' -$!. ' ' , X . - f I!,."' ' ' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1001. 5 rcxxxxxxxxxxx; f the MonrtiN hardware stons. Mechanic Can nffnrd to use poor tools they'io Pimply a waste or time and money. We can supply ynu with the host CARPKNTEIIS' AND MA CHINISTS' TOOLS made. Every tool made of tho best material and warranted. Our window display Is only a sample of what's In side. Como and bcc. Fnnte fo. Shear Co. JJ9 N. Washington Ave Q &OOOOOOOOOOC Some Knit Garments for Babe and child that will make a mother happy and the child lestful. Wo are specialists in this line nnd have everything in the ad vanced styles for infants and children. Th? Baby Bazaar, 510 Spruce Street. Whenever You have occasion to open a bank account, please bear us in mind. THE PEOPLE'S BUNK. uniom(&i'i:asel PERSONAL. Pr Chirk II lilton his returned from lili cimpinc trip. Mr II framer loft jcstenliy afternoon for ISIrhtlelci fprtns. N . Attnrnej A. I. olhorn hi returned from a business nip to Nc" iiik ntj. Miss llinnih Hushes ami Miss Horothv Thom-n- are iaitini; at uliiiur prItiR( N. Y. I 'iin Itiptuel. nf the fiuWn Diamond com piti. Is lick In the citj, alter spending scleral dj. 'n Nv tl. cit. Mr II. limner ind Mm Kramer, of Wyoming .Uftme. left xrMcnli.x tor, I tour weeks' fctay at HichfirM Fprlnss, N. . Mr and Mr. I'lpdeilrk V,. Mece, uhn lmi resided in this rlij for some time. hie left for New York tit, white the will permanently ic tide S I.eirojil, illiMnn fieizlit nient r( the Peliwne, l.uUu.inn.l and Wotcrn romp in fit 1 1st-n, wis a xl.-itor at the I.aiAjttjnna tlation xet, nhy. Mr ind XIis IVrcx- ftelinont Kee, of nv Vmk ne Iicinj rntrrtiiiinl at the home of Mr. iirrl Mil Thomis Hauounun, of Noith Willi. irct m nenue Oeorse I Tilor. Oorce M. Kecfer. M I KelW. Mr and Mrs V K. Fljiiri and V. L i me weie ieelterrd at the Hotel Alhert, In Vw Vrk, this week. Ieph II leuls, formrl of tlilsrl.x, hut mm of Wuhiricten, I) ('., is rprniline his i irnti n line Mr Lewis is In rhiige ol one of the iliu einni of the cetsus Inireiu. BRAVE SAM EDMUNDS. Story of a Dramatic Rescue in a Coal Mino in Wales of Local Intorost. The following Intere.sting story given below appealed In a recent Issue of the South Wales i:cho. The Sun Edmund lefenod to xv.u the father of Mis. James R. Evans of Noith Scranton: The followins storlix (wrltei "Monen") re lite to tlis tlist iflllirr) explosions m the Rhon tl'U ijllej. The ttr.l to luppm us tint at W liter Coiim'n Dun collier, i n Minl.it inurii ins Ian I, I'll, .ml the othir .it In-ole iird h- it Cj ii'incr. on lime 11, l50 In th flst t-rltc lct their lltcii in llio ncuml 111 mm ind hojj periehetl. 'llice tliilllin; stoilri lure ciun im hy a tri.nn who 't,n (resent at hnth expl-wciiis It won d he i loss to Ic.nc tlitm tinehruniekd. I l die, i in the dij of the intoinhniMit of miners in Tinenidl. Rhonddi Valley, in April, 177 me diy loecning a lettir with enilonirc cf .i fiom tie lite l.ul fuwford an I RjI carret frrm Pilermo The moniy m plaenl in m.t hand for rt iril to whom I imcht ilemi ninn deserting ef "the hrntst of the Irate" While all were taliant I could not r!litinul'i one i no more cieemnj thin tho ether, nn I I In r.ivrpicnr. l iccl tint ,i,i1 mm, nimil ir Hitns In all ihout x'V-ln tie handi of the lo cal romirittec, of whom the late Ret. II. W. Willum?, l , I'anfiehl, was rhilrtnin. Hut hit I w,n colnir to mj w i. the fullnwmj One tf the sonieneia in tho noble pirl'i letter rm ,i liowi "I rejolie tu leirn from .tour thrillin; repoits in tho 'limes tint the imirnt heioiin )f tour Kimmeilan Union nee is .till tho same is in the dats of old " Tills is the story alluded to. In 1-M there Jwelt at Ifatod a renurkahle man named Sim Edmunds. He wis tho fithir of Mr IMmundi, uinifjfr of l'entre colli. riis. "im" (. f 4l ulled h his lutlinitci) wax the l.et l.non nan In the tallty He lm himself imdied lerplv, and his imes.int elforn were uriln Ji" ililn? tfineritifn of oiinc Welshmen ol tie nllets ta ensaje In the study of scicntlnt liouks ,nd other llteiaiy hramhes. The thin lUinc