The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 25, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    n yywiMyJ- nt-- wp rnn-mrty" wjw,1' $t -
r?f-wfltfipr 'l"m gW)y l,Jf"'''" """
V "WP " x
AiOi5i '-T
Is the only milk that should
he given a baby. Fresh milk
is dangerous in warm weather,
because it is usually kept
sweet with formaldehyde, or
some other chemical that im
perils the child's life. Ik
sure to get Or. land's .
keeps sweet in any weather
don't buy ice. It is richest
in butter fa'ts and has added all
the food elements of whole
wheat. It makes a puny
child healthy and strong
Booklet on infant food, and
letters from mothers fiee.
The Dr. Hand Condensed Milk Co.
Scrarton, Pa.
inln MIXIs VISU.IIT -There will lie a
irRnlar incclinir of common council trnijht.
MI.I'.IINft loMlilir- TIiiip will he ircuhr
nirctliu of DiMslon o s. Indies' Atixiliart ,
iuliiit Order of llllim.iii, this eicnmu at
o'clock shaip.
M'KCIVb MI.KIIMi A S'oual iiicctins: will
be hclil itlir the tcsnlir mcctliii nf flu l.a. k t
wanna duMon. Vo. li. Order of Con
flmlou, on undi. .hih '
iiifiiir mm: Ai'i'i.('i'i:ii.-fi"nic nam, f..i
null rn irtfir of l)il' theater m l.lnli"i
street, wlin is now ,i tcidfiit ot Miniieipoln,
l'xmtlt MilTitril a pirahtic stroke which Mint
l lil right vt-lc.
i;r. m np ni,iui:i!- - rniui i.f i n-
ttii Mates r lil.rr, en route (inn ' e or k to
1 1 . . ti .1 1 r . M.!irr llnmiali the illv it J I", r'l toi k
this morninj. 'lliey will itu nn dutc .it 1 lie
(.iiirrnniftil hiiildiui; and at the t.'aular i-mp
It'iw f.-t.ilillhrd their,; tin- epo-ition.
Mlli- il' i: MtK.- spciiil tiam
the ln k.iw.inna o.t'idn louccied 1'n.
non Mnjinu oclclc of .Ncw.nk, N .J. to the
Ptn-Aliierlt ill opo-iioii. 'Ilieto wile 1 .. pit
m in mi hoard and tin" Ham was In iline of
f.iM Ail inn, ju-eiien asent 'Hie patty dn.od
at Htiilc.t'd li-Utu.iiit lit the station.
P ls. The of all the. l)s'...n.
l.a kawainia ami Western tollitnea ,1n. n ihi
talli will he paid ti.ilij, aiifl 'ntnuiou t'
n will lit the l)uiminl an I 'tort-' iol
lifllfl! (Ill ifutiliy tlm t'.l "pm nllii'if in
Tailor, ItdlMiir, Wr-t ..mloii in I N'orll,
Si lalilnn Wll' lr pit I llil ; 1 1 I 1 1 1 . " r-1 1
ininpam piiil M'stmln i' 1 M I! t,,i
miii, IccnttN ink, m . ii nml H.ik'on
II'!. it in .
Rica Building on Wyoming Avenue
Has Changed Hands.
Thi Dime l)epo.vlt and DIsiouut lumk
Ins ptinhascil the fmit-slniy htillilliiK
nml land adjoining tlio lianU IjiiIIiIIiik
nn V.mnlns nveiiuo from Di, .1 N
Kli r, tlio eiiuslderution belni; JSt.noii.
Tlio two hullilltiK'. ate to lio (nn
nei'lril nnrl the ontitp lower floor nf
lioth Is to bt upil for biinklliff puipooej..
Thf hank rnitRiow Its piecnl iinailpis
t--nino time ago, ami It was ilet Uled to
build an addition on tho ton-foot nx-ot-vallon
on tho Spruce sttoot f,(o. This
project was llnally ah.imiuiioil In fnor
uf the purchase of tho adjoining huliil
Ma Potter, Hie colored wuiiun aneslnl on ilu
ihaiEe of ntikniR fliut, wan iltx Im-loiI i'
1rtrly hj Mai;istiate llnwe after a lieamn;.
