The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 23, 1901, Image 1

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ExDected Programme In the Great
Steel Strike Was Not
Garrlcd Out.
It Oivos an Outline oCtho Conditions
Prevailing as Viewed by the Amal
gamated Association and Also
Gives Advice to the Strikers The
Keynote of the Advico Is "Don't
Work" President Shaffer Donies
the Story About the Vandorgrift
Delegation Other Labor News of
a Miscellaneous Charnctor.
ly F.xcluilve Wire from The Associated Press.
Pittsburg, .Inly 1!S. Tho expected did
Kit happen today. Neither nt the look
ed tor programmes fur WellsvUle or
McKcrsport wore carried out. At
WellsvUle the Importation of iiipii fail
ed to materialize and at MeKeesport
the attempt to resume at the Dowcus
Wood Tube plant was not made.
At both points It was considered by
cadi side to bo the strike centers, the
situation In statu quo, neither of the
parties to the controversy having
made any decided move. I'Yom tho
other point, DuncHiisvllle. conflicting
reports are received, and the result nt
the quiet struggle going on between
the American Steel Jloop company and
the Amalgamated association Is still
uncertain, with the company's chances
probably better for winning In the end.
Late thli afternoon the Amalgamated
association issued Its llrst strike bul
letin from the general ofllce. The bul
letin Is printed In the Amalgamated
Journal ofllce. and Is Intended to slve
the members of the organization ofll
clal news concerning the progress of
the strike. In the future It will be
is-sued on each Monday morning, and
will be followed by the regular Issue of
the Journal during the latter part ot
the week. The bulletin of today gives
an outline of the conditions prevailing,
and reproduces abstracts of President
Shaffer's lecent address at WellsvUle
and MeKeesport.
Advice to Mon.
In the most prominent part of the
bulletin Is printed the naming nerds:
"Do not drink, especially If the trust
tiles to break the stiike by Importing
non-union men. Don't hnlleve anyone
who ,,iys the mills will b clcsed for
ever, or taken out of the community If
you don't go to work." Further on are
the woids: "Theie were not enough
men In the country to run the mills
befoie the stiike, so all yon need to do
to win the strike Is.' don't work. Kit
Joy your summer shut-down. There
will be more work next winter. That
Is the time for mill work, anyhow."
Absolute denial was made by Presi
dent Shaffer of the story that n dele
gation from the JkjjindorBrlft mills of
the American Sheet company had been
in conference with him. lie said that
he had seen no one from Vandergrlft
and knew nothing of their piesenee In
Pittsburg or MeKeesport. Whatever Is
being done by the Amalgamated people
at Vandergilft Is being kept so quiet
at present that few of the general offi
cials of the organization are acquainted
with the status of affairs. There has
been no change in conditions. The hope
is still general among these oillclals,
however, that a way will he found to
bring about a settlement of the diffi
culties. What His Friends Say.
President Shaffer has never yet de
clared that there wa no possibility ot
concessions on the part of the Amalga
mated association. "When asked his
opinion on this matter today, he re
plied that ho was unable to answer the
Friends of the president who have
talked to him on this line express the
Arm belief that If tho proper steps were
taken the manufacturers would nnd the
association In a conciliatory mood and
teady to meet any reasonable proposi
tion consistent with honor. They say
the whole tone of President Shaffer's
leniarks Is Inclined toward peace, If he
can secure It honorably.
From Monosscti tonight came the
following: "There Is suppressed ex
citement hero tonight and It Is likely
that trouble of a serious nature will
result Inside of twenty-four hours.
Notwithstanding all efforts to the con
trary, tho National Tin company
workers started up full time this
morning. Superintendent Donncr hint
placed a heavy guard around the mill
and If any effort Is made to Intimi
date the workmen there certainly will
be bloodshed. 'JJhe organizers have
been able to get a few men a'way, how
ever, but l.t Is said their places were
quickly' filled. To a reporter, several
of the men said that If the tin. mill
workers came out they would have to
leave this part of the ctunry. They
cannot work at anything else, and say
that they won't joint the union. Tho
patents belong to w. H. Donncr and
ire In use in no other mill In tho coun
try." Garment Workers' Strike.
New York. July 22. A strike of gar
ment workers was bpgim today, .. it"
was announced at the strikers' head
quarters., that G7.O00 men and women
were now on Mrlke In NowYork
(Brooklyn); Hroiinsvlllo and Newark.
