THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, JULY 29, 1901. 7) n The Boy BN OIUFTIX nne his father hnel rlilven nil Hip wny from Monroe fount. Illinois', to the Oklnhoinn border, mid thorn. IIvIiik for three month In their rickety old wnson, had iiliinned nnel earned Im patiently lor the day when the kIrhhI nhot would oiien to them the Rates of the pinmlHPd lnntl The hoy was .'2 his heart was set on "owning his own farm," and day by day, ns boomers and sooneis swnimed Into the waiting ilty of tents shnntlcs and nirnviinn hi chanres of pilnltiR the land he had chosen for his own eipvv perceptibly ellmmer. He noted the pumps of desperate men, mounted on swift hoise, mined to the teeth, lurklncr alotiR the marpln of the ftee land. Theie were hundreds of them. There were other bands equal ly detet mined and equally leeklei-s, who rame to the bordei In light KtioiiK Wagon", diawn by two or four Knllop lng mule ready to iap with the swiftest and hold their ptlyes een at the point of the rllle. With supIi Dan felt that he had unall ehanec to re.iph and maintain the quartet section upon which he and his fnther hail tesohed to build their new hoinp. Their horse was old and slow, their poor wngon was literally fulling to piece In the Ions drouRht, and scheme as ho inlRht, Han could think of nothing better than to follow hl fathei's advice and tide with him In the old wagon with thp forloin hope of getting n foothold after the ilepter boomers had been satisfied. The enger l"in had bpRRPd his fnther to let him make the race on foot. It was full four nillps to thp pdRp of thPlr chosen section, but thp outh was suro he could easily distance the old plow horse. "You d have to ro unnimed, Dan," said the old man, "and they'a kill jou like a rabbit before the.v'd lpt you hold claim In ptme. It's one of the best In the ownshlp, and I'd rather lose the whole territory than lose jou, boy." As the lnt day of uniting came and went Dan was In nn lnermlttent fever of anxiety and dlspalr. He mingled anions thp most lawless men of that gtinggling anny, which stretched smith and west for miles that nlRht complet ing pi epilations for the desperate race of the morrow. It was past midnight when'he came back to the wagon ami wokp his father. "Dad," he began, hesitatingly; "I'm going to ask jou a fnvor." "No. Dan,' drowsed Hip old man, thrusting his head out under the Haps of the wagon cover, "I know ou want to make thp mn on foot. I won't hdc it. You " "But I don't," whispered Dan, coming clover. "I Just want you to let me go it alonp. 1 ptomlsp jou I won't walk or go on foot. I'll tide. l'e got a new scheme." "What Is it?" ns the youth hesitated. "I won't tell ou" (doggedly) Why, Dan?" "Because jou wouldn't let me do It If you knew. Come,, don't say no, because because "' "Because why?" "Well, If jou bay 'no,' tlang If I don't do it anjhow." Dan's father was tllcnt for a mom ent and tlipn said: "What about mp?" "You must drive in alonp. Take your time. Don't woirj' about mp. You know where our section is. Well, when you get there I'll be in vosses.slon. Leave It to me, there's a good old daddy!" "Gol darn your hide, Dan," whimper ed the old man, "I believe you can do it But don t tnke no desperate chances. Remember jour maw's heart Is all sewed up In you Dan.' So it w.ks agiecd. Dan waited till his father was asleep, took his Win chester down, filled Ills pockets with cartridges and slipped away into the darkened city of tents and Catalans. Those who witnessed the frightful scenes enacted on that' day n oWen years ago, when Oklahoma wa. tin own open to the boomeis, agiee that the wild ferocity of the inee, thp monstious deviltry of despeiadoes who, lacing ahead of oncoming squadions of set tlers, set Hip to the long dty gians, the despair and exhiuMlon of those on foot, the plight of helples women nnd children trampled by men and horse, the horior, the Insnnlty, the pity of It nil, have neer been ndequntcly de scribed. One of the foiemost vehicles In that mad race was a IIrIU mountain wagon, drawn by four fast galloping giey mules. Two men fully aimed sat on the single seat, urging the beasts to top flight; two otheis sat upon the long sheet-Iron feed box that bttetehed along the bed of the wagon. There were four desperate men, nnd ns their flying vehicle bounded acios the ptalro they even dared to fire their rltles at the horses of tlvnls who clattered abreast or bui passed them, now and then killing a horse and laughing ns the battered rider tolled over nnd over in the dust glass. But some of the flying hoisemen who escaped the bullets of these reckless wagoners contrived reengo more ef fective and more, fai-i caching than haphazard bullets. The. wagon had raced for