i: ' THE SCRAttTON TRIBUNE- THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1901. B .(.' WEST SCRANTON SHE WANTS TO GOTO JAIL nEaUEST OF A WOMAN PICKED UP BY POLICE. She Says She Is ft Member of Ouo of the Most Prominent FamlHoi of the West Side John Hardell Crushed to Death by a Fall of Koof in Archbald Mine-Daughter of J. H. Hoffman Died in Philadelphia Notes of Many Kinds. A woman who gave her name ns Hrtry Carmody, ami residence as l'lttw buig, wns picked up by Ibe police last night and locked up in the station bouse. She was throwing money Anions a crowd (if boys on Jackson street when litst observed, and Inter drifted Into the Co-operative hull building, whcie she was picked up by Acting Lieutenant Thomas Kvuns nnd Patrolman Thomas Collins. Constable John Davis, of Alderman John's court, suimlscd that the wo man might be suffering from heat ex haustion, and had visions of another Duggiin ease, but the patrolmen were able to analyze her condition lis a ease of Mi mil;. When the woman was locked up In rell No. J. idle divested h'lt'lf of near ly nil of her wearing npparel and modestly called for a bunch of cigar ettes to wile, away the hours of her Incairernllon. She seemed to be un concerned about her arrest, and volun teered the Information Hint she Is closely tela ted to one of I he most prominent families In West Seranton. (In being questlo-icd, she mentioned n number of the membeis of the family In question nnd seemed to be familiar with their names and places of resi dence. She was fairly well dressed nnd had a small sum of money left when placed tinder arrest. The wo m.in will be Riven a hearing this morn ing by Pollen Magistrate Dnvls. She says her hi other, n resident of Pittsburg, Is looking for her, and that i-hn wants to go to jail to keep out of his way. Thrown from a Wagon. John Jones, a farmer, was thrown from a wuosii at Imdls street and and Snyder avenue yesteiday morning, and dragged nlong the ground by the team for a distance of about i," feet. The wagon was overturned, but the drher ptticklly ilung to (he reins, and SUNBURN Ttor nnd Almund Oram rrmovc Tfinr e( lh ikln nnd snotlits the r-on of tunlwrn in one nlRht. Tjke a bottle with jou on jour tatition. KOIt SAUJ BY (!. VV. .IKXKINS. $ " SS 5" Sk Is "So J 8 z '" 1 Z 1 The Negligee Shirt Season... Is now in full swing. So far, the demand for really attractive styles has far exceeded the demand. Over and over again we have been sold out of top notch pop. ular ideas, but today there is neither a good style nor a size wanting, while several novelties are being shown for the first time. See The plain, soft, white, Satin Stripe Negligees. The Plain White Tucked Negligees. The fine tucked, hemstitched edge. Negligees. The latest ideas in Fancy Negligee Shirts. Dressy Mid-Summer For Gentlemen. Beautiful New Lisle Thread Lace Effects, Open Drop Stitch Work, and a splendid as sortment of fancy colors and fast blacks in cotton and maco yarns. You'll like them. Swell, Up-to-Date The new Negligee Four-in-Hand, Reversible Scarves, are the latest. Ours are full 50 inches long, and there is not a prettier or more complete range in the country than we have to offer. Globe Warehouse WWwWVWWViVWWVWXvWW received silent injuries, which were dressed by Dr. W. Rowland Davlcs. Killod in the Archbald Mine. When a number of workmen entered the Archbald mine yesterday morning they found the mangled remains of John Hardell, crushed beneath a mays of rock and coal. The fall occurted some time dt.ring the night, but no one eems to lii-ve known Just how the ac cident occurred. The body was exltlcatcd after much dlfileulty, and the features weie found to be almost unrecognizable. The re mains weie removed to Undertaker Wymbs' morgue, where Coroner Rob erts viewed them nd after a burial permit was Issued, they were removed to deceased's home In the Sloan patch, ltnrdell Is survived by n. wife and two chlldieu. The remains will be Interred In the Cathedral cemetery tomorrow morning, Died in Philadelphia. .1. 