THE SCKANTOxV TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, JULY 31. 1901. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA GULF SUMMIT DISCOVERY THE PETRIFIED REMAINS OF A 8TRANOE ANIMAL FOUND. They Have Been Sent to Syracuse University Mice Make a Nest in n. Roll of Sills Worth $000 Fun nt the Coming Republican County Convention A Vnndllng Find Local nnd Other Topics Treated in a Lino or Two. Kperhl to the Scranton Tribune. fliif-quphanna. .Julv 30. While work men ivero excivntlnr- for a cellar, near Oulf Summit, they unearthert the retil tled remains of nn animal estlmntdl to have been sixteen feet lonp. The "body lay heart downward, on a phelf under a piojectlnfr rook. The left fore lee was nilffliiK. A hind foot had been broken off at the knee, but the foot was found under the root of a tree near by. Lime water falling on the bones had turned them to utone. The outlines of the body were perfect. On a rook foot prints as large iw the aveiaRe slzoet dinner plate were found. The teeth were six Inches long. A Lust- i.ittle snake crawled out of the ukull, and It was killed by Farmer ,heeenlan. The futmei's of the neighborhood be lieve the bones to be those of a masto don, but a local geologist says they fire thope of n innnMcr species of hoi se. the bones have been sent to Syracuse University. MADE A MIST OF MONKY. Fanner .In red Wlloox, of Lynn, re cently beoniw sutploous of banks, and withdrawing $!'00, he hid It In a stock ing, which he placed in a trunk In the attic of the house. He had oocaslon to use some money, a few days since, and upon going to the trunk, he found that mice had made a nest of the notes. He will .eiul the remnants to the He demptlon buieau, hoping to sccute re dress. IT "WILL HE WORTH ATTENDING. Divers peivons, and some persons who oie not dlveis. are sharpenng knives for the coming Republican county convention, and, unless the pro gramme is changed, a fen people will be laid out cold, without hope of nn earthly lesuiiectlon. The regulars are led by Congressman C. Fred Wright, of Susquehanna, and Colonel Charles C. Pratt, of New Mlltoid. the leading can didate for state senator, while foimer Register and Recorder Samuel R. "Wright, of Monti ose, and Thomas Kll row will lead the forlorn hopes of the "Independents." It will be a Wright convention from the start, and something Is likely to diop hatd. There Is blood on the face of the muon and a bajonet in the sky, A VANDLINC. "FIND." Over nt Vandllng some miners have al.'ooverd in a mine, the petrified hoof racks of a prehistoric hoise, the foot irlnts of a giant and the distinct maiks )f a ulo tree. The foot-prints of the jlant are tlfteen Inches long, with evi dence that the heel of the earliest deni zens of the Foiest City section was lo cated in the middle of the foot. Our Vandllng friends nie doing well. Let them continue their researches. Heavens only knows what they will discover next. FLOTSAM AND JETHAM. It Is reported that when the Hum wood and Fiddle Lake railioad is built, the general supei intending will be ten dered to Elder Chailey Russ, of Rum wood. It Is reported that during a storm at Toyntelle, a few days since, sweetened hailstones fell. Home years ago a shown- of catfish descended upon For est City, but a shower of rniaiiiols Is even better. Let Lake Lodute look to Its laurels! Perhaps Pre'r Renjaniln Haines, of the Honesdale Independent's, might be Induced to loan his pet "four-track trans-continental railroad" to the man agers of the Caibfindale seml-ienten-nlal celebiatlnn. It would be a gteater attraction than the "Stourbridge Lion" of which there Is mighty little left, ex cept a memory. IN A LINE OR TWO. Mrs. David Mason, of Susquehanna (nee Miss Belle Orecnwood), died nt the home of her patents, nt Winwood, AVayne county, on Saturday evening, after a brief Illness. She Is survived by her husband. She was an estimable woman, and her death was both sad and untlmely. The funeral took phue nt Winwood on Monday. Rev and Mrs. E. E. Rellly, of the Presbyterian church, and Rev, I. M. Shlpman an I family, of the Raptlst church, are enjoying their vacation. The Erie will furnish its employes nnd their families fice passes to Buf falo during the Pan-Ameilcan. The Erie Is always libeial with its em ployes. PARACRAPHETTES. Demoeratsarenot lnslngsleep because of the lltle Republican squabble in this county. They want the good work to go on. Susquehanna will have about twenty five new nnd desirable residents In a few das, when the office of the Erie Mechanical Superintendent A. E. Mit chell, Is removed from New York city to this borough. Family reunions nre In bud. Miss Myrta Fiench, the well known opera singer, who has Susquehanna re latlves, nnd Jean Paul Knererstelncr, of Philadelphia, a pianist, weie married nt Eau Claire, Wisconsin, July 21. William Main on Friday caught a pike weighing eight pounds In the river at Lanesbnro. The fish was thirty two Inches long. Lamplio eels were used as halt Masked men on Friday Inght visited n prominent tesldent of the Oakley side, and told him to get rlrt of a tenant, who Is a non-resident employed In the Erie boiler shop, or his home would be burn ed. The landlord Is thinking hard. -Whitney. GIBSON. Jpeelsl