The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 26, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Concluded from Pane 1 1
The July Clearing Sale JQNAS LONG'S SONS The Fridav Afternoon Sales
June 30, 1001, Thore Wore Twenty
four Less Blast Furnacos in Opora
. tlnn Thrin on Juno 30. 1000.
Banjo Signal at Delawaro Water
Gap Proposed Improvements on
the Lnckawanna Intorferod with
by tho Scarcity of Materials The
Board for Today.
Tho Amcilcnn lion mid Str-tl ucen
clatlon Iihh iccoived fiotti the niunti
fHt'tuiciH HltitlHtit-i of tlio production
of nil IrimN of iIk lion In the United
states In the Hist half of IflOl; also
HtntlstlcH of the stocks of pit? Iron
which voie on hand and for Kale on
.lime ."0. 1'nil. The total pioiluctlon of
11jt lion In the lliHt lialf of 1101 win
7,ti7l,til.t kiosk ton, iiRalnit T.OIL'.i'GS
tout In the 111 Ml half of I'lOO and C
H6fi"3 tons In the second half. Indi
cations now point to u tleei eased pio
iluetloti In the second half or li'Ol as
KMupaicd with the Hist half.
The piodlietlon In the Hint half of
ISti. the boom year, was G.tlV.t.lfi" toni
nnd In tho second h.ilf It was 7, i:il,.V!fi
tout. The piodlietlon of Ilesenier plf?
lion In the Hi st half of WOl was I,
f,Si',lS7 bios tons. aKiiinst l.lil,:'.!l tons
In tho Hist half of I'.ini) and :t.4X2.t)fil
tons In the sec olid half. The piodlie
tlon or linsle pig Iron In the Hist half
of mot wius ci'.iori rioi tons, atr.ilimt
fiM.SfiS tons In the llrst half of lflOO and
4!K,5os tons In the second half The
jnoiliicllou of chauoal iIk lion In the
til st half of loot was l'.il.'Jill kioss tons,
ntralnst Hi7.1Hi tons In tin- flist half of
11100 and 172.7:: tons In the second half.
In addition, theie ori pioduced In
Hie South In the (list six months of
this year 1 7.070 tons of pig Iron with
mixed i1imiki.iI and i nK. The produc
tion of Kplf'UPloKen and feiionianan
ese In the Hist half of 1001 was 1"3,0:0
jiioms tons, all made In New Jersey
I'enns.vh'aula. Alahania Illinois and
f'olonidii, iiKiilnvt 1 IS.lftj tons In the
lit st half of 1001 and ln;,s7.". tons In the
second half.
The shocks f pig it on whli h veio
unsold In the hands of inanufactureis
or their sisonts on June ::fl. lOiil,
ninounteil to :71,l"'i ton", against IIJ,
:i70 tons on Dec. ,:i. lOOO, and ;::;S,0V?
tons on June "0. I'mio. The whole
nunilior of fiiinacfs in lilast on June
r.0. 1001. Mas 2.".0 iijrainwt 2.1J on Dec.
r.l, 1000, and :v. on June :;o, linn.
Banjo Signal at Water Gap.
A ImiiJo signal to govern east hound
trains has been located on the llii-t
.-iirve west of Water tlap station, and
will heopeiated by the telegraph oper
ator at that station as follows
When vvl hound passenger tiains
,'i)iii n, icil the station, opeiator will
turn the signal to "caution" and lo.ue
it In tliut position until sin h train has
left the station, 1'ast hound ti.iltm
finding sKna at "i autlou" ill he gov
ei ned by little No. ::.i, goveinlng the
movement of lialn.
K.tlluic of opeiator to set ibis signal
nt "caution1' on the apptoach of a
wet bound pa'-senger tiaiu will In no
way lellexe train uml engine men
tiom iompling Willi Utile No "" le
feiicd to.
Scarcity of Materials.
A gieat many or the Imptovenipnts
that aie contemplated by the Ka
WHiina naliioad company at dilfpioiit
polnth along the line ate delacd on
account or a scan ily or building ma
in Ml. It is a noticeable tact that ip
tiilhltlous plaied for lumber hae been
delayed months at a time
In ionise of time, the company con
templates' oio ting now passenger and
ticlglit stations at Clink's Summit and
Mostow. wheie sinh aie badly needed,
but those lniii moments have aln been
deferied on .tumuit of the scanlty of
At the piesput time most of the con
struction wmk that Is being done s
on the I'llca and Si.triti illson.
heie a numlier of new stations aie
being built.
D., L. & W. Board for Today.
Follow hip is the make-up of the D.,
1.. & V. bonid lor todaj .
Si lilt, II. .lull "II. I"0I
'lilt i:mi, .it i. ,
WIM I'll' i:il- p in.. I. llmMiiit; 10 i
a., A, II. Ilnm ; 11 p in. I" 'I. s,aip.
rmnw. .ii i. -x
Wild i'.iU ILi-l t ::n a. in . ,1. .1, Mutrav vvilh
. W. licijnr' iri'W, :i u hi., M, sia,(i., nli
, II, MiCjiiii'" run; ."i .i. in , lienisi- 'llmii.i.;
a. in, W. A, lliilholouieu ; 10 a. in, 0
iPurtirys 11 a. in.. M l..ui'.liiitj ; 1 p in, .
