The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 29, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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the Monr.ns itAnmvAnB sTons.
"Will convince you thnt
CItOrPH In tho best
chopper in tho world.
Chops vapidly o hops
com so, chops fine, chops
evciythlng thnt can ho
chopped nnd with very
llttlo labor. The Univer
sal Is sclf-cleanlnp. self
sharpening and will last
a. life time.
Trices. $1.25, $1.75
and $2.25.
Foote & Shear Co.
IJ9N. Washington Ave
Some Knit Garments
for Bribe nnd child that will
make n mother happy and
tho child restful. Wo are
specialists in this lino nnd
havo eveiythinfr in tho ad
vanced styles for infants and
I Th? Baby Bazaar,
I 510 Spruce Street.
Telephone cr mill m a r0,'l cl" "' Jnur
home nivt ijunlc prlre on liundfrlnj: any quality
tj Mml of lace cr ush cuttalni. Kcjulta guar,
fSossip I
0 0
Miss ICiMI" Hot ity. of 1217 Cedar ave
nue, entei t. lined a minilipr of her
friend's S.iturdus night In honor of her
birthd.iN. The evening was pleasantly
spent In pla.vltig games of all Kind",
singing and dim lug. At a late hour
the table was fpiead and d.tlntv v finds
Mere coned by the hosteK Those pies
ent were:
Misses Ters-le I'laheity, Mary Kink,
Fiances O'Malley, Onto I'ailui, Dolly
Carlln, Katie K'tily. Maty MalM, Tes'
Me rinnlgan, Genevieve McDcimott,
Charles Uoilie, Patilik McC.ovem, John
MeDennott. "William Hopkins, Matthew
Noonly, T. ivittor, John Hoilty, Thomas
Cawley, Wanen Tappan and "William
The O. C. chili held n Map party at
tlie home of Mr. Alfied Widdirk, 30(5
North I'ilmote acnne, Fiiday evening.
An enjos.thlc time wns had by all,
Thos-e present weie:
John Davis, John Lewis, Albeit Motz,
Arthur .Tone.s, George Maieli, John J.
Hower. Howard Oi (tilths, David Wat
kins, Samuel Jones, and Alfred "Wld
dick. ooooooooooooooooo
0 o
I Some Men f
of the Hot I
O 0
John A. Hornn, of Punmore, has left
for California, wlicio he will icglster as
a student at tho I'nherhlty of Cali
fornia. Ho will play on the unheiMty
foot hall team and also act as assist
ant coach. Not only will he be a stu
dent, but. moreoei, college conespond
ent for "Wl in It. Hearst's San Fian-cls-co
paper, the i:amlner.
John Hornn and his foot ball playing
ability aie too well-known in this city
to need nny extended encomiums Lust
jenr he was a freshman at I. ifajtie
college, and there easily made the
strong 'vaislty team. His massive
frame rained him a place In the line,
and during seveiat games he plajed at
guaid and tackle. During the latter
pirt of the se.u-on, however, he was
shifted to halfback, and for a man of
his size plaed an exceptionally fast
game In that position.
He Is over Mx feet tall, nnd when lu
playing condition -weighs :in pounds.
His (list work was done In 1SA7 nt tho
Scianton High i-chool, whcie ho was
coached In the Intricacies of the gamo
by Piofessor William Schlmpff and
John J. Murphy, the famous Geoige
town athleto.
Local theatrical pations will bo
grlevc4 to learn that the coming local
season will find Hany lirown missing
from the roster of managers of Scran
ton playhouses. They w ill rejoice, how -ever,
to know that his nueonco will be
caused by circumstances whl(h glvo
Mr. Krnwn n well-deserved piomotlon.
