The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 31, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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John J. Coyno of Minooka and J.
Nelson Graves of Scott Woro
Chosen as Delegates to the Coming
Stats Convention The Resolutions
Denounce the Present Administra
tion of Affairs in This State and
Endorsed the Candidacy of Judge
Harmon Yerkos.
The Democrat of the Third Legla
latlve district held n convention In the
St. Chnrlcs hotel yeMordny arternoon
and fluted John J. Coyne, of Minooka,
and .t. Nelson (Jnive. of Scott. dole
Rates to the Mute convention. Klllot
Bueet, of Kenton, and M. C. Judge, of
Taylor, are the alternate.
John J. Coyne, the district chairman,
called the convention to older, and the
following delegates presented creden
tials: Benton William Howe
I'mlndon 1'ranK Dougherty.
("Hflon KHJah DiBBcr.
Dillon Theodore smllh. inna, Townthlp SmmiIIiucsI dlflrlet,
Pcler Cojnc and Robert Vatican, south .lis
tilct. .1. .1. Cojne, T. K. Coine, II. II .tfnl.ini
orthcat district, James Dutkin, tit ills
trkt, M .toscc
Mooele-I Iret ward, M. .1. Leonard, Serond
ss.ird, W, Iliiins; Third ward, Kdnaul Merriwcj;
Fourth ard, I'eter .i. Klnc.
Newton Paul Attn
old Knrjse -Hist waril, Dniil Pnuiliirly
llan'om Tonliln Hrst dlctiic.t Dr. C. K.
Illrhanls t. V. (Vivos.
North Vtilmtrn I hirlet Sirs.
West Xhlneion I'rcil Vrliei.
Tailor- Tlrst w ird, M ('. tiidees l-oond wirrl,
.Mm MiDmiiM
iccrh l-dw ird llille.i
V. V. Hajlm was elected chairman
of thp convention, and V.. II. Joidan,
Fcuetary. The committee on resolu
tions named was M. C. Judge, John J.
Coyne, P. V. Leonard, l'rhvaid J. Mm-)i-!-ey,
Dr. C. E Itlchardu, Paul Aten.
The following 1 evolutions wore leported
nnd adopted by th"1 mnventlon.
The ilrleSHtK inmiirl inz the Hilid Deii'O-
ritu- Icrl-I ithe ili.-lriM of l.ukau.inua loumt,
in loinri.tlgn i-enibled. 1I1 hoirbi, in 1 omumn
siith all right thlnkln; 1 Illens fit I'cmi-ilcania.
deplore Hi" di-honor and shame hiui;ht upi 11
lie fair n-ime of the conunotmeilth tj the
cnmlnill.i lorrupt and i1ln1M1 rriklci net
of the tcient diszraicd md Inlatumis legMituro
and while the members M thit bodi old their
Miles mil barlired their manhood with a hold
Hiss tint would nhinie fito .1 hnd of organised
thieies, .set, their conduct was no mote ripie
Icn'ible thin was lint nt the Hepuhlh in 11, 1
chine ulitth dentil publle opinion in Its clepn.i
linn for pelf.
In lobblns and ili-fiinchl-iw; the penplo ,f
the stite, nnchine ltepuldii inlsni hoiked own
hinsp of coinnmintal secnrit.i In adding In the
rertuptlon of tin leellatuie the tmicii minting
fit the sa'red Mitels of the supreme imirt fir
FflfUli and dihonet puipmn' In airiiEiiin: lhi
liepuhlicin p.111.1 for the dpIor.ihli condition
In if ml lecl'lition it Is but lust to admit thete
weie Ildii' ir.itlc ludi-es who jided In the ion
fiminiitlon of the illliiio and pmtllcirt, ind
tninv tlepublUans who nbli bulled foi the holi
er and Inteiilti- of thdr late, jet the powrra
tint conielied and curl'd out the unpinbnibli
mitraffc was the oririnjrcd Htpubln ill pnt
.inl its punMinunt nnd ilethronement must crime
tiirouzli an caimst md Demoirai.i
wlmh should rniploi cier.i efTort to .oninnnd
and renin public lontidenu' In notnlntilni; c ip
ab'e ind licnr-t i.indidilc and tniintainlne an
ftrlilent ,ind lncere niu.inuitiou.
WheicHf, 'I he 1 ini ut the honm iblr llaimon
Acrkes, of Iiiuks lounti, will come lforc tlw
Ilrmniratic Mite coniiution to be held In llir
nburc on ue l"i, 10111, foi tin- nomination for
justice of the supirme louit, and
Wheicii, the raid lleimiii nki Is 1 it.
