The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 20, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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    r -J--V
ASlT.iriAI.l.Y AHIUNOKn order
of worthip. appioprl.ttely in
titled "Vesper Service," will lie
'nJevM tomnirow evening nt 7.3d
? 0YI01 k by the congregation of
the Providence I'reahytfrlnn church.
Though It will be In charge of the pas
tor. Rev. 111. Cltllld. the e-rivlre Pio
vicljs fur special p.utlrlpatlnn In It by
the choir nnd congregation. The exer
cises of worship Includes Mnrry'n "The
C'omniandnients with .otifr Itcr-ponrcs,"
the responses being Riven by Choir
master YVhltteiiiorfs special choir of
eighteen oung Indie. The Vesper
Hjmns will be Sirbbln'n "8aior,
nreathe nn ljvenlng' HlefslnK." Watts'
"This Is the Day the Lord Hath
Made." "He Calls the Hours His Own."
Tflllla evening hymn. "All I'ralse to
Thee My (Soil, This Night, for nil the
rJlesMngs of the Light," Sir .lohn
Clors, "Abide with Me, Kant Vails
the Eventide; the Daiknexg Deep
ens: I.oid. with Me Abide." There
will alfo be other special inusle nnd ir-r-ponsos
bv the choir. The public- will
be cordially welcomed to thin one hour's
Mimnier Sabbath evening's service.
In consequence of the Hltifs-i of llev.
Dr. Pierce dining the past week, he
will cancel all lecture engagements un
til after his summer vacation. He was
to have been one of Hie speakers nt
the ftaptut L'nlon National convention
nt Chicago next week. His Illustrated
lecture on "Ren Hui" will be Riven
early In 'September. Next Tuesday he
will leave with hlsi family for Ocean
Ciiove. N. J., to spend the summer.
An entertainment and social will be
held at the Nay Aur Methodist Hpls
copal ihuirh and lawn. Saturday even
JnR, Julv I'O. Admission to entertain
ment fice. and n cordial Invitation ex
tended to nil. The following pieigrnmme
will be tendeied: Singing; prayer; icel
tation. Raymond Perry, sIiirIiir. lcci
tutloti. Ktliel Bartholomow; iccilation,
Miss Beithn Smith; sitiRlliR; recitation,
Zeldn Sliarp; recitation, Miss MaiRlo
rarrell, singing; recitation, Miss Htliel
Tilths-ell, recitation, Miss Phcne Van
Re. Dr. O. Parsons Nlcholf, the
celebrated divine of Hliighamtnn, will
occupy the pulpit of the Dunmoie Pres
byterian church tomorrow morning.
Hev Dr. Joseph T. Smith, of Balti
more. Md . will occupy the pulpit at the
Kit st Presbyterian church Sunday, both
niorninR and evening-.
Tomorrow's Services
Methodist Episcopal.
Mrapira Melhodi-t chinch, North
Mdln ascnuo Itei. II. (', .Mtlletinott, pastoi.
Quir'eily meeuiiK sctsues will be held in the
lnorntiiR under the ducctlon of lies. Austin
l.riffln, I). It , pieslditi? older. Lose fMt at !)
a .in. Baptism, leeeptton of menibcis and the
Lord's biippor at 10.,;0 .. in. In the esening at
7 .SO a nn smite, under Hie dlrcitlon of Piof.
W W .Innra u ilt he cisen. 'the famous Mmp.
foii qtiditetic will sins, 'ihcic will also lie ali
ments ilueta, ?nlo-, etc. Sunday school at 11.15
a. in ; ' m mih leaaue at 6.M p. m.
Ali iirrn Methodist Kptstopal church Hev.
.1 I! ii-tiii, pastor. Sundiy school at lti a. in ,
1 V Mono, superintendent. Commencing at
Hiarplv p. in., the pieldln; elder, ltcv. Austin
(iiithn. II. II, will hold the spiond ipiarterly
nteetin;; Kpnnitli league at 0.15 p, in,; rirninir
preaching henlre at 7-"0; subject, "A Stion?
Weak Man" All Moleome
sbtnt Methodist 1 piMopi! ihunh, coiner
Monsev aienue and llelawaic meet Hev. V, (,.
Simp-on. II. II, pistor. Pevnllonil tneetlns o
tllp nr-Mirrllnnd ol M. 1'Jlll at 0...0 a. III.
I' eadinn; it lo ..II a. in , fuhn t, "How Are Yon
I. iiib Nimlay "liool at '.'..i0 p. in. Lpnnrlh
league ar i, .0 p. ni. Pieailnns ,il T.:.0 p. in.;
f-ubir. "-nU Without lliree." Pra.ier meet
ins Wcdnrnlij, at T..;il p. in. Huliu- ineetlns
ol the Hrotlirrhood of St. Paul on the Fecond
and fourth Tuedaj of each inonth at 7,;;D p. in,
hcas free and all ate welcome.
Hampton s.irrt MethodM i:plM-opil clmnh
l!c lime. Ileniilnser, p.itnr. I'lmhlni; 'enlie
a 10 JO a e remtc; Sunday stlionl at 2
p In .luinnn at II p. in ; senioi leasue at T, f.
W' Dunn, leader; eienlnt; ptrailiinR tenlie at A nrliuine to nil.
('edit venue Melhndnt KpUcnpi) ihunh I".
P JiH paicir. Mfi'tmj of Hrntherlioud at n.15
a. ni r innriilns woihip aticl Fertnnn hy the pa.
ler at in .n i in ; Minday Klionl at 11.15 a. m.;
Kpnortli leiue at HSU p. in.: eirnlns Mnrhlp
and Inlet mnton at ".."0 o'lloik. All made
ProilrniP Mrlln.dUt PpUnpal eliutih ltev.
Ocorce A. lute, pmr. niolheihnod prater
meetlmr at ID a. in. I'iraihlns at lft.."n; mthioa,
"The flood and the naiulmu." intdiv kdioul
at 2 p. in. I.pnotth leajue nt 6 15; topic. "
Hionpr Weak Man," Mi Minnie Molt, leader.
Subject of ctenint; fentnm at 7 ;.n, "One of Cod's
llerocn." r.ienttiK term e cpens with flttecn
minutes of tone
Nay Mic Methodiit Vpiaial clinic h-riei ,j.
R Autin. pjlnr I'reaihme of the Ro-pel at
in a in Sunday tihool ai 2 .0 p m 1'iank
Dance, or chorea, is one of the most
pitiable afflictions humanity is called on
to endure. That this disease can be
cured, however, is proven by the fact
that it has been cured by the use of
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. The
iranquiuzing euect
upon the nerves ex
ercised by this re
markable medicine
is witnessed to by
thousands who have
found healing and
strength in itsuse.
