VT 'iy t-t r fiT r -tr. - v.0w. ). ' twm(rr-niiiT""M ;--wweJ,t' Sr sf' !'fijimit--tV!iKiJ-jjjjj-i x&ti"pT$$rJr'p' ' - - IV7 -T" THE SCKANTON TRIBUNE- TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1901'. o WEST SCRANTON TWO BOLD, BAD LITTLE BOYS THEY WERE ARRESTED IN E. B. HOUSER'S SHOP. Forced the Lock in the Door and Gained an Entrances Ofllcora Took Them to tho Station Houbo and Thoy Will Bo Given a Hearing This Morning: William Dickaon Injured in tho Brigga' Mine -Lawn Social at tho Homo of Mias Edith Jones Notos and Feraonala. Last nlcht about 10 1.. the oillcor stationed nt Mnln nvi'iiuo and Jack son stieet was notified Hint two bns weio In I J. II. llnuser's harness .tore, on Ninth Main avenue. Upon investigation. It was found that two hoys. Dale Shlrfei, aged II, of ill I Tenth street, and Ior P.eese, nueil 12, of 113 South Lincoln iivonue, te spectlvclv had fun pel tho lock on tin back door and rntetPd the stole. As the Kan jot was burning low It was nn easy matter for them to get to w oi k. When Patiolnirn David Davis, Klnh Pelets, Thomas 1 Ivans and Con stable Thomas .limes appealed on the scene, thpy found tho boys rrouchPd behind the counter. They wen- Immediate!) attested and taken to thp West Kldo station house, whole Ihiee palis of ladles' shouts, two pockelbonks and a lot of other Huff was found upon their per sons. 1J. 11. Jlousei, the owner of the stoic, was split foi. The bojs will bo shell a heating this moraine .NIlln l-l W ..-i-i Ing milk yesterday morning back of Colonel Phillips home, on North Main acnue, when ho fell Into quite a deep hole, which had been dug somo time previous. Home passetsby helped him out, and sent for Dr. Raymond, who found Mr. 'luck's Injuries to consist of sovete tuts on face, neck and hands, also the general shock to his stem. Morning Fire. At 3.1." o'clock yesterday morning a still alarm was sent In to the Colum bia and Fiankllns, who Immediately responded and found the largo bain In the rear of it. I' Post's home, 2-'l Chestnut stieet, In llames. After n short but lloice battle they succeeded In getting the lire under control, with no damage done to adjoining piopeity. The b.irn was owned by (1. H. Samp son, of Cmbondnle, and wan used by .!. 1). Williams & Hro whose loss nnioiints to three tons of hay and sixty bushels of oats. The hoiscs nnd wagons weic nil taken out In safety by tlioo who aiilved on the scene befoio thg tire companies. street Methodist n'nd Washburn street Presbyterian union excursion to Har cy8 Lnke. nn July 31 will probably take the largest cinwd ever taken from the city with them to the Inke. Am ple provisions havo been made for all who come, nnd amusement galoie has been ptovlde. Knterprlsp lodge, No. 21, I,. K. of A., will tnko their friends to Harvey's Lake on August 13. A Match Garao of Quoits. At John AVagnet's hotel, mi Hampton sticet, there omined jisterday nn old fashlonrd game of quoits, which glad dened the heaits of many loeis of that sport. The contest was witnessed by a large crowd, nnd many stai plas were made by those engaged. The playeis are the llnest to be found In the slate, nnd after the game tho honois were found to iest with ltlchmd Williams and Daniel O'Hilen, both of Talor, who secured 31 points. Their opponents John Lewis and John Klchntds, both of this side, gained 10 points. The match was for a puisp of f'', which was Riven to Williams and O'Brien, the winners. Tell Into a Hole. Mr. Buck, of lilonhurn was deliver- SUNBURN Hftsc and Almond Oram removes redneta of the fkln and tnethcj the pain of sunburn In ore night. Take a bottle with you on jour vacation. 