1 4 t. , s THE SCU ANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, JULY 20. 1801. INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR ANTHRACITE COAL TRADE IN CLINED TO BE ttUIET. Good Supply of Coal in tho East, but a Deficiency in tho West Washery Has Boon Built at Archbald to Ro Bcroon tho Eaton Culm Pile -Owners of tho Silk Mills Arc Organiz ing for tho Protection of Their In terests Car Builders Strike Will Continue Board for Today. The hard conl trade is Int'llnod to be nulet. With the luedlcteil uilliipm of the firemen's Bttll.c due to the iictlon taken by the United Mine 'Wotkete, most of the colllotlos that were eloped down now nro wntkinp HRnlti nnd pro duction li us active iih the t ompanlc" cnie to have It. Tuide stutlstks Indi cate a tolerably pood nitiily of coal at cistern points, but n fsrciit delUlency in the West. I'ludmllon tluilriK the next two months will be iletei mined largely hy the size of the wristcm mar ket. In Lake Huperlor tettltoiy theie U Mime lmpiovemeiit In demand and the movement from docks li liu'ieiinim,', though rni'RoeM flout I'.uffalo aie ni llvliiK little, If any, fastei. In C'hl ciiko tenltory leielpts to d.ile are ie poited far below hint .veal's Hguies and stocks on the docks ale eiy small foi July. Tile extieme lint wcathei that has pievalled In the (.Vntutl West has leiluced tetall demand to a mlnlniiim. Most dealeis hae l.ilrly Rood supplies mid will not buy mme till ictnll demand lminocs. At lower lake ports con ditions show some Impiowinent. In the Il.ist theie Is still some demand, enoiiRh In the iirkiokuU' to move n lot of io.il, but the tiade Is falling back into dullness after last week's lluiiy. HBP coal Is the size most wanted. The .Inly pilces inr fiee humlng white ash f. o. b. Xw Yoik Hnilior ports are: r.iokcu. W0: egg, $4 (15; nut nnd stne. $1.11 Imglneiring and Min ing Journal. Now Washory at Archbald. The foundation for the new v,nhery which will dispone of "l'aton's" uilm pile is finished and eveiythlng Is teddy for the carpenter1-. The washeiy will be a large one and as the culm heap Is also laige and tontalns an enoi metis quantity of good io.il, thete will be woik there for many .t da. The heap is said to bo one of the best in the northern hatd to.il Held. It was made when tiler was no di umnd for the Fmallcr slyes of roal which now find puch n liMely maiket. The binneh of the Ontario l.tlltoad leading to the washery is also le.idy nnd the flist en jrlne passed over it Thursday. Contractor T. II. Scnnlon has a fori e of men preparing a load-bed for the small engine uhlih ione.s the coal from the old No. 1 to the lueaker at the Kldge. At pic.-ent the load passes over the etiliii pile. It Is jnoposed to remove It fiom thete to the back of the culm pile so that It will not Inteifete with the woik of disposing of the pile. Alchbald Citizen. Effect of tho Strike. Concerning the late si i Ike of the sta tionary tiremen theie is this comment in the runout Issue of the Knglneejlng nnd Mining Journal: "The sttike of the uicmcn In the an thracite coal legion Listed only a few days and was unstinessful It failed because the support ot the 1'nlted Mine Wotkers was not gien to It, and the oflkeis of that a spoliation tendeied the servhes of theli men to take the places of the Hi emeu so far as was necessary to keep the pumps going and the mines tree fiom water. This ac tion was taken in pursuance of tho promises made on behalf of the Vnlted Mine Woikers at the time of the settle ment ot the geneial stilke last fall, that the union would pi event any un iecesaiy and vexatious utilkes. In this case the agreement has been kept; and the action taken lias certainly been Judicious. It is not only the canylng out of an implied contiuu. but It also goes to show that the Pnlted Mine Woikers contiol tho situation and can command tonsldoratlnn for the i lalms Which they may make hoieaftei." Carbuildera' Strike, There weie no new developments In the inr buildeiV stilke .M,stetda, but on Saturday u meeting was bold of thci Milken, who decided by ,i oto, which was almost unanimous, to lemnln out. There weie nci 450 men piesent at the meetlny, and when the question was put to a vote, all but one balloted ngalmt letuining to the shops on the old teims. Theie weie no meetings jesteiclay, and but few of the stiikeis' olllcla'ls were to be seen about headquai tits, riesldent Pish, of the national union was expected In the city Satin day and yesteiday, but was detained at HuT falo by tumbles at tho New Yoik Cen tral's shop. A number of mn who nan: signed application blank3 nte exptttcd to u tutn to woik at th" car -1 ops this morning, and a number ro Satin day repoiteu to nave gone back. D L. & W. Board for Today. Following is the make-up of the D L. & W. board for today; MM) AY, JLI.Y 2. Wild rata l.i,t-S p. in, T. McCaill.j ; Id p. in , A. II. Iluvvc MO MH Y, JLI.Y 2 J. Wile Cats Last 1J.30 a. m , fi. Thomas; 5 a, m , J. II. MU'ann. JO a. m, 0. Ivrainev; 11 a .m, M. Iiughiuy; 1 p. in., V A llirlliol omen; 2 p. m , 1". b ltoTi; 5 p. m , M. Rtaplfj, JI, J. HcniiisMti' new; u p. m . .1 J. Costello. Summit'!, Ktc f. n. in , oast, .1, Ciriihg; 0 . m., west, fi, Frounlelkrr; dp. m , r.i.t, McDonnell; 8 p. in, east, W. H. Mihols; 7 p. m., east from Nav Auz, K. Mi vlll.tcr; 7 p. m., cast from Civus.!, llioinpson, 7 p. n, eait from Cayuga, JliLane. Pmhcrs-8 a. m., Ilou.er; 10 a, 111 , S I In wirty; 11.30 a, m,, Doudkan; 7 p, m , Murpliy; 0 p. m., Umpins; 10 p. in,, Midnn Pssscnscr Englnei 7 a. m., fiiffncyj 7 . m., Singer; 10 a, ni , hecor; 5 W) p. 111, buiitun, 7 p. m., Mc(3ocrn. Wild Ota West 10 a. m , J. Iljxtcr; It u. ra., A. E. Ketchara; 1 p, m., F. Wall; 2 p. m , It. Ctsrneri t p. m., John Wardcll, poudlcin'i trew; b p. m., U. Carmodyj 6 p. in., J. oinlry. " "' NOTICK. Bralrmaa James Cavanaugh rcpotta for J, H. UcCann. Rrakernao John Watklns rcrorti for M, Liugle ney. William rfoar will run 0 a. m. uild cat, Julv V), P. CUllgui'i crew. Pierson Leaves the City. Vice-President T. M. Plerson, of the Telegraphere union, left the city for Buffalo Saturday night, after spending the last month In this city lookng after local affairs. Yesterday afternoon he attended a meeting of the Buffalo telcgrapheis, and this week will visit New York and Hoston on woik connected with the telegraphers. Hfoic ho left here, ho declared that In hlH opinion the Lacka wanna grievances would be noon adjusted. Mill Owners to Combine The talk among the operatives of Paterson of . general sttlko of the silk goods workeis of that city If the Frank & Dugan dispute is not settled nt once In fovor of tho weavers has led to an unexpected Jesuit. It has foiecd the manufactuicrs to come together, nnd the operatives may find themselves not on strike, but locked out. The silk weavers have been agitating for a uniform tate In all mills, and this, together with tho tin eat to tie up eveiy mill of every line In tho silk tiade in Paterson, brought about n lonfetencu of the manufacturets. They lesolved not to grant any healings to committees or leprcsentatlve.s of tho e.iers. The only giound upon which the determination will be changed Is the i etui n of the Frank & lJugait weavcis at the teims offeied by the fit in. It Is lepoitcd that steps nto being taken by the manufaetuieis to extend their combination'. U now includes exeiy mill of any lnipoi tatice In Pater son This, of course, means th.it it embinies many of tlw mills In Penn sylvania, for some of them nie simply annexes of the P.iteison mills nnd nie run fiom the offices theie ami In New Yoik. The P.iteison mainifaetureis will n y to get the scatteied mills thioiighoiit the country not nlllllnted with or controlled by any of the patent mills In P.iteison to come in and be bound by the agreement. This nnd That. The Kildwln Locomotive woiks, of Philadelphia, Is about to ship two loco motives to Kobe for utilization on the Japanese ullways. While in Scranton, Satuiday, Piesl dent W. II. Tiuesdole, of the Lacka wanna load, said that one of the mat teis that will engage the eaily atten tion of the oflbeis of the company Is the enlniglng of their fielglit house. H. A. Hogeis, of New Yoik city, ie cently seetucd .1 contiact for the ship ment of vm Ions contraetois' supplies, Including picks, shovels, etc., to Sl beila for mining operations theie. The value ot the contract Is said to be close to $15,(i0a. The Piide of the West Mining and Milling company at Patagonia, Aiiz., has placed 1111 order with the Allls Clialmeis company, tluough tho Den ver olllce, for a Holthoff-Wethey loast Ing futnnce 121 feet by 12 feet, with cooling Mom , also one tandem com pound Keynolds-Coiless engine. The .Teanesville lion woiks, of Jeanes ville. Pa, has sold thiough Its Denver ollice a 15 and 32 by S by IS Inch pump to the Oold King mine at Cripple Creek for a lift of SOU foot; a lfi by 7 by 12 Inch pump to the Greenback mine at Lead ville. The Jeanesvllle woiks has also In hand a triple-expansion pump lfi and 27 inches and 4i by !i by SC, Inches. which is to deliver 1,000 gallons per minute against a head of 1,600 feet, n lfi and .12 by 10 by IS Inch steam pump is being built lor the Isocinah Coal company of Seattle, Washington. AN OLD-TIME ROMANCE. How Miss Grisel Held Up the Post man ond Saved Her Father. I'rmn The I.ond'n IcIpbmpIi. The Kail of Abeidern, speaking at a dinner of the Pulled Kingdom Pch tal and Telogiaph Sen ice Benevolent Society nt Abeideen. said they had to go back to the old mall coach days to set tho plctuiesfiie aspect of the postal service, and to lliustiate this he mint ed a loinantie incident which occuned in the lelgn of James II 111010 than 200 ears ago. Sir John Cochrane, son of a line old nobleman, Lend Dundonald who was one nt those who thought the liberties and Interests of the coun tiy weie In danger owing to the policy of the government'of the day, and 10 slsted it. Sh John was betiavecl into the hands of the enemy and was lodged in Edinburgh Jail. One night the door of the pilson opened, and he hoaid the voice of his daughter (Jilsel, who was allowed to have many talks with him. Meanwhile the news came that his condemnation had been settled b the council, nnd that the mall would c 01110 next week with his death w.trinnt. MsS (lilsel Cociiiane told her father that she iiad to go away for a few das. He said: "I hope you will do