It not only cures
womanly diseases,
but it promotes the
health of the whole
bodv. It is a nerve
feeding, strength
giving, sleep-induc
ing medicine. It
makes weak women
strong and sick
women well.
"Favorite Pre
scription" 'contains
no alcohol and is
entirely free from
opium, cocaine, and
nil other narcotics.
It cannot disagree
with the weakest
T most delicate constitution.
"When our daughter Utile had St, Vitua's
dance, 1 .happened to pet one of yourimall
boolca ind read it "write Henry I, !tflller. Y.t .
of ioi6 Ntuth ?th St Burlington. Iowa. "Amonif
other thing I found that I)r, rierce'a Favorite
rreacription cured patients aufferlne from that
trouble, ao I went out and got a bAttle. flhe wa
very bad at that time and could hardly talk
When I read about jour medicine In that amall
bool;, I (aid toiyielf, with the helpof God and
that, medicine we can cure our daughter. We
au.9- .'.?WHJWel dC1 Favorite Preicflptlon
cured hef arid I did not have to take her to the
doctoYany mo."9he irwell. tfuult God and
,the 'Favorite Pretcriptlon' font."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure bil-touaaess.
Sljf 116 6
9 W llUo $
ill I
Kdwaitl, itiperlntendfnt. Tlw meetlnc t 8.R0
p. in , W. M, Mvon, Itider. A cordial welcome
to all.
Alriean Methodlt Fplicopal church, Howjrd
place Dr. I). P Benlley, pator. rreachlnp,
HI SO a. m.; uhjeet, "The Saint ol Old." fun
diy mhcol, 2.30 p. m.; preaehind 7.45 p. m,;
nhjprt, "The friend ol Slnneu." A cordlil
neleome tn all.
Court Street Methodist Kplicopil chinch fl.
C. bjman, putor. rreacliln(t at 10.R0 a. m.;
ela, 11. IS, O. I). rieWItt, led(r: Sunday aehool,
11.15, O. It, Dark, inperlntendent. Kpnorth
leasue, n 30. Pleaching, 7.30. I'rijrr tnfdlng
Wednndaj, 7.30. beats free and curjbody welcome.
Penn Aientte Baptlit church Prciuhlnj: In the
tnornliis at 10..7) and eienlnc at 7.30 by the pat
ter, ltev. rtobert I' Y. Pierce, I). I. Moinlns
prajen In the loner temple at 0.1J; theme of
morning aeimon, "Chrlt t'nfettered"; bunday
fchool at the home (hiinh at 2 o'clock and at
the Atnerman ntlvlon at 3.:0 p. ni.; Youmt Pco
ple'i todety of thrlllan Kndeaior meeting at
0 ."A 'llifttie of the eicning aermon, "Kery Day
Religion" The popular humlay euning terilce
will hcRln with a bright nerilee of lured aong.
I'lrt IliptM ihtiuli, South Main aicnuc
ltev. S 1". Malhews, panlnr. Mortilng and eten
Ing ierltp. 11.C0 a. nt. and 7.30 p. in. Preaching
by the pitnr. Nmda Fthool, 2.i;0 p. m. at Ply
mouth i lunch. Dr. Ileddoe, auperlntendent. It.
l. r. I Ferine, p. in. at liorite hall.
Wednesday eicnlng prarr meetltiff, 7.30 p. in.
All ate welcom?" to these fenkes.
Jark.nn Street IliptM chinch-Motnlng praj
cr meeting at (i.30, Iliothcr It. Xichob, leade'r,
I'reachinj at 10.30 by the pastor, lies. Thomas
do flruchy, I). I). Sunday mIiooI at 2 p. ni.,
Charles Motley, superintendent. llsenlng er
she at 7 harp. Praitc Ferslce, followed by a
Flurt arldresa hy tho pator. At thl erilce
the puhlie will bale the pleaute of hearing
Min llarsard, the foprano, of New ( alle, kins.
flrcrn Itlclce llaptlst ilmuli Preaching by the
pastor at 10.30 a. nt. and 7.J0 p. m. Subject In
the motnlng, "The rhaniplon of the Oppres.ed;"
In the eienlng, "Work and ltenatd." Sunday
Fchool at 11.45; prajer meeting of the Young
People's fodety at fi.30.
niakelv lliptitt cltunh Pisld Spenrcr. P I).,
pator. 10 30 a. in., sermon, "Dellsrrancp from
llsll:" 11 15, Itible Fihool; 7.30 p. in. sermon,
"Ruth, the Honored Ancestic-s." Kser.sbody
fireen Illdge Presbyterian church Sersleei at
10., :0 a. ni , with Fcrmon hy lies'. 1.. It. Poller,
aistant pastor. Hlble Fohonl at 12 o'clock.
Meetlnc of Siciety of Chrltlan Dndeasor at 6.15.
Ihere siill he no esenlng Ferilre.
Wahhurn Mtect Pienhjtertin ihtirch ltev.
John P. Mnflat, 1). !., putor. Vrslies at 111 . !0
a. m. and 7..10 p. in. Hlble school at 12 m.;
oiiiie People's Sorletv ol rhrlsllan Pndeasor at
fi 20 p. m.; mhject, "A strong Weak Man," I..
A. Sicsriis Icaclor. At the motnlng srruce the
pastor will be at li.slor administering the com
munloii of the Lord'a Flipper, llinlel VcIiompII,
a Fluden' "f Princeton seminars, will piejch.
SIioh n !, .enlce. Pastor will prcath.
an hi.. cpel (Prrshs lerlan Vo seisieej on
'ihhilli iniiiiiitig. Preaching at 7.30 p. in, hv
the p.M.u, Ki. I. R. Koter. Sunday FChool
at ." p. nt. Senior Kndeasor, 0.30. Traser mect
7.15 1liurday esening. "tome thou with us and
we will do thee good."
Prondente Piph.strrian church t!ev. fieorge
fliitld, I). P., pa'tor. Morning theme, "Medi
tations on the Twcntv-thlrd Psalm"; Sunday
c'hool at noon; l'ttdeasor meeting, 0 3.5, topic,
" Strong Weak Man." Kt 7.30 o'clock the con
gregation will enjo.i a special sesper Fcrsice.
Adams Aientie chapel, New York street The
lies-, .lames lluuhes will preach morning and
eienlng at 10.30 and 7.13; Sunday school at fl
a. m. Ml welcome.
St. I.nke'a Parish lies-. Regrra Icrael, rector;
Ites. P .1. Hitigliton, Fenlor curate; Rev. M. n.
Nah, junior curate.
