The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 27, 1901, Image 1

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    A Ut.
' 1 rf
Captain Lemlu JikIqc Advocate Gen
eral ot the Navu, Will Be
Judge Advocate.
The Circumstancoa to Be Invest!
gated Will Call Upon the Depart
ment for All Documentary Evi
dence Tho Conditions Attonding
tho Ai rival of tho "Flying Squad
ron" Off Santiago and tho Roasons
for Its Rotrogrado Turn Westward,
Are Among tho Subjects to Bo Con
sidered Secretary Long Displeas
ed at tho Loquacity of Naval
rtv Fxolii'lio Wire fi im The Awoclvnt Pren.
AValiiHKtiili. .TllU '; Sot ictnl Long
his completed tlu pcisonuel of tho
St litt j until (iflinnili) li the appoint
ment of Captain Lnnlj, bulge advocate
policial of tlio nnv, lo lie Judge advo
cate fen Iho mint. No wotd has been
intUtil fioin ltcai Admlitil Kinihcil)
Indliatlng that nUkei's divine linn t ion to
solve . a im nibor of tho loint inn',
tin1 -ffiiluiy does tint believe that the has boon toticitlv quoted as
having asked to lio excused on .uiount
or lil.s health.
The wits not notified of his
(eloetlijit until last niuht, anil Ik iiiii
have hail no nppoi ttiult to doil.ue hi.
Intuitions. In addition, hr Is noted In
tho naxj as a stiiit dKt Ipllnuilan and
as a devoted adherent to the fotnis and
etiquette of the si lvii o so that he unit Id
huitllv dot lino inipoitant dnl cm opt
for liiMiimountable ltasons and would
i.'italulv not disiinss public lj Ills In
tention liofoie i nniiiiunlinting with Ills
oflli till -npcilois
The st lei tlmi of Captain l.cinlv ns
Judge advocate Is n guided as pcthaps
the best ihoke wlili h lotild he lnatlc
Soeiolat Long was at 111 Mt nxeiso to
(housing tlu a plain. owing tn his long
loiineitlon with the dopaitinent xvhlih
might lax li 1 tn open lo the c lunge bv
Sdilo.v's fiiends that he nan lintlei the
dep n ttnent',s Inllnenit. Anx olijtttlon
of Mini, however, will lie offset hj
the fat t that Captain Loinlv Is a pei
Fonal 1 1 lend of Si hit and has f-oied
with li I tn in sexcial miKc. Including:
the fJicel ullef expedition
Secretary Long's Fairness.
Tho fallings of mind dlsplaxod bv
f-ecielai Long In sole i Hurt the mem
beis of the toilit is now bete 11101c cvi
tlint than In the st let lion of a Judge
advocate The Hist nanit piessotl upon
lilt, noilto was that ol .Major chailos
11 I.iin hiliin i assistant adjutant In
spector in the inaiiiie toips who has
a leptilatlon in the stixlte as a pio'-e-ititlng
ollltei and an uuihoill.v on naval
1 1 II was talltd to the sctielaij s
ntlontlnii, howcvci that the majoi's at -tlnn
In foi im r inses had lit en ultl
ol,t il, and iiinsoipienth his name was
dioppeil fioin loiKsldei.illnii
That had hanll.x hi en done liefoit
xxmd tame of ihr seilous t liaises tlleil
against linn li Colonel Mi ad, tmn
maud. ml of the inailne haiiaiKs at the
llinoklxn nu Mild
Ciniminniler ,Iohn 12 l'lllsliuij was
mentioned, hut it was thought better
Hot to aipolnl lilni as In s otiulpnieiit
ollker at the Chuiloslown x.iid under
i mi iiim iitt of Admlial Sampson and so
might he suvpet ted of poisonal
Set ii tai Long Is unit li dlt.ple.ihed
with the lmpuuit ot t t-i l .tin naval oill
eeis who have iiudei taken to set theli
Mislnn of teitaln Iniltlents iuio the
liewsupois In nth into of tho mint 'of
lliillli All ollltois will he given to
undei-tand that the nie not to talk
puhlklv ahout the Wt-t Indian npci
ntlons until the t inn t shall haw sum
tuoiRiI them and heaid tlu 1 1 tcstlmnnx
Precept for tho Couit,
The pietept lo the inuit was IsmihI
till)- afteiuooii. It Is lit follows
Tn ilinli il (.. in in Piu i t nil il staiis Xttt,
W kIiIiilIi ii, li I'
t ii I 1 1 ii' rcn lei-t of Ituir ilniirtl W inhol I s
'lit', I nltt I stuci lot, mill,- In ii ,i r
llnel lull i P1II, i up) 'mow ili, i i ut
if Irunilr, of Mliltli Mill me hertln iiiolnlti
I ir-Iilent . lit ii Vduilialt lini kinilnrlt titnl
Irttt I. k llriilinii, I'li'lfi! S no imj, imhii
I'orn. nml ( 1 1 t 1 1 ii snniicl ( Itiult t nit 1
Slates mil jml.'t .iilii.ili Riiiirnl, jii -r nl
tnfati, U iirirli) ontt toil tn tnntt uo ut tlio
MX tliiuuinrnt aliliiRtnn II I . at I
p'tlmk t in, mi IIihhIu, iIh I Jlh ihi ut
h Irniliri, I'm) nr in mm lluieitter :n nut
ho iUlllllllh' fur tin' i111ili-c n( i in it I I MLT ill'n
Ilif iiinliid tf tlio on s,),!,, tninmoiltio In
the lui.i, iliiilnir t ( remit .ir llli nn,
inil In loiiiiMiim with ilu omiiIh thcictf
Hie tourt Hill tlimuii.lili 1 in iii 1 r into ill Hi"
.liiiim-tiiitfi liijini.- tipnii tin ktilijrit of llu
inrtlfitlon lincli orilcnil ami to tli'i nil,
irsiiln rsjiiiliiius oullj ill iroicr ullm
luip iltrniUiiu tin li Knuinl, lll tilt upon
Sim ilrpiilnicnt (or ill ilnmnicntio cldniii
In rrlatlon tin if In i, a, lllo
I'pon tlio ifinpictlon of Hip (ntollisiliun Hie
inrt Mill icpoit lu ie(illiii,4 mitl tho n i.