nothing lash," nnd she leplled that she would do nothing veiy i.ish. She lode fiom I'MInbuigh to lieiwick, where her old nuiso lived, and tlieie she changed her clothes for c lotheh of a bov. Then she inde to a place between HeiwUk and Helfotd, vvlieie she made Inquliies tegardlng tho King's mall messongcis and where they used to put up. Ai living at a small inn about four miles south of Heiwlek, she asked for something to eat. The hostess told her not to mnVe a nnlse, because in the box-bed the King's mall mess.enger was asleep. "Do lie nulet," shesald, "with voiu knite and folk" She began her meal. "Can you get me some water?" The hostess 'aid: "Why a buiw lad like yon hould sup nie." "Have jou no cold, fiesh water'.'" If jou give 1110 water I will pay you the same as for the ale." The hostess explained that she would have to go to the well, n long distance off, and It would take ton minutes, but the clil or mtbor . patent boy poisuaded the woman to go lor 1110 water. Dining her alitenco tho glil went to the box-bed theie was the mall-mes- senger asleep a "swack" fellow with his mallbag under hks head, using it for a pillow. On the table weie his pllols. and veiy neivously the glil withdiew the ch.uges. No sooner was this done than the hostess letumed with the water. Tho glil finished her meul, went on tho mad, made a cir cuit, and met the mall messenger, and they lode together a bit. After a shcut chat she dievv a little nenier and said: "My f 1 lend, 1 have a fancy for this mallbag." "If It Is a Joke," said tho messenger. "It Is a pietty poor one." She took out .1 little pistol and present ed It. Tho messenger pulled out his pistols, nnd snnp! the hist missed file. Ho thiew It away and drew tho othei sna! He had to hand over tho mall bag, and she rode into an adjoining w ood. She opened the bag, dtew out an of. fliliil letter, and lode with it to her nurse's house, wheto It was found to contain the death win rant of her father. It was put Into the flic. She resumed her glil'H clothes and tode quietly to Kdlnbuigh. That caused so much delay that they managed to get n reprieve, and her father was isaved. He (the speaker) had a personal In terest in that Incident, as he under stood Grisel Cocluano was u dliect an cestor of Lady Abeideen. OUTLOOK FOR SOUTH AFRICA AN ENGLISH TRAVELER ON THE BOERS. After Twenty Years' Intimate Ac quaintance Ho Gives Them n Fine Cortiflcato of Character and Says Boers and British Must Eventually Arrive at a Better Understanding Each of tho Other. One ot tho most Interesting writers upon South Aft lea Is Fiederlck C. Sc ions, an Kngllshman, who has passed tho gi enter part ot a lifetime as a hunter and cxploier In what until re cently was the "Daik Continent." Through the courtesy of Mr. J. II. Kldenour wp have lntely hud an op poitunlty to lead Mr. Scions' most le cent book, "Tin vol and Adventilte In South Allien," published In lS'.U, which, In addition to being full of Mil ring In cidents and valuable Infoimation, has an Instinctive estimate of the Hoeiis. Mr. Scions spent 111010 than twenty ye.us hunting In and near the Twins v mil. lie spoke the liner patois lluent 1, saw the people as they were and, thci ! not being any trouble on when he wicite his book.wiote without pieju dlc e. lleie is an excel pt: It .n nn til Journey (m.icle 111 HS1 on liore luck irom Mmlicrlj tci Klcikidorp) that I met Willi llic imo IiikIo Instance of inliopitjllty tint I line cor experienced from ,1 Ninth Afri 1 in Inilihtniti, ind niter ill I cannot M mic the ruin, j 4 .iter th grnt inllux of Hiiro pi in- not ill nuoil one Into Ninth Africa, I nti-npiciil upnii tin! wonderful eliicovrrlcs ot diamond .ind unld mlnei, the simple kindness nnd crcit ho.plt.ility (or which the Poors luve .ilttd.M Ikiii nolrd un often flninrfullj alni.nl In 1111 piuilpleil MciiiwIrrK nnd it was no nn inniinnii lliliu' tor a lloer to wake np in the mnrninir to nnd tint the stranger, wliom lie hid icecliicl ,n. an honored iiuest, ind who hid c itrn lilx Inrnl mil mlt, had rlen in tho lilKhl, nnel wllhout ul.lilng lilin Rood lije, hid 1,-nne oil wllli the licit Iioikc In Iilsi ulaldc. Mich .111 rvpcrlcnce would lie enough to sour Hie iiiluro of i rude tmt klndlv lloer, nnd prrjuillii! lilin ailmt alj "ultlindci" tor tur. TfHSi:i) AWAY. One wild, tlorin) evening lietween snnet and ilnk, 1 rode up to 1 luce, well-built, firm hcni.e In the flee Slite, .ind inward!) con gntulalcil im.elf on hiving renlied shelter liefore one of the dcne ld.iek lnl.e of cloud, which were ill.