The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 16, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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l e Seranton.
Special to the Seranton Tribune.
Montrose, July IB. The mercury
pemfc to lie BCttlns a trine hot In the
collar about something In Montrose
An admirable address by Henry AV.
Josaup, esq., of New York, was 11s
tentd to by n laiKf consi elation at
the Presbyteilan rhttrch last evening.
Miss May Compton Is vIsltlriR friends
In Wllkes-Bane and In Wyoming
Ilnrry W. Beach has mastered his
locomobile and takes a spin about
town nultc frequently.
Miss Kthel Kox. of l.etsorshlrp, N. Y.,
is tho Kuest of her sister, Mrs. John
Shay, In this place.
Pearls McCollum has purchased of
W. E. Carpenter, of Blnghnrnton, the
house and lot, corner of Maple and
High streets, now occupied by Con
ductor K. F. Wllmot.
A government lecrultlm? station has
been opened In the postofTko block In
this place by Flist Lieutenant rtobeit
C. Davis, Seventeenth 1'nlted States
Infantry, recruiting ofllcer at Seranton.
The station here Is In charge of Cor
poral C. O. Mortensen.
Mrs. J. H. Haftord, of New Mllford,
Mrs. C M. Chapman, of Ithaca. X. Y
find Mrs. James Melhulsh, of Bingham
ton, were the gufbts of Montrose
friends on Pa tut day.
Miss Hattle Lines, of Bethlehem, Is
visiting at J. B. Cuoley'p.
Charles Swift, of Seranton, was the
guest of Montrose friends over Sun
day. East Lemon, Wyoming county, has
n pretty fair ball team and It played
two games with the Montrose team nt
Bpringvllle on the Fourth of July and
lost both of them by very decisive
scores But East Lemon was not sat
isfied and laid plans which It was cal
culated would lesult In u rushing de
leat for Monti ore. A batteiy from
Tunkhannoek, IJcyonlds, a noted pit
cher, and Register and Becorder Shaw,
whose work behind the bat Is mar
velous, was sectnod, and thus forti
fied, the East Lemon ball nine, leln
forced by rooters from Sprlngvllle,
mocd on Montrose last Sntuiday. The
frame proved one of the closest and
most Intensely interesting frames of
the season. At the close of the ninth
Inning, the siore was oen, necessitat
ing another Inning, which gave Mont
rose the game by the nariow margin
of one tun, the score being 12-11. And
yet, East Lemon Is " Mectloneerln' for
another llekln'," and it Is probable
that Montrose will accommodate them
nnU go down tito road for a game be
fore many days.
The Lakeside Country club, of Mont
rose, has selected Saturday as Club
Pay for the season. Every s-econd
Saturday afternoon tea or lemonade
and wafers will be served at the club
house by the dlffeient ladies. It Is
hoped that all members of the club
will attend on days and bring
with them their mends. The next
Club Day will be next Saturday, July
A party of Montrose young peoplo
go to Heart Lake tonight to attend u
select dancing party.
Mrs. Edwin L. Weeks and daughter,
Mrs. Brown, of Blngh.fhiton. were vis
itors at J. S. Tarbell's on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Filnk and daugh
ter. Vesta, and Mr. and Mis. Oscar
Urovvn, of Wyaluhlng. were calling on
friends in this place yesterday.
Mirs Jeanne L. Smith, of Seranton.
is spending a fortnight's vacation nt
the home of her mother. Mrs. Eliza
Smith, in this place.
The Montiose ball team crosses hats
with the Ureal Bend team on the lat
ter s grounds tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Woodruff, Mr.
and Mrs. C. C. Knoll. Mr. and Mrs. O.
Tt Cook, Mrs. Mary Baldwin and Miss
(trace Lenox weie visitors at Car
malt lake yesteiday.
Rv. Father William Connelly, of
Wilmington. Del., who has- been visit
ing his uncle. Rev. Fntr Lally. nt
St. Joseph's, .has gone to New York
find will gall tor Ireland this week.
Fpefial to the Seranton Tribune.
Hallstead, July in John Mills, a
brakeman on the Lackawanna, who has
been hoarding at the home of George
KhnpniakPr. llfn trnncfrrnfl In
Cneral Yardmastcr Nowell, of
Sera iton, was In town Monday, tho
guest of his brother, Yardniaster Now
ell, of this place.
Car Repairer Cox Is working a largo
number of men In the car lepalrlng
If Toung girls would look ahead it
would sometimes save them from serious
collision with the men they marry. It
U here that ignorance is almost a crime.
The young husband cannot understand
It when tne wife changes to a peevish,
nervous, querulous woman. And the
young wife does not understand it her
eelf. She only knows that she is very
If ever there is a time when nature
needs help it is when the young girl is
adjusting herself to the new conditions
of wifehood. Dr. Pierce's 1'avorite Pre
scription makes weak women strong and
6ick women well. It promotes regu
larity, dries debilitating drains, heals in
flammation and ulceration, und cures
female weakness.
Sick women are invited to consult Dr.