neatly three miles when the driver suddenly noticed for ahead, di rectly In thn path of their piogiepR-, perhaps a mile away, a wienth of blue, bieeze-drlven nnd flecked with red, n cloud that rolled townid them, first along the giound, then mounting and wavering tipwnid like a tidal wave of smoke and ill p. "The pralre's on fire'" shouted tho flrlver. suddenly checking his mules. They could csmell the hot smoke now. It was rolling swiftly towaids them, a great half-circle, two mtlon wide, U teady panic had seized every fcoul In the path of that Hip. Men, women nnd boys for n moment fotgot their desperate greed nnd turned backwnid or struggled wildly to teach a swamp or green thicket where stunted willows or patches of lush ginss hinted nt sonic slender protection from the llerco but twlftly passing wave of Are. The wagoners dilvlng the four grny mulefl wme now thoroughly terroi Htilkcn. Tho veiy beasts which had dragged them toward this danger of their own cowardly making now show ed moie courage than they. "Tuin backl Turn back!" screamed the two men on tho feed box, dropping their rifles nnd clinging to the rails like drunken seamen as the wagon whirled to retreat. "Throw out that damned box!" howl ed tho driver. "lighten the, wagon. We got to race now for sure." The lone encet-lron box was quickly "Soone" slipped from tho wngon. The cowards even throw nway their guns, their am munition nnd their tentnge In tho frantic effoit to lessen the load of tho now stampeded mules as they flew to- WMtd a distant e-wuinp In the well-nigh hopeless lace with coming death. The moon was high thnt night when Daddy Grimn, mounted on his bare back Dobbin, and laughing nnd crying In tho tumult of his Jo, found his boy Dan, llllc In baud, standln? guard upon the ioi nor of their tou'tid fiuuitcr section. "Pinlse Clod, Daniel, yer nllvo an' nil right. Are jou nil right, Daniel?" howled the old fellow hugging his son. "All right, daddy, and I'e got the land'" "And how In the name of good (Tod, Daniel, did jou do It? How did you come'"' The old chap was holding his boy off at nrm's length, peering Into his face with the Incredulity of over mastering happiness. "How did j'ou ever get through thut Are?" PICTURE Hey diddle dldJIe, the cat and the fiddle ; The cow jumped over the moon ; The hitle dof laughed to see such sport. And the dish ran alter the spoon, find Mother Goose? Solutions for Last Mondiy, July 22 Turn r'cturc to the rluht ami tho brother's face is (timed h.v the ruttle on bottom of klrt. Tuin picture In tho lilt and the sister's refill Is formed by the hair. Tuesday, Julv 21 (Jeorge Washington. Wednesdiv. July 21 "Children and drunken men speik the truth." "In a tin box," laughed Dan. "Just In a tin box! I stowed away In a feed box and bieathecl thiough a punched out ilvet hole, I emptied the box be fore daj light nnd trawled In while the four men owning It were asleep drunk, I guess. They made a good race and when the lire struck 'em they lightened ballast nnd run for sheltei. I got nn awful jolt when the box fell nnd nearly smotheied 'when the fire swept ncioss me, but it neer touched be, nnd heie 1 mil. AVhatd I tell jou, daddy? You'd npver have lot me try that game if you had known -would you, daddy. John H. Raflerty, In Chicago Herald-Hecoid. DISRAELI'S MAIDEN SPEECH. He Expected to Conquer but Was Piomptly Hooted Down. From Jlacmllllan's Magazine. One night early In 1SJS (the year after he had tailed in his contest as a Radical for the botoiigh of High Wycombe) UenJ.inlm Disraeli, fitting in the Stranger's Galleiy of the House of t'ommons, llstpned to the dsbate on th nddiess In which Loid John Itus. sell Macauley, Stanley, Rulwcr nnd other leading members of the hou-e took ii.n t. Next day he wiote to his sister. "Was at the House of Commons jeMeiday duiing the whole of the de bateone of the llnest -we have had for years. Macaulaj" was admirable, but between ouisehes, I could (loot the in nil. This entre nous. I was neer more confident of anythlrg than that I tnulel cany oveiythlng before mo In that House. The time will come." The time did come four ears later, when on Dee T, 1S.17 Dlsiaell, having been returned ns a Tori stood up In the House of Commons to make his mnldPn speech. The story of that historic fiasco has neer been fully told. What Is geneially known Is that DIs rarll wns Inteirupted by bursts of Ironical laughter almost from the be ginning of his speech, and that nt length, utteiahly unable, to catch the enr of the House, he concluded by shouting nt the utmost pitch of his voice the famous phrase: "Though I sit clown now, the time will come when you wjll hear me." nut tho whole episode, what led up to It nnd what followed It, Is moat