10R &V.LB BV 0, V. JENKINS. Lawn Social. Mino Accident. William Dickson, IS years of age, and living nt 2112 I'llco sticet, a driver nt Hilggs mine, was ety badly Injured jestorday afternoon while at work. In walking nlong the slope, hp stumbled and fell In finnt of a ti lit of coal cars. Fortunately, Instead of running over him, they tluew him to one side. Ho was taken to his home In the ambulance, wheie Dr. J. J. Biennan was called. Tho doctor found hltn suffering fiotn the shock and several vciy bad cuts. Ho will recover. Tho lawn social nt the home of Miss IMIth Jones o.f Locust stieet, was all that could be wislud for as u lliiiiticl.il success. Tho lawn was beautifully detotatod with Japanese lanterns, Amcilcau llags and bunting, and as the vailous colois weie thrown by the lanterns on the pietty di esses of the joung women In attendance, it made an artistic scene which the public seemed to enjoy, Judging by tho largo i towels which thronged the lawn thiouglioiit tho evening, llbei.illy purchasing tho many good things for sale. First Baptist Church. The What I Can society of the I'lrst Baptist ehuteh held a ety lnteiestlng meeting last evening nt the home of Miss Helen M. Towler. Several papers were lead and dNcusved, lifter which refreshment weie sot veil. Thp choir met jpsteiday afternoon at the chinch and decided on putehnslng u hand some pipe oigan Theio will be nn Important meeting of the Ladies' Aid society on Thins, day at the home of Mrs John Biyant. coiner of Wnhhinn and Mulhcriy sltpets On Wednesday evening the ipgular business meeting of the church will be held. Coming Excursion. August fi will be a red letter day for the lied Men. us they expect to take a largo ciowd with them to Lake Ln doip on their annual picnic. Tho col oicd quaitette and the Maple City band will fuinHi musio. On August 20 the Baptist Young People's unions will lun their annual pviinston In (Jlen einoko. I.niloiiDtPd- ly this will be tho largest ever to go to tliat beautiful place. Kvetythlng has been done to insure the comfoit of the patrons. The members and friends of St. Mark's Lutheran chinch will picnic at Lake Lodoie on August W The Simpson Methodist, Hampton West Sldo Driving Club. Tho regular meeting of the West Side Drlvlns club was held last evening at the store of C. C. Deckel nick, it woh decided that the club would hold a taco on Thursday nt tho Speedway. Tho national trotting rule? will govern. All books of cntiy were closed lit tho meeting. Funornla of Today. The ftmeinl of tho late James Cole man will take place today at 0 o'clock from St. Patrick's chinch. Interment In the Cathedral cenietei.v. The f uncial of the Infant child of Mr. nnd Mih. Patilck Hurke will take plai e this afternoon from the lioiue, !0s K non street. Intciuient In the Cathedral cemeteiy. Th" funoinl of the late Mrs. Mai tin McDonnott will take plnce this morn ing at 9 o'clock fiom the Holy Cioss chinch, nnd Intetuient will be made In the Cathedral cemetery The funoinl of the late Chestei Cam el on will take plate tbs afternoon nt 3 o'clock from St. Mink's Luthoian chinch, anil Interment will be made in the Washburn stieet oometer. The fuuci.il of the lite Jeremiah Sim mons will take pi, no this afternoon nt 2 3n o'clock from the homo of his sister, 111! Svvctlnm! stieet, and interment will be made In tho Washburn etieet come teiy. The funeral of the late William White will takp pliue this afternoon nt 2.30 o'clock from the Holy Cios chinch, and Intei nient will bo made In the Cathedial cemeteiy. NOTES AND PERSONALS. WASH GOODS CLEARANCE The entire stock goes. The price cuts are keen, deep and decisive, and there is not a yard of the many thousands offered that is not of this sea son's productions. Only a Few Quotations Today But everything left in stock goes at similar reductions. Silk Stripe Novelties A magnificent collection that sold at 3jc, 45c and tjoc the yard. Choice of 4 Or the Lot " Genuine Moasseline De Soie A fine range of patterns and colorings still in stock. . Always 50c. "Clearing OOr Price Now VC Ilinported French Dimities .v All that's left of our fa mous 25c line goes on sale this morning. Take Your Choice for Imported Linen Ginghams These sold at 370 and 45c the yard. Nice assort ment still on hand. 19c 15c The New Sale Price Beautiful Dimities Hundreds of pieces still left to choose from. Our popular 18c cloth. During This Sale A Dozen Other Weaves In various grades and all the leading designs aud color effects, may be yours at prices similar to those just quoted. Is not the bargain opportunity great? 