mm nlth i full n I U tallul Huttintnt
( nil tlie fjtls whltli It nut ilrmi to Im ci
ialilUlirtl, tocllirr with In iplnmn at, i(Coin
jionrtitlon In tlio inrinUii Wlnle Hr il, put
Hunt relict tipnn (lie tllMiriiiiii ol th cwnt
tn inalve it exjinlintl in inn ulu nulier lull
md tompleti, m remiretl l tlio nlliter ul
hf ImUnie it l ton ,nrl, the lepmt hloulil
ilio tlio toiKlii.inni ret linl on teilairi impoit
int polntt to width attmtiin I. kpetiritill) ill
rectcil, a fullont:
The Important Point.
"llnl-IIU lomluit In toi iiiiiim, uitn ,1(
ctriits ul the miiMiko jnipiikii
"htion I il he .iltenillni Hie ipi
I'm ( intl tlic inpikit of tho in.,u
menU of the 1j inir niti-iikeii1 off Cienftieeun ,n
JIh.i. l')t
Third Tin clnmiistuncr attniillnj, the re
rona lonirnlliiiK, and the ptpueli of the num
ntnti tf the Mid tqtiiilinn in innuuilri; from
I Irnfurfin In Sintiaso
"lotul'i I he iiitiiimUnrrii ajlenliiu 1 1 r tr
rhal ol the 'rltinir wiiiilinii' off MuMaiw, Hie
reauint for lu letmsjilp turn wenwiird, ni ilr
uiliini (i nni iff s.midpi, unci the pn riet)
"Hllli Hie tiiiiiiiKti'ura .illfnlini: anl'the
ret.niu hr til" ilUnhrdlinro lit I oniniinlore
H lih. of tin i il im if I In' hpiilmi'iit null iiiiiii
In Im tltuuli iluitd xj ii, lfi, uml the
pn prlety ol hl conduct la tho prcinkc.
."sixth Tlio toiidltlin ol the etui mppl of the
'fi.iiiiir Mimtlroii fti ami ahout Mi 2, If-iij
lit iodine fjcllltle. the iictoll, II am, for
or idinbllll of the fcti.rn ol Hie n,tndron to
Ke ct to coil; ami the ai curacy and iro
prlcl of the of (It ill report made by Commo
iloic Sthle with rcpect to Dili matter.
"Sotnith Whether or not eery effort Incunv
li"nt upim the lomtnvidliiir itdter ol a fleet un
tier niith tliiunitiintei n nude lo lapturr or
ile.troi the Spmi.l ciui'ir Colon a (dip liv at
author ullhiu the rtitrinto to harlmr,
Mil 27 to II, inclmllp, ind tlio iieieltv for,
oi uiltlnihllltt of, rnKntlni; Hie 1 tileries at tho
rntramc to sintMao Inihoi, uml the Spinlli
towel nt author within the enframe lo s.ild
lurhor, nt the ruiRej mcil, and tho propriety ol
Conimi dore silli'a con lut In the prtmlm
"I Iblilh the noclt, II an, for and ad
tlMhllllt of, Mitldnitlinr nt nlnht the 'fltintf
Hinilron' fmm tho enlrinte to smtiiBn liatbor
lo a ilMantc at mi, if Miib dull be found ti
halo been the iie, the Intent end chjraitcr
of autli wlllnlrnuali, ami whether or not i
clo-c or ndeiputc bloikide ol mid liaibor, to
pietent the eiap if tlr encim'a evili theie
tn in WJ etibllhcd and the piopriel of Com
modi re Shlei'n condii t In the prcmlei,
"Mntli The iiinltlnn of the llrnntdtn on the
mornlnir of lulj a, lis, at tho lime of the exit
of the S'ltiMi ton Is from the Imbor of sm
tlmii tlio ciriunilnntc ntd inline, tlie rcn-om
fr, and the liuldcntu reullliiir Irnni the tum
ble of tho llioiikljn In the dilution In whlili
he turned at or about th" bcelunlie ol the
nilim with f.ald SunMi xteh, ind the pol
lllltt if tlriebt inllhllnt; with oi rmlinserln
am other of the ie,icln of tiny I'lillnl !titc
fltet an 1 the pioprlelv of Cninniodore ihlr.ta
tonduit in the premUe
"lenth-lhe cirinnistanc,a leidiii; to md th
111111101111 of a iniitmtcrs with Mcitcnitit 1
lion 0 llodfj.oii, Lulled M ite navi, who on
Ink .1, 18 is. limine the bittlc of smlajo, wn
imlKitnr of the llronkli'i. In irlatlmi lo the
luridiie ol tie Riooltltn; nlo the lolloipiv at
tint lime between Couiiiodore schlit nnd lien
tenant Hode'on ind the ciiMiine tniup ndime
letHien them on the subject thtlrnf, uml the
prtprlity of conduct of ihniril fcthlej in the
prenike "
I lie forecolne upeelfte iliieillom are f,nrn pn
niaril for the infoimttloii md etildince of lh"
tnurt, but don't limit or re.ltlit the snC if
Its Inquiry into "the entire mittrr," the lme
tleillon of whlili it arknl b the offinr con
Iteir dmlril 5ililei Int liren itifirined of hit
rlpht tn lie ptpint, cllhir In penon or bv
tonus 1, illume the intr'tU'ition, tn noi
exitiiine wilneje and In otlcr eUilcnte biToie
the iimtl honlil he n The court nu
nt ant lime emit to nihil intiinlcd or enli
tied Iheirlo like rltlli
Hi" Imtilieitiou will 1.0 IkIiI In i i.n tnurt
Huh eniplotintiit on ln ri dut l re pilrcd
1 t Ihi public intoit-l"
(nM'i inuler mi hind at the nut Hrpirlmnil,
Wh-Iiiiib mi thlt tith do i f lull, 1'ini.
t Mem tli Mm II Ine, sotntin
National Tube Works Company at
McKoosport Attempt to Check
mate the Labor Leaders.