Interesting. Tho subject of the debate wns a motion by Smith O'Rrien for a select committee to inquire- Into the nlleged practice of vexntlous petitioning ngnlnst Irish members elected in the popular interest. Daniel O'Connell t-upported the motion, nnd It had been ai ranged that Sir Robeit Peel should reply; but the stiongly expiesed wish of Dlstiaell that tho duty might bo Klen to him, backed as It was by many membeis of his partj', Induced the Toiy lenders to give way to this ni dent young; reciult. Theio had been nn nrdent, though eiy blttei ciuarrel, betwen 0':Uonnell and Disraeli's sponsors when he car ilecl tho Haellcul flag on the hustings nt High Wycombo In 1832. Three jenrs later Disraeli, hnlng turned Torj', at tacked tho Melbourne administration, which was ictulned In power by the Irish p.wty, for having elapsed ns ho put It, "the bloody hand of O'Connell." O'Connell retorted In a speech of snv- ngo vituperation In which ho declaied that Dlstiaeli's life was n "living lie," and that he was a "descendant of the Impenitent thief on the Cioss," DIs- raell challenged O'Connell. but the Irishman, after killing D'Esterre In 1S15 had made a vow against duelling, and alwaja wore a black kid glove on his right hand as.a token of his life long repentance for having shed an other man's blood, "Then," wrote DIs taell, In a scathing letter to O'Connell. "We shnll meet at 1'hlllppl." Now tho two nntagnnlsts were face to face nt Phlllppl In the Houso of Commons, with, hnpnlly, the floor between. Disraeli's failure on this occasion wns not duo to nervous timidity, but to the less amiable fault of ever-confident lluem-y, to the young member's irrltn tlng self-nssutnncc of manner, Inspired, oblvlously, by the conviction that ho wns nbout to lenp Into pnrllnmentaiy fame at a single bound. This, with his foplsh attire, his nffected gestuies, nnd the knowledge of his rapid change of political opinion, caused the Biltlsh Radicals nnd the Irish Rpppaleis, both led by the lusty lungs of O'Connell, to Indulge In tours of Ironical laughter and other disconcerting cilcs. ELECTRIC CAR SPEED. England Going Ahead of tho United States i Way of Rapid Transit. From llio Ponton Advertiser. It louks now as If Hnglnnd would get ahead of the I'nltcd Stntes In the matter of rapid transit. Parliament has authorized the building of a load from Manchester to l,leipool to be opprnted by electricity, whereon nnd whereby the projoctois expect to run cms nt a speed of 150 mlle per hour. PUZZLE. Week's Puzzles: Thuifdiy, Inly 2 Thp emokntaek to the richt o( tho picture forms top of the hejd, and the profile is loimed In the nn.dl clump if trees Krldij, lul 2H One is JuM. jlme mule' citc, one is riirertli luck of ihe pis' head and one is in the top of the hrco tree. hattircUt, July 27 "A bad pinny alwijs tomes back." If the cable dispatches Heating on this matter nre at nil tiustworthy this K vety much more than a lslonaiy pi ti ded. Money lias lieen raised, the chatter obtained, light of -way seemed, englnepring details settled, and con struction is about to begin. Krom time to time there ha been talk In our own countiy of something of the sent. As much as spen jeaih ngo plans for u double track plettilc load fiom Chicago to St. Kouls were worked out on paper, with nn estimated speed of 100 miles an hour for the lcgular passenger trains. Thp moe ment for the building of this load seems to have been somewhat sub stantial, and wp do not know precisely what caused the abandonment or sus pension of the ptojeet. Want of money probablj-. Notwithstanding: the Im mense Inventive thoughfulness which has gone into that and similar schemes of Ameilcans, theie it. not in this countiy at the piesent time any prac tically successful elect! 1c car propul sion at greater speed thnn Is obtained on Hoston's elevated rallwaj-. v The I.Ierrool-Manthester lino Is planned to cany Into eftett some such idea ns Mr. V. M. Roynton has t,o long and so enthusiastic ally uicee unon capitalists and the Maknachusetts legis lature. At any rate, wo infer from the meager cable dispatches that tho es sential feature itc the same. On the Liveipool-Manthestpr track the cars ate to be hung overhead on a single,' tall. The ordinary obstacles to high speed In railway tiael ate foui. The Hist Is filctlon on the rails. Tho second is fiictlon of the air. The thlid in the danger or collisions. The fourth is grade ciewslngs The last mentioned obstacle has been laigely oxetcomo altoady on our most advanced railway sj-stenis. The use of block signals has gieatjy reduced the liability of (onlon. It is confidently claimed by the. pro motei.s of tho one-rail Idea that friction between wheels and rails will lie ie eluced 50 per