Pierce, by letter, ret. All womanly
confidences are guarded with strict pro
fessional privacy. Write without fear or
fee to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
"I will drop you a few lines to-day to let yon
know that I am feellnrr well now," writes Miss
Annie Stephens, of Belleville, Wood Co , West
Va, "I feel like a new womini I took aevcral
bottles of the ' Fuvorite Prescription ' and 'Oold
en Medical Discovery.' I have no headache,
now, no backache, and no pain in ray side any
more. No bearing-down pain any more. I
think there is no medicine like nr, Pierce's
nedlctue. I thank jou very much for what you
have done for me your medicine has done me
o much Rood."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet3 cure till
W'ness aud sick headache.
B8 Girts
shops here. The trainmen are needed
to keep the cars In shape on account
of the strike at Seranton and other
places along the line.
Miss Anna Haniahan has returned
home to spend her summer vacation.
She Is attending the Normal school at
Mansfield, Pa.
The nlr-brake Instruction car has ar
rlved here again, nnd Is giving a course
of lectures and Instruction concerning
the mysteries and usefulness of tho air
brake. V. W. Dowllng Is superintending the
replacing of the cinder ballast along
the lxickawanna by gravel ballast.
The last Issue of the Susquehanna
County Educator, published by tho
school teachers of this county, has ap
peared for this school year. It Is a
successful number, and reflects credit
upon the School Teachers' association
of Susquehanna county.
Samuel Shaw last Friday, while fish
ing In the Susquehanna at the High
Rocks, caught a black bass weighing
four pounds and a half.
James Shields, of Dayton avenue, is
Can you find ten
repainting his house in attractive col
ors. John C'hldester Is beautifying his
home, on Dubois sticet, by a new coat
of paint.
Mr?. John Cannon is having her
houe, on Dubois street, reshingled.
Thutsdny the Lackawanna road will
pay their employes for the month of
Local railroad men residing In Orcat
Dend are building a private telephone
line from their homes, connecting with
the yardma.ster's office nnd the lound
house office. The wires were laid over
the tops of the old railroad piers.
Mip. Frank A. Marsh and daughter,
of Blnghnmton, were visiting relatives
here during Saturday nnd Sunday.
Kdwarrl Sackett has sold his farm In
Mountain Valley to his ton-ln-law,
Orvll Broush.
The men employed In measuring the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
lailroad tracks between Hoboken and
Buffalo, passed through here Saturday,
westward bound. The tiack Is being
measured by chaining the entlie dis
Special to the Seranton Tribune.
Susquehanna, July 15. Several Erie
carpenters who were laid otf a few
months since on account of the Ktrlke,
wero set to woik again. "Work is
brisk In nil departments of the shops.
Mis. Clendennlng, an aged icsldent
of the Oakland bide, is critically 111.
Tho Methodist Sunday school will
hold Its annual picnic In Barnes' grove,
Mis. J. A. Smith and son fleotge, of
the Oakland side, have returned homo
fiom a visit with relatives In Buffalo,
Ancnt the Erie strike, most people
have letlred from the prohesylng busi
Through tho personal efforts of the
veteran Erie conductor, Henry Strader,
six hundred New York children will
have a two weeks' vacation, and eight
children will have permanent homes.
John Fitzgerald, who was recently
dis-charged form the Forty-seventh U.
S. Infantry, Is visiting relatives here.
He served In the war with Spain, but
for the past two years he has been in
the Philippine Islands.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward F. Tilde, of
Btlrlgeport, Conn., aro visiting their
patents in this place. They have Just
returned from the Pan-American.
Miss Agnes Severs, of Binghauiton,
Is the guest nf Oakland side relatives.
Eiio Engineer John J. Keyes Is ill at
his home on the Oakland side.
Mrs. Joseph Elston, of Elmlra, Is the
guest oi husquchanna relatives.
The Etlo tialns aie loaded with Pan
American pacsongers.
After a protracted Illness, Alva Bry
ant, a respected tesldent, died at his
home on Pine street at 2 o'clock on
Sunday morning, aged 87 years. He Is
survived by threo sons and two dnugh
ters. The funeral will piobably be
held from the family residence on
Tuesday afternoon, with interment in
the North Jackson cemetery.
The funeral of tho late Mrs. John
Driscoll, of Prospect street, was very
largely attended this morning from St.
John's Catholic church, where a le
riulem high mass was celebrated. The
L. C. ii. A. nttended In a body,
remains wero Interred In Laurel
" m
Bpeelsl to the Seranton Tribune.
Honesdale, July 15. Tho Erld will
run an excursion to Blnghamton Sun
day, July 21. Faro from Honesdale,
The social guild of Grace church
will give an Ice cream social on the
lawn near the church Thursday even
ing, Aug. IS.
Hon. and Mrs, G. S. Purdy antici
pate the pleasure of a sojourn to At
lantlo City com,menclng this week.
Aug, 2 is the date for tho Sunday
schools of Honesdale to plcnlo at Lake
An effort is being made to span the
Delaware river at Mllanvllte, Wayno
county, with an Iron bridge. Ten
thousand dollars of the 15,00o re
quired has been subscribed.
The coal washery of Berber Bros, at
Itoadley's, which has been idle for
some time, has resumed operations
Miss Edna Menncr Is enjoying a ten
days visit with her brother, William,
at Port Jervls.
Mr, and Mrs. J. Edward Harbour,
who have been spending a few days
at tho homo of the latter's mother,
Mrs. William H. Stanton, will leave on
Tuesday for New York om which
plnco they will sail on July 25 for a
trip abroad.
Farmers complain that the cloudy
weather and showers during the past
two weeks Interferred very much with
harvesting tho hay crop.