M. Luke's chutili 7..J0 a. m , holy commun
ion; 10.30 a. in, morning prajrr and sermon;
7 p m., esening prajcr and fernton; 9.13 a. m,
Sunday whool and Hihlp chc.
St. Matk', Punmore S.30 a. m., holy com
munion; 10. 'i0 a. m., Sunday school; S p. m.,
esening prayer and Fritnon.
Kat 1'nd Miasinn, l'tevott asenuc 3 p. m.,
Sundav school and llible dae.
Sourli side Mis'lon, 1'lg street o a. m.
St. Pas id's 5Vest Si ranton Celebration of the
Ilolv Kiuhari't at 7.30 a. m. and 10.30 a. m.;
escnsong, 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school, 9.13 a, m.
Reformed Episcopal.
(irate Iteformed IpiFcepal rhureh, Wjomlng
avenue, below Mulhnry street Rev. Geotgc I,.
Alrith, pator. Piajer and prale serslce, 0.:.0
a. m.; dliuie ssoislnp, 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p.
in., pleaching bv the piston a. in., "Ihc He
lper's Life." ISa. St: 7; p. in, ".lo,hua -,!omi,"
.Imii, 4: IS; Sabbath school, 12 m. ; Y.
P. S. C. i:., 11.30 p. tn. Scats free. All welcome.
EvangolieuJ LutVmnn.
l'.vangclinl Lutheran Sesenth Sundav after
Trinity. (ioprI, Maik S: 1-9; Cilstle, Horn. ;
111 21,
St. M.iik'. Wacliburn and Kourtrrnlli .trces
Itev. A. L. I'amer, Pli. p., pastor. seislce,
a. in., 7 30 p. in.; Luther league, tl.v p. m. ;
Sunday mIiooI, 12 in. Morning mbect, "f hrist's
( oinpa.lon for the Needy"; cwiung mbjeit,
"(!nd Nut Without Ills Wllncei."
Holy Tilnlty, Adams aienue and Mulheny
street Rei. (. (!. Spleker, pastor. Serslccs,
10 30 a. in , Sunday school, 12 in
St Paul's, -hort aicnue Res-. V. ('. I,. I.auer,
pa-ior. sersices, 10.30 a, m.; Sunday school,
! o p mi
.ton'., Mifflin aienue-Itev. P. P. Ziieltnann,
pa. tor. srisircf, 10.30 a. nt.; Sunday school, 3
p. m.
( hnst church, Cedar aienue and Hlrch street
Itei. James Witke, pastor. Serslccs, 10.30 a. in.
M. Peler', Pre-eott ascnuc-Rew .lolm llsn
dolph, pa. tor. Sen ices, a. m. ; Sunday
t hnol, 0 a. m.
I'nuniiel (ieiman.pnih Lutheran church, Hee.o
street lle. Peidlnand Sattelmeler, pator.
Preaching in the puli.h language, 10 a. in.; Sun
das sc hool, 2 p. m.
( Knilikh Lutheran church fflenetal nod)
comer ladlon accnue and Mulberry lreet-He-.
Luther lle Waring, pa.tor. 0 30 a. m., Sundav
school; 10.30 a. m., dlilne worship, with Kemioii
bv pastor; 7.S0 p. ni., Y. P. S. C. K. gewpd ,fr.
sice. The public is cordially Insited to these
All Souls' Vnlseraallst chinch, Pine street,
between Adams and Jeflcrson avenues. Services
at 10 SO a. m. ami 7.30 p. m., conducled by
Hev. W. W. Hooper, of Slalne; Sunday school at
11 13 a, m.
Plrst Primitive Methodist church, fireen llldga
- Rev. fi. Lees, pastor. Regular preaching tor
sice at 10.30 a, m. and 7 p. m. "suhject for
morning, "Lnansnered leaver." ecuilnj, "Tes
tator and Testament." Sunday school at 2 30 p.
m. AH welcome.
Calvary Reformed church, Monroe avenue and
filhon street Rev. Marlon L. Klror, pastor,
beiskcs at 10.30 a. m. and 7 30 p, m.; funday
school, 11.43 a. m.; Christian Endearor, 7 p, in.
Mid-week service, Wednesday, R p, ni. Homing
subject, "What Wages Are Ton lVorklng For"
Lvenlng, "Ihc Condition of Seeing Cod."
Ion United Ks angelical rhuuh, 1420 Capouse
aienue Pleaching at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 by
Hie pastor, Res. J W. Messenger. Subjects,
"Human fioodness" and "Paul Forsaken. " sun
diy school, 0.30. Senior Lndeasor, 8.30; pravrr
meeting, 7.30 Wednesday evening. Seats free
and everybody welcome to all services.
Klr.t Church (Christ Scientist), 619 Adams
avenue. Sunday services, 10.30 a. m. and 7.30
p. m, ; Sunday sthool, 11.45 a, m. ; subject,
"Truli." TcstlntojilaJ meotlngs Wednen)iy
evenings st 8 o'clock. The church Is also epen
every day during the week. The tilble snd all
Christian Science literature Is kept In its free
public reading room. "Science and Health, with
Key to the Scripture," by Jfiry Baker Eddy,
will be loined to Insestlgaters without chargs.
Visitors and letters of Inquiry are welcomed and
then courteous attention and InlOtmitlon tree.
Sunday School .. . 0 . . . . . DY
Lesson Noah Saved in the Ark. j. e. Gilbert, d.d
iOr flnn vlli im'y'y Secretary of American
JUly 2 1 . Education.
COMLXT-The brltl outline of antedlluslan
times glsen In tlenesls was Intended to show
the eonsequencca of tin. Impelled Horn L'dcn,
Adam beheld for a thound jcara his Iniquity
as it appeared In Ilia posterity. (Hindus, a, fi.)
Abel, one of his onv who worshipped (lod
with an acceptable sscrirlce, was slain by lilt
hi ol her, who fled into another land and raised
up children of cmrtipt lltci. As tho centuries
passed tills esil rate tilled the earth with sio
Irnce and blood until the meny and pilleme
of (led was cshsutted. tticnesls, 1, 6 ) And
et the world was not wholly glsen lo wicked
nc. seth, born alter Abel's death, became the
father of a righteous people, called the sons u(
(lod ((itnrsis, si, 2), whexe aucceulsc genera
tions prrrrsed the ptimillic faith and covenant.
The Almighty at last resolved upon csticme
messurrs-to destroy the wicked and to re
people the eatlh by one man snd his sons who
found favor with Him. Noah built an ark by
divine direction, gathered Into It his household,
with one pilr of every living thing. The rest
of the world perished. Tho subsidence of the
waters and Noah's return lo land form our les
son lodav.
