- -, r v w : THE SCUAiNTON T1UBUNE- THUUSUAY, JULY 25, 1001, , 8 ". HF' INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR TELEGRAPHERS WILL HAVE A HEARING BOON. Chairmen of tho Various Grievance Committees Had an Interview Yes terday with Superintendent Clarke with Roforence to the Trouble of the Telegraphoru Delaware and Hudson Has Placod o Large Ordor for Locomotives Make-up of the D., L. & W. Board for Today. The clinlimr-n or tin rosnecthe Rilcv inco committees of tlioliiotliciliooeNnn the iJolnwnio, l.uekiiivunim niul W'rst rrn toad, who went t" IlobnUrn. Tuos ,1ay nt noon, to see Onoral Supeiln Undent Clarke lOK.udlnK tho trlPRra phors' ciipvanccs. t plumed rstctdny inoinlns, after having bad u eiy ..U Isfactory Intetvlenv. Tlicy lepiesented to Mr. Clinkc that llio tclPRrnphciH weie? nimplalnliiR they rould not get a heating and petitioned them to Intercede for them, with the lr-w of nrranRlng for tlic-tn to be henid. Supeilnlcndent C'luaUc- nnMiri'd hit :illpl thnt he had not denied the teleR tftplicrs n hcniltiR nnd never ipfiiied to meet with nny i-citiiiiilttee of employe". The telcernpbeiH' rominlltep ciiiiio to him, he said, while hi- vn busied In ilcullnR with the ni.uliiiiissts nnu cat builder!' fittlUes and he told thorn he would not be In n position to r!p due attention to nny fun her commltteeH until the existing Mi Ike trouble wpio nff liN hand"". lie had Intended nil iiIoiir to tnke up the teleRrapheiM' omplalnte, Just an soon hi he eould reach tlicni. and that Intention, ho wild, still ptevalN with him. It lilt's nlvv.is been his policy, as a superintendent, be e-.ilil. to Rive full innoldoratlnii to any and ceiy com plaint bis men nilRht Ia. befoic him, and ho does not, ho said, Intend to dclutr fioni tliat pollc-v In the piesent rno. He fuitlipr nmie-il the leder ntion lopic-Piitiiliics that the IpIpit lnphPrs' tommitlee would be Kinnted nn Intel view at the dullest oppoi lim it y. When the fedei.illnn bail men ih tinned and lepoiied thl to the telej; raphers' leprc.-pnliitlve-e, It wiih derided to leave evei.vlliliiK In the liandn of the Reneial commit Ipp of the l.,u-kniv.iiiim telcRinphets Nallon.il Vlcc-f'ipoldenl T M. Plen-nn will leave toda.v loi an other point, and National I'lP-deleiit M. M. Dolphin, v bfi ' in New Vend, bound hllbei. will not c nine. Locomotives for D & H. OicIpih have been plai ed b the Dcl awate and Hudson lomp.iny foi 4! moid right-wheeled lommotlves, to take the place of the M-w beeleis now lti set vice. The ouleis for these Itn o motlves have been divided between the Dlckfcnn Locomotive vvotks of Scihii ton, I1.!.; the Schenectndv I.oconiollve works, and the Hiooks l.of oinotlv" winks, of Dunklik. The sl-wlieeleis will be disposed of ll iislnn the elght-whecleis it Is s.ilil that fuel will be saved, and .il-ei that It will do away with one man In em h new. The company has Just tinned out of Its shop at Ciieen Inland a new loi o mntivp which is known as Nn. C.S. To the iailrn.nl men geneially It Is known as a pllol valve (ulin-burnlng engine weighing MO tons, ami the latget en gine ill use on the 1) & II. The pwtul valve is a new dejiartuio and vv.c built tinder the illiectlon of Master McMianlc A. J. Huckanan, Jr . of One nnla. No. IIS, when she W "smoothed down" ft Utile, will be ued on the Saratoga limited, the f!iu"-t tialn of the D. & 11. f-j stem between Oneonta and H.u.ctog.i. The now locomotive will c.urv "00 pounds of steam to the iuaip Inch. It is blghcr than any engine In ue by tho company, and If the epeil ment proves a suci e, ntheis of the sanm typo will be built at once. The (moke-stack of the engine" Is hut a foot In height so huge is the boiler. Blowing of Whistles The different propiletors uf the hotels at 'Water Gap complain that tlwi puests at their bouses me veiy miiib Hiinojcd by the loud whittling of l.ackftwanna engines t and near Water Oap. Supcilnteuilent Klne has lsued an aider to the effect that the uo of whistles must bo l educed to ai tu.U aecet-slllcs of the hoivko. llelpei and pusher engines that aie i-ont mil fioni StlnlldshuiR to Water (lap to assist manifest or oihei tialns will not tvhistle lelease bi.ikes, hand signal be ng given instead. Want Men Bo-instated. The stilke of the dilveis and gate Irndoi.s nt Muua.v s mine imnmoic. V4 Dr. Tierce's Faionte l'reicnption and Krseverance in its use will work won lers for the most hopeless woman. If Mrs. Newton, whoe letter is given elow, had not persisted in its ue, she night never have know n the happiness f perfect health. IVihnps the reason lor ner persistence was because she used Favorite Prescription " as a "last re ort." Thysicians had failed. If" Favor te Prescription" could not help there ?as nothing to hope for It did help. It llways helps and almost always cures, it establishes regularity, dries weaken ing drains, heals inflammation