The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 22, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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"The Mystery of the Pump House."
Submitted in
N AN afiiTtioon In the fall
or Hi" nf the omly M-vi'ti-tlfc.
Wlllltiin Thnin iii
llvcil in the llttlo nilnliiR
iinniM of M In
ii'Tthcautt in l'ptini"". tvnnla.
Ho liitd been employed In
ntecl-inllW of Aiitleifoii, a town about
lUty miles further nttth. 'J'hesx' mill
hnd sdiut down, oecinliiKly, for nn in
definite potim!' enimequenlly Thoin.
never n lover lillenesf, found hlnieelf,
In this busy little town on his way to
the "mlneboys" In neuicli of employ
ment. To lits suipi'i.'f and satisfaction
ho was Riven Immediately the "Job"
of worklnc the undeiRiound pumps but
on condition that he would woik nlcht
turn only. Ho detei mined to take it
until he could look mourn! for sonic
thlnR better, although the whutk of
fered wnec liiueh better than such woik
brought In other places. He wondeied
why he was put on nlsht tuin only,
but thought he woulft not mind that
for awhile nny way. The boss failed
to mention the fact that each man who
had been employed limine; the p.ii-t
month had thiown up the Job alter
a few night's trial and In some In
Manees after one night's trial Theio
was one exception old Sandy M'Tnili-li.
who In spite of ill-health had olten of
late been obliged to do night and day
shift both on account of the dlflliulty
In finding men to do nlsht tuin.
Thorn accepted the place, and look
ing nrounrl for n home lie lound u
cosy little story-and-a-half company
house shaded by a Urge Kim tree In
pretty laige .xeil gat den. He then
wiote lurk to Andeison for his widow
ed sister and her child a lltle fulr
halrcd girl of three summets. Tnese
two wei" all he had of kith or kin In
the woild. Knipty and would lus
life had bren but for them. The gieat
ly tilled the blank left long ago by the
one woman who had diawn to herself
the deep, earnest loe of his Intense
liatuie. "Hut that Is another stoiy."
After taking supper at one of the
crowded boat ding houses, he took a
Ktroll thiough the qolet evening to the
brow of tho neighboring hills, whence
he could i njoy u line view of the lovely
valley beneath, and the hills and
mountains beond. In the midst of the
valley lay In graceful cuive the little
liver, taiesslns: Its soil ijiecti banks
with their tues bending above. l!e
yond, crept up the cultivated laim
lands to the thick belt of woods which
t-opa rated them from the puiple spit ail
of mountains under the gloiy of the
autumnal sum-el. (Her all and thrmigh
his being pulcated the beauty of It. It
reemed like the glory of tho Land of
tho Hlest. But he mused himself this
life must be lived fltt nnil theie was
much to live for. His letuining st ps
quickeneil a he pictmed to himself the
cosy little home, under the old elm,
when brightened by the presence of his
loved ones.
Back at the boaidlug houo-e, he don
ned his woiklng clothes, conveised with
the tiled out, rugged looking miners
who were distributed about the porch
and yard In attitudes mest calculated
to give ease to weary bones. He was
favored with some few curious glan'.es
when the men learned what was to be
his employment. But nothing was said,
lor the "hews" had said some eiy
emphatic things about men losing their
Jobs who would ptevent any moie men
fiom woiklng the pumps. Thoin half
notked tap looks, but foigot It the next
moment as he .started aft vvlt'i seveinl
nn." from the house who weic on night
tuin Lmge oideis had come In and
tht mine was woiklng "double-shift."
Down the black slope they went with
then lining lamps thiowing a 11 1 fill
light on the pillaied sides, piopped loof,
and damp floor with the little, single
ear Hack trailing lies steady way
thiough the sloom and darkness. At
the foot of the long slope they came to
the pump house. Heie they found
Sandy or as he was familial ly known
"Scotty." The men dallied awhile
chatting, then passed on to the new
workings with a glance or two at the
entrance to the old, situated nbout .
quarter of a mile past the pump house,
Scoty Instructed Thorn In the slniplu
workings of the pumps and being n
rather tactuiu Individual did not wasto
much breath in talking, and soon lelt
Thorn 'Vole monarch." Howeer Sandy
had taken many a seatchlng look nt
Thorn's face wondering to himself
how long this sturdy looking fellow
would stay.
Thoin, lelt to himself, went user the
machinery .i(,ain, satisfied himself that
everything was all ilglit, settled him
self comfortably on the bench and sur
rendered hluvelf to the begullements
of the people and events of the hazy
land of Nicotine. Bousing himself after
nn hour or so, he looked the pumps
over, picked up Sandy's newspaper and
poted over It until ho had exhausted
even the advertisements. He felt time
pasMng rather slowly. At last, feeling
tired alter his long day, he stietched
himself out on the bench and was huun
Into a tight dose.
Suddenly he awoke to find himself
helf-raised on his elbow and listening
intently, Kven as he listened came
thiee sharp raps on the side ot the
fchanty as If made with a bone or haul
cudgel, then he heaid swift foot-slepa
up tho gangway. He ran out, Hashed
bis. lamp in all directions but could
discover nothing. Then It occuned to
him that the men weio having fun with
the "green" hand. Ho smlleif. and
turning" in. raid no moio attention
to the raps or other peculiar noises
which occuned at Inteivals, thinking
no moio than that the sounds were
peculiar to the mine or that tho men
were "hard-up" for amusement. So
betwen sleeping and working tho lung
hours of tho night woio away and tlui
hour of udeAso came, In liming Sandy
with his, "niornln', hod did o the
nlcht?" Thorn said, "Oh, all right.
