8 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1901. i r.,-i, , . OlIlGC: BURKE JU1LDING ",' nil' 3 SUBSCRIPTIONS CONTINUE TO COME (Sollcltora for Somi-Centennlal Fund Xeet with Oenoroua Responses. Many Dollar Subscription! Re ceived from Among the Stores and Offices of tho Town Names of Ad ditional Subscribers. Solicitors for the semi-centennial cele bration went abroad yesteiday nnd re turned with a host of small contribu tions of amounts of one dollar and up wards. For each subscription n certlll chip of membership In the Juhllce fund was lfeued, and the sight of the certlll eaten will be a familiar one nbout the stores and offices nhere they hic proud ly displayed by the holdet.x As successful its yestei day's canvass was. toda' Is expected to he better, and It lll grow as the dnys pass until there lll be a fund that will Kiiaron tee the great, big success that the cele bration ought to be. The larger aub scilptlons can be reached more easily, but It Is the Miiallei ones that will be gonp after with energy and persevei- ance, for the puiposo Is to have every inhabitant lntoifcted In the Jubilee, which Is the only way that will bring . about a celebration that will befit tho occasion and make It a glorious success. Additional subset Iptlona have been Kcelved as follows: The Iul ( ran lompiny $2" ' C II. iNnulle 2r It ! t'ltteuon vn M CO Oatpowlalc Midline company frank II. I'onnn .1 J IXfrlulh Mills Pro It I). Stuart C'oosan Hi cs O S Utlev r-Nman Broj V lVjnoldt A: ,vn ... .limes Ttiithtifniil I.nuls Gardflla Bell f. Bion j:fnlng I.radrr y--' 15 00 ii 00 r. m 25 00 2.1 CO ::, o) 5 o :,oo 10 no 21 l 10 Oil 6 00 sa i io SJ M , 00 : oo 2 oo W (i. s-iurry ., y... V II Manabury LOnrec W Prtt. . Iturr i bnn . i. ., .,,. ., S- (1.M1..1 I't OLD RKSIDKNTS. The teunlon tommittee Is Mtlvlng hard for the success of Its part of the woik. It is hoped to make the reunion of the foimet residents and the townspeople as felicitous an event as It is possible to bring about, and to send the visitors to their homes with pleasant memoiles of the good will and hospitality of the people of their native town. The following Is the list of persons to whom Invitations have or will be forwatded, but It Is deslicd that resi dents who know of any one whose name docs not appear heiewith, send the same to Societal y Grltman. The Hit of former residents follows: Joseph Blrkett. W. and A. Ftoth lngham, Luther Daitc. Caleb "Weeks, Rev. J. X. "White, G. R. Loe, (1. V. Benedict, Chailes Law. H. AV. Pal mer. George Johnson, Alexander Farn ham, Henry Wilson, Harmon Cham bers, T V. Powderly, O. H. '. P and ('. C. Jadwln, Metedith Jones, W. G. Jones, James Aichbald. J. F. Snyder, P A Reees, H. R. Hurnham, Charles, Hanlbal and Fiank Duifee, J. J. WIN Hams. William Walker, Robeit Hur ley, S. 10. Rllger. Hiram Mhis.1i, W. and J. C. Riidsall. R. W. Aichbald. W. H Richmond, John I.ld.mond, W T. Gray, Ml. and Mis G. L. Dickson James P. Dickson, Tcvmeml Pooie. Heniy Peck, G. F, Morgan G. F Phillips, William Moi rls Mis Mary Parry. II. II. Longs doi f, John Howarh. Rev. J. F. Byrne, Thomas and Chailes Fairai. J. R and W. M. Lathrop. Miss Mary Ruir. Mrs. I'. A Ballentlne. Patilck, John and .Tomes Walsh, Mrs. James Devlin, Mr. anti Mrs Amheist Wlsnei, Mrs. James Ruthven. Mrs. Helen La very, J. R. and G. L Shaffer, Mrs. O. P. CI.uk, Mar tin Byuie, Daniel Maxey K. Y. and J. C. Davis. K. J., .1. 