THK SqKANTON TKIBUJfE- WEDNESDAY, JUL IT 31, 3)00?. ""JO'" " Tit ii i! '" ' ' . 'fj . 1 1 . 1 6ft(c6i 'Phone j burke Caribonctale Department, . new, 286 BUILDING 1 1 j 1 j OLD0423 Kans for the semi-centennial Progress of the Work Assigned to the Various Committees Decora tors Submit Their Bids- Foatures of the Loan Exhibit. Progiess the most satisfactory pro pres Ik the report made by the vari ous committors of the sfnil-centennlal a they come to headquarters with the news of their doings each nay. At the meeting of the committee on decorations and civic parade on Mon dav night, estimate were received from Fuhtmnn Bro., of Swanlon. Ruperlnfendent CUrk. of the Lacka wanna Vnllry Elocttlc Light company, wan present nt the meeting and dl cursed the plant for the electrical dis plays and Illuminations. The bids fiom both parties will be considered at a later meeting of the committee The pl.ins for the decotatlons and Illumin ation. It cm he paid, ate elaborate, and It con be ptedlcted that the town prople will be ttc.itcd lo snnie pleasant surprises Yesterday Abe Sahm the dliectoi of the department of pionw tlon and publicity of the celebiatlon, nude a 5Ui ey of the plice where the principal dc eolations, the niches, etc, and in company with a Scranton decoi aior. tenth! ed ome new Ideas, which will be supfrcMert and likely adopted by the committee on decotntlon The leunlnn i nmmlttee hti met with iifh a great lesponse to the Invlta-'inn- sent out that U li somewhat em hirrnsed !n the nnangement made to accommodate and entertJln foinier resi dents The losn exhibit will be held. llke!, In Trinity parish home. Tho commit tee In charge of thl v,otk will be farmed during the week This exhibit will consist of the display of old telks of the city, now In the posc-sion of residents and former residents of Cor tmidnle There will tie a grent ollec tlnn of articles of historical value, and thtre will be no more Interesting fea ture of the celebration than this on The Seml-Ccntennlal association ac knowledges additional favots fiom the Carbondale Ois company and the f-cranton Railway company The for mer donated the lllumlnants fur head quarters, and the lailway company pio vlded trinspoitatlon for the agents who hae been delegated to adveithe the celebration In towns up and down the valley The school board is showing an Inter est in the students' proposed demon stration that Is a bright augury of its success Captain George K Randolph post. Pons of Vetetan-, took commendable action at Its meeting Monday night, when it contributed J5 to the general fund, and accepted the Invitation to fire the salute of fifty guns on the morning of September 2 An indication of the interest taken by the Red Men Is shown In the report received from Lackawanna tilbe that It proposes to Invite all membeis of the order within a ladlus of thirty-fix e miles, will rent a hall and care for and entertain the vi'lting brethren after the manner of ttue Red Men. MEN BEFORE THE PUBLIC EYE Honon Lee, the genial bonlface of Cpdosla, left his pleasant place along the Deliwate river tecently and hied himself to Carbondale to shake the hands of his friends In this clt, among whom his social qualities made him a great favorite while he was here Mr Lee, or "Hort '" as he Is famlllar 1 i ailed, was considered a royal good fellow when he lived In Carbondale and divided his time between his res taut ant and trjlng to make all the sunshine he could for those around him. "Hort" was nlwnjs a lover of t ports and to stimulate Interest In things athletic he equipped a gym nasium in the Keystone block that was a model place foi the development of one's self physically. Theie were climbing bats, towing machines, bi cycle machines and such things galore, nnd In a shott time the genhl proptie tor hod n patronage that embraced the leading business men of the town It was also made the training quar ters of boxets. who appealed in and about Scranton dutlng that petlod when "meets" weie the eian- In Scran ton Mr Leo was also proptletor of a hotel at Maj field, where many a royal enteitalnmeut was provided for those who were lucky to be dose friends of the fat, good-natuted land lot d. "Hon" now has a fine hotel at Ca dosla. wheie he happily spends his time making others hnnpv, particular ly his Carbondale and Scranton