choral sln'ln, l.isf, u,-le ll ileliiilit. In Ihot. he wis one ef thn my prions ilass of Welshiiicn. who In tin urn U8 would walls Inlf a dozen miles to mm' piiet country villiu'f to iinpirt Kssntu In sintr: in countr joiith cf both sexi In yr wn ."iin," without my other ictwrd thin the pleis uro rf wltne.slns the suites. f his itfort. Sam wis fiom Itrndreiorsfjn, filjnoKy, anyl ii known by that mine JJ a surname, in jo roi.lanie with a -.try old Welsh, cistern. In mly Oiith Sim hid been attracted by lilfth h.ibis to ninas collieries then the property of Hr Waller PofTin, untie of Mr. Vrthur Williams, lite M I', Onedy-Mw.twr. On Mondiv mornln.-. Jan. 1, 1S, the first xploslon In the Rhondla Vallei toil; pU it rilnu, at the shaft Ju.t Mow Ulna, T. V. R. Nation, across the Rltcr llhondda The pit wla worked by water power The gearlnc of the pit, riltlrled In the middle by a pirtlticn, down rut nd uptast alrwa.ti. had been shattered t items by the awful tornido which hd shot Ihroujh from below. As soon as poflbln a r.e it.i colled round the whim, the drum belli itandlni; horltontallv around n sttuit vpriht .iciiii The end of the tope ml pi.-ed thrmuh I hile In the eablo ol t'ie house over tho pit' 6$3F 53?l SaS' mouth. To this end, dsnitllne. nter the awful snoklnu ahn of the shslt, a ttlanitular chain an! initow Iron bar, the Uttef aa a seit at the base of the tthnsle formed by It, and the two mull chains described. nut no-v came the test of talor. Who would dare descend to Hades, the sheol ol Wales, on that slender bir? All the local community the only one then In the entire Rhondda were there In tears Who would dire, not the Kxielslor heluliu fn snow and lie, but tho elflity-four .tsrds tlirousih the smoke, and In possible fife, below Who Who? Whnr There .tepped forth from the werplnir when and mothers a stalwart uallant son of old Sllurla, It was Sim Hendre toresn. "I will go," quoth he, "fled holplm? me," Uu was soon seated at the end ef the shnder hempen rope. He was peine alone throueh the t alley of death, without the shade thereof. He was the fullest of the heroes el the coal mines of South Wales. "Reidy," tried author ity, and off shot the hone on his circular round, around the whim track, shaped like the rlnij of i circus, it the same moment xallint Sim disappeared Into the d-ep. Thoughts were noiy too Intense for tears. The altitude of the horse attached to the whim wis lone remeniherid. He aocimd to understand whit had happened, nnd the iirgeni of the moment, He Ralloped at such a rale around, proud tint his belly wis riearlv funding the track Ilr seemed to fed tho descending trlaturle and Its precious loan, for the moment it tmrhed the bottom the Ril lant steed Mopped suddenly of his own iirronl. Sim alighted on the top of hundreds of teas ot drbrls. In totil darkness he crawled wearily down the Mplne helsht Itelow he could hear palnlul croans and other sounds. In i fen minutes le met 1) Thomas, head manairer, fither ef the lite Ldniurd Thomas, Maind Hall He hid just reached the bottom of the slnlt when tli explosion oiturred, and hid been blown In an opposite direction, and hid now Just reentered conselo'isi.ess He as' ended on the Iron bar. Sim, freh from almte, entered the wo-klnjts He wis neirlt done up, when he camr to a door standins on an unused trick, which hid not been touched bv the thunderome blast. Tne ten K wis iin as a short footpith from the in terior of the worklncs n the other tide nf the door, which, nlis! he was unable to open, he oierheard tie xolee of priier In Welsh It was tint of Thomis Row lind, the flrt man to start a Sundit- school, by the (nt'lntlon of Vlcir l'richard, In Ystrnltf edwir He was the head diacon with the hull raltinlstn Methodlts Sam wis compelled M retreat, and went baik to the surfiee and told the easier throng he hid otcrheard Tlvmns Ho lind at priver The sieiie whlih enstied was oxeiwhelmlrc In Its pathos II appear"!) as if he hid heard the xoleo of Prnnmer bidding farrwell to his coun try from the fires of inirttTdom Snmr di' later Thenns Rowland was found