ASH'AfiF.P (Ycrses 1, 2, 3). Whither the
flood was geneial or local, a point about whiih
Iheie has been tntich conjcctiuc, 1 Immaterial
it certainly covered the Inhabited poillon of the
globe, which, might then have been a small area
In Western Asia. The atk that floated on the
deep bid a piecious cargo, all that had been
used out of the general luin. Clod does not
lorgtt Ills covenant (Kxodus, xl, 21), and lie
is III fulfill Ills promise nude to this patt larch
in whom centers the hope of the future, (denes
Is, si, 1 ) Natural meins were employed to
reduce the wide sweep of waters to their ac
customed hounds .s wind was made to pass
oicr them. It Is well known that by changes in
tempt ratute atmospheric currents aio produced,
and under their Influence moisture is taken up
which had been precipitated. (Kvxlus, Ms, 21.)
The rain ceitcd. 'llio clouds carried their con
tents away to distant parts. Simultaneously the
earth fountains that had poured forth their ion
tents wcic slopped. The waters wcte assuaged.
III.MI.I). l'or alvj months and ten dajs Noah
had been In the atk. Kor forty class the rain
had riescrnded, giaduilly bearing the gieat ves
ol ftotn its mooring, l'or one hunched and
lifts days it had been nn the watery cspaiw;,
nn other object visible to human eyes. Sultklcnt
time had elapsed for one of our modern steam
ships to nuke twenty trips across the Atlantic.
All this time eight bonis weie at the mercy of
tho elements, in a craft that would not now
be rrgaidcd seaworthy, managed by men who
knew nothing of navigation. There must have
been some misgivings in the mind of the man
of faith. Weary with his confinement ho may
have wondeicd what his fate would bo. Hut
every such trial must have thrown him back
upon the promises which hid Induced him to
make the vovage from the old world to the new.
At length the ark rested on i peak of Ararat,
one of the mountains of Armenia.
OPKN'KP (Vete li to 9.) The situation was
still one of evltemo peril. Pear may well have
filled the stoutest heart. Theip is no evidence,
however, that any nipernitural measure was
employed to relieve Hie suspense of the im
prisoned family. They needed to leatn lessons
In the school of fclth, in which the time cle
ment was impoitant. (Lam. Id. 25) Valj
dais more of waiting pawed How shall Noah
Inform himself of conditions in the outside
ssnilcIT lie hid no glass by whirls Hie eve
might reach the distant places to discover land,
lie might not hltn-elf go foith to explore V
place had been piepared in the roof bv Hivlne
cliteitlon (tlenel, vl, lti), probably to admit
air and light, and possibly to take observations
of the heasens, furnishing an upward and not a
sidewlse or earthward slew. This was opened,
and a dove, the most gentle of all the birds
il.uL Hi. J1. was Shi list into the outer alt.
to go foith and bring word again. Rut the
beautiful messenger found no place to rest and
soon letiirncd.
Pl.t ( Ki:P. (Verses ci, II, 1 5 N'oah was
still left to his own judgment and resources to
Reopening Day
at Chalifaiiqiia
special Correspondence of The Tribune.
Chautauqua, N". Y.. July .
Till? CHU'TAIQIA season is again upon us,
and the Hamuli that seems to have been
geneul all ivcr the couni'y has served 'o
heighten t'i" siitluilain of the devotees of
this popular resort and caused the grounds to be
largely populated. Many of the cottage holdeia
have been hcte since early in June enjoying the
lush which is sure to follow with the Pan
American exposition so near. Not that the place
was o very cpiict, for the sound of the hammer
and saw was heard far above- the songs of the
birds and splashing of the waves. It was a time
of great piepiritln'i, and when the season foim
ally opened, both Ihc old tuner and new comer
found more impinv- trcnt. than in other yeata In
the- history of the assembly. The extent of new
building operations exceeded all other reoctds,
A dozen 'pretentious new cottages ate going up,
and the value added tn the Chautauqua real es
tate thereby will icach well up lo six figures.
It will be ot intciest to note Hut a slight
change lias been made in the pi ins ot the Hall
of the Christ, the outside being, as now pio
posed, terra cntla and pure while fate brick.
It lus bpen the pulley of Hie past few jcars
to nuke nn iiintp of the tlrst tljy of the season
than of any nthci, or l e;uote Pi. Ootge Vin
cent, "It begins Just wheie we left oil ten
months ago." This scar, however, nothing was
loo good for opening day. All the dignitaries
pccuplr I high pi s on the platform, made
their liov !i then sisiloi.s and presented to
them as tne l-riht and shining light of the oc
ca.lon ( aptain tticlunnnd P. Ilohson (aplaln
Hohm I- !.''! and slender, with n wonderful
stioiig face, e-nd looks ti-t the nun he proved
hmtsclf tn bp ut Stntugo. lie wants a new
nisy and a big one. and scoa no lea.on why
the gov eminent should not give him his rnodcU
$25,000,000 a year fni fifteen jcars to build now
warships. In one statement made dining his
addtess Captnin llnbson cxpiescd what is evi
dently hla life principle, that in the ideal navy
thrie mu-t be a military niganUation In which
the Indisldtiil life will not he con-ldrred and
be had the nerve to live up to it in his great
derd In Sintiago.
Defnie his atrlval Ilohson was the suhjei t of
tinny humorous tniiciks as might be expected,
and even ilurlng bis address there was consider
able question among the fair i-ex as in where
the reception would be held. Rut the grest
in in look no chant es of notoriety the second
time. Ho gave a heatty handshake to all who
wished tn meet him, lust he krpt behind the
bar and shook over Ihe lalllng,
The p.vtnteclinle display for opening div em
braced one or two entirely new featiiies, In the
first place airangcments had been made-to light
a string of over 1M) bonfires, covering every
quatler of a mile around the whole perimeter of
the lake. The effect was most beautiful. And
Hie wealher man had been taken into the confi
dence of the management, for Just as the llres
vvete being llghtrtl Ihe clouds broke and the
moon rose, full-orbed over the sparkling, silver
waves, the celestial Illumination almost over
shadowing the human effort. Another feature
una the adding of a powerful electric searchlight
to Hie fumlsluncnt of the steamer, the Hashing
ni which brought into Infant nnd brilliant re
lief prominent objects on the land and lake.
The programme for tho season promises to he
up to the stand ird, and preenta even a greater
variety than usual Kdltots, college presidents
soldiers and politicians will deliver discourses
on their particular hnbhirs, grasp and gay, until
some nt us who have less giay matter than oth
ers, will gladly escape to the hops and germans
at Point Chautauqua and Lakenood, cr In the
summer theatre at Caleron, nt the person who
takes Chautauqua for an mrtgtnwn Sunday
school has. In the expressive Idimn of the day,
snnther guos coming.
