"9" THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATl'JKDAY, .JULY 20, 1901 ;xxxxxxxxxxx; the uonrtw tunnwAnn rtob2. A WISE PERSON Does not think of ft llttlo extra cost if tho article Is good. The tlrst cost of Stransky Steel Einmelcd Waro 13 a trifle moio thnn tho so-called cheap enamel ed wnic, but Stinnsky wnie has four coats of best enamel docs not chip off no seim to iust Is pme white Inside and every piece warranted five years. Sold by Foote & Shear Co. 119 N. Washington Ave :xxxxxxxxxxx2 KMBrRWSJWPaKBji Little Boys' Dresses Made of Colored rreneh Per nio, trimmed with white br.ild and feather stitched. A few of white pique. One or two of n style In those pietty Boy's Milan Straw Hats. All nt jour own price. Th? Baby Bazaar, 510 Spruco Street. Kmwmmi&mmvi&mifisiii Tflphnn rr nill tn ptal tn rill t jmtr hrinc and iurti fti'-e n hmriertng nv rjmtitv (t kind cf la er eaih em tains. Eesultj Ruar. anteed LACKAWANNA AUNDRY THE POOR TAX LEVY. .Board Has Fixed It at Three and One Half Mills - Applictitions for Relief. For this fii nl ve,n thn tinnr lav lev will li? thiee .inri one-half null" Thi Is the ame t it was last ye. The late wa fidopteil liv the poor board esterdav upon the iriommen rUtlnn nt the finance committee. Tohn L lien Iik, who "-eiveci In the nrtilletv nun nt the rnlted States flimy for many cmi t- was before the Niaid Ills lower llmlis hae been affecte, i in punhtlt- stioNes and It. is noiOMaiy to wheel him mound In n fliau Ho li.is boon in the Liioka wanna hospital ami wants to set to I C5 Htirhoi, N" J, whote he has an mint who he kiih will i.ne tor him The lio.ii tl dei Ided to ftn iiih him with tinjn-poi tatlon to Kcc Ilatboi r?n leroiiimcudatioii of the home roniiintto How ley lliothcts whm awaided the lontiait for putting a new roppri toof on the i Impel at the HlUldc Hnini. Tlicli bid was $1.31 Jaine Konnoil.v an old man 70 yens of sr was admitted to the Hillside Horn s.eei,t amplications nr i e- 1 -f vr o ipfcued to tin1 dlieclma of th' c1I'ikU. TH!S ANDTHAT. nn i I! lint I'n k returned ictinlu (mm Hi iki 1 it mc-I he mulr t tie trip lo Hie I) jin nl .i i'e tn Ini li'i nmnltilf , imrrhiij tho n 'an i 'JH mites in about tucntj hours ac ini Mini rho mil Inn" wnrVotl perfeitlj mil tiMhms irrpil to imr I In plemire of the oui. n M Mr Peck will sn link to pel marc on Mon. ni ami ilio limt Mirk in uEUt rvi'ects to lo turn hninc in Ills loioninlule C 1 Ili.IInu ij K (mnpim, nf luilliimir, n " gin, into a inml.iii.il Inn lint lui kciinnl mntiol o( all tli me tlslitltitr apparatus in nnuac tiiii- in i if louniu. I In mm i in Ij i illcil ilm Interim nml I'iio 1 nsilie u-ipmi, wlih lirjil. wia ir u Sim mk 1 tic iii cnmbiintlnii H ripitalurl at I (mil imi ilulilnl lino sl.diW nm et 7 pr rrnt itiiniiljiiic pritcnoj utoik ami 1,000 IKK) .( riiininnii loil I'rml W Wlinlnn Im lurplrl (ho ipp .mt rrrni it pulse of tlir l.ucinn count iourt, ten c'rrrcl hm la (, ucinni siono Hie Hrpulilu.in rxciutiu i iniiiiittip will mill tmlit .mil nmio 1 im t'i llipulilli in cimlliliic (ir jmlw vt Iuzcmc this lull. Piano for Sale. A fine upilnht Kiand piano, of an old and icllable inaUe. UiiNhoil In the finest mahogany wood, and In peifect condition. Jut tecehed and Is now on fale The ras-o Is beautiful; tho tone is delightful, and the piano is absolutely peifect. Just a good as new and has been used only a few week? The piano must be sold. It is r taie barcaln for the one who l foi tunate enouzh to set It. It will bo rold for i ash only A rate chance; come Quick, and the pilze will bo outs On sale at OueniHey Hall. nil-slR "Washington .ncnue. Scrantou, Ta. Swnday Excuisions to Maueh Chunk and Glen Onoko. On Sunday July Jl, the Contial Rail rerl of New .lett-ev win f.olt tlrkcts from Scranton to Mauch ('hunk and Glen Onoko at faie $150 for adult?, and 75 cent for rhlldien for the umnd trip Rood to ro only on bpedal tialn leaMnc Setanton at 7 ?.a a. m. and return on hpeelil train leavlns Maueh Chunk at .'