The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 22, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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burke Carfeondale Department new, 286
'" BUILDING 1 -j 1 ,0LD,0423
It Was the Causo of a Btormy Meet
ing of the School Board The
Election of Toachere Held Up An
other Spoil The Story of the
Meeting. '
A move was carried out by the ad
herents of the cause of W. D. Bryden
at the school board meeting Saturday
night, and one which help til' for the
present at least, the election of the
entire corps of teachers for the city.
The board went Into Its expected
deadlock' over the prlnclpalshlp of the
High school, and the three directors
thereafter refused to vote on any of
the other posltlons.thus leaving but
the three votes of Hockenbeiry,
Hushes and Kerwln, an Insufllclent
number to elect. The mutter was fin
ally laid over till the next rcRiilar
meeting. In oider to give the dlrectots
an opportunity to meet a a committee
of the whole and discuss tholr troubles
behind locked doors.
It was 8.15 when the meeting was
called to oider. All the membets were
present. After a few Items of minor
Importance had bcen passed upon, Mr.
Swigert moved to take up the election
of teacheis. Mr. Kerwln nnd Mr. Gal
lagher wonted It postponed, but the
other four members voted yen.
Swlgeit nominated W. D. Bryden for
principal of the High school. The
jp.s and nays were taken, resulting
as lollows. For Uiyden Swigert, Ker
wln and Vannan. Hughes voted no,
nnd Hockenbeiry ami Gallagher te
fused to vote. Thechaltman declared
Mr. Bryden not elected.
Mr. Swigert, seconded by Mr. Klr
wln, moved to defer action on the
election of teachers till the next meet
ing. Mr. Hockenbcriy objected, saying
that It would not be tight to keep all
the teachers In suspense. "Common
report," said he, "says that If Mr.
Bryden is not elected, no other teach
ers will be. If there Is nny man on
the boa,rd who will father such a
scheme, let him come out like a man.
It is the right of the teacheis to know
whether or not they ate going to get
the directors' support. Give every
one the same chance as Mr. Bryden."
The motion to lay over was put and
lost on n tie vote.
Hughes then nominated A. W. Geary
as a teacher.
Mr. Kerwln said he could not see
the use in going on with the election,
hut the chairman otdeied the roll call.
Mr. Swigert moved to adjouin. and
Mr. Hockenberry to.e to a point of
order, saying that the roll had been
ordered, thcrefoie the motion was out
of order. It was so declaied.
The toll was called. Hockenbcuy,
Hughes ,tnd Gallagher oted for
Geary. The other thiee jefused to
vote, making nn election.
President Hughes presented Miss
Lucy Joslln's name, but Immediately
withdrew it.
Swigert moved to adjourn.
Mr. Huirhes said that he hail no
objection to the directors supporting
Mr. Bryden. if they saw lit, but he
questioned their right to hold up every
teacher on the eorps because hev was
not elected.
Mr. Swigert denied the Inference
that he was trying to hold up any
election and said he had moved to ad
journ in good faith. He also icbuked
the chairman for saying It was the
Intention of the directors to hold up
the rest of the teacheis.
Mr. Hockenberry lellcvcd Mr.
Hughes of the blainc for making the
statement which riled Mr. Swigert,
and the latter wlthdiew his ciltlcism
of the chairman and said he would
Tlaee It where it belonged.
Mr. Hockenbcuy s.iid he was not
piepared to say who he would vote tor
for principal, but he served notice
on Mr. Bryden by his action last
nisht. he said, that he would never
vote for him "because," he added, "I
don't consider him competent for the
place.". He argued, howeer, that be
cause Bryden failed of election. It was
no reason why the othets should.
Miss Pace's name was presented by
Mr. Hockenberry.
Mr. Kerwln asked to hae the mat
ter laid over.
The chairman wanted to know why
they wanted to lay It over after
bringing it up themselves.
Mr. Swigert said he would like to
have another committee of the whole
meeting with Mr. Vannan present, he
having been absent at the fine Fri
day evening. After some discussion
this was agieed to and a motion to
adjourn by Swigert was put and car
iled, the chairman serving notice that
the next time the question Is brought
up the whole Nn will be gone through.
Insurance Mens' Smoker.
The employes of the local office of
the Metropolitan Insurance company
gave a bmoker Friday evening In their
jooms In the Burke building. They
had as their guest, A. L. Avery, of
Scranton, the district superintendent.
A very enjoyable time was passed.
Elected a Trustee.
Pioneer City council, Junior Order
United American Mechanics, held a
special- election Friday night to fill
l vacancy on the board of trustees,
:aused by the resignation of ono of
the members, and elected A. B. Cook
;o the place.
Mail Carrier Resumes Work.
Mallcarrler Martin L. Oliver, of
Cemetery street, has resumed his work
lgaln, after a few days' Illness, which
as caused by being vaccinated.
Spending Vacation in Kingston,
"Horace Smith Is spending his sum
mer vacation with his grandparents,
Mr. and Mr. Payne, In Kingston.
New O. & W. Eugino.
