The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 27, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Iho Directors Authorises tho Stow
Z. art nt tho Farm to Engago the
Nearest Physician Until They Do
cido on Their Cholco-A Windy
Meeting-Contract for Plumbing
" System Awarded to R. M. Vanaan.
. Other Matters of the Meeting.
Tho question of h cloctoi for the poor
farm of tho Caibnmlalo poor distilet,
which has been a thorn anions; the
directors foi months thuw lnt night's
fneellnj; of the ho.ud Into u mild soit
of ferment
Since thP hmid fulled to plect a doc
tor. thrio has Icfn a illvlon of opin
ion as to how to piovldp a phvslclan for
rP sick pillents at tho fnini, pnitieu
lar in case of an cuicicem . Mi M
Cube of thP farm committee. fnvoieil
the Idfa of bavins the nmttpi tct with
the committee, power to be Riven It to
designate the phjslclnn who should te
snond to thee hut i led summons II'.
ni plied it last UlKhtft nuetliiR that It
the sipuaid ni the pmt farm would
hne to i pno a hunt to Imate the dlrei -foi
of the wnid finni whlih the patient
mill have ionic bli iIiiim might If ail
'four miles under the e.nth, 01 almost.
an pine mound the horlon How
U o vtpwiitd n be ill-vl-p and know
tt-.-. vvbemibnitt f the illieetoi- "I'ei
hip said Mi Mii'ibe tiiinlnp to ad.
d-pyK Mi McMillan 'the.v mlplit be out
at the lake wheie ou hac been. Now,
how l ih' stow at il Mippoj-ed to know
that 'llitn tip iiallent Is apt to bo
kept Milleilnjr or prihips die '
Its Ills btllne.s to know wheie vc
arf mapped Ml Mc.Mlllar.
Mi Mi wn oppetid to this
siiEKPMlon He could not iccomlle him
self to Mi McCihcs view i hlcll.v be
CcUle he believed Ml. Mii'abe wis
uMni; the larm e eiiutnltUe, of whlih he
was a menibei. foi tbe puiposp of ton
Ins "ti the boaid the dm tot that he
wanted elected Ml Mit'abe It inlKht
be -aid n, iplanatniv leids one fac
tlon In the light nui the eleitlon of a
do, tor Mi McMillan tin othei If the
susnoMlon nf Mi Mit'abe wii" appioved
of It would Mi Mi Mlllan appii bended,
be a vlctorv tin tin othei side foi
there was no ic.inon vhv Mi MeC.ihe
vvouldn t '(111 to Ilij fllin the dm toi
he wanted as the bnanl phvMelan
Mr McMillan Mild till much at the
conclusion of his talk, but he was taken
up b Mi McCabp who ic (aimed
"What Is this man, Mi.Mlllaii' I lie
a phrenoloplst who ian tell what eloe
lor we're polnp to send to the faun''
Nelthei opinion that ot Mi McMil
lan oi Mt Mii'ibe prevailed Tlicio
was n iompioinle apieed upon Mi,
Buike wns opposed to Mi. McMillans
Idea thouRh tip did not favoi that of
Ml McCnhe. whom he has opposed In
the comet ovci the doctni-htp Ids
belief was that the stewaid at thefaim
should ho autboiled to enpapc the
neatest doctor in the nice of a pitlent
becoming ill and lie put this In the
to im of a motion vhieh was i an lid
This settled the doetoislilp ioi awhile
nt least, though theie's a possibility
that an effoit will be made at the net
meeting to elei t one
Attoinev II (' Hutlei, the (maids
Folic ltoi, was piccnt and piesenlcd .1
repoit on the unsettled sun liaises
of a few of the old dlieitots On heal
ing his i eicut a icolutlon was adopted
dlrectinp that If the amounts of tin so
surchniges weie not in his hands bv the
time of the net nicotine; of the bond
that he (the sollcltoi) pioceed to legal
means to effeit settlements
The bids ioi the hullillng ot a dam .it
the root ftl im the c onstitic timi of a
sew ei and the Installing of a plinnbliu
svstpm and closets in tho almshouse
re nienpil
Thfbll-nfi: M Vnnaan foi $707 was
found to be th" lowest ind he was
plwn the iiintiiut The woik Is to be
comii" need it emee and e an led to a
completion before the tall
Thp other bide weie as follows I'
Y Motan M.J1J. Sullivan & Cvan,
JST3 6f Oiles ,1 lnoland, 57.10 Hotan
7 .' Clune Sibl.
Thf bond .lected a tiis eollritoi to
collect the ta diiplleale of this e,n.
The nftvv enjieitoi Is John J. .Tones, of
the Thlid waid. Theio was one othei
nam piopo'ed, that of V V. Watt.