and ulcer ation and cures female weakness, It Imparts strength and elasticity to the organs of maternity mid makes the baby's advent practically painless. "When I consulted you In April, 1699, I waa In poor health," writes Mra K. H. Newton of Vanburen, Aroottook Co,. Maine, "Had been ick all winter, ud. to add to lay trouble as on the road to maternity, which the doctor aaid would end my dsyt, I waa almoat Ulicouraged ; did not expct any htlp, but thought the end wii only a matter of time, and oh I my two poor, little; motherleaa children. It waa in this condition that I began the ue f your valuable medicine. On receipt of your letter of April 6th my hnaband purchaaed sli boltlaa of 'Favorite Fictcriptlon'and T.olden Medical Dlacovery.' and I uaed it aa you directed. When yon wrote me worda of en. couraeement on April a;tb I had received no benefit from the medicine, bat determined as a laet retort to give it a fair trial. I am now tak ing; the thirteenth and Wet bottle. I have a lovely baby girl three week old, that weighed "K pounda at birth. My baby and I are enjoy ing perfect health, thanks to your wonderful medicine, to which I believe I owe my life." . Dr, Pierce'i Pellets stimulate the Hver, i:k rjii H OF SPECIAL 1NTEBEST To Hay Fever Sufferers. Sufferers fioni hay fever nnd sum mer cntarrh will be Interested to leatn thnt tlieie Is n new, simple Inexpensive but effective home treatment for this obstlntitc anil bnniltiR disease, and that n little booklet fully descrlblnK tho tieatment will bo mailed fiee to anyone by addressing the I- A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich, Doubtless this statement of n cure nnd positive pieventatlve of bay fever will be received with skepticism by the thousands who have found the only ie llef every year was n. channe of climate during the summer months. Hut whether skeptical or not It will cost nothing1 to investigate this new treatment. Simply ,end name und nil diess on a, postal card to I A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich., for the booklet which besides describing the tieatment contains a concise tieallse on the muse and character of this peculiar disease. Is still in progress, The men demand the leliiHtntenient of two of their num ber who were discharged. They me IMvvnid Malay nnd John Kellly, both employed as dilveis. Tho owners have refused to take them back, nnd as a lesult the mine Is still Idle. D., L. & W. Board for Today. Following Is the make-up of the 1)., 1 & V. board for today: Scranton, l'a , July -' wi.dsi.sdav, .11 I.V 51. Wild Oats KatS p. in, J. Hii-h m. , llonr, with II. Uillnun'ii new. I'Ol. 10 p. ninwnv, .lfi.v sv Wild fits I ast 12S0 a. m., .1 I Mnrt.ii. with I', CievaniUKh new; .1 n in, .1. HiiiMitrl; 6 tn, . II. Itortci b n in, 1'. Cmp. llli A 0. llammltl's new: 11) a. m , 1 .in Hor nier; II a m , II. Coder, vviih II. Pohoity'iv errn; 1 p. tn, O W. l'llrccrild; 2 p. til . 1. llallelt; h p in., William Luhv. Summit. III. -f a. in, rjst, I Cauiitg. 8 a in, west, i rronnlelkrr; I, p. in , i.it. I' MrlKiiinrll. S p. in, rnt, W II. MilmU; T p tn. Caiufi, VkLane. 7 p. in, l.mmj, 'llionii-oiii 7 p. in. Sj' ,ng, 11 Ml MINIit Pii-lier-1! a in , Homer, 10 a in , s ,r. rertj , 11. V) .m , Mnnn: 7 p. m , Mmpln ; 1) p in, lniplnti in p in. A iilnei Paiaencr nginf 5 7 a in , (laflnev; 7 a. m , uiKtT, 1U a. in , Secor, o Ml p m , M.inlnn, 7 p in . Nauuian. Wild UK Vel-r, a m, O ItJinlolpli: 10 a. m , I (IjlML'Tn; II a m . 1". Wall, 'J p in , II Cjtnr, I p m , O ( a-; rt p in, VI Carnioil. 0U n lli.ikeman I Pliilbin repoita fer I'avamiieli HiiWmin Kieil Andrens will go out wnli MihoN, r, , m, .lulv Jl, .unl until (iiiinrr notice l nnrlm lfi T Donlicin anl new will so to ILilUlfnl on u ? I'llilat, .lull .'A. This and Thnt. Wmk will be lesumeil In a few da.vs on tile tinlley line between I. Histoid and MdiKh Chunk. When it Is com pleted, together with the extension now In piogiess to Pollsvllle, there will be trolley communication between I'ollsv Hie and llaston. .1 II. Oilcan, of the III in of Ciawfoid .v.- Pugau. snipping (ontiaitois of llnxleton. will leave the latter pint of Ibis or eaily next week for Tien Tsln, China, wheie he will manage a i n.il mine fur the Chinese Mining and Kn glneeiliig eonipauy of the above cltv. Tin- lade lompany Is to build n new anl at Klmdale, Just lie.vnnd "U'lmnieis summit The woik will be under the ihaige of Itoadmastei Hood, and will be i oinmf need at once. The yaid will be u-ed as the pilmlpal station for making up the coal tialns. CLARK'S GREEN. Mi. and Mis M II. Coon spent sovoi al das with fileuds in ('aibondale and leuuned home on Monday afternoon last. Mls Maine Htitlingamc of Vti. Hi'innton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. J. U. Ajlsworth. Mr. and Mi. Kbeneer Wllllnnis of West Scianton visited lehillves bete on