THIS SUKAiNTON TKlBUlNE-MOiNDAr, JULY 20, 1001.' WEST SCRANTON REMARKS OF A CONVERTED JEW MR. JACOHSON SPOKE AT THE WELSH BAPTIST CHURCH. Addressed n, Largo Congregation at thfj Morning Sorvico and Told of His Convorsion to Christianity. Two Boys Escapo from St. Pat rick's Orphan Asylum Lawn Social a Succobs Funeral of Mrs. DaviB Among tho Churchos. Othor News Notes and Personals. Mr. Jacohson, n conertcl Jew, told the stoiy of his life to tho moriilnp con RreRatlon of llio Klrst Wel-di Hnptlsr. church. Jn part, lie spoke n follows: "In my lo liciotl la.v, I ns hiotiKht lip in tho Jewish falh. win taught to dcnily love my counti, but to hato Chi 1st. When tho Spanish-American war luoko out, 1 enlisted to Unlit Against my iiiuntij'i foes and to help ptotrct the l.iiul which 1 hod been taught to lou "Alinut tin- middle of the wnr, T was seveirly vvoutldicl on the Held of li.itllo and when taken to the was not (pected to llo. However, nftei long weeks of likiii'MM, 1 Milled suflielently to .iriiIii take mi Intel est in what was purlin, aioimd Die. Jlv ilav nurse was u mini; woman, tin- daughter of wealthy paunN llvlm; In New Yotk 'ity. At the llrvt ripportutill she ,ikeil me if I hellevul In i 'lit Hi I mid that I did not. She then nUd me If I was a .lew, and I told h r sc. , "Day alter iln she spoke to me of the rhiNt who dkd to save my soul, until I luiaine viiy nnniy and refused to lot her mention the hated name nSMln. When I liei.imo stioiiRer I de cided to let hei tell me mote of Clnivt, lull to listen to It ax I would to a hook of no Impoitunce, let it go in one tar and out the other. "When I was sent to my own home my paicnH, who nie vi-iy walthv. welcomed me with open uim and held ii bit; I'eU hri'ton lor tin- von home fioni 111,? wni. Notwithstanding all the pleav. me of beliiR hoiiii again, m hfitit wai tad bti.utvt 1 lould not help thinking of this ik w I'lnlvt. rinally, I hnriownt a Ulbk', and alter trailing It was ton virtccl and became a new man "Whin 1 told my mother of mv inn version, she fainted, upon my father hfaiing of whit I had said, he vtiuik me, in the fac i and thiew me from mv home, with nothing hut the clothes X wme and $7fi In mv poi ket. After that SUNBURN IJov ami Almond Cream remoiej trdncM ot the- ckln ami soothes the pain c sunburn in ore nlcht. Take a bottle with ou en your acaiioc. lOIt SALE UY 0. W. JtNKISS. ..... ii null..... GOODS CLEARANCE The entire stock goes. The price cuts are keen, deep and decisive, and there is not a yard of the many thousands offered that is not of this sea sou's productions. Only a Few Quotations Today But everything left in stock goes at similar reductions. Silk Stripe Novelties A magnificent collection that sold at 3jc, 45c and r;oc the yard. Choice of the Lot 19c Genuine Monsseline De Soie A fine range of patterns and colorings still iu stock. Always 50c. Clearing OOn Price Now -VC Imported French Dimities All that's left of our fa mous 25c line goes on sale this morning. Take Your Choice for 15c Say! You Can Buy Parasols And Sun Umbrellas awfully cheap these days, last cut of the season is now on them, Globe Warehouse day I wrifl mourned in my father's house as dead. "Soon after thl, my parents had mo ancBteil as belnir Insane. After being locked up for fourteen days, I was io leased and allowed to proceed on my way rejoicing. Many varied nnd cruel oxpeilonec have been mine since then, but Clod, my father, has brought mo heie und will take care of mo through life." Lawn Social. The lawn social held by the Sherman Avenue mission, on Washburn street, last Saturday evening, was a success In every sense of thovvord. The spacious lawn whs very prettily decorated with Japanese lanterns, colorod lights, Ameilcan Hags nnd bunting. Those In charge of tho refreshment tables wen- Mrs. Joseph Thomas nnd the Misses Jennie. Oleason, Kuth Jones, hist tahle, and Mrs. John Phillips