The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 23, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Sreelal to Die ?ennton Tribune.
Plttston, July 22. Thcto Is r-eiir-rnt
happy feeling ninoiiff the mine work
ci 8 nnd IuisIupsh inon of this city nnd
vicinity over the piopcc-l nf a io
filinptlon t if woik lit the lolllorlos
within a vriy fow day. Tills aftf-i-noon
rommlttroN were cent fiom the
hemlqiiutteiM of the ilic-moii In the
CentrHl Labor I iiltin hall to Inter
view the oillrliilH of the vurlouH com
panion In toRHiil to the reinstating of J
the Milking oinployoM anil those vvno
Eacililced their position by their ic
fuwHl to take the Ktilkeis' places.
From several or the cominlttocH which
had retui nod at this vwitlng, the ic
ports weie favorable: The Hamum
cnlllciy of the Kilo company ichuiiicu
work this moi nliiK, and It was 10
poited otheis would start Tuesday
mornliiK. The colllerloH working In
the dlstilct tclit.v mcic No. S and
Barnum, of the Kile Co., the Stevens
colliery, the Butler colliery, the Seneca,
colliery and the Avoca colliery. At
n number of the mines, the mulef weie
tsken back Into the undet ground
barns today. A labor ofllclal veiy
close In touch with the situation, Mild
this nftitnuon that the firemen con
sider that the position they have
taken is not to be legardud In any way
ns a hut tender to the ofliclals, but
rather as a MibmlsMon to the influ
ences of the United Mine YVoikers.
The strike of the machinists at the
Coxton lound liou-e of the I.elilKh
Valley tompnny Is ovei, and tcMiltod
unsuccessfully for the men. Xlne
weeks ago they mi nek for a nine
hour day, with the sanio pay an now
received for ten hours, but the snug
gle has resulted in a vlctoiy for the
railroad king. The men get nothing,
and many of them will oven tholr
positions In older to tetuin to woik
they air iciiulred by the company to
6lgn applications for positions, and if
reinstated will be taken In as new
An unsiucesMul eifort was made
hcie today to bring to a close the
strike ot the glrlH employed at tlm
Sterling Silk mill, who have been out
for the past llvo months-. For the
past few da.s, Messis. Valentine &
Bentley. propiiotois of the mill, have
Inserted advertl.-einonts in the local
papeis to the effect they would be at
the mill today to teielve applications
for work tiom all old employes who
wjshed to ictiirii. There weie only
aObut tluee applications piesented
this moining, however. The grievance
committee of the Textile Woikeis ap
pealed at the mill at T o'clock and
asked for a conference with Mr. Bent
ley and Mr. Hamlin, the stipeiliUend
ent. This was lefused them,' the olll
clals taking the stand they were theic
to lecclve oppllialloiis lor woik, and
not to confer with committee. The
committee of young women Imme
diately lepoited til? insult of their
visit nt a meeting of the Textile
AVorkeis, and the Milking girls unani
mously decided not to return to woik.
Mr. Bentley Mild this afternoon that
the mill will be icmoved fioin the
city, and the woik of dlMiiantllng the
machine! y would be commenced to
moitow Miihael Ki hoe, of ll.iiiilovvn, the
well known ball plajei, was
united In niariiage at b o'cloik this
morning to Mlhs B. Fleming. The
cetemony was peifotmed in St. John's
church, with a nuptial muss.
While digging a tiench lor a sewer
pipe, 1'lunibor John .Innes, of West
Pltrson, found a lust-eaten cannon
hall live teet below the Mutate. It Is
olaimtd to be a I olio of the Revolu
tion. A bain nt the rear of one of the
Jit Lookout Coal company's houses
at Wyoming, was totally destioyed by
Ore at an early houi this moining.
(special to the Srrinton Tiihune
Xevv Mllfoid, July 'Jo A "shoe social
will be held at the home of Mi. and
Mrs William Kenyon, in the town.-ht)
on Thui f-day evening, August 1.
Everybody Invited.
Miss Anna Binwu. of llallstead, visit
ed friend", theie last week.
Judge Seule and wife, of,
Wi'i' in town Wednesday
Miss Nina Tan iciciitly entortalned
her filend, Ml Flossie Howaid of Oly
phant. Theoin Shav and wile aie visiting
relatives and filends In the township.
New Mlltoid has pmc on" of the
neatest to-opeiative ncimeiles to he
found in Susquehanna iount. It Is
under tie inHnageiuent of J cole-
man nn expert In making butter and
Beginning Sunday evening July 21,
and continuing until September, the,
legular Sunday service at St. Marks
church will be held In the evening.
Mis, J. T. Jennings Is In Moshetvllla
to attend the manlage of her brother
Kail Bynearson.
Dr. and Mis. I). C. Alney aio en
tertaining Mis. U. Blakesley, Mrs.
Maiy Blakesley and son, and David
Alney, of Montrose.
Fifty-two new books have been plac
ed In the Biatt public llbiaiy.
Bev 1'h.u lex Smith, of the Methodist
chuieh exchanged pulplta with Bev.
M. V. Williams of Blnghamton, Sunday,
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Duryea. July 22. John Worthlngton
has returned home after an absence of
two years. This boy Is only 13 years
old and still ho has left home several
times. This Is the longest period he
The funeral of mother and child will
take place this afternoon at 2.30
o'clock. Interment will be In Marcy
Bev. and Mrs. J. B. Davis, of Phila
delphia, are spending a few weeks
with frloiids hole and at Mooslc,
McLaughlin Bros, nro electing n,
four-story structure on their lot on
Lackawanna avenue.
Misses Kate Dougher and Mamo
Fltzslmmons spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. deoigo Allen, of Dunmore.
The case ot M. F. O'Brien, who a
few days ngo went firing nt the Avoca
colliery, has caused much comment
and unnecessary ciltlclsm. Mr.