The onlv votp Mi Watt leeplvod was
'mm Mt Mt Mlllan, the oiip who pio
fosed it
ThP new colleetm will lcielie 5
pr ient on the amount colic, ted. The
rup!ioite this veil amounts to Jll Jlh
The rojlp tor will be obllped to piovide
a suretiri bond in the sum ot Jri OflO
The followlnp bills weie,"? iiipiopd
ri'J ordeiPd paid Hi Kellv, $10,
ii'vvnit ClmiP, VII It Ada Walte. $13
!" . r.uioii. jv ,i r r.uike $10 a
M McDonald Sit i ,1 r. ins. $in.
Von nek Hio- v, Mis W. H
Ivans ? V-, Cow iPr Stpam Mills. $lh 1,1.
5 til rinthinp IIoiisp, $17 t.. M H.
Sullivan, $121 nienmn &- Hovlan,
$s:"i W W Oialuni 4 f'"i. i: r. Finn.
$11 lis .lonej. H103, $9)0. John MeUabc.
$11 76
Dr. Bntpson's Candidney.
Pr .1. C. Bgtcson. of Scranton, n
leading of the Rlectile city,
and candidate for coionei, was In town
for a few bonis vesterdav on his way
to Ilonej-dale The doe tot lncldentallv
met a number of ptomlnent Republi.
Enjoying His Vacation.
Word has been leoelved fiom Dr. A.
P Gellls, who is on a tilp to Nova
firotla, Tl)e dijctoi vviote fiom Sd
nJJova Scotia, and tepoited ho was
improving and gteatly enjoying his
Back fiom Vacation.
Miss Teresa Tlghe, of the Caibondale
Telephone company exchange foico of
operators, has letuined fiom her vaca
tion,, which was spent at Civstnl lake.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church.
Next Sunday farewell set vices will be
for Children "Motlttr fir., lor jc-rs a nuuc in
th Chlldrrn;. Home- In New v.rl,, ti.jtf(j t,
dirn mciMiliillv with u rfiiicile, nw iire-n.rfd
irrl placed In rlie diue Hoik, c.lled Mother
On)'. hni Pnelfr. (or thlldrm i, 5,1
hirmlw milk. I'lt-'-nt tn ukc and necer
(ill, A eerliln lure for feveiUhnr-j, tciutiiu.
tlen, hfidieli. tcclhlns; ind dlrorele-i
ind remove worm, vt all dnisuUu. J3L hjn',.
Pie lenCtHtU Addif.s Allei. .s ylinnej, Lc
-3T- -1 4
pji $
Catbondale Department.
held, hs the pastor will enjoy his usual
vaiatlon dttrlnp the month of August
The chtitch will icmaln closed dtttlnK
the period.
Now tome, one ami all, to the silver
offpilngs, us- announced, helping to
make pnymptit on the chin ill propptty
railing due next month, and let veiur
motto be "Clod loves 11 1 beet fill glvei."
II. Oor. IX. 7. The subject of tho ser
mon. "Iloiillzi-d by Deeds and Not by
WotdfC .
Habbatli school. 0.10 Sei vices', 10.30
n. 111. r. Khlngei, pastor.
City Solicitor Stuart nncl Attorneys
H. C. Butler, of Cnrbondnlo, and C.
Comogys, of Scranton, Confer to
Arrange tho Defonso in the In
junction Proceedings Cential
Labor Union to Engnco Additional
Inteicst ill the pqllilv suit whlih
alms at ptpvpnting the eoii'tiuctlon of
the municipal vvatu plant, met shad
ows ev Pi thing ele of public Impoit
ance these davs This may bo easllv
aicnuiited foi when It Is lecallcd that
the vote for miinliipul water eontiol
was live to one In fa vol of jih h 11
Vetseiday Attoinev I' Comcgjs t.inip
fioin Siianton and after meeting City
Sollcltoi Stunt t and Attornev II '
Hutler. who has also been retained as
one of the two nddltional hiwveis to
defend agalnt the liijunc lion, Hip Ihiee
spent the day in the piepaiatlon of
the- e Itv's side of the case
Missis. Conic gvs and Hutler weie
the 1 holi e of the iltv utile lals. because
thev weie familiar with the ease, hav
ing uilivnsspd the giotllld befote the
vote was taken 011 the pinjeet, ami
having submitted opinions at the time
as to the legalltv of the stops under
The Centiat Kabul union, whlih has
taken an 111 live Inteicst in the tight
for municipal watei ever since it
staited lias been stilted bv the pu
1 ceilings eonimene eil this week, and,
besides the lesolulloiis adopted at the
spec I il meeting on Tliuisilav night
asking councils to empower Mavnr
Kllpatiick to employ additional coun
sel, finUier action will be lake 11 at
Sutul.i.v's meeting when It l llkelv
pi ov Mon will be nude. If It is deemed
nei'i'ssai v, for the oinplovnipnt, at the
union's epensi, of annthci attorney
who has boen Identified with the case
In Its ciih stage.