and Miss Jennie Unvls, second tnble. Messrs. John Phillip', Richard Phillips and John Harvard had chatge of tho Mitt dilnk booth. A giaphnphone, oper ated by Seth Jones, furnished music thioughout the evening. Loft tbo Orphanage. Saturday afternoon, between 4 and 5 o'clock, two little fellow s.Martln IJ.uvy, of Sci.inton, ago 11 jeais, and Pi.nuls MiKee, of Nantlcoke, age 7 .venrs, le spectlvely, lelt their home at St. Pat rick's Orphan H.s.vluni, without giving iinvono an Idea of their intentions. As McKeeVi father lives in Nantl icike, It Is supposed that they went in that direction. Tho bos havo never, in any way, exploded dlvsatlvfaction with the life at the home, and weto nhaH kind and obedient. It is Mtppovod, how evei, that they beiame a little leslless and stinted out for adventuie. If the little fellows deslie to vllt at Nantl coke nnd then letuin to the home, the Sistoi.s will let them do as they deslie. First Baptist Church. On Sunday morning, Pastor Ma thews pleached an eloquent sermon fiom tho text, "Kor It is Cod which woiketh In us" In tho evening James O Hnlley, a licentiate of the chinch, pleached an invplilng senium to the voting people ft om the te.t, "God Is Lov e " The Sunday evening meeting of the Haptlst Young People's union was led b the pastor, and was oiy well at tended On Kildti, the Sunday sthool will hold Its picnic nt Nay Aug park. The cats will leave Main and Jackson at S.M sharp. Among the Churchos, At the Simpson Methodist UpWtopal church the pastor, Uev. H. C Me Deimott dellveied two very eloquent sermons from the tets, "On Ragle's Wings." and "How Are ou Living," uspeetively. Roth the Sunday school and Rpwoith League nie enjoying an uuusimIIv latge attendance. At the Washburn Street Ptesbyter chutch, Pastor Moffat pi etched, both moinlng and evening for the last time till the Hist Sunday In Septem ber. The Young Peoples Chilstiun Rn- Imported Linen Ginghams These sold at 370 and 45c the yard. Nice assort ment still ou hand. The New Sale Price 19c Beautiful Dimities Hundreds of pieces still left to choose from. Our popular iSc cloth. During This Sale 10c A Dozen Other Weaves In various grades and all the leading designs and color effects, may be yours at prices similar to those just quoted. Is not the bargain opportunity great? The denvor enjoyed consecration service In tho evening. In tho Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal church Mundny morning, nov. James Iicnnlngcr Inspired his uti dleno by tin nddiess from tho text, "Clod's Keeping." In tho evening he preached fiom tho there, "13y Way ot tho Cross." Salvation Army. The evening meeting of the Halvn tlon Army held Saturday evening nt tho hall on Price street wns vety well intended. Coloned Mnigetts gave a very Interesting account of his llfo nnd also sang several solos In a very llnu voice. .Stan Captain lit ewer then gave a thoughtful dlscuurso on this Hlble, after vvhlsh tho meeting vvj3 closed by player. Ice ci em and enke were sold In the basement, the ptocceds going to pay general expenses. Funeral of Mrs. Davis. On Satutday afternoon nt 2.30 oc cuned tho funeral of the late Mrs. Sarah J. Uavls fiom the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Toffmun, ot tho Hnnipton mines. Iluv. Thomas De Ottlchy had charge of tho service and spoke consoling words to tho many bereaved ones gathered around the casket. Hiawatha council, No, 2!, Daughters of Pocahontas, attended In a body. The pall heaters were John Morgan, Uviin Jones, David Ptice, Alf. Bovnn, John ltceso and Thomas James. In terment was made In tho Cambria ccmotety on Washburn Htteet. NOTES AND PERSONALS. A number of West Kldeis enjojed n dunce In Meats' hall on Saturday even ing, under the management of Davis nnd Tianey. Miss Loin Duggan fur nished the music. Oeotge W Phillips Is spending his vacation at the A blithday patty was tendered Mrj. Horace Coslett on Thuisdny evening at her home, corner ltubccca avenue and Limine stieet. The William C'onncll C.leo club held a In Ivorlte hall yesteiday. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. ltyton Hvnns have returned home ft om an extensive visit at tho Pan-Ainetican, Nligaia, Falls, Ciystul Ueaeh and Canada. James Dm kin, of Luzerne stteet, has niieptcd a position with the Union Traction company of Philadelphia. M. i:. Woiden. of Ninth Hyde avenue, is imptovlug his ptopetty. Misses I'eatl and rioiento Davis, of North Main avenue, nie spending the summer at Lake Wlnola. i:tonslvo tcpalis have just been completed on the Methodist pat son age Miss Mvitk Hecinor, of North Bromley avenue, is camping with n number of young ladies at Lily Lake Ml1- Lou Miller, of Wllkes-Hatio. is the guest of her sister. Mis. W. A. Wilgley, of Division stteet. Silas Hartman 'h building ahand some house on Noith Hebeeca avenue. The Misses Evans, of Rock stteet, ate cntettainlug Miss Haivaul, of New Castle, Pa, The beautiful home of H. M. Car penter, oil) Not th Main avenue, is lendy for occupancy. Horn To Mi. and Mrs. Simon Jones, of Mollis coiltt, a daughtei. Mis. Aswcll, of Hock stteet, is quite ill. Dr. Cieoige 15. Iteynolds, of Noith Main avcmii, was somewhat Imptovcd je.stetday. Miss Mae Williams, of Acker avenue. Is cntct talnlng Miss Mattle Smith, of Philadelphia. J. H. Williams, of Lincoln avenue. Is In New Yoik city on business. Thomas H. Kv.ins of Luzerne stieet, has gone to Philadelphia, on a business tiip. Miss Mabel Phillips, of Academy stteet. Is spending ,i couple of weeks In Wilkes-IJatre. Miss Williams, of Hlakdy, Is visit ing Mis. Hannah Miles, ot Noith Dioiuley avenue. Saturday at let noon the stieet cars wcte del.iod for some time by a bleak in the oveihead wite between Oxford and Lu.unc stieets, The Thimble club held their nnnual outing nt Nay Aug on Saturday, Their will be a lawn social at thau,ir!.loii satunlai nlsht lie anlclcnUilj lan lib home of Miss L'dlth Jones, on Locust stieet, Monday evening. CI1.11 les Mcllovein, of South Lincoln avenue, has ictutncd to woik after a seveie illness. Quite .1 little excitement was caused by a lun.ivvny horse on South Main nvenue Sunday moinlng Patilck Hiennntt, of Carbondale, Is vMtlng fi lends on this side. The men working nt the Oxford clay for n clam bake. Hde Paik Lodge, No. 306, K. ot P., confetred the third degiec on a num ber of candidates Thursday evening, Dr. Jenkins and Palmer Williams, of this side, go to Buffalo tonight. John K. Kelly will leave the city on Thin sday on his wheel for a trip to the Pan-Ameilcan. As a icsult of the storm, tho large awning In ftont of Cogiove's stotc, on Noith Main avenue, is down. The f uncial of John, the infant son of Mr. und Mis. Anthony Dougherty, of 144 Meildlan stieet, was held from the family tesldence on Saturday afternoon, and Inteiment was made In the Cathcdinl cemetery. GREEN RIDGE. Mr. and Mis, Will Carr, of tlieen Ultlgo stieet, went to C't)stal lake Sat uiday and wcio guests tlicie over Sun day of Mis. Hdwntcl Jones and family, Mr. and Mis. John B. Poote, of r,i pouso avenue, left Satuiday for New York. The Mlses Margaret Wnnen nnd Hattlc ridels, of Mailnn street, aie spending their vacation at Maplewood and Lake Henry Oian Cair, of Orcen llldgo stieet, Is camping nt L'lk lnke. Mrs. Zlba Knapp, of Kast Mai ket stiet, Is at Lake Wlnola. Mr. and Mis. Horace Smith, of Mon sey avenue, spent the Sabbath nt Lnke Wlnola. Mr. nnd Mrs. Duncan, of Biooklyn, N. Y , are guests at tho home of Mis. Dun can's patents, Mr. nnd Mis. S. P. Hull, of Sandeison avenue. A Inundiy wagon of A B. Wurman was overturned on Sanderson avenue Saturday by the horse making a sud den lungo while turning. Beond the bieaklng of ono of the side windows, no damage was done. The now residence of James Fuller, on Delawiue streeljls nearly completed. THE HOMLIEST