O'Brien went to Wllkcs-Barre on
Thursday and stated his case to the
executive board, who exonerated lilm
from nil blame. The method taken by
a boisterous class, In hooting and In
sulting some people, Is not encour
aged by the miners' union and these
being members of the union the mem
bers should see that It bo discontinued.
James Hartnett Is with the Thir
teenth regiment band at Mt. Gretna.
Joseph Gallagher left yesterday to
spend several days at the Pan
American. The funeral of Thomas Connor took
place on Sunday afternoon from the
family r"ldonco In the joitn linn,
services being conducted by Bev. D.
T. Smythe. The pall bearers weie
James Dick, William Major, John
Graham. James Martin, James Mor
gan, Bobcrt Burley. The flowers were
The flscsl jesrs 1000 and 1001 show . miuh
greater Increase In our mitt to our neighbors
at the couth than In any preceding yeara. The
total export to Mealro, Central and South
America ami the Writ Indira In 1S09 were 10.I,
OOO.OOOj In 1000, ?I27,000,OUO, and In FJ01, U8,
000,000 In round number. Thus the figures of
Idol are .IVOOO.OOO greater thin those ol iw,
while the 1819 figures aie only l,OT),0OO greater
than thoe ot lS'.tf.
The Importance ol satisfactory Iran.poiUtloo
ficllllies la Illustrated by a study ol the growth
ol nur evport trade with the countries at the
aoulh, Prior to the construction ot railway
lines connecting Mexico with the t'nltcd Matc,
nur export to Mexico seldom reached $10,000,.
OnOj by lSTfl they were $20,0U0,0nil; by ivn, 25,
Oin.noilj in J 'too, .1l,O0O,O0O, and In 11)01, .I7,.
ooo.fioft, In round number. To the West Indies
the transportation ejstcm I much more satis
factory than to the South American countries
and to those Islands our export have grown
from ,ll,00i),ono In lilt to $l'),000,ou0 In 1IW1.
To Ccnlial mid South America, with which
steamship communication has not been satlsfac
tory, the grace. .i hi been less, the figures a
already Indicated, being In 1000 practically the
Mine as In l't, while the figure for 100c) nd
1001 how In each case a conldcrablc Increase.
This inirease is epecially notable In the export
to the lountrle on the weatern cent ol South
America, reached by the recently established
line connecting the wetcin coast ol the t'nltcd
State with that ol Ninth and Central America
and which were put into operation about the be
ginning of the present calendar The fig
ure ol our export to South America show an
Increase ol nearly loo per cent, to Peru In elev
en month ending with May. 1001, a compared
with the dime period ol the flcal year 1000, and
nearly 100 per tent, to Chile In tho lame time.
Of the lncreie of $(1,000,000 In export to South
America in 1001 a compared with looo, mora
than two-thirds la to the countries on the west
ern coast.
The lollowlng table shows the Import ol the
Siuth American countries at the latest date ob
talnible (In most cases 1S01) and the export
(rem the I'nlted States to each ol thoc coun
tries In 1503 and 1001:
Imports llxports from t S.
Countries 1W. 1M0. MOOl.
Argentin ...$11T,(I,0V1 J D,5A3,S10 JU.tCO.OOO
nolivia 12.000,000 ni.ii?
nrarll IOV.000,001 12,2OT,ai0 12,100,000
C America... 2-.,fl00.0cl0
Chile I0,000.0(
Colombia .... 11.000,000
Ecuador 7.000,000
Ouianai IO.OOO.OiV)
Piraguav .... 'J.OOO.OOO
Ten i ,f,ooo
Cruguiy cs.000,000
Venetuela ... 0.000,000
Total $io,o7,;m $-.',:ni,ooo
The following table fhow our total exports to
tmerican territory eouth of the United States
in l'OO, 10UO ami 19"H
lJrX 1000. '1001.
S. America.. .V,T52.rtls $ 3VIV)T.1 $ 4".,161,0O0
C America.. .C1M7s K,ft2rt,."0 7,020.000
Wet Indiex. .31,107.222 47.W.077 4'M00,00i)
Mexico 1S.21.2S7 !11.074,Wit 37,000,000
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than Pour Lined j Cents for P.ach Cxtra Line.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Than Pour Linn, 6 Cents tor Hach Cxtra Line,
For Bent.
For Rente
About 1200 feet of floor space on
4th floor of the Tribune building,
su'table for light maufacttiring. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at office of
The Tribune.
FOB DKST-v complete and newlv furnished
home; modern, and highly desirable; family
leadng city; will rent until aprlng. .13 CJulncy
WANTKD-One thousand persons to buy one
thounand bottles "Knights' Aromallo Sjrup
ol Prunes," nature' gtealet phynlc. Largo
bottle, 25 cents. Chas P. Jones, 1537 DacW
son avenue. s
WANTEn An Intelligent (rathollc) lady or gen
tleman to fill a light, pleasant position;
good pay, It suitable. Addles P. O. ox 20,
Scranton, Pa,
KOIl rtKNT-Cool, pleasant rooms, desirable loca
tion, Ma Washington aenuc.
lOlt nr.NT-nicht rooms 73.1 Jefferson avenuci
fill inrtHtf-n rnntnlnrM '
929 oriEEV rtinCK SrnEKT. ten rooms, modern
Improvements; steam heat furnished; clesir.
For Sale.
mil SVI.I-llnii.a onrl Int. Oln.e In. for bust
nes or realdencc. Address Owner, care ol
The Tribune.
F0I1 SALK -A Cottiell A- Sons cjllnder pre,
."1x36, In good condition, new rollers, 300.
Apply Wllkcs-narre Times Olflce, Wilkesllarrc,
Help Wonted Male.
WANTKD I'lrst class shoe salesman,
lltuldy, Davles k Murphy.
