- --- V- - H- THE SCRANTOtf TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1901. ffl "to-" T -. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA FOREST CITY. Epceltl to llio Scranton Tilbune. Forrst City, July 18. The name perullnl phase attends the llremen's strike In Forest City that maiks it in the towns down the valley Those be lonslnR to the Miemen's organisation ure out, while those nfilllntcil with the United Mine Workris, of which there nre thtee, nrc Milt at their duties. To dny the company put n half do.en of their coal lnf-piH'totB from down the valley at woik in No. 2 ilreroom and the shaft and new bteaker were oper ated as usual. The OlIlTmtl mine did not work. The picnic of the fnlted Mine Work ers was ns exiipcted, a hlK financial Miccess. The three locals paraded the ptreets In the mmnlnK, nrcompanled by the Star Dunn coin's and the I'otot City brasi hand, DIMtkt Picsldent Nlrholls, Vice I'tenldent HI?coa.ts and Hecretaiy Dempsey attended the plr nle for Mnernl houts. They Intended to speak, but did not ovvInB to the weather. Ir. Nlrholls told The Tri bune correspondent that he was In hearty faor of the sulking firemen pettlnK theli demand for an eight hour day. He thought they deserved It. Vnlted Mine 'Workers, he s.Ud, would not take the place of the sttlkeis, but they will continue to woik. When ask ed if they would utilize steam made by non-union men ho said he pre ferred not to answer the eiuestlon. In the eent of Mich a state of affairs coming to past he had no doubt that the fliemen's union would tenuast the mine workers not to handle the steam and then the nutter would be taken up nnd decided "The stand taken by our organization at piesent ' he tepeated, "Is that our men lcm.iln at work." John Lej.ro, whose wife wbk killed by lightning Tuesd.i, h.is been a much afflicted man About two yeats ago his onb ihlld, a little giil, fell Into a tub of hot water and whs si aided to death. Shoitly bcfoie that time Leco was In the meat business heie, and while going to C.ubondale lost $100, which loss caused his retirement fiom business Pi of J I. and G. I,. Moigan hao gone to Ocean Grove for a lslt with their binthei, Pi of. Tallle Moigan. Mis Thomts li. Davis died at her home, Welsh hill, Tuesdhy moinlng of nn illness of ovetal months. Dei eased was the daughter of Mi ami Mis Thomas Uo nolci, of Tot est City. She was boin nt Welsh hill tlilrty-flvo years ago, in 1S31 going with her hus band to Koiest City, wheie they icslded until about a eur ago. She was a woman with many noble qualities anil was gieatly esteemed by a wide elide of waim f i lends who will icgiet her demise Hosldes her husband nnd par ents, two sons, lllmer nnd Walter, and thiee sisters. Mis. John D. Jones, of Cllffoid Mis. John Iteeso. of Gibson, nnd Miss Mary 13. Jlcnolds, of Toiest Clt. surle her. The funeial will bo held Sunday morning nt in Sit. The rerlres will be held at the Welsh Con giegatlonnl chinch at that place. In terment in the chinch ccmetciy. m - SUSQUEHANNA. Speclsl to the Scranton Tribune. Susquehanna. Julv IS Colonel Will i's m 11 Telford, who has been 111 for two ears, last tenlng Bint uned a sec ond stioke of p,ii.il)Ms and Is in a critic al condition. The lem.ilus of the late Mis. Nancy Clendennlng were this moinlng taken to Deposit for sen Ices nnd lnteiment. The cnplojes of the Kile shop were paid t"rt.i A Methodist giove meeting will be held at MiPlavo settlement, July 31. Quito a number of Susquehanna nnd vlclnlt people will attend the Caimel gioe camp meeting nt Hooper, N, V Miss Mary Japger, of Monti osc, has returned home trnn a visit with her sister. Mis Henry T Itlrcliaitl. The Gilggs fimllv leunlnn will be held at the losiduue of living Stone, in CaibondaK August 23 Grace s-tieet last evening entertained a surprise pait, membeis of the Diughters of Pocahontas, the occasion being nn anniversary of her birthday. She received n handsome souvenir of the event. ( William Telford, of Palnhrldge, Is In town, called hero by the Illness of his uncle, Colonel William II. Telford. The Kile la doing a rushing business In all of Its departments. spending her vacation at the home of her parents. O. K. Maynard made a business trip on Wednesday. HARFORD. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Harford, July IS. Halph D. Little, esq,, of Monti ose, by Invitation of the Y. M. C V , delivered nn nddress In the Congregational church, Friday evening. Singing by Mcssts. Little, Pa.vne, Carpenter nnd WUImarth. It was enjojed bv all. Harford has reason to be proud of such u class of joung men. Lduard Harnard nnd wife of Gibson, will occupy rooms in the Hlne house for a few months. A teverslble social will be held in KINGSLEY. Fpselsl to the Scrinton Trunin. Klngsley, July 18. JJ Smith, of Nay Aug, was a visitor in town on Wednes day. Miss Addle Jeffcrs recently made n burlness trip of n few dnjs to New ftilghton. Mrs. 8, Tingley, of Hnllstead, Is vis iting nt the home of C. C. Darrow. The receipts from