Heniy Schwenker, of Seranton, who
stands second In Tho Tribune prize
contest, has been spending the week
In Honcsdale with his uncle, George
Schwenker, who has secured several
points for hli nephew In the contest.
Mrs. M. Ball nnd little grnnddaugh
ter.Marguerlte Dolmetsch, go to Wells
boro for an extended visit with tho
former's dauchtcr.
Epeclal to the Seranton Tribune.
Towanda, July In. Tho Five-County
Volunteer Firemen's convention will
hold their sixth annual gathering nnd
Jubilee at Troy on Wednesday and
cats In this picture?
Thursday, August 7 and 8. A banquet
will follow the business session, which
occurs on the first day. Tho parade In
geneial will move on Thursday fore
noon and the races and pilze drills
take place In the afternoon on the Tiny
fair giounds. A larger sum of money
than heretofore has been raised for the
different prizes, and $75 will also be
given at tho band concert contest.
There will be a hose lace, hook and
ladder and a hub race, and a prize drill
for a puise.
Elcazer Thlatla and Wilt Robinson,
two fishermen of Athens, are in the
county Jail awaiting tho decision of tho
next giand jury, on tho charge of Ille
gal fishing by tho use of explosives,
" 'lies Woodward, of Athens, has a
fi . In the form of a rooster, which
has four legs, with five toes on each of
tho two front. feet nnd four on each of
the hind feet.
At a meeting of tho veterans of this
county, it was decided that a color ser
geant adorn the new monument soon
to be erected heie. A committee has
also been appointed to prepare for the
unveiling ceremonies, which -will occur
in October.
The late O. O. Esser, a former resi
dent of Sayic, left an estate valued at
David D. Davis, or PltLston, nnd Miss
Emeline Culver, of Laccyvllle, were
married at Towanda by Rev. E. J.
Rosengrant. The ceremony was per
formed nt the homo of the bride's
brother, C. M. Culver.
The colored peoplo of Wavcrly nnd
nearby towns aro preparing for a
grand celebration on Emancipation day,
August 1.
Charles M. Smith, tho well-known
Towanda caterer, has been awarded the
contract to attend the culinary depart
ment for the Ninth leglment of the
National Guard, during their nnnual
encampment at Mt, Gietna, which be
gins this week.
A resident of Terrytown has lemons
growing from seed which was planted
twenty-two years ago.
Delegates from this county attended
the convention of the Young People's
Christian union at Rochester last week.
Rev. P. J. Boland, for a year assist
ant to Father J. J. Coroner, of the
Church of SS. Peter nnd Paul, has been
succeeded by Rev. Father Kelly. Father
Boland lias been assigned a charge in
Lackawanna county.
Special to the Seranton Trl'mns.
Forest City, July 15. The Gospel
tent, which has been hero for several
weeks, will bo taken to Shlckshlnny
on Wednesday or Thursday. The la
bors of tho eveangellst In Forest City
have been comparatively ban en of re
sults. With tho retirement of tho tent
people, the Sunday evening union ser
vices will be resumed, Tho first ser
vice will be held next Sabbath In the
Methodist church. Rev. W. Holllns
head will bo the preacher.
Herbert Reyonlds, of Scranton.yVis
lted his patents hero today.
D. Stanley Evans, of Peckvlllo. called
on many of his friends hero Sunday,
W. T. Jennings, of New York city,
Is spending his vacation with his par
ents here.
Tho Hillside- disbursed tho "ever
needful" among its employes here to
day. Forest City's night patrolman might
profitably turn his attention to some
of tho youngsters who make head
quarters on convenient business door
steps about town and annoy the pass
ershy with comments nnd other bois
terous conduct. It would be a lellef
to many well disposed people to keep
the boys eternally "moving on."
There was no work at the Hillside
colliery today and the Impression Is
general that the mines will remain
Idle until the agitation of the firemen
and pump men are settled,
The plcnlo of the United .Mine Work
ers of America on Wednesday, will, If
indications count, be tho biggest nf
fair of the kind ever held In Forest
City. It will be the first time) the pret
ty maple grove east of town has been
llf'l f' " r"--ri'. ve-rr
Wall Street Review.
New York, July 15. Today's stock
market was a striking Instance of a fa
vorite Wall street aphorism that tho
expected never happens. Tho general
expectation In Wnll street this morn
ing was of a day of continued liquida
tion nnd violent declines In prices. As
a matter of fact the first smashing
blow dealt to the market by the accu
mulation of selling orders over Sunday
which were executed nlmost simultan
eously when tho president's gavel fell
mado trie low prices of tho day. There
wns gradual recuperation during tho
whole of the remainder of the day ex
cept for some fresh recessions at the
close when the room traders were tak
ing their profits on the day's rally.
A scrutiny of tho day's net changes
reveals some considerable net losses,
but also very sharp net gnlns, while
tho sharpest losses at the opening were
reduced to unimportant proportions or
entirely wiped 'out. The natural in
ference from thcie events Is that a
considerable portion of tho selling,
which was necessitated by tho unfa
vorable development of tho labor situ
ation in the steel trade was effected
last week while reassuring opinions
were being doled out to the public of
the extreme probability of the dispute
reaching the open issue of a strike. But
the unltlated bidders of tho United
States steel holdings undisposed of
mado a notable demonstration this
morning In their urgent nttempts to
unload and ncccpt their offerings. A
considerable part of the liquidation In
the steel stocks came from London,
where In fact, declines below Satur
day's New York parity of 4i for Uni
ted States steel common nnd 6 for
United States steel pieferred had been
recorded before the opening here. The
New York prices did not get ns low
ns those for London, but the extreme
opening decline for the common was
4Vi on running sales of 20,000 shares,
and of the preferred, B points.