The popular oung manager of the
Academy of Music will bo tinnsfciird
to Wilkes. Harre. Mis. Ilurgundet, who
is filling tho place of her deceat-ed hut
band In managing tho Wllkes-Hniic
theatres, has selected Mr. Itrown to
look after both thu Neshltt and c.und
opera houses. He will ulso hae chnigo
of tho AVIlkes-Hano Hill Posting com
pany. Mr. Drawn, who has been sum
mering at Capo May, will enter upon
his duties next month. Last season ho
managed the Academy ot Muslu with
great success, making tho theatio one
of tho best paying popular prlco houses
in tho state, and by hi own courtesy
nnd affability winning tho lespect and
liking of Its every patron.
If there Is anybody In this city who
lovt s children more and takes a keener
delight In making them happy than
does Former Park Commissioner An
drew P. Bedford, that person Is listed
among those unknown to fame. Mr.
Bedford' efforts every vrar in arranz-
Ing for the newsboys' picnic nnd In
seeing that the boys themselves have
the very best of limes on thnt day have
won for him the title of "The News
boys' Friend." For nbout a week be
foie tho picnic every year, Mr. Hedford
pushes his laigt' business Interests to
one side and spends almost his enllic
time In perfecting the details for the
newsies' celebration, nnd when tho dny
Itself comes he becomes ciy much like
the wildest youngster In the crowd and
takes hln ride on the merry-go-round
nnd romps and gambols with the bos
as If he were only ten years old, In
stead of well, veiy much older than
His brand new automobile wns
pressed Into service as a soit of de
livery wagon Inst week nnd was fre
quently seen en the stiets londed down
with contributions from various mer
chants, which Mr. Hedford had gone
around and peisonnlly collected, He Is
a modest man, nnd If ou nsk him why
ho spends so much time eveiy year on
the newsboys, he'll simply tell you that
It's because he likes them.
A Washington correspondent sa ot
Urn James T. DuRols, of Hnllstend:
"The Hon. James T. DuRols, consul
general of the t'nlted States to Swlt
Zetland, has tecently leslgned his post
under ptotcst of the state department
and treasury depirtment. Mr. DuHols
was appointed to SulUciland upon tho
personal request of that veteran states
man, Representative Onlusha A. Orow,
of Pennsylvania. The resignation
amounts to u transfer. Instead of tho
teveiance of the jelatlons of Mr. Du
Hris with tho admlnlsti-""n and ho
has accepted a position In the state de
partment known ns editor of the laws
of congress, which Is not only ngiee
able to him, but Is a position for which
he s especially fitted. Mr. DuBols gae
up his post at St. Gall for putely per
sonal leasons, namely, he desires to
educate his two boss lu Ameilcan col
leges for which they aie now fitting.
As consul genernl to Switzerland Mr.
DuHois has made nn enviable tecord,
and It Is Intimated that In nddltlon to
the position which has been tendeiod
him In the stnto department, he will be
called upon for important missions
when tact, ability nnd thorough Ametl
mnlsm ate required."
Mi Mnsitrt V. Adams, of I'rcsrolt, Ariz,
is a ln d tltitor.
Mr Mittie hiim, rf Pcmcr, Col , Is Islt
Inc (ricni1 in suanton and tlcinity.
llrrt ' l.nlwig, of l'atmon, N T, who ha
hern lltinc (hotcr Hiker, of Monioe aonup,
ln rctuimil linme.
Mi I i'.ii l'otte nnd Mr?. Itccd TJurn. ho
Imp ticoti flip KtiftH of Mrs. 1). V. Hurn, of
lli'iir.clilp, nrc home aevn
Mr awl Mi W. C. Mlllpt, of Clilcasn. aie
Hip ciiMtj of the former's blether, OiorRe P.
Millet, of HiiO Pine treet.
Mn 1". W Mion, of Sfintli M1I11 avenue, n
rnterfiinine Mm Morrl, of Whini;lon, I). C,
jnd Mr. W. i Cotittrlglit, of i roiulbnrK.
Largo Number of Persons Spont the
Day There.
One of the most nttrnctie lesoits
within oasj teach of Scianton Is Lake
I'oyntello, situated in the heights of
Wn.Mie county. Its natural advantages
a a summer lc-oit aie unsui passed,
and the Ontario and Western Uallioad
company affoids pleastne-seekeis rea
sonable tales nnd excellent accommo
dations between Pcinnton nnd Han
coik. X. Y.