WANTKD-Uholeiale house want olfice mana
ger at Siranton; tn traveling; permanent
position; $1,110 salarj; large extra profits; T-O"
cash required; secnreil. Address, Jlanulacturers,
.No. 1332 Cherry, Philadelphia, Pa.
Cortlfled Public Accountant.
nnwAMD o. spAULtiiNa, a tradem danu
i:nVAnn n. mavis, aiiciiitkct, consell
pnKiir.niCK l. nnow.v, Ancn. n rtEAij
I'stste Exchange Illdg., .o Washington are.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
it. i HAnnixn, r,oo connp.ix nuiLniso.
Help Wanted Female.
WANTED- A good gitl lor general homework In
small family. Apply 1410 Admix avenue.
4,ns7,o;,t 7,0.10,000
2,107,124 r,010,000
3,OI',O04 3,04?,000
PS2VU 2.0s.',000
2,.loM,302 2,530,000
10, 15,000
l,32."),fi0 3,1',000
l,2IJ,sJ2 l.,000
2,S51,(V1I 3,302,000
Cut out these parts anJ see If you can place them together correctly.
linn ever stayed, about two c.irs npo
nnnthor boy by tho name nf Wlnllolrt
ami lie loft home with their month's
Mitaiy, without any word to tholr pai
onts. In their travels they had all
kinds, of expel Unces. The most of tholr
time they spent In the slato of New
Jersey, Jark stated last evening that ho
had boon whoie tho sun lose, now after
a little visit at home he Is going wheio
she sots.
Theie will be a choius of sacred
songs entitled C'hailcs the drummer
boy, tendered In the Primitive Method
ist liiuteh this (TuoKday) evening. Ad
mission free, a silver offering will be
The Ladies' Aid will meet at tho
homo of Mrs. A. Haines, Wednesday
Class No. 7 of the Methodist Episco
pal Sunday school will conduct an ice
ci earn social on Andei son's lawn, Ktl-
day evening, all aie Invited to attend,
Mr. and Mrs, Henry AVlrth and son
Wlnlleld of Dunmore are the guests of
Mrs. Wlrth's sister, Mrs. 'William
(Jen hem t.
Miss Nellie rtlchaidson of Plains Is
visiting at the home of her aunt Mrs.
John Dills.
Mis. .Stevens Is visiting ft lends In
Miss Catherine Carnegie of Provi
dence Is visiting at the residence ot
Mis. Beebec.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Dick
a pretty baby boy.
All news Items for this column will
reielvo prompt atentlon if let t at the
l evidence of Duano Dills.
carried by Alex. Graham and Robert
AValker. Interment was made in the
Langoliffe ceinetciy.
Mlssrs Lulu Jennings and Margaret
Cranston, of Wllkes-Barre. are guests
at the Cranston residence In tho North
John Fagan, of New York city, Is
the guest of the Dixon family, on
York avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Nolan spent Sun
day with friends here.
Requires Lots of Nerve Re
sistance to Prevent Ex
haustion and Prostration.
The kind of people who are least able
to withstand hot weather ate tho ones
with upet Nerves They bieak down
during summer heat lose stiength
and restless cannot sleep fidgety and
fretful mentally and physically. With in looking after the Champion liar
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Tunkhannok, July 22. Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur 11. Sauler aie entertaining the
former's bi other and wife, Mr, and
Mrs. Luiius Mauler, of Scranton.
Miss Huth Piatt, who has been visit
ing her grandmother, Mrs. J. K. Peck,
at Kingston, the past two weeks, je
turned homo on Saturday.
Mr Frank Howard nnd family, of La
(liaiiEe, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Patrick lloyce, on Pine street.
The body of James Connors, a young
man living with his aged mother a
short distance below town, was found
In u teirlblv mangled condition on the
Lehigh Vallev tiack just south of tho
railroad bridge, early Sunday morning,
He had evidently been struck by a
tialn while walking along tho track
on hH vviiv home. Deceased was on
employe of the Montrose railroad and
an Industrious young fellow, tho solo
support of his widowed mother, his
father, strange to say, having been
killed at nearly tho same point and
under tho same circumstances a num
ber of years ago. The funeral was held
on Monday afternoon, with Interment
In the Catholic cemeterv.
Mr. McDanlels, of Baltimore. 1s here
for a few weeks assisting D. W. Stark
J. D. Broad Is visiting his nister, Mrs.
L. C. Dodge, of Wells Bildge, N. Y.
Howard Brundage yesterday moining
tool; a two-horse waRon load of our
townspeople to Dolph's, where they
spent the day picking huckleberries.
Messis. Gilbert Taylor, It. W. Hof
feeker and Monioe Scott spent Sunday
at Lake Lodoie,
Tho united churches will run an ex
cursion to Lake Lodore on August 5.
A laige ciowd Ik expected,
Mivs D. W. Brown is visiting rela
tives at Avoca.
M:s. Mamo Flynn loaves today to
spend a week at the Pan-American ex
position. Mis. Fred Bachner, who lias been
spending a couple of weeks with Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob Schermer, will return
to her home In New York city today.
The Wilson Fire company will hold
another of their popular picnics and
clambakes on Satuulay evening next.
A free entei talnment will be given on
thut evening.
Jangling Nerves.
jre you Irritable? Do you sloen
badly? Is It hard to eoncent-ate your
thoughts? Is your appetite poor? Do
you teel tired, restless and despond
ent? Try Llchty's Celery Nerve Com
pound. It will do you more good than
anything you have ever tried. Sold
by Matthews Bros.
Total .. .$00,511,6.15 $127,25.1,590 $13s,S01,OO0
June, 1001, estimated.