Tho rally In tho market was very
feverish and erratic until tho opening
prices in the corn market disclosed the
weakness of that cereal on the pros
pects of rain In the corn belt. The
continued weakness of corn was an In
fluential factor In the sustained recov
ery of stocks. The opening declines
In the loading C.rangers nnd Pacific.
,Pouthwcsterns l cached from 3 to 5
points, Union Pacific lcr.dlng. Total
sales, 970,800 shares.
Tho railroad bond market was not
so acutely affected as stocks and
showed gains in tho late trading. Sales,
par value, J2.i.'0,000. Tho United States
new s, tho old 4s nnd the Ss declined J,i
per cent, on the last call.
The following quotations re tarnished Tht
Tribune bv M. S .toil in k Co., reom 70S7r4
Wears building, Seranton, Pa. Telephone 500.1:
Open- High- Low- Cloa-
in. et, tit. Ins.
American Sucar ...;...l.'io ISfi'i Wi J"
American Tobacco 125 121 Ui l-1?
Atchl'on 7n4 72H V .l74
Atchison, l'r M Pi's W'i f i
Ilrook. Trmtion 7.Vi 73 7J's .V4
Pllt. k Ohio 01 fltVi Oi fll'-a
C.'ont. U fll'ii ft fil'a
Che. k Ohio 41 ', 41 4'U
(Tile, k C.t. We-tern ... 21'i 21'4 2I,
St. Paul IWi 1V 1M4 lSVi
Rock Island lMVa 1I11 U'.'i 110
Kan. k lex.. IT St M M AJjt
l)uls. k Nh ini'i in.iv; ini'j vt
Man. Elevated U HIS 1H1! U1"
Met. Traction ICi 1S,i 1 M
Min. I'u-iflc lrtivi VU lno'j im
Ninth Pacific M f.0 i fiOi
Norfolk k West 47 45i 4114 li
N. V. Central Hl lWi 1H 1.WV,
Ont. k Western HO", .11 sn .11
Pennv. Rv 112 111 11" Hi'i
ricific Jlall M4 Krt'i Srt'5 Bn'j
Rcadinu Ry 3 S'i 3ii,3 373
Revlinc Rv., l'r 74 74'j 7.1 71'i
Southern H. R H 2 27U 2
Southern R. R, l'r., ... l"i M Pl'i Ft'i
Tenn. Coal Iron S7 50 .V.U 59
V. S. Leather U'i 12'J 12 12'i
1 . S. Leather, Tr. 76'j Toj 7 7fi'i
1'. S. Rubber 20 20 n1. 11
fnion lMolfl.' 11 '.1114 M'j DP,
fnlon Pacific, l'r 7 n 87 IW
Wabah, Tr 31T1 ' ."i'i TA
Western fnion 1 S'l'J M'l
Col. Fuel Iron Il'i 0P 924 01
Anial. Copper 110 IIP, 1M 111
People's Oas lll'i llil'i lit It:1;
L'rie 3". S7 31 Sfi'4
Krie, 1st HP, i,ij t4 nij
Col. Southern 12 1! 12 12'j
Texas Pacific irt ."S :tt 38
Amer. Car Foundry .... 27 2H ?7 27
I S. Steel Co 37- S'l 37 ."tV,
U. S. Steel Co., Pr 87 81 8(i4 85
Open. High- Low- Clos.
WHEAT. inc. et. eet. ing.
September 73 7. 71 72
December ' 75 75 73 71
September 51 6 52 52
December 51'i 5114 53 53
Seranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
I'lrat National Rank
Seranton Savlncv Hank
Third National Rank
Dime Pepolt and Discount Rank..
Kconomv Light, H. & I'. Co
Lacks, Trmt Safe Deposit Co
Clark k fenover Co., Pr
Seranton Iron Pence k Mfsr. Co....
Seranton Axle Worka
Lackawanna IHlry Co., l'r
County Swine Hank k Truvt Co..
First Natloml Rank (Carbondalc)..
Standard Drillinc Co
Traders' National Rank
Seranton Rolt k Nut Co
People' Rank
New Mexlio Ry. k C Co
Seranton Tafenser Railway, first
MortRise, due 1020
Terple'a Street Railway, first mort.
pace, duo 101S
Teople'a Street Rillway, General
mnrtsaie, due 1021
Dickson Mimifacturlng Co
Laeka. Towmhlp School 5 per cent.
Riil. Askec
115 ...
"5 .
IIS ...
... ino
City of Seranton St. imp. a per
6cranton Traction 6 per cent 115
Seranton Wholesale Market.
(Cercrcted by 11. O. Dale. 27 Lackcwanna Ave v
Rutter-rresh, 20Ha21c. j dairy, fresh, 1914a
Cheese Full cieam. new, lOallc.
Hess Western freh, Uhrttc. j nearby state
Peans-rer bushel, choice marrow, $2.dOa2 m
Pea Ream Per bushel,cholce marrow, ?2.3Ja
lledlum Deans Per bushel. S2.40a$2.i5.