That the prlmnrtlcal Methodist' camp meeting
hss been lost In the evolutional- shuffle needs
no Paiwin to ptove. Last season Francla Wilson
nude his bow as platform leclurrr at Cluutati
qua and his success on the stage was fully
equalled by his success tin the platform. The
thing look so well that this esr is not only
genial Joe Jf.sHon to present hi expansive
smile tn a Chautauqua audience, but there is to
he a drsmatle- club organised and plajs In Eng
lish, French and Gcrmsn are to be given with
determine the lime and the modes, ol his action.
He appeals lo have ictsmitil that a vvoild must
be made ready for the lower animals befme It la
suited to be the abode ot man. So find Hint
sell hid decided at the creation, (tlenslt, 1,
2.5, 20.) A whole week was therefore pissed In
the aik after Hie tlovc'a tclurn, when she was
again sent foith on her cirand of explication.
The iin-clll-li Utile crratutr, as if turned with
svinpathv for her piuledor, returned to nlm In
the evening heating an olive leal which she hid
plucked. This mute rsprrsrlon wa.s the best
that could be given, slimclng Hut vegetation
bad begun lo appear, and that thrrrforo the
wnild was being ptcparcd for animals and men,
((,'encsis, I, 2fl,!0.) One week later, or touileen
class alter Ararat had been touched, the dove
was again sent nut, but she returned not, basing
found conditions lor her suppott.
IHIII.P. (Wises 11 and II )-lhe night of the
tloic was enough tn convince Noah that the
wotk of restoring the world tor Its Inhabitant!
bad begun. Her passige finm placo to place,
at Intervals resting on the brandies of shrubs,
was an emblem of the peace which (Soil intend
ed to spread over valless and hillsides when
they appealed, (fienrsis, It, 11.) So the Holy
Spirit brooded over the ancient chsus. (li.-sis,
I. 2.) It lakes a long time for submerged ground
to be fit for the foot of man. And thercfotc
Noah walled long until the elements had pet
fected the conditions. Pica lengthened Into
werka and weeks Into moiilhs. It was not until
(,'od's t hoscn seisant had reached the ilx bundled
and flr-t year ot Ids life that the earth was
dried. And then be walled another nionthf
probably, to complete all arrangements. Thua
a whole sear elapsed (ienis, vil, 11), after hla
entrance. The sun In hla movements had re
turned to the same plate In the heavens when
nature was ready to receive the post-diluvian
Ilhriticn. (Vcisrs 15 to I1.)-The esodiu
fioin the aik was a formil and deliberate mil
ter. He who went In at the command of (lod
did not go out until directed by the ssme di
vine voice, (fienesls, sll, I.) Poels md artists
have endeavoied tn convey tn us some- conception
of that imposing event. Without d'in'it .1 pio
cevslon was foinied. The Scripture may lu ien
as furnishing the order obsetved therein. I'lr-t
c inio Noah and Ins wife, then Sliem and bis
wife. Ham and his wife, Anally .laphet and his
wife. Allerward followed the 'owl, the cattle-
and the creeping thing, all animals living in the
By Rev. Robert F. Y. Pierce, D. D.
From Author's Notes in "The Sunday School Lesson Illustrator," PublishcJ by H. F. Revel
& Co,. Chicago, 111.
Julv 1 oih 'aved in Ihc Atk -Ce 8- 15-22.
('.olden Text Noah found grace in the eyes of
the lAinl (.e 6 S
The lcssin of a deluged wutld, because of sin,
having an aik of safety through obedience, and
a tiow of ptuiutsc fur continued nietcici, directs
all the sccnlo acicv-ones. And yet there are
possibly a few- old fogies who hasp never been
to Chsulaiiqiia who still think It one long
drawn out pu.vrr meeting.
'Ihe music for the seaon will bo tho best
talent of the country. 5lth William II. Sher
wood, of fame, as pianist; sol Mer
cossoii, of Cleveland, as violinist; I. Y. Flagler,
of Auburn, as oiganlst; Pr. II. It. Palmer, ot
New loik, as leader of the great choir, lovers of
ii(uie- aie sure lo have a great treat.
A luge number of Pan mrrltan visitors ate
enjoying Hip chatins of niuutauqua. Tljt is
douhtle-3 due to the liberal policy of (he Krle
railway in allowing stup-tner privileges at
Jamestown. Tho Lake shnro aln allows stop
overs at Drocton, fiom which point 4 l-cent half.
fire round trip tickets can be had to Mayville,
Like Chautauqua.
Special to the Scranton Trlbuns.
TowHiirla, July 10. A ten clays' camp
meetliifr will open near Fronchtown
next Filclaj.
Moie men ares now employed In the
shops at Hay re and many of the old
men are niovlnK to other places. Kcl
vvatel Uecke, who 5vas shot In the hip
by a suiter, Is again able lo lesume
his position,
Mrs. Macfaiet Kennedy, died at the
age of sixty yeais, from Injuries te-i-rlvecl
a l'tnv dajts ago by falllnp; down
The IllFi-lplc at drove 5as
badly damaged by lightning In a recent
An acid factory owned by Ilenrdclee
lltothcis efc ItoadH, near Canton, for
tho second lime was destroyed by fire
last Sunday. The loss will amount to
about $8,500.
An Athens genius has made n tobog
gan slide which us forty-ilvo feet long,
nnd reaches to the edge of the river.
"When well greased 5lth soft soap, the
boat goes i.ipldly down tho Incline
and leaps about llftcen feet Into the
1 The Tovvanda 5vnter supply was In
spected hy Dr. Hcnjanlm, secretary
of the state hoard of health, nnd mem
bers of the bmough council this 5cck.
The repoit shows everything as being
In perfect older.
i:imer S. Qulmby, an engineer on the
Lackawanna, was killed at Wavcrly,
X. V., while looking out nf his cab
ho lost his balance and fell beneath
tho wheels, catuslng death shoitly.
Kail Oliver, of Wyoming, a Spanish
American Foldler, has been gianted n
pension of $36 a inonth for tho loss of
an arm.
The berry pickers In Athens township
fitiuck for a ralso of half a cent a quatt,
which was gianted.
The farmois of this section are com
plaining of tho scarcity qf help In
haying nnd harvesting.
Sarah Knapp, n demented Inmate of
the county house at nuillngton, made
her escape and eloped ilth another
Inmate named WhlU and iwent to
Owego. This week, the woman was
located In South Towanda, whcio she
as ovei powered and taken back to nur
llngton. She was attlu-d In thtee dies
ses, nnd can led a large black satchel
rilled with her worldly belongings, the
same being: transported on h tsmall
sled. It was some time before she
would give up her sled, when starting
to the county house.