. 10 p. m., and Glen Onoko t 5.45 p m., Suited. Shoes suited lo our taste In Mylc. suited to the demands of wcat, and pulted to tho season are to be found here new Is. rtuddy. Da vies &. Mur phy, 330 Lackawanna aonue. Under Ft ice Shoe Sale. Men's J4.00 Shoes i educed to fiW. Pch.mk & Spencer. COFo sered free at Ilclser & Wutnke's this week, i:eiybody try It. flpproued Methods in all the details of this busi 1 ness we seen out ana toiiow u the safest and most approved methods. H The People's Bank FUNERAL OF MRS. GOLDEN. Remains Were Laid to Rest In Hanover Cemetery, At rairons jesterdny occuncd the funeral of Mik, Miiteatet Golden, who died Wednesday nt the homo of net daughter, Mix. T. .1 Jot dun, bf Gteen KUIrc. The funct.l was irom the resi dence of unnthcr daushtet. Mis, Pat rlck Cox. At 10 ii'ilnck a leciulcm hlRh mass was Lolcbiated In St. Domlnlck's chut eh by ltcv. T. V. Klernan, pastoi, assisted by ltcv. J. K, Jot dan, of llend liitiii. as deacon ltcv. I). J. McCarthy, of Ashley, as suh-dcacon. and llov. M. H Donliin, of Duunioie, as master of ceicmonlcs. Theie wcto present In the sanctuary I5e It. A. McAndtew, of Wllkos-Hnne. llev. John O'Mallcy, of KlnRston. Hev M. V Cmne. of Avoca; l!e. Stephen O Hoylc, of Pi evidence. The setinon was pienched b Father Klei ti.iii, who took for his text the woids: "1 hne fotifiht the Rood light; I hnc finished my muiiac. 1 have kept the faith " lie delivered a simple, tniiclilnR eulocv of the deceased, tefet rlni; to her Ions, helpful, Chtlstlan life. All of the pall-bearets weio gtand sons of the deceased. They wcto I)i. James ,1 Walsh, New Yotk; Dt. Joseph Walsh, Philadelphia; Mattlti Walsh, Patilck Cox. John Cox, William J Walsh Maitln J Golden and Martin P Golden, of Patsons Intetment was made in Hanover cometety. MUST REsToN-SUNDAY Recorder Connell Has Issued an Or der with Refereneo to Merry-Go-Rounds find Razzle-Dazzlc. Recorder W. L. Connell issued an or der .csteiday dliectlnp- that the noisy "nioiiy-sn-iounds" and "razzle daz zles" outside and Inside of Nay Aiib patk be hereafet closed down on Sunday. This cudcr was Is sued after a hearing In the case of J. t. Ciosby, who conducts an amuse ment station at the Mulberiy street en trance to the patk. Ciosby was attested Thutsdny by dlieetlon of HulldliiKlnspectorJackson foi erecting n building1 near the site of his ' lazzle dazzle" and "motry-go-lound" without obtaining a permit. Theie had been many complaints about eisons who elect buildings without taking out it petmlt, and Aldeiman Howe, before whom Crosby was ar lalgned, lined him $"0 When Recotdei Connell heatcl of this yesteiday, he enteicd a protest, belles -lug the line was excessive. "I don t think it a Justice," he said, and he lecommended that Director of Public salet Woimsei take steps to hae the tine placed at a mine leasonable tlguie. Many complaints had been lodged .h the iccoidci and Director Wonn- e.' conceinliiR the nuisance Ciosby's amusement enteipilse is to the people who live In that vicinity, and tho le coidei dliectcd him to appear estei day afternoon at 1 o clock. The mat tei of the building permit was tlist taken up and the iccoider explained to Ciosby that ho had made a mistake In not getting thencccssary petmlt. He advised him to do so at once and that action would bo taken to have the fine coiisldeiably i educed, Ciosby ptomlscd to get the necessaiy pcimlt at once. The iccoider then icad a number of Ietteis for the benefit of Ciosby. They wcie fiom people of tho vicinity of his entetpilse and complained that Cros- b's amusement machines and games ot chain e aie un intoleiablc nuisance and btlng to that nelghboihood a nuiubei of bulslcilous characters, who at night sliout and use Indecent lan guage Ciosby denied that he conducts games of chance. "U'e claim they aie games of skill," he said. As to the