dead on his knees, with his two little hots, one on each side of nlm Thus the thro- hid ascended "O'r d.irus anlalwrh. i'r benldd bandw.ts i fiw." Ills grnii'lsona reside at Tontrefall On the morning rf .lime 1, lslrt, 'sain, ai eempinied In his little boy, descended Into Porth Orninir pit. He worked upwards of 1 mile tr.tond the bottom the shaft, ittcnoVd by bis hot Ml the morning after the explosion propl In all directions were asking. "His Sam escaped'' xhout 3 o'rlrck In the daj the ex plorers. Including T)mlel Thomis and T T. Mor Kan, l'entgnlg, rime upon twrntvfour ileil miners lilng on their balks, hatint mh i limbed to the afirt damp mone them xt is "Mm llendretorjin," with bis stiffened arm, like an Iron bind, around tho frame of his dear little bov. Alter muili dlf tliiiltv the bov wis tiken fiom his fither's tight rmhriee, and both were placed In a trsm. xthlrli wis pushel towirds the bottom of the shift. "Sim," sild my Informmt, "wis pla ed In i sitting posture, ind as the trim triteled the shaking cirsed the bent aim to shake also. The moieru-nt of the arm was like rne eagerly beikoning the rei-cucrs as If f.ijlnc, '(lite me back my moi " A MODERN OTHELLO. Wild Deeds of Jealousy Committed by Peter Mnrsincavitch Tried to Mar Wife's Beauty. Immortal Shakespeare has trans mitted to posterity the sombre trappdy of Othello, the Moor and his blind, un leahonlnc dlsttust of the pine Desde monp. which culminated when the erst- xxhlle Rall.int soldier nnd lover slew his blameless wife, but It renmlns for u twentieth rcntm y poet to chronicle the wild deeds of jealousy of n resi dent of the cl.ixslp precincts of Ferdl n.tnd stteet, North Hcinnton. There for many months dwelt one Petei M.us-lnciilti'h. known unto f.ime us "Polish Pete," In peace and har mony with his wife, the beautiful Hnsalle. She .was fair and virtuous and her husband, stionpr of ntm and brawn, whs llRhtly fond of her. Three months npo Peter klscrl his wife fate well and left for the soft coal legion, whence ho tetuincd two weeks nRo. He found his home peaceful, clean and quiet ns of ore, his lone pipe uniting him on the shelf nnd tho bot tle In the closet. Put In his wife's gteetlnK the mighty Peter detected something lacking. He gazed at her Wng and then It donned upon him that pet chance her loveliness might be as visible to othets as to himself. Straightway the gt pen-eyed monster entered his soul, nnd etc long Peter hail worked himself Into a vetltable Betserker's wiath, ns he thought of a good looking joung boatder In the houe and made him the Casslo of this modern Moor of Venice's frenzy. In his anger he vowed that P.osalle should not retain that beauty, which was causing him tho loss of his happiness. One morning, about a week ago, he nw likened her long before sunilse and led her out Into the woods near the Pilsbln colliery. Theio ho drew a knife nnd, hnldlnrr lt keen blade under her white throat, held out out In his other hand the baik of a tree, which he bade her swallow, lest she would die. The effects of tho baik, he knew, would be to cuipp a swelling and discoloration of the lip.., which would effectually alter the handsome contour of his wife's countenance. The poor woman pleaded hatd, but her obdurate husband commanded her to eat or die, nnd when she had obedi ently swallowed the batk, he exclaimed fleicely and abruptly. In Polish: "That Is not enough. Sit down and I will cut those accursed locks, which lender you so fair to other men." He then rough ly cut her long tresses, and walked home with her, uttering fierce threats all the way, once when neighbors re monstrated, angrily shouting that If ho so desired he would cut Rosalie Into small bits and stow her away In a chest. Last Sunday ho beat her so cruelly that friends, henrlng her cries, notified the police and "Polish Pete" was placed under nrrest. Rosalie then Informed Patrolman Hockenberry of the barbar ous treatment afforded her and pointed out to him the tree, of which she had eaten tho bark. Peter was committed to the county Jail last night by Magistrate Fldler, nfter a hearing at which the prisoner's father corroborated tho wife's state ments. Three hundred dollars ball and a JIO fine were Imposed on Murslnva vltch, who denied the charges. Moro Automobiles, Florey & Brooks received another consignment of Mobiles yesterday Anions' tha lot Is a handsome sur rey. Call nnd Inspect the now ma chines, Is It Hot Enough for You P Hanley's Ico Cream will cool any body, and it does not leave a bad taste In your mouth. 