friends who vWt him Alderman S. S Jones, the popular magistrate, is taking advantage these warm days of the lower tempciature ilhat a residence beside the pleasant Shores of Crystal lake brings, nnd It's ti cold evening, truly, that catches the rMderrna'n nvvay from his cozy sum ifner hojne overlooking the lake's crys tal waters. The alderman loves na 3ur best when she is resplendent In JTier dress of green and Is beautiful in !ull the hlooms of summer Then he likes to retire to the shade and quiet -of a sylvan nook and there pass his 'time with his favorite authors, his 'friends to whom, as he himself puts It he can say what he likes, but who never talk back to him. In a passing reference llko this, one cannot give anything like a Just estl mnfe of the character nnd type of 'citizen tha Mr. Jones icpresentn. suffice to say that communities and menjare the better for having In their midst a; citizen of his type. The nlder man', IsjHlvvays on the alert to upbuild antjj nflTft the town that Is his home an$ (he men who are Ills fellows. He has' interested himself In enterpilses thaf tv HI mean a great deal for the tovyn Irr an Industrial way; and while USB ':ALLENS FOOT-EASE A podfr to he fluV.n Into the iho. Your ltt ftrl' t6lln, nmcut and hflt, and pet tlir.l Hilly. If y h,a inwtlug feet or tight shoe, try Alltn'i Keoi-KiM. It tool tho fttt nnd rnaU walKlfB 'y. Curu een, fuMtlnc fft, rowlnsr nlli, Mlitm and ealloua tpnu. Rcllevr cent and bunlont of all pjln and givta liai PI wmfort. Try t today, held by an drunrUta and " tUitn let i. liUl pck. imr- Addteti, Ml fi. PJwt, l oy, he has thus been engaged, besides look ing after the enormous business of his court, he has found oppoitunlty, which If It did not come to him, he cteatcd, to show his philanthropic spirit, evi dence of which Is strikingly shown In the great work of Knioigcnoy hospi tal of which he was one of the founders and one of Us present ollkeis. Alderman Jones can be tightly classed among the self-tnado men, men whose opportunities to acquire education were limited, but who had In them the right stuff to presevero to glorious success under the most ad verse circumstances. Aside irom nis other qualities, tho alderman has a humorous side which, while brought to advantage In ordinary convocation, I best seen nt a public function, say In the position of to.istmaster nt nn nfter rtlnnnr session The aldet man. how- over, is nt home on any topic and ono always feels that he lias iictitu some thing worth hearing and hraul It tightly told, nfter n chut with him. Dr. D. L. Ralley 1 another man be fore the public who has a becoming appreciation of the beauties of nature, for he delights, when the oppoitunlty comes during a sort of a lull In his blc niactlce. to take himself to tiro country, select a stream wheio fish abound In plenty, thtow nsiue me thoughts of the Ills that are with him night and day in his ministrations to the suffering, and theio enjoy himself us any sensible doctor or any one should, when the enjoyment Is there. Doctoi Hallo Just letimieil Horn one of these tilp! t Montioe, to a spot where he has visited ngaln and agnln, and wheie the fish have such n ft lend ly feeling for him that thoy Jump to get Into his genial company. The doctor was unfoitunatc In catch ing the heavy rnin storm ot Monday night, having driven the entire Jour ney, but though he was as wet, he was not as mad as was the proveiblal "wet hen": the doctor 1 too much of the ttue spoitsman to become uiflled over such a tiille. The doctor Is whole-souled and gen ial, ready of wit and a firm believer In the philosophy of sunshine, a phy sician who believes and pi ictlces that a cheerful spirit and a hearty laugh are often mote effective than a bot tle of pills. His friends are to be found everywhere and he Is constantly increasing his friendships. TEACHERS WERE ELECTED. Special Meeting of Foil Township School Board. At a special meeting of the Fell town ship school boaid, held last night, the following teachers weie te-?lected. Mary A. Urtnnan. Kathctlne Hcalej, Maigaret Flnneian, Kathetlne 14. Kelly, Rtldget Gethlns. Kntherlne Moian, Agnes C. Uiennan, Margate: McDon ald nnd Helen Judge. The resignation of Knmia McLough lln was received and accepted, nnd Miss Anna D CYHoyle was appointed In her place. It was decided to