VT' !? m&ffh v"r " Y-i,Tv?s. t THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- WEDNESDAY, ,)VLY 21, 1901'. WEST SCRANTON WATCHMAN ASSAULTED FAMES COLWELL THE VICTIM OF TWO UNKNOWN MEN. EIU Assailants Knocked Him Down f and Relieved Him of His Star, Club, Watch and Revolver Another Victim Maltreated and Robbed on North Hydo Park Avenue Young Girls in Dangor Doath Caused by a Fractured Skull Organization of Good Follows Othor Notes. It has Just lit I'll learned Hint n follow, r his inline rciulil lint be learned, was Tnld up mid robbed cuily Sunday mom ,iib nt the dirtier ipC Price stieet and Hydo I'nik itvcnui', by two bold hlfih n Hymen. The vli'llni was loltirnluK limui', nml im lie ii'iiclit'it the comer Indicated ns noekod down and icllovod nf what Ittlo niiincy he hud mi liW poison. When the mlilieis dlseovoied that they 'mil not li'i't'lved vciy much money fur .hell' d.istaiilly woik, the puniniolod Mirlr victim Int" iiiiionsolouncs and ett lilm 1 liiK mi llie sidewalk. After awhile the vlt tlm moxoiod sllf lelently In MiiRRei away. The assault vus witnessed by a woman living In 'hat nelphboiliood. but she was ton uueli fi lnhlened to make an outcry or Nil! foi heli. Special Oftlcor Aesaultod. .Innie.t Colwell. who I" employed as a iIkIiI watchman al Mi I'lave ,i ft rooks' 'ouiidry, was Hie victim of a vicious issault late Monda.v iiIrIu at the hands it two unknown men on Sriutitmi street. AicoiiIIiik to his own Ntnr, Col svell went into the nallin.ul house, near the Scranton Hiieet oiosslnt, and 01 k'led a Rla-x of heel'. .After drinking It he stinted out of the place nml was called back b. two MratiRcrs at the bar. who Invited hlin '(i drink, lie lofu-ed. but they Insisted, Hid to please them he look another rtllllk. He then left the plate, mid tinted up Soi.iuton wtieet. After he h.id jiioieedecl a shot t dls lance the two stivinRois whom he met ill the saloon accosted lit ill. and w Mi ill t w.irnlliK dealt hlin a vicious blow with Mime blunt liistiument over the head. lie was knocked down, and le lleved of his watch, revolver, club and Ft.ii . The assailants then pi ni ceded to puiu h and Kit k Colwell until he was almost Iiii-eiislbk. Ills face and body Is badly distorted na a rrault. l'atrol nian Thomas Jones, who wns on the beat, lcspomled to CoIvvcM'h call for help, and Patrolman Thomas Kvans assisted In the Bciirch for the nsfall nnto, but they were unable to locate them. Col well Fnys he would bo able to Identify bin assailant, but does not know them. Ho believes the nssiiull on him was piovoked on account of his tuiliiR as it special ollker during the stilke. Young Women in Danger. Newly every nlslit In the week the residents of West Park arc regular Willi the screams and lnutterlncs of yoiinc women, who have been In vented Into the dark places of the plot by ilPslKiilnjr yminir men. In some Instances the girls ale ns much to Illume its their companions. Only a year ago two young women weie assaulted In that vicinity, and the newspapeis at that time called the attention of parents to the dancer of allowing their gills to go out theie after daik. Kleetrlc lights aie needed on the plot, and better police protec tion should be afforded that locality. All-Collogiates Aro Practicing. The base ball game arranged for next Saturday at Athletic P.uk be tween the All-Collegiate team anil tho West Side Browns. Is attracting un usual attention, and the way the col lege boys practiced at the park yes teiday would Indicate that they mean to win. The Hrowns have been materially slienglhened and Manager Thomas pioml.ses to picsent a most formidable team for the game. The contest will be phicd puiely for the enjoyment to be del Ived and