The splendid new engine, manufac
tured at the Scranton shops of the
for t'hlldrrn Hctlirr firay. for a nunc in
tht CliiMren'i Horn In Nr.- nfk, tiiMteii iliil
drrn nifiMilully ith rcinclj . ii,v. picpaifj
mil plicfd in the Uiu.' ttuici, ,tltli jioth
l5ry' Snm Podfi for Chlldirn Tliey .,.
lutml'w wllk, i!"umt to inUc ir.rf nuer
fill. A rertaln rure foi frcrUlmM, uenmiru.
tfrn. hJclw. tffthlmj nd Homieli tloule-i
lnd rnii'iie worim. At all iliugitUtu, iJc, s'jn'i!
f1.ici.t KIIKII. AdJrm Allci. K Olm.ttd, Le.
L v. y.
American locomotive works for the
Ontailo and Western, passed
thiough this city on Saturday nnd was
critically examined and admired by
ralltoad men, who pronounced It as
the flnst example of mechanical In
genuity and strength they ever wit
nessed. The engine Is number 111, nnd
will be used on the main line. It la
equipped with the latest appliances,
among them the conveniences and
safety devices for engineers, electric
bells and speaking tubes In the cabs.
Changes In Office of Hendricks Com
panyDue to Stenographers Resig
nation. The acceptance of a more favorable
position by P. C. O'Connor, who was
chief stenographer in the ofllces of the
Hendricks Manufacturing company, has
caused a few changes. Mr. O'1'onnoi's
successor Is Hnllack Warren. Mr. War
ren has been employed In the Hen
dricks offices for some time, and his
familiarity with the woik will make
him an acceptable successor to Mr.
Joseph Mannlon has been advanced
to the position held by Mr. Warren.
He has been an extra attache of the
A Great Day Anticipated nt Lake
Lodoro Tomorrow A Fine Pro
gramme of Athletic Events Ar
ranged by the Committee.
The union Sunday school excursion
to Lake Lodote will take place tumor
tow, when a creat day of tun and
pUasure Is anticipated beside the shores
of the iesoit over the mountain. 'I he
tnembeis of the Sunday school clas-es
of the several chinches of the city and
the woikeis on the committees have
shown an enthusiastic spnit that is a
bright augury of tin- success of the en
terprise. Chief Interest centers In the athletic
events, which are vailcn enough and
have n towards pilz.'s which have at
tracted the widest Inteiest. Chairman
A. S. Lcwsley Is well pleased with the
number of entries he has teccived. This
committee, the one on sports, will meet
tonight to complete the schedule of the
day's events.
Tickets have been placed on sale at
Clark's drug store and at the stole of
A. T. Lewsloy, on Salem avenue. The
committee advises that excursionists
purchase tickets befoie entering the
cats, as this will appreciably facilitate
It has been at ranged to have a car at
the city station to carry the tefrosh
ments to the lake. This car will oc at
the station between 7..!0 and 8.30 minor
iow mottling. Baskets which iii In
Uimed for the genetnl tahle sluuild be
taken to the car between these hours,
and should he labeled with the name of
the o ncr.
Though Both Legs Wore Amputated,
tho Lnd Shows Wonderful Vitality
and Is Progressing as Well as the
Surgeons nt tho Hospital Look For.
If he reioMi's, and the ludliations
now are favorahle. young El nest Samp
son, the boy who was inn oer while
attempting to Jump on an Ontailo and
Western tialn on I'llday, will be badly
cilppled. Both legs had to be ampu
tated, one below the knee, the other
Just above. Sampson showed lemaik-
able gilt, and In conversing with com
panions, whom he warned against his
fate, he ald: "Boy.s, you'd better take
.his warning; you see what J got for
Jumping on car..."
After the opi'intlnn, Sampson was ex
tremely weak, and theie weie giave
fears for his- ltcovciy. Satuiday after
noon he rallbvl and last right he was
een stronger, anl his condition was as
favorable at the sutgeons could expect,
after the ordeal thiough which he had
passed, which Is not otten survived by
men of stiong cons'ttutlons.
Daughter of School Director Swigert
Home from Scranton Private Hos
pitalTo Follow Her Profession.
Miss Kmma E. Swigert, daughter of
School Director G F. Swlgeit. Is home
from Scranton, wheie"she wan gradu
ated as a muse from the training school
of the Scianton pihate hospital.
Miss Swlgeit purposes to locate heie
to follow herein ofeslon, and Is at the
home of hvr parents. 17 Spring stieet,
wheio calls for engagements will ieaeh
her. Miss Swlgeit has shown a maikcd
aptitude for the woik which she has
chosen, and she enters upon her piofes
slonal career with n valuahle hospital
experience to supplement her natural
ability. She has a wide acquaintance
of sincere fi lends in this city, whose
best wishes accompany her in the
career to which she teems to be so well
Meetings Tonight.
Common council.
Olive Leaf lodge, No. 15G, Independ
ent Order of Odd Fellows.
Federal union, No. TiOi.
Patriotic Older Sons of America.
Carbondale council, No, 329, Knights
of Columbus.