the social given by the Willing Workers were $1S.C0, Master Leo Alexandei, of Syracuse, Is spending n few weeks with relatives here. Mrs. N. Howard and sons, of Scran ton, nie cucHts at the home of F. K. Moore. Mm. ,T. Zimmerman and son, of Scran ton, nnd Miss Herthn Zlmmeimnn, of Klnghamtoti, are guests of U. Sloat. Mrs. II. N. Tiffany nnd daughter, of Tiffany, were guests nt the home of Mrs, Lizzie Tiffany Inst Wednesday. WELSH HILL. Fpeejtl to the Scranton Tribune. Woln Hill, July 18. Miss Mar gaiet Party, who has been assisting Mrs. WllllUm W. Davlcs with her the lecture room of the Congiegatlonal house woik for soma time, has ie- PICTURE PUZZLE. ' THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New York. July 18 Sieculatlve judgment en today', dock mirket mi unsettled and In con clusive under the Influence of the erratic gra tlons ol the Union Pacific, St. Paul and to a lesser exlcnt other railroads Immediately at tested l.y the Northern Pacific settlement an nounced late scslerdsy. The Influence of the stork mirket aa was shown by the congested burlng ol the stocks ol tin railroad, afiecled and ol tlic .feci ".ticks The slmnltsneous pur chases o Union Pacific at the opening ere ol ten thousand shares at 10.1'i to 10,t. compared with l(rj lilt night, and ol St. Paul eight thousand shires at Htt'4 to 105, compsrrd Willi 1G3V. last night. United State Steel vraa alo dealt in to th pTtrnt ol S.OOfl shares, varvlng In price, Irom 40' to 41 VI. compared with 0H list night. The price ol this stock at the opening was the highest ol the day, and It was under steady pressure through the mutation, of the market celling down nearly a point under lat night, an I cloning at a fractional net loss The whole tmrket felt the efTect almost Immedlitely ol cnormou, realizing sales anl the successive iteriinei suggested the conjecture mat, mime in terests, which bought lock, jestcrdsv were felling out to take profit,. The liellef prevailed In the boird tint the Iirge capitalists who sup ported the market on Mondiv and Tuesday by biijing practically ail ofTcrlng, ol the leading Mock, were lightening their load, taking ad nitJge of the effect ol the Northern l'tclfle agreement to reduce their holding,, The rather pvlpaMc manipulation of the mirket and the circulation of Mgue Intimation, thtt further dl cloeiires weie coming ol additional arrangement! under the Northern Piclrlc fettlement added to thl lmpieon. ltither frank idmlaion. were Iirthcoinlng that the innounccmrnt of the Noith Pacific aetilement wa llmcrt with a view to quoting appiehen.lona and checking the unei.l new in the utock mirket azinU the earlier ele ction ol tho.e Intcie.ted to withhold the in nouncement until n later period This sue color to the belief tint the polirv thin idopted to ralli the utoik mirket hid In view a. well the innril effect upon the .trlke of alcel worken of an aili ince of the iteel atock. Thee con idciitlon .ercd to take the edge off the in nounccmrnt of the Northern Pacific eettlcment. t w,i lite in the div when Union Pacific begin Hi finil upward inoiemenl. The clemind for the mock n appiientli In.allihle, block, ol one t!muind to four thouaiml fharc. succeeding each other in quick auccevdon Kierv effort wai no appuent ti bid up the price of the utock It touched 1IVI before the c Ii,e and M. Paul wii lifted to liili. and Southern Pacific to !S7 The market rillied in umpalhi but did not generally get back to the bet Chicago ind N'orthwetern roe c. ind (leneril llectrlc S'4 The buojant ri'e in fnlon Pac-ific reilied the bellel In 'fur ther deielopmenl. in the community of Intcret plan in the we.t The clo.lne wa. feierl.h and Irregular below the het. Total ealei today, l.rrj; .'00 haie. The rillroad bond market wai ictlie anl continued allzhtH irregular In spile of a late Impoiement Totil mle, pir 1 line, fl fi;o.n.vi U !". bonds were ill iinelnnged on the last call. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" DIRECTORY. 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Four Llne, 3 Cent lor Uch tJtr Line. SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More rinn Pour Lines, A Cents for Uach Extra Line. For Bent. For Reeto j About 1200 feet of floor space on 4th floor of the Tribune building, suitable for light maufacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Enquire at office of The Tribune. Wanted. WANTVn An Intelligent (Catholic) lady or pen tleman to fill a light, pleiaant poiltion, good pay, If suitable, AddtCM V. O. flo 20, (Scranton, Pa. Help Wanted Male. WANTIID Vomig mm to sell good In l.icki wanna, Lurerne and Wiomlng countle., on alary, Ato joung ladv ddres or call 410 1'auli RiilMhitr, Scranton, Pa, Help Wnntcd Female. PROFESSIONAL. MWHWMMt Certified Public Accountant. KIWAltl) C. Sl'AlU.UINa, 23 TRADERS DAN.C Uiiildlng. Architects KOR ni.NT-ll von are looking tor home In lovely location. Call at :tJ Madison aienue, fireen Ridge. 