MAN IN SCRANTON ai well 'u tho handsomest, and otheri aro invited to call on any diusgiit and get Irco a trial bottle ot Iunip'a IUIam (or tho Throat and I,un:, a remedy that ia guaranteed to cure ,"d rclleie all Chroni bnd Acute Cousin, Aithma, UronchltU and CoiiiiuupUon. I'ricu 2X. and 60c, IINKBT A Tlirn why not eo with the ul,CDU'1i1itit Union I vi union to lljricj'n lkr on U'riinmUy, REST ,M1,.V 3I ym- You WU "'' mre to enmc hk refrcslicM. The tAcuulon Ii under the illtcctloii of the Wa'lihurn Slrrct I'rulntctlan, tlic Simpson MtllioilIU l.plcxipal iriil the Itiimpton Street .VlethoiJlit churched. Hie tr ilns wilt Icjin the DcUware anil llmlvin depot pt 8 o'clock ehirp and will go illicit lo the laVe without rhanc?c. Tlclcetil AclnlK, Pi ccnUi ihll ilren. IV) trnU C. U. Tobey nnd family, of North Park, iwlll, about August 1, take a cot tage nt Columbian grove, on tho Sits iiuohnnna ilver, near Lnncsboio, Pa. Mis. Tobey and chlldtcn havo been spending the month of July In Susque hanna county. Samuel Holtham. Isaac dinger nnd Cntvtn Spnirow havo gone to Plndlay, O., to icslde. Charles Hudson cut his hand badly tho other day bv the breaking ot a glass ball which he was cleaning. Frank Walcott, of Monsey avenue, Is at Eagle's Mete. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Tho funeral of Mildred, the nine-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dunning, who died Saturday morning at 6,30 o'clock, was held yes teiday afternoon at 2 o'clock from their residence, 618 Lavollo coutt. Ser vices weie held at tho hotiso by lie v. Doty. Interment was made In the Dtinmoro eemetoiy. Tho Scranton Athletic club hold an enjoynblo picnic nnd clam bake yes teiday at Haldner's paik, which was hugely attended by the membcts and their friends, who spent tho day In singing, dancing and other amuse ments. Tables for lefrcshmcnts weto arranged In the park and the commit tee In chaige wer kpt busy stvlng lec, ctcam, cake. etc. The annual outing of the Church of Pence, which was hold Saturday at Conncll paik, was well attended. Mrs. Joseph Keif and son, Harold, will leave today for a week's stay nt Lako Wlnola. Miss Hthel und Lauta Flt7slmmons aie visiting f Hands at Buffalo, N. Y. Camp 4.10, Patriotic Older Sons of America, will meet In regular session this evening at Hnrtman's hall. Miss Minnie Itegau, of Honesdale, Is the uuest of Mrs. Fied Egan, on Hlck oiy stieet, Andiew Itolh has returned fiom a week's stay nt the Pan-Amcilcnn and Nlasaia Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Storr, of 513 Cedar avenue, and their crandson, Alfieo Woelkers, are in Buffalo, to visit Mr and Mrs. Stotr's daughter nnd the Pan-Ameilcan exposition. Miss Kathleen Cavlston, of Pen Yan, and Miss Alice O'Connor, of Archbald, who have been the guests of Miss Ag nes Hnnnon, of lospect avenue, have returned home. Mr. John A. Mulheiin, Jr, and wife, of Stone avenue are nt Huffnlo. The funeral of Helen Low cry, d.iugh tet of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lowery, took place Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence of her parents, 2607 Hliney avenue, with Interment Jn tho Mlnooka cemetery. Undertakers Need ham & McDonough had chaige of the lemnlns. UNEXPECTED DISCOVERY. Valuable Piece of Stool Found on John Clarach When Searched. John Clarach, of 4SJ Hminott street, was anested on Satuiday nt the In stance of tho ofllclals of the Scianton Polt and Nut works, who charge him with stealing a valuable piece of steel. The theft was unexpectedly discovered In a most pecullnr manner. Cl.uach was suspected of having rtolen a watch belonging to one of his fellow eniploes at the bolt and nut woiks and was seaiched. Tho watch was not dlscoveied, but the piece of steel was. The latter was fas tened to his suspendeis nnd hidden under his vest. He was held In $300 ball for his appeur.inco at cotiit by Mnglsttate Howe. HOSPITAL