is THE SCKAjSTOjX TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, JT'LY 30, 1001. GHOST SEEN ON SPORT HILL SPECTRE HAS MADE SEVERAL APPEARANCES. According to tho Testimony of Two Very Reliable Witnossos, tho Ghost of Thomas McAndrew Appoars Every Few Niphts nt the Second Story Window of a Houso on Throop Street Occupied by Charles Brewer Tho Stories Told by Thoso Who Havo Soon the Visitor. The rcFldrntH of (lint portion of Pun more which lipftrs tlic nninc of Sport Hill have been vet.v inurh excited dur ing the p.tst few work over the np pennince of nn allegori clio-et, which u number of nl)olutel wine nnd hIhgii litly uncscltnlil" people inalntiilti tliev lmve t-ceii on severnl occasion". The story of (he f-pectie's vMtutlotiH inn neth thiiM: hnvt suinnifr. Tliomns McAndiew. nn old mini, who llvril In n pietty Utile houa on Throop stieet, iioin the pttcet fioin the Win llk mill, died, find nlniot Imniedl.itely nil pen Is of flleer jctotlcq nbotlt the nppein.inie of his Khcwt l"K!in to be life In the noiith horhnod. The old man's ihildiin me nlil to have seen the pitn on eeuil men Mcms In the n-llnr, ami it N Mild that it plow led about the Inner at nlKht, uttering nil sent of weinl and liuianuv noln'.M and iiittliiK up all kind of IiIhIi Jinks, ecn peilntr n fin, ns one man told The Tllbnne lepoiter liW tilRllt with bated bieath, lis to pliiv 111"!! JlRS cm the piano. After tin Hlioxt had been clnlnK It" till ti for M-veinl montli" the fanillv iiioiwl to New Yoik ilt, and the homo uh vacant iinlll the end of June, when ChnilcH lttewei, tin- nlKht IoiciuhII of the silk mill, nnd his viuiiik hilde nmvctl In. .Ml. Htrvvci. who Is n bilRht. Ill telllK nt, ileiiti-uit and mattei-of-fnct jciiinir in in. with no xpltltualltU lenin lnpj. li the man who has seen the phost mote times than iiiione oNc, and Is theiefoie nioie able to le a succinct description of the ulliRcel uneaithly visitoi than anbody i1m Di'.SCIUPTIOX (IK minsT. A Tilbune man had n long; conver sation with him last night and lie de scribed In detail the appeaiance of the deleaved McAndiew 's Rho-t Try- RhrM, he said, makew It.s appeaiaticc In the two sec ond-stoiy windows of his house overlooking the sloop The house fin ps the silk mill and Is in no shadow, but can be plainly seen in the leilected llsht from the mill, which Is kept tunning all nlKht. The peculiar patt of Mi, Urewrr's nanathe Is thai he has necr peen the Bhosi while at home and In the house, but nlwas see? It fioni the windows of the mill. "When he lented the house lie was told (hat It was haunted and was wamed npralnst living In it, but, ns he said last night, he pooh-poohed (hese stories, and deilded that the best ghost in the world couldn't fence him to give up a house he liked. Now he thinks otheiwle. He Hist aw the Rhost In the fiont room windows on the night of .Tune 2 he sas. He was looking over nt the house, fiom the silk mill and fay. he distinctly saw (he llRiiie of an old man with a white beaid pass hack and torth before the windows A sort of light seemed to e" i'use Itself fioni the rpiilt's body ar.i lighted up the windows nnd the poich. He inqulied of his wife the next d ij as to whether she hcaid an thing. and she leplled that slit had not, but tha( she had 1 icn isleep all the lime. Mr. Riewci was tiulliied to doubt his own senses, he mjs and he accnidlngly spent all his spaie tlire watihlng foi the ie-nppearancf of His (;iiotshlp. He sas he saw the sprctie again a few nlght.s attciwmds awl this time the window cuttalns weie pulled down. Altei that he saw It sexctal other times, nnd he has now anhed at the con clusion tha( what he saw was leallj a Khnst. "I didn't bellee ll at Hut," sild he list night, "but I must say that I am forced to now." Tiinv iir.Ait noisi:.s. He said that Ik and his w'fo de cided to move their bed downstnlis finally, and (hat "line this has been donn thev coutiiiiiullv lieu all suits of stiauge noise.