The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 27, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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John Phillips Was EngiiRtxl in In
sulting Younp Womon When tho
Officer Took a Hand in tho Procoed-inps-'Contomplatod
Paving Im
provements - Cows Do Much Dftm-ngs-GUk
Workers' Entertainment
unci Soclnl Tvo Funerals Yester
dayOther News Notos.
Patrolman John Mrf'olliKan, who re
sumed his police duty last evening nf
ter his nnnunl ten days' viirntlnn, tells
of Hti Incident which hitpiiened nt hake
Lodoro recently, lu which he llqnted
quite prominently. The popular olllcer
went to the lake tn spend 11 day with
his children, and while theie encoun
tered two young men who were en
fiiiKed In olferhiK Insults to u number
of young women.
One of the offender, whose name In
John Phillips, hud made himself par
tlculnrly obnoxious to twi young Rlrls,
whom McCoIIIriiii happened to know
Hf respectable women. Phillips per
sistently followed them around and
made several utiKcntlcnianly lemarka
to them, which wcie overheard ly Mc
Colllgnn. rinally the latter accosted Phillips
and asked him what ho had to My
about the young women In question.
He Intlmntcd that It was none of the
officer's business. The latter caught
hold of Phillips by the collar, and
Flapped his face until he begged to bo
permitted to apologize to the young
ladks. After McColllgan got through
with him, Phillips did apologize nnd
then made his exit, lie will probably
bridle his tongue more generously In
Complaint Against Cows.
The property owners In West Park
complain that the cows allowed to
roam at large In that section are ruin
ing their gardens, flowers and young
trees which have but recently been
A pound should be established in
that locality and the owners nf the
animals made to pay the damages ro
Miltlng from such occurrences.
Paving Improvements.
From present indications the paving
of Washburn street, between Sumner
and Kverett inclines, and Smith Main
avenue, between Oxford and Hampton
Rn?f and Almond Oram remold
inlnfss of the skin ami snothM the
pain o( Miriliurn In one ntsht. T.iKe
a bottle with jou on jour wcatlon.
Kon sai.k nv (j, w. ji:.nkiss.
Our Popular Saturday Sales.
Continue to win favor with the people and give un
bounded satisfaction. Their success has induced us to
further increase our efforts for the benefit of Saturday
shoppers, as the following Excellent Specials for
Tomorrow will indicate. Shrewd Saturday shoppers
should scan the list carefully.
Muslin Underwear
A large lot of Ladies Fine English Long
Cloth Corset Covers, with full and dainty
Hamburg and Lace trimmings. Cheap at
50c Saturday only
Men's Furnishings.
38 doz. Men's fine Half Hose; fancy stripes,
etc., in stainless dyes. Finest made yarns.
Standard 25c quality for only
Shirt Waist Specials.
Ladies' fine White Lawn Shirt Waists, with
deep sailor collar, all over tucking and new
est style insertings. The $i.o Waists for...
Bargains Among Ribbons.
Stripe Taffeta Ribbons in all the popular
fancies. Also plain Taffeta Ribbons, all
shades. Both iy2 inches wide, choice
Umbrella Dept. News.
Parasol Clearance begins today. The entire
stock at tremendous reductions from last
week's prices. Also
200 Ladies' and Gents' Umbrellas, fine, strong
Mercerized Silk Serge covers, full paragon
frames, handles of pearl, silver, and natural
wood, plain or silver-trimmed. They're new.
-Worth $1.50 each. While they last, each....
Good Corset News.
Only 25 dozen of the celebrated "P. D." Cor
sets, than which there is hardly anything
better made. All whalebone and fit guaran
teed. Black and white only. Sold every
where at $3.23 a pair. Price for Saturday
Important in Hosiery.
"25 doz. Ladies' Drop stitch Hose in imperial
. blue with white polka dots. A remarkable
, offering at the price
Ah Underwear Bargain.
I For Ladies. Elegantly finished Lisle Thread
I Combination Suits in white only, with low
, neck and short sleeves, all sizes, best $1.00
quality. Choice for Saturday
Globe Warehouse
k Vkd'S'
street., will be pushed to completion
as soon as the ordinances aro finally
passed by councils.
The property owners nlong both
thoroughfaies arc anxious for tho
pavement to bo laid, an assert that
Jt cannot come too soon to please
them. A project Is also under way for
the paving of North Main avenue, be
tween Howell street and tho Oram
Entertainment and Social.
