The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 23, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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History of the Church From Its In
ception Prepared by H. 0. Hinman
One Workman Impersonated An
other in Ordor to Obtain Goods
, Assyrians Havo Thoir Priest Ar
restedExcursion t o Harvey's
Lake Sabbath Dosocrators Heav
ily Finod Other Notes and Per
sonals. The congregation of tlip Hamilton
StiPtt McthodNt :pltopul churih held
their jubilee soi vices on Sunday In oh
soiv.ince of (Heir being lice fioin debt.
Piohably the most Intoiestlng fentuie
of the service was the nddies.s Riven by
II. C. lllnnian on "The Chinch of the
Pust," which mih In reality a hltoiy
ot tlie chuich finiii It Inception. The
p.iper piepaied l .Mr. J 1 1 nman In us
follow s:
The lil.torj of Hilt xlr'i (mm t hr jnr of
Is.' h mot liiinriinu nc The I'rotntant
VI(tlimllH IjiiiIi j i lim t li u!irr tin. mull.
tniliim mm MitM. In tlm Iodine mom it.
ticlinl li Hit rliuuli, .lif I'luWmt IpIIioiIIh
wniptilpptil tin m its ( liippi life urrp ppnt
I iv Hit' ilflioiiiliuiliiii in tin lit t o ihiinh. Imt
onilimtH Ijm ut iliwuiiiciit cotiM tic (in mil
a ilhUinn mn i ilt.mrt)
llie timtiM ul (lii- itniotnliulion Incite!
nmc nf th" liitlliirn, (mm lnl j knmn HI
llii' llulo Put, trtlii.i Ipi.iopil ilmriii
(bimp-iiti iKini, o conic nir Into MjkiIoiiIi iik!
help tlittn 'llie pirlillim c-Mir, Hoi. tutln
Oriltm dill It. w Vm "'liulrk, .iflir InnUns
Hi.' lit M mcr. tltclilfil t i pinln-r tlie propcrli
ant I it j i nii-'loii
Thi.iim 1', Vni'lt. Ilrtin 'mllli. r V.
Ticirtlon, Ifiim , til ,n,i ii, t ihnnun
ttc ippolnltil the Hut tnnlrri Tlnn was
Innntil tlie .mtli Ihitiptnn "tioct Millinrlut
Kplwupal ilmriii in line ol l; On Jnli 1
ef tlil nine .it ir the llci tnlm I. t.illir ecu
atpfilntnl the tlrt pim, He prrnhcil his flrt
teiiiicn (rum the tet. "for I Deti tmliieil to
Knovc Nothing Anionu Uu sctr flirivt jnd Mini
Cruel htil "
I'nr tlie mruliilm- mftntln nf ihit mnfcit-nie
jcir lie riMitiniinl to nttet!i pioelaim tlie
cn.pel truth" -Mrr MuB.uet K-rirt, ho U
trcrnt iiltli m tu it j the hrt to Join
tlie him HAleti, dinl the lint to pji a ilnlUr
Inln the lrei-iir. ntlm tnlltmnl an I nm Ipik
fer i gmiil imtl, mj liesun I w h tn
Mctl U5 fnmi oiinieil, cnnvl-ilnc nf tnin,
arnica .intl ililMnn Tint im ntieti i
ftlll in evidence, ullli miiii nf the rM mtm
!ier villi .it ork. It i the rlslit inn n( pmicr
tf the ilmriii.
Miml.ti mIiooI wi oiu'inirecl tonltlnc of
almit tillv nifiiihn vmr nf the ntrtcer
rnntlntietl to trc tor ten .uurii' tnni ml
mm the m hr '1 srow i nr i't in mrr .00 tnrtn
hcr ilioir mt U I imclit lino j.tjon at
I!oe anJ Mmnnd Cieam remoies
tcdnesi nf the Vm and oothes the
rain nf tunnurn In one nlRht Tale
a bnttlc with jou on jour acation.
rOIt SsALU n fj V .IKNM.SS
trill time and (till continues to ting good
Aj noun at a chatter could he procured the
new aoelety bought tin old church property
for l,J.',0 from John It. Hall, nho held the
title at that time. A debt of flOO which re
mained xi ai aoon protlded for. Ihe church ji
painted and other Itnptoicmenta made. The
old aoelety presented to tho new their library,
church organ and many other articles which
cannot now be recalled.