Judge Fanning has under onnsldeia
tlon the suggestion hy many attorneys
to have the September court hegln two
weeks later, which would bring the
rrand Jury together on the first Mon
day in September Instead of the 13et
third Monday In August, The change
Is to make It more convenient for all
air and on (he land, Ihnsp living In the vtiter
hiving had no place In the aik. The new letd
of the new esrtli cornel forth with his kbidred.
The beasts who have so long been .leptnlcr.t
upon him, who now begin with him a nc-.r eia.
must have learned that he was thsle rightful
master, (fienesls, i, 2d.) That was the day ol
new beginnings, when (lod and ntsn and ani
mal were united, when perfect pcirj spreads
over all the earth,
WOltSIIIPPIll). (Verses Co to 22.) such sis,
occasion would mnse esrn the basest nslute to
the scty depths. looking backward to the time
when (lod's first word came to him (fienesls, si,
1.1); recalling what had transpired in the in
tersenlng months; beholding about him an un
inhabited earth; looking forwatd to the prom
ises and their fulfillment (fienesls, si, W Nosh
and his household re-olsed to !egln their nets
career by acta of gratitude and worship to (Tod
who had preserved them alive anil shown to them
His gieat metcy and power. They bullded an
altar. Preserving the founs which had been
handed down from the earliest times and con
senting to the faith in which Abel died, they
cirilcd over into the future wnst hid been
mnet piecious In the old dais, those sacrifices
which typirlril the great sacrifice to be made on
Calvary. (Revelations, sill, 8.) Of esery clean
beast and of csery clean fowl burnt offerings
were made. That acceptable service! moved the
heait of (iod, who pledged His mercy to the
race that should spread from those eight souls.
ItLTI.I'.CTIOSF. 1 It bss been thought that
the deluge, the greatest epoch of primitive time,
made a turning point In the physical condition
cf hunnnlly. There Is supposed to have been a
chinse In the alniosphete. Paradisaical hsimony
of the ciiih had departed at mi earlier day.
'lime tomes In now more constant older. The
relations with the animal kingdom wcip greatly
affected, and man's life wis shortened. 2.
There are stmnger indications that the flood
wrought great change in the spiritual life of
man. The story of this great calastiophe was
carried in various forms ny all the migrating
peoples to their new homes, becoming a per
petual reminder of flod. The worship intro
duced by Noah was also extended world-wide.
Ills faith was the seed-corn as well as the sign
of the Ititure theocracy and the future c lunch.
An altar ot rirrlfter, an altar of thanksgiving,
'an altar of pia.ver, netted to .lehovah. Is th'
distinguishing feature of all timel from Noah
to this time.
our thoughts tn the New Testament Atk of Safety
fcotn the floods of sin, and the radiant bow of
.Nriptmc piomlse for the obedient chlldten of
Res A, T. Pierson. P. P., thinks "the door in
the aik mcv have been in the form of a cross,
as the cntlie patablp in action in the Old Testa
ment points to the 'Ark of Safety, and poor ol
Hope in the new- covenant. " The radiant bow
for the Christian believer is composed ol many
precious promises!
I' a i dun;
II emembtancci
o wnciship;
M-env ;
I iisttudion;
S altatlon;
I! tetnal life.
Suggestions: First draw the representation of
the atk, built by Noah, and speak of (iod'a
mercy in saving the family of the saint ot old.
Then rrlnt the name CHRIT with lines radiating
forming a cross, and speak of .lesus Hip Ark of
our Salvation. Above these, draw lines to repre
sent the rainbow, and plate the seven piecious
truths which ate the promises of (Jod to Ills obe
dient chlldten. '
Scranton, Pa.
who have business with the couits,
and tho principal objection prlsonets
would be compelled to remain longer
in tho county jail. A decision Is look
ed for the next term of court.
An execution has been Issued against
the Klectilc Light company, ot Tioy,
on a Judgment of $2,000, In favor of the
First National bank of that place.
Hurglars made an attempt to blow
open the safe In the station nt AVya
luslng n few nights ago, and alter
having everything ready- for nn ex
plosion, were frightened away by the
passing of n slow-moving train.
The Marlon ballast tinloader Is now
used on this division of the Lehigh Val
ley, which Is a gieat labor saver.
Telcgiaphers on tho Lehigh Valley
will have to undergo nn examination,
according to n new ojder.
Christian science teaches brotherly
love, and tho leacon the denomination
of Tnwanda removed from a new hall
to their former quartets was due to the
icaseip that the I'nlted Biethren held
their services at the same hall In ft
room underneath, and their singing
was called a disturbance.
The annual leunlon of all former stu
dents of the State Normal school of
Mansfield will bo held In Grove patk, at
Klmira, on August S. ,
Tliete aio now twenty-six labor or
ganizations In Sny're, composed of Le
high Valley employees.
ncrt A. Gaylord and J. A. Walton,
nttnehes of the Manhattan state hos
pital on Long Island, weie guests nt
K. W. (Saylord's this week. They aie
enjoying a seventeen days' vacation at
Wyaluslng, the former's home.
Recent Transfers of Medal Belonging:
to Chicago's Meanest Man.
From the CTiicigo Tribune.
As one of tho elevators In the big of
fice building touched bottom nnd the
door openetl to let its load of passen
gers out a short, dumpy, pei spiting
man with a cropped beard nnd a pro.
tubctviut stomach tried to ctowd his
way In, icgatdless of tho fifteen or
twenty persons that wcro trying to
mako their exit,
"Don't be In a hurry," said the ele
vator boy,
"But I am lit n hurry!" Impatiently
exclaimed he of the squat llgute. "I've
been waiting hero five minutes."
"You have'nt been waiting five see
onds," ictortcd tho elevator boy. "Jf
you had been, you know, you could
havo gono up In one of tho other cms."
"That's all right," said the other,
still pushing nnd elbowing his way In.
"Mnybo you know."
"I think I do."
"Why Is it." asked the man who had
been flattened up against tho side of
the elevator, "that It's always some
body of his build nnd ntmospheile dis
placement that nets the pork In a place
ot this kind?"
Nobody seemed to know. The gener
alization may havo been too sweeping.
Thero are hogs of all degrees of obesity
and tenuity.
The Imprisoned passengers succeeded
finally In extricating themselves.
The man with tho stomach took pos
session of the corner furthest from the
In a few minutes the elevator started
upward with s full Hit of passengers.
"Second floor," shouted one of them.
It was the personage with the stomach.
The most
woman in
the world
The Discoverer of Face Bleach
Removes Permanently
Docs not cover up but removes the blemish
li Improves a Good Skin and Works Wonders tvlih A Bid One.
clbsolutcly Harmless and cHlways Successful.