10c lfe S rfJmMmm .J III IMlTAfEFlP An Excellent Combination. Tho plensnnt method nnd beneficial cfTocts of the well known remedy, SymiP op Flos, manufactured by tho Cai.ifoiinia Km Svnur Co.. illustrato the value, of obtnlnlntf tho liquid laxa tive principles of plnnts known to bo medicinally laxative and presenting thcra in tho form most refreshing- to tho tnsto and acceptable to tho system. It is tho 0110 perfect strengthening lnxa tlve, cleansing tho system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers Rently yet promptly nnd enabling ono to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it tho ideal laxative, In tho process of manufacturing figs nro used, as thoy oro pleasant to tho taste, but tho medicinal qualities of tho remedy nro obtained from senna ami other 'aromatic plants, by a method known to tho California. Via Svnur Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, pic a so remember the full name of the Company printed on tho front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE. KTT NEW TOUH, N. T. Forsalobynll I)ru(?Rlsts l'rlcoMs.pcrbottlo. OBITUARY. LAMOK E. WOODUUFP, of 108 Tenth street, died yesterday afternoon. The funeral will be held on Thurstlny mornlnK. After a short Fcrvlce at the hoiicc tho body will be taken to Salein, Wayne county, for Interment. Funernls. Tho funeral of tho late Chester Cammer, of 1702 Washburn stieet, will tnko place on Tuesday nt 3 p. m. The services w 111 be conducted In Ht. Mnik's Luthernu church by the pas tor, Hov. A. Ii. Hamcr. The funeral of Mr.i. Vanvvy Jones- Tnge w 111 occur from the family resi dence on Monroe nvenue, ut 2.30 o'clock this nftcinnnn. The funeial of the Lite Pamuel Me Mullen will take place this morning nt fl o'clock fiom the residence of his daughter, Mrs. M. .!. Holland, 2 IS South Webster a venue. Sei vices will be held In St. Petei's cntlieiltal. Interment In tho Cathedial cemetery. JONAS LONG)' 8 SONG. JONAS LONQ'S SONS, DUNM0RE DOINGS. Damngo Done by the Lightning Sun day Night and Yesterday Flro Alarm Out of Order. There are just two days remaining in which to take advantage of . the great opportunities afforded by the July Clearing Sale. The Summer Sale of Shoes However, will continue throughout the week. Some of the many specials offered are given in today's price list. regular scslon this evening at 8 o'clock In .Schiinpff's hull. The mcmbeis of Comet lodge, No. 4'tl. Knights of I'ythlns, will meet In llni tmnu's hall this evening. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Rev. J. J. O'Toolo, Formerly of Holy Rosary Church, Presontod with a Purse of $050. Say! You Can Buy Parasols And Sun Umbrellas awfully cheap these days. The last cut of the season is now on them, A nung man by the name of John Walsh, nt South Ninth stieet, had his h.ind cinched while woiklug at the Lm.luuv.innn jards on Satin day night. Tlnce Mwng men wore iitiested on Saturday night toi being eliunk and lefuslng to move on when rnu tloned to do so by the olllccr. '1 hey were lined In liollce com t llany Miller and slhtcr Ceitiude, of Washburn street, aie spending the summci at I.,iUo Wiuola. Theie Is a (-light cave-In at the coiner of llvdo l'.uk avenue and I'etlehone stieet. A I'm est Deishlnier, of South Main avenue. Is enjoying the sights at I.,iU( Lodoie, Daniel nnil Aithur Thomas of South Urdu ink avenue, and Albeit I'.llas, of New Yoik Sty, uio home fiom tho IMii-Amcilcan. John T. UK hinds and f.unll;, of South Main avenue, will spend the month of August, at Madison, Conn. Mr. and Mis. A. M. Deishlnier, of South Main avenue, aie cntei tabling Mi. and Mis. J. Deishlnier, of D.tl tuii. I'.ev. J. I'. Moffat, of Washbuin stieet, will leave on Tuesday for In diana, to visit his mother. No wonder Mr. John M. Ktlvvaids, of Locust stieet, Is all Millies, Its a bo Mother and fcon aie dolnc nleelj. On Titos-day, Mr. and Mrs. Lovr. of Hromlev avenue, will leave for Atlantic City. At the legul.ir meeting of the Father Matthew society, held Sun day afternoon, the following ollleeis weie elected: I'iesdi'ut, T. J. I'lem