Ihe annual conference of lfS3 appointed a
joung man by the name of George C. Iz-wls.
lie Immediately came and went to uork at a
icty difficult taik, but being a man full of
Christian real and a faith that reached to heaieti
the church wonderfully proprred. During tho
paitorate of this good brother, the church
doubled lit membership, the mortgage lias can
celed, 11 parnnR0 erected at a cost of $l,lui)
and all paid for but $104.
In the mldt of the Inceuant toll lil health
failed and the angrta came and bore amy one
nf the mot earnet pastor In tlie lincjjrd
nf the Mailer In the jear of 1H7 llinther
LohIi nai mcceeded by Iter. V. It. Netherton,
iiho for two ear proied himwlf n "iiorknnn
of tlie first mignilude, ' a poiicrful preicher
and faithful putor' During thl, pastorate many
tnuli ueic born Into the kingdom, ionic of which
lemaln tn thl, da.i.
Ihe tonfennce of ls,vi appointed Itei Stephen
rlwell, who for two leara na, eatneit an I
fiithful In his wntk. lie Miecreded in raldng
the debt Hint still remained on the parsonage
and during the keeonJ of the pastorate
auhleil by Ki.iiikpIM Kane. .1 mnt poiurful
reilial na, condiictrd, nnklng neceiry the
ertttion of a taiger houe nf orlilpi n in
the jrir of I'll the worx of building a new
church w.n btgun an I ptnhnl to eompletlon
under the pitorate nf Itei. II It Itcnediet
In Ffluun.i nf I(ii the church waa drdleited
bj flWiop Mttnbe, and eicry clollar of tli
fii.nun proildetl for, eieept .',l(i0 Ihe pator
ilat.i wa rtlcd tn $1X) the firnt time In
the hlitnr.i nf the church that it w is able to
piv that amount.
In the fpilng of I": Itev. r II. Ilne in,
apiolnted pulor. He um an mranrillniiy
pnailirr. The tear ptetl ijiilelli nwai, iitini
frun the terrible strain of hiiiM!n' the ehunli
In the preilmn jear. One llitmind rinlhr, wn
iiillectrd this jear cm the pledges of the ihurtli
Thrre wn alio 1 reiiial In the winter in
whlih man soul, were ronirrled It wnnld
le well tu tuintlon heie the nimble senile,
runleri' I li I! W lletidennn. who time to the
ilmriii fioni the ccntijl tllj He na, a will.
lug worktr In all depigments ol cluirih work
ind eperiallj along flnanelal line, Uhlle he
wn not able to glie large mm of motie.i him.
vi If he had the faculty of getting It from "ntheri.
Inolher laluibte man wn .hniei vhilttr.
Iheie tame a time In the hilori nf tlie chinch
when she m greatli cnihnrjwcd onlug to
flniiithl ililflenltie Ihe trulee were luiible
to proeute monev, and tlrother Shifter borrnnrd
JifMl on his nun titponilbllltj and turned It to
the church.
I'rother Henry "Jnilth, who I, still an Tctlie
meinber, mint not h. forgotten n, a fnllifiil,
mintleiitlniM senatit of tlod, fiithful tn all his
diitle, ind m it llbenl glier
The mnfeirnep nf lvlt appointed Kei A .
Cooper, who remained in the charge tun lean,
lie wa, ainpli endowed for the unrk being t
Eiiduatr nf ile enllege In the spnng nf l'ij
Itei I I' lKili nme a, the pjtor, reiinlnlrig
Ihiee ien lie wa, a veri plenant pt,tnr
nml the work nf the pastorate teiilted in spirit
ml profit
rime would not permit a detilled aec Hint of
ill the stLrlfiirs. the eniouriging word,, the
lik room, ililted and the sid bent, rom
fnrted -utfiie to sij cteinil.i alone will re
wil the woik done.
In the sprlnc nf lfri5 inur pruent putnr llei.
lamei llrniiineer. appilnted to the charee.
He maile a tadlril thaiiice In main things the
leri tut ,iear. In tlie flee nf greit ilifrlciiltie,
he entrrtd upon the work Tlie tirkt SiMiaHi lie
a, met and welcomed bv one nf the Irttlnrn
who be. line his wann friend and vtill teniaiiis to
tlm dai an I will innllniie while life shell lat.
