JZ. THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE- WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1901. f ii- r -i " - " - " -iiff.wi .. -......- . - .. - -J - . burke Carbondale Department. I BUILDING J I . 1 - ' ' BOOTBLACK AND WATCH MISSING The Colored Shoo Shiner Whose Stand Was at the Anthrnclto Building Suspected of Decamping With Time Piece Belonging to Dan Collins -The Story of the Dis appearance. The colored bootblack whose ntntid was In front of the Anthrnclto, the 1 young artist who Is aa dark aa mid night "and whose fitjit naine was "I.0U,"the last Fuppoicd to be Jack ion, lctt town yesterday nnd Is sus pected by the police of taking with him a watch belonging to Dun Col lins, a tullnr. Collins, about a week iiro, was In circumstances that led hlin to licllcvo that the watch would be safer In an other's hand, so he entrusted Us keep ing to the alios "artist," with whom ho was acquainted by ieas.011 of his occa sionally patronizing the latter's stand. A few days ago, Collin lccalled whole he had left his watch nnd called on his coloied acquaintance to produce It. "Lou" didn't produce. lnstend, io declared Hint he had returned tho timepiece to Collins, nnd dimly In sisted on this when It was suggested that he was mIMnkcn. Collins was reasonably sure that the watch had i.ot been icturned to him, and tho mote he pondered over It, the moie he felt that "Iou" was playing a foxey Same. After 1 evolving the thought In his mind until he could al most see the watch in the daik man's rocket. Collins sought the help of the police. Constnble .Moran busied him self with the case, his Investigations bringing him to Seranton, where he learned that a watch lind been "hocked" at one of the pawnshops, and later. 'Monday, redeemed by a young man whoso description lltted "Lou," the Anthracite shinet. The constable came hack last evening, with the Intention of getting some ex planation fiom "Lou" If he could, but "l,0u" was gone, lie left the city at noon, without Iealng word as to his destination. Collins watch, the police believe, departed with the elushe "Lou." ENTERTAINMENT COURSE The Splendid Talont Controlled by the Brockway Lecture and Enter tainment Bureau Secured by the Enterprising Young Men to Enter tain Carbondale Residents During tho Theatrical Season The Entor tainors of tho Course. Arrangementfa for the ontettHinmcnt course, which has been told of at length In The Tribune, have been com pleted, and Caiboiidale lesldents are as'uied of as high class cnteitaln ment duilng the theatrical season as It Is possible to obtain. The Biockway Iciture and entertain metn bureau Is the organization that will novlde the enteitainers, and this means that the best talent before the public will he heie to contribute to the fun and pleasuie and distinction of the rations of the couise, who, it is trxpeeted, will be so numerous as to occupy every seat In the (Jiand opera house at each entertainment. This was the uilc In Scrantnn last season, and the preceding e,ir, during the Biockway couise. As the couise of the Brockway bureau has been con tracted for, It Is not to be expected that Carbondale will be lacking In ipmerlatlon. The course will open in October, with M-iio. the magician. Impersonator, '!i?dow jraphht and musician. Maro Ins iipnn In Siranton. and his enter tainment was pionounced as one of the most'enjovahle of the course. A. XV. Hawks, the lecturei. who ap peals In "store clothes." will follow with either of his lectures, "People 1 Have Met," or "Sunshine" Both aie filled with quaint humor and descilbe characteis of his native stat", Miuy land. The Kinest Gamble Con. 01 1 com pany, one of the best balaiucd iom panles of musicians appeal ins in en .ertalnment couiuos, will follow. Ellas Dav. Impersonator and char acterlst, a dlgnitied entei talnnient and a prime favorite at Sciauton last sen tftn. will be the fifth one of the