cent, with no counter balancing disadvantages. The friction caused by the air is something hairier to deal with, though something Is to be hoped fiom the use of locomotives or fiont cars that ate made 'clgat-bhan-cd." NEW PUBLICATIONS. .Maxwell Om, the author or "The Silenre o Dean .Matlhnd," haa leeentlj finished a new noel, "l-our-Leaced flocr," which Is ele. niibfd at n exceptionally ivld and enltrtaln Inn ttorj. It will be published shortly bj I). Ap plcton & Company. The literature of modern Itussli teems to 1 o contributed mostly by writers whose private life is ficaUc. Witne.s the tae of Maxlme (lorky, whoso laignt and most indention novel, "loma (oreleje," translated by llcninn Otrnstiln, I to be published In the fall by the .1. h. (ijjWve company. Oik's father was an upholstcicr nnd died when the boy was live jrm old. 'I ha jotinK author Is about thlrt) two now. He was hired out In a shoe shop, un nway, apprenticed to a draughtsman, ran awaj, put nt the making of woodm Mint', hlied out as a cook's boy on a steamer and then nude iraidener's assistant. He also peddled apples, workeel on a clotk, sawed wood and acted as poller Then ho went to and waa watchman on a rallioad lie fried to go Into the aiim, but thev refued to at tept a tramp. He sold beer for awhile, then was lihed by a, but tramped off to liHIs, where he worked in a railroad shop anil published his first nocel in a local paper. Then he wan dered, back to the nlca, and at Mthnl Noesoiod lived by selling sketches to the newspaper. In this way he met the writer Vladimir Koiolenko, on of IluwU's most brilliant men of letters, and developed ery rapidly under his guldlns hind. !! attracted no attention until he so sud. I my sprang into prominence. V..... I.. 1. !.. idol otjeung ituMians. 4 "TT,-r-l i NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA ICE HOUSES BURNED. Firo at West PltUton- Results at tho Caledonian (James Held at Everhnrt's Island. Pretlal to the Scranton Tribune. nttston, July 28. Three Ice houses situated along the bank of ths Susque hanna liver near tho Carpenter farm, West Plttston, nnd owned by the Pitts ton Ito tompnnj', weic entirely de stiojed by lire this morning. Tho Haines were dlstoveied shortly before 4 o'clock, but had gained such nn ex tent thnt the West Plttston Hose com pany, which tesponded to nn alarm, was unable to be of any set vice. All the ftozen llepild had been removed from tho building not less than a month ngo but the company's dray wngona and Ice cutting plant were Htoted there nnd nil vere consumed. The buildings were well covered bj' in surance. A file had broken out In ono of tho buildings last Thursdaj', but was quickly extinguished by the hose com panj'. It Is thought a smouldering tiro among the snwdust had been fanned to a flame by the wind during the n'pht. Tho Apple lUossoms of West ntts ton scot ed another lctoty on the bnso ball diamond yesterday afternoon when they defeated tho strong Vulcan Iron works team nt the West Plttston fair giounds, by the score of IS to 10. Phil lips was in the box for tho Illossoms and J. Connoia done the twilling for the Vulc.ins. Hnglo Hose company base ball team of this place went to Wj-omlng jester day afternoon nnd were defeated In a game with the Wyoming Hoso com pany's team. Mis. Michael Dempscj', a niidille nged woman of Tompkins stieet, died last evening at 6 o'clock after a long Illness. ltev. Peter Roberts .formeily of tho Congregational church of Olyphant, oc cupied the pulpit of the Welsh Congie gatlonal church of this city this morn lng and evening1. Mrs. r.llzabcth Lewis, of Plymouth, Is a visitor nt the home of John Will iams, on North Mnln street. Hngle Hoso companj di 111 squad at a recont meeting decided to abandon tho proposed trip to Buffalo to take part in the competitive drill at that place. During the temporal j' absence of tho night agent nt the D. & II. stntlon ono night Inst week some one broke Into tho ticket office and stole $17 from the cash diawer. Woid has been leteived fiom Hlmlra, N. Y.. of the death of Ferrel C. Dln- innj Sr., who at one time had extensive coal lntei ests In this cltj-, nnd was president of the old Hutler Coal com pany which developed the Hutler, Mos icr nnd Schoolej collieries here. Jacob Klutz, one of the most promi nent lesleknts of Heter borough, died nt his home at that place Friday even ing nbout 7 o'clock. He was aged 71 years, bom at Rroadheadsville, Monroo county, but had for the past foity years beenengaged In the farming business in this vicinity. The funeral will take place Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Tho former employes of Thomas Thomas, of West Plttston, recently pio- moteel from inside foreman nt the Hx- eter