Visitors from Scranton.
Ex-Assistant Fire Chief Joseph N.
Hall, of Scranton, nnd sou weio visit
ors In Carbondale yesterday.
Michael McGovern, of the Lackawan
na Valley house, Scranton, spent yes
terday afternoon with telatlves In this
Undertaker Purple Home.
Undertaker H. A. Purple and son,
Edwaid, ai lived home Friday night
from a week's trip, which Included
the Pan-American exposition nnd
other places In New Yoik state.
The home of Mr. and Mrs, Henry
Fluellen, on Sand street, has been
brightened by the arrival of a son, A
gill baby lias aho been born to Mr. nnd
Mrs, William Hughes, of South Wyo
ming street
Signs of Great Activity to Assure a
Celebration That Will Be a Credit
to the Citizens of Carbondalo, And
Will Advortise tho City in a Way
That Will Be a Great Benefit An
other Ono Hundred Dollar Sub
scription Othor Matters of In
terest. The time for the semi-centennial
celebration Is rapidly approaching, a
fact that Is quickening the projectors
of the enterprise that It Is hoped will
he creditable In the highest degree to
the citizens of Carbondalc, and will be
the means of advertising this city In a
manner that will be 11 potent factor In
enhancing the future giowth nnd ptos
perlty of the community.
The desideratum In affairs of this
character Is an abundance of money,
to carry out the elaboiate plans of the
celebration, and that this Is fully ap
ptcciated by tho piojcctois is shown In
the Increased activity along this line
duping the past few weeks. The list
ot nubEcrlptlons Is being augmented
dally, and will aen show n gi cater In
crease henceforth.
The latest subscription was on Satur
day, when the Scianton Hallway com
pany donated one hundred dollais. Tho
list thus far Is:
i:. I.'. Ilrndrltk $150 00
.1. II. Thomas ioooo'
Kirit Natlonil bank 100 no
Mltirn j ii1 Mechanics kink 100 00
Hoard of Iim1c liio iiO
n union Tr.uti'in coiupiny ino 00
Very Itov. T. F. Cofley 50 01
J.HHM stott Won
Clusc ,1 sanlmrn and (i. S. Kimball 40 00
('. M. II, A $100 00
ITiltllly inmljif, I. O. II WOO
KnlghM of P.ithlas WOO
id nun i Mnninjr society 30 00
P. O. S. of A 2"i 00
Cjclc i-lub 23 00
I onrt Pinlol OVomicll. A. O. 1' 10 00
1n-ll No. S77. t. Vf. W 10 00
Junior Order n( l'orostcra fi 00
WuinuiN ltclicf c.oqn .i ml
Ladle auxiliary, II. of It. T S 00
HineliliM ol Ni'Hiil S 00
The icunlon committee, the commit
tee that, will look after the Invita
tions to former lesidents and enter
tain them dining their stay here, has
completed Its organization. C. E.
I.athiop has been made chairman;
Edwaid Clarkson, vice chaliman, nnd
H. B. Jadwln, chairman. H. B. Jad
wln appointed a sub-committee to or
lange the piogiamme to be followed In
cailng lor tho old-time residents This
sub-iommittee will report to the le-
ttnlon committee at the meeting of
tonight at the semi-centennial head-
ciuaiters, lioglnlng at i o clock. ihe
icunlon committee enibiaces the oldest
residents of tho city, who aie eager
to seo Carbondalc honor Itself on tho
occasion of Its jubilee. About 150
names of former residents were sub- J
nutteri at tno last meeting, to nil ot
whom Invltntlonx will be forwarded to
participate in mo ccienrnuon.
Kach day, the secretary Is Informed
of the plans of the various organiza
tions In the city that are lending a
willing and helping hand to tho occa
sion that appeals so strongly to pub
lic piide.
Among those hen id ftom lecently is
the Machinists' union, which Intends
to make a splendid showing in the
trades' display, which will take place
on September 1. If It Is possible to
seeuio the model of tho "Stourbtldce
Lion," the Hist locomotive run In
America, It will be Included In the
display. The model was used by tho
Delaware and Hudson company In tho
lloial display nt Saratoga last year,
and negotiations for tho loan of It
for this occasion aie now In progress.
The fraternal societies aie showing
an active Inteiest, and among the so
cieties arranging for new uniforms and
legallas are the Odd Fellows, the Red
Men and the Knights of Malta.
A managing committee, compilslng
Hon. .1. J. O'Xelll, W. B. Giitman, P.
c. Conner, Abe Sahm and G. K. Swi
gert, will work under the general ex
eeutlNo committee. Of these, Mr.
Sahm will hae chaige of most of the
detail woik. Mr. Sahm's record In
disposing of the details of other public
celebrations Is an assurance of how
well this patt of the work of the ju
bilee will be taken care of. The su
pervision of the subscription commit
tee will be his first step.
The managing committee will meet
each evening to receive reports from
special committees and ftom Its own
members, and all matters will be sanc
tioned 'by this committee upon sugges
tions of the different committees.
Cornell Students Here.