-cdclni; in torrents ot mln Jll aiouml me, hid Imr.t upfn nnd drenched nie to the .kin Hiding up to the front door, I Elected the good looking clderlc lloer. ecldently tho owner of the fain, with the ii.iial "(lood do, umle," and at onto i-kid him "Km ik Iner sljcap v.cn njihW" (" wn I Jeci here to night ") I vi niinplv i.tounded wlien he eonineiieed to nuke eveu-ei, .jjing bis hou-e wis full, di , for It was m icrv difTerent fiom the licirlv "Kerb sanl miar HIT, en kon liin lien," c like .vmir .icldle oil, and come inlde, in) tin),") to which 1 lud grown ace u.tunicil Ihreiuslimt the Ti.in-i n.il On hr.t seeing me, no d mlit the old nun tliongnt tint ver) pioli nidi I hid Mnlcn Hie liorse I wn riding: but noiielng nie moie close!), and perliips leclln Foiucwlidt a.Innied of hijuelf, lie tn fir re lented as in ,ij, "c.ij km mair, diium all .nil" ("1 011 mil, linnet) r. fiddle oft") II id 1 done 1.0, and Hiked with him nnd M wife tor a lilt, I hue mi ihiuht I should noon line otcrconie his Mi-phlons and obtained all 1 ipcpilrrit 1 i-uppcr end 1 tlukedcmn, ind t good Iced for mt hoise; hut lilting, as 1 sit-, been iiiii.tnuied to the unquestioning hopit ility of mt friend', tin Irin.tnl lloer, I was hurt and Indunint it the old nun's Mi.pldone, yn, taking oil my hit, 1 nude a low how, without di-mounting, and .ild: "Ik dink to, run, toor to groot tiljndliil hel, mnr HeherMcr ral Ik in de regen guan idaaip, als in en liuis ttur Ik niet welkim Is" fi tlunk ton, unele, (or .tour gieit (rlendllness, hut I would lather go and i-lrep In the rain than in a hou-e where I i in not tteliouic"); then tinning mt- horso'n lie ill, I lode slowlt iwat into the (j.t gather ing diikness o( a utormy niglit. MM) and iiosrn ru:. 'I hl. .c I lute Mid be (mo, is the only time Hut I lute otu met with inho.pitalltj it the lunils of the south Volenti lloer, though ex pi Menus of tin nine kind ire no doubt eoni liiini along the mun nnds fur the reavms I lute giien. Wheirter their eontldeme lias not been aliu.cel, howrtii, I -it It wllhout tear ni eon- II.MllI linn, mi pinole III the wothl 1 ill In' imirr. ginulnelt kind and ho-pltable to trangers than the s,,iii, vine in II11I1I1, whether In the Irans till, the Pice stun or the 1 ipe ( olont i and be.iile. linspitiMtt- the pns.es, n sueli an emi nent dc-iei o mam of the .iulitle. that 1 ng b.hnien piofe.s to admiic, tint, with a better kiKittlciUf of one anotlier, the two would, I feel fine, mkiii .hike nit their mutual pirinliie., and agi'o In woik togi tin 1 for tho common good and adtaneimcnt of the lust interests of South Afilca. So mint' writers nn South Africa halo written dl.piiigingh of Ihe Hutch wllhout any nil knowledge of Ihe people thcin.cles, their lu.loi) er their language, that I feci tint I, who, dining the twentv ,teir which I hue pcnt In that counlr.t, lute been Intlnulel.t nupnlntecl Willi man llicr fimiltrs, lute a light to fay oiucihing on the .object. V. .1 .inline mm before going out to the ("ipe, I spent more thin i .tear In Oermin.t ind Pa 1 1111 and jinmii'il a fair knowledge ci( Cicrmin, which I (ound n( great assistance to nie in learning Ihe Hutch pitols spoken in somi, Atrlen. Thus 1 ten seioti w,is able to t ilk ca.ily and lliientlt- with the lloer hunter!. I nut in the in ti 1 on. From the lips of omp of Ihe old "toor tickieis" I heard Ihe Mor) of the wiongs thtv .ullcred under the flrlllsli idminlstratlon nt tho Cipe Colon , which, eulmlnitlng In the cuuiiil pat Inn of the .litis, ind the pit mint to their owners of emit' about one (.ivtli of the value it which Ihe) had been estimated by the lomtnW- leineri) eniplntcd b r tint purpose, plun'iel the whole lountn into grief nt.d dl.uui Then the seiner .piilts le.olird tn Milmiit no longer to umongeiilal lawn, idinliil.lcreil In nffliiaU who lud 110 ninpilln wiih the people Ihet gov erned 'Ihe gu it trek o s,,H was oiginleil, and liundceils o( bntc lliittlinien trekked utt iv Willi then wltes mid their (amlliis, their Roc ks .ind their herel Into the unknown wlhleriie.s lie loud the sieit (Mango rlter, eairtlng with Hum a Inner lutnil of PrllMi rule, which still ant. nuUi their de.irndints at the picnent diy, A HDVIVMIC HlMlOHli. 'Ihe liWoiy cif Iho emlgiant liners during the lircl tew )r,u after Hie) left the Capo Colony, i one ni the iii"..t loiinnllu interest, and no people In who.e tern, had run a le.s heroio blond tli it the II ris hid Inla'iited (lorn their liulili and i n 111 li Huguenot ancestors, tould lute held their own against, and finally tiiumphcel mer, the manifold illtflciiltira they uau 10 eiaounier. iieinen (t lie place ot weeping) In -N Hal anel Ujdenlicig (the hill of torrent) In the 'I1.1n.taal, aie the nauio of two townships lalel out b.t tlie emlgiant Iloein, which tell their own tile of the grief and muTeilng umed by the nn.sieres the) nitterul at the hinds of the Silm jftcr tlin treacherous iniudir of Peter Heticf and ills coinriiloa by Illngan. The name of Hood liter win glim to the Miiam on wlin-o hank, jii unit sent li) the Zulu king to exter liiltiitc Hie lloer wis ilcfealul b) them with gnat slaugliter on Ihe sixteenth 'of Deiemher, In!-. Soniithlng of all time millers I hate hearil 10111 old mm In the Tianstail, ami I .nou ton celled a fctiong a.tnipithf for the simple, kindly people who had to Mernl) redi.cd to submit tn uncongenial laws, whlilr teellng became genuine ail Dilation when I heard how they had rallied, alter tho in.is.uic pcipelrateel em outl.ilng fami lies by tho Zulus nnd tho Annndlhlll', and hid llnall) rumple rn! Dingan and Uilted UmlligaxI bitoud the Tianstaal, most interesting and cniefiilly aeturitc book lus bun wiltliu by Mr. (I. Mae ill 'Iheil en tilled "lllstniy of the liners in South Alilca," wlm li I would adtlse till my renhrs to study, It thiv wish to know mmethiiig of the people, in piefiriuic to taking ttin opinion of souni picjuillud i;ngllsluiiin on the nubjcet, who nuy I1.1t' lltrd In 11 place like .foluuTie.liiirg or Mm", billy and )tt ki tv al .olutely nothing about Ihe linen or 11 n 1 1 1 1-1 1 n . 