The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 25, 1901, Image 1

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Demands to Be ThoroiiQhIij Investi
gated bu His Brothers
In Arms.
Immediately Summoned by Secre
tary Long and Offered tho Assign
ment, Which He Promptly Ac
cepts Schloy to Have tho Unusunl
Prlvilogo of Choosing His Own
Judges Scope of a Court of In
quiry and Probable Composition of
It Sampson Says He Is Glad and
Hopes Every Fact Will Be Brought
li Ivlunte Wire fiom "J In Vvociatc.l Presi.
Washington. .Illlv SI. Iteill'
-i hie) has .isKeil Societal)' Long to ol -In
h (otiil of linUlry to t onsldor the
bulges which have been made against
him and to liuiiilic Into the clttutii-
tnni'CM sunoiiiidlng nnnl operation
In llic West Indies In which ho hud .t
li.ut Tho letter making the lotpiest
was tfeoived at the Navy clepai tmetit
this moitilng. Following Is the tet
of It: it Nek. I, I . S V . .lull J'. 1"0I
sn Ullliln tlii- p 1st few a m i in of
ins couiuii tin bin linn sent In nic (mm tail
en. patts ill Mir inunlrt ol a In ml rntilliil "llio
11itoi) i'l Ihe Niu," itiillcn hi" imp l.dmr
si iiiinii M.cilj.i 1 mm tlrc ictiotn it .iipen
that tills r'l.t loll ! h tlilnl volume of tlic mil
hisint) cvtciidul. In intlinle the Mte war Willi
Spam, width the hut two loluui" ihd not
contain, mid were in Use is tcu hool 1 at Ihe
N. it il midcint,
I mm rxtrrpti quoted in otne iitiew, ,n
which tip pi'.T .inil pinciaph aie Eitcn, Hero
l sin li pfrtirlnn of fait. mhIi niiieonstrui tiou
( intention, mkIi intempctatt' abuse nnd defama
ti'ti nf mt'clf ii siihicita Mr Miolnt to ai tinn
in cull Ian While I iiHinlt 1 he richl fit fur
i ritu i-rn nf ctery public ollleer. 1 iritit pmli.f
ti.Hin-t the Ion lllnc nml lniieuigo of
iliis linlint, pirll'in opponent, who h.11 infoiJ
nil' Ihe pice, nf hi. book so mtiili nf the malice
f unfairness a to mike it unwoithy tli mine
1 1 liUtni.t nr nf ue in ant leputabtc institution
of llic muntr.t.
I Imp irfi lined heretofore from all cnninirnt
upon Ihe liitmi unoc nf rnrniici, muttiicd or
mui iiilii ril fn print, nnd tliorcfoie with Mfcte
to ihnusclic. I think the time Ins now come
I take Huh .'it. I lull .in nuy brine IhU entne
tii it If r under ilii ulon under the clrarrr and
i diner iriicw nf mi liintli'rs !n aims, mil to
thii rmi I ,k fuili action at thA lundi t llti
lirputiiiriit as il nuj ilirin lipt to auomplUh
iln puipnr. ltut I Mould rxpirs the rrqnpt
In this iniimition tbdt hatfMr I In aitinn mar
pc it emu in niisimigtnn, hcrc most oi tn
papcm and ilat.i ;ilo almcil
ciy reipcrtfullv,
W. Slilr.v. ltcir ilmln1. I V N
To the Sciirtai.r ot the Navy, Wailiinslon,
Secietary 1.011 teplled to Admlial
Schley as follow .s:
Nai.v Dopartmn.t
Washington, .Inly ?l, 0iil
Sir I am In iccclpt of lonri of Ihc '.'2il
lnuiit, Willi reference to (lie irnlilvn upon
sou In connrrlinn with the 5pati!li-Ain?nian
"r. and heartily apprmr of .sour .action, umler
tin- ilrumntuncfs, In a,linir at the hamli nf tlm
rlcparf infill "iuh action a, mij hilni; this rn
tire maltcr under dhniMion uinler the oleinr
and rainier rrilcw of my brolhrra in amis''
The department will at once proieed In atcurd
ncc with jour rrqunt.
Very ropriiliilly,
John 1 I.onif
To Hear Admiral W. S. echley, l P. V.
Schley May Challenge.
Scctotary I.oiiff lias always held the
opinion that a Ueniand for an Investl
Brttlon Tas the- piopi-r rouihe for the
admtial to follow, and has so expressed
himself publicly. The nilmlral's friends
have hltheito objected to n cotnt of In-
lUliy. In the belief that It wotllu he
toniposed of naval oilhots ptejudlced
np.Unst him, and that llear-Admlrnl
rrowninshleld, who Is credited with es
pecial hostility to Schley, would prac
tically select the court In his capacity
as chief of the bureau of nmlKatlon.
It can be sald with nut'ioilty that
Hear Admiral Crownlnshleld will nine
Jiothlnpr to do with the Investigation
Secretary T,onpr peisonallv will taKe up
the question. He will choose a com t
from nmoiiK nanl olllceis en the at the
nnd tetlied list who aie is. liie.v's supei
lors In rank, and will fee that they
nte of such standniR- and n putatluii
that their tl ml Inns will he accepted by
the country as unbiased and onclns
Ive. No ollleer who has been Known to
express a pronounced opinion loncein
InK tho Sampson-Schley coutioeis)
will be appointed, and in order that the
tear admiral may have evety assurame
of Impaitlal tteatment he will have the
almost unpiecedonted prhiloge of i hitl
lenKliiR: any member who he may he.