The work done on the charge during his pas-
Of Comfort
In these days of semi-tropical heat, which
is tiresome alike to mind and body, the
uppermost thought in the mind of every
sensible person is, "How can 1 keep
cool and comfortable ?" Life without a
sense of comfort is hardly worth living,
and with this idea in mind we present to
our readers today, two of the most com
fortable suggestions we can think of as
an offset to the two months' warm weath
er that still lies ahead of us.
Light, cool and airy, in such materials as
very fine seersuckeis, cambrics, crash, etc.
Pbin or trimmed with circular and plaited
llounces, single or cluster ruffles, and in
such a variety of colorings, patterns and
styles as to leave no room for dissatisfaction
as to the assortment
Prices 55c to $1.75
ok n
In thin, cob web-like creations that sug
gest coolness and comfort in their very ap
pearance. Of course you've seen and ad
mired the "Kimonis" dainty, easy and
dressiest ol all negligee garments. The
"Geisha" is also a favorite, while tight
fitting Dressing Sacques are becoming more
popular every day. The trimmings are in
lace, insertions, embroidery, braids, etc,
And we know you'll like them.
Clearance Prices
From 45c Up.
torate Is familiar (o jou all. The debt of pre
ilous year Increased to something oicr $1,200.
On his bands was a church that needed repairs
and a aoelety that needed reconciliation, but
with friends who stand by every ptstor and the
blenslng of Almighty Uod, great work has so
far been accomplished.
The entire debt has been raM off, which work
calls for thn celebration of thi, dijs the
ihurcli has had some ncedetl repairs, all nf which
has been paid. Two new lots hue bem se
cured nn the Hound Woods plot, i mot beau
tiful sight for a new churrh The Idle ones
haic been wieded nut Slid workets hsic taken
their places. The fact that a new church la
almoit In sight Is proof that these )cars lino
been jears of prosperity and grmilh.
"The ('hutch of the Preceiil" twin
ulily refetred to by William 1'niFont", In
whlih he Hpoke of the work the pies
cut inembciBhlp has accomplished tn
wnreN e-Mtnbllslilticc a new home for
themseles. Hov. .lames Hennlnger, tho
pator, Kjioke of "The Church of the
Kntuie," In which he ptophcided great
thltiBM for his ilock In Oi enter West
SerJiiton, us they ptopose bullillnR their
new edifice in a section which nffotds
ample nppoi Utility for btillilhiK up n
Iniso coiiBteRiitlon. Special music was
1 endet ed tltnltiK the service by tho
choir, nnd u huge LotiRteRatlon was In
Impersonated Anothor Man.
John Klvldldls. mi employe nt the
Mt. Pleasant colllcty, him only been
In tho country six month", nnd knows
but llttlo about It, but he docs know
about man's duplicity. Ho lecclved u
duo bill from the initio cleik tor his
pay last week ntnountliiR to $18.50, but
when he went to obtain tho money,
ltnind that nil Unit was coming to
him was J:!4I.
lie cntilcl not undeistand why he re
ceived m little, nnd upon m.tkltiK In
cittliles It was learned another
man had been to the company stote
and mdered n bill of poods .unouutlnr?
to Sl.'.Oii. The poods wete loaded on
the elellNcty wacroti and hauled up to
t'liytiRti stieel When the elrher In
tiulietl for ".lohti Klvldldls," another
fellow claimed to be the rlsht man
uinl the Roods Mcio left in hH enre
In (i small shanty.
As soon as the dilver disappeared,
the Impi'isntiatnr piooureel u wheel
b.mow and hauled the Roods away.
The stiaiiRc-st p.ut of the whole UiltiR
Is that the mam whose nil mo was
used did not onler any poods, neither
docs he know who tho fellow Is that
obtained them. All ho knows Is that
he is out SlfiOil.
The lctlm sotiRht Alderman Kol
low's adilto In the matter yesterday
afternoon nnd brought It to the
attention of the stoic company.
The latter itRieed to make pood
Klxldldls' hhortape, and will nlfo
make an effort to tlnd the fellow who
Impel donated him.
Assyrians in Troublo Again.
At the net teini of coutt theie will
probably be another case similar to
the one disposed of at the last tcim,
In which u dozen or moio Assyrians
will apepftr apainst each other. The
tumble ieolcs about Saltna, Kiidle, of
I'll! l.oneipan couit.