' Mitrr; 2 p. in M. .1. lleiiiilcnr, I p in,
ici'iEi Hml; .'i p. in, .1. .1 foilcllu; 0 p. in,
1'. Mii'JHlij.
Miniuill. i:ti. n .1 in. iut, .1 .irii;ii, S
fl. in., uiM, (I. 1'iounfi Ikrr, (I p. hi, i ii, I'.
McDonnell; S p. in. ml, II, Milial;
7 p. in., (.'ii.MUu, Mil.ilii, 7 p in, (aviikM,
1liiunpvii: 7 p in. .iv i'g. I. MiUIUtii
l'llllll- M. ID. lltllMI, lit .1. 111., s,
nertt 11."" ! ,in , Mount
V p. in , Lniiplnz; 10 p in
I'l-sciiRcr I'.nginri 7 j in .
SirRtr: 10 . m., Soioi; ;
in . Mm pli.
, Willllll
(iinnc.i ; 7 a in,
mi p. in , suiilon,
O. I!.i1iolph; 10
i . .1. (iin'.-i , 2 p
7 p. in., Njnnnii.
wilii it-s tn . i
n. nt.i C, Klnnlrj ; Ham.
tn., .lolm latrr. I in ,
i:. Itrtilum; G
p. in., Jilm CjIij;.!!.
Rrl.' William SiijiIci ill nil nt tram
master' oiA.c.
A winunt ai jptirili.v nuol t.y Maslitrat
Howe (or the anel o( Maij (iri.lcr. nhn is
rhaicM t llh dUordcrl.i (oiiclmt nnd with bcln;
a rntnmon scold, b Adam Kidillrr, of KU7 llo.nli
rilzabcth nolbrlMli, nt oio s-oulM jAmlns
tNfnuc, jtsttrday swore out a ujtunt licloie
Mjclitrate Hone (or llir aunt of Mjilln liui
'rylf, whom fhe tliarsy ilh duordnl.r con
duct and threats. '
Charlrj Hutchlnt, lm a aircatnl on Wed
nesday night for (lourlilims a rnohri on I.,icki
nanna. aenue, a fined $0 h Masltra(e
Hoae yesterday. Ilutchins aid he one f
the deputki recently employed by the I.acka
irann and intUted that he had a rlklit to
flourish his retolter, but tho magistrate thought
Mr. Itary Hart yesterday caused tho airett
nl her fcueband. Henry Hart, on the thaiee o(
atnult and battery. At a liearina; before Mag
iatrate lloire the claimed that Henry assaultnl
lier on Wednesday night and locked her out nt
the house until i o'clock yesterday inornu.K.
Henry wa committed to the county Jail In uc
fault ol S00 balL
Taul Pemlnlclf, ef Jolinaon'a I'alch, yesterday
raud the arrest ot -lohn Krnet, thom lie
charged with obtaining i under (alse pretences.
Kmet borrowed the mosey and eae an cider
on the roal company for uhlch he works, ThU
order wan found to be orlhle. Before a
liearine could be bad before MajUtrite Howe
the rase wai willed, the defendant pain over
the amount borrow ed and the i-oit.
frigidity, iii neither of tho otllccrs
showed any Inclination to recognize
the other. At tide 4'iO of the army
l regulations says a vlslttng ofllcer, If ho
If of higher innk than the conmumdor
of the post, must send his catd nnd
then the post commander will pay him
an olllclal visit.
Sent No Card.
Clenernl Miller sent no
fionetnl Clobln did not
When the povernor came
on id, iiml
vtlt llllll.
Into cnliip
with Alts. Stone, Oneial (iobln mid
his Btaff wete at the tlaln to meet
them. The governor's ttnop acted
as e"cort, nnd the battel y tiled
tho customary salute. When the uir
llage containing tho governor arilved
at licadquarteis the governor alighted
and stood under the tent lly. Oeneral
Miller was on Ills left nnd (leneral
Cobln had dlsmoiiiited and stood close
by talking to some of the division staff
ollleeis. Theie was not the slightest
sign of any exchange of courtesy be
tween the two genet nl, although they
wcie within throe feet of each other.
A lido tliiougli camp was decided Upon
and Ooveinor Stone, Onei-al Miller,
(lenetal Clobln nnd Colonel l'lllott occu
pied seats In the earrlugp. Oeneial
(lobln faced Cletipial Miller and Colonel
J'lllott sut opposite the governor. The
two generals did not exchange a wotd.
Jeneinl Oobln today said he had paid
tti Oeneral Miller all tho couitesy that
the legiilations lequlted nnd added:
"The only woitl that 1 lecelved fiotn
Clenetnl Miller Is an Insulting Interview
that ho gave out tn n newsjiaper yes
teiday. lie gave me no time to do
anything, but took It for granted that
his welcome would not be it warm one.
