The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 24, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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MT4(40Tr w0ri HnHWii Hty-ffrTr'- -'mmlhifJJI'JZtyvm.-'
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Former Secretary-Treniuror of the
Dickson Manufacturing Company
Retained as Manager of the Ex
ecutive and Administrative De
partments of the Local Plants of
the New Company Superinten
dent McLaren and Engineer Row
ley to Remain in Formor Positions:
Tltr- orsutil.Htloii if tlio executive,
nilininlHti'iitlvc anil opcrutltiK furccH ot
the local Iji'hiipIi nf llic Alllx-l'liiilmeiH
company ivhh I'lfeetiMl yesterday.
I.. K. timver, who for llvu yciu-.s wan
RwretHiy-liCHKiii'Pr of the lilckson
MunufiicttiiliiK compimy, Is-l rctnliipil
us Rcncral liuuiUKor, In uIihi-kc of the
executive iiiict uilminlstratlvo ik'pail
DiciilK. M. V. MuLitren, who wan
pcncial Miippi'lntctiilcnt In I'lmi'Ke f
the npcratliiR department, In continued
In hlw position. H. AV. ltowley, who
was In charge of the Dlekson coin
piiny's diaiiRlitliiK (Icparttiicut, In made
mechanical enslneer. M. I.. Wilcox,
who was connected with the ilscal dc
partnicnt of the DIcUkoii company,
mainly at WllkcH-Harre, Ih made local
treasurer. These offlceis are foi linth
the Scranton and Wllkes-Uane shop.
The new oiKunl.utlon effcetH the
withdrawal ot C. II. Xchnder, who was
presldenl of tho Dlckfon Jtanufae
turlnK company, and A. K. Fletcher,
who was vice pjonldent. The services
nf Mr. Kletcher. It Is understood, have
liepn horured hy a Ihiri' riilladelphla
mtmul'ai'luiliiK concern.
lil'.Sl'l.T Ob' MKItlT.
The CMKaRltiK of Mr. Howcr as Ken manaRer In a result nf merit only,
ns he as a perfect utranRer to the
Allls-i'halinei.s people before they
came heie to take control of the Dick
son uoiks. Superintendent McLaren's
intention Is eiiually complimentary.
He had been with the K. P. Allls
company befote the consolidation, and
while there and here proved to the
satisfaction of his employers that he
Is the possessor nf exceptional ability.
Mr. llowley and Mi. Will ox. like Mr.
Newer, were selected solely on their
merits. beliiK straiiRcis to their now
employers until the amalRamation.
No changes are contemplated In sub
oidlnate.s In tlie olllces and nperat
lnir department.
W. .1. i'IuiIiupi ". chali man of the
executlxe comiiilltec nf the Allis-Chal-uiers
conipany, and ICdwin II. Iley-
tfritilc: tin". inmii!MH'' .-lilnf .mMii.'.nr
have been in lite city for sexeral days1'""1' which weie. unfortunately, un
" . I In.l 1,.. .1... .I...A l.n I.
,.., 'I' vkli I, ,. ,.u u, ,.!.,. I I....I
Ih,. i
'I :
nothing to do with tl.e stiiki
company maintaining ils old position
that the works ate upon, at any tim
inr the men to letuin to work, sub
jet t tn the company's rules.
During their stay, several matters
nf local importance, weic decided
upon. It was announced by them that
it will be the policy nf the Allis-C'hal-jners
company tn continue at Scran
ton and AVI Ikes-Flu no the same line
nf business as now. Local trade will
be solicited, and especial attention
will be given, at these two plants, to
coal mining machinery for home and
export trade.
It was given out that a number of
contemplated improvements will not
be undertaken at present. The Until
decision, in this regaid. will depend
on the general policy of the company
and local conditions.
The Paper Boys to Enjoy Themselves
at the Tark Tomorrow.
The lominltlee Inning in charge the
picnic of the newsboys, which Is to be
held In Nay Aug park tomnriow. held
a final meeting yestciday morning at
the oltlce nf ex-Park Commlssionei A.
V. Hcdford for the purpose of com
pleting all arrangements.
The programme of laces and other
events was mapped out, and It was de
cided to have the parade start at 0
o'clock In the moinlug. A drum corps
has been engaged to head It. Follow
ing i a lWt of the contt Ihutlons up to
"ilium Ii'mc. Iuiii: t'l.i'k- l,re-.. ) linn,
si union l'.nklni:, y i onni'll .:
Snn. I w.iltli; I'. II. rinlo.i, 1 iiinlmllj- Klotiy
a- Itiooks aich uml kniip; Almizicn P.iliy
ioniMiit, cm ileum mul milk; V. . i, Mi Clu. S.I1.11II, .'A") in.miiU no; .1. I..