I'alikk Miiii.ij, win U ihiieiil with M..n. womiUinj Pali ik lteip. wa cm n i
liearins .e.litiliv momitir In Mi.-I.ti He flcmo
and wa held in V.ii lull foi hn .ippeat.itue at
Tatinle Mir-hall in.l the inin.ilei of the illiail
iIi-oiiItU hou-e whUli William Hall i li.nut
lit-r with ke pinj, wile di.i haiirrd veMetdai he
MatWiale Howe, Hall h.uinu mtlnlriwh tin
haiBP fit the hit tiinnui.t
William fiirran w.n etei,In anelid In
fpeilal tlfflicr I'iel, of the I.aikiw. una isiIiojU,
ihaurrd with rliline nn a fi.lttlii tram lh hj
fiiiimlttrd to the inniiti jail hv MUrimati u.ld
f 'i thiitv clay s in default nf a li) hue
joijnsr man, who clnni'd i.j l i ,, puti,
fhi'ilif, uj, mip.trii .i,i m.lit ,m laikawanii'a
tnue I i.i i'ih ilniiti Matthew, for il urn., ner a
riiolitr and thtcatenini to iinnt iIhIi (:
ht linmediilf ikinii. lie wa, kilulv innl r
the Inducti e c' Ilquoi.
50 Per Cent, DiBcount
On stiaw hats at M. J. Hoihii ,t Son.
So. oJt I.rti'kawiinii.i axrniu.
Bteam Heating and Plumbing.
P- F. & M. T. Howley,231 Wyomlnrj ave.
i Investment i
t. V
t: M llronlway, N, V, J
' Wilkc.-riarrc. Carbondalc.
y 5-6 rotnmonwcallli hH'ff. Kcranlon, l'a. .
T" X
if di:a I. Kits t.
Compton'a Divorced Wifa and Bon
Were Not Mourners.
The funeral of Coincllua Complon, for
the possession of whose body such a
striiRKle was made, was held yesterday
afternoon fiom Pi Ire's undertaking es
tablishment on North Washington ave
nue. The services were conducted by
Secretary W. W. Adair, of the Railroad
Young Men's Christian association, and
Ilev. Mr. SltiKcr, assistant pastor of the
Kim 1'aik ehuieh. Several selections
weic rendered by the Simpson male
The remains were taken to the Dun
more ccmeteiy, where Interment was
made In (bo family plot, the pall-bearers
being members nf Dunmore lotlRe of
Odd Fellows, of which the deceased was
a member.
Neither the divorced wife nor the al
leged on of the dead man were pies
ent at the funeral, which was In charge
of his fuihei and son,
Ex-Judge Willard First Tries an
Amicablo Mothod.
Willard, Watren & Knapp were yes
terday engaged by a I.acktiwanna ave
nue business firm to apply for an In
junction to lestruln the t'entml Ibor
union from placing a boycott on Its
Hefore pioocedlnfi to apply for the In
junction, ex-Judge Wlllatd had an In
tel view with representatives of the
union, and as a tesult the Injunction
will likely be made unnecessary.
The boycott, It Is alleged, wits placed
on the llrm at tip' behest ot the C'ar
penteis' union.
He Was Thrown Off a Porch in
North Bcranton by Walter Coss-
partrivish and Died Instantly.
A Polander named Joe Tlenettls was
kllleil by a fellow-countrymen named
Walter Cosspartrlvlsh in a ituaiiel In
North Scr.inton late last night.
The North Sctartton police were no
tilled sbottly after 11.80 o'clock that a
matt had been muuluied at the boat cl
ing bouse iun by John (.'avish, at the
coiner ot North Main avenue tittd
Welles street, and Lieutenant Day and
a pattolmuu hastened to the scene.
They found the body of Uenettls ly
ing on the sidewalk, with the face
badly batteied and the neck biokett.
C'avlsh, the propiletor of the house,
explained that the two men got Into
a quail-el after dt Inking deeply and
that wotds Dually led to blows. Oo'-s-poitrlvlsh
had the bot of the light,
he said, and after beating lienettis al
most Into Insensibility he thievv hint
bodily olf the potch. The fall Inoke
his nock and he died almost Instantly.
When ('ospiirt!lMi saw what he had
done, he tan up the street and dlsap
pcaied in the daikuess.
The Not th Simmon police had not
i.iptured t'osspat tilvlsh at 2 o'clock
this moining.
Association at Its Meeting Last
Night Did Not Tako Up Record
ers Action About This Fund.
The tin tubers of the Firemen's llellef
iis-iii lalloli held a tegular meeting
last night in their club rooms on Sptine
stieel. but, ui'cotdltig to reports given
out by the ollh ers at Its conclusion,
l!ei otiler ronnell's stand regarding the",
funds which the association has been
receiving licitti the city for a number
of years back, was not discussed.
Thmmiht A. 11. Holmes, when asked
by a Tilbtine mull yesterday as to
whether the iiSMiclnlion would takeany
steps to secure the motley this year, te
plled: "We shall take no nggtesslve steps.
Anything that we may dec Ide to do
will be dime entltely with the view of
hi lugiiig about an amlc able adjustment
of the mutter. The recorder ltiti con
duced us that he has no personal feel
ing lu the matter and that he was
guided In arriving at his decision sim
ply and entirely by the belief that the
oidlnatue passed some yea IB ago pio
ldlug for the tinning oer to the as
soclatlon of the clt's shate of the tax
mi foielgu Insurance companies Is not
now binding, since the city has en-
teied tile 'ei olid c las-."