1 am perfectly tight In my position and
the general might study his itltos mid
legulutlons a little,"
Hofused to Talk.
When Oeneral Miller's attention was
called to the aiiny rule calling for the
sending of a caid. he leplled that the
(omniandor of the lnlgade had been
pi opei ly notified of his coming. Asked
whether he had the tight to otder n re
view or the bilgatlc heroic hlim the
genet al lefoned to Adjutant Ooiteial
Stewart nnd hp In turn lefened It
back to the major general. Neither
would answer the question.
The icKlnio'it aiose good nnd oarlv
Voiliipdn mottling and ate mess at
5.(1 o'clock In order to bo leady foi
the loglinontal (1 1 111 called for ' n'llmk
la aoiotdanie with the unlet Issued
TitesrI.ij. After this nnd guaid mount
theie was no moie dtilliug until I
o'cluik when the bilgnde paiadod 1 -
foio the quartets of Major Oenoiiil
( 'liailes Millei, omniandor of the
National Onatd of ronnsyUnnla who
with his staff nt lived In t'amp Kgboil
at I'eikasle at ,"'0 o'clock p m. Tliej
weie accompanied by Oovetnor Stone s
Many dizzy Illinois pi periled the ni
ilvnl of (icuoial Miller and speculations
weto many and wild as to what would
oidir when Oeneial Oobln met the
man. whose place many claim should
be ociiipied by the Till id Hilgado's
fonuunnder. Tito day passed however
without an dash between the two
Tlif heailquaitois of Oinotnor Stone
and Oeneial Miller nte located on the
parade giounds about one qtiattei of
a nille ft om the Thitteenth'.s camp and
extend In a long white double line al
most to the pai K.
Gobin Is on the Hill.
Opiipi.iI Oobln's camp If located mi
the hill fin above. The patlv Iff t
inmp Ugboi t at noon and came thiongh
v la Philadelphia, passing through
IVadlug Their tialn which was a
special cxpeilenced a long delay tn
making connection, ns it was expected
that thelt miival would occur about
J.4Ti o'clock and a telegiam was sent on
in advance stating that, this would
lie the time at which the patty could
be cxpec ted.
The governors tioop of ravaliy was
at the station to nit as a guaid of
honor, and Hattei.v ('., of the uitlllety,
station! d on tho hill fltod a salute of
thlitcen guns, aw M.ijoi Oeneial Millet,
Adjutant Oeneial T. J. Stewait, and
their suite out eel camp. Shoitl.v after
Oeneial Millet had I pitched hlsquaiteis
Assistant Adjutant Oeneial . S.
Mlll.ii of the Thlid llilgade, came tid
ing down fioin Oenetal fiohiu's head
qii.ntois to gieet the conimandei of
the guaid.
lie also vllled Adjutant General
Stewait. Colonel Klllott, and other
niembets of Oenetal Millet's staff.
Shortly aftei wards ciiine the patade be
fore headiiuattets, nnd Oeneial Millei
epte-sed himself as thotoitghly pleas
ed at the showing made by the legl
nient. The Ninth was the Hist icgl
ment to maiih mid the Thlileenth the
The inspections by Oeneial Stewait
began this mm nine nt 7 o'clock. The
Ninth was on the Held from 7 to !, and
the Thlrtenth ftom fi to 11 o'clock. The
Twelfth, eighteenth uml Foutteenth in
tlie ot dot named will he Inspected Ktl
day moitilng.
Prepared for Inspection.
I'lepatatlons for the Inspection have
been brisk Ouns weie caiefully clean
ed, accoutrements blushed, and every
thing put In iPHdincM for tlie keen
siintlny ftom the adjutant senetal's
shaip ejes. The hospital cotps com
plains bitterly thnt Its chances for a
good showjng ato badly handicapped
by the wt etched condition or the am
bulance teum. One of the lioises is
wind bioken and the other spavined,
and both me excellent candidates for
tin pqulne hospital.
Oeneial Stevvntt In a convoisatlon
with a Ti Ibune man expressed himself
as very well satisfied with the showing
made by the Flint Brigade, at I'.imp
"The It wotk." snld he, "was highly
satlsfactoiy. They did splendid work
In the past nnd aio still doing It."
A laige number of copies of general,
oidots. Issued July HO, fiotn General
Stewmt's olllce, were today iccelved at
lnlgade headquarteiH. They contain the
announcement thnt the annual title nnd
cat bine matches will be held nt tho
Mount Oretnn state tange. beginning
August 24, eaih tegliueiit of Infaiiliy,
tlip battalion of stuto naval militia and
each chvrHv tjonp being entitled to u
team of four men and one man for
teseive. Only tho state aims can be
used and with the legulatlon sight.
Regimental, skirmish, brigade, cav
alry, cavalry skirmish, and Inspection
of illle practice matches will bo shot.
Lieutenant Colonel llany C Trcxler
has offered h gold mounted Colt tevol
ver to tho winner of the revolver match,
open to commissioned ollleeis.