- The othei night, he sas, the distinctly heaid sonio one get Into bed lipstalis, but tound no one In sirht when the lushed up. So convinced has Mi 1'iewet be come that the lions" Is haunted, that he has iWded to move out Anothei pel son, who has seen the spectie, Is Dickei. the en glneei at the mill Mi Decker is a tall, Hue-looking old man, with If the woman at work should make mswer to the other woman, she might, perhtps, say : " You never had to scrub and clean when your back ached so that it seemed that every movement would break it in two." It's bad enough for a woman to suffer. Hut when she must suffer and slave at the same time she reaches the limit of her endurance. Weak women who have been made strong by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription, recommend it to others as a godsend. It establishes regularity, dried weakening drains, heals iuflamma ptx. nnd ulceration and cures female weoknes I bt ticrttt XAAg tome time now, being troubled wltb fitatle wcalcoet." wtitei Mrs. Va, U. lohnsftn, of Avoodalt, Chetter Co., Pa. Itreryi I tried 1 try truttrttr I wonia ha to lie ou tnv back. many dlifarrat medicines aud nothing t tMtf untn I btgan Dr. Pierce's raedi iriox Iwo bottles of 'Favorite Presctlp- raw aoc rent! until I fctgaa cincs, urine two bottles of 'Favorite PreKtip lk and two of 'Ookten Medical Dhtcovery,' Tbcie aedidnea bare cored me. When I begin vrr tretiineut I u set able to do verv muen. tut now I db th work fcr my family of nine, and reel better to-day than I bave for a year.1' Dr. Pierce's Plaant Pellets cure bil iousness and sick headache. They do putt acatc the pill habit. cheery blue eyes nnd nn open, honest face. He told Tho Tribune reporter (hnt ho used to laugh himself sick when ho heard the folks tnlklng about spooks, but said that since he himself had seen the ghost, ho docs not laugh nny more. He says ho was called to tho win dow bv Mr. Hrewer n few weeks ago nnd saw the spectre distinctly. It didn't appear to him as much like a man ns It did like n bundle of old clothes, he said, but a light shone from It, nnd It moved past the win dons and finally dlsappeaicd. "It called to me, too," said he, "hut I didn't co." The Tribune repoiter suggested to the two men that they might have mistaken n light fiom the silk mill or a chnnee my fiom one of the ulec trie lights nearby for the ghost, hut they guessed they knew light when (hey saw l( The suggesdon of a pratdcnl Joke on (he part of Mrs. Hrewer or some of the mill hands was almost Indignantly fi owned down. The Tilbune repoiter spent (omo time at the window of the mill wait ing for the ghost to nppenr, but he was apparently off duty, for not u slsn of him showed up, despite Mr Decker's announcement (hat he geii eially appeared on Monday night, between the hours of 10 and 12, SPOUT IIIM. STIISItHD VV. At any inte. the ghost stoiy has stlned the lesldents of Sport Hill up to n high pitch of excitement, and the street in fiont of the haunted house Is nlghtlv thronged until 12 o'clock with an anlous timing de sirous of getting a peep at some thing from the othei world, As might be expected, the inther plain and unvarnished tale of Messi. Hi ewer and Decker has been touched up bv others In the vicinity. Tor IlistniHo. one vouth assuted The Tilbune man that old McAndiew, before he