13., W. J. and Jedlah Mm gun, A K. Shaw, Alex. Turnbull, Chailes McCabe. Isaac Powell, Jjines Whlttaker. J R. and W. .1. Lewis. Lincoln Davis. G Km i ell. F. and (J. Dletilik. J. R. Chlsholm, C. P. arid W. M. Wilson, Dr. C. Grat tan, John Bowers, William Scott. J. T. Rlchaids. Mis. 11. M. Rdwaids, Thomas Eynon, Andiew Rrydcn, James Raynoi, J. B. and Stephen Bionson, Thomas and Fiank Watts, Di. W. K. Allen, G. W. Conklin. G, S T. Alexander, W. S. Weston, Mrs. Mailon McMillan. Mis. J. S. Law, Mrs. Meredith, Dr. A. B. Woodwaid, Mi and Mis. William Giaham, G. T. and K. Wurts, L. Curtis, T, Jones, D. Drcnnan, G. F. Leech, A. L. Hunt, Bishop Garvej, Revs. Floyd, L'dgur, PUce. Monte, .1. J. nnd A. Uilfllu, Cur ran, Hussle, Loftus, White, K. Byrne, MoRltt, Malonc, McCabe, Aldcn, Jep ion. O'Rourke, J. H. Ball, Chailes Leech, J. Borst, P, M and T. Buike. P. F. Gallaghei, J. W. Munley. W. Merrick, Miss Maggie Love, W. B. Kelly. Mis. J. Worden, A. R Wingatc. H. Boyla, John and James Blown, M. P. Plynn, Mrs. H, Boyes, Mrs. J. B. Van Bergen, Mis. Thomas Dickson, A. No ble, T. Wateis, John Ktise, J. Stanton, D. Lewis, C. Gcniung, II. Mcuele, C. Tbolan, M. Butlci, P. tjuigley, T. J. nl D. Gaffney. T. Biennen, J. and M. Foster. H. L. Fieemun, J Chittenden, M. J. Taylor. T. W. Burke. J. C. Con nor, J. K. Blown, M. Muiphy, P. Li velle. J. P. Coio, J. Atkinson, H. Shannon, R. Walsh, W. Gorman, J, Warner. M. Jordan. J. D. Swift, J, W. Marcy, L. O'Rourke. M. Moses, Dr. II, B. Van Bergen, 'C. Bits. Mrs. J. W. McCart ney, James Herbert, Rlchaid Browncll, Mrs. A. E. Burr, Mis. Thomas Frank lin, Mrs. A. K. Bcntley, Mrs. L. Kger ton, Mis, Charles Wilson, Mios Mercy iRgqrton, Mrs. W, Council, Mrs. G. H. Caltin. Mis. 13. S. Osborne, Mis. 10. H. Hurnham.-J. H. Johnson, Mrs. Kinnia Boyd.-.)(Mis. Harriet Meylert, Mis, Haekley, Mis, K. P. Cushlng, Mrs. H. J Wells, Mrs. Allco Alwotth, J. H. and D. McConib. Rev. 12, J. Balsley, John Boylan, Jlamts Itrennan, William Brown, JMrp. Seated, G, A. Grow, Jr., C. W. :USB ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE A powder to b khakn into the lio y0Ur jfftt tffl sM-olltn. ntrou and hat, and oil tlifd Jtailly. If 5 u ! rnrtltnj left or tight hoes. Uy Allen'a Kcot-Ean, It wola lha ttet and Diaku wilklnx uy. Cures awollen, tneatlne fret, ingrowing nailt, blUtri and callous ipota, FUcw corn and bunion of all pin and gitea tut i"l tonifort. Irj- It today, oa i,y tl 4ru;tlkU and khoe nam for 13c, lilil pjck- at PfirX.' Addreas, Allen 8. Olmtted, La Hoy. V. . , Catboadale Department. ronrad, Mrs. "William McClave, Cap tain 1'. DeLnccy, Mrs. David Zleloy, Captain 'William Hurke, Hon. fleorge Perkins, Kdtvard Wilson, Joseph Alex ander, Peter Dolttn, W, 11. Plcrson, Mrs, A. K, Stanton, Mi. Maria Far rar, Mrs. Sarah Stevens and Miss Ad dle Peck. AN EVENING OF MUSIC. Soiree to Take Place at Fern Hall, Crystal Lake. To those who enjoy good music, well rendeied, and a dance under pleasant circumstances, the affair at Kern Ilnll, Crystal lake, on Tuesday evening, July 30, will be n matter of unusual interest. This Is the first concert to be given at Fern Hall this season, and the qual ity of the talent engaged guarantees a programme of exceptional met It. The givers of this entertainment will be O. Alexander Kussoll, of Syiai-use, pianist, and Raymond N. Hockcnbeity. bass soloist. Mr. Hussell, who Is the plnnlst at the hall this season, has re ceived some very flatlet lug pies notices from New York papeis and the piess of other latge titles In this part of the country; the Musical Courier one of the representative musical sheets of the union) even went so tar as to say that "Mr. Russell Is a better planlct than two-thltds of the plajcis one hcais nowaday." Mr. Hockenheny, of Carbondale. has endeared himself long since to tho music loveis of this vicinity by his ar tistic handling of his io.son.mt bam voice. Mr. Russell and Mr. Hocken heny will be assisted by the Clark Male quaitctte and Miss Mlna Frank, soprano, both of Carbondale. The programme, under these cliruin stances, promises to be one that will Interest everyone; and then, the con cert Is to bo followed by dancing, which will make It doubly Intetcstlng to many. A DOUBLE WEDDING. Hudson-Marshall and Hudson-King Nuptials Solemnized at Baptist Parsonage by Rev. Dr. Whalen. There was a double wedding solemn ized at the Bcrean Baptist t hutch par sonage ycsteiday afternoon by the pas tor. Rev. H. J. Whalen, D. D. The brides