train from Wilkes-Bnire.
Pullmnn buffet parlor car and
coaches to Philadelphia viaPotts
ville. Stops nt principal inter
mediate stntions.
4.27 p. m., week dnys, for Hnzleton,
Sunbuiy, Hnrrisbuig, Philadel
phia and Pittsburg.
J n liriClNOV, Gen Mcr.
J II UOOn, Gen. l'a-3. t
Dclnwaie, Xncknwnnnn nnd Western
III l.lTed Julv 21. 1'Hll,
'outh I.eace Seruilon for Nc ork it 140,
3 00, f5', 7 50 mil 10 00 a in,, 12 4'i. .t J s 0
p in lor l'hlladilphli al 7 30 anl 10 03 1 in ,
12 4J 111 1 .) il p m I 01 rohjlnnua it b 10 p
In, Milk aocomtnodilli'ii al 140 p in .Vnhe
in llnliokcii at .0. 7.1". 10 28 12 n, 13, 4 l.
7 10 p 111 Vrme in I'hilidelplni at 1 00, .121,
l0ii ml s '2 p 111 Vrilci" fiom Necs York it
I 10 o .2 and 10 21 .1 in . 1 00, 1 V2 S 41, 0 00
and II ill p. m. 1 10m Inhvlnnna at sOj a 111
North -leave Scramon fr r lliifl do and Inter
mediate mtlniu it 1 1', fl.ll and noil n. in. j
I .")5, ft t ind 11 . 3 p m For Omvpco iixl Svi i-en-e
it 1 13 a ni . il l'i 1 m md 1 33 p ni For
t'liri ,11 1 13, !3 a. 111 and I 33 p in lor
Monties- 111 1MV) ,1 in 03 4"d 3 H p 111 1 . r
NidnUnn it 4 "0 and H 13 p ill For Illimlnm
tem at 10 20 a in Airlve in iranion frrm Iluf
file, jt 1 23. '33. "4 and 10 00 a ill : .130 and
sun p ni. From (Hnrco and Mneur it j 33 i.
n l'V aid Sim p n, 1 rom I Hi i at 2 33 a
in : 12.'.' and f !0 p m 1 rom NuIioIm.h at 7 (3
.. m and i (0 p n Fiom Montioe at in cm a
I I : IS 20 ind I'll p m .
Him in-liuri; JlhNlon I rive Vei inlon (r
NoTttuimlii ilJiitl ni 0 43 1003 a in , 1 33 ai 1
i 10 p. m. Fir I'liinoiiili at s 10 a ni , 1 4 1
s 30 p m Virive al Noithutnherlind at 0 , .
ii.; 1 1. 6fH i nd 1 lr l in Vrrive al I'lwnout,
tl 0 01 a n , 4 12. 0 43 ii in. Vrrlvc in
Ion Ironi V rlrunihcilinrl it 0 12 a. m: 12 13
4 30 aid 13 ni 1 run Miij.ton nt II 00 B
in Fiom I'leinouth al 7 43 a. m ; J '0 and S ,3
p. ni.
Snillb I rave Tranloii at 1 10, .; fie), 3.33, 10 03
i in i R ".'l and 1 10 p m
North beive Mimlcn at 1 15, (I S3, POO a n ,
1 .33. .3 45 and 11 Vi p in
lllooinhuu Illvisl n leavo Serinti'i at I0u3
i ni. met ii in p in
Eiio Kiilroad, Wyoming Division
Train for llavtliy mil lnlennillile poinn h i,
Feianlon a follow. No 2 7 10 1 in , s, i
H M a. in No i . " 2 P in . N.. , 3 20 p n
No 2 aed f thioiuli Irani" f'r Niu 1ml,
Alilvai. No I, Hi in No .:. 10 o a n
No li 13 p in . N.i 7. 0 13 p in Inua .No
fi and7 aie thrnuzh lnln lioni Nnr 3nik
m npw tiivins
Iliparture No 20, n a ni No 22, 2 p m
AirivaU No 21. 1'13 p in i .No HI, c 13 p m
Dail (Uicpt buiidai) u
Leave Scrnnton nt 8:55 n. ni. for
Long Binnch, Ocean Oiovo, As-
buiy Paik, Belmav, Spring
Lnko, Sen Gilt, etc.