.Mr. Holmes intimated that an at
tempt would be made to have a new
otilltiaiice liitindtit ed it ml passed by
councils, and seemed to be conllileut
that the tccoidcf would sign such a
nicasuie If passed.
"IVople ate mistaken, ' said Mr.
Holmes. "If they Imagine that the
Hinds which we teeelw; from the eltv
nn' to be used for any othr puipo-e
than paying the disability claims of
the III emeu actively engaged by the
( ll. None of the ex-volunteer firemen
can piollt by or have a shate In this
money t is Intended solely and en
tlielv for the active Hi emeu only. The
funds tor the malntenaiH e of the club
moms ate ilorhed fiom an assessment
of j:i on eat h member ot tho associ
Lieutenant Day, Olllceis Palmer and
r.oss last evening made nnother i.ild
on it speakeasy tun by Mis. Anna
Thornton, near Jones' stone qtiairy, cm
West Maiket stieot. Lieutenant Day
has been doing a little detective woik
lit this section on speakeasleis, aul
i-pott'd Mis. Thornton's place last
week, but owing to her having senti
nels posted all mound the vicinity of
her plate, he olllceis could not close
In upon her until last evening. When
the olllceis anlved ut the place the
usual lot ot loafers weie mound, leady
to give their assistance to .Mis,
Thornton. When the ofllceis np
proat lied her place of business, they
could see the men and women scat
tering In all dliections, carrying arti
cles with them. The olllceis pluced
Mrs. Thornton under arrest und she
was taken to Maglstiate Fldler's of
fice, wheie she pleaded poverty and
was let off with a lino of $2.", which
she paid,
Drunk und dlsordeily wuh tho
charge agalhst Mary Huchanan In po
lice court last eenlng. Mary, In
compuny with an unknown man, was
matching down West Market stieet
hill In a very dlsotderly way. When
opposite the polled station, Pattolmen
Palmer and Hockenberry arrested
them. They were too Intoxicated to
be given n heating, and wertMield until
this morning.
Tho funeial of the tlueo months' old
child of Mr, and Mrs, James Ilealey,
of Cuslck avenue, took place yesterday
afternoon at L' o'clock, Interment was
I made at Cathedral cemetery.
Present Water Companies and Va
rious Heavy Taxpayers, Including
the D. & H. Co., Oppose tho Scheme,
for a Municipal Plant -Say the
Proposed Scheme to Supply the
City with Water Is Impracticable
for Many Reasons Other Matters
of Interest in tho Courts.
An Injunction icstralnlng the City of
Caibondalo from proceeding to con
stiuct a public water woiks, was giatit
ed yesterday by President Judge H. M.
Kdv.ards at the solicitation of the pres
ent water compunles supplying C'aibon
tlale. and a number of the heaviest
taxpayers. A rule to make the Injunc
tion a permanent one was made return
able Tuesday, July .10, ut a. in.
The plaintiffs are Karl M. Peck,
Fiaulc Hollenback. Kll K. Ilendrlek,
Andiew Mitchell, Alfietl P. Tiautweln,
the Delaware and Hudson company,
the Crystal Lake Water company, the
F.lllbrook and Newton Water com
pany, the Lackawanna Valley Water
Supply company, and the Consolidated
Water Supply company. Named as de
fendants are the City of Carbondale,
John W. Kltpatrlck, mnyor, and Nich
olas S. Moon, city clerk.
At the general election. November C,
1900, the tjuestlon of lncreaing the In
debtedness by Jl 11,000 for tin put pose
of constructing u wnler woiks was
submitted to the voteis. Tliete wcte
l.fiTO votes east In favor of the piojo
sltlou and Z2 against.
June L'2, last, an ordinance was ap
proved, authorizing the Issuing of $lir.,
non worth of 4 per cent, bonds, ami the
levying of a tax for the year lPOt of
two mills, to be followed by other taes
to pay the principal and Interest on
the proposed Issue. The city cleik Is
now advertising for sealed pioposals
for the put chase of these bonds.
The plaintiffs aer that the city can
not legally consti net the ptopohed water
works, because It was alieady In con
ttact relations with the Crystal Lake
Water company for a supply of water
when, In 18St5, It nccepted the pinvls
Ions of the Act of 1ST!.
It Is also alleged that the election
last November was Illegal, bpcauc the
question voted upon was not the one
fiuthoilzod, one being "the liieiease of
the city's Indebtedness to Jll.VOOO" and
the other, "the increase of the city's
Indebtedness by $1 tr,000."
The estimated cost of the water
works, according to the city enguitei.