11. Hoffman, foremun at the Hamp ton mine, received a telegram yesteiday announcing the death In Philadelphia of his daughter, Mrs. Sarah Davis, who had been ill for name time. Deceased resided with her father up to about n year ago. when she moved to Phila delphia with her husband, Thomas Da vis, who was formerly employed by the Seranton Iron l-'encc company. Deceased was born In Taylor and was SI years of age. The lemalns arrived here early this morning and were taken in charge by Funeral Director Price, who removed them to the home of Mr. Hoffman. The funeinl announcement will be made later. Boy Fractured His Leg, Klicnezcr Williams, Jr., of (Chestnut street, while sliding down the Ml, Pleasant culm dump on Tuesday on a rail, sustained a fractured leg in be ing thrown from his seat on the rail, and several of his playmates falling on top of him. The boys had been engaged In (lying kites from the top of the dump, anil when the wind carried their kites away they resolved to have a toboggan slide down the dump, and It resulted In a mishap for the Williams boy. It was several hours afterward be fore the little fellow reached home, and when Ills sisters called Dr. Allen It was then they learned that a frno tute had been sustained. Cars Off the Track. A number of boys released the brakes on three cars on the Mt. Pleas ant switch of the Iackawanna rail road last night, and all of them were derailed, A freight car was so badly damaged that It was necessary to destroy it by setting fire to It. No one was injured. Silk Workers' Entertainment. "Local No. 25S of the Sauquolt Hard Silk Workers' association will conduct an entertalnement In Moars' hall to morrow evening, which will be follow ed bv a social. The following talent has been secured: Itecitatlons, Kdlth Wordlte, nindwln Jenkins and Sarah Lewis; vocalists, Margaret Qulnby, Helen Markwick, Hosiery Neckwear And R9 with the Ort Union Kx furilon to lime' I-iVe on Wed tudjy, July 31, 1M1. The Simp Kin Methodist Episcopal, the TAKE Any Washburn Street Prfl))terln ind UHI the llimpton Street Motho.ll.t OFF i mircne rumpriFr in,- 1.1mm. T icket: Adult, ?5 cent; chil dren, 10 cenU. Trains leae thn Ilelaware and H'lJsoii depot at 8 o'clock iharp. nantleld Slsllers, K, K. Kvans, May Jones Job Whltehouse, Nellie l.avelle, Lizzie Davis. Nellie Murphy and Llzzlo Iewls; pianists, Kate lteardon, Uertha Thomns, Hay Davlcs, Margaret Jones nnd Annie Council; buck nnd wing danceis John Mungun and Michael Ford. West Side Browns Line-Up. The following players will participate In the game of base ball at Athletic park on Saturday afternoon In the West Side Drowns' team: Oomer Da vis, Thomas Davlfl, Kdwnrd Tlerney, Thomas Kellett, Michael Mcllugh, John Jeffries, Thomas Durkln, Mlehael Urad ley, Charles Iiruy, James Heed, James Bradley and Michael Needhnm. The All-Collegiate team will be tepie sen(ed by "lleatty" Williams, Harry Harding, David Owens.Thomas llrooks, Arthur (lunsler, John It. llrooks, Al bert Hlaudln, John Murphy, I.auile llllsf, James Blair. An effort v. Ill njso be made to have "l.udy" Jane, an ex l'rlnceton favorite, and Michael Walsh, of (Seorgetown. in (he game. Funeral of 0. L. Boera. Services over the remains Jot the Into C. 1.. Beers, who died as a result of a fractured skull, were held last evening at the family home on Merrl fleld s(ree(. The services were In charge of the Seventh Day Adventlsts. The remains will be taken on the 0:3,". Lackawanna train to Seneca I-'alls, X. Y., where Interment will be made. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. A lawn social will be held next Tues day evening on Keyset nvenue under the auspices of the AUIs Mission of the Simpson Methodist Kplscopal church. St. Htenden's Council, Young Men's Institute, have made airangemcnts to run their excursion to Atlantic City on August II over the Lackawanna nnd Pennsylvania railroads. The congregation of the First WVdsh Congregational church, South Main avenue, will unite with the congrega tion of the West Market street church hi an excursion to Lake Lodore on Tuesday, August 13. The members nnd friends of St. Murk's Lutheran church will spend Thursday. August l.", at Lake Lodore. A special meeting of Hyde Park lodge. F. and A. M will be held at Masonic hall next Monday evenln-j, wh'-li three candidates will be 'ad vanced to the M. M. degree. The Diamond Mine local, No. 21.", t'nlted Mine Woikers of America, will run an excursion to Lake Lodore on Saturday. August '.'1, There will be a large attendance of West Seranton people at the news boys' picnic at Nay Aug park today. Newsdealer T. K, Price has an army of carriers ready and anxious to par ticipate iu the events of the day. Milkmen aie complaining that a num ber of doe attack them at several places iu West Seranton, nnd some of them have experienced much dlffl culty in breaking away from (he can ines. Announcement s made of (he mar riage of William Wntklns, of Acker avenue. Bellevu". to .Miss Harriet Bow. en. of Taylor. The West Side Driving club ate making arrangements for another race meet to be hold on the speedway In th near future. A meeting of the club will be held at Deckelnlck's this even ing. Mis. Thomas K. Price, of North Stun ner avenue, left yesterday for a few weeks" vl.-it with parents at Wysox, Pa. Harold B.itiln, of South Main ave nue, I-, spending his vacation at As bury Park. Mrs. Komi Siivllle and riailchters Beatrice ami Kdlth, of Kynon street, aie spending a few days nt Buffalo and the exposition. Mrs. W. ('. Price ami son William, of South Main avenue, nnd Mrs. Heed Slvelly and child, of North Btomley avenue, left yesterday fur a brief visit nt Cnul-lln. X. Y. Mls Helen Tliiiyer. of South Main avenue, has returned home from a visit with friends at Westerly, Ithode island. Mrs. George Saxe, of North Mala nveiuif. is spending n few days at riilnnburcr. Pa. Arthur Krege. iif North Sumner avenue, entertained a number of young friends at hl home on Tuesday. An enjoyable birthday party was ten dered Master Charles (lodshall cm Tuesday evening at the homo of his parents on South Sunnier avenue. Harry Harris, of Atlantic City, has returned (o West Seranton to reside, and has accepted a position with the Lackawanna Hallio.nl company. Miss Margaret Delnier, of Snyder avenue. Is summering at Lake Sheri dan. Mrs. F. L. Foster and children and Miss Gladys James, of Landls street, aie visiting friends at Nicholson. There will be a celebration of the holy eueharlst at St. David's Episco pal church at S o'clock this morning. A daughter was recently born (o Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H, Kvuns, of Kynon Stl'PC(. Colonel Margelts nnd Staff Captain Hrewer, of Philadelphia, will lead t-pedal meetings at the Salvation At my hall Saturday, July 27. at 5 . ni. They are two of the leading olll-cei-s of (he Pennsylvania division, and will be ety Interesting. All (he friends of (ho Aimy arc Invited. Free for all. Ice cream will be served from I to 9 p. in. Come and have a good time. The ball Is at 1030 Price street. An open nlr meeting will he held on Jackson stieet ut 7 p, in. Dr. B. G. Beddoe, of South Main avenue. Is attending a convention In Chicago. Miss Jessie Owens Is visiting her brnflier, Kmerson D. Owens, In New York. Miss Helen Jones, of S09 Kilwards court. Is vlsldng her sister, Mrs. Thomas Jackson, In New Yoi k. Mr. Jucobson, a converled Jew, will speak at (ho First Welsh Baptist church next Sunday morning. Fuiicml Director P. W. Tague In terred the remains of an Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hondl, of C07'& West Linden street, In the Cathedral cememtery yesterday afternooon. A GREAT SURPRISE ! In atore (or all who uin Kemp'a lUliam for (he Throat and I.ungi, the ureal guaranteed rernedjr, Would jou believe that it l aold on Itt merlti and any druggbt la authorized by the proprietor ot this