Shoot at Sea Dirt.
The Twenty-ninth annual meeting of
tho National Hlllo Association will he
held at Sea Girt. N. J August 30 to
September 7, und at this meeting the
One of the many practical things this store has done for Scranton is the making of Friday a Bargain Day, and
the way the people have shared interest in these great weekly occasions has not only proven a gratifying success to
the store, but a substantial and profitable help to the hundreds of money-saving people who come here.
This week the Bargain Offerings are doubly attractive. The store's July Clearing Sale offers a great many
savings in every department, and
Our Great Friday Afternoon Sales
Fairly sparkle with tempting offerings of the season's most needed goods at under worth prices.
Snlc No. 1
Begins Promptly at
2 O'clock.
Housefurnistiin? Goods
In Onsomcnt
Preserving Crocks, or low Butter
Jars. At this season you will need more
than an ordinary supply. They come
in the gallon size only, and will
sell for one hour on Friday for ... . C
Wash Howl nnd Pitcher at moderate
cost. Made from grey stoneware, for the
hardest kind of service. Fri- .
day's one hour price 4C
Water Pitchers Made of grey stone,
in the 2-quart size, with blue border near
the top. It's a rather unique idea and at
this season exceptionally useful.
Friday's one hour price C
Tllllll)lei'.S, or Drinking Glasses, at an
even 33 1-3 percent, beiow the regular
price. Just now there is an unusual de
mand for tumblers. They'll be easy to
buy during Friday's one hour
sale; 6 for 1 UC
Flour Sifters One quart rotary Flour
Sifters. A useful article at all times for
the baking table. Friday's one
hour price oC
Itl'OOins Regulation size, made firm
with three rows of stitching. There
will be an abundant supply on hand
Friday at the one hour -.
price. 19C
Yellow .Mixing Bowl Ordinary size.
They are made good and heavy and
.,,tl ctqnH ill l!ntc fi cnrtrt
Will iJlftllu ,1.1 "HIVIJ ui d.iui.v, j fgm
Friday's one hour price 1 7C
Clothes Lines 50 feet long, made
from good quality, firmly braid-
ed. Friday's one hour price 5C
Fiber Palls ro quart size, suitable
for nil purposes, and made for
hard service. Friday's one hour
price, each 1 V C
Mnson's Fruit Jars In pint size only.
They come one dozen in a box. The
fact that they are Mason's Jars tells the
rest of the story. Friday's one . .
hour price, a dozen 44C
National fltiatd of Pennsylvania -will
lie rejitesented by seveinl teaiii. The
team to be know as the leRltiientnl
team will bo made up of tlie team mak
ing the hlKheM total in two pi.tctlce
iniiuhfo and tlie sUlitniili match at
.Mount li etna.
One of today's most aimiMm; In
cidents was tlie refusal of an"
Lebanon hotel keeper to allow
two plilrtwaist men to enter ills tllti
ItiK 100111. One of the compan men
and a newspaper repiesentathe wcie
taken oei to Lebanon on business and
at dinner time wandered to the KaRle
Hotel, the Waldorf-Astotla of Lebanon.
The soldier was In the tegulatloii uni
form, wearing an at my shirt and no
coat, and the newspaper man attired
In seml-militaiy make-up al-o being
The cletks at the up-to-date hosleliy
Kaed at the blue shiits and 1 ked,
'smiy gents, but we can't let you Into
the dining 100111, like thnt, No sh tee,
we want coats hete, b'gohli."
In aln did the two peiMst tlmt at
Shetry's and other metiopolltan centies
tlie shlit waist was the height of fiish
iou. In aln did they pioe by mathe
niiitlc leasonlng that Lebanon was ex
actly seventeen months behind the aie.
The cleik was obduiate but not fanc
Ing tho Idea of losing two customers
produced a pair of badly tilting ioat
imil thus attired the Thlileenth ivpte-
sentatlvc dined.
Seiiremt iilf(Uli, ot I'oinpnnv f, win fcifceant
ot tlio iton-t Binul jrtetdj
lied Meiem ot i'Iiijiiv f. Iiai rained a
riputation a tlie irxunental dude and lime has
been itirat ImllsiiUiin in 1U toinpany
Ii) the dltcoveiy lliat lip uai not only tii.ui;
I i.i mm on Ida liilr tint wus aituill loopine
lietnuii I'.rftl iiIkIi'. Tliere na talk nf Ivncli
ine lilin loi a ululo but the cxcilement Ins .Ime
Theodore Yandlin;, the eleven ear old on of
the itkinientil quaiteiniaici la uilli the KKi-
C'aplaii, footc ol Companv H. and erseint
Cleary teliirncd WedncaJay dom Vranton where
tliey atteudid the luncul ot Dr. Illanilinrd and
iiioi e oer picked up a laige nunihcr nf trJEHlen
uho had not ct Joined the reslmtni I'll nun
(urn other coiiipanle weie luouitlit In bv them
-eiBeant Ilallej of Conipam f tlsuicd ot Ihe
hern of a blanket ti'S.inss Incident Ihe other night.