Four students of Cornell university
are spending a portion of their sum
mer vacation In this city. They ate
taking a course In mechanical art in
that institution and aie devoting a
few weeks to acquit lug practical ex
perience in tho shops and round
houses of tho Delawaio and Hudson
he to.
At Elk Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Evans, Mr. and
Mrs. H. E. May and their families left
yesterday to take up their residence
for several weeks In one of the cot
tages at Elk lake.
Proporty Improvements,
The building on the corner of Lin
coln aenuo and Church street, occu
pied by Giocer John Mohrs, Is being
linpioved by a new coat of paint.
A Trip to Now England,
George S. Kimball left yestetday for
Boston. From there he will piohably
tnUe an extended nip thiough New
England, his nathe place.
A Dislocated Arm.
Asa Burdlck, who dislocated his arm
a few days ago, has had the Injury at
tended to nt Enicigency hospital,
On a Jersey Visit,
Maitin A. Dockeity left on Sotuioay
for a tew days' visit to Newaik and
other. towns in New Jciey.
In New York City.
Poor Director John T. Lynch mado a
business tilp to New Yoik city on Sat
urday. To Organize Woodmen's Camp,
John Borthwick. ot Rochester, N. Y
Is in town securing charter members
for a loeal camp of the Woodmen of
the World, an Insurance order of con
siderable merit, It being the fifth larg
est order of that kind In the United
States. Mr. Borthvvlck Is meeting
with cncournglng results.
Tho First of tho Religious Proces
sions by St. Rose Congregation.
The first of the public religious pro
cerslons In observance of the Jubilee,
advised by Pope Leo to be made by
Catholics In every country, took plaee
yesterday afternoon, when the women
of the congregation of St. Rose church
visited the church In n body nnd re
cited In common the prayers prescribed
for the devotion. Sixty visits to the
church complete the Jubilee, and the
visits made during the procession are
equivalent to twelve Individual visits.
It will, therefore, take four more pio
cessions to complete the sixty visits,
and these will he made on Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday even
ings of thla week, commencing at 7
Next week the men of tho parish will
make up the processions.
Defoatod by Score of 18 to 6 by
Scranton Team.
The Crescents went down yesterday
before the team of college players from
Scranton. The score was 18 to 6.
The Crescents seemed to be- In the
poorest form that the players have
shown this year, and though McAndrew
pitched well, he was given poor sup
port. In one Inning ten-runs were
scored by the Scranton team, which
gave the lattet a lead that could not
be o vet come.
There was a good attendance at the
Buried in St. Rose Cemetery.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Pat
rick Wynn, of Jermyn, was conducted
Satuiday morning by Undertaker Mor
rison, of this city. Services were held
In the Church of the Sacred Heart,
Jermvn, after which the deceased was
conveyed here nnd burled In St. Rose
Rov. M. C, Elliott Roturns.
Rev. Mortimer C. Elliott, pastor of
the Fiist Congregational church, te
turned on Saturday from his vacation,
which was spent In Maryland. He
conducted the usual services In the
Congregational church yesterday nnd
was wainily welcomed by the mem
bers of his flock.
Miss Moyles
Ciystal lake.
spent yesterday
.John Reedy, of Scranton, Is vlMting
friends in town.
Michael O'Boyle, of Archbald, was
a visitor In town yesterday.
Miss Lorntta Coleman, of Vine street,
was at Crvstal lake yesterday.
Walter 1 a, "kins expects to spend
the coming week in Albany, N. Y.
Miss Lucie M. Byrne is seriously ill
at her homo on South Church street.
IIinrv R. Foster, of the Parlor Cltv.
a8 an,ons the visitors In town fcdtur-
Mr. and Mis. Murray and daughter.
lllthcl, of Denver Col., are visiting In
tns cl.
j,HH Katherlne Wright, ot Aichbald,
spent Kwday evening with friends in
this city
Superintendent B. C. Guerin. of the
Carbondalc Gas company, spent yes
terday in Scianton.
Miss Sallie Gallcna. of Scranton, is
tho guest of Miss Margaret McLaln,
on Biooklyn street.
Souite Glldea. the lollv and mirthful
jus,rc of Archbald, was a visitor to
Carbondale yestoiday.
Miss Mnnii Mlssett, of Schenectady,
N. Y Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. M. B.
Madlgan, on Salem avenue.
Jack, the llttlu son of Mr. and Mrs.
J, F. McDonald, who has been serious
ly 111, Is repoited out of danger.
Miss Ethel Richardson, of Philadel
phia, will spend the coming week with
friends In this city nnd Scranton.
Miss Agnes Coleman, of the West
Side, and Miss Manic Dougherty, of
Olyphant, spent yesterday at Blng-
Miss Grace Kelley, of Jersey City. Is
spending her vacation with her grand
mother, Mrs, Margaret Kelley, on
South River street,
Mrs. C. O. Mellon, who was pros
tratcd by the heat Wednesday, Is do
ing very nicely now. She will prob
ably be about today.
Miss Margaret Mlssett, of Troy, N.
Y., stopped off in town Friday night
to visit Miss Lizzie Early. She was
on her way home from Plttston.