Is $17n.8.'!l.etf. If the piefent Jt.l.OCS 1.'
Indebtedness of the eily Is Incredspd by
that amount, It will exceed the consti
ttitional limit of seeti pel cent, of the
assessed valuation.
Tito estimate made of the cost of a
municipal water plant for the lly of
Carbondale Is not a coitect, fair fir
reasonable estimate, It is claimed. An
adequate municipal water works can
not be built for J17.1.SS1.B6. nor for s
than jr.O.OOO. and will probably greatly
exceed said latter sum.
The consti u-tlon of the water woiks
as proposed by the estimate-, of the
city engineer Is Impracticable for the
leason that It puiposes to lake a walei
shed already appropriated by another
water company, namelj, by the Jer
niyn Water company, and which the
said Jermyn Water compuny has been
using for upwards of fifteen yciits and
any attempt to take the water theieof
lor such water works must
necessarily Involve the city In burden
some and expensive litigation, and In
ultimate defeat and fulluie.
If the proposed establishment of a
municipal water woiks or plant won
peimltted It would cause Irt'epaiable
damages, It Is alleged, to the Ctjstal
Lake Water company, the Newton and
Fallbrook Water company, Lackawan
na Valley Water Supply lompany and
Consolidated Water Supply company,
and would Impose Illegal mid burden
some taxes upon the orher plaintiffs.
The Lackawanna Vallej Water Sup
ply company and Consolidated Water
Supply company In the consti action,
acquisition or and development of their
plants, have necessarily expended and
assumed the payment of large sums of
money and are Indebted for petitions
theteof on gage bonds to uumei
ous pet sons, the security for which is
the plants and franchises of these com
panies. The erection of a municipal
water woi l,s. as contemplated, would
be, the plaintiffs aver, a practical con
flscatlon of the property and franchises
of these companies, mid would seil
ously Imperil or destroy the secuilty of
their bonds, and the ability of the com
ji. tnles to meet these obligations.
The plaintiffs me lepiesentod by
Welles & Toriey. James lr Huir and
PatleiMin & Wilcox.
Late Tuesday afternoon the follow
ing statement of the of
Caibondalo and of the pioposed .ui.
of bonds wan llled In the ollke of the
clerk of the courts:
City ImmN oiittUndliiK
Loan .No. (1 $ ,') l.i
l.oin No. 7 fJDO l)
Loan No. s l.mi li
Loan No. 12,000 oo
s.11,00 00
iiriinl Intrust t 7SS ::.t
1'liutlne debt (o'.it'ljiiiliiiif nauaiit).,, 1,0 J J .10
1 npilil liHN apio oil 7,Vi'i M
L'nsftlleil (laimi :t,r,i :i
ToUl ImJclilftlne'-f l!,iCT!)
t'li on hatul- oltt an omit 4 76 1 .1
l'or lujmrnt of interest on illit ufi M
fMil 7S
Iiiilclili lilies July it, 1')1,1! U
.1. I'. Whcelir, City Conttoll.T.
rurc valuation .'.soyfiTri
Helit to bo inciurrcl ..., H'1,101
The last two Items me certified to
by Mayor John W. Kllpatrlck.
Marriage Licenses,
frank hcit)i,ii (Iliplunt
I.li7jlitli A P.nli'-i Dlciilianl
IVlrr MuiIpv lilu Hum mi .ct
M.iit llJilifonl 41 " Inui'ft ulteot
Mil luil I'lliI lectio.
SiKaniu Minczjk .' Iissup
The following well-known gen
tlemen aie the dlrectois:
O 1), Jonn
II, Y lte iml.Ii.
T lien Siiaiii
HUhiM O'Hrlen.
Sjinuel samt, r
T. r Von Stouli
. II Witmati
( s Wooluiiith.
M ,1 IIimIci
W (I. 1'ullon,
rtlmr Iiiinn,
M. P latter
We solicit your business,
The People's Bank.
An Excellent Combination.
Tho pleasant method nnd beneficial
effects of the woll known remedy,
Svkup of Fias, manufactured by tho
Camfounia Fiu Svitui' Co., lllustrato
thevaluoof obtaining the liquid laxa
tlvo principles of plants known to bo
medicinally laxative mid presenting
them in tho form most refreshing to the
tasto und acccptablo to tho system. It
is tho one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing tho (.ystom effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches nnd fevers
gently yet promptly nnd enabling ono
to overcome habitual coustipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable, quality and Btib
stancu, nnd its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, malto it tho ideal
In tho process of manufacturing figs
are used, as thoy are pleasant to tho
taste, but the medicinal qualities of tho
remedy aro obtained from seunaantl
other aromatic: plants, by u method
known to tho Camfounia Fio Svitur
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
cfTeclsand to nvold imitations, please
reinemberthuiullnamoof thoCouipany
printed on tho front of every package.