to the Rcrsnton Tribunt. Gibson, July 30, Our town Is all alive this week with visitors. Mr. and Mrs. "Wood Styles, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Styles and two children, Dr. Styles and Mrs. Edward Patterson, are enjoying the hospitality of Mr. nnd Mis. C. C. Lupton this week. F. W. Barrett has been sfck the past week. Three runaways in town the past week; A medicine man. Oay Tiffany's milk wagon nnd Ralph Holmes'. They nil had demolished wagons. Aside, from that, no other damage was done. Llewellyn Wescott attended the church fnlr nt South Olbson. H. A. Harrett entertained the past week Mr. Alder Smith, wife and chil dren, Mrs. Dr. Swnrtz nnd Mis. Smith and two children. Ernest Denson. Julia Strockblne. Floyd Perry nnd Maud Griffiths attend ed the Pan-American exposition last week. Edward Hill nnd family. Gaylle nnd Hnille Tlngley nnd Miss Eflic Tlngley attended the Tlngley family lcunlon at Hntfoid on ThurFdny. Mr. J. W. Bailey nnd family, after n PICTURE Six dogs have stolen this little fellow's threo weeks' absence to visit his bi other, George, have returned home. Miss Sadie Lamb has returned fiom Blngli.i niton. Sunday and Monday's showers were terrific and did a laige amount of dam age. II. A. Barnard Is spending his vaca tion at the home ot his fathcr-ln-law, F. A. Barnard. Wood Styles nnd Mr. Lupton caught a three-pound bass at Blandlng lake last Fild.iy. Mr. Alder Smith, wife nnd children have returned to their home in Blng ha niton. Stiockblne & Hulbert nre hauling John Potter's hay fiom his farm on Kennedy hill. Mr. W. H. Estabrook and Mr.. Sarah Strockblne attended the funeral of Pnnlsh Tiffany, nt Harford. Mrs. Spencer received the sad news Monday of the death of her niece, at Lake Coino. Rev. Herrlck has ngaln returned home, after his prolonged absence at his mother's bedside. TUKNHANNOCK. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Tunkhannock, July 30. Miss Helen Lewis visited at Wllkes-Barre on Tues day nnd Wednesday of this week. William C. Klttrldge and family have rented a cottage nt Lake Winola and will spend the week there. Dr. Guthiie, of WIlkea-Barre, was called here on Monday 'by the serious Illness of Mrs. Harty nilllngs. The meat market on East Tioga street, owned by Leonard Carlln, has just been purchased by Marlon S. Jackson, of Second street, Daniel Russell, of Mehoopnny, was a business caller in town on Tuesday. The final account of P. W and T. D. Dershlmer, executors of the estate of Peter Deishlmcr, deceased, late of Falls township, was audited by O. Smith Kelneer, esq., on Tuesdty. Alls. Lulu Sloeum has commenced proceedings in divorce gainst her hus band, Fied Sloeum. The parties are fiom Nicholson township. A meeting will bo hold at the office of Henry Hnidlng, esq., this evening for the purpose of making arrange ments for an entertainment of the veterans of the Fifty-second regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, during their leunion to be held at this place on Thursday, Septembtr 1:'. PITTSTON. Special to the Scranton Tribune. rittston,July30. The Plttston Rutch ers' association contemplates a stilct surveillance on a few merchants who peisist In keeping their establishments open on Sunday, and have engaged an attorney to look after their interests. Notice will be setved on the Sunday sellers, and unless they discontinue the practice, arrests will be made. Dr. Mulholland's handbome brick resi dence, on street, was damaged to the extent of 11,000 by a fire, about 5.30 this morning. The flames origin ated In the sub-cellar from an unknown cause, but weie confined to that por tion of the residence, through the vigi lance of the tlremen. The family was absent nt the time. The Italian of this vicinity will have another of their popular celehrntlons at Rrowntown park, next Satuiday and Sunday evenings. As usual, a special feature of the picnic will be the display of fireworks, which takes place nt mid night Sunday evening. Over JI50 worth of ilreworks will lluminate the sky, and will be in charge of Gulseppe drone, the celebrated pyrotechnist, of New York city. Among the larger displays will be the battle between the allied troops and the Chlneee. At a meeting of the Central Labnt union last evening, It was decided to change the meeting place fiom Clif ford's hall to the St. Aloyslus hullding on South Main street. The union's leg Ulatlve committee was Instructed to wait on the board of health and ascer tain If something could not be done to Improve the water now heingr furnished the consumers by the Springbrook Water company. At d meeting of the Republicans of the Fifth Legislative district, held here yesterday, Joseph Moore, of Miners' Mills, was elected delegate to the state convention, nnd Henry Merrltt, of Plalnsvllle, alternate, Word has been tecelvcd bote of the marrlngo of John Mitchell, a well known young mnn of this city, formerly a clerk In the dry goods store of R, H. Cutler, to Miss Luclllle. S. Soulsby, of Enston. The wedding took place nt the hitter place, July 13, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Mitchell will icslde theie for the pres ent. The Eagle Hose company drill squad has decided to accept an Invitation to be the gucstR of the Excelsior Hose company, of Wnrwlck, N. Y nt the nnnual Flremen day In that city. The People's Telephone company Is preparing to complete the construction of tlrolr line from the lower end of West Plttston to Forty Fort, making n complete trunk line on the west side ot the river from West Plttston to Plymouth. THOMPSON. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Thompson, July 30. Mrs. Harry Smith, who has been very 111 at the home of Mrs. A. Collier, Is Improving. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Crosier have gone to Carmel grove to attend camp meet- PUZZLE. clothes. Can you find the six dogs? lng, which will be In session this week and next. Miss Rosa Collier has returned from a two weeks' vacation, nnd reports a very enjoyable time. Rev. A. C. Olver, of Lake Como, at tended the entertainment nt the Bap tist church on Friday evening. Mis. W. H. Walker and three daugh teis, of Blnghnmton, X. Y are spend ing a few days with Mrs. A. C. Foster. Thomas Leonard, of Scranton, spent the Sabbath nt the home ot C. M. Lewis. On his leturn home ho took his little daughter. Doiothy, who has been stay ing a few weeks with her aunt. On Monday last, C. M. IwIs, Will lain Wicr. L. F. Seaiis, E. H. Bloxhnm nnd William Van Horn, of this borough, were doing business at the county seat, C. L. Clark, ot Green Grove, arrived in town last night, to work on his farm near here. Miss Mnttle Darling, of Blnghamton, Is visiting Mrs. G. I. Clntk. NUTRIMENT IN QUAIL EGGS. They Have a Good Flavor and Aro Very Satisfying. "Few persons nro aware of the fact," said a. well known physician yesterday, "but it is true, nevertheless, that the egg of the p.irtiidge Is one ot the most nutritious things In the world. They are not used' for cirTing purposes ex cept, In very rare cbhcs, and then It generally happens In remote rural dis tricts. I have known negro families in the state of Louisiana, during the laying season to live on the eggs of partridges. And they would flourish handsomely nnd grow fat on nccount of the rich properties of the eggs. These eggs, of course, never find their way Into the market, because they are never taken from their nest except by such persons as I have mentioned, and they rob the nests, I suppose, be cause their principal food supply comes from this source. Quail meat comes pietty high In the market nt all times nnd the aerage man will tlnd It more profitable to spare the eggs nnd wait for the birds when the hunting sonson rolls around. These men would pass a. hundred nests in one day without dls. turhlng nn egg. The sport of hunting the birds is an additional Incentive. "The average negro does not care so much about this nspeet of the cape. He figures that tho white man, having the best gun and the best dog, will beat him to tho bird. So he goes after the egg. One partridge will lay nny where from a dozen to twenty eggs, and a nest Is a good And. I know of many families in rural sections who feast on these eggs In the laying sea son. I have tried the egg myeslf ns an experiment. I found it peculiarly rich. It has a good flavor, Is yerv pal atable, and, In fact. Is altogether a very fine thing to ent. Really, I believe that the egg has more, nutrition In It than the fully developed bird, but, of course, as one of the men fond of the same in the field, I would like to discourage the robbery ot the nests," DASE BALL. National League. At Boston It. II. E. New York nnnnin.inn.-i in ,i Boston i n n .i n n n i s u i Rattrrirs Taylor and Warner; Pittlngcr and Willis and Moran. rmplic Dwyrr. At Brooklyn II. H. E. Phiiaiieiiiiiii nnn2nnnin-3 a i Breokl)n lOSOOUO'-k 12 I Batteries Orth and Jaiklitsch; Kltaon and McOulre. Umpire Emslle. At Cincinnati Cliicagr Clnelnnitl llH.C. Tu.'o- II. II. E. ...s n n n n n 2 n n- i ., t ...i l n n n o n s n-1 o 2 nnd KiW: stiiiiin. C.ue.e and Bergen. Umpires Nash and Broun. St. Louis-Pittsburg not scheduled. American League. At cifM'ijnd n. 11 n Philadelphia M0i;in. n i Cleieland 0 0 2 1 0 n 2 n IV 5 U 3 Batteries Plank and Powers; Mnore. Hart and Ccnnor. Umpire Connolly and Hatkcll. Other clubs not scheduled, Eastern Lentm. At Montreal Montreal, 3; Buftaln. .. At Hartford-Hartford, 2j rrovldence, 1. At Broe kton-Rrockton, 0; Worcester, 4. At Toronto Toronto, 7j rtochfiter, 18, THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New York, .tidy 3f. The toik market this mortimir luiillnno'd the IniprcMlun Heated by JolricUyV tinikel, when tho iHiumiilatlon ol mioidile faituia our Sunday aliinally tailed tj nnakin any n live (tit rost In I lw ipeiulatlo:i, MiiilIuI in .umfiiIi)' eipertem r, the trad.'ra uiiu urn tnuio dlMndlncd t tittnnpl a nunc tnent ol prlici today. The clullncM mid lint" j.i-liln'v( o( tliu 111,11 krt cxicediil u r 1 1 1 i 1 1 u Iim lieu Men pimp lit summer oml .minimi alter the l.illlni; In piiie on. luoount ol tho I'l'lng wheat tholttttfc had ln-t n tudet'ilrd by tin" period ol ualtltiK preeillni the mtlonil eleitlun. The ralieme lliiituatlon readied point In only a limited number nt .locks, and in tin m, as In tho central market, the move ment wat w.nnlnir ami immtaln. Tin' lament pait ot the dealing wcie III the United butei Meet atoik, but the leport