VThe.dJemnnds' of the strikers are that,
j? tHey work" i;to longer than r.9 Hours ft
weekft receive a' 30 per cent. Increase
Irf.xVages,' ami' tHat' the contractors ofi
middlemen be required to glvo a bond
' assuring: the pay of the workers.
i Laborers Want More Paj.
k . WellsvUle, O.. July:. Twenty-fivo
Italian laborer, employed In the sheet
mills her, struck for J1.M per day
this morning, They are paid fl 35 and
when they reported fo.- work at 7
o'clock they presented their demand,
It was refused nnd the strlko followed.
The Slavs and Poles refused to strike.
John Chappcll, who Is In charge ot the
strikers, said that he had In mind a
desire to emulate tho marches made
famous at Turtle Greek and Sandy
Creek during the miners' strike. Mr.
Chappcll said he could get 4 00(t men
Into line, Including the strikers and
their friends, the potters. This plan
has not been definitely settled upon,
but now that tho company has. fulled
to start the mills In full as threatened,
tho strikers claim they will close them
down entirely.
Tonnage Hen Go Out.
Lancaster, Pa July 22. The ton
nage men of tho Penn Iron company
sttuck today because they were re
fused $1 a ton, while the other mills
In this district were paying J.I a ton.
The Penn workmen were receiving
JH.FjO. Itceently the other mills In
creased to j;i,7B and last week a no
tice was posted In the mill that a
twenty-five-cent Increase would bo
granted, commencing today. On Sat
urday, the men made a demand for
$4,, which was refused. Tho strlko
followed. Over four hundred men are
alfected by It.
Teamsters Tie Up Business.
San Francisco, July '.'2. Wholesale
and retail business houses today ex
perienced great difficulty In having
their goods hauled, on account of a
strike of tho teamsters, about a hun
dred of whom have quit, and It is
thought this number will bo greatly
Increased during tho next few days.
The employers are, It Is stated, deter
mined not to yield a point to the
strikers. If the strike shall continue,
other branches of labor will be af
fected. Porters undoubtedly will go
out, nnd longshoremen may refuse to
handle goods for non-union drivers or
for Mrnis employing non-union men.
No Ohango at Reading.
Heading, Pa., July 22. The fifty non
union men brought bote from Now York
by the Philadelphia and Reading rail
road tii take the place of strikers In
their shop hero ore not working today.
They say they are well satisfied, bow
ever, as the company Is under contract
to pay them for tlftccn days. There
were no accessions to the ranks of the
strikers. There was no effort today to
make a settlement, though wch is not
far off and may come before the end
of the week.
Refused to Strike.
Harrlsburg, Pa., July 22. A secret
meeting of the employes of the Phila
delphia and Reading Railroad company
in Harrlsburg and vicinity was hold
last, night to consider the strike situ
ation. From what can be learned the
men refused to Join the strike, although
the sentiment among them Is snld to ho
strongly in sympathy with the striker.
Situation at Reading.
Reading Pa., July 22. The Philadel
phia and Reading raflroud shop stiike
situation In tills city remains the same
tonight. At the request of Chief ot
Police Miller, all the coal and Iron
police, (the company special force),
have been withdrawn, that the vicin
ity of the locomotive shops, excepting
a few. Tills was done, after a con
sultation with one of the Reading ofll
clals and has created a better feeling.
There nre several elements now at
work which may lead to a settlement
of the strike, if no unforeseen circum
stances arise. Superintendent of Mo
tive, Power Prince is ready to confer
with the committee representing all
the men, but the parties have not
yet gotten together. Such a confer
ence, It Is claimed, would result In a
settlement, but It will requite diplo
macy to bring It about.
Wanted Weekly Pay.
Harrlsburg. Pa., July 22. Thirty
workmen employed on tho Market
street subway struck today because of
the refusal of Contractor AVIIllam Mar
tin to pay them weekly Instead of heml
Bryan's Letter Has Not Deterred
the Kansas City Platform Demo
crats from Using Their Axes.
fly Kxcluslvc Wire from The Aoclatcd Press.
Cleveland, o., July 22. (leorgo A.
Ctioot. who has been moot active in In
augurating the movement to hold an
Independent Democratic state conven
tion, to stand by the Kansas City plat
form, said today that neither he nor
anyone else interested In the matter
had been discouraged by Mr, Itiyan's
letter bearing on the subject. Mr. (Stunt
declared that, as a matter of fact, Mr.
Bryan did not express disapproval of
tho movement.
"At any rate," said .Mr. Oroot, "wo
shall go right along with our arrange
ments for the so-called bolt convention
to be held at Columbus on July 31. We
aro receiving n very large number of
letters every day from Democrats all
over the state, expressing sympathy
with the movement. As a result, we
look for a largely attenrloil nnvnnii..
A preliminary meeting will he- held!
nere witniii n nay or two to select tem
porary officers for the convention."'
m m
Official Regrpt Expressed.