Will Bo Repairod Whore It Is Neces
sity by Pari Paving Company.
A repiesen.itive ot the Path Paving
eompillj is evpeetcd heie sbeii tly to
Inspect the Helmont sticet pave anil
make what lepalis ate neeessao.
The eomp.inv's bond will eplie In
a few months and as the emit Is out
of place heie and theie and theie aio
othei lepalis to be made, lounclls 10
citiisted the paving loucein to stiid on
Its icpieseiitatlvc to make these ie
palis bcfoie the last panient be made
and the bond Is of no value.
Tho Line-Up for Tomorrow's Gnmo
The Cicseent bill team will line
up as follows In theli game with the
llonesdale nine mi Suildnv Catcher,
Moian pilcliei Smith, shot ttop, Me -Hale,
111 st li iso, Hull, sp( ond base.
Hint thlid b iso Miliiav, left Held,
Cuff ccntei Held Hmniett, light Held,
Hoilglns. The game will commence
piomptly at .' 10 p 111
First Congregational Church,
Th" usual spiiips will be held at the
riist Congiegatlonal chute li tomonow
nioinlng and evening, conducted bv the
The evening seivlecs dining the ie
in.iindc! of the siiinmei win consume
only toity-lhe minutes.
Improving His Residence.
(jpiiige Mills is having a poieh 1 icct
ed on his home on ltiikett Teii.ue.
Ml" James smith is the guest of bet
pnenth at Kingston
1)1 Wehhill, of Seianton, wa.s a vls
itoi in town vesterdav
Miss Angle P.iis Is spending a few
weeks at Gieen diove
James drlei. of Boston Is visiting his
piients, on thp South Sldp
Miss Klcnnor Bits of Washington
sticet, will spend todav in seianton
Hdw.irel Cole, nt Wavmirt, wns the
guest of filends In this city vcsiotdav
Mis ,1, ,, Wade and sons, l.dwiud
and l.eon, vlslteel feianton fi lends on
Thin sel iv
Attoinev John R Kdwatds nnd Maui
leo T Miller, ot Seianton, wr,ie In town
IL'i H Kllhullen left Thursday tor
two weeks' visit with filends In One
onta. N. Y
Mts Michael Poy and d.iughtei, Mrs
Thomas o Bilen, of Seianton, wcio in
this cltj on Thin sdav.
Miss Blanche Lav an, of Plttston, Is
the guest of Miss Cathcilne Monahan,
at tho Hnnlson house.
Mm M Couise, of Seianton, Is the
guest of hot daughtPi, Mis, Jud.ion
Kostei. on dllbeit sticet
Miss Nellie Little, of Pike stieet, re.
tin tied jesteiday, aftei a shoit lslt
with f 1 lends In Seianton
MlssCfi Clnia Gllmnio nnd Llzzlo
Giadv. nf Chinch sticet, aie visiting
Mrs John Buike at Canaan.
Misses dune Bishop and Mai gat et
McDonald, of South Main sticet, nie
spending a week In Vandllng.
Miss Mum" Illnes has rpslgncel her
position with i:. IT. Beelei and ie
tinned tn hoi homo In Mooslc.
MKs Blodwln Uavles, of Hmokljn
street, 1uh teturneil, aftPra week's out
ing at Mullancy Bios.' Inn, at Ctvstal
Lavein Hussell, J. G, Gelsn, John T.
Nalllu and i: ft. Hobeits, of Sci anion,
lrglsteted at the HairUson houso ves
today. James McCnwley and nephew, Master
Jnmes MtCawley, of New Yotk city,
aro visiting tho foi nut's sister, Mis.
Lawrence Buike, on Pike sticet.
Tred Stonp. of West Wlnstend, Conn ,
and Miss Corlnno Stone, of llonesdale,
spent Thin sday with Miss Piances and
Lewis Biifh, on rtlvei etreet. Mt. dnd
Mis, Hentv Stone, of llonesdale, spent
the fotepatt of the week with them,
'Phone :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
Tho Signs of a Glorious Celebration
Multiply on Every Side Solicitors
Hustling Advertising for Souven
irSubscriptions Rocelvocl Yes
terday. Tho projectors of the Jubilee cclcbta
tlon ate unite Jubilant over the tnag
nltlcent tesults achieved this week, and
they nto gtently encouraged to delve
Into the work that In yet befote them,
the details of the illiteient mulct tak
ings essential to the success of the
big cplpbi itlon,
Theip hns been such .1 leady to
sponso to the leanest for small pub
fiilpllons, anioutits of one dollar and
theieabouts, that It is safe to siy that
the s liigiiluc expectfltlnns In this dltec
tl 111 will be tnoic than met. The icr
tilliates ot membership to the Jubilee
t itml in piovlng unite 11 factor In
bilnglng the dollats towards the fund.