Sunday Iiim Mr. and Mis. I 1,. Plillllps nnd on Thomas ret tuned on .louda fmin a visit to New York city. Mr. Andiew J Slngei is ft 111 a iheu inntlp suffeier. Seveinl of our town people are anti cipating an enjoyable trlptotliefamoiis Hiuvey's Lake, on Friday next with the stiond district Odd Follows, at the low i ate of seventy-live centfi the lound ti IP fiom Seianton, via the U. & II. lalltoad, July the I'fi. Tltkels foi tlie ttlp ate on sale at the postolllce by W. S. Fence Mis. Claik of Seianton visited at the home of her btother Ml. .1. A.vl.s worth over Sunday last. Miss Hattle M. Mead letuined on Tuesday evening last fiom a visit among lelatlves in Duumme. Mi. anil Mis Walter I,. Matthews enteitnlned theli friends, Mr. nnd Mis. T, F. Penman over Sunday last. iVlOOSIC. Jlls-s Stell.i l.evan lr;ics tcnlny for l.itKe Caicy, wheio sho will niciul 11 wc'pk at Mi. J. M. P.obertson's, cot tppc. Mi. ami Mi.-. (Ichiro. Jopllni; arn isltiiiK nt Stufforcls'. Mis. .loepll Stlllmati haw tetunied In her homo In I'lillnclPlpliln. Mis. AV. (1. Hiohii Ih 111 with the quinsy. MtM. Anion Mm sland nnd chlldicu, of I'ot pc t city, in e vIs-ltliiK tho foi -iiipi-'n mother, Mis. Wplr, of South Main MtPPt. Mr. Wllllnm ll.inks, of AllechPiiy, Pit, Ih lsltinp Ills slstor. Mis. Churli'H UioclhPiUl, of Noith Main sltePt. Tho Odd KpIIohs I'XcuisUni will lp iiiii to lluiipy's l.nkp Kildav, .Inly '.'n. Tho train will leap the OPl.iwatP and Hudson clopot nt 7 ITi n. in. Tickets, l' 1 PlltS unci M CPIltH. Mi. Jameson and daughter A 11pp. cif SiisquPhiinn.1, spent last week with Mih. DI x. TIip Mooc I'oimIpi' foinpany pay the employ's todity. GREEN RIDGE. Mih. ciaience Fo.siet, of llonesUalc, Is WMIIiik lit 1 p.ucnlH, Mr. and Mis. J D. Miison, of Hancleison avpiiup. Miss Jienr Atheiton, of t'apousp hvp nup, Is spending the summer ut the Atheiion homestpaii, near (ilenhuin. Mis. Mary Chinch, of (ipousc ave nue, is spending the Hummer on her i'uim in Scott. 'j'IiIh evenlnc the choir of the Ciieen Itldse ltaptlst chin ch will hold an ice pteam bopIhI on the lawn nt the rear of the llaptlst paisonaRe. The pioeeedH of this social will go touaid tin; building fund of the chinch, This Is an oppor tunity for all filcmls of the choli to show appreciation of their faithful and efficient service, and It Is hoped Unit the affair may be Iitrfrely patronized. Mrs, Townsend Poorennd Miss J'ooie, of Capouse avenue, aie at Montioso. Mlsa Annie I.oscy, of tho Correspond ence school), la at the Pan-American. REVIEW OF THE BRIGADE (Concluded tiom Paie I 1 T, J. Stevvntt, Colonel Kschelinali, Judge advocate; Colonel K. II. Hippie, assistant ndjutnnt gcncinl; Colonel Frank Sweeney. Inspector of tide prnctlce; Colonel Srhcldon Potts, Colo nel Trexler, Colonel Taylor, Colonel Heynolds, Colonel Oeotge llnllstcnd, Colonel T. J. Kccnan, Colonel Muekle, of tho navy. Tuesday was ihp waiimst day of the encampment, fiom early morning until evening the sun binning with a lelent less ferocity which pioved most Ilk some to the soldier hoys drilling out In the open. Nevertheless, the men bore the bent icmarkably well, nnd theie vveie very few cases of piostratlon. The drilling for Thursday, which will be the most and, for that matter, the only lmpnitnnt day of the encampment, con llnues, nnd Colonel Wattes Is Inde fatigable In his effoits to have bis men thoroughly trained, and the Thlitccnlh Is out In the Held, hnid at work, fie- ciiiently when tho men of the other commands nie IoIIIiir nboiit their tents In ease nnd coinfoi t. The Inspection will be held Thuisday morning by leglments, and Colonel Wanes' men will have their turn, from 9 o'clock until 11 o'clock In the mottl ing, (ioveinor Stone, Major t3oiiot.il Chailcs Miller, commander of the Na tional (lutud of Pennsylvania, Adju tant Oenetal Thomas Stewait and the staffs of the governor and General Mil lei are expected to nirlve heie some time tomotiow; and In case the gover nor artlves dining the morning, there will piobnbl.v be n review ill tho after noon, Bttttallon Drill. After guai d mount Tuesday morning, a battalion drill was held, In which ninny of the same tactics weie em- plo.ved as In Monday's bilgade drill, the companies fotmlng for attack, extend ing their lines, and going thiough the Rerei al manoeuvre of n sham battle. The Govetnoi's tioop, clrlllliiR In the Held at the sjnie time, also had a dinm light, tiling many cllehniges of blanks. At 2 o'clock Tuesday theie was a legliueutal 1 1 111. and nt fiM o'clock the men weie man lied out upon the Held for biisade chess p.uadc. It was piettj wnim nt this jiinitine and, moreover, the dust was far thicker than dining any c i III thus fai, and caused the bo.vs to think legietfully of lat veal's tei- ilble dust, which made thing as hazy that evet.v thing appealed enveloped In a continual cloud of dust. During Tuesdny