as no admission fee Is to be cbatged, it will readily be seen that the boys aio meiely In for good, clean spoit. their annual outing this year nt Olen Onoko, tho Switzerland of Amcrlen. The ditto secured Is August 20, and delegations nro expected from various pluqes nil the way from Potest City to Lansford. Tho excursion will bo run over tho Central Hnllioad of New Jersey. Tho Union Excursion. Tho committee having In charge the union excursion to Harvey's Lukes on Wednesday, July filst, we making nr lancementH for an enjoyable time. Tlioso who attended tho excursion last year know that It was one of the most pleasui cable events of the season. It was this fact that prompted the com mittee to again arrange for it union excursion. It will be a basket picnic In every sense of tho word, and will bo conducted on good old-fashioned lines. Many will be tho family gioiips scattered bote and there tluougu the giovc during the lunch hour. At the same time ample provision Is being mado for all who do not care to take their lunch with them. Sandwiches, etiffee, lcinntmde, cakes mid fruits of various kind will bo served on tho giound at nominal cost, The union Is comprised of the follow ing churches: The Hampton Stieet Methodist, the Simpson M. K. and the Washburn Stieet Presbytei Ian. Trains will leave the Delaware and Hudson depot on the 31st of July at 8 o'clock vharp. Tickets: Adults, S.I cents; children, GO cents. and Mrs. James Lucltor, of Apple street, died yesterday nftcr a short Ill ness with cholera infantum. Mrs. Johl Palmer, of Cherry street, bus returned from New York city. Mrs. A. P. McDonough, who was so Revcrely injured on Monday, Is doing us well ns can be expected, nnd her early lecovcry Is now looked for. Letters remaining unclaimed during tho period ending July 20,11)01, at Dun more postoillce. Persons calling for these letters please Buy, "Advertised": William Abbott (V), Anthony Hourke. 82 Manor avenue (K), Mis. "Willie Crainar, Thomas Coicoran, Noalls Connolly, Walter Clinnwntcr, Qulney avenue and Kleetrlc avenue: Fred A. Pi cor. W. K. Jones, John Kelly (K), lllnnle Norton, cure Richard Ruddy; A ul tinny Pace, Oiogoiio I'rlgnano (!'), Andrea Cacossa. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Stophon Mieler Had a Wny of His Own of Conducting a Speakeasy. Fined $50. JONAS LONQ'S SONS. JULY CLEARING SALE. SUNBURN Ttnio and Almond dram icmovc. icrlnes ot the Mn and t.nntlics the pain ot miil'iirn In one nisht. Tkp a bottle with joii on jour vacation. KOIt hALt: I1Y ti. W. JK.NKI.NS. Royal Society of Good Follows. District Deputy I.lnney, who lias In (lunge the Instituting of an assembly of the order In West Scranton, had in tended to launch the society this o til ing, but owing 'to the Inability of Supreme Sect clary A. J. Hates, of Roston. to ariivo this week, the mat ter has been dcfencil until Mummy evening next. The chin ter list t ontulns the names of ,i huge number of well-known .voting men, and they have engaged Red Men's hall for the occasion. Fol lowing the institution of the assem bly, a social session and smokei will be held. Died from His Injuries. C. 1,. Heeis, the cement brick maker, who fell from a ladder In bis workshop on Men (field stieet a vwck ago, and sustained a fractured skull, died yes leiday morning without lcuiverlng const lousness. He is sin vi veil by his wife and eight clilldien. The funeial announcement will be made later. B. Y. P. V. Excursion. The Haptlst Young People's union of Northeastern Pennsylvania will hold 1 J i .5 2 I 1 The Negligee Shirt Season... Is now iu full swing. So far, the demand for really attractive styles lias far exceeded the demand. Over and over again we have been sold out of