Ileve Is In any way antnKonlMlc to him
The impres,sIon heio Is that the coutt
will conblst of AdiuiiHl Dewey nnd
rtcar Ailmlrals llainsey and Uenhani,
the two latter of whom nte on the
etlrrd list. Admiral Dewey was sent
or by Secietary l.oiiff this moinlnn
tud offered tlie piesldeney of the
ourt. He piomptly accepted. It Is
'elt that Dew ex's name will tarty
sreat welRht, while ltamsey nnd llen
lam have dlslliiRUlshed lecoids. Other
ifflcers available lm the duly me tear
Vdmhals laice, Klmbeilv and Sel
ildKe, all on the tetlied list, and Hear
Vdmlials Howell, itam,.j, KaHiuahnr
ind Watson, on the aillve list.
The court of Inquiry Is to be dlstin
;ulshed from a couit mat Hal. It has
inllmlted powers of linestlKatlon, and
an Inquire Into any cIuiikc against
.he acctibcd ollleer, whether f(m, (,j.
rial or unolllclul souices. It n nti
Ihotlzed to make lecomemndatlons
ind to decide whether ftuther mo
:ecdlnB" ate necesMiry. it may, for
Instance, lecommend n cuurt martial
If the testimony seems to watrant,
uch a course. So fur as Schley Is con
jerncd, the Intpdry will probably cover
:lu fnllowlnu heads:
Klist Tho alleged delay off Clenf ti
ros, Cuba.
Second The allcBed slow progress
'ounrd SantlaRo do Cuba fiom Cien-
Third The tettoRiadc movements on
May 26 and 27. (The turning of the
fleet fiom Santiago towatd Key West,
which Secietary Long nnd Hcai-Ad-mlralSampson
chaiacterlzed ns "repre
hensible conduct.")
Fourth Tho battle of .Santiago and
the destruction of Oct vein's fleet.
Almost all the oillccif participating
In the opemtlons In Cuban wntcis will
be summoned to testify nnd many civil
ians will also be called, l'cihaps the
question ot veracity between Henr-Ad-mlrnl
Schlev nml Lieutenant Hodgson
will bo cone Into,
The sessions of the point undoubted
ly will be open, although Its members
have the light to pi event that. There
Is no appeal from the decision of tho
t ourt as to the exeluslnon or admission
of testimony, questions arising as to
the lelevnni'V or propriety of which
in o Invariably decided behind closed
It Is believed, should Schley he sus
tallied by the lnvestlgatots, that Im
mediately following the finding ot the
cotut a suit for libel will be Insti
tuted against the publishers of Mac
lay's Ulsloiy.
Setietary Long, at the close of ollke
bonis today, said Hint the peisotinel ot
the com t. would he made known to
nioriow, at, which time nKo the piocept
convening the court probably will be
Issued. Meanwhile, theie Is much specu
lation as to the menthols of the couit
other than Admltal Dewey. The secie
tury savs then Is no wntrnnt for the
announcement of any pnttlcuhit name,
ns he still has them under advisement.
He has been making inqtiiiles during
the dnj as to the availability of ceitaln
oIHk-is, and It is undeii stood that some
telegraphic Itiqtlltiert have been made of
these absent olllceis to se If t ncie Is
iinv leason why they should not seie.
New Votk. July '.'1 Kdgar S. Mada,
who rtltlclzed Hear Admiral Schlex In
his History or the I'nlted States Navy,
said todaj "It Is the pioper ionise
for Hear Adinlial St hlev to demand u
court of inquiry It Is his onl means
of vlntlit atiim. Aflei this com t has e
tei mined upon bin case, then he can
bi lug suit. Jt Is needless for me to
comment flintier upon Hear Admltal
Schley's leeotd."
ltostmi, .Inly "I --Heap Admiral Samp
son said toihij, . " am glad that Itear Si hley bus asked Setietniv
Long for an Investigation. 1 hope. If
theie Is an Investigation. It will be a
thoinugh one anil that not a detail of
mi) thing that has been In dispute will
be avoided by the Investigating bo.utl.
This whole business Is Inspltril l mal
ice, but now, peihnps. It may be all In
vestigated, and If it Is the pontile of the
I'nltotl States will know nil the fin i."
Anti-Imperialists Tell Insurgent
Filipinos to Fight on as the
Democrats Will Win
Next Time,
Rv Kiflimie Who from Hie Asjnciattd Presi.
Manila, .Inly 24. Coirespondeneo
fiom tho Hong Kong junta, dated
.Itiue ti, nnd addressed to the Insni
gent le.idet, llollnrinluo, which lias lecently captuied, says the Juui.i
has receiven messages of foine 1m-
pottnnce and assuianics of suppoi t
fiom Mcsms. Wlnslovv nnd l.evlson,
nntl-lmperlnliFlH, urging the Filipinos
to continue their leslstame In the
hope of eventual Independence, and
saying the Ametlcnn people aie gioan
lng under war taxes anil that the
Demociats will win at the next elec
tion. Colonel 7,ui bnno, with 20 olllceis, 518
men, 241 lilies nnd 100 holos, miiicii
deied to Lieutenant Hickman, ot the
Flist cavahy, In Tayabas province.
These toimor Insui gents have taken
the oath of allegiance to the Hulled
States, and their sin render cleats the
dlstilct of the l evolutionary element.
A civilian named Flnnlek has been
sen'.enced to one year's Imprisonment
nnd to pay $1,000 for receiving sup
plies stolen fiom the commlssaiy de
pal tment.