By E.iclnshe Wire fiom The Associated Pieu,
Washington, July 22. -The actliif: scc-i-Un nf
state tudiy sent a communication to . fill,
nanl, the charxe of the Italian embawy, ex.
presMng the regiet of thli government at the
l.wuhlnar of two- Italian recently In Mississippi
ami Informing Mm that effort, are being nude
to tiring the rrlmlnsla to Justice. Attention
tf directed to the tae'l that -It had not been
'established officially that, the men Ijnched nue
Italian subjects.
Reception to Cardinal1 Gibbons.
By dilutive Wirej'lrom The Awoilated l'rew.
t London, .Inly jrjfarillnal Vaushan'i return
and reception, Inillonnr ,of Cardlilal fllMiona,
held in the Chapte.ryhalljjntj the neW cathedral,
v,m urcrir aimmru. .'tiufrrpn j, j i,noaie, .Idei
i i u i... 'ii .. i'.Yi- ?? '
tiuriiiaii iiiiiatasiiM, urmj- ,,111)11. Primary
of embaiay, and leading Cat holka' were pretent,
Cardinal tlihhhni will otait for Ireland toroor
rnw, from wheie he will return to the United
.."! . '. 4
Openlna Dau ot the Grand GIrcult
Races Brings Out a
Evorybody Supposed Ed Goors' Shad
ow Chimes Wns Duo to Win That
Furso of $1200, but a Break Near
the Wire Gives Race to Audobon
Boy Ideal Racing Weathor and a
Large Attondanco Characterize the
My Kxclmhe Wire from The Aioclleil Tre.M.
Cleveland, July SJ. Ideal racing
weather, a large ctowd nnd a track as
smooth as the top of a billiard table,
characterized the opening day of the
(irand Circuit meeting at the Clove
land driving park this afternoon. Here
tofote It has been the policy of the
Cleveland Driving Park company to
charge no admission on tho opening
day of the (Srand Circuit races, hut to
day the full admission price was
charged. This, however, did not keep
away the crfiwds nnd about five thott
eand people were on hand.
The first race was the 2.10 trotters.
The finishes of the two heats were close
and exciting, but Sister Alice succeed
ed In sticking her nose under the wire
a winner In both heats. Nonnmle was
a hot favorite In the second race, but
Martha Marshall was too fleety for the
Helm entry and won. In straight heats.
Mcttelhw in the third race trotted
away from the bunch In each heat,
keeping a safe gap of daylight between
herself and her fast Hying competitors.
Ed. Oeers' Shadow Chimes was slated
In the fourth event, bets of one hun
dred to fifty being freely made on him.
Audobon Hoy made the pace in both
beats and came out victorious In tho
closest and most exciting race of tho
day. Shadow Chimes led In the stretch
In the first heat, but broke Just before
the wire wnfi reached, thus killing all
chances of crossing a winner. Thou
sands of dollars were placed on the
Geeiff-ontry and the bookies reaped a
ricn Harvest.
Firt rate, rla trnt, pur.e 1VK),
SUter Allie, by naion Wilkes (Krnnr).... 1 1
King Chimes (I)al) 2
l'hia'e (I11 kuon.l) ( ;1
Venn It (Smndm) ; ; t
Annie Iturm ami Phoebe I lillder, the other
t.irters were both riMinecri 111 the flr.t heat
.Hid retired. Time 2.12; 2.12.
Second r,uf, 2.U ila p'ee, pui-e ljiKl,
Martha MuMiall, by (Irand Mar-hall (Me-
Ponell) 1 1 1
N'on-Ainle (Helm t n
TwlnUe (Mllei) 2 a 10
Frank Marriott Clones) ;i 1 2
The Minister (i).il) S 7 )
Kurin.o, (im W.iibel, Don P.iley, (Jiiren It.
and You lift alo Mailed. Time 2.i)9',i: 2.0;V,
Thiol raie, 2.1rt it.i; tr ot, pm-e IV2..VII1.
Metallus, by Mambrlno King (shilling-
law) 1 1 1
Annie Willea (McDonald) 2 a
Lady Thlbe (Kenue.i) 5 2 it
lie-elected (Macey) ) t 2
Clara Kimball (J.imUon) 3 .'1 S
Al. K. (Turner ' Mis
Time 2.1II1J; 2.14si; 2.11.
Fourth race, 2.20 rla.- piee, pure SI.200.