course. General John B. Gordon, the noted lecturer from the tiouth, will deliver his leetuie, "The List Days of the Confederacy," the merits of which are so well known that comment Is not necessity. The Ottumwas quartette, assisted by Mlfs Julia E. Van Deusen, a clever itclter, will be the closing number. The course r high-priced, hut this did not deter the enterprising and pro gressive young men who haw the enterprise In chaige. for they feel that Carhondallans would fully appreciate the .quality of the entertainment that would be appreciated, REV. EHINOEIt'S CONTRIBUTION. His Letter Explanatory of His Offer ing to 8emi-Contennial Fund, Dev J J.- C. Ehlnger. pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran church, has generously contributed $10 to tho semi-centennial fund, sending the following letter to Mayor Kllpatiick with the offering' "Your Honor: As Father Coffey came forth with a contilbutlon to the city's teml-ccntennial cclebiatlon, I will foi. low suit, as for some time I was nnx- lou'sly waiting who amongst the clty'a -church servants would take the Inltl- ,-atlve;to helji make the celebration a leal success ''But I 1 egret not being able to hold him In the balance by the check en closed, Our Lutheinn St. Paul's church, the . younfiegt of the .city's proud churches, is still In hei babyhood; born closely at -th.e time of the semi-centennial cole brailon. Her servant therefore cannot 'SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES t" Allen Fnet-Kue. a pawdu It cure, piful tmtrting, nrnoin feet arid Insrmvln ml, ,nJ Intimity UVit the Ming nut ot cftrnn end' bun. . Otfu. lt llii tieateit wmfort dium ct the ti. Allen' Fcnt-Vue mAo tlsht or rew hoc ftd ctiy. It U 1 teitiln lure for twitting . lftun ttid hot, died. thlns ft Tiy ft tka,. EeM hy ill rirus(riU arid ihoe Moiei. Uv mill lor Sic. In namp. TiUI puckagf KHI.j':, d, drut Alien S. Olmsted, U lioj, .v. y, expect much lemiineiatlon for his cm vlies. The icsources aie different and our hope lies In the future, Half a cen tury mote and niuttets iua have cieat ly chiinged. "The whole attitude of the iltlzens to our wotk fiom the very stait, their generous contilbutlons vvniiunt this hope and shall spin us to be woithy of It and to be true to all good and Hue Germans' motto: 'Hold fust, which thou hast!' J. I" C. Ilhlnger." A NEW FRATERNAL ORDER. Camp of tho Woodmen of tho World to Bo Located Hero. District Deputy Organizer John Borthvvlck, of the Woodmen of tho World, has been stirring himself In behalf of the order, which Is one of the recent fraternal orders that ha?. 1 cached a healthy giovvth, and hns succeeded In Interesting suflkient can didates to locate 11 camp In Caiboiidale. The Woodmen of the World has neatly n qtiaiter of a million lupin beis, and Its camps are to be found In tho principal cities nnd towns fioin the Atlantic to the Pacific. Thus far It has paid out $7,000,000 to bencflcl nrles. The features of the order aie : A tnble of rates based upon the experi ence of the. old-line Insurance com panies; that they piovide for sick membeis; furnish total disability bene fits to a member In old age; eiect 11 monumetn over the lestlng place of deceased members nnd hold annual memorial services over departed mem bers' graves. BASE BALL DOINGS. Manager Fox Gives an Encouraging Talk to Hie Players and Feels Con fident That tho Exhibition of This Week Will Not Be Repeated A Game on Friday and One on Sun dayA Local Team and a Nino from Honesdnlo the Opponents. Manager Fox, of the Ciescents, is not dismayed by the loss of this week's game, nnd after an eiuouiaglng talk to his playois he feels that theie will not bo another "exhibition" this sea son, such as was witnessed on Sunday by the thiong of "cranks" who were attracted to Alumni Paik with the hope of seeing the ciack nine of Car bondale In thed usual foiin. There is no accounting for the game of Sunday, but that the playois had an off day, which is often the case with even the crackerjack teams, and the Ciescents do not piopose to loose any eneigy woirylng over this defeat; they and their manager are to wisely philosophical to follow such a couise, and they will reserve their eneigles lor the games before them, which will be neces.