died, announced to his family that no ft tilt would ever glow on the trees In (he van! after his death, and nclded that not a single bit of fruit has since ap pealed, m INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. What tho Operators' Lottor Says About tho Anthracito Coal Trade The' Local Strike. The Jul letter of the Anthtacltc Cont Operators' association sas. I he intliMiite tuillnn still sIhum; an rem nii'l unmmcil (lent l.cnM tlurnis: the pit month liae rfeifs""! with illcnlfled ilrlllirn lien, when llie nimrrl it .ill IesMhb, llip lli to acrid violent cnlion in Hie nrrnie cif a "hnt ccne" l the invon incl. imjlie, an oilier IciMn I that tin innipcnles hue rntfieil into the Mrcnunii ntrnclr. Hie flrne ruh mil heat of i conflict, to prevent anvihinff from temp Hone Ilia there ate Inrildliiinx lint Ihrfe mil nolle companies are learning fo.nethlne ami tint alone Is 1 michtv hiltle wen It lia.'t heen cbuhtifl. indeed, ollen hoih deputed, vvhetner thev conld leirn amthinc: One arpmienl up portid hv ilnio.i uintlnilni; ticl and Henri s, vc i liit thev (unld not learn more limine the pioldcm penned nure inlrlnle than thev ould cnmrnietilli' iinrivi I noh,r, vvhlih n up. ported hv the opinion ct the companies them nelvrs, vvm tint thev ilieulv knew bo much tint am iddillotnl kncmleriee vvi npeirtiiotn Hut event have proved h'lli of then arii menu to he based on enonooua Ground Tint tiiere in wnne tefovnlnz power haa hern slnwn be the preparation nf the new contract nnd the pimhi-e nf a proponed mmprtitor. The latter vm a trille exonive, epetiiilv with the various f.ido fsiscifs, hut it itidii ited i tiain of thoucht which rcillv anlvcd at a decision The re action from this eiTort led to home umrrllintv fir i time, but there hive heen nctudntial Ktnl den ri rilnns the purcliase of colllrrien, up. plies of nr, midline if i oniric lie and iduiilir tilings, vihich indicate that the dfethins mavs of encrcv width iiilmlniled in the purchie ef the 1'fiin-tlv mil foil compirv li.u nutlet hcionia fullv ijuieted Hut the lotnninlrs hive i vil, and In them, unep1oied tleld of piiitiiil tinner wliicli hive jet to be clone before the.v la e the anthricitft induMrv en a foild (noting Vlanv, virj iihiij of the old (ihioned nntloiK of indivlduil dictator-hip must go Vnd ihev will hae i udmrcle to pveitome the feelimr and pnitieo rf miio ,vei tint tho cieat preitlts from trlii.-porlinR itilhraillr coil mike It unneee-ar.v to oper' vclth the hiine enerm end hloa t eiononiv vvliirh have to In piutleed bv lallroaiU depen ling upon low fieicht rates from mluellanuus tnf fie 1 lie entire evlem nf manecement ined'd rulicil changes Nunc have come oilier are expected end their ate verv rninv more vvli eh iiiiiw Mumer or later be mad, but which will be delaved tiiroueli "pull," "inPuenee," "perieonal prejudice" and eitlier tltnilsr lliiius whlili ilmin maniceinent and prevent progressive and broad action. Hie conpmies inidnuliledlv deerve Brest ereelit for the flips thev hive llreidv taken to tiMiie a n ore nable miiket, but this is onlj the becinninir, ff whit fchniild be done The reliil eleiler of New v.ork elte have, it ieein, become imbued vellh t lie "rnnimiinit of. interfhts" idea and joined hand in the main tenanee ef priee It I not .1 comlilnition, of enurje", onlv an imdei-st iihIIiik tint evervbedv se lis br al ii it the nine price and tint when the heieilc ndvanees ten rents, tlie retell rice goes up tvventv live It n f imple In mike Hie i nnuiii-r pe big price and then go intei hvalerieK over the cemhlom eonluit of tlie mining enuipinhs becativ thev won't fell on unlimited eredit ind di