morning's battalion di III. Major Faiciuhnr leported to Ad jutant Atheiton thnt theie was a dis turbance nt the Ml. Gietnn nillway station niul thnt a niimbei of Seianton soldleis, who had pal taken too fioely of the wine which Is led. weie the cause of It The guaul wan oideicd out, but on anlvlng at the station found, of course, that the Seianton boys weie guiltless, and the only cllstuibers weie u ciowd of dene, wicked boys fiom the Ninth, of Wilkes-H.irre Colonel Watres took a trip Ihiough the camp, Tuesday morning, on a speakeasy cillsading expedition, and when he had completed his iciunds the men In seveial companies weie bewail ing the fact that they will have no mote oppoi tunltles thla camp of de molishing any liquid lefteshment.s, In their company slieets. In one Instant c toe compan.v cnnimaiider was seveiely I clinked by the colonel. Wanted an Injunction. An amusing Instance in connection with the matter was the action of nn Indignant coiporal In who visited the tents of both Battalion Adjutants Itloh anl .1. Rouike and David J. Davis and anxiously liniuliccl of ho could not get out an injunction tn I est lain the col onel fiom intei fei lug with the comfoit Ing liquor traffic The llflo team bad its tlist piacllce of the encampment during Tuesday atler nonn at the lauge. Theie aie 100, 200, HOC, (00, r,0n and 000 ard ranges, and a huge amount of vei clever shooting was done. Seveial men qualified as niaiksmen. and evetv da will now wit ness woik at the lange. Theie Is talk of a general dilll tomorrow morning of the hospital enips of the bilgade, pre paratoiy to Thursday's Inspection. It will be held In fiont of brlgadp head quaileis. Captain Illgelow, of Com pany , Uonet.cljle, was today's cap tain of the dav, and Lieutenant dem ons, of Company 1, of Knston, was ofll- i er nf the guatd Dining tho day the news nt lived of the death of Dennis llnitnott. of Company H, a member of the band. Ills brother, .lames, left for Seianton immediately to attend the funeral, nnd the band oicleied lloweis. The dead musician was veiy popular and his death Is slnceiely mourned. NOTES OF THE ENCAMPMENT. The tnatot of the Ninth icRiment 1 ono ol tlie 1110-1 Hiked of 14 well 1, without ipie.tiun. Hie niot diinlnutie fisuies ilinut the rrcamp ment He l "Cnloiiel" .lolin lljilon, .1 tin, .coiuii; neirio, who wean a Mjlt of klul,i and rih a Inc.icle whhh h aa en. nil aa he l Ihe little fellow appealed i iNnron ihirlni; the winter u cue of the spec nil) featuiea 01 a n pertoue coinian npi'Mrmir at the Acad, inv of Miimi lie Ii 11 quiet, plcatuit little frlluw, and in idiillrrd 1.) Ihe men of ( 0I01 el Duiisheit) 4 k illant coiiini ind (Viiip.1111 H of tho Ihiitcrnth ln one dl-liiiu-iil-hliiir fratuie alnut iU imifolin, and tint U tlni Biac of iieil.nejr woui. Kcrv man in ipliin l'ooti'' iiiiiiiuind wears a neat black fniii in-hand iraat. the coinjnnv qiiarterma-ter niltiMnt niikln.- special aiunsenunia lor this leforc lcaln; the 11I; I i 11 fleltl jlicls U net injj In Ihe (jnullj of nnleil) tn ( iptaln lliilf. of ( oinpili) II. Illi hard Ihomm ami lohn nrn. of Company V, are riijuilne i.mip iinnienielc llnth of them are e cnlmiteera, haMiiir enli.tnl when the rail wa nude lor nifn at tin lime war waa dr ilaied with s'.m .I11I111 l atudtiiik" at llurk 11. II and will nh.ni tleie Dili fall 1. 1.11 Mlllii, of the ho.pital coip, 1 Keneully ail.tmw If iliied lo ho a ino.t faithful and cniiwt etitiou woikir He erid in Ihe aime lap.n'lli iliuliiK Ihe war, at the dilteunt camps at which Ihe lluiieiiilli teiiiiuiiil weie quiilered, and heini; i.iupitlirll In lutuie, ic well flitted fur tin pUie he oiLiipiix, In the alinin-e of Cafitain I'oote, who waa at Sianlon tnd.it, alten-lins the funei.il of Hi (.eori-e nhnchard, I'lul I leutrnant IVia Hippie i in chaicc- ol Ihe couip.itic. Plicate llijrlii (Iiieiron, of Couipiny h, aitul 04 headiiu.iilcii oidril) lulu llaiteic C, ol Ihe aitillci), conit ot a ery t-eaionid jg'.-rciraticii of old lliniii, Ol the at-enti-Mien men in Ihe Inlter) about fltly haco meed In lite Philippine, tee Color (.mid 1'uiik llajinond, of Company I lal nliiht floured aa the center of a unique t-pec-1 ji lo numbei of men choen fiom tarlncia companiea wnc- carbrd a liidluun, and while Ihuer's lunil plitcd .1 dull dhuc, llaimond was Hid In a Make and prepirallom made for burning him allte. lta)inonil Ii.k -ll.n ne.nel i l cl deal of amusement In I freak tntkriip, which raiuo him tn beai a d"i hlnl leteiuhliinee to 'I'uin Seahionke In the ' Iloundna " Seiiceant Major John M IMnauli enlcilaltiej Ulianon cnmpanv lait nUIn llauer'a luinl k'ace a pl-ndnl conceit latt nlitlu in Ihe Imiiv Men'. I urlsilan icnelallnn tent, whlih wni enjn)ed by a gieat audleme M, IMI, I'.useno U Infield, Tied H. Kccne and .laiuei llroik hate been pljird on Hie ex hibition uad for the ho.pllal i-oipc by Major