Ing; lcc piesldent, John J. Swee ney; financial secietaiy, Michael Jennings, tiustco, J. .1 Sucenej, John Cl.nk and John Can oil; telleis, John Mellnle, James Iiegan nnd Hugh Logan. Michael J. Jennings was elected to irpicent the society on the constitutional committee. Mii-s Alice M. Williams, of 1117 Lu zerne stieet, lb isltlng filendx at den Uldge. Miss Esther 15. Davlcs, of South Main avenue, Is cntci mining com pany. MlfcH Kv.'i Phillips, of Noith Heboeca nvenue. Is enteitalnlng Miss riotenee Mitchell, of New' Voik city. The Misses Ilvans, of ock stieet, will leave toinonow for Ocean C.iove. Mis. . M. Jones nnd the Misses Williams, of South Main avenue, have leturned home fiom Lake At lei. Latayette car No. Ul got off the track at the corner of (l.utleld avenue land Lafayette stieet last night nt 11 o'clock. The wiecklng car was called nnd after some woik succeeded in plac ing the car on the Hills again. Cl.txs No. 7 of St. Mink's Luthoian Sunday school, taught by Miss Lillian Oiass, will give an Ice cream soclnl on tho chinch lawn on Wednesday evening. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. The funeial of Heibeit F tho live months' old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jncob CJelger, Jr , was held ester day afternoon at 2 o'clock fiom tho family residence on Cedar avenue. Services over the lemnlns weie held nt tho house by Uev. Father Stinub, assistant pastor of St. Miny's Oet man Catholic church. Intel nient was made In tho Twentieth wind ceme tei y. M J Hums, Patrick Moran, Mich ael Rnffeity, James Hatiett and James Keeten are spending their va cation at tho Pan-Ameilcan exposi tion. Mis. Cnthoilnp L'ik nnd Mis. Moyles, of Seeleyvllle, arc visiting friends on Cedar avenue. John Mack nnd wife, of Brooklyn, N Y., are visiting Mis. Helrelgel, on Birch stieet. Miss Catherine Dow ling, of Locust street, is visiting fi lends at Carbon dale. Council No. S.'J. I'nlted Order American Mechanics, will meet In A party of prominent Noith Scran ton men loft .vesterrlay afternoon for Wellsboio, Tlnga county, wheie last night they presented Hev. J J. O Toole formerly an assistant at Holy lloity chin ch, with a pui'cot $050, The pnity was composed of Hev J. V. Mojl.tn and P. J. Ruane, Huns 1'ljnn, Mai tin Gel ilty. Mnrtln I'avcney. W. A Lynott, John H Lnott. Dr. J. J. Sullivan, Jr., Jo.-eph F Hvanfc Mi. Ivaus made the presentation spfweh. The gift was Intended as a token of the appieclatlon of the con giegatlon of Holy Ilosniy church of the vvnik done by Father O'Toolo while In this part of the city. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. Tho house of ltacffcl rapalo, on Silencer street, was struck by light ning during the second shower on Sun day night and badly damaged. Por tions of the roof wore torn fiom their fastenings and lifted clear oft he house. Fortunately none of tho mem bers of the family weic sleeping In that p.nt of the structino and no one was Injuicd, but all lecolved a sevcie shock. Duilng the stoun ycstcid.iy after noon the house of Mis. Mullen, on Webster avenue, was shuck and an aim tit of tile was tinned In fiom box 14, to which the Neptune company te spnndod. The bolt sttuck the chim ney and Ignited some of the wood woik, but the bliue was easily ex tinguished and the damage done was slight. Mis, Mullen was in the house at the time, but escaped In jut. v. As a result of the recent electrical disturbances the lire nlatm system Is out of oidei, and in case of tiro an nlaim could not be mng fiom any bo In town. NUBS OF NEWS. Dr. J. Harrington Young, of Drinker street. Is spending a week at Big Pond. U. D. Ames is 111 at his home on Green Itidgo stieet. Miss Florence Butler, of Him sticet, Is visiting friends In Plttston. Miss Maty Kcssler has returned to her home at Lansfoid, after a visit of seveial weeks with the Misses Bron son, of I'lm stieet. A special meeting of the council was called for last night, but the absence of a quotum pi evented a meeting. Women's Oxfords, made of Dongola Kid with patent or kid tip; value $1.25. Sale p.ice 9lC Women's Button and Lace Shoos; value $2.50. Sale price 1.99 Women's High Grade Vici Kid and Dongola Oxford Ties, value $2.50. Sale t Q price l.OV Women's Patent Leather and Strap Sandals. Sate , price 73C Misses' Shoes in button and lace with patent leather -, tips. Sale price 9oC HfAMrtM'e. T"Vnnvr,l 1 ir iin( vcith tmtent or kid tin. flexible soles, Military heels and English back stays; vaiue t n $2. so. Sale price.... 