The little fii;eint h liatbed at the lime In
a pilr ef ruhher bnnti and a lnok ol innUty
and piesiutot a unhpie pcctacle i he mo abuia
the loinpiui tmU.
I.ieuleuant Cnnr, of I., tml.i enlut ilunl
Cuiita fintn I'hiladelphli llnlli the lieutenint
and Serueant Coiiell 1 iw lie-n pie.entcd with
hamUoniH plllowi by Ml. (.rcini fik'inh.
Aim Ctiarkt Altrniu-e, nf fa.ton, iu today
the n"t "' llfr liuhand, fllit !-ciK'.nit .Mlc
nin.e, ol roinpany I.
Many ot tlie !m at ml tlirrmelw of tin
tie.itn ncnliy to lake dilly bwliiK, Scaily nil
the iikiiiIkk of Company 11 lnlud tho water
filiate fieoice Mauliall entertained nnrrUburR
frlrndi nt til unt .levieido.
Theie will piobahly lie a ba ball came frldiy
alteinnnii lutwren Comiuni II ,im( (.ompiny M
of the Mnth. Company 1) hat tlm ii'jjliucnt't
Snlc No. 2
Begins Promptly nt
3 O'clock.
Main Floor
Oxford Tics for Women Made from
genuine Dongola Kid with patent leather
tips. Naturally thera is a reason for
selling n $1.25 Oxford for so small a
price. A large number bought under
price is the cause of our Fridav
one hour price. A pair for.... yC
Fine Percnles Known as the Pacific
Mills' Percales They are full 31 inches
wide, and come in light, medium and
dark grounds, including navys, cardinals
and white grounds. You can adapt
them to almosl any use. They are es
pecially good for dresses and waists.
Good value at 10c. Friday's one ,3
hour price CMC
Lnces Mostly Point de Paris with in
sertion to match. In the lot you will
also find some fancy Cream Galons. The
widths range from 2 1-2 to 5 in,
Friday's one hour price 1 UC
Second Floor
Wrappers Ladies' Lawn Wrappers,
made with large flounce at bottom, with
shoulder caps and white tucked yoke.
There are many new and dainty colors
in sizes from 32 to 44; value $1. '
Friday's one hour price VC
Separate Skirts Ladies' White Pique
Skirts, full and generous width, with
deep hem at the bottom, all lengths.
Polka Dot Duck Skirts in cadet blue
only, made with deep hem, also Misses'
White Duck Skirts, 30 to 36 inches long.
Any one of the above for one
hour on Friday at, each 3yC
Slllt Cnses Good quality of Canvas
Suit Case with leather corners and wire
riveted handles, linen lined, brass lock
and clasps, 24 inch size. Fri-
day's one hour price 1 .3U
White Shirt Waists for Women
Made from a nice quality of White
Lawns; some are made in the plain
style, others are fancy every one of
them are 50c each. Friday's
one hour price 35C
Central Raihoad of New Jersey.
Sttitioni In Now York loot ot Liberty slrwt,
K. It . ami hnuth Fell'.
iiMhTMii.i i.s Lirrcrr .11 st .10, twi.
Tialn leaM' s ranton or Ne oil.. Ncuart,
r.llralwtli. 1'lillailflplii. i:aton, Hi tliliriii. At
ntcm n, Mnuli lmnk and Wliitr linen, al 8 1
a in., i-M"""' ' lu virfi, liio p. m, Sim
daj, 2.15 I', in.
for l'lttton ami W'lll.n Marie. S51 a. in.; 1.10
and )) P I" f-uniU-., 2.U p. m
for Baltimore and W asliliiKtoii and polnM
Soutli and Wct llrtlileliem, S jj j, in , 1 1(1
and 4 00 p. in Fundi I, 2 15 p. 111.
I'oi bonff Hnncli. Ocean Grove, etc , nt S :.i
a m tthioiiRli coaili) and 1.10 p. in,
for Heading, Utunon 4nd HarrWiurs, via A'
lentonn. fc.W m. anJ ' w P. '" SunJj,
2.15 p. in.
for rotH.lllr, S65 a in , 1 10 p, m.
for Mountain fail,, o V u. in., 1 to and t IX)
P. i".
Iliroueli tltlid- to all point rat, eoulli and
west at lonet latent at the station.
O M nt RT. Con. I.i KI
J 11. 01.11 lKS, (.en. Mipt
Mar plains, Imludlns In it" lineup, l'iimli,r..ii,
(Jmcoi, (tnnell, SI npwn and olhti.
'the noD'coiniiiUlmied nffiieM hue hid their
plttuie laten, in a gioup near licadquarteis
Ciplaiii Kauibcik, of Company II, rnmliulid i
Utile war on tho pealoiiy lilin-itf and ilovd
the canteen In lm lompaii In fore Col, Watiej'
'Ihe nuiur Men' ChiiMlan aoti.itlon tun l
pruMiiK a (Treat concniciio to tlie bOS wi-lnnir
tn write ietteis home. o leM than 1,10.1 t
ter weie nulled fioin the tent )it.ercl.i.