The members of Local union No. !!.(!,
of the Hard Silk Workcis' association,
held an entertainment and social lit
Mxnm' bull last evening, which was
largely attended, and proved to be a
very enjoyable event. A vailed pro
gramme "f vocal iiml instrumental
numbers were rendered. Miss Kate
Item-don. who also niayed for the
ilmices. executed a number of piano
solos In 11 clever manner, and Miss
Mii!'inrot Anihvs sane Will 1'. Hill Res
composition, "The Curse of a Pretty
Knee." Miss Ktllth Wooiliratt recited
a hnmoiotis selection about "Selling the
lliiliv." and the .Misses ltprtllll TIlOlllllS
and Hay Davis played 11 piano duct lu
ii pleasing manner.
Miss Helen Mnrkwlck's tenillllon or
Mi' (llrl's True "TUne" showed that
she possesses a sweet voice of good
range, nnd her singing was a leature
of the evening. Tho Hanfleld sisters,
who are great favorites lu West Scran
ton, cave a number of sones. recita
tions and Instrumental selections, and
other vocal numbers were given by
Margaret Jones, K. K. Kvans, May
Jones, Nellie Lavclle, John Whltehoiise
and others. The buck nnd wing danc
ing of John Mangan pleased u largo
A miilorltv of the narttcioaiits are
employed In tho silk mills and demon
strated that they aio possessed of tal
ents as entertainers. The social which
followed was one of tho most enjoyable
events of the season.
Police Surgeon to Bo Named.
Acting on the advice and suggestion
of Lieutenant Thomas L. Williams, of
the West Scrjuton police precinct,
Common Councilman Alhert Lewis on
Thursday evening Introduced an ordi
nance for the appointment of district
police surgeons to act In conjunction
with the patrolmen as the necessity
nilses, This movement Is the outcome
of the death of tho late Mrs. Hrldget
Duggan, in the Jackson street police
station, after she had sustained 11
fractured skull by falling on the side
walk. The ordinance provides that four
physicians shall bo appointed on the
second Monday of April every year by
the dliector of public safety to bo
known as police surgeons. No two of
the said appointees shall reside In the
same police district or precinct. The
salary of each Is to be $1(10 a year, pay
able In quarterly installments.
Salvation Army Meetings.
The local corps of the Salvation army
is trying to incite interest In their
nightly meetings, and In addition to the
usual parade and open Hlr sessions.
they arrange special meetings In their
barracks on I'YIce street. Kor this
evening they announce that Colonel
Morgetts, chief divisional ofilcer of
Pennsylvania, and Staff Captain
Brewer, of Philadelphia, will lead the
Ice cream will be served by the mem
bers between the hours of t nhd 0 p.
m. There will also bo n spcelal meet
ing at the barracks tomorrow evening
at 8 o'clock, when the speakers will
spoak on the subject of "neath In the
Hull Itooiti," The publlo Is cordially
Invited to attend tho meetings.
Two Funorala Yesterday.
The funeral services over tho re
mains of the lato Jacob Theohold, who
was killed by a fall of rock In the Arch
bald mine, were conducted at St. John's
(ierman Catholic church, South Main
avenue, yesterday morning. Hev. V.
A. Krlcker, pastor of the church, oill
clntel, nnd Intotmciit was made lu the
Ctermau Catholic cemetery. The pall
bearers were Conrad Mang, Joseph
Howcn, John Moore, John 15. Phonns
and Patrick Cummlngs.
Services over the l cumins of the late
Mrs. Ilernanl Mlsson were held nt 2
o'clock yesterday afternoon at the fam
ily resilience on Kynon street. Inter
ment was made lu the Washburn
street cemetery, llev. Jnmes Hennln
ger, of the Hamilton street M. 15.
church, conducted the services. The
pall bearers were Samuel Herger,
Henry l.ewert, Kdwurd Thomas nnd
''rank Smithing.
Lawn Social,
On Thursday evening, August S,
Class No. in of the l'lrst Baptist
church, will hold a unique social on
the spacious lawn surrounding the
home nf Miss Helen M. Fowler, Lin
coln avenue and Jackson street. For
some time past the class has been
working to procure funds toward fur
nishing tlielr class room In tho new
church and as a Illial effort It was
derided to hold the above-mentioned
All who attend may rest assured of
receiving the best of attention and
of being enabled to purchase cooling
drinks and delicious Ices from the
young women of tho class In attend
ant e.
West Side Driving Club.