7in of unblemished repui.ition. i l)iin)irit if
(terllnc iiiilltic ind 1 Jurist of the Inchest it
t iininenta, Ih'iifoi.. f it
llcooliril, 'Hut wo linrbi 111-lnict the dele
Kites elected b.i this lonceiillon to Mile fir the
nid lion lleimiu iikc, as Ions .. ha n mm
i betoio the innirntlon, and ur it 1 1 lintii irahle
in ins to pioitiii- In., iiomiiiitiiin
The work of selecting delegates to
rcpres-ent the district nt the Demo
cratic State eoineMlon in llanlslmig
August 1." was then taken up and the
gentlemen named nhnvp weic .selected.
Uaht evening a election was
conducted by the Second district Dem
on, its and delegates elected to a con
vention to be held In the St. Charles
hotel Thursday to elect state delegates.
Very little inteteM was taken in the
Sunday Excursions to Mauch Chunk
nnd Glen Onoko.
On Sunday, August 1, the
lUilroad of New .Jeit-ey will sell tick
ets ftom Scianton to Mauch Chunk
nnd Olen Onoko at fate $l.:.n fop adults
and 75 cents for 1 Illicit en for the lound
tilp. good to go only on special tialn
leaving Scianton at T ao a. m and ic
tuin on special tialn leaving Mauch
Chunk at a.Sa p. m. and Olen Onoko at
5.45 p. in.
County Committeo Meeting.
A meeting of the Republican coun
ty committee will be held at the Cen
ttal Republican club looms, Wash-
ington avenue, Scranton, Pa , on
Ftlday, August L'nd, 1901. at 2 o'clock
p m., for the purpose of fUlng the
time for holding the next pilmaiy
electlon. David J. Davis, chairman.
H. D. Fellows, secietaiy.
"What can't bo cuied must he en
dured." Hut heat can be cured, so
need not he endutcd, if you buy your
Ice ci earn at Hnnley's, 420 Spiuce
Try the new Sc cigar "Kleon.'
i Investment
C6 Ilroadiiay, N. V,
Wilkct-narre, CaibonJale,
4 5-0 Commonwealth bid's, Scranton, p.
it V( M M VI '4 ) M X X V( '4 '( '4 M X at
Thorough Instruction. Low tuition rates,
flraduates necure best tmltlons. Some are now
ilrnwlnit mIuIm nl l,ai, Jl.'iflo and Jl.wo.
Minv In flip and six months rniilliv themseliex
In fill position ihl.h pay (M m 'I " Pr month
t the start The mention r( AMItlliOl S sour
peoplo In soluited. I'oiltlonj furnished, "tile
cr till for circular.
Over a Thousand Persons Journoyed
to Mountain Park Yesterday.
The Bartenders' union, of this city,
ran a most successful excursion to
Mountain Park ycsteiday, over a thou
sand person taking advantage of the
opportunity of visiting thnt beautiful
A number of athletic events were
pulled off In the afternoon. Frank
Scanlon won the 100-ynrd handicap,
nnd Thomas Holnnd throw the lfi-pound
hammer farther than any of his com
petitors. The broad Jump was won by
"Chaillo" X.ang. There was also an In
tel estlng bowling match, won by a
team composed of Wairon Colwell,
Thomas O'Hrlen and William Callahan.
The team they defeated was composed
of Robert Wharton, George Davis and
James Paddcn.
District West of the Mountain Is to
So Illuminatod.
The ehnrter for nn electilc light com
pany has been applied for by a com
piny, nt the head of which Is Mr. Allen,
secretary of the International Coiic
spondence School company. The new
concern will secure franchises from the
botoughs of Dalton, Clark's Summit,
Claik's Oreen, Wnverly, Olenbuin and
It Is Intended by the concern to pto
vlde nil of the towns north of the
mountain with electric light accommo
dations, as theie Is a ciylng necessity
In all of them for this comfort. The
plant to generate the power will he
located at Dalton, rnd the lights will
be Incandescent.
Lightning Deals Cruelly with Far
mer Jones' Stock.
A young farmer named Jones, liv
ing at I'nlondale. was made a heavy
suffeier by tho tPtrlble lightning storm
of Monday night. Jones, wan was
only lecently married, settled on a
dilty farm at I'nlondale anil pin
cl ased twenty-six cows.
During the stoim the herd collected
under a large tree. Suddenly theie
was a tertlflc flash and deafening re
poit. The bolt struck the tiee and
completely shatteied Its massive trunk.
