rihttte. orniton V THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SGRANTON, PA., TUESDAY MOKNING, JULY 30, 3901. TWO CENTS. STEEL STRIKE SETTLEMENT peace Is ExDCGtcd to Follow the Conference Between Leaders o! Gontendlno Forces. ANXIETY AT PITTSBURGH Iho Coming Mooting of Committoo to Considor Proposition of Stool Magnates Io Lookod Upon with Mingled Hopo and Foar-Secre-tary Bishop of thn Ohio Board of Arbitration Believed to Have Been Largely Instrumental in Bringing About tho Present Gratifying State of Affairs-Strikers Deter mined to Loso No Ground. Bv Fxclnle irp from The Associated Press I'lttslnng. I'.t.. July 20. Kvcrybody Is on qui le tonight In Pti Iko circles nnd tho coming confeience of the load ers of tho two contending foiees Is looked fotwaid to with mingled hope nnd tear. Hope, however, piodonil natrs .ind peace Is eonlldontl) opect mI by the mnjoilty of thoo Interested. "The executive hoard of the Amalca rtt.itcd association w 111 meet at tho xoeutlve li"ailruai ters toimurow at 10 o'clock or us soon theicaftor as pos. fdble, and tako up the propositions of the I'nltod States Steel roipoi.ttioii for n settlement of the stool workers' stiike" This statement was mime to. dav by Secretary Williams, of the Amalgamated association. Heyoud this he declines to discuss tho stilko In any form. Thoie hus no cliang- In tho poltlon of tho two contestants today. Both sides' hold tli ml to the plan of watching each other Tho iilllelnls of the Wood mill of tho Aniotlt.iti Shpot Steel company made no attempt to rtnrt the plant and Indentions pointed to tholr lemalnlng Inactive until the stiike negotiations ate decided ono unv or other. Tho !lit icpoit of tho dav that tho American Tin I'iate company was making mi otfoit to stut tho Dernier plant with non-union men and that ono sot of lolls is being operated, was nftorwnid explained as b'ii"? t run. or that sinitid from tho faet tint 're company hid some men at wmk ro palilng the plant, with the expectation tint tro stiiUo will bo settled This va a busy dav for Pieslilent Shaffer nnd tho executive olllceis of the mal gannterl ns-snelitlon Thoie was n rteailv stream of c.illeis from e.uly In the morning and Innumei lblo lonfer- cicef bearing on the piopo-ed settle. mct of the stiike President Shaffer (if firm In his determination not to talk on the stilko situation until after Hi meeting tomonow 01 until the pro Tnstlon of the United States Steel coi puiatlon It was Intimated, however, that there was a yei strong llkollhrml that the committee would not Adjourn tomoirow until tlipy had met with the Mimttm tine) and foimally di elded the settlement of the strike, if this should lie tho in.se. peace Is possible In n shoit time. Whitovor points are to be distuned aie still known only to tho officials of the association nnd the cotporatlon. Conference with Shaffer, Colonel C, Watson Uiemh and ,1 I'. Talor, of the lteptibl( lion and Steel company had a lengthy nntciiuo with President Shaftcr, but the objee t of their i all wa not undo publli It wav said, howevci. that it had no con nectlon with tho stiike sottlemont but lather to the aft.ilis of tho Youngstown cumpinv. It was said that the repub lic company was in need of a number of skilled men nnd In .ouch of them After the llt of Colonel French, Jo seph lilshop, the secietaiy of the Ohio board of nihlnatloti went Into lonfei eiico with I'll'sldent Shaffei His t was In connexion with tin stilko. What was said, linvvcvei wis not di vulged nnd will not bo It is believed Hint Mi Hlshop has been aitlvelv en gaged In bilnglng about the last i on ffrence between tho striken and tho steel tiut and Is among the most gratified men over the tesults that ate at least piomlsed Ono of the most ap. paient facts In the status of the stilko today was the deteimlnatlon of the stilkers to loso no giound In thflr struggle while peace negotiations aio being condui ted. It was explained that this plin was absolutely necessary In order that the position of the Amalga mated association should bo stiong vhon the settlement takes plate. Most of the ofllclals of the Amalgamated as sociation expiesced conlldeniu that the strike Is near on end. News lecelved fioni nil points wlieto the stiike Is In piogiess todav was of a reassuring nature. The strikers claim to have moio than held their giound since the strike began, nnd since tho opening of the campaign they Halm to hnvp Inciensod their membership In MoKeesport alone to over 1,500 men, Accessions to the ranks of Hip Amalga mated association have also bepn made In Wellsvllle, Vlttsliuir Alleghenv, Mingo Junction, and VMvcislde, W. Vn where ono of the National Tube com pany's mills l.s npeiatod. With the American Steel Hoop company the change Ins been one of tho most sweep ing. Hefore the sttlke. practlcnllv all but two of the mills weie non-union At this time all but one of tho mills