Hveivbodv seems to want one of these
eei illleat- s,
Speilal elfoits weie dliected yestet
ilu towaieb the piepaiatlon of the
scnil-eentennlal souvenir. This publl-
eatlon will lemtaln local hlstoi and
lllustiatlons of Caihonelale In Its plo
neei el.ivs that will make It valuable
and woithv ot being picseivcd The
nii'ulmnt weie josteidav solicited for
advei tlsiug space, and theie was such
a genotal cleslie to be lepiesctned that
the pages weie quirk) v tilled. Prof.
A AMI-nn (Jear.v, who Is in chatpe of
senil-ieutennlal heaifUarteis was
kindly and geiieiouslv assisted bv
s,i 11 Slugei. and theb 1 omblncd ef
foils achieved good tesults.
Outing Parties.
A nienv patty of Potest City young
hidhs aie camping at Newton lake for
two. weeks, with Mis T. J. Pentecost
as ihapeion They have named their
abode- lamp He-a7V. Those In tho
p.utj aie tho Misses Luov Madden,
Kuto and Joe Suilly, Ann 1 Paikyn,
Giaee Metihcnnett, Leila and Jennie
Hi own. Mav Mtniav. Sadie Hullah,
MitIo Mai tin, Is.ibelle Johnson, Mnr
th 1 and dwelt Gilfllths,
The following . pei yons miele up n
nienv pait.v that spent ycsteidny at
Newton lake- Mesdaines neotge Flshei,
Joseph Nicholson, Andiow Hlsted, Lot
tie HLstoel, deorge Nicholson, Claia
Pishei, May, Jennie and Ralph Pen
B lly.
Counsel for Hull.
The fathei of WlnaiiH Hull Is en
ele ivoilng to secute the best of 1 oun
sel to defend the act used at the tilal
In Oetobci. Ycstciil.iy Attorney John
J. Miiiphy, of Sciantou, who has been
ictalifed, was In the e Itv and had a
length confcicncc with Hulls lather.
Mr Mitiphy Is one of the lending oung
law v eis of the Sctanton bai, having
made a billllant iccoiel as assistant
dlstilet nttorupy undei John R Jones.
Returned from tho Lake.
The Misses Gabnella and Ceillla Cole
man, ot the West Side, have lcturned
tiom Cr.vstal lake, wheie they had an
cnjojablo outing of a week.
A Canadian Visitor.
John Pvrnes a student at the On
tailo College of Pharmacy, Toionto,
dnt , W the guest of iclatlvcs on South
Main sticet.
Andiew Stafowskv, a llimgaiinii 10
sldlng on tlii- hill at MaMlelil, died veiy
siiildenlv Thiiisday evening lie ap
pealed In his usual health on that day
and in the evening after suppci went
out on the poieh ot the house to sleep,
which eliuing the hot weather was a
fiequent custom with him, as It Is of
111 my iitbei of Ills c ounti men. At
about midnight he was found theie by
one n the othei boaieler.s and as he
failed to ii'plj when called, a close In
spection was made and Stafewsky was
appaicntlv dead Di M. J Shields was
hastll .siinmioned and lonilimed the
opinion of the boat dels and stated the
man lud been dead about .111 hour.
Cot oner Robot tn was notified and
josteiday alteinoon, assisted by Dr.
Shields, made a post men tern examina
tion of the bodv They found the bialn
hlghlv eongpsted, tho othei oigans be
ing In a noimal condition An Inquest
was afteiw.nds held, the following
Jury being swoin John V Giant,
Aleandei Slanto, Panic k McCarthy,
Thomas Rudel), James Hdmunds and
Thomas Bine. Aftei healing a num
ber of vltnisf,ps they lendeied a er death w.ib duo to mngcstlon of
the bialu.
William H Davis will preach in the
Congiegntlonal chinch tomonow even
ing at ti.0 o clock
Tho condition of John Mason, of Sec
ond sticet, who has bepn seriously 111
for several weeks, was conslrleiably
woiso last evening,
TIip DohiwdiP ami Hudson colliery,
which has been partly Hooded and hnn
been Idle in eonseenienie since June 13,
will stait up again on Thuisday. The
loss tn the employes and business men
consequent on the long shut down has
been a. serious one and all lesidents of
the boiough will be glad to sco these
men back to woik again.
"The Chuich at Hphesus" will be the
subject of Itcv S V Molter's discouisc
nt the Pilmltlve .Methodist church to
monow evening, in tho morning his
subject will bo "Justllle ntlon " In the
nfieinoon ho will conduct n soivlco at
tlii mission iccently staited at Rlch
monilale. Llbetty lodge 1SS, Knights of P thlus,
Is making aiLingements to hold a
social ami enteitalmnent In the neat
fiituto. This well known nigatilzatinn
have gained for themselves an excel
lent name foi eiitcitalning and t hoi 1
socials aie alwavs looked foi w at el to
with gieot pleasuie.