Drop In and ask to hss t Mmc. Ri'rrert's Face Bleach shown to tou,
and hare Its merits, manner of using and sionderlul results csplalned,
to you lll be satisfied it it what you need for your complexion,
Wc always carry a full line of Mmc. A. Ruppert's Gray Hair Restorative,
Egyptian' Balm, Almond Oil Complexion Soap nnd Hair Tonic.
Cull unel lmso their merlin faplalne-el to you.
Ask for Mmc. Kuppcrfs book, "HOW to E BEAUTIFUL." FREE.
Jonas Long's Sons
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In i:tTcct .lune 2, jnoi.
Tialns I.ravr Scranton:
Kor Phllaelelrlila and New ork sla P. k II
n. It , at (1.45 ami 0.11S a in., anel 2 IS, i.'l
(Black Diamond llsprew), ami 11.30 p. ni. bun
das. I), k 11 It. It . I.IW. .27 1. m.
For White- llason, lla7lPtoti anil principal
points In the soal ie,'ions, sla I), k 11. It. It,
B45, 2 19 and 4 27 p. ni. l'or l'ottsslllc, 0 15 a.
m 2.H p. m.
Kor Bethlehem, Kaston, Heading, llirrislnirt;
and principal fnteimrtliale stations via 1). k II.
II It, fi. II, 0..IS a in.; 2.1S, 4.27 tlllaek In
inond Express), 11. SO p. in. Sunilaja, 1), k II.
It. It., 0'1S a. m. : l.M, 8.27 p. in.
Keir TiitiMiannotl., Towanda, I'.linlra, Ithaca,
Oncsa and principal Intcimeellale ststions, sn
II., I.. & W. H. It-, SOS a. in.; 1.05 and 3.40
Tor Oncsa, Itoehcstcr, HufTaln. Niagara Tails,
ChicaKn and all points west, via I), k II. II. It ,
7 48 iif,5 a. in., 1.2. :i.:rt (Illack Diamond 11
pre:), 7 4, 10 41, 11..10 p. ni, jsuntlijs, I), k II.
11. It.. 11 53, S.27 p. m. V, ,,,,.
Pullman parlor anil Klcrplnir or I.rhlch Valley
pallor cars mi all trains between Wilkes-liarres
and Xrw Yotk, Philadelphia, lititlalo and Sus
pension' Uiidac
ltOIJ.IV II.'tt, Cent. Stipt , 21 Cortland
street. New ork
CHATtlXS S. MX. Cen. Pass. Agt., 20 Cortland
ttleft. Xesv mk
A V. NOS'NI'.MU IIIX. Div Pass. Aut , South
Hethlchrm, Pa.
Kor titkels and Pullman resersatlona apply to
30D Lackawanna asentte, Scranton, Pa.
Centrnl Railroad of New Jersey.
Stations in New York 1'oot ot Liberty street,
N. It . anil t-outh Kerry.
Trains lease Scranton tor Xcw York, Newark,
r.llralieth, Philadelphia, Kaston. Bethlehem, AI
lentown, Mattch Chunk and White IIjs-i n. at fl
a ni ; expi"J. 1-W; cspiew, 4.1J p. m. Mm
dais 2.15 P- m'
l'or Plttston and Wilkes llirre, S Si a m.; 1,10
and 4.'i I'. " S"nila''' 1J !' '
Kor Baltimore and Wa.hlnston and points
houth and West sla Bethlehrni, 8.J5 a. m., 1.10
and 4.00 p. m. Sundaji, 2.1 J p, in.
Kor Ocean (iiosc, etc., at S 53
a in. (tliioiigh coach) an.l p. m.
Kor Heading, Ulunon and HarrMmrg, sla AI.
lentown, 8 5S o " ar"' uo P. " !iindj),
2.15 p. in.
Kor I'ottaville, Is 5"' m.i 1 10 p. m.
l'or Mountain l'aik, h '' a. ni., 1 10 and loo
Through tlikets to all points eat, south and
west at lonct latea at the station.
('. M. lit IIT. (Sen. Pass. gt.
J. II. Ol.ll l'0:, lien. Stipt.
Delaware nnd Hudson.
In Kftect June 0, 1M1.
Tnlns tor Cailitrndaln leave M union at fl.'Jn.
ROC i S:6l, 10. U a. m.. U:. 1:29, 2.11, d:j,
&:'!) 0-25, 7:57. OslS. 11:20 p. m., 1:14 a. m.
I'o's iloii'.dale Jml I'akc '"'tile, .,', 10.U a.
m . mid VJ'i p. in.
a nf., li'.u !'- 2'18, a:"J' 4:'-'7' d:1- 7:".
in n 11:.:0 p. m-
i'or I. V I! " I'01""-6:'5. " a. m., Sil,
a '7 and U '.'i" P- "'
Kor PennsjlwnU It. It. points-H:l5, 0;SS;2;1S,
U and 4:-7 P n1,
""l'or Mliany 1111 a" Plnt' north 6iM a. m.
nnd 3:52 P. rn.
ana J.c- i. j.usim. inAINS.
Kor Cailie.ntUlc-e.50, 11:3.1 a. m., 2:11, 3.51,
b-bl and 10:52 p. m.
lor Wllke.-Bane-0:33 a. m 12;0J, 1:5?, 3:25,
8 .12 and 8:12 p. m.
l'or Albany and points north-.l:52 p. m.
l'or llm.esdale and I.ako Lodote S.50, 11.33
a ni. and 3.52 p m
"With n cpi ion of convulsions lie
foitRht Ills way out anel Hls-pped off at
He was followed liy a man who look
ed ns If somo seciet grief was preying
upon his mind.
"I'omiutle," phIiI tho iHtter, "I'd like
to .io.ik u wnicl with you."
The other turned mound.
"1 had intended going to llio eleventh
door," resumed the man of fiinerHl as
pect, "but my IjuslnenH Is with you."
"What do you wiiiit'.'"
"It'll take me only about a minute to
tell you. rseveial days ago, when I was
setting cat-a-coineied in u riowdetl
street car, a man gavo me it medal, lie
Kild II was given to him by a stranger
because ho had monopolized the nnN
mw strip cif shade at tho left edge of
tho sidewalk on a hot day. Anil
now "
"What's nil that gfit to do vlth me?"
"Nothing, only that medal lielongs to
the Meanest Man In Chicago, i have
carried It three or four days without
having any right to It. It belongs to
you. sir."
With a dextrous motion he slipped
Into the waistcoat pocket of the squat
ty peisonage a flat, round piece of gaN
vanlzcd Iron with an Inscription upon
It and bolted down the nearest stair
way, looking Immensely relieved.
s s
For thirty
years a
Schedule in Effect June 2, 1001.