420 Spruce street. IT'S UP TO THE COUNCILS PRESIDENT SCRANTON WHITES TO THE RECORDER. Announces That Ho Has Tired of Waiting for Councils to Ratify tho $12,000 a Yoar Contract and With draws His Offer, with a Further Announcement That the "Tompor ary" Rato Will Be $18,000 aYear. Agitation for Municipal Wator Plant May Be Started. The expected has happened. Presi dent W. V. Scrnnton, of the Scrnnton (las nnd Water company, having tired of waiting for councils to forte tho ordlnunce providing for n flveyearcon tract for the supply ot water to the city, yesterday sent n letter to Re corder Connell withdrawing the com pany's former olfer of $1J,000 a year, nnd setting a new temporary figure) of Jl.i.noo n year until councils nrc will ing to enter Into a new agreement. The full text of Mr. Scrantnn's letter, which makes most Interesting reading, Is printed below : THK SCRANTOV (I S AMI WATI.lt CO. Si ranton. Pa , .luly C'i, I'm! Honorable Wllllim L. Connell, Kciunlir ot Sirintun. Dear Sir: On Sipt 2, lino, I wrote M.it r Molr, s.illincr hi attrntion to the fact that th last of the Uty'a tontraits with m foi water ex plieil Oct 1, lit!, and that, owing t'i the growth of the cit and the mnrmoiislv lnrrrisd usj nf water for stieet washing, flushing the sewers, etc, the pretlous rates were no longer ie,ult able, and suggrMin;: a new- contract more in uuordanic with exlstlns fails. NAMKI) LOW FICHirtK. loiter In the seison I met by request a com mittee of the seleit coiuull appointed lor the purpose, end, b order of our board, turned a xer.t low flcure, compared with the priies paid bi oilier citl'a cf about this i-le, at whlih we would agree to furnish the lilt gotemnient with watrr for either flic or ten .tens at ita p tion This price of l,nnn per month we under stood to be entirely satisfactory, both to the lommittee and the ceuniils. U the special re quest cl Mr. no-he, now director of public works, we also. In cider to show our good will, agrerd to continue the then existing rate till April 1, looi Mthough the matter of a new contract could enlly hue been put through In the two or three Mlowlng meetings of muni its, in my month! hate niw pissed ami the iltt authori ties hate et brought the milter to no conclu sion. On one pretext or another the matter las been held up till it Is quite etldent to us that fo- some reason or other unknown to us, the i lit- does not dislr- the rnntrait allied upon. We also learn that the councils are loivldiring the imposition on us cl a speclil liiense tax, amounting to .1 per ien. of our gross receipts. Anv thinking mm, who will reflect that watrr tales in Pirmton are ihout 21 per cnt. lower Hi in at an oilier place in this region front I'ore.t Cite to Nantlcoko, and who knows any thing of the tost of tiippltlmr watrr In lhsi coil regions, sr tint the onlf wav In which we cnuhl meet si.clt an Increise cf our expenses would be by raising our rates, either to the city gotertiment, rr In our other custom ns, or to both, to the lex, 1 of other plaies in this xillet. t'nder these ciiiumstances, we re quest our honor to notify the louneils tint our late ofler for stater to the city Is bereb with driw n Should the councils choose to take the mit ter up aeiln, we shall be pleased to meet, at their contenience, such commlttfis as may ! appointed Tcmporirllf, beginning Aug. 1, we will Mipply uih wiler as the city gotenunent may nred at 1,'.'V) per mi nth, prmided our bills aie pild promptly I beg to rill tour honor's attention to the fiei tint ot r bills for April, Mat nnd .June are not et paid Youns Irulv, W. W. .vranton, President. OKDINANCK