The latter Is ti ptetty widow, and
the tioublo started on July 10, when
a Rioup of her counti men wete hold
Iiir one of their pcilotllcal seaaices.
At Uint time, the muhr woman was
seated in her rpiai lets when Iheie
came down fioin tin- npattinents aboe
a riu.tntity ot beet,' which soiled her
clothing and otheiwlse despoiled her
Reneral make-up.
On Jul IS she appealed befoto Al
deiman Kellow and caused wai rants
to be Issued for the an est of Thomas
A mane, Joseph Moil, t'allm Saiz nnd
Mltimei Matiboor, ihaiglnpr them with
assault and batteiy. Tho only evi
dence adduced ut tho heating was
fioni Aniline, who admitted spilling
the bcei on the j miner woman, but
contended that It was accidental. Ho
was held In $J00 ball and the othet
thleo weie dlbchaiRed.
The oiitcoinc ot this was thut seen
uieu loiisplicd to lulu the woman's
leputatloti by alleging that the I!ev.
Peti is Asuian was guilty of liupioper
lelations with nei, and fioni the testi
mony glxon. they composed a letter
which, It is alleged, was lot w aided to
the bishop.
1'pon learning' this the pi lest had
wan ants Issued for Oeoige Nicholas,
N.ijab YotimH, Alias Mackeoul. Joseph
MhsmiikI, Thomas Amane. Keiln Saab
and Mliimcr Mutisoonr, charging them
with ctlniliial libel. Theie was no evi
dence to substantiate the chatge, nnd
the cae was dismissed.
Mlnmei Matisoot, of flit? Sciautoii
sheet, then had liov. IVtils Asmnr
and Siilma faille, the woman, anested
on ehaipes of assault and battery and
making threats to kill him. There was
no evidence to show that the pilest
had assaulted Maii"eor, anil he was
disc lunged on that count, and held In
$.'00 ball foi limiting tin eats. The cases
ngalnst the woman weio dismissed.
The pilest has now begun an action
foi damages In common pleas lourt,
as Is tepotted in another column.
Joint Excursion.
The Joint eciiision of the Hampton
Stiect Methodist Episcopal, Washbuin
Sticet Piesbyteilan nnd Simpson Meth
od I, t I'plscopal chin dies will be inn to
Haiit.v's lake on Wednesday, .liny 31.
'I'ne '1 illume ias In euoc yesteiday In
announcing the Hampton stieet chutch
i v ins Inn foi tomonoM.
The committee icpicse'itlng the thtee
sliiuct'cs met last evening at the homo
of Jenkln T. llecse, uunei of Wash
buin stieet and Hyde I'aik avenue, to
pei feet tho anangenients. The louto
will bo by way of the Deluwaic and
Hudson and l.chlgh Valley lalltoads
dliect to the lake.
Tho follow ng laces have been detldid
upon for the da Thtee-Iegged race,
pilze valued at $1, ...ick nice, ptlze val
ued at fiO cents, iclay taie, half mile,
thiee pattlclpant from each chinch,
pilze valued at $1.50, potato incc, ptJze
valued at 50 cents. ,
There will also bo a game of base
ball between the mauled and single
men: and It Is expected theio will be
yacht races on the lake that day. If
the weather Is unfavotnhle, for outdoor
spoils, suitable exercises will be held
on tho pavilion.
Enterprise Lodge, L. K. of A.
A legular meeting of Knteiptlso
lodge, I.oynl Knights nf America, was
held last evening, nt which Treasiuer
W. A. Phillips was Installed bv Na
tional (It and Master Joseph Oliver.
Tho lodgo also decided to engaiio
Knowles' orchestia for their outing at
Harvey'H Lake on August 13.
On this occasion oveiy member of
thp lodge will bo presented with two
tickets and each widow of n member
with ono. Ki lends dcslilng to accom-
ti in store for all who use Kemp's Daliam for
tlin Throat and Lungs, tho gicat guaranteed
remedy. Would you bclleie that It is sold on
Its incilta and any druggl.t Is authoilied by the
proprietor of this wonderful icmedy to glie you
a sample bottle fleet It never falls to cure
acute or chionln rough i. All druggists sell
Kemp's IlaUam. I'rlie :5c. and 60c,
About the Great Union Kxcitrslon
to llsriry's Lake, on Wednesday,
July 31, 1901. It's under the
direction of the Hampton Street
MethodM, the WaMiburn Street
I'retbyterlan and Ihe Simpson
Methodist Vnlitfopal chunhes.