alwoliiteh liwi.t upen a portion of the piotits in Ihe trade He tailing, under preent market ronfiitlon. i. Ilk-lv to be u most printable busineni to thoc on (ho "in idc " New Furnnco for Oxford. "Within three jcais," sa!d Uobert AMIs, superintendent of the Kmplie Iron and Steel company's plant at . foid, ."you will see a llve-hundied-ton lion furnace In Oxford, In place of the old-fashioned seventy-ton aftalr now 1 uniting heie." Incidentally, he added that within n few yeius Oxfoid, In his opinion, Is to become the recognized lion center of New Jersey. The Kmplrc company Is In splendid financial condition. Its preferred Mock Is paving 8 per cent and Is earning twice that amount. It has no bonded Indebtedness and Its entlie capital stock Is but $5,000,000. "Weie Ub property sold at public auction today It is believed that It would bring not less than threo times that sum. There Is no stock for hale, and the prices quoted on the New York "curb maiket do not Indicate anything, since no stock Is ever offered foi sale. It Is nil owned by (He peisons who have millions of capital and who jre believed to be leady to spend a million and a half dcillais In Oxford within the next three years. Conflicting- Statements on Strike. There; weie few developments yes teiday In the car shops stilke situa tion. At Master Ctir nulldcr L, T. Canfleld's oflico the assertion was made that there weio four hundred and forty-two men at work In tho shop, the great majority of whom weie returned strikers, but nt the headciuarteis of the men who nro out, this statement vvoh contiadlcted. The strikers claim that but 11 very limited number of men went back yesterday and that these did so on nccount of misrepresentations of tho situation which had been made to them. Grand Master Hawley in City. Grand Master Frank Hawley, of the National Switchmen's union, was In the city yesteiday. He was In confeience MiMiMi 3 :3 -a ma - ,iruil!rCi'v-v IiSjsJ ; .- Ut.-.'v,, t-e! p vv - a . i' it si -K. Vl.ll 1" n-x v r. H rnr -:;ts g- . -i r i-ssn in r iMbJ "OV"; SSBsla iE ESSE 9 ' r-lr-VeseT8UMC 3K " t-.- u t kS-'VVt-V tvtt PtS 4 V aW5W::rPi3tW :WlfeJ.CvXTO7s70WCr.Ti V' Jt i AAA i; ptXi 3 3 'ifr"?"!" TOIEP'I'sllps. li!'ilWijrl t y,iri.FiiiSimgiaiJja.guii.nMill-Tx j by calling at the right time. It will pay any person who is desirous of purchasing a j If Piano to take advantage of this rare opportunity. fi H The public is invited to call here before buying. j If N. B.There is but one Guernsey Hall in the city of Scranton. Guernsey fi Hall is located near the Central Post Office Building, ! 1 314-316 WASHINGTON AVENUE, SCRANTON, PA. 1 J. W. GUERNSEY, Proprietor. f part of tlio tlmo with Chairman Timlin, of the Lackawanna switchmen's union, unci lirtel a number of uiatteis of 1m poi tancc brought under his consider ation, (Ir.ind Master ll.ivvle'j, parents live In this city, and his pteseence heie ! In the natme of a visit to them. D L. & W. Board for Today, rollonlns Is the make-up of the D L. & W. board for today: MOM1VV., ,ll!. J'l VMM Ciu, V it p , , ooicc tlurt, 10 p. m , h. M lUlIott, 11 p m , 11 Vallaic. nn.suvv. I I.Y .50 1 m , I' V. 'tcvrn. Wilel ('it. Ke,i -1.' CO 4 !l 111 , I. II llih, .1 1 111 ni , A 1 Vlullin, to a. in (' Dunn, a I". Van Wiitinor; 11 a m , I ( itaniueli; 1 P in, F. t i"-o vvllli (i Ilitnmitt's crew, 'J p in., II IIMiini;. .i p m.O W lilrcrriM, fi p m . v W I.iltur NiinmiK lie f, a. in., ra-t, .1. (artlei;; M 1. in, vvf.t, (J. Frnunfrlkri, 1 1 In, wet, VI ll'inorlv, I, 111, eSNt, r' Vie Hi tint 11 . 1 p. in, ca-t, V II MehoN, 7 11 111, Nij Vntj, K. Vt AIllvtcT! 