HKI.D VP. The ordinance piovldlng for the $12, onn contract, refened to In Mr. Sctan inns' letter, was tltst Intiodticed In se lect council last summer and lind not been passed when the councils lemgnn led Inst April. Tho icstilt was that a new ordinance had to be Introduced. This- was done, nnd the measure wins quickly passed by select council, It went over to the common branch and has not been seen or henid fiom since. As far ns tan be learned, It Is still In the hands of the light nnd water com mittee. Just why the common council has been so dllatoty In considering the measure Is not known, but ask anybody In city hall and a couple of dozen of dlffetent icasons will be advanced. The company's bills for April, May anil June, leferred to In Mr. Scranton's letter, have not been paid for the rea son that Recorder Connell, In the ab sence of a contract, has refused to countersign any warrants for their pn.x ment. These bills are at the rate of $1,000 per month. The action of Mr. Scinnton In an nouncing nn Incicnse of the rate by $.'30 per month piovoked no end of com ment yesterday nnd sened to make one Very prominent member of the select council dcsitoiiB of starting once moip the agitation for the pstabllshment of a municipal water plant. "1 think that Just about one more letter along similar lines would cieate a public sentiment In fax or of the es tablishment of n municipal itater plant," said he, "which would ennblo us to secure an overwhelming majority at the polls. If wo could ever get councils to vote on the proposition." hi; has statistics. This councilman stands ready to bring the question, to an Issue, If he can secure the support of a few of his fellow-members In the select council. He has a series of statistics In his posses sion showing tho npptoxlmate cost of bringing water to thin city from the Susquehanna. These figures are based on surveys made by certain interested parties some few years ago, The estimated cost of bringing the itater within the city limits and of con-' structlng and equipping a pump house is ?3S5,000. The councilman In question believes that the issuance of $.100,000 worth of bonds at the outset would he sufficient, allowing, ns he does, the sum of $115,000 for the laying of distributing mains. Recorder Connell will send Mr. Scran ton's letter to select council Thuisday night. ' IS III PRINCES OF BAGDAD. They Conducted Election of Officers Last Night. Tho Princes of Bagdad met last night nnd as Is their wont were mer ly nt Mnlta hall. Tho annual nomi nation, election nnd Installation of of llceis xvns held, tho ceremony being Look for the "HARP AND THK ROOK" In the strept cars. Conservatory furnishes best courses for piano Instru otlons. First year course $30.00. Numerous recitals. Rapid progress -ted. Write for catalogue. J. Alfred Pennington, Director. entirely of a. public nature nnd wit nessed by n largo number ot specta tors. Many ladles were among those present, the occasion being, In fact, ladles' night. After the Initiation sen Ices, refteshments wore served and a general social session ensued, Thomas: Stewart was re-elected sul tan, nnd the other olllcers nro: Caliph, Frank Reee; khedlve, J. M. Jones j pasha, T. II. Henshawj vizier, Henry Moore: orlentnl guard, W S. R.irt lett: ecratchcr, K. T. Hone; grasper, Fred Myers: Inside guard, Ira P. Ives, The Inltlntlon rites were prin cipally of nn amusing nature. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS, Thoy Will Bo Hold in This City Oct, 10. Departmental civil service examina tions will be conducted In this city Oct. 19, nnd nil applications for posi tions must be filed with the civil ser vice commission at Washington, D. C. Tho positions to be filled nre ap pt entice book binder, book typewriter, clerk qualified ns stenographer and typewriter, compositor, electrotyper, elevator conductor, guard, Internal revenue messenger, messenger boy, press feeder, pressman, promotion to clerk, stenographer, stenographer nnd typewriter, stereotyper, tagger, type writer nnd watchman. WILL CEASE0PP0SITI0N Select Councilman