UCADn Tickets! Adults, 8., cents) chll
nLHilU drrn, b0 cents Trains leaie Del
aware and Hudson depot at 8
o'clock sharp.
pany the excursionists will be charged
75 cents and children 50 cents each.
Tho lodgo Is one ot tho oldest In tho
city, und Is In excellent financial condition.
Sabbath Desecrators Fined.
Police Magistrate D.ivles yesterday
collected a total of $IO,fiom the five
Arabians arrested Sundny afternoon
for being drunk, dlsordeily nnd light
ing In llennessy court. The lines wete
Imposed as follows:
Ueorge Slckeny, 122 llennessy cuott,
dtttnk and fighting; fined $10.
Tetrls Klcknry, 12.! llennessy court,
Interfetlng with nn ofllcei ; lined $3.
Philip Pltesh, U19 Jnckoii stieet,
di unk nnd lighting; fined $10
James Pltesh, 019 Jaikson street,
drunk and lighting, $10
Louis Orion, 130 Itoblnson street,
dtttnk nnd lighting, $5.
Events of Today and Evening.
Lawn social nt the home of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Frank Slote, 637 North Lincoln
Excursion of Holy Cioss church con
giORiitlon to Lake Lodore.
Ftmeial of Mrs. Thomas A. Harris
fiom the house on Jackson street at
4 p. ni Itev. U. P. Hopkins, clersy
ninn. Interment In Washburn street
The citizens' committee having In
charge the raising of funds to assist
John Motedith in finding the body ot
his son, who was di owned In Lake Lo
dore, met nt the home of Jloigan
Thomas last evening nnd mado their
repoi tfl nf funds collected.
Itev. Jacob Schoettle, pastor of the
Chestnut Street CSeiinan Presbyterian
chinch, outdated nt the of an
Infant child of Mr. nnd Mis. Moses
Parth yesterday afternoon. Tho ser
vices weie held at the house, 411 South
Ninth street, and Intel ment was mado
In the Plttston nvenuc cemetery.
County Piesldent M. F. Coniy In
stalled the ofllcei s of Division No. 30,
Ancient Older of Hibernians, in St.
Peter's hall, Pellevue, last evening.
The Installation was followed by a
smoker nnd social session.
The lcbldents of South Hvde Paik
avenue, between Washburn and Divi
sion sticets, complain that the pave
ment In front of their piopeitles has
not been washed In six weeks, and
that the stieet fttishers overlook that
block when they aie washing the pave
ment. A slight fire occurred estctday
morning In the house occupied by
Joseph Mathlas and family on Garfield
avenue. It was caused by a defective
flue, but was extinguished when the
Hi emeu arilvcd.
The Simpson Methodist
and Washburn Sttect Piesbyteilan
churches will unite in an excutsion to
Harvey's Lake on Wednesday, July
The Intei lor of St. Patilck's Cath
olic cliuich Is being tefiescoetl, and
the woik will be completed by Sundny
next, when services villi be held In tho
main auclltoiium, as usual.
William S. Hialn, of this side, has
accepted a position with tho Philadel
phia Public Ledger.
Patdnlman John MeColllg.ui is enjoy
ing lily annual vacation.
Thomas TIeiney, of Luzeino street.
Is lecoveiini; from an inlury to his
foot sustained in the Continental mines
sevcial weeks ago.
David J. Davis, of Jackson stieet. Is
at Iike Wlnola.
Helgnr Powell, of Jackson stieet, left
jesteiduy for Lake Wlnola.
David J. Davles, ot Noith Btomloy
avenue. Is in Buffalo.
Charles t'aipentci' icturned home
csteiday fiom Lake Wlnola.
Mis. Ann Hecso and son, of Nantl
coke. aie guests of Thomas W. Davis,
of Foul teenth street
Chailes Munion. ot South Hyde Paik
avenue, is In Plttsbuig.
Police Cases.
Mlra Buikc, nf Hllzabeth stieet.