were the daughter of Martin Hudson, of Mayileld yaid. Miss BcssIp A. Hudson was wedded to Herman D. Maishall, of Greenfield, a prosperous and popular faimholder of that township. Miss Cl.ua A. Hudson, the other hilde, was united to Chailes L. King, a car lepaliei In 'the employ of the On tailo and Western at Mayileld aid. Roth brides weie becomingly attlted in gowns of white. Thcic weie no wit nesses it the ceiemony. Alter the tlelng of the nuptial knots, the couples enjoved a llde, and later leeched their friends and their good wishes at the Hudson home at May field yaid. Both young ladles have nunieious fi lends heieabotits. who sln ceioly icgaid them. Their husbands also enjoy man watm filende-hips. MRS. WOODWORTH SURPRISED Pleasant Happening at the Home of a Recent Brido, Mrs. F. II. Wondwoith, formerly Miss Hdna Bailev, was lot years a member of the Methodist church choir, and was highly icgauled by her associates. As a tnken of their filendship the mein bcis icpalied to her homo last even !'ig. gave a dellghttul surprise by their call and as a climax picseuted her with a I cnutlful cut glass heiry dish. Y, R. Moon wiib spokesman for the surpiWIng party, an olllce that he filled mort gracefully. The waim response b". Mrs. Woodworth Indicated her sin cere appieclatlon of the token fiom h"r friends. Following this pleasant Incident weie scwial boms of social enjoyment, dining which Mis Woodwoith serv-d the oppnMunlty to show how hospitable atnl cnterthininr n hostess she could bf Tin- 'hnir, led by W. S L'wins, r.'ii dcied sevctal selections In a manner tin contributed gieatly to the pleasuu! o' the felleltou eent. TO ENTERTAIN OLD MEMBER Cambrian Lodge, No. 58, I. O. O. F. To Hold Affair Saturday Evening. On Saturday evening, July "7. Cam brian lodge of this city, will entertain one of Its oldest members, who has been a contributlnc member for over 35 years, and who has been absent fiom the city for nearly that length ot time, and who at present resides in Ply mouth. He Is Mr. Alexander Xoble, who was initiated In IRfifi, and has re-' talned his menibeishlp ever since, though he has been away fiom tho cltv iieai ly all the time. The lodge received word of his in tention to be present on July i'7th. and the membeis have arranged to enter tain the biother. and Invites all broth, eis of tho I. O. O. F. to assist them In extending It to Rrother Xoble. A loyal good time Is anticipated. PICNIC DETAILS COMPLETED. Decided to Have Train Stop at Lin coln Avonue Station. To accommodate cxcuislonlsts fiom the eastern section of the city, the ex cuislon ti.iln to Lake Lodoie on the occasion nf the union Sunday schools' outing on Friday next will stop at Lin coln avenue, wheie there will be a ticket agent. Tho tialn will leave that point at 0.30 o'clock. The airangeinents for the excuislon ate completed and a successtul outing Is anticipated. Those who Intend to send eatables for tho general refiesh meiu table will please hac them at the city station between 7.30 and fc.30 Fri day morning. Kach panel will bo labeled "gcneial table" and with name nf donor. About a Carbondalian. C. 13, Lathi op, of Caibnndale, was in town Monday, on his way home from Harvey's lake, where he 'had spent Sunday at the cottage of his brother-In-law, Butler Dllley. Mr. Lathiop is a veteran lawyer and editor, having been admitted to the bar at Wilkes Bane In 1SS7. Wllkcs-Bane Record. A Few Visitors from Scranton. Among the vltois here fiom Scran ton yesteiday weie Matt F. Brown, who was attending the funeral nf Mrs. Bart ley Blglln, and J. W. Guornsey, the music dealer. Thonc : NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 MUNICIPAL WATER PLANT INJUNCTION Mayor Kilpatrick Calls a Special Joint Meeting of Councils for This Evening to Take Action to Meet tho Proceedings Commenced by the Consolidated Wator Company. "When Mayor Kilpatrick learned last evening that Injunction proceeding Lhad been started