cln-o the two looms In the Walton ttnet This twu teacherc, Mniv Lall nnd L'liza beth Sheehan, out of a position. The term of hupet vising Ptlnclpal John U Delaney wa llxed at thtee yeais. The quc-tlon of salaries for the teachers was not discussed. THE PASSING THRONO. Mrs. Harriet Watt Is vety ill at her home on Salem avenue Mis S. Jennie Knhl has gone to At lantic City for a few weeks Alderman S. S Jones wns n Scran ton visitor yesterday morning Mlsr Malone, of Pike street, is spend ing the week at South Canaan, Max Troutfelt. of Scranton. was among yesterday's visitors in town. Thomas V. Loftus Is at YVUkes-Rane today as the guest of his college chum. MIs Mary Dugan Is tho guest of her aunt. Mis. J. Cartlck, of Susquehanna. Miss Annie Hendtick, of Jermyn, spent Sunday and es,teidny in this city Miss Annie fiom a visit Stevens has returned with telatlves at sitar- ruccn Miss Alice I5o Is home from a month's visit with Wayne county rel atives. Miss Wllmarth. of Aldenvllle, Is the guest of Miss Elsie Manaton, on Ca iman stteet Miss Anna Grady, of Hlghth avenue, who has been dangerously 111, Is slight ly lmpioved, General Agent Fair, of the Delawate nnd Hudson company, was a caller In town yesterday. F. O Hertzag and T J Monaghan, of the Central Libor union, were in Sctanton Monday. Miss Mame Giady, of Mnji field, spent Monday with Miss Mnnio Ncalon, on South Main stiect V R. Moon, the Itelinont stteet met chant, has leturnerl from a husl ness trip to New York city Rev Dr. and Mrs. Geotge K. Guild, of Scranton, spent last week at the Atherton cottage at Crystal lake V.'. E. Thayer, freight ngent for the Central Railroad of New Jet soy at Scranton was In town jesterday. Miss Mary O'Malley, of Plttston, re turned home jesterday aftet a week's visit with telatlves In Carbondtle. Miss Mary Osborne, of Rlnghamton, has returned to her homo after a week's visit with Caibondalo fi lends. Miss McGany, cleik at M. G Watt's shoe store, has recovered from her re cent Illness sufficiently to bo around again. Mr nnd Mrs. Edward F Atkinson and son, David, of Belmont stteet, aro spending their summer vacation at Crystal lake. James Joidan nnd sister, Miss Lou ise Jot dan, of Scranton, aie the guests of Mr. and Mis. John n. Jordan, on Pike street. Miss Vcrna Horn, a talented planlste of Scrnntnn, Is a guest nt the home of A. W, Hnslam, of Hlrkett stteet, local representative of the International Cor terpondencn schools. Mr and Mrs. J Hallstead have re moved their household effects to Sctan ton Mr. Hallstead Is employed ns shipping clerk nt the Carbondale Ma chine company, hut will go back mid forward every day Mrs. G. W Hly' nnd sons, Leon nnd Carl, and Mis. Robert Whitfield, of fcouth Washington street, arrived home yesterday from two weeks' visit with friends and relatives In Rlnghamton nnd other phres in York Mite, THE POLES ALL COUNTED Interesting Tour of the City En gineer and Representatives of tho Various Telephone and Telegraph Companies About 1,200 Poles in the City, The tour of the city engineer nnd tho repiosontatlvos of the different tele graph companies to ascertain the num ber of poles each company had erected along the city's streets was completed estordny. The city engineer will now devote himself to figuring out the num ber of poles, quite a task In Itself, nnd he will ceitlfy to this to each company, together with tho sum that each one will be assessed under the piovl.slons of the tecently passed tax ordinance. The task of making a count uf the poles was not without Intciestlng fea tutes. Theie nrc seven companies whose poles are along Caibondnle'u stteets. These companies aie the Cen tral Pennsylvania Telephone company, Caibondalo Telephone company and the Ameilcan Telephone nnd Telcgiaph company, which Is the corporation that opeiatcs the long-distance telephone, and whose vlio. stretch fiom Schenec tady to this cltj ; the Postal Telegraph, the Western Tnlon, the Lacknwnnna Valley Kloctric Light and Power Sup ply company nnd the Scianton Railway company. As each of the compnnles has wires upon poles belonging to the other, tepicentatlves of all these companies had to accompany the city engineer In older to mnke ceitaln what poles weie to be nssesred against each company. The count among other Intciestlng facts showed that the Cnibondile Tele phone eompiny