1 1 won! of Ihr'i I in giugi. So jcneniiij mimlul nun tin lead toll Flni) wllhout ac tt.tittleiliiig tint it 11 ih his tory el the people pcn.os.tng all Iho quillllcs re ciulied to InilM up,i greit nitlon. ft the lloeit want i education and knowledge, they lute pluity of good niliiral quiliUeii, Wheie, I would ask, will .ton (ind more courteous nr .kindlier fc'ciilltiiicu than umon.-st the educated M Is Often Made by the Wisest of Scranton People, It's a fatal mlstako to neglect back ache. Backache Is the first symptom of kid ney Ills. Serious complications follow, Doan'R Kidney Pills cure them piomptly. Don't delay until too late. I'ntll It becomes diabetes Brlght's disease. Head what a Scranton citizen bays: Mr. Austin C'oneny, of 40J Irving ave nue, snys: "I ivvas bothered for the past fifteen ye.us with a pain across my kidneys. At times It struck me In tho hips and extended1 down my legs. It was worse In the early evening or after I did a hard day's work. I vn ndvled to try I)oan'.s Kidney Pills, and having read lit our city papets io much about them, I got a box at Mutthcwn Hi os.' drug stcue, and was surprised to ilnd how cpilckly they benofltesl me. I soon had not the least pain In my back." For sale by all elealerts. Price, KO cents. roster-Mllbuin Co., Huff.ilo, N. Y solo agents for the United States. Hemcmber tho name Doan'e and take no substitute. Dutch of the Cnpe Colon), many o whom aro near!) lelited b.t blond to Ihe rough frontier incii of Ihe Northern 'lratistaal? .l!sH)HVIi:i TOtmiSlS. I .iluai.s think that the ordinary tourist In South An Id, who, after a six weeks ni'h thrnugh the country b) rail and coach, comes lioiim and writes .1 book, gels another fale idea of the countr). lie visits (ape Town, Klmlierly ind .lolnnnesimrg. In none of wliith places docs lie meet, perhaps, any one who was not born in Kurope; he sees nothing lint KnglMi new. papers ind hoars nothing but Kngll.h or German spoken. Of the Itoe 13 he sees nothing at all, unless he goes Into the markets, where he will find some o( them in charge of the prnduic uagoni with their long teams of oxen, and lie comes home agiin impressed with the idea that the l.ngli.h linguage is superseding the Puteh, and thinking tint before long the intch eliment in pouth Vtrlea will lie sttimpcd by the hnglish These conclusions are altogether wiong. lhrou(,hout "-outli Vfrlci the piopie who lite in the towns nub as klmberl), Cape Town and Johannesburg aie l.nglish, mlch, (ieimans and Jews, 'Ihe Hutch throughout the countrt lite out on their firms, and ate not seen at all by nnny tnurl.ti. In the whole of the Malnieslmry cllstiiit, close to (ape Town, one ot the principal acrlcultural centers of the (olont, there Is not one single l.nglish or Scottish farmer, and in the eastern dMricts tho poorer turners o( British decent seem to prefer to speak Dutch rather thin tug lish. In I'Tfl I triteled through the Colour from Port Kllrabeth to (.raif ltcinet he wagon, in compant with several trin-port riders, ill of them tho son of (armeis in the eastern protinie, and all nl them Knglisli or Scotch by Hood. 'Ihe.t 1 mild ill speak Digllsh perfectly well, but aninngst tliemseltes thet niter used ant linguige lint Dutch, nnd their ihlldien mi) povdhlt not loam hngll'h at all Ihe south Afrit m Dutch, too, are one ot tho lunst ptollnV races in tho world, and tery large families ol from twelte to sixteen children ire not uncommon; so that I feel convinced tint in South Vfrua the Dutch ilement will neter become swamped, as It has been in meriia, llowetcr, the south African of the luture will lute no cause to lie a-huiicd o( his ancesti), whether thry be l.nglish, Scotch, Dutch or French Huguenot. I intself lute il w,iis got on so well with the Iloera, and Kngtlsh men and Dutchmen are reallt so much alike in thought ind feeling thit I (eel sure Hut all tint It lcquiicd to mike them work hirmnntntMi' to. gcther is i better knowledge of one another than at present pretaiis. Mir itvcK or nni-T!'. There are good and bid amongst all mtions, but it is as unreasonable to sit- tint the loeis are a nation of Inhuman brutes because one of them mat hate committed n brutal crime (md this has been often done), as to tike VIr. Deem ing ci Jaek the nipper is a fiir specimen of an tugllshnun. The giciter pirt of the Boers f know hate been kind misters to their senauts, though tliet- aie setere witli them If thet offend. Ihet treit the natites, as do all colonists, as an inferior race, not as einials, and there tan be no doubt tint the) are perfectly right in doing so. CURIOUS PLANTS. How Meissonier's Gardener Pioved Himself a Fine Botanist. A good story Is being told nbottt a gardener who vtas for many eats In the oinply of Messlonler. This gnidetier was not only wonder fully skilled In the ait of cultivating uoivei's nnd vegetables, but be olio was a Hue scientist and, ns he was en dowed villi a phenomenal nionioiy, he was able to give offhand the