1011 ItllNT-Klcht rooms, 733 Jeflerfon avenue; all modern conveniences. ' R!5 OREF.V RinOE 1TREKT, ten rooms, modern Improtcmcntsi steam heat lurnlshcdj dcur-desirable. I WANTKIt-filrl for general housework In a fmalt lamny, zs nij sicnue. VAN1LI)-The addrcM ol ladles who are ambi tion, to earn money by telling an article lndlpenlbte to all ncatlv clrewecl ladlesi a CV cent article that sell. Itnell, Your Mends will thank J on lor offering it to thrm, ami help sell to other. Call on or ad Irew. with two cent stamp. Mrs. Wood, .115 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. For Sale. 1'Olt hVt.K CIIKAP-Horse In Rood condition. Inquire 3(7 First street, city. The following nuotatiom are hirnlhed Th( 'Yihune bv M .lo-dan V Co , rooms TOV M Wears building, Scranton, vj. American Migar Hl!j These young women are hathing. Do you see the third one? church July 15. A jolly time n short programme nnd Ice cieam and cake. If It should lain, come Just the same. Ilev. C. f. Olllett of Clltford ex chanRed pulpits with Rev. Manuell. riund.ij Mis n. J. Whitney is viicltlng Mis Evm In Aubuin. Huihert Peae of Scranton Is visit ing his uncle, Wesley Tease. Wlnford Tiffany lost a valuable horse Sunday. MNs Kato Qulnlan of Chester Spilnps, Pa, and Mr. .Teuy Qulnlan of Tltts hurK, Pa., nre vlltinK at the home of theli mother In this place. Prof. W. I, RoReip. wife and daugh ter, of Scianton, aie visiting at Mrs. ItORPlS. Pi of. V. H. ltoRcrs Is home from Scinnton for a few days. Ilattle Chamheilaln of Scranton is HEAT NERV PROSTRATION Sudden Prostration Is n Feature or Hot Weather Upset Nerves and Weak Nerve Centres Arc the Causes. turned to her home in Mount Car mol, Mr. and Mis. Walter Bovan, of Scranton, are the guests of their par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Revan. Mr. Thomas Pi ice, of Scranton, Is visiting nt this place. Mr. John How ells and Mr, Daniel Davles, of Scranton, are the cuests of Mr. John Kvans. Miss Katie Reese, of Peckvllle, spent several days of the past week with Miss Verdle Morgan, of this place. Mr. K. Jones nnd .1. Lewis, of Noith Scranton, made a trip to this place on bicycles. Mr. Rcnjamln Reynolds, of Scran ton visited his cousin, Mi. Thomas Davis, of this place, on Sunday last, Mrs. Davis is very ill and is not ex pected to recover. Vmer. Tobacco lO1 Mrhlson 7? Atchiion. Pr PT'i Rrook Tuition 7 tlalt. A- Ohio ri'i"! Cont Tohicco r.'i'i ( he k Ohio 4rt ( hie t (It U'eit 22'; 4t Pml ICIV's Rock Wand W Kan A 'lev . Pr Vi !.oiil A- Nih WV7S Mm. Deviled 1"n Viet Trillion 170 Mln Pacific in;n Southern Pacific 3Vi4 Telephone 5003! lllsh- txiw Clos et. nt, 1HH 111 1 10 1.0 ;i ost ; 70i, im; ran Ml! Ini. lit 130 7 nt', in, 01J fil'i Cl'i TOR RAI.K Houe and lot. Close in. For bul- ne or residence. Address Owner, care ol The Tribune. CvRt.OVn OP IIORsr.S from ten to fourteen liundrcd, at 221-1H Oaklord court. J. SI, Field FOR FVt.K A dttrell k Son clinder pre., 33x36, In cood condition, new roller, $300. Apply likes Darrc Times Office, ilkcs-Rarre, Pa. WANTKD A clrl who rooms at home for general housework. Apply i.W Adams avenue, EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, CONNELL building. utniKRicK i nnowv, arch. n. reai, Fat a to Exchanne Dldg , 126 Washington ve. Civil nnd Mining Engineers. II. U IHRDI.Nd, 006 CONNKI.li nUII.DINO. Dentists. nit. o. k. ru.F.Nni:noF.n, pauli duildiso, Srruco street, bcranton. DR. 0. O. LAUDACII, 115 WVOMINO AVENUt short ribs, J7ei1iTn: rtrv silled shoulder", 7'ii i7c; short lear sides, $5JJalO, w mkey, $1.27. A Perfidious Ambassadot CDWARO P. YAUNQER, IN THE CHICAGO RECORD-HERALD. J All alonK the line of mental nnd mus cular exhaustion so prevalent rlurlnK the summer months is the underlylnc cause of oveiwoiked Nerves over con sumption of Neivo Tissue which has not heen replaced. It Is manifested In the mind that tefuses to receive nnd act upon Impression In tho usual way and that, sometimes when attempted to he whipped Into work, Jumps the hounds of reason nnd Uoundeis in a maze of confusion. It is manifested physically by an ovei -tired, languid, exertlonless, musde-iplaxed condition that laoks resisting1 power which is necessary to withstand heat exposure. It's by the Influence of Di, A. W. Chase's Nerve puis in rallying the Nerve Force that enemy is quickened the frreat weh-like Neive svstcm of tho body vibrates with new life Hraln Nerves Heai t Nerv es Stomach Nerv es feel tho influence as activity replaces lassitude and strength Is regained. Tho hidden cuuent within which spells life has been bi ought to Natute'a leijulieil standard. Mis. James Wntson, of 313 Twelfth") stieet, Scranton, Pa., sas. "Dr. A. V. Chahos Ncrvo Pills aio fine. I began to use them for ner votifi sick headaches nnd nervousnebs and had great success In stopping them completely. Recently I uhed them to oveicoino tho demesslon and weakness following gilp, and they were again successful In giving mo bodily Htiength nnd nervo Bieucllness. As an all around nervo and geneinl tonic tney aro giand, and I am very much pleabPd that my attention was called to them through Mathews brothers, Druggists, corner Washing ton and Lackawnna avenues." Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills SO rents a box at druggists or Dr. A. W. Cham Medicine Co, Buffalo, N. V, Bee that poi trait and signature of A. W, Chase, M. D,, are on every pack age. Sold jn Scranton by Matthews Bros. OK ROGERS says Beit Sellers is a traitor and not to be tt listed any farther than one can heave a freight car with one hand. Bert Selleis smiles pltjlngly and says that all Is fair In love and vvni. Pretty little Mrs. Selleis. until a few- days ago Nellie Miller, tosses her togulsh head and hays she thinks Joe Rogers might have sent her a wedding present. Be. yond these limited and somewhat vague exptesslons none of them will talk, so the leader must weigh the facts In the case and Judge which of the thiee Is tight. Joe Rogers and Beit Sellers are fel low cleiks In a big establishment. One Satutday afternoon recently, as they wcie pteparlng to depart for the cun tomary half-hnllda, Joe drew his friend aside and asked for a few minutes of his time for a confidential talk. "It's like this, Joe," he said, as soon as they i cached the seclusion of a side stiPPt. "I've got a haid proposi tionthat Is it Is hard for me but with our bland assurance nnd supreme gall It should be only a trilling thing for j ou to undcitake." "Well. I like that pretty well." said Rert, "but go ahead with your proposi tion. Want to sti Ike the old man for moip salary, I suppose?" "You're away off. No, this Is some thing mote seilous. You know how I feel toward Nellie Mlllei fact Is, I guess I'm what they call in love with her." "Don't blame you," old man: we all aie. Nellie Is all tight. She can throw my watch Into the lake." "Yes, but she doesn't want to. Now, here Is tho pioposltlon. You know I have been going up to Nellie's house pretty steadily for three yeais, but I have never brought myself to the point of asking her when she would change her name to Rogers. Fact Is, old man, I'm not sum where I'm at." "Well you'io ceitalnly swift If you have not learned to read the thermome ter in three yeats: why, nil I'd ask Is three weeks, or three days " "Not with Nellie. She's dlffeient from the rest. Now I feul pietty suie that I'm the only boy for Nellie, but I vwint to be dead sure befoie I get ilovv'n on tho nxmlnster and make my talk about love In a cottage or a four room Mat nnd all that; don't want to take any chances on a throw-down, you understand " "Perfectly; but jou fhould nevrr send a boy to do a man's work. You want me to sound some of her girl ft lends,'" "No, I want ou to put on jour glad tags and go up to Nellie's house this evening and sound her yourself. Tell her I am delayed at tho office, or sent out of town, or any old thing. I'll trust your smooth palaver to do the work all right. Just find out how strong Joe Rogers Is up there, will you?" "Certainly er you don't mind If I Norfolk .V West N Y. (enlril ..., "nt A Wctcin ,,, Penni. It II .... Readme Rv. . .. IteiHIne R Pr. Vm? horn II It ... ouih n II . Pr Tenn ( nal A Iron C s feather 1 S leather, Pr. 1 nlon Pacific . .. 1 nlon Pacific, Pr . UiM.li, Pr Wevtirn 1 nlon .. Col rtiel A Iron . Vmil Copper .... Pcop'e's c,as liie 1 lie M s I ol so Icxai Pacific Am. Cir Founliv m ( ar 1 nun Irv, I. S. Mod to. . Pr i". .Ui'i . "..!. . ( . T'Hi . Trt . 0 . M'i . ' u ,'ln.l'i . H . S'lT, ,.100 .1H'4 ,.1IV4 ,. "l? ,. I.73J ,. II ,. II . II ,. s.'S . so ,. 401, H 1M'4 67'4 lt'i'a 1HI, 1101, ' M M'i 10HH KIP, HIV, IM', 111i4 1'1'i 171 V1i 170 1(W inn 1074 V7 SIJ 57 li l-'ii 4i, HI', 1V3U I'-l'i -u", si ; s-n 10 !. 10 m, a n koij 7H 7n"; 76 I'll, Ml, 1(1 -Vt "1t SVi i 101, hOl'j 11 1-,T, 1", 7? :i4 79 lo-,v, . . 'HI M 00 ;.or, .-on sov, o-jij ii'i m; ion wj run ir'4 1111, nv's iif lit nvvi 3U -iTH .l-V, 7 07 67i; 11 H'4 11'4 II U'4 UK, 41'1 10', 40 -0 50 in'; M esi (! 41 39& 31'4 Chicago Live Stock Market. ChicaRO, Julv IS Catlle-Receipts. ,J2', In eluding 45V Texans, active ind IViJV-. blgherj iiood to prime steers, V40aC2O, pmr to med ium, $"K0i5 20, stockers and feeders, li to SO cents Wither. $.' ROa'.iO, cows, J.Oal 75, hell era, s2 s-,S4 00; oanner", tt "i0a2.1V; ill. V 4 10; calves, $1.75a4 70, levas steers, H IVal (V) Hogs Receipts todav, 20,0(10, ' tomorrow, 1", flOT), left over, 10 015. strons, shide hleher; mixed and butchers, V70a(l, cood to 1I101-8 hoivv, TVOOaOlO; rnuen heivv, t5 00i5"j, llpht. VO.VaVoO bulk of ules. 0i'i .5 sheep Receipts. ,"noo, eheep, iteidv to Iroiur limbs, steidv ; cool 11 choice vrlli ers, s.1 POal V); fair to choice mixed. $.1 "Oil nn, western sheep, $1!0i4; vearllncs, $4il 75; na tive lambs, no choice here, $,) "1O14 10, western lambs, $.1 75?5 Oiclal receipts and shipments lor Wedneidiy Receipts- Canto, !',... hoes, 31,212, heip, lino shipments; Cattle, S.Osl; Iioks, 3,W)1; sheep, 591 BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will TJo Eecelved nt Any ot the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBERT SCHMITZ. corner Mulhcrrt street and Webster aicnuc. OUSTAV PICIlbL, 650 Adaini avenue. West Side OEOROE W. JCSKIS3, 101 South Slain avenue. Tsvt Buffalo Live Stock. R11IT1I0, lull- IS -Roteiptx-Calllc, 40 100 !5 make a little love to Nellie just to get talking In the right strain, do you?" "That's Just what I want you to do." "What If she falls In love with me?" "No danger. You aie too giddy a butterfly for Nellie. She pieferb a man of settled principles." "I.Ike ou, I tuppne. However, I give jou fair warning. If she will stand for It I'm going to make desper ate love to her." "Sail right In, You'll land nlong with Ronnlbeit and the other pikeis In tho Deil." This is how It happened that Rprt Sellers found himself sitting on the veinnda with Nellie Miller that even ing, simpathlzlng with her over the fact that Joe Rogets had been sent out of town by the dim. Nellie seemed to hear uii well under the shock, in asmuch as Rprt Informed her repeated ly that she was looking especially well. When ho said good night she Insisted upon pinning a carnation upon his coat. Sunday afternoon found him on the veranda again, nnd he icmnrked that he had never seen Nellie moie becomingly nttlied than In tho puffy white and blue dimity gown, whereat the ioi?P8 in her checks grew tedder. Then they took 11 stroll in the evening, nnd when Rert reached his room, with his head In a whltl nnd his heait in a tenlfle flutter, he discovered that Nellie had tied one of her sleeve ribbons to his cane. Meanwhile Joe Rogeis fumed nnd stewed nnd waited for his ambassador to come in and tile a detailed icpoit. Officially he was out of town, so 'he had to choke down the desire to walk by Nellh's homo Just to Bee It she wcie sitting by tho window nnd weep ing over his nbsence, Monday morn ing he received n very unsatlsfaetoiy telephone message from Reit, announc ing that he and Nellie were to Join a fishing party up the river that day, and he would be obliged to Joe If ho would tfll the pioptletor that Rert was 111 and unable to woik. Ho was still Indisposed Tuesday, but tallied suffi ciently to ni company Nellie to a lawn party that evening, "Wednesday he bounced into the of fice and found Joe suffeilng n violent attack of the megilms. "Well, I like your style," he began, waving nslde tho pi offered hand. "It took you a long time to find out what 1 wanted to know." "I found out all right." said Rert. "Well, what did you find out?" "You'll have to get another girl. Nel lie Is not for you." "Why I I don't Just understand," said Joe, suddenly growing white. "Is thero any particular reason why she won't marry me?" "Yes, I'm free to say there Is." "What is It?" "Thfi principal reason lr that she Is going to become Mrs. Bertram Eugene Sellers one month from today." Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. v iw inin Dun fa. Pr 00 Countv sivlnprs llink f. Trust Co.. j60 Klrst Nitlonil Rank (.Carbondalc) 31 Stardard llrilllwc Co 31) STOCKS Hid. Asked. Third Nalloml Rank 40 Dime Deposit nd I'lscount Rank.. 275 Kctnomv I inht. II. A. 1', o First Nitlon.il Rank l.VTO I irki Trust Sale Deposit Co iv Clark k snover (o, Pr l.5 Scranton Iron Pence & MlR. Co Scranton Vxle Works Scranton sivimrs llvnk 35a Tradcis' National Rink 175 Scianton Unit K Nut Co 10; People's llmk 135 j,w Mexico Ry. CqCo.. Scranton Passenccr Railway, first Vlortcase, due 1020 115 Teople's Mreet Rillway, first mort (case, due HIS 115 People's Street Railway, General mortsace. due 1021 ... 115 Dickson Manutactnrlnjr Co 1.A1 Tnunshln School 3 per cent. ... Citv ol Scranlon St. Imp 6 per cent IS.alMCr. Beans-Per bushel, choice marrow, $2 60a2 CJ Scranton Traction 0 rer cent 115 100 102 102 cirs, sheep nnd lnmb. 20 cars, hoes, 7 en. shipments faille, 41 cais, sheep and hmln, 7 cars; hojs, (ar Not enough force to tho demand to make a basis ol price Calves, choice to extri. fl VOih 75 sprlne lambs, chaicj to extri, 'i2'i5fiO, mixed sheep, $3 73a 4, llocrs 11 grades, ijcidOV. New York Live Stock Market. Vow V.ork, lull 1' Reeves Verv little trade, steady leelinz, calves, market steady; veals, $5i7, no choice cilves heic. Sheep Kirm. and cood stock scarce; top cradca of lambs, trifle firm, medium and com mon (trades, Hull and lower; sheep, $3 25a 4 73, culls, vsnal: lambs. J4 7'nH. llos Vlarket lower; state hogs, 6 40; med ium western hogs, (U5 South Scranton FKED h. TKRrPE. 723 Cedar irenvie. North Scranton GEO. W, DAVIS, corner North Slain avenue and Market street. Oreen Ridge CHARLLS P. JONES, 1557 Dickson venue P. J JOHNS. P20 Oreen Rld street C. L0RF.NZ, corner Washington ave- nue and Marlon street. Lawyers. PRANK n. DOYI.K, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rooms 12, 11, 10 and IS Rurr building. F. K. TRACY.ATTY.COMMONWEALTH Bl.DO. B. D. RhPLOOLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS NECO tlated on real estate security. Mean building, corner Washington avenue and Spruce street. WHXARD, WARREN & KVAPP. ATTORNEYS and councilors at law. Republican buildlns, Washington avenue. JlSSt'P k JtSslIP. ATTORNEYS AND COUN- sellom at law. Commonwealth bulldlnc. Rooms 19, 20 and SI. Petersburg w 11. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. a. BONE & SON. Boarders Wanted. WANTED Table boarders. Mrs. Tompkins, 631 Washington avenue. Money to Loan. EDWARD W. THAYER, ATTORNEY. ROOMS 03 M4, 8th floor, Mears building. 1-. A. WATR1S. ATTORNT.Y-AT LAW, BOARD ofJrode building, Scranton, Pa. I'ATTFRsOV & WILCOX, TRADERS' KATI0S.U inK DUIIUlng. C. COVIFOYS, (11 REPUBLICAN BIIILDIN'O. A. W BERT HOt P. OFFICE MOVED TO NO. 211 Wycmlns avenue. Physicians nnd Sugeons. DR V E. ALLEN, 813 NORTH WASHINGTON av enue. DR. S W. 1,'AMOni'. U.. OFriCE 331 WASH" Ington avenue. Residence, 1313 Mulberry, Chronlo disease, lungs, heart, kidneys and (tenllo urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Hotels nnd Besturants. TUP. I.LK CAFE. 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN avenue. Hates reasonable P. ZK10LER. Proprietor. ECRNTOV HOUSE. Nil. It D . U & W. PA- tengcr depot. Conducted on the European plan VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. East Liberty Cattle. Eat Llbertv, Julv 1 Cittle Steadv : extra, $V BVaO; prime, V Vat 70, good, $1 20a5.IO. lings Hull and lower; piime mediums anl havie, Srt 07'4vO.1O; bet vorkers and pigs, R0Safi.07ti; common to lair vorkers, $!at)0j; skips, 4 75aS73; roughs. tlaV.fO. Sheep stead.v ; best wethers, $1 20nl 30; culls and common, $l.M)a2 50; jearlings, ?3a4.73; veal calves, $7ai.o0. Oil Market. Od Citv, Julv IS dedit hilances, 110; cer tificates, no bids Shipments, Il.h0i5; avciage, 07,175. Runs, 10',103, average, 85,395, BABE BALL. American League. At Detroit R Washington 0 0 4 3 0 0 10 0-8 Detroit 12 10 0 0 110-6 Batteries I ee and Clarke, eager, High and Ruelow, Umpires Haskell and Manasau. $300,000 TO LOAN Lowest rates; straight or monthly payments. Stark & Co.,Traders' bide. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN-Qukk, straight leans or Building and Loan At Irom 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, SI 1 115 Connell building. Furnished Booms. FOR RENT One largo furnished Iront room; also one side room. 837 Adams avenue. Business Opportunity. WANTUT oung man wllli twentv live dollars (f25 0O) to buj the ngenc.v lor this citv, Plttston and Carhondilo, for 1 household article of great merit. ou can positive! make from $3 to i10 dally If jou nre a hustler. Vddrcss, for pirtioulars at once, C II , this office. Seeds. O. R. CLARKE & CO . SEl'DSVIEN AND NUBS erymen, store 201 Washington avenue; grcn bouses, 1950 North Main avenue; store telo phone, 7S2. Wire Screens. Lost. LOST-Light red, almost vellow, cow; whits spot on toieheid, Ind halter and chain at tached J. ,1, Van Vort, 110 Colfax avenue. LOST V Indies' gold sell ling, with mono gram K F K. Reward if returned to 403 Wjomlng vv enue. It. E 11 1 13 a r.. Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected bv II 0. Dile, 27 Larkawmna ve) lluttrr liesli creamer, 20'4a21c ; clairj, freh, l'lHa.'Oi.! ( heese Full cream, 10'sallc Vggs We.tcrn tresh, Halite , nearby state, lV;a1iK Medium lleuis Per binhel, S I0a2 13. t.ieen Peas Per bunhel, 1 40al (V, I lour Ret pilcnt, per bairel. $1 (5 Beans rer bushel, choice juarrow, $2,55a2 60 Potitoes Per bu-hel, $lal 10, Onions Per liuihel, $1. Philadelphia Oraln nnd Produce Philadelphia, lulv l U heal-Firm, Ua'Jc. liighci, lontnct grade, Julv, 71,4a72c. Corn - Urm and l'jc higher, No 2 mixed, Julv, 5isaVV. Oits-Flrm; No 2 vvlilte clipped, lOailUc Butter 1 inn, and ,8c higher, fancv vvesiern creamcrv, 20'sc 1 do do, prints, 21c ; do nearliv do, 21c. Iggs lirm; fiesli nearbv, lie ; do. western. Il'ail3c ; do soutliwislr'n. 12V4C , do. southern, 12c. Cheese steadv, New York full creams, fancv small, 0'jalic, ; V do do . filr to choice, Sanic Refined sugjis I'nchinged Cotton steid Tallow Dull; citv prime in hhds , 5'sc ; countij do, do, bands, 4sial7c , cakes Vic J,'vc pniil-rv Dull and weak; fowls, llilHsc, old roosius, 7a7'4c , spring Jilc'oi, Ilil7c , spring ducks, He; olds'ilo, Ik Dresed poullrv Fnm, good demanl lowls, choice, 12c; do, lair to good, Uill'-c ; old roosters, Hijc ; broilers, neaibv, la2V( ; western do, I1a22i Receipts Hour, 2 000 barrels, an! 2,57!,ono pounds In sacks; wheal, 31,000 bushels; corn, tv.000 bushels; oils, ll.ono shipments Wheal 1,!00 bushels, corn , 3,500 bushels; oits, ulOO bushels, At Cleveland R. II. Boston 1200020003 S 4 Cleveland, 0 0 2 0 1 .1 0 0 x 0 10 2 Ratterles Winters and Schrekengo.t; Hart and Wood. Umpire Connolly. At Chicago R. Baltimore 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 01 Chicago 5 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 x 9 Batteries VlcGinnity and Bresnahan; son jjind Sullivan. Umpire Cantillon. At Milwaukee R Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 Milw aukee 10010000 i Batteries Bernhard and Powers; Hawley and Malonej. Umrirc shrridin. II. E. 8 5 11 0 Patter- II. E. 8 1 8 1 Lost or Stolen, LOST OR STOI.bN' A small Jcrey cow, about 12 jears old, light color, single curve in her horns. Box 120, Dunmore, Pa. New York Grain and Produce, New ork, Julv 1' Floui -1'ilrlv active and steadi; winter straights, .!2V(U'i Uheit Spot firmer; No, 2 led, 76'ic 1. 