Green Peaa Per bushels. $1.40jtl 45,
Flour Rest patent, per barrel, $1.45.
Red Kidney Deans Per bushel, fr2.4Ja$2.50.
Potatoes Per bushel. 85a00c.
New York Grain and Produce.
New York, 3av IV Flour Quieter and barely
steady. Wheat f.pot weak. So a red, 73c. f. n.
b, atliati No, 2 red, 73c. elevator; No. 1 North
ern Puluth, 7t'sc f o. b. afloit. Options
opened strnns, but broke later. Coed weak at,
So. net loa. July closed 72c ; September,
72c: October. 72c, : Dot ember, 74c, Corn
Spot weikerj No. 2. 52'4c. elector and Mo f.
0, h, afloat. Option market had a strong open
Ine, but at once turned weak and was heavy all
diy. Clncd weak at Pic. net decline. July
cloed ft2lc. : September, 52?c. ; October. fi2sii'.;
December, 5.1i3tic . dosed 51c, Oats Receipts,
(17,20 hushels, ixports, 101.851 biuhelsj spot
weak; No. a, 37c j No. 3, Srt'jc.j No, 3 white,
87c. 1 No, 3, 3Ui ; track mixed western,
33j37r s track white, S,il2c, Option market
opened strong with corn, but subsequently weak
ened under crop news. Flutter Steady; creamery,
13atl4c.i factory. l.lal.Vfcr ; Imitation creamery,
llal7c. state dslrv, llatS'tc. Cheese-quiet;
fanty large colored, 0c 1 fancy large white,
8yc ; fancy (.mall colored, pifcc j faniv small
white, OVlc. F-kb-s Strone, state and Pennsyl
vania, 14al3e,s western uncandled, 8al2Jic. ; west
ern candled, 13al5c,
Philadelphia Grain nnd Product.
Phtlsdelphla, July 15. Wheat-Dull and wevk;
eontiact grade July closed 70ja71e. Corn-Options
unsettled and fluctuating! declined 4ilc.
nd closed nomlnsl, Local eir lots dull. No. 2
mixed July closed 61a34c, Oats OfTerlnga lib
eral, light demsnd, Hie", per bushel joweri No,
2 white clipped early SO'SatOe.j Liter, SSV4e.
Flour Firm, but unchanged. Butter Firm. Uc.
higher; fancy western creamery. 20c; do do.
print, JOs21c; do. nearby do., tie. Eggs Firm,
vjile, higher; fresh nearby, l.lci do. western.
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than four Lines, j Cent (or Etch Extra Line.
For Ront.
For Remit.
About 1200 feet of floor space on
4th floor of the Tribune building,
suitable for light mauf jcturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at office of
Thk Tribune.
lOlt RENT Weht rooms, "JJ Jefferson avenue;
all modem conveniences. "
WO OREEN RIDGE STREET, ten room, modern
Improvements; steam heat furnished; deslr
desirable. For Sale.
CAIILOAP OF HORSES, (mm ten to fourteen
hundred, at 222-224 Oakford court. J. M.
FOR SALE The most attractive lots In city.
I'rescott avenue, block above new school
houe. Pmiblo lot, 40U7O. gas, water, sewer
pipes laldi only l,o0rt. Take Petersburg car
and see these splendid lots. Apply 11. A.
Kaufold, 635 I'rescott avenue, or Thomas Russell,
(SO Harrison avenue.
FOR SALE A Ceittrell k Sons cv Under press,
.Vlx'W, In good condition, new rollers, $.100.
Apply Wilkes-Rane Times Office, Wilkes Darre,
Wanted To Rent.
WANTED To rent, four nice rooms on West Side
at once. Address R. J. 1'., Tribune Ofilre.
Furnished Booms.
FURNISHED ROOM Front room, side room, with
or without board. 016 Washington avenue.
FOR RENT One large furnished front room;
also ono side room. 637 Adams avenue.
I.ovr V diamond sunburst, with pearl settlns,
between lloice's hotel and Devlnc k Mc
fTuirc'j, on the Ablngton turnpike. Kinder will
be liberally rewarded by returnlnff same to J. P.
HukIics Kcneral timekeeper, I)., L. Ii W. car
LOST Ledger book around town. Return to C.
i;. Hone, 321 Adams avenue.
Il'4al3c.; do. southwestern, 12'2C; do. southern,
12c. Cheese Firm; New York full creams fancy
small, ll'ic. ; do. do. do. fair to choice, 8ia1Vc.
Refined sugars Franklin icflnery lUt prices as
jet unchanged, powdered, .""i0; cubes, $5.75;
Crown A, V.S5; granulated and crvstal A, $3.31;
So. 1 at V3a down to $1.50 for Nos. 14, 15 and
10. The 'McCahan Independent, it is claimed,
it quietly meeting the tut of ten points bv the
Arhuckles and selling gi.inulated at V.33. Cotton
l'nchanged; middling uplands, 8c. per pound.
Tallow stoad.v; lit prime In hhiii., 3e. ;
country do. do. barrels, laPie ; cakes, b2Q.