Trains leave Scranton:
015 a. m., week days, through ves
tibule train from wilkes-Barre.
Pullman buffet parlor car and
coaches to Philadelphia, via
Pottsvllle; stops at principal in
termediate stations. Also con
nects for Sunbury, Harrisburg,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg and the
0.38 a. m., week days, for Sunbury,
HnrrlsburE:, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and Pittsburg
and the West.
2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays,
1.08 p. m.), tor sunbury, Harrls
burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington nnd Plttsburp; and
the West.
3.33 p. m., week days, through ves
tibule train from Wilkes-Barre.
Pullman buffet parlor car and
coaches toPhlladelphla viaPotts
ville. Stops at principal inter
mediate stations.
4.27 p. m., week days, for Hazleton,
Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadel
phia and Pittsburg.
.1 it III rciiiNsov. on. Mir
J. It. WOOD. Con. Pass. Ast.
Delaware, Lnckawanna and Western
111 l.llett .luly 21, piOI.
'milli I.eaie Nraiilon fur New ioik at 1 fl,
3 01. 5 55, 7.50 and lli.nil a in.; 12 '. 3.3.I. f 30
p. in l'or 1'liil.iilelplil.i at 7. VI and lo oi am, .
l.M'l and ::." p. in Kur Tubthatuia at 1 10 p.
in. Milk aitoiiiuinililinii at .1.111 p nt. Airise
in llobokcti at ii:o. 7 Is. 1" -S 12.n. .l.Ii. I I'.
7 10 p. in. tiite in I'liiladilphla at 1 Oil, :i 2.4. and 2'2 p in. Viiisc limn Sew Yotk at
l.H, U..12 ami 10 2.1 a in. : Mm. l.ij, St I. 0 0i)
and II .ai p. in. I'm in 1. ihc li.mii i al sir. a. m
Noith -l.e.ic iiatitnii Mi lliiftalo and Inter
incdialc station at 1 li, Htnl 0 00 a. ill.,
l..ii. 5.H md II. 'li p lit. l'or li.ui'sn and .tta
t ii-o at I l.i a. in., a. ni ami I..V, p. its. I'"r
ttln at t li, ." a. in. and I ." p in. Kr
5lniiiioe st (100 a. in. : I Hi and .i.l p. in. lor
NlihiiNnu at 4 (hi and li p. in. l'or Binhiin
loti at 10 20 a. in. niie ill sciaiiton finm Bui
f.i.. ... , .1. ., .'. .. ic ....1 in tin . ... , in na
l.l.. . , , ..,, .. , n.i i" "i i.i., ....'. mi'i
Ml p. nt. I'rim Osicrn anil'Mianu-c st 2..ii a
In , I!"-' Htid fW p. ut. I'lnin I'tlia at 2 5i a
lit ; 12 'I! and 130 p. in I'tom Mi hnl.on al 7 li
a. ut. nml niHi p. m. from Mommsc al s,
III : 'l 20 md .il p in.
Bloiiuhuig Ills t-inii -l.e.ue Sciaiiton (or
Nnrlhiiinl.iilanil at II li. 10 Oi a. to.; l..i and
II 10 p m. Kor Plimniilli at s.10 a. m.l .1 to.
S 50 p. m. siis- at Nniiliuniberlaud at 0.35 I.
in f 1.10, .5 00 and s.ii p. in. rine st Pliniouth
at o ni a. in.; I.. '12. 'i li p. nt. Ariiir In Seian
Imi Itoni Nortliumbeilind at 0. 12 a. irt. ; 12 35,
4 50 and S li p. in. I'tom Kingston at II 00 l.
in. Kioto Plcinoiiili at 7.15 a. in.; 3.20 and 3 r
p. in.
South I.eue Nianloii at l.lfl, Una, 'AM ltiM"
a. m . 1 .11 and 3 10 p in
North aasc 'iranlon a.t 1 15, isii, 0 no a, ro-V
1.55. 5 4! Hid 11.35 p. in. ,
lllnoinlurg Pulsion Lease Kranmn' at 1001
a. in, and 0.10 p. in. . '
Erie Rallrond, Wyoming Division.
Trains for llawhv and Inletineilla'lo pointa Icntij
Scranton as follows: No. 2", 7.10 a ro.i Ts'n,' 4,
8 50 a. in. , N". . '-' 2'' P I" .No . VO p. m.
;os. 2 and f Ihinngli llama (or New York.
rrlsal No. 1, s l5 a. in : No. J, 10 30 a rn ;
No. f ' 15 p- in i N'n. 7, i 15 p, m Trains Noa.
6 anil'7 uro IIihuibIi trains finm New oik. '.'
MMI.U llt.MiS.
Departures-No. 20, o a. in , Nn 22. 2 pm.
Atilsal. No. '21, 12 15 i m ; No. 2J, 15 r
p. m
New York, OntArlo and Wostorn.
Time Table In I'.fleet Kinday, June S3, nci,
lime NOUTIIUOl'.NIl.
Lease Leaio Arr(A
rrsinn St union, Catbondsle. Cadnsls,
s, 1 ..l"-"1 "' 111" ' '" 1 10 p ml
vn .. t oo p. m. " P- " oort p ml'
so' 7 .'.. O.W P "' r- t'ltuonrlale.. ft(8 p. rrir r'
o. 7 .. " soLTUBm'NI). ' .'
Lease l.easn
Cud i. Is.
Caihond.le. fit t anion.
7.00 a. in. i- ?. in . '
ss? :::mo. m.
10 01 a, m. r. ni! '
v 2 u P- "' ' " i". in. i i p, m a
1,01 sumiavs tiNLY, .NonTi(.B0i.n: p' m: J
Lease Leave Arrlv.
Scranton. taibondilf, Cadosla
o. r 8" '" . ";!l).11 m', ,(,5 n'
Co 5 .. 7.0' P- '" Ar ' '"ndale.. j.u p, ,
-s snuni-BOL'ND. '
I."" ,y,"r. , Arrlse
Cadosia. ( ailiomlile. scranton
n fl .... T0', ' "' sl ni
No. 10 .. ""P m; J'J P- m. (1.45 p pi.
Trains NJ 1. " do. "t 9. on eon
days, mike main ltn cenntctiona for Ntv Yotls "
city. VtKi sjwWa, X)stgo an1 intermedutf!
rTraiM Noa. S anil 4 riiike W'alten, Delhi, Hm.
dn and Sidnty cefnnectlotu;
For further Information Onsolt ticket anti.
J. C. ANPFJISON. 0. P. ,.. New York.
I J. E. WELSH, J. V. A., Sxunton. .... .,..
- f