Chittenden Is Con tent to Have Railroad Alloy Sowor Constructed. Select Councilman C. H. Chittenden yesterday announced that ho would make no further oblectlon to the pis sage of the ordinance providing for the construction of a $12,000 sewer on Railroad alley to relieve the L.icka wnnmi nvenue sower. Sunday night's heavy rain an I its nttendant results demonstiated to him, partly nt least, that his plan of turn ing tho water from Adams, Jeffetson nnd Madison nvonues Into tho sewer running down South Washington kvi nue, would not sufficiently relievo the Ltickawnnnn nvonuo sewer as to pre vent the flooding of basement. When seen yesterday, Mr. Chittenden said, "Yes, 1 have decided to make no further opposition to the ordinance providing for this new sewer. The money Is theio and l'mi about con iliiced that wo mlcht as well use It for this purpose as for any other. The water that came Into these basements didn't do much damage, but as long ns it keeps coming In we'll continue to have- a gonoi.il complaint from prop el t owneis. and If wo can prevent this It may be for tho host. I'm not nilcgether convinced that my ; I in was not the best, ns Sunday night's rain was a phenomenal one nnd we may not have another like it for years." City Engineer Phillips, with whom Mr. Chittenden had such a discussion rcgnrdlng the new sewer, said that Sunday night's inln ptoved the truth of his conclusions. "The flooding of tho ccllirs along Lackawanna nvenue," said hp, "proved that Mr. Chittenden's plan xtas not worth considering. I consider that mv arguments are more than borne out by the results of the stotm nnd the only thing I'm worrying about now Is whether my plans for the new sower provide for one of suftlclont size." Mr. Phillips sent out several of the members of his corps yesterday morn ing with instructions to visit every business place on Lackawanna avenue below Wyoming and compile a list showing tho height of tho water In the hasements nf nil those which were flooded by the backing up of the sewer water. The list glvpn out ypsterdnv afternoon, with the height of water In each, xtns as follows1 J. 11. Williams ,ti Company, fi Inches; Four Cent Store, 1 Inch; Goldsmith's Shoe stote, l'i Inches; Scrnnton House, li Inches; Cnssesse's hotel, 4 Inches: Lohmnnn's hotel, G Inches; New York Department store, 7 Inches; Krotosky Brothers, 6 Inches; Hotel Scott, S Inches; Coyne House, fi Inches: Fred Ditrr's, 4 inches; Myer Davldow's, t Inches; Hotel Carroll, I Inches. Some of the "strict constructionists," who oppose tho construction of the sewer, say that it cannot be legally constructed,. They maintain that the wording of the spwer bond ordinance ptovlded for tho Issuance nf $12,000 worth of bonds for "tho eulaiglng nnd recnstructlon" of the Flist district main sewer. It Is contended that the construction of nn entliely new sewer Is neither "the enlarging or recon struction" of the present one, and maintain that It cannot bo done. UNIQUE FISHING POLE. Presented to Superintendent Robling by Lieutenant Murphy. Thomas P. Muiphy, of West Scrnn ton, ex-lleutenant In the Forty-ninth Volunteers, yesterday visited Supeiln tendent of Pollco Funk Robling and piesented him with a unique souvenir nf the Philippines. When In composite form It appears to be merely a quaintly carved, rather bulky cane, but when In working order Is really a splendid Ash ing rod, about eight feet In length. It consists of four sections, all made of strong, light bamboo, and Is about as neat a specimen of the skill of the Filipino wood-carver as has been seen In this section. Steam Heating and Plumbing. P. F. & M. T. Howley,231 Wyoming ave. The popular Punch cigar Is still the leader of the 10o cigars. Best Goods for Little Money Boneless Sardines, quarters, fin est imported fish. 15c per tin. Boudet Sardines, full size tins, 19c, value 25c; quarters iac. Boneless Sardines, full size tins, 35c. 100 dozen Salmon, 12 lb tins, ioc; value 15c. Beechnut Bacon and Beef, 15c and 35c, glass package, Deviled Meats, ioc and 15c. Pressed Turkey and Chicken, 25c and 45c. E. G. Coursen SCHWENKER THREE AHEAD HE NOW HAS A CLEAR TITLE TO SECOND PLAOE, Milos, Buckingham and Lewis Also Brought in Points Yesterday in The Tribune's Educational Contest. None of tho Young Ladies Heard from Loaders Are Progressing Slowly Still Time for a Few Ear nest Workers, but Thoy Must Be gin Before August ID. Standing of Contestants, f TABLE NO. 1. T If this wia the lilt day, these would win! Point. Z 1. Meyer Lewis, Scran- ton 000 I 2. Henry Schwenker, South Scrnnton. . . 