hnd the gieatest num ber of pules, anil will, nn a result, pay the gieatest amount of the pole tax ot nny one conipiny. something over $100 The Western I'nlon company v.ns the most foitunate of nny in es-cnplng the t.i It was found to own only one solltat v pole, by teason of vvhlih It will pty llftv cents jeatlv to the city treas urj Ths pole was located In the Pela watoand Hudson yards, This company uses the polts ot other companies after It enteis the cltj. and this accounts for Its fioedom. almost, from taxation. The humoious fact developed that the ancient mllway company, with which Constable Motnn and "Billy" Goidon, of the tiactlon company, had something to do. has four unused poles near tho city line. Death of Former Resident. Word has been received by Caibon dalo telatlves of tho death at her home In Cleveland, O., of Mis. Henry Fltz slmmons, a tormor tesident of this city. Her demise oc cut red Monday afternoon nnd so tat the paitlculats have failed to teach this city. Mis. ntzMmmons was foimctly Miss l'llen Riley, of South Canaan hut for many joais she lesided In this city. About thlity ears ago, with her hus band, she went to Cleveland, wheie she hnd teslded continuously since. She Is well lomembeied h the older residents ot Carbondale She lr survived b her husband and several childten In Cleve land and one sfstet, Mrs George Shree han, of Farview, and ono bt other, Wil liam Riley, of South Canaan. Mt. Fltzsinimoiis' mother resides on Ca naan street, this city. Chnngo in Funernl Hour. The time of the funetal of the late Anthony McDetmott, of Scott street, has been changed fiom tomonow af tet noon ot 3 o'clock to ft In tho morn ing. After services ot St Ro,e church burial will be made In St. Rose ceme tery. Today's Excursion. The exciitslor of the local branch of the Catholic Mutual Benevolent asso ciation to Lake Lodore today will ptob nhlv he the biggest fiom this city this season. Piovislons have been made foi a great thiong and everything points to a successful day. JERJUYN AND MAYFIELD. The Mavlleld school board will hold a special meeting on Thursday even ing. The new board appeals to be tak ing matteis pietty easy and have not et made nny attempt to elect teach cis. The boaid will therefore have plenty of business on Its hands when it dues meet. Heniy Mot com, of Garwood, N, J., came horn stuluy to spiid a vacation wlh his pains, Mr. and Mis. William Mot com, of Second stteet. Miss Llda Sly and Miss Mary Secor, of Dunmore, are the guests of their aunt, Mrs. John Solomon, of Main stieot. The Delaware and Hudson colliery after a seven weeks' Idleness on ac count of the pattlal flooding of the collleiy, will resume operations to moitow. Ontario and Western Dispatcher nnd Mrs Badger returned home fiom a two weeks' visit to tho Pan-Ametl-mn exposition and Chicago and De troit Mrs. Alpaugh, of Dover, N. .1., who has been viHltlng her sister, Mrs. George Blake, of Second street, re turned homej yesterday and was ac companied by Willie Gilbert, who Is going to visit relatives at Newark. Mrs. Mary Smith, of Forest City, Is the guest of Jermyn friends. Mr. and Mis John Mellow, of Ceme tery street, teturned homo yesterday from the Pan-American exposition and the Thousand Islands. Mrs. Gllhool, of South Main street, was taken suddenly ill last evening. A game of base ball between tho East fa'ldo Browns and the Cracker Jacks was played on the fotmer's giounds yesterday nftetuoon, icsultlng In a vlctoty foi the Browns by a scoto of 5 to i. In a game between tho bame clubs Saturday tho Browns weie de feated badly. Mrs. L. W. Fuller and two childten. Of Minneapolis, tiro the guests of the, Jtev. and .Mis M, U. Fuller at tho M. E. patsonage . An open air concert given by Ho gaith's band on the lawn In ftont ot William Bucklnghnrn's i evidence on Monday evening -was greatly enjoyed by a laigo concourse of people nttinct ed by the sweet attains of music. Mlbs Lyle May, one of C D. Winters & Co's clerks, hns returned home from her annual vacation, The large pump sent hete several weeks ago has been placed In the Hill side company's colllety at Glenvvood, Is In operation and will, It Is expected, greatly fAcllltnto the work of freeing the colliery from water, At nn entertainment to he held In Pacred Heart church Saturday evening the tickets for the Pan-American ex position will bo drawn for. Miss Jessie Mend, of Tompklnsvllle, Is visiting hr cousin, Miss Josephine. 