The announcement that Ameriern eapltil has
takrn conirol ol and will complete the unnn
ihe, section ol the Transcontinental Itallwiy
s.istem of sunn America, connecting Chile and
Argentina, sucsrests tint there may lollovv a
practical reial ol Interest in the great project
for i Pan Vtucrlciti railway line to connect
Ihe North and south nierlcm rsilway sjstems
nnd lends Into ret to the figures of the report
of the Intercontinental Hallway commission on
the propo.ed through railway line from Sew
York to lluenos Ayres Thce figures, which wcro
Iss-ied in lo, show the entire distince, by tho
propo.ed route, from New York to Buenos Veres
to be 10,2" nules, of whhh 4,772 miles were then
constructed, and 5,4M vet to be constructed, at
an estlmited eot of .7S,0fl.0nn. The following
tihle shows Ihe number of miles of nilway
suitable for a through Pan-American line existing
in each country in 11, and the number of miles
necessary to be rvntructcii to complete tha
through line:
Con- To be Kstimitecl
Ptructed. Coii'trncled. Cost ot
Tor Sale or Rent.
1'OH SM.K OR II KNT Single house, S01 Weh
ter avenue. Ten rooms, steam heat. (I. r.
Ilevnolds, Connell building.
Wanted To Rent.
WANTI'.li TO IthST A large, roomy home;
suitable for n first clas hoarding house;
must be well an I centrally located. W. T.
lhckctt, lteil Kstate, Price building.
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Pid. Aked.
I.aeluwanni Uilrv Co. Pr
County Savings Hank k Titist Co..
I'lrst National Dank (Carbondalo),.
Mar.dard Prilling Co
Third Xalional Hank
Dime Deposit and Discount Hank..
Kcc.nomy Light. II. A. P. Co
First National Hank
Laeka. Trmt Safe Deposit Co
Claik k bnover Co., Pr.
Scranton Iron rence & Mlg. Co,,,.
Scranton Axle Woika
Scranton Savings Hank
Traders' National Hank
Scranton Holt : Nut Co
i).Ani'i Hink
Ncw Mexico lly. ft CoCo
Scranton Passenger Hallway, fust
Moituane. due P20...... 115
Tecple'a Street Hallway, first mort
cage, due VIS
People's Street Hallway, (.eneral
mortgage, due P)M
Dickson Manufacturing lo
lacks Township School a per cent.
City of scranton St. Imp. 6 per
15a 1".' to.
Heans-Per bushel, choice intrrow-, $2 00a2 6.
Scranton Traction 6 per cent 113
Want Advertisements Will Be
Received nt Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALnrHT SCIILUTZ. corner Slulberrj
street and Webster avenue,
0U8TAV PlCIIrX, 050 Adam avenue.
Countries. Miles Miles. Construction.
fnited Stales.... S.n-u
Mexico 1.IM s-iil $ ll.T52.fVKi
Central America, 211 f:2 17,131,517
Colombia I..I1I S.I,73S,42l
Kcuidnr 0'iS , 2tl,S.t,S35
Peru 157 f5,7.Vs.m
Bolivia Hrt koj 12,(VJ3,::29
Argentina 0.0 125 4,000.000
Total 4,77d 5,455 $174,290,270
West Side
GEOHfiK W. jr.N'KIN'S, 101 South Main
South Scranton
FRED L. TCHPrn, 720 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
GEO. W. DAVIS, comer North Malo
tvenue and Market street.
Spruce street, Scranton.
Iloomj 12, 14, 10 and 13 Hurr building.
tlatcd on real estate security. Mean building,
corner Washington avenue and Spruce street.
and counsellors it-law-. Republican building,
Washington avenue.
sellors-at-law. Commonwealth building, Bcoiru
10, 20 and 21.
PO3P04, 0th floor, Mears building.
Green Ridge
CHARLES P. JONES, 1557 Dickson
F. J JOHNS, 020 Green nidge street.
O. LORENZ, corner Washington ave
nue and Marion street.
W. 11. KNEPPEL, 1017 Irving avenue.
Boarders Wanted.
WANTED Table bosrderj. Mrs. Tompkins, 631
Washington avenue.
LOsr Sundav morning, a pilr of gold eve
glares. Hew aid if returned to 621 Olive st.
of Trade building, Scranton, Ta.
Rank building.
211 Wyoming avenue.
Physicians and Sugeons.
lngton avenue. Residence, 1.113 Mulberry.
Chronb disease, lungs, heart, kidneys and
genlto urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p. m.
Hotels and Resturants
CAFE, 125 AND 127
Hates reasonable.
P. ZEIOLER. Proprietor.
senger depot. Conducted on the European
plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor.
LOT A gray storm cape at corner Linden street
and Adams avenue; left on one ot tho
benches Finder will ploaso return to 745 Krcasler
LOsT Gold-rimmed glasses in case. Iist Thurs
div afternoon In central city. Plcae return
to Tribune or Timet oiflccs and receive reward.
this clasH, heat heenis to falily flatten
out activity of mind and body produc
ing a languid, spiritless, exhausted con
dition. Its the action or Dr. A. YV. Chase's
Nervo Pills In building up the Nerve
Centies nnd petting in motion that
hidden current called Neive Koice,
which we know exists, but the nature
of which we do not underntand they
make this medicine so popular for
summer laspltucles and weakness.
Mr. Samuel nosers, of No. US Hyde
Park avenue, Scranton, Pa., saei:
"I was in a nin down condition head
nchcts neivous and sleeping badly ami
the oppetlte poor. I was told of Dr.
A. W. I'haFo'H Nervo l'llls and got a
box, Ah a result I sleep and cat well
11 gain. I am very much pleased with
them and glad to lecommcnd them to
others. This I can do conscientiously."
This Is the shape and design of the
genuine Dr. A. V Chafe's Nerve Pills,
All others aro Imitations and daio not
use this design.
Dr. A. "VY. Chase'n Nerve Pills 60
rents a box at druggists fir Dr. A.
Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
See that portrait and slgnaturo of A.