Forsalo by all DnibrIsK Prlco&Oc. per bottlo.
Newsboys and Girls of the City Will
Be at Nay Aug Park Today.
Today will occur the annual outing
of the newsboys and jjlils of the city.
They will ro to the park lu n body
after paiadliig the central city stteets.
They will assemble on the court house
.sftunre at i o'clock and will fotni lu
leatllness to march at 8:30 o'clock, when
the word Is Klven. The tormatlon will
be as follows; St. Peter's Drum corps,
Uriah Keunan's hansom, Florey &
Hrtioks" mobiles, Wlnppe locomobiles,
out-of-town newsboys, centuil clt
newsboys West Side newsbo.vs, Nm lh
Unci newsboys. South Side newsboys.
The follow iim Is the line of march:
Washington to Linden, to Wyoming,
to Mulbeny, to Petiu, to Spruce, to
Franklin to Lackawanna to Washing
ton, to Mulberry, to park.
Dr. it. K. Hill has been chosen grand
matshal. His aids are James Duffy,
James D.iven, (leoige Ash, Samuel
lcntli. Chailes Kearns, John Flaunlrjun,
Patiick Hurke and liornard Highland.
The programme for the day's events
will be as follows;
1 I'cot lliro I'ir-t iirlro, nths, 1!. 1' .loliti
Motif; FfHuml pri7i, lo i .itii.v , tlnril pile,
clime tianl..
. 1'oot llaii -l'iit irlp, tin tionit.t , It P
.lolintoiic; u'coml )iiiio, el.ifi' of I.Intoln," It
1' .Inliiiitoiit'; lliml jiiio, iiil,i't kinfp, T. V.
:!. foot IIjcc Ilr-t linr, watili, I'mile ,t
I'lillpr; Roeoiiil iitp, wpjtir, smitfr llro ,
thlid iili', knife
I loot Kite l'irt rnli', mm, l'lmpv .V
Ilrooki; sccoml jnlc, slum. I.cwk lit ill,
tlnnl piic, i.ilflmV i-line, T. I!, Pino.
") lout Ilaie first in io, itili, I'loioi i
UmuiIh; rronil piii, khhii1 tr.i, O.ualil .Imip.
(i I'oot Hiip-1'irst iile, pair Iiohom, .1 D
lliule; hcoiiiI pilz,', M. .1. Ilorjn . Sin; tlincl
pi i., cap, , loins l.onn's s,,n.
7. Mi vciiji r llns' llii.ul.' II i p l'itl jn le.
pill iinik, liivlianN ,V Wittli, Minml nip,
c jp, l.jin r .t M.irl.
Poliv lf.ifi l'ilt piit, mii t.lmprf, T,rci,
Hiulih, 1)iiih ,V Muipli; M-ioml pilp, knee
JUtlll, 11 L'llllHII.
o. DiinUi'i lliio l'n.t inl7i itl, "'now
AMille" tUntr, UitWiti Cliih fitnl till funipjiiv,
mm otnl tiie, two c.
lit Potato l!.ice--I'iut .rle, oruilU, I,a la
.inni i oinpiiix , snond piie, ilinio
Innl.: tlnnl pnp, linr. ,
11 Pi.tjtri K.ic i' - ritftpiip, .nlili, 'imi''ll
& "iii: Mcunil lnic, liuv Map, t'. Torni.
12 P.ildiu l!.tic I'ii-t prli, w.itili, .lohn II
ltihvtic; t-eionil pito, Si oi and Fur
name lotnpiny.
l.t 1'nl.ito llioo l'iit jirif. If. .1. tVlllm,
kiiquJ piUe, lnll.iiiii' Ui.ur.
II Pol.ilu liiti 1'u.t pui'. I'.'lili.irt tlie
J.'Hi'li'i; mi .mil julp, limit iirn'm.
11 NMippUuiiow Hji p rii-.t ptip, alplnp lnt,
pw Ymk H-inrtniPiit i-toii;; ncoml pnp,
(.imp', .i. ji. wi!ii.imi
lu. 'ail. itjce-ritt piip, i.iiim, i:.(i,rnii.iii'
Simp tuie; M'cund pup, tjp, ( annul, thud
pile, ilinio li.inl.
17 Mil. Itjct - 1'lii.t nlp, pprp UMicnn,
fiuml 1 nion 'p.i; mcfiml piize. botile
pi-rfiimp, Jlrtijit.ili X lliom.i, thlnlpie ilim
i" nk i!np-riiki prip, rjiinin niiiuuj
Miond pil., l)i. O'MjIIiv.
pi 'Hiipp I.i cued Katp li t -t pnp, fjp, liuv
the llattit. and Iiop, VpuiiK "-miip simp; ht
ond pilp, to illnip Ilinio,
On TliiPphPStiCil Hjip- I'it.f prip, l.y Tl,e
P.uU :ind MjIIIiihi Itru-.; mond irlp. lull,
Ki.iiiifr flius , ,iud cloth for pmU, Smtili Huul
in Mill-.
