THE SOKANTON TMBUJNlS-SATUitDAlf, JULY 1!U, . MOI.' - ai- NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MONTROSE. ,. pedal to thi Smnton Trlbuni. Montros?. July 19. Thli has been a busy day with the boys of Company O, irettlnfj In readiness to leave for Scran ton tonight. Thn boys presented a very neat and dapper appearance at the Lackawanna station to take the fi o'clock train, and Montrose Is ex cusable for taking the initio that she does In such a hnndsmni and soldier ly looking body of men. Thcio weie many lelatlves ami friends wives, mothers, slsteis ami swethearts at the station to say a fond fiiieunll and give the company a hearty send off. Their many smiles, a few tours, a WAvltig of handkerchiefs by the ladles nnd lusty Rood byes by the men as the train pulled out. The company was In chat-EC of Captain John (.'. Hull InKtnn, Fltst Lieutenant Lon L. Huuon and Second Lieutenant William H. IJennK Miss Vernii Heaidslee's advanced music pupil will Rive it concert In the Presbyterian ch.ipel on Mondaj evening, July 22, to begin at R o'clock. Admission. 25 cents. Proceeds for the piano fund. A mighty rocky ' fncle Tom's Cab In" troupe played to Rood business In this place on Wednesday nlsht. Five new windows have boon placed In the Metho,llt i:pii church They were all donated and besides those provided by the several -oclet-les of the church, theie ,u handsome windows lepiescntiiig the families of the following: 11. A. Tltsworth, D. C Tltman. J M Jef-,, S. K. Sprout, W. C. Cruer, W A. Tltsworth, J. W. Ppence, Mls Abulia Koidham, H. II. Kuffum, Hyde Ciocker, Jr. (decenscil), Nelson Haw ley (deceased), Mis. Oath cilne Jogger (deceased), and Miss So phia Flh (deceased). Owing to Illness In the family, nishop Ethelbert Talbot, who was to officiate and confirm a class In St. Paul's Epis copal church tonight, has postponed his visitation Indefinitely. Sheriff W. J. Maxey Is at present entertaining fifteen guests at his well known, hut not specially popular, com pulsory tesoit. The annual meeting of the Vlllnc" Improvement society will be hetd at Village hall on Monday evening next at S o'clock. Register and Hot order H. TL Huffum has been spending the week at his for mer home In Frlendsville Attorney W. D. B. Alney has been transacting law buslncs-s at New Yoik, Philadelphia and Scranton this week. During a hard shower on Wednesday afternoon lightning struck a tree In front of John Whelan's residence on Chenango street, badly splintering It and shocking Mrs. Warnei. living nearby, to such an oxtent as to render her unconscious for a short time. The Supreme court has permitted an appeal to be entned In the celebrated case of States s. First National bank of Montrose fiom the decision of the Superior court In f.i.oi of the bank. The case w III be argued before the Su preme court In Philadelphia next March. Miss Elizabeth Palmer has icturned to her home In this place fiom a visit with relatives In Scranton and Wilkes Barre. Mr. and Mrs. Mermo.l and Mis. Nix on, of St. LnuK Mo., 'Iv latest arrivals for the season at .D. P.. I.ath ri.p's. Mrs. Margaiet Lyons Is at Slater vllle Springs N. Y-, for a two mouths' stay at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles H. (lallagher. Chief Justice J. Brewster McColIum Is In Philadelphia this week. Miss Jessie Crocker Is visiting friends In Blnghamton. Miss Julia Ciuser gies entertain ments at Hopbottom and Klngsley net week. At the former place on Tues day evening and at the latter plate on Thursday evening. Miss f'rusoi' will be assisted bv the best local talent. Miss Mabel Shaw Is at the Buffalo exposition this week. TUNKHANNOCK. refill to the fcrsnton Tribune, Tunkhannoik, July 19. Mrs George Koon and child! en, nf Philadelphia, are the guests of Mr. and Mis. Klinei Thomas on Haulson stieet Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Woodwaid are entertaining Miss May , Uilinth. of Scranton. Koran Sands, of the Carlln meat market, Is visiting the Pan-Ameilcan exposition this week. Mis. Harry Billings is confined to the house by a complication of dis eases. The mcmheis of the Catholic chuuh held a picnic on Thuisday afternoon In a grove on the farm of Thomas H, Jlyan, A darky camp meeting Is to be held on the fair giound at this place, be ginning August 3th. As there aie no colored people icslding In this vicinity It follows that th" participants will have to come from a distance. George H. Ficeman. of Hussell Hill, vas doing business In town on Thuis day. Mrs. Ueoige M. Klnner ,of North Mihoopany, was calling on friends here on Thursday, Bass fishing In the Susquehanna river Is Impmving, nnd large strings of flbh ate brought Into town dally by local fishermen. Mrs. Peter It, Botdcn Is the guest of friends at Meshoppen this week. Miss Fannie Depue. who has been visiting relatives at Plttston the past week, returned home on Thursday. Miss Fannie Stark Is visiting friends at Wyaluslng. Mrs. K. M. Phillips is entertaining her brother fiom