collleiy to district superintendent In chaige of the Seneca collieries of tho I.phlgh Valley Coal company, on Frl tlaj evening piesented him with a gold watch, chain nnd charm. Tho presen tation took pi ice at the homo of his successor, William Wallace, on Wyo ming avenue, West Plttston. Tho Plttston Caledonian club held their annual pitnlo and games at Hverhait's Islaml, Uppet Pittston, yes terdaj' nftemoon, and attracted a large attendance, ns usunl The ip sults of tho vnrlous events weio as follows- Hoys' race First prize, Jl, Willie Lunney; second, EOc, Victor Cook, Olrls' ince Flist, JS sunshade, Alico McDonnell; second, $2 shirt waist, Liz zie Kellej-. Putting tho ball First. $. John Naughton, Piovldence, .10 fppt, four Inches; second, $1, Peter Cuiley, 2S feet, 6 inches. Throwing light hammer Flist, $1, CiPotgo Rutledge, Inkeiman, 101 feet; second, $.', W. D. Roberts, Wilkcs Haiie, SO feet, 11 Inches. Rovs' ault with pole Flist, $2, lid vvaiel Oruver, West Plttston, 7 feet; second, $1.50, John Davis," Avoca, 6 feet, 10 inches. Running hop. step and Jump Flist, $.1, W D. Robot ts, Wilkes-Raire, 42 feet, 4'i Inches; second. $2, Peter Cur ley, Avncii, 41 feet, 3'j Inches. Running high leap First, $2; sec ond $1, tie between Roberts and Cur lej 5 feet. Hnlf mllo race Flist. $1, Peter Ctir lej', Avocn, time 2 minutes 12 seconds; second, $2, William Lowell, Wllkes- Rarre. Three-legged race First, $2, MIchnel Hurke, Scranton, nnd William Lowell, Wllkes-Raire; second, Peter Curley, Avocn, "and Udward Sharkej-, Wllkes Baire. Ono mllo race Flist, $3, Peter Cur-lev-, Avoca; second, $3, William Lowell, Wllkes-Rarre; third, $2 Hdward Shar kev, Wllkos-Rane. Girls' race First, $2, Eva McDon nell; second, $1.50, Lizzie Kellej-. Vaulting with pole rirst, $4, Mar tin Hurke, Scranton, R fpet, fi Inches; other competitors distanced, failing to go better than 7 feet, C Inches, 440-j,nrd race First, $5, Peter Cur-lej-, Avoca, 61 seconds; William Low ell, WIlkcs-BitiP, second, $3. Quoits Joseph Burden, Avocn, first, $i; Joseph Weddle, Avoca, second, $3; Wllllnm Ollchrlst, Avocn, third, $2. Hugh Jennings, of the Philadelphia Nntlonnl League ball team, urilved hero last evening and will spend sev eral dn;s with his brother, Dr. Jen nings, of North Main stieet. Hushey Is nursing an Injured hand, hnvlng had a finger split open in yesterday's game. i m TUNKHANNOCK. Speelil to the Eicranton Tribune, Tiinkhaniiock, July 27. Wllllnm I'-lnlck, who Is employed nt Iyons bakery, has accepted a position In New Jersey and expects to leave here soon. Miss Nellie Hoyce, who has been vis iting the past week nt Scranton, re turned homo on Saturday. Misses Lydln Ostei limit and Clara Dana left Filday for Point Lookout, Long island, wheto thsy will remain two wpeks, At the public salp of tho real estnte of the late Lvdla Maynard, on Sat urday afternoon, the house nnd lot on Kast Tioga street was purchased by Bay Deubler for $310. On account of rnln, the Ice cream festival, to have been held by the Trl- THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Thin Pour Line, & Cent to Bach Extra Line. For Rent. wxrvyWMKN For Rent ' About 1200 feet of floor space on 4th floor of the Tribune building, su'table for light maufneturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Enquire at office of Thk Tribune. I Oil HKr In Hilton, cotticfe of nine rooms; nearly new; be minutes walk to station; best location In the town: furnace ard range, waim home in winter, tool In summer, cood north Will rent for the season or by tli jear, Itent reasonable. Apply to O. W Carlton, Pal ton, 1'a. tOlt Itl'AT Kleht rooms, 7'1 Jefferson avenue; all modern renvrniences. f-'D finr.KV ItinOB iTnr.(T. ten rooms, modern Improvements; steam heat furnished; ueslr desirable. For Sale. JOU SUn Oent'a blcvcle, nearlv n-w ; perfeet eondltlrn, (! ti .f tlrea; ChrMy saddle In inli e 611 Sprueo street. I Oil SVI.K -As Cottrell k Sons cjlinder, press, 3.1s cd, In Rood condition, new rollers, V00. Apply Wilkra-Diire Times Office, W Darre, l'a. For Snle or Bent. toil SM.i; nit 11KNT single house. Sflt Web ster avenue Ten rooms, steam heat, O, F. Ilej nobis, Connell building;. Boom nnd Board Wanted. VATn-Wlth a strictly private family, cen trilly Incited, board and rooms, with the privilege of bath, bv a voting; married couple; no children. Ail Ires R W T , Tribune office. ton lfoo company on Friday evening, was postponed to Tuesday evening. Thcro will be a meeting of tho Demex'iatle tounty committee on tho 3rd of August at 2 p. m., at the coutt luiose, for the purpose of choosing delegates to iepieent them In the comlnc state convention. John S Urlcp, of Is'oithumberland, wns a caller In town on Saturday. County Auditor Pied