I'liiimll. .Vj 11011111U, .1. Cli'l.iinl. i.i.l. Mj
I'iiil.nli ll'hi.i liniulur, '.). I. I.. U'onlnoitli,
Mil .i.iiiii.: W. II. I'liu', lriiion; II. .). Kpiii
hii, '.! Imiii; sinuci Cii'Liim iunii.ui. " Iiiiiu;
Hi McAm'.v, l: I'ooti' A- I'ulln, I wauh;
1!ii1t,I"CT hiki'iy, '.'.VI linns; s.i.iiitcin Supply
mul Mdililnciy lempaiy, w.iiili: M. J. Krll.v,
III kjIIoii (ie.1111; a liiuid, i.uli "; l.iolif kI.uv,
S rn'l rllil'iin; Ni.inlnii 'I'm. linn iiuip.nv. Sua tukrtu; .1. s. silmlrr, irlnlms lurUnt;
JlfgirKir Hm., pkitc, .mil ruin; IMu.ihI sii
lirikfl', niJI'; Mallliows lliuv. pni'; Aiulu-vv
Cdinplirll, rali l: S-mnlon fjipct .mil I'iiiiiI.
unr iinpany, prlic: Tin- 1'iirU, 1 pw: Malion
slinr Ich 1 p.iir uliofn: M. I. Ihii.111 A s m,
I iiii'; Hoiiluit Jeurliy nmc, piuo;
Maiican, iah JiV.i'.l. .1., cisli l; .1. II.
Hmmt, lull- lni' imt; X. N'nitim, I not liuokn;
I' ' II, Diiiktii, cjIi l: H. '. l.Ulin, irlr;
I1utlf Itdtiiiwni, 1 pi Ire: like l.r, k Co.,
nli ; .1. O, Aikcini.m, gimrilr. T. I.
Im-IIoj A I'u.. iii8.iii .1. It. CoIipii. cj.Ii .'ilk ;
llaiiii piiik. irlr: .1. I.. Noilluip A Sim, t
box camllr.,;; liulibmilli'ii IU..tar, piui : .1. T.
I'.rlor, Iuimiik) .. I'. MiilialiittAI, i.nli 1;
1. W. V.mjlun. la-h l: l.nnilni.m slmc kl,i',
1 pilr flwc; ,i irirnil. .-! .VK'. ; l.fl. IIiuM .
patio k Muiplii, hw; llnli.iul V Wiilli,
i Investment
68 nroa'lvwy, K. V.
Wilkeitlarre. C'arbondile.
l-i-6 Commonnrtilth bid's, Kcranton, Pi.
I I T I 11 It -
1 pair hny'i pant! .t, r Ladwlif, 1 watch!
(InMwilth'n Shot lore, pair 1iocj! Itlrhard
O'llrltn, (ltd li M. T. Itellly, lemon) WcntJ
k llurTv, msr! V. V. Matthew, tah .Wc.) II.
HurRinliolT, baimm; Illikmn Mill and Drain
loinpanv, Mik llniir) O. .lonrn, 1 pound tea-,
(Irlftlii & Collliw, A. I. l'lfrn, rath We.
Andrew Holmes and D. J. Nowman
Wait Upon tho Recorder.
Andrew Unlim and i. .1, Newman,
lepi-exeiitlitK the Klremcn's Holler iih-
soclallnn. waited on Itecorder Council
yesterday afternoon with lefen- to
the money that has herelofoi n
tut ncd over to that association i his
Is the city's shaie of the state tax on
fnrelRii lire Instiraiire companies.
The recorder told them that he
thotiRht public money should not bo
turned over to private corporations ami
that he would icfuse to sIrii nny war
rant for the turning over of this money
to the i cliff association. Ho main
tained that under the law the sinking
fund commlssloneis were tho proper
custodians of this fund, and that he
would have to continue to take that
view ot It until the courts tell him to
do otherwise.
Messis. Holmes and Newman ex
plained the filiation from tho relief
association's point of view, but did not
succeed In changing the opinion of the
recorder on the subject.
They Securod Considerable Plunder
at tho House of H. J. Schubert
on Frescott Avenue.
The home of II. .1. Schubert, on
Present! avenue, was robbed early
yesterday morning by two men, who,
from the sloilcs told by Mr. and Mrs.
Senubeit, must have been no ama
teurs at the gentle art of house
lueaklng. .Mr. and Mrs. Schubeit and the mem
bers of the family letlied about 11!
o'clock. and tho night being warm,
Mrs Schubert arose from bed about
1 o'clock and took a seat by the win
dow. She had been seated there for
about llfteeii minutes when she
glanced toward the door. Sho was
startled to behold a man standing mo
tionless in the doorway, as If sizing
up things preparatory to entering.