Clementine and Joseph Gallagher
have returned to their home in Scran
ton, after nn extended visit with the
family of Patrick Early, on Seventh
The funeral of the late Mrs. Patrick
Wynn, of South Main street, took place
on Saturday morning and was largely
attended. The remains were taken to
the Church of the Sacred Heart, wheie
a high mass of requiem was celebrated.
Interment was afterwards made In St,
Rose cemetery, Carbondale. The pall
bearers were P. H. Collins, Patrick
Loughliey, John McCaithy, Michael
Muldoon, Patrick and John Gllmartln.
The usual quaiteiiy meeting services
were held 111 the Methodist Episcopal
church last evening, at which Presiding
Elder Warner preached. The service
was picceded by a love feast.
Miss Maggie McChrone, of New York
city, Is visiting at her home on South
Main street.
Misses May Henwood and Emma
Netherton spent yestetday In Peckvllle.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pike, of Scran
ton, weie the guests of Jermyn filcnds
Mrs. John Solomon Is viMtlns Dun
more relatives.
Mrs. Edward Davis, of Scranton, is
a visitor heie.
At an adjourned session of the school
board held on Saturday evening, the
contract for the erection of tho First
ward school annex was awarded to tho
Peck Lumber company for the sum of
J3,40.V Other hlils received wero as
follows: M. D. Brown & Co., $3,670;
V.'. A. Fuller, 5XS13; Dunmoie Lumber
company. $j,j;o. Tho latter bid was
not considered for tho reason that It
did not comply with tho plans and
specifications. The secretary nnd
piesldent.vvere authorized to sign the
contracts, which specify that the
building shall bo completed within
sixty days.
A letter was read from James J.
O'Malley, the board's attorney, re
garding the Issue of bonds, which
btated that according to the present
Indebtedness ' of the school district
bonds '' no he Issued for more
V" ' " ' " ' ' ' '
than $5,540. After some discussion on
tht sublect the board decided that
the district be bonded for the sum of
SJ5.600 to extend for a period of nve
years. The printing committee was
directed to have the bonds printed
when they deemed advisable. An or
der was drawn for 200 In favor of
William McDonnell, to apply on the
amount due him for foundation work
at the now school.
Misses Eva Kelly and Mollle Gal
lagher spent Saturday at Harvey's
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright, of Cnr
bontlale, visited relatives In town yes
terday, Mr. nnd Mrs. George Moran, of Dun
more, spent yesterday nt this place.
Alfred Jones, of Providence, was a
caller In town yesterday.
Miss Jennie O'Boyle, of Lackawan
na street, Is visiting her daughter,
Mrs. r. J. Kllcullen, nt Newark. N. J.
T. F. Gibbons spent Saturday nt
Noxcn, Pa.
The Anthracite Gleo club, the well
known musical organization, which hns
won fame wherever they have ap
peared, had one of their periodical re
hearsals yesterday afternoon In Llew
ellyn'a hall and was well attended,
These well-known and capable singers,
about forty In number, are faithfully
tehearslng the competitive pieces which
will be rendered by them In the coin
petition at the Pan-American eistedd
fod In September. Prof. D. E. Jones,
Mus. Bac, is their tutor, and In him
the glee club has a very capable In
structor, who Is bent on having the
laurels come to this town and be In
keeping with their past record. Tho
club contemplates giving a seiiec of
concerts before their departure. They
have also been engaged to take part In
the Evans benefit next month.
At the morning services yesterday In
the Methodist Episcopal church, Miss
Susan Havard, of Newcastle, one of
the leading soloists In one of the largest
Pittsburg churches, tendered a beauti
ful soprano solo, entitled "Heavenly
Song," which she rendered In a very
charming manner. The pnstor. Rev. C.
B. Henry, delivered a very able sermon
on the occasion: subject. "Twentieth
Century Knighthood." The services
wrie attended by a large congiegatlon.
Thomas Thorburn.a prominent Young
Men's Christian atsoclatlon speaker,
addressed a large gathering of people
In Atherton's grove yesterday afternoon
at 4 o'clock. .The open-nlr meeting was
held under the auspices of the local
Young Men's Christian association. Mr.
Thorburn's address was an Interesting
discourse, nnd was much appieclated
by the many people present.
Malto Jacobs, a converted Jew, oc
cupied the pulpit In the Calvary Bap
tist church last evening and delivered
a very touching address, taking as his
subject "His Christian Experience."
The service was largely attended, not
withstanding the warmth of the
weather. The pastor, Rev. Dr. Harris,
also assisted In the service.
Master Russell O'Horo, of Glrard col
lege, Philadelphia, Is home to spend
the summer vacation with his mother,
Mrs. R. M. O'Horo, of Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, of Car
bondale, spent yesterday as the guests
of the latter's mother, Mrs. R. W.
Reese, of Main street.
Mlsi Jennie Thomas, a trained nut so
of Pnrkersburg hospital, Vltglnla, is
visiting hor mother In Old Forge.