-ar.v, as Manager Pox has made arrangements vlth tho cieveiest teams heieabouts. On Friday afternoon, the next game will be played. The Ciesicnts will be opposed by a team under the man agement of Matt. Poland, who a vein that It will bo composed of better ma terial Jhan the team he pitted against the Ciescents last week, to be slaugh teied as It was. fin Sunday, the stiong Honcsdale team will be heic, which means that theie will be "soinetliln' doln'." The "cianks" of the city ami vicinity aie assuicd of a rattling contest on this day. A new member has been added to the Crescents. Harris, from Port Jer vls, an Intlelder who comes here with a splendid leputntl'on as a player of good judgment and good hitting quali ties. LT. COL. HALL HONORED. Recommended for the Grand Decora tion of Chivalry of Odd Fellows. Lieutenant Colonel Harry J. Hall, of Caiboiidale canton. Patilaichs Militant, who has altenrty iccelved signal lion 01s. will be honoied further on Odd Fellows' day at Lake Lodoic, on Fii day, August 1'3, when he will iccelve the srand decoiatlon of chivalry. This riegiee Is the highest of the hon oiary degiees o Odd Fellows, and Is (onferied only on thoe who aie rec ommended In 1 onsldciation of honoi ahle or merltoilous set vice In the cause of pattlarchal Odd Fellowship or tor fidelity in fulfilling a special commis sion, Five ofilceus aie named each year for this decoiatlon, one from a dlffei ent icglment. and the high honor which Lieutenant Colonel Hall In lugs to Car bondale Is the Hist ever granted to a patilaichs militant In this city, Successful Fisherman. The number of fish in the Susquehan na county lakes Is considerably less after the fishing trip which Ticket Agent Claude Smith, of the city sta tion, and Grocer John P,eese made yesterday. They returned last even ing with a mess of beauties that would make envious even siuh iapltal fish ormen as Chief McNulty and John Gilbert. A Pleasant Evening. A very pleasant gathering was held Monday evening at the home of the Misses Farley on Canaan sheet. Tho houis bped quickly, music and games being tho principal amusements of tho evening. As a fitting close to tho fes tlvitles a dainty luncheon was served, On a Wheoling Tour. Joe McGarry and Daniel Monahan passed through here on Monday en route from Honesdnlo to Scianton on a wheeling trip. While In town they weie the guests of the latter's cousin, "Dick" Monnhnn, of the Anthracite baiber shop, Renovating Shoo Store, Mnnnger Vincent Mnnners, of the People's shoe store, Is having the store Intei lor lcnovaled. New shelvlnc Is being put In and other changes will bo made, which will add to tho stoic's ac commodations. Popular Drummer Hore. William Filly, the Jolly and popular salesman for the David Spruks job bing house of Scranton, made a bus. ness trip to Carbondale yesterday, Gilbert Street Resident 111. Mrs. V. A. Swingle s confined to her home on Gilbert stieet by 111. ness. 'Plionc : NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 BOOMING CENTENNIAL. Abo Sahm, tho Director of tho De partment of Publicity of the Soml Contcnnial Association, Circulates Among tho Merchants nnd Stirs Up Intorost and Incidontally Gath ers Up Some Good-Sized Contribu tions More Plani of Celebration. The booming of the semi-centennial celebration was well started ycateida, when Abe I. Sahm cdculatcd among the stoies of the town, stirred up new Intel est nnd enthusiasm In the plans of the city's Jubilee, and Incidentally gatheied up stibscilptlons to the amount of $300. Mr. Sahm Is ddector of the puhlbltv depaitnu'iit. as It weie. of tin mmi.i centonnlul association and he hn i. . 