Delawaie. The new Keeler House bain is near ly compJeted. It Is n substantial brick structure, and will add gieatly to the appearance of the hotel ju em lee. Michael Barrett, an employe of the Lehigh Valley Ballroad, had the mis fortune to have his hand Injured by nn accidental blow from a pick lii the hands of a follow1 workman one day recently, and Is Incapacitated for work. DURYEA. Ipeelal to the Sainton Tribune. Duryea, July U. John Lane fant child of Mr. and Mrs. Lane, died yesterday. the In Georgo Master Horace Dills icturned home yesterday from a visit with friends In rYvoca, jura. John Whitman Is visiting tricnoB in uunmoic MUs Florence Keep, of Avuia, It j- visiting Mrs. place. James Holies, of this The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Hoiaie Mann died yesterday. Thomas and Johnnie Nolan ftlc visit Ing friends In Phladelphla. HONESDALE, tpeclsl to the Scrsntrn Tribune. Honesdale, July 10. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W, Ham, of New Yoi k, aie guests of their parents, Hon, and Mrs, T. J, Ham. district Attorney L. M. Atkinson left todav for New Orleans, to be the guest of his sister. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Holmes nte at Phillips Be.Kdi, Mass. Mrs. David II, Monitor and children PICTURE Little Tommy Tittlemouse, Livei In a little house; He cauRht ti-.hes In other men's ditches. Find three tish that he c.iught? have been guests at the Schlager cot tage, Klmhuist. District Attorney Atkinson, In com pany with Sheriff Armbiuster and Photographer Bobbins, visited the scene of the Schoonovcr murder and took photographs and nieasuieinetits, to be iisod In the trial of Wlnans Hull. Miss Clara M.. daughter of Mr. and Mis. J. c. Pflume nnd Mr. J. K. Am tnermon, of Miislllon, ()., wcie united In manlage by I'.ev. C. L. Percy, of the Baptist church, at the limnc nf the bride's parents on Wednesday at 10 a. m. The Maple City band mio pieparlng to give an open air concert Monday ovenlng, Aug. .", In the lnteict.1 of the Bed Men's exclusion. The following aie ntunn.f the Hones dale people spending the week at Beech lake. Mis. C. I; Brady, Misses Motn Smith, Kate Chambeis, Iless-lc Chamliets, Gr,u e Bihop anil Louli-a and Antoinette Duiland. Mr. and Mis. Augustus P. Thomp son ha7 tn lived at the home of the foimec's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. An drew Thompson. Mr. nnd Mrs. H C. Hand will spend tho noxt two weeks nt Long Il.ind. Twenty. live fiesh air boys nnd two girls have taken the place of the twentv -three girls who have returned to New Yoik. The bovs w III t cumin two weeks. They will be piovlded with provision and cared foi by the people of this inmmunltv. The Sunday st Imol loom in the base ment of date thin i h has been newly painted thiouchout. nnd with the new carpet pieent a very Inviting ap pearance. The Sunday school pupils nte meeting the? expense, and for that puipo'-e they hold a successful ice i'lenni social Inst evening. The nniiual report of the Wayne county superintendent of schools hots that the county has 2nl s-chool houses. IMS schools, fil graded schools, 6f. male and I'.", female tendinis, av ei age ase of teacheis, 2." yenis; 4S teachers are state noimal school grad uate"., and there are 3! ruial school binaries. TH0A1PS0N. 'peelal to the fiirinlnn Tribune. Tlionips-oii, July 19. Our townsman, Gnu si Wnll.ue, infoinis us that the Wnll.ue gatheiinv will be on August 21. at Newton lake, In Gieentield, this MI Piof. J A. Tucker, of Jackson, was In town Wednesday, accompanied by Mlfses Ma.vnatd and Johnson, of Hai ford. The machinery for the new skimming station at Jackson came to this station this week, and has been transfened to Jackson. wheie it will be In npeiutlon In n few days. The cieam will be brought to this cirameiy. Km mer Obed Can oil, living at the head nf Wilshtcr's lake, and his boys wcie seveidy shocked dining the shower which pievalled Tuesday after noon, yet they weie not Injured. Two tiec. between here and the lake, weie spllnteieil. ltev. and Mrs. P. It. Tower left yes terday nf lei noon fur a visit with i da tives at Hamllnton anil fi lends at Ariel, he being engaged to supply the pulpit at Ariel on July 2S, They expect to tetiiin about the 30th. L. F. Seailes has the conduct to eiect a new hniiM on the W. H, Whltmarsh faun. Noith Jackson, In place of the one burned. !:. I'.. Gdatt made a business tilp to Blnghamton on Thuisday. Mr. John nnughcrt.v, of Jet spy Clt.v, who has been spending a week with his family In this place, tetutned on Fil. da Mis. M. A. Picketing, of Sus'iuohan nn, was visiting In this place on Kilday. Mis. Fletcher, of Thompson, who In new with filendN In Jackson, is te ported vfiy much wcise, Jangllnj; Nerves. Aio you liiitable? Do you sleep badly? Is It haid to concentrate your thoughts? Is your .ippetllo poor? Do you teel tired, iCHtless and despond ent? Try Llehty's Celery Nerve 'om. pound. It will do you mote good than nnythlng you have ever tried. Sold