Live Poultry Dull and lower; fouls, ll'.jil2c. ,
old rooter, 7c; spring chickens, Italic. : prini;
ilmks. lOallc; old ducks, lOe. Dressed roul
lrj Firm, fowls higher; fowls choice, lUjc. ;
do. fair to nood, lHjallc; old roosters, d'.ic;
broilers nearhv. 18j2.m,; western do., 13a20o.
Receipts Flour, 1.030 barrels and l.tJOI.OnO
pounds in saiks; wheat, 1,128 bushels; corn,
2iU7ll bushels; oats, 53,512 bushels. Shipments
Wheat, 17,310 bushels; lorn, 1,129 lushels; oils,
5,971 buvhels,
Chicago Grain and Produce.
Chliago, July 15. Prices for grain ruled
lower todav on predictions of more favorable
weather. Wheat closed c. lower, corn c. and
oats Uc denresv-d for September delivery. Pro
visions at the close were 10 a25e. lower. Cash
quotations wero as follows;
Flour Steadv j No. 2 red spring wheat. OTa'jc ;
No. 2 corn, 47alS c; No. 2 oats, 324c; No,
3 white. .a3V.; No. 2 rve, 32a5tc; No. 1 flax
seed, $1 8S, pilmo timotiiv- rfed, $4 70; mea
pork, ?H.10ill.l3; laid. S.M.i.57'j; short ribs,
$7.S3a".03, ilrv salted shoulders, 7'ia"4c; short
clear sides, $?.0a9.50; whiskey, $1.27.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, Julv 15. Cattle Receipts. 21.0jiO. in
cluding 575 Tean; fancy steers steady; bulk
unevenly at 10 to 23 cents lower; good to prime
uteera quotable, $3 25a(U5; poor to medium,
$.1.70a5; stockera and feeders dull, $2al 23; cons
best steady; others low, $2.23a4 30; heifers, $2 40a
4.00; canners. (1.5012.10; bulls, $2al. 40, calves
lower, .l.75ai.'23i Texas steers fed i-teady, $3.70v
4 SO. Hogs Reieipta todav, S'.OOil; tomorrow,
30,000; left over, 4,000; JOaiai.. lower; mixed
and butchers, $5 75nl.20; cood to choice heavv,
$5 90a.27'a; rough heavy, S3.70i5.00; light. $3 b0
afl07'4; bulk of sile, $3, Sheen Re
ceipts, 23,000; sheep weak; lambs, 25al0c. lower;
good to choice wether", ?li4(i5; fair to choice
mixed, 3.40a4.15; western sheep, $.1.73)1; yearl
ings, 8i.25a4.80; native lambs, $,1.50a3.t3; west
ern lambs, $3.75i3, 10.
New York Live Stock Market.
yfw York. Julv 15. Reeves Steers, dull and
10al5c. lower; bulls and cows firm to 10c. higher;
steers, ?l fiOiS.sO; bulls, $2.75al,l0; cowc, $2.25a4.
Calves Opened strong; closed a trifle slow; all
sold; veils at $5v7.23; bulls, $l.25al,73; butter
rA'ks, .).fi2'8al 23, sheep Firm; lamb 15 to 30
cents lower; sheep, Mai 50; choice. 81.75; rulN,
$2.40; lambs, $3afl.75; extra, $7a7,12',4; cull,
$4.50. Hogs Feeling a trifle weak; quotations,
East Liberty Cattle.
Ist Liberty, Julv 15 Cattle Steady; extra,
$.V83a; prime, A.50a5.70; good, $5.40. Hogs
Slow and lower; prime heavies, assorted mediums
and bet joikcra, $n.30art.S5; pigs, K30a6.32'4;
light to fair vorkers, 8.20a8.30; skips, $3aD,
louchJ, $l,25i.7S. Sheep Steady; best wethers,
SlUOallO; culls and common, $1 50a2.50; vcarl
ings, $3al.75; veal calves, $719,
Oil Market.
Oil City, July 15. Credit balances, ms; ceriifl.
cates no bldv or ofteis. Runs, Hi,;i; avcagc,
83,632; hirnvnts. 238,127; average, 91,011.
American League.
At Baltimore First game R. H. E.
Washington O0O00O21O3 10 1
Baltimor 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 0 2
Batteries Lee and Clarke; McGinnity and Bres
nahan. Umpire Manassau,
Second game R. it, E,
Washington 0 0 0 10 2 0 0 03 U 2
Baltimore 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 2 7 11 2
Batteries Carrlck and Clark; Foreman and
Robinson. Umpire Maaassau,
At Philadelphia R. II. E,
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 7 I
Philadelphia 30000030' ii 15 3
Batterlcf, Winters, Cuppy and Schreckongost;
Plank and Smith. Umpires Connolly asd Sheri
dan. National League.
At Cincinnati Ti, H. E.
Brooklyn ..,....,.,, ,0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 3 12 3
Cincinnati 0 0 0 1 0 O 1 1 1 4 7 3
Ilatterles-Donovau and McGuire; Phillips and
Bergen. Umpire Nash. '
At Chicago rt. II. E.
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 fl 3
Chicago 01000210 4 8 3
Bstterles-Dineen and Kittridge; Taj lor and
Kilns, Umpirt-O'Diy.
At St. Louis R. II. E.
New York 2 2 0 0 O O 0 1 0 J 10 i
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 1
Batteries Matthewson and Warner; Sudhofl
Rvan. Umpire Dwyer.