300 i, 3. M i s s Wilhelmina Grlflin, Providence. 363 ( 4. William Miles, Hyde Park ubu 5. Gnrflcld Anderson, Carbondalo 208 0. R a y Buckingham, Elmhurst I4's 7. Miss Norma Mere dith, Hyde Park .. Ill 8. Miss Vidn Pedrlck, Clark's Summit. . . OO TABLE NO. 2. J How many of these will be In Table No. X sjii tilt. ViW3lii -J .JL roin'.s, T o. August Brunner, jr., Carbondalo 05 Z 10. Frank Ksmmerer. - . ..i inctoryvlllo 63 f ii. avavia u. .tsmery, Wimmers. Pa. ... 45 I 12. Arthur C. Griffls, Montroso 30 I 13. W. H. Harris, Hyde arnrK xij 14. Miss Minnie Wallis, Carbondnle 20 15. E. J. Sheridan, Haw- s lev a I! 16. Miss Jennie Ward, Olyphant 6 , , j.i. itiiueri unmpDen, Green Ridge 3 -W-H-s4Mtj-i.H. Henry Schwenker has a clear title to second place In The Tribune's Educa tional Contest this morning, as he leads Miss Wilhelmina Grlflin by thice points. It looked last week as If Miss GrifTln would easily take second place away from Mr. Schwenker, but she has not turned In any points since Friday nnd the young man Is again drawing-ahead of her. None ot the young ladles scored yes tetilay, but William Miles, Ray Buck ingham nnd Meyer Lewis Increased their .coios materially. Mr. Bucking ham Is gaining on Garfield Anderson, he being fifteen points nearer that young man than he was three weeks ago. While there Is Just now a sharp con test for second place, still the leaders nto not going ahead very inpldly, and there is a good chance for some new contestants to enter and fotge rapidly to the front. The contest does not close until August 31, and jiew contestants will bo lecelved until August 15, but entries will positively close nt that tlmo. An one who Is Intetested should send a postal to "Kdltor Kducatlonnl Contest, Tribune, Scranton, Pa.," and full partlculais, Including a handsomely Illustrated booklet, will be sent by re turn mall. If you wish to enter the contest, address the same as above nnd iH'-l"t4"r-Hr Get Your Straw Hat Now ! This is the best opportunity to buy you will have this sea son. Don't wait. Knox $3 and $4 hats, both rough and split braids, reduced to $2.00. All $1.50 and ?2 Straw Hats, any shape or style, &1.0o. oNSi rao3 Wa.hlniUa . X : Oils, Paints .jytos-vj r Wa.Waalaa HnHT Jvlbsjtsysi MaIon?y Oil 5 Maniilacfiiring Company, X 141-149 Meridian Street. X TELEPHONE 26-2. Steer Si CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. a book of subscription blanks will be sent so that you can begin work at once. HE SPRAINED HIS KNEE. E. B. Sturges Suffered a Painful Accidont While Crossing the Ocean, Word received by friends In this city has made known the fact that n, B. Sturges, of Green Ridge, the tireless head of the Municipal league, Miffeiod a serious accident on ship board, ns a result of which he hns been partly crippled during his entire Journey. It was first rumored that Mr. Sturges had broken a leg, but the au thentic Information Is to the effect that he painfully sprained his knee, and ns a result had to have his limb enensed In a plnster cast, Mr. Sturges, wife nnd daughter, left New York June 20, on the Doulschland, nnd It xtns during tho first few dajs of the outward trip thnt he slipped on ship board nnd sustained the Injury. Since then the party has visited Venice, Dresden, Berlin and other European points of Interest and will leave for home Aug. 15. SEE THE SCOTCH DANCING. At the New Armory Next Monday Afternoon and Evening. When the famous Kilty band opens nt the new armory next Mondny after noon nnd evening they will no doubt be greeted by a large sized nudlence. There xtlll be excellent