Mis. Schubert screamed to her hus
band, telling him there was a man In
the house, and he jumped from the
bed und made for the door. The
burglar dashed down the stairs and
when Mr. Schubert made to follow
him, he llieil his levolver Inot the
lloor to show that he was prepared
tn shoot In case he was followed.
This caused Mr. Schubeit to leniem
her that he had no revolver with him
and he went back to his rom to get
one of two which he had In he house.
mmii-u. ii.v uif iiiiiu n- I'utit'ivii
Hy tlie time
loading one. )he man had escaped.
1 acre were unuouiueoiy nvn men 111
the house, for neighbors, who were
awakened by the shot, say they saw
them hot It running up Oilc street to
waid Nay Aug park.
When a search was made of the
house, to see what had been taken, It
was discovered that a huge amount of
jewelry had been removed from tho
diesscr In tho room occupied by the
Misses Mamie and Susan Schubert. In
older to get to this dicsser. tho burg
lars had to pass the beds of both
.voting women, neither of whom were
The jewelry taken Included two gedd
watches, and seveial rings, brooches
and stick pins, valued in all at about
J'JOi). The man whom Mrs. Schubert
saw she describes as being about five
feel six Indies tall atul of stocky
build, with dink hair and a full, clean
shaven face. He wore a light coat and
a light shirt. The police have been
untitled and are Investigating.
Just how the men entered the house
Is a mystery, though they are sup
posed to have got In during the night
by the cellar, which was found open
Just liefotc the family letlred.
iHt ttttttttt
riii:uiiiMi tiiw i:vi:nixo.-tii i"..pii win
lio pie ilIiciI .tv P. l)ni, in the trnir,
iniiirr of (iieen llldao lrcet nivl Ijiilniy ammo,
ihlii I'liiinij; ut 7.WI o'dotk.
nSTnil'M.SMKNT AND MM I.M.. Ml nil. r
talmm'iil uml ymial will bo Iuiii .it -Miam lull,
July 2il. It ulll lie Inr tin- Unolit ot tlio
.Suinunit ll.inl Silk I), p.irliu. nt 'J.'..
A SI.IKIIT Ilt.AZi:. Some tlothri in a rlot
at llio linine nf Patrick Jlorrl(".v, on
aunur, wrie sot on Hre jcslonlaj moriilni; by
mhiii. tlillilrin wlin uno plJj ins iuiii liuldiri,
'I he cl.nn.iso was .light.
I.W.N SOi.l.l,.-Thp 1 idles n( (iuer VmsUU tluiuli will bold a l.inn whiiI on
TIiuimI.iv puiiIiic; of tin urck, at tho ihuiin,
corni'i' Madlhon airnuo nnd .Mulhciiy .tlcot. 'I lie
ptiblii' i lonllally Iniilcii.
CAIII'KNTKH IIKl'MOV.--'fln thiol Miiiinl re
union of the descendant of Amo and I'ynlhla
('.iip.'iilrr and JoM-pli and Itlnida I'aipinler will
lie held .11 the home of llllbirt I.. f).nl, ill
Nlihuluin, P.I., on Tliuid.i.v, Am;, , null.
IIS NOP lir.Mnvr.IV -An Hem In Ihe Oie.n
llidno ilepaitiniut nf jfUcid.iy'K TiIIkiiu', talul
II1.1I Sjinucl .1. l).irr,v and family had renimed
.i Cliltjitu. Mi. l)oiey ifsli( u In My that
he la not mmed to Chlcaijo nnd that lie doe
mil propove 10. Sn.inlon l ijnoil rnoujli for
him be iy.
siiciisi) i.rtiM.viivi: Divntitrr.-duirmjn
J. I', llaiiiniex lu (ailed a ineellnir of Ihe Urni-oiraili-
lomniiilee rf tho Mioml l.esUlatio ills
Irlit for Ininniiow nljlit at 8 o'clock nt the
St. Chailes Imiel. the mcellnij U tailed for the
purpose of ilcchlinK upon a lime and place for
Hie buldlner of a convenllon to chit delesalci
to the stale iniM'mion.
fi'Mllt.M. Ill' .in.Nl'.PII 0'l)OXNI'.l,l,.-Tlie In
neral of .In.eph O'llnmiell, who a diowncd In
I.lly like on Sunday, a held )rtcidi,v from
St. Pelei'ii calhedial. with Itev. J. .1. " Oilfrln
nfrklatlii!!. 'I'be lullliojim were a follow:
William l)ivi, John Cohen, Daniel Clarke,
Thoniai DaireM, .lame I'lemlns nnd Tlioma Ki.
