The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 16, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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To Vtcop the flies nnrt In
lets from the food la to
use n Food Safe. A llfiht,
Btrons frame, covered with
wire cloth, allows full cir
culation of air, dors not
allow Infects to enter.
Three kIzcb. Prices, $3.53,
$3.50 and $3.73.
Foote & Shear Co.
JJ9 N. Washington Ave
Little Boys' Dresses
Made of Colored Fieneh Per
cale, trimmed with white braid
and feather stitched. A few of
white pique. One or two of n
style In thotc pretty Roy's Milan
Straw Hats. All at your own
Th? Baby Bazaar,
510 Spruce Street.
TclfeMnf or mill tia n pnlM ,n r1" ot 5n,lr
heme and quote prlre en laundering any qrnllty
rr kind tt laic or aath curtains. lUulU guar,
I 'THE-'
A very pleas-ant mrprlfe party wat
tendered Edwaid Kell, of COS South
WehMer avenue, last evening by a
large number of his friends. The even
ing was whlled away In games, bonga
and dancing, and at a .easonable hour
refreshments were served. 1'iof. Wlll
lam Held furnished music for dancing.
Thcpe present writ-:
SIiwi Mjhic Writer, Lottie Wetter, Laura
Welter, .tnsephine Kt It. 1ri? Itiedlinailrr, Ml
thiidi Klem. Mimic Linzan, Krcd Kell, IMu.ird
hell. Mr .m.l Mr. Ired Kell. Mr. and Mrs.
Anton Ihle, Mr. ind Mrs. .lohn I.incin, Mr. and
Mm Miclnel Wetter, Mr. and Mr. riiailen
Ktrirl.. Mr and Mr.. Uillmr. Held. Mr. and
Mrs Henry Wollln, Mr. ami Mil. Albert llerhoter,
Mr. and Mrs. terdlnaml Hiedlinsaler, Mr. and
Mrs. Matthew Atlas, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dichl.
Mr and Mrs. Luke fcchoen, Mr. anil Mrs. flcoreo
Srhint. Mr. and Mis. Mitthew, Mr.
and Mrs. Olnrlts (inf and Mrs. Mchalai Johnson.
William Johnson, of Green Ridge,
and Miss Hannah May lteeby, daugh
ter ot Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roehy, of
f-'entt road, Rlakcly, weie united In
marriage last Saturday afternoon at
the home of the bride by Rev. James
Iley. pastor of the Primitive Methodist
chun h The bride, who was gowned
lti lavender cloth, was attended by
Miss lllllan Palmer, of this city, while
the gioom was nttended by Charles
Beeby. There was n large attendance
of out-of-town guests at the reception
which followed the ceremony.
A recent Mue ot the I'ress, ot Concordia, Kan
sas, mjs:
"He W H Willi mis, known In the east Hi
the 'Piummcr Kwn:elit,' hi. Iircn in tho vicin
ity the va' week, prruhlne. His motto is Tho
Siloon Mum. fir, fic. Williams will be remem
bered as a eiriuit iireather in this section, bav
ins had charcn of the Mapo innilt twenty jean
eo. He eprf.ea him'elt htRlilr pleawd to' nolo
the Kreit imprmi inent the mtintry has nude
durlntf his iluence of twenty jens He is meet
inr; old acrjuaintances. whiih nukes his stiy in
our mldit a very pleasant one. Hev. Williams
is district superintendent o( the Anti-Siloon
leacue o( Scranton, Pa , and Is en bis ta. to
California to Uit two daughters, who liie at I.os
Anseles. He vlll pieuh at PUtrkt 1 tomonow
ntsht ot the Methodi.t Lpisiopal ihimh o( this
city Thursday night and at Hollis I'rlday night."
Magistrate .'ohn T. Howe wis presented with
handiome past commander's badge by the mem
bers ed Colonel MorilrV post. No. ;il!, f, . It ,
at a meetiwj held last Saturdiy night. The pres
intation tpeeeh wis made liv Captain P. HeUcy,
ir.d was fittingly lesponded to by the nngislrit'e.