Foreman M. J. Mackln left Saturday
for Philadelphia to visit his sister and
Miss Hannah Hughes, of North Main
street, la spending a week's vacation
in Albany, N. Y.
Robert Llewellyn, of Union street, ar
rived home Saturdayfrom a six months'
visit to Wales.
Miss Alice O'Horo, of Main stieet,
has returned home ttom her visit with
telatlves in Carbondale.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Nelger, of
Gtove stret, visited friends In Avoca
Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Edwards, of
Bcllevue, were guests of telatlves in
tbw n yesterday.
Misses Bessie Phillips, Xenla Evans.
Rachel Jonef, May and Annie Phillips
and Eliza A. Wlnterburn, of this town,
attended the excursion of the Scranton
Correspondence schools to Harvey'e
lake on Saturday.
Attorney E. J. Gllroy visited his
brother, Arley Gllroy, at Green Ridge,
Messrs. Gilbert Taylor, Ralph Hof
fecker and Monroe Scott spent yester
day at Lake Lodore.
There Is a good time for everybody
who attends the Wilson's picnic next
Saturday evening. Don't forget the
free concert which will be given by
Mr. Arthur Demmlng.
National League.
At St. LouU It. H E.
Ft. Loul I 3 .1 0 Q 2 0 15 11 1
Cincinnati 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 10 5
Batteries Murphy and njam Guete, stlmmel
and Bergen. Umpire .Vah. Attendance, 10,000.
At Chicago- n. H. E.
Chicago 00200201 '-5 8 2
New York 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Batteries Kason md Kling; TJjlor and Smith.
Umpire Cunningham. Attendance, 6,000.
American League.
At Chicago H. H. E.
Chicago 12030003' 9 IS 2
rhlladelphU 2-00 10 00 101 fi J
Batterics-Callahan and Sugden, Bernhard and
Poucr. Umpire Cantillon. Attendance, 7,000.
At Detroit- n. If. T.
Bolton i 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0- 11 0
Detroit 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 03 $ 2
Batteries Winters and behoenj Veager and Bue
low. Umpires Haskell and Manaaau. Attend
ance, 4,000.
At MIIaukee--(Kint game)- It. II. E.
Milwaukee 1 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 0-d U J
Bsltlmor 0 12 4OOO12-10 U 1
Batteries Iteldy and Connor; Jiups and Brts
nahan. Umrlf'-Sheridan.
Second game It. 11. E.
.Milwaukee 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 10-5 11 a
Baltimore 0 0 0 5 2 0 0 0 O-7 10 1
Batteries llawlcy and Malonej ; Mctilnnity and
Bresnahan. Umpire-Sheridan. Attendance, 6,300.
Eastern League,
Koihettcr, 10; Buffalo, 7.
Montiril, 3; Toronto, 2,
Proildence, II; fcjricuie, 2.
He Knew But Wouldn't Teh.
Conimlsniy Oencial Weston Is an evplmice
old nl'Urr with a led faie, a loud tolte, and
4 Icli nt manner, tijt 4 w.ithmgton ioiir
pondent. Ihoe appearances mo deceptive, for
bet K the lid natuicd soul in the whole war
department, During tho last tciulcm of on
(mi the central met ono or the Washington
(oiicspondrnts with whom tie was acquainted,
and atked him when tho aimy Mil was going
to pass.
"I don't know, general" was the reply.
"Vu do know," oclferated Weston, in tho
olce of a human cjcle-ne. "but joti won't tell t
Ordinarily ou are garrulous, loquacious, con
wmtlonal, communicatee, discursive, and
talkative, lut now jou are silent, supine and
dumb, and ou ain't saying a woidl"
Sr'dil to the Serantcn Tribune.
Forest City, July 21. The team of
Baker William Weber became frigh
tened on South Main stieet Saturday
and ran nway. In front of the Mc
Laughlin house they str.uck Ashcr
Burdlck, of tJnlondale, who was hold
ing his team. Ho was knocked down
nnd his right shoulder was broken.
His body was literally covered with
bruises. The bakei's team was stop
ped at the place of tho accident by
Daniel Chambers.
The housp of John Lesco, on Maple
street, burned to the ground Saturdny
morning. Since tho death of his wife
Mr. Lesco has not been sleeping In
the house and tho cause of the fire
Is not known. It was this man's wife
who was stiuck by lightning unci In
stantly killed on Tuesday last. About
two years ago, his little girl fell Into
a tub of hot water and was scalded
so severely that she died. Shortly
befoie that, Lesco had been In the
meat business, and while going to
Carbondale to settle his account, lost
J300. This caused his tctlrcment from
business. He Is now without family
and homeless.
Joseph Conner has received the con
tract to build Martin Muchltz's hotel
building and has nlready begun to
excavate for the foundation. The
building will bo an Imposing struc
ture, thiee stories in height.
Miss Maine Melvin has le turned
from a vacation In Binghamtun.
W. D. Owens, of Moigans' store, Is
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
TunUhannock, July iO. Mr. and
Mis. Samuel Fitch are entertaining
Air. Turner, of Honesdole, this week.