of this company are union nnd are Idle from the sttlke. The sltatlon of the American Tin riate company Is well undei stood. All of the mills of that company urn working under union rules excepting the Monessen. The story told of this mill Is that under the ngrement made at the time It was seemed by tho trust, the management of the plant was to be left In tho hands of tho former officials for n period of live years. This was done In order to wove the value of the patent meth od! for producing tin plates thoie. This plant Is still tunning as non union, and while thirty-six men have been discharged fioni the plant for embiaclng union pilnclples, mannger 1'eicy Donncr claims that tho plant Is running full nnd has not been nf frited by the stilko In the least. The mill employes over SOft men In all de pHi Intents and Is ono of the best pro duces in tho Amoiican Tin riato coiupanv's gioups of mills. Terms of Settlement. The following teims of settlement of the strike and the pioginmme for tomorrow come from nn authorltn t'e source nnd can bo telled upon In all human piobablllty as tho out come of tho meeting of the confeiees. Trims of probable settlement: 'I he Vmaleaitiitrd n"t elation Is to drop rotv trillion tor the ienlnn cf a siale for all mill Ml mills -no tu bo ' open" mill In the billot frii'c c( Ihe term. The tompan) is to luxe tlif rlcht In phee nonunion men 111 tim pi ml an I Vcrp them their In addition tn thr plans rov i rcrl In tlio expired seile, It Is flcned fur thr fillnuinei bevvies Wood, el McKicspnrt. Paint ir llnrbiv niul Mi( nli limn ami I lark mills, ol Pituhnre, and Ionscsen plants ct the Ainerinn soil ll'inp lompinv 'I he iietlin ol nuk nc Hie Mrltaille nhocl plmt mil Hie M ui-ii tlnplale mill Olirrtb corroil li llic si lit H to lie tllnl bv the ei ndrep Hie mil;iinjtul ao-latl"n l to line tie prlwln:i '( nrmnilni: the men In am nf 'he plinK Slllcnimt pionninir (or Mie cik: The rxnutur ininmlltre of tho VinjIeniMlnl J Hiiinllnn lll nint it heaiMuiitPM At W mhtk In Iho timnilng iiml i r rtnl tn mllfi Hie pro iiiunil turns nutllnpcl l3 Iho Sph "rk mn lirPiiii n liilonml mrrllnc "I inntrree I' rpprpupiil thr thipe epjntln: mmpinlP In III" Jnliil iniifriiiire W to lip hrlil H the dime tlmi lnmljiliirii' iintrrp ( tin ht nippunu lll In mi roiilniP" I niul the tnitomitp I men pnlhlr In the nnleiniitfd hpi'lipiartpn in Ihf Itlfwell tlock. In the afternoon, to sign thp mjIc COLUMBUS GRAND CIRCUIT RACES Fair Weather, Good Crowds ond Excellent Exhibition The Summarios, IV Fxclmlvp Wire from The noeiated PreM Columbus. O, Julv L!. The Colum bus CSiand Clicult taco meeting opened auspiciously at the Driving paik this afternoon, with fair weather, a good crowd, and some excellent lacing. The !ll pace was tho first taco on the pi ogi amine, and thirteen sldo-w heelers answered the bell Maitha Marshall, driven by Andv McDowell, was favorlto at JJ5 tr JO for the field. Captain Sphinx won the Hist heat. Tho favorlto took the next two heats, pacing the second in 2.041, i educing her tcc r.id ii full second. In the fouith nnd fifth heats she got away badly each time, giving Nouamle and Phecan a chance for a heat each (Inly tho fout-heat winners appealed for the sixth heat, when Martha Mar shall stepped to the fioni at once and kept hrr poMtlon to the vlro, though hnid pic-sed b.v hheean In the utietch The L'.LM trot was a dl-appolntnient. In that It hud only four staiters. Countly Jay was looked upon as a sine winner, but May Allen took his mc.isuie, out tiottlng him and winning thieo stialght heats. The last race was a gift to Dan P.itchen. the handtsime son of Joe I'atchen. who easily beat his tbld, and was never foiced to tho top speed. luminary: '.'It ihw, piuiici pnr-J", J,("i: Vlirlhi Mir-liill. In (iraml VUr- hill (VliDmul!) Miim in (Franl) 11 t ipulii -phlnx (pIIp) 1 NhiiiiiiIp iIIpIih) 5 1 1 I 7 7.2 .1 I .' 3 11 1 ruiloM, Colonel Pii k Thompson, Irinkle, Win flplil straiten. CoIIpbi lim, bin It, rrmk oikuin ami liJkiiiont aim hrtil. Tinie, 2 0s'8l 2 07i, .'00'i, S.U'4, !i U'i. eJ 2 It elan", trottin.'; purse, ",nci: Mai Allen, lv (fm illen lMUon) 1 I 1 (ouiitn Io (Mhpm 2 2 3 pi Iinnioiis il'iice) I " 2 Mi "diellei (Van l.UuO 3 dii lime. 2 IP,. 2 ll'. 2'i' 2 in ill, iniin.-: piii-o, '2.CHI0 Pin I'lKhen, lie I'ltilicn (Millenrj). 1 1 1 I i ink Miiiintt (linieO 2 S 2 I'mliliiu- lln ln:ill 2 4 le.'il Hit lliolii'lil) 5 I 'I II null tt iMIIIrr) 1 a 3 lime. .Mi"!. 2 11' J, 2 12 GERMAN SQUADRON AT CADIZ Prince Honry Sends Greetings to Quoon Regent of Spain, ni rvilmiio Wire from The Usodatcd Press, ( nli, lull 1 On Hi uiiital lure if tho iiiiiiMii sipiiihiin i uiiniiuilfd hi I'liucc Hi in v of I'll.