Magistrate Howe has been lor eenteen ejrs t
member el Monies post and Is one, of the best
Known 0. A. R. men in the state.
M. P. Flynn is at Atlantic City.
Mrs. W. L. Connell and family are at Elm
hurst. Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Hill are at Albany,
N V.
Pn and Mrs. I rederict )ue returned home from
Ligntstieet, Pa.
Attorney M. J. Walsh returned yesterday from a
busine.s trip to West Virginia.
Controller's Cleik .lohn W. Howell returned
yMeidy afternoon from New York city, where
he spent two daj.
The MUses Ktta and Katie flurko, of Ninth
street, are spending their vacation in New York
city and Ilartloid, Conn.
W S. Koote and family, cf Olbe street, have
gone to the Pan-American expo,ltlon and will
also visit otier points of Interest.
Mrs. Oieislmer, of Heading, Pa., who has been
the kuest of her daughter, Mrs. Turner, of Ca
pouse aienue, has returned to her home.
Miss Iteflna Douglur, of North Welles street,
Is spending a few dis as the gnut of the Misses
Tlgue, Wyoming avenue, fccranton. Wilkes-Uarre
Ficnice and Lnrrjo Gatherings
Promptly furnished with best Ice
Cream. Hanley, 420 Spruce street.
fcfc . M ,. .
in all the detailsvof this bust-
ness we seek out and follow S
the safest and most approved I
methods. M
The People's Bank!
Colonel F. U Hitchcock, ex-dlrector
of public safety, announces himself as
a. candlate for the 'Uepubllcan nomi
nation for common pleas JtidRc. He
says he has received numerous letters
ui-RlnR him to be a candidate and, after
due deliberation, has made up his
mind to so Into the primaries. "1
will nnnounce my candidacy and en
nuncinte my platform In a formal way
In duo time," the colonel said yester
day. "The time Is ripe, I believe, for
the candidacy of one who represents
what It Is so Reneratly known I stand
for In the matter of administering Jus
tice." Select Councilman Joseph Oliver Is
already fllrtlm? with the Republican
nomination for representative from
the Flist Legislative district. He has
not openly declared his candidacy, but
his friends are talking him up stroni?,
and declare that It will not take a yry
hard push to pet him Into the arena.
Represenfitlve T. J. Reynolds will be
a i.indldhte for rr-rlm tlon.
The Democratic standhiR committee
of the Third I.CRlslatlw district will
meet this afternoon, In Coyne s hotel,
Minnoka, to fix upon n date for the dis
trict primaries and convention to elect
delegates to the state convention In
Harrlsburg, August 15.
Over Five Thousand Forsons At-
tonded tho Annual Excursion of
the Business Mon.
Over five thousand persons went to
Lake I.odore yesterday on the Grocers'
This Is an event that Is yearly looked
forward to with much anticipation by
the business men of the city In gen
eral, but tho Groceis In particular. A
great percentage-of the business houses
of the city were closed yesterday and
the business man went to tho lake
with his family nnd his clerks.
It was n great, good-natured crowd
that enjoyed the pleasures that I.o
dore offered during the day. The ex
cursionists used the boats, glided
mound the lake on the graceful nap
tha launches, danced, and listened to
the selections played by Rauer's band
and ate and drank great quantities of
the bountltul supply of lefieshments
which the Faddcn brothers had sup
plied for tho throng. No one need go
dry or hungry for lack of entertain
ment at Lodore yeatetdaj'.
During tho day, various contests
were decided and pilzes awarded. The
fortunate ones wore:
Hindiomc.-t Womin on the niound Miw Mama
lljtihluril, of south i-cranton; prize, box ot pre
sents, presented by Lutz k Schramm.