to restrain the sale of bonds for the ptoposed municipal water plant, ho Immediately Issued a special call for a Joint meeting of councils this evening. The mayor Is calling councils to gether to ascertain what course they want to putsite with tespect to de fending the city In the litigation biought about by the petitioners in the application for an Injunction, the acocunt of which Is detailed in the court news of today's Tribune. Yes terdays proceedings wcic not a sur pilse to those active In the. movement for a municipal water plant; In fact. It was anticipated from the outset of the long sttugglo for the acquirement of the proposed water system, and the com so that the mayor deems expe dient will be Indicated In a message that ho will send to councils tonight. The recommendations that he may make. It is expected, will be favorably acted up on by councils, for when the ordinance pioUdlng for the Issue of the bonds lor the consttuctlon of the plant went through councils, there was only on dissenting voice. TELEPHONE MANAGER LEAVES Bruco Bodford of New Company Ac cepts Advanced Position at Trenton. Biuce Bedford, who has efficiently supei Intended tho affairs of the Car bondale Telephone company, or what Is better known as the new company, has resigned his position heie to accept one mote advanced with the Inter-State Telephone company, which has Its headquiu ters at Trenton, X. .1. Mr. Bedford's lcglme has given the utmost f.atislactIon to tho company and his employri n leluctantly accepted his resignation, hut they are pleased that his ability has been iccognlzed by a company that can locate him mote favoiably than he was hcic, in a Held wheie he will have wider scope and chances of a -ore valuable expeiietne. Mr. Bedford acquired the good-will of a host nf persons during his lesldence hoie, and made many warm friend ships The well-wlslus of all of his fiiends accompany him to Ills new Held. Mi. Redfoid, In his position, will be elect i leal engineer and master of con struction. He left foi Tienton last night. Tho successor of Mr. Bodford Is J. S. Hughes. All. HuglK's came heie from Wllkes-Bane. wheie he was arsistant slipeilntendent of the People's Tele phone company of the Independent sys tem, and where his ofllclency won him the offer of supeiintendcnt, which he accepted fiom the Carbonddb' companj. FUNERAL OF MRS. BIGLIN. Laid at Rest Yesterday in St. Rose Cemotery. The late Mr. Bartley Blglln was laid at lest In St Roso cemetcrv yesterday morning. The funrdl piocession was a long one A high mass of ipqulem was sung in St. Ro..e church bv Rev. George Dixon, who ,iso spoke in a manner befitting tho commendable life of the deceased. The pall-bearers ewie Thomas Fai rell, Thomas Harte, Henry Collins. Kd ward Gordon, p. L. Xeary. Michael Bronnan, Patilck Kearns and P.Uiick F.my. Visiting in Honesdale. Mrs. John Anirn'riiian, of Caibondalo, is spending a few das at the homo nf her undo, C. L. Whitney, on Eleventh street. Mrs. Frank Lent Is spending seveial drijs with her sister. Mis, Julius Spaeth, of Ciu'boiidale. Chailes Chapman, tieasuier at the Delawaie and Hudson depot, Is spend ing his vacation at Stecne and Car bondale. Fied Schiessler is acting In tho capacity of ticket agent during Mr. Chapman's absence. Wayne Independ ent. Letters Unclaimed. List of letters lcmalnlng In the Cai bondalo poMofflce, July :'l, 1001, for per sons unknown: K. S. Adell, Joseph Altamore, Thomas Booth, C. II. Lock. John Phillips, Miss Mary Boyle, Miss Jennie lOdwaids, Miss Xellle Forbes, Miss Xellle Hopkins, Miss Anna Whtte, Mr-. Duffy. Mrs.4 Alex. Flowers, .Mrs. David Welsh; for olgn, Vlwenzo Vnmuzza, Jakub WoJ clck. Lucia Pauia. J. H. Thomas, Postmaster. Gono to Chicago. A. O. Finn and sister, Miss Geitrudo Finn, of Clifford, left last night over the Kilo for Chicago, whore they will visit for four weeks, John Barrett, of Fallbrook street, also left over the same mad, last even