Audobon Boy, by ,1. .1. Audobon (IfucNnn).. 1 1
Shidow Chimes (Goer? 2 S
John II. (Mun.oti) ., (i 2
Thornway (Walker) 3 S
l.adv Perkins (fteedy) S t
Xm, Pop, MUiippi King, Piiregold, HuN
rett and Teddy F. also started. Time 2.10;
2.03 S-J.
Indians Object and Ask Court for a
Temporary Injunction.
By F.xcliialve Wjio front Tho Associated Press.
Kl neno, Oklahoma. July 22. Tho
flna struggle of Lone "Wolf and Judge
William M. Springer, nttorney for the
disgruntled Klown, Comanche nnd
Apache Indians, to prevent tho open
ing of tho new country to settlement,
afl contemplated In President McKlu
ley's proclamation, was begun here to
day In tho second Judicial court. A
petition was tiled asking for n tem
porary Injunction restraining Kmmet
Illchnrds, assistant commissioner of
general land ofllce, and tho register
and receiver of the land ofllces heie nnd
at I.awton from proceeding In any way
to carry out the provisions of the proc
lamation. Tho hearing will lake place at Kl
Ileiia next. Saturday. Commissioner
Hlchardo declared that nothing short
of sending him to jail will Interfero
with the work which ho has been sent
hero to do,
Mrs. Hanna May Remain Abroad.
Py F.xcluilte Wire fiom The Associated Press.
London, .Inly 22. Mis. Ilanna, tho diioned
wife of Daniel Hanna, who, with her children,
left New York July I'l 011 the (.learner Campania
for London, In spite of her huband' eltoita to
stop their depaiture, said today lu an Inter
lev that In liew of her former husbind'a atti
tude she might remain permanently In Kngland
and prepare her hoja for F.lon and Oxford. Mrs.
llinna looks ill, apparently as a le.ult of the
nenoiu strain whiih she has uucUrgone.
Capital Stock Increased.
Hy Exelushe Wire from The Associated Press.
Trenton, July 22. The Lackawanna and Wy.
omlng Valley Itapld Transit company, which
was incorporated about a year ago, today filed
papers Ineieasing its capital stock from (..l.ono,.
000 to V'.SOO.OO), The company was Incorporated
to construct and operate railroads.
.'t Valuable Jewels Stolen,
fly Exclusive Wire from The A-oclnled Press.
New York, July 22,-IIsiry Williams, a bell
boy, was arrested today for stealing diamonds
ind .Jewelry worth 2,ono from a woman nue.t
at Uje'Long Peach hotel on Saturday, The
.woinan'a name is withheld.
, u ,
jSevere Windstorm fn'Texns.
By Kielu'she Wire from The 'AfArlStrd Prf
Naples. Texas. July 22.-A Vveie'windtoint
wrought much damage litre today'.' ' Seieral small
buildings were blown dowti. Ilfnry Urjant'
was crushed to death. ,L ., t
., . .i .4- ie.nMrw' .v
China to Pay off Hor Full Dobt to
Powers by 1040,
Py F.xcliulie Wire from The Asaoclated Press.
Washington, July !!2, The State de
partment received u dispatch today
front Commissioner Rockhlll at l'ckln,
announcing that tt plan for the pay
ment of the Indemnity to the powers by
the Chinese government had finally
been adopted. The amortization of tho
bonds to bo Issued will begin In 1902,
and tho plan contemplates the entire
liquidation of both principal and Inter
est by 1910. It Is expected that China
will raise 1:3,000,000 taels only.
This sum Is to be used to pay Interest
on bonds nnd tn form a, sinking fund
for the ultimate liquidation of the prin
cipal. Mr. ltoekhlll's dispatch was very
brief and did not go Into any details.
From their knowledge of tho general
basis upon which the ministers have
been working, however, the state de
partment havo a general Idea of the
conclusions which havo been reached.
The total amoutii of Indemnity which
China will have to pay will ausfegato
450,000,000 tacls, nnd bear per cent,
Commander Waiuwright Assures
Socrotary Long Third Volume
Was Novor Proposod for
Uso at Annapolis.
Dy F.xclushe Wire from The Associated Press.
Washington. July 22. Commander
Waiuwright, commandant of the Unit
ed States Naval academy, under date
of July i'0, has made the following reply
to tho navy department's) Inquiry con
cerning the use of Maclay's history:
"Having seen so much In the papers
in regard to the third volume of Mac
lay's naval history and having received
a letter from you on tho subject, 1 think
It right to put you In possession of full
knowledge of the case as it stands at
the naval academy. There has been no
proposition to adopt this third volume
as a text book or teference book by tho
academic board or any person within
my knowledge, Ihere Is no intention
hero of requiring the cadets to study
the history of such recent events as
those lu the Spanish-American war.
and their time Is too limited to require
them to study a full volume on any
one war.