Jersey Central Officials Gave Com
mitteo No Encouragement,
Uy r'.irliithr Wire frnm 'I he AmooJiiciI Press.
Wllkos-TSatre. July 24. The commit
tee lepiesentlng the 800 stiihing em
ployes of the Afhley shops of the' Mallioad of New Juiriey, who
went to New Vnik to see the o 111 c hi Is
ot the mad antl ast ei lain on what
teims the could letiiin to woik, has
It Is undeislood the oinpnny oin
clals would make no concessions what
ever, but that the men can letutit to
wink If they so tleslie. The leptut of
the committee will be submitted to
the stilkers at a meeting to be held
Professor Abbott Drowned.
Ily PxeliKlie Wire Iroin The Aociated I'res,
ImllaiLipnlM. hid . Jnli M -K.lir Mibnlt,
pinfrssor of ljiinutci at llutler liniMini), wan
iltimned l-t nilit in llioul Hippie creek lie
wilit in hiihinu: Hluni itnd liii hoi mi fiiimil
tit (ampin IIiii innininu, Pinf Mil.ult. lu
was l'i nan nf .lue, wja fncaued to lie married
In Vlivi Clin Vlilnnie, aim nf the lint U r fae
n 1 1 s . wliu-e liniui" i at LexinGton, l.isi 11a
weililinc was set foi nmt tumuli
Jones Wants an Unknown.
My Knelusiic Wire (torn 'Pie Associated l'ien.
scam. Vik . .lull U In a sp.eili hcie lo-
lai, senator .Idtiieii K lonei ipn-sei Ihr luthf
lllll the in vt president svill le a Dmin ut W lnlc
he would h. ci (ill I v suppoit ) l Hill, oi an
nihcr man ulmni the II. linn i.iti ing,t iintiun.iti',
Ins piU.lli' epininn n dial Hie pail) iiiikIiI ilis
pli wlsdniii in n'leitins mine dUeriet nils ut
now cili-iim Iiiisiich mm, whaie miird t fault-
Frightened by Coming Train.
Ily Mjflnsiie Wire Irom The s.oolate,l Preaa
llariislitinr. .tub "I I hc-mhi old .lnr I'n.k,
fell iliinuiih ii bildee on (he Smthern C'ential
ullroad near New Cumberland todaj, and fiac
tiind hl nkiill. Ho beiauin frlihteiied when lie
In aril train npproaihlnir ami fell between the
hi aim, to the giound, tidily feet below,
Did She Commit SuicideP
Wet Cheter, Pa , July CI Mn, Anna .
l'i jt t. ai-cd in, wife of UlUlim 11 Pntt. It li
allr.-nl, toininilleil auklde Ihl' afleinoou b.i
.hiintlnu' herclf in t lie htad and iiiltiiii,' her
(bloat with a butihei knife. The coiunn It in
votljatirtf the tale.
In the Make-up ot a Tramp He Went
to Wcllsvllle to Consult
About the Strike.
Unless the Men Resort to Violonce
Such a Writ Will Not Be Issued.
It Will Be Unnecessary to Do So.
The American Steel Company Has
Begun a Sories of Moves with the
Idoa cf Breaking Up tho Strike,
An Early Ending of the Present
Situation Has Been Determined
Ily l.xilnslvo Wire from Hie Associated l're.
ritlsbuig, Pa., July 21. The explan
ation of the absence of President Shaf
fer and Hecretaty Williams front the
fer and Secietaiy Williams fiom the
given In the following telegiam it
celve'il fiom Wellsvllle tonight.
"Disguised as a elecieplt, half blind
raggeel tl amp. l'tesidenl T. J. Snf
fet, the head of the Amalgamated as
sociation, slipped Into Wellsvllle this
afternoon, lemalnetl hete an hour In
cnnfeieiue with Vice Piesldent Cliap
pell and other cfllli lals and boanled
the tialn at Hast Liverpool to iclurii
to Plttsbiug. Not a half dozen pel -sons
In Wellsvllle tonight knew he had
been theie. On the same ttaln with
.Mr. Shatter fiom Pltsbllig tHiiie nine
non-union men fiom Apollo and Dun
cansville, live of whom evatled the
slilkets' comnilttce and went to woik
In the mill bete, while Hie other four,
after going through an expel leine
with the one bundled stilkers, whit h
at one time seemed likely to end In
violence, agieed not to wenk In the
mill and letutned to I'lttsbiug.
"Piesldent Shaffer would neit state
the object of his mission to Wellsvllle.
It was intimated that be was heie In
outline the policy of the stilkets', In
view of the thlcateiied Injunction pin
teedings. He made this statement
Just before leaving Hast Llveipool:
'Theie will be no Injunction. 1 think
1 have accomplished lntiih. No in
junction will be gianted unless our
men resoit to violence, unless we
coen e and Intimidate men lino ic
maiuing away fiom the mill. Thus
far our men have violated no laws."'
Two Moves Made
Two moves, It Is leported, weie made
by the nggiesslve olllclals of the Amer
ican Sheet Steel company todav lo
waid bieaklng the stiike. uue was
the shipping of some of the non-union
men that have been einplojed In the
Vandegilft mills of Hie company to
Wellsvllle. to issst In the staitllig
of the plant theie II was staled that
the men weie to be shipped to Wells
vllle timing the e.ulv evening, and
would reach theie alter daik. As u
consequence of this report theie Is n
suppressed evlitenietiL ptevalllng at
Wellsvllle. which at any moment may
break out Into u seiious condition.