Pojntelle Is nn admlinble place to
spend Sunday or a vacation. There Is
a Hrst-elass hotel there, under the man
agement of C. H. Smith, nnd nn evi
dence of his populnilty nnd the accom
modations of his? place is shown In the
p.itionago he lecelves.
Theie nte at least a half-dozen other
lakes within easy walking distance of
Poyntelle, any of which afford excel
lent fishing, boating nnd natural scen
eiy. The place seems to be growing
eiy popular with Sciantonlnns, nrf
theie wete a number of prhate patties
theie esteiday, in addition to tho fol
lowing who were icglsteied at the
Povntelle house:
Seratitnn s l'dcir and wife. C. I, Via
llu-lilik, .I I llniipirvll, Fr.inlv flinsllan iml
ftnilli, lMw.ird Villi in, v. Ife nnd ilauhtpr, .lohn
I' mton, .1 Suwirt Mcrr, W. .1. ('finnell,
MK-r Milter, -mllh ind l'oell, C T. Hellimy
nn son. Pavld rrltilmd, I mil sthlinpff, MIm
Klrlle Kirrlrs, ('. P. Millrinc and ife, n.
I.elt and wfe, P. I. Mct'ifTre.v and wife, Mi-w
.1. K l.eonaid, II M. !pentr and lfc, M K.
binders, MU IlcriJia Mnder', !M;ar II. Mnilr,
W It. llu?he anl snn, lohn K. WIh, Mm
rinrlntte K Roencnn, Ml I'lh llajncr, Hhlf
ard I'ieiee, Clinics It. Ilopetll
Carlmndile 11. I! Zel?lc, Prink srnilli, fi.
.1 Thomas, Kdsar C. i:ij. Prank It. I)eih, V.
(! Hmh, Claude It. StnlMi, )'.. lowler, (5. A.
humer ind wife, Jnoli 1'ishcr, I', A Tclts
IVrkville- I) II ikitlnope ind wife, .lamej V.
Smith, Ml-s lierlln ltevnold, C II Ileiliy and
wife, bene Untly, Misses Jcnnio (i. ami D.
leimjii-ll I! I'leai. If P. Wheeler.
Phitidelphla Krink f.iinnnii
Unite Pity, Mon. I'. K. Munl"y.
hiiifslon II SI. Wjrien.
Nnv ork (i Coulter. Silases SI. and S. Sline Mrohjohl.
Allentonn V .1. IlldnrdJ.
Mlke llirrr-l. Smith
1 e.terdilip, N. V I.. Maitln N. Y Ml-s Mario letts.
The IJrothei hoods of Hallway Hn
glneeis, Conduttois, Fiiemen and
Tiainmen will hold their annual clam
bake and shoie dinner at Lake Poyn
telle on Aueust 22.
Theroforo Mrs, Emma Perdy Asks
for a Divorce.
Mrs. Uinnw Peidy Saturday tiled a
petition In dlvoice, asking separation
from her husband, Charles Peirty, on
the giounds of alleged ciuel tieatment.
They weio married April 12, 1R92, and
sho chlnis his tieatment drove her
away In March, 1809.
Guernsey Hall.
Guernsey Hull is tho most up-to-date
and popular Muslu House In the stale.
You can always And heio the most
celebrated makes of Pianos, embrac
ing the w oi Id icnowned Weber, Soh
mer, Mehlln, Schubeit, Kingsbury and
many otheis. Hery lnstiumcnt pur
chased here Is thoroughly guarunteed,
and, what Is equally as good, eveiy
Instrument will be sold In tho class
wliete It belong and nt n price suitable
to Its real value. Special bargains can
bo secured heio ncarlj every dny on
Pianos thnt havo been slightly used or
left on sale by parties leaving tho cits.