Tilpp paik, was anested Sunday
evening by Lieutenant Day an squad
for keeping a speakeasy. The war vi as swoin out by Lieutenant
Day. When tho ofllcei s scutched Miss
Uinke's jilac o ot business, they found
fifteen ban els of ale, eleven boxes of
bottled beer and eight kegs of beer.
Miss Buike was aken to tho Piovi
dene o police station, whcio she vias
given n healing by Maglstiate Tidier
und lined $50, which he paid.
John ('unimlngs was amested on
L'sut Maiket stieet for ilding a bicy
cle on tho sidewalks. The an est was
made by Patioltuan Wntklns. Cum
mlng was lined $-.
Boys Found Money in Belt.
Two boys, Chillies Uoyd and Michael
Connlff, living on West Market stieet,
found an old leather belt In the stieet
iccently, and their curiosity led them
to tip It apait. To their suipilsc they
found between the two strips a num
ber of sllvc'i dollaus nnd gieenbacks.
Refute opening the belt, how over,
the boys had carelessly tin own it into
a Mis. Ftury's yaid, and she threw
It out again, feaiing that It would
bleed disease. The money nnd belt Is
now In the possession of Mis. Uuyd,
of 10W West Matket stieet.
A Flower Bed.
O. H. Clark has donated to tho
Nlagaia Hose company a handsome
Mower bed, which Is situated in front
of tho new hose house of the company,
nt the Intei section of Noith Main ave
nue nnd Providence toad.
The flowers In tho bed aie seveial
species of lilies, ttuscula rind small
lose bushes. Drumcr Thomas, the
pioprietor of the Park Place hotel,
will, In the near future, donate a small
Iron fence, which will sunound the
bed, which will havo a deep border of
grass. When the lmpiovenient 13
completed, It will bo an uttt active
Mrs. Osborne Itlchaids, of Watren
stieet, nnd Mlts Hattlo nichaidt-. of
School street, left vesterday for New
Votk city, wheto they will spend two
John Jenkins, of Wnjne avenue, is
I spending his vacation In Susquehanna
-HVSNSVSVsssllxvVS kvVS iys syVHStSH'NsVNkaVy.KvMss
The My Clearing Sale
With its unmatched opportunities to buy seasonable
merchandise will today join hands with
Our Great
Summer Shoe Sale
Hundreds of pairs of advertised makes of shoes are among
the offerings at a quarter to a third less than their advertised
and acknowledged values, and hundreds of pairs of just as good
shoes that our buyers recently closed out at under prices from
the biggest and best shoe manufacturers in the East. In Wo
men's Shoes and Oxfords the buying opportunities are so im
portant and extraordinary that you who are money savers will
lay in more than a present need supply. In our big show win
dows some of these great bargains are displayed.
i ut i
$ a pair lor women's
l.yy High Grade Button
and Lace Shoes of the very best
maKc. I he value of this well
made, good wearing shoe runs
irom !2. 50 to $3.00.
$1 Q for Women's High
1 .OV Grade Advertised
Vici Kid and Dongola and Ox
ford Ties. Strictly hand turned,
with flexible soles, usual value
for Women's Patent
3C Leather one strap San
dals, with solid leather heels and
flexible soles, value $1.25.
for Women's Black Kid
yyC Lace Shoes, with patent
leather tips and llexible soles;
duplicate them at $1.25 if you
-. a pair for Women's Don
y 1 C gola Kid Oxford Ties,
with patent leather tip and made
solid all through. Value $1.50.
$1 c a Pa'r or omens
1 .yU Dongola Lace Shoes
with patent toe caps or kid tips
just as you like. They have
flexible soles, new military heels
and English Jack stays. Usual
value $2.50.
$i for Men's Russian
1.79 Calf Hand Sewed
Shoes, In all sizes from 8 to 11,
in 3, 4 and 5 widths. Value
$3.00 a pair.
for Misses' Shoes, in
95C button and lace, with
patent leather and kid tips.
Value $1.25,
for Youths' and Boys'
99C Lace Shoes, made of sol
id leather all through, Just the
thing for hard service.
Wash Suits
for Women at Clearing Sale
C ? fQ for a ne grade eer"
P3.9o sucker Wash Suit
in neat grey, black and blue
stripes. The skirt is made in
the full flare style with three
rows of graduated bands. It
has a blouse style basque with
white narrow plaited front edge
with insertion and braid. Usual
value $5. 50.
t. Q for Wash Suits made
p5.yo of Irish Linen Lawn,
polka-dot effect in red, blue and
black. They are made with
bishop sleeves and have the new
crush collar. Usual value $10.00,
At Clearing Sale Prices.