CASES. Amticw Thonns U rcccblns treitment at the I.HiUiwinnA ho-pital for a ImiIIc cut rund While on h! w i hick, from like l.i 'itn on .111 hind through a car window. .lohn ItUwamie, of the TaUhln pitch, had a Ii mow eiape from ileiih Salurdac V hei Iron trospieie which he win eiideoorlnc; to mi ill plaie cave wav ant fell, ilmpplncr a few inchc to one tide ot liim It thru rolled ocer mid truck liN leu', ludh tiniKlng it. He wjs talen to the Vtii-c Tic lor ho-pltil . . Krink Itulil i, a juiine ln cniplojcd nt Hie Storr' (.oilier), Siturdiy fell fiom the slope 1, idimr to tin hiejker, mil dropped fully feet, Ilia rlulit lee wni fiicuircd nnd he wjs til en to tho l.aikiuini.1 licKpltal. sjinud I,K, 1 miner at the i.ime cnlllrr), Ind hh Jaw bone brokm In i piece of falllni; roof. .tohn, of south Muth street, hi lilt hind bad!) cut .Siturdn nlcht, by hav incr It cauelit underneath 1 car in tho lackiwanni v ant, width hi attempted to bond, lis waj to the 1-Jil,.imn hopital. IRISHMEN IN FRANCE. Many Hibernian Names Are Historic in Gallic Annals. i'rom Ponahoo'j. Tho Iilsh soldiers nt Fontcnoy be riue.ithed to their beloved Franco names which became so many sjno nyms for honor, and worth, nnd fidel ity. Tho LnllvH and the Dillons have over slnco tlguied with tho highest nobility of the nation. We llnd mine than one Dillon lalsed to the dliyiit) of an archbishop. Another Dillon, who was mauled to a cousin of the futuie Hmptess Josephine, fought In America with Lafavette, nnd latei, dining the lelgn of tenor In 179 J, when ho was commander In chief of tho Fieneh At my of the Noith, peilshed on tho guillotine. Again, we find another liish descendant, Clatke, selected by Nnpoleon ns his minister of wnr, and given the title of Duke of Feltie. We find a Ouilliiume Meagher occupying one of the most piomlnent posts In tho Hast Indian troubles. Later still, In the eatly days of the now spent eentuty, wo llnd an Abbe Muccaithy, famous as a couit piencher of such extraordlnaty met It that an eminent authority, M. Icard. for many oais the taciturn supeilor of the Sem inary of St. Sulplce, declared hint to he head and shoulders above Lacord alie. Wo And a Macdonald, of High land ancestry, but of Irish btlgade schooling, "tho type of Fieneh honot," as Bourrlenne calls him, cieatcd it marshal of Fiance by tho gteat cm peior upon tho battlelleld at Wngtatn. "Tho general opinion was," continued tho sect clary of Napoleon, "Hint tho elevation of Mncdnnald added less to the maishal's mllltniy reputation than It ledounded to the honor of tho em petor." Just half a century after Wn grani we find a Mac.Mahon winning the battle of Magenta, receiving In tecom pense tho honor of u dukedom, and destined later on to till tho highest mngltitrucy In Iho gift ot the Ftcnch icpubllc. NORTHSGRANTON SERVICES IN THE PRESBY TERIAN CHURCH. The Pastor Dr. Guild, in tho Morn ing Road a Sermon Doliverod by Dr. David Grogg, of Brooklyn, N. Y., on tho "Gospol of Rest" Thoro Was a Vospor Sorvico in tho Evon ing Elian Palmor Arrested for Conducting a Spoakoasy Other Notes. Congregations somewhat larger than the usunl attendance during the Hum mer solstice, paitlclpntcd In tho two forvlces of yesterday In tho Providence Presbyterian (hutch. The pastor an nounced. In addition to the other pul pit notices, that ho would begin his an nual vacation this week. At tho morning Korvlce, In accordance with tho announcement on Saturday, Dr. Guild, Instead of giving his people one of his own sermons, icud to iho congregation an able and timely dls coume, preaihed about a mouth ago by Itev. Dr. David Gtegg In tho Lafayette Avenue Presbyteilan ihuich. Biooklyn, N. Y., and published In full, tecently, In one of our lellglous Journals. "Best and Ilcllglou, Best and Vacations" was tho theme. Tho tenor of the sermon wns to the effect that there Is a "Gos pel of Best." "Best Is a. ptlv