Miller Culver and daughter, Miss
Agnes, nnd Knrah Sands leturned on
Saturday from a week's visit to the
Pan -American exposition.
Mrs. Giles Ross spent Filday with
friends nt Katonvllle.
Mrs. Kiank Krnm and children, of
Wyaluslng, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Bard well.
Louis Hllkowltch and family, of New
York, have been spending the past
week at this place. Mr. Hllkowltch Is
engaged In the wholesale clothing
business In the city, nnd also owns a
retail clothing store heie.
II. P. Provo-H returned fiotn a trip
to the southern counties of-fhe state
on Saturday. He travels In the Inter
est of the Black Diamond Paint com
pany, of this place.
The tiouble at Mcshoppen, which
culminated In an assault and battery
case, In which Penn Winnie was the
prosecutor and Sherwood and Cortrlght
defendants, wns amicably adjusted at
tho hearing before 'Hqulio W. S. Kutz.
on Saturday. The slander suit, which
had Its Inception ftom the same cause
as the other, was also settled, and the
public will be spared the unsavory de
tails. Moral Don't talk about your
George N. Doylccommlssloner's clerk
at the court house, has been sworn
In ns deputy prothonotary, and John
B. Donovan, prothonotary, has taken
the oath ns deputy commissioners'
clerk. It would seem fiom this act
of reciprocity that some one was con
templating a vacation During tho
month of August, one person i-iin eas
ily do the work In both of these offices
without any serious Inconvenience to
the public.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Brooklyn, July 21. Miss Edith Kent
has returned from a tilp to the Pan
American and will spend her vacation
with her parents.
Mr. and Mis. W. L. Kent are visit
lng friends in New Yoik.
Mrs. Hough, (nee Miss Bessie Ash
lev), of VA'ashlngton, Is spending the
summer In town.
Miss Lillian Byram has been spend
ing a few days In town.
Mrs. Luther Kly Is quite 111.
Mr. W. W. Lathi ope, of Scranton
was in town Thursday.
Rev. Smith has returned from a two
weeks' vacation spent In New York,
Miss Fairchllds, a student of tho
Drexel institute, is spending the sum
mer with her grandparents here, nnd
has a laige class in di awing and
Miss Jessie Miller Is helping at L.
S. Kly's.
Miss Josle Dolaway. who was taken
ill at Hopbottom last Saturday, has
recovered sufficiently to be htought
Mrs. Nellie Tewksbury is visiting
hor sister at Dalton.
The piece of land adjoining that of
Ralph Sterling nnd belonging to the
Shadduck estate, was sold Thursday
at public sale. John Doran was tho
purchaser. Consideration, $330.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Waymart, July 21. The remains of
the late Edward Wonnaiott, who was
killed by the cars, near Port Jervls,
last Friday night, were brought here
for hurial last Monday, arriving on the
11 3S train. The funeral was held In
the Methodist Episcopal church, the
service being conducted by the Rev. L.
V. Karschner. The pall-beaiein weie
Messrs. Harry Ellis, Charles Brown,
Charles Pearce, William Sampson, Rert
Walker and Charles Ball, all from Poit
JervK who accompanied th lemalns.
Mr. Wonnacott was bom and always
teidded heie until the abandonment of
the giavlty, on which he was emplosed,
when he rcmovnl to Mntamoias and
engaged In woik as binkeman on the
Erie lallioad. The Inteinient was made
in the family plot In the Methodist
cemetery, South Canaan.
Ml?s Bteen, who bus been the guest
of Miss Lillian Staples the past two
weeks, has leturned to her homo In Jei
myn. Mis. Cnatles Ellis, of Wllkes-Bane,
and Mis. Arthur Monies, of Scranton,
weie calling on ft lends in town Mon
day. Jacob Hollenback will leave tomor
row for nn extended visit with relatives
In New York Mate.
Mrs. Paiah B. Walker wbh called to
Carl-undale on Tliumday by the beiloua
Illness of her yon-ln-lnw.
,Mr. and Mrs. T. L. MedUnd and fam
ily anu Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vnnaan
are occupying the Carr cottage for a
couple of wej'vs.
E, M, Cooper has returned home,
after a visit with Scranton friends,
The Ladles' Aid society of the Metho-
dlst Episcopal church cleared a neat
sum by their dinner on Monday last on
the school house lawn.
Ellsworth Perry and wife, of New
Jersey, are occupying the tenament
house of Mrs. Kate Squires, on Main
Dr. A. R. Dlmock, of New York city,
Is the guest of his sister, Mre. H. C.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Eugene Wonnncott, Mr.
and Mrs. t'lysses Wonnacott and Mis.
David Bobbins, of Carbondale, were In
town Monday, attending the funeral of
their cousin, the lato Edward Wonna
cotl. Minor Hendricks and Charles Harry
Buck'and, of Forest City, were calling
on fi lends here on Saturday and Sunday.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Lake Wlnola, July 20. A latge part?
from Scranton, Tunkhannoek and
WIIkes-Barre will attend the shirt
waist hop and reception at the Clif
ton this evening.