Solium; lu- been e( clone resardins plitnl
matdies nnd it l nit likely that there will he
tn duilng the encampment.
Tlie brigade band i,.im a rplimlul concert in
fiuiit nf (itnrial fioliin's tern la.t night, which
wa thoroughl enjojed h a eiy large mcd
Itegiinental orders have liern posted liy Ail
Jutaut Allieilon, bearing tefcrcme to ciiatd
mount One of the prolloni ot Colonel Wattes'
mandate Is that theie Mull be a imperiiumei.ity
officer of tlie guaid, whose duty It shall be to
llu-peet tlie rear rank
Captain C'a-e, lomiiilxarr in the aimv, wa a
Ciir.t at brigade headquarteia Mwienl.iv. lie
n fonnerly colonel of the fourlli reslinent tn
Philadelphia, nnd was lalei major in conimiud of
a batlnllon uC the Txnlj -nlntli olunlicra in
the I'liilippinea, llli home la nt Marietta.
1'rhate Hi oik, of the ho.pital lorpt, lias re
ported the theft of hit khaki coat,
Compam K Ins ihundant ua.-om to be p. mil
nf their cook, filiate I'll, Tlie menu lie pin
lili fur the delictallon of the lova iniy be
equalled but lainot be mrpisted by an cuiupitiv
in the entile hilgidc Uinuei toda loii-iucd of
rcitt beef a la mode, corn frlltei., the be.t
In and of bieakfatt lea, bread nnd but
ter plfiitlfull tupplied, follored bv a
con-Utliig nf vvatermehiii, cake and be cuani lloll.v, of ( onipai'.v II, who hit been
kulTnlus troni an Injuird hind, in Inipinvin,
lle hat bitn iclieted from duly at fir a miiI
ble lint Phillip' Eiul Minou 'fnnlrr ,ie cloini; the
rookuiK for ( ompati) If. 'Ihe biv aio welt
ple.inl nnd all ai;iec thai woik I' pliauri. whin
food inokid m well and arned hu dalnlil.v awilt
tin in upon their reluin tiom the tirld to iniet.
Leon Lev
T. .1. foiter, President, Klimr II. Lawall, Treat.
It. J. 1'o.tcr. Stanley f. Allen,
Vkc President. buieliry.
Alain Floor
day's one
Thoy are
Schedule in Effect June 3, 1001.
Trains leave Sciautou:
6.45 a. m., week days, through ves
tibule train from Wilkes-Barre.
Pullman buffet pallor car and
coaches to Philadelphia, via
Pottsville; stops at piincipal in
termediate stations. Also con
nects for Sunbuiy, Hanlsbuig,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and for Pittsbuig- and tho
0.38 a. m., week clays, for Sunbury,
Htmisburg, Philadelphia. Balti
more, Washington and Pittsbmg
and the We3t.
2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays,
1.58 p. m.), for Sunbuiy, Hauis
burg. Philadelphia. Baltimoie.
Washington and Pittsburg and
the West.
3.33 p. m., week days, through ves
tibule train from Wilkes-Batie.
Pullman buffet parlor car and
coaches toPhlladelphia viaPotts
vllle. Stops nt principal inter
mediate stations.
4.27 p. m.. week days, for Hnzleton,
Sunbuvy. Hanisbuig, Philadel
phia and Pittsburg.
,1 It llf'ICIIIN'-OV, r.-n Msr.
.1 11. WOOD, lien. IM-i gl
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In fftect June 2, f "II.
Tiam Lini' Siramoii!
for I'lilladelpliU ami S'iw Hnk ia P A. II
It a , al tl 15 and O.IS n m.. and 2 H, 1.7
tll'ick Diainoi.i' Kxpiiml, and 11 ill p. in. Sjiiii-
dj I). & II 1! ".. 1-58. '-I P- m-
for White llaviu, llalilm and principal
pointi in tho coil 1 ilonx, la I), i II. It. 11 ,
Ii 10. - In and I -I P- l" lor l'"ttiille, 0 15 a
"for Ililhlehirii, Lmton, Iteidin.-, IliriMuiis
and piimlpal mtMiiuiliato .tiiioiw m I) it II
11 It 0 15, (s a " -,s- I -" tl'IJ'L Diu
,n'ind"r.prc), It J) p. m I). & .
It It.. P'S a m ; 1 OS S.J7 p. m
'for 'lunkhuniio. 1., 'Jowanili, l.limia. Ithi.i,
Cene.a and piimlpal Inlenned'ulo iiihun. u
1) , I, J. N. 11 " s '" J '" "'"' ' w !' '"
for fiitieia. Itothc-lir, llullalu, Nhiaui I all.,
thicaiu nml all puintn vvet, ill D , II. I! U,
7 4-. 11 !,; a. in.. 1 2". " (Hll IH'iiiond I x
pieM), T 1". 1 II. H !' m. Mui'laji. I). . II
It. it . 11 5 j. J7 I'- m
I'ullnian pallor uml uleeping or Lihigh Villi
pailur i im on ull lulu between Wilket-llnra
and New oll., fhlladelphia, llu'lalu and bus-
I,. I.I. A
1HI1XIOI1 I" into."