At the meeting of the West Side
Pi'vlng club held Thursday evening,
at C. C. Deckelnlck's cigar store, on
North .Main avenue, the following of
llccrn were elected: Walter Scott,
president: William Kiantz, vice presi
dent; Dolph Ilrunlug, secretary, and
C. C. Deckelnlck. treasurer.
The next meeting of the club will
bo held on Monday evening nt C. C.
Doekolnlek's cigar store at S o'clock
Jackson Street Baptist Church,
Morning prayer meeting nt 0:T.n;
leder, Deacon (leoigo Wlddlck. At
10:30 the pastor, Thomas de (Iruchy.
D. 1 will pteach. Sunday school at
- p. in.. Charles Holley, superintend
ent, livening service at 7 o'clock
sharp. Praise and song service fol
lowed by a short address by the pastor.
The public is cordially Invited to at
tend all the services of our church.
The pastor goes on a vacation next
Tuesday, lie will start for Montreal,
nnd with his brother, who Is pastor
of the Craig Street Methodist shurch
of that city, will visit the northern
part of Canada for a month, and on
his way back will return by the way
of tho lakes to Huffalo.
The pulpit supplies will lie in the
hands of the board of deacons for
Ah a church wo may well bo glnd.
Our prospects are bright.
The St. Joseph's Aid society will con
duct their annual picnic at Hellevue
park on Thursday, August IS.
Miss Julia Mnnahan, of Luzerne
county. Is the guest of her brother,
John Monahan. of Lincoln Heights.
The members of Hiawatha council,
No. art, are requested to meet at tho
Washburn street cemetery at 2 o'clock
tills afternoon, tn attend the funeral of
the late Mrs. Sarah Davis.
An Infant son of Mr. and Mi. An
thony Dougherty, of 114 Meridian street,
died yesterday, and will tie Interred In
the Cathedral cemetciy this morning.
Kugcno Powell and Charles Carpenter
left yesterday for a few days' sojourn
at Lake AVInola.
The Sherman Avenue Mission school
will conduct a lawn social this even
ing opposite the Washburn street ceme
tery. Charles Davis, nf Klmlra, who has
been the guest of Mrs. Frank Wood
ruff, of North Hyde Park avenue, re
turned home yesterday.
Mrs. J. T. CJranacbcr and children, of
North Bromley avenue, are visiting
relatives at Tannersvllle.
Miss Orace Doud. of Washburn street,
left last evening for Philadelphia and
Atlantic City on a two weeks' vacation.
Klnior Hughes, one of tho newsboys,
was thrown from his bicycle at Nay
Aug park on Thursday and sustained
slight Injuries.
John O. ICvans, of P.ellcvue, was lined
J.'!..r0 In police court yesterday for being
Miss Jcannette Swift, nf North Main
avenue, and Miss May Snyder, of North
Hyde Park avenue, entertained friends
on Thursday evening.
Patrick Brennan. nf Carhondale,
called on friends in West Scranton yes
teiday afternoon.
Norrls Swl.shcr. of South Main ave
nue, Is spending his vacation at KnnivN
ton. N. J.
Misses Pearl and Florence Davis, of
North Main avenue, are visiting
friends at Flcetvlllo and Lake Winola.
The Thimble club will hold their an
nual picnic at Nay Aug park today.
A daughter was born yesterday to
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Jones, of Morris
com t.
Misses Ilfichel and Annn Jones, of
Morris court. nie spending a few (lays
at Buffalo and the Pan-American ex
position, cletk of the Courts Thomas p. Dan
iels, ex-County Detective Thomas Ley
slum nnd William McLotighlin are
tlshlng at Cadosla. N. V.
The William Council c.lco club will
meet for rehearsal In Ivorlte hall at
,') o'cock tomorrow nfternoon.
The Look Social club will hold a
special meeting next Tuesday evening
nt I-hioch Kvans' hotel, on Jackson
The Celtlo Social club will hold their
annual outing tomorrow at Leek Olen,
on the West Mountain.
Word was received yesterday by
Merehnnt Tailor D. K, Davis, of North
li in iterc lor all who uw Ktmp'i Ililiam for
the Throit and Lungs, the treat guaranteed
rutin!)-. Would you taller that It I aold on
ll merits and any dmrsUt Is authorized ,y the
proprietor ol this wonderful remedy to give you
a rample tattlo'lree! It neer lallt to cure
acute or chronic cousin. AH cliuggltti tell
Kemp's Ilaliam, Trice He. and 80c.