21 llli i If liar.' I'lrst pilo. vt I l., t.
Nuiioti; kpcuiiil pilp, air dim; tlilid pil'p, dim"
2' nip.ccle ll.irp l'lut pilo, iniilnpllj, I'm
IftV tore: fct-iond (iilp, dlnip Paul.; thud
plip, nutpli liux.
21. Slow Wiiile Itii'f l'lit pilp,,.3,
Mjlion" 'hoe utoip; H'tcnd piie, Inn rjndy,
.1 I.. Vnilliup "; S.m.
2". l'itr'rlf, one natili,
Sil. 1'iir 1I.ii el'rie, one uatili.
At noon refreshments will be served
to the boys. The bill of fare will con
sist of ham and swltzer cheese sand
wiches, cake), ft tilt, Icecream and lem
onade. The boys employed on the af
ternoon papets will leave the patk at
LUC o'clock-. Special cars will be at the
park at that time to convey the bojs
to the city.
Patsed Muster Before the Auditing
The auditing committee met Tuesday
night and appioved of bills aggregat
ing about $7,Oot. Thero was no very
seilous dispute over nny of them.
After the meeting the members of
the committee, went to the Crystal
hose house to examine the rubber tltes
on the hoo wagon, Thev weie put
theie by the company at Its own ex
pense when It was a volunteer oigunl
Htlon at a cost of $.100. Since then the
company has become part of the paid
organization, and the members of It
wnnt the city to buy the tires from
them for Jir.O.
Tho bill for thorn was held up by
the auditing committee two months
ago. Tuesday nlftht, at the suggestion
of Common Councilman K. J. Coleman,
the committee decided to Investigate
the lustness of the claim for puy for
the tires,
Straw Hats
At 'a pi Ice. JI. J. Horan & .Son, No.
3.M Ldckunanuu avenue.
It Was Banded Down by Judge
Kolly Who Dlsmlnsod the Excep
tion to the Amended Report Filed
by the Master in the Case Inter
esting Discussion of Somo Points
of the Law Bearing Upon Partner
shipsAmount of Money Involved
in tho Litigation,
Judge Kelly Tuesday banded down
the following opinion In the equity
case of A. F Duffy against A. O. (.511
incite. The matter came before him In
the shape of exceptions to the nmend
ed leport of the master. These excep
tions are dismissed:
When this ense wan before us on
exceptions to the otlglnal report nf the
master, all of the principal questions
at Issue between the parties weie
duly considered and disposed of, and
we are not now called upon to go over
them again, P.otli parties have tiled
exceptions to the amended repot t, to
which we must now give our atten
tion. The question inlsed In the first ev
reptlon of the plaintiff has been al
ready decided lu this case adversely
to hlnr, and the exception is now dis
missed. The plaintiff's second excep
tions Is not well taken, and Is also dis
missed. It Is sufficient to say with re
ference to It that In the decree en
tered on May 1, 1S!H, we find Inter alia
the following. "And now, Mnrch 1,
1SKS, it is ordered and decieed that an
account be taken of the partnership
dealings and transactions between the
plaintiff and the defendant from the
beginning of said par tnershlp, July.
1SSS, to the present time. And It Is
further ordered that upon taking the
said account that what shall be cer
tified to be due from either of the
said patties to the other of them be
paid by the parly fiom whom to the
party to whom the same shall be cer
tified to be due."
On April 21, 1S9!, a master was np
pointed, "to state an account of the
partnership dealings and transactions
between plaintiff and defendant, from
the beglulng of the partnership, in ac
cordance with the decree of this court
made March 1, 1S!K." The fourth ex
ception of the plaintiff Is also dis
missed; no discussion nppears to be
necessary with reference to It.
This brings us to the till i il and te
maliiing exception of the plaintiff, and
tho lit si nnd second and only excep
tions of the defendant, which refer
to the matter of charging the plain
tiff with Interest on the balance found
by the master to be due fiom him to
Hie defendant. Plaintiff contends that
he should not be charged with any In
terexf, while the defendant claims
that he should be allowed Intel est
fiom February :!'. 1S9X, the date upon
which the defendant tecclved the last
Item of cash fiom th pai tnershlp
Theie Is no settled mle upon the
question of allowing Inteiest on un
settled partnership accounts; the al
lowance or lefusal of Interest depends
upon me clicunistancf'S of each par
ticular case. Oyger's appeal, 02 Pa, 73.