hcitiinltal name of any plant that was shown to him. Some of hli employer'- ft lends fieciucntl) tiled tn bailie hltn by hand ing him seeds or cuttings of exotic or other out of the way plants', but they never slice eeded. Now, Molssonler was pi mid of hlni, but ho vowed that he would, once nt least bewilder him, nnd one day while lmillo Angler was dining with hlni, ho summoned the gardner nnd, taking from his pocket a small paper package, lu which he hud pievlously placed some eggs of cliled hen Ing, he said to him: "lleie nie some cuilous seeds, (Jan you tell me what they nroV" "Of couise, I can, lr," leplled tho gardner, and, after examining them for a moment or two, he gave them a most Impressive I.ntln name. "If ou sow them now," asked the painter, "how- long will It take for thorn to appear obove ground?" "A fortnight," was the reply. "Well," said Melssonler, "I wish you would sow them at once, for I am curlou1 to see what kind of plant It Is." A foitnlght later i:mile Augler, deslr Ing to see the end of this joke, came to bieakfnst at the painter's villa, and as he nnd his host weie at table the gardner presented himself nnd said: "If you gentlemen will oblige me by stepping Into the goiden, I will show you the plants that those cuilous seeds have produced." The two f i lends followed him to tho oonsoi vntory, where he pointed out to them 12 odd-looking objects In a box tilled with fleshly wateied brown eatth. They btooped to examine them mine clrwely and the next moment they burst Into shouts of laughter, for the strange objects weie the heads of 12 henlngs. FISHING WITH LIVE WIKES. New Mode of Angling Practiced by Means of Electricity. from the MlimiMpolU Joiuiul. It Is "positively hhocklng" tho way they aro catihlng llsh nt tho plant of the St. Anthony Fallfl Water Power company. This, too, tn faco of a large sign on which Is Inscribed In plain lettt'is; "No Fishing Allowed; Keep Annual Summer Reduction Sale Our entire summer stock to be closed out to make room for the fall stock now be ing manufactured. The entire stock of Straw and Felt Hats that were $2.00 and $3.00, to be closed out at $1.00. (See window.) Shirts Sale Price $2.50 and $3.00 quality, $1.98 1.60 and $2.00 quality, 1.39 1.00 and $1.25 quality, .86 Underwear $1, 50 quality, sale price $1.19 1.00 quality, sale price .75 .75 quality, sale price .50 .50 quality, sale price .35 Big Reduction in Hosiery Remember, we have no old stock to work off, but are offering you new, season able stock at less than cost, as we NEVER carry over stock. Loui-s H. Isaacs 412 Spruce Street. tSgr-Try Our Special the new shapes. Oft " Hut then, only tlin ImniotllntP nt t.iolip.s of the power hou:-e ato pilvl leRptl. 'Plif rtlnnl 1 lrheiw li-evo lirn.cmn sr ns,nil to working wonders by olt-ctih Ity sucli 11 nili.iclc, for instance, iih uinnlnc- the htieet i.illwiiys of two iltles without Meauely hiivlnu to tuin u hand theni selC!s that they are In the haliit of e.illiiiK the in.Weiioiis llulil to their n.i.itani.i. whenever It Is convenient to do o. Thpy Mtiirted out eaily In the s-eason, whkli did not open until WedinrssdHy, to tlsh In the legitimate way. hut lail Inu to Ret any tish to peak of by hook, they determined to eaten them, If possible, by nook to clettiocute them. Since then llh have leMionded with ssui h wondeitul alacrity to the novel bait that a few minute' sinrt will Khe the new tlMheiman "a like mes-s." The siRht would In Insr teaiis to the eyess of Ike Walton, who believed In "ait lor ait's sake," who aeiounted It a 111010 creditable pciloimnncp to catth one llsh an hour by patient, painstaking, phlloscophld endeavor than to (slaughter tho tinny tribe on tho wholes-ale plan In short older. At tho power house they lmvo a good live w lie, propei ly Insulated wheio tho angler liold.s It, and sstlok the s.inio Into the water. Water N a good con ductor, as ever body known, and evtiy time 11 Huh tome within in or 1J feet of the center of dlsstui banco he I& conduct ed to the sin fine. Ho Is not dead ho Is simply shocked Into In'-enslbllll"! by hi sensational ic ceptlon, and If left to his own icsouucs would soon bo hlmelf again. Hut the ciuel man on the ledge of masonry which Juts out Into the ilvet mound the power house, tluough which the tall race comes pom Ing, i caches deftly Into the water and scoops un the un- foi tutiate tlsh with a not Iei eh, shlneiis, bullheads, nappies and an oinisloiia! stuigeon are caught in thin wn. Oni of tho otec'trlcltins who was dli ih ting the mighty machin ery whlih generates 10,00a hoi so power silcl that he hail i, night a stuigeon earlv in tho siirinir which wpiETlipc! ''II pouiulf. He said that an oidlnaiy nir- reni ot electricity was siiong enougii to hi Ing tho most obstupetous ilh to the surface In most cases. He had to hand tho htuigeon consldciably moto than the average befoio ho could mako hlni "He still and he quiet." Sometimes a simple lion plate with electrical conncnlous Is used. It Is hung over the side of tliP wall into tin river, and does tho woik n effectually as tho who app.it attis. The law does not specifically foihld electilu fishing, but Oame Waiden Kulleitnn Is going to rpp If the