II IV kl-SIA Tln uliy not ro with the
uhlcuHku fnlon niruwlon to
limey' laVe nu YVritnevliy,
REST ''"'J' "". inoi. Vmi will he
ma? lo come luck rrfrHinl,
The excuiflon l. under tlic direction nf the
Watlihimi Mrcet l'rehterlan. Hie Simpson
Mellimll.t Kprop4 and the lUinptnti Mrcet
Mrthndl.t iliurche. The tnln will leaw
Ihe pelHware mi. I lludvui depot rt 8 o'clock
slurp mid will g,i dimt to Ihe lake without
chaiiRe. Tlcketm AdnlH, M cenlsi chit
illen fO rinl
Main avenue, to tho effect that Mrs.
l'eter Michaels, who was reported
missing from her homo near Luke
Ariel, had been found nnd was all
Dr. fJeorge H. Tleynnlds, of North
Main avenue, Is confined to his bed by
Miss Jessie May Kellnw, of Chestnut
street, Is spending a few days with
friends nt Honesdole.
Charles Biirtosch, of Division street,
has moved to Onriield avenue,
Mr. Tomlliigson, of West Park, Is re
covering from n severe Illness,
Tho Nntlonal Biscuit company Iirs
secured the services of Joseph Mc
Donough, of South Bromley avenue.
M. IMgar Powell, of Jackson street,
Is home from Uike Winola.
.Miss Sarah Kresge, of North Hyde
park avenue, is home from a visit at
Mill City.
The services In the Bellcvue Welsh
Calvlnlstle Methodist church tomor
row morning at 10 o'clock will bo In
the Kngllsh language; In the evening,
at 6 o'clock, In the Welsh language.
Funeral of Mrs. Anna McShayno
from Hor Lato Residenco on
Nay Auff Avenue.
The funeral of Mrs. Anna McShane.
Wife Of Daniel MeKlinnn nf Vne Antr
avenue, tool; place yesterday morning
ni tne uniy Hosary church. The re
mains wcie viewed by a largo num
ber of friends and relatles of the do
ceased nt the home before being con
veyed to the Holy Rosary chinch at 10
o'clock, where n solemn high mass of
requiem was celebrated by Hev. J. V.
Moylan, assisted by Rev. John Holmes,
deacon, and Rev. N. J. MeMnnus, sub
dencon. The choir, under the direction of Miss
Libhle Neary. nang (lounod's "Re
quiem." At the offertory. Mrs. John
LMich sang "Ave Marie." after which
the remains were conveyed to the
Cathedral cemetery, where Interment
was made.
Relations at War.
Peter Brush, of Ferdinand street, had
Peter Musonkovlshl arrested last even
ing for assault and battery, before Al
deiman Mvers. It appears that Brush
went to Musonkovlskl's hnus-e to get
his sister, who Is married to Musonko
vlskl, and who the hitter was abuMng.
Mitsonkovlskl became angry at n ic
mark Brush made about him and
struck him on the head with a stone,
cutting a deep gnsli In the side of hi
head, which took several stitches to
close. Miisonkoviskl was taken before
Alderman Myers by Constable Seth
Smith, and given a hearing, after which
the case was settled amicably.
Mrs. J. B. Leonaid. of Brooklyn. N.
V., Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Cather
ine McNulty. of Margaret avenue.
Bcrton Thomas, of "Wayne avenue,
has accepted a position as bookkeeper
with the Berton Davis Lumber com
pany. News matter will receive attention if
left at tJ. W. Davis' drug store, corner
of Main avenue and Market street, or
at the S. ,t S. smoking parlors, Steele
Miss Certrude Hotchklss. who has
been the guest of Miss Helen Sadler,
of North Main avenue, ha returned to
her home In Windsor. N. Y.
Paliolman ThomasWntkins and fam
ily are enjoying their summer vacation.
Miss Certrude Kmery. of Church ave
nue, is entertaining Mrs. Ksthor De
pew and daughter and Miss Kmlly
Hobbs, of Northtleld, Minn.
John Robinson, of North Main ave
nue, has as his guest George Parton, of
Newark, N. J.
Services at the Memorial Baptlf-t
church" tomorrow nt the usual hours.
Preaching by the pastor, Rev. W. F.
Davlcs, at both services. Bible school
at 1' p. m.: communion after the even
ing sermon.
Lieutenant Day. of the Third precinct
police station, wishes to notify the pub
Ik' that any person or persons caught
harboring or aiding William Kostan
tennvicz, the murderer of Joseph Bon
ettls, will be dealt with ticvorely, ac
cording to law.