ing, to visit relatives in Chicago, Reunion of Dunn Family. The descendants of the Ute James Dunn, of Susquehanna, of whom there aie seveial In this city nnd vicinity, will hold their annual reunion on Sat urday, Augu.it 10. Meetings of Tonight. George K, Randolph camp, Xo Sons of Veterans, 13S, Blanch 3!, C. M. B. A. Carbondale canton, Patiiarchs Mili tant. About Centennial Decorations. H.uiy Seltz, of Scranton, was In town vcMord.iy. ni ranging for the dec orations that will be placed during the seml-ccntcnnlal celebration. A Dundaff Visitor. Mrs. Robeit Holland, of Dundaff, spent yesterday at the' home of her daughter, Mis. W. J. Pony, on Maple avenue. Residence Improved. Master Painter Meyers' workmen have completed painting the resUence of Frank Schlmmel, on Fall Brook street, an Improvement that annre- clably enhances the appearance of tho dwelling. AN UNWELCOME VISITOR. Tho Family of Supt. Rennie of Dela ware and Hudson Company An noyed by a Prowler. Complaint was made to the police last night that an Italian, named Tony Tol leio, was prnwlln about the home of Superintendent Rennie, of the Delaware and Hudson shops, on Xorth Main strct, and was making tho family fear ful and appiehenslvo by his actions. Tollero has been observed loitering about the house the past two or three days, but no attention was paid to him until yesterday, when he tried to coax one of the children to him. Last night he reappeared, and Mr. Rennie, appre hending harm, took his icvolver as protection, accosted the prowler and demnnded an explanation of his pres ence, The man lepllcd that he was meeklng work, but did not explain the mysterious and suspicious manner In which he approachnd his mission. Mr. Rennie then nolliled the police, after Tollero departed and sauntered down Main street. Constable Kdwaid Xeary responded and went In quest of the tioubleEome loiterer. SUNDAY SCHOOL OUTING. Crystal Lake, on August 7, Solscted by First Congregational Church. Tho Sunday school of the Flist Con gregational church will picnic at Crys tal lake on August 7. Members of the school ate now disposing of tickets to nny who wish to accompany them. Conveyances will he arranged for all who arc not supplied, at a moderate sum. A general good time Is assuied. Vailous spoils have been planned, in cluding running races, base ball, etc. Tickets can ahso bp secured at the grocery store of David James and B. A. Kelly's drug stoic. A coidlal Invitation Is extended to ft lends of the school to have a day's outing with them. Returned to Now York City. Miss Julia Oerrlty, who has been spending her vacation at the home of her patents, on Dundaff street, returned to Xcw Yoik city last night, where she will resume her duties as permanent nuise at Bellevue hospital. At Newton Lake, M. J. Muiphy, Joseph O'Xelll, Will- lam B. Sullivan, M. J, Hoian and P. F. Fox drove last night to Xewton lake, wheie they passed an enjoyable even ing as the guests of an outing paity fiom Foiost Clt. Are on a Fishing Trir. Dr. D. L. Bailey leaves todiy on a fishing trip to Montrose. He will be gone about one week. THE PASSING THRONG. James Smith called on friends in Kingston yesterday. Born, to -Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Hlggtns, of Xo. 3 Canaan stieet, a son, Miss Mary Biyson spent Tuesday evening with Jcrmyn friends. Mis. Walter Morgan, of Doirance town, Is visiting relatives here. Mis. G. H. Tiyon Is confined to her home on Dai to avenue by Illness, Mrs. John Gaughan Is home from a visit with her sister at Hancock, X. Y. Mis. H. C. Xoble, of Forest City, was calling on fiiends in town yester day. Rcvford Xicholson, of Belmont stieet, is spondlng his vacation with relatives at Mauch Chunk. Miss Anna O'Brien, of Scranton, Is the guest of Miss Mame Moran, of South Main stieet. Miss Anna. Mini ay, of Reese Bros.' Salem avenue store. Is incapacitated fiom her duties by illness. Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Xye re turned today fiom L'tlca, X. Y where they have been visiting friends. Grace and Maude Sampson, of this city, art spending a few days with Mr. and Mis. Chailes Cllft. of Xo. 4. Dan W. and Peter C White have ictuined home after a couple of weeks' visit with their grandparents at Forty Fort. John MHlIsan and daughtcis Mary and Janette have returned to their home on Mitchell avenue alter a visit at Dickson City. Mrs. J. J. Burke and son Charles, of New York city, are visit In? the for mer's sister, Mrs. John K, Brown, on South Chinch street. X. V. Stephens, the Salem avenue grocer, and his family leave this week for a fortnight's outing at the home of C. . Chamberlain in West Clifford. JERA1YN AND MAYFIELD. The annual outing of the Sunday school children of the First Baptist church to Xay Aug park yesterday was a very pleasant affair, and many of the parents of the scholars and members of the. congregation and others accompanied the children. All had a delightful time at the park, nnd although the return Journey was somewhat tiresome, the excursionists ai lived back safely at a quarter-past nine o'clock In the evening. While tho furnltuio and stock In trade of John Lucas was being carted to Olyphant yesterday one of tho teams ran away when descending Whltmore's hill, and miming Into a fence on Third stret upset a quantity of the contents of the wagon, causing a serious dam age to Mr. Luas, upon whom the loss will fall heavily. The Primitive Methodist Sunday school will run an excursion to Crys tal Lako on Thursday, August 1st. Those Intending to go will kindly noti fy the committee not later than next Monday, so that the necessary accom modation can be secured. The com mittee are: Rev. S. D. Molter, William Wlllllams, Richard Harvey, sr., George Harvey and Arthur Miller. Mr. John Prltchord, of Second street, on Tuesday accompanied his wife and daughter to Xew York cltv, from whence Mr. Prltchard and the daugh ter sailed yesterday on a trip to his native homo In Xorth Wales. The Delaware and Hudson company w 111 pay here on Saturday Mrs. T. R. Griffiths nnd Mr. William Wlvcll weie Scranton visitors yester day. Miss Maria MeDerinott. of Dunmore, Is visiting Mayfleld friends. Mis. David Mendelson, nf Mayfleld, Is seilously 111 of ear trouble. Mr. Thomas Holleran, of Avoca, Is visiting Mayileld fiiends. Miss Cella Callahan, of Scranton, Is a visitor here. Jangling Nerves. Are you Irritable? Do you sleep badly? Is It haid to concentrate your thoughts? Is your appetite poor? Do you feel tired, restless and despond ent? Try Llchty's Celery Xerve Com pound. It will do you more good than anything you have ever tiled. Sold by Matthews Bros. TAYLOR. This evening thoArchbald mine local, Xo. 1619, United Mine Workers of AmerlcA, will hold a social session In the Odd Fellows' Hall. The follow Infr excellent programme has been ar ranged for the occasion; Remarks, Chairman John D, Gwynnej selection, Union orchestra; vocal solo, M, J. Gro ganj selection, Mozart quartette; vocal solo, Edward Murphy; whistling solo, William J. Gaul; selection, Anthtaclto Glee party; address. President M, II. Healey; recitation, E. G. Evans; man dolin selection, Benjamin Jenkins; vo cal solo, Reese Thomas; vocal solo, James Heffron; finale, "My Country, TIs of Thee," audience. Refresh ments will bo served. The Taylor Silver Cornet band will give an open air concert tomorrow evening from tho balcony of Young blood's hotel. The boys have been re hearsing for some weeks past under tho directorship of their clTliient di rector, John Watklns, nnd a musical treat Is In store, The following Is tho excellent programme: March, "Ameri ca n Ambassador," by K. P. Rrnoks; overture, "Ingomar," by Hnsklns; match, "Tho Invincible Ragle," by Sousa; waltz, "Calanthe," by Holzman; two step, "Pearl nf the Heaven," by Hnrry P. Guy; overture. "The Skv Pilot," A. M. Laurens; march, "Gen try's Triumphal," by Fred