Its a lazy Job, not enough to lilt In tho
time." Ho noticed Sandy looking out I
nusly at him but attributed It to tho
fact that the men must havo told
Bandy of their pranks of the pievlous
night. Thoin made no icinarks about
the dlstutbunccH ami with a caielesa
question as to tho weather above
Kround, bade Sandy good-by and gladly
Nought the outside world.
The next evening, us nn antidote
against tedious houis, lie employed
himself In carving toys out of bits of
soft wood and tiling tho black diamonds
Into vailous ornaments; all for the
future delight of llttlo fiiacc. Thus tho
houre were pleasantly passed. Tlied
Bitting, he took a stroll to the mouth
of the elope to take a peep ahovo
ground. He was well jepald: for the
night was one to make even the angels
from heaven delight to linger earth--"rd
awhile; for the great dome over
by MAROAner rmce vinrue.
The Tribune's Short Story
head wns soft, dull blue, studded with
myiiads of glittering stars; nboe was
the full moon riding thmugh their
midst, and the mysterious "milky
way" filled with the ghosts and
shadows" sti etching nway to the north
I'eiue. good will to men was the mes
sage ot the night and It fell on his
soul inlslng hlni above the earth until
he felt his gieat likeness to the gieat
Creator of all.
Long he enjoyed the beauty of this
peace and gteatly lefreshed tcturned
to his duties. Thiough with thece. he
laid down on his bench and fell asleep,
only to be awakened by the sound of
footsteps lushing by his veiy bench,
the sound of a body falling, n scufllo
and then some one tunning swiftly up
the gangway toward the Inside work
ings. Suipilsed Into a inoinetit'H para-
!yli. he icached the door too late to
catch sight of his tormentors.' Well,
he must try to put a atop to them,
they weio beginning to be a nuisance,
and he didn't see whole the fun came
In any way, they would not get him
Jumping up to look after them again,
so he went back and paid no mote
attention to their rapplngs, and lac
ings, and rattllngs. He wondeied that
they did not the of such monotonous
w ork.
With the morning came Joy, for his
sister and little Oiace weie already
arrived and walling to gleet hlni at
the gale. They spent a very busy day,
woiklng nt the llttlo house under the
Kim, transforming the new strange
place Into home, sweet home. Little
Urn of who was not veiy well was left
to the care ot motherly Mrs. tirnnt,
the boat ding house mistress. When
our home makers leturned In the
evening Oinco seemed no better and
Mts. Grant declared that the little one
showed symptoms of whooping cough,
but which would not result seriously
If attended to light nway. An old
fashioned but the surest cure she knew
was to take Orace Into the mine for a
few hours each day. The change of
air was all that was lequhed. The
mother, gieatly alarmed, for she had
seen childieti carried off by this dis
tressing malady, Insisted on her brother
taking the child Into the mine that
ery evening. Little (irnce wan de
lighted to go anywhete with "uncle
Will" and he none the less to have
her. He would keep her an hour or
two and then bilng her up home again.
Down the two went the little one
gieatly amused at the funny lamp on
I'ncle Wlll'si head, wondering at the
black walls all mound, and spell
bound at tho woklng of the gtcat pump.
To Thoin the heielofore weary mo
ments elKened by the quaint and mer
ly chatter of the lltle one, passed
quickly by, until e'er he was awaie
tho heavy white eyelids dosed and tho
golden head diopped to Ills' shouldei
tho little chatterer had auived nt
slumber land. He made the bench as
comfoi table as possible with his coat
and the shawl and laid her gently
down. He had a few things to do
about tho pump, then he would carry
her home. Ho hoped the men would
not disturb the peace of tho shanty
while Grace selpt. But vnln hope.
Just then ho heard footsteps approach
ing from the direction of the slope. He
stood nt the door with lamp In hand
to tiy to pi event any of the usual
racket fiom occuiring. Hut Just be
yond the palo ot Ills light the steps
ceased and three terriile raps sounded
on the haul wall. Greatly aggiavated,
with a glance at the little one who still
slept, he charged swiftly toward the
slope in the dliectlon of the sounds,
deiei mined tills time to discover the
identity of his attentive fi lends. But
the daikness gave forth neither sound
nor foim. He stood still to listen, when
ho distinctively heard the very same
sculTHnR back at the pump-house door
and the same swift i mining up the
gangway townrds the Inside, which lie
had heard the evening befoie. He flew
back to the pump house, glanced In nnd
rushed quickly to the child, who sat
Mralght up with her blue eyes star
ing In round wonder.
"What's tho matter Grace'.'"
"Oh, Uncle Will, did you &ce tho
"What men dear?"
"The clean man and the black man,"
said the child. "The naughty black
man ran out and knocked tho dean
man down and he stlcked the knife
in him so!" (and she Illustrated with
her little aim) "And the ted ink spilled
all over hlx clean clothes."
"You paid the black man rnn out,
pot. Where was he'.'"
"He digged in the coiner theio and
the clean man came at the dttor and
looked nt him. Then the black man
ran out and they lighted at tho door."