complaints about tho inusiu gtound out at his "meriy-go-iound," Ciosby was visibly huu. "We claim our music; Is light up to dale," he said, and Into these woids ho compiessed all the sonow he lelt for the benighted Individuals who could not appicciatc "My Hannah l.adj," when dellvcied hot fiom the palpitating best of an automatic oi gan with lusty lungs. "One of the host nun 'In Philadelphia set that music up foi us, mid we claim it is Hist class lit cveiy icspect." He then explained the mechanism of the affali, how cettalnj stops, when biought Into play, gave a pic colo ami Jlu to effect to the music. Peo ple conic theie in their cunlage.s, he said, and clamor for him to use the piccolo and Uuie stops when the oi gau Is In action. Ho Intimated that it was not nice for people ot the neighborhood who do not have to em ploy cm luges to get the bencllt of his oigan lecltals, with the wondeiful piccolo and (lute elfects, to complain about the veiy thing that people who come in can luges want. And Crosby shook his liPiin legictfully, as much as to say "iheie aie people and peo ple." Ho Invited the iccoider up to at tend one of his iccitals, but the ic coider was unmoved by all this. He told Ciosby that his games of chance must cease at omo and for good; that his "111011 y-go-iound" and "iaz ale dazzle" must take a test on Sun dav. "if tho music constitutes a nub am o In the nelghboihood. we will huvo lo take the neccssaiy steps to have It founally declared a nuisance," raid the recoidci. "The lights of the people of that pai t of tho community must be icspetted " Aftei the Crosby beating, the recor der Issued a general oider appljlng his tilling In that case to all the amuse ment euteipiites In and nround the patk The "meiry-go-iounds" will take a lest Sunday and tho big oi gans will be silent. If You Have Headaches don't expeilmenl with alleged cures. Buy Kiause's Headache Capsules, which will cine any headache In half an hour, no matter what causes it. Pi Ice 23c. bold by all druggists. Ladle-.' Oxfoid Ties, from SOe. up. Lewis, Ruddy. Davles & Murphy, SCO Lackawanna menue. Steam Heating and Plumbing. P. F. & M. T. Howley,231 Wyoming ave. Try tho new 5c cigar "Kleon." Childien's Oxfoid Ties, 50c. nnd 73c. at Mahon's Shoe Store, 82S Lackawanna avenue, Picnics and Largo Gatherings Promptly furnished with best Ice Cream. Hanley, M Spruce street. Cool Shoes. at Mahon's Shoe Store, 328 Lackawun na avenue, ' i Smoke the Pocono 5c clear. ARE MAKING NO HEADWAY FIREMEN CLOSED DOWN NO MORE MINES YESTERDAY. The Companies Succeeded on tho Other Hand in Resuming Work at at Five Collieries Which Had Been Closed by the Strike. The Pumps at tho Glonwood Mine Are Onco More Working and tho Threatened Flooding of tho Jormyn Mino Has Been Avertod, Superintendent J. It. Itryden. ot the coal depaitment of tlfe Untatlo and Western company, reported that tho Rlchmondalc colliery at Rlchmondale, which was closed down on Thutsday, was ie-opened yesteiday moiiilng, the places of the sttlkei.s being taken by mcmbeis of tho mine workers' oignnl zatlou. Superintendent ltoe, of the coal de partment of tho Delawaic and Hudson company, would not see newspaper men at all yestenlny. He sent out word that he had nothing whatever to say for publication. Vice Piesldent F. M. Olyphant, of the Delawaie nnd Hudson company, arrived In this city early yesteiday morning and registered at the Jeiinyn. lie was aiottnd town In the morning iyid left the hotel at noon, saying he was leaving the city. Just what his mission in the cltv was could not be learned. The company did not surceed In opeiatlng any ad ditional i nineties cterdn. It was staled at the offices of the Pennslvanla Coal and Temple Coal and Iron companies that no additional mines weio either shut down or opened csteiday and that the situation as concerned these companies lemalncd precisely the same as on Thuisday. HNOINHHRS MHT The