--! i Hi lilt I lei .'l iphid. In the lilluo it I nip nn Willi mi mneiiiigs to Hit cpie n legi-nt f N nn an I leuuid a undid ripli biiiii 7li In nn in blue inlrla who hip adioie heir in frilnnilug with SpmUli koIiIIpis and nil' i Prime llimi iluriiig I he dat visited tho iiuuninilii of the pijt Tho Juniata Democratic Ticket, tly Ksehulie Wire from The Associated Press Mirtllntown, Pi . lilts ") -'Hie fimlita uiiinli" Hini'HMlk lonipuilon nipt hole tmliv md He tnllnuinj tit krl j n iniin.ileil : Piesldent Jiulge, Itobut Mi Vfepp, ef Vliiillnlnwn: a-noilate judges, llowaid Klik and llr I. VI. (Jrubbj inr. inn, (1 W 1 let U ; muni! uui.ioi, (', od r. S ( laitiui -lomr, of .Mllrtlnlown, was elccti I count cluirnun. Killed by Lightning. D) Kxeluslie Wire from The Asoelated Press. Mlcnlown, P.i . Julv 2 llurlng a teirific thundir ti mi lieie tonight Benjamin Kcului, ngnl IT ipara, wis kllli-d In lightning lie waa walking along the tieet with a companion when In was plunk Ilia eompinion was piprdv shoikul lightning slunk lu mam plan's In this iliinll.i, but did no gnat cijinige Extending Telephone Systom. Hi I'vihulie Wire fron The .ociated Press Heading. li . .lull 21 -The work of extend lug the Valli) tel-plionc tem to Heading was loinplcleil ibis evenln.' to a point mar tin uly lluiits. This is a part of the C'oiifOlldatpd Tele phone roinpaiii Mlrni, which U to imbruo mini lounlie in l.istern PrnnKjltania. Woik In till i city will be commenced at unce. Pay for tho National Guardsmen. Hv Ktxlmlir Wire from The AssoeUted Press llarrlsbiim. Pi, JuH Si djutint (tencral f-tewart will Imim vouchers for the Individual piv ef oiHocrs and men of the I'lrnt and Third hrlgade for their tour of duty duiing. the recent Im Il.hIi; em inipinrut Dauphin Delegates, Hy r.vcluilie Wire fiom The Associated Tress. lUrrl.biirg, la , Julv 2'1 - r.eorKe Ross, W'il. Ham 11 lones and (leorge rilbraltli were unanl moiidy ilecterl utalf delegitek from the rnt lectilatite district of Uiuphlu eounty t hi even Inj by the Republican city convention. POLICE FOR PHILIPPINES Major Allen, of tne Form-Third In- fantru, Has Been flDnoInted Chief ol the Force. A DISHONEST OFFICER Capt. Spellman of tho Same Rofji ment Sont to Jail for Tvo Years for Fraud Oen. Chaffeo Wants Troops to Look More Soldier Liko. Santa Cruz Robbers at Largo. Aguinaldo Soems Contented. Spends Much of His Timo in Study. It KxrlinlTe Wire from The Awoolated Press. Manila, July S3 Major Henry Al len, of the Foity-thiid volunteers, who was some time since appointed governor of the Island of 1-eyte, has been chosen chief of tho Insular con stabulary, and will pioceedi with tho oiganl.atlon nf that force. Captain Spellman, of tho Toity thlrc, has been sentenced to two ears In prison for encouialng tiode at the closed ports. Oeneral Chnftee has Issued an or der that tho troops shall wear their coats buttoned ovorywheie outside of the bariacks. The order dispenses with the use of flannel shltts, which have hcietofore been the custom aiy outer garments, Ofllceis aio or deied to wear khaki for all duty and swords always when actively com manding. White or dress suits aro permitted to be vvoin on social occa sions. (In visiting the posts unexpectedly, CJoneral Chaffee found an astonishing vailoty In tho uniforms and a gieat laxnrss reg.udlng the clothing of the 1 1 oops. Two native policemen have boon killed in the suburbs of Cebu. Fir ing upon tho town continues. Pro vost Davis Is conducting an Investi gation. The detectives emplojed In Investi gating the Santa Cruz rnhboi.v have found no definite clew, nor have they learned the amount of money which the thieves obtained. It appeals that the seigeant of the guaid was Intoxicated, and that one sentiy was detailed to guard the five entrances to the guaid house. Oeneral Martin Dolgado, governor of the Island of Panay, has asked foi aid in consequence of the lavages of locustts and the ilnderpest. Spanish lesidentsi of Manila aie urg ing the Philippines commission to tax real piopetty on the basis of tho Income deilvcd Instead of on its value. Discussion of the Manila chattel Is being continued. An InvetUlpttlon Is ponding In tho case of Lieutenant McCarthy, of tho Thlity-tlfth leglment. because of the loss ol $1,000 public money w idle being conveved from Apairi to Manila, AQUINALDO SEEMS CONTENTED Offlcor Who Had Him in Charge Ar rives in Transport Meade. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Ss.in Fifinilxco, July 20 Anions the aim' olllceis who have lettuncd to tho 1'nlted Suites on the ttaiistioit Meade Is Captain J. S. Mallory, foimeily lleu tennnt colonel of volunteer, vvhci Is to lejoln tho riecond nfantiy, I'p to the time Un'it he was oidered home Cap tain Mallmy had Aulnaldo In li l.s cdiaipx. He i-as that the ex-lnstiisent leader spends all his time In studvInK and iccelvIiiB visitors. 