9 h afloat; No 3 red, ii'c. eievacor, -vo 1 noriuern mil nth, "(We f, o b aftoit Options eak enlv in the dav Later rallied and finally dosed vetv lirm ut a partial 'c. net advance. luh closed 71c ; Sept, 7.1V ; Oct., 7!c ; li- , 73V Corn spot firmer; No J, 51V. clew tor, and 55rc, f 0. h afloat Options Hut eased off, but later turned strong ami closed ttrong at "si'fcc. net higher. lulv ln.c , rpt , AV ; Oct , JiUe ; Dec, Rsc Oils Spot firmer. No S, Id' 40. 1 No I, tflc ; No 2 white, JSaiS'jc ; No .1 while. 37i 17V ; tn,k mixed westein, 3f,aJ7c ; Hack white, "7il2e. Options strong nn irop news and covinr-r Butter Him, 1 reamer, lViliiije i do. laiinrv, HalJC,( ; Imitation creameiy, Hal7c ; jttlo daily, llall'ic Cheee- liregulir; fancy 1 il nnd, Oc: fancy laige while, lie ; fancv 'mall colored. 0'c ; fancv small while, uc, 1.1,-1 Meadv; slate and Penna,. I'ial7i ; western uncandled, 12c ; western, candled, 13al5c, Chicago Grain and Produce. Chicago, Julv IS. Corn and oats Influenced bv (he weather led an advince which held wlto. wheat steadv toda , corn closing HJc higher; oats, 'sa'sc up and wheat, 'ie. Inner tor September delivery TrovUlons cloied mi chsnged to 7',jC higher, Cash quotations were as lollOMBl Flour Firm: No 3 spring wheat, Ma6e;p,j No 3 red, UifiPc,; No, 2 corn, 40'ie.j No. 2 vellow. riliiSOc: No. 3 white. 3IW".-i t No. 2 rje, SlHa52c,; No. I flax seed and .No, 1 northwestern, $1 Mai 85; prime tlmony mil, 5; mesa pork, $11.10al3 00; lard, $3.60aS62Hi National League. At rulsburg- R. H. E Brooklvn 0 10 0 0 10 2 0-1 fi 1 Pittsburg 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 J fl 3 Batteries Kllson and McGuire; Tannehill and Zimmer. Umpire Emslle. At Cincinnati- Tt. II. E. Philadelphia 2 0 0 10 12 4 0-11 15 0 Clnclnntli 000010000 1 4 0 Batteries Orth and Douglass; Case and Ber gen. Umpire Dwjer. At New York R. H. F. New York 0 0 0 2 10 0 11-5 11 2 Chicago 2 00 1000 2 1-fl 11 2 Batteries Taj lor and Warner; Eason and Kllng. Umpire Cunningham. Personal. OUR NEW BOOK sent free, fully Illustrated, treats of all conditions ol men, tells how to attain "Perfect Minhood " Should he in the hands ot everv male adult. Adlrcss Erie Medical Co, "Book JKpt ," Bufialo, N Situations Wanted. SITUATION VMM Ml Bv a lidv to take in waehing M, II , Tribune Office. JOSEPH KUKTTEL, REAR 811 IACKA. AVE, bcranton. Pa , manufacturer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DRI SSM VKINQ TOR CIIII DREN TO ORDER; alo ladies' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 213 Adams avenue. MniVROKE nROS., PR1NTFRS' SUPPLIER EN- v elopes, paper bags, twine, Warehouse, 130 Washington avenue, Scranton. Pa. THE WILKES BMIRP, RCCORD CAN BE HAD In Scranton at tho news stands of Relimvn Bros . 4100 Spruco and 5'U Linden; M. Norton. ill Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schuticr, 211 Spruce street. SITUATION UANTHi-Ciiciilar sample distrlhu tor or managing the work, or collector lor 1 good firm. Addicss II , or call 011 Dr. llioiui)n, 641 East Market street. SITUATION S.NT1 1) lo go out bv the dny washing or cleaning, t all on or address Mrs. Russell, 1210 Cedar avenue SITl VI ION WVNIHI-ltcglaterfil pharmacist of first diss practical experience; single. Ad dress Ijuinlnc, Tribune Olftce. Slll'VTION WVNIID-Ry a voung man as as sistant cliaughtsman or tracer. Addrcs, Box M, Thioop, Pa SITUATION VN1KD Kxperlenced expert ac countant would like t" mil." I lew engage ment! to open, elo-e, audit, nd balance books Address I, 213, Tribune lulu At St. Louis- R H. E Boston 3 10 100000-S II f gt Louis 0 02 0 00 0 002 4 i Batteries Dlneen and Klttrldge; Murphy, Sud hofl, Rjan and Hcden. Umplre-N'ash. Eastern League. Worcester, 8; Buffalo, I. Providence, 9, Rochester, 5. Provldencr, R; Rochester, 2. Uarllord Sjracuse, rain. THE BIGHTS OF WITNESSES. From the Lancaster Fxamlncr. It is not only necessary lor a lanjcr to be able, hut alkn that he be a gentleman as well. No lawjer has a right tu Havel outside his iff to bully a witness or insult him, be he a rich or poor man. There can he no peifeet ad ministration of Justice till the humhlest e it Urn can go upon tho witness stand with absolute confidence h will bo piotecled In his rights. A great part ol the time In the trial ol causes is consumed bv tho bickerings of lawyer! through, rrtorta seldom wise, and rarclv willy, the bad grrlng ot witruscs and quibbling over twcedle den and tweedledum questions of no moment or impoilance. Much ol this Is Indulged in by law ers to attract the Rltftill'm of the audience, and so is mostly heard in the quarter sessions, court, where the listeners aie more numerous. Sometimes It U used to lmpies the client either as to the strenuousness of his