1 ,yU Women's Black Kid Lace Shoes with patent leather tips. Usually 81.25. Sale price.. 99C Youths' and Boy's Lace Shoes, made of solid leather. . Sale price 99C Men's Russia Calf Shoes in all sizes, from 8 to n in 3, 4 and 5 width. Sale , price 1 . y Groceries Can we assist you in making up your next order? We handle nothing but the very best qualities and the prices areguaianteed right in every particular. Sugar Hard U, fine granulated, 18 pounds $-oo Pickles Kent brand, large pint bottles MC Coffee Our celebrated "Mexican Java" brand 33C Mncnroni Spaghetti & Vermecello Mawclle brand 5 ANCIENT ROMANS' CLOTHES. Mlsb M.uv Davis, of (Jieen .tioet, has relumed fiom H.uvey's lake, wheie she spoilt he 1 ten das' v arn Hon Mlvs Ho-e Median Is home fiom Sus quehanna count, wheie she lslted ft lends. Mis-. Annie Sheinian and ton, Ocoige, of Des Moines, Iowa, ate visiting her aunt, Mis. Anastnsla Loomey, of 2X14 Hollows street. The Welsh Congiegatlonnl chinch Sunda school, of AVest Market stieet, and the Dutch Gap Mission school will plcnk at Na Aug paik next Thuis day. Cms will leave the sciuaie at 'J.30 a. in. Mi. and Mis. (1. D. I'ovvler, of 1415 c'huieh avenue, enteitalncd a number of oung folks at their home In honor ot their daughter Dototliy last hntur- dav afternoon, the event being the seventh anniveisaiy of her birth. The afternoon was spent in a most enJo nble manned. Miss 1'owler was the recipient ot many handsome piesents. Those piesent were: tteoiglana flock, Kathleen Wolfe, imth Hill, (ilad.vs F.u linger, H.iel Hallstoad, t'atheilne Ue.ile, Hannah Heale, Kachel Heale, Hattle l'lnn. I'sther Hopewell, Maude Itllet,-. Ilutli Hut i Ik, Dmma Kldler, Hthcl Allen, Nellie Hall and Nellie White. Miss Kanny Ciosby Mois, who for the past six weeks has had chaige ot the Ninth Main avenue Baptist Physi cal Cultuie school, left jehteiday for her home In Philadelphia. Mis. Itobert V. Westlnke. of West Maikct sticet, has ictuined home after spending a lew weeks at Ocean Giove. Cocoa Caroca's Ready-for-Usc, large can 5plces Whole mixed for pickling Cream of Wheat Just Received Soap Ark brand, io oz. bar wrapped, 12 bars Tomatoes Fancy Jersey, big cans Corn Webb's Cream, the very best Teas It's our constant endeavor to buy rich qualities. We can give you all flavors, at 80c, 60c, 50c, Canned Aleats We have a full line including Roast Beef, Veal Loal, Potted Ham, Tongue. Chicken, Chicken Ta- male, Vienna Sausage, etc. Chocolate Premium, per cake Olives Queen or Stuffed, per bottle 10c to Soups Anderson's Concentrated, all flavors 3 can for Pineapple Chunks In flat cans 2 for Sardines Domestic, in oil 6 cans, Sardines Imported 23c, 15c, 12c and Pretzels Always tresh, per pound Zenola Cleans everything, per package Saratoga Chips Fresh each day, package 33c 19c 13c 35c oc lie 40c itic 49c 35c 25c 25c 9c IOC 4c tsc Smoked Dried Beef Fresh each day, package i4c Globe Warehouse THE HOIYILIEST MAN IN SCRANTON 51 wtll i) th Inmlsomcst, ind nthtw ir liullfd to call on any drmrcUt and get trfo a trial bottle ol Kemp'a Ulcam lor tho Tlirnit and I.unsa, a remedy that U guaranteed to cure and relieve all Chionlc and Acuto Coughs, Ailhnn, UroiiUtUU and Cuiuumiitiuii. I'litu J'.c. and 60c. GREEN RIDGE. !e. and Vr Ililcmin and fjtiiil) ore ( p.cuiK a lotu.'e .it IiIm' WiiioIi Mik MioW l.i I'iiiiiiii ct Vlirion Hrect, la visiting filcndt at Momow. liiiilntc the rinrni iriinliv illernoon the wind lilow our .1 tiiio liade tiro in fiont of thu rpldiiue ot Vr A B. Micl, o( jmlereun ace 11110 Vlrs Wrltflit, ln ln been n lltor here for dome thin, re mined to her Imnie in Ulen ( o e, 1. 