1Mb wife nnd family aie with him, and ho appeals contented. The Meade made the trip fiom Ma nila In tho iccnrd-lnenklnf? time of twenty-one dajs. It bi ought 133 men of the i:iKhth Field battel y. twenty one hospital coips men, casuals; thlitv llve Ins-ane, 3i eonvnlencnt finlillets, one time osplied pilsonep, 20.' dls clnirRcd soldieirt fiom Manila and KM dead. Incliidltifr the body of Helen 1"). Cochrane, a contract muse, who died In Manila of acute nephritis, it is tho III st body of a woman to be hi ought fiom the Philippines Thcto vveto about 100 pas-enBeis, In cluding Hrlff, Oen. It. H. Hall, Col. C. II. Orecnleaf, Col, Moalo and a num ber of other ai my olllceis. Dih. Humphreys and Ollmoie. of tho United Slates solar eclipse expedition, were nlso on board. Four deaths occuned dining the voyage those of Lieut. 12. .1. 11 Inchon, IXty-llist volunteeis; V. ,. Htadley, second eavaliy: John Hlue, Thltd cavalry, and John Muiphy, Fif teenth Infantry, Information vvns brought that the Itrarport Sherman will an he heio about AuguRt 0, bilnglng flen. Mac Aithur ond paity and the men of tho Fouiieenth lnfantiy. Capt 11. H. Sin gent, another pis- senger on the Meade, was lieutenant colonel if the Twenty-ninth volunteer lnfantiy, commanding tho attacking forces at Son Mateo at the time CJen. Lawton was killed, Deceiuhei id, lsi'i. lie has since taken his old title of C'pU'n In the tegular aimy, Cuptaln William L, Kenly, command ing tho Eleventh Field battel . which the Meade biought home, commanded the battery at the Lapote liver In tight under Oeneial Lawton. nnd inn tho guns to within thirty-live yaids of tho Insurgents' tienches acioss the river. Captain Kenly was an aide tit General MncAilhur until he took com mand of the Klghth n shott time ago John riunnlgim. sentenced to llfo Im prisonment for the murder of Hentge V. Lake at Seoul, Corea, was brought here on the Meiido and lodged In San Quentln. Lake was Flnnnlgan's part ner In the saloon business, The convic tion was btcuied on circumstantial evidence, JACKSON THE WINNER. Ho Defeats Jommlo Handlor in Nino Rounds. Py I'viliKhe Wire from Tho Aworlslfd Press. IlHltlmnre, Jul 'Jl "oinitt" Peter Jackson, the ("iillfornli cnlmcil tad, won from ".llmrm'" llaniller, of Xpwark, X. .1 , toulKfit in the ninth limml of the fiercest nlusKllitt initih tier helil in lliltlinuie Hie contet, whlili wan to lino (tune twenty round, is lirld at I'mil's Opera House nniler the nuplies uf the Knreka Mhletle rltili anil the mercury a In the iielgliliuthnoil of 1IKI lloth mm Mere In pood nhape, Imt ,liikon hail the liest of It In this rmpi'it nml llil.i fitt von him Ihe Intllr. Ilandlpr hIhIim! the kIiieeIiii; as noon s the men reuheil tho 1 1 nli r nf the linif, Vrrphic it up alt through the mill He itemed to he .ihle tn hit the niprn whin ami nlieio he pleiril, and hit him hurl at tint, Imt tho Callfomlan took his juinl-h ment caiuili ind sinoil up nmlpr It luniksoniel.c II nniler ermril to hue the fiht In hanrl In the flxlh, hut the trout: sue Peler another iliatue ami he fought wailt) during the foi colli ami iIlIiUi Handler Mas tlll punching hard uhui Jnt ai the ninth svt about to end Jackson Imiled 1 villous left aiving nn the white boj'n Jiws, enillnz him to tli" floor In the toutheast inrner nnd mtllni; blin btokbv. Mter this there wen nine wilil hIiirs, llh llaniller ua'plnc; ami ilicil until the )llce onlered the tight lopppll uul lleleroe (,eori,e Vfanl ihelflpil thit Jickvui was the w liinrr. TIip decision was welt lueiiPil, althoiigh II miller was the favorite with the liluit niul hid the Mmpitlilcu of the crowd fiom i-tart (o fin .i. WHIST COVORESS MEETS. The Lacknwnnna Club of Scranton Joins tho Longuo at Milwaukee. fly Exclusive Wire from The Associated Presi ' Mllw inker, Wis, Jul.i 01 -Hie elecnth in mill mtiRrrM of the Amerlc in Vhlt leaguo opi nrd in this ell todi lloutine hudnoss iK tupled the moimue session I'larins will not be in full (mliig until tomoirnn, as m.im- nf the ileleiritrs hue not vet irriuil Kntrless for the Iliookbn tiophi closed indij mil number six teims, toiisl'tliic of not Ims than twelie pliy ers, and rpprpicntlnsr. auxiban isciitlons as fdlowi,- Atlantic, cw York, N'orlhwestern, Chi c ico, Wisiondn and Vllrhlsin The first round becan al 2 o'rlnik this aftirnonn and at Rn'rloik this evinlne the rtitil rouml will be plived Pet the first tune In the histnr of thr league women hair bem allowed to enter tho contest for the Prooklin trophi At 1 meftlnjr of the pterutivr rommlttee ljik auanni ilub, nf Scranton, Pa , and the s)c tun, Mich , dull were elected members of the league ( hh Tgo .cirried off the honors in the first ilii'a tnuinitnent gimra of the Whist league b ripturlnc tin llrooKhn trophj It required but foiiis rnunds tn intie at a lorlion, Chicago winning four lounds In itinesjlon LATE KING HUMBERT'S MEMORY HONORED The Anniversary of His Tragic Death Is Celobrated by Appro priate Exercises at Rome and Elsewhere. Dy Kxelusiie Wire from The Aisociated Press. Koine, Julj 20 The (list annlversar sary of the ti.iglc death of King Hum belt, who was ass.ihsinated at Mon.. July 