At rittsburg-PIttsbure-Phllidelphla, no came,
"What's the funniest thine I ever sasvt" re
prated the gentleman ef sporting- tendencies;
"well, I guns It was a dead heat in an event
where there was only one entry," "How in the
world waa that!" came from the other side
of the store and when the answer came, "a cre
mation," the questioner ordered. Philadelphia.
WANTED Every family to bur ran of our Ver
min and Moth Powders. No moths are ever
Ken where If Is used. One application will ex
terminate ill lice en poultry. Call on grocers
and druagists (or tame. II they have none In
(hock write to us and we will send Jon ran.
Trice, 25 tent. Agents wanted. Hears Vermin
Powder company, Dalton, Pa.
WANTED-An Intelligent (Catholic) lady or sen
tleman to fill a light, pleasant portion;
Rood pey, suitable. AddrcM I. O. llox 20,
Seranton, Pa,
Help Wanted Mala.
WANTEDA registered pharmirist. Address,
with reference, Drug, rare ol Tribune Oldie.
DOY WANTED To do general work. Apply at
314 Linden street.
Agents Wanted.
WANTED Ten exnerlenced canvassing agents.
with good references; write today. John
Wanamaker, Dept. 162 A, New York.
Want Advertisements Will Bo
Received at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALBERT SCI1LUTZ. corner Mulberry
street and Webster avenue.
GUSTAV riCHI.L. 630 Adams avenue.
West Side
GEORGE W. JENKINS, 101 South Main
South Seranton
FRED L. TERPPE, 720 Cedar avenue.
North Seranton
GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North -Main
avenue and Market street.
Green Ridge
CHARLES l JONES, 1357 Dickson
F. J. JOHNS, 920 Green Ridge street.
C. LORENZ, corner Washington ave
nue and Mirlon street.
W. II. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue.
Boarders Wanted.
WANTED Table boarders.
Washington avenue.
Mrs. Tompkins, 521
Money to Loan.
$300,000 TO LOAN Lowest rates; straight cr
monthly payments. Stark k Co.,Traders' bljg.
straight leans or Building and Loan. At
from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker,
311-315 Ccnnell building.
Situations Wanted.
SITUATION WA.TEI To CO out bv the day
washing or cleaning. Cull on or address Mrs.
Russell, 1210 Cedar avenue.
S1TFATIOV WASTED -Registered pharmacist of
flr-t das practical experience; single. Ad
drc (Quinine, tribune Oitkc.
SlTfvTION UANTKD-Hv a joung mm as as
sistant draughtsman or tracer. Address Box
M, Ihroop, Pa,
SITUATION WANTKD-Exprrlenud evpert ac
countant would like to make a few engage
ments to open, dose, audit, post ami balance
books. Addresa 1, 2.(3, Tribune Otitic.
SlirvriON WWTKD-Coachman wants a situa
tion with a private familv ; understands the
business thoroughly; sober and icllabio .mil a
careful driver, with good ell.v teferentcs. id
dres Coachman, 3.11 Pcnn avenue.
SITUATION WANTED As clerk In grocery, three
vcars expenenie and refeicnces. Address,
R. V. 11., 923 Cedar avenue.
SIT FAT ION WANTED By a man grading or
laving sidewalks, or fencing, or tutting
lawns or any kind of woik. 1116 I.lovd street,
second floor.
SITUATION WAVIKP By an expert laundress
on ladies' or gentlemen's hne clothes. Ladies
stopping at hotels can have their laundry done
on short notice. Addres 1116 Llovd street, sec
ond floor.
SITUATION WASTED To go out washing and
Ironing. Washing and ironing taken home
also. Call or address 3.11 North Sumner avenue.
SnUVl'lON WANTED A womin wants warn
ing to take home. Address Mis. A. R. Evans,
338 Evans court.
SITUATION WANTED By a resectable girl to
do cooking; tan furnnh best rifeicmes.
Please call at 511 Rebecca avenue, ll.vrio Park.
SITUATION WANTED By a good girl to do gin
eial housework; can give best refeiemes.
Please call at 5.14 Rebeica avenue, II) de Park.
SIIUATION WANTED By stiong, active, joung
man, willing to do any honest wink; one
veer's experience in shipping; good icferciiew,
Addiesv, 11. L.,caio of Tribune Ottiic.
SITUATION W AS 1 ED By a joung man, as .
first-class stenographer AdJreis "Steno,''
care Tribune.
61TUAT10N WANTED By a voung man; well
retommend-d; willing to work at an.vthing,
cheap, with board. Addicss K. M., 511 Meiidian
SITUATION WANTED-Dv a middle-aged woman
as housekeeper in widower' family; can give
reference. Call on or address M. II , HSouth
Rebecca avenue, Seranton, Pa.
SITUATION WANTED Girl wants situation at
general hou-ework. Good Heady girl. Ad-
drea M. Rochford, General Delivciy, West bids
SITUATION WANTED A first class coachman de
sires a sltuttion with a private funlly.
Cspable, sober and tellable and understands the
businets thoroughly; with references. Addicsj.
Coachman No. 334 I'enn avenue.
OUR NEW BOOK sent free, fully Illustrated,
treats ol all conditions of mm, tells how to
attain "Perfect Manhood." Should be in the
hand 'f every male adult. Addiesa Erie Medical
Co., "Book Dept.." Buffalo, N. Y
Disagreeable Triumph of Farmer
Whose Ohickens Wero Stolon,
By Eicluslve Wire from The Associated Press.