1, je.tudi), accompanied by her eUlir, Vlrs II II I'ri'lt, of (imn Rlil.'e fticet, who will nuki 1 -li'nl i.lt Iheic Tunk llimd in I tlurlea I'uund f-jirnt yi tenh tl-hlne.il vhplewood Ihu lowner Male iiiiltclle, of tlie l nlteil l.v in.-dli d chiKih, vljilleil t'liinmlale sundiv bj peiid Imllitlmi ind mne r manlier of i-elic tinm V conceit U in vle In the neir futiiie and the Towner luce been incited to fake pirt. VtU lulu V nurrw hn returned lo her homo In Se t-V. cli alter a wcik'n ti with her nl.ter. Vr Inhn S l.ee. of Mclfit avenue. VU IIh Woodiuff, of Heelrlr avenue, re fumed jesteidij from a to weck' t 1 it I. ike V Inol 1 110lher and a final nueflne of the citizen, wan held lat pcrnlni; to consider the doe pn.. nnlnir cade, two iluible dies h n Ins been wloned on Mniuoa avenue Mindaj nislit. After a deliberate unlcw of Ihe cafco It wa clciidul not to wait am lonser lor the parllia if the (tlier iile to fulrlll tUilr put of the ncree. ment, but to put the man In the lumla of tha law without fuilhcr pulu oa lemetlH and Madu'e l'iteron, of Hen ton, are .Htini; fireen Itldse friend.. The lidlit of the (lr,fn Ilidie l'rebterlan chiiuli ill lup an ice treim noilil on tie chinch lawn Thurvlay eienlns of till week sluiild the weatliir prno untdemnt, the aochl will be held in the church piilrr K ) I'ratt, of DirUon aunue. In J new dp llur wagon, ono of the flnc.t In llili part of the tltj Hie fieneral I'hinney heme hou.e an I the ur miindlni.1 are in fine londlticn from a plentiful u.e of uhllc" i.h and paint Thl week it in expoited ihe donra leidinsr fiom the Mable will be to airanced Hat when the tire alarm rinsi lliec will open automatic all.t . Another Proposition Expoctod, My rvclulve Wire from The viinelated Preai lleidmff. I'a , lull :i - lie rplnlon piecalla fonlcht amnnc tho I'hlladclphla and lleal'nj conipin.i'a .tiikeia tint the compiny will mike i ihnu another propij'lon before tlie elne of the week In ionciiufiiep of thla rrr line at tonaj a ineellnsr nf theli adcUory cnmniltte-c evnj man j leportcd a tolidl) In favor ot continuing the ktrlkc. Many Fabrics Used nnd Skill Em ployed in Arinnging Them, l'nin the sclentlrli Vnieriian. At the DptPinbpr mectlliK of the AichapoloKlc.il Institute of Ameilca Profesbor Myion It. Hanfotd, of Mld dlpbiuy oollcKC, lPnd 11 limit lntetpst Intr iMit?r upon "Tho Mutcilal of the Tunica nnd Toga," and vvp extinct tho following from the Journal of the In stitute: With thc passing of the simple toga and tunica of the early ye.u.s to the moie oinato and complicated foinis of dress theie nunc to Hoino many new fabrics to vie with wool. Many Latin vvilteis tell of the ue of linen, cotton, silk and vailous mixed stuffs. The Idea .students khIh tioni tho peiusal of cln-sical llteiatuie Is tii.U taiely did the newer materials actually supplant wool In miiklug up the minus unifies of doth. No one seems to have undei taken the foimldable task nf nn elab oiate study ot the existing paintings nnd statuaiy lepiesenting the Roman di ess, to determine how far the ar tists intended lo suggest minus 111a- tcilals in their elianeiy In sinno of the port 1 alt statues In Pompeii It Is un reaonablr to believe that the clumsy, thick folds do not repiosent some form of wool, and the lighter and some times diaphanous folds the finer lab iks, rieciucntly In painting, and not lately In statuaiy, dlffeient niateilnls aie to be seen In the clothing belong ing to tho same llgun The Latin ele pnitmcnt nt Mlddlebiuy college has been IntprestPd In expeilinentlng with a considerable v.ulety of mateilals In Imitation of some of the well known llgures. Hesides coming to icitaln timcluslons icgaidlng the giaceful nnd stltf folding of dllfcrent cloths, the student Imi! leall.ed n fact Insufllcl ently eniplinslzed In the manuals, namely, that no material fiom the heaviest wool tci the most delicate silk will of Itself tnko the beautiful folding shown In the onlinitry statue or paint ing. The di apery In the latter Is al wa.vs one of two lesults; It Is either taken fiom the plaits nnd foldings of the clothing of the model di aped lie foiehand with the most painstaking care or It Is the conventionalizing of the nitlst. Not until n ttlal Is made will ono loallze how elaboiato the pro cess must have been to pioduco the nppeaiaiiie of the toga of Hortenslus, for the accidental ellsaiiangement of which on tho ciowded stieets he sent a challenge to his friend. Often the sim plicity of certain effects Is, after all, nn elabomto effort. 