"Maclay'n naval history was adopted
with the consent of the department in
ISO.", when tho Knglish course here was
extended beyond Its former limits. This
intention not to adopt tho third volume
of Maclay's history Ik entirely apart
from any consideration of Its value as
a history of the war or knowledge of
the facts and criticisms contained
thetcin. I don't know of a copy of the
third volume at the naval academy."
Boston, July --. Iteferrlng to the
discussion of Maclay's naval history,
Hear Admiral Sampson, In an Inter
view published In the Transcript to
day, said:
"If the historian has taken facts
from iny otlicial reports to the navy
department, that Is all well and good.
T stand by llrst reports and official
communications. I would welcome an
Investigation of this whole matter by
congress or by the navy department,
but I so no prospect of It being taken
"Schley's first statements regarding
the bottle of Santiago were moderate
ly correct. Tho Interviews given out
some time afterward were not at all
correct. They were entirely different
from his first accounts and were writ
ten in a different spirit, I think. An
Interview purporting to havo come
from Admiral Schley, published, I be
lieve, on Jan. 0, was entirely Incor
rect. Soon after this statement ap
peared lu print, ho ennte a hoard my
ship and told me that ho had been
Incorrectly quoted. Tho reporter to
whom tho Interview was granted was
a friend of mine and ho afterward
told 1110 that he bad published
Schley's words precisely as they had
been spoken."
Washington, July 22. Secretary
Long this afternoon indicated to tho
newspaper men who called upon him
thut he did not care to discuss further
the revival of tho Sampson-Schley
controversy. Ho said, however, that
lie hud received a letter from Mr.
Maclay, In which tho author of tho
"Naval History ot the United States"
agreed to his (tho secretary's) state
ment that only the third chapter of
bis book that relating to mobiliza
tion hud been placed In he secretary's
hands upon the publication of hn
That Part of the Country is Being
Litorally Scorchod,
Py F.xclusho Whc from The Associated Press.
Kansas City, Mo., July 22. A verit
able hot blast literally scorched tho
southwest today, heating all heat rec
ords lu the history of local bureaus.
Yesterday Kansas City experienced tho
linttcvtt weather ever known here. Tho
thermometer reglsteted 101 and re
mained above tho 100 mark for several
consecutive hours. Two dozen prostra
tions, nlno fatal, were reported.
The weather bureau thermometer at
the highest point In the city showed 100
degrees today, whllo thermometers on
the streets teclsteied as high as 12S.
Hardly a breuth of air stirred,
Gubernatorial Appointments.
By F.xiluslve Wire from The Associated Press,
llarilshuig. p.i., .Inly . -governor Stone to
day made the following rc-appolntmenlsi Mate
boaid of rharlllrs, P. ('. Ilnjle, (t-fitv, and
William II. (illl, Philadelphia. Superintendent
of public printing, Thomas II. Sample. Alle
gheny. Stale board of agriculture, II. A.
(Jrlppe, Tjrone.
-- 1 1
Mrs. Kruger Buried,
Fretnrli Sunday, July Jl. Mrs.'. Kiuger, wife
of former President Krugrr, of thn'.Koulh Afri
can Hipjildle.ljvho .died aturclayjlast of pneu
monia, .after an lllneas of three days,- was hurled
,hercjtnl,altcrnoon. ."V ,'
Steamship. AJrlwels,
ft, Lit ,"", July ,2, PasifisiTi gt tinier Potsdam,
NAYor, for-noulijunsVififlf IjSiterdam. Lon
donArrived! Stcimer'MlrHjiipolls, New York.
At Conference at Wilkcs-Barre It
Was Decided to Go Back
to Work.
Ofllcers of Firomen's State Organiza
tion Thought it Would bo Dis
graceful to Boturn Under the Cir
cumstances but the Ofllcers of the
Mine Workers Stood Firm Some
of tho Companies Say They Will
Rofuse to Reinstate the Men Who
Struck Work Was Resumed Gen
erally Heroabouts Yesterday.
ny Exclusive Wire from The Associated Vttm.
Wllkcs-Uarre, July 22. The strike
of tho stationary firemen was
ofllclully declared off tonight at a
Joint meetings of tho strikers and
e.xoeutlvo boards of United Mine
Workers held In this city. Tho
meeting was a stormy one. Tho
committees appointed by tho Joint
conference yesterday to call on tho
coal operators and ascertain how
many of the strikers could hope for
reinstatement, reported sixteen of the
companies as being in favor of taking
back the old men and seven as re
fusing to do so. Among the latter was
tho Lehigh Valley Coal company,
which employs about tf.OOO men.