advocate, his cour age or tho extent ol his vitupeiative vocabulaiv. In politics, such Ill-bred manneis and useless talk would be called demagogUm. A Judge fully equipped for his position could do much to lessen the tedious and witless performances of court trials, and while protecting all tides to the controversy, especially the witnesses, tike from legal proceedings much of their coarseness and make trials a performance a gtntltmin could listen to without disgust ind the popu lace with greiter respect for the administrators and interpreter! ol law. SITl vnov W VNIHl-Coachman wants a situa tion with a private lamllv, understand the business tlioroughlv , sober an I rcllahlo and careful driver, with good cit tclcieiiccs, Ai dless Coachman, H4 Penn avenue. SITI'VTION WVNIKD As clerk in grocer, three vears expeuemo and rcieremcs, Addicss, R . II , ')J5 Cedar avenue LEGAL. sy,s'.NJ-Mss's.eJss-j IN Till, Ills, hut (Oiitr ol the United si ites nr the Vid,lc district of Tenns! vinn In tlm milter ol Morris Cohen k Co, binkrupt No ,tt In Binkruptiv In t lie ciedilors ol Vlorrts I ohen A Co, of Srmtnii, In the count of Lirkawanna, and dlstilct afoiesul, 1 binkrupt: Notice Is hereby given that in Hie 17th ill of Julv, A D 1001, thi Mid Cohen .V. lo wis dulv adjudieitel bankrupt, and tint the first meei'ng ol their crelltors will be held at the office of the Referee, in the l.ovcrnntent b libling, In the city of Scran ton, Pi , on the 27th day of Julv, A D 1001, al 10 n'clni k in the forenoon, at which timn tne sun ciciltmrs iniv attenu, prove their clllm. appoint .1 trustee, ex inline the bankrupt, anl trinsait such other business as may properly enuic before sib) mcrtituf ( V v VN WORVIER, Referee 'cr intun, Pa , looi Proof of claim, 30 cents IS Mil II" I 'HI RT ol the United States for the Vtyl lie District of Pennsylvania. In the millei of lorest F. Hrndrlckson, Harrv P. Pntt and John F Brown, formerly trading ns Plain (ash More, bankrupts. No. 1 fn bank rupt, 1 Notice is hereb glien thit a petition for dl elurgi has luen tiled In tne above stated case, anl that a heiilng thereon will be hid before the Hon II. W Vichbild, lodge of said court, in satnrdav, Vug ), I'll, at 10 o'clock in the f reiioou at sirintcn, Pi In said dinner, n winch time creditors ind oilier persons In Inter-ei-l nil a(peir anl hmv eau-e, it anv, why thi piacr ol said pctiiionira skill not he granted, I VI S.LKER. Attorney. V rJ . N OLDEST! SAFEST! BEST! FINANCIAL. sHH..V WALL STREET Money Will U.irn Dig Monthly Returns. Tlie Inv evtor's Fund Paa Semi monthly TTie oldest established In Vmerica N'o certificate holde-r has ever lost a cent Payments made to all subhonbers ever 13 daf No trouble N'o delay, Money refunded on dernard Write to day for particulais, fiee to any address C, L Mac key k Co, Hudson Bld'g , New York. SITI'VTION WANTID By a nun grading or laving sidewalks, or leiu nig, or cutting lawns or any kind of woik lttii Llo)d tticel, second floor. SlTlAriON WANTKD Bv an evpeit laimdiess on ladies' or gentlemen's fine clothes Ladies stopping at hotels can have their laundry dim on short notice. Address 1110 Lloyd street, sec ond floor, SITrVTIOV WsNTI.D To go out washing and Ironing. Wsshlng and inning taken homo also Call or addres 3.11 Noith Sumner avenue SITUATION' WVNfH) V woman wants vva.h Ing to take home. Addicts Mil, A. It. l.vans, 338 Evans court. SITUATION VNTKD By a icsnec table girl to do cooking, can luinisli best lefcrrnccs. Please tall at tVll Rebecca avenue, iljclc Paik SITl VTION WNTI,D By a good girl to do gen eral bousewoik, can give best lefciinces. Please call al Ml Rebecca avenue, lld Park SITlriON VNIKD B strong, active, Oung man, willing lo do an) liunest work, one jear'i esperience in ihlpplng, good ulercnces. Addiess, 11 1. , earo ot Tribune Olflcc. SITI'VTION WANTLD-B) a young nun, as a tit st-c lass stenognpher Addiess "bteno," cue Tribune OFFICE OP Pacific Anthracite Coal Co, Capital, $6,000,000. P. O Hit lOTO. Seattle, Wash , July 0, 1001. We have lor sale a block of stock In a new find that we pionounce the richest prospect trt dee gold quarts on earth, 1S7 lbs of this quarta selected aitually sold lor f.t.'On. The diseov cier has still richer cnunks. Write for particu lars We also ofer development stock In this C al compan), the first anthradte discovered on this eoj,t J M DEN N ITT, President, Pacific Anthracite Coal Co. SITUATION VANtED-B) a joung man; well recommended; willing to work at anvthlng, cheap, with bo.ud. Addiess K 51., 511 Meildlan street. SITUATION WANTtD-By a middle aged womin as housekeeper In widower' family, can give reference. Call on or address M. II , 115 South Rebecca avenue, Scranton, Pa, SITUATION WANTED Olrl want! situation at general housework. Good steidy girl, Ad. dresa M. Rochtord, Geneial Delivery, West bide fostofflcc, $55,000 Rocky Mount, N. ft, 5 Water, Sewer and Electric Light BONDS. Yielding 4.40 Per Cent. Write lor special circular. Rudolph Kleybolte & Co. 1 Nawau St., New Yprk. 1