Thoin took her hastily home and ic
linned to his mysterious shanty,
pondeilng the things he himself had
heard and tho things little Grace had
said. He would nsk Sandy in tho
moinlng If he had ever heaid anything.
Nothing more occuned for the lest of
tho night. lnf the moinlng Sandy ac
knowledged having heaid strange
sounds, hut "hadna" fashed his heed
about them. Theie weie gey quaie
things happeniu' In the waii' and It
wa3 no for the likes 'o htm to be giving
hiJ opinion." Kvldently there wan less
titan no satisfaction to be gotten out
ot "Scotty" and Thorn went his way,
telling Sandy tliut ho would And out
1 befoie long what It all meant. How ho
was going to do this ho had not tho
.lightest Idea but he was determined
to get to the bottom of these mysterious
happenings In one wny or another.
Next night he pet formed his duties
as usual and prepared to welcome hl
faithful visitants. Stietched on his
back on tho bench busily leading his
nuwspnper. he gae a mighty start, tor
there, fiamed In the dooiwny, clud in
mine-blackened shifting clothes, Mood
the flguie of a man entiicled by u pe
culiar blue light. The npparation Just
stood and looked ut him. But such a
look! It stirred the very depths of
Thorn'fl being. He had never seen,
hoped never to see again, such a be
seeching, despairing expiesslon on a
human face. What could it mean? Tho
expiesslnn never changed, seemed even
to gain In Intensity as the tiguie stood
still as If waiting for Thorn to do
something but what? His voice stuck
In hie throat ns he tried to articulate
something anything In nnswer to
that look which wrung his heart with
such pity as he had never beforo cx
peilenced, At last ho made a desperate
effort and breathed a scarcely preeeptl
ble "Well?" Immediately the dreadful
exptexsion changed to one of Intense
relief and Joy. With a sepulchral "fol
low me," the nsure turned towaid tho
Inside, workings. Thorn, drawn by an
Irresistible force, followed his ghastly
commander nlong the gnngway and In
to tho old workings. On they went,
winding In nnd out the black passages,
past dark chambers, sometimes walk
ing upright, again bent almost doublet
under the low roof, nnd now and again
crawling over heaps of fallen lock on
they went, tho black llguie enveloped
In Its milphurous heln, nnd Thorn com
ing behind walking ns one In a dienm,
but cat ef ully guarding his headlight
which ho had mechanically adjusted nt
the start of this midnight Journey. At
last the flguie turned Into a chamber
where there had been a slight fall
of tock. He pointed to a smnll lock
In one coiner. Thorn moved the tock
but could sec nothing. Once again ho
heard the awful voice "dig!" Thiirn
I "l!J. "l J U" 1V i ' I"' !' '" ' I
Handy Spandy, Jack-a-dandy,
Loves plum-cake and sugar-candy;
He nought some at a grocer's shop
And out he cama, hop-hop-hop,
Hind tils brother and sister?
Solutions for Last
Monday, .July 11. Hold picture nldevcajs and
find ono son in the basket. Then hold picluie
tralcht and her Jawbone torms prohlc of the
second kmi.
Tuesday, duly 10. One cat is in he t lap, one
forms her hat, two ,11c in the tree to the ilcht,
four in tho lelt'hind side o the picluie, one in
tiee In the lelt and one behind her leec.
WedncMla), July IT. President McKintey.
picked up a "dinip piece of rock nnd
worked nwny until, a foot beneath
tho surface he struck what seemed
to be a wooden object which Rave
forth a hollow sound. Fie wotked thifl
fiee of the packed black eaith nnd
brouRht It tip to the lltrht ot his lamp.
It ptoved to bo a common cigar bo5c
tied lound nnd round with stioiiK cord,
lie looked up for further directions
fiom his eerie mnster only to find him
self sole occupant of this undergiouud
chamber In tho abandoned colliery far
nway from nny ltuinon belnfr. Oieatly
unnerved and exhausted with the un
wonted emotions of tho night, he stiiK
Kered to his feet, clasped tlrnily the
hnnip uncanny Influence which had In
duced this strange journey, he stumbled
alonp oer tho t-iiuio giound until he
found hlmi-elf In the gniiKwny Just
outsido the entrance to the old initio
from which ho had come. Ho now
knew his wny and hardly nble to walk
he managed to cruwl towaid the light
which he paw burning ahead In his
hhanty. It must bo moinlng and Sandy
must havo come and found him gone.
He Kwayed dizzily once or twice and
at last reached the shanty, looked
wildly at the for once thoroughly start
led Sandy who rnn forward Just In
time to catrh Thorn who hnd nuddenly
pitched forward.
Now that he had conic into the
watmth of human kind once moie, the
overstrained nerves gave way and he
collapsed. The old Scotchman stietch
ed the uneoiiftclous man on tho lloor,
bathed his temples and chuffed his.
Soon the eyes opened nnd with a strong
shudder Thorn raised hlmself to a
sitting postute, found the box still
clutched In his hand, shuddctcd again,
and passed tho box without a wold to
the wondet Ing Scotty.
"What Is't, nion?"
"Open It," raid Thorn, who till sat
on the Hour leaning neivnusly against
the wall but wntchlng with eager eyes
the delicate Sandy cut the coid nnd
raise the lid of the box.
"Money!" riled Sandy, "what- ha' o
been? Whar' did yo get It, mon?"