Skirts made from blue and
white fabric in polka-dot only,
made with flounces and fin
ished with two rows of while
stitching. Clearing sale Q
price yoC
White Pique Skirt, with wide
flounce, trimmed insertion. Usu
ally 83.50. Clearing .
Sale price $X.4y
Imported White Pique Skirts
made with deep hem and grad
uated flounce. Usual price
$2.98. Clearing Sale Q
price p I.9o
A great reduction in all Linen
Skirts. Value up to $5.00; to
be closed out during Q
the closing sale for. . p.Z.yo
Linens and White Goods
Cream Table Damask in new
est designs, usual price
50c. Sale price XuC
64 Inch Cream Table Da
mask, good patterns, usual
price 45 cents. Sale .
price 50C
66 inch Cream and Bleached
Table Damask, usual .
55c grade. Sale price,. 40C
Twilled Toweling, bleached
cotton, usual 5c qualities. 7
Sale price X8C
Brown and Bleached Twilled
Cotton Toweling, usual .
6c quality. Sale price... . 4C
Fine Checked Toweling, best
qualities, usual 10c grade.
Sale price C
Brown Crash, all linen, stand
ard qualities, usual 10c fi
grade. Sale price OC
Oil Cloth, all the newest pat
terns, including white and mar
ble, 5-4 width, usual 25c Q
grade. Sale price 1 oC
6-4, usual 30c grade. ,
Sale price JiOC
30-inch Plain White India
Linen, usual 8c grade. ,
Sale price OC
Nainsook, plain while, .
checked. Sale price 4C
At Clearing Sale prices.
Calicoes for quilting, known
as the Pold Calico, usual
6c quality. Sale price... 3C
Calicoes Good quality Shirt
ing Calicoes, in light colon
usual 5-cent quality. Sale i
price 02C
Apron Ginghams Best stand
ard quality, usual 6-cent .
grade. Sale price 4C
CalicoesIn fancy Percale pat
terns, good quality, usual . 1
6c grade. Sale price.... 4C
Canton Flannel Good quality,
unbleached, usual 6-cent . 1
grade. Sale price 4C
Muslin good quality, . 1
unbleached. Sale price. 4C
Jonas Long's Sons
Joseph Quiun was painfully Injuied
about the hip jestcul.iy at the Houth
wmkd, vvl ich made It ncces'-aiy for his
lemoval to the Moes T.ijloi hospital.
Satin da. J ills -", the member) of the
Chinch nf Peace, of v.'ilch itev. V,
Schmidt Is pastor, will hold their an
nual outint? to Council's paik. Aiianse
nients havo been made lor tho enjoy
ment und pleasuie, nnd nothing will bo
left undone to Insuie a clay of pleas
uie for the people who attend. All
kinds of frames will bo on the grounds
for the amusement and edltlcMtlou of
youiiK and old. An abundanco nf ie
fieshmcnts, together with 11 coips of
otitic ladles to setvc, will be at the
The St. Alovslus Temperance hot Icty
will meet In lesuliu scslon Thuisilny
nlfiht In Pharmacy hall. All nicmbeis
ate cainetl leriuebted to attend, at,
special business is to bo transacted.
After the meeting a smoker will be
M. Bll&no. of Ptospcct avenue, l.s vls
Itlti'i ftlenc'u In Plttston.
Glen liees. of Hast SUnudsbuiR, Is
the guest of Patikk Klaheity, of Pltts
ton aveim".
James lliennan. of Plttston avenue,
is vIsltlnR frlenclj In New Yotk city.
Mts. Clritles Klefer, of Cedar ave
nue. Is sct'iiuM III.
Miss Fiances Holund nnd slstci,
Kltt. 1110 vlsltlns filends In Cut bun
dale. The members of the Catholic Muttul
Beneficial association will meet In
rcRulat business session thks evening In
Phut mac y hall.
Nay Aupr tube, No 110. li ip.ovcd Ol
der of Bed Men, will meet tonight.
Mis. lleniy Klce, ot Maple meet, is
sctlously ill.