members of Local Vnlon No 30 of the Intel national Steam Hoisting Hnglneers' association held a meeting Inst night In Leonard's hall, North Scrantou. but nothing would be given out for publication exrept that no defi nite action legal ding the firemen's strike had been taken nor would be taken until the lesult of the confer ences at ci7leton had been announced. The secietaiv of the union (idmltted that the question of wajs and means for assisting the firemen in their stilke had been dNcussod but nothing fur ther. , President Mullahv, of tho riicinen's association, announced on Thuisday night that President Nlcholls, of tnc I'nlted Mine Woikeis, First dlsttlet. had decided to notify all mine woikcrs who have taken the sti Iking firemen's places to quit wink Piesldent Nlch olls Issued no such oider yesterday be. foie ho went to Harleton, nor did he leave any Instiuctlons to this effect with Secretaiy Dcmpsey. Therefoie the mine vvoikeis who have been Hi lug at some of the collieries continued work yesteiday unchecked. The sti iking flicmen did not succeed in closing clown a single additional mine in this valley jestoiday, while on the other hand, the companies succeed ed In lesimilng opeintlons at no less than live mines dosed down on Wed nesday as the lesult of the stilke. AT MAYF1CLD. The Glcnwood, Hrle and Keystone mines of tho Hillside Coal and Iron company, located at Mai. Held, were opened up yesteiday morning, as pre dicted by Superintendent Inglls on Thuisday. Only two of the strlkeis, howevei, showed up to do any filing. Other emplojes of the company and a few new men made up a sufficient quota to do all the filing lequlied. Tho th ing at the Greenwood Is being done by mlncts, who olunleoied their set vlecs to pi event the Jeimyti mine fiom becoming flooded, Supetlntendent Inglls said that the mlnei.s and other employes at thefo mines made no objection whatever to returning to woik with the men who took thestilkeis" plates, hut seemed to be only too glad to get back at work again. He stated that the strike had undone all tho work which has been done in the last thiee weeks towards the pump ing out of the Glenwood mine, which has been rapidly lining with watci since the recent big Hood up tho valley. If the pump had been left Idle for twelve houiR longer, he said, the Jei mn mine of the Delaware and HuiIhou company would have been so Hooded as to necessitate a closing down for at least six months The wntei, when it reaches a ceitaln height In the Glenwood mine, tlows Into the Jermyn wot kings. Supetln tendent Ingllsh said that seveial new pumps aie being Installed at the Glen wood, and thousht that It would bo icady for woik again in les,s than two w ceks, COLL1HRY RLSl'MHD. It was given out from the ofllce of Supcilntendent Loomls, of the coal de partment of the Delawaie, Lackawan na and Western compan, csteiday that the Pettebone mine of that com pany, located at Kingston, icsiimed op. stations esteiday morning, about half of the sti Iking firemen returning to woik, the i est of the places bclns Jllled by mine woikois. Chief Clerk Tohey also announced that the sti iking flicmen at the Avon dale mine waited upon the supei intend, ent yesteiday afternoon and asked If they could have their places hack. They weio Infoimcd that ihey could have, and will, accoidlng to Mr. Tobej, all teturn to woik this morning. Transfer of Real Estate. The interest of undivided pioperty of John P. and P. A. Nealon, which Is located on South Main stieet, Car hondale, was purchased by P. A. Nea lon, 741 Monroe avenue, this city, and not by Mrs. M. A. Watz, of Piovldence, as pievlousty stated. m Ladles' Oxford Ties, fiom 50c. up. Lewis, Ruddy. Davles & Muiphy, 330 Lackawanna nvenue. Under Price Shoe Sale. Men's Russet shoes, worth $4.00, for Jl OS. Schank & Spencer. A Whole Year's Instruction to beginners In Planofoite for $30, under com petont in structors, at