11 wisely cunson, for there Is no man .11 all the town who Is so well fitted for the position. Mr. Sahm has Ideas. 1 x chock full of them, of the sound st kind; he hns the ability to expiees him self tn winds that cany lone with them, and he luiri an abundant e of pei -seveiance which Is sine to win out In any aigument or debate. Mi bahni started to woik with a will yesteiday morning, and by evening his lugh and his talk and his wit showed lcsults. tm he had stibscilptlons for the sum men tioned befoie. $300, besides setting have the pent-up enthusiasm of the business men over tho celebration, which the piojectois hope to make a big one In uveiy respect. Mr. Suhm was well pleased with how he nnd Fiank llonunclmeyei', who was n ready second In the work of ycsterda, weie iccelved. Hut the business men aie only a patt of the population of the town, and the celebration ! one that should nppeal to the ptlde of every resident of tho city; hence Mi Sahm and his co-woikeis will aim to Interest every poison In the city In the Jubilee plans. They will seek to disabuse the minds of the people of the Idea that it is only the latger subset Iptlons that count; and they stilve to obtain a con tilbutlon from eveiy peison, according to his means. No one, they believe, who has the least pilde. will pass by with out ronti Uniting to the fund, no matter how small the amount. The dollar, and even smallei, fiom the one whose cir cumstances will not permit a laiger offeiing, will be as acceptable as tho big contilbutlons, for these small amounts fiom thousands of peisons will make a sum that will assuie a cele bration which will be creditable In the highest ilegieo to the town's Inhabit ants on the occasion of Its littleth birthday annlveisniy. To encouiage these small subsci Ip tlons, .Mr. Sahm will designate business places wheie they will be iccelved, and where ceitlflcates of mcmbeiship will be given in letuin for tho offerings. Tho names of these glveis, iiiespecllve of amounts, will appear also In the ofllciol tecoid that will be published of the Jubilee. My. Sahm pioposc.s to have a souvenir button inauufactmcd and sold, and hopes theieby to iippieclahly augment the general fund. He has adopted a happy Idea in the selection of an em blem. It will be the pictute of the three biciliei hoys who aie astraddle tho b.uk ,11 a mule, such as has hap pened on the i,ind,ii of a Scranton bank and vvhlih will hoicadlly icealled. The legend "Scnil-Centennial. 1S31 1101," will Hud a place on the button. The price of the buttons will bo ica- sonahle. and the sale, It Is believed, will leach into the thousands. Open-air meetings will also be ai ranged for by Mr. Sahm, at which the piomlnent men of tho town will be pieseni to speak on the why, how and whciefoio of the centennial celebia tlon. The labor, f internal and beneficial 01 -ganlzatlons of the town have aheady taken a deep Interest In the celebration, but It t. Mr. Sahm's puipose to Increase this Intciest and awaken an enthusi asm that will sweep like a wave over the united bodies of the town. The Central Labor Union has begun to piepare for Labor day, which will occur on the second day of the semi- centennial celehratlon. The demon stration on that day will be the most Imposing ever attempted In Carbon dale. and among the ways and means for the event will be a picnic at Kil leen's grove, which It Is expected will icallzo an acceptable sum to meet the expenses of the day, the reception and entertainment of visitors and the like The guests will Include national labor leaders and others conspicuous In labor circles. The picnic will be held next month, the date to be decided on at the next meeting of the Central Labor Union. To tho Pan-American. Trie Train Dispatcher John J. O'Boyle and wife, of Blver street, left Monday night for Buffalo. After at tending the