in moinliiK new, papcia ol the good pro.peeta ot a aettlement of ihe strike Merc Inellectiiil lo eiue any atienith In the etoik.. Appaiently, .peiulatoia ueie oiv atiflod with proepeits, hmvrter, (.n limbic, ol a aettlement, and erp waiting; for nttomplPhrd (acts and alened paoeri aa a baU o( detennln itu the piewnt alue and future propeet ol these aeiuritlea. Tlieie was n leellng ot liner talnly, aluo, bow far the atrlke ettnment hat b,en discounted In the recent aihanie ot the stoik". The tew desultory adiames In InrlltM ual atntks, some ot them In obscure Industrials, were Indlrterently held. The whole niuikct sunk more and moie Into .1 allln attitude. Tin dosing was dull and ueik at about the lowest, many Important rallroid stocks showing net looses o( a point or moio, Total aalca today, S.'n.dOO shares. 'Ihrte was some only show ol strength In the railroad bond rinrket nn n well dierslfl'd demand, but bet pi Ices there were jielded In tho late dealings. Total Mica nr alue, $1,125, (Vrt. United St itea bonds were unchanged In quo tation on the last call, The following quotations arc furnished TN Tribune by M. S. .lo.tlan ft Co., rooms '(ft-VA Urari building, Scranton, Pa, Telephone 60O.1: Open, High- Low Clos ing, est, lit. lng. Amerlnn Sugar ltii 1I"H 112'i 14i American Tobacco in l.tvi, ut'i MUj Atchlaon 7t :s T.l 71 Atchison. I'r 07 !7 (x) pn niook, Traction 77 77 7H 7rt II lit. k Ohio '17 H7 W1, WV font. Tobuco ('.7i d?'. 07' j t74 Hirs. .V Ohio 4li t'1'4 4lj 4i ride, k (it. Wcat Ci'i 2Pi 24 24 st. Paul ttl K.jti 11,014 IWIJ Itock Maml lll'i IIP,, MS Hi Louis. . Nash wr, 1( 102 lo2i Kan. k Tex.. I'r. 51'i Slli 54 51 Mm. Klctatrd 11 111 Us 1H Met. Traction IftS 1M 1HS IIS MIso. Pariflu inO"t UllVi iio. pi hontli. Parlfle flrt'4 M'f, M .ViSi Norfolk k West 4'i'i ,W4 4'i'i i N. Y. rentral l.M'l 1MU 11li HUi Ont. k Western Xl X ,125A H ronn.l. Ity 1(43 lll'i, 141'i lll'i Pacific Mall .Ti 42 SI 8'i' Heading lis- 42'i il'i H'i 411 Heading Itv . Tr., ,..,77 77H 7il'i 7rt' Sont hem It. It 'M Kcli 2! 213. Southern Tt. P., Pr St M bi el Tenn. Coil k Iron f1 ill i;2'4 t.1 I. S. leather in; lUi mj l.Hi V. S. Leather, Pr 7-1H 7'i 7'l 7'i I' S. Rubber l'Hj I'll- pi I'll-, Union Pacific iniH; innis t,s p;7j Union Paclfie, Pr., .... si eT P'l 1 Wahuh, Pr 40 40i; .11'; S','; Wetern Union (0'4 1V 02'i HU Col. fuel k Iron tni 101 loo ii mil Copper lit 111 11.1 lit People's (its 11:, mi., hi I'rle .1; s ,i;ij, a;tj Krle, 1st bTH t,7U (Mij V,U ( ol. Southern 1.1 1.1 II 11 " Tevis Parlfle i ir, 411; Atner. Car Koundrv .... 20 ?A 2 .10 U. .. Meet Co 4"iiR 41tA 4H, 44 U. N Steel Co.. Pr 01 M?s HI 04H NEW YORK Clll MX MAHKKl". Open. High- Low. Clos. WHHAT. Inir est esf lnir September 7.1'J U 71'i 74 December 7P3 7( 75 7b, September 57 5a 5; ,1 December 57 59!4 57'i 59 Scrnnton Board of Trnde Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Lac'iawsnni Dalrv Co., I'r Countv Savings Hmk k Trust Co.. First National nank (.Carbondale).. Standard Prilling Co Third Nitional Bank Dime Deposit and Discount Bank.. Economy Light, 11. k V. Co First National nank Lacka. Trust Site Deposit Co Clark k Snocr Co., Pr Srranton Iron Fence k Mfg. Co.... Scranton Axle Work Scranton Sadngs nink Traders' National Hink Srrinton Holt & Nut to People's Pank ew Mexico Ily. .V C.qCo.. Scranton Passenger Hallway, first Mortgaee, due 1020 People's Street nailway, first mort gage, due 101S People's Street Hillway, General mortgage, due 1921 Dickson Manufacturing to Lacka. Township School 5 per cent. City of Scranton St. Imp. 0 per cent J5al5'ic Bean' Per bushel, choice marrow, Scranton Traition (1 per cent Bid. Asktd, d60 . . 325 SO 275 4a 12(10 150 125 100 95 3'0 175 'l 125 75 115 ... 115 ... 115 ... 100 102 102 $2.fi0a2 65 115 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected bv II. (I. Pile, 27 Laikauanna Ave ) Hiuter Fresh creamery, 20',ia21c; dairy, fresh, 11'4a2iHi. Cheese Full cream, lo'-jaltr. Eggs Western fresh, llJllVsc. ; neuby state, 15'iil('(. Medium Peans Per bushel, 2. IO12.IJ, Green Peas Per buhel, fl.inai.4v Flour Ile-t patent, per barrel, ?4.45. Deans Per bu-hel, choice jnairuw, $2.55a2.60. Potatoes Per bushel, Mat.IO. Onions Per bushel, ffl. New York Orain nnd Produce. ew York, July .10. Flour Fairly arthe nnd shade steadier. Wheat spot rnirket strong! No. 2 red, "nlic. f. o. h. atloat; No. 2 led, ;o,ic ; rlciMoi' No. t Sorthein lliilulh, 77c. f o. b. afloat Option were goueially film ull day and closed strong at laP.HC 11' adaricc .lull do-ced 7.V j August 74c. ; soptcm'ier, ",43sc. ; (Utonei, 7tc : December, 7d. Coin-spot -.t 1 oiilt. No. 2, fi'i i elevator, ami ,"in f o h, alio it Optlo'i m.uket opened fliin and higher Closid stiong at 1.iHsi net higher. .-eptunber closed fc J October, 5c : Dicember, fA . Oats -spot tinn er; No. 2, .tai',;C. : Nn.U ,17'ie. ; Xo. 2 whlt 40i2a41c.j No. 1 white, .'i'HialOo ; track mixed wenern, ."'-llitr. ; track white, ,1huV. op tions liigher on th" goiirninem weikly ci-qi bullet'i and strength of corn Butter Minis; creamery, li'iioiji.; facts.-, Mal'ic: Imiliilnu orA1 mti 1 ll1"l.,i ifoln stiff 11.1 fl-s 1l,,ic.- viv uiirij 1 mil :. 