by Matthews Bros. SUSQUEHANNA. ptclil to the Rerinton Tribune. Susquehanna, July 20. About twenty five non-residents nrtlved here last night, to woik In the Erie boiler shop. The strike appears to be rapidly Hear ing a settlement, equal to the pace of n mine mule walking away from a peck of oats. The Methodist Sunday school pic nicked In Barnes' gtovc, Lanesboio, to day. Itnbeit Gardner and slMer, MUs llu-.el, of Carbondale, nte guests of Susquehanna l dative. Mis. James Lynns, of Corning, 1 rainy tetutned home from n visit with her patents In this place. Angler In the river and lakes report small catches. The lemalns of Mrs. 13. B. Newell, late of Ashvllle, Noith Carolina, will arilve In lanesboio this evening, for services and Intel metit. Deceased was a daughter of the late Jacob Taylor, of Lanesboio, and a sister of James nnd Edwin Taylor, of that borough. Mr. nnd Mis. Chailes Graham, nf New York city, aie vledtlng Mr. Gin ham's patents, In this place. Miss McGlVelley, of Blnghamton, was PUZZLE. the guest of Oakland side fi lends on Sunday. Mis. M. B. Walsh, of Piospect street, Is a guest of relatives in New York illy. Kile Knglneer Chailes Pettis, of the Oakland side, Is at the Pan-Ameilcaii. Mis. James Tinkler, of Cioss stieet, visited Deposit relatives on Thursday. The Oakland side dwellings, of Ld ward Thompson and Geoige Ball are inpldly neailng completion. ltev. Father Kagcu, of Nlagaia unl veislty, is vkslting in town. J. L. Bush, late Hrle station agent nt Gulf Summit, has become station agent at Long Kddy. Mi. Bush is Mitcccdeii bv Ward I.oomls, late station ugi nt at Faikoi's Glen. GIBSON. ?rcil to the Siranlun Tribune Gibson, July 10. Mr. Wood Sylcs, fiom the west, Is visiting fi lends hen. T. W. Banctt and brother-in-law, Allien Smith, visited the City of Stalls Thuisday. N. H. Wilmaith and wife visited his sister In Hazlciou over Sunday. Orvllle Chambcilaln has a huge Held of benles and employs quite n few plckeis. P H. Tiffany Is entertaining com pany fiom the Parlor City. Ml. K, A. Sweet was fishing this week mi the Susquehanna. Oliver Chambeilaln went to Susque hanna today with bet lies. Miss Jullu Sliockllne accompanied him. II. C. Kstabiuok made a Hying tilp home Sunday. Some of the fanners arc through baying. The M. K. Aid had a social on the chinch lawn' on Tuesday evening. We a) e having terrible thunder show cis this year. On Tuesday It Mi uck a tiee In Chailie Cratt's yatd. :. 11. Sweet went to Susquehanna Thuisday. Miss llairls, of Scranton, visited her cousin, Sadie Chamberlain. Mis. i:. II. Sweet returned fiom n vl-lt at Vestal Monday. Mis. F. W. Bariett Is spending the week with her mother at Lake Side. Some of our young people tripped the light fantastic toe at Kennedy Hill Tuesday. Mis. Nat Guaids' mother Is vlstlng her. 10. K. Allen is on the sick list. Mis. Frank Kspey. of Kennedy was calling In town Thuisdnv. Both and Buby Kstahrook, Myitle Westcott and Julia and Hill, also Ger- tiude Strockblne aie picking beriiea for Mi. O. Chambeilaln. ltev. James Derrick and wife enjoying their vacation. and AVOCA. Thomas Connois, aged a.'! years, died at his home In the Noith Knd, after sufteilng since Satuiday of peiltonltls. He wiim a member of the Independent Older of Odd Fellows. His death, coming en unexpectedly, is a seveie shock to the members of the family. Besides his mother, he Is suivlved by n wile and three chlldien. The funeral will take place on Sunday afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Inteiment will be In Lung tiiffe cemetery. Miss Nellie Sliaughnessy has returned to Wllllannsport, after several weeks' visit at the i patience of her sister, Mis. T. P. McGiell. Mrs. Charles Davis, of Jermyn, Is thp guest of her mother, Mrs, Kills, of South Mnln stiept. The committers representing the Klectrle Light company nnd the boi ough council met on Tuesday evening nnd effected a compiomlsc, propodng to pay $1,700 per year Instead of $1,050, as pieviously asked. Should the te maln'.ng members of the council agree to these tlgurea the contiatt will be signed for ten years, The excursion under the auspices of the Mooslo nnd Avoca Presbyteilan Sunday schools to Mountain Paik yew teiday whs one of the laigest (hut have left the town In some time, The peo ple were tuken theie In threo sections. John RAp and sister, Mollle, me vis iting friends in Klmhurst. Chailes and Andtew Drucner have returned ft on. Wllllamgport. THE MARKETS. Wall Btreat Review. "v New York, July Iff. The character of today' lock market ni about the me a that ol )' tcrday, but there was a conspicuous absence ol the fate enormous demand which lilted Union Pacific yesterday in the closing dealings. The volume ol transactions was rather larger than jesterday, but the market was, nevertheless lilghlv profeilonil. Much liquidation had to bo thiol bM I' Ihotc who had set themselves to the task ol supporting the mirket and the burden seemed to be loo heavy to carry. Price broke through support In the late dealing, and the matin ilocd weak at the lJrst figures ot the ilat . 