Fty Fxchnlie Wire from Ihe oiaied I'ret
rittshtliK Pa , Jul 26 -The National
Tuhe Woiks lompain nt MiKcospoit
has made an unexpected moe. Intend
ed to i hetkiuate tlio Anialsamated ns
soeiatlon. Their skilled woiknien hae
hcon nsked to sisn lndl lontiatts
to pinetieall lepudlate mix union
labor, mid they haxe been six en but u
shut time to think the mntlci oei. It
Is untleit-tood that should the not plsn
the i initial t, the- will find Hull posi
tions It ttaiHpiietl today that
late on TIiuimIiIX evenlns the tuO xeld
cis of lu- mills wen? paid olf and then
taken Into the olllee of the sent nil
siipeiltitendent whole the weie pie
si nt tl x !th Individual ts to he
t-ltnied for at least" a t.ii. Some de
iiiiii nni, xxlille otlieis signni the itm
tnuts This nioxement. liBlitlns Hie
with Hi o. tallied t nnsteinntlon into the
tanks of the striken The xx elders are
highly skilled wot knit n and with tlielr
to-opeiatlon the Ids' plant mlsht be
ilosed tlow n With them In line the
plant xIU piohabh keep on iiiniilns' as
thotish nothlnu had happtned. It xas
Intimated toulqlit h filenils of the
xeldeis tint thex would nil slsii the
tontiai t
I)i Unite nnnnum oinrnt that the olll
ilals of the AnieiiLan Sheet Mi ul eoni
paux xmiiiIiI slait the Dewees AVootl
mill lu MiKeispoit, it non-union plant,
ui Moutl.i, i eat bed the heatltii.iiteis
of the Amalgamated assoiiation eailx
tinlit The inws xal letelxed In
silent e That the nioxement xxould not
be peiniittetl to be niiido xxlthout a de
ilded attempt to cheek It xas subso
nuontlv shown by Inng and earnest
loiifeicntcs that took place timing tho
afteiuooii. 1'iesldent Shaffei xxas
l'jsolx tonilntitl to his pi Unto ollke
and llieie was a stiiam of
Mlms lallliiK on him, who weie shown
In as soon as possible. Tlieso xiitoi.s
weie niosilj mill xxnikeis and a iiiun
hei xseie icioRiiletl as MeKeespoit
itsldeuts While tho tank and Ulo of
the stilkois ate not aciitialiitetl with
the plans of the tampalRii, tbey now
billexe hat theie ate some inipoitant
tlexeloinnents lo take plate xhkh xxlll
i hnuc-e the aspect of aflalis sieatl
Theie Is appaieutly less of the lonfl
tleme thai wax noted ill the Hist put ot
the weik, but theie xvas a lot of de
tot minntlnu expiesoetl by tho men xho
lonsented to talk at all Amouft" the
olllteis of the manufaetuiois the h.iino
studious silent o Is pieseixed.
Tlie mil stateineiit obtainable has
bi pu that the situation xuis iniehniiBed,
that tho inanufattuiets had made no
tiM'i tines foi u settlement of the stillto
nnd did not Intend to, so far ns xns
Unnwii loeall. As lowed b manu
faetuieis not Inteiested dlieitl with
the slilke tho situation was summed
up today In this xa Tho utilke Is
not nffutliiK the I'liltcd States Steel
rtu potation as heilously iih was ex
pected by the Amalgamated associa
tion The feelliiR of the loading' ofll
elals of the tiust Is tlint the sit lite, will
not last Ions' nfter the summer weather
Is past That this Is the belief Is In
dliatcd by the lltttle effort that tho
tompany Is making to foreo their mills
Into npeintlnu Tho nianufat tuieis
ienli,e that It woultl be a bind task
to tiy anil arrange this stilk settle
ment at a time In tho year when men
don't want to woik anywa They
me waiting for the fishing season to
pass and the season for outdoor spoits
and amusements, and xxhen tlieso mo
oxer and the men are batk to their
home?, they will ho toady to talk to
Jheni with some leasonahly show of
success. This Is tho opinion of tho
majoilty of tlio iiiaiiufaeliiicis, hut
theio mo a low who bellexo Ihe ton
tost xll bo one of the longest ami
imifct bitter cei si in In this tountiy.
JikIqc Stevens, ot Pittstlcld,
Directs tlie Jnru to Return a
Verdict ol Not Gulltu.
Tho Prosecution's Evidence Insuffi
cient Shouts of Approval in tho
Court Room Jurymon Sid Not
Leavo Boats Chiof of Police Com
mended Tho Members of tho Fos
burgh Ftimily Woop with Joy at
tho Charge of tho Court Thoy Ex
tend Thanks to tho Press nnd
By I xclii'hc Wire from The Audited I'ira,
l'lttsfleld, Muss.. July 20 The ttlul
of Uoboit S Fosbuigh, nieusetl of hat
ing shot and killed his slstci, May, In
August last jcar, wns (.(included
abitiptly this nioiiiliig. Judge Stexens,
liiiinedlately nfter the coutt had been
foimally reopened, tlliectcd the Jiuy to
rctuin u xcidlct of "not guilty." That
action xxas lu response to the motion
mndo jestorday by lounscl for the de
fense that the case be taken from
the jury, on tho giouiid that the pioe
(iitlon had failed to piodiito evidence
to sustain Its ebnigo. The Juiy cm
llod out the IiistitHtions xxlthout leax
Ing their seats.