Prettiest baby on tho Giounds-Daughter of
Mr. and Mis. Henry Kraue, of 2Jf Uroadwav,
Stianton; prize, two rio7en case of nanus mllu,
piCMtited by Dr. Hind company. '
Cake Walk for Drummers Kmll Wclcbel ami
laclj j prize, handsome cake, presented by fceheuer
H Man's line lUzranl Dads; prire, five
pounds of Lorlllnrd's tobacco.
Lein Man's liace Harry Dnis; prize, five
pounds of Clark k Scott's tobacco.
llojn' Hue (under 1 j ears) Patrick Camp.
bell." 1121.! Price sttect; prize, box of Stir soip.
heelhirrow Itaco for Drummers Billy Craig;
prlrc, bo of Walker's soip.
Puttlnff the Heavy llimtner .lohn Lally, West
Pcranton; pri7e, five pounds of Clark 4. Snoicr
Hall fiame lietween Wholesilers and Itetallers
Won b the iclailers by a scoie of 17 to fl;
prize, box of Pitliflnder cigars by Duffy and
Wintzi box of liig Chief cigars, presented by
1). Spruks,
Hill (lame lietween Clerks of MiCann's Store
and Kmploiox of CI irk ,V Stott Won bv em
plojes of Clirk k Scott! prire, box of Quiker
(lirl ilgars, by J. L. Connell k Company.
Nearly nil of the events were warmly
contested and excited great Interest.
The drowning of Daniel Meredith,
which Is reported In another column,
cast a shadow of gloom over tho ex
cursionists during the nfternoon. Jo
seph Potter, an employe of E. C-. Cour
sen. who lives on Washington nvenue,
was overcome by the heat while out
In a boat nnd for a time was In n
serious condition. Towards evening Iip
levlved nnd was able to return home
without assistance.
In the Highlands of Wayne and
Delaware Counties.
That Is the Inscription which ndoms
the front page of a very artistic little
booklet just Issued by Traveling Pas
senger Agent J. E. 'Welsh, of the New
York, Ontario and Western Railway
company, for the season of 1001. With
in the cover there is a wealth of infor
mation and half-tone cuts of many
places of Interest along the road. In
cluding Rock Lake, I-ake Poyritelle,
Mndlpan's I,ake, Preston Park, Pleas
ant Mount, Wlnwood, StarllRht, nnd
Hancock. -
The booklet gives the traveler seek
ing rcfrt and comfort nn accurate
knowledge of "w here to go, how to get
there, and what It will cost." The dlf-
4 ferent points of Interest to be reached
from Pcranton, the distance and the
fare, are all entimeiated, together with
a list of summer hotels nnd boarding
houses, accommodations, etc.
These booklets will be mailed free to
any one In Northeastern Pennsylvania
on application to Mr. Welsh, or they
can be ohtalned nt the Ontario and
Western offices on the western end of
the Lackawanna avenue bridge.
Fell Down a Flight of Stairs and
Fractured Both Arms.
Mrs. Terrence Kennedy, an aged
widow, who Is visiting nt the home of
Daniel Cavanaugh, at 910 Monsey ave
nue, went upstairs Sunday evening to
lower the windows, and while descend
ing the stairs fell headlong to the
1ien picked up It was found that
her head was severely bruised and
both her arms were broken, the left
sustaining a compound fracture. Dr.
Saltry was called and attended her,
Wyoming Seminary.
A largo nnd well-eiiulppcd boarding
school. Every modern convenience. Cer
tificate accepted by all colleges receiv
ing students on certificate. Depart
ments of music, art and oratory very
large. Business course for studenta who
do not wish to prepare for college. J300
a year.
For catalogue, address
L. L, Sprague, D. D President,
Kingston, Pa,
Smoke the Pocono 5c cigar,
SHOOK Jluth. fhook, at the Scranton rrlvato )
hrxnital. Sundav. Julv 11. lfjfll. Ftintral' todiv
at 3 p. m. at Methodlu EpUonal church. Dal-
ton, r. .