top notch pop ular ideas, but today there is neither a good style nor a size wanting, while several novelties are being shown for the first time. See The plain, soft, white, Satin Stripe Negligees. The Plain White Tucked Negligees. The fine tucked, hemstitched edge. Negligees. The latest ideas in Fancy Negligee Shirts. NOTES AND PERSONALS. City Assessor Ovvllym .lones nnd flamily, and his sister, M.lssl Pom Jones, of Smith Hyde P.uk avenue, left yesterday afternoon for a sojourn at Lake Kheildan. Two sections of passenger coaches were requited yestetday to accommo date Father O'Donnell'.s parlshloiieis front Hellevue to Lake Lodote and back, Tlie exclusion was one of the most enjoyable of the season. Mis. Thomas McDonough and daugh ter, l.eotia, of Sctnutoii stieet, uic visiting friends at Viindllng. All the AVcst Scranton newsboys are letiuestctl to line up In front of T. 13. Pi Ice's place of business at 7 o'clock toniouow morning to participate In tile p.tiatle and picnic. Mis. It. S, Iteynolds, Dr. and Mi-. O. H. lie nolds. W. (!. Daniels and Morgan P. Daniels attended the ftineint of the late Mis. T. D. Davis, al Cllffoid, on Suuda.v. The liullio.id auxlll.u.v of the Simp sou Methodist 13piscop.il -chinch held nn enjovable lawn social last evening at the home of Mr. and Mis. Flunk Slote, on Noith I.lntolii avenue. The nttctid aiKc and pationage was vciy giatlty Ing. The Stianton IJallway company Is hauling stone to West I.lndeu slieet for the puiptve of putting the loadwny In better condition. Miss Annie Paff and slstei, Mis. Hci iiuin liolf, of i lie Aichbiild mine, uic spending a few days at THilfalo and Nlnsaia Falls. They will also visit (Jraiul Uaplds, Mich,, befoie letuinlng home. Itev. D. D, Hopkins, pastor of the Fhst Welsh Haptlst chinch, ofllclateil at the funeial of the late Mis. Thomas A. Hat ll.s Pstetday afternoon. The sei vkes weie held al the house, on .lack son stieet, at I o'clock, and Interment was made in the Washburn stieet cemetery. Itev. .1. T. Morils and family will leave today for Minneapolis, Minn., whine they will permanently icsitle. Albeit Kilns, of New Yoik, Is visiting at the homo of his parents, on Wash burn street. Mr. anil .Mrs. (leorge T. Ace, of "0.! Meiidlan .stieet, aie lejolcing over the at i Iv al of a son at thcli home. The t cumins of the Infant child of Mr. and Mis Anthony McCJotf. of 1,19 l!illroail avenue, weie Interred In tho (Jathedial tenietery yesteulay aftei lioon. The new Flist Haptlst chinch on South Main avenue Is neaily com pleted, and arrangements aie under way for the dedlcatoiy services. A slight Hi o occui red yesterday morning at the home Patrick Morris sv on Uailro.id avenue, where children playing with matches set Hie to some i lothlng In a closet. The Humes were extinguished with a pall of water. Prof. W. D. Kdvvaids and family, of Ttlpp Paik, have returned home from a visit with relatives at Wllkes Bwro. A son was bom to Mr. and Mis. William A. Drowning, of Jackson stieet, .vesteiday inoinlng. Arthur P.eese, of Lafayette street, has leturned home ft om Plalnlleld, X. J, wheie he was engaged as a musi cian at the Netherwood hotel. Miss Myrtle Wraugbt, of South Hyde Park avenue, Is suinineilng at Harvey's Lake. Dlicctor of Public Safety Worrnscr has adveillsed lor bids for making the tepalis that aie necessary to put the Columbia hose house In pioper con dition. Mis. J. J. Huberts, ol South Main avenue, returned home yesterday fiom an enjoyable visit with lelatlves and ft lends nt Middle Granville nnd Al bany. N. Y. Theie will be a meeting of the West Side Driving club at C. C. Deekelnlck's lomouow evenng-. Stephen Mlslor, of Clearvlevv street, Is an enterprising and Ingenious Indi