Sixteen of the cows woie killed.
Tried to Enter House of George Mar
shall on Quincy Avenue,
About 1 o'clock yesterday morning a
burglar attempted to enter the house
occupied bv (Jeoige Marshall, in the 700
block of Qiiluey ihpihip,
He was squeezing his way through a
basement window when he was dlscov
cied by 11 psron on the second floor.
The alarm was given, but the would-be-buiglar
succeedtd in making good
his escape.
Willntn liranulle, if Dunn't I'atrh. was ar
rc-tni la-t nl'-ht on a warrant Issued 1j Magi"
trite llo'ie nt the iutancr of hi,, wife, who
ihaik-es him with aviult and batteii He will
be gitrn 1 hcaiinu tins ninninc.
Ink Lmrland wis iotcnln arrested at the
In-tince of stuvirl KohiUhuhk, who (barged
him with 111 lint liniiu: a dismdeih honfe in
Hnmoiid court md wilh ilisnrduli conduit.
Uil.'iiii.iii Itudd.i iIi-iIihumI him on the ihir.'o
of miintiiniuir a disordtili house, but rci-ericd
hi ilCkilin on the other chiipe.
Mis C K Ciaics, ol (Ink's Summit, was
uitrstrd idij it the insianie of Mi Mm
tub Hunt, of the Mine pine, who ihircis her
with ilefr unlink' her (Mr. Hunt) out id a bond
bill anniintintc to "? Ine wairanl for her
anci was issued lutoie Micisfiatc Howe, but
the del .ldint went betore Mdennin Itud li an I
entiiid l.ftl In the mm of J.1O1) fur licr appeal
ante at court.
I'VV DvV.s, Hip Hitiu.iro and Hudson com
pinj pild iitcnlj at the Pl.iiiioulli Mountain,
lloston, Pl.imuuih Nos. 2, 3, t and i.
I. VMS" snilM,. Hie l.uther leicue ol I lily
'Irinlt l.utlieiau ihuuh will liold a lawn buual
on the ihurch livin on 'llmi.-diy ciiniu,'.
MI.I. OPHN nil)s.-lllds will be opined at
the pDMotlki' at I o'eloek this altcinoon fni the
iterations to be nude on the Miohd lljul of
the federal bulldiui;,
II1K l.l'l lY M' -Ml.s Jla.-ele iWjh,
of Ihlrd H111I, laid tin- luck nimibei at the
Illume toi 0 In cold in the bascnicnt of the
lol tin.-, I1UK.I1 Mmii'Iji nleht.
SMM.IsnV loMCIir-lhe .innheiMn of
I hule- H'Miu will be eelebialcd .It the Itexuc
Miion toiiinht at s o'tloik. All aic Imitcd,
I ii'iiii and cake will be tcricd at tho close of thu
Tillll. ill-K Till: Mli:i:i,.-A baktry waeon
colllilid with a cniiiie drawn b W. J, Palno,
em P11111 aienue, .ic.teidjy iltunnon. line of
the cairlnre'ii wheels was nun oil, but no other
damage- was elutii
PinillOS IN HWKliriMC'V. Atlonip Italph
1.. I.e ir.tenla tifod a petition in lunkiuplcy
In Ihe dUtriet Federal toiitt In the case of Mra.
I. K. IlinU. of this citi. fount ilv of Sew
oik The l.abilltlca ire stated as J.J.7J0 and the
aset JJ50,
ISH'IKI) IIV ni.lsr-OioiBe Muliheiici, n
mlnri eniplo.irrt at the Aiondile colllcri of (he
IVliwire, I.aikawanni and Western Itallroad
eoiiipini. wis .eiiru.l injured u Imhv lnem
Ins li i premium- blist. Ills fare was pain
fully binned and badly biulscd and fc'a.'u'd b
pleceJ of fl.ilnot lock.
m 1
Guernsey Hall.
Guernsey Hall Is tho moat up-to-date
and popular Music House In tho state.
You can always find here tho most
celebiaterl makes of Pianos, embrac
Iiik tho vvoild renowned Weber, Soh
mer, Mehlln, Schubert, Klngsbuiy and
many otheis, Kveiy Instrument pur-chas-ed
heie Is thoioughly Buaianteed.
and, what Is equally as p,ood, cveiy
Instrument will ne noli! in tho class
where It belonfj nnd nt a price suitable
to lis leal value. Special bai-Ralns can
be secured here neatly every day on
Pianos that have been slightly used or
left on sale by parties leaving tho city.