Pan-Ameilcan exposition they will go to Cleveland, O., for a few days' visit. Family Reunion. The third annual reunion of the de scendants of Amos and Cynthia Car penter and Joseph and Rhoda Carpen ter will be held at tho home of Mr. and Mis. Gilbert L. Davis In Nicholson on Thursday, August 2:'. Meetings Tonight. vV. XV Davles' Post, G. A. n. Pioneer Castle, Knights of Mystic Chain. Fidelity Conclave, Independent Order of Heptasophs. Communion Service. Tho celebration of the Holy Com munion in Trlnltv chapel, which was announced for Thursday moinlng, will be omitted. Aftor a Horso. Martin Dockerty Is In Mount Clair. N. J where ho will Inspect a speedy trotter, of which he expects to become the ow nor. At a Funeral, XV. F. McAndrow, of Cottage stieet. attended the funeral of the late John O'Mulley at Olyphant yesterday. Called Homo by Illness, James Kenworthy has been called home on account of tho serious Illness of his mother. Rev. Dr. Whalen on His Vacation Rev. H. J. Whalen D. D., pastor of the Berean Baptist church, will leave today on hi vacation of a month. Ho will go to IC.tglesmere, Sullivan coun ty. While Dr. Whalen goes to seek n well-earned rest, ho will not be Idle there, l'aglesmerc Is the centre of a progressiva Chautauqua clicle, and during his stay, Dr. Whalen, who has been appoltned one of the lecturers, will deliver a series of sermons nnd lectures, Duilng tho pastor's absence the usual church services will be dispensed with, but the Sunday chool and the usual week day prayer service will be ob served as usual, Death of Mrs. Kenworthy. Mrs. France Kenworthy, aged sO j'ears, died at X o'clock Inst evening at her home. Deceased was born In North Hensel, l'nglnnd, on March 2T, 18JI, and hud boon a lesldent of Carbondale for forty-live years-. She was a member of Tilnlty church for forty years, nnd Is survived by the following sons and datmhtois: Mis. F.niHy Porter, Mis. J, U. ltlanchard, Mls Annie Kenworthy and 1'dvvln A. Kenwoithy, of Carbon dale; rtudolph K., of Wllkes-Baire, and James It. Kenwoithy. of Cheater. Pa. The funeral airnugemcnts hae not yet been completed but the services will probably be held lomonow aftet noon. Carbondalian Choion for Leader. A Honesdnlo correspondent has the following to say of John Neuser. re cently of this city, who always hold a similar position In band , circles in Carbondale: At tho lequeat of David GUI, leader of the Maple City band, John Neuser, recently of Carbondale, was elected to that position at the late rehearsal of ths organization. Mr. Gill has been an excellent leader, and under his ef tlclent supervision the band has con stantly giown In popular favor both In this nnd other sections of the state. Mr. GUI will still retain his position ns a member of tho band. Funeral of Mrs. Biglin. The funeral of the late Mrs. Bart ley Blglln will take place this morn lug. At fl:30 o'clock the procession will leave the tesldenco at 13S South Chinch street and will move to St. Bose church, where a high mass of requiem will be sung. Burial will take place In St. Hose cemetery. Western Residents Depart. Mr. and Mis. J. A. Murray and daughter. Kthd, who have been the guests of Caibondalo 11 lends for n. week, left yesterday tor Glasgow, Nova Scotia. Camping at Lake Lodore. B. M. Vnnnan and family, L. T. Medland and family and Master James Kelly are camping out at Lake Lo doic, THE PASSING THRONG. Hcniy Berry is visiting in Union dale. Charles Peter Hunter, of Clifford, was in town yesterday. Poor Dliector John T. Lynch has re turned fiom New York city. Mrs. Robert Klnback Is enjoying a visit with Wayne county fi lends. Miss Floiencc Murray, of Pike stieet. Is visiting friends in Brooklyn, N. V. Miss Mary O'Malley, of Plttston, Is tho guest of Miss Loietta Coleman, on the West Side. Miss Sadie Lewis, of South Main stieet, has gone to Eaglcsmcie, this slate, for a shoit visit. Miss May Gaugher, of Seventh ave nue, b-is returned fiom a prolonged visit at Hnncock, N. V. A. F. Becker, of Becker Bros., cigar manufacturers, Scranton, was a Car bondale visitor yesterday. .Miss Nora O'Heam, of South Main stieet, has letuined after ten days' visit at Hancock, N. Y. Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Pieston spent Mondayi with the former's patents, Mr. and Mis. S. S. Hauls. Miss Maggie Alter, of Wilkcs-Barre, Is the guest of her sister. Mrs. R. T. Maxwell, on Salem avenue. Mis. John E. Morgan and daughter, Marion, left Monday to visit the for mer's patents in Susquehanna. Miss Isabelle Bovvers, of Canaan stieet. is now In Danville, Vermont, where she will spend the summer. Misses Clara and Cora Arthur, of Blrkott stieet, left yesterday for a visit with lelatlves in Prompton and Honesdale. Frank Qulnn and daughter have re turned to their home In New- York city, after a pleasant visit with Car bondale fi lends. Miss Anna Golden, who has been the guest of Miss Mary McCann. or Sand stieet, returned tu her home in Scranton yesterday. Miss .Maine Dougheity returned to her home in Olyphant last night, af ter a week's stay with Miss Agnes Coleman, of Vine street. Mrs. Frank Collins and children,' i iimiiu nuu .Alice, are nere 10 .spend a week with Mrs. Collins" father, John Collins, on Cottage street. Mr. and Mrs. George Dana and Mrs. Mania Moise, of Utlca, N. Y., ore spending a part of the summer with Mrs. Margaret Morse, at Lakeside cottage. Crystal lake. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkman nnd son, Clarence, of Poit Jervls, ate spend ing two weeks nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fiank Dennis. Mrs, Kirk man Is a sister of Mis. Dennis. William Connell, of Woodlawn ave nue, has Just icturned from a de lightful visit of two wijeks with his brother, at Paterson, N. J. while theie, he spent a number of days In New York and at the vaiious lesorts in the vicinity of the metropolis. JERHYN AND iVIAYFIELD. The school board of Jermyn held their adjourned meeting last evening. The board, by resolution, decided to put chase the following new books, as lecommended by the book committee: Duiell and Bobbins' Algebia, Ward's "Itatlonal Method In Reading," for pilmary department and Sheldon's new Htundnid seiies writing books. The board aferwatdH went Into com mlttce and took up the supplies, nnd at tho completion of their spsslou, aw aided the contiuct to the McConnell Supply compnny, of Philadelphia, their bid being about $o less than the high est of the five llrms who submitted bids. The boaid afterwards adjourned without placing the teachcts. which will be done at the tegular meeting. Mr. and Mrs. John Mellow, of CPine tery stieet, accompanied by Mr. and Mis. James L. Crawford, of Scranton, have sone tn the Pan-American ex position ami will a Wo visit the Thous and Islands before returning. Miss Llherta Henwood. of Second street Is visiting In Scranton. William M. and Thumab M Grif.Hhs made a business trip to Wlnton yes terday, where they aie Interested In some real estate. The Twentieth Century Sewing clr- cle meeting lias been declared off for July, owing to the continued Illness of Afrs. Joseph Tennis. Miss Jessie Winter Is spending a few days In Monroe county. Miss Mary Bwlck Is spending the heated term at Blakcslee, Pa, Mr. Joseph Tennis, Jr., nnd Miss Minnie Hcynolds, of Butte City, wete married at tho home of the bride on July 16. Their many friends are Just now receiving liberal supplies of wed ding cake. Mrs, Joseph Tennis Is slightly Im proved today, under the skillful caie of Dr. I. S, Oravcs. Miss Phillips, of Wllkes-Barro, unci Miss Fields, of Ashley, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas M. Grlfllths, of Third street. Miss Dora Bonner, of Oicen Hldge, and Miss Eva Netherton, of Wyoming, were yesterday visiting Miss Emma Netheiton, of H street. George Merrltt has given up his re