wondeilul remedy to trite jou a aample Lottie (reef It never (alia to cure acute or chionic couglu. All .druggUta tell Kemp'a llalaam. Price 23c, and 60c, SOUTHSGRANTON JOSEPH NEWB0U8E OVERCOME BY THE HEAT. He It at the Lackawanna Hospital and la in a Sarioua Condition BCra. Mary Walib and Mra, Margaret MoVelgh Have Ono Another Ar retted Party of Young People Visited the South Steel Works. John Healey, ar., Had Two of His Ribs Fractured Other Notes. Joseph Newhouse, of 928 Beech street, a laborer employed by the Seranton Hallway company, suffered from sun stroke yesterday morning, while nt work on Spruce street. He was removed to the Lackawanna hospital In the ambulance, and became so dellilous that he had to he placed In a straight-jacket. His condition last night wuh said to be very serious. Neighbors at War. Mis. Mary Walsh was arraigned be fore Alderman LciKcs las( evening, on u charge of disorderly conduct nnd u.'lng vile language. Mrs, Margaret McVeigh was the prnseeutilx. After hearing the witnesses the nldeiman lined Mm. Walsh $'.'. or thirty days In the county Jail. She paid (he fine. Later, Mrs. AVnlsh had Mrs. McVeigh arreMed on (he same charges, The suit between the women, who are neighbors on Cherry strce(, grew out of boys thiowlng stones Into their premises. The alderman- lined Mis. McVeigh the same sum he nsessed against Mrs. Walsh. This was paid, and with a warning to the women (o keep peace in future, he discharged them. Nubs of News. A party of young people of this side visited (he South sleel woiks last even ing. They were the Misses Sara Golden, Sara Crane, Grace Brady, Nora Joyce, Thomas Bohan, Joseph Huane, James Crane, Anthony McDonald, J. J, Bohan, M. J. Bums, John Mahon and Palilck Poland. John Henley, sr., of Plttstou nvenue, had two ribs fiactured by falling, while doing some chores at his home. The Misses Mlna Welscr, Lucia P.oet cher nnd Lillian Welscr will leave to day for a two weeks' visit with friends at Shamokin. M. Heslnger& Co. ore having under taking parlors built In connection with their old establishment The members of Comet lodge, Xo. -131, Knlghls of Pythias, will meet In Hart man's hall this evening. The Seranton Athletic, flub will meet this evening at 8 o'clock In their rooms on Alder sree(. Fire was discovered yesterday morn ing about 10.30 o'clock In the residence of Itlchaid Fan-ell, 131 Gibbons street. A still alarm was sent to the William Connell Hose company, hut they could no( do much (o extinguish the (lames because their line of hose was not long enough, A hucket brigade was formed, and with the assistance of the chemical tanks the lire was' extin guished Willi a slighl loss. The lite was supposed to have been caused by boys (browing it lighted rlrecracker Into the house. The Misses Fannie McGce and Klla Gavin will leave Saturday for Detioit, Mich., where they will attend the an nual convention of the Ladles' Catho lic Bcnerlt association, which will open next week In that city. Miss Mctico Is the delegate of the South Si i anton blanch, while Miss Gavin is president of the above-mentioned hi-amii, Kach of the branches of the valley will send delegates to the con vention. The St. Aloyslus society will have a smoker after tonight's business meet lug. Kdwnrd Golden, of South Webster nvenue, left yesterday for a week's stay nt the Pan-American exposition. Patrick Henry, of Youngstown, ., Is (lie guest of his cousin, Miss Mary Mack, of Mlnooka. DUNMORE DOINGS. Two Men Injured by an Explosion of Oae in No. 1 Shaft Ex cursion Tomorrow At Xo. 1 shaft of the Kile rallioad, (wo men weie setlously Injured by an explosion of gas yesterday morning, as they were about to begin their clay's woi k. Joseph Humminick, a miner, nnd his laborer, Coriu Matuscli, both lesldlng at Throop, were hurt, the latter suf fering ft oiii severe burns nbout the face and limbs, while the fonner was badly biulscd, being thrown sonic dis tance by the force of (he explosion, which