Tho Traders' Coal company, of
Wllkts-Harre, refused to reinstate Its
old firemen unless they consented to
work for decreased wages. The hoist
ing engineers who went out In sym
pathy with the firemen were also re
fused reinstatement at many of 1110
mines. The ofllcers ot the Stationary
Firemen's association made a power
ful plea for tho engineers and asked
thnt tho United Mine Workers not
consent to a settlement of tho strike
until the engineers were taken care
of. State Secretary J. A. Oerrlty, In
behalf ot the llrcmcti, said tho calling
off ot the strike under present condi
tions would be a disgrace to the
United Mine Workers.
President Kahey replied warmly for
the United Mine Workers. Ho said
If 11 mistake had been made, the blame
could not be placed on the United
Mine Workers. A resolution was then
offered, telling all strikers to report
for woik today, and If they arc re
fused by any of the companies, then
tho United Mine Workers will take up
their cause. Tho resolution was
adopted by an almost unanimous
vote. A motion to ofllclally declare
the strlko off was then passed by a
large majority.
It is thought In a day or two all
the strikers will be back In their old
places, despite the stand taken today
by some of the companies. Th? Le
high Valley company Is opposed to
taking the strikers back because it
Is allrgcd that a number ot union
firemen drove a number of non-union
workmen from work at tho Maltby
mine and compelled a suspension of
Tho firemen's strike In this part ot
tho anthracite region collapsed almost
completely yesterday, tho strikers In
nearly every case resuming work with
out waiting for news of the result of
last night's conference In Wilkcs
Barre. The Delaware. Lackawanna and
Western company succeeded In resum
ing operations at tho Cayuga and Hrls
bln mines, tho strikers returning as
agreed on Saturday to their places
with no concessions granted, Tho
company expects to be able to start
work this morning at the other two
collieries down tho valley which were
closed down as the result of the strike.
At all the Delaware and Hudson
mines In North Scrnnton the strikers
presented themselves for work yester
day morning, and operations were re
sumed at all of them except the Leg
gott's Creek, where certain repairs had
to bo made.
This company, however, did not suc
ceed tn resuming operations at any
nf Its mines further up the valley.
Work will also be resumed at tho
three collieries of the Ontario and
Western coal department which havo
been closed down since last Tuesday
as a result of tho strike, Tho tlremen
presented themselves at theso mines
for work, but it was decided not to
open them up until today.
President Mull.-hy was In tho city
for a few hours yesterday morning and
left Instructions with the local offi
cers that no men should return to work
If tho strlko was declared off nt any
initio where all were not taken back,
nnd that no man should work at any
tulno whoro any person lost his posi
tion because ho refused to take the
places of tho strikers until that person
or persons was reinstated.
It Is believed that there will be no
discrimination against the strikers In
and nround this clty.and that they will
be able to secure their positions back
In all Instances. Tho action of the
companies In taking back all strikers
who havo so far npplled is taken as
being Indicative of this.
An Inhuman Mother.
Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
rieteUnd, O., July SJ. Anna Kowalehlk, wh
came here from Johnstown, Pa., lu .March, last,
was today airested hy the Cleveland police on
1 telegram fiom the authorities of the latter
place, stating that sho was wanted on tlur
chaiKe of luvliiK killed her 1-day-old Infant.
Alter her arrrst today, the woman tonfe.sed
tl at she hail seized the liabe by tho hecla and
battered Its brains out agalu.t a wall.
Lightning Strikes an Oil Tank,
lly Exclusive Wire from The Associated l're,
Olean, N, Y., July '.".'. I.lghlnins alruck a
33,0110 barrel oil tankv the ' property nf the
standard Ql company today. The loj will be
about M5,00(J.
Weather Indications Todayi
1 (!eneral-So Chante in the Ills: Steel Strike.
With the Soldier Poya at Mt. riretna.
Ideal Pacini? Weather at lletcland.
Firemen's btrlkc Called Off.
2 (leneral Carliondale Department.
3 Loial Text of Opinion In Viaduct Case.
New School lor the Third Ward.
t Killtorlal,
Note and Comment.
i Local Lackananna Imports Are F.xported.
Troirre of the Educational Contet.
Tony LonKO May Pe Drought Hack.
8 Local West Kcranton and Suburban.
7 (leneral Northeastern Pennsjltaiila.
Financial and Commercial,
8 Local Suit for Damages for Death ol a
Hreaker Doy.
New Plan for Witnesses.
Industrial and Labor.
His Testimony Makes Caso Vory
Favorable for Defense Did Not
Know His Sister Was Shot.