1IIII, ot North Main street. OLYPHANT. The obsequies of the late Anthony Walsh, whose sad death occurred on Saturdny last, took place yestetday morning. There was nn unusually large attendance of petsons, who were ptes ent to attest the esteem In which they held the deceased nnd to show sym pathy for the bcrened family. Tho re mains were taken to St. Patrick's church nt 10 o'clock, where a requiem high mnss wns sung by Rev. John Mc Loughlln, who preached nn Impressive funernl sermon. Burial wno made In the West Side cemetery. The pall bearers wore Michael McLaughlin, Pat rick Dempsey, Thomas Lyons, Charles Reatty, Thomas Lavin nnd James Mur phy. Tho funeral of the Infant daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Edward Lavvler, of Hill stteet, was held jesterday afternoon nt 3 o'clock, Theie was n large attend ance of ft lends of the family. Inter ment wns mnde In Blakely. Joseph McAndtew, of Paterson, N. J., Is the guest of relatives In town. The funeral of the Infant child of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Rrooks, of Lackawanna stteet, will bo held this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Miss Maggie Davis, of Hyde Park, spent yesterday with Mrs. T P. Jones, on Lacknvvnnna stiect. The remains of Mrs. DeWItt, who died In Blakely on Sunday, were taken to Tutikhannock yesterday, where Inter ment was made. Daniel Matthews Is 111 at his home on the West Side. Robot t Lewsley Is visiting relatives at Carhondnle. Tho npptoprlntlon set aside by coun cil, to cart away the refuse from the Lackawanna street pive, has become exhausted, and as a result the pave has not been cleaned the past week. It Is hoped that the council will devise some means by which the work can be con tinued by tho street department Up to the present time the street has been kept unusually clean, nnd It is to be regtetted that work In that line has been stopped. A latge itowd from hero will ncrom pany the Brov ns to Pottsvllle on Fil day, where they will play Pottsvllle's strong semi-professional team two games. The school board w 111 meet In special session tonight. A telegram was received here last night, announcing the death of Michael Lennon, a former resident of this place, nt Newton, N. J. The funeral will be announced later. TAYLOR. Florenre, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Flor ence Sullivan, of Grove street, and who Is employed ns ticketing cars nt the Archbald colliery, had his left arm badly lacernted yesterday, by having It (aught between the bumpers of two loaded coal cars. He was taken to the Moses Taylor hospital, where the hos pital physicians said that amputation would not be neces?aiy. At last re ports he was resting comfortably. The Lilacs will cross bats with tho Pyno team at the latter place today. Tickets are being rapidly disposed of for the excursion of the Young People's union of Nottheastein Pennsylvania, which will be lun to Glen Onoko, on Tuesdav, Aug 20. Thomas Coyne, of Mlnooka, was the lucky winner of the $300 lot at the ex clusion of the Catholic church to Lake Lodote on Monday. Miss Johanna Claiey was the winner of neck lace. She collected $103. The excursion of Old Forge castle. No 31!, Knights of the Golden Eagle, to Lake Lodoie jesterday was largely attended A largo number fiom this place accompanied the outing. The Union Drum corps wero also in attend ance Richard Williams and Daniel O'Bri en, two local quoit men, defeated two West Scranton players In a quoit match nt the latter place on Monday for $25 a side. Score 31 to 10. All members of the Taylor foot ball team are requested to meet at the cor ner of Union and Main streets, Thurs day evening at S o'clock, Edvvnrd Fox, of Grove street, left yesterday for a week's visit with friends nt Statrucca, Pa. Taylor lodge, No. 462, Knights of Pythias, will meet In session this even ing Miss Jennie Harris, of Main street, visited nt the home of Foreman and Mrs. H. E Harris, of the Archbald mine yesterdnj. Edward Harvey, of Union street. Is spending two weeks at Lake Carej Mlnooka tribe. No. 247. Improved Or der of Red Men, will meet In regular sessslon this evening. Mrs Henry Lewis, of Dover, N. J, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Thomas