liege," "Best is a nece,ity," "Best Is a duty," "Best Is a patt of lellglou Itself." The set moii placed special emphasis on two piactlcal points. First "That lost may be pinlltnble, see to It that you get tho most out of the rights of It." "It Is God's peilod or list tor man." Second "Seo to It that jou get the most out of jour Sabbaths." From conversations of our lepoiter with worshippers In that congtcgatlon. Dr. Guild's pulpit Innovation for a summer Sunday met with much favor. Last evening's worship In that chuicn was entitled "Vesper Service." The sentiment of the hour of woishtp was "The Holy Sabbath." The music, whlcn Included tho hvmns, Oloila nnd re sponses and a 1 espouse following the rending of each of the Ten Command ments, was given by Mi. C F. Whltte moie's special choir of eighteen joung ladles. The pastot, In his bilef addtcss on "The Sabbath," made mention of, Hist, the Sabbath day is a holy day; second, tho Sabbath was made for man: thlul, It Is to be kept holy. He concluded with thiee obsei vatlons. First, deeds of inetcy aie proper on the Lead's day: second, nil unnecessary work Is to he avoided; third, tho Sab abth day makes provisions for man's physical and Intellectual and lellslous natuic. Firo in nn Old Tree. Tho nlaim of flic sent tn from box 72 Saturday afternoon at 4.10 o'clock, to which the Llhertys, Niagaras and Phlnneys losponded to, caused much excitement in the vicinity of Diamond avenue nnd Court street. Some mischievous boys had been plavlng with lite near an old tree which is situated near two large hams. The ttee Is hollowed out, and in this got bejosul their contiol and tha flames began to shoot Into the air. the bos started the fire. The fire soon The alarm was turned Ii anil the firemen soon had tho blazo extin guished. Elias Palmor Arrested. Lieutenant Day lontlnucs his lalds on dlsoiderly houses and speakea'-les, Last Friday Policeman Perry got wind of a speakeasy on the coiner of Wane avenue and Putnam fstteet. Ho it ported it to Lieutenant Day, who Im mediately went to the plate, and found that It was inn by Hllas Palmer, a cilpple. Ho also found sovoial cases of beer and two lingo casks of whiskey. Palmor was taken befoie Maglsttato rilder. wheio he pleaded guilty and also pleaded poveity. The magistrate was very lenient with Palmer, as It was his tlist oftense, nnd fined him $.'3, which ho paid and was released. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. Stephen Idoke, of West Mai ket street, was anested Satuiday evening nt tho Instance of his wife, Saiah Idoke, for beating her and calling her vile names. Idoke was given a hear lug befoie Aldeintan Mets and held under $W0 bail for appeaiane at couit. Mrs. M. H. Sanders, ot Chinch ave nue, Is visiting at tho homo of her father at Not thumbei land. Mis, David J. Jones, of W.ivne nve nue, had her light arm broken Filday moinlng while attending to her house hold duties. Mis. Jones was standing at the top of a flight of stalls nnd missed her footing. She fell to the bottom, fiat tin lug her aim. Dr. Doijie was called and leduced the fiactuie. At 2,30 o'clock Satuiailyafteinoon tho funeral of Miss Kato Conlgan was held fiom tho home of hoi biother-ln-law, Thomas Duggan, of 337 William stieet. Bev. John Holmes conducted seniles nt the Holy Itosaiy thutcli and Intel nient was made in tho Catho dtal cemetery. The Lltemry and Dramatic club was entei tallied Filday night nt tho home of Mr. and Mts. Gootgu Honor, of Gllbctt stteet, by a most enjojablo lawn party given In honor of their son Geoige. Dinning was In dulged In and lunch wns berved. Man led Miss Hllabeth Keainey, of Phelps street, to John S. Hagget ty, ot Leggett stieet. Friday at St. Peter's cuthedial. A teteptlon was held at the brides homo following tho coie mony, nfter which Ml and Mis. Hag getty left on their hildal tour. They will visit the Thousand Islands und other points