21 last, by (Inetiiuo Hrcscl, an ati aichlst, was celebi.ited today by com memoiatlve oervlces thtoughout Italy. Home was the contie of the obseivance, and thoie vseie 100 000 vlsitot. here on a pllgi Image to the tomb of King Hum licit, In the Pantheon. The ceiemonles began at 7 o'clock this nun nine, when King ind Queen Maiguctit.i and Queen MaiU Pla (dowager riueen of I'liitugal and a pilncess of the house of Savov) and the pilnces and pile, -esses mayed at the tomb of the 'ate king. The loyal party nftoiwatd nttende i mass At 10 o'clock high mass was? tele biated In tho P.intiieon, which vv.n Imposingly de-cot atod lnsldo and out skle. Vciy conspicuous In tho centre of the edifice stood a catafalque stn mounted by the royal Insignia and sunounilcd by Innumei able wax tapeis. Detach ments of loyal culriassleis vveie posted about the building and other troops, cordoned the Pantheon squiiio. Itep lejentatlves of the king, the Knights of the Older of the Aumulata, the cabinet mlnlstei, the diplomatic corps, tho state nnd provincial nuthoiltles, the i.eii.ilois and deputies and many naval and military otlkeis weie pies ent at the high mass. RAIN IN THE CORN BELT. The Drouth Appears to Be Broken in tho Southwest. H Ixiluslie Wire from Ihe Associated Press. Washington, Jul 2) Ofluid advices to the weather buieiu aie lenhimatoi) of the pres n puits of the pievaluice ot rain ovir much if the loin bilt fiiin la.t nii,lit, with looler vmj'Ii cr Him voatrrdiv Duiiue the jiavt twentj four hmirh lain has fillen i mnallv over 'h-t KPilIm, with mine fpw enption, notablv Soith- in ilhln, Iviulii k in I southwestern .von vi Wliile not vciy heivy in ainounl, the rilw nc ilcfiriln-d nffliiilly as it in fair fir Milium r time. t hansis lit there was over in men cf prmlpltitinn, fiom one iiiarter to ilmost two Intlirs In various puts of Iowa; In Vehraika the lainlrtl was fair: in I itern and Noithem (ikh Ihiui there were tome 'iumm and in .MU-ourl tlitv weic prcth fair showers ne preillcted for toinunow eist ol the MImIm1iiI river and tiir weather wet 'lem piriuir's in tlio coin belt were gmerallj uhovo isl deteei, but in foiuo loialltics thev did not eel tn liljh and were no' above 0i degrees, i irpt In ome fen localities I'or the next dav or two tPinperaturis will be rrisonihlv lnodcrite a compired with those of the pat lit atod peiloil. Lightning Strlkos Church. Dv rxelualve Wire from The Associated Press 1'ishklll Landing. V V, Inly ) Hie bellry of the old Dutih lit formed church was tmuk b.v lightning this .ifleiiioon, and Hie ailirlnr of the ImJldlng ilHinagtil During the llevolutlon nrv war tlt'a church was cmi js 4 nillll.iry prison. Murder and Suicide, Dy Kxeluslvo Wire from The Associated Press l.oili.1' (ll, him. Inly 2) I. Wrhj. pro. piii tin of Hip Paik hotil. lodav shut and killnl lis wife and then shot himself, both itolnc In tanll,v, 'Ihe caosu aiiiiied is a ditagitcmcnt uvcr piopeit). Shntkey Will Meet Jeffrlos. Dy KkiIioIvo Wire from The Associated Press llnstnn, .lull fr Tom sharkiy loda acceplnl an olTrr to meet lames I Jeffrie befoie tho San Kianilsco Athletic club In Stptember. The details of the match will now be epccdlly nil fled. - 11 The Death Roll. Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Wilmington, Del , July 2') George VV Vernon, publisher of the Ilepubllcan, cf this cltv, time 1515. died tonight, He was A jcars of ace and a nitlvc vt ("better county, pa. lie liau.cd the priming trade In the office ol Dsjard Taylor, UNCLE SAM'S LAND LOTTERY One Thousand ol the 160-ftcrc Claims in the Klowa-Gomanchc Tract Awarded Yesterdaij. CAPITAL PRIZE WINNERS Stophen A. Eolcomb Has Cholco of tho Farms in El Rono James R. Wood, of Woatherford, Gets tho First and Mattio H. Beals, of Wichita, Kansas, the Second Choice in tho Lawton District Plots Aro Worth from $20,000 to $40,000. Fully 25,000 People Witness the Drawings, and All Have Faith That They Will Bo Included in the Lucky Number. Ily Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Kl Heno, O. T July 23. Oklaho ma's gieat land lottery was begun heie In earnest today, and when tho commissioners appointed iby the Federal government adjourned, the drawings! for tho dny, one thousand of tho choice of the thirteen thous nnd 160-acre claims In tho Klovva romnnche district had been awarded. The first name drawn from the wheel was that of Stophen A. Holeomb, of Paul's Vnlley, I. T for a homestead In the Kl Heno district, and the second, Leonard Limb, of Augusta O. T. These two men select the two choice claims In this district. The capital prize winners, bow ever, prov ed to be Jaines It., Wood, whose name was the first to come from the Lawton district wheel, nnd Miss Mottle H. Beals, of Wichita. Kan., who drew the second number In that district They will have the privi lege of making the first filings tn the Lawton district, and will un doubtedly choose