M. Ilowells.of South Taylor. Mrs. Thomas L. Jones and famll of Mnln street, attended the funernl of Mis. Page, In Scranton, yesterdaj'. DALTON. The Sunday schol of the Methodist church will hold their annual picnic at Lily lake, today Mrs Mary Gatdner Is camping at Hancock. N. V. Miss Helen Santee, formerly of this place, but now of West Plttston is visiting Mrs. S. O. Shoemaker. Progress Is being rapidly made In the erection of the new, addition to the public school building. Miss Mabel Purdy has been elected teacher of the Capwell's school. Mrs. Esther Blake, of Allentown, N. P., Is visiting relatives n this vlclnltj-. She in company with Miss Lena Nor thiup, will leave for the Pan-American exposition on Monday next. MOSCOW. Mi. nnd Mrs. R. M. La Tourhe, of Scranton, weie visitors last Sabbath, Miss Bertha Mitchell spent Sunday with her paienls nt 'Wlmmers. The Ladles' Aid society met In the M. E. chinch yesterday. Mrs. Geoige Smith, of Gouldsboro, was a visitor In town part of this vv eok, Mrs. Henry George nnd Mrs. Chubb and childten spent Monday at Clifton. The Misses Sarah McAidrew and Nellie Scnnlon left here Saturday to nttend the convention of tho Ladles' Catholic Benefit association held nt Detiolt, Mich. Miss Sue Pyle Is nt Lake Bonaparte. Miss Donovan, of Scranton, Is spend ing a few days with Mrs II. L. Galge. An Epworth league prayer meeting will he held at the home of James Hathrlll this (iVednesday) evcttng. Tho Woman's Christian Temperance union will have a parlor meeting SORANTON'S GREAT Wednesday ready with some choice seasonable merchandise at unheard Tailor Made Wash Suits. At prices so temptingly small that you will be npt to make an investment that you had not counted on. Every suit in the lot is of this season's man ufacture, the qualities the finest and workman ship the best. , -A For Wash Suits made of Lincm P5,OU Crash, Seersucker, Chambray, Den im and Duck. In the assortment you will find all sizes, although not in every style. These suits Usually sell at $s, $?.SO and $6, all to go at the uniform p'rice of three-fifty each. fii cri For High Grade Wash Suits made pO.OU from Lawns, Dimifies, Irish Linens, in plain and polka cjot, and fancy. They arc splendidly made, richly trimmed, and ordinarily sell (or $7.50, $o and $12, all to go at the uni form price of six-fifty a suit. Separate Skirts. White Pique Skirts, full width, deep hem. 39c Black and White and Blue and White Polka Dot Skirts 98c Misses' White Pique Skirts 98c Misses' White Pique Skirts, with insertion trimming $1.49 Ladies' White Pique Pedestrian Skirts $1.98 Ladies' Imported Pique Skirt, trimmed with embroidery $2.49 Jonas Thutsday afternoon at the home of Mrs O. K. Vaughn. Mrs. W. A. De Pew returned home Sunday from a lelt with friends nt Sterling. J. E. Loveland had a cow killed by lightning last Sunday M. J. Martlfi teturned homo last week from Europe J. T. Richards, of Scranton, was a business caller here yesterday. Mrs. Fred O'Rourke and children, of Tobyhanna, returned home yesterdaj after visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Scanlon. ELECTRICITY IN THE HOME. Cheap Appliances Make It Available for People of Moderate Means. From the ew York Evcninfr Post It It Is now possible for the owner of a house or a boat to Introduce Into it a great many of the latest applications of electrical machinery, without going bankrupt in the process, even if he is not n rich man to start with The featuie uf practical electrical work In the past few yeais has been not so much the Inciease In the number n' uses to which electrlcltj has been put ns the extrnorfllnaiy cheapening that has brought the newly developed ap pliances with the reach of a much larger portion of the public. For eximple. mlnature electric lamps, which weie hardly mote than curiosi ties five jears ago, can now be obtained alrcadj- wlicd for decorative uses at prices not beyond the teach of scatcely nny one who undertakes dining room or ball room decoiatlon. Intertwined with smllax or with flowets, these tiny star-like points of light, in appropriate colors, can be emploj-ed effectively so close to the spectator that the use of the large Incandescent globes would be out of the question. The price of n j ear or two ngo. which is still asked by some elcetrical