Iioth strikers and olllclals of the com
pany are nleit and leacly for any
emeigency. The linpiesslon Is stiong
tonight that the geueial otflceis of the
I'nlted States Steed coi poratlou have
become cletet mined on the subject of
nu eaily breaking of the stiike, nnd
to ultimately fence the upeiattou ot
all tho Idle plants.
The second move that Is understood
to have been Initiated today Is tho
starting of the long Idle Hyde Paik
plant of the Ameilcau Sheet Steel
cntnpan.v. This plant was taken Into
the combine, biiidened with the ob
jectionable contiacts made b.v the for
mer owueis, and has remained Idle
since the Aineilcnn Sheet Steel com
pany took hold of the piupeit.v. The
long Idleness of this mill has caused
most of tho men formerly employed
theie to leave Hyde IMik for other
places, untl the company believes there
would be less eiltllculty In stinting this
plant than vvheie the Amalgamated as
sociation has control.
Something Doing.
It was evident In Plttsbiug this even
ing that flesh and decidedly Impnitant
developments) In the stiike of the steel
vvotkeis weie about to take place. At
the Amalgamated headqiiarteis the two
leading olllclals of the aswoilatlon weie
nbsent dining the gi eater pait of the
da). It was dtated that Piesldent
Shaffer was away on private business
and had nothing In hand concerning
the stiike The absence nf Seei.tnry
John Williams vas also accounted for
in Hie same m ninnr. The conference
held on Tuesday night, which kept
Piesldent Shaffer and Secietary Will
iams out until en ily this morning, ie
mains as mysterious as befote. Neither
of these olllclals would give out any
Idea of what hail taken pl.u e, aside
fiom staling positively that they had
not met any of the olllclals ot the 'tilt
ed States Steel coipniatlnn. Whatever
the object of the meeting. It Is believed
to have been continued today and much
Importance Is epected to be developed
fiom the conference.
The question ot the inanufai luieis
see in lug Injunctions against the Amal
gamated atfocliitlnn was discussed
guaidedly dining the clay. Assistant
Secretary M. F. Tlghe said he did not
think the ineasuie would he lesoited
to at this stage of the proceedings, even
If It was contemplated for a later clay.
Those best acquainted with the feel
Ings of the inauufactuieis say there Is,
In their opinion, little cause for believ
ing that Bitch measures will be lesoited
to at this time.
Strike at Buffalo Off,
Huffalo, N. Y July 24. It was an
nounced today at the olllco of Super
intendent Dudgeon, of the Dclawaie,
Lackawanna and Western railroad, that
the strike of the machinists employed
by tlie company hud been declined oft',
and that the strikeis weie appllng for
lelnstatement. It uUo was unnounccd
(hat the inltroad company had made no
conceptions. About lltty men In the
Lackawanna rhops Jolneil In the strike.
Counter Claims at Reading.
Pending. Pn July 21. The Phila
delphia, and Heading men on stiike,
blacksmiths, bollermnkeis, machin
ists mid iitlicix, bail a big mrtiele tei
nlght, which was followed by n meet
ing in the opetn house. It was an
nounced that the railroad men weie
solid to continue the strike. The
rail tone! olllclals claim that the shops,
ate not ns badly cilppled ns the strik
ers allege. The machinists who re
f'nlii") on duty since Inst week met
this afleinoou and decided not to
stHke for the present. This afternoon
the men who work In the locomotive
paint held u meeting and drcldea nit
to strike at this time. Some said they
would continue at woik ns long ns no
new men weie put Into the shops. Vice
Piesldent vooihees left for Philadel
phia, at noon. He claimed that what
lie offeied the men was ns much as
some competing loads wete paying.
The leadeis declnie that the stiike will
now- sptead.
Ico Drivers Become Ugly.
Columbus, o July 21. Theie weie a
number of tights today as a tesult of
n stiike yesterday by Ice wagon dtlv
eis. The latter have stated they will
not allow non-union men to work, nor
will they penult consumeis to secuie
suppllts fiom the stotnge houses An
employe' of a eliug house was assaulted
anil seveiely beaten when be attempt
eel to secuie ii supply of Ice. Police
hastened to the scene and dlspetsed
the etowel.
W. II. Fence, senior member of Fei
ree i Sun. went to the Ciyntal lee plant
to get ii load. When he- stalled away
the wagon was follow eel by a mob, who
attempted to stop the horses. The
wagon was blocked, and a light ot -i
in led. Fence was 1. liked and hit cut
tho head with a club He was taken
home In un ambiiliiuee. and Is said to
be III a set Ions condition.
Slate Pickers Go Back.
Shaniokln, Pa., July 24. The si Ike
of slate plckeis, begun one week ago
at the I'olbeit collleiy, opeiated by
the Shlpmeu Coal company, ended to
day by the stiikeis voluntailly lettiin
Ing to woik. after the management
had convinced them they weie i delv
ing as high a i.ite of wages as was
paid elsewheie. The boys had asked
for a lltty per eent. per week hi
ll ease. Five bundled men antl boys
me on the pay mils.
Tobacco Strippers Strike.
'sill 'stem. X. V .lnlv "i Pmn
hunched ..,sw. r onini Islnir tin. i.titln.
snipping ilepattment of the Ameiiean
Cigar iiiiiipan'.s lactoiy hcie, slunk
toda.v. Hales of "slum" tolmceo weie
given to them to stlji and they claimed
mat ny snipping nils Kind ot toiiacco
they would onl.v eatn about halt as
much as they have been lecelvlnc.