After the custom uy formalities,
the ptlsoner xxas tllstbarged. Spceta
tois in the t unit loom applauded loud
lx' and lushed to shnke the joung
man's hand The ilenioiisliatlon
suppiessetl tiuliklx In addiessing the
Jui. the Judge said:
'.Mr. Foioman and (itntlemen: Dur
ing si das xx e have listened to a
painful leeltnl of one of the saddest
tragedies oxer piesonted to a Juiy, A
beautiful girl, just budding Into wo
manhood, xias shot down, and her
lu other has been aeeusid of the irline.
The government has, In accusing the
In other of the cilnie, beta tailed on
to establish thiee things:
"Kit st That May rosbuigh not
killed bx Inn Rial s.
"Set nnd Tlint no one ilse In the
hotiue Killed her. The kox eminent
must exiliide exoiy one fioin tho
chin go extept the tlefendant,
"Thiitl That the ait xxas cilmlnal.
"The tilal has juoLcedcd somewhat
In the foi in of mi Inquest, and has been
tiicd xx Uh gteat naips on the pait of
the gox eminent and "the ilelcnse. Theie
has been a deMie to obtain proof, and
so a gieat deal of exldinie has lnen
Intiodiiced ami admitted without ob
jection whltb might haxe been exiluotd
under the strltt mle of the law,
"I think I ought aim to sax to oii
that It Is due to the t hie f of polite, who
has stood bililiul till piosot ution, that
111 the xiow of the mint he has tiled
to do his duty xxlth u slnglt exe to as.
eettalnlng the tmth Now, Mi Toie
inaii anil gentlemen a motion has been
made that this case be taken fioiu t lie
Juiy, and It bet nines nix- duty to sa.x to
ou that. In the opinion of the imiit
the gox eminent has not fuinlshed jnoof
Hilllltlent to sustain a xeidltt of guilty
against the defendant and tluieftne,
undei the dlicttlon of the itiult lu the
Inilietnionl of Itobeit S l''oslniigh foi
killing hlw sister jou x 111 lettlin a xcr
dkt ot not guilt."
Fosburgh in Tears.
While the Judge was speaking the
membeis of the rosbuigh lamll, leal
ling xxhat his lemaiks meant to them,
Inn. st Into tons, Teais rolled down the
defendant's ( books, Itc-lde him bis
fathei and mother i-at with theli hand
Kerchlefs to thMi ejes
The defendant xxas oideied to stand
xx bile the foioman of the juiy xab
asked, "What Is nui xettlkf.'" lie ic
plled, "Not guilt."
The delcndant xxas tlien foimally dlt.
chiugcd As soon as the Juiy xmis dismissed
the foieman called them together In
his piiynto muni for a tonfeience.
AVIthout exception they doclaicd that
they xxould haxe letuinod a xeidkt ot
not guilty within fifteen minutes If
they had not been Instiucted by the
couit. Their impiessloii xxas
that the tilal xxas a xety fair one, but
that the goxoiiuuent had acquitted the
defendant xvltli Its own testimony.
They acknowledged that they xxould
haxe paid no attention to tho exhibits
in the tase.
Tioni the coutt room young ros
buigh went dliectly to the hotel and
pasted qukltly to his wife's loom. She
was 111 In bed, but at the news of her
husband's acquittal Ishe aiose, and,
thioxvlug her aims mouml him. ex
tlolmod "Thank Clod! Thank God"'
Ills motliei Joined them and they then
went below stabs to tho lobby of tho
hotel, xxheio nil liifoimal reception was
being held.
Young Fosbuigh xxas asked to make
a statement, but be declined, lemiii Ic
ing that he might s-ay Mimetlilng about
the case lalei.
Chief of Police Commended.
When District Attorney Hammond,
xho had been the prosecuting olllcei In
the trial, xxas asked to make n state
ment be said ho thought It would bo
Impioper foi him to say mi thing ut
this time, except that fioin tho evi
dence submitted the court was fully
Justified In taking the caso fioin the
Jill, Ho thought, howoxoi, that Chief
of Police NkhoUoii was fully win
united In making tho Investigation that
ho did.
Mr. Hammond said later that the
pinseiutlon had hoped lo show by tlie
testimony of Hcutilto at the Inquest
that the deleiidatit had had tho ex
clusive oppoitiiulty to get his lev olver.
At the Inquest, be said, her testimony
was that her brother Hobcit was In tho
baik hall when the shot was (lied, but
hoi at linn In changing hei testimony
pi evented the state fioin brlnslng nut
that point to tho Juiy.
i:x-istilcl Attuino Jllbbutd, ono of
the counsel for the defeino, said that
he was not Hurpiled lu tho least at
tho action ot the court. He believed
Hint the Judge would have oideied n
veidtct If the defense had not put In
any evidence.
Chief ot J'olko Nicholson, who hai
been the cential flgutc lu tho case, on
behalf of the pioseuitlon, said that, In
asmuch n" the state was satisfied, ho
supposed he xxould haxo to be. He
took no stock In ihe slot y that came
fiom New Yolk to the effect that ulll
tlaxlts hod been obtained showing that
ex Idem o that May Fosburgh bad been
shot by burglins might be obtained In
New Yoik.
This nftomoon Ihe rosbuigh family
gaxo out the following statement:
f"U'o me glad tho tilal has ended
Wp never had a moment's doubt of the
lesult. We know xve hod told tho exact
tiutli as to the death of our dear May.