All persons dcshlng to secuie bar
gains Iti Pianos or Organs nie te
qupsted to examine caiefully the ad
vantages offered here. X. H. Do not
bo misled ns to tho location. He
member thnt there Is hut ono Guernsey
Hall In Scratnon, and that Is located
Just nbovo the postoftlre. No 314 nnd
31C North Washington avenue, Scran
ton, Pa.
' ' i
Xa It Hot Enough for You P
Hanley's Ire Cream will cool nny
bod', and It does not leave a bad
taste In your mouth. 420 Spruce street.
Arrived In tho City Saturday Morn
lnp In TImo for tho Members of tho
Regiment to Breakfast nt Their
Homos Colonol Watros Highly
Pleased with tho Manner In Which
His Men Conducted Thomsolvos
During tho Week Few Cases of
Dlsorderllnoss Roported.
Tho Thhteenth regiment arrived
home nt 8.10 o'clock Saturday morn
ing from Camp Magco, Mt. Orctnii,
after n long hut not unpleasant ride.
Their tinln left Mt. Gretna at 10.1S
o'clock Fildny night, camp being
broken pimoptlj nt 8 o'clock.
Tho long trnln Into which the com
panies ctowded consisted of llnel.v
equipped Ichlgh Valley coaches, which
afforded the bovs evers' accommoda
tion during their ten bouts' journey.
Captain George Merrlman, of Com
pany V, was olllccr of the day, hut
his peilodlcal trip thioiigh the tialn
found everything quiet nnd oideily.
On nrrlvlng nt the Delnwuie and
Hudson station, tho regiment formed
and, with Colonel Wntres and his staff
at the head of tho column mauhed
up Lackawanna to Wyoming, and
from theto to Washington and the
new armors-, whero equipment was de
posited, after which tho dusty-looking
soldier boys In khaki left for their
vat Ions homes and had tho satisfac
tion of eating breakfast with their
a pli:asaxt wi:i:k.
The encampment, on the whole,
piovod a most pleasant week for sol
diers and ofllcets alike to look back
upon. Colonol Wattes has declared
himself hlghls satlsiled with the way
his men conducted themselves and, In
deed, the camp was an exemplary one.
Onl' a few Individual cases of dls
orderllnoss wete repotted, and these
occunlng In the early part of the week
were attributable to the speakeass'
nuisance In the company streets, which
Colonel Wntres piomptly did nwny
w Ith.
Tho ramp was a model of clennll
ness, cery compnns' street being en
tltels' fiee from scinps of paper or tho
least debris. There were sots' few ac
cidents nnd the genernl health was
excellent. It was pietts" warm during
sftmo of tho drills, but nevettheless
the men bore up against the weather
like veterans, nnd Mnjor Keller nnd
his staff of woikers had little to do
lu the way of nldlng victims of ' "at
Mirth nnd Jollity liugned supreme nil
week nnd after taps was sounded
nights nnd lights wete out, many wete
tho'practlcal Jokes played upon unfor
tunate "rookies," ns tho new enlisted
men are contemptuously termed by
their experienced brethren In the
lanks. A clever jest was enacted nt
the tent of Major Frank Hobllng
Thuisdny night.
The major was giving his "pink
tea," ns he rather lnnptlj termed his
farewell party, at which were present
the field and staff of the regiment and
the oQIcers of his battalion. About
10. 10 o'clock, several otilcets of the
Twelfth leglment Joined the festive
thtong and with them was a pottly
Teuton, visiting In the tamp.
He was a pondetous individual,
weighing nbout two bundled nnd
thlit' pounds, nnd w eating a military
coat, borrowed ftom nn ofllcer. About
an hour after his ai rival, one of the
Thhteenth's ofllcers slipped away and
had a brief talk Ith the ofllcer of the
provost guat d, which icsulted In tho
arrival upon the scene soon after of
that dignitaty and his men.
Walking up to tho big Get man, ho
laid his hand heavily upon his shoul
der nnd luitly lemiuked: "You are
under arrest, sir."
'Tutor an est! Melu Gott, what hat
I done'.'" t-tammered his unfoi tunitto
pilsoner, nervously dropping on a
chair half a glassful of "pink tea."