patrkk. Iiitriinrnt 'J nude in the Cathcdul
II., I.. PV DA VS. -The trim-monthly
p.ij for the hrd half of July at tho l.ailiauaiiiu
uillieiles will be made ai Inllown: Thnr.dav,
Jul 'i Aiondale, Auohlnelen, IU. al!.eail,
I'ellrljoue, Woodmd. I'rldav. July 'JD Illaiuun I
nnd Soii. Satuiday. .Inlr '! AlihuaM,
llrllfiue, IllMiln. tallica, Continental.,
Hampton, Hidden, Hide I'.nk, Dufoul, pjne,
Sloan mid 'la; lor.
nnr.Kx mini ti: snii:nri.i:. itrsinnins ie.,
li, lam on the l.afijctle will be rfm al
tlfiirn minute Interiali fiom noon until 0 ,,,
tn, llnli'.nl of eieit turnty mluulr u lirrr.,,
fere. Il l luli'iideil by IhU Inriease In crine
to iiinieu,atp for Un' 1lcla.l1. at Ihe Delauaic.
l.:n k.ivt miiii.i and UYiii'in riovln;, and by zltlni;
Ihe 1 .aa a l(ni:cr I line (or n rr.uud dip in rep
lfrnt the Mhnliilr with t-rcaler leuulailly.
Tho best diesned feet In town this
summer aro Insldo of Schank & Spen
cer'8 shoes. Aro yours'.' Kpeclal under
price milu this week.
At a Meeting Held Yesterday After
noon They Unanimously Decided
to Remain on Strlko Until a Reas
onable Concession Is Granted.
President Mc Andrew Says Strikors
Will Now Tako the Aggressive.
Wealthy Citizon Said to Bo Ready
to Advance Money to tho Strikors.
The striking car builders met yester
day at 4 p. tn., in Carpenters' halt, and
after hearing tho report of Secretary
1. S. Coyne, of his f utile effort to
effect a compromise with President
Trucsdale, voted unanimously to stay
out on strike until a tcusonablo con
cession Is secured.
The proposition made to President
Truesdalo was that the men should
xecedo from the nine-hour demand If
tho company would reinstate them at
a reasonable Increase In wages. Presi
dent Truesdalo refused to make uny
concessions whatever, saylnjr he had
never lost In a strike conlllct and
didn't piopose to lose In this,
Piesldcnt McAndrow said to a Trib
une reporter at the conclusion of the
"It was tho most enthusiastic meet
ing we ever hold. There was not as
much as n word to Indicate the slight
est wavering anywheie. We have
more money In our treasury than we
had when the strike was declared, and
the men are more determined than
ever to gain a victory, If It takes all
summer. Thus far, wo have been on
the defense. From this out we will
take the nggiessivo. Wo have plans
In mind that will surely lead to vic
tory. Hcfore putting them Into execu
tion wo want to consult with our na
tional ot -crs. President A. T. Fish,
of iiuffali was telegraphed for today,
and will be' with us tomorrow. After
we have had a conference with him,
we will be ready tn act."
President MeAndicw reported to the
meeting that 11 wealthy citizen had
offered to advance money without In
terest to meet the payments that so
many of the members, especially those
from the South Side, are making In
building and loan associations.
Secretary Coyne leported that while
in New York he had Interviews with
national ollicers of various labor or
ganizations, Including the garment
workers, and that they pledged them
selves to secure aid fiom their re
spective organizations tn help the car
builders win.
Breaker at the Bull's Head Mine Is
Damaged to a Consider
able Extei.t.
An extensive cave-In occurred early
yesterday mnrnlin; at the colliery of
the Hull's Head t'oal i'Otiiiany. near the
corner of Providence road and Xurth
-Main iivpiiup.
A squcezo In the lower vein, known 11s
the "rock" vein, was noticed on Sun
day, and though .stops were taken to
prevent lt spread, they were of no
avail and It continued all day Monday.
On Monday nlsht It cxuld lie s-ecn that
the surface In and around the bteukor
was slowly settling; Into the Diamond
or upper vein. It slowly settled all
nlsht and at fi o'clock yesterday morn
InK tin crash came, the surface sct
tllns about one foot all at once.
The boiler room was pilnclpally af
fected by the cave. The brick founda
tions on which tho boilers rest partly
caved in, thiowliur the latter all out nf
position. The walls of the boiler room
ate about a foot out of plumb and
threaten to fall any moment.