the two quarter sections adjoining that town. These ate 1 com ded the most valuable In the territory, and nre. It Is esti mated, W 01 th fiom JJ0.000 to $40,000 each. Today was one of keen anx iety, replete with Interesting Kcenes. It Is estimated that fully 25 000 per sons witnessed the drawings. The Immense throng was wrought up to the highest pitch. The drawing of the first names was followed by a mighty shout. Manner of Drawing. The announcement of each succ end ing winner for n time was received with shouts of applause and merriment. Kvery man who did not draw a ptlze from the wheels today had steadfast faith that tomonow or next day will surely see him the possessor of a slip giving him a title deal to 160 acres of Oklahoma's land. When the close of the diawlngs for the day was an nounced at 6 o'clock, hundieds who had neither oaten not diank during the day sank to the ground where they stood fiom sheer fatigue, or went wearily to find places for rest, or to refieshmont booths uptown. The day was remark ably fiee fiom quartels, and general satisfaction with the government's method of disposing of the land was felt. It has been found that many hundred applicants have "lepeated," and that others have applications so Illegible that they will he thrown out. Over this much discoid has tcsulted and the out come may be an appeal to the courts. Tho di awing had been set for 0 o'clock, but the transfenlng of the bundles of envelopes holding the ap plications fiom the general leceptacle Into the wheels, which was by lot, vvns so slow that it was 10,50 o'clock befoie tho Hist name was diawn. Twenty-five namc weie Hist drawn from the Kl Heno dlstilct, and then an equal iiuni bei fiom the Lawton dlstilct. When all was icady, Hen Heyler placed his hand In an aperture In the Kl Hem? wheel and wlthdiawlng an envelope, handed It to Colonel Dyer. It was given to Chief Cletk Macey, stamped and handed back to Colonel Dyer. The commissioner walked to the front of the platfoim, raised his hand for ovdcr and In n loud tone exclaimed. "Stephen A. Holeomb, of Paul's Valley, I. T., diaws the flist number " Tho ciowd yelled for three minutes, iippatently ns much delighted as If eveiy man had drawn a prize, Kn v elope number two was quickly drawn and Colonel Dyer again announced: "Leonaid Lamb, of Augusta, O. T., bom In Illinois," In quick succession other envelopes weie drawn. Other successful winneis In the HI Heno dis trict follow: Frank Hi own, Ponca City, O. T.. bom In Kansas; Calvin Churchill, Chickasaw, I T.; Charles D, Williams, Noiman, I. T.j Ollle M. Hogeis, Cor dell. O. T.j Kdwaid C. Prince, Watom ga, O. T.j Andies J. Phlllsower, Shel don, Mo ; John Hrown, Caldwell, Kan.J John Shedlock, Wetherford, O. T When twenty-five names had been taken fiom tho Kl Heno dlstilct wheel, nttentlon was turned tn that icpre sentlng the Lawton dlstilct The flist name biought out for this dlstilct was that of James H.Wood, of Weatheifoid, O. T., nnd the ciowd again went wild. This means that Wood would be able" to claim tho quaitcr section adjoining Lawton town, one of the choicest In the entile tountry. The Lucky Woman, The second ticket was diawn, and Colonel Der cried out: "I have the pleasure to announce the name of the flist woman to draw a prise, Mattle H Heals, of Wlihlta, Kon" Then Col onel Dyer gave her descilptlon as 23 vena old, live fret three Inches In height, "Just the height of Wood " In stantly the crowd caught the humor of the situation, and thousands of throats sent up te shout: "They must get mai tled." The other first names diawn from the Lawton district follow; Wlnfleld B. THE NEWS THIS JIOKNING- Weather Indication Today) 8HOWEHS AND THUNDEnSTOHMS. 1 (lenersl Peace Expected to Follow Conference ot Steel Men. Ship Allegheny Held I p, Awards In Oklahoma's land Lottery. Philippines Will Pe rollced. 2 Cleneral Cirbondalo Department. 3 I-oeal Wind, ttaln and Lightning rxplodlng Boiler Pauses Two Deiths. Summer' Day Work In tho Courts, 4 Kditorlal Note and Comment, 5 Lout Sainton Caj and Water Comrany Throws Down Ihe fiaimtlst. Progress of the Edmatlonal Conteit. A North Scranton Othello (t Local Wist Scranton and Suburban. 