Py Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Pittsfleld, Mass., July 22. James
Fosburgh was called today as a wit
ness for the prosecution In the trial of
his brother. Robert S. Fosburgh, for
tho murder of their sister, May Kos
burgh. Tho summons was a sudden
nnd startling one, made as It was by
District Attorney Hammond, who
heretofore had taken no part In the
examination of witnesses. Young Uos
burgh said he was awakened by a ter
rible shriek, coming apparently from
his father's room. He got out of bed,
turned on tho electric light In his room
and then rushed up the front stairs,
taurnlng on various lights as he ran.
He heard several exclamations front
above and was met at the head of the
stairs by his sister-in-law who scream
ed, "Your father's gone crazy.' He
brushed her asldo and went 9111 to his
sister May's room. She was lying on
the floor. The electric lights had been
"There was only one thing that made
an Impression on me," he said: "that
was the fact of my sister's body lying
on the floor. Something had to be
done. I saw, so I said: 'Get towels and
ammonia,' I did not wait to see If
this was done, hut Rot ready to start
for a doctor. I saw brother Robert
come Into the room behind my father.
He was staggering, and when In the
middle of tho room bo collapsed and
fell to the floor, his head resting on my
sister's body In an opnpslte direction."
AVitness then described his trip for a
doctor. Ho did not know his sister hf.d
been shot, or how she had been hurt.
He knew sho was unconscious. Said
the district attorney: "You called a
doctor, not knowing what tho matter
was, or that there was a claim that
other persons had been In the house'.'"
"Yes," replied the witness, "1 did not
know what happened until 1 returned."
In contradiction of the testimony of
a previous government witness to tho
effect that he had seen James Koshtirgh
In the house after tho murder with his
suspenders hanging down, young Kos
hurgh today swore that he had not
owned a pair of suspenders for five
Today also witnessed the production
as a witness of Dr. W. W. Schotield,
the first physician to visit the Kos
htirgh homo after the tragedy. Though
called by the government, his testi
mony was of little or no value to tho
prosecution and It apparently told in
favor of the defense. In an Interview
tonight, Lawyer H. C. Joyner, counsel
for the defense, stated that it was prs
slble that at the conclusion, of the
presentation of the government's caso
he would make a motion that the court
order a verdict of not guilty.
Judge Lynch Gives Striking Tin
ners a Chance to Make Answer,
By F-xclusIve Wire from The Associated Pries.
Wllkes-narre, Pa., July 22. Tho ap
plication of Trethawy Bros., manufac
turers, of Parsons, for a preliminary
injunction to restrain certain em
ployes, now on strike, from Interfer
ing with the workmen who have taken
their places, was reftiseij by Judge
Lynch today. The plaintiffs claimed
the strikers Interfered with their
workmen, hooting, molesting and
threatening them on every occasion.
Judge Lynch denied tho application
after learning that the strikers had
no previous knowledge of tho proceed
ings. Tho court's disposition of tho
caso, glvo tho Tinners' union, which
has been on strlko for some time past,
ample opportunity to mako answer to
thu complaints,
To Operate Water Craft.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press,
Trenton, S. J July 2.'. The Lehlsh Vallcv
company, capital fl.ljd.OOO, ' incorporated
hiie today to operate water rrafl. Incorpou
tors: .1. F. Shapcrkotter, Philadelphia; Henry
Drinker, llaverford, Pa.; 1). fl. llaird, Beverly,
N. J,
m 1
Governor Stone's Movements.
By Excluilie Wire from The Associated Press.
Ilatrisburs, July iJ.-riovernor Stone returned
this moinlng from Wrllshoro, where he had
been vl.ltlnR friends fduce Thuisday. The
governor leaves this evenlns for Perkule tn at
tend the Firt.t brigade encampment. On Wed
ncMliy he goes to Mt. (iietna to vim the Third
By F.xeluslve Wire 'torn The Associated Press.
Chester. Pa.. July 22. -Dr. J. II. ( aldwell, su
perintendent nf grounds at the quarantine station
at Jlairua llook, and fnimer nuarantlne phial.
1 Ian. died jeiteiday after an llli'i of some
weeks. Dr. Caldwill .ersed with illstlnoimn
ilurlnic the civil war, and prior to his appuint
msiit to the quarantine station he vvaa .1 pimti
Ineut politician In the nebcin part of Penn
sylvania, Lebanon, Ta,, July 22, ili-orgr KUhorn, pro
prietor of tho lien City hrewery, nf this city,
dledjthU evening after a llugeiing Illness. Irom
stomach tiuuhle. lie was about' 6'i ) carl -old
and cue of the beat knouii brew era la tho 'aisle.
Guardsmen Are Preoarlna tor the
Great Events ol the Week
In Gamp.