The track leading tip to the breaker
from the slope Is built on a pile of
culm and underneath It tlieie are many
deep holes, produced by the cave,
which will have to bo tilled in before
any curs can be taken up.
The hoisting: engine was thrown out
of place by the cave find there nre
numerous cracks In the walls ot the
engine room. Thero are deep craeks
for several bundled feet up the road
leading from Main avenue to the mino
and fear Is expressed that a large por
tion ot this may fall In. The ground Is
still settling, nnd every now and then
an ominous ciaekllng can be heard In
the breaker, which would eem to bode
ill for its safety.
Mine Superintendent Kvans, however,
Is of the opinion that all danger Is
past, and an effort is to be made at
once to clean up the debris and re-prop
the mine. A serious cave-in at tills
same mine a short lime ago succeeded
In depopulating the old red barn which
had been a residence for Italians for so
many years back. Tho red barn at
that time was split in two by the cave
It). - m 1
He la tho Yountj Man Who Tried to
Work a Stroot Car Conductor.
Harry Kverlst, the young man arrest,
ed on Monday night by .Special Oflleer
Djer and Superintendent Patterson, of
the Scranton Railway cotnpatiy.eliarged
with Impersonating an employe of the
company and securing money under
false pretences, wns hold In $300 ball
yesterday morning for his appearance
In court, after a hearing held before
Magistrate Howe.
Clarence Myers, a conductor, wns the
principal witness against Kverlst. Ac
cording to Myers' story, Kverlst bomd
ed a Dunmore Surburban car on Mon
day night and told him (Myers) that
he was a "spotter." but that If Myers
would agree to give him half the pro
reeds he'd close his eyes If nny "knock
ing down" was done. Myers said he'd
think the scheme over, und left Kverlst
on Washington avenue, while ho Join
neyed on to the company's office.
Here ho informed Superintendent
Patterson nnd Oflleer Dyer of Kverist's
proposition. Myers was directed to
"knock down" some fares on the ti In
to Dunmore, and to divide up with
Kverlst if lie was nboard tho car.
Patterson and Dyer boarded the car,
which picked up Mr. Kverlst on Wash-
The following well-known gen-
tleiucu are tho dliectmy:
I . Il, ,loile
(i. I' Iteiuulili,
Thou, puaue
Itlchard O'llrlen.
Stnmel Samter
T. I Von Slonh,
V II, Waiman.
( S. Wnnlnur il.
M. I. Ilraley
V. U I'ullou.
Vliliur llniiii.
M, I. ( ailer.
Wo solicit your business.
The People's Bank.
Ington avenue, The conductor "knocked
down" about half the fares collected,
and when the car was stopped near the
county Jail, called KvorlM to one side
and gave him $1.15. according to his
own story. When attempted to
leave the car, a little later, ho was at
tested. Mveiist claimed In defense that Myers
owed him a dollar and a half, nnd had
promised to "knock down" enough
fares to pay hint,
Firo Department Now a Truly Paid
Director nf Public Safety Wormser
yesterday completed tho final work In
the transition of the the department
from a volunteer to a paid basis. This
work consisted In closing with tho
different companies for tho purchase
of such articles belonging to them as
tho city desired for tho furnishing of
tho hose houses.
Altogether, nbotit J'.kiO worth of fur
nishings were purchased from the vol
unteers. This, however, only repre
sents 11 portion of what It has cost
to furnish tho houses, as many now
beil, mattresses, bed clothing,
had to he purchased. There Is
an average of six beds in each
house of the department.
There Is nothing lavish about the
present furnishings of tho hose houses.
They are plain, btislucss-llkc and
comfortnble. In purchasing articles.
Director Wormser has kept In mind
that the best Is tho cheapest, and has
secured articles that will not have to
be replaced each year. Practically all
of the furniture nnd furnishings
owned by tho volunteers has been
moved out of tho vnrious hose houses.
Judge Edwards Deals with tho Cases
of Fallon Against Costanzo and
Spruks Against Connellet nl.
Two opinions were handed down by
President Judge Kdwiirds yeslerdny,
one in the case of Mary Fallon
against Antonio Costango. and the
other In the cose ot David Spruks
against J. J.,. Connell ft Co.
The llrst was a suit ti secure tho
correcting and reforming the contract
for the purchase ot un Old Forge prop
erty. Mrs. Kallon owned throe ndjolnlnc
lots. Two of them were conveyed liy
deed in IRSti to her son, V. .T. Tallon.
In contracting to sell to Costango In
1S!i her attorney included a descrip
tion of all three lots to the contract.