"Walt," said Thoin as he spied a
legal looking document neatly folded
nnd plated lengthwise of the box be
twen the side of tho box Hnd the lolls
of greenbacks and rolls of silver nnd
gold. He glnnced over It and handed
It without a word to Sandy who on
reading It became intensely excited.
".Mon. mon, wheie on alrth did ye
fin' It?"
Thorn then inpldly went over his ex
periences of the pump lioune since he
had been In It nnd tho climax icached
the night before. Sandy listened at
tentively nnd every now nnd then nod
ded his head cmphatlcnlly. Then enmo
tho latter's tuin. He told of the mur
der a year ago of the foimer pump
house man and tho man who ciohs
shlfted him Jlarvln, the muidcied
man, was known to have saved up
quite n tidy sum. of money against
it talny day but nfter his death no
trace of It could ever bo found. Dyke,
the man who had cross-shifted him,
had never been seen since.
The last seen of Marvin alive was
the night on which he awoke fiom a
troubled sleep, dtested In a clean suit
of shifting clothes fnded almost white
with many washings, nnd, against nil
efforts of his wife to lestraln him,
Marled for the mine, Insisting that
bomethlns there was wrong and that
he would Just take a look In nnd see.
In the morning he was found Just out
side the door of the pump-house mur
dered. Ho hnd been stnbbed twice In
the hi east evidently with a common
large sized Jack-knife. Dyke was no
where to be found although the mines
old and new and the country around
had been vigorously searched. He mubt
have eccaped out of the country.
Sandy routed himself directly a if.
exclaimed; "but we ha' forgotten tho
widow-Mistress Marvin. She still lives
In the town nnd a hard time she has
working day and night to keep herself
and bairns, nye, but she's be glad o
this siller, though It 'II be nnithcr shock
'til her and 'II bring back the awful
dny when they btocht his body hamo
fra' the mine."
A long speech for Sandy, probably
the longest he had ever made, or would
make again.
He pievnlled on Thorn to tell the,
newfl to Mrs, Marvin wno in spue or
the paper In her husband's wilting
could scarcely believe such an extin
ordlnary story. Sho wns tertlbly shak
en up, hut devoutly thankful, ror sno
saw In this wondet fully testoted money
her anxiety oxer the future of her
children forever dlsappenr.
That day nn exploring p.uty of
several miners headed by Thorn en
tered and abandoned mine nnd wand
ered about sent tiling until they came
to the chamber of Thorn's eerie sojourn
of the night previous, Hetc he pointed
out the hole whence he had tnken
the box but they were nearly etlfflod
wlht the dreadful odor of the place,
searching closer with their lamps, what
wns their hoi ror to find slightly pro
truding from tinder one of tho largest
rocks head and aim of the greatly do-
Week's Puzzles:
Thursday, Julv IS. "A bird In the cage is
worth a hundred at laige."
Frldiy, July 10. Hold picture upside down and
you'll ee the third (ace on bodice of the Rirl to
(he left.
satin day, July 20. One fi-h is under his left
band, one is between his shoes, and one (oims
his hit.
composed body of n man. They hastily
left the chamber and noting the loca
tion made their wny above ground to
notify the authorities. Later that day
the body was temoved and searched.
It was Indeed ptoved to be ns every
one expected! the body of the lost
Putting all these things together with
what the little Grace saw, the niyntery
and manner of the mutder was ex
plained. Dyke tiue to the old theoty
that u murderer will leturn to the
scene of his eiiine or that he had ic
turned for the money either to icstoie
to the owners or take It nway for him
self hnd como back n month befoie,
(Judging by the state of the body) to
tho mine and before he could touch
the money was caught by the fall of
rock. .
While on alternate duty with Marvin
he had discovered the latter's hiding
place for his money nnd the night ho
was Intent on icmovlng It fiom the
corner of the shanty.ho must have been
surprised nnd terrified by eeeln'g Mar
vin In the doorway, and crazed by fear
and the fact of discovery ho had rush
ed on Jlarvln, with tho struggle and
murder us a ics.ult.
Noted on the Way
fo the Golden Gate
Special Correspondence
salt Like Citv, I nh, July 1"..
ERE WE ARE, by thou.ands, the Epworth
Leaguer, pushing towaid the western
hoie ol our Kicat lepublic. aic halt-
lnc at the hcado,uaitcrd ol Hit "unly true
cliurih in these latter da)a."
'I his dly l a wonder, a lasting tiibutc to the
genius and pluck ot Young ami hU (el
low belicicm. Ileie that shrewd apostle and
president ol a nilmilsslie community laid the
foundation ol what he deciaicd would be the
tuniwng and dominating kingdom o( the Lotcl.
I'ew would bate daied to plant his hope in such
an arid alley as this was then. He saw what
irrigation would do ami pouied help from the
lulls tliiouuli the dUtnhmin: channels until he
hid lu.idu lite ileseil bloom like the lose Todiy
h metis no other iiiunuiiuul than this fair and
adiancing tit). And now he has Mil u Minplo
slali In the plain leinelci) wheie he h'cps with
omo of his wlcrs. Ouleidu ot thi nt), whcio
ho had his country reMclence, a place to which
be repaired to enjoy some ot his concubines, to
whom he was then drawn, the farm has been pur
i based for a park, and the house occupied by
the father ol suih a large family and husband
ol so much o( a wile, has been retained, and
)ou can see on it, "II. V., 1SJ.' " tall Lake City
is surrounded by mountains, real ones, and not
lulls, so-called, and is thirteen miles from Salt
Lake, so saline that flee banels ol its water con
tains one barrel ol salt, and a laiorite bathing
place for the resident and visltois. Its streets
are wide, well shaded and hace the telcgrsph,
telephone and trolley polts In the cenlei. It has
many tine lesidencea, one being occupied by Mr.