Shade Gap. Pa., Julv IV I'mbla to neeount
for the mysterious disappearance of several hun
dreds of his fowls, Jacob Junes, n farmer nc,ar
here, made an investigation and discovered six
teen fkunks In his barn underneath the hay.
(uiek!y calling assistance, the destruction of
the odoriferous animals waa begun. After the ex
termination of the pesls It was found necessiry
to burn several tons ol hay, wnleli had been ren
dered useless by the animals, snd In addition
the bulldim had. to be fumigated by disinfec
Pastor Offers Fres Suits to Those
Who Are "Too Shabby.'
By Fxeluslve Wire from The Associated Press.
Suffolk, Va,, July 15, The pastor of Christ
church made a public offer todiy to furnish
Sunday clothes to ueh persons In his eontrega
tlon as give "torn shabby clothes" as their excuse
for non-attendance at divine service.
The only condition Imposed Is that the re
cipient must agree to attend church regularly
while the clothes list.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Thin Pour Lines, A Cents (or Each Extra Line,
Certified Public Accountant.
Estate Eachange Bldg., 126 Washington ave.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
Bpruce street, Seranton.
Room- 12, 14, 16 and IS Burr building.
tlated on real estate security. Mean building,
corner Washington avenue and Epivice street.
and counsellors atdaw. Republican building,
Washington avenue.
sellora atdavv. Commonwealth building, Rooms
IP, 20 and 21.
P03P04, Oth floor. Meant building.
of Trade building, Seranton, Pa.
Rank building.
211 Wjcmlng avenue.
Physicians and Sugeons.
DR. W.
ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulberry.
Chronic disease, lungs, heart, kidneys and
genitourinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p. m.
Hotels and IVesturnnts.
P. ZEIOLER, Proprietor.
sengcr depot. Conducted on the European
Plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor.
erymen, store 201 Wastrington avenue; peen
houses, 1950 North Main avenue; store tels
phone, ,62.
cess pools; no odor; only improved pumps u&ed.
A. D. Rriggs, proprietor, Iave orders 1100
North Main avenue, or Eicke'a drug store, cor.
tier Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones.
Wire Screens.
Seranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens.
al.-o ladles' waists, Louis Shoemaker, 21
Adams avenue.
In Seranton at the news stands of Relsman
Bros, 406 Spruce and 502 Linden; M, Norton,
22 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schutzer. 211
Spruce street.
THE ANNI'Ui MEETING of the stockholder of
the Seranton Lace Curtain company, for Wo
election of Miners and transaction of such other
business as may come before the meeting, will
be held in the oflice uf the lompany, in the mill,
on Tuesday, July ltth, J'lOI, at 2 p. m.
The Seranton Laco Curtain, Co .
II. W. TAYLOR. Secretary.
BOARD OF EXAMINERS. -Candidate for the of
fice ot mine inspectors in the First and Sec
oncl inspection dlMiicts aro hereby notified that
the board of examlnera appointed by the court
of common pleas of Lackawanna county will meet
nt the Boird of control rooma, City Hull, in the
City of Seranton, on Tuesday, Jul 16, 1T01, at 2
o'clock p. 111. for the examination of nich candi
dates as may appear before them. Candidate
will pleao notice that section 0 of the mine
law require them to produce satisfactory evi
dence to the board ff having had at least flvn
vear practical experience in the anthracite coal
mines of Pennsylvania.
Attest; Board.
EMIL BONN. Cleric.
Money Will Earn Dig Monthly
The Inv estor' Fund Pays Semi-monthly.
The oldest established in merlca No certificate
holder has ever lost a cent Taj-ments made to
all subscribers every 13 days. No treuble. No
delay. Money refunded en demand. Writ to
day for particulars, free to any address.
t;. u. Jiaekey K Co., Hudson uid'g , New Tor!:,
Pacific Anthracite Coal Co,
Capitol, $6,000,000. .
p. 0. Rox 1000. ' ;
Seattle, Wash., July 0, 1001,
We have for sale a block of stock in a new
find that we pronounce the richest prospect in
free gold quarts op eirth; 17 lbs. ol this quarts
selected actually sold for $.i,too. The dlseov.
erer has still richer chunks Write for particu
lars, We also ofTer development stock in this
Coal conipani, tho first anthracite discovered on
this coast J. M JiENNKIT. President,
Pacific Anthracite Coal Co.
Bond Offerings.
Paying 3J to SJ
Hiooklyn KcHfoii 1st is,
Ches. &. Ohio, 11. & A. Dlv. 1st Con.
i:aii8. fc Term Haute 1st Con. 6s.
Iowa (Ion. 11 y. Co. 1st 5s.
laouls., N. A. & Chic, Chic & Ind.
Dlv. 1st Cs.
Mexican Central Ily. Con. 4s.
Mifisoutl Pacific Trust fe.
Minn, ncn'l Klec. 1st Con. Es.
Mob, & Ohio, Montgomery Dlv. 1st
Rio Gramle Western 1st is.
St. L Iron Mt. & Bo. DeM. 4s.
Complete Circular List on Application.
1001 (Pocket Edition) Noweady
Spencer Trask & Co
27-20 Pine Street,
W State Street. Albany. .K. V, flCW YORK