th Conservatory, Other courses, Ppeclal Induce ments to regis. ter now. 160 students enrolled last year, J, Alfred Pennington, Director, ST. LUKE'S SUMMER HOME. Donations That Aro Acknowledged by tho Troasurer. Matters are piogresslng vcty smooth ly at St. Luke's Summer Home, un der the wise and loving care of Mrs. Weedcn, IlgUty happy women and children have thus far enjojed Its benefits and numoiotis others who ate sadlv In need of the test, ate In wait ing to oiijov It. It Is a pleasant pi Iv liege lo tender thanks for favors, and the. treasttier does so, tn tho following fi lends for cash donations, dutlng this week: Mr (. It lUle (ifcoml rlonillon) $ 6 00 Maiy Vtohy IMmmlik, per ltd. Dr. Israel 1 ft) O'li 1 00 John I'olllo. per Mr. V. I, lltonn 'J 00 Mr. T. K. Penman, prr Mr. 1'. I,, mown . 5 no Total for the wrfk $ tt ) Amount heretofore jiknonlolgcil 401 00 Telal (o ilale , $jnj 00 Wto to Mr. M M. lluHHy. tor flour: Mr K. I. Vlh. Kiimlrler.! Mr (I II (th, el Philadelphia, for ear load of Mnd, and the l'rnn)banla IUIb road eompinj and Delaware, l.aekananna ami Western llallroail company (or tramporllnr; Minn without charge. spoiUnc In 'and lirlnss happl nm and health tn ihlldren, whether It Is at the eaiile or in the mountain', and this car load was glen lo; their lienellt. DR. BLANCHARD DEAD. First Assistant Surgeon of tho Thir teenth Rogiment Passed Away Last Night. While the Tlili tcontli icglinent was marching thiough tho city sttcets last night on Its way to camp, Dr. Geoigc A Rlalichaicl, the titst nsslbtant mu gcon of the command, was dying at his home, (!15 Qtilncy avenue. He died about 11 o'clock. Dr. Platichatd had been 111 for about thieo wcekH with tphold fevcu, and It was thought up to Thursday night that he would iccovcr. His condition took a change for the wotse at thut time and despite all that medical ns slstatJce could do, he passed away last night. Dr. Rlanchaid was bout thltty-llvc yeais ago 111 Hudson, New Hamp shire, his father being a Congrega tional cleigyman. The doctor ic cclvcd his e.uly education at Heter academy and latei graduated from Williams college. Fiom the latter In stitution he went to the Unlveislty of PennsIvania, where ho took his degice 111 medicine. Attar his t graduation, he became. junior suigeon at tho Lackawanna hospital and lata saved a tcim as house siiipion. He made many fi lends In this city and decided lo locate hete peimancntly after he left the hospital. After he had been In active piactke for about a ear ho was appointed assistant suigeon ot the Thirteenth icglinent, with tho tank of Hist lieutenant, by Colonel H. A. Com. sen. He enlisted In the volunteer seivlce for the Spanlsh-Ameilcau war with the other membcis of the Thlttcenth and served as Hist asy.stant sur geon until the icgiment was mustered out. He was later appointed to the same position in tho icoiganizcd Thirteenth leginient by Colonel L. A. Waties and held It at tho time of his death. Or. nianchaid Is survived by a btide of a year, he having mauled Miss Caroline Stunt t Dickson, daugh ter of A. W. Dickson, in June, 1000. He is also survived by his mother and several biothas and slstcts, all ic slding In New Hnglaud. Tho dead phjsiciau was a geneial practitioner of moip than oidlnuiy ability nnd had lccently built up an excellent piactlcc. lie leaves a wide circle of f i lends, both In iiillit.tt j and social circles, who will long temcmbei him. The f uncial anangcments have not ct been made. WHEELMEN ENTERTAINED West Side Club tho Guest of the Green Ridge Men, About foit ot the memba.s of the nice tile Cltj Wheelmen, of West Setanton, weio euteitulnod last night hv the Giccn Ridge W heelmcn at the lattei's handsome cl il house on Wyo ming avenue. An Impiomptu protiamme of much met It was given, and a dainty lunch v as latei saved LOOKING FOR MRS. KOZAR. She Is Lost in the Mountain Near Jessup. Mis, Johanna Koar, of