7 in , Ca.vntM, Ml I. am; 7 p, m , La UK i, 'I he 1111011 1'iher- 'a 111 , lloirr, 10 1 ni , s Fin nortj , 11 10 a ni , Hiinlinen, 7pm, Murphy; 9 P ni , Liinpiti:, lo p in, 1 Wlrtncr Patni;ir Inclncs 7 i. in . fJilIurv; 7 a. m , Slnuer, lo a .in, F. II. Scmr; bM p. in, T. Njeimin: 7 p in, Meiinvorn Wlhl lain, Wc.t- la in. CI C'ji . Sam, VI .1 llrnnljin, vUlh .Inlm f!llnc ill's crow. 7 a in, (' Klniflfv; S in , 11 Itundolph, 10 a in licorie- 'Ih una, 11 a. in, .1. II VliCanii, 1 p in, Jiilin llevtcr, ! p. in, V K Krtihitn; 4 p 111 , F. v ill1 j p m , H Cantncr; 6 p. m , J Wardcll with Douillear.'a ncvv. SOI It 1:. niaktiinn I.cidcr reporia for Fronnfclkcr, Jnlv SO llrakmian Savlllc1 reports for O, tt. FiliKOrald, Jnlv oil llrakrman 1'roptr reports fcr M Hnncrlv, July L0 llrikeniin Matthovcj icnorli. (or V I, Mann, Jul j 29. THE UNWRITTEN LAW. Kentucky Wife Slays Husband's Pai amour nnd Goes Fice. fcomcrrft, K) , Di-piteh in the f'un. A week-long tilal of .Mrs. Nancy f."?nKKKKititKt'KKttt'.Kt',n;tit;nsti',,.M I Hayes & 424-120 Spruce St., Between Embroidery Sale X We have made a special purchase of 10,000 J vards of this season's prettiest embroideries and insertions, in all widths, direct from St. Gall, Swit zerland, and will be offered at a saving of one third. We have divided them into six lots and laid out for easy selection. Price While s8c. 10c. 1254c te ' ' eV uimffitfs&jtoMiicfoi AlilVb UTIj. J-A L --. i - - r ' 11 itti eax iimminuiii tfiiftititJi J L. Sffiy m " ii 1 eHVil 1 8S m m szg iW&i vr l-'iMTy; ' ' r' "iNLftND (t Kunley and her daughter, Phoebe King, foi the murder of the mistress of the elder woman's husband has ended In a dlsagi cement of the Juiy after the Jury men had been locked up fiom catlj Saturday to late Monday. The women's defense was ptacticall) Justifiable homicide under the "unwritten law" of Kentucky, their counsel contending that woman had the same light as ,1 man to avenge by death the kreaklng up of hei home. At Lexington two year, ago Chailes Han Is who killed a man whom he found In a patk with Mis, Hnrils silting on his Unto was set fiee by Judge Fal coner In a vvtlttcn decision which made the case f motif. In this Someisct case it was the wife who killed the mis tress, but the defence, with that ex ception, was practically the same. The women were accused ot having dec ii eel Kp-ey Sellers to a spot near I' Hock by means of 11 note sent by Hunle's son, who was chaiged with ceiniplleit.v In the crime. The daughter hiis alleged to have held the woninn while the mother beat her with a club unci then shot her. As they sat together in the eoutt mother and daughter seemed almost of the same age. The mother Is good looking and the daughter Is a beaut, The.v showed little cmbauassment tluoughout the tilal. Only onto and then only foi 11 moment did one of them, the daughtei, show the least sign of In caking down, That was when she w.ns telling of the minder. Women tiowded to cciuit to Hear the case. rpon the first ballot the Jury stood ten lor iidiuittal and two foi comic tlon. They took ISO mine ballots but the icsult lemalned the same. The women will be tiled again. Nase Hunley, vhoo relations with the mui deicd woman weie the cause of the ct line, has taken his wife and daughter back to their home In the mountains to await the second tilal. which will be held at the fall teini of court. They aie under $1,000 ball each The hov Hunley h.ics been ideated on his own iccogntzance. Varley, X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Washington and Wyomln? They Last, 15c. 18c. 24c? ' x X Eimm m mM. m iil'' ' 'im-mi wm. ? MsKTiCIKcSBm -!PB&J? j 1PsH" i"stai vtm n i rn tja'in