W. Chase, M, D., are on every package,
Sold in Scranton by Matthews Bros,,
vesting company's business In this lo
callty. H. S. Harding, esq., alts ns auditor
this afternoon to make distribution
of the funds in the hands of Bradley
AV. Lewis, esq., assignee for tho benefit
of creditors of n, V. ICdwords.
Miss Josephine Stark has returned
fiom an extended visit with relatives
at West. Nicholson, and occupies her
old place in tho mllllneiy store of
Mrs. Onllle A. Hog-art.
Marshall Scutt, of Carbondalo, spent
Sundny with friends! n town.
Itev. Samuel Colgate Hodge, pastor
of the Presbyterian church, Is moving
Into the Tewksbury house, corner of
Putnam and Tioga streets. Tho
house vncated by Rev. Hodge will bo
occupied by Mr. and Mrs. James Hlcht.
Samuel YV. Kysenbach and wife re
turned on Moirtlay from an extended
vacation, which they spent at Auburn,
N. Y and at tho Pan-American ex
position, AVOCA.
Mrs, Frank Tottcn, aged about 33
years, died at her home In Plt'teton
township on Saturday .evening, A
Oar Pan-flmerican
Trad? Increasing
Special Correspondence of The Tribune.
Washington, July 22.
EXPORTS FIIOVI the fnited States to all
American countries ami islands south of
her boundaries show 1 marked increase n
the HmjI ,vear Ju.t ended and eveeed those
ot any other jcr jn the history of our com
merce, ihia statement, just announced by the
treasury buicau ot slatUtics, is especially In
teresting in view of the various efforts being
mad..' fur clover business, commercial and trans
portation rclallons between tho Culled Slates
and her neighboia at the south, New lines of
teamria have recently been put on between
the PaoitV- coat -of the I'nitcd states and the
western coast of Mexico, Central and soulh
Amerlii; a leccntly published statement indi
cates that Jroit financial Interests ol the I'nlted
States have obtuined control of the nearly com
pleted transcontinental Hue connecting Argen
liiiafulth Chile; the establishment ol additional
duect steamship lines between the eastern coast
ol the I'nlted States and South American ports
is unarr nisi uwtion, ami tnc opening ot an isth
mian canal would give a straight lino of water
communication fiom the eastern coait ol the
I tilled states to the western coast of South
America. .T of these moumenta In the iluec
lion ot closer relations between the I'nlted
Mates and her neighbors at the south add inter
est to the announcement that our exports to
those countries In 1001 ore larger than those of
any preceding jrar, and to some hgures Jut
presented by the bureau of statistics showing
the Imports of each of the South American coun
tries at the latest date and Ihe etporti from
the I lilted States to each of those countries In
The growth of exports from the I'nitcd Stales
to Central and South America has not kept pace
In the past with the growth in other directions
The total esporta to South America in pnvt,
for Instance, were no more than those of isso,
being In each ol those jears. in round num.
bcrs, JJ'.OOO.ono, while the same statement holds
good with rcferenco to Central America, the to
tal exports from the United btalea to the Cen
tral American slsles being in 1R00 and 190O, in
each case, in round numbers, $5,000,000. It Is
10 Mexico and the West Indies that our exports
in the decade U'iO-I&OO shoos the greateit In.
crease, being, to the West Indies, In l0O, f.13,., and In 1000, IT.OOfl.ono; and to Mexico,
Wall Street Review.
New York, Juiv 22 'Nip unsettled condition of
the speculative mind was dearie manifest when
the slock market opened this morning with a
fresh batch of unfavorable news regarding the
corn ciop, and the poor chances of Hiring wheat
crop. The Orangers and Pacifies and Southwest.
cms weie all acutely depressed and heaiy blocks
of shares of each of lliose were throw,n upon
the market, making sales reach a high as 10,000
shares for I'nlon Pacific. Conditions were much
like those of li.t Monday, and Ihe trading con
tingent weie inclined to look for some such
cffectiie suppoit to the inirkct as weie ofiorcd
last Mondiy lis- tho powerful capitalists who have
a piramoiint interest In keenine un the prices of
Ihelr stocks. The selling on the short side after
the opening dip was therefore conducted with
some signs of timidity and caution. There wis
in fiet, effective support offered at the opening
low- level. Lulls' incipient rallv was riieckcd
when the com market opened and the condition
of affairs was observed. Theie was occasional
rallies on the clown grade due to the covering
of hears who took cpilek profits There wjs
grneial disposition on the pirt of traders to cloie
up their contracts over the nloht and tho de
mand from this souice caused rilly In the late
dealings, i.mglng fiom 1 lo :i points In the leid
cm. At the low level the Inroads upon Situr
slav's pines were: Hook Island, T'j, Ml.souil
Pacific, 7V I'nlon racilic, o", St. Paul, ;
M. Louis Southwestern prcfened, fi; tclilnn,
4 ; M Imls and San Francisco, second pre
ferred, T. Kansas and Texas preferred, and
Pencer and loo firande preferred, It's each.
There were many other losses of 1 to !) points
al other points of the list, and Rilllinore and
Ohio vets down 44 and Vevv York (Vntral, 3.
The I'nlted Stales Sleel stocks moved nairowly
all da. The closing was quiet and steadi,
with a goor) part of tho rally sustained. Total
sales today, ""LSno shires.
Rvilroad bonds were dull nnd weik. Total
sales, par value, $.',231,010. 1'nltcd Stales
bonds were all unchanged on tha list call.