All persons desiring to seuuiu bar
galnH In Pianos or Organs nie te
fiuested to examine carefully tho ad
vantages offered hero. N. U. Do not
he misled as to the location. Re
member that there Is but one Guernsey
Hall In Scratnon, and that Is located
Just above tho postofllco. No 314 and
316 North Washington avenue, Scran
ton, Pa.
It Is Charged That the Convention
Held Saturday Was tho Snap
Variety and Another Convention
Will Be Hold Friday at Which a
Socond Sot of State Delogatos Will
Be Chosen To Make an Effort to
Bring tho Next State Convention
There Is trouble browing among the
Democrats of the Fourth Legislative
district that will probably result In two
delegations going to tile Democratic
state convention to teprescnt the? dis
trict. Lan Satin day a convention was held
at Olyphant, pursuant to a call Issued
by Hon. T. J. Duggan, the chairman of
the district standing committee. At
thK as has heietoforo been announced
In Tho Ti Ibune, four state delegatrw
and as many alternates weie chosen.
Only a small number of delegates at
tended the convention nnd many of tho
Democrats of tho district claim the
convention was of the snap vatlety,
and tofuse to iccognlze the work done
by It.
Accordingly, another convention has
been called for next Friday afternoon
at a o'clock In O'Rrlen's hall, Olyphant.
The primal les ate to bo held tomorrow.
TIiIh call Is signed by Thomas P. Mun
ley, who claims to be chahman of the
district committee, and John Rog.iu, of
Olyphant, the regular secietary. This
convention also proposes to elect state
delegates. Hon. T. J. Duggan, who is
sued tho call for last Saturday's con
venton, said yfcMeidny:
"The convention I called was the only
regular one that will ho held In tho dls
tt let. I have not heaid the leason foi
calling this No. 2 convention, hut I tnke
it tho men who are behind tho move
ment are doing unnecessary work this
warm weather. The men elected last
Tuesday are tho ones who will bo lec
ognlzed at Harrlshurg. The state com
mittee has already tieen apprised of
their election."
From Carhonriale comes a story to
the effect that the second convention is
in the interest of Donnelly and Hyan,
who have been deposed fiont the leader
ship of tho Demociacy In Philadelphia.
"Theie Is nothing In thnt story,"
said Colonel F. J. Fltzslmmons yes
terday. The colonel Is n member of
the state executive committee and one
of the men who attended the confer
ence held In New York a little over a
week ago which has ctoated so much
talk throughout the state and which
was followed by the leslgnatlon of
Donnelly as chairman of the Demo
ctatlc city committee of Philadelphia
and the election of Foimer Governor
"Tho leslgnatlon of Donnelly makes
It ceitain that there will be no fac
tional light In the coming state con
vention," continued tho colonel. "I
believe It will be a harmonious gather
ing that will nominate Democrats for
state olllces. I believe the fusion Idea
will not be looked upon with favor by
the coming convention. From what I
inn Itnin tho .sentiment in favor of
Coray, of Luzerne, for state tieasurer
on an alliance between the Insui gents
and Democints will not be stiong.
Judge Harmon Yerkos, of Bciks coun
ty, will bo nominated for Justice of
the Supreme mint."
It is veiy piohablo that the Lacka
vaiina elelegatlon will make a stiong
cffoit to have next ycai's convention
come to this city.
You Mny Pay $150 for a Fashionable
Hat This Season.
r'lom the Now oik un
An export cannot make a Panama hat
of the very host quality in less than
seven or eight mouths and even tho
hats that ate not so lino aie a matter
of months. Women do the w caving,
the men never having been able Co
master the art In Its peifectlon. Thu
Industry Is common In almost all the
South American countries, but the
lion's share of the best Panama straw
comes f 1 oin Venezuela
The straw Is woven fiom a marsh
gr.uss, and tho eiuallty of the finished
piorluct depends as much upon the
quality of the grass as upon tho work.
For the best straw, the glass Is caic
fully soiled and selected, mil the
finest stalks being chosen. Then the
woman who Is to weave It sepiats her
self down beside a big eai thenwaro Jar
of water, takes a handful of grass: nnd
begins her vvoik, under tho sin fare of
the water. Kveiy Inch of tho hat Is
woven under watei, this care being
necessary In older to keep the glass
moist and prevent Its splitting and
breaking dining tho plaiting.