Costango upon making: the Until pay
ment proceeded to take possession ot
all three lots. Mrs. Fallon then for
the llrst time, so she says, discovered
the ullesred mistake in the contract.
Costango held that It was no mistuke,
that It was nil three lots, and not only
one, that Mrs. Fallon bargained to sell
Judge Kdwnrds finds In favor ot Mrs.
Kallon. He savs It Is evident the ron
ment of the p.irtlc. That a mistake
tract dooi not express the true .agrce
was made in drafting the contract, he
says. Is Hear, precise and induliltlble.
The judge directs that each party
pay his or her own costs, and that the
other costs bo equally divided.
The case of Spruks against Connell
& Co. was an Injunction proceeding to
restrain the sale ot a brand of rlznrn
know)) as "(Junker Girl" on the ground
that It was an Imitation of tho brand
of cigars known as "Pennsylvania
Tho judge finds that the plaintiff's
case rests mainly nn this allegation
the Imitation nf the name. There Is
nothing, he says, In the boxes, labels,
device or picture, In color or form, con
nected with the "Quaker CSlii" cigars
showing an attempt to Imitate the
other brand. Indeed, the bill docs not
specifically allege this. When the two
brands were submitted for Inspection
the dissimilarity was Instantaneously
perceived. Therefore the only question
in the case Is the right ot the defeml
ntns to use the word "Quaker" In the
designation "Pennsylvania Quaker."
Further lie says: "There Is no evi
dence tondlnjr to prove that the de
fendants adopted the 'Quaker Girl' as
a designation of their brand of cigar
with the Intent to imitate tho plain
tiff's 'Pennsylvania Quaker;' nor can
I find tliut anybody has been misled
Into buying one cigar for another.
"The trade-mark 'Quaker Girl' doea
not Infringe upon the trade-mark
'Pennsylvania Quaker' because It Is not
calculated to deceive, mislead or con
fuse persons of ordinary Intelligence
using ctistoninrv caution,"
The bill Is dismissed at the costs
of the plaintiff.
In tho Register's Office.
Letters at' administration were yes
teiday granted In this estate of Corne
lius Coinpton, late of Scranton, to his
brother, Jacob ,l. Compton.
In tho estate of J. L. Kordlmm, late
of Scranton, letters of administration
were granted to Walter H, Fordham.
Marriage Licenses.
Patrick Mclltigl) Dunmore
Mary Crane Dunmore
William AVatklns ,..2i Acker avenue
ilnrtiet Roweu Taylor
The bond of George II. Haverly, tax
collector of Throop, was approved yes
terday, by Judgo Kdwnrds, It was In
the sun) of $2S.O0O, nnd had the Fidelity
and Casualty company, of Maryland,
us surety.
The plans submitted by Architect
Brown for Improving the main court
room have been accepted, nnd the
work will be begun August 13, the day
after the midsummer session.
Tlie funeral ot the late Mrs. Robert
Jones was conducted yesterday after
noon from tlie home of deceased's
daughter. Mrs. Thomas J. Price, on
North Washington avenue. Tho r-er-vlces
were In charge of Rev. I). D. Hop
kins, pastor of tlie First Welsh Hap-tb-t
Many life-long fi lends of deceased
from Vot Scranton were In attend
ance ut tlie funeral. Tho pall-bearers
were Thomas .1. Price, John Davis,
Palmer Price, James Piotheroe, John
It. Jones and Ficd Davis. The remains
were Interred in tho Forest Hill ceme
tery. Shoes of All Sizes at Low Prices,
Ladles' Russet and ltlnck Shoes, iTll
klndn and sizes. Jl.Mi for tills week.
Men's, nil kinds and MUcs, J 1 uj
Schank & Spencer.
Hanley's Ice Crenm
Is absolutely pure. 420 Spruce street,
Under-Prlco Sale of Abovc-Prico
Shoes, This week only. Schank &
Mrs. Albert White, Noo Harris, Foi
morly of This City, Reported Miss
ingHer Husband Loaves Town
and Whon Neighbors Look Into
Thoir Homo Thoy Find the Furni
ture Smashed and Somo of Mrs.
Whlts's Clothing Burned-Letter
Received by the Girl's Father.
Mrs. Arthur White, of Nicholson, has
been missing for n week, and the peo
ple of the village me Illicit with the
belief that she hits met with foul play.
A report reached heie last night that
she had been found hanging In the
woods, but this piovcd to be only 11
Shortly after she dlsappeated her
husband left the town. When the neigh
bors visited his home they found the
household furniture smashed, the whole
Interior in disorder, and that some of
her clothing had been burned.