1 nan is 1 ,1 1 iiiiii, ii t-ri - Firm; famy laige coloicil, 0c. ; do. do. white, Pa'4e ; fancy cm ill colored, (l ; do. do. white, pit Fgiis-FIrm; state and Pennsil xania, lOalsc ; iimandlcd, Sall'jjC. j wrstern un candled, llal6',2C. Phllndelphln Grain nnd Producs Philadelphia, July .10,-Wlieat-Firm, lc. high er; contract giade July, 71a'jc Corn strong, 1'iC. higher; No. 2 medium, 5rt'-a57c. Oats Steidv; No. 2 white clipped, 4h Unolj 1 n changed. Piovloni Uncnanged. nutter Finn, jc. higher; faiuv wcdtein cieamery, 21lji ; do. do. prints, 21'ic i do. nearby do., 21e, Eggs Firm, fresh neirby, 15c; western, 15i ; do houthwesteru, 12V:c.; do, southrin, 12l Cheese Flnnei ; N. Y. full croims fjnev small, l)ae ; do do. do. filr to choice, Vn'j;c, He. fined sugars-Unchanged. ( otton 1 Ifle. lower; middling uplands, H S-lSe, Tallow Meadi ; cil.v prime in bhd., 5ie ; loiuitrv do. do bbU. 4i si ; cakes, 5ic LIo Poultry Fnmer; fowls, HialOiic; old roosteis, 7o ; spiing III -s is, K.Hc. ; ducks, iodic. Dre.sed Poultiy '.fiiiet and c-asler; fowls choice, llaVi ; In. filr to good, 0ijc ; n dlrnosteis, fi'jc. ; broilers icimy, 15a20c ; wenern do, l'alrti Receipts Flour, 1.700 lianels, 2,(l'i0.00n pounds In .aeks, wheat, 117,000 tm-liel.s: coin, none; oats, 21.0ci bu-hels., 172,(Tsl bushels; corn, 17,000 bushels; oats, .1,000 bushels, Chicngo Grain nnd Produce. Chicago, July SO The dec lining moiement in grain piicea sustained a moderate check todav, September wheat dosing alc. higher; Septem ber coin, l.ilo. higher; spptember oats la 0. higher, PrmWons closed 10 to 15 cents 'm proved. Cash quotitlons were as follows! Iiour ieao, "so. .1 .puns wneir, noaos,o. Nn. 2red. ilS'iafiOc. ; j,o. 2 corn, 5.411c. ; No. 2 ellnw, Si'ia.lle.; No. 2 cuts, ,Hj,cV ; No. 2 white. 35aW',io: No, 3 do.. SIVnlftMp,; No 2 ChiciRO Live Stock Market. Chicago, Julv SO. Cattle lletelpls, .1,500. In eluding 1,121 Texans. Steady to stione at Men daj's prices. Uoort to pilme steers, VIOan20; poor to medium, $l.25aVIO; stoekeis and feed ers. W.10j35i cos, J2.75al.riO. heifers Ji.25a 5; canneis, 1.21a.2i; bulls, $2.23a4.5; cow, 2.75a4cW; helfeis, $2.25a5; hulls, $:.254 15; cales reserelv lower; 2 50a2 75; Texas steers higher. $3al 50 llogt Receipts today, IS.oyi; tomorrow, 25.(Wl; left oer, 8,151. Actiie and strong, lOe. higher for bulk, closed slow; mixed and butchers, $5..12i5.02V4: good to choice heavy, S5.S0a; rough heavy, i5.35ai.75; light, tJ.iWi ne, .ii'axic.; lair 10 cnoice mining, 52iV ; No. l Hax seed, tl.Mi So. 1 Northern, I.S; pilme tlmothv seed, if.5.i."i, mm poik, fll,"2ivi 1121; lanl. f.S(l5jfi7'i; short nh sides, loose, 7.K.a5! ilrv silled shoillilei. bovil 71larL.n . short clear sides, boxed, J3,30a8.lO; whiskey! $1.2!, THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Four Lines. 3 Cents lor Cch Rxtra Line. Por Bent. For Reoto About 1200 feet of floor space on 4U1 floor of the Tribune building, su'table for light maufacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Enquire at office of The Tribune. FOll nilNT-Ciglil rooms, 7.1.1 Jefferson avenue; all modern conveniences. ' K!D ORF.KN IHPflK TnF.rT, ten rooms, modern Improvements; steam heat lurnlahed; dcalr deslrsble. For Snlo, FOR SALK Two Williams t,pewrllera and one Model A Manhattan, all In (list Masa ahape, Can he bought at a bargain and see,i at any time at Underwood Typewriter Office, F. It, Coffin, Miiijgcr, Rocm 5, Arcade huildint. cl'y. JUST ARIUVIID with a car-load of horses ard clrler; weight from l.onn to 1,500; sexeral closely matched teim. Can be seen at 331 Ray mond court. F. M. Cobb. FOR SALE A Cottrell k Sons c Under press, 3.1x36, in good condition, new rollers, fSK. Apply Wilkes-tlarre Times Office, Wllkes-Darre, Pa. For Sale or Bent. FOR SALK OH I1KNT single house. POI Web ster axenue. Ten looms, steam heat. O. F. Rcnold, (,'onnell building. Beal Estate. HAN'DSOMF. PLOT at Factory! Me. beautifully sltuited; few minutes from station. Pes esses loiely xiew of surrounding country. Will cut to suit bums. Prices xeiy low. Address W. T. Hackett. Rral Rstate, Scranton. Pa. Money to Loan. A'K),u0O TO LOAN Lowest rates; straight or monthly raments. Stark k Co.,Traders' bldg. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN-Qulck, straight leans or Hullding and Loan. At from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 814-315 Ccnncll building. Boarders Wanted. WANTED Table boarders. Mrs. Tompkins, 531 Washington avenue. Personal. OUR NEW ROOK sent tree, fully Illustrated, treats of all conditions of men, tells how to attain "Perfect Manhood." Should be In the hands of eserv mile adult Addrc.s Erie Medical Co., "Rook Dept ," llutlalo, S. Y. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTEIV Hy a well experienced young man m clothing salesman, also under stands care of books. Address Salesman, caie of Tribune Office. SITUATION WANTED-., good steady and re liable girl wants a situation at geneinl liou-euork in small family; icfercnce. if de Ired. Address, K. L, scranton Tribune. City. SITUATION WANTED Itookkecper, expeilenccd, wants permanent position with good concern; lier-t of icfcrfnce. Address Edmund Shimp, 12.1 East avenue, Ilridgeton, N. J. blTUVriON WANIED-Itv a man, building eel lais, flagging or Inline sidewalks, or paving gutters. Admcss Mason, 1110 Llod street. SITUATION' WANTED Ily an experienced Loin dress; would like to get gentlemen' laun dry; best of city references. 