vidual. Infot mutton that he was keeping a speakeasy vvns lodged with the police authorities and ewly yes terday morning Lieutenant Lonn Day, accompanied by Patrolmen Hoss and Palmer, visited Mlsler's place. In the li-nr of the house they found n pit about six feet squnio and ten feet tlcep. This was cov'ercil by a very lnnoccnt-lonklng hliunty. In the pit was stored a large quantity of beer and whiskey. At n hewing before Police Magistrate Fidlcr last night, Mister was fined $.".0, which he paid. John Satula Killed. A fall of loof In the Cayuga mine Monday killed John Satula, a miner, and seriously Injured Louis Concrest, a laboter. Tho latter Is at the Moses Taylor hospital. Satula was married and leslded on Cioss street. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. John H. Owens, foi enmn at the Urls- bln mine, has been appointed to the Slons collleiy. Miss Hnchel Owens has lctuined home from Hartfoid, Conn. Misses Frames May Guess and Mabel Williams, of North Main avenue, have returned home, nfter spending their vacation at Claik's Summit. MlhS Jcnnl" Thomas, of Plttston, Is the gue.U of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mayo, of Noith Main avenue. An ice cieain social will be held on the lawn of Mis-. Daniel Hcese, riJ.i Spilng stieet. this evening, for the benefit of the Welsh Congiegalloiial church. Ice cie.tm and cake will be served. A lawn social will be conducted at the home of Mis. Thomas '.. "Williams, on William stieet, tonioriow evening. Mis. O.-dioiiio Hlchards, of 'Warieii slieet. and MUss Hattle lilchaids. of School street, aie spending a few das In New York. Pniiolniaii Thomas Watklns and John Saltry stint on their vacation tonioi row. Patiolnian Finlay Hoss Is the day man this week. toy Mid-Summer Hosiery DUNWORE. Thread Lace splendid as- For Gentlemen. Beautiful New Lisle Effects, Opcu Drop Stitch Work, and a sortment of fancy colors and fast blacks in cotton and maco yarns. You'll like them. Swell, Up-to-Date Neckwear The new Negligee Four-inHand, Reversible Scarves, are the latest. Ours are full 50 inches long, and there is not a prettier or more complete range in the country than we have to offer. Hev. Chailes H. 3S'ewing. of the Methodist Hplscopal thurch, conducted the funeial sotvUes over the remains ot the late Thomas Dershlmer yester day afternoon. Largo numbers of his tt lends weie In attendance and King Solomon lodge, Fiee and Accepted Masons, of which deceased was a member, weie largely lepiesented. The pall bew ers were A. L. Francois, Mark Bishop, A. 13. Hi own, Andrew Maish, Heniy Webber, John FIdlmu, and the flower beurer, W, J. Hall. Intel incut was muile In Dunmore cemetery. The social held on the chuicli lawn by tho Chtlstlnn Frndenvor society of the Piesbyteilan chinch last night was largely nttendc-d and very suc cessful, socially and llnnnelally A neat hum will bo added to the Bocloty's tieasuiy as a result of the efforts of the committee in charge. William Young, of I3nglewood, is visiting ft lends In town. The Ladles' Aid sotlety of the Methodist r3piseop.il ehuich will hold a lawn .social at tin- home of Mis. Peter Slegle, of I3ltn stieet,. on Thurs day evening. Cream and cake will bo seived and the public aro cotdlully In vited William H., the infant sop of Mr. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. The loimiins of the Lite Mrs. Dllz.i beth WIekel were consigned to their lltuil icsting place yesterday afternoon In the Plttston avenue cemetery. The sei vices, which weie held at her late lesldence, 715 Willow street, were large ly a ttendtd. Itev. '.Izelmann, pastoi of the Mlfllln Avenue Lutheran chuith. was the ohiilatlng clergyman. At 3 o'clock the funeral college moved to the cemetci.v, wheie Inteimciit was made. A i.itlle lor a ticket to the P.in Ameilcan eNposltlon was held last evening at W. A. Hums barber shop, on Plttston avenue. Ticket No. i::::ii, Willi h was held by Charles Dunleavy, won the pilze. Kdwaid McAndrew, of llawiey, Pa., Is visiting f i lends on this side. Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Sehwenker have left for a two weeks' stay at the Pan Ameilcan. James Conned lodge. No. 170, Inde pendent Ouler of Odd Fellow, will meet In weekly session tonight. Mis. H. L. Wolfe and Mis. James Hlgley and daughter. Mm to, of Bethle hem, nie the guests of Mr. nnd Mis. John Meyeis, on Plttston avenue. Thomas Hundley Is spending his va cation at Hawiey. All members of Team Owners' union aie icqupsted to meet at ItiiubYi hall, on Wyoming avenue, Thursday night for a special business session. The membeis of the Jtoyul Aicanuiu will meet In rcgulur monthly session this evening in Pharmacy hall. James Dienuan, of Plttston avt nue, Is spending a few day with fi lends in New Yoik. AVoikinen me engaged In making needed iinpiovements at the Intersei -lion of South Webster avenue .ml Fig stieet. The loadway at that point has been In bail shape for some time. Miss Margin et Donohoe, of Wllkes narie, Is being enteitalned by ihe Misses Keenun. of Piospeet avenue. William Tahusco, who was wralgiicd befoie Alderman Lentes on a ehmge of non-suppoit, prefened by his wife, was committed to the county Jail in default of JMO ball. William Ht'llly, of the William Cou ncil Hose company, began his vitiation yesterday. OBITUARY. Globe Warehouse A GREAT SURPRISE Is In .tore for ill "bo use Kunn'i lljluam for Ihe Throat ml Lun;, tliu i;rrit cuamntcrd rrnifdy. Would vou believe tlut it li toM nti itt merits and an tliucRbt l authorlzo! ty the rropilrlor ol this wontleiful icinedy to give joh a tamnle bottle (ice? It never (ills to luie aiute or chronic rounlu. All dunreii el Krmp't llaliam. Piire "ic. ami 50c MRP. U. O. SCHOONMAKIilt, of i:imhiirst, died nt Oak Terrace on Tuesday moinlng For the past year, Mrs, riihoonniaker has been an In valid. X'tider the caie of skillful physicians, everything possible was done to smooth the pathway of suf ficing, on which she was called to walk. In her home, loving hands gave willing service anil her husband was constantly near her, lending his strong help and comfort to the allllcled wife. Louisa Jane Heed was bom at Wind sor, Hioome county, New York, In 1W0, anil was the only daughter of sjpt'iuerJ. and Adaline N. Heed, In her caily glilhootl the joined tho 13pls copal tinii eh at Hinghamtnn. She was mm i led to I'. (3. ridioonmaker thirty-live years ago, and In JR'iti, with her husband, settled In Scranton anil there became Interested In the vvoik of St. Luke's chinch, with which she united, being among the number who weie Identllled with the cliuiih lu Its caily days, and was a teacher lu Its Sunday school. Mis. Schonnmaker will be renienibeieil In Scranton for her gootl Impulses and many acts of kindness nml love. Her gieat attach ment to her own chilli h, pet haps In v, nr'asiiio kept her back from uniting wUh (ho Piesbyteilan chinch ul 131m must, but she look an active Interest In Its v elltuo and was n member of , tho Ladles' Aid society, glvint; bur "VVVKWSVOl JONAS LONG'S SONS. Stirring News for the Seventh Day of the July Clearing Sale It would be a vain endeavor on our part to attempt to enumerate the many special values that can be found in every department at the Big Store. The July Clear ing Sale serves a three-fold purpose: It gives the manufacturers an outlet for their surplus merchandise ; it gives the retailers an opportunity to dispose of the small lots and broken assortments that are sure to follow a big business ; and last, but not least, it gives the buying public an opportunity to secure seasonable merchandise at much below the regular rates. Today's list is but an index to the thousands of special values that await you at the Big Store. Upholstery Goods At Clearing Sale Trices, Swiss Ruffled Curtains, strip ed designs, usual value 79c. Clearing sale price 5S)C Ruflled Net Curtains with wide lace Insertion and edges. Usual price $2.20. t QCk Clearing sale price.... 