J. Klntncr, of Mehoopany, wus doing bulness here on Saturday. Frnnk II. Krum nnd family, of Wya luslng, nre spending n few dnys with Mr. and Jlrs. H. W. Bat dwell. C. M. Klipaugh, foimprly n reildent of Tunkhnnnock, now n clerk In the deportment of Internal affalis at Har i Nhurg, Is spending a few days in town. DURYEA. While flshlng In a boat on the Sus tiuehanna river, Hev. H. A. C.reon sus tained an injured rib. He attempted to step from one side of the boat to the other nnd fell, --trlklng against the edge of the boat. Mr. (ireene paid no at tention to the- Injury for a few- dajs, thinking It would heal. Yesterday n phyMclan hid to be summoned and he said a rib wns out of place. Tho Methodist Hplscopal Sunday Fohool w ill hold a picnic in Riverside giove on Friday. Mis. Albert Stevens has leturned home, after it few weeks' visit with filenels In Montrose. Jlrs. George rteebe is visiting friends In Providence. HAWLEY. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Hnwlev, July 27. Ml" Louise Poep pel returned home Thursday, after a month's visit with Miss Otis, at Pntchoque. Long Island. Mr nnd Mrs. J P. Crane arp enter tnlnlng Mrs. Jackson nnd children and Mis. Parker, of Cohoes, .'. Y. Mrs. Fred Messlnger has returned fiom a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Jacob Helss, at Cochecton, Frank Kastner nnd Finnk Walters, of Brooklyn, N. Y , nre spending their vacation with friends here. Mies Anna Williams, of Philadel phia, Is the guest of Joesph Fryer and family. SUNDAY BASE BALL. National League. At St. Louis it St . n nv o i i t 0 -i Pittsburg . 0 O 0 (1 (I J (I (I 1 ,1 II. 12 Retteries llaiper and -rhrlever, Philllppi and () ( onnor I mplres O'Piy and Brown. At tendante 21..I72. Amcilcan League. At Detroit 11. Detroit 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 rt llaltlmoie t 1 0 0 0 0 0 -2 o t II 12 ID I II itterles Howell and Hresnttun; Slevcr an! Riielem-, t'mplres Hakcll and Manasau. At ttndante 5,000. At Milwaukee (flr.t gime) R H E Mllwiukee I) 0 0 I) 0 1 0 n x 1 8 1 Washington 0 (I 0 ft n 0 0 0 0-0 5 1 II itterles fiarvin and Doeohue, Gear and Clail.e. Umpire heridin. At Milwaukee (second game) R. II. K Milwaukee unni l.'l 1 t-1) 10 3 Washington HlOliniOM 7 1 Ilitteries llnwlev and Malone , Ice and Clark. Umpiio S-herldan. Attendance 5,uw. Eastern League. At Rochester Hot hejtei, i, Toronto, 0. At Providence Providence, 3; Woicester, 1, THE MARKETS. SATUBDAY STOCK QUOTATIONS. The following quotations sr furnished The Tribune by M. S Jo-don k Co, looms 701 7rt! Utari building, bcranton Pa, Telephone 6W Open- High- low- Clos lng, est. lit ing, American Sugir HJCi ltl, 1I2C, 141 American Tobatco IIP, 111', Hl' 1U Atclilen 7l't 7 IS UU 74'n Vtdilsoii. I'r H'.'t tin's 014 Oil's llmok Traction 77 77 W ; Malt, k Ohio OV, 01 Pi's !iV ( ont. Tobaero 07 07 H7 07 the, k Ohio 41 41s 41 41 St Paul UV3 p.1 luHi l"l Hock bland Ill 142 141 lll'i, Iicils k Nash 102 10JI, VH U2; Man l.letatrd ll'l til 111) ll'l Met Traction toS ley) its lirt MImo Pat-lrlt ') Km Ui el, houthern Patltlo ViH SO?, .V. .Wi Out k WeHfin :j't .SjH 12'i .U'i I'enna II It Ill li; 111 lll Heading R 411, ll 41'd 41'- lleariiiig llv . Pr 7'l 7n1v 7MI 7D'v hoiithein II It 2)' 2n' 2'1'J 2')i Ninth It R , Pr . .. ei si, fclij i-t'ii lena. Ceial A lion ,.,. (i2'i HI n2U r.( I', b, Leather 13', uh 11 H I'. S Leather, Pr 7'i 75'; 7f; 7tU I' S, Rubber 20 -20 20 20 l'nlon Pacific; OT'4 01'i 0S 0114 Union Paeifle, Pr M' S'H; S.; Mi; Wabash, Tr 40 lO'i 30H 31's Western Union W 02s 3 01K Col. Fuel k Iron flO'4 00I W4 (M'4 Vmal Copper Il3i m 112'J in People's Oj utVi UM Uli Ui SITUATIONS WANTED FRUE. Wanted. W'AMhti-One thousand persons to buy one thousand Miles "Knights' Aromatic SCjrup of Prunes," nature'' gretet ph.vslc. I.crgei bottle, 25 cents. Clin. 1'. Jones, 1557 Hack son avenue. WANTH-An Intelligent (Catholic) lady or uen tletnsn to till a Unlit, pteacnt p.ltlou; Rood pi, if suitable. Addiess 1'. O. Itox i0, fs ronton, l'a. Agents Wanted. WANT! t RellnMe atrent to take anbserlptlons for our popular maitarlno In tonneetlem with new- census Atlas, exrepilonil opportunity. Write today, John Wanamakcr, Kept. lbJ-.V., New York. Kelp Wnnted Male. W'ASTI I) llellable man in every community tu represent nur putdlshliig; depirtinent Vd. clreM John W'anam iker, Ilept. 