1116 Llojel sticet. Address Laundress. SITUATION WANTED-IIy an expert laundress, on ladies or gentlemen's fine clothes; bet of city references; hotel laundry preferred. Ad dress 116 Llojd street, Laiinclrri. SITUATION ANTED -Ily a mm. cutting linns or taking care of gardens. 1116 Lloyd street, second floor. SUUVIION WANTED-lty .1 woman to elo gen cial hou-ework. Addirm 7.'7 Fellows slrert. siri'MION ANTED -i cook or chef In hotel or dub. Address, Cuok, 115 Penn acenue. bll CATION WANTEO-llv oung man as book keeper, or office work of any kind; experi enced; best rcfeienccs. (.'. E. P., Tribune Otftcc, Financial. New York and Ontario Lund Co. NOTICE IS DERFRV C.IVEN thrt the x'e" Yo-k and Ontario Land company will, on the first diy of Fcbruiry, I'jO', take up ami ledevni si! of the bonds now outstanding i-sued tinder the mortgage or dead of trust, elited Jan. 4th I'M), executed by the baid company to the Central Trust coinpan, of New York, as trustee, by pacing for each su h bond the sum of five hun dred and fifty (xvi) dollirs and all interest ac crued to the said elate Pi.cment will be mule rn presentation of said bonds and all unpaid coupons, t Ihe office of tho Central Trust coin, of New York, No. 51 Wall street, in the city of New X,ork. SEW YORK & ONTARIO I.xND COMPANY, A, L. PxllMELEF, Tieasuier. New York, Jul 31, 1W1. 5.75; bulk of sales, (.Vrali'ifal, heep-teceiits. 1,()0, heep dull and lower; limbs, 15 to '25 cents lower; good to choice wethers, ill 75a I 25; fair to choice mixed, '.1.25i'175; western sheep, M2ai.ft, yearlings, Hal 35; naliie lambs, .'a 5.2i; western lambs, fl 30iV2V Ofrldal reieipn and shipments for jesteidav lteeelpts-( title, l.R2t; hogs. I7,e71; sheep, 21,010. shipments Cattle, 5,257; hogs, 0,651, sheep, 412. Enst Liberty Cattle. East Liberty. Pa.. July 30 -Cattle Receipts light. Mark-t lieacy, ik5.5Qa5.i5; prime, .I0i 550, good, ."iiV25; common to gnort cows, f2'a 50. Hogs Light, mirkct slow; common to fair .corkers and pigs, f5.70a5 so, prime henv and medium. fftMaSft); heacy jnrkers. i5.KOa5.R.5; skips, ?4.50a5.25; roughs, $l."5a5 10. Sheep Maiket steady; best wethers, Sl20al,10; good, $lal.l5; common, 1.5ni2.50; yearlings, 3il."a"i; xeal calves. sl.50al, licaiy .and thin, $l.50a5.50; spring lambs, $3a5 60. New York Live Stock. New York, July "0 n-eies Nothing doing; steady feeling. Calies Trade limited, prices barely steady; veils, ?4i7; buttermilks nomlnil. Sheep and Limits Demind f.tlr and prices stead! . Sheep, $2 50(125; choice, l.5nal.M; culls, $2; lambs, 1 50ift to. Hogs Market lower; quota tions. $5.e0i6.15. Buffalo Live Stock. MiirTalo, July SO.-Cattle -Receipts light; offer ini:, 1' cars; steady to tirin lor good heaiy fat nsthe trtr; others dull and lower; xeals gool to fancy, isV50art.50. Hogs ofteilngs, ;.; net; (sir to choice hex!, $5 755 81; pigs, f-V75a5 SO. Sheep and Lamrw-Offerlngs, 5 cars, quiet, cteady at ycsteiday's prices. Oil Market. Oil City, July :io.-Credlt balance, fl 21; cenl flrates. no bill. Shipments, S7,l'); a!trage, 100, 1S2. Runs, 107,310; a!eiage, RS.IIL - In a Smoking Car. A heli" of a truly masculine spliit, accompanied by a smill poodle, is said to haie tailed sadly the other day In an attempted reformatory moie ment. She enteied the smoking car of a subur ban train and sternly lefused, when approached by the conductor, to go into another car, ob serving that her presence would keep the other ouupinta from smoking, One thiek-fklnned wtelch, howeier, Insensible to the claims of refinement and reform, began to enjoy his accustomed cigar, which was suddenly snstched from his llpa, with the remark In a high trehlei "If there la anjthlng ? do hate It Is tobacco smoking!" For a time- the offendr wis motionless, then, gracely rising, amid the furiosity of the as sembled smokers, he took that little poodle out of the Isdv's lap and gently threw him through the window, sighing! "If there is anything I do hate it ia a poodle." New York Tribune. SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. Wanted. AANSkr1wi(it1etewveltN(i(1VV1eIMeailtfeVaevirt(M' thousand persona to buy cno thousand bottles "Knights' Aromitlc flyrup of Prunes," nature'a greatest phjslr. Largo hottle, 25 cents. Chas. P. Jones, 1557 Dsck son cnue. WANTF.D An Inlelllgent (Catholic) lad or gen tleman to fill 1 light, pleasant position-, good pay, if suitable. Aeldress P. O. llox 20. tk rant on, Pa, Help Wanted Male. ".. - s .-. i , m AAA WANTED Young man ax assistant bookkeeper, who iinderstanls stenography and t.ipewrlt lng, A chance for advancement for the right party. Address "O," this office. Help Wanted Female. WANTED AT ONCE Two girls. Cook mid gen eral housework, Hotel Mlhun, 01 phnnt, Pa. WANTED A good hundress at Forest City Steam Laundry. W. S. Ilosklns, WANTED-Young well acquainted In llvilc Park to make talis in that part ol the city. Oood salary and steady emploincnt. lloaton Tea Co., city BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisement Will Bo Received at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 V. M. Central City ALRERT SCIILirTZ. corner Mulberry street and Webster avenue. OUSTAV PICIIEL. 