W. N. Sterner, nf Cenieteiy stieet, is
prepailtiK to leniovn to Bethlehem,
wheie ho Is now employed by tho .e
hlffli Valley Ballroad company.
Tho Christian Kndcivor society of the
Prcsbytcilan chuich will seive lefrrh
menta on the chuich luwu tonight.
Picpaiatlons have been made for a
I.ufio attendance, and it is hoped that
tho young lolks will not be disap
pointed. The 'Women's Temperance
union will meet on Thuisday afternoon
at a o'clock .it the home of Mis. lkl
waid Wamei, lwj (Jwen Hldtro sttcet.
Misses Annabel und Minion Uaidncr
letiuned jesttiritiy to their home in
Cllltoid. after a visit of several weeks
with Mis. W. N. Stevens, of Blakcly
MBS. SARAH J KBI.hKY. who ic
sided with her daughter, Mm. A. C.
Bailey, of 20 New Yoik stieet, died
Sunday at half-past ton o'clock, used
St j cms and 5 months. Mis. Kelly
was a very active woman for her use
unell itcai ly two .vcais aso, when she
sulleied a. paialjtlc sttoke. Since that
time she has been gradually falllniv.
iilthnuch able to be up and mound
most of the time. Two weeks ago she
was taken sick and confined to hei bed,
and had been a gicat suffciei until
the end practically cmuc. Tiki funeral
will be held this cvenliifr at 7 o'clock.
The lemains will be taken Wednesday
on an emly train to Deposit, N. Y,
for builal. Dei eased Is xuivlved by
her daughter. Mis. A. C. Bailey, and
ono son, of Deposit, N, V.
MBS. MABY BUONBY died vcstei
day morning at 11 o'clock at her home
BJ7 Hampton stieet. aftei an lllneth of
thice weeks. Deceased had been a icsl
dent of the West Side foi a iiuinbet of
yeais and wan gieatly beloved by all
with whom she came In contact. Sho
la suivlved by an only son, Patilck J
a telegraph opeiatot at tho Tayloi sta
tion of the Lackawanna. Funeral will
tulto placo Thursday morning at 9 3u,
when a solemn high mass will bo cele
brated at Holy riom chuich, Bcllcuie.
The funeral of Joseph O'Donnell, nf
New stieet, who was drowned ut I.llj
lake Sunday, will take place this morn
ing ut 9 o'clock from the tesidence u(
his biothci -In-law on New fitrcet. A
requiem high mass will be celebrated
The funeral of Mis. Boboit Jonci
will take place this afternoon at 2.30
o'clock, fiom U'x? Noith A ashlnston
The funeial seivicesof In lieoige A.
Blanc hard will be held nt 2 o'clock this
nftrtnoon at his late icsldence, 015
Qulncy avenue
Government Will Tako No Chancel
in Porto Rico Case.
Pi rvlmlve Wire (rom The Asula(cd rrrs
Washington, July 22 Attorney Knox today declined to ron
del mi opinion which was asked for
b the sccietary of the tieasuiy,
whether under existing laws the sec
ictaty Is authoilzcd to t of und the du
ties collected on goods Impoitecl fiom
Poito Blco between the date of its
ratllleatlon of tho Spanish tieaty and
the date that the Koraker act went
into operation.
Tho attorney general says that Inas
much ns the coiuptiollci ot the treas
ut y has givtm his decision on the sub
ject It Is a mutter tot him ithe conip
trollei) alone, and he, thciefoie, can
not give n decision as n-quiied. It li
authoiltatlvely stated at the tteasury '
depai tnicnt that the government will
piocced linmcdlatel to lettind these
duties, noting upon the decision of th
Lonipuollei of the tieasui).
He Nearly Doubles tho Asueesmont
of a Oas Company.
Dy t.xcluilic Wire from llie somted Prm
Cleveland, Julv 2-'. The citv boaid of
criuall.iitluii i c sinned Its woik today of
assessing the piopeity of corporation
doing buslnei-s In Cleveland.
As a lesttlt of tufniinatton largely
hiought nut bv Mavni Johnson and his
tax e.spcit. Piofessoi Bemls. the board
raised the taxable value of the People's
Oas Light company, doing huslncs ex
clusively on the West Side, to $1,074,000,
or an Inc tease of $71.!,7.Vi over the re
turn mado by the company.
iW i t (-,