George llolman, brother-in-law ol Thomas II,
Dale, ol Suanton. Near this spot is located the
largo elegant house ol Amelia, the laorlte wile
ot nrlghaui Young. That expression ol prefer
ence suggests that In the division ot the heart
among plural wltes the amount received by
each woman was not the same. It is declared
that the gicat apostle had about seventeen con
sort! and Amelia got more ol hhn llun (he ol li
en. Thin omo Had a very small plcco of tuc
husband. Which reminds us ol what a ranchman
was telling today o( his ronrcisallon with an In
quisitive Massachusetts woman who wanted to
know more about (his I tah religion and asked
II the could be pointed to a live -ormnn, ,iout
this time a lean, lank, long-haired fellow came
Into the car and ranchman ald, "That is a Mor
mon." IMtting on her glassea and ejlng him
for a time, she turned and said! "Wouldn't I
be happy fhave one-tcnih of such a man." The
ladles on this excursion do not seem to bo will
ing to accept a piece of a male human, and the
)oung folks, as ever)herc, naturally go In pain.
When the Sew York special, is one train Ii
called, reached Chicago lor an early breakfast,
marching Into the depot restaurant under the
leadership ot Rev, Dr. E. L. Thorpe, el Brook
l)n, he rose and started the doxology is a pre
taee to the me'-, Two Roman Catholic sisters,
seeing the great number of the ladles, apparently
in subjection lo this big silk-tiled gentleman,
4 Lipes 10 Cents
More Than Pour Line., 3 Cent tor Each Bxtra Line.
For Bent.
For Rento
1 ! '
.About 1200 feet of floor space on
4th floor of the Tribune building,
suitable for light maufacturing. In
eluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at ollicc of
Thh Tribune.
KOIt ft KM- Cool, plM'int tnonn, dcilubla 1"
tlon. A.!tt Washington rnur.
lOlt m;NT Klulit room, T.U Jfltfrwn aveiju!
all modern conccnlcniM. '
MS ORKKN ninfJK STREET, ten roomi. modern
lmproementi; steam hest lurnUhedi detu
For Sale.
iOll SAI.K rllKAl' Home In Rood condition.
liLVilie 31" first utrret, city.
KOn SALK-Hoiisi" and lot. Close in. For busi
ness or iMidence. Address Owner, care of
The Tribune,
FOIt SAI.K-A Cotticll k Sons cylinder press,
3.1x3(3, In Rood condition, new rollers, WM.
rr'y Wllkes-Uaire Times Office, Wilkes-uarre,
For Sale or Bent.
FOR SAI.K On rtB.NT Sinirle house, Mi Weh.
sler aienue Ten rooms, (.team (, V,
Re) nobis, Council building.
were anxious to know who they were and asked
a member of the party.
"Oh, wp arc Epworth Leaguers."
"And who aic theyt"
" soclct) in the Methodist church."
"W are so glad to hear It," ald the dear
Suten ol Mercv. "We leired you were going
to the ftah City and that that old fellow was
a Moimon elder, for he looks like one!" 5o one
eipense ol this trip is to be subject to a suspi
cion tint we arc going to start harems."
I or seveial di.v these young Methodist enthusi
asts havo ciowded Silt Lake City and )estcrd.iy
(hey (hronged (he great (abernacle, a large
building seating nearly 10,000. The choir, about
tw-ii hundred strong, well trained, singing In fine
style, gave some excellent selections. With
shrewdness, the first hymn was "America."
Once thin tabernacle resounded with the procla
mation that the church was first In authority and
all others were Infeiior, lint Is no longer open
ly t night. Ibc pii.vii following the h.imn was
revcient, fervent, and inosi of It one in which
all Mclhodl.t. kiuM join
This building ii regirded as a vvoiahip place
at mult urniic in wue bold vesterda.v. One ot
the aporllea rebuked the burring of the gather
ing audience and asked lor silence, and then the
old ttllows on the upper seats (ell to talking
nnd set a bad example, fine of the chief talkers
in this private way wis Itrighaui Noting, jr.,
heir ol his father mine, but not his genius.
WV heard a long address br Ml'. Mary Sewall
Wright, nf Wn.hington, I). C, on 'Internatlon-all-in."
"die uiged the end of Indlviduillsm and
the coming of co-opeiation as a suliatltutc tor
ompetlttmi ami the gradual merging ol patriot
ism in a woild-wlih' internationalism. It was a
pretty dream put lonh by a lair lad), whoso
isoclil standing Is good, and attempted lo widen
the love of party and family and slate Into one
fcattered over the whole earth. It oundeil well,
jet atartril epiestlons as to whether It was pos
sible to divide affection fairly on such a wide
scale any more successfully than a Mormon can
parcel his heart equally to a large number ol
w Ives.
That last vvoid reminds in that these plurallla
are sensitive when Inquiry is made on that point.
Yesterday a .vouiig tourist with two women
friends was talking to a Mormon, seeking inter
mation, winding up with a direct question:
"how many wives have )oil?" The Moimon
said at once, and earnestly: "We eonslder such
questions ns impeitinent when made by ('entile.