The following quotations sre furnished Th
liibune by M. S Jordan k Co., rooma 70S V1
Ueara building, Scranton, Pa. Telephone 500.1l
Open- High- Low- Cios-
few hours previous she gave birth to
a son, who died the same evening, in isoo,, and m 1000,
ing, est, it. ing,
American Sugar 14'2'i 1's 1 to Hi
Amer. Tobacco llu 110 l'J 1
Atchison 70'a 71 fi?v; mif,
Mchlsoii, Pr "I m "! '(
llrook. Traction "rt'i 7(i'i 75'i 7.1,s k Ohio n 01li 0-J (IP,
Com. Tobaico Cl (IPs SOJ ft!',
dies, k Ohio 44- 4l'i 41 41
Chic, k fit. West 4l'i 4li 4.1 41
Chic. '. it West 22i 2',i ei'4 i
St. Paul 117 IV? 1V.'iJ IV,
Rock Island 112 12 Us l'iJ
Kan. & Tex.. Pr M VI Ri, ftjv;
liuls. k Nash lOi'4 InlU 1W4 101
Man. F.lcvated llMs 1PH lls 117
Met. Traction l'7 17 KLVi;
Missouri Pacific 1"0 101 07 07
Southern Pacltto M SI M'4 M'i
Noifolk k West 4?-, 47i 4U 4l
V V C.ntral 1M 1M 1ISJ
Onl. k West 3li SP; 30', SO'i
I'enna. I! 11 14H, 110, Hl'4 112
Pacific Mall .., s H 3s S)
Reading lly n'i W .1si4 3H
Reading lie. Pr 7.1 71 7l'i 7I
soulhern R R SS'i 21 2sift Wt
South. II. R., Pr KHi Mi S2 M
Tenn. Coal k Iron OT ) M fis"!
I'. 1. Leather 125 12'i l!"i 12i
P. S. Leather, Pr "7'a 77'i 77'3 77'3
I'. S. Itiihlier 1!' P"a V n
I'nlon Pacific .. n,ii lo Us in pp; !i,,u
I'nlon Paclfii, Pr S'H, S'i' Ssii fsi,
Wabash, Pi :" S 'U 37
Western I'nlon Ol'a IHH U4 l'7
Col. Fuel A Iron OT 0. 01 P'i
Amal. Copper Ill Hi lllUi UP,
People's lias 1I1'4 1I1'4 112 112'i
Krle Ts .'W iil'4 3.V4
i;rie. 1st 'l "US
Col. So M'i M'4 11 11
Texas Pailfle SIS 40 SM', 301;
Am Car Foundry i14 2's 27'4 S
f. S. Steel Co 3'"5 3Hi ;isi, asr,
U. K. Steel Co., Pr.... SsU SH R7?4 63
Open. High- Low. Cle.
WIIEAT. Ing. est. est. Ing.
September N's "'4 74i 77i
December 7! 70 7H 70V4
September Ro'l '4 (Wi M4
Pecembtr W 0J? 6014 62H
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Correited bv II. II. Pile. 27 l.ukawanna Ave)
llutter Freh creamery, 20'.sa21c. ; dairy,
fresh, 11i4a20,ir.
Cheese Full creim, in'jSllo.
Fggs Western fiesh, Hall'.ic. ; nearliy state,
Meillum Means i'er bushel, $2 40j2 43.
(Treen Peas-Per bu-hel, J1 40al.4"i.
Flnui Rest patent, per barrel, l.l".
Reans Per bushel, choice purrow, 2.j3i2.CO.
Potatoes -Per bushel, 'slal.10.
Onions -Per bushel, 1.
Philadelphia Grain and Produce.
Philadelphia, July 22. -Wheit strong. So.
higher; contract glade, July, 74i74'4c. Corn
Slroncr, 3c. higher; Nn. 2 mixed, July, WjOlc.
Oats Firm, and 10c. barrel lilehcr; wlnler su
perior, 2 20a211; do. extras, 2..V)i2.70; Prnna.
roller cleir. 2 0'xl -J', do. do. straight. $.1.30
3.40; western winter cleir, . ""'a"1 30; do, do.
straight, s.;Vj3jn; do. do. pilent, .1.5Ji3.hS;
Kan-as stralcht in ai ks, t.t 2.I1.1 4 V, do. patent
In mks, Y3.4ih.1Ni. .jiring clear,;
do. stuight, $l..'i0.n 70; do. patent, .l.70a'l.0(i;
do. favoiile brand, fkuiil 10; city mills, evtra,
2 SO 12.70; do. clear, YIO'ul.2"; do. straight,
$.1 2AaJ.nO; do. pitrtit. M.WHt 10. ne flour, in
active and iinilianced. at 2.rt.1a2 PO per barrel,
as to qualitv. nutter Firm, uood demand;
fancy western ncunerr, 2oi20',c. ; d". do.,
prints-, 21c ; do. neaiby, 21c Kggs-Firmj
fieh nearby, IV.; do, western, llilJc; do.
fliitliwestern, 12l- ; do. soulhern, 12c. Cheese
--(Juiet; Y. full cream", fincv small, Tje ;
do. do do. fimv to cholre, R'.aTic. Refined
sugar I'm hanged. Cotton steady. Tallow
Dull, cltv piiine In hhd , BUo ; coiintiy do.
do, Mils, 4a47c ; cakes, "i,c Live poul
trv Dull and weak; fowls, 11 ill', c. ; obUioos.
tets, 7c ; spring chickens.' l,!.i.1c: clucks, Ida
lie Dressed poultry Quiet, but steady; fowls,
choice, Uial2e ; do. fair to good, l(i',allc;
old loosteis, tJ 4c: broilers, nearby, lSa'2lc. j
western do , 11a2lc.
Receipts Flour, 3.000 bairrls, and l,fiS2.000
pounds in sacks; wheat, ,'M,Ou0 bushels; corn,
3,000 bushels; oils, 30.000 bushels. Shipments
Wheat, 131.000 bushels; coin, 8,000 bushels;
oats. 10,000 bushels.
New York Grain and Produce.
Sew ork, Julv 22 Flour Dull and held 10c.
higher; Minn, patent. J,, Wheat spot
strong, No. 2 red, 79V. ' !' "float; No.
2 red, 77Vc elevator; No. 1 notthern Diiluih,
70.i f. o b. afloat. Options experienced sen
satnuul adiance averasing the enliio dn.