"You aie wearing an oflleer's coat,
which It Is against the rules of this
camp for a civilian to do," sternly
answered tho ofllcer.
"Rut I am all right. I haf no other
goat with me," stammered tho Ger
man. "These ohentlemen can identi
fy me. They know who I am." With
which ho turned to the ofllcer who had
Introduced him Into tho parts', and
plteously appealed for recognition. All
lie received, however, was a steels'
glance, and a cold, "Ofllcer, I never
saw tho man before In my life." Ho
lecclved tho same treatment fiotn nil
present and the guaid hunted him
nround to tho guaid house, wheic, af
ter thoroughly frightening hhn by a
fierce display of bayonets, thes' al
lowed him to go back to his quartets,
after sui tendering the coat.
Just befoto the leglment left camp,
Sergeant R. J. Hauer led his band
around the company stieets, In each of
which the men were lined up In foimaj
array to greet and che6r the talented
nggiegatlon of musicians who won
flesh lauiels for themselves dining the
encampment. Headquuiteis also wa;
Following this, the entire leglment,
led by the band, matched to the brigade
headquaiteis as fat ew ell to General
Gobin and his staff. Tho brgade com
mander met the regiment and made a
very nice little speech, In which ho
warmly pialsed the leglment for the
excellent woik it had dono In camp,
and said many exceedingly pleasant
things nbout Colonel L. A. Waties and
his Scrnnton command.
Ho Had a Skirt, Believed to Have
Been Stolen, in His Possession,
Samuel Hurley was at rested Saturday
morning by Patrolman Addyman for
behaving In a disorderly manner on
Center street, and -was found to have
In his possession a skirt belonging to a
woman named Lottie Smith, who re
bides at 309 Oakfoid court.
It Is believed that ho stole this, but
an no one appeared In pollco cnuit to
prosecute him on tho chnige of laicens",
ho was let olf with a line of $10.
Look for the
the sttcet cars.
furnishes hest
courses for piano
Instru otlons.
Flrstyear course
$30.00. Numerous
recitals. Rapid
Write for catalogue.
J. Alfred Pennington, Director.
Burned nt the L. I. A S. Co's Blast
Furnaces nt Lebanon.
Peter Pitt, tho 19-year-old son of
Gottlieb Pitt, of 409 Plttston avenue,
wns burned to death yesterday morning
at 4 o'clock while at work at one of the
t.ncknunhnu Iron nnd Steel company's
blnst furnaces nt Lebanon, Pa. A dis
patch wns lecclved by his father nbout
11 o'clock tending us foddows:
Lebanon, l'a., July 23.
Sir. Pllt, PltUlen avenue.
Your on, Peter Pitt, was burned to deith this
mornlnif. Aner A. II, bee,
General Superintendent I, I, & S Co.
Young Pitt was employed nt one of
the blast furnnces when one of the
chutes which conducts tho ore Into the
fin mice becamo blocked. Young Pitt
took a bar and tried to loosen the ore,
when It suddenly slipped Into the fur
nnce. Young Pitt was overcome by tho
gas and fell nnd wns burned to death
In sight of his fellow workmen, who
could do nothing to save him,
August Dieslng. who wns a friend of
young Pitt, left for Lebanon last night
to hnvo the rcmnlns removed to the
Pitt home. Deceased Is survived by n
father nnd three brothers.
Peter Pitt left for Lebanon nbout
nine months ago and was employed nt
tho furnaces ever since. He wns well
liked by nil that knew him for his
bright nnd friendly disposition.
Ho Leaped from a. Moving Train to
Rocover His Boy's Hat and Was
Ground Undar Wheels,
Anthony Walsh, of Ols'phnnt, lost
his life near Mountain Park on Satur
day morning by Jumping from a mov
ing pascnger train to rescue his boy's
hat, which ahd blown out of the win
dow. Walsh and his family were on an ex
cursion run over the Jersey Central to
the paik by St. Patrick's congregation
of Olyphant. Just as tho trnln had be
gun to slacken Its speed and was near
Ing the park, the hut of one of Walsh's
bos-s blew out tho open window. Walsh
hurriedly arose from his seat nnd poing
out on tho rear platform of tho car,
Jumped from the train.