tall meat business and secured a posi tion as flicmnn on the Ontario and Western lallroad. William Howe, of Third street, wont to Johnstown yesterday to visit his son. Mrs. Cara Nicholson, of North Main street, entertained a large number of little children yesterday afternoon In honor of her daughter, Helen's, birth day. The chlldien were treated with all kinds of good things and they passed a most delightful afternoon to gether. The Sunday school children of the Primitive Methodist church had thclf picnic yesterday In the grove. The weather was perfect and the children, thanks to their pastor, Rev. S. S. Molter, had an exceedingly pleasant time. OLYPHANT. The funeral of the late John O'Malley was held from the family home, on Dunmoie stieet, yesterday morning and was one of the largest seen In this place In some time. The remains rested In a handsome broadcloth casket, sur rounded by several beautiful floial tokens, and weie viewed hy the large gatheilng of people. At 10 o'clock the icmalns- weie home to St. Patrick's chinch, where a high mass of requiem was celebrated by Rev. P J. Muiphy, the pastor, who also pleached an Im pressive funeial sermon. Beautiful se lections weie rendered hy Mrs. Anna Blown O'Malley Rnd Robett McCoi mack during the service, interment was made In the West Side remetmi The pall-bearers wete John .McLaugh lin, w imam O'Haia. Patrick Cannon, William Gibbons, John Hoban and Ed ward Lyons. The (lower-bearers weie P. J. Gallagher and Peter Foley. The members of the Catholic Mutual Be nevolent association attended the funeral In a body. Among those from out of town who attended were Michael Cannon. Miss Katie Cannon, T. J. O'Malley, Avoca; Patrick Battle. Pltts ton; John Boylan, Miss Mamie Boylan, Carbondale; Hon. P. A. Phllbln, Arch bald; Mr. and Mrs. John McCouit, Misses Mary and Nellie McCourt, An thony O'Boyle. P. J. Joidan, Miss Delia Callahan, Scranton; John A. Hoian, Miss Golden, Edward Scott, Mrs. Scott, Dunniore. Mrs. Samuel Prosser, of Blakely, was among those who had the chivalry do giee conferred on them by the staff of the Rebekah lodge, at Lake Lodoie, yesterday. One of the laigest excursions of the season will go to Mountain Paik next Saturday, under the auspices of the different societies of St. Patrick's chuich. Tickets, adults, $1; children, 50 cents. A house, owned and occupied by Will lam Nlcholls, on Second street, Blakely, was totally destroyed by fire yesterday at noon. The blaze was caused hy sparks fiom a locomotive falling on the roof. The Peckvllle Hose company le sponded, but on account of the lack of fire hydiants In that vicinity they weie unable to subdue the flames, Miss Efitelle Usher, of Newburgh N. Y Is the guest of Miss Lucy Farrell. Mrs. Patrick McGlnty. who has been at the Scranton hospital for several weeks, returned home yesterday, much Improved in health. TAYLOR. The sewing circle of the Calvary Baptist church will conduct a grand Ice cream and clam social on pay night at the church class room. Other refreshments will be Included In the menu. A delightful time is assuiea all who attend. Archbald Mine local, No. ltilO. United Mine Workers of America, will hold a social session tomorrow evening In their rooms In the Odd Fellows' hall. Refreshments will be served, An ex cellent piogramme has been ar ranged. Dog days aie fast approaching, and owners of canines would do well to comply with tho boiough oidlnance. by having them muzzled in clue time. The Juvenllo society of the Archbald and Pyne Primitive .Methodist church will hold a lawn social on the chinch lawn on Tuesday evening, July 20. Borough Solicitor J. M. Harris has announced his candidacy for addi tional law Judge, subject to tho de cision of the Republican primaries The lafle for the silver watch for the benefit of David Powell, who was injuied at the Aichbald mine some time ago, was held on Saturday even ing. Joseph Jones, of