7 (Jeneral Vortheaslern Pennsjlvanla, l'lnanclvl and C'omniculal 8 Iiral-sport Hill Ills a Cliost. Industrial and Labor. Law, Langston, O. T., Falcon Wood house, Kldon, town; Maivln Hnwllns, Wayland. Tex ; William C. Lard, Fort Worth, Tox.j Harry T. Kostet, agent for Harry K. Harrison, Kl Heno, O. T Lrs A. Stubblelleld, Dunbar, O, T ; Hlchard H. Wyatt, Henrietta. Tev. The eighteenth winner In the Lawton dls tilct was Minerva McCllntock, aged twenty-five, of Oklahoma cits. She was married yesterday and bv this act forfeits her right to her claim. She might have ehotsen a claim neni n, county seat town, worth sevetal thou sand dollais. The di awing will be re sumed tomonow morning ot 0 o'clock, and It Is believed will have been com pleted by Thursday evening. COLUMBIA DEFEATS THE CONSTITUTION A Splendid Haco Won by Two Min utes and 54 Seconds The Astor Cup Accompanied tho Victory. By Exclusive Wire from The vssoclatcd Tress. Newport, It I , .lull 21 Ihe Columbia tmlay defeated the Constitution, boat for boat, in 1 splendid lace b.v two minutes and 51 iseionds and won the l,00l cup presented bj Colonel fohn .laiob Astor. Her vietnrv wis decisive and innvlnelntr. The behavior of the Constitution on Ihe other bind was dUippnintlni; In Hie ex treme, and this evening Mr Duncan announced that his boat would not take part In further races until hit rli had been alteied lie do tlaied that Ihe Constitution is not clolnu hern If Justice, thil she Is not colnc well and tint there Is no use In racln? her further until she is put in pioper shape The Ciutitiillnn will not partltipate in Hie Newport jacht 1 icing events of Thtirsdfl.v and Saturdiv of this week as a conu petltor of Hie Independence. The Cohunbli, how ever, has been entered for thine ruea and will Mil auilnsi the Boston bolt The ( onstltutiim will so to Bristol at enee to hue Ihe alteiationi mule If this chanct in the plans of the (on htitnlion doe- not prevent, the next rues 111 whlih she will start will (ike plate over tho Newport course on Alia; U and II. In one of thei-e races the tsip offeied b.v bir Thomas Up ton will be failed for. The tegular trial rues tor the purpose of selecting the defender of tl 0 Vmerica's cup will be held on usr 11 ind Sept 1 and H The win I todiv never rc redid thirteen knots, and, althuuitli there was a roll of the rv settlnt: In from the southwest. Hit! w iter was bv no tncaiv, roimh The coulee was 1 tvtal dManie of thlrlv right nautital milt 'Ihe wind was noitti bv east it the ft irt and nr t th by northeast at the Mulsh It Is nit ew for the best friend of the ( on-tituton to make 1 plausible excuse for her most pilpible defeit slip was beaten falrlv and spiarely on lur merits. I hwd Correrted time. time Columbia 1 Id I'l II (I I", Constitution 1 9 1l Jl I'l U THE PREDICTED STRIKE DID NOT TAKE PLACE Boilermaker! and Helpers at Port Richmond Conclude to Work. 11) exclusive Wire from The vsiociitcd Press Phlladelphli, Tills S 1. The boiler makeis mil helpers in the Uridine railroad shops at I'oit Richmond, this clt), did not gn en klilke toiliv, as prrdlrtrd hv rhihmau lli'ihor, of the Mru pis' rxriutlve lominltlre Two men ri fused In tin to woik, while five who had been idle tm Kevrtal davs leturned Thcie aie now- about fifteen men at woik and twelve idle LIGHTNING AT ALLENTOWN. Strikes with Fatal Results A Church Towor Wrecked. By Exeluslve W'lre from The Associated Press. Allentown, Pa, lull' 'Jl lennie Wei lev-, daiichlrr of Kdwln Weilev, nf Pie isint Comers, was severrl) stunned b) a holt of li.-htulni; which dammed a nelBhhorinc houe Tin Inn llv United l.vani,ellcal rhunh n damage! 10 the extent of $1,000 bv lu:hinlnjr, wlutli wuekul the tower of the church. Luzerne Convention. By Exclusive Wire from The Assoelated Presj. Ilaileton, Ta , Jul) J' ' t their convention here this aflrrnonn the Prmocrits of Hie rouitli ellxliltt of Luzerne county elected Dinid Mc Krlvc). of Haalelon, and Jaines WeUh, ef 1 rep lant!, rlelrcates t' the state convention without opposition. The resolutions re-afrlnn the priiut pies of Thomas Jeffeison, Indoreo the candidacy of lu lire V,crk. of Pucks eoiinlv, fur the su preme court, and condemn Hie IcgUlitur fer lis failtur to pa all ili labor bills pieienled M that Tod) durins the lail sesrlon Corporations Chartered. Bv Fxelnshe Wire from The nsoclatrd Tress. Hairisburc, .lull 2) I'he following charter! weie lsueil at the state chpiltint lit todiv Wil liam P Kellv litis h. rninpanv. Wlndber, ripltal, $jv,ooi ItoailnK Brook Land Improvement inn panv. Siranttmi capital, viVcliX). Joph Home Laud conipim, Piitstiiiic lapital, eclti P-n IlanBQr Mme companv, Wind (lap, capital, $1, 000. Binnham ew.-raue Diainliu companv, v(. rlln count ; capital, sj.-'iio Consolidated Olass Bottle compan), Plllsbtiu, capital, stvo. Indians Denied an Injunction. B) Kxclusive Wire from The Atsodated Press. waaliinstnn. Jul -'' tlic deputinent of Jus tice tod iv reioivrd a lelrcum statin: that ludge Irwin, of the I'nlted stjies muii In Oklaloma, had denied the application n Iine Wolf ind nlhrr Indians for an Injuiutlon rrslialiiliiir the government fiom dittllbultm,' land ill that tcrri toi) by diawincs Paterson Weavers To Resume Work By Fxclii'li W'lre from The Vssoelsted Press New Vork, Jul) 20 The C'olllnia k Volan company, silk manufacture! of Paleison, N I , have decided to give their weavris, who have been on strike, the waue thedule of 1M, minus 15 per cent. Thee teinu weie tlcmanded by the striken. The weavers will iciunic work to morrow at this mill, ALLEGHENY IS HELD UP The Colombian OHIgI.Us Detain tlie