102 A , cv York city. a WANTKD Hy liuiiuf iclurer, near Ulnbelhport, N .1 , cjooil pattern mckers for loam and cbv sand work, steadv emplonueiit. V. II. K., P. O. Ilox Kkt. New Vork rlty. VANTKn (lennan ly for the clinliu room at the New Wsomltiir, Wjcining: avenue. Help Wanted Femnle. WATKf-A cood liuntlren at Forest City htenn laundry. W s. llosklni". WAN'TV'tV-Vounc; &v well acquainted in Hide Park to make calls In tint pirt of the tlty (Jooel salary and steady rmploincnt. Ilostou 'Y.i Co, clt BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Be Beceived at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALrtKIlT SCMMJT7, corner Mulberry etreet and Webster avenue. OUSTAV riCllhl., 650 Adama avenue. West Side CLOnOE W. JCNK1N3, 101 South Main avenue South Scranton FRED L. TKUITE, 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton OEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main avtnuo and Market street. Green Bldge CIIAIU.l-S V. JONE3, 1537 Dickaon acenue. V. J. .lOIIVS. 020 Orecn Illdje street, O. LOrtn.NZ, torner Washington ave- sue and Marion street. Petersburg W. II. KMU-FEb. 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmoro J. O. DONE k SON. Situations Wanted. R1TI VTIOV VVVNTHl-llooUfoper, expeiiented, wants iwriument, position with sond loneern, best of reference VildrcM I dmund blilllip, 121 last nvrnue, Ilridgcton, N, ,1. SUTAIIOV WASTKD-Ilv a mm, building cel lars, llagging or living oiilpualkn, or paving guttei Address Misun. 1110 I.lovd stne' S1ICVTION WVSIIII lly sin experienced hundred)-, would like to get gentb'men'i, ljun drv , liest rf cltv iefertnee. llltl I.lovd street. Ad Ire m I.aundrrrs, MTl VTIOV mVTIII Hv an expert launches, on ladies or gentleuicn'a fine clothes, b-st of illv rcfeienecs, liotrl laundry piefirre'd. Ad dress llrt blovcl htrert, Laundreve. sllt'VUOV W WTFIs-Hv i mm. cutting lawns or taking care of gaieiens. 1110 I.loj el stieet, second lldor. Sin vriOS W VNTED-lly a woman tn do gen enl hou-enork Addiess 7'7 Fellow) kleirt Mll'XTlOV WWTI'll Vs eenk or rhof In hotel or club, Address, ( ouU, in IVnn avenue !:ITl VTIOS WVNTHJ s conk or chef In hotel or club. Address, took, 115 Penn avenue. sill VTIOS- WANTED llv oung man as book keeper, or olfl.e work n on kind, experi enced, best references (' E P., Tribune OIHee MTl VTIOV WASTKD'-ny a hdv to tako in washing. M. R , Tribune OtfUe. Frie 37'; 37", 37'4 37V, Fne, lt RV'S Id- K trf-'a Col. N It 11 It 11 levas Pacific 4I'J 4li 41'.. 41'j Am. Cir Foundiy .... 20'i 30 ;i', 2'i, f. Meel Co 41 4l'j 4-" 4l'j U. S. bteel Co, Pr.... 01 Vt t2 Pl NKW 011K GRVIN MVItKKT. Open. High- Low- Clos. WHFs-T. lng. est. est. lng September 71 71 7I'8 7J'i December 77 77 77 77 CORK. Septemhei JV't ,ie'a 55,s .'i December S'l 5' 55s4 !n Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS Rid Asked, lar'cawcnna IHIrv Co., Pr 60 Conntv Mvtngs name irust to., oenj Pirt National Dank (Carbondale; Stardard Drilling Co Third National Rank .............. 4Wj Dine Deposit and Discount Rank.. 275 Economy I.iulit. II i 1. Co First National Rank 1200 323 30 43 I.icka ITUSt nam i"ri"-i . inj Dark k bnover Co. Pr. 125 Rnanton Iron lence k Mlg. Co Scranton Axle Works Scranton Savings Hank ,V,0 Traders' National Dank 171 scranton Unit k Nut ( o nil People's "ink 135 jvew Mexico Ry. k CQis o Scrinton Passenger Railway, first Moitgage, duo 1020 Ill re'cnlc's Street Hallway, first mort gage, duo 101S - 115 People's Street Hallwa), (leneral - mortgage, elue 1021 115 Dickson Manufacturing to ... lackj Towmhlp School 5 per cent. ... Cite of scranton St. Imp, e per cent 100 05 ino 102 102 Resns-Per bushel, rholre inirrow, S2 00a2 65 Bcranton Traction 6 per cent .... 115 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Cmreeted bv 11. (! Dale, 27 I.irkawanna Kr) Putter Ficsh cicamer, 20'ia21c.i clairj, fresh. Ill's 1201,1. ( heese Full ereim, 10talle. Iiiii-Western fresh, llall'ji.; nearly state, 15'jalOe Vledlum lleans Per bu.liel, ! I02 13. (ireen Pe.1 Per bushel, l IOal.15 Flour Rest pitent, per barrel, 4 15 Ream Per bushel, eliolte jnarrow, ?2.55a2.W). Potatoes Per huhcl, itlal.10. Onions Per binhcl. 1. Philadelphia Provision Maiket. Philadelphia, July i Live stoik receipts for tie week Cattle, l.uiO, elieep, 7,070. hogs, 2 771 Vlnket lngelv overtoiked and nileii weak and lower, iiinininii stock pirilomliiatini;, but, 1H2i1l, ilmlie. 3 C7aM0, u-iKid fc1 8 21i medium, $I75iIS7, lommon, JI50ae2, stenkerj and le-eilers, lal 25 sheep and lambs-O lod eleniind for best she p at stead valtca, lamia ruled tractive an I weak, hut became falilv teid,v, sheep, cilia, 4'La4 3 5c rholie, 3ale , good, .i,aiV . medium, JUallsu, common, l',:a2t. Lambs, 4-c Hogs-Supplies entirely absorbed and the nur Uet closed Arm: western, S';se i (at rows, shade easier, Sat'ic.