Pence Reigns in Luzerne.
Wllkes-Haiie, July 24. Theie was a
geneial lestimptlon of coal mining in
the W.v inning icglon todav. All the
sulking liiemen and pump ninneis
no back nt woik. Those who coiiltl
nut gel thell mil posK.ons weie given
other wink. Theie aie still a few en-(-.liieeis
Drivers Go Out.
Pottsvllle, Pa. Jul 21. The dtiveis
at tlie lleiidlngVi .svet Cieek col
lleiy stunk this inclining bei ause one
ot their number was cINe haigod, anil
the eulllety Is icudcicd Idle.
Mr, Schwab Is Not Talking.
New link, .lnlv 21 Piesldent
Schwab, of the Fulled Slates Steel
toipoiation, elec lined today to discuss
the slllke.
One of His Victims Is Dead and Two
Others Are Not Expected
to Recover.
liv l.xilmice Wire from Tlie visonatcd Piesa.
l.eavonwoitb, Kan,. July 21. .Michael
Kellv, In a lit of Insanity, todav shot
lour men, of whom Ihiee will piobably
die. The victims are John (iariett. it
piomlnent business man. Police Ser
geant Dodge, Detective Mlkii Mi-Donald
and Dr. Chniles McUee McDon
ald alone Is expecteel to lecovei.
Kell.v, hat boring it fancied wiong,
enteied liaiiett's odlce unannounced
this afternoon, and without a woid of
warning levelled a revolver at tiauatt,
who sat at his desk. Khe shots ie
sauiidcd thtough the building In quirk
succession. eac h bullet tnklng eifect In
CiaiT.itt's body, (laitatt fell fiom his
chair. Dodge nnd McDonald bun led
to the scene. Kelly had lelnaded his
levolver, and when the olllieis en
teied the olllce he turned upon them.
Seigeant Dodge was shot thtough
the and Detective McDonald
lecelve-il a bullet In the leg. A mo
mem later Di. Mi dee, summoned to
attend (lairntt, stepped Into the office.
Kelly raised his levolvel, and, as the
physician turned to summon help.
Kelly filed. One bullet struck MetJee
In tlie back near the spine. The whole
iiffalrconsiiiiied but live minutes. Other
ofllceis Una II) arrived, oveipoweted
Kelly and placed him In Jul.
Several enis ago Kelly made nn as
sault on dariatt's father, and todav
he evidently mistook John It flniiutt
for the elder (lanett In attempting
to tepeat the assault. Ganatt died
late this afternoon at the hospital.
Clergyman Robbed.
Py K1uile Wire from The Associated Pies...
London, .lultr 23 "III llec Mi. 'Indd, i.u
Vim rlun clii)iuau, wan robbed of ), pouiu'c
while on the I'aili (,'eneia," sa.x a ilequuli
from (inici i to Ihe lljlb Mall, "lie li nne nf
niimeioiix victim nf luo fanhmnably ihe-seil
winuu, and two prekentablcincu,"
Appointed Postmaster.
Fly Ricltiiiie Nlr from The Aiioeiited Tre
WaahliiKtnn, duly SI -V. (', IhniM'ii li.n been
appointed poaliiunter at llatwville, I'a.
To Hear Testlmonu In the Foslniroh
Gase at Pitt si I eld, Mass.,
Father of the Dead Girl Showed
Signs of Emotion When Giving
His Tostimony Dramatic State
ments of Little Beatrice Fosburgh
on the Stand Denied That Oho
Turned on tho Light Aftor Her
Bister Foil, and Did Not See Hor
Brother Before She Saw the Flash
from the Pistol Which Caused the
Girl's Death.
By r'u e Wire frsm The AsuoclateJ l'rai
Plttslleld, Mass., July 24 The at
tendance at toelay'H session of the
Fosburgh 1 1 hit was many times larger
than the colli t loom could accommo
date, and nine-tenths of those piesent
weie women. A number of sensational
Incident soccuired today, the tit st com
Inir lifter Sir. Joyner, for the defense,
had cousldeied Ills petition of what
he claimed he could prove, when Fred
click W. Lund, the bookkkeeper and
payinnstei of the Fosbiugh llrtu. In
tesf)ng, declaieel that he felt some
of the men who weie employed by the
111 m weie clinigetotis unci said he knew
they can led weapons.
Another came dm lug the testlmouv
eif the father of the dead gill, when he
said "Then May went In and sang
seveial selections, while Miss Sheldon
pla.ved. Tlie last song she sang was
Plains of Peace'" The fathei had
been ileseilblng the manner In vvliiib
the family had spent the evening of
Sunday piecedlng Hie tiaged).
When he came to tne lefeietice to
Ma) s singing her last song, tens came
to Ills eves, his voice vas r linked, and
for a few seconels he was uiiiiMe to con
tinue. Otherwise, Mr. Fosbuigh'w tes
timony was uiv en In a cleat -cut and
distinct voice. Ills nartatlve of the ells
coveiy of the hurglais and of his en
counter with them was told Willi lapld
Little licattlee Fosbuigh calUd bv
the government but not iiseel on that
side of the ease, was on the stand to
day for the and was the Hist
lo bleak Into teats while telling the
stilly of the death of hei slstei Her
elesctlptlon ot lie i glimpse of the In
ti tiilcr who killed her sister was veiy
di. un, ttlc "I saw a pillow case stand
ing In the ilooiw.i) " she said, "with
holes cut In It foi e.ves. Then I saw the
Hash. An in) biotliei nished by me. I
tut ned nu the light and e t led out,
'Hun) up, tliete aie buiglais in the
house.' "
The' witness denied thai she had
testified at the lnqtlfvt that she turned
on the light after hei slstei fell, and
that she Ilea id the shot beloie her sis
ter fell to the lloni. She said fill tiler
that she did not see hei hi other Itob
et l le'foie she saw Hie Hash fiom the
pistol which caused her s(stei's death.