Keller Corporal John Cumuli and Cuipuial Col- CEYLON AND INDIA TEA BLACK or GREEN Depends for Its Popularity on Its absolute PURITY, Its de. Ilclous FLAVOR, and Its great ECONOMY. Give it a trial. , ASK YOUR GROCER FOR SALADA Ceylon Tea REFRESHING. DELICIOUS, fluid nly In I.d rekl. 50c, 60c. and 70c. Per Lb. (in, of Company I', represent that comrnaml nn tho rcgiinfiilil 'Iflo team. explain t.ViiiRr llii, of C.impir.c , ac cciiupiniwl tlii" iltl" tram to llic ransc lodav. ViRcant .locpli Clcarv, of Company I). U lit Scranton after uttagglcrs wh have not jet Joined the regiment. Corponl rdnaril Woodard ami Trivile T1in. Ihleton, ol Ccinpany Ii. whoso linn- o( tnllt ment I now lip, luce telt the leslment. Comp.inv I ' men are cll'planns wilu Rieat rnjocinenl a -.nap liol lalen In- a meinlier ' Iho compiny at Ciplaln Ilanli, howlnK the v.t eian captain of Ch' ';hlii' liattatiMii In a t lie u( dMialillle, hrfore rellrmit for the night I'rliale Thonisa, of Compnc K. hac lieep wan derlnc ibont Ihe camp in a nnndeiliil makeup. lilen ha aroused unlieinl tnmnient white iar ami clown milt are component cl II Clarence nilmore, of Ccnipitiv K, I. cenerallv roin riled to he one of ilie lirst compinc cleika in (he ie(;inient The wife and son of Captain lloin. of Company I. if Kuton. an Mitoit at M lent todic. I'rlcate l.euli, of tompany I, na found iin rntmliim Indie while doing cuard ilutc Hut pio.lr.itlon waa the raue 1'ih.ile .liictn. of Conipmv I. la itljinmc Iho lepututlon (or hmivlf of lielnir tin cloei,t mat In Ihe treitw.it at ecadlnj all li!. in coHinsf an putirulir woik He la on the me lent detail. fienei.il I P " f.olun iml tift ilmed eler dac with Colonil 1 lunent, ( the Fourth reel mint. Pereeant I!ilili (Iiejon- and Coiporal Tiank Collin, of I), rre in I elmnon lodai - I eon I evj. OLYPHANT. Miss Annie M. Me ("aim, iliuiRhlor of Captain and Mis. P. II. McCann. of Hill sttoet. nnd Thomas Mullen, of Jei sup. wpip united in niiuil.ipo In St. Patrick's ehiiifh yesterday niotnlng nt 10 o'clock. Ilev. V J. Mutphy. the jia tor, pet formed the ceiemony, which was witnessed hv many filendi of the younir couple. The lirlde was attended hv her sister. Miss Agncss Mcl'ann. flolh were lipooinincly attired. James Fannins: acteel as Rioomsmnn. After thp ceipmony .1 wedding hteakfast was solved at the hilde's home to the lela tlies and immedlnle friend of thp eon tt acting p.ittlP. Mr. nnd Mrs. .Mullen left on the noon train for Huffalo to spond their hone) moon nt the Pan Amet lean exposition. Both have a latge plicle of ft lends, who unite In wishing them a happy wedded life The employes of No. " and lMdy Cteek collleiles will be paid toda. The memheis of Km oka rommancl er), Knights of Malta, will hold a lawn social nt the lesldence of Alexander l'rew, Ji. on .Tad win stieet, Rl.ikely, to motiow evening. All aie cordially In vited to nttend. An nnnlvcrsaiy ipqtiiem mass was relebt.ited In St. Patrick' chinch yes terday morning for the late Mis. J. Y. Sweeney. MKs Mnrj Dougher, of Wilkes-Hane, Is Hpendlug the week III town Mrs. AV .1 Hauls, of Pi evidence. Is visiting at the teslclence of Dr. V. W. Jenkins, on Lackawanna stieet. Miss IMIth Kviins spent jesteiday with Wedt Seianton friends. Mi". Mary McAndtew. of Dunuime stieet, died last evening' nt 7 o'clock, after a llngeilng Illness. She K sin vlved by the following sons nnd daugh ters: Mt. William lillibons. Mis. Kd ward l.oftus and Mai tin McAndraw, of Ol pliant, anil W. .T. McAndrew, of Seianton. The funetnl will ho held Fil day motnliiR at D o'clock A ipqtileni muss will lie telotnated In St. Palrlek's chin eh. mid Interment will be made In St. Patrick's cemeteiy. rt0SC0W. Mr. nnd Mi. Sheinmu and daiiRhtcr May. npent Sunday lu Seianton. Miss Ruth Finn, of Klmhuist, Is the Kiiest nf her cousin Mls Mary DePeu. Mr. nnd Mt lhlinil, of Seianton, spent Sunday with the formers paients. Mr. and Mis. P.. H. Kihnit. The Misses Carrie nnd Blanche Lan caster, of Scranton, aie vlslllnir friends In town. Mr. and Ml". Joseph Phiiltz, nnd child! en of Peckvllle, were vlltois heie Sunday. The Self Denial flub, will hold a social In Rallioad Pail; next Fiitlny evening, to which all nie Invited. Ice cieam and cake will be served. Mls Saia Decker, enteitnlned Mis. Hen Sherman and Mrs. Kdwaid Maim, or Scranton. Suturdny nnd Sunda). MIsh Daisy Waidell Is vl'ltlnp fi lends In iatnwlsn. Mis. William Ttnffeity. and chlldien of Seianton nie visiting filends heie. Mi. and .Mis. Tuinei. of Diooklyn. .V. N aie vlslllnir the latteis sister, Mlt-s Sue Pyle, m ELMHURST. Miss Anna Wlntersteln of Sci anion spent Sunday with her fllend Miss Kll.i Wnsner. Miss Helen Williams letuined hume no Monday after two weeks visit with tiieiids at ftocknwny nnd Yonkeis. Mis. Cora Olds nnd Miss Inez Olds of Knctoryillle are visiting fi lends heie. Mrs. Will Kay nnd son, Forest, of