Guernsey Is Headquarters for the Leading High-Grade Pianos and Organs e Guernsey Hall is well known as the fi most liberal Music House to deal with. i Prices are always low, terms easy and f; goods equal if not superior to any in the t market. Every instrument is thorough- fi ly guaranteed. we Are the few of the many beautiful and celebrated pianos that can always be, found in stock. fi Special bargains can be secured here almost every day on Pianos and Organs f; that have either been returned or left on sale by parties leaving uncii bCLuie a. cpovj ui for less than half that RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Bailroad. In l.ftoct June 2, l'fll. Tulnl leave hcr.inton: For rhllaiMrhia nel .Sew oik via H i II PI It , at 0 45 and 0 .is a ni and 2 13, I J7 (Mack Diamone' tvpnw), and 11 0 p. in. bun eUv, D & II n It , 1 49, S 27 p. m Fer White- Haven, Hazlrton and principal points in the coal iei;ion, via 11 it. II, It, H, iMj, 2 IS and 17 p. ni Tor Pottsvillc, 0 15 a m , 2 1? p ni. For nethlehem. Faton, Heidins;, IIirrishurR and nrlnclril inteimediate cUtion vli n K II u n, tui. o. ". -' i. 4 -i mia.k nn mond F.xprcs), llJtp i Sundas, 1), ti II It R , 0 I a m J 5S- 8--7 P m For TunkhanncHk, lowandi, I linlra, Ithaca, ficneva and prinrlpil Inlonnedlate Klations, via I) . 1, k VV K It . s 10 a in . and I ID p m For Ceneva, Ilenlieler, IlulTalo. Magara Falls, Chiiaso and all point vvei.t, via 1) k II n. It , 7 I. 11 55 a 111 , 1 -J, 3 31 (Mack Diimond Y.x press), 7 1. 10 11. U "0 p. m. Ssundajs, U. & II. It It , 1133, 8 27 p m Pullman parlor and lfepint: or Lolilch Valley pirlor ear on all train. between Wllkc Ilarre and New orlf, Philadelphia, lliitlalo and bu renion Hridse ItOI.UV II'11, Cent. Supt., SO Cortland street, Nc Voik CHVRI.KS s. IFF. fien. Pas. Ast 20 Cortlan 1 ktreet, New V.oik A. W SONNKVIUHI.B, riv. ra3. At. South Iletlileheni, la For ticket and Pnlln-an reervations apply to 309 Lackivv inna avenue, hennton. Pa. Central Eallroad of Now Jeisey. Station In N'evv Vtrk root of Llbe'rty street, N. It., and boutli Fell) timk i.vni.i. in liner 1LM. :o, 110 Trains leave Sir niton fen New Voik, Sown I, F.lUabeth, Phllaelclphli, l.aslon, llethleliein, Al lentovvn, Vlaueh Chunk in I While? Ilavcu, at "i a ni i enpi". 1 W. ivpus. ' W p. m feun dasn, 2 15 P I"- For l'lttsion and Wilko llaiie, 5 j a m j and 100 p in SsunelJjt, - IV p n, For llaltimore ami Vaj-liin!,ton ani point South and West via llrlhle-liun, Si54, m , i pj and 4 00 p in t-undavn, 15 p in. For 1-ong llranch. Ocean liiove', etc, at S5J a 111 (throuch couh) and 1 10 p m. lor Iteadimt, Lelianon and II criWiurj;, via 1. lentovvn, 8 55 a m. nd 1.10 p. m. Sundajj, 2 15 p in For Potbcvdlle, ( 5V a m , 1 10 p. m For Mountain Park, 8 55 a. in., 1 lo and 100 P. m Throuch ticket to all point east, south and west at lowest rates at the i-Utlon. C VI nFIIT. lien P.T Ant. J li Ol.IIUSFN, Oen .upt Delaware and Hudson. In I ffec t June 0, 1S01. Tnlns for Coiidale leave fccranlon at (1:20. R on S M, 10. U J ni 1- ll0 I--'. 2.41, 3;j2, V"9 6I.I5, 7.57. 'J. 15, 11 20 p in , 1 lb a m iui lloncedale) and I.iko Lodore, b :o, 10 U a. m , 244 anl -eS' P ' . , For Wilkes llanrO l.i, 7 13, S.ll, n.-j, 0 n a ni. li !