He was coming from his loom when
this shot was Hied.
The iliij's pun eedliigs weie inncllld
i'd with tin- lestlmoii) of seveial utdgh
bois of Foshuighs, and the coutt ad
journed. m
Hi l', luilte Wiic fiom I'he -iiiiiteil Pievi.
Kansas City. July 21. For twelve
lonsecutlve hours today the govern
ment thetinometer hcie leglsleied IU0.
While the lecend of 10U of Monday was
not touched, the day was the seveiest
ever evpetlenied In Kansas City For
eleven hours aflei 11 o'clock today,
the tempeiatllie Kinged between 104
anil lOei... In the past twenty-four
bonis the only lain lepoiled has been
show eis at Hays. Cential Kansas, last
night, and HI I'.eno, o. T,, at noon to
day. Six deaths dliectly attllliutable
to the heat weie repented In the two
Kansas Clt.vs today, with a total of
over thhty piosttatlons. Seveial
piosttatlons ale also icportecl fiom
the inuntr)
Omaha, .N'eb , July 24 With one ex
ception, all Ileal leimds for Hie past
twepty-seveii yeais weie liinken to
day, with a lending of 101. Two deaths
and four piostiatliins vveiu lepoited
Sioux City, la , July 24. Sioux City
seemed no ieef fiom tho heat today,
the maximum being 101.
St. Paul. July 2t. For the second
time within a week tile maximum
tempeiatllie lecoiels have been i.ilxed.
Last Satiuday the nlllclal icpoit gave
1014. Today a maximum of 104 2 was
I open ted at I p in. The heat was In
tensified by the high peiceiitage of
humidity und a binning wind fiom
the southeast A Inige number of
piostiatlons weie lepoiled, and at
least the deaths aie dlieelly attllliut
able lo the heat
Robber Activities in China,
lit I'veluslte Wiic from I'he Atsoelated Picsa.
Canton, ( hlui, .lult '.'I V hand of oii foiiv
armed tobtiii-, for three j.uifcttc iiihis, lute
been looting i-hopi oppik-ne sgll(lli n,,. c I. i
lie- auilioiltlK lute made no at tempt in inter
fcie 'Ihe ( IiIiipm llii'iii. Un aie alailued and
piediet setloui titniblc. Il li uiideislood the for
(lull consul lute bun wamed to picran1 foi jti
npil-hiK 'Ihe maididialc of Slnu ub rcpoita that
mhbeiH are incicaslntr In hl illitilit. Sctintv.
lite lobhiM hate been ut skutclial.i
durinu' tin' I'Jsl twu luoiitbi.
Would-be Jail-breaker Foiled,
ll.t llic hullo Wire from The Associated Prev
('linden, N I , .luh Jl --.lohii Mi Pad h II, who
was ciiin.- u il. iiionlhs' rni"nu in Jail hr,
foi loililuctlna; a troubling bouse near llii ill.i,
had planned u Jail clelltcit in emlri In oacape
pi.tment of a flne of H,iV), wi.nh i.u pait nf
III Kcntrme llli plot tva illsintinil and lodat
I'inieiiilor l.n;cl raid the piivmer wimld be
inuipelled tei remain In Jail I.imu data n, clile
the fine Tlie piosciutor ata ihe iimltlaiue nf
Mi l'aihlui's fine ttat undei ,ninilcralloii, bul
nun nu Kuliiii) will be iliouii iiliu,
Weather IndlcstloniTodi)!
1 aeneral Admiral Schley AAa for Coutt ul
Stain, of the Steel Strike
With the Soldleia at Camp Masee.
Ilefen.e Opens In the 1'iwliiifK .Murder Trial.
2 (ieneral Carbondale l)partin.'iit.
3 local Injunction Auain! City nf Cnbondale.
Opinion In the Itllmore Duff) Case.
Oullnir nf the Nenalmvi.
4 felltorlal
Note and t'cinuunt
t I oral Macldnlita Vole to llcturn lo Work
Todaj .
Tlie Kehicatinnal Cnnlet.
Warm Weather lo ( ontlniie.
( local Went Sainton and Suhmhan.
7 fJeneral ottlieitein PcnnhanU.
1'liiancljl'aiid Commercial.
8 Ioral Indimtrlal and f abnr.
Once More the Talent Failed to Get
a Line on the Performances
of the Stars.
By ruehuiie Wire from The C.wlitcd PreM.
Cleveland, C) July 24. Today's pio
gramine of the Oinnd Clicult races at
(ilenvllle fin nished another good day's
spent to n huge crowd. Lleatn, the
speedy daughter of Dexter Pi luce,
winner of the ilch SI. and SI. stakes
nt Deliolt, walked away fiom a Held
of good slde-vv heelers In the tlrst inie
and won In stinlgnt heats with speeil
to spate. Count i y Jay took second
money nfter a hard elilve In the
sttetcli. In the thlltl heat of this
event, the 2.2.! tiotteis came In single
Hie. two lengths apatt. The finishes
in the second nice weie close nnd ex
citing. Itlehaid A. taking flist money
In stialght heals. In the tbllel event,
n Held of evenly matched p.ueis eif the
2 09 class fm nished the best sport of
the aftet iiuiitt, deotge, the son ot
Si at let Wilkes, inptllilng the money
b.v coming Hist under the wlie in the
tblee Inst heats. Sphinx S., driven by
1M. lieets, was beaten out by deoige
by a scant head in eacdi heal. Arget
ta got secontl iniiney. The fourth race
was won bv Tom P, In straight heats.