He got off backwards and In landing
stiuck some ralhoad tle which were
lying alongside the track. This caused
him to slip and his body In falling was
sent under the wheels of the train,
where It was hoirlbly crushed nnd man
gled almost bes'ond recognition. The
grief of Mis. Wnlsh and her large fam
ily of children when they learned of the
accident nnd viewed the remains was
pathetic In the extreme.
The body was viewed bv Cot oner Sic
Kee, of Luzerne counts', who gave per
mission to have It temoved to Oly
phant. The dead man was a miner by
occupation and had lived on Dempsey
street, Olyphant, for a number of years,
lie was 4,ri yeais old nnd Is sutvlved by
a wife nnd nine children.
There wete no less than three other
excursionists who were Injured by fall
ing fiom swings ut the park. These
weio Frank Ferguson, of Olyphant,
who sustained a dislocation of the left
elbow; William Reap, of Rlakels', who
sustained a fractured wrist, and Jos
eph Mcllnle, of Dunmoro, one of whoso
Ungeis were bioken.
They Must Now Secure a Llcenso
from tho County Treasurer.
An act relating to licensing hawkeis
nnd peddletn In the boroughs and town
ships of the commonwealth hns been
appioved bv Governor Stone. The net
provides thnt any counts' tieasurer is
authotlzd to Issue a license to any
petson to hawk, peddle or pell within
tho countv wheie the license Is grant
ed, clothing, dr.v goods, notlors, crock
ets' and tlnwaie other than their own
manufactuie. Each person shall pay
for such s'eaily license the sum of ten
dollats when the peddling Is done on
foot and forts' dollars where a hotse
nnd caiilage or other vehicle is used.
Tho act does not appis' to persons
selling goods of their own manufacture
nor to disabled soldiers or marines who
aie unable to procuie a livelihood by
manual lanor. The penalts for not pio
curlng a license Is, upon conviction In
tho court of quarter sessions, a line of
not less than fi or imprisonment In the
counts" jail for not le than thiee
mouths nor more than one j-ear, at tho
discretion of the court. The act does
not nffect cities of the first, second and
third classes, nor ans' existing local or
special laws now in force.
Joromiah Simmons Fatally Hurt on
the Lackawanna Rnilroad.
Jeiemlah Simmons, of Ed wards
couit, iccelvod lnjuiles on the Lacka
wanna railroad, near the Diamond
mine, caily Saturday morning from
which ho died shortls' after being taken
to the Iicka wanna hospital.
Just how tho accident oecuned Is
not known, but It Is believed that ho
was walking along the tiack at the
time. He was stiuck by some empty
cais, which were being backed Into a
switch, and had his left leg cut off
nt the knee He also sustained a
fiacture of the skull and died a few
moments after being received at tho
Gentlemen Why not smoko a free
cigar with every shave, nt 414 Spruco
sttcet. Barber Shop.
Tho popular Punch cigar Is still tho
leader of the lOo cigars.
Best Goods for Little Money
Boneless Sardines, quarters, fin
est imported. fish. 15c per tin.
Boudet Sardines, full size tins,
19c, value 25c; quarters 12c.
Boneless Sardines, full size tins,
100 dozen Salmon, 10 lb tins,
10c: value 15c.
Beechnut Bacon and Deef, 15c
and 35c, glass package.
Deviled Meats, 10c and 15c.
Pressed Turkey and Chicken, 35c
and 45c.
E. G. Coursen
Nolthor Scored n Point In Tho Trlb
uno's Educational Contest Satur
day Summary of tho Week.
Smallest Number of Points Record
ed of Any Similar Period Since the
Contest Opened Tho Young Ladies
Doing tho Greater Part of tho
Work Object of Closing tho En
tries August 15 la Fully Explained.