Chaplain Swift and Captain Arthur
Foots of Company D, will Itopre
sont tho Regiment at tho Funeral
of Dr. Georgo Blanchard Today
Sunday Was Spent Very Quietly in
Camp Tho Evoning Concerts of
tho Bands Aro One of tho Delight,
ful Foatures of Camp Life Notos
About Mombora of the Guard.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Camp Frank Magee, Mount Gretna,
l'a., July 22. To-day was spent en
tirely In preparations for the Inspec
tion Thursday and the review which
will bei held Wednesday If Governor
Stone and his staff nrrlve on thut
date, as expected. This afternoon an.
other brigade drill was held, the five
regiments, Battery C nnd the gover
nor's troop going through tho various
line of battle manoeuvers, throwing
out scouts and outposts, charging, etr.
During the morning battalion drills
weru hi'bl, and In the latter part of
the afternoon a regimental drill was
gone through.
At 6 o'clock this evening Captain
Swift, of Honesdale, chaplain of the
regiment, nnd Captain Arthur Foote,
of Company D, left for Scranton, where
they will tomorrow afternoon attend
the funeral of Dr. George Blanchard,
assistant surgeon of the reirlment.
Captain Swift represents the field and
staff officers and Captain Foote, who
was a warm personal friend of Dr.
Blanchard, Is the line officers' repre
sentative. Ualn fell for about an hour heforo
noon to-day, and left the atmosphere
heavier and sultrier than at any time
during encampment. The weather on
the whole Is, however, very comfort
nble. Lieutenant Colonel .Hutchinson, of
tho Klghth teglment, was brigade
commander of the guard today, and
tho brigade guard was chosen from the
Thirteenth regiment, nnd the provost
guard from tho Twelfth.
During the day rinkerton detectives
arrested two Wilkcs-Iiarro men who
were making a snug living out of the
salo of beer near the Ninth's grounds.
A Quiot Sunday.
Sunday was passed quietly by tho
soldiers, a long brigade drill, which
started at 5 o'clock being nbout tho
only real work of tho day. Uevellla
sounded at 5 o'clock, and shortly after
mess there was guard mount, after
which tho boys took things pretty
At 11 o'clock the services conducted
In the big Y. M. C. A. tent were at
tended by large representations from
each company. During the services a
disturbance was created near the tent
by some of tho Ninth regiment men,
and the Wllkes-Rarre patrol was Im
mediately called out and the offenders
landed In the guard house.
Captain Harrington, of Company G,
was the olllcer of the day, and Lieu
tenant Jllllii the otllccr of the guard.
There were few disturbances, however,
and a most exemplary Sunday was
spent. About 11 o'clock an Inspection
of (junrters was made hy General Go
bln and staff, on horseback. Tho bri
gade commander nt Its finish express
ed himself to Colonel Watres ns high
ly pleased at the showing mad hy
the Scranton companies for cleanliness
und order.
After the noon mess there was noth
ing scheduled until 4 o'clock, when the
memorial service was held. U took
place on the hill behind the Thir
teenth's camp, and was attended by
the entire regiment. Chaplain Swift
was stationed In the dear space In
tho centre ot tho regiment, and thero
also was the band. During the ser
vice It played the "Dead March," and
several selections nf a similar nature,
taps being sounded nt tho close, nfter
the chaplain had spoken briefly and
conducted tho short ritual. The ser
vices were attended by hundreds of tho
visitors from Lebanon, Allentown,
Heading and other places,
The Dross Parndo,
Directly afterwards was the brigade
drill and dress parade. The regiments
filed past brigade headquarters, whero
Continued on Page S.J
Local dita for July 2, IWi.
Highest tempeiatmc
Lowest tempi Mime
Itelstlve Humidity:
S a, 111
S p. Ill
Preciplt.ilh'11. 21 hours ended
fl degree
.... 75 degreei
.. 73 per cent.
.. 51 per cent.
p. in., none:
weather, cloud). Highest temperature occurrpd
at !i p. in.: lowest at 7 a. 111.
Temperature at even houisi 13 noon, St de
grees; S p. m.. Oil degrees; 4 p, lit, ,,00 degrees;
p, m W degrees; S p. m., $6 degrees,
4. .,
4- Washington, July 22. Forecast for
4- Tuesday and Wedne.dayi Ksstern Penn. 4-
4ivhiil ti'enrially fair Tuesday an1 -4.
4- Wednesday; not much clung In tern. -4-
-f ,'peratiut; light' ' rquth to (outhwsat 4-
4-t.winds. . 4.
? & -r . , f f f f, f 4)
v I
t ?
.l'v v
.;,., .ij