Sci Hilton, aie visiting the foiniei's sis ter, Mis. I.. W. IMitrlrtfie. hike it .shock came the news of the death of Mis. U. G, Schooiiinuker, who h n n h H't h h n h n h hk Hayes & Varley, 424-126 Spruce St., Between Washington and Wyoming Wash Goods Specials That have been so very ftf iirAftlr tifA rrnrft irrilr At irk1tit wlcaji ww navv auiu uupnuaicu auu uau iwi uu nuvu any amount of them today, but can't say hqw long they f are going to last. f SWISS -White grounds with black woven dots. J BATISTE White grounds with black dots and if stripes. Jf DIMITIES White and effects, dots and stripes. LAWNS In yellow, tan, grey, black and white 5 grounds with Foulard designs. This will be the last shipment of these goods, so if x you wish to secure a dress Price 1 22 Cents. KKXK RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Solawnro nnd Hudson. In r.flcct June P. 1001. Tnln (or luloi'ill! lrace .Vranlnn at fl."tv BOO ! MM. 10!" '" 12:00' -"' 2i. -1-'". 6 Voi l'. . " " Polnt',-0!,'i' 0:33 m , 2:1S, i.-7 and 11 :C0 p. in. T'or l,enn)anU " " PoInt-l!l5. 0 .$, 2;S, 0..1 an,l I;JT I'. i 'for Alb my and all points north 0:20 a. m. .. .-T(l n m Tor Catbondale-s.60, 11:3J a. m , 2:11, 3 5.', f, 5 and 10.1.! p "' Kor Wilke Ham 'J 33 m 12. at, 1 33, 3:2, 6.32 and 8:12 p. m for Albanv nnd point north -1.53 p m Tor lloiedale and Lake- I.odoteS ji), 11.33 a 111. and 3.S2 p. m Centrnl Enllrond of New Jersey. Station' in New York foot of Libert) street, N It . and south rcri) llMi: TMH.I'. IN H1TCT .IfNP 'J). 1001 Tralna leate Seranlon for New link, Newirk, I'liribetli, Philadelphia. Luton, Delhlehem, M lentown, Mauth (bunk and White llacen, at S 1 ' , . ruir-v. 1 10, ciprew, I W p. m. Sun data. 2 13 P- rn. Kor I'lttnon and Wilkes Rarre, S ", a m ; 1.10 ami 100 l. '" SundajN 2 11 p. in Tor Ilaltinime and W.-uhlnulou and points South and Meal ' Helhlelinn, 8. A a. m., 1.10 and 100 p. m. sundao, 2 I p. 111. Koi lions Ilranch, Ocean (lime, etc, at SJi 11 m. (throiish eoaeh) and 1.1(1 p. 111. Tor He.idlne, Lebanon and llatrldiurg, h M lentown, 8 3 .' a. in. and l.lcl p. in. Minda)a, 2 11 11. m. Tor PntUtille, 8 31 .1 m., 1 10 p m. Tor Mountain l'alk, S 35 a. in, I 10 and I (VI ThioiiRh ticketa to all points eat, south and weal at lowest rates at the nation. c. m. ni'itr. oni. rw. i. j. ii. oi.nvrsrv cim. supt Eiie Railroad, Wyoming Division. Trains fer Ihwli-y and inteiineilialo point" lei Suanlon as follows No 2, 7 1(1 .1 ni ; .No. I, S.irt a m : V. '. '- ' 1' "' n "- ' 20 p. 111. o'. 2 and r throusli trains lor Nen ork Arrival So 1 s Is a 111 , So 3, in::o a in ; Vo 5, .'! 1" p m . Nn- 'i l' 1 P ' Tialns ua. I and7 are throned trains trnni New ork. M'Mlll IlIMN"-. Ilepailures-Nn 20. a 111 i No 2:. 2 p in. Arrivals So. 21, li 15 p in , No 21, S lip, p. m. died Tuesday nioinlnpr nt "Oak Ter race," nftei a llngei Iiik Illness. .Mr. Schnoniiiakor has the s.mpathy of the entlte community In his heieaveiment. Fifty-two chlldien lepiesented the n vl'atlon of Ml-s Hesslo Rue kinghatn lo picnic In Wagner's oiehaid last Thuisday. The day was peifeet, and will be long lemembeied by the little ones-, swings and hammocks and games affoided much pleasute and nt noon a tepnst was served b) the Hostess as sisted by coi ps of willing helpeis con sisting of Miss Klla AVagner, Nettle Klpp, Jennie Tillile and Small Hahn. nt four o'lloek just before the ciowd ellspei.ed Mr. H. H. Kip)) nirlved with his camei.i and took n liletuie of the gioup. Miss Nellie nnd Julia Fiiintz of Wilkcs-Ilario have letuined to tlielr home nfter a lst with their cousin Mls- I.I7.7.I0 Frantz. Mr. P.alph Shields of New Mllfoiil lsiled his filend Miss Mlldied Shoe maker on Monday. Mr. William Stleff and family have moved to Scranton. Mr. nnd Mrs, Schenek of Buffalo ate visiting at the home of Mr. William Ltidttig. 1 HOPBOTTOM. Bpeclal to the Scranton TrPuine. Hnphottom, July -4. MasteV Clint les Wninei lsltcd at his giandtatliei's Alonzo Hell, lecently nnd ictiirneil to Seianton on Sunday acccmipanled by his little Inother, Paul. Mr. Ilussel Phillips spent Siindav with his family at the home of his wife's father. Mr. Kugeiio Wilght. Mis. Thuiiuaii Hell who has been lsltlng nt hot biothet's Mr. Chailcs Kelluni, letuineel on Satiinlay to liet homo in Blngh.imton. Mr. John Tllfany spent Sumlay with his wife who Is ery ill at Montrose. He lepoils a slight Impieneinent In her condition on Moiiila). hetoy C.iipeutel and wife fiom P.lng hamton aie spending a few da).s 011 their fa tin near thl place. Mrs. Oeoige Coiey who has lieen visiting nt the home ot N. M. Finn will 1 etui n to her home In AVIIke-Haiie on Monday. Mrs. Chillies Uuuh.U' of lltookl.Mi, N. Y. visited at the home of Mis. O D, lloliett.s Inst week on her way to Mont 1 ose. Mis. Paul He.mlsley and daughter have Just letuined from t'lceio, N. Y.. the home or Mis. lienidsle)'s