of Interest. OBITUARY. MBS. VANWY JONHS-PAGH died yesterday nftei noon nt the tesldence of her parents, Mr. and Mis. Samuel T. Jones, on Monroe uvonue, after an ill ness extending over some months. Mrs. Page was the second daughter of Mi. and Mts. Jones, and had passed her thlitleth birthday. She lb survived by her husband, John B. Page, her daugh ter, Doiothy, jcais, and it slctor. Miss Kdlth Jones. She was a joung woman of unusual chaim of pot tonal ity and was rately gifted musically. For some time she was tho sopinno soloist In tho Second 1'iesb) tertan chutch, anil tier lovely voice was familiar to the lending musical circles of this region. She had tccelved many advantages and nt one time a hillllnnt career teemed to await her. Tho un timely end of a fair und gentle life Is greatly deplored by a multitude of ft lends. SCRANTON'S GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE. Monday Bargains at Jonas Long's Sons. Start the week by coming to the Big Store on Monday. It is the money-savers' trading place and the greatest and safest shopping center in Scranton. This Monday the bargains are so plentiful in con nection with our July Clearing Sale that we look for still greater crowds man marked even the successful trading of last week. Will vou take part in the Mon day's bargain giving event ? It's yours to share in these splendid values. Fine Lawns, 28 inches wide, in new pat- 53c terns. Sale price 4 Standard Apron Gingnams, the usual 6c 53c quality. Sale price "4 Seersuckers, in all the popular stripes, a Clc standard quality; usual 10c grade. Sale price. . . .2 Pillow Cases, made from a standard quality 7c of muslin, size 45x36. Sale price Percales, in light medium and dark grounds,7lc regular 10c grade. Sale price '2 Bed Ticking, good quality, blue stripes 71c only; usual price 10c. Sale price '2 Imitation Wool Challies, usual i8cgrade.1Ac Sale price v Shirt Patterns, In large assortment of de- Cc signs. Usual 39c grade. Sale price Bed Sheets, 10-4 size. Torn and ironed AQc ready for use. Sale price 1 1-4 tan, white and gray Summer and Fall Blankets, extra large size. Usual price i.eo. 1 Aft S-ilp nrirn IUU Linens and White Goods. Table Linens, half bleached Table Linen, 60 inches wide; a number of new patterns. Sale Cc price Twilled Crash Toweling, 18 inches wide, 7c with red border. Sale price , 8 Turkish Towels, large size, 20x2, with Qc heavy fringe. Sale price 40 inch Plain White Lawns and India Linens, Qc the 2j4c grade. Sale price, per yard Plain and Satin Stripe Nainsooks, usual ic 1?lc grade. Sale price 2 We invite you to Enjoy the freedom of the Store. Rest in the Reception Room. Dine in our Cafe. Refresh yourself at the Soda Fountain. Jonas Long's Sons Her family have been soiely stricken, as It Is hut a ear ago when wns suf feied the los-s of the only son of the house. Mr. Tom Jones, tho young plosl einn and tine tenor .singer, for whom uch a futuie was predicted. Tor the beteft lclatives gieat sympathy Is ex pressed In thlw affliction. The funeral of Mil. Page will take plnce Tuesda afternoon at -'.::0 o'clock fiom the fam ily lesldence. 3.'ti Montoe avenue. In terment will be made in Dunmote ccmetciy. JAMKS ("OLnMA.V. aged 75 years, of 1.10 South Van Union nvenue. died sud denly on Saturday afternoon trom rheu matism of tho heait. He complained dining the afternoon of a pain about his heait, and died almost betoie the members of the family realized that he was not well. Mi. Coleman hnd lived in this city for forty jeais. He a suivlved by a wlte nnd the following children: Mis. Hdwnid Sullivan, Mis. Thomas Oleason. .losle, Nellie, M. J., Daniel and John. The tuneial villi be held tomor row mmnlng fiom St. Patrick's i lunch, and Intel ment will bo made In tho Uathulial cetneteiy. OHHSTKH (UMHRO.W of 1702 Washburn stieet, died Satuiday after noon, Mr. Caineion was J9 jeais of ngo and has been a well