Her death at tho hands of a burglar
was a clashing blow to us all, licit
gi eater still was our anguish xxhen
ono of our membeis was ait used of
killing her. Hut tluottgli It all, Ood's
Infinite lovo and power has sustained
Grateful to tho Press,
"To that poitlon of tho public pi ess
and the kind ft lends who haxo so nobly
stood by us, xx o extend our sincere
ll ih undei stood that Uoboit S Fos
buigh, tlio tlefendant, will intiko no
statement pcisonally and that the
statement given out this afteinnon will
he tho onU ollltlal one to como fioiu
tho Fosbuighs
Mis. Itobert I. Fosbuigh, however,
took occasion pot son. illy lo thank the
lopiosontativoK of the piess.fiom xxbom
she said slip bad received the kindest
consideration. She said that she was
not going to talk about the i.ise, as she
had talked and thought of nothing else
slnte last August, xx lion her daiightei
xx a" killed "When I was on the x li
nens stand "she said, "I did not look at
the juiv I only know that I had to
tell what happened that dicadful nlRlit
and I did it I was very glad that the
Judge ruled 111 fax or of the pio-oiution
and allowed almost ovuthlng to go. In.
I wanted the Juiy to know the Until
and the whole ttutb. Of couise, 1 feel
xctv happv."
Mr. and Mis Fosburgh, their two
daiighteis. Hither and Hcatilte, nnd
their son .Tallies, will leave soon foi
'down east" Hobei I H Fosbuigh and
his wife will go to M.iMiird, Mass, as
soon a Mrs. Fosbuigh's health xvill
penult. They will occupy a cottage
theie, xx hit li was being ananged lot
them at the time MNs May Fosbursh
was shot.
Exceptional Activity Is Noticed in
Steel Mills Not Affected
by Strikes.
P Fxcluite Wire 'rom The Asoei del Pre.
New York, July 26. It. O. Dun's
weekly levlew of tiatle tninoiioxv xxill
say: A foitnUht of steel stilko has
passed without materially alteilng the
position of the contestants, or adxeisely
inciting the Intlusti as a whole. Kx
t optional at tlvit Is notltitl at the mills
not nflet'ttil b the stilko and the
movement of mateilal for
biidgcs buildings anil biitk elevation
Is still heavy. Steel bins for agilcul
ttiial Implement makeis ate Hun in
piite and ficely puuli isotl, Itallwaxs
sctk Height cms, and wills .no sold
for dt llveiy next July. Cotton ties,
sheets ami hoops aie comm indiiig a
pieinium. 1'ig lion Is aciiimulatiug,
but (onsuineis offer no concessions.
Onion for tin pi ites weie not accepted
foi tkllveiy befoie Octobel 1, when Ihe
stilko began owing to tho nvcisold con
dition of mills, and distant coutiacts
me still taken at unchanged prices, but
jobbeis mc locelvlug high pilces for
goods dellveied luiiiiedlatel.
New lines of woolen goods for tb liv
ely after Oclobu 1 opened at nindeiato
l eductions fioin last ear.s prices, as
geneially expected by the tiatle. Sup
plies of hoax weight goods have been
liduieil to a s.ttlsf it toi point and tho
situation lu all In ant lies of the Intlus
ti is stub as to ongendei confidence.
Haw xvool, however, thus far falls to
lellect the lmpiovemont, quotations le
nialnlng unchanged at the lowest aver
age pi Ice In four cais
Cotton goods aio dull. Shoo shops
aie pioduclng at full capaclt. with
oi dei s ai living steadily, anil salesmen
me illicitly placing spilng samples
libeiall In western and southern mui
kets. Vacations In the coin liimkct on
Monday indicated manipulation by
stock uiaikct Intel osts. Weather alone
xveio not sulllclcntly distressing to
cany tho September coin option nt
Chit ago to within a small fiactlon of
sixty cents, while the withdrawal of
suppoit caused sales six cents lower
the following dii.
Fnlluies for tho week nuuibned IDS
In tho Fnlted States, against -Ml last
cai, antl ii In Canada, against 28 last
Groom Drops Dond,
lly I uliulie Wire from The"oilatul Pkm.
Xtw ork, .fill So lotin II lloeir, of tlio
1 l.t Dour &. lairoll Ihio loiiijnnj, ot Xj
Vint,, dud iiililrlih a Hi,. Inn,, plinth h.,i.
Iniw tills nfteinoon Vlr lloert wan iliitintr Ihe
I 1 gelilimr. Pride ol Xew Voih, when hi tj
mil In diop tho linen mid fill Imku.inK V
nottd of kruiinii and othen rii'hej in lili i.t.
lilni- md a ilottir w n riultkl) miiiini m il, hut
Vlr 11 en wit dead licfme medic il ml arrlttd
Killod by a Live Wire.
By Fxclutlic Wire from The totlated I'resi.
llililinoio Md. Ink Jtl -II Irani. Walt i. a
driit'Bkt, UH "S ii tli aitiiue, wj killed In
Iiim kit re thl' im mini: 1 t mine In tontait with
un cli ill It li.ia nlie Hit Imlt tja inini I in
the stoic 1 1 link, an I tin iiimner in whuh
lie (ii.talneil the lmil, a liiv.lnt, iKoiikIi It U
kiiipii9ei tint i llvn wlic hid mine In contact
with a cis enk, v hit It Vi. Wmeii tritd lo
turn on,
Argonauts Will Not Row.'
Ill I xelmlte Wlie from The xwiciuted I'ren.
rnnln, Out. Jul W - I aplaln Maker, of
(hi Viiionna new, which in t nil) ilcfealnl tin
e.icr nt I'lillnlelplila. vt lied lodi lint (he
Vn.1 naula tould not rnu the I'lti lulel Iiih ns
atiiln leiiu-o Iht had not denied ifporlt th-t
Hit' turn litiltii I' aetldeiit.
Corbett Gets Decision,
Ptnnr, lull 2'l V, im IK I'mliett nt the de
(Mini our Kid Itiuilln lu the. tiutli ruimd to-liluht.
The Noted Stallion Lowers His Own
Time nt Cleveland Drlv-
Ino Park.
Ho Trots n Mile in on the Glenvillo
Track in 2:02 3-4, Establishing: a
Now World's Trotting Itecoid for
Both Sexes Circumstances Woro
Anything: hut Conducivo to Fast
Time Ton Thousand Pooplo Wit
noss tho Race An Ovation for
By FxcluMte Wire from The Awociatod Press.