110I.I.1N' II WILIIc-'lt, (icnt. bupt.,
Meet, Srw oik
CII.MILI.S LI'I "fn- I 1- As'. i
tmi. .New oik
A W MINNI'MM III.H, Div. l'a-
2'3 f'lriland
id Coitland
Akl . b'lUtii
Hi llili hem, VJt
fur tlikett uml I'nllniiii ri'n ivatniiH apply lo
i,(V) laikavvaunii attune, Mrantnii, '
Eile Ballvoad," Wyoming Divi&lon.
Tialni for lliwln and liilumuliaie pdnta Inn
siiiiitoii at follow.. Nn , 7 10 n in , Nn, ,
S Ml a. in.. No. ii, '.'J p. m I Nn. s, .'i.'ii p ni
.Nut. - and I Ihiougli ll.lllH loi .New oi.
Vlilialn-Xo. I. KH a. in : No .1, ID ,il a m ,
No. f, ,1 !' 1' m i No. 7, tl.l'i p in. 'Ii mix Noa
S and 7 am lliminrh tralm Iruni New uik.
Ileparturet No. i. l a. in.; Jvn. S!J, p. m.
.Vulval .No. 'Jl, l.MJ p. in.; .No. iJ, a.10 p, in,
Snlc No. 3
ftt 1 m
Begins Promptly nt
4 O'clock,
A Combination Sate IlatlsloH, Lnwm
nnd Dimities in a lnro iiHsortmutit of pat
terns mid various (IohIkus, iiiuhullng llKlit,
medium and dark grounds: made to "7 n
hell for 10c. Kriilay's 0110 hour price C
Oxford Tics far Women llllll grade and
worth as a rttlo f U.oO. Thoy are mado from
a strictly guaranteed vlcl kid skin, hand
turned soles, very noft and llexible. Wlion
you seo them you will admit that they aw
tlio htiuulnnl or excellence nnd
tiumatchablo at tho price. Fri
day for 0110 hour
Bed Spreads 10-4 White Marseilles pat
terns: Tito quality is ono of the best we
have been able to offer this hchhoii and will
favorably wlth$1.2o grade. Oa-
one-hour price..
Umbrellas With steel rod and Congo han
dle, covered with fast black twilled jO-
cloth. Friday's one-hour price uOL
Hoys' Underwear Kiblied Cotton In sizes
from 1M.:?4. Shirts and Draw- jM
ett. Friday's one-hour price.... 1 AL
Second Floor
Boys' Brownie Overalls Made of good
quality of blue denim, full nut with bib and
faies 4 to 11 years. lri- ti-
- hour price
J4 Ks
Summer Corsets For women, mado from
good muuity net medium and long waist.
worth every cent of the regular
which in iu uciicb. riiuuj a ll"
SvLss Curtains With a 4-lucli rufllc.
With a pair of curtains you get a white cot
tage polo and a pair of loops. Fri- er
day's one-hour price OuC
A Combination from Furniture Depart
ment -Oak and mahogany Tables, with lfi
Inch tops, turned legs and nicely finished:
just right for an odd corner or could be used
its a centre table ANo a well made Lawn
with no-slat scat. The framework is
veil tlie slats nutural color, briday
your choice of either foroue hour
TJelnwaio and Hudson.
In Lflect dune 9. 1SOI
Tnln for taiboudalo leave hirinlon nt (l,"f),
l CO' h.M. 10 '' " '" 1--C0 '--"'i - " -i-S-.
liloil' d-i'i, 7.57. '.LI'". 11:20 p. in . I Ii. a m
foi lloiiindale and Like Lodote. C.:o, 10.U a,
, 2 11 and "i.2' p. m.
for Witkei-Ilnre. d-15, 7-IS, 8.11, nH
a in.. U ' -s -i1"' S"'- ' -In. ?''.
in tl. ll:M) !' '"
fori. V II. poIiita-C.H. 0:.13a. m, 2:1,
.n and ll.-O p m
for 11. It. point,, 2:18,
U.l and 4 JT'p. i"
for Minn and all points north fj.JO a. in.
and .1:5.1 p. m.
aim - " vfMUV TltlN
for CaibomlaU--k.J0, HiJ.1 a. m, 2:M, 3,5,
5 Di anil ID -i p. in
fer ilke-llaue-a.3S a. in., 1J.0J, 1:.',S,,
G:::2 and S-IJ p 111
I or Albam ami points roitli -.1 5i p. ni.
for Iloi.ei.dile and Lal.a Lodore -S.ji), ll.3
a ni and J 52 p. in
Dailv tl. cept Suncla) u
Leave Scranton at 8:55 a. m. for
Long Branch, Ocean Giove, As
bury Paik, Belmar, Spring
Lalco, Sea Girt, ifce.