Mis Titian and daughter Uuth, of
Wilkes-Banc, aio the guests of Mt
and Mis. oseph Wntets, ot West Mai
Held The subject of Rev. Manaid R.
Thompson's sermon tomminw' evening
on the lawn nf the First Baptist cliutch
will bo "Heaping What We Sow "
William Biongbull, of Cpiuetcrv
street, has been contlnert to his home
the past two days with sickness.
c. IX Wlniei and William Scull
caught about twenty nice sized bass at
Like Chapman jesteiday.
MUses Sarah and Mary Jenkins, of
Third street, were Cnrbondale visitors
Pearson Olhhs, a well known West
Mnyfleld young man, will lenve today
for MIddletovvn, N. Y wheie lie has
secured n position In tho Ontario and
Western shops,
The funeral of Mrs. Mary McAndrcvv
was held esterday nioinlng. At 10
o'clock the remains, accompanied by n
large funeral ptoccsslon, were tnken to
St. Patilck's eliuich, wheie a requiem
high mass was celebrated by Rev.
John McLaughlin, who also pi cached
the funeial setmoti Intciment was
made In St. Patilck's cemetery. The
prtll bearers weie Chief of Police Will
iam McAndrew, of Cnrbondalo: OfTlrpr
John McAndiew, William Gibbons,
Peer Cannon, Marin Gibbons nnd Mich
ael Cannon, grandsons of the de
Rev. W i:. Davis, of Ptovldence, will
occupy the pulpit of the Congicga
tlonal chin ch tomonow morning and
General Secretary W. W. Adair, nf the
R R. V. M. C. A. of Sctanton. will con
duct the services In the Presbyterian
chuich tomorrow morning. Thetc will
be no evening service.
Miss Mnyrl Shaw entertained n few
friends at her homo In Hakcly Thurs
dHy evening. The event wns enjoyed
by tho following young people Miss
Hesslo Phillips and DePorest Vail, of
Montdale, Miss Nellie Morgan, Percoy
Henery and Aiehbald Motgan, of
Siianton, and Miss Georgia Thomas
Mlses Katie and Mary Hogan at
tended the funeral of Mrs. Daniel Mc
Shane at Provldenrc yesterday
Mis (. S l.evvsley Is spending a few
davs at Caihonelale
Thomas O'Malloy returned to Now
York yesterday
Miss Mamie Hoylan, of Carhondalo,
is the puest of Miss Nelllp Ollboy, of
Glassy street.
Miss Nellie McCourt, of Scranton,
spent yesterday with ft lends In town.
Misses May Pergnson and Irene
Cummings returned home esteiday
from 11 visit with Aiehbald relatives.
Today will occur the much-talked-of
game ot ball, when the Lllncs nnd
Hustleis, two local teams, will battle
for a $10 pin so on the school house
The Sewing ilicle nf the Calvary
Baptist church will conduct an Ice
cieam social this evening In the chinch
class looms. Clams and take will also
be Im hided on the menu
Tnvloi Methodist Kpiscopa! churih,
Rev C B Henij, pastoi , lesielenie,
Main stieet Services tnmoirow, July
JS, as follows Probationers' class, in
a m , pleaching at 10 SO a in , subject,
"Twentieth Century Womanhood." Mr.
John Ciocker will sing n birltone nolo.
Sabbath school nt 2 15 p. 111., F.pworth
leiguo at 6 30 p 111 . evening set vice at
7 30 o'llock. All aie welcome.
Calvary Baptist chuich, Railroad
(.hutch, Uev. Di. II 11. Hinrls, pastor.
Sci v lies tomonow at 10 30 11, m. and 7
P ni Sunday school at J p. 111. All
ate Im itcd
The Centuiy Hose company, No L',
have received a handsome new lubber
the hose cait, which they iccently 10
cclved fiom Columbus, Ohio.
An ingcments aie fast being com
pleted for tho benellt conceit nnd draw
Ing for John Rvans, which will be held
in Webei's link on August 13. Aitlclcs
nt the bce.t selection have been seemed
for the drawing. The pioceeds deilvcd
fiom the benefit will go tow aids pro
curing for Mr Rvans an artificial limb.
Tickets. 23 cents.
Mis. M J. McDonald, nf Main street,
will leave todny foi Detroit, Mich.,
wheie slip will attend tho national ses
sion of the Ladles' Catholic Benevolent
association ns a representative from
Branch 442.
Tajloi lodge No 6b8. Independent Or
der of Odd Fellows, will meet this even
ing in icgular session.