contractors not anxious to go into this paiticular line of work, was $1 per lamp for an even ing for the cmallest sizes. On the other hand, n down-town contractor will now furnish thirty lamps connected In series to three of the largest size storage cells, which will keep them burning a whole evening, for $10, Including the work of putting them In. Another use for te mlnature lamps, w hlch are now made by half a dozen firms, is in the so-called "torch lamps" or "travelers' lamps," variations of the old-fashioned dark lantern, which light at the touch of a button or spring. A patent has jut been granted foi an Improvemen' In the shape of a lamp and batter made flat, to nt the pocket, like a folding camera. This will bum for ten hours with a slngl" charge, which costs 25 cents, and In the lamp Itself will be ornamental In finish and available for gift purpose?. It Is not yet on the market Ornamental candles with mlnature lights at their tips and dry batteries In the candlesticks below are coming into eome populailtj. Another novelty Is the clock with the tiny lamp before Its face, to be Uchted by n pressure of the finger of any one who wants to know tho time of night. Electilc flash lamps for photoghaphlc use are also new. There are several new patterns of electric fans run by batteries, for use In rooms not supplied with electric current, and many of them are sold. They work satisfactory, but dealers say that the cost of their maintenance makes them fully expensive luxuries. If tho power of any kind, as from a waterfall or windmill, Is available, the owner of a house beyond the reach of electric light wires can now Install n plant of his own very chenplj. When water power is not to be had, a gaso line engine is considered about the most practicable way of tunning a dynamo for ube In an oidlnary country house With curtent In the house, there Is scarcely any limit to the use to which electricity can be put. Flatlions, cull ing Irons, pumping engines, coffee mills, co cteam freezers and sewing machines nre a few of the commonest applications. A motor for a sewing mnchlne now cost only $18 to :o, and Is not very expensive to maintain. Many aio being put In private houses. Elo cttlc cooking appliances, Including chafing dlshe nnd tea kettles, tiro most convenient nnd cleanlj', hut use up n great deal of current and ate cor tespondlngly expensive to keep In use. Telephones aie replacing speaking tubes In most of tho up. town houses now being built. A two-station tele phone can be bought and Installed for less than $10. The cheaper In struments guaranteed only for distances less than a mile Between houses and stables 01 outbuildings In the country they are also coming to be vety common. "It Is Interesting to notice," said a special ist in this branch of electrical work DEPARTMENT STORE. The final day of the July Clearing Sale, will be a great day for the people who will make it n nnint in hf horv Pvrrv Hpmrrmenr ta mnm.n'c patent leather Sale price VntitUe' made of solid Men's Russia 8 to 11, widths price Long's Sons BARGAINS IN t An unusual trade opportunity enables us to offer two exceptional lines of Lace and Tapestry Curtains at I less than present cost to manufacture. As quantities are t t limited an earlv insDection is advised, as when Dresent t stock is exhausted we cannot duplicate. t Lace Curtains Tapestry Curtains Nottinghams Some new color effects in Choice line of Brussels, Re- Oriental Tapestries naissance and Irish Point De- Real value S4, 50. Special $x5o pIRn.s- . . c . . e, Real value 9.00. Special $6.00 Rea va ue $1.75. Specia $1.25 R , , $ SJ , , $6 Real value $2.25. Special $1.50 r Real value S3.00. Special $2.00 CoilCh COVCTS Real value $4. 