How would ou like for me to ask )ou: 'How
III.H1V mistresses have you?' "That ilosed the
conversation. In this, their home, the (ollowen
of .lncp!i Ninth are bred dosmitic. That was
plainly keen .vexloulay whrn at (lie (aliernnlo,
since Professor Tallmage, ol their college, heie
followed Mrs, Wright with a daring expedition
of their views. He was asked to speak for his
church. And he did. lie openly atftimcd the
power ol the bolv priesthood in thene ill), lit
denounced the clegv ot other churches a.s those
who have persecuted this chinch above all otheis.
He eavagely affirmed tint no other chinch than
his had any landing before heaven. He did
graciously allow that if in Methodism we did
any good we would get rewarded for all our
noble works. He boasted of the simplicity of
their worship and the authority of their organ
isation as Indicated in the continual revelations
being made to and through it. He smirtly omit
ted the presentation nf such points of dispute
as plural gods and plural wives and other mat
ters of grave importance. He was to radical
that he left no favorable Impression on the )oung
followers of Wesley who heaid him.
t the close of the two hours of religious ser
vise the choir and organist kindly gave a con
cert (or the benefit of 'the idiangcrs. Unless
one U moving with the multitude he ran hardly
realie what a vast number are going to Pan
t-rancisco. Eating houses are eaten bare along
the way, as cxtn after extra cornea in with
hungiv hordes. Aciommndations lor lodging are
it a premium, as o many wish a change from
berth on ears to looms in hotels or houses. List
night one of the preachers fiom New York
plajed a sharp trick. He went late to a Turk
ish hath establishment, paid (or his sweat and
wash, and aflcr (h massage laid down on a
lounge to rest, at-king ii he slept not to be dis
turbed. The attendant took hhn literally and let
him sleep Into (he morning light, so mat (no
shrewd elcrgjman got 1il hath and bed for one
(are. We shall not nUenipt (o describe (he
scenic splendors thiough which we have passed.
Words are not ours to picture the Ro.val t.'oige,
made by Arkansas river; the (ilenwood Canyon,
considered by some (o be more varied and strik
ing (ban (he foimrrs (be Oaidrn ol (he Clods,
wilh its rocky wonders that seem to have been
nit out to represent so many objects; the great
fertile plains of Iowa and Nebraska, and (he
sige brush deserts of Colorado and I'tah, (he irrb
gadng canals which (urn a waste Into a garden
of beauty and productiveness, and where the
glare and heat and dust make one wish for Scran
ton, even vvitli Ita culm piles. 01 course, our
parly ascended Pike's Peak and 15,000 feet up
were o used (o lower altitudes that we suflcied
by appioach to the skies, All weie delighted
with the uscrnt and dizzied by the rarifled atmos
phere. lt was a great trip, nino tuilea, as we were
shoved up and then slowly let down, a gland
sight ol numerous snowy peaks one hundred
miles away and a great trial to the body in the
rapid adjustments the change fiom valley to top
and back again in four houi required. It would
be interesting if we had space to show how
many travel under the Epwoith League auspices.
Jews are quick to snatih pioftt an,vwhcrc. Callio.
liis, who confc.s (hey feel safe In Methodist pro
tec lion, and outsldeis who go lor pleasure rather
than piety. So the motley gioups rush cm bear
Ina; badges Irom Canada to Alabama, New Yoik
to Coloiado. We could fill the page wilh anius
in? account! ol happenings, but the heat is so
tntcn.e we tnut wait. Meanwhile this ill), tor
rid tftnpeiature picks tho molilme away so last
that even Epworth Leaguers are haul drinkers -of
course, at -oda ountllns ami Ice water tanks
only. We will report more alter we get farther
toward sunset, C. M. Gilfin.
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Tar of 100.
STOCKS. Bid. Alked.
Lackawanna Daliv Co., Pr 60
County Savings Uank k Trust Co., jtV) ...
First National uank (Carbondale)
btamiard Drilling Co
Third National Bank tin
Dime Deposit and Discount Bank., 275
Economy Light, II. k l: Co
First National Bank lion
Lstka. Trust Sale Deposit Co lio
Claik k Snover Co., Pr m
'AMi:n An InlflllRcnt (Calliollc) Uily or cn-
tlfinan to till a Hunt, lHMni wumn,
trend uy, II suitable. AcldroM 1'. O. Ilox 2a,
N.ranton, Vt.
Ilelp Wanted Female.
WAMKP-V Rnol laundieM nt Koiest City
Steim Laundr). V S, ItoAlm,
WASTI'.K -A Rood Rlrl for homework In
small famll). Apply IIW Allium mnur.
VAVri:t-tllrl (or (teneial housework In a small
family. 42S Clay atriiur.
Agents Wanted.
WASTKK Reliable agents to take subscriptions
for popular mixarlnes In connection with
new census Atlas. Kxceptlonil opportunity.
Write today. John Wanamakur Dept. 142-A.,
New Yoik,
Want Advertisements Will Be
Received nt Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALRERT SCHH7TZ. corner Mulberry
street and Webster avenue.
CUSTAV riCHI.L, 6J0 Adams avenue.
West Side
OEOROE W. JENKIN3, 101 South Main
South Scrnnton
FRED L. TKRPPK, 720 Cedar avenue.