'lite slniV, sploctMl as prnpa for the market today teemed In be print Ipall.v among the (tout la rrh ralluais and the (lontd Kouthnciilcriit, In ilmled ulth the laller ttcir A'rlnn L'nlon and Manhattan. 'IVvat and I'lilflc vtat at one time Ihrci Hiinls ovtr lat night it hi ll'ele wat Urge btolng in Mlwourl I'aillli fulled .ti!es steel eloiks eerineil lo be well under control lf In lilets md tliev ere marked up hirpl.v rnr point cadi during the period ot -(length In the inmkrl. 'Hie .utallilug fone ol tlie.e d Vithict, himeter, m sleamiv taken adtatit.ige id to leillc In the tallimd llt. fnlon Padllc, M I'aul ahd ere the mot onpl(ii. nut ol'Jril nl the nellllig. Southern I'ailtli' at one time liiukp hh.iv Inun f lit aroup and was in irked up to .Viij,, appirently In piiru.inie of llio de.lgu n( 'iipiutlng Hie innket for realla Ing purpose.. ln ileilie piovi-d cnly" b amiexfiil, as did nthert o( the ame that aiter. In Ibe late le-iitlon Hie dei line III M. I'mil or. I ended tn .( up to 8'4i Atihlsou to V,i; tllooiirl Vm Ur In tl'i and !nulhern I'.irlllc to .'a. Mm li pI Hie .elllna seemed to be prompted bv Hip renewed fens of dlsa.ler to the corn irop, the fame nioilte lelng at woik In Ihe torn mar. ket 'tin vlliiig tnr we.tein iitoiuil wi erv laige and was allrlbuted tn Important Interest., 'the .piling for London in mini was annthei lnl pmtanl tailor In the ilii't mirket. Total .ilea todav, I.KS.ino ahaies, 1 In- bond mirkel wis tnoderatelv ntlte ind Irregular. Total sales par alue, Si.Juo.omi. t nlled Mates bunds were all unchanged on the last call. The following quotations are turntslied Tin "ribune bt M. S Jotlan k Co., rooms ?"'( Mean building, Rcranmn Pa, Telephone 6fWi Open- High Low. Clos ing. et. nt Ini. merlran Sigar Ill m lljifc til', Amerlian Tobacco Ill HI ISO HO Aolilson T :, Tl To Mehlson. Pr fs n'i Pfl'i 11; tlrook liaitlon M ill', " TT'i Hill k Ohio (HI, P 117 07 (out Tobvio ili'j! r,l, MH IVU het. A- Ohio 4H (Hi, 101 a I'hlc f .t. We.t 21 i"i "Hi SIS SI Paul PifliJ 1'I7' b2 I'US Ho,k Wand in1 liov, n;i, ii;f, Km k Tex , Tr M -V7 Vt 514 bonis, f; Nash WVi 10.1T, pi-,1, ihjh Vim Kletaled I)l' 121 ll'H 110 Mel. Trattlon 171 171 170 170 MI.o. I'.irlllo ins pri lint, lilftij o,ith ivuitir ji; son y, w, Nnilolk k West 4i2 ti4 l-U ISH Ont. r We'tern 12 11 :!2' I2'i fitini. lty 141l 117 Ul'i 111 Paellti- Mall 40'5 ar.j .ill, .fiij Tlei.tint: Itv 30'i li, ,vii, (0 R. id'iu lit . Pi 70', 77 7d 71 - iitln n it It SO i .0 in Vutliein It. H, Pr . ... l s'i CJ S Tenn I oil A: Iron 01 00, id ot I'. . Leather 12 HH 12 II 1 leather, Pr 7'4 7", 7'i 7'5 I nion Pailfl 1071- put, imlj pi.114 I nion Pit Ifli. I'r PO 'H -oij wiijj Wabash, Pi S'l 11 r.O (0 Vesern t nion 0i, 'it op; nitf, ( o Fuel k Iron !, 10 oil, iri Vmil lopprr I1V 11i. 111 IISiJ People', It!, l-, 11, l, 1HU 1'iie 7i a- 17 .17' i Krie. 1-1 00 ii7, ti;i, i,i,ij Texis pjrlfif lis, 411, 0ii t Vnier. I ar Koimdiy .... r0 Knij '2') '2'' I'. . ieel (o in', 4l'i :,'(?; r.o', L'. S. "teel Co., Tr , ... ?' 00 $si, t- Nr.W YORK flit MX MARKIX Open lllsh- Low- CIo, VVIir.T. Inif. et. est Ins September 7Pj 70, 7.0, 70, Deieinber 73 70 73 70 .onx. eptrinber M'-i .vi, i,i3 .In, llci-cmtur ."nl .Vi 00 on Scranton Bonid of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. I.Aikiu mm Oil" .. I'r County sulics Ihnk k 1 rust Co., Kliat SUloiial llmk O'arlwndile.. stanilaiil Prillliu; Co SlOt'KS. Third National Hank mine and I'iumint Pink.. Kii iiom.i l.iulit, II. -: I . Co 1'iral National Itink I.aika. Trust Sate Oipo-lt lo rljtk k -noier .. I'r siranlen lien I'eiu e ,. Mn-. Co.... St-ionlon Ale Works Siiatunii -uliis, Pink Tiadeis' lhnk Minulin Holt k Nut lo People's Hank nc Mexitu 111. .V; (' Co 110.NDS. S I anion Pa-senser Hail" ay, flist Moitasr. due V20.'. People's Mice! Ittilwuy, fii.t mort. Cice. tlui- VMS People's Mreft Itilln.i.t, lieneral moit', du' P'i Ditk'en M inul n tin liur C" l.uki. Tonblp "thool 3 per tent. Citj cf stl.inlon St. Imp. t p.r cent l'.alVvc. Hean,-Per bushel, tboite mirrow, Sttanlon Ti.ittion n per teet 0 ... 32", .!0 Did. Asked, 1-0 -'75 40 1-01 1M 100 93 ''J? 17i i i j 115 115 ... Hi ... 100 102 102 $2 oo,:' m 11-5 Scranton Wholesile Market, H nrieiied Itv II. I,. Pile. .' Ilutlei 'n sh tic.imcit, lie.h, l'H.r.siUi. kintaiuit te ) in'; i2li.; tlilry. I heese I'iiII neini. Iil'.alli. I.SKt Wr.tern tich, lltll'i ; ne.nbt tjtc. 1'i'jiti". Vledlum IIimiis Per bushel .' ii) )-,, Hieen IV.i. IVi buhel, hi f, l'lour Het pttent, pi r bniel. 