Standing of Contestants. :
If this w ths list day, these would wins
1. Meyer Lewis, Scran-
South Scrnnton . . . 303
Miss Wilhelmina
Griffin, Providence. 363
William Miles, Hydo
Park 280
Garfield Anderson,
Carbondale 20S
0. Ray Buckingham,
Elmhurst 130
7. Miss Norma Mere
dith, Hyde Park ..111
Miss Vida Pedrick,
Clark's Summit. . . 90
How miny of thes will be In Tble No.
1 on the closing day?
0. August Brunner, jr.,
Carbondale 05
10. Frank Xemmerer,
Factoryville 63
11. David O. Emery,
Wimmers, Pa. ... 4
12. Arthur C. Grlffls,
Montrose 30
13. W. H. Harris, Hyde
Park 23
14. Miss Minnie Wallls,
Carbondale 20
15. E. J. Sheridan, Haw-
ley 0
16. Miss Jennie Waid,
Olyphant 0
17. Robert Campbell,
Green Ridge 3
The tie for second place In The
Ttlbune's LMueatlonal Contest remains
unbroken this morning, neither Miss
Wilhelmina Griflln nor Henry Schwen
ker having scored a single point on
Saturday. The only two contestants
that Increased their points were Miss
Norma Meredith and Garfield Ander
son, but neither scored sufllclently to
advance their positions.
Saturday closed the eleventh week
of tho contest, and the table below
shows tho smallest number of jiolnts
if cot ded of nns' week since it opened.
Meyer Lewis, who Is In first place, did
not score a single point: neither did
William Miles, who is fotnth. Only
eight of the entlro list of contestants
bi ought In points, and the lesult
shows that the young ladles are doing
the gi eater part of the woik. The
three young ladles secured nearly
three times ns many points ns all the
young men together, Ml.-s Grluln alone
scoiing more than half the number
turned In for the week. The table be
low shows In detail just what each
contestant did:
, Slon Tik- Weil Tlmrs 1'rl bat Total.
Stl Griffin li .. U SO .. fit
llmkinclnni 1, 1i
MI-i P.drUk ... fl 4 .. 10
Mis Meredith.. 1 .. .. 3 .. 4 S
Mrunner 7 7
Vnlc-rson 3 .1
Schwenker 1 1 ., 2
drift!) 1 l
Totili S 35 .. 2i 33 7 M7
There arc still five weeks of the
contest, and tho above table shows
what nn excellent oppottunlty there
Is for some ambitious young people to
enter nnd win one of tho valuable re
wards. Think of tho possibility of se
curing a fom -sear scholarship, val
ued at $1,000, for the work of five
weeks! I.ast year, tho winner of the
fourth special reward was In the con
test but three weeks.
Those who wish to enter must do so
befoie August 15, as positively no en
tiles will bo received after that date.
I Get Your S
x Straw Hat Now
This is the best opportunity
to buy you will have this sea
son. Don't wait. Knox S3 and
S4 hats, both rough and split
braids, reduced to
. $2.00.
All SI. 50 and S2 Straw Hats,
any shape or style,
Oils, Paints and Varnish
MaIon?y Oil 5 Manufacturing Company,
141-149 Meridian Street. .
Steer Si
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.'
This action Is taken to protect the
contestants, who have been working
faithfully for Tho Tribune, against tho
possibility of any speculator enter
ing tho contest tho last day or two
and purchasing a $1,000 scholarship by
presenting the names of his friends as
new subscribers, paying for them
himself. While nothing of tho rort wns
attempted last year, the close ot tho
contest demonstrated that It would
have taken much less than $1,000 to
have purchased the first special re
ward, as the winning contestant had
only secured for Tho Tribune less than
$400 In now subscriptions,
Tho Tribune desires to protect tho
contestants that are working for It,
nnd will use Its best endeavors to
have every feature of tho contest per
fects' fair. The special rewards will
positively go to the contestants who
secure the lnrget number of points,
which will bo credited only for new
nnd legltlmnte subscribers. An ad
vertisement on the fourth page gives
full particulars.