Ileiurnlnf 1 ie i'olm Pleannt at 11 3 a m
Spnnsr like. 11 17 a in Ilelmir. u V2 j in
3liurv I'll K md Dec in (.Mve, 12 02, noon, lor
lliauih, 12 22 p in Vulveil at "iiiaiitmi jt 7,33
p in Tlili "Ill he kipt up lor tho emlie Macii,
etpedallj for Ihe aeennimodallon nl (anilllia, a
It will enable) passengers tu we lire ard ictalii
comfortable, tcaU durlns tho futile journey,
Manufacturers' surplus stock of
Parasols purchased at half regular
cost; same manufacturers, qu.ility
a ml style as our regular stock
goods, These, together with our
own lines, have been merged Into
one grand assortment of Parasols.
Attractive styles and great values,
including plain and fancy Coaching
Parasols, Chtlfon and Lace Trim
med Parasols, in white, black and
white, and the new colorings: of
fering an unusual opportunity to se
cute the best and newest in tin
p-ir.isol line at
Onehalf the
Regular Price
Ladies' Plain and
TrimrRed Parasols
At $1.00 J usf half price from $2,08
At 1.50 " " 3.00
At 2.01) " 4.00
At 2.50 ' " ij.oo
At 3.00 " " " " 6.00
At 3.50 " ' 7.00
Fancy Parasols
At 25c Just hall price from 501
At 50c " " " " $1.00
At $1.00 ' 2.0a
At $1.50 " " " ' 3.00
Lackawanna Ave
Mauufacturors or
480 to 455
N. Ninth Stroot,
Telephone Call, 2333.
General Agent for tho V)omir.g District for
Dupont's Powder
Jlinin?, Illaelin?, "portlnc, emnl eley and tha
Itepauno f hcnueal Company'
Safety I'use, Taps and I'xplodcru noom 101 Con
ncll Iluildin.- .serantcn.
A(,l N( ILS:
tiios ror.n
JOHN II sVllill A. bON
IV i: MU.LI0AV .
.... IM'"n
l'i) mouth
V llkei Harri
Not in Nature
for ntinne to olvvivs feel tired There
U no need to 1lr.11; out au existence
without ambition
Weak nen es nre responsible for Ian
Kiwr, elcpreaslou, debility nuel varico
cele I)Keneilneri'e, whether due to oer
work, over indulgence or any other
niiir can be made strong as steel by
the use of
Thev tone renellnvlKonte every ortran
of thebndj Roolhccind MreiiKtheii the
nerves nnd transform brokc.11 down
men iinl women into utroiiK healthy,
vlgorom, Tuddv-cheekcel person If
you iimi this isut o, ou eel your
laoiity Inck
81 00 per x) R boxes (with guaran
tee!, .3 TO JlooUfrec I'lal MCDl
ci.nrCo, Cleveland, Ohio.
For tale by John II I'lielps, I'h.irmtcUt, corner
Ujonmii- avenue and &pruee ttreer.
infilri. I uiirirttrrf mrt ftttn lir rikII I rliklrl
1 tlUfxs Jff, tl utft, IHnfnl I hImih, HrriaI
3 llrhllltsloM iift(iniMi(iiirnaufiiVMrtriurr'ny
9 aniline . I iMrtrlffpintuU .t Khrunkrn Uriitn.
lri-trH rurrd 4 t 1 !). 3d Jr prirllr) A irinl
Iboi1Ul tiprrUnff In Utrmj, Sa I fur hnok 'TrBlb'f !
If(fi n try nttill hH flrrlrWI frud. JUiiIUmi tbU ptptr.T
in is
1 VWfei