1 IV. Hi.ins Per bushel, tliolie iniirnu, a'.Vt'frfj Pniatnet Pir bii-liel, Onions Per buhel, 1, New York Grain nnd Produce. Ne ,,,, ,id, 1!i. -Klour -Vlore aitho and nnnei, When vpot Hun, No. '2 ,,-,, 77, (, ,,. b arlnt Option, opened triiir No. 2 ml, 73i. cletiior; No. Noithuii Duluih, 70t. f. o b Opiinn, opi nn Him iri'l -Hone. It lit Id all ilat t lived III in .it ,i8i. n. I .nl value. .Int i 7lt.: Stpleinbn, 7l',i.j Oitotiei, 74i ; lVieinbei, 7ik l-un pot irnntrer, Nn. i. ,VIi. eletator and 37'2r. (. o. li .tHoal Opiion, aititc and .limis. I'iUo, reaihid hlch poini o the .r.i-n hih) t 1 a2i ml .idt.iuii. lult i lo.ed Vi'm., -pieiultt'r, iiiti . Oiioher. ,VIT,i , lleitmbn, ,Vii . Oil, Spol III UK I. Nil. , :l7i ; Nil. .1, ,'llljr. , No. J while, llllijiiu,- ; Nn. .1 while, .i)i , t .i. Iv lui-jed western. .Mifca.ioi ; tiaik tthite, .l-jii, lipiloin Hr-mu - t,. I liluh.-i, j,c, with i-tirn. and on nop news lliiilet I'lim; ni-anim. 1.Mt'ii2i, (, . tnrv, MalV)i. I htesi lneBular, (am t laiuc, 0i ; lim.t sin ill, u'',t. I'bim Mrunci .uic and IViin.-tlunij, 13.il7i. Philadelphia Groin and Product I'hiladilphia, .lulv 19. Wheat I mn; tontrait crade .lull. 71'm7'2i. r.irn -tirin. li 1,bIhi; ". '2 mlvcd .lull, .ViijaMn' Oil. Knni, It. luiclier. No. J wli it- t lipped, 40.. Ilutlei -I'lim, Rood demand; fiiu.v we.lein treameit, "iii8i. tin. do. inlnU, 'Jit..; do, neul,,i do., jilt ',ag Fit in; nearby, l't.; do. we.tein, 1 1 n . ; do. aouihwcslern. 1'2'ai-.: tin. .ouihirn, I2t. ( lierae.-Mi.idi i New York full iiciiim l.un i "mail, !l'jilli.; do. (jr rn ihojie, (t,iu( Itelinid Micirs- I'mlianKt'd. I oitoii-l-liu. I.m. eier; inlililbnr; uplands, si lli. Tallow -Dull, tlt.i prime in liiul... .V'i.; inimtrv tlo do lui rels, a,al'ai.s takes, .V8t. I.Iip I'iiuIIij rinii, filr dninndi (owl, tbnlie, 12i : do. fill 't unod, llall'jt i old loosleis, O'jt.; luolltn neaibv, li'2lt , westiin tin., ll.ijlt. lliielpra I'lour, l.nmi luirel, m-l !,(i2."'i') pound, In atk: ulieit, Cl.lVkl ni.holt; (illn, 1,NI bushels; oats, lO.nui) liushelt. .-hlpinrnl. Wheat, none; corn, none; oats, ti.onj iii.u.,. Chicago Grain and Produce. riili'turn, duly VI. orn led Ibe marketi In alreniilli and acllilt lodn, t losing with an advance ot lt. for eplemlier on the uiatlicr and crop 10111111101111. Wheat wat helpcij bv c.tblea and export sales, the ilo lielns ,,', liielier for September. September oau tlme-l p, at. up and provisions 3'ic Impuned. ( a.h ipintitlona weie a, follovia: I'lour Meatlii No. .1 aprlnir when. Hi.t a-. ; -No. '2 red, H7jnst ; No. ! torn, .V2'e. ; .No. i fllo, "i2Viiat'.; No oat, .1'iiniii ; t i while, .I7'jf. 1 .No. "1 white, :15j'17'si ; Nn. rye, M'jc; prime tlmnthv eied. i'i me.s pntk, s'i 20;i laid, (8 ST'itJiai. tlioil il,. ; t.n.p)i; ,n. wlted nhouldert, 7'jit ; abort tlear lilet. iVM HO- wlil.key, tfl.V. Chicago Live Stride Market. riitr.eo, duly 10, Cattle ftereipta, ,S. ;i n. tludlnir 1,3-3 Teaanti alionrr to in. hlsher a, a rule, fjood to prime tlceia, tV lo.i.i. pi, .,nr ln medium, f4.'2."ia3.23; atmker, and fecdeia .teadv lo ationc, $2.50ai.3.Vi ton.; helfen. 2.5'l al.liO; tannera, $l.S7a2.:io; bulla, f..V)at.M, caliea, J, T.'urt ; Texaa itcera, $.l,40at.ll, llopn Itecelpta todaj, 1H,1"H; tomoriow, 15.1W0; lelt tner. H,3lot .irons to 3c. hlsher; mixed and bulcheu, ,73ali cood to lieaw, fVMaH,t2t.t roucli heaii. vvia.373; llcht, fv.hfia, avs imfh of sales, M.S0a.VC3. Mieep-Itetelpl., 3,0fi ,rfp leadt ; lamb, aleadi; Rood to ihoke wcthtra, IS.uOaiiO; fair to choice mixed, fJ.S0a3.00; wcat THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Four Llnei . 3 Cents for Etch Extra Line. For Bent. For Reeto About 1200 feet of floor space on 4th floor of the Tribune building, su'table for light maufacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Bnquire at office of The Tribune. KOIl ItKNT II von arc looUne for a bouse In loiely locitlon. Call at 213 Madison avenue, flreen ItldRe. 1011 ItKNT-Klebt rooms, 7.U Jefleraon avenue; alt modern tonvcnlencea. ' P29 nRKI'.N' niDOK smCIT. ten rooma. modern lmproicmcnts; (team heat turnUhed; dcsir desirable. For Sale. Hilt SAM". Light sprint' wr.nn. In rood condi tion. L'nk'ii maiket, 122 Itlicr Miccl, Ol.i pliant. t'OIt sl,i: -.lock and rlvture, ol a well known and well cnbllshed sii'tcrv More. New alotk, soo.l location. Addios lirotcry More, Tilbune Olflce. 1'Otl (lALi: lll'.M' llniac In Rood condition. Inquire .117 First ftrect, tit.v. vtin sit i-'lloii.e nnd lot. I'lo.e In. 1'or busi- ness tr icldctite. Addre-s Owner, taic ol The Tribune. CAtll.oMI OK IIOHM'.s, fimn ten In fourteen hundred, at 222--22I Oakloul court, J. M. Klcld. FOU MLh-A Cottrell t Son, cj Under pre,, .! In! .nr.lllion, nCW lolltrt, .!10. Apply WilkcvBartr Tluio. O-uic. Wllkca llarre, l'a. For Sale or Rent. FI1 MIX OR niAl- sincle bouse, Wl Well; ater aienue Ten loom,, tcam beat , V. Retnolds, lonnell bulbhm.'. Heal Estate. kSMUtut-st4-w..AA ItiMixiMi'. I'lfir jl Fniloritllle. Iieaiititutla .Itiialed, fen minute, fiom elation I'' esse, lovely view of surioun-liiiB tountrv Will tut lo null buvers. Prices veiy low AiMrcM W f llacketl, Ural Utile, Scranton, l'a em sheep, U..Vni, jearlinss, lil.7i, nitite lamb.. .I2iiV. wcsieui lambs, i 7."n"i OIHilil retelpts and elilpineiits for lliui-div I ntle -Iteieip!. H,.(1. aliipmint., '.""" lines, re. eps, jn,.in,V, shlpnirnts, H,i,.l, fheep receipt., 11,779; ahipnirnts, .''