Cleveland, 0 July i!6. Amid the en
thusiastic chceiM of neai 1 ten thous
and people, Crcscoiis, tho woild's
ihumploii tiottlug stallion, again do
motistiatcd that ho Is tho peer of all
tiotteis by tiottlug a mile this after
noon on the C.leuvllle ti.uto In '-'.0.'.
This establishes a new xxoild's trot
ting lecord for both sexes, leplaclng
the former xxoild's recoitl of 2,0 Hi held
by The Abott. Tho cliciiiustances ton
iioi tod xxlth this lematkable pel foi m
anco xv ere an thing but conducive to
fast time, as, owing to the heavy lalns
of last night, the tiaek xvas not In the
best ot (oudltloii today and It xxas
about 6 SO p. in. befoio the track xxas
doomed to be In sulliclently good shape
to xxairant making tho attempt. At
that time the sun's heat had been ic
placed by tool bice yes,
Fveu then, theie wou xeiy fexv
hoi semen that looked for a mile better
than 2 01. After having been given
seveial ptellniluaiy miles, lltoigc
Kelt ham tame out with the stallion to
attempt xihat seemed an Impossible
feat Ketthain nodded for the woid
on the thud s.oio, the hoise Uniting
like u machine. Atcoinpanlctl by a.
l minor, the ihostnut stallion falilv
flew to the quai ter, the tlnieih' xxatches
legisteilng just thirty seconds.
As Ciestous swung Into tho back
slielch, be xxns Joined by a setoiul
l minor, and although many piedietcd
that the footing xvas such as would
ictaid his hpeed, he i eat boil the half
In 1.01. As the time xvas hung out. the
Immense ciovvd luoke out In cheeis, as
It was evident that the mile xxould be
n f.Tst one. The throe-quartois pole
was reached In 1.3194, and as the gieat
stallion tiotted Into the stroteh a itin
ner on each side, bis file tlonless, niu-ibinc-likc
stiide xvas f.tlily eating up
the distance. Never onto falteiiug,
notwithstanding tho teulllc clip, ho
faiily flew to tlie xxbe, being sustained
onlv b Ills indomitable courage anil
almost human Intelligence, not being
touched once by the xvhlp, bis sole uig
ing being the dilxei's xolio and tlie
thundetlng hoof beats of the accom
paiilng iiinncis.
Ovation for Ketchain.
s tlie time for tho mile was nn
nniiuied, 2 0J,4, and the immense eiowd
leallzed that it new xxorld's lecoid had
been established. Kcteham and his
faxoilte stallion vxeto tendeied an ova
tion sjili as baa been but seldom wlt-net-sed
on a lace tiaek. Thousands of
enthusiastic people lushed out on the
tinck and Ketchain this, lifted fiom the
bulky and can led tn the gland stand
on the shoulders ot ndmlicis. Cheer
after cheer lent the alt, and the name
of Cieccus was on the lips of evei
one piesent. "Kcteham! Kcchani"'
elled the ciowd. anil the owner of the
stiudy son ot ltoboit MiGiegor xvas al
most can led to the judge' stand.wheie
he delivered a biief addiess. Ciesteus
now not only holds the woild's tiottlug
letottl foi both sexes, but last week at
the Detiolt fStuiid Clieult meeting, by
trotting in 2,00 nnd 2 00, in bis uice
against Ch.nlc Heir, f-etuied the
xxoild's licoitl for the two fastest heats
oxer trotted lu a lace, hlv second mile
In .'0"i nlsn beluga new xxoild's leiord
for the fastest mile ever tiotted In a
lace, and also tho fastest second heat
over tiotted. It Is said by pioiiiluent
hoi semen that Geoige H Ketchain de
soives. milt h ciedlt for the leinaileable
achievements of tho gieat son of Hob
ei t MiOiegor, as he has the pioud dis
tinction of not onlv owning the vvoihl s
champion ti otter, but also having bietl
lit tn and tlilven him lu all bis inics
Tho Port Richmond Shop Mon Work
Without a 12 Per Cent, Increaso.
lit Ixtliiute Wire fiom Tho Awoclatcd I'nii
I'lilladelphla. July 26 Ofllcials of tho
Heading roiupany took no notice of the
demand of 12 per cent, lucieasc in
wages liinde by the shopmen nt 1'oit
Hielunond, and tho xxoikmen frilled to
cany out their threat to stilko today
In the event of the company refusing
the demand.
Tho xv oiks nue iiinning today with
out Intel niptlon,
Governor's Appointments,
11 I xclmlti Wlro from The tociated Prru
HarrikhiiKr, Inly 21 Oomnor Mono
re appointed Ilr T I, I'oiwond, of Che.ttr, i
iiieiuher of the tato qiuuiitino board Hie
cowl nor aNo le appolnlnl the following mm
auert of tin, Mnitinvta Itefuiin mhool. Ihoiina
wlulitiiun, IMtMmnr, Mix I P Paiitlto.t,
William s Mchlnle.t. II it Walker, jr Mle
then lamei McClellan. Vlnjin-ea, lolm r
Ian., inct1niiB, II Wallue, Xitttattle
Pugilist in Serious Condition,
Py Hirliidie VMri from The Auoclateil I'rcn
Sew oik .lull '.'1- lllil Mtt'anti, the pilule,
X .1, piifill.t. h Iimi.'Iii llilm senn luiiiitU
it fen dajt ao at Seijiuin ulih "Vnlj" wjiumi,
df I lult I a I Ik, ami win "in kuoiked nut, l it
a piitute inliurluiii in I'aleuon, x I , in ,t
ifiiotia tondithui
Ice Hen Win a Sttike.
fly Fxelmho Wire from The Vvoijlxtrd TrM
('0111111111", (l, lul Sfl --l i ikinir lie t mi ii
llilm une ui inted i tin horn ili .ml pi
for ot 1 1 time uud rtouuud wtlk pull,
Weather Indications Today!