1 .o" Nottingham Lace Curtains, full yards long. Usual value S2.98. Clearing sale price.. . X.5U Arabian Figured insertion and Hdge. Usual value 53.98. jjClearing sale . price X.4V Curtain Poles Usual price 2;c. Clearing sale price 15C Ruffled Curtain Materials, usual price 14c. Clear- ing sale price I 1C Window Shades, with oil opaque, good spring - roller. Size 6x36 xUC Framed Pictures at clearing sale prices. Could you do better than buy them now? Colored Photo and Phalenettes in Gilt and F.bony Frames. Usual price 9SC, Clear- ing sale price 7yC During the Clearing Sale all orders taken for picture framing will be subject to a discount of 10 per cent. Wash Suits Reduced for the Clearing Sale A Fine grade Seersucker Wash Suit in neat grey, black and blue stripes. The skirt is made in the full flare style with three rows of graduated bands. It has a blouse style basque with white narrow plaited front edge with insertion and braid. Usual value 5. 50. Clearing sale price 4)0. VO Wash Suits 'made ot Linen Lawn, in polka-dot effect; the dots come in three colors: red, blue and black. They are made with bishop sleeves and have the new crush collar. Usual value $10.00. Clearing (5.-0 sale price p5.vO Separate Skirts Blue and White Polka-dot Skirt, made with flounces and finished with two rows of while stitching. Clear- Q ing sale price 9oC Imported White Pique Skirts, made with deep hem and grad uated flounce. Usual price $2.98. Clearing sale t Q price 1.9o White Pique Skirt, with wide flounce, trimmed insertion. Usu ally $3.50. Clearing 4.- . Sale price q)Z.4v Linen Skirts, in various grades and many styles, up to and in cluding the $4 grade. Clearing sale price. . .. .VU Groceries The kind that we back with the only guarantee that is sure to satisfy or money refunded. Rice, genuine Old Carolina product, 3 pounds 25c Asparagus, white tender grade, in glass jars, each 38c Extra large a ounce bottle of Vanilla, 3 for 35c Sardines, domestic, in oil, 6 for 25c Root Beer, 1 bottle makes 5 gallons ioc Soap, Fairbank's best laun dry, 10 cakes 25c Baking Powder, Snowllake, large pound can ioc Fly Paper, per sheet ic Corn, Weble's Cream Corn, per can 11c Flour, Jonas Long's Sons' Best, every sack guar anteed, per ) sack $1.10 Soap, Fairy Brand, b for... 25c Prunes, choice Santa Clara, 5 pounds for 25c Potted Ham or Tongue, per can, large size ioc Potted Chicken, per can. ... ioc Sardines, packed in France. 12c Chocolate Premium, per cake 16c Blueing, large'quart bottle.. 6c Ammonia, i gallon bottle.. 16c Coffee, Aurora Brand, our own pack 16c Our Great Summer Shoe Sale Will continue to attract attention. You'll be surprised at the great values now be ing offered. A few prices are herewith given. $4 -v a Pa'r 'or Women's 1.99 High Grade Button and Lace Shoes of the very best make. The value of this well made, good wearing shoe runs from $2.50 to $3.00. $1 qa for Women's High 1 p9 Grade Advertised Vici Kid and Dongola and Ox ford Ties. Strictly hand turned, with flexible soles, usual value $2.50. for Women's Patent 3c Leather one strap San dals, with solid leather heels and flexible soles, value $1,35. for Women's Black Kid 99C Lace Shoes, with