Mrs. White's maiden name was Har
ris. She Is a daughter ot Thomas Har
ris, who lives on Parker street, near
the fan house ot the l.eggctt' Creek
colliery. Mr, Harris yesterday received
the following letter:
Nicholson, Pa., July 23.
Mr. Thomas Harris:
I thought I would write you and tell
you what has happened. Albert White
and wife moved up here the llrst ot
April and a week ago last Saturday
they were missed. No one has seen
nnythlng of them since. We went up
to their house and all their furniture
was broken; also the stove. We found
where their clothes had been burned.
We went down to Scranton. but could
not Und nnythlng of them. Hut one
fellow said he saw Albert, going to
ward Wilkes-Hiirro on a freight train.
We think he has murdered her. by the
way things look up In their house. We
would like to have you come up right
away. If you come, send a. dispatch
and wp will meet you at the troln.
Joseph Winters,
Nicholson, Pa.
Before tnovlnt; to Nicholson the
Wliltes lived In Park Place. Inquiry
among the neighbors there developed
the Information that White had the
reputation of lielng ugly when drunk,
nnd was wont to seize nn ax and
smash things around the- house.
Lieutenant Lona Day lust night
made some Iniiulries In Park Place,
and was told that both White and
his wife were seen there last Friday.
Small Boy Run Down on Lackawan
na Avenue Yesterday.
A young boy named Klndridge, re
siding on North Lincoln avenue and
employed by Connolly & Wallace, was
run down yesterday afternoon about
1 o'clock ut tho corner of Lackawanna
nnd Wyoming nvonucs, by a team of
horses belonging to M. F. Wymbs, the
Kldridge tiled to cross In front of
tlie horses, hut was not quick enough
and was knocked down. The startled
bystanders Imagined that he would
be crushed to death, but the driver
pulled up the horses quickly, probably
Special Prices
To Thursday's Buyers.
Cheney Bros. Finest Grade Foulard Silks 75c goods
for 49c; $1.00 goods for 75C
A large selection to choose from.
Silk Finest Grenadine $3. 50 goods $2.50; $2.00 goods;
$1.50 goods $1.00; $1.25 goods 85c
Shirt Waist Suits Made Shear White Lawn, sailor
collar, waist trimmed with insertion, tucked stock and
vest, deep graduated flounce on skirt headed with insertion. .
The price complete , 4.95
Wash Skirts Made from best Seersucker 59c and 75c
Umbrella Trolley Shawls Solid white and white
with borders of pink, light blue and violet; made from
Shetland F:loss. Icewool and Germantown. 59c, 75c,
$1.25, $2.00 and Z.Oj
The proper garment for seashore, mountain and evening wear.
Corsets Our summer corset special, featherweight, ,-.
batiste corsets, a beauty, new form, perfect fit 5UC
Featherweight Collar Forms The coolest made 10c
Parasols 25 White China Silk, beautifully trimmed
with 3 rows of white silk grenadine, marked $1.75 to $2.50, .
SpLCliil t Jit
Little Tots' Parasols Good enough to loose or break, t
white ground with neat figures 1 OC
Leather Belts Green, brown, russet and castor. All t
were high class goods, to close 1 oC
Chantilly Black Serpentine Laces A chance at another
lot of dainty new goods. This is the best bargain of the sea-
son. ioc, i2j$c, 15c, 18c and ZuC
Neck Ribbons Can't have too many this warm weather,
We are showing a pretty soft open stripe grenadine ribbon,
full width, all new shades. Special at 1 (JC
Hair Ribbons' don't last long. Wc have a tip top bar
gain, About 100 pieces new Velotir, stripes ot green,
rose, yellow, pink and violet, made to retail at I2c.
Special OC
A New Neck Ribbon A ribbon striped ribbon, even stripes of
solid color, white and cardinal, white and violet.
415-417 Lackawanna Avenue.
We could given hundred testimonials from
the best housewives of Scranton who have
used our Cream Paste. If you are not satisfied
with the polish you are using, try Cream Paste.
There is no waste; it Is cleaner and guaranteed
to contain no acids.
Small Bottle 10c Large Bottle 25c
VuaTV(gA .
Cien V Millar &
5 VJCU. V. ITUUttl iX
succeeding by so doing In saving the
lads' life.
Tho boy's face and arms were cut
and skinned, but none of his Injuries
were very serious, and nttcr they had
been dressed by Dr. Leet, he wns nble
to ride homo on a street cur.
Slashed Patrick Reap Across tho
Face, Inflicting Several Oashos.
Murray Is Under Arrest.
Patrick Reap was stabbed yestciday
morning on Lacku wanna avenue by '
Patrick Murray, of IJellevuc. who was,
arrested last night and lodged In tile l
Centre stieet police station.