Day after elay. anU (month after
month, the woman sits by the water
Jar. working with Inllnite care; and,
In seven, eight, or mote piobably nine
months, a hat Is toady for the Ameri
can or Kngllshtnan vvbo has money to
bum. Few Panama hats of line quality
aie vvoin In South Aineilca. To be
sure, little of anything Is worn by n
largo part of the population, but even
tho hat wearng element cannot affotd
the luxury of fine Panama.
In fact, few of the best hats ever
find their way into the general market.
They aie picked up by individuals.
English nnd American travelleis, of.
fleers on Hading ships or men-of-war,
foielgn consuls or trndeis at home, and
of coutso, the output In compatatively
small. It has been smaller than ever
within lecent years, for the demand
has not been great enough to encour
age the industiy, nnd it has been with
tho South American straw weaveis as
with our Indian basket weaveis. The
younger generation has not taken to
tho art so kindly as Its foiheais did,
and there ate few of the joung women
who can compete with their giand
motheis in weaving skill.
Kvet n Its native heath a good
Panatnu t Is expensive, one of good
quality bilnglng about1 540 In American
money nnd often more, though loosely
woven, Inferior sttaw hats may be had
The following well-known gen
tlemen am the diiectors:
(' II. .lonm. II, Wannan,
ti y !tenold. K s. Woolworth.
Thoi, Spraeue, M .1 lleale
Hiehard O'Hrlen. Iw (1 Kulton.
Samuel samter srtluir llunn.
T. C Von storch M p Carter.
We solicit your business.
The People's Bank.
for nlmost any price, even as little as
n few cents In our coin. In New York
shops the price of n genuine Panama
Ktraw hat ranges from $13 to $160; but
there are few of the latter In stock,
and the $10 or B0 hats aic about the
limit of the New York man's extrava
Clerk of the Court Pmleln granted mtrin
HrensM jelerday to (leorce D. Licklln and
Nornu I!. Iludd, nl Perkvlllej tildnr Iloos and
Horn, Jacolis, of thla city.
In the matter of the estate of Margaret Co1)
Iflftri. deceased, John K. linns jeaterday peti
tioned the court fr a. rule lo compel the exei-u.
tor, Kdnard Karr, to mike and execute a deed.
Itobert Van Scholck Jesterday aecured a writ
of repleiln to reenier poseion of a cream col
ored mare, vabjed at 110, which Is now In th
poesenslon of the tlffcndtnt, but which la claimed
by the plaintiff.
Mra. Ilaltle Decker beuan prneoedlrujs jeslcr
elay to fccitre 1 divorce from Itcuhen Pecker, to
whom the was married on Auif n, 1HT8. She al
leges thit because of Ids cruel and harbaretu
treatment of her she. a.s compelled to leave
Located, Not at Niagara, but at Mas-
scna, N. Y., on tho St. Lawrence.
Capacity 100,000 Horse Power.
From the Omaha lice.
As a since of power supply to the
Pan-American exposition so much Is
heard of Nlagaui as to establish a
general impression that It Is tho most
powerful Houico of electric rurient in
the world. This Is not so, Nlagata Is
outdone in this respect by tho St. Law
rence, thnt Mist tunnel which conveys
the vvnteis of the great lakes to tho
sea a river which from Its head at the
Thousand Islands tlows with such foico
thnt It forms a continuous waterfall for
fully IT? mllos T1110. It is not a sheer
descent like Xlngnia, but a general In
cline which lenlly represents far mine
force than tho cnoimous power of Lake
He's outlet.
Near tho little town of Massenn, In
tho far northern corner of New York
state, t.ono men hno been nt work for
Keveial years past constructing what
englneei.s s-iy is tho largest power canal
in tho vvoild. It Is piactically complet
od anil a portion of tho St. Lawrence
now tlows through It to tho Grace
river. Though only about thiee miles
in length, the canal Is ISO feet wide and
of sulllclent depth to provide what ex
perts say is 60 foot ahead vertical
descent of the water at the power
house. This power house, which Is "00
fvt In length nnd constructed of stone,
will contain machinery which will actu
ally generate mote electilc cuirrnt than
N'lagata when It is completely lnstnlled.
Fifteen sots of turhlne water wheels,
o.u h containing six wheels, nie set in
what might be called the basement of
tho power station. The sets aic
separated Into thiee palis, and tuin
upon horizontal shafts. Kach set of
wheels Is connected with an electrical
aeneiator, which will develop power
equal to tho stiongth of fl.OOO horses.
Although it Is claimed that tho Niagara
goneintors are of the same callhie,
electricians state that tho St. Lawience
appaiatus represents fiom 100 to 200
mote horse-power per bet of turbines.