- -" J-'- 4'-7' (,!l. 7HS, 10 41. U.JO !' m ' I or L V II. B polnts-:15, 0..S a. rn , 2:15, . .17 an,I 11.10 p. m. for Penmv Iv inia II. It points 6:13, 0.3S, 2:1S, 3tl3 and 1 n I'. ,", . , , ,. . For VUuny and all points north O.JO a. m nnd J. 52 P. rn ami o.J- n rM,xV 'HtVINS For raibnniUle S W, ll:l a m, 2:11, 3.5.', 5 54 and 10 52 p. m lor Wilkes Rarre-'J 33 n. m 12 ai, 1 JS, 3.2S, 6 ii and s l p in For Albanv and point north 3 SI p m. For lloi.ei.dje and Lake I odor" 3.50, 1133 a in and 3 52 p. in New York, Ontario and Wostern. Time Table in Ffcet Sunday, June 23, rot. Time i am mjUUIUOIM). Leave. '1'"0. Arrlv.s Trains. No. 1 No. i No. 7 bcranion. Call) uulalc. Cadola 0 10 a in. U 10 a. in, i on p. m 100 p m. l.M p in. 0 00 p m 0.10 p m. r. Ciil.ondale., u la p. m MIUlll HOI M). ' Leave Leave. Cidll. Caitioiulalc, 7 00 a m ' g to a. in. 10 01 a. m. Airive rrianton 10 a ni, 10 10 a ni No. 6 No. No. 2 o is ii m 4 uci p. m " P in BUNPA 0N,'V' NOIMIIHOL'.Ml l.eavo ,rii,0 Scranton. Uarbondjle. ( adaia 8 to a in. fill in 10 45 a m. 7.00 p. ni Ar Caihondale.. -.43 n m OUTli-nOl Ml. ' Leave iK-avo Arilve Csdcila. ('ailmii.lalc. Sunton 7 no a in, 7 i) a nl 1 R0 p in, 0 00 p in, t) 4J n m No. 0 No. 5 No, 6 . No. 10 Trains Nos, , m ij, aim v, on hun. dais, make main Hub connection for New York city, Ftlca, Oneida, O.wcitu und intermediate Trains N'cs 3 a,nd 4 make Walton, Delhi, Ham. den and Sidney connexions. For further Information coniult ticket scents, J. 0. WDKlfOX. O I'. A , New York. J. E. WELSH, T. V. A., Scranton. $-: Hall to the city. You can fi cptuu riunu neie c; amount of money RAILROAD TIME TABLE3. mmmTmm Schedule in Effect June 2, 1001. Tiains leave Scranton: 6.45 a. m., week days, through ves tibule train from Wllkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Pottsville; stops at principal in termediate statins. Also con nects for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and for Pittsburg and the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays, 1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harrls burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 3.33 p. m., week doys, through ves tibule train from Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia viaPotts ville. Stops at principal inter mediate stations. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Hnzleton, Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadel phia and Pittsburg. J II lU'TCIIINOV, Oen Msr. J II, WOOD, Oen. Pans. A?t Delaware, Lackawanna and Western In IfTect duly 21, VW. 'vnjth Leave Scranton for N'evv Wk at 140, 3 00, 5 55, 7 50 and 10 00 a m i li 41, .131, h Hi p in. lor I'liiltelelplm it 7 0 aiid 10 05 a m i 1. IJ and .IJI p m For Tobjliaijna nt 6 10 p in Villi, aeroinninilition at 4 10 p in Airlvc in lleilioken it fl'iO, 7 11". 10 i', 1J0S, .11 4 4 7 10 p in Arrive In Philadelphia al Kiel, 111. iiiNi and S 22 p in Vrrlve from New ork at 1 111. tl (2 and 10 .M 1 m , 1 no. 1 5-'. 5 41, (100 and II '0p in I rom lotivlnnna at S0"i i, ni Nnrlli Leave Siralilnn fur Ilulfalo and Inler tnreliate stition at I 11. 15 mil 1)00 i m , 1 51, 5 4' and 11 l P ni. lor iMveeo and 'via eue it I 11 a in , . 5 a rn and 1 51 p in. 1 r I Ilea it 1 11, cl 15 a in and 1 11 p ill I ,r Vionlroe al 01 a ni . 1 01 viel SHi in 1 r NiehoUon at 4 0) and H 11 p in Foi lliushiiii ton at 10 -'0 a in. Airive In Nranton liom lluf fjlo at 1 23, .' 11, 1 4' and 10 00 a ni ; 1 10 ami HOC) p in From 0fi;o and svriru-e at 2 li i m , 12 IJ and SflO p in. Iroin I Ilea at J 51 a m ! 12 J.' and 1 10 p in 1 rom Nicholson ai 7 II a. m and o no p in 1 rom Montrose at 10 00 a in , 3 20 and S 00 p m llnninluriT Hivl.ion I eive 'erentnn fir Northumberland nt 0 11, 10 01 i rn , 1 51 and 0 10 p. in. For I'lwnmilli al S 10 a in , i 10, S 50 p. in Arrive at Northumberland al 0 '1 a in , l 10, 5 00 and S 15 p in, Vrrive at Plvmoutli al fltil a in . 1.12. 0 41 n m Vrilve In Serin ton fiom Niirlhuniberlaiifl al 0 42 a in , 12 15. 