Mr. Justice Shniswncid, In delivering
the opinion of the Supteine court In
that cae, says: "The fifth assign
ment of error Is In charging John
(lyger Inteiest in lor to the settlement
of accounts between the parlies. Mr.
Llndley remarks that the principles
upon which. In taking p.mneishlp ac
counts, Inteiest l allowed oi disal
lowed, do not appear to be well set
tled: 1 Llndley on Pai tneishlps, fit!.
In some eases It has been held that
the potiod of the dissolution of the
pal tnershlp Is the ptoper time to make
a test for the juitpo'-e: Slmighton vs.
Lynch, 2 Johns Clr. I! 20H; Holllster
s. I'.arkle, 11 N. II., Ml.
Judge Story has laid down a dlffeient
rule. 'Inteiest,' he sas, 'Is not allowed
upon parlneishlp accounts generall.
until after a balance Is stduck or a set
tlement between the pai Ineis. unless the
parties have otherwise agreed or ncled
lu their paitucrshlp concerns ; Dexter
vs. Arnold, I! Masorr 2S9. Vice Chan
cellor Sanclfnrd, of New Voik. In lie
chain vs. Kckfotd. 2 Sandf. 'h. It. 1 It;,
after a review of all the anthoiilles.
came to the conclusion that thete Is
no general rule established, but that
the allowance or lefusal of Inteiest de
pends upon the circumstances of each
particular case. This seems much lite
safest principle to adopt. In view of
the lonfldentlnl relations of the par
ties, atid the variety and complication
of such accounts. No unbending mle
could be laid dowtr which would not,
lu pattloular cases, woik lniustlce."
P.lll while theie is no settled mle lo
govern each case as It niay ailse, yet
the general mle seems to be that In
teiest will not be allowed until a bal
ance has been sittick and Hie amount
payable fiom one paity to another as.
eei tallied, (irubb's appeal. Gfi Pa. 117.
Htown's appeal. Sit Pa. 1SH- llehlll s
McTague. 114 Pa. S2; Jones vs. Fat
qubur, lfi Pa. 886.
We see nothing In the facts nnd
circumstances In this case to war
tant any clepaituie fiom the geneial
litle. At the time of the dissolution
the plaintiff formed a new partner
ship with Mr. F II Jeim.n, under
the firm name of Jeimyrr & Duffy, and
the new III m purchased the stock of
the old llrm or Gllmoie & Duffy for
about $35.000. lly mutual consent be
tween fJllmore iV Duffy. JI'.'.OuO of tho
purchase money was put Into the new
firm as Mr. Duffy's contribution to tin
capital. HILMOHK AOP.KKD 1'PON '
Mr. (lilmoie was agreed upon as
the liquidating pai titer of the olil
fli m. Mr. Duffy gae Mr, ("lllmore a
judgment note for Jtl.tlOO to seune the
payment of any balance which might
Beginning Wednesday, July 24.
Will be an event such as has never been equalled in this city. Thousands of yards of
the latest styles of Ribbons will be shown and sold. No one who wears or expects to
wear Ribbons for months to come can afford to let this chance go by. All at one price,.
Gauze Ribbons, 5 and 6
inches wide, very latest pat
terns. Our stock in this lirre
is limited. Our advice would
be purchase early.
The New
Wc could give a hundred testimonials from
the best housewives of Scranton who have
used our Cream Paste. If you are not satisfied
with the polish you arc using, try Cream Paste.
There is no waste; it is cleaner and guaranteed
to contain no acids.
Small Bottle 10c Large Bottle 25c
a, V AIHIar A?
VJVVJ. T. llliiiMi v.
A Summer Sale
of Kitchen and
Cooking Utensils
Our large ccutcr show window will rIvc
yon an lilc;t nf our large nnd varied stock of
Kitchen and Cooking Utensils, together with a
"thousand nnd one" little things of conveni
ence und necessity in the household.
Wc promise to save you money it you can
purchase from us. Let us do it ?
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue.
ultimately be piovetl to bo due from
htm to the partneishlp, and Mr. Oil
more gave secuilty for the payment
of all of the old firm's debts. There
weie outstanding accounts to be col
lected and debts to be paid, and It
was not possible at the end of the
dissolution to stilke any balance be
tween them. Mr. Clllmore had posses
sion of the books of the firm until
the time of the appointment of the
lecelver. They widely differed as to
the consti notion of their veihal agree
ment with reference to the division of
the profits. We ate not piepared to
say that either was guilty of any
fraud or Intentional bad faith. Plain
tiff tiled the bill In this case praying
for an account, and neither of them
can be especially held chargeable with
any delay in the piooeedlngs. I'nier
all of the clicumslances, we ale of
opinion that Interest should only be
allowed from the time the amount due
fiom the plaintiff to the defendant
was ascettalned, to wit, May 20, 1901.