An idea can he gained of tho size of
the geneintors when It is stnted that
each weighs ITS tons. Tho rim or "field"
Is so large that when under consti no
tion at tho wotks of tho Westlnghouse
company In Pittsburg three gymnastic
woikmen stood upon each other's, shoul
dels, and the top mnn wai Just able
to touch tho Inside of the upper ilm
with his hand. Kach ilm Is thiee feet
In width and in consti notion millions
of feet of who vveio icqulted.
In setting up the genet mors in the
powei house tho gloat wheels weie ar
langed In a sort of tandem fashion,
one following tho other. To place them
In posltlun a mammoth tiavellng crane
opeiated by electilclty was placed In
position, ti oiling along nn overhead
lailtoad. This crane can lift S3 tons
at one time. It held tho parts of the
geneiatots while they weie being fast
ened together. The shafts 1 evolve in,
steel beatings so Iaige that a mnn of
medium size can crawl thiough tho
boring made to receive the shafts end.
Kach genetator Is "coupled," as It Is
tonned, directly to a set of tin blue
wheels, which furnish the water power
to 1 evolve It. This means that tho
shaft turning tho tuiblnccs Is continued
on thiough the hub of tho geneintor,
and thus no bolt Is lequlied. In fact.
It Is doubtful If an combination of
lenther or 1 libber could ho made which
would i evolve these cnoimous discs;
safely at tho speed lciiulied.
Although when all the appatatus Is
Installed tho power house will genei
ato cut rent equal to 100,000 hoi so power,
such Is the simplicity of Its contiol
that but one man Is lequlied to st.ut
and stop the machinery. In tho centet
of tho building, on a laNod platfonn,
Is what is known as tho controlling
station, to which are attached a num
ber of mm bio slabs with kes, such as
aie oidlnailly used by a telegiaph opet
ator. Kach key connects with n seilts
of air valves and pistons, w 01 king what
aio called switch stands, one to each
getieiator. A chemical battery furnish
es an electilc curient to move the nlr
valves and pistons. They convey the
necessniy foico to opeiato tho switches,
which break or lestoto the electilc ctn
lent, which In turn stints the turbines.
This foi c-o Is generated from a set ot
thiee smaller turbines, coupled to gen
eiatots. which aie calleel "exciters,"
and aio merely used to stop and start
the main plant, like the steam cylinder
which moves the stalling wheel on the
engine of nn ocean steamship. The
switches aio so close togethoi on the
contt oiling stand that the opeiator inn
sit In a chair and tench one with his
linger. Merely on the piessuio of a
key the 5,000 hoise power It controls
ceases to woik Another piessme and
In a moment It Is again producing cut
lenr. Oidlnarlly a great power-pioduclng
plant Is located in some center of in
dustry vvheie power Is In demand for
many put poses. Theiefoie, It seems, on
111 st lonsldetntion, strange that the
greatest electilc plant In tho woild
should he located In n little town far
fiom any consldoiable center of popu
lation. Hut tho company which has
established tho plant believes thnt a
gieu.t city will grow up mound It, In-
dustilal piojects being diawn thither
by tho cheapness of the power. While
It Is expected that tho plant will light
tho city of Ottnwa. Ont.. eighty miles
distant, nnd opeiate Its stieet railway
system, tho power will be principally
used for manufacturing, and alieady
several eompanes havo made ar
rangements to build In thu vicinity.
One will manufactiuo nlumnlum, which
depends upon cheap electric power for
Its pinductlon nt n low cost. Tho St.
Lawieneo Power company, which con
structed tho canal and station, has
spent $6,000,000 on it. It is teally an
International company, as both London
and New people are stockholder.
Smoko the Pocono Clear, 6c.
Contractor Mathias H. Stipp Will
Erect a $17,000 Building on tho
Site of the Old Weston Mill-The
Work Is to Be Completed Within
Ninety Days-At 7 O'clock This
Morning the Work of Taking
Down the Old Building Used for a
Mill Will Begin.
Contractor Mathias 11. Stlpp was
yesterday awarded tho contract for
building a new freight tlepot for the
Delaware and Hudson Itallroad com
pany on tho site now occupied by the
vacated Weston mill, which was sold
to the company last fall. The con
tract price is $17,000, nnd the work
must bo done in ninety days.
Tho company openetl bids for the
contract last week, nnd there were four
responses, Conrad Schrocder, K. S.
Williams, Peter Stlpp nnd Mnthlas H.