1'or example, tho C'ommodiis of the Vatican collection seems to have the diapeiy hanging fioin tho body In the most natuial manner, while an attempt to Imltato It will show that It Is 11 case of nrt con coaling nrt. The simplicity Is only up patent, unci otciislonaly no Imltntlon with mateilal of any sou whatsoever can follow tho contnitlnns In the eliap ciy of certain classic tlguics. WIDOW SELLS BABY BOY. Jonas Long's Sons wealthy fatmer living on the lake road five miles northwest of this lllage. The assignment was signed, witnessed and delivered at the Sthleswlng home stead on Tliuisday of this week, and the child Is now in tho custody of Its foster patents. To .1 lepoiter Ml. Sehleswltig gave the details of the tiansfer nnd the incidents leading up to It. "While visiting fi lends In Plttsbuig recently Mi. nnd Mis. Schleswlng be came acquainted with the niothoi of the boy. The woman Is a widow, and up to the piesent time she had been In lather straitened ciuumstances. Hav ing 110 children of their own the Schleswlngs became much attai heel to the little boy and Invited the mother to visit them at their home near bete. The invitation was accepted, and ten clays ngo the mother nnd child weie met at the rail! nail station heie nnd weie dtlven to the Sihlesvilng home stead. A few el.ivs after their nillval Mr. Schleswlllg pmposed to the child's mother that he lie peimition u auoiit the little fellow. Tho mother objected nt fit st, but when she was asstireel that the boy would iccelve a good education nnd ultimately a huge pint of the svhlc swing estate, she look the matter Into eonsldeiatlon. In addition to tins the mother wus Infoimed that she would tecelve an annuity of $vm ilur inrr her lifetime and that she might miniifl i.pvfir.il weeks each .veal with the child. It was stipulated, liowovor.that the boy should be ui ought up to no lleve himself the only child und hell nf Mr. and Mis Pchleswlng. It whs stipulated nl-o that the bov should to celvc $5,0011 when ho becomes of ago to enable him to st.ut In business for himself If he deslies to do so. The mnthi'i leseivcs the light to leclalm her son should Mr. Sehleswing neglect to fulfil any pan of Ills ngncniPiit. After the Hist Installment of the an nuity was paid to the mother she was Infoimed fiat she might levoke tha ngieemcnt if "he then deslied. She 10 plied that It would be best for the boy to let It stand She will return to Plttsbuig on Moniluv. The bo's pies ent niuiio Is Hoy Sthleswlng SOME FIBST SPEECHES. AMUSEMENTS. Is to Get ?500 a Yenv and Boy Is to Bo Made a Heir. Ilaniomvllle, N Pi.paUh in the Sun To Insure an adequate Income for herself, a good home nnd kind foster patents for her only child nnd a gener ous endowment for hlin when ho at tains his nuiJotlt, a Plttsbuig womun, who declines to make known her Iden tic, has sold and tiansfeiied all her rights, title and custody of her two-year-old son to Jacob Sehleswing. a LEST YOU Wfc SAY IT YET. Tlie Great I'nlon Kuuision uoea to llanec'a Lake Wedncdaj, the Sll 'Ihe adult 'lilru are cenu, chlMrrn'a tiikiu, CO couU. At A o'elock haip Ihe lulni will leave the Helauarc and lliultnn depot, coins to tlie lake without chance. The ruurilnu la under the diice tlon of the llunpton and Minon vielhodUt and the Wa.hhurn Street I'lcihjtirlan cliurihoa. Parnell Could Only Stenmmer Ont a Few Unintelligible Sentences. Lou! Hallsbuiy was IM when, as Loid Robert Cecil, he took his scat In the House of Commons as a member for St.imtnid, In Kebruaiy, 1?"4. Two months later on Apill V. he dellveied his Hi st speech on Loid John Hino-el's I'ult oicllv hill Huns,! I'll (llllv elves it eighteen lines of its' nnnow columns, nnd the membeis who Immediately fol lowed In