music, music that xvlll compare with anything eer heard In this city; singing by n xoenl choir of considerable ability, and last but not least, several numbers of the piogramme will bo Highland dancing, by dancers of national reputation. Don't fall to see this great aggrega tion of Canadians, that have boon tak ing us Ynnkees by storm. Tho Buffalo Express spoke ns follows of their con cert In that city; A xxarm xtelcome wns given to the kilted musicians. The audience was of good size and very enthusiastic. The band Is largo and gives fine evi dence of careful training. It gave a splendid programme. Realizing that a continuous How of band music Is apt to pall on the senses, the manage ment Interspersed the bill xvlth char acteristic dances of Scots and with choius singing. If Yon Have Headaches don't experiment with nlleged cures. Buy Krnuse's Headache Capsules, which will cure any headache In half an hour, no matter what causes it, Price 25c. Sold by all druggists. Your are always cool and com fortable after eating a plate of Han ley's Ico Cream. It's the best In Scranton. 420 Spruce street. Smoke the Pocono Cigar, 5c. A LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE The greatest commercial economist in the world today. Compared to any necessary Investment In business, Iheprofitfrom aTELEPHONE Is Incalculable. Residence and Commercial rates at a moderate cost. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TELEPHONE AND SUPPLY OO Uinager'a office, 117 Adams avenue. All Wool Suits to Order $15,00, Worth $30.00 King Miller, Merchant Tailor, FOR LADIES AND (ICNTS. 433 SPRUCE STREET. The Hotchkiss Automatic Paper fastener, Fastens Paper Together in a Jiffy. Automatic, Neat, Attractive. Guaranteed, Cheap, Reliable This new machine is Improved In every detail. The price, Including 500 O CJ fasteners, Is P 4iJ SCB OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. REYNOLDS BROS,, Hotel Jermy.i Building X and Varnish We arc steering straight for pops ularlty and success. We could not do this were it not for the confi dence our patrons put in us. This confidence Is gained by such offers as Our Bottled Porter The only stimulant for that run down condition. h'l"t4-sl.sM.f4MH1, Mid-Summer I Sale of IS HI,! Our entire stock of joe Sofa Pillows (ex cept Gibson Pillows) will be sold this week only at 39c E Cramer-Wells Co., 130 Wyoming Ave. X. M Were never In greater demand than are our S h i rtAa i sts this season. Our fourth shipment has Just been received. Call and see them. . . ..iA.iiahJ Conrad, "A Gentlemen's Furnisher." 305 Lackawanna Avenue. Tlfi-vv"! I Real estate has lYlUl L" I always been tho most steady and certain investment to be had, but it has been shunned gages by many because they were so hampered in dealing with it. Many mortgagees, when they have at tempted to collect their loans, have found out that their security was worthless because of prior liens or defective title. A Title company in issuing its policy to the mortgagee assumes all risks. If there has been any mistakes, the loss does not fall on the mortgagee. title guaranty trustc- 0P.5CRAHT0N.PENNA. 516 Spruce Street. C 'A. Watresj, President, A U. McCllntocL-, .Vice-president. II. A. Knapp, V.-Prei. Italpb S. Hull, Trust Officer. "Coming Events Cast Their Shadows Before" The "getting-ready" season Is here. Every day carloads of mer chandise nic unpacked at our warehouses on Oakford court. The stoio must he in readiness to recelvp them Every additional article that enters our rear doors cries for space op our sales floors. Vo find the pricp-lowprlng sjs tem the ijiost effective remedy for making new space. Tomor row Clo-Carta and Baby Car riages will be among the sacri ficed. Moro of those Hu;socks here. Somo covered In Velvet Carpet, others In Tapestry, Monday only we xvlll sell all Mattings worth 30c. at 2-q.c All 26c, crude win bo sold at 20c Monday only, OIVEDITYOU? CERTAINLY! '"THE: C0ROMY 2i21-223-225-227 WYOMING AVENUE. Out-of-town buyers will do well to write for our Illustrated Catalogue. Mtflifflr J jUji. &J si , A .V ' V