North Scrnnton
CEO. V. DAVIS, corner North Main
avenue and Market street.
Green Bidge
CHARLES P. JONES, 1557 Dickson
I J. JOHNS, O.'O Oreen Ridge street.
C. I.ORE.NZ, corner Washington ve-
nuc and Marion sheet.
W. II. KN'F.Pl'EL. 1017 Irving avenue.
J. a. IIOXE k SON.
Boarders Wanted.
WANTED Table boarders. Mrs. Tompkins, 631
Washington avenue.
Honey to Loan.
"3J0.UU0 TO LOAN Lowest rates; straight or
monthly pa)tncnts. Stark Jfc Co.rradeia' bldtf.
strain leans or Ilulldlng and Loan. At
from 4 to 8 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker,
3M-315 fennel! building.
Business Opportunity.
W VNTED Young man with lwent)-ftvo
(J3 00) (o buy the agency for this citv,
Pitttnn and (Mihondalt, lor a household article
nf great merit You can positlvcl.v mike Irom
th in s? 10 daily If ,vou arc a hustler ildics,
for partlculais at onie, C. W. II., this office.
LOST A gray sloim cape at corner Linden xlieet
and Adams avenue; left on one ot the
benches. Finder will please leturn to 7(1 Kicshr
LO-VT (inhl ilmineil gla.-cs in i-e. Lost Thurs
day atleinoon in icntral city. Please return
to Tribune or limes ottlies and receive reward.
Rodrns at Fan-American.
II.HIWT LOCvTinS' and furnishings. Rites,
T'i i fill's and 11 Oct Wnte fr pirtiiul ii"
'I he Mortimer. 13 Woodlawn avenue. Ml.". Fan
nie M. tcarns
OUR NEW BOOK sent dee, dill) illustialed,
treats ol all conditions of nn u, tells linw to
attain "'Perfect Manhood." Siould be in the
hinds of eveiv male adult. Addie-s Erie Medical
Co., "Book Dept.," Buffalo, N. Y.
Situations Wanted.
sllFATION WANTED-As cook or ehel in hotel
or ilub. Address, Cook, 113 Penn avenue.
Sllt'ATION WANTED-Hv )nung man as book
keeper, or ollice work of any kind; expeu
encedj best refeiences. (.. E. P., Tnbune Oltlie.
SITI'ATION WANTED Uy a ladv lo (ake in
wa-hing. M. It., Tribune Oitiic.
Mil ATION WANTED Circular ".ample distiihu
tor or managing the woik, or eolliitnr lor .1
good him. ddics It., ur call on Hi. 'Ibonipson,
b!3 East Market street.
SIT! VITON WAVIKD-'lo go out bv Ihe clay
washing or cleaniiu tall on cr addict Mis.
Ru,ell, lilO Cedar avenue.
bill' 1 ION WAVrKD-ltoglsteicd pharmacist of
hist class niactiial cxpeiience; single. Ad
dress ijulnine, Irlbune Olrire.
s-iri'AIION WANTED-Hv a .voung man as
sistant draughu-man Ol tram. Addios Hot
SI, Throop, Pa.
"jIU'VUOV WxA'H.n-Experlemcd ekpeit ai I
, punlant would like t" make j. tew in.-igo
ments in npin. nose, auun, poi ami uaunce
books. Address I. 2J3, Illume Oitii c.
Scranlon Iron Fence A Mig. Co ino
Siranlciii le Works ttf
be i anion -avings Bink .'tin ...
Tiadem' Nal.unal Bank 175
S iani..ii ll.'it k Nut (o lot
People' Bcnk 135
New Mexico Ily. k ('. Co ;j
ScianU.n Pa.senger Railway, first
Mortgage, due 1"20 115
Pecplf' Mieet Railway, tut mort
gage, due PUS 115
People's street Railway, (,'encral
morlgage, duo UJ
Dickson Manufactuilng (o ,
l.acka. Township School 5 per tenl. ... in
City of Scianlon s(. Imp. 0 per
cent loj
Ueans-rer bushel, choice marrow, $.'.00a2 65
Scranton Traction 0 per cent 115
Scranton Wholesale Market.
iCnrrected hv II, O. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave)
Butter lirali eieamciy, 20'sailc.j dan),
frr.h, I'l'.jaiuiai,
Cheese Full cream, 10i3alli.
Eggs-Western lie.h, Halltje ; nearby state,
Medium Beans Per bushel, '.(0i.' )5.
Oieeu Peas-Per buhel, l.(0i f,
FI0111 Best patent, per birrel, l 15
Beans Pci bushel, ih.uio jnarruw, $..5ja2.60
Potutoes Per buliel. Mai in.
Onions Per bushel. S.
Philadelphia Provision Market.