Union stieet, was the winner. George, the young son of Mr. and Mis. James Stevens, of the Aichbald mine, had one of his arms bioken on MVmday, near his home, by falling from a high tence. Foieman Louis Relnhaidt, of the Pyne colliery, Is substituting for Out side Foreman Thornton, at the Arch bald colllciy, during the latter's vaca tion. James Ward, of Avoca, will succeed Dlstilct Superintendent J. L. Nelger in the local ofllce of tho Prudential in suiancc company, the latter taking charge of tho Pittson office on Mon day next. Remember the excursion of Father Mofllt and his congregation, which goes to Lake Lodore on Monday next Misses Lydla Hosklns and Bertha Rose spent the Sabbath as the guests of relatives and friends In Wilkes Baire. Taylor lodge, No. 4iiJ, Knights of Pythias, will meet this evening in regular session, T. A. Evans, of Ma'n stieet, Is spending a week with friends In Phila delphia. .1. Mllford Moigaus and tamlly aie sojourning at Lake Idlewild. Master Willie Ott, of Washington street, is rusticating at Atlantic City Foieman and Mis. XV. n. Thornton and children, of the Archbald mine, left yesterday for a three weeks' so Journ In Susquehanna county. Mlnooka tribe. No. 217, Impioved Or der of Red Men, will meet In tegular session this evening, John Weber and family, of Main street, aie spending the week at Ma-plevvood. BARGAINS IN DRAPERIES An unusual trade opportunity enables us to offer two exceptional tines of Lace and Tapestry Curtains at less than present cost to manufacture. As quantities are limited an early inspection is advised, as when present stock is exhausted we cannot duplicate. j Lace Curtains Nottinghams f Choice line of Brussels, Rc- I n.iissnnce and Irish Point De- T signs. 5 Real value Si. 75. Special $1.25 Real value $2. 25. Special $1.50 Real value $3.00. Special $2.00 Real value $4.50. Special $3.50 Real value $oo. Special S3. 75 Real value $6, 50. Special $5.5" Furniture A select stock of Foreign I TAPESTRY, VELOUR, i SILK DAMASK, FROU FROU I Estimates for all classes of upholstery, cheerfully t given. We make a specialty of $ Slip Covers $ Special clearance T unnnTP wmi ninnn $ uHnrmo, hall ninn, ; The most complete stock WILLIAMS J Temporary Store n accordance Pit vn . r i i 681 This Season'sSuit Styles $io and $12 Suits have been remarked, and the prices reduced , n 7 o for this clearing sale to po.DU, q(, .po $15 1 and some $18 Suits in fine cloth qualities, worsteds and Fancy Cheviot, price Cfn . cn for this sale pW aiIU M The "Atterbury System" of Tailoring. $20 and $25 Suits made by this sys tem that have created such favorable comment during the past Prices now season. Shirt Prices Good qualities in stripe and fancy Madras. These shirts are a part of late shipments. Re duced for this 7e sale to J borne fine Madras with fancy French fronts made by the best shirt makers. Reduced OQ H A few fine Panama" Straws At Reduced Prices. I r- Samter Bros., Leading t-H"t--t"H"H Tapestry Curtains Some new color effects in Oriental Tapestries Real value $4,50. Special $2.50 Real value $9.00. Special $6.00 Real value $10.00. Speci.il $6.50 Couch Covers Special values in Kelim and Bagdad eiTects at $3.50 to $8.50. Coverings and Domestic Novelties in $ prices on entire stock. ruiion nr tnmt nrnn nt DMao anu mu wwa, jsi in Northeastern Pennsylvanii. V & M'ANULTY 126 Washington Ave. " Clearing Sale Prices. It's the clearing sale that always brings the buyers. They know what the Semi Annual Clearing Sale' at this Store means. with the strict rule laid down years ago, we must clear this sea son's styles no matter at what sacrifice. 11 1 wffi In M .plodliuio STRAW HATS All this season's stylish straws in heavy chip, flat btim or Fedora. $oc straws reduced to... 25c 75c straws reduced to... 48c $1.00 straws reduced to 79c $1.50 straws reduced to 97c 2.00 straws reduced to 1.46 2.50 straws reduced to 1.83 Outfitters.