Iteiuriiliii;. Vive l'oliit I'll imt at II lj 0 m ,
1 11 ink- Lake, II 17 a in lliliuir II ". ' j 111
luin Paik and O11.111 r.une, l.'ii', imon I 1 '
Hi im Ii, "2i P 111 Aimed it s rummi 11 '
t m This will be Ki pt up mr thu 1111111 i 1 u,,
e-ifi l.tllv for the .11 loniinodatioii of filming, ai
11 will 1 liable pa oilmen lo muiio and l.'
ciiiiifoitable vat din ins the intiio louine)
Ccneral Aycnt for tho Wyoming Pulilit for
Dupont's Powder
Jlimnj, nii'tlnu, Sportlnsr, -mol.lesi anj the
Itipaunu Chemical fonipan)'
Safety l'u,e, Can and 1 xploiler I! 0111 HI Cou
ncil Buildlnj .biuntui.
tiiob ronn . .. . . Piimn
I011S II "Mllll K -ON .
VV 1. ML 1.1.1(1 VN .... Wukei llaira
gjriVOTKTIIB .vit:.
.E rA I Mla-'Hobl, If. Dnlj i.trmtm hpUlul (u
iniri-i iiuuiRirn i rnrm imu nj nitn I rutlf
1 UltrwrM. I irrrs 4hm, llloifl 1'uUnn, Vrio.
Jj lit hllltf(tit KrIimi4 KrlmrtU A HrlrlurWMoT
rultlKS). ( n1cirlonmnlt ,t hhrunkpn Itrftaii.
Frrh ii fiiffd 4 la 10 d). 311 ytnr rmrllrl A II Ktrtt
IkotilUl ipfrlf"f l nriwy. Hnr for hook "rrtiib"il
Ipofn tTtry MvtdlfKlA tlfftrlfftlfrmfl. Mvtwllon lhlppf.J
Reduced Prices on
Ladies' Shirt Waists,
Children's Moll Hats,
Babies' Lawn Bonnets
and Pique Jackets
Shirt Waists
Our Shirt Waist It ado lias am parsed
nil dinner hcasntis, and the qttpfitlon
of intuit on the few WiiIhIh trninln
iiiK In Block will not bo considered
now, but the iirlco that will sell them
7.K: Shirt Waists Were SI. 23
The most niitilar $1.23 Shirt Walat,
nnd tin- eiy best uluc nblalti.ililn nt
this mice: the best make ami tlno
utlullty ClitiHliain, In alilpcH mid t,olld
coloi a bltm, old tow, luwuului' ani
$1,113 Shlit Waist icducfd to $1.23,
$-.W Shlit Waist milttLcil to $1.50.
Higher priced Waists In luopoition.
I.tiwn IlnntiPts iiiid Mull Il.itJ at te
dticed pilcea.
23c L.iwn llotincts IDo
S0e l.:tvn ISoiuiot.t SiQ
7,'ic l,iin Hounds nOi:
$ I.uwn Tlnnnclii "So
$1.30 Lawn HnnnctH $119
$2.00 Lawn HumictH $1.1D
$1 oo
$1 r,',
Mull Huts 7
Mull H.its $1.
Mull Hals $1
Mull Hals $2
Mull Hals $3.
irt I'iituo Jackets, icdurcd fioin
$3 23
10 ...................$.
to $2.
to $2.
'on 1st, lonRth $3
", t $t
Coa la $3.
Lackawanna Ave
Manufacturer. or
43B to 455
N. Ninth Street
Telephone Call. 2333.
Booms 1 and '2, Com'Itb B'l'd'g.
nining and Blasting
Hada t .Mooalo and Kmri tala WatKi,
Kleetrla Batteries. Eleotrla Ksploliri,
xplodluj blunts, safety fuss an J
Rocauno Ghamical Co.'s cxPlo"'vi:
You who once jioiseeil sturdy phy
Intiinnnii Rteacly tienes, out uow nae
iiisiilficlent pliylcal force lo properly
ntteml to ordlnnry duties you who
liaveiisenwof "all-Roneiic-. nftertlie
hlljihlest exertion , you who nre dull,
languid mul old in npinN ut an ?rc
Yiieiinimliould lie fiillof physical tire;
oitulinnuy teel that ojir life U not
worth the stniRKle-thcrc Unhcientlfie
mean of rcdeeiuluK nil the precious
pm ers which iem to 'e entirely lost.
Have ciireil tlioiiiml Riich n ou.
Iion't cstwrlment v llh your liealin cir
money. We will lake the tUk lUIr
lioxen ilo not cure you, our money is
returned l'nr jrnri we sc lieen
cut Ine men on llnc MtUfnctor) terms.
ct m ner Imv. (1 for R 00 malted In
ntaln ti.icV.ace Ilook fire. Addres
1'j.Al, MimciMJ Co .Cleveland, Ohio.
1'or isle hy John II. I'lirli", Plurniatltt, corner
morning ihuuc and bruce sticct.