650 Adams avenue. West Side OEOROE W. JENKINS, 101 South Main avenue South Scrnnton FRED L. TERPPE. 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton GEO. W. DAVIS, comer North Main avenue and Market street. Green Ridge CHARLES P. JONES, 1557 Dickson avenue. F. J. JOHNS, 020 Oreen Ridge street. O. LORE.NZ, corner Washington ave nue and Marlon street. Petersburg W. 11. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. O. RONE k SON. Lost. LOsT-Class pin of S. II. S 1001 Finder will be suitably rrnaided b returning to A. II. Conger, office, 425 Spruce street, or residence, G17 East Market street. BANKING. IVSU-eii-esrf-NSw-SivVsXW-W REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK at Scranton, in the- state of Pennslvanla, at the dose of business Julv I5a10ni: iiiisoum E.S. Loans an.l discounts $l,7J.I,.r.fl fS Oveidrafts, secured and tin-eeurid ,,, 4'1 41 1 . S. bonils to secure ciiculatlon .... ftO.essi is) Stoeks, securities, etc., tS,740.e5 :5 Hanking liou-e, furniture and fixtures uO.CXs) 00 Due from National hanks (not reserve agents) SVfflOi Due from State hanks and bankpra .. in.1,.1'1 4) Duo fiom nppiovcd leseric agents .. tfll.PS 77 Internal rivrnne stamps 1,11.17 41 Cheeks and other cash items la.l'il SI Exchanges for cleuing hou-e ltvleV) 75 Notes jf other National banks 0,500(0 Fractional pjper cuirciuy, nickels ami cents 1,017 01 Lawful money reserve In bank, sii. : Spec le $ 7el,iil .'5 la gal tender not 274,470 ( S51.1S1 55 2,500 00 4,000 no Redemption fund with l. S. treasurer (1 per cent, of circulation) Due from P. S. Iieasiirer, other than 5 per cent, redemption fund Total l.lAtlll.lTIKs. $1,!i;4,CJ5 ss Capital stock raid in $ 2no.nno nn Surplus fund l,0ei,(s) no Undivided pioflts, lcs expenses and taxes, paid 4P.,'c17 frt National benk notes outs'.indlng .... .io.issi.oil Due to other National, banks 1,1.1" 71 Due to Mate banks anei binkera .... 21,'ieiS 41 Due to npproced reseive agents .... 25..(.Ct -;9 Individual eleposlts subject to check. 7,ll'iil( 31 Demind certirlcatea of cl-pcit S.1,771 01 Certified checks 2,'V1 ai Cashier's checks outstanding 1" 51 Notes and bills re elise-nunted None Dills pa.vable. Including certificates of deposit for in'inev borrowed Nons Liabilities other than those aboie stated None Total i,'i;4,R.i -, :" State of Pcnns.vlianla, county of Lackawanna, ss. ; I, ISMO I'fxr, cishler of the abnvp namfil bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of mv knowledge- and belief. IP POT. Ccliiei. Sulwciilieil and swoin tn befoic me this, twe'ii-ty-fourth elav of .lull, loell WM.TER E. OPNill'.R, Notary Public. Correct Attest; (i I,. DlfKON. JOHN JFRM1N. Dliei tors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK at Scranton, In the state of Pennsl!anla, at the clree of business, Julv 15, lnell j RE.-01 RCKs. Loans and discounts f2,357,517 01 Olerdrafts, secured and iiiisecuretl .1 li.leS P S. Bonds to secure circulation .... lOOniel l) P. S. Ilonds to secure P. S. deposits, 471,000 (V) Piemiums on P. S. Ilonds 0..'i in Slocks, securities, etc 6-2,200 i,rt Hanking house, furniture ami fixtures ,,V) t, Due fiom National banks (not rescue agents) 21,11.1 f.0 Due from state banks and bankers ,, 1D.J1I 11 Due from appioieel reseue agents ,, 3ll,l(i (A Internil reienue stamps 222 () Cheeks and other ca.h items et.ovi r) Exchanges for dealing house , 5,011 n Notes ol other National banks ,1,775 00 Fractlonil pjper currency, nickels and cents 1,010 07 Lawful money icserve in hark, slat Specie $1V),1 i Legal tender notes (17,000 00 217,461 23 Redemption fund with P. S. treasuier (5 per cent, of circulation) 5,OV) O") Due from P. S. treasurer, other than 5 per cent redemption fund I.ooa nn Total f LIUIII.IITEs. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Fndivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid National bank note outstanding .... Due to other National banks Due to state banks and bankers Due to Trust companies ami S nines banks Due to approved reserve agents .... Dividends unnabl 112,(113 .31 11 Indiildnal deposits subject to check. 2, ,7", nemanci certineates ot deposit Certified checks Cashier's checks outtandlng Pnlted States deposits Deposits of V. S, disbursing officers. 4 452, Total l.112.m l State of Pennl!anla, County of Lackawanns, as : I, WILLIAM II I'f.CK, tashlcr of the above named bank, elo solemnly twvar tint toe above statement ia ttue to the best of my knew leilae and belief. WILLIAM H. PECK. Cashier Subscribed and nvnrn to before me this, twenty-fourth dav of July, 1001. MMl'EL W. EDGAR. Notary Public. Correct Attest: HENRY BELIN. JR . ,i. i,. lONNELU ( r"rrvnHr- ,, n.-,.. -, we,.v llt m i,i., Directors. DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Then Pour Lines. 