Stlpp sending In ptoposals. Work on
tho Job will be stalled nt 7 o'clock this
morning, when Contractor Stlpp will
havo n large force of men nt work tear
ing down the mill.
The now fr'lght depot will entliely
do away with tho present depot on
Bridge stieet. It will bo built In ac
cordance with plans drawn up by tho
company nrehltects and will be a largo,
durable brick stiucture. Tho frontage
on Lackawanna avenue will bo thhty
ilvo feet nnd the front part of tho
building will be utilized entirely for
office purposes.
This section will extend back sixty
feet nnd bo four stories In height
Only the first two floors will bo finish
ed now, however. Tho fi eight station
proper will bo In the rear of tho ofllces
and its dimensions will bo thirty-live
foot by one hundred nnd ninety. It
will bo but one story In height, and
a fifty foot extension platform will be
built. The building will be mnde of red
bilck and havo stone facings. Tho
ofllces on the first two floors nro to be
furnished in yellow pine and divided by
colored glass partitions,
Thp ofllclals of .the freight depart
ment now quartered at tho Rridge
stieet station will havo their quarters
In thft building, and It Is expected thnt
tho new depot will In many rpspects
greatly facilitate and Improve the
ft eight service on the road in this city.
A Philadelphia Syndicate Will
Operate Numerous Linei Other
Charters Granted Yesterday.
fly Exclushe Wire from Th" Associated Press.
Han isburg. July 30. A syndicate,
headed by Iledwood MVrlght, of
Philadelphia, secured charters at the
state depaitment for the following
street lallwny companies, Monaca,
Allqulppa and Coratopolls Street Rail
way company, to build a lino twelve
miles long; capital, J.J.OOO. The Beav
er and New Bilghtoit lilcctrlc Stieet
Hallway company, to build a line Ave
miles long; capital, $30,000. Tho Free
dom and North Ilocheste r Electric
Stteot Hallway company, to run from
Freedom thiough Rochester and io
tutn, a distance of three miles; capital,
$18,000. The Union Kleetrlo Street Rail
way company, to 'build a line one mile
long; capital, $6,000. The Heaver Falls
and New Brighton Electric Street Rail
way company, to build a lino four miles
long; capital, $24,000. A syndicate, of
which U II. Mathews, of I'lttsbuig, is
president, secured chartcis for the fol
lowing companies: The Canonsburg
and Washington Street Hallway com
pany, to build a lino eight miles long;
capital, $s,000. The West Washington
Street Railway company, to build a
lino throe miles long; capital. $18,000.
Tho North Washington nnd .Meadow
Land Street Railway company, to build
a lino six miles long; cnpltal, $16,000.
Tho Fast Washington Street Hallway
company, to build u line four miles j
long; capital. $.M.00O. The Washington (
nnd Oak drove Street Hallway com
pany, to run thiough the streets of
Washington; capital, $18,000. i
Charters weie also Issued as follows '
Tho I'wchlan Stieet Hallway com-
pany, to run a distance of thiee miles,
capital, $18,000. The Mcndvllle and In-
tr i urban Street Hallway company, to j
build sixteen miles of road; capital, '
$08,000; piesldent, F. It. Shryock, j
Meadvllle. McKeespoi t and Suburban
Street lallway, to build a line two j
miles long; capital, $12,000; piesldent,
II H. Rhine, Bellevue, Tho Belt Lino (
Kxtenslon Street Hallway company, to ,
build one-half mile of road beginning i
nt Tenth avenue and Twelfth stieets
Altoona; capital, $3,000, president, j
Chailes T. Baltzel, Altoona. Th i
Bloomsburg nnd Millville Street Hall- '
way company, lo run from Bloomsburg
to Millville. ten miles; capital. $60,010,
piesldent, C. W. Miller. nioomsburR
Tho Conneaut and Urle Traction com- j
pany, to build twenty-five miles of road
from the city limits of Krle thiough j
Mill Cieek township, Falrvlew town
ship and boinugh, Glraid towiiHhlp and
boiough, Fast Spiingfteld boiough and I
Spilnglleld township, to the Ohio state
line; capital, $150,000; piesldent, J S
Clove, Frio, rittsburg Provision and
Packing company, Plttsbuig; capital,
$200,000. Bradford County Telephone
company, Towandn; capital, $10,000.
Fdgewood Light, Heat and Power com
pany, Plttsbuig; capital, $1,000.
Five PeraonB Narrowly Escape Be
ing Drowned at Cape Slay.