. New York Llvo Stock Market. . Nrvt ot .lulv l'l Heevrs-Meers moderately aitlve. sleidt to slioni, bull, firm; tows, I'll I.m. Iiuhei, 'fleeis, 4 -.' ", i V 'K) ; bulls, .l.'20j.W; con., 2 4fial."n, t ilvrs .ullvi- and neidt;, '-.i7.'i. biiileimilks, l 2i: fed ialvc, l VI sheep -Weak under eiadrs, -2. oil. lamlu, -low, trtiienllt HI I" 2Vt oil; sheep. !ilVl; mil., 2.2"i.i2 7."i. Inul". ",ii, .VI; mo-l of Hie eales at 'jj'-. Host Itct.-ipl-, 1,0.7. .Nominally weak. East Liberty Cattle. Last Lllicil,. Julv Vi.-l attle Mcidt ; extri, V 'Van, prime, "i VMV 70; cood. f .2"i I" lln, Mead.i , prime lnitles, l.'ii'i 17'.. lutht oikei ati-i piss, Ciji,,i, n;t tomiuoti to fair vork ii, ii,i'iO-,, ioiisIis, ia" !); -kip., 'I.;.'il.7j, sheei Mead.i . bet wither. . l 2'hl .'10. mils aid tiiinnion, t VU2 .VI; veirllns-, Ial 73, veal taltcs, i.i7..'j0. Oil Market. Oil ill. Julv 17 -rrcdit liilani". 111. lertiil- ale., 122 bl-l foi i ish. -hlpmeni., Ill.2l; avtr.iRc, ),ii,i. linns, ioii.iiu, .urusf BASE BALL. National League. vt Pitinbui- n. it r.. n i o o i n o o n ;, . i Imi-Iiiiii: looinooii i i-2 -2 Httleiies linnov in and I'aircll; I'uolc and Kun mn. I mplic I. iii-lic. Vt'i- it. II. i:. Nen V.OII, 11110 110 11(10 22 'I 0 I III. .11" 0 I II 1 '2 II 1 II '3 12 0 lliltrile MatlhvMin and Muilh; I'ailui and haln c. I mp ic I unninshiui. M M. Ir'Uls It II K. Ro.toii II n 0 it 0 0 li 0 1 1 I n -i Louis 0 I o :i ii .; o o ; n 2 llailtiies- 1'illlri.ei and Ixlttiidse. I'uvvell and llvau. I mpncs-Multci and .NUhuli. Vt I im Iniiiti It . II. I'liiladelphii 0 0 0 0 n 1 n 1 o--2 u 2 llmlniiiii I I 0 0 -2 11 11 -2 tt 12 I tlitlciic While and Jitklllnh; ll.lin ard Mtiscu. I niplic Ihiier. American League. At 1 lutaco ( II. ;, nallliu-'ic 0 1 0 " II 0 11 t 11-7 S j tliitas (I 11 n II I 0 I) 0:1-1 0 J (latteries llnnell and lliciiahau; Uaivci and ullivaii. I mplic I amnion. M rleveLind Ft. II ;. Hn.inn 0 11 n n 0 0 0 0 1 0 I ", llcvclind 1 11 11 11 0 0 11 0 0 1 2 j ; llilleile. oui'S an-l Sihicikuiumt; Mooic and Wood, I mplic I niuioll,. VI Oflinlt j. 11. ;, Wa.iunsti'i 0 0 11 0 I 0 1 1 0-.I 7 ,1 Dclrolt 1 0 .1 -2 I 0 11 11 7 1.1 11 llatieiir. I'airiik md Miller and Hue low, I mplic, lla-kell and Vlana-au. Vt Vlilivaukte . H. ;. I'hilt'lflphia '1 11 11 n n -. 11 n 1-1 " Milttaiikee 0 I 11 0 0 11 0 0 0- 7 j llalteiits I'lank and I'mvcra, llu.tliua and Mali'iii11.. I mplic sheiidin, Eastern League. VVoncslei, rt; lluHalo, , llnlfonl, 'I; s.Mitii.c, 2 tni't cinie). Ilailf'iiil, .1; '.viatii-c, II (scct'iid cainc). Tmonlo, 12; Muntital, '2. Fred the Walter. "Fred, the liiriuaii w.tilei," wa, .eivim; bur to half 11 ilocn iii-loiiuis al ,1 mund tilde, when lie alepped nn the I ill of the ., to tat and uciil.t ilioppid a ll.i.t of foaiulm; .teiiis In his .iiimi', In- iii.uli .1 kltk .11 the animal, and. tiil-liiK her, hurled a e thulti- Oilman awcar winds at In r -m l c klunk hiijj lo her litter id kittens iindir the Int. "1 thou.-lil all lirimaiis 01 ii- tauuht In bo iepftliul to tlieh p.iienis, Fiid," eahl out t.f the customers, fol.'tilm: .iiipil.e. "Ilof, i,n replltd Hit- wallti. "Ihai'a jour tat, l.n'l it,'" mked (lie im toinri, ",lal" tald Kiel. "she'a a mothei, l.n'i theV" Mil" "I'lien, If ,he'a .vuiiia and a mother, he' vnur mother, l'icil, nnd ,vnu ousht in ttcat her beilei. I'm .itluimil to cc jnu kltU nnd avvcar at .vnur mothei," lied looked piuled. lie had no icnly answer for thl old pla.i on wold., mi be went oil .tolld ly lervlni; I'tei. I'nwiuly the Jnni.e tu.loiuer cave Fred a one-dnllai bill to pi.v fm nvc ihlnks at 10 tenia i-ath, and lose to B". Ficd nlu-c qulously liandid lilm hla hat, a new one, iv. Ina-i "Von neneially weir a deiby, .Mr llrotvn, Wh.v aie ,vou wcarlne this Fchia tmlaj 1" "Oh, lt' a pleasant thatiRc," war, the re ply. "Hood ill)!" said lied, honln-. "Theie'a (illy cenla tomlns lu me," Mid the. cuitomcr- "I nave it to jou," .aid lied, "when I handed jou the hat." "Uu did not," eald the uutomei. "It' )our hat, li It iiotl" aiked Fied "And lt' ihante. at jou Just told me. riieielorc the hat'a jour chaise, (Joed day!" .New Vork Tribune. SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. Wanted. WAXTF.ti-An InlclllRent (Catholic) lady or sen lleman to nil a llitht. rl""-1 position: good pa.i, if aullable. AildrcM 1. O. Ho 20, t-cranlon, l'a, Help Wanted Male. U'ANTKIi Wholesale house wints offltc man net at Stranloii, 110 Ir-ivrlluK; permanent position; l.fa1 silar.v; larur extra protlls; 7U0 tah rcqtilicd; eeturcd. Vihlrea,. Manuf tcturer. No. 1H2 Cheiry, I'hiladelphli, l'a. WANIIIII voiiiib mm Willi nilnral talent for dravvlnc, lo train as nevvapaper arllst by mall; write for tree tiruilar levsmi. Stbool ot Cariiatiite, Woibl llulhlliiit. New- ) ink city. Help Wanted Female. WANII'.li-V clil for Keneral housework. Apply at .:0'l Vhillsun nvenue. W VNTKIl lilil lor Keneral hoiisenork In a Mnall famll) I2s C,i) avenue WAN TKIi The addrev, of tulles who are ambi tious in e.un monev by sellimr an