Hambura-flmerlcan Boat and Arrest Abel Marrillo- INSULT TO GERMAN FLAG The Dannor of Kaiser Wilhelm Is Designated as a "Dirty Rajr." Ship's Clearance Papers Refused for a Timo Tho Vossel Dotained 18 Hours Three Passengers Sign a Statomont Concerning tho Out rage Officers of tho Ship Declino to Discuss tho Affair. By Hsrluslie Wire from The ssoclated Press. New Yoik, ,lul 2U Tho steamship Allegheny, of the IlamburR-Anieil-cati line, which 111 lived today, re ported that she was held In the har bor ol CaitaKcii, Colombia, mid Abel Munlllo was seized bv the Colom bian nuthoiltles and taken fiom the ship. Mm rlllo claimed to be on tltleel to the protection of the Ger man Una. It did not receive con sldoiatlon by the Colombian authori ties'. The steamship was forcibly de tained for elRhteen hours. Jlurrlllo Is said to be secretin y of (leneial Cilbe-Crlbe. He went to Colombia, It Is leported, with a paspport given by the tepiesentatlve of the Colom bian government at Washington, stating that his mission was a peace lul one. According to signed statcmenti made by three of the Allegheny's lassengcis. Murlllo left the United States about four months ago on a pawspoit signed by the Colombian minster In Washington, when on his anlval at Ka vanilla,! he was ar lested and taken to Bogota, vvhero he was released on the understand ing that he would sail on the first vessel for the United States. This Jlurlllo did, boarding the Alleghany at Savanlll.i, Murlllo Feared Arrest. He repressed fenrvt t.iat be would lies ai rested nt Cartagena nnd when the vessel arilved at that poit, lui refused to go ashote, when wotd was biought that the gov ei nor wanted to see him. Ills airest followed The statement Is made by the passengers that Captain I.owe. of the Allegheny, protested against the anest, sajlng It was against Intel national law, and at the fame time the captain told the mate to put the (lei man Hag on the gangwVy so that the Colombian ofllcers vvcyild hesitate to tiead on It If they took .M111III0. The at 1 est did not take place at this time nnd the polite wlthdiew on tho captain's piotest. Liter, how ever, the ship's cleat ance papers weie icfused and the statement was made that they would not be tuinished until Muilllo was .suirtndeted A signed stntement comemlng the Incident then says: "The captain then went on land anil after awhile, i etui tied with more poller men and we then thought that ho was going to give up the ptlsoner In exchange for bis papets. The po lice went' up to Murrlllo and taking Horn him that "dirty lib.' as they called the Hag of Kalner Wilhelm, took the pilsoner fiom tho ship." This statement Is signed by Kdwaid J. White, a Hiltlsh subject; Alma Van Don Hogaetrle, a Helglan, and Charles K. Tope, a clti.en of the United States. Neither the olllceis of the Allegheny nor olllclals of the line would make any statement concerning the anest of .Munlllo. Aituni Ie liilgaicl, Colombian con sul In this ilt. said today that he hod not bend nfllclally of the anest of Muiilllo. He said, hovvevet, that he undei stood that I'llbe-Urlhe had again become active, and, when It was learned that Munlllo. who was Uilbe-Uribe's secietat), was falling on the Alloghenv, (leneial Vllen, of the department of Hollvai', sent a file of soldiers on bnaid to tcfiiest Munlllo to visit him. Here fused and the ship was detained. The consul said that he did not think the man would be Impilsoned. hut slinpl' ptevented tiom meeting Urlbe-Uilbe AIR SHIP SAILS AGAIN. M, Santos-TJumont MakeB Anothet Successful Experiment at Paris' By hvcluslve Wire fiom Ihe Asooilatrel Treu. Pirls, Julv JO V Siutos IMimont made in-oilii-i sin 1 eful experiment thl afternoon with a dinjnhlo hillomi, i linir it from "t. Cloud to linn lumps rue huisp, onup)in(r twenty minutes of tlntr 'lhou;h ikrrl to mike an it tempt to jo arnutiil the I llffl tower, the aeron .tut declined, mvIiii: his motoi waa not working as well as he wan' id. The wrallur wis t'loui'.v, which may hava influrnttd his doiMen Steamship Arrivals. B) Fxrluslve W irr from TIip sssoiated Press, N'evv York, lulv o - Virlvrel steamer Vider Iind, Aulwrip and siulhimplon. Dearedi Sleimer KiUer Wilhelm Dei (irose, Bremen vti Southampton and (herbouur. Sit llv Passed! Stranir Maaalnn, Ne erk for Iloulosne anl Iloltrrdam souihampton Stiled: Stfamer Koen Ignen Louluc (fioni llrsinin). New- v,oik. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER, Lotal tlna for Jul) iO. lril. Illtlipt tempriatuio Lnwrst teinprriliue . 02 decrees . C3 deureei Itelitivr llumltlli)! s ,1 tn M per rent, s p m K'i per rent, Pitclpitailun, SI liou-a ended S p, m , J.13 inch, ' ----f -f- -r f - WEATHER FORECAST. 4. 4. f Washinsttn, I11I) 0-Weilher foreetst s- for Laitem Pennwlvinlai shovrett and s -f thunder storms and cooler Tundsy; Wed,. 4, -f nebdi), generally lair; variable wind). -f- "t"r-ft"t"t'.--t"t.k.tt.t.t.t X