Misses Bessie James and Gertrude
Simmons are homo fiom their acatlon
to the Pan-American exposition.
J. Mllford Moigans and family, of
Main street, are homo fiom a week's
sojourn at Lake lellewlld.
Foteman and Mts, W B Thornton
and children, Matgaret and Willie, of
the Aiehbald mine, have returned from
11 tlnee dns' -Wilt to bUhquehanna
Rcxtord Cardwell, of Grove strept, Is
rccoveilng fiom his severe nttack of
Remember the Ice cream and clam
social this evening at the Calvary Bap
tist chin ih. A good time Is promised
all who attend.
Mrs. ti. O. J Clark and children, of
Buffalo, aie visiting her sister, Mrs.
John Bostedn, of Claik's Summit.
Mnstei Leo Haught met with an ac
cident this week In the shape of a
broken ai in,
Mr Urncst Buckley Is visiting his
p-ueuts at Ublv. Mich, while recov
Pilng fiom tho effpets nf his iccent fall.
Mr II C Siott, of Seianton, Is em
ploved on the buildings being elected
by Mr James Oakfonl
Mr. Thomas Rjder spent several
das camping on tho Susquehanna
rlvei this month.
Mr. and Mis M M Huff 01 d made a
fishing ti lp to the river a few days
ago and teport excellent success.
Mr. Pied Bony and Mr. nnd Mrs.
Haity Kas, of Seianton, spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mis. William Athcr
tnn Jli. David Smith and daughter spent
Sunday In Wllkes-Bairo
Mr and Mis H. Rutl. of Scranton,
aro boaiding at tho home of Mr.
Georgo P. Myeis
Mis R. Hammet has returned to
Seianton nfter spending sevoial davs
with Mis. William Waters, on Wood
law n I'aik
Mi. R W. Woodworth Is confined to
the house by an nttack of sickness
Miss Beit Morey, of Sttoudsbuig,
and Miss Jcsslo Polhemus, of Scranton,
visited Miss Kate Athciton this week.
Mr Willis Crousdale. of Chinchilla,
was hi ought to Clark's Summit last
Satin day, miffeilng fiom the loss of
two flngeis fiom his left hand The
Injured member was cnicd for by Di.
Lync h
Mr. Louis Atw liter and Miss Suslo
Kelsev, of lown, visited Mrs. Anna.
Smith tecently,
Pleaching In the Pilcehiug Primitive
Methodist church on Sunday by the
pastor. Rev W Bentley. Morning scr
vlco at 10 30 o'clock, subject. "Joy for
the Sad and Sou owing. L'venlns ser
vice at 7 o'clock, subject, "The l.Ntcnt
of Salvation" The choir, under the
leadership of Mr W. Benjamin, will
render Hvp anthems at each service. All
are Invited. Sunday school at J o'clock.
Lverybody Invited to come.
Mis. G. Davis, of Main Hreet, vltlted
friends in Scranton cbterday,
Pew nconlc ston to consider the necu.
llnr exposures of the llremen. His
sleeping hours are Irregulai, his hours
or iclfltire un
certain, and ho
alternates be
tween the mo
notonous Idle
ness nf wait
ing, nnd the
breathless haste which follows each
summons from the lire alarm.
Sometimes he stands for hours scon li
ed with the llery hent of a burning
building on one lde, while on the
other side frozen sheets of water cling
to his stiff gannents like a coat of
mail, Suddenly awakened from a
deep sleep he (Inds himself clinging to
a tiuck wagon or engine dashing
through alley and avenue nt a break
neck speed, pulling on his gat mentu as hu
Mil. WM SL'MPTRR, Lieutenant
Tiuek Co., No. 1, Fire Department,
Hvanson, III writes:
"Pet una cuied me of kldnpy trouble
of nearly six cars standing, I became
so woik that I was unable tn endure
any extra sttnln without serious pain
Some of tho firemen had heen taking
Peruna, and, as It had helped them I
thought It might help me It not
onlv helned me but It cured me In no
time Five bottles made a new man
of me, ond three mote restoted mo
to perfect hoalth." Wm Sumptor.
.asssv py KJlv, -jjy jM3ggf
If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna, write
at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to
give you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
Piesbyteilan chuich, Rev. S II
Moon, pastor. Services Sundny at 10.30
a m. and 7.30 p. ni. Morning subject,
'Two Bands;" evening, "Bounellcss
Possession," All welcome.
Peckvlllc Baptist chuich. Mission
my service tomorrow at 10 30 a. in.
Subject, "Ultimate Tilumph of World
wide Missions." Sabbath school at
It. 30 a. m. There will be no evening
Don' forgot tonight Is the night to
turn out and pntionlzo tho lltemen.
The Wilsons ate right royal entertain
cis. Come und listen to tho fiee con
cert which will be given by Arthur
Demmlng at the Wilsons hall.