was powerful enough to break several mine cars In o fragments. Matuscli was removed to the Lacka wanna ho.spial, Hiimmltilck being tuken to his home. The men weie en gaged in opening a now chamber, which had only been clilven about twenly feet, anil us (hey were about (o enter, the explosion occurred. Xo explanation of why the presence of gits had not been discovered by those In charge wus given, gos being very rui ely found In that part of the mine. Told in a Few Lines. The Odd Fellows' excursion goes to Harvey's Lake tomorrow, The trip will be made direct to tho lake In steam cars, doing away with the long wait and probable delay recently ex perienced by those going by trolley. A musical progiammo will be ren dered by the M. K. church choir, as sisted by several well known enter tainers, at the lawn social to be held to b held at the "home of Mrs. Peter Slegle on Kim street. Many complaints are being heard nlxnit the quality of water being fur nished by the Seranton Gas and Water company. It was thought when this company assumed control the double with (he wa(er supply was over, but It Is thti same dark-ln own-colored stuff that we have been served wltht for several Hummers past. Miss Martha Nichols, of Wilkes Bane, Is visiting friends In town. Misses Marv and Anna Leuuou, ot Grove street, are spending their vncn tlou nt Isllp, Long Island. Miss Anna Barrett, of Boston, Is vis Itlng friends In town. Born, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. B. Carr, of Dundaff street, a daughter. If Yon Have Headaches don't experiment with alleged cures. Buy Krause's Headacho Capsules, which will euro any headacho In half an hour, no matter whut causes it. Price Wc Bold by ull diUBBlHts. JONAS LOVO'S SONS. JULY CLEARING SALE. JONAS LONG'S SONS. Decided Bargains-July Clearing Sale Warm weather requisites to help you forget the season. The end Is not yet. Every day we have something that we had overlooked before. Out it comes, down goes the price soon it's on its way to the homes of the thrifty people who make the Big Store their trading center. And thus it is that the July Clearing Sale becomes more and more interesting each passing day. Today's list touches on some lines we have not said much about before. Art and Fancy Goods Some Decided Bargains Figured Pillow Tops for fancy work; many and varied are the designs, including some of the college flags. Clearing sale price 35C Dresser or Bureau Sets; made from a nice quality of open-work effects, with inserted border and ruffle edge. Clearing . sale price 4vC Stamped l.inen Covers for Centre tables; the linen itself come in various figures and is printed in various designs, finish ed with a good deep fringe. Clearing sale price x"C The Great Summer Shoe Sale Is the one event of the year that makes it possible to buy guaranteed shoes at much below the actual worth. We might enumerate the causes that make this possi ble; today, however, we'll content ourselves with the prices: Women's Oxfords 91c. Made from a good quality of Dongola Kid, with patent leather tip; they are made solid all through and will compare favor ably with the best $1.25 ., grade. Sale price VlC Women's High Grade Button and Lace Shoes This is one of the best makes and is worth ordinarily $3.50. t Sale price p 1 .v" Youths' and Boys' Lace Shoes, made ot solid leather all through. Sale price... yyC Jonas A REMEDY CAN BE FOUND For everything but old age and death. We never allow old age to overtake anything in our stock if the price can move them. STOCK W wot gaa unwwijw We must make room for Fall Stock, which will soon be coming in. Prices arc? down to exact cost, aud some for less. All kinds, all sizes, for all people. All Men's and Women's Oxford Ties in patent leather, wax calf, vici, black and tan, our regular 53.50 and $4 (t f grade. Any pair for, fmOXf Ladies' Fine Dougola Lace vShocs, cloth top, patent tip, worth $1.25 and '"7E-r $1.50 at ' OL Outing Shoes, Bicycle Shoes, Tennis