Closed strong and 2itat1ic net hidier. Inly
e losed 771 i Sept.. 77'4C.; Oct, 77V.: I'ec ,
701,0. Corn Spot strong; No. 2. (i2 elevatoi,
nnd 02 V". L o. b. ntloir. Options, market
clo.ed Miong at 3'ale. adiance. July dosed
m Mi-, s .sent.. (.2iie . Oct . n'2'it. : Dec. 2?ac
Oils Spot very Miong; No 2, 41e.; No. :l,
40'sc ; No 2 while, cllll'io. ; No 3 while,
41i41',c : track mixed western, 40'4al2c ; traek
white, 42alc. Options advance and stinnger on
the corn outlook. llutter riini; cieamery,
irnl'i'jc ; ilo factorc, : Imitation
creamery, Hal7c; slate dalrv. l.liH'jc. Cliee.e
Fiimcr; finiy large, colored, y'ie.; do, do.,
vvlilie, 0. ; (amy small colored, 0vc ; do. do,,
wlilte. 0,c Legs -Firmer; slate and I'enna ,
lil7e ; western, uneandled, SaU'jc. ; western
candled, llaliic.
Chicago Grain and Produce.
Cliicaio, July 22 In t lie guln pits this was
a wildly bullish ilaj. Impelled bv the hopeless
tone of'adviccs from the parched prairies, wheal,
i-oin and oats scoied enational advances and
closed excitedly strong, respectively :i'4. 4 and
341'kc-. higher for Seplemher deliver). Provi
sions closed higher in September pork, adianc
ins 8Jc Cash quotaltcns were as follows:
Flour Steady; No. 3 spring wheat , i.Vi(V)o ;
No. 2 led, t)i!.i72,,jc. : No. 2 com, eVsV ; No.
2 vcllow, ,'17'ia.Vs c; N". 2 oals, V.i'JalOc ;
No. 3 while, 3'iVille ; No. -2 i)c, ft7c ; fair
to choice milting bailey. 4saWc ; prime time-ii,i-
seed. s.V2V: tnis-s pork. HI IVall.TiU; laru.
$!.'cl2',ja.r.J: short libs, sides, Y7.l)aS 05; diy
tilted shoulders, 7,4a7NiC. ; short dejr sides,
SS.IOaSW); uliiskey, ?l.2e.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, July 22. Cattle llecelnls, 21.101, in
cluding 671 'IVvans; maiket steady to stionge-r;
good to prliuo steers, Jl.43an.20, poor to meil
lum, il.fijaVJ'i; stockers and leedeis, ?2 40i4.0;
cows, ;2.00al.0; heifers, sJ.Suj HO: eanneis,
1 (s'ia'2.33, bulls, t2.S0j,SUi calves, $.I.73jU,
Tcvas kleeis, S.IJ4 JO.
Hugs --Receipts, 30,000; estimated for tomor
row, 21.0(10; lilt mei, 3,23'i, market steady lo
6c. lower; mived and butchers, $V75aO.OJ;
pood to choice heavy, fla0.17i4. rough lieavv,
s,Vf0J5.S; light, $3,7Ja3.90i bulk ot sjIci,
3.S0a5.S5. . ,
sheen Receipts, 1(1,000- sheep, (tiong; Iiinha,
'5c. higher; good tu choice welhcis, $.l.00al SO;
fair to choice mixed, if.l.50jl.lKi; vveitcrn sheep,
t-VVOal 12',4i .vearllnirs, tlal.ttt. native lambs,
JJal.iO, western limbs, fl.403.30. ,
Hew York Livo Stock Market.
N'ew York. July 22. Reeves Steers, slowj good
eleers, steady; med.'vn and lommon, 10c, off;
bulls, easier; cows, barely steady; steers, 51. WI
at.SV,; bulls, 3a3.S0; cons, $:.2iil,10.
Sheep IS to 2., cents loner: lambs, badly
demoralized; celling W to 75 cents off; sheep,
Rooma at Fan-American.
F.LKOANT LOCATION" and furnishings. Kates,
7-i cents and $1.00. Write for particulars.
The Mortimer, 155 Woodlann avenue, ill. Pan
tile M. Sle-ains.
OCR N'F.W ROOK sent free, fully illustrated,
treats of all conditions of men, tells how to
attain "Perfect Manhood." Should be in tho
hands of every male adult. Address I'.rlo Medical
Co., "Hook Dcpt.," Ilurlalo, S. Y.
ces pools; no odor; only ImproveM rumps used.
A. R. Rrlggs, proprietor. Leave orders 110i)
North Main avenue, or Klcke'a drug store, cor
ner Adams and Mulberry. Roth telephones.
erymen, store 201 Washington avenue; grem
houses, 1060 North Main avenue; store, tele
phone, 782.
Wire Screens.
Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens.
alo ladles' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 212
Adams avenue.
Situations Wanted.
SITI'ATION WANTED As cook or chef In hotel
or club. Address, took, 115 Pcnn avenue.
bill A'l ION UANTED-Rv oung man as book
keeper or office work of any kind; experi
enced; best references. C. E. P., liibune Ottlce.
SlU'ATION' WANTHD lly a lady to tako In
washing. M. K Tribune Office.
biri'ATION' WAN ri;i Circular sample distribu
tor or managing the work, or collector for a
good Him. Address II., or call on Dr. Thompson,
nil East Market street.
SITUATION WANTl'.D To no out by the day
washing or cleaning. Call on or address Mrs.
Itnssell, 1219 Ccelir avenue.
fell CATION WANTED-Registered pharmacist of
first cla-s piactlcal experience; single. Ad
dress Quinine, Tribune Ollice.
biri'ATION WANTED Ry a vming man as as
sistant draughtsman or tuccr. Add! ess Uux
U, Throop. Pa.