Jessup, went out In the mountains to pick boirlcs, Wednesday, and -lnce that has not been seen. For the hist two das parties of her friends have been scouring' tho moun tain for her, but up to date have not succeeded In finding hei. EXCURSION TO HARVEY'S LAKE, Filday, July 20, The seiond annual excursion of the Odd Fellnws ot the Seiond district ot Lackawanna county, will be inn to Hnivey's lake, the most delightful spnt In this part of the state, on Filday, July 20 Ttaln leaves D. & H depot, Scranton, at 7.!!0, Mlnrmka, 7.40; Moo sle, 7.50 a in. Tickets. Adults, 75 cents; children, 50 cents. Oxfords at reduced pi Ices at Ma hon's Shoe Stoic, 2.'3 Lackawanna avenue. RELIABLE We make it our business to supply PURE FOOD PRO DUCTS, of the best kind, food that you can DEPEND ON. You will And our stock the most vnrled and complete in the city. Our canned meats lepiesent only the BEST of THEIR KIND, and aie more RELIABLE and Wholesome tKan a great deal of fresh Meat on the market during tho HOT DAYS. E. G. Coursen Wholesale and Retail. SOME CHANGES IN POSITION MISS GRIFFIN IS THIRD AND MISS FEDRIOK EIGHTH. Threo of tho Five Ladies In Tho Tribune's Educational Contest Bettbrod Thoir Standing Yester dayAugust Brunner Goes Into Table No. 2-A New Contestant Enrolled. f-t-4Ht i iaw j j Standing of Contestants, t TABLE NO. 1.. If this wit the last da)-, thtie would win: rolnta. 1. Meyer Lewis, Scran- ton &53 2. Henry Schwenker, South Scianton. . . 301 3. Miss Wilhelmina Griffln, Trovirtence. 200 ' 4. William Miles, Hyde Park 280 6. Garfield Anderson, Carbondale . . . i . . 106 6. Ray Buckingham, Elmhurst 121 7. Miss Norms, Mere dith, Hyde Park.. 103 8. Miss Vido Pcdrick, Clark's Summit . . 80 TABLE NO. 2. X How many of thfie will he In Table No. T 1 on the closing day! Tolntt. X 0. August Brunner, Jr., Carbondale 88 10. Frank Kemmerer, Factoryville 03 i X 11. David O. Emery, Wimmers, Pa. ... 45 I 12. Arthur C. Griffis, Montrose 38 X I 13. W. H. Harris, Hyde raric ica 4, 14. Miss Minnie Wallis, Carbondale 20 X 15. E. J. Sheiidan, Haw- ley o ;; T 1G. Misa Jennie Ward, ;; Olyphant 6 . . X 17. Robert Campbell, ; Qreen Hid go 3 , , t'K'H-'f-i")"!''t" Miss CiifTIn holds third place this morning by a clear title, she having ten moio points to hei ciedlt than Mi. Miles, with whom she has had an intetestlng controversy for the ownei shlp of this position for the past week Miss Vdla Pedilck. of Clatks Sum mit, is in Table No. 1 this moinlng, having biought In enough to put her ahead of August Riunnei, of Carbon dale, who had to go down Into Table No. L. Miss Wallis, ot 'aibondale. made an advance In points also, as did Fiank Kemmeiei, of Factoijvllle. Haity I'leeman, of ncllevue.wlthdiew fiom the contest josteiday, while Miss Hlcanor Hannlgan, of K0S Mcil dlan stieet, entetcd her name as a contestant. Theie Is plenty of room even yet for f.H"M....fr7 Get Your Straw Hat -Now 1 This is the best opportunity to buy you will have this sea- son. Don't wait. Knox S3 and S4 hats, both rough and split braids, 1 educed to $2.00. All 91.50 and S2 Straw Hats, X any shape or style, S1-0O. TH& r v 803 WahlUo Ait. ,,...4"f"lr4"i"fa'"!'l"S'4'i"f'"i"!i4H(f Automatic Paper Fastener, Automatic Neat flttracfiue I L i Mjtaia . a I a Im twAKAsi In a t a I attAil I HIS new iiuuiiiic 13 iiiiiuvcu iii cvciy uciuiu ,- The price, including 500 fasteners, is Jj) 1 ,0 S2E OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. DPVNini PfcQ av- iv-l Oils, Paints MaIon?y Oil & Mantifacttiring Company, 141-149 Meridian Street. TELEPHONE 26-2. To Ely CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. nmMtlAtla vnnncr tipnntn in filler the ranks of the contestants. A contestant beginning today with eight cany subset lUlnns, counting t'b points, would go right Into Tabic No. 1. Re member, no entries will be lccelved after the Kith of August, for tensons set forth In the advcitlsemcnt on the fourth