Shoes For Men, Women and Children, at your own price. vSDon't miss this opportunity to save money, THEY ALL MUST GO LEWIS, RUDDY, DAVIES & MDRPHY 330 Lackawanna Avenue. OBITUARY. MItS. SAl.I.li: ANN MISSION, wifo or Henuinl AUxelon. "Bt'cl 73 yeni. died at her homo, nun Kynon nuei. laU Tueaduy night. She Is mirviveil hy her husband nnd tw cons, Alonzo nnd Henry. Tho funeral will tnlu place to inouow afternoon ut 'i o'clock. Inter ment will be made In thu Washburn Btieet cemetery. MRS. .M. M'SHAVNU, wlfo nf Daniel McShnne, of Nny Auk nvenue, died yes teiday mornliiK ut 11.U0 o'clock, after nn illness of iineumonla, She was 70 jeuia of age, und Is survived by her J Fancy Bordered Covers for Centre table; some are plain, with light and dark borders, others are stamped ready for working; worth nc, hem stitched. Usual 59c quality, now.... 39c Usual 95c quality, now .... 75c Usual $1.39 quality, now... 8c White Shirt Waists Nothing quite so pretty as a White Shirt Waist on a warm day; that's probably the cause of their popularity this season. Some decided bargains in the better grade. White Waists, made from a nice quality of lawn, with inser Women's High Grade Vici Kid and Dongola Oxford Ties, strict ly hand turned, with flexible soles, usual price t Q I20O. Sale price... $ 1 ,o9 Women's Patent Leather and Strap Sandals, with solid leather heels and llexible soles; value, i.2. Sale price 73C Women's Dongola Lace Shoes, with patent toe caps or kid tips. The Laru flexible soles, new military heels and English back stays; usual value, & 4 . 2.So. Sale Price.. $1.90 Long's Sons UP ON SHOES NOW I Men's Russet Lace Shoes, all sizes, at, Misses' Fine Dongola Button Shoes, patent tips,sizes 12 to 2, at Children's Fine Dongola But ton Shoes, sizes Si to 11, at Ladies' Dongola Oxford Ties, at, a pair. BABY SHOES 10 CENTS A PAIR. Infants' Fine Dongola Button Shoes, sizes 2 to 6. husband and ono daughter, wife or Dr. llniniiui Hessey. The funeral will be held on Friday mornlnfi at 0 o'clock. A leriuleni mass will bo celebrated In Holy llosary church, and Interment will be made. Iu the t'atbodral ceme tery. Fuuernls. Tho funeral of the late Mis. Mary Moouey will take place at '.i o'clock this mornlngr from the house, ,vj; Hampton street. A solemn high mass of requiem will bo celebrated In Holy Cross church at '.'.'M o'clock, and Interment will be made In the Cathedral cemetery. The funeral of the late Miss Mury tion front plain or plaited; values up to $1.25. Clearing sale price.... 7SC- White Waists, made of a somewhat finer quality of lawn thin the above; thoy have five rows of insertion down the front; the back is made in the narrow tuck style. Clearing c,t sate price p 1 .0.Z White Waists, buttoned down the back, made in the long front style, with narrow plaits, finish ed with embroidery. t erk Clearing sale price. p 1 .50 A somewhat finer grade Waist is made in the sailor style, with surplice, and nicely trimmed with embroidery. t Clearing sale price p 1 .75 Woman's Black Kid Lace Shoes, with patent leather tips and llexible soles; usual price, $1.25. Sale price 99C Mei's Russia Calf, Hand Sewed Shoes, in all sizes from 8 to 11, in j, 4 and 5 widths; usual price, $3.00. t Sale price $1." t Misses' Shoes, in button and lace, with patent and kid tips; usual price, $1.25. Sale price 93C 75c 75c 50c 50c Mawn, of lrvlnR avenue, will take placa this mornlnjr at ! o'clock, with a re quiem mass In St. Trier's cathedral. Interment will be made In the Cathe dral cemetery. The funeral of the IjI Mrs. Lauia Knight will take place at - o'clock this Mftp,.minn fi .kin tin. rcslilnt of lieorira Ispeueir, ItiM North Main avenue. In iteiment will be made. In Porest Hill cemetery. The funeral of the l.ito Dcnnla Hart nett will take place thin morning from the residence of his sister. Mrs, Mary Hlckey, of Wyoming avenue. At 8:15 a high mass of requiem will hq cele brated in St. -Peter's Cathedral. sfe. -v-, ,. . ,' jiI "'i tf-