Will Rogers and Lester Ola, of Pas
sale, N. J aio Itiitlne 'filends in
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Hal fold, July 25 Bylngton That
cher of Monttosp was call"d here
Thursday uy the Illness of li's sKn
Mr nnd Mrs. A. T Sweet and Mr.
and Mrs. Horace Swept aro visiting II.
S Sweet of Troy, Pa,
Mi. and Mrs. Joseph Dormnn fiid
daughter Rster of Norwich, N, V., are
viMtlng Mr. nnd Mrs. W. B Hammond.
Mrs Polly Tiffany is sick at this
Mrs. Julia Rstabrook gave a blithday
part July 2-' In honor of her mother
go. Mis. Hannah Guile Caughlan's
eightieth birthday, her husband Obrd
Caughlan died nearly nine years ego.
Those prc-ont weie. Menltt G Caugh
lan, nf Chicago, Mrs. Ann Molr, of
Dnlton: Mis. Nelllp F.veiett and daugh
ter Helen, of Seianton. W. N Tucker
wife nnd ri.uiKhter Bessie of usquc
hanna, C. W. Anderson irid vwte of
SusquPhA'ira: Mt "it'-nnor 1.1 .v HI an'J
dai'ghtPr Finncis, Seianton. Mrs Sup
Williams and grand-daughter Beth of
Rldgpway, Pa , Dr and Mis. Fletcher
and son Walter of Carbondale. Mis.
Julia n.stalnook. Mt nnd Mis Clarence
Bralnnrd, Mr and Mis. J. C Tanner,
Dr. and Mis A. T Brundige, Mrs H.
M. Jones, Mis Jennie Wilson Miss
Nancy Streeter Mrs Polly Guile and
Miss Stanton of Harford. Mr and Mis.
Fdwaid Tyler of New Mllford.
Two children wete piesent of her
four grand child) en, one was prpsent
of hei thieo great grand ehlldien, one
was piesent. Remenihiances were re
ceived from man) of hei filends
Mi and Mis Geoige Dolawav was
called to Klmlra Sunday by the illness
of their daughtet.
Minnie Datrow and Clat.i Watson
spmt Wednesday In Sciantou.
The funeral of Pails Tiffany will be
held nt hist late home Fildaj, July 26,
2 o'clock, enteiment In the Peck icine
teiy. Ills age was 61 eats. he leaves
a wife and nine ehlldien to mouin his
So Did This Little Gill's Mother
When She Appealed.
I rem the I'lilUdilphli rime
Small Knthrjne aged .', left alone one
day In her mamma's bediootn said to
hei self, "Oh, wont I have a gicat
tlnieV" And she certainly did.
She began by tnklng her papa's ncik
tle box out of the buienu duiwei and
dlsplavlng all the neckties on the bed
where she thought they would be seen
to much bettei advantage. The box
wasn't Interesting. ,o she thimv that
under the bed. Next she took a to
lamp to pieces, hut as that wasn't quite
exciting enough ns a lamp study, she
followed It up with even gieater at
tention to the tegular one, thiew Its
vvlek out of the window, and pouted
tho oil down the fiont of her diess,
The she picked off the wall about a
half yatd squaio of paper, and powder
ed the bits on the door with the con
goes, the next monipnt nscendlng pet li
ons heights on slippery ladders, wheie
sinoko and spiny suffocate and blind.
All these things btlng a peculiar
strnln to mind nnd body which no other
vocation docs.
Thee men 111 0 pecullntly subject to
diseases of the kidneys nnd stomnih.
Natuie lannot stand oveiythlng.
Tb on gii tim
spirit be will
ing the body
Is sometimes
weak. These
men do not
even hnve time
to doctor like other men. They must
have something that opcintes quickly,
something sure. They have ton much
at stake to indulge In experiments ot
uucci tnlnty.
Fire Department of Kvanston, 111 ,
"Sometime ago we had such con
tlnunl hnid service thnt I, as well ns
ns my mon, was completely exhaust
eded and felt my nerves giving way.
Ono nf our men had tiled Peiuna a
'ouple of jeais ago and he advised us
to tiy It Wp did so and found tbp
change simply matvelous. A dose
seemed hetter than a meal, nnd in
ten doys wo weie nil feeling tine."
John Sweeting.
tents of a talcum powder box, The pin
ti.iy on the bin can didn't suit hei so
Hie hiokp that In two pieces and added
the pins and tilnkets to the snaps
of paper ..nil talcum powdet Nest she
tinned her attention to n bottle ot
vasellnp and rubbed It on hei face and
Into her hair. She knew vaseline was
made to rub on so she used It that wav
of course. The contents of 11 box of
cold cream weie put Into the paper,
powder and pin niKtuio on the llooi
A small bank full of pennies was go
ing to go next, but In getting It eiown
fiom a shelf It stuck hi a grove
so that It had to be lett out A
shower of phologinphs lay mound
tho loom In a fashion that would
have done eiedlt to the ambltpxtcious
skill of 11 Keller ot Heimnnu.