Philadelphia, July 21. Recclpls lor (he weeki
Cattle, 3,0(1; hogs, 7,70.1; sheep, .'1,119. Cattle -Market
active anil ft 1 1 1 1 mi all choice oflerlngi,
while common and lower grades weie somewhat
dull, with a slight decline, siockeis and feeders
realiied Irom (,25al M per bundled pounds; best
$3.f7a6, choice, lf3.o-.'a5.;j; good, frYiOaVfl.; me
dium, $ 23a3.:t". common, $l.7a5. Sheep and
Limbs Market firm on all iholic sheep under a
fair demand, hut lambs ruled inaittvo and lonei.
sheep, extra, (iiale ; choice, 3a(e ; good, J'a
3c; medium, ilHaTic; tommon, lijaic; spung
lambs, iiaiC. Hogs Prices steadily main
talned with a seasonable trading; western, SUa
$c; fat rowi of most desirable kinds held at
3H34i.; thin cnivs, S'isSHe.; veal calves, 6
4c. ; extra choice, 7c; common, lslUc ,
milch cowa of the best class ranged Irom il555;
dressed steers firmer, eaally selling (or S'iiOijC.;
dressed cows, tHi7hc
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Than Pour Line., 6 Cents lor Each Ettra Line,
Certified Public Accountant.
iimvAiti) c. si'.uti.niNo, 23 traders dank
Estate Exchange Hldsf. , 1M Washington are.
Civil nnd Mining Engineers.
Fpruee street, Scranton.
. Lawyers.
Rooms 12, 11, 16 and 18 Rurr building.
dated on real estate security. Mean building,
corner Washington avenue and bpruce street.
and eounselloia at-law. Republican building,
Washingtcn avenue.
JESSl'P ft .IFtriUI. ATTORNEYS AND COIJN'-sellors-at-law.
Commonwealth building. Rooms
10. 20 ami 21,
"cm-!".m, oth floor, Meara building.
of Trade building, hcranlon, Pa.
Rank building.
211 W)omlng avenue.
Physiclnns nnd Sugeons.
lngton avenue. Residence, UlS Mulberry.
Chrnnta disease, lungs, heart, kidneys and
genlto-urlnary organs a specialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p. m.
Hotels and Rcsturnnts.
avenue. Rates reasonable.
P. ZE10LER, Proprietor.
rrngcr depot. Conducted on the Europeii
plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor.
a. n. nmnos cleans rnivv vaults and
cess pools; no odor; only improved pumps uaed.
A. R. Rrlggs, proprietor. Leave orders 1100
North Main avenue, or Elcke'a drug store, cor.
ner Adams ami Mulherry. Both telephones.
erymen, store 201 Washington avenue; green
houses, 1D30 North Main avenue; store tela
phone, 762.
Wire ScreenB.
Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens.
di:es-.mkino for children io ORDER;
also ladles' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 21 J
Adams avenue.
selopes, paper bags, (wine. Warehouse, Ml
Washinglon avenue, Scran(on. Pa.
In Siranlon at tin) ii"ws stands of ltelsmm
Bros., 406 Spruce and 301 Linden; M. Norton,
21 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schutxer, 211
Spruce street.
the- I'ity of Nranton. County of Lackawanna,
and "-late ol Pennsvlvunia, deceased.
I.ettcia tesliiinenlaiy upon (he jbove named
estate hiving been ginitid lo Ihe undersigned
all pi isons having claims nr demands agalnsl
tho aid estate will pireent them lor pasment
and tlin'o Indebted tluiili' .ue icqucsted to make
immediate p.i.wiicnt I"
I'I.I.Im PLlC. -iinbur). Pa.,
V. C. IIO-E, Scullion, 'i
THE ANM'M, MEEITSC. of Ihe .Imklmld.i. of
THE "AlOMINO "llml.l. WllHKi f, the
election of diintois and i onsiih-iHtlon of ihil!i
other business as mav be himuht befoie them
will bo held at the otllie ol the compinv. Con
nell building, "ciintnti. Pa,, Frlda), the sixteenth
of ugiist, I'jiil. between the bonis nf II and
li a. m. atli. O. Robertson, s.ftrPJj.-
NOTK'E is beirbv given that h meeting of the
stoikliolders of ihe I'ltle (iiaranly and Trust
rninpinv id N lantun, Prima . will be held at the
olllii- of (lie (iiiipanv Slti 'pruie stieet, feci lu
tein, Pei'in., at 10 o'lh.ik a in., July 27, loot,
to tile ailiun on H; or disappmial of the
picpo,ed invieise nf the lapita! .-lock ol saij
company (mm 130,iVKi m itai,isai.
'IM.PII " III I.E. "sertelaiy.
. .SSSS- s. v--
s. VNys. s
SAFEST! M"ne Will Ihrn Hlg Monthly
nrc-Ti Returns.
DtM. The Investor's I un.l Pa)Seml monthly.
The oldest established ,11 1ne1ua Nn cerllfleat
lioldei has ever bt 1 cent l'a)inents made to
all Mibscrlbcns fin) 13 da). No trouble No
delay. Money ufiindrd en demand. Write to.
day tor paituulais, life to any address
C. E. Mackey cV ( o , Hudson Bid's., New York.
; Pacific Anthracite Coal Co.
Capital, $6,0(10,000.
P. O Box 1090. ,
Sultle. tta.h , July 9, lOOt.'
We have for salo m blnek "I stock in a new
find that we pionounce the liehest prospect in
fiee gold epiaii mi nib. 17 lbs. ol this quirta
selected- in .Hv olcl (or fl.MO. The diacov.
enr his still m tier ciiunks Write for parlicu
liis We ..'" ntlr development stock, in this
Coa! companv, the tbt antbiaeite discovered on
this coa.t J. M DIAM'TT, President.
Pacific Anthracite Coal Co,
Rocky Mount, H. G,
Water, Sewer and
Electric Light
Yielding 4.40 Per Cent.
Write (or special circular,
Rudolph Kleybolte & Co.
1 Nafssau St., New York.