article Indlspeiislble to all neatlv "drcaed ladles; a '2i tent Hit Is. It that .ellt Itself, 011r friend, will thank .von for offerlna II lo them, and help ell to others I all on or addrev,, with two tent stamp, Vlrt, Wood, 3! W'ashlnslon avenue, Scranton, l'a Agents Wanted. WAN I KII Reliable anenls tn take subscriptions for popular tnairalnc. In mnnoctlon with new census Atlas. Km eptlnml opportunil). Wille lodi.i, .luhii Wananiikcr llept. l''2A , .New ork. W AM Kit-Ten evpi-rlenud tanva-sinc apenla, with pood rcteieiiies, wille today, John Wanamikei, Dcpt 102 V, .New ork. RKANGII WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Be Becelved at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City AIDER r sCHM'TZ. corner Mulberry ftieet and Webster avenue. GUS1AV l'lCIILL, 0 Adams avenue. West Side CEORCE W. JENKINS, lot South Main avonue. South Scranton FRED L. TERPPE, 723 Cedar avenue. North Scranton GEO. tt". DAVIS, corner North Mala avenue and Market ttrect. Green Ridge CHARLES P. JONES. 15J7 Dickson avenue. r. J JOHNS, 0:0 firern Rldje utreet. C. LOItENZ, corner Washington ave nue and Marlon ttrect. Petersburg W. H. KNf.PFEL. 1017 Irvine avenue. Dunmore J, tt. ROM". Is EON. Boavders Wanted. WAN! EH Table bcardcra. Mrs. Tompkins, 531 U.ulilnslon avenue. Money to Loan. fjio.ooil 1X1 LOAN Lowest rates', straight or monthly pa.vinenl.s. Mark & Co-.Traders" bldg. ANVAMOl).NT OF .MONEV TO LOAN-Qulck, atialylt leans or Jlulldinff and Loan. At from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, S1I-JIV (Vnnell bulldlmr. Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT One large furnlslied Iront room; also one fide loom. S37 Adams avenue. Business Opportunity. W AN I KII turns nun with twenty-five dollars (25II0 lo tun the aucney for this titv. t'ltt.lon .md I arlioiidale, for a household article of mill' oii tan po.tiiely make from Vi t" -I" dil'i II vou aip a hustler. Addrc, or piiiuiiliis at once, (.. VV. II , thia otticc. Situations Wanted. Sill 1lON' WAMI.D s cook or chef in hotel or club. Addre-s, rook. 115 Penn avenue. sift VI ION WAVlhP Bv .votmir man a, book- kceptii or Hitler work nf any kind, cvpeil ented, be.t iffeiiiiic. I' h. P., Tribune Offltc. slllAriO.N" W AMhli-Hj a lady to take in ua.liliif;. M II-. Iribune Office. lll IION W WIED Circular sample dislribu tor or miniitimr the work, or collector (or 4 Rood hrm vddirss It , et tall on Dr. Thompson, OH Ki.t Maiket iticcl. sill VIION W'VNIKD-Io co out by the day washing or ileauinR. Call on or address Mrs. ltusfell, 121 1 Cedar avenue. Sill MION tt ANrKll-lteeittered phaiTnatlst ol tli.l tl.i.t pratlital rvpeiiencc; ungle. Ad iliew Quinine. Iilbune Ottlte. sill VIION WAVIKD-R) a .vounft man as as .ieiaiit tliaiichtsman or tracer. Address Box M, lliioop, l'a. r-IHATION W AN'll.ll Evperlenccd epert ac 1 militant would like to mike a few enzage infill. 10 open, 1 In", audit, po.i and balance books, Vddiesa I, i-rt, Tribune Oihct sill A I ION tt VMLII Cnuhtiuii want, a t-itua-1I011 ulth a piiiale fjiinl.i : undcitands the l.ii.iiie.s ilioroiiKlili ; ohcr and tellable and a t iiclul dilwr, wlih cnod tit) icfcienica. Ad diejs I'liaihiiiin. 3-11 IV1111 avenue. sill .VIION WANIhli Aa cletk in croccry, Ihno txperlentc Hid lefercntta. AddusJ, II. V. II., 2 I idir avenue. sill VI ION WAM'ED By .1 man (trading or lavlim idialk. 01 fcncinn, or cutllns lawns' tu an) kind of work. 1110 Llojd street, sit ond tloor. sl'll ATIOS ttNI'Kll B) an expert laundress on ladle.' or Krnilenien's fine clothes. Lat'', toppiiu -11 boti'N tan Inif llielr laundry d.tfj i;i hoit not I.e. Addles 1110 Lloyd street, ttc mill i1.hh. sll'l Alios WVN'IEII To co out washlnz and Iroiilnc. VV a-lilnic and iionlne taken borne iil-n. (all or addiis. .'-.It Noith Sumner avenue. MTI'ATION WNII'.ll-V vitunan wants waih Ins to lake htane. Addltes Mia. A. It. Evanl, ;!!) Evans couit. Sin VIION WA.N'IED II) a lopeclable clrl to tin toiikipc: tan bet references. Plea.c tall at j.11 Ittbett-a avinur, ll)dc Park, sll'l A'I'ION' WAMED lly a Rood clrl to do Ren i-ial hou.ewoik; can uive beit references, Plea.e tall al Ml llebecia avenue, lljdu Park. sill A I ION WANTED Hy strong, active, joung man, wllllwt to do any lioneat work; one. vcar'a fvperlfiitc In ahlpplngi uood ttfeiemca. Atlduw, II. L-i ii ( Tribune Ottiie, ir MH'AIIOV WANTED By A jounif man, as a tlr.t-cla.s atenofraphcr. Address 'teno,'' care 1'ribune. SITUATION WAN'lED-By a jounj man', well recommended; willing to work at anything; cheap, with board. Addiess K. M,, ill Meridian stieet. SITUATION WANTEDBy t mlddlc-aced woman as houiekeeper in widower's family; tan give relerence. Call on or address M, IL, 115 South llcbecca avenue, Scranton, Pa. bITl'ATION tt'ANTED-lilrl wants situation at general houaevvoik. (,ood steady girl. Ad dress M, Rochlord, General Delivery, ttest Sid Postolflce. 