If Their Demand for an Eight
Hour Day Without Decrease of
Pay Is Not Granted by Fivo
O'Oloek This Afternoon Thoy Will
Strike That Was tho Decision Ar
rived at at tho Mooting of tho Firo
men of tho Valloy Hold Last
Upwards of 223 stationary firemen
from the various boroughs, all the way
from Korcst City to Scranton, decided
last night at a meeting held In O'Mat
ley's hall. North Scranton, to ratify
tiie action taken by the convention at
Wllkes-Rarre on Sundpy. In dcclailng
a genernl strike, to take effect today.
The meeting was conductetl under the
nusplces of Local union, No. f0, nnd
was addressed by Ftale President J. V.
Mullahy, ot Kingston, and State Sec
retary nnd Treasurer .lames A. Ger
rlty, of Plttston. Their remarks were
enthusiastically received, and the vote
In favor of ratifying tho stilko order
was unanimous.
It was decided to order nil firemen
out today at all places where tho de
mand has not been granted, and to
place 5 o'clock this afternoon n the
time limit for obedience to this order.
Tho demand made by the f remen Is
for nn eight-hour day without a reduc
tion in the present scale of wages,
which averages about $1.72 for a day
averaging twelve houts, the day shift
working ten houts and the night shift
working fourteen. This demand wns
formulated it a convention held on
June 15, and was piesented to nil the
coal companies nnd a number of the
other large concerns throughout tho
st'ite employing stationary firemen.
At the convention held on Sunday
last, unfavorable responses weie re
ceived from tho officials of nil the coal
companies In the anthracite region nnd
from a majority of tho other companies
upon whom the demand wns made.
The strike order was then forthcoming.
In this alley thcte are about MO
stationary firemen, who will go out to
day, according to President Mullahy.
The, vast majority of these are em
ployed nt the collieries of tho com
panion mining anthracite coiil n thin
valley. The stationary firemen em
plojed nt the mills, by the street rail
way compnnles nnd In and around huge
buildings are expected to strike also,
where they are not now working eight
hours, but the strike Is to be essen
tially a strike of firemen employed nt
the mines. There weie none but mine
firemen present at last night's meeting.
The ofllceifi of the association appear
to be confident that the strike will re
sult In the shutting1 down of the ma
jority of the mines throughout the an
thracite legion and the conseeiuent
throwing out of employment of over
a bundled thousand miners, drivers,
laborers, etc.
They maintain that tho lit emeu's as
sociation has been promised and will
receive the heari;' support of the Unit
ed Mine Wnrkets of America, and that
the companies will bo unable to 1111 the
places of tho utrfkcrs with mcmbeis of
that organization. They maintain,
further, that If non-union men are se
cured the mine workers will lefuse to
work In the mines while they aie em
ployed, "I feel confident," said President Mul
lahy to a Trlbuno man last night, "that
tho mine workers will stand by us In
this light to ,i man, nnd that the com
panies will have a hard job i tinning
their collieries If they persist in refus
ing our demands. We are beginning
thlfl strike under most auspicious cir
cumstances, and I feel sure that wo
will be successful." The llremen con
tend that they will nlso have the sup
port of the englneets In their struggle,
and maintain that the latter will ic
fusc to do any lit lug.
A mass meeting of firemen will be
held this morning at 9 o'clock In O'Mal
ley's hall, whore strike headquarters
are to be established.
Mobilist Jones Arrived in Corning
Sunday Night.
C. M. Florey. of the firm of Florey
& Brooks, received a telegram yester
day morning from Harry Jones, who Is
making a trip on a mobile fiom this
city to Buffalo In the hopo of covering
tho distance In thirty hours actual
running time.
The telegram wns sent fiom Corning,
N. Y,, which Jones reached on Sunday
night In thirteen hours and forty-three
minutes. Corning is 112 miles from
this clt'. and by reaching there the
time he did Jone3 took an hour oft his
It Is 131 miles from Corning to Buf
falo find Jones Is expected, by Mr.