50. Special $3.50 Real value 5.00. Special $3-75 Special values in Kelim and Real value $6, 50. Special $5.50 Bagdad effects at $3.50 to $8.50. Furniture A select stock of Foreign and Domestic Novelties in TAPESTRY, VELOUR, SILK DAMASK, FROU FROU Estimates for all classes of upholstery, cheerfully given. We make a specialty of Slip Covers Special clearance prices on entire stock. CARPETS, WALL PAPER, BRASS AND IRON BEDS, Etc The most complete stock in Northeastern Pennsylvania. WILLIAMS Temporary Store ,j' todaj, 'how many of our customeis have worked out plans and ideas of their own for electric fittings of one kind or another, long befoio thej knew they could ever afford to have them cariled out Many ot the big firms of dcetrlcal contractors het prohibitive prices on small jobs, because they don't think It wotth while. Many house holders aie dlrcoutaged bv the answer to their request for an estimate on the work they have In mind. Rut If a man knows wheie to go, he need not vvony much over the experse of the wotk he may want done on his house or his boat. i m ALPHABET ON A PIN HEAD. Thl3 Difficult Task Hns Been Ac complished In Baltimore. Ft m the lultimora American H. A. Houheal, an engiaver, has ac complished a task in the engiaver's nrt which eclipses the enslaving of tho Lord's Prayer upon a silver dol lar, which was supposed for a long time to be the triumph of line work in engraving. He has mnnnged to en grave the alphabet complete on tho head of a common pin. Mr. Houseal, who rarely uses n glass in his work, can read tho lettois with the nuked nye, and nlthough theio nto few per sons whose eyesight Is so strong, a common magnifying glass setvos to make them easily distinguishable. Tho lotteis tange from left to tight, and aie nil capitals.. In tho lliht ciicle around tho edge of the head of the pin aie tho letters from A to M. Inclusive. Within this Is the second circle beginning at N and ending at '., and directly In the center Is tho &c. matk. The diameter of tho plnhead Is barely a sixteenth of an Inch and It can bo undei stood how small the letters must be. They are about one. fourth the size of the letters In the Lord's Prayer engraved on a dollar. The work occupied about an hour and a half, and was done dining an afternoon about a month ngo, Mr. JONAS LONG'S SONS, of prices. The Summer Sale of Shoes Continues with unabated interest. The shoes offered aro the best in every particular. Every pair carries with them our guarantee of absolute satisfaction or money refunded. Women's Oxfords Made from dongola kid with patent or kid tip, value $1.35. Sale price SMC Women's Button and Lace Shoes Made from good quality kid, value $2. 5a ,, t Sale price '. $1.99 Women's Oxlord Ties Made from good high grade vici and dongola kid, -h Q value s?a. 50. Sale price $ 1 ,Oy Women's Patent Leather and Strap Sandals. Sale price 7oC Misses' Shoes In button and lace. with patent leather tips. Sale price.... yjC Women's Dongola Lace Shoes, with patent or kid tips, flexible soles, military heels and English back stays, value $2.50, Sale price $ 1 .90 ninrk l"lrl shrticulth ? tips, usual value $1.25. 99C nt llnile' I or lirc leather. Sale price 99C Calf Shoes in all sizes from 3, 4 utid 5. Sale , t '. $ 1 .79 'H DRAPERIES Coverings t t ! t & M'ANULTY I 126 Washington Ave. i f Binjjhamio.i Privatj Training School lor nervous Haflivard and Pfaf Mute Chil dren Manual Training, Truncal Culture, Noedlework, Mulc, Mnderrirten, Arttculi. tlnn Open year rouml t ircular. Prlcei moderate. S A DOOMTTLE. 62 Falrvlew Avenue. IInucal occasionally leaving It to at tend to customeis In the store. It was done with an ordinary engravers' tool. EX-SLAVE DIES AT A HUNDRED AND TEN. On July 15 at Basking Ridge. K. J, Nathan Woodward, la colored man, famaliarly known as "I'ncle Nate," died nt the age of 110 jears. "Nate" vas born at Whltehouse. Hunterdon county, and was owned by Simon Wyckoff, who sold him to Matthew Woodward. The record of the sale fix ed beyond dispute the age of the old man. Some years later Woodward fold "Note" to S. Barckalovv, who owned the I.oid Stilling Farm, for a yoko of oxen. He married Sarah, a slave owned by Mi. Bedell, of Basking Hldge, and became Bedell's coachman. Sarah died about eighteen jeais ago, at tho ago of ninety. Sainh was ono of tho three slaves In the state to bo fir-ed by Lincoln's Em ancipation Piocl.unatlon, not having been affected by the law of 1S0S and ie malning a rlnve until the general aboli tion of slaveiy. She had been, how ever vlitually free for jeais. "Nate" had been supponed by Bei nards township since he had been un able to wotk. Ills deuth occuued at the home of Geoige Apgar. He enjoyed excellent health until July , when ho complained of the Intense heat ard be came piosttated. Ho slowly' sank un til this morning, when the end came The body will be enteired In the grave with his wife, In nvcrgieen cemetcrj-, at Basking Ridge.