This done Katbr.vne was Just about
to lay hold of her mothei's shoes when
that ladv hoielf appealed. The babv
tossed tho pali of shoes over her head
backwaid and said, "Seem them go"
Theie was plentv of "go," lndcccl, and
all In live minutes time too
Grow on a Tall Stalk nnd Shnpcd
Like a Lilac.
A Massilon, O, dispatch to the Col
umbus Rvenlng Dispatch sajs: A
Wo Own nnd Offer nt Prices Yielding Nearly 5 Per Cent.
Of Butte, Montana,
First Mortgage SinKtng Fund 5 Gold 'Bonds,
United States Mortgage and Trust Company, Now York, Trustee-
DatPd June 1. 1001 Dup In Series 1002 to 10 U Interest piyable
June 1 and December 1 tn New York, Denomination 1,000.
1902 to 1906, I (JO and Int.; 1907 to 191 1, 100.50 and mt,;
1912 to 1931, IOI and Int,
iA officially rcrortcrt by the Company for the car entire May 31, 1001.)
Gross Earnings $336,230.87
Operating Expenses 147.147.56
Net Earnings $189,083.31
Interest on $ 1,000,000 S-i bonds 50,000.00
Surplus $139,083.31
Net Earnings Three and Three-Quarters Times Interest Charge.
The bonds above offered are seemed by a first Hen on nil of the central sta
tion electilo light and power companies In the City of Butte, Montana,
Population served In Hutte and environs about 50,000.
Mi Samuel Insull, President of the Chicago Kdlson Company nnd Common
wealth Klcetilc Companv, has osnintnecl and appioved theso piopertles prior to
our put c base of the bonds Copies of his tepoit furnished on application.
Write for Speelul Clrt'iiliir Containing 1' Information,
1 Nassau St., New York, Cincinnati. Chicago.
19 Milk St., Roston, Mass Denver. San Prancisco,
FKANK DniTKICK, WIMtr.s.llAltui:, PA., will Rlvc further in.
formation mid execute orders for above hottJb.
This Is why Peruna Is found to be
ro popular among the lltemen. It
sttlkes at 0111 e the soutce of stomach
and kidney
troubles. It ro
ll) ves the con
Rested ntcnt
btnne with tin
01 ring a ecu
taey. No de
lay, no reel tape, no mnnkevlng with
prescriptions or untried remedies,
Peiuim Is always ready, ldlcves
piomptly, It cures ceitalnly,
Systemic catarrh ennnnt lurk In
stomach or kldnejs when Peruna Is
When a cold settles anywhere In a
Joint or an organ, Peruna promptly per
I forms n pctniancnt cure. Firemen have
learned this, thctcfore they use Peruna,
CAPT. CARL HARMS. Captain Co. 2,
Fhp Department, So Rvanston, 111,,
"I began taking Peiuna last fnll
for bladder nnd stomach trouble. As
it seemed to relievo me I kept it up
until now I am glad to say it has
completely cuied me. We keep It In
tho engine house and whenever anv of
the bojs receive a drenching nt a tire
they take a dosp ni two which keeps
away any bad aftei -effee ts " Lapt. C.
llatins. South Kvaiiston, III.
bunch nf beautiful floweis was hi ought
to tho local station of the Cleveland,
Lot nln and Wheeling Railway 10m
pauv by a tialiiman The flowers wcip
placed In water In Yaidmastor Halls
otllec, then closed fen the night.
The lipt morning Ml. Hall noticed
that tho loom, usimllj alive with tiler,
was absolutely ficc tioin them Hun
dieds lay dead 011 tho tabic under the
bouquet. When the eloois and win
dows were opened outslele Hies flutter
ed in and were Immediately attt.icteel
to tho tlovveis by their fingi.inee. In
every ease It was noticed that with Its
first tasto of tho floweis' sweetness tho
fly fell over dead Trainmen have
bioucht In more of tho flowers, nnd
each bunch has leaped 11 now baivest
of death. CItl.cii'i have become Intel
ested and aio now appljlng to tho
tialmucu for bouquets Railway men
say screens for tho doois and windows
aio unnecessary with tho lionets In
the loom.
The flower Is shaped like a lilac, and
Is nlmost ns fiagiant, though tho scent
Is bv no menus similar It Is of a pale
ollow ceilor and glows upon a tall
stalk It seems to flourish In a soil
containing much sand and gravel. In
tho gi.ivcl pit south of the city, wheie
it was found by tho railway men, It
1 ,000,000
' I