page of this morning's Tilbtino. A postal addressed "Editor laluca tlonal Contest," Setanton Ttlbune, Scianton, Pa, will bo responded to with a handsomely lllustiatcd descrip tion ot the contest, or a sot ot sub scription blanks If you nre dcsltous ot participating In the contest. SUNDAY AT LODORE. A Most Enjoyable Placo to Spend the Sabbath. The Sunday excursions, via the Dela ware and Hudson railroad, to Lake Lo dore, are becoming more popular each Sunday. ("So along next Sunday, July 21. and spend the Sabbath nt the beau tiful lesott. i:cellontcaterlng.stoamcr, launches, boats, etc. Fate from Scran tou. adults, 75-conts. Trains leave Dela ware and Hudson depot at S.50 and 11.33 a. m. m i. Arrival of Mobiles. A portion of our stock of Mobiles has arrived. We herewith extend you an Invitation to call and witness a dem nnsttation of the best "Auto" yet pto duced. Floiey & Brooks, 211 Wash ington avenue. m Sunday Excursion. The N. Y. O. & W. R. R. Sunday ex cursion tinln for Lake Pnyntello and the mountains will leace Scranton S:30 a. m., Carbondale at 9:10 a. m., Sunday the 21 Inst. Fare fiom Scranton $1 00 return, Carbondale 60 cents. Suited. Shoes suited to our taste In style, suited to the demands of wear, and suited to the season are to be found here. Lewis, Ruddy, Davles & Mur phy, 330 Lackawanna avenue. ' Under Piice Shoe Sale. Olds' Shoes, worth $130, at "lie. Schank & Spencer. The popular Punch cigar Is still the leader of the 10c cigars. Order Ice Cream From Hanley's. None better. 420 Spruce street. A LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE The greatest commercial economist In the world today. Compared to any necessary Investment in business, theprofitfromaTELEPHONE is Incalculable. Residence and Commercial rates at a moderate cost. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TELEPHONE AND SUPPLY CO Manager's office, 117 Adami avenue. Worsted Suits to Order $15.00, Worth $30.00 Pants $3.50, Worth $7.00 MILLER.the Tailor 433 SPRl'CU STRUL'T. Etotcliliss fastens paper together in a jilTy. Guaranteed Cheap Reliable RDHC Hotel Jermvn V' Bulldine;. and Varnish ! Save YoU Further trouble in looking for tho best, we have taken the greatest cbre -in seeing that the quality and prices are right. You can't make a mis take in buying them. Our Ushers and Dcwars are the proper things for High Balls -MM"M"l"M"M-4t i !i Watch This l : Space for the :: Announcement;: of the Great I Pillow Top Sale Which Will Take Place Next Week "i i Cramer-Wells Co., 130 Wyoming Ave. That Is what wo claim for the New Ball Bearing Umbrella It has no wlics to rust and break hut is unusually stronpr, each rib be IiiK held In position separately. Rolls very closely. Call and see it in grader fiom 11.00 up. Conrad, "A Gentlemen's Furnisher." 305 Lackawanna Avenue. Ucall I vs. Winton illus trates some of the pitfalls which a title searcher must guard acainst. In 1877 Mrs. vs. Winton VV. obtained a deed of a large tract of land. I wenty tour years tnere after the courts decree that Mrs. W's title is impressed with a trust for which her representatives in interest must account. Any prospective purchaser or mortgagee of real estate who will take the trouble to read the mas terly opinion of Judge Edwards, printed in the newspapers July 17, will appreciate the value of title in surance. title Gusipry OP5SCRAHTQN.PENNA. 516 Spruce Street. R 'A. WatrM, TresUtnt. A. JL itcCllntock, 1'lce president. it. A. Knapp. V.-Prel. Ralph S. Hull, Trust Officer. Porch Furniture What is more restful after a warm day than to sit out on the porch dur ing the evening in a com fortable rocker? We have a most com plete assortment of Porch Furniture. There is a great variety of Porch Porch Porch Porch Porch Chairs, Rockers, Couches, Tables, Settees A few of these make a porch look very inviting. Come in and look them over. Hill & Connell 121 r Washington Ave, m$ for i'l 1 J