paients. (i W. Simpler Is selling new potatoes from hi Bin den. Phlneus Philips, luotliet- of I!. 1). Philips of this place died at the hospital In Si-ranton, Mcnidny evening, fmm seilous wounds iccelveil In a wieck u few ilajs ago. WANT AMERICANS BARKED. Viennese Shoeinakera Object to Open ing of Yankeo Shoe House, Py F.aeliuite Wire from Die Aioelated Press. Vienna, July '.'I. At n hugely nt tended meeting lirut today ol Viennese shcicniakeis, u most delei mined ptotest was lodged against tho piojeeted cs tabllshmi'iit of an Ameihau Hhoo house In Vienna, nnd tho meeting lesolvcel to send a deputation to the nil ills let of coiiimeicn and to the piovlucial gov ernment, begging them to Into diet Ameilcitn houses fiom cmliaiklng In the idioo business In this counliy. 20 b.-O. " v'1". "" i '. .. in l-o'i llonesdalc and I.iVt 1-odore, 0 20, 10.13 . ii .i .121 n. in. V:or"iUenarrc-l:IG, 7 1, 8.11, o-.SH, 10.11 . m. li.01 VI. 2iH. 3:-W. 'X. 6:10. 7M, . h t n n h t n n n t n h e tn scarce during the past few aA rA fin Inf tfnii hitfn grey grounds with scroll J pattern come here today. ftiMM'' - fcfeM'rfMM RAJOADJ2MEjrABILE8. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule in Effect June 2, 1001. Trains leave Scrauton: 6.45 n. m., week days, thiough ves tibule train fiom Wllkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Pottsvllle; stops nt principal in termediate stations. Also con nects for Sunbury, Harrisburp;, Philadelphia, Baltlmoie, Wash ington nnd tor Pittsburg ana tuo West. 0.38 n. m week days, for Sunbuiy, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg nnd the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays, 1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimoie, Washington and Pittsburg and tho West. 3.33 p. m., week days, thiough ves tibule train from Wllkes-Borie. Pullman buffet parlor car and conches to Philadelphia vinPotts vllle. Stops at principal inter mediate stations. 4.27 p. m week days, for Hazleton, Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadel phia and Pittsburg. .1 II lirTfillN'OS' On Msr. J n WOOD, fien. Pan At. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western In l.fleLt July 21, 1101. south Leaip srrinlon for New York at 1 ln, ?,W, fl V,, 7f0 and 10.00 a m ; 12 I'', :i , s ui) p in lor Pliiladelpliia al 7..'.0 and 10M . in ; 12 4'1 md .I"-! p. in. lor Tol.vhmna at b.K) P. in. Milk .mntiiniciiliMcui nt 3.40 l m Anive in Ilohokeii at 1.30. 7.IP 10 2". 12.0S, .1.13, I Is, 7 m i in rnvo In Philadelphia nt l.n. ...2.1, fiii and S"' p in. Arrive from New mk.at 1 10. 11.12 and Hi 2 1 a m. . 1.00, 1.52. 5 11, II U0 and 11 "0 p m. I roni lolivlnniit at S05 a m North -Leave ciantnn for lluftalo and tnler medi.ite stations at 1 15, r..1i ind P.OO a. in.; 1 "i, .1.C and II S3 p m. 1 or (Uneso and Sua e use at 1 15 a. ni.. el .'." a ni and 1 S3 p. rn. For I Ilea nt 1 H. fl.1i a. ni. and 1 5" p. m. lor Montrose at V Ol a. in : I 03 and 3.IS p. in. 1 or Nicholson at t on and Hi p. in. ror nniKnam. ton nt 10 20 a tu. Arrive In Seranton from Biif- filo at 1.23, 2 35, .is anil inra n, m ; ...o inn sno p m 1'ioni Clswrco and S)racme at 2 Vi a in : 12 !2 and 8 00 p. in, I'roin I'tiea at 2 51 a ni,: 12 12 and ISO p. m from Ntrtiolson at . I, a. m. and o ( P m. I lom aionirose i i.w . in ; 3 2D and 8 GO p. in. lllnciinbMg DivlMon -Leave Siranlon for Northumberland -a "". 10 Oi 1 m.j 1 53 and e.li) p. in. lor Plvinniilh at S.I0 a. m . 1 to, S 30 p in. rrive at Noithuinherhnd at H 15 e. in ; 1 10. jOO and S 15 p m Arrive- at PI)moulh at oul a. ni : t 32. 0 li p. in. Airivc in vran ton li inn Northumberland at 0 ! a. m : 12. II, I 30 and S l"i p in. I rom Kingston at 11 Oe) a. in I icim Pljniouth at 7 41 a in.; 3 20 and 5 J5 V' m' SLNHYTnlNs South Levve Scranton at 1.40, 3.00, 5 "i, 10 05 a m.. 3 11 and 3.40 p. m North Ivve Seranlon at 1.15, 6 Si, 0 00 a, m ; 1IW, ft is and 11.35 p. m. Illoomshnre Division leave Scranton at 10 03 a. m and 6 10 p, ni. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Lffeet June 2, 1"01. Tialns Leaie Scrantoni Tor Philadelphia and NVw York via D k It n II at 0 45 and fl .W a in. and 2 IS, 127 llllaik Diamond Kvpress), and 11.30 p. m. bun. cljv I), i H- " ' 64- 8 -1 I1- m' . iY,'r While Haven. Ila?lelou and principal nolnts in the coal reilon. via I) K II. II II , CM3. 2 1 and 27 p ni for Poltsiille, fi 45 a. m . 2. IS n. ni. Faston, Ile.iiliiitr, Harrlshuri; lor ueiniei" in ji. m. For Cleneva. locneier. nuuaiu, siasara ran". e'1,1. ico ind a pomes m-i, . ,. n n n. n , C llleaK" "-, - ' , , i in,, i 1 .,... I f. is ii 5i a. in. i -- - "-- i.iiii.-u.i . Pl M 7 l. 10 H. 11 I'- ' '.. .. i, r' Q .'7 n ill Minda), 1) & II, Pcill'inon p'arlo' and sleepinc or I.ehich Valley pallor caraon all tialns between Wilkes Parra inid New Yolk, rniiam-nuus, hwimiu nm guv IIOiVkIN- ,Vl1' H.ni' . f!