-, thin cows, 2',ia2ljc ; veal calves, fairly steady at 6ao'ic ; elr choice, 7c; common, 4lii5';e : milch cowa of choic est eharactsr commanded $35,51; dressed steers, stesdily held at s'iaO'ic ; dressed cows, tla 1it. DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Than Pour Lines, S Centi tor Bach Extra Line, PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. KIWVMII) C. Sl'AUI.UI.SO, 23 THAD1.P.3 UANi Biilldlnpr. Architects i:iiv.nn it. uavw, aiiciiiilot, cos.ncll biillillnc. ritimrnicK u nnow.v, arch, n, nEAti I'state Kxchnntro llld , 120 Washington ave. Civil nnd Mining Engineers. It. h. llAnill.SO, Crtl C'OX.S'l.Ui nUILDINO. Dentists. Pit. O. E. ni.KSIIEROKIt, PAULI J101LDI.SO, tpruco street, Scranton. I1. O. O. LAUDACII, 115 WVOM1NQ AVENUE. , Iawyei3. FIJVNK 13. noYi.i:, attoiincy-atlaw. Rooms 12, 14, to and 13 llurr building. F. K. TnACY.Arr'Y.COMMOSWi:AI,TH UI.D0. B n ItM'IJOI.K, ATTOIINEY-I.OANS NEOO tlatrd on real estate security, Meara building, corner Washington avenue and bpruce street. WIU.ARP. WAIinKV KVAPP, ATTORNEYS and counsellors at-lavv. Ilcpubllcan building, Washington avenue. JIMIUP k JESbtlP. ATTORSF.YS An COUV. sellors at-law, Comnionwealth building, Rooinj ll, 20 and 21. KinVARD W. Tim I P.. ATTOrtNKY. Patrol, eth floor, Meara building. nooM? L. A. WATI1I . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade building, Scranton, Pa. I'ATTHtSOV k WILCOX, TRADERS' NAT10NAI nank building. C. COMFQYS. 0 13 REPORUCAN RUILDINO. A. W I1KRTIIOI.F, OFFICE MOVED TO SO. 211 Wjomlng avenue. Physicians nnd Sugeons. PR W a ALLEN, 51J NORTH WASHINGTON avenue. DR. S W. I.'AMOREAUX. OFFICE 339 WASH. ington avenue. Residence, 131S Mulberry Chronlo disease, lungs, heart, kidneys and genlto urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Hotels and Besturants. -u THE FLK CAFF. 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN avenue. liatca reasonable. P. ZEinLFR, Proprietor. SCR.WTOV HOUSE. NEAR D., L. k W. PA!- senger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Scavenger. A. P. RRIGOS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND ccsa pools; no odor; only improved pumps used. A. D. Rrlggs, proprietor. Iave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Eicke'a drug store, cor ner Adama and Mulberry. Doth telephones Seeds. O. It. CLARKE k CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NURS. erymen, store 201 Washington avenue; gretn houses, 1D50 North Main avenue; storo tele phone, 7S2. Wiro Screens. J0SFPH KUETTIL, REAR Bit IACKA. AVJ3. bcranton, l'a , manufacturer of Wiro Screens. Miscellaneous. DKfSVtKINa 1011 CIIII.DRhN TO ORDER: alo ladles' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 212 Adama avenue. MK7AH01.E I1HOS, PRINTERS' SUPPLIES. FN velopea, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington avenue, Scranton. Pa. TUB WILKES lURRB RECORD CAN RE HAD in Scranton at the news stands of Reismin Pros. 400 Spruco and 50J Linden; M. Norton, 122 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schutzer, 211 Spruce street. Honey to Loan. eSMO.OOO TO IOW-Lowest rates: straight or monthly pamcnts. Stark k Co.,TraderV bldg. ANV AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LON Quick, straig I leans or Uuildlng and Loan At from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 311-115 Connell building. Boarders Wanted. WANTED-Table boarders. Mrj. Tompkins, Mt Washington avenue. Personal. nrit N'l'.W ROOK sent free, fully illustrated. treats of all conditions of men. tells how to attiin "I'eifeet Manhood." Should be in the hands of everv male- adult. Address Erie Medical Co, "Rook Dept ," lliiffalo, N. V. LEGAL. LsTVTi: OF ARHVIIVM II. WNDLINO. Ute of thu cltv cf Mranton, County of Lackawanna, an 1 Mate of l'cnnvlvunii, deceased. Letters testiineiitin upon the above named estate having been glinted to the und'rsigned all peisons l-miim claims or tlemanda agaimt the mid ctate will prci.ent them for pament, and these indebted thciuo aio requested to mako immtdiato pavment to 11.1.11 VVSDI.INO. unbury, Ta , C. C. HOs, scranton, Pa , Executors. WTLI.F.S I: TORRhV, Attomejs. THE VNNI'M. MF1 riSf! of the stockholders of 1IIB W10MINO MIOVFI. WORKS for the election of dlrectom and consideration of such other bmineea as mav he hrnucht before thenr. will be held at tho ollli e of the company, Con nell building, "vranton. Pi , Fridiy, the sixteenth of Augibt, 1101, between the hours of 11 and 12 a m. Nath. U. Robertson, Secretary, FINANCIAL. js.s1.s,X N OLDEST! SAFEST! BEST! WALL STREET Money Will Ram Bin Monthly Returns. The Investor's Fund Pays Semi-monthly, The oldest estaVllshed In America No certificate bolder his ever lost a cent laments made 14 all subscribers ever 13 dajs No trouble No elelaj. Money refunded on demand Write to. day for particular', tree to any addresa C. E. Mackey k Co , Hudson nid'g , New York. 1 $55,000 Rocky Mount, N. C 5 Water, Sewer and Electric Light BONDS. Yleldlnp; 4.40 Per Cent. Write for special circular. Rudolph Kleybolte & Co. 1 Nassau St., New York.