1 (ieuerul ('irweiu Ureal. the Uortd'a Tiot-
tine llecord
r.i.liiitali Sot (iullij of kllllni; lilt Sbttr,
Pit i r it in tlie Sthle Cio.
Ihliteeiith Henlmenl llieikt Catiip,
2 (ienerat Ctuliondile Drpiltmciit,
3 I.tal-Oflliria of the Xtw liapld Trandt
I viiiimi)
North Sttinton Summer Sihcol Clojed.
4 litltoiixl.
Nolo md (Aininent.
5 liial -linprnxrmriita at Conned Pirk.
'He fur Second Plate In the ldutatlonal
(I total Vet sirtntnn and Sibudnn.
7 (leneral Norlheistirti l'enn'banlu
I'ltuntlil aod Comniercid.
8 licil 'sielal and I'tnictial,
(ln W'nman'a lej
SilenllHe lalid
0 lnt i HetlRloiM Xe of lie Week
Sinidi Sthnol Iimiii fir Itnionnw
Slori "nil i I.Plle (hlld Vnll Leal
Them "
10 fienrnl TiieWixlllo and In (Milili I arm
In the Eyes of Mr. Pichonthe French
Miiistor to China tho Subjects
of the Mikado Aro to
Bo Foarod,
Uy P.xiliitlte Wlie fiom The xstotlalnl Pre.
Pails, Julv 2o' M. Plchon, foimer
minister to China and who Is now In
1'ails, in an lnteiviow published lotla,
tnged the considerate ticatmcut of the
Chinese because he believed a polk of
violence would lead to even mine seil
ous upiislngs than tho recent tioublc
SI. I'k lion said ho did not bollcxc lu
an Immediate "Yellow 1'eiil." lie
thought It would be a long time be
fore the Chinese became dangeiotis to
Ihiiope. Ilofeiilng to the Japanese, ho
said that was another matter, and that
their ptogies-fi Inspired him with liitith
He Is Unwilling to Be Numbered
Among Thoao Who Shirk the
Duties and Burdens of
By Fxcluthe Wire from The Awoeiated Pres.
I'lilladelphla. Ii July 26 i:-liox -ei
nor Itobeit V, PattKon tmlny iik opt
ed the election to succeed Chailcs P.
Donnelly as chaltman ot the Demo
ciatlc city committee. In a lettei lo
the committee, he said.
"I would much lather that the ic
M'oiislbllltles of so Inipoitant a position
should have fallen upon other hbouldcis.
1 am unwilling, howcvei, to be iiuin
betetl anniug those who sblik tho duties
and but dons of cltlenshlp, while en
Jolng Its bcnellts. 1 accept the elee
llon." Continuing, he sas, lu pait.
"It Is openly ihaiged and admitted that
lu this Kopublican stionghnld political
cotiuptlon and polltkal lings now hold
the seats of power and plate, Thc-o
have boon deaf to the voice of the peo
ple Public xx oiks haxe been made tho
source of exorbitant piivate gain. Pub
lic franchises haxe been distiibutetl as
peisonal gifts,
"These ox lis cannot continue In the
piesenco of an intelligent and moused
people Parties aio now organizing
for the stiuggle the Itepublicau ling
for Its defense, tho people for the
oveitluow of the ling. In this contest
tho Demociatlc piuty must take Its
plate with tho people. Twice lu the
hlstoiy of the city the Deiuotiatlc
paity, In the admliilstiatlnii of the af
falis of the dlsttlit, has tlemonstinted
that the people made no mistake In
the commission of public nffaiis to its
hands, its admiulstiations aio blight
pages in our clt's hlstoi,
"Let us i.illy under the Demociatlc
banner and by thorough oigauizatloii
and Intelligent ro-opeiatlon deseixe a
xlttoiy that will again piove to our
fellow cltl.ens that wo aie woithy of
their contldence."
Mr. Bryan Rogards tho Tariff ns Na
tional Stomach Ache.
ft Ixilmlte Wire from 'Ihe V'souated Prew.
Chicago July 2b While heio today,
William J. Hi van who Is going homo
after a long tout of the east and e.outh,
"Iinpeilallsm Is still the gieat Issue
between the two pilmlpal paitles Tho
t .u Iff. to bo sine, Is an inipoitant sun
Jcct, but, to my nilnd, heait disease Is
a nioie soilous malady than stomath
lit l'mlutlit Wire fiom The Vvoclated Prea
I'lko, Xei , Jult Jit het shotk of eirth
quike win felt here at . '0 ihU afternoon Iho
tilritlom weie frtm nrnth to tnulli nni la-t d
thiee oi four mlniiUM
Woild's Bicycle Rocoid Broken.
lit ltlttiie Wire fiom Ihe Wotlafcd rrt's,
Pintlilente, I! I lull -'il Will -tiuwn hike
Iho u in his lilt.nle letoid f. i Hit pjn mill on
A ..I lap tiatk at tin Ci)ll..niin thlt afteiuooii,
ridlue the dlMiucc in 1 Jl I Ihe union
ruord wJt I J7. lumK al Itali nnoic b Art hie
Vltl ji lit i ii, jt j.ej,o
Walcott Defeats Bonner.
11 I xtliultc Wire from Ihe Auoclated Press
Ilrli,epiirt. Conn, Jult Jrt llefore Ihe lot it
(olf and Mliletlo tluli tnniKhi, loe Walcott wni
the dttldrii fiom laik lliuntr al the end of
lllli en inuiiiU W iltn t kept up i titiun on
llnniitr'n heart and ulninuh diirin.' Hie (Uht,
tin' men wrk'heil II ' nul llomitr I''j putui U
Doaths from Hoat.