Hettlng today was heavy, but the tal
ent was unable to pick the vvlnnets.
The Abbot, the king of nil trotteis,
who has been suffeilng fiom tllstem
pei, was driven a mile this morning.
lie Is still In bad shape and It Is feared
will not be able to meet Ciesceus In
the $12,000 matili late at lttlghton
Reach on August 15. fleets, the tialn
ei of The Abbol, denies that this
match has been otllclally declaieel
off, and states be v 111 he able to make
a definite announcement befote tlie
close of the Cleveland meeting. Sum
unities: Pii-t i.iic tiut. puine cj.vvi
Ileal i, hi Detlcr Prime iVIaiuhl 1 1 t
Count 1 1 .lit (Vtiiftl -' 3 3
cia sinniioii. el'liicl " 3 2
Mbcil i II (sliellitiillu) 4 I 7
1 II Ms r aiiKhbni s K 4
V I II , Poiiulrxter. Pcltiarew, Idea, T.ipy
II and Win K alu stailid Time "i 114,
2 ivi'i. 2 HI
s, mid laic. 2 17 i lai put, pulse il.VO
liiiliiril V, In Wiiki.onlan iViiikol.) 1 1
(' I' W clliubee 2 .'.
Similtani (Millcil S 2
.loan illatti) H
Jaik Vlonl (laecr) 0
Captain Potlri, liiunrtte, Hiin II and llaioti
D iln stilled, rune 2 10'ii 2 ln'a
riilnl raie. 2 in ilw paie, piiise 2.5f)
(t'orire, b.i scarlet Wilkes (Mi Kinney). H 1 I 1
Acclta (lieiri) I .1 .1 B
splilin ((,icci) 4 2 2 2
l.oh-n lull CWalkei) 0 7 1 B
Turn Nolan') ' t
Caiiiiine. Hilar I , White os, sdnrv Point,
ei and lb i Illicit alo ularted. 'lime L'l'i'j;
2 os'i. " WV 2 Oi'.,
I'.tm ill race. "21 i las tint, puree V 2i
'loui P. b.i Coiiibat .Ir. ( VtUltisnn) 1 1
Iliiuin tloikiioodi t 2
Mr s, heller ( an llokkcl'ti) 2 5
splilm is,i,. criiuirii 4
1 uiflh ' t Mi Hon ildl " :t
Mnika an I Jennetle also si nted. rune 2 I2'a;
2 U.
Racing at Syracuse.
S.viaeuse, N. V., July 24 Another
huge ciowd saw the inclng today at
Klik park, riuth SI. took the tlf Hi heat
ol the i.I.t not. iintlnlshed fiom .vester
da. winning the Slillaid beat
the hot favotlte. Pug, In the 2.17 trot.
The wlnneis of the other races had
things easy. Stiininailes.
2 'l flas', partnir. pur'c ivn ,
Pai Ito.e. bin. In Pn loins llliki) I 1 1
.In.lir. suliil. blk c eVini Vtikrlil t T, 2
In ueral shificr, if g (ii,nleri I 2 4
ililci siaitus nne t'arrie i: , siltir, Irap
llaik II II Plant. 11"! I Ini", 2 2I-;.
Sift i las., pu inc. pulse yaTii
lleiliice. b in, 1 1) llulib) lliirm (W
siuilhl 1 I 1
1 fne Povtcra, b, a , Cl.iai) 2 'I 2
1 vploit. k' I l'i inn I :i 2 1
No other stailir' Itmt time. 2.1ti'a.
2 17 i law. tiolllnir, pilise s Cn)
.Mill.inl saiuidiia, b g ,b Anleou (Mir
rifle hi) t 1 1 1
Pun u e illaincsi 12 2 4
Wiuified VI , Inn II iiiiimlniisi S il : 2
Ol In r stailers ttei, Helen V, r,i7ie F aiming,
Pi'iimla ( lisliuitc, (,eoti;e Ibiiiutt, Paul miiiiIi
llonllililite Het lime, I'j
Horse Killed at Dunkirk.
Dunklik, N. Y.. July 24. Toda.v 's
rines tteie seiisatloiial In some lespeels.
The 2 114 tint was fast, but was won in
stialght heats by Hold Hug, a bay gelel
lug, that has been doing fast woik on
the cltclllt.
The 2 20 pace was full of suipilses. In
the Hint heat Howdy Ho), owned by
Hei l Shaffer, of Naxaieth. stumbled
and fell, the Jai bieaklng his neck. In
less than two minutes the hoise was
dead. Ltukllv the bum li escaped a bad
Put Mubiueen's giay gelding, W. H,
Mulshed llftb In this lace. Senator
Vance, a gieen (lenrgla lunse, won the
race, although Pilnce Vale was the
Constitution Wins Again.
It) Kxeluilie Wire from The Vuorlated Preem. londoii. Conn , ilul.t 21 -In a fine ont li -west
brecye vcr the ut mile inuisi fmni New
llatrn birakttaler to Sarah's I y rite at the mouth
if Ihe Ncv London haihor, the I oii'tltntion
again .hnncd wlial a supfili racing cult .he l
In lisht weather and snioolh ualei. She brat
Che Cnluuibli liU, 8 lulniilea, 2.1 kiiundi, Ullly
and tipunl). Ihcte wrie nu Suketi.