power house poit can't be stopped. GLADSTONE'S FIRST SPEECH. Prom Mjunllhii's MiriIiu. (Hailstones His; appearance as a speaker In the arena In which he was for so long a pi-ilod tho most eloquent and predominant pcisonallty, was oh scute and disappointing. He took his seat as a member tor New ink on Jan. ."J, 1S3J, the opening day of the Hist session of the Hist paill.iment elected under tho Hefoim act being then 23 eais old. Three woks later, on Feb. -'I, he made his maiden speech. A petition signed by 3,000 Whigs of Mveipool was pie scnted alleging brlbeiy and coi'iuptinii against tho Torry lopicsentatlves of tho town, and In the discussion whlih follow td, (flandstonc Intel posed on bo half of the electoral honoi of hits native plnie. "Kvery great uiutor fiom Demosthe. lies to Huiko," Gladstone once slid, "has suffeied fiom noivousness on the ovo of an Impoitaut speech, and al though I cannot claim to i-huio their gift of golden speech, 1 cun claim moie All 50-Cent Quality of .Neckwear Reduced to 35c. 3 for $1.00. Twenty Per Cent. Reduction on all Leather Suit Cases and Steamer Trunks. Reduction on all grades of Shirt Waists. 50c quality Belts and Suspenders reduced to. . . . Elastic Seam Jean Draw ers reduced to Wash Ties reduced to.... 42c 42c 5C Karkee Summer Vests t reduced to 1.19 Reductions in all other depart ments. See windows. 10c Linen Collar, in all than a fair share of their defect of netves" Certainly, ho "was extremely neivous on this occasion, as his in distinctness of utteianie and hesitancy of manner only too obviously showed. That voice which subsequently hold so many thousands spellbound by Its muslo was Inaudible fiom the gallery In which the icporteis weio taking notes, rio little notice did this debut attiact, that a speech dellveied In tho house of a few months later by his hi other Tliomas in defence of their father who whs an owner of slaves on his estates at Demei.ua, has often been described in biographical sketches os Gladstone's maiden effoit. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Bailroad. In hilcit June 2, 1001. Trains I.ci.e Siranion: For Phllailclphla and New VorW vl D. fi H ! n.. at U 13 and DM a m.. and 2 13, 127 (Mack 1'iaiiiom' hsprisi,), nnd ll.wi p. ni. Sun. tlaja, I). 1 II. " 1. !. "" P- m. Kor White Haven, HazUton and princlpil points In the coal regions, via I). A. II. It. It , li.'5, '2 IS and 4.27 p. in. Kor I'ottscillc, 0 15 a. ni . 'i" P "' Kor Itethlrhem, I'.aston, Iteadlnu, II lrrlslnirtf nnd principal inlnmcilUte stations lia I). A. II. It It, tU, 9.33 a in J 2 IS, 127 (lllatk Dii. mond Kxpros), It 30 p. m. Siindan, V. it II. It It.. 0-il a m.: 1.5 f.27 p. ni Kor TiiiiklieUinoilt, lonandj, Klinfri, Itinca, fienoia and primlpal Inlriincilhtc M itlnmi, via 11 1, it V. H. It . 8 10 j ni , and .1 M p. in. V'or Ooneia, Hntlii-sUr, Iluftalo. Xtiiiari fall', riiiiaen and nil points wr-t, via 1) V II U, It, 7 4 11 55 a in . 1 '- 3'A (U'aik Dlamnnil V.x prciss), 7 1". P' si. I'"10 !' " hundj's, 1). U II. It It.. It 5. f.27 p m Pullnnn parlor and sleeping or Lehich Valley pailor cars on alt tiaiiw iietneen Wilkes-IUrro and New ork, Philadelphia, IlulTalo and Sua- i'kiT.MS U WH.nrn, Omt. Supt., 2d Cortland htr1 rt, e 'oik CHVItll-s s I.HI. Cen. Pass. Ait., 28 Cortland tiit, Xiw V"ik A W NON-SKVV(lli:it, Di. I'a-sS. .St.. Siuth nelhlchfin, Fa for tickrts and Piillinin reservatlnna apply to SOI I.ickavvamia aiinui, s-rintnn, Pa Central Railroad of New Jersey. Stations i N,w frk-l'oot of Libcity street, X. It . and south Kcny. IIVIK, TVUL1. IN hH-'LCr .IL'.M! a), lonj. Tialns loaie htianlou (or New tirk, Neiwrl., FliMlicth, Philadelphia, l.aslon, Ilrthlrlirm, Al. lcntown, Maeifh Cliunk anel Wldte llaien, at 8 5'. a m. ivpi"ss, 110, exprtsd, s 00 p. ,n. feuD. davii, 2 15 P t1' lor 1'itUtoii and Wilkes llaire, S Si a. in.; l.io and 1.00 !' i hunelajt,, 2.1i p. tn. for niltimore and Waslilnston and points South and Nst via llethleheni, s.53 j, m , l.W anel 4.00 p. m. Sundan. 2.15 p. m. For leoi'C Itraiuli, Ocean Grove, etc., at SM a in. (tliioush ioje.li) und 1 10 p, m. Vm Rradinc. Lclianon and HaiiUliurc. via Al. 'rntown, is 35 a. m. and l.lu p. in. Sundaji, 2.1i p. m. For Pottsvllle. ? 51 a m., 1 10 p. rn. For Mountain I'.uU. 8.55 a. in , 1 10 and i 00 P. ,Tl Through tickets to all points eat, south and west at lowest latcs at the xtatlon. C JI. ItFltT. dm. Pa. Act. J. II. OMIVrsPN. Oen. Supt. Delaware and Hudson. In hflict June 0, 1001. Tralrs (or Cailiondalo leave Scranton at 0:20. R i 8.M, 10. la a. in. 12.00, liji. 2:11, J.52, l" u-'S, 7:57, 0.15. 11 20 p. m . 1 In a m idi ifont.iUls" and Lake I.odoie. 8 20, 10 13 a. m "1 and V2' p. ni. For Wilke.il3iie-''i. ' :. . 10:11 a in.. YJ:W H -: 3"i". '-r fl". 'il. in li 11. bi) P I" For I.. V. It. It polnta 0:13. 9.33 a. ni , 2:15, i.'7 and ll:.i p. in. For IMiiisjUanU H. U. potnts 0:15. 0MS, 2:18, 3'j.l and I 27 p. m- 'For Vlhan) ami "H I'01"" north-t3:.'0 a, m, and ...52 P. 'UNnw 1IUINS, For Caibomlale 6:50, lliAi a. m., 2:(, 3,5, 8.5J and 10.52 p III For Vilkps.llarrc-9:J3 a. m 12,03, 1:53, 3:2S, 0:..2 and 8:12 p. m. For Alhmy anel points north J.52 p m. For lloi.fudile and Laku Lodoi o S 50, 11,33 a 111. and a 52 p. in. Erio Baihond, Wyoming Division. 