(,,lt s"l'. M Cortland slice!. New ork Cll "nil's ILL. en PavS. Ajl., 23 Cortland I v-.f. -' .,..,..,.,... i, ...., I c, A' NONNFMsLlll.lt. Div Paa. Kt , South nethlrhem. I'a For thkets and Pullman reservations apply to r.0'1 laekavvanna iivenue, Sianton, Pa New York, Ontario and Western. T,me Table III r.rTert Sunday. .lime 21, p0. lime iui Noinil-IIOl'Nl). Leave Leave rrl Twins. No. 1 o. 3 No. 7 suaiion. CMiuouclale, ( adosu jii.,0 a in. II 10 a. in, i 0) p , ". 4 00 p. m. P- in. 6.00 p ni ' 6.10 p m r. I'irhoiidale.. 0 K n m SOUl'll IIOl'XD. ' Leave l.eav Arrives tad3la. f'ailmndile. Siranton 7W a m. 7,(0 a tn a 40 a. in. 10 01 a. in. in 40 a. in " ",l"i li in 1 w P- m I I j p in J.iiNl).'' ONLY. Mill I II HOLM) No. 1 No, 4 No. S Leave l.eaie ,rr v, Siranion, Oaibondale. c jilos.a v 0 . fi .'.() a in. in a. in 10 n a in v s ' 7()p-'n- Ar aibondale.. 7 4-i ii ni. No. 5 ... otTH nOl'M). Leave leave rilvr L'adi-sia. ('aibondale. s, tan0 Vn .. "M '" : ,0 a ' No 10 .. t 30p m. OWSp m '. p ni 'lialns No 1. an week dJ). and 0. on s.in ,l,is make main line conneellona for New ork ritv.' I tiea, Oneida, O.vveito and mliiinediat,- ''"'Mains No. .1 and 4 injke ttallon, Ilelhi, llam clen and Sidney eonnecticna. l'or fviither Information consult lliket aemta J (' NIKII0. fl. I'. A . New Urk. J II. iMI.MI. T I' A. Scranton. Every ,Womar. about lib ttOihlf.ru MUVtL Whirltiio Spra 1Ii(nen iUilHrtt. Ivm (ion m J. Mfitfifa Ilril a fH IUI I l HIT II fll (Patciilrd 1 ltilfint,e ii i Mi; I far ii, s; i ii -snoot Mpt'ly the tltllslne,e)itro ,, V vr ulirr. luit send iami for II J s uslraie.l hook-sfslH ltBires J iil'irliuilisaiinireninns(n fx fl (,. "viiiii ., Uf fy P.oom C6t, Times nds., New Yc-rk. l- ,'i ,neiial inlcimeiliate stations via II A H. and pi moil ( j( ( ,. (HM(k ,)n ,ond'r.xpi.). 11 so y- J"' A " n u o..s a. m ; 1-5'. s,2. p m Fill iimkhannoil.. Tovvanda, Klmlra, Ithaca, licneva and iriuel'Jl intermediate stations, vu 1)1. V W. H- H- s'te " '" '' l0i anJ 3-ltf FINLEY ' S Reduced Prices on Ladies' Shirt Waists, Children's Moll Hats, Babies' Lawn Bonnets and Pique Jacket? Ladies' Shirt Waists Our Shirt Waist trndp has surpassed all fin iiior scaHoiip, and the question of pioilt on the few Waists icinaln I111; In Block will not he ccuiHldcrctJ now, hut the price thnt will fedl then; iltilckly, 7.-c Shirt Waists Were $1.25 The niont popular $1.23 Khlit Waist, nnd the very Lest value obtainable al this price; the- best make and line ciiiallty (lltiBhaiii, In utilpcH nnd solid inloiH blue, old io.e, laveinlor nnd pink. J1.0." Shht Waist lediuod to JI.25. J.'.OO Shllt Wulst l educed tn $1,50. Higher pilced Walnts In piopoitlon, GHILUKEN'S I.awn nonnets and Jtull Huts at re duced )lllCC. -'.'e l.iiun Ilonucts l'a r0c I.awn IlonnctM S?o 7.V I.awn IlounctH 50a ji.i'O i.awn Honnrls Too $l.fi0 I.awn Ttonnots $1.1') $.00 Lawn Uonnets U.1D MULL HATS tl.OO Mull Hats 7r.o Jl fi" Mull llat.s $l.'J- $J00 Mull Hals Jit,-, M.00 Mull Hats $.V.'5 $!() Mull Hats $3.M Shoit PIctie Jacket?, l educed fioni Jli'i to $J.'J3 J.lf.n to J2.50 'i"i to , J.'.To $ 1 .r.O Cnnt?, 4 leiiKth .'. JJ 75 s.voo coatH mo 50.30 Coats J3.0P 510-512 Lackawanna Ave Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of OLD STOCK PILSNER 48S to 465 . SCRANTON, PA N. Ninth Streat Telephono Call. 2333. NEW YORK HOTELS. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor Sivtrrntd St and Irvinj 1'lae.e, NEWYORK. American Tlan, M 50 Tcr Day and I ins-aids. Furopean Plan, $l 0) Per Hay and Upwards. Special Hates (o lanulies T. THOMrSON, Prop. I HOTEL JEFFERSON NEW YORK inu-104-loci i:nl inili street. TheJI.l'KI.IISONIaiithnrointhlj firat-claas family nod transient hot el, off eringivt a mini mum cost amftxtmiimof luiury and comfort. On lath Street, juit east of union Square, It it within a few mintitei of tho leading hopi, theatres and clubs European Plan, $1.00 up. American Plan. Yl. 30 up. Suites with Private Bath, 12.00 up. 1 or special rates Riiides or information write JCIIIV I'. HATKIHI.ll, Proprietor -t -t' For nuslness Men J In tho heart ot thu wholesatt . district. 4. For Sliopuers 4- x minutes' walk to Wanamakers; S minutes to Sleeel Coopers Big . Bture. Kasy of access to the creat Dry Goods Btores. For Sightseers t One block from B'way Cars. gr. InK easy trunspoitatlou to all "" points ot Interest. I HOTEL ALBERT I SitiVI 1UIU1. I ror, nth bt. UNivrcrtsiTY vu T T Only one llloc-k tiom Uronday, X Rooms, $1 Up. p&'SVn'Si. t . -s -4-s- - .- COT North im 1 riuiiUiriintKkiui sutKst t rJ f fclla Iithl, la. tint UrNl hptritlUl U i jj) Iwrrlri lis.trRi.tiM In rwrt tm h n I'rlttlt I X J9HL W"'lt'''"whMiif4l ta(li1tt)Kf.rHr,4htti 4 !rCT BIsMnI l1. Wm Dchllllj, Ut Bfttkoael IVAilMW Varlfftrplt Htrlrlarti ( tnUf 1, I sUtlp IniiliftbrtshrHOrfkss,HiB4rtrHrtiTrt.iUUttltvi IlptMln nrj mtxIIPKl ft1 ftlri1 trmu4, HnlU p )?.' iis m J v . " H t " -