According to tho story told by an
eye witness ot the affair, Reap was In ,
front of Music hull yesterday morning
engaging some Italians to do wotk at
the new St. Mary's academy. Murray '
was standing nearby and piolested to
Reap, telling him that he shouldn't
hire "scabs." '
Reap lemonstrated with -Murray, ,
but only succeeded in angering the
latter. Murray, It Is said, made for I
Reap, as It to strike hlni, which I
caused the latter to shoot out his
tist. As soon as Murray felt the blow J
he drew a pocket knife and viciously '
slashed nt Reap's face, cutting several
long gashes. j
He managed to make his escape
through tlie crowd, which appeared '
to have more Intel est In the victim !
than In his assailant. Reap went to
tho Lackawanna hospital, where his ,
Injuries were dressed. He later went
before Magistrate Howe and swoie
out a warrant for Murray's nrrest. !
This was placed in tho bands of
Patrolman Fecney, who captured his
man last night In Rellevuo nnd I
brought him to the Centre street sta-1
They Refuse to Say What Was Done
at It.
A meeting of Electric City lodge of
machinists, that was attended mainly
hy the Allls-Chalmers, Finch and Mc
Clave & Rronks men, took place yes
terday afternoon In Hulbert's hall.
What was done would not lie di
vulged. Another meeting Is to' be held
at 10 o'clock this morning. President
Campbell said that after this meeting
he would likely have an announcement
to make.
m -
The popular Punch cigar is still the
leader of the 10c cigars.
Co W4 Wjomlns Aienna
VU. wlklMiLiy Arum d 3j
There is nothing neater
in inexpensive porch fur
nishings than the Grass
Clotii Upholstered Fur
niture. It is finished in
natural wood, and in col
ors, and is particularly
adapted for Porches, but
is equally suitable for
Summer cottages.
We have several styles
of Chairs, large roomy
Rockers, Settees, Stands
and other suitable articles.
Hill & Connell
31 N. Washington Ave.
Before buying, send for catalogue.
H. 5. GORDON, VvoMty.
Central Ascnt for tlie Wyomlr.g District (or
Dupont's Powder
Mlnlns, DUitlns, Sporting, Smol.clc tnd lh
ItPiauno ClicmUal Comp-iny's
Ealcty Fuse, Cipi and Kxploders. Koora 101 Con
nell IliilUllns .Sciantcn.
-rum rortn
Virginia Ae. and llpaih, Atlantic City, N. J.
Sixth jcar; .Tie licnitltnl rooini cnviltp, ilngU
and with bath: hot and cold Mi-watcr hattu
In hotel and annex. Location select and central,
within fiw jard.1 nf tho Steel I'ler. OrtlieJtra,
Oiler special epiliiK ratea, iVi to $5 by wcelj
$2.60 up by day. Special ntc to families Coachcj
meet all trains. Write (or booklet.
ciiAiti.i:s n. con:.
Atlantic City. N. ' Onff frpnre (rom headi.
New 75-room annex. Modern appointment. I n
enrolled Knit p. Hate, hy the djj, $l,0 and up.
wjiiI. By tin week, S and upward. Capacity,
00. It. J. Osborne.
The Delaware City.
Atlantic City, K. J.
Tennec nxcniii and Ilea, li. CVnlially located.
Cheertnl. Comfortable and home-like. Table and
ervicp utmirpji'-ed. (apatlty, COO.
nor a- imrn.HT.R.
Finest Suimiirr --trl In Nnrlhe-ntern Petini'
vnnla. Hotel haiki n.ret !)rlaare, I.i.kauaini
mul Weslcin ti.iht nt I'j. tnr.mllo. I.eavms
Stranton u a. in. and 4 p. in. Write tor rat'-.
tl? .1. W. Mooir, Prop
T. J. Potter, Preldenl.'i:inier II li ill. Treat,
II. J- I'o.ler. Siaiihy P. Allen.
ne President.1 Secretary.
tir NOTi: Til K XA SI E.
il jj Antrlr. (uirMlttUrirftUitt7 "
ii JaL'!"" Ef , 4 bum, mom! I'oUoa, Vrtftoi,
f OyD IfblUt,l.ol HtboMl,Tirlrortli ASUlfturr,yt
'LfUlNttllM I'ndMflopmtNta Fhroftk Orgtat.f
trrftbrnetrarrj 4 U 10 riijk, tn fear irtrtlfkl It Jttnf
totpltat MptrUnffUGrrmtar. 8t1 for hook 'Tn.ttii
poking try mt dlral A lctHf ( frtiidt. IUMIon (hit PpM
. ,- - 1 il 4 w4