patent leather tips and flexible soles; duplicate them at $1.25 if you can. t a pair for Women's Don 91C gola Kid Oxford Ties, with patent leather tip and made solid all through. Value $1.50. $j . a pair for Women's 1 .9U Dongola Lace Shoes with patent toe caps or kid tips just as you like. They have flexible soles, new military heels and English Jack stays. Usual value $2.50. $i for Men's Russian 1 .79 Calf Hand Sewed Shoes, in all sizes from 8 to 11, in 5, 4 and 5 widths. Value $3.00 a pair. for Misses' Shoes, in 95C button and lace, with patent leather and kid tips. Value $1.25. .,. for Youths' and Boys' fill-' I - CI J. -f.il Zr uutc Jiiuca, iiiwcui am v ia leatner an tnrougn, jusc tne thing for hard service. Jonas Long's Sons OXJR SEVENTH nov pa . HMBkK jgPfex VV R 0 L- EZL Beginning Wednesday, July 2. Will be an event such as has never been equalled in this city. Thousands of yards of the latest styles ot Ribbons will be shown and sold. No one who wears or expects to wear Ribbons for months to come can afford to let this chance go by. All at one price. Plain Taffeta and Moire, 3 J to 5 inches wide; Changeable Silk, 3 and 4 inches wide; Single and Double Faced Sat ins, Beltings, etc. Value from ic to 40c per yard. See Our Window, 1 Gauze Ribbons; q and f inches wide, very latest pat terns. Our stock in this line is limited. Our advice would be purchase early. The 7FK H ew . Bb. e inc. IVYU 4-C Store ri'Miwil soivk'f to tho voil; or tlir Indies In iiilvillirllisr the Inti'lt'Hts of tho fhuiili nt Klinliurii. The funor.il will lio liclil Tlmi-Hdiiy. MISS. I.Al'llA KNICUT, rclk t of .!.. H'pli KiiIkIiI. Iiti ( Diiiiiiiini', (HpiI yowtPicluy inclining at tin liine uf licr timilier-ln-lnw. tiroiRO Spcwoi, uf lii."0 Nui'iU Main iiemii tie u.ih .111 ln vitllil fur a niiuilicr of jviii'H, MilfriiliK fliilll HllRhl'H tllnfllHC. lull llPI' L'll11i...il wan mil cnm-liloioil I'llllial until last wrek. Tlir ilcir.ihcil wik a native of I'li'iixiint Mount. AVityno count, ami a tlauKliKT of (lie late William Hull. Slu nun uiiurii'il lu lSils, ami Hiirvivcil Iioi liushiiml only two nioniliK. lurlii tliu pienti'i' iioitlon of lit'i' niaiildl llfu bin.1 lcslilod In Duiiiuoic, Slip vun n de voted niiMulHT of tlio Methodist KpIkco- pal church and nn .11 dent woiker thoi -lu. She was Inved li a UlRc elide of friends and Kpn ted " everyone with whom she iiscoi luted. The tuneial will laUe phue Thuisihi ulteinoon at o'eloi K. nUN.NMS UAinWr-TT. - DonulM llaituett. ased :m yearn, or Wyoming avenue, who wan leioKiili'.ed as one of the hest cornet playriH In the iitate, died yenterday at the Lackawanna hos pital after a lew days' Illness with pneumonia, lie wnt. taken to the lios. pllal 011 .Monday, hut ciadually mew weaker, ami died yesterday morulas. He hail heen a member of Mailer's hand for 11 number of yeum. The ie mains will ho taken to the home of his sister on WyoinliiK avenue, ft 0111 wheie the fueiiral will bo held ut a time, to he Used later 1 It- Is survived by his In other. James .1.. of Avoui, and a sis ter, Mrs. llitke, with whom he liven. MISS MAIIY W MATS', dauchter ilatiBliter of the late Mis. Mary Maun, died on Wednci-daj hIkIH at the ram lly residence at il.l Noith IrvuiK ave nue, after a loiifi Illness. She Is sur vived by time sisters and one lnnlhrr, Anna. HildKi't. Katherlue and K1.111K. The funeial will be held tomorrow mill nine fiom St. I'eter'n iHthulr.U. .lAMI'IS lli;l.HV. the son of Tlinni as ami Ann llexlo. died yesterday nioinluir at (he family irsliluue. ISM C'uslek avenue. URed tluee inoutllH. Kuneiul Thuisdny. liucrmeiu In tho Cnthedral cemetery and will l) private. "-- HSh-Sm .iv.HlM 1 . a... .Jlt.Ai, . - )smm- -Uk il-i. MM. . Ji mf