known and highly lespcetod lesldent of Hyde Paik for a number of yeais. He was a member of the Knights ot the cloN den Iagle, Haul Html, (It and At my nnd Odd Fellows. He Is suivlved by his sorrowing wife and the following chlldien: Mis. Telser, Mis. SaUmaun and William, Jake nnd Chester, Jr. The f uncial will take plate on Tuesday af ternoon nt ." o'clock fiom St. Mink's I.uthcian church. Inteiment will bo made In tho Wnshbuin stteet ceme teij. SAMl'ni. McMUM.IO.V died veiy suddenly yesteiday at the homo of his sister, Mis. M. J. Holland, 215 South Webster avenue About (If teen months ngo ho sustained a patalytle sttoke und has been an Invalid ever since. Yesterday moinlng he sustained an other stioke nnd died within tlfteen minutes. He Is Hiitvived bj two sons, Thomas and Michael, and one sistei. Mis. M. J. Holland. The will ho held Tuesdav moinlng. A tenuletn mnss will be celebrated In St. Peter's cathedral and Inteiment will be mmlo In the Cathedral cemetet y. MUfl. MAUTIX MeDHn.MOTT, of 417 Hullioad avenue, passed to lur re ward Sunday after a long and use ful life She la suivlved by her hus band and the following daiiglitets- Maiy, Katie, Maigaiet. The f uncial will bo held Tuesday moinlng at V o'clock. Servlre ui the Holy f'toss thmih, and Inteiment In Cathedial tcmeterv, A.WNIK nrrtKU, daughter of Mt. and Mrs Pa t re U Hutke, of SOS Kynon slteot. died yesteiday morning, aged ten months. The tuneinl will be held luesday afternoon. Inteiment In the Cathedial cemcter. HimmmT r. onioniuhe s-months- old fc.on of Mr.nnd Mts.J.icoh Oelgor.Ji., died Situulny afternoon at 1.30 o'clock at their lesldence on Cedar avenue, after a wcek'u Illness with choleia Infantum. The funeral will tako place AMUSEMENTS. The Cjmiliell's vrc Cumins, Iluiraht Hurrah! Monday, August 5, Afternoon and Licninsr, at The New Armory Under the au-pltcs of the Caledonian Ulub. iicond Olfklal Concert Tour of "The Kilties" 1lh lliclilandiiii. Toronto. Cinidi's CiacK Military Hind in muirUn, Ii, tlmir, H iIitkom ami unite the Uiilemhlii of VIr .li hn "-latter Appear In' In lull kiltiil ic.iiiHiit.iN 11) .iiilliorll.c ol tlv Dniniiiini covritiiiuni mil ) Mini pecUl per tniminn of l olonol Ml donald and ofilcers cm n imllng the IMh' rcelnicnt, II is tiralid .1 fun i ot cntliusi.iMti In a hun dred vnuritaii Itic-.. 1'ltlt is vfttirinnn, 23 and 50 cents! eieninj, 50o , 7Jt. and 1 J. HENRY BELIN, JR., General Ajcnt for the Wjomirs District (jr Dupont's Powder Mining, Illattln?, Ppainnz, solelcsii and thl Hcpauno Ihernical (ompjnj a HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Safety Fuse, Cap and 1 vplodeii Itoom 101 Cou ncil lluildin.- .suanton. AGl-NLII.S: TMOS tonil Pit'Jlon JOHN' n -Ml J tl sO.V I'lj mouth W. i: MLILIGW WllkeaBarrs BUY THE GENUINE YRUP OF FIGS MANUFACTURED BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. xw voti: th r. .. m i:. . . Prof.G.F.THEEL,527!V.?hr5th. lb.UlrlMt, la. Only l.roia Nfintl.t In Anrrir. luiu-lr it turt lo bj ukll 1 rll IHtrkM-. I ltrr. Abut, IIIuihI 1 oUon, Nfr filling), Cndftiloumnit Si hhrunkrN Orin. rfi tiMi rnrru i Is Kl n , um rnrriJ lo HI .!. ST. yr prif HpI O fM ,miiiiiiai rtunninr mi !; ,...-,,-. , Inriliis ...rj WfJlHl 1 lnlrlnirnil. . llil. pf . .,,,,,, I,..nllll a .. UXA ! 1. m allll filP IKMtS "trill 111, thlF nftei noon at J o'clock. Inteiment will he made In tin' Tucntlcth vvutrt cemetery. The will he ptlv ate. ANTHONY M.UlTli:, of Tnvlor died yesteiday moinliifr at the Moses Taylor hoHpltnl. nfter a hhoit lllncm of jmeu monla. He was ".' cat of age. and woiked In the Taj lor mines. Tunerals. The "f Hi" 1 itr .lotemiah Hlniinniii vvlll take ldate on Tuesday fiom the homo of his ulster. .Mrs. Dut den, of lion Sweiland Htreet. Inter ment will he made In Waahhiun street cemetery. II" Is survived hy tho fol loulnc slstois and hrothers: Mis. ThomiiB nurclen, Mrs. Thnmns Price, Thomu3 uud Udwnid Hlnunons.