Meeting of Stockholders of Title
Guaranty and Trust Company.
A meeting of the stockholders of tho
Title Ounrnnts nnd Trust company
was held on Saturdai' morning nt Its
office on tho Court House square, for
the purpose of voting upon the piopo
slllon to Inciease Its capital stock.
Tho meeting was well attended nnd
tienrly the entire stock was present In
person or by proxy.
After n statemtTnt by the president
of the flattetlng outlook for the in
stitution, nil of the shares ptesent
were voted In favor of Increasing tho
capital stock ftom $K0,000 to $300,000,
which was accordingly done. It Is
understood thnt the present stock
holder shill havo the Hist light to
subscribe for the Inciease of stock
which hns been ntithoiized,
Scranton Bicycle Club's Whist Team
to Compoto.
H. C. Wnllace, J. W. Dusenbury. L.
K. La Rar nnd T. H. Dnle, comprising
the whist team of the Scianton Rlcycle
club, left on Saturday for Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, to attend the tenth annual
whist tournament of the national
whist congress, which begins In that
city on Tuesdas.
About BOO ot the best whist players
In the (ountrs will attend the meeting,
which will continue for several das's.
Your nie always cool nnd com
foitnble alter eating a plate ot Han
ley's Ice Cream. It's the best In
Scianton. 420 Spruce street.
Smoko the Pocono Cigar, Sc.
I White
sf Flour
2 The best flour sold "
Jjj in Scranton at any 5
H price, every pound is
V guaranteed to give per- V
5 feet satisfaction. JvJ
White Beauty Flour 5
makes the lighest, M
sweetest and most de-
licious bread you ever W
tasted. m
Try a barrel with JJ
your next order and 5C
you will never use any g
other brand.
We are sole agents $
for the state of Penn-
sylvania. w
All Wool
Suits to Order
$15,00, Worth $30 00
King Miller, Merchant Tailor,
433 spnucn STHUET.
We are steering straight for pop
ularlty and success. We could not
do this were it not for the confi
dence our patrons put in us. This
confidence is gained by such offers
Our Bottled Porter
The only stimulant for that run
down condition.
Sale of
Our entire stock of
50c Sofa Pillows (ex
cept Gibson Pillows)
will be sold this
week only at
Cramer-Wells Co.,
130 Wyoming Ave.
Tilfrff I Real estate has
1Y1UI L" always been tho
most steady and
certain investment
to be had, but it
has been shunned
by many because they were so
hampered in dealing with it. Many
mortgagees, when they have at
tempted to collect their loans, have
found out that their security was
worthless because of prior liens or
defective title. A Title company in
issuing its policy to the mortgagee
assumes all risks. If there has been
any mistakes, the loss does not fall
on the mortgagee.
516 Spruce Street.
L. A. W'atrM, I'resiJcnt. 1! A. hnapp, V.-Prc.
A. II. SicCllntock, llalph S. Hull,
Vice president. 1 Trust Olflcer.
Lager ,
Manufacturers or
485 to 455
IT. Ninth,5troofr,
Telephone- Call. 3333.
"Coming Events
Cast Their
Shadows Before"
Tho "getting-ready" season la
hci e. Kvcry (lav- cai loads of mer
chandise uro unpacked at our
warehouses on Oakford court.
The stote must lie In leadings to
receive them, levers' additional
article that enters our rear doors
cries for sparo on our sales doors.
AVo llnd tho prlee-Invverlng sys
tern the most effeetlvo remedy
for making new space. Tomor
low Go. Carta and Uaby Car-
U riages will bo among the sacri
More of those Hassocks here.
Some coveted In Velvet Carpet,
others In Tapestiy.
Monday only ve will sell nil
Mattings worth SOc. at
2 4C
All 23c. grades will be sold at
Monday onls-.
" a iB
Out-of-town buyers "'will do well
to write for our Illustrated Catalogue.
Ills m
&"& -,y ;.
,. r IxV-M".