the debato made no lefer ence to It, but Gladstone, speaking Inter In the evening, recognized In gen et ous terms the abilities of the young man who was destined after the lapse of thirty eais to become his 1 hlef political rival. "The llrst effort, ilch with promise," said he, "Indicates that theie still Issue forth from the mater nal bosom of tho university men who In the Hist das of their caieer give earnest nf what they may aftciwaid accomplish for theli countiy" The most siucesful maiden tcpcecli of lecent times was that of SIi William Haicotirt. He was 41 e.ns old when ho tok his seat as membei for Oxfoid on Feb 16, lStA and Just a week latpp addiessed the House foi the Hist time. The subject was happily one In which hn was well vcised. Viscount Huiy asked for leave to iiitioduiu a mcasuie entitled the Vacating of Seats bill, to The Campbell's Arc Ceming, Hurrah! Ilurrahf Monday, August 5, Aftctnoon and l.ccnins, at The New Armory l ndcr tho au'pkr of the ( aledonlan Club, fcicund Olfirial Lonrcrt Tour of "The Kilties" lth llluhtaiidet", Toronto iniili'c Tuck Militiiv Hind in muMUan", in vonl elioli, (1 ilincex and lnspipers, under the leadeishlp ot Ml lohn '-lattci Appeuing in full klltul HEiimiitalit ll.v authorin of the, Ilimlnlnn Boveinnient ind b.c kind fpeelil per mi'lon of Colonel Mmbmld and nfilicn coin, mindini; the IMli llitldindiis' rej,inicnt Ihs ereiiid ii (nine of cnthusia-m In a hun ched Amerlcin ' itlci PltK l." Vfteinoon, lj and 50, eentsj evenini;, 50c , 73c. ind 1 l tepeal the statute of Queen Anne which makes It necessaiy for membeis of tho House to seek le-eleetlon on accepting olllco In the govetnment, on the ground that It seived no useful puipose. Mr. Veinon llaicouit (as he was then cal led) piotested agiilnst leave being given even to bilngtnuli a bill. The speech whli h occupies six columns In Han saul and was loudly applauded thtoughout. Induced Viscount Huiy to wlthdiavv his motion. Xcivousness is not e ommnnly recogni zee! ns mi Iilsh falling, but at least thiee celeliiatnl liishnien have In this centuiy owned Its maniery when up for the flist time befoio the House of Commons On Apt 11 -i. lS7Ii, when a Copiclon bill for lteland was In com mittee, Patnell lose to deliver his Hist speech. He was obviously and pain fully neivous, and could only stammer out a few baiely Intelligible sentences about Iieland not being a geographical fiagment. nighty enis ngo or sj a distlngulsed Irli-h member named Doughert, vvho subsequently became Chief Justice of lteland, asked Canning what lio thought of his maiden speech 'The onl fault I can ilnd with It." said Can ning, "Is that ou called the speaker sir too often "My dear fiiend," said Doghert, "If ou know the mental state I was In while speaking ou would not wonder If I had called him ina'ain. Whltrsldo, anothei lilsh niem bPi, who also became Chlet Justice at li eland, used to 1 elate that when dur ing his maiden speech he saw tho Speaker's wig sun ended by blue llames ho knew It was time to sit down. i M "i f Pretty Good Authority. One nf the nt cations nlin outli wa juetititd in rebulcim; Ita elders it ilUd I'V Tlie Oifen llap When ih 'n if a well known jud.fi aiuued hu Hut la- befuie the full bineli of a ttitain atata tourt, rtmo of the miniheu ot which were noted for ludoerinff vnulhfu! eoun.el, Ihe chief lu-lice was pjitleul.nl) atlbe and beuan lu quel.on befnic Ihe touiiiCl had nmthed a ttattment of the fac i. When the joun? advocate tame to the law theieof, ho wn loiutanlly inlcnupled by com ment and Ineani. "If It plea.c join honor," waa the iniatlahls leplj. "I will tunc to tint polnl later" Klnalh the thief jiMiee bunt fortli "rhli U a ,in ii e vtiaonllnire iiioeiidlniT. Vr Illank Vou ki) thai it in a uit in a Judgment reineied In New rrk foi 1.11m ui) I ntier heaul of iuh a proeeedini: What la our authoiity for In limine nidi t -utlv" "If i pleae jour lionoi," wai the n,ulet reply, "my authmit) l, I ulinlt. rather quettienable, 4v one tint hn often been Impugned, lieinj; .-iv the (omtltultoii of the United Statet, Ar f t I, iscctlun I."