9 . DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 pents More Than Four Line, A Centt for Each Extra Line. PROFESSIONAL. .WtMs-ISr Certified Publlo Accountant. EnWAltD O. Sl'AULDINO, 23 TRADERS BANK BuildinR. Architects EDW'AItn IL DAVIS. ARCHITECT, CONNELL building-. FREDERICK L. DROWN", ARCIt. B., REAU Latate Echanfe nidg., 126 Wajhlngton tK Civil nnd Mining Engineer. t H. U HARDIKO, 604 COKNELri BUILDIN0. Dentists. DR. a B. EILENREROER, PAUL! BUILD1NO. Bprnce atreet, ticranlon. DR. a ajAUOACH. 115 WYOM1NQ AVENUE, Lawyers. KnANK ,.E" noYLE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. '""" . t, 10 sna co uurr ouilaing. F. K. TRACY.ATT'V.COMMONWEALTn BLDQ, D'.in "-I'l-OOLE. ATTORNEY-LOANS NEQO. Hated on real estate security. Hears buildlnc. ut"" "stningcon avenuti ana sprues street. WILLARD, WARREN 4: KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and counsellors atdaw. Republican building. Washington aienue. JL'S-SUP k JE&UP, ATTORNEYS AND 001JN-' sellers at-Iavr. Commonwealth bulldlwc. Reotni 10. 20 and 21. KnJ'vRD W. THAYER. ATTORNEY. nOOMI "Moot, Pth floor, Meara building. L. A. WATRE1. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BOARD "I Trade building, Scranton, Pi, PATTERSON k WILCOX, TRADERS" NATIONAL Rank building. C. COMEOY9, B13 REPUBLICAN BUILDINO A. W BFRDIOLP. OFFICE MOVED TO NO. 211 Wyoming avenue. Physicians and Sugeons. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 413 NORTH, WASHINGTON avenue. DR. 8. W L'AMOREAUX, OFFICE 333 WASH. ington avenue. Residence, 1311 Mulberry. Chronic disease, lungs, heart, kidneys and genitourinary organs a. specialty. Hours, t (o 4 p. m. 1 Hotels and Kesturants. THE FI.K TAFE, 123 AND 127 FRANKL1U avenue. Rates reasonable. . .- P. ZE10LEH. Proprietor. . SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D.. L. t W. PAS. eenger depot. Conducted on the Europesa plsn. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B. BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS ANQ cess pool,; no odor; only Improved pumps userl. A. B. Brlggs, proprietor. Iave orders ll'H North Main avenue, or Klcke'a drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones. - a Seeds. G. R. CLARKE & CO . SEEDSMEN AND NURS. eryinen, store 201 Wathlnglon avenue; gretra houses, I960 North Main avenue ; store tela phone, 7S2. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR -11 LACKA. AVE Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wira Screens Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN TO ORDER; also ladles' waists. Louis Shoemaker, ;u Adams avenue. MEOARGEE BROS., PRINTERS" SUPPLIES, EN-TgT velopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. THE WILKES-BARRE RECORD CAN BE HAD in Scranton at the new, atand, of Rrismvn Bros., 405 Spruce and S03 Linden; M. Notion, 22 Lackawanna avenue; I. 8. SchuUer, 2U Rpruca street. 3 Lost. LOST A grav storm cape at comer Linden street ana .vums aienue; leu on one ot ths benches. luulcr will please return to 743 Kresalcr court. LOsT Gold rimmed glavse. In case. Lost Thurs iIav afternoon in central city. Please return to Tribune or Times olfiies and recelvtt reward. I Reward. ' VERY LIBER t REWARD will be paid, without. question, tn finder ot gent's gold watch, chain and rhaiin, lo-t Thursday evening betwerrs Tenn and Washington avenues. Addreas. Ki Green Ridge street. Personal. OUR NEW BOOK sent free, fully illustrated, treat, of all conditions of men, tells how tn attain "Perfect Manhood." Should be in th hands ot everv male adult. Address Erie Medical Co., "Book Drpl ," Buftalo, N. Y. JiCfAL OLDEST! SAFEST! BEST! WALL STREET Money Will Darn Dig "-loathly Returns, The Invevtor's Fund Pays Semi-monthly, The oldest established in America No certlficnti, holder has ever lost a cent. Pa)mtnts mads tn' all subscribers every 13 days. No trouble. No delay. Money refunded on demand Write to. day (or particulars, free to any address. C, E. Mackey A Co., Hudson Bld'g,, New Yoik. OFFICE OP Pacific Anthracite Goal Co. Capital, $6,0C0,000. P. 0. Box 1009. " "" -, Scatlle, TTasn., July 0, f-OI, ' We have for sale a block et altxk in a new find that we pronounce ths richest prospect in free gold rjuarta on earth; 187 lbs. ol this miarta selected sctuelly sold for fr-WO. iiie ,nscov. erer has still richer chunks. Mrite for pirtlcu lars. We alio offer development stock In iVili Coal eompanv, tho first anthracite discovered 011 this coast J. M. DEN SKIT, President. Pacific Anthracite Coal Co. ' IZ Bond Offerings. paying j-j to 5-jtfo Chcs. Ac Ohio, It. & A. DIv. 1st, Con. 4s. Kvans. & Tcrre Hnutc 1st Con. 6s. Iowa Con. Uy. Co. Ut 5s. Louis., N. A. &. Chic, Chic, & ind, Dlv. 1st 6s. Mexican Central Hy. Con, 4s. Missouri Pacific Trust ba. Mob. & Ohio, Montgomery Dlv. 1st Es. Oregon Short Line 1st Con. 5s, Iilo Grando Western 1st 4s. St. Louis UrltiRo Term. Ry. 1st 5s. St. L., Iron Mt. & Ko. Kefd, 4s. MIL i:iec.-y. & Lt. Co. 6 Vtd. Stocc. Complete Circular List on Application.'' Spencer Trask & Co 87-20 Pino Street, State Street. Albany, N. Y. NEW YORK )V. - -. JL Wl6i- -- . V - - A t '.- -,-li.V- . . - ry. , ".-