That Is the Bio Event That
Scheduled for Todau at
Nt. Gretna.
He Was Accompanied by the Mom
bers of His Own and the Govern
or's Staff The Chief Executive of
the Stato Will Be in the Camp To
day Genoral Gobin Did Not Pay
a Visit to the Commander of tho
Division After the Arrival of the
Latter Caused Much Camp Talk.
Scclil to Ihe Scrnnlon Tilbtine.
Camp Slagee, Sit. Gietiia, Pa., July
24. -Slnjor (leneral Charles Sillier and
staff and Adjutant (leneral T. J. Stew
ait, and the other membets of Gover
noi W. A. StoneV staff nrilved in camp
at 3 Hi", p. in. and were received at tho
.station by the governor's tioop of cav
alry. Hatteiy C Hied jt welcoming sa
lute, antl shortly nfter the ni rival of
the illstlugiilshed guests there wns a
hilgade parade past their headquatters.
All smtH of sensational repoits pre
ceded (lenettil SlIllei'H ai rival here, nrt
to the ptohable attitude which woule'
adopted tovviiulH him by (leneral G..j'
btlgade commnncler. HI blood has c...
Nted between the two ever since Gen
eral Sillier received the position which
General Gobln believed was his due,
and therefoie theie weie many wild
conjectures as to what could happen
when the two met. The meeting did
not, however, occur.
Gobin Did Not Visit.
(ienetal Gobin did not pay the visit
to his supeilor ollleer which he was ex
pected to make, and ot military cour
tesy, but Assistant Adjutant General
W. S. .Millar waited upon General Sill
ler soon nfter his arrival. Colonel L.
A. Watrew and the Held and staff ofll
ceis of the Thirteenth visited Geneial
(lohn tonight and then paid their ic
spects to Slnjor Geneial Sillier. The
latter Is known to be displeased at the
non-nppearatu e ot the hilgade com
mander and developments me antici
pated. The paity left Peikasie, where the
Flist hilgade Is camping nt Camp Eg
bert, nt 12 o'clock and ariivcel here at
3.3.1 o'clock, being dela)ed for souip
time on the way by missing connec
tions. Governor W. A. Stone accom
panied t hem fiom Peikasie, but went
straight on to HariisluiiGT with Mies.
Stone and Secietaiy Grlest, Important
business calling him to the cnpltol. Hf
Is expected to nnlve heie at 9 o'clock
tomorrow mottling and will be In time
to see the Thirteenth's Inspectlon.whlch
will be held between the hours of 9
and 11 o'clock. The Ninth will be the
Hist leglment to be Inspected by Gen
eial Stewart and will be on the field
piomptly nt 7 o'clock.
Toinoi tow aftet noon Governor Stone
will levlew the hilgade. Today's first
a i III was held at 6 this morning nnd thr
last at C o'clock thl evening, when a
hilgade diesi parade took place.
Brigade Officer.
Lieutenant Colonel T, W. Stlllwcll,
of the Thirteenth, was brigade officer
of the clay, and tho jnovost guaiel was
also chosen fiom the Scianton regi
ment. The leglmental ofllcer of the
day was Captain Slllton O'Conncll, o
K; tho ollleer of the guaid. Lieuten
ant ltarron, of G, and the supernumer
aiy ollleer of the guard, Lieutenant
Finn, of H.
Dutlng the day, oHlclal onleis were
received fiom Harrlsbuig containing
full Instructions legareling the state
rifle and cat blue matches. They will
be held, beginning August 21, nt Hip
.Mount Gretna lange, tinder tho dlrec
Hon of General Inspector ot Klfle
Practice Frank K. Patterson. The
leglment will be represented by thf
regimental and seveial other teams at
the twenty-ninth annual meeting of
the national illle association at Sea
Gltt. beginning Aug. .10.
Geneial .Miller's staff, or the division
staff ns It Is generally teimed, con
sists of Lieutenant Colonel Jllcharrt
son. eiuarteimaster: LleutenantColnnel
W. J. Hlllntt. nssistant adjutant gener
al; Lieutenant Colonel Austin Curtln,
commissary of subsistence. Lieuten
ant Colonel V.. V. D. Seden, inlspee
tor of illle practlie: Lieutenant Colo
nel Weavei, suigeon; Major Heltler,
1' Penny: non-i oinmlssloned staff ser
geant, Slnjor DeWoodle, Color Ser
geant Julie).
Governor's Staff.
The membeis of Governor Stone's
staff Include two Scianton ofllcerf,
Colonel II, II. Hippie und Colonel
C.eotge Hallstentl. The full staff In
camp consists of Adjutant Geneial
l oiilinueil nu Page S J
local ditl foi Jul) 21. P)l
Highest luiipriatute 01 ilrcieea
lowisl Iiiinii laliiiu W rictut.
Ilclatite llmuidiit:
s a i n" per cent
s p in. 4'i pei cent
I'm Imitation, 21 honrt ended S p. m , none,
wijth'i. paiili ih.udi
HH -f-r4-
f '
Waihlnston, .lult 21 1'orceait for
4 Ihuradiy and 1'iiila)' liiOern Pennt)!- s)
f tanla Pair 'llmrulay, piohahly locl s)-
ahnwcri and umler it liljlit nr Frldii s)
f light tu frcah kouth lo wet vvlndi