6 Cents lor Cacti Extra Line, PROFESSIONAL. "'sVs-issesis'ieiSsisWsissJ.carfiiM Certified Publics Accountant. EDWARD C. sr-AUl.UI.Na, 2J TRADERS BANK Duildlrg. Architects EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, CONNELI building. FREDERICK L. RROWN, ARCH. P... REAL Estate Exchange Rldg., 129 Washington ae. Civil nnd Mining Engineers. II. Is, IIARDINO, eotl CONNELL RUILDINO. Dentists. DR. O. E. EILENIinitdKR, I'AULI BU1LDJNC). Spruce street, Scranton. ., Dll, C, O. LAU3ACH, 115 WYOMING AVENUE. Lawyers. IBANK E. BOYLE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 12, 14, io and 1J llurr building. F. K. TRACY.ATT'Y.COMMONWEALTH DI.DO. B- B. M.VIX)V.1.K, ATTORNEY-LOANS NLCO- ciaceu ore resl estate security. Mears building, comer Washington avenue and Spiure street. MILLARD, WARREN fe KNAPP. ATTORNEYS and counsellors at-law. Republican building, Washington aienue. JI.SSPP & jr.SSPP. ATTORNEYS AND COIIN. sellorsat-law. Commonncaltli building, Rooma IP, 20 and 21. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTORNEY. ROOMS "v.i isji, utn lloor, Mcars hullding. L. A. WATItES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade building, Scranton, Ta. PATTERSON k WILCOX. TRADERS' NATIONAL Bank building, C. COMEOYS, 013 REPUBLICAN RUILDtNO. A. W. BFRTH0LF, OFFICE MOVED TO NO. 211 Wjomlng aienue. Physicians nnd Sugeons. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 51J NORTH WASHINGTON ai enve. DR. S. W. IAMOREvUX, OI'FICE 333 WASH Ington aienue. Residence, 131. Mulberry Chronli disease, lungs, heart, kidnev-s and genlto-urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 2 to 4 p. m. Hotels and Resturants. Till: ELK CAFE. 121 AND 127 FRANKLIN avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIOLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NER D I & W. PAS- srnger depot. Conducted en the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B. BRICGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools: no odor; only improied pumps used, A. B. Brlggs, proprietor. Leave orders lioo North Main avenue, or Elcke'a drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones. Seeds. O. R. CLARKE & CO.. SEEDSMEN AND KliRS erymen, store 201 Washington avenue; gretn houses, 1050 North Main avenue; store tele phone, 7S2. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR 511 LACKA. AVE., Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESMAKIXO FOR CHILDREN TO ORDER: also ladles' waUts. Louis Shoemaker, 212 Adama aienue. MECARCEE BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EN xelopes, paper bags, twine, Warehouae, ISO Washington avenue, Scranton. Pa, LEGAL. IN THE DISTRICT C OI'HT uf the Pnlted State fir the Middle District uf l'eiins.vlvanis. In the matter of l.illie K Harris, hankiupt. No. 31 in llinkriiptr! To tin creditors of I.UHe K. Hauls, of Scranton, In the ccunty of Lack wanni and di'tri . afoiesal.l, a bankrupt. Nutku Is belch Li -en tint on tic tlilrti.'t'l eh ot Julv, . Ii. I'H, the- said Lillle K Hu lls was elulv adiudicateel bankrupt, and tint th" flr.t meeting uf th eredilois will b" helel at til" offlie of tho referee in the i.oicrnrmnt building. In the cit) of "iruntoii. on ihe n'uth ela" of August, A. 1). l"dl. .it 10 ei'iliek in the fo.e riK'ii, at v.hlih time the slid ncditois may at ti.'i. nm tleie claims, uppoiut a I nine;, ex limine the bankrupt, and transart such oth-1 buslne-a as mi properlv erne befoie ald mee, ing. '. . AN MOHMEII. Referee. sirinton, l'.e , I'sil. Proof of claim, 5) cents. DEPUITIIENT OF I'llll.K MFETY. Buteau of Health Notice to Plunibeis. Tu perons, turns e,r loipontlons engaaed in tlie vvoik or business cf plumbing or house drain il'c. Thct in pnrMiirco of the ae t cf assembly, daifi Juno 7. I'H, piovnling tor the examlnitlr.n, lieeii-uie .in. I icgiirntlon of pcions, firms er tor poratieiiis eiiLMgid or c'ligizing In tlie husine,si, or work of plumbing or houee-ilialnsge anel pre sinbing ceiiain lilies, icgulaticns and require inents for Ihe con-true Hon of plumbing, house eiiaiii.iui' and cesspools In cities of the secor.v d,is.s iml imposing tines, peuiltles and forfeit iiis nn violitinu theicof Soilce Is heiebv given tint ill per-ons, flinis ir coiporatlons thus en gaged mii-t eoniplv with the pmtislons of si'i act of assemble and iigi-tei In the office ol tin llneetoi of Public safct.v, on or before lug. i 1001 P. L. WORMER. Director Depntnieut of Public Sifety. Scranton, Pa., Julv "J I, l'fl. NOIII E l" hereby given that a meeting of the stockholder of the Colliery Engineer Corn panv is called h order of tlie Board of Director to meet at the orhro of the company, in Scran ton. Pcmirvlvanla, on Monday, August 2o l'Vl at two o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpos of taking action upon the pioposed increase It the capital stock rf the said crmpanv from on million five bundled thousand (Jl,.si.(VI) dollirs to tlueo million ii,oon,ri(Vi) elollars, and to transact such other business as may be hroujht beioie said meeting STINLEY P ALLEN, Secretary Scranton, Pa., lime 21th, l'JOl. FINANCIAL. AAA . . 'wy OLDEST! SAFEST! BEST! WALL STREET Money Will nam Die Monthly ttccurns. The Investor's Fund Psys Semi-monthly. Tlie oldest established In America, No certificate holder has eier lost a cent. Payments made t all subscribers every 15 das. No trouble. No delay Money refundeel on demand Write to day (or particulars, tree to any address. C. E. Mackey k Co.. Hudson Bld'g., New York, $55,000 Rocky Mount, N. C, 5 Water, Sewer and Electric Light BONDS. Yielding 4.ato Per Cent. Write for special circular. Rudolph Kleybolte & Co. 1 Nassau St., New York.