The plaintiff's third exception Is
thereto) o sustained, and the defend
ant's exceptions aie clNmWsed. Let
counsel submit a fotmal cletiee.
I'niltr till hfiillnir short lfttfrj of Intrrut
trill be piitillnlird nhftt tecominnled, for public
tlon, by thf writer's rume. Tin Tribune don not
isitime rreixjinitiilitv for opinion here eipreued.
Tribute to the Worth of Thomas Der
sheimer. IMitoi nf Tho Tnliutie.
Sii In ciiir l-oii' of Mond.w time ji con
I j in il an I'lotn.ii; of tlio Into 1 liuttias llrnlielm
rr, of Diiiiinoir s a Mewl of his for man
i.n. tntv I .ik i idioit iipare to f-pcak of him
It hji mi pleimie fiom the eatliet dn.n of my
.uilii.iiiit.iiui to ii'iouiile fit him a nun or
ttirllmr fluiuiler, lilrt wltli tniM that com
iiiiii'leil iiinhileuip .ind ripit. To inert ho w.ia
pl.nn ami iiins-iiiiiiii!;. pltarant nml Impressive
of the eooilb Mini mIiImii. To hno him wai to
read hint In hi" limnetic life, and 1 believed Inm
to be u iIhmjWiI hii'luiid .Hid to h( ihtldreti an
imliilenil fillier
lie uj-i a f', true to hi Cod and Lis
rhiiuh, of ulilili ho wa a and staunch
MiMiiier. 'lo the liiHiieiiifi ol the chiinh must
be attributed tliie i lnui tul-tln that slneled
him out for riooirnilion ainonir hm fellow men
To tluwe ut the Methnili-t Kpi-cnpil fhlinll Of
the IiiiiiiiikIi III llplt or pew theie follow Il till
a will earned .ono. He i J wonhv tepie
nenutitp of th" M i-oiilc oiihr and Ills life vnc
ibvnlnir of Ion. lie .i a clutter mem
her of Knn! 'olomon Indue. Vo, '.St. 1'iee 1iid
, . i, .1 Mjiuiii of I be lioroimh He wa id.nti
f.ul with its UllfllK nihil for eome e.n. lu
meuiheu Hue IjiuiI lenie-tnliil In shite in
Ibe nb'iiule. lli p.iiiir N tnoiiitii'il bv .ill.
4 n c Hien there fin he uollnhi; added, lli
life in public and plicate ;p, ah of hull twtli
uni Her etniilinU thin .in humble expire. ion of
the ili i lie u.i a mm of bioad mind and
ileei miu of Ibe tic od woidc spi Li il of bun la
men of all 'liules of opinion in the loiiiiiuinll.v
Hanley'o Ice Cream
Is absolutely pure. 420 Spiiiie street.
I'liiem Siniunor II iel in oithraiftn Penucvl
tanij. Hotel link ieit '.) I.nrire, 1 m Ivaunrni
and w'eniirn' t t'actortlle l.eatine
v, i mton 0 a in ind i p in Write for i.itcj,
,te ,1 Mooie. Pi op
L l
Cck 134 WjoMlnar ATcnne
w w.lkln.mtLn Arun 4 J
It is now time to
put your winter cloth
ing and bedding and
you need something
that will keep away
There is nothing
better for this pur
pose than the Cedar
Chests that are car
ried in all sizes by
Hill &
121 Washington Avenue.
Grand atlantio Hotel and Annex
Virginia Ave. and Heath, Atlantio City, N. J.
Buth ear; :i.0 beautiful looms ensuite, alngla
and with bath; hot and cold sea-water batln
in hotel and annex. Location select and central,
within few wnU of the Steel Pier. Orchestra,
Offfis special spilnB rates, fl'2 to $15 by week,
1M up b illy Special rates to families. Coaches
meet all trains. Wiite tor booklet
CII Mtld'.S K. COPK.
Atlantic Citv, V. J. One square from beach.
New T.1 room annex .Modem appointments. Un
united mrpie Ilalen. bv the ila, l,o0 and up.
watd. It the week, v and upward. Capacity,
toil !. ,1. O,borne.
The Delaware City.
Atlantic City, V. J.
Tei neve .itenue and Peaili. Centrally loiafed
Clifrrlul Comfonahle anil home-like. Table and
semie inwirpas-ed, Captclty, 00.
riFr ,t nitunKKit
T ,t. Foster, rietdcnt Kluur II. J,jmll, Trcis,
n. J. KoiPr, Stanley p. Allen,
Vice Piejidcnt Seirettry.
Plain Taffeta and Moire, 3
to 5 inches wide: Changeable
Silk. ) and 4 inches wide;
Single and Double Faced Sat
ins, Beltings, etc. Value from
15c to 40c per yard.
See Our Window.
' yL j e Mj
Vt-vi . &&w