Thomas Hughes, of Parker street,
was the only prisoner in the police sta
tion yesterday. Ho was arrested at
noon by Patrolman Flnliiy Ross for
being drunk and dlsoideriy In the sta
tion house and abusing the olllcer. He
was given a hearing last evening by
Mugle-trate Fldler nnd lined $5.
The members nf the Church of Peace
will hold their annual outing at Cou
ncil's park today.
Mrs. Adam Brier, of Plttston avenue,
uniK'rwcnt a critical operation at tho
Scranton Private hospital Thursday
afternoon. Her condition has slightly
Improved during yesterday.
A radio for n Floiontlno battery will
be held this evening at tho homo of
Mrs. Deltzer. widow of the late Frank
Deltzer. on Prospect avenue.
The Ice cream sale, which was held
last, evening by the members of tho
Young Women's Christian association
at their rooms on Cedar avenue, was
well attended and ninny gallons of loo
cream wore sold to the largo crowd
Mrs. Kugeiw Tatinler, of Plttston
avenue, Is 111.
Tho Yunger Macnnerchor met for
rehearsal last evening nt Oermanla
(Jenrgo Hofnagel left yesterday for a
week's visit with friends In New York
Tho Sunday (school of the Tripp Ave
nue Christian church picnicked at Nay
Aug park yesterday, and despite the
threatening weather of the morning,
over threo hundred were In attendance.
Three large cars conveyed them to and
from tho park, nnd the day was passed
without a mishap of nny kind. Re
freshments of nil kinds were provided
In abundance, and under the euro of
tho pastor and superintendent tho chil
dren passed an extremely pleasant day.
The Sunday school of the Methodist
Kplficopa! church will picnic at Nay
Aug park on Thursday. August S.
Mrs. Charles Newlng and children are
visiting Mrs. Newlng's parents at Flor
ence, N. J.
Miss Lucy Ellis, of Church street,
The magnet that draws at this popular Clearing Sale is
QUALITY as-well as PRICE. Every day during the past week
has been a busy one, but today we expect the crowd. These
price and quality advantages are displayed and marked in plain
figures in our Fourteen Show Windows.
vi n MV N ji
Men's Suit
$io and $u suits
and excellent val
ues at these prices.
Not one ol them
reserved. Neat
stripe Worsted and
Fancy Cheviot,
reduced for this
clearing sale to
$6.50, $7, $8
$15 and some $18 Suits in cloth
patterns that are very popular this
season in styles of j or 4 button
Sack Coat with the new Pear
Shaped Trousers. Reduced for
thistle $10 and $12
The "Atterbury System"
Every suit made by this new
tailoring ss'em reduced from
Samter Brothers,
Leading; Outfitters.
E. in
lis 1
Manufacturers ir
48S to 455
N. Ninth Stroet,
Telepliona Call. 23.
lias returned hnmo fiom a visit with
Newark friends.
Jilts Jonnlo AVulsh lui returned fnmi
a two weeks' stay at Buffalo and Niag
ara Kalis.
Miss Anna White, of Hawley, is the
Sliest of the Misses Tuft, of IJIakcly
Hev. Harry Nye. who recently ie
turned from KdinburKh, where he wah
piliMllliR his Htuillr, Will occupy the
lmlpit at the Presbyterian church to
mot row inornlntt.
Harry Hnbler. ei., Is entertalriliiK
his friend. Hev. Benjamin Johns, at his
home on Fourth street.
Miss Margaret Matthews, of New
Yoik city, is vlsltlnp ft lends In town.
MIsh Fannie Mellale has returned
from a visit with New York friends.
At the First Methodist Episcopal
church, Nov. Chniles Henry Newlnsr.
B. D.. the nnRlmv will nrpnnli ul It 3fl
a. m. anil 7.R0 p. in. Morninc: subject,
"i lie True walk: ' evenliifT subject,
"Pay Your Debts." The evenlnc ser
vice will be short. Sunday school at
2.30 p. ni.j evening prayer service at
fi.Sf) o'clock; mid-week prayer meeting,
Wednesday evening at 7.13 o'clock.
At the Tripp Avenue Christian church
tomorrow there will be preaching both
tlini'iiini? nnd cv-rnliiir hv Iho fi.i.tnr.
Itev. J. D. Dabney. Mornlrp topic. "(Mlj
of Abraham;" evenltiK topic, "Christian
Fathers." Sunday school at 10 o clock.
All are marie welcome.