Florey. to reach the latter placo some
time today In much less than thirty
Special Session Will Be Held Hero,
There will be a session of United
States court here tomorrow, when Judge
R. W. Archbald. Marshal Fred C.
Leonard, District Attorney S. J. Mc
Carrell, nnd tho other principal court
officials will be present.
Tho annual reports will be prepared
for forwarding to Washington, nnd
motions made for the admission of at
Recorder and Dirootor Rocho Opened
Proposals Yesterday.
Recorder Connell nnd Director of
Public Works Roche yesterday opened
bids for the $10,000 worth of bonds for
park Improvement purposes, tho Issu
ance of which wis outhorlzed by coun
cils about two years ngo.
Tho Issue of $30,000 worth of bonds
woo authorized at that time, the same
to bo apportioned In amounts of $10,000
a year for a period of three years, This
Is the third and final lot.
Tho hlda iccelved yesterday were ns
Instruction to
beginners in
Pianoforte for
$30, under com
pet on t In
structors, at the
OthPr courses.
Special induce
ments to regis
ter now. 160 students enrolled Inst year.
j, Alfred Pennington, Director.
Matchless Light .
and Brjeezy Fans
This Is the time of the year to take
advantage of both.
The raten for electric service will en
able nil to endure hot weather In per
fect comfort sea breezes at home.
Suburban Electric Light Co
509 Linden Street.
follows: W. J. Hayes & Son, Cleve
land, par and a premium of $644 with
accrued Interest; Title Guarantee and
Ti ust 'company, of Scranton, par and a
premium of J300 with accrued Interest;
GeorRe C. White, jr., fc Co., New Yoik,
par and a premium of JfiSO with ne
crued Interest. Tho bonds will bo
awarded today by Recorder Connell.
The other $20,000 worth issued In the
past two years have been taken at par
by the sinking fund commission for tho
sinking fund.
With the money to be realized from
the sale of these bonds, Director Roche
expects to he able to construct the
aquatic gardens and the new animal
houses provided for In the plans pre
pared by Landscape Gardner Edgcrton.
Fireman Arthur Howe, of This
City, Was Scalded
to Death.
In a collision' of engines In the
Gouldsboro yard of the Lackawanna
rallrriad, at nn early hour yesterday
morning. Fireman Arthur Howe was
scalded to death, Engineer Benjamin
Harrington had his shoulder bruised,
Brakoman James Healcn had his leg
and side bruised, and Fireman James
Phillips had his hands, fnce and body
quite badly scalded.
Wildcat engine No. S2T, In charge of
Conductor M. Flnnorty, had left Its
train on the west bound track nnd run
down to take water. After taking
water, the engine crosserl over m me
east bound track nnd was backing up
for the train, when the collision oc
curred with summit engines S03 and
810, in charge of Conductor J. Honni
gan, which were bucking west on the
east bound tuck.
The collision occurred at -.'.'3 n. ni.
The engines wete limning at a slow
rate of speed. The three engines were
slightly damaged, nnd the three tanks
were thrown off the track. Howe, was
caught between tho tender nnd the en
gine and llteially scalded to death.
His left leg was severed above the
knee, nnd the flesh on his face, hands
and body was burned away.
When his gloves were removed the
flesh came oft tho hands with them.
The faco was so badly burned, that
the featutes were not recognizable. The
body wns taken to Raub's undertaking
establishment, nn Spruce stiect, where
It wns bound In cloths and prepared
for burial. Later It was removed to
Howe's home, nt filO Pino street.
Engineer Harrington bad his Injuries
dicssed at tho Moses Taylor hospital,
and later went to his home In West
Scranton. Healcn and rhllllps me
now at tho hospital, where they are
reported to be Improving nicely. The
latter two are residents of Dunmorc.
Engine Was Overturned.