Fly Excluslif Wire from The uoclittii Prcw
Oape May. N. J., July 30 KIvp per
sons weie lencueil from ill owning In
the surf today. Rev. V. II. Lelblnut.
pastor of the .Moravian church nt
IJpthlehein, Pa anil his three ilnuBh
tern, Anna, Kthel anil Helen, were In
balhlnc,- and the latter ai- being
taURht to swim by Mr. Hall, of Wash
InRton. Tho younK Iti'ly thought she
could swim alone anil tried to do so,
She soon became frlRhtened and culled
for help. Her father was neaiby and
stalled with Hall to her assistance
Then there was general excitement
on the beach and the two other daugh
ter of Dr. I.elhhart went to the let.
rue. All got beyond their depth, bu
fcrtiiiiately' tho life boat moved quick
ly tow aid them, saving the flvs by
pulllnc them In and bilnglng them
nshoie. All weie In an unconscious
condition and icqulrod medical attention,
The Strongest China lade
The lilplicst stnndnrd of quality Is none too good when
it comes to dishes. One must live with nnd use them
three times n day. Inferior goods nrc always expen
sive and unsatisfactory.
China has no superior, for service; a pretty pink flower
hordcr with gold. 112 pieces, $30.85. Select Such pieces
ns you need, and replace breakage nt any time,
Geo V Millar &
VJCU. V. XTlllleO.1 X
Annual Summer
Reduction Sale
Our entire summer stock to be closed
out to make room for the fall stock now be
ing manufactured.
The entire stock of Straw and Felt Hats
that were $2.00 and $3.00, to be closed out
at $1.00. (See window.)
Sale Price
$2.50 and $3.00 qaality,$1.98
1.S0 and $2.00 quality, 1.39
1.00 and $1.25 quality, .85
$1.50 quality, sale price $1.19
1.00 quality, sale price .75
.75 quality, sale price .50
.50 quality, sale price .35
Big Reduction
in Hosiery
Remember, we have no old stock to
work off, but are offering you new, season
able stock at less than cost, as we NEVER
carry over stock.
Louis H. Isaacs
412 Spruce Street.
tfcSTry Our Special 10c Linen Collar, in all
the new shapes.
Give the
a Treat
That they will
enjoy all summer.
A Lawn Swing
At $5.00.
Like the one shown abovo will
give them no end of amusement.
They are strong and durable,
and' are made to last more than
one season.
Hill & Connell
iai N. Washington Ave.
T J. Potter, I'rctldcnt K.lmer II Lawall, Treas.
R. J, Poster, Stanley P. Allen,
Vlie President. Secretary
nrxoTE the name.
"W to 1 ill T t
Our new Open Stock Syracuse -;
Co Wyomlns Areine
WW. w.ik In .nd Look Ar.aail.
All 50-Cent
Quality of Neckwear
Reduced to 35c.
3 for $1.00.
Twenty Per Cent. Reduction oh
all Leather Suit Cases and Steamer
Reduction on all grades of Shirt
50c quality Belts and .
Suspenders reduced to. . . . 4xC
Elastic Seam Jean Draw- .
ers reduced to 42C
Wash Ties reduced to ... . 5c
Karkee Summer Vests t
reduced to 1.19
Reductions in all other depart
ments. See windows.
VlrcInU Ao. and nrarh, Atlantic City. N. J.
Sixth jor; 350 beautiful loomj ensuitc, olnela
and with bath; hot and cold sea-water bathj
I In hotel and annex. Location select and central,
' lthln lew yard ot the Steel I'ier. Orchestra.
Oners trecial uprtng; rales, u to i-lj by week;
$J.S0 up by diy. Spcchl rales lo famlliej. Coache
meet all trains. Wiitc lor booklet.
The Delaware City.
Atlantic City, X J.
Tenne-jc aienue ami lleaih. Centrally located,
Cheerful. Comfortable ami home like. Table and
Krvlco unsurpassed. Capacity, 200. k nnunAKuri.
Klnet Summrr lintel in Northenlern Penncil.
anic Hotel haiks 'reel Delaware, Larkauarni
and Weil in train at I'actomllle. Leaving
firanton 0 a. in. and 4 p in Write for rates,
clr .1. W. Moore, Prop.
Have come again enjo.c yo'ur.'s
thoroughly at Lake Wlnola.
pleasantly situated, the meals
aie excellent and well served.
Plenty of boatj, good bathing
dlieetly In front of tho cottage.
AVilte for lates, etc. ,
Beforo buying, send for catalogue.
fi' I i 'KSf"1"' Ail j iWjiln JJ" M
H.S. GORDON, riy.