Mrs. W. II. Peck, of Uoselawn, anil
Mrs. Sarah Peck, of Delaware street,
have returned from a two weeks' stay
at Syracuse, N. Y.
Miss Mary Greeley, of Fast Market
street, will spend the next two weeks
nt liko St. Catherine, Yt.
Dr. H. B. Clearwater Is HtayhiK for
a few weeks at Klsllvodsky. it noted
summer resort In the Cauciiusus moun
tains of Russia.
Mrs, Staples, of Penu avenue, Is nt
Ocean drove.
While Ira Frear. driver for Thoinn?
Hushes, was out on a rtellverlupr tour
yesterday afternoon, on of tho wheels
came off tho wnpron and the horse,
becoming frightened, dashed up San
derson avenue. Mr. Frenr Jumped
irom tho wagon, A companion who
was riding with him at the time of
the accident was thrown heavily upon
the pavement. Both, however, escaped
Injury. A quantity of the goods were
Straw Hat
Straight brim
smooth chip
straw reduced to
25c, 48c
Soft Milan and
the stylish rough
ohip straws re
duced to
79c, 97c
The popular
Panama Fedora,
either in rough
or smooth finish
reduced for
"this sale to
$1.45 and $1.83
Summer Shirts
Shirts in blue stripe and
fancy Madras. Reduced
to 5c
Fine Madras Shirts, plain
body with French lace 0
fronts at o"C
Should look into the merits of
!& y
I Rubber Shoes I
Rubber Pads
They prevent slipping on wet pave
ments ; also soreness.
3 Blacksmiths' and li
I Wagonmakers' Supplies
I Sunshade Tops
I and Umbrellas I
" if"!
1 Iron and Steel I
126 and 128
I'hlMrlpfalt, la. Out Ufrnwi hprrltlUl Uf
Aarrlrit GmriBtrr torur Ub baI) rrlialr
PIfir,(freifjuM4 lalftdi)Kiru-4tiutft.I
UloM roWoii. Vrvoat DrMlitr. IU lUnbood,'
larlfftetl Mrlrtvn ( rullUtk 1 ndnfloiwi
Intati.Shrunkrn Orant.inl for H worn TrUaioalli& Uooki
itipMlfrrr;r mnllMl and rltrtrltal fraud. Jirnllun pafffij
spilled In tho street. The horse was
cnurrlit after running a short distance.
Wllliii'il Jenkins, of Capouse avenue,
Is at Lake Sheridan.
Miss Hessle l.unslim", of North Park,
and Mis Mabel Manse, of Penu live,
nuc. left Thursday for a lsit with
friends In Connecticut.
Mlt-s Ileum, of Delaware street, has
returned from an miting at I.ako
F. F. Teal, of Capouse avenue, who
has been In business In London, liner .
for tho past two years, and who lus
spent the past few weeks with bis
family here expects to sail from New
York today for Lcvidon, accompanied
by his family.
Major unci Mrs. Hlck3 and daush-
a Busy
Day Today.
Wash Suits
Children's Sail
or Blouse Suits,
neat fancy
stripe. Ke- . 0
ducedto.. 4oC
New combina
tions in wash suit fabrics. ,
Price reduced to 90C
Novelty Summer Wash Suits
for Boys, from 3 to 12 years,
marked for this sale
Fancy Blouse Suits with fancy
inlaid collar. Reduced price,
The "Brighton." It's a nov
elty we introduced this season.
Also some "Russian" and "Golf
Blouses. The prices reduced to
er & Co.,
Franklin Ave,
Every Woman
-- , ij
MARVEL Whirling Spray
Tli'nWitlHlHyrlBr. JstS
;.vs& Asa
1 vr ' ro
(101 una miction, nrai .-
MOM t nmrnirui
IllIflDMt lOtuniij
A b.f..trorlt.
irh-inhihH (apply Ihe
.11.11111:1.. ,'.,.i,i ii
other, lint nend itniim for 11
luilrilteit linnk .rtl.tLH ulrri
lull iwl K'uUr nii'l il ' !tmtln-"'iiiMiii-ioMiiieii
.11 n 1:1,10.,
Hoom ff.0, Time nils.. Kcw Vcik.
TliMM tlnv rniilfa ii r
i'Bi III an Mu".;,,.,M,"aitlvM
U YVIflCtl Uiiiu XIV V
ui'iiti linn inirrinn iiim
" JT r
ters are ocjtupintr their pretty new
humo on Columbia avenue.