Jewel, do scrlptalve polka, "Tho Pretty Milk maid," by W. S, Ripley; ma'reh, "Co lossus of Columbia," by Russell Alex ander; descriptive overture, "The Frol ics of the Imps," by Carl Carlton; march, "United Xatlon," by C. ,1. Barnhouse. Mr. James Thomas removed his fam ily from Xorth Taylor to his newly erected l'csldcnce at tho Lincoln Heights, Joseph Seybolt, a laborer at the Archibald mine, was found dead at an early hour yesterday morning In the chamber where he was employed, Tho discovery was made by his miner, who had not been to work on tho previous day. and on entcilng tho place noticed that a fall had taken place. On In vestigation he was horrified to find tho remains of Seyholt almost completely covered by the fall of top coal. It Is thought fiom all accounts that he had been loading a car of coal on Tues day when he met his death, and that his remains remained In tho mine all Tuesday night. The Young People's Baptist union of tho Welsh Baptist church are mak ing extensive arrangements for their grand excursion to Glen Onoko on August 20, The outing will undoubted ly be attended by a largo number of our townspeople, as no more delightful place could ho selected to spend n day's outing. The Women's Christian Temperance union will meet at the Welsh Baptist church to-morrow (Friday) evening nt 7:30 o'clock. All membeis are request ed to be present. The features of the excursion of tho f hurch of the Immaculate Conception to Lake Lodore on Monday next will be the prizes, the three hundred dollar lot and also a ticket to the Pan-American exposition and leturn. Each ticket holder will be entitled to a chance on the above prizes. Train leaves D. & II. station at 7:45 a. in. Tickets: Adults, $1.00; children, 60 cents. Tickets for the Odd Fellows' excur sion to Harvey's Lake tomorrow can bo purchased from Tallie W. Jones. A larje number of membeis from Clearing Sale Prices In Every Department Men's Fine Shirts Shirt Patterns that have been very popular all through this season. Fine quality Madras, the price for this sale 89c. Some neat blue stripe Madras shirts, qualities that usually sell fori.oo. Price for this sale 75c. Children's Wash Suits Children's Sailor Blouse Suits reduced to 48c Sailor Blouse Suits, in neat color combinations, now 96c Novel Blouse Suits, with new broad collar, $1.15 All'our "Brighton" Rus sian Blouse and Golf Blouse Novelties reduced for this semi-annual sale. Samter Brothers, Leading Outfitters. MEMBER OF CONGRESS FROM Cured of Catarrh of the Stomach by Pe-ru-na. If 553y Cagsig g3 I U7;nF.MvN' It W IUO, VxlfOte to lonjifj from llau.ui. Hon. Robert W Wilcox. Delegate to Congicss fiom Hawaii and the Sand wich I slands In a lecent letter ftom Washington, D. C., writes1 "I have used Peruna for dyspepsia and I cheerfully glvo you this testl monnl. Am satisfied if it is used properly it will be of great benefit to protiifmottisnedi. Am&a nial thfl our people. I can conscientiously recommend it to nnyono who is suf lodgso Xos. 6Si and 039 will attend tho outing. Mrs. Thomas Jenkins, of Main street, lofb yesterday to visit i datives In Utlca, X. Y. Lackawanna Valley council, Xo. SI, Jr. O. X'. A. M.. will meet lit iccu'ar session this evening. Mis. Daniel Hvnns. Misses Llz;:l and Maud Hodges have returned to their homes In Shamokin, Schylklll country. Mis. KdMn Williams and daughter. Miss Dolly, a trained nurse of Phila delphia, who have been visltln; In this place, have tcturned home. Mrs. David Rvaus, of Plttston, has been tho guest of Mlrs Mao Ctifllths, of Ciovo street, for the past few clays. PECKVILLE. It was thought when the Scianton Gas and Water company took pos session of the wator works which sup plies Peekvillo with water, that there would then bo an ample supply for lire fighting purposes, hut Instead of bettering the conditions, it has been vvoie, in the afternoon tho pressute stands at about thlity-llve pounds, which Is all right