'Iialns for llav.ley and intermedial points leava s, lantou as follows. No 8, 7.10 a. in j No. 1, 8 50 a, III . No. 0. ' 2 P m i N". 8, ,i,.'0 p, m. sea. 2 and ( tlnuush tiains (or Nrr Vrk. rrlvals No. I. S li a. Ill 1 No, J, 10 Jd a, tn ; No. 5, a 15 I'. " S n' 7 !,'l5 !' "I 'Iialiu 0j, 5 and 7 aie ihroii.'h trains liom evv Voik. bl'MlAV TRslNS, Departures -No. 20, ti a ; No. 22, 2 p. m. AnlwU No. 21. 12.13 p. in.; Nu. 2J, ,l5p. 111. FINLEY'S HalfPrice Parasol Opportunity Manufacturers' surplus stock ot Parasols purchased at half regular cost; same manufacturers, quality and style as our regular stock goods, These, together with our own lines, have been merged into one grand assortment of Parasols. Attractive styles and great values, including plain and fancy Coaching Parasols, Chiffon and Lace Trim med Parasols, in white, black and white, and the new colorings: of fering an unusual opportunity to se cure the best and newest in the parasol line at One-half the Regular Price Ladies' Plain and Trimmed Parasols At $1.00 Just half price from $2,00 At 1.50 3.00 At 2.00 " " 4.00 At 2.50 " " 5.00 At 3.00 " 6 00 At 3.50 - 7.00 Children's Fancy Parasols At 25c Just half price from 506 At 50c " " " " $1.00 At $1.00 " 2.00 At $1.50 " " " " 3.0a 510-512 Lackawanna Ave RAILROAD TIME TABLE3. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule in Effect June 2, 1001. Trains leave Scranton; G.45 n. m., tveek days, through ves tibule train from Wllkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Pottsyille; stops nt principal in termediate stations. Also con nects for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and for Pittsburg and tho West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays, 1.58 p. m.), for Sunbmy, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington nnd Pittsburg and, the West. 3.33 p. m., week days, through ves tibule tram trom wiiKes-unrre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia viaPotts ville. Stops at principal inter mediate stations. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Hazleton, Sunbmy, Harrisburg, Philadel phia and Pittsburg. J. I). HI TntlNSO.V, Oen. M?r. J. It. 001), Cen. Pas. A?t. Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western In KfieU duly 81 '"01. Smith Leave Siranton for N'cvv York at 140, 3.1)0, 0.5.1, 7.50 anel 10(H) a. m i 12 I'l. 1 .U, 5 .10 p in. 1'or l'htladelphii at 7 n and 10 OS a ni ; 12.fl ind 3 . p. in Kor ToMhinni it h 10 p. in. Milk auoinmoditioii ' " P ', Arrim in Ilolioten at !...), 7.1-, 10 J, 12 OS, .115, 1 il, 7.10 p. in. rnve in l'hiladelphlt at II.. 1.21. iiim anel ! ii p in Aime frnni ew liflrk at 1 1". (.'12 anel lit 2 1 a in : 1 oo. 152, Hi, oua ami 11 .10 P m. Irom Tolivinnna it 8 05 a in North Leave Mranin l"r Hiilfaio and Inter mediate htatie.ns il It's dli and DIM a ni ; 1 55, 5 1! and II 3"' P m. I'or O.vvecn and bri. cu-e at 1 15 I in . - a in and 1 Vi p. m, For I tici at 1 l'e, 1 ' I m "i'l 1 "' P "I 1' Moiiiroe it 0 00 a. m . 1 0-i and S 11 p in l'or Mehol.on it 4 00 and H II p in Kor ninghim Ion at 10 211 i ni. Arrive in Siranion from Ilul filo at 1 23, 2 ''. 1 anil 10 00 a m ! 1 0 an'l w fHi p ni. Kioni llswcfo ami Svraeusc at 2 5S a. in , 12.12 and S"0 p. in. Imni I'tlca at 2 5i a in.; 12.12 and ' -0 p. in. From Nicholson at 7 45 a in. and fl ml p in. 1 mm Montrose at 10.00 a. ni . .1 20 ami oo p in Hlnom-hiiic Division leive Scianton (or Noitliuinherlind .n ft W tool i ni., 1 AS ami R in p. in. For I'liiiiniith at R 10 a m , 3 10, SM p in nlve at Noilhtnntperland at 0 .il i. in , 1 10, r on and S l'e p m rrive at Pljmouth at oni a. in ; I U. '' l" ni. Anivp in biran ton trmn Nnrthiiiiil'irlaiid at 0 12 a m . 12 M, 4 50 and S. P. in. I mm hlnuston at 11 (VI a. in. From ri'iuniitli at 7 !" a. in.; J 20 and 5.i3 p. m. SI'MIW iI.UN's. -.mitli leive Sianlon al 1 10, 3 00, 3 33, 10.05 a in i .t It and 3 10 p in. North I.oivc "I union at 1 13, C .!, n no a m ; 1 13, 5 4i and 11 '3 p in lllnoinshurK Division Irfave Srant.n it 10.03 a. m. ami H 10 p. m New York, Ontario and Western. Time Tabic in l'drit humliy. June 23, KOI. NOUm-IIUlM). Leavu Leave! Ariive, Trains. f-uanlon. Oailandale. Cadosn, ' l,l(i.i.i in. 11 10 a m. inon. J,, TC,,; .1 ... tll I' III. 4 41 P. Hi. 6.00 p , is., 7 ... 0.10 i in sr. I nhondjlc. e.ia n m t,' ' ' SsOUillliOfNa ' m" Leave leavo rris,e Cadj.ia. ( iil.oii.UIc. S. union. v n ' '"' ln- 7 40 a m nS": ew.m- w," , wwJ S: i. , .. a.ii p. i (,J ' "i i is ti in " " bUNUA "M-V. .NOUni.IltlLM) ' '" Leave Leave Arr8 KHnton. Cailuindile. ( adoju. v. n ..S.a in. I) 10 a. m. 10 13 a m l' 5 .. 7.00 . m. Al aiLon-lalc. 7.43 p, n J0' "' ' MIL III IiDI Nil. '' 1 c ivu 1 eavo L'adoa. ('.ill" iielalc. Arri o !"eUntO. No (1 ... i so i, ni So' 10 .. s-op ' 0,x! '' '" , H-5 P. mi 'Mains N.. 1. si ",fl 'lOf. ami p. on him. d.n. makt main line lonnntloiu tor Ntvc ,,, li), Ltiia. oiifida, H.iM'Ku and iiitcimediaiu liofnta , . , ... ,. Tiains No .1 and 4 in ike Walton, Ilclht, Um. ilcn and Mdnrv lonneition. Ftr liirther liiloiiiiitlnii (oniult tliket atints. J, I' ANIiKltMI.N. (I. , x,ew ,w; J. E. WLLbll. T. 1'. A., buanton. F "O a in.