?2.50al2.'ii culls. !J2j2 2.i; lambs, .1.50a5..Vl;
(.ulla. ?2a2.25; lamlis, $.l.50iV;VI; eulls, 4.1a 123.
Hogs Higher western hogs, Jti.15ati.25; ,talc
hogs, i0.4OjtJ.5O.
East Liberty Cattle.
East Liberty, July 22.-Cattle Steady: evtn,
$3.(i'iaH; prime, i'i iii)iS,70; good, J3 20iS.I0.
Hogs Active; prime heavies and heavy jork
ers, S20, prime asvoited mediums, 81.20afi.2'i;
light voikers and Rod plus, fl 15a6.20; com
mon to fair hogs, $j,10a6.15; skips, $1.753.73;
loughs, $1 25a5.73.
sheep About steady; best wethers, $4 23i4 10,
culls and common, s1.60a2.30; yearlings, $3al.75,
veal calves, $7a7.30.
v elopes, paper bags, twine, Warehouse, 130
Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa,
In Scranton at tha nrws stands of Reiimin
Bros., 400 Spruce and 50J Linden: M. Norton,
(22 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schutter. 211
Spruce street.
Money to Loan.
$3UO,ooo TO LOAN Lowest rates: straight or
monthly pajments. Mark k CoTraders" bid?.
straiglt leans or Building and Loan. At
from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker,
3H-3i3 Connell building.
Oil Market.
CI1Y Ol' SCRWION, Department of Public
safely. Sealed proposals will be opened at
Ihe nftlce of tho rccoidei, by the recorder and
the director of public sifet), at 4 o'cloik p. m,
Mondiy, Vug. 5, l'XIl, fur Ihe repairing of Col.
umhli Hose house on Division sheet, Wejt
scranton, ae cording to pi ens and specifications
in Ihe niltce nf the biiildinc Inspector, city hall,
All bids shall be hied wilh the cltv controller,
at his office in Ihe nty hall, not later than II
o'clock a. in., Mcmdiv, Vug 5, tool. The city
lescives the light to rrject inv or all hlds.
Direc tor of Public safety,
scranton. Pa , July 22, l'iO.
Oil City, July 22. Credit balances, 125; cer
tificates, sale of 1.000 barrels cash oil at $1 .10.
shlpmrnls, three elajs, 312,454; average, 101,130.
Runs, three elajs, 107,271; averjgc, S6,bl9,
American League.
At Detroit (12 Innings) R,
Boston 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 Q .-,
Detroit 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 6
Batteries soung and Sc-hreckegost;
and Buelow; Haskell and Maiard.
At Chicago (12 Innings) R.
Philadelphia .,0 0000010000 12
Chicago 0 0 I 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 01
Batteries Plank and Smllli; Patterson and
Sullivan, Umpire Cantillon.
II. P..
1.1 I
12 7
ii. i:.
a l
s 2
At Cleveland It. H,
Washington 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 03 0 a
Cleveland 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 x-d 11 0, (Jear and Clark; llJrt and
Yeager. I'mplie Connelly,
II. P..
At Milwaukee R,
Baltlmoic 12 00 0 0000-3 C 1
Mllnuiikee 1 2 0 0 0 ' 0 0 x-5 8 :'
llalleiies-llowell and llresnalunj Sparke and
Malone). L'mplie Slierldjn,
National League.
At St. Louis It.
Chicago 2 100 11000-3
M. Louis 0 (I 0 0 0 4 0 1 x n
llallerles Hughes , Waddell, Kllng and Kahoe;
rowcll, Sudhoft and R)an. l'mplie Nah,
At Philadelphia- R. II. K.
Rosion nnnmooni a 7 2
Philadelphia 0 0 o I 0 0 2 O x-.l 7 2
Balleiles-Willis and Klltredge; Orth and Me,
Farland. l'mplie Emslle.
Other dubs not scheduled,
a i
Money Will Burn Big .Monthly
The Investor's Fund Pays Semi-monthly.
The oldest established In America. No certificate
holder has ever lost a cent Pajments mads to
all subscribers every J3 days. No trouble. V
delay. Money refunded on demsnd. Write to
day for partlculais, free to any address.
C. E. Mackey k Co., Hudson BId'g., New York.
Pacific Anthracite Coal Co
Capital, $6,000,000.
P. O. Box 1O0O.
Pcaltle, Wash , July 0, 1001.
We have for sale a block of slock In a ne
find that we pronounce tho richest prospect in
fire gold quartz on earth; 157 lbs. of this cjusii?
selected actually sold for 1,MO. The dlseov.
ercr has still richer chunks. Write for particu
lsrs. Wr also ofier development stock In th
Coal company, the fit s. t anthracite dlscocered on
this coast J. M DENNETT. President,
Pacific Anthracite Coal Co.
Eastern League.
At Worcester lUrt ford, 7; Worceiter, 5.
At Trovidence Sjrscuse. 1: Providence, 0.
At Rochester Rochester, 10; Buflalo, 0,
At Montreal Montreal, 2j Toronto, 5.
Bond Offerings.
Paying 3 to 5
Chea, ci Ohio, It. & A. Div. 1st Con.
Evans. & Totro Haute 1st Con. 6s.
Iowa Con. Ity. Co. 1st 6b.
Louis., N. A. c& Chic, Chic. & Ind.
Div. 1st Cs '
Mexican Central Hy. Con. is,
Mlfr,ouil I'aclilo Trust Pa.
Mob. & Ohio, Montgomery Div. 1st
5s. !
OteRon Short Lino 1st Con. 5s, ,
Wo Grande Western 1st 4s.
St. l.ouls Bridge Term. Ity. 1st 5s.
St. 1... Iron Mt. & So. Herd. 4s.
Mil. I.loc- Ry- & Lt. Co. 67c Pfrl.
Complete Circular List on Application.
Spencer Trask & Co
27.20 Pins Stmet.
I M Stite Street, Albany, N. Y. NEW YORK