Mlsst'orinne Rosenbluth, of Wllkes
Batrc, will sing at the sacred concert
tomorrow night, accompanied by Miss
Ida Mooie,
Piof. Ronnie, of the Clifton Hotel,
has composed a five-step entitled
"The Wanitn," dedicated to tho
Juanltn Camping club.
Master Wllmer Long has take?
many sketches of the guests of tho.
Sydney Rosenbluth, the Wilkes-
Barro poet, has written a very pa
thetic poem entitled, "I Love to Hear
the Bieezes of the Trees."
F. W, Strong, captain of the D. M.
P. club, of Lake Wlnola, has returned
homo after a veiy pleasant visit at
the Clifton.
Hon. 1. J. Tillman, of Phlladelphlx
Is rcglstctcd at tho Clifton.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Nicholson, July 1!. The ladles of
the Women's Christian Temperanco
union served Ice cream on the Pres
byterian church lawn Friday evening.
Miss Juna M. Warner, Instructress
In the public schools of Nicholson, Is
spending her vacation with friends In
Philadelphia nnd New Jersey.
Mr. and Mts. Courtney Snyder will
In the future reside In this place.
Misses Claia and Ksther Wilcox
have returned fiom a visit with
friends In Olcan, N. Y.
Ocean Going Tug-boats, Each Tow
ing Barges, Aie Considered.
Prom the Seattle l'ost-Intelllgcncer,
A writer In the New York Mall and
Express believes that the problem ot
cheap ocean freight rates for bulky
cargoes across the Atlantic will bt
polved'by the substitution of ocean
going tugboats, each towing a numbc
of barges, for the tramp steamships
which at present carry a large share
of such freight. The towhoat and barge
have already cut considerably Into the
coastwise huslness, which was becom
ing monopolized by the big many
masted schooners a few years ago, and
have more recently essayed lengthy
voynpes. The Luckenbachs, the Bos
ton Towhoat company, the Metrittsnnd
a number of other American concern
have repeatedly tnwrd disabled shlpt
2,ooo miles o 0 port of refuge.
The M. E. Luckenbach Is a tine sped
men of the ocean-going tug of the mod
ern type. She has 1,100 horse-power
and steams l"i-i knots when going light.
With three barges loaded with 7.S00
tons of coal, she has frequently mndi
the trip frotn Norfolk, Va., to the upper
bay In New York in forty-eight houtr-.
She can run twenty-four hours on a
coal consumption of fifteen tons; and
as her full bunker capacity is 2S0 tons.
It can be sc-en that she could teadlly
croj-s tho Atlantic, ns she steams 10
knots an hour with her otdlnary tow.
The, with 1,050 horse-power,
has frequently made the round trip
from Philadelphia to Boston with a tow
In seven and a half days, and has a
iccotcl of towing 3.'(,030 tons of coal over
the outside route between those ports
In thirty days. The tow-boats and
barges have also Invaded the Southern
lumber trade. The barge Forest Belle
has been towed fiom Fernandlna, Fla ,
to Boston with 1.400,000 feet of lumber
In view of these facts, It Is not sur
prising to lea tn that a scheme Is on
foot to put a oarge and tow-boat line In
tho fruit-carrying business from the
West Indies. The harges will be fitted
up with lefilgetating appatatus, anf
will ho towd by poweiful tugs at a
peecl greater than that of the Nor
wegian, Biltlsh and American freight
ste.imets which .tie now engaged Ir
that business. It Is also claimed that,
with tefilgeratlng plants on such
batges, It will be possible to ship to
lit eat Britain the major portion of the
American diessed beef, which Is now
being cart led In steamers, and at a
very much lower freight cost. Marine
pngineeis say that It Is possible to hulla
and operate an lR-knot tug to cross the
Atlantic at gieat profit.
The use of tugboats nnd barges ha
not become general on the Paclflft
toast; and there are here no ocean tug?
of the s.ze which have lately come in
use on tho Atlantic, hut theio have
been some experiments In that dliec
tlon, not without Interest. During the
first of the Klondike rush, when there
was an Insufficient supply of shipping
on the Pacific coist to meet the sud
den and urgent ncniand for transpor
tation to the Northern ports, several
barges and dismantled hulks wero
towed to Alaska, laden with heavy car
goes, and last year one noticeably large
barge was towed to Nome.
Whether It would be ptactleable to
tow a IK'et of barge acioss the Pacifln
is an open iiUfstlon. If tug and batge
lines can be opeiated as a commercial
proposition across the Atlantic, there
Is nothing in reason why they should
not be llkevise successful on the Pa
clllc, pattlcuiatly If the not them route
be chosen. Wl'h coaling stations along
the Aleutlin Islands, at Dutch harbor,
ftu1 example, a Mgbnat would have nn
gieater dlhtances to ttavel hetween
coaling points than on tho Atlantic;
neither U there any more likelihood of
encountering disastrous storms on tho
Pacific route than en the Atlantic.
Cheap ocean treight rates to the porta
of Asia will give the United States a
large advantage over Its European
competltois In the coming struggle for
tho trade of Asia.