for a bucket brigade but of no manner of use when the sei vices- of a hose company is re quired. There Is no excuse for this low prcssuie, Thoie is plenty of water In tho dams and by opening I MM Summer Suits $io and $12 qualities, cloth patterns that were selected by us this season in Fancy Worsteds and Cheviots. Our price for this clearing sale $6.50, $7, $8 $15 and Some $18 Suits, fine qualities and neat cloth effects will be found in these lots. Our clearing price on every suit $10 and $12 Trousers $$.:io Trousers, in patterns. Reduced price for this sale. $4-50 Trousers some French hairline in this lot. Reduced to $5.00 Trousers, in Tweeds and Fancy Cassimeres. Re duced to All our finest qualities are in cluded in this sale. $6.50 and $7.00 Trousers are all marked at SANDWICH ISLANDS fering with stomach troubles or catarrhal troubleo." W. R. Wilcox. All over this country arc hundreds of people who nre suffering from catarrh of the stomach who aro wasting pre cious time, nnd enduring needless suf fering. The remedies they try only temporarily pallltate tho distress, hut never effect a cure. Remedies for dys pepsia have multiplied so rapidly that they are becoming as numerous as tho leaves of tho forest, nnd yet dyspepsia continues to flourish In spite of them nil. This Is due to the cause of dyspep sia is not iccognlzed as catarrh. It there Is arcmedy In the wbolo range of medicinal preparations that Is In every particular adapted to dyspep sia, that remedy Is Peruna. This tem dy Is well nigh Invincible In these cases. Dr. Haitman. President of The Hart man Sanitarium. Columbus, O., says: "In my laigo practice and cortespon do.nce I have yet to leatn nf a single case of a tonic dyspepsia which has not either been greatly benefited or cured by rPoiuna." Xo one suffering with catarh of tho stomach or dyspepsia, however slight, can bo well or happy, it is the cause ot .d many dlstiesslng symptoms that It is a most dreded disease. Peruna acts Immediately on the seat of tho trouble, the Inflamed mucous mem bianes lining tho stomach and a last ing cure Is effected. If nu do not derive prompt sat!" factory lesttlts fiom tho use of Peruna, wtlte at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full cta lenient of your case and ho will bo pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Adiliess Dr. Hartman, resident of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. up a gale or two a good pressure can be seemed at all times. Tho people of Blakoly ate paying for twenty flio hydrants, and council should demand of tho wator company that a good picssiire bo maintained nt all times, so that these hvdrants would be ser viceable to cope with the flames at any and all times. Out appatatus and fhemcn'aie up to date, but water with good piessuio Is lacking. The home of William Xlchols, ot Second street, Blakoly, was destroyed with Its contents by liie Tuesday noon. The Wilson File company lesponded to the alarm, hut owing to the great distance tiom h Hie plug, their ser vices could not bo lendeied. Tho building and contents weie Insuicd. The llio oiiglnatod from a spaik thrown upon tho loot by a mine loco motive. Cards aie out anonunclng the mar riage of Mr. George D. Locklln to Miss Bessie Budd, on Wednesday, July 31. .Mr. J. D. Warren, of West Pcck vllle, Is on the sick list. The drawing for a tool chest, for tho benefit of Mis. Ft. J. Mulford. which was to have taken place last Monday, has been postponed until Aug 22. A barn owned by At chic Dunlap vvai dlscoveied to bo on tiro Tucsdav morning. A bucket bilgade placed tha flames under control. MW A The '-Atterbury" Tailoring:. You probably have heard of this new system of tailoring most people have in this city. Clearing Prices give you an op portunity. $20 tfjC tflO and $25 Suits... M1 J PlO neat stripe ffQ Cfl )Livj neat 00 flO OOiUU S4.00 $5.00 iff IN Ml w 1
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