11 Ixiluilte Wire from The UsHlated I'reu,
( hit aso, lull 2" 1'our deiiltt an I alx nn
tritlint wire the net iruw of tudai'a heil nul
liuiiililll, Ihe founei litlm,- .' at , hl.luul and
Ihe latter lulu.' Tl,
Members ol the Regiment Will ftr
rive in This GltuEarlu This
Tho Thirteenth Wont Through the
Ordeal on Thursday Like Veterans.
Last Day in Camp was Foatured by
iv Continuous Downpour of Rain
All Morning Tents Had to Be
Loft Standing on Account of Their
Condition Captian George Morri
man Presonted -with a Sword by
Mombors of His Company.
fpeelil to the "Jennlon Trilnme.
C.uup Mugee, Mt. (retim, Pa., July
2t. Tlio Thlitceiitb icglmcnt btoke
camp bete at 0 o'clock tonight, nnd
shortly aftei 1 o'clock eveiy man was
aboaid tho tialn, vvlilcb loft the Coin
wall and Lebanon ltillioad station,
Pit anion will ptobably be reached
about 7 o'clock tonionow moinlng. Col
onel Wnties tesiniont is tlio lltst to
leive .Mt. Uietua, and tho other com
mauds will follow tomoiiow' moinlng
anil bieak camp befoie siimlsc.
Adjutant Gonoial Stewart was de
talnetl here today by the Inspections ot
the I'oinlh lcglment, llattety C and
the governoi's tiooiw. Ooveinor Stone,
howevci, loft bote last night with his
staff, and Slujor (ieneinl Miller and his
retinue left shot tly aftei 2 o'clock this
nflci iiDtui. Theio weie no wonls of
faiewell wasted between hlni ami (icn
eial J. P. S. Cobln, and the dcpaittue
of tho division commander leaxes mat
teis In a woise Hiibo than befoie his
in ilval, as coiireinlng bis lelatiouti with
the hiigadc leader.
The Thliteenth spent the day In riilct
and lest. Theio was a heavy fall of
lain the entlio morning, xxhleh delaed
tho inspoctoiis until aftei noon. As a
lesult ot the lain, the icgiment left
tonight with the tents still standing, as
the canvas cannot be packed until It
Is peiiectly (by. A detail from llanls
buig will attend to the packing as soon
as the canxas Is thoiougbly diled.
Captain '!eoi , Jlr.'ilman of Com
pany r, xvas ofliccr of the
day. Lieutenant Hay Smith, of Coin.
pan C, ofllioi of the gum d, and Lieu
tenant Smith, of Company 1, supcr
nuniointy ollliei Lieutenant Colonel
Wallacf. of the Ninth, was biigndc olll
eer of the day, and tho ptovost guaitl
was chosen fiom the Twelfth leglment.
A Severe Ordonl.
As Is usuil In both lulgade and divi
sion encampments the Inspections of
tho leglini'iit pioxed bv fin the seveiesl
licit nl of tamp to the Thli tccnth's men.
Th' moinlng was boiling wann anil
the Held had been ploughed up by the
Ninth In its dilll until the dust rote
lu ilond- nfter exeiy iiMnoeuxei.
I'm tluee hoius Colonel AVaties' com
maiiil was on the Ibid uiipioteeted fiom
the llene of the sun, either going
thiougli an e'hutistlng ell 111 oi the
equallv ( haiistliig ouleal ot standing
In a stialned position while Adjutant
(lereial Stewait and hhs staff cast
shaip, w.itilitul (is aver each man's
ciiiilptnont and aiiouticmeuts.
At ." 10 o'tlotk theie was a bilgatlo
tilers lev low t'oudut tod by (iovei norW.
A Stone, and inimediately after tho
noon iiic-u, guaitl mount was held
And jot In spile of all this bcvcie thill
theie was not a single ease of seilous
beat piosttatlon, the men undcigolng
the eveie tilal like xetetuns.
The Inspoeiions weie begun at 7
o'clock Piomptly at this hour, Col.
C. How Dougheity led the Ninth Regi
ment out on the field. The Wllkes
Itaito eoninniid made a lino appear
ance antl an et client showing,
Colonel L. A. Wnties led the Thli
t eoiith out foi Inspet tlon at !' o'tlotk.
llveiy man In line whip the khaki uni
form, biown leggings nnd cam
paign bit. Regimental front was tbst
formed, and Colonel Wnties standing
In front of his command then loudl
tailed "piepaie tor Inspection." Ad
jutant Oeneial Thomas J. Stewait, and
seveial of the aitlve meiuheis of bis
ctafl, after saluting Colonel Watres
then began their Inspection Colonel
II II Hippie of He iiiiitnn, assistant ad
jutant genetal. Colonel Fiank Sweeney
Inspector of tllle piactite, Lieutenant
Colonel Piatt, and Colonel Sheldon
Pottei nionmpanlotl the adjutant gen
ot .il on his inspettlon tout.
Tho Inspection,
riist the i oiiimlssionetl staff was
c.uefiill Inspet ted and then the In
specting olllcei s pint riled slowl clown
tho long Hue of lunipauies diaw up
on the plain opposite division head
quaiteis. llvei man In the icgiment
was given a seaichlng glance by flen
eial Slew ait which took In his entile
nppeaianie from toe to eiown of the
head, and tf a logging was not laced
piopeil or tlie kestone was missing
( un iniied on Pa.e Hi 1
Icd diti f il lul) SM. l')l!
lll.lKut tiiiiptrttuit
Imct tenipiratiuc
Ittlatbc lluiiiidil).
I id liquet
li" ijegieea
s a in . H pe tent
S p m 73 nr ceni.
Piriipitiliiii, .'1 liiiuit indiil S p ill , 75 I null
-f-rl t-f ft-f
W ihln:ti n lull SU - I oircait fir Sit-
unlit and siindu I ail cm PeuiutlianU
I dr and xx nun r lu nrithern, ibonmi
In uml In in pinllon s,iiui,n, Sunday,
fair, (tanner; uiuda nuitth light raiterly.
H ltl f f