4 50 and S II p m From Kliicton at 11 chj a in Irom I'lj mouth al 7 45 a in.; 3,20 ami 3 J3 p in. M'NIIVY TIUIN-S South-leive si union al 1 10, 3 0), 1 VI, 10 01 a en . .1 .11 and J 40 ii m North l,cue Vianton at 1 15, 0 33, 0 00 a in , 1 51, 5 4S and 11 31 p. m llloomhuru' UlvUlmi leave Seranton at 10 03 a. m. nnd S 10 p m Erie Rallrood, Wyoming Division. Trains for Haclty and Inleimedlate points leive S-eianton as follow No 2, 7 10 a m ; No V, Ml a m , No '. 2 21 p m ; .No S 5 20 p. ni No 2 and f Ihioush trains for New oik ' Vrrlval, So 1, h IS a in , No 3, lei 10 a m ; o 6 3 13 p m i No 7, 0 11 p in Trains .Nos 6 and'7 aro throush trains Irom New lork, Sl'NDVY TltVlNs Departures-No. 20. li a m , No 22, 2 p in Anlval-No 21, li 15 P m , No 2), s 15 p m Every .Woman .. l-i .,. T?l anf till Al I'll 1. flClW ; " '" 6 1 """""'"uhuutihSvcSHdeifii MARVEL Whirling Spro- ThenevTtiilmlHjrliire'. ! ci flemcllnl ntiriwn, eire- -,, veeike i niiTriiiriu tlltlntrt Ir.urt e Patented. . . for H irn iiiiotmrtily iho ..lur.. ...... ,,... -. -,;--.. .. r Iji. a-n.1 ll.tnil I ClT II iiliraieii iirKiie ".'T-.: ":, A liillpartliuUrfSiiletJie'iionMn I i.,l,i .i.e A It S 1(1,4 O., Iloom Mi, Time nos , .-vtw "! TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS & i Hill FINLEY'S HalfPrice Parasol Opportunity Manufacturers' surplus stock of Parasols purchased at half regular cost; same manufacturers, quality and style as our regular stock goods, These, together with our own lines, have been merged into one grand assortment of Parasols. Attractive styles and great values, including plain and fancy Coaching Parasols, Chiffon and Lace Trim med Parasols, in white, black axui white, and the new colorings: of fering an unusual opportunity to se euro the best and newest in the parasol line at One-half the Regular Price Ladies' Plain and Trimmed Parasols At $1.00 Jusl half price from $2,00 At 1.50 s.oo At 2.00 " " " " 4.00 At 2.50 " " " " 5.00 At 3.00 " 6.00 At 3.50 7.0a Children's Fancy Parasols At 25c Just half price from At 50c ' At $1.00 " " " At $1.50 " " " 50c $1.00 2.00 3.0c 510-512 Lackawanna Ave Lager Beer Brewery llannracturcrs or OLD STOCK PILSNER 48B to 455 N. Ninth Stroot, Telephoaa Call, 2333. NEW YORK HOTELS. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Sixteenth M and Irvin: l'lace, NEW YORK. American Plin, ikl 50 Per I'aj and Upwards luropean I'lan, il O) Per Iiy and Upwaids. bfe ill Hates to lauulies T. THOMPSON, Prop. HOTEL JEFFE RSON NEW YORK ln.'.ioi.lixi I'nst I .Mh Ktreet. The .ILI 1 KHSON Is a thoroughly firat-ctats family ancltrantient hotel otlerineatamini munteoit s ma xinieim of luzur and comfort On 15th Mriet, jmt eeitt of Union Square, It i. within a ttivt minutes of tho lesdise shops, theatres and cluhi Europosn Plan, $1,00 up. American Plan, $2.50 up. Suites with Private Bath, $2,00 up. 1 or sprenl tales jul , , or Information vrrite JOII 4. ( II T1 IS'I.II. I'rnnrl.lnr mBmHmiKsumamtfcmmmHmmmmmmmmi For Business Men In the heart ot Urn wlioleaaU district. For Shoppers X minuter' walk to Wnnamakers; S minutes to Slerjel Cooper Bis Btore. Kany of occesa to th great Dry doodle stores. I For SlRhlscer.s One block from B'wny Cari. elv 4. Inc easy tronsportatlou to all points of Interast. I HOTEL ALBERT NEW Y011K. I Cor 11th 8T ft UNIVmSlTT PI I Only one Block from Broadway. 1 Rooms, $1 Up. vRXX&u f 1 On Prof.O.F.THEEL.527 8?,?),7 ii LJ) ntfrt liviriitm Ia ran bImi hj wall Trlftlt M JCSL OUfiim'frMh m 4 (tUt1iilitiM,4hy',a !rj5iMn niiM i Uin, rnt rhiiii, iit smiMi, UivsH Trltorsli A Mr If turn ! rullUii, I noittttp IaU libra Ort"t Sfmlfur KritTtlianaUUtt UouVi ItirMlnfffrrT f41fl rr4 lrlrlirrautl. MontUtt ptfff, j it it- .... - 1101 iiinis