The other wicck on tho Lackawanna
road occurred at 3.23 a. m. at Henry
ville. Engine SI'."!, in charge of Engi
neer Thomas Brodciick and Fireman
Bert AVashburn, went off a spur on
tho curve of tho east bound main
track and cast bound siding and the
engine nnd one enr was derailed, both
of which were slightly damaged. The
switch was torn up. and the engine
turned over on Its side In a ditch.
Broderlck escaped by jumping from
the cab window nnd received slight
bruises by falling down a short em
bankment. Washburn also Jumped be
fore the engine toppled over, and es
caped with a few bruises.
Wreck on the Erie.
A slight wreck also occurred early
yesterday morning on the Erie lallroad
at Rock Junction, a shoit distance
from Dunmore. Engineer Gllbrlde and
Conductor W. R. Woodward were en
gaged in switching a number of cats,
when one of them struck the engine
with considerable force nnd derailed
the car.
Brakoman George Ott, of Dunmore,
was caught between the car nnd the
englpo and his left arm was cut off
between the elbow and tho shoulder.
He wns taken to tho Lackawanna
hospital, where his Injuries were
dtes&cd. Ho was testing comfortably
last evening.
If You Have Headaches
don't experiment with alleged cures.
Buy Krause's Headache Capsules,
which will cure any headache In hatf
an hour, no matter what causes It.
Price 25c. Sold by all druggists.
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. F. & M. T. Howley,231 Wyoming ave.
If von have a weak stomach nnd
suffer from Indigestion drink COFo.
Try tho new 5c cigar "Kleon."
Can be bought at any
price becausje there are
all grades, but if you
want flour that makes
delicious sweet bread
$1.25 Per Sack
4.90 Per Barrel
Secure a barrel be
fore wheat advances
But Holds It Only by Ono Point.
This Seems to Be the Battleground
Now in the Tribune's Educational
Contest Miss Fedrick Breaks Her
Deadlock with Kemmeror Lewis
Still Working to Hold First Flaco.
1 Standing of Contestants, i
It tills rru tin Uit diy, these would win!
1. Meyer Lewis, Sprnn-
ton 540
2. Henry Rchwenker,
South Scranton . . . 330
3. William Miles, Hyde
Park 267
f 4. M 1 s s Wilhclmtna
Griffin, Providence. 266
i 6. Garfield Anderson,
Carbondale l8
O. Ray Buckingham,
Elmhurst 121
X 7. Miss Norma Mere
dith, Hyde Park.. 103
fi. August Brunner, jr.,
Carbondale 88
How mtnjr ot thse will be In Tabla No,
1 en the closing dtyt
?2 T
0. Miss Vida Pedrick,
Clark's Summit . . 82 T
T 10. Frank Kemmerer,
Factoryvillo 62 T
11. David O.. Emery,
J Wimmers, Pa. ... 45
12. Arthur C. Oriffls.
T Montrose 37
13. W. H. Harris, Hyde
Park 23 f
14. Miss Minnie Wallls,
Carbondale 17
15. Harry Freeman,
Bellevue 7
i 16. E. J. Sheridan, Haw-
ley 0 '
I 17. Miss Jennie Ward.
Olyphant 6
18. Robert Campbell,
Green Ridge 3
Third place In Tho Tribune's Edu
cational Contest has again changed
hands. This morning William Miles
holds It by a bare margin of one over
Miss Grlflln, he having brought In 15
points yesterday to Miss Griffin's 12.
Miss Pedrick, of Clark's Summit, suc
ceeded In hrenklng the tie between her
self and Frank Kemmerer and now
leads him by twenty points, she being
but six points behind August Brunner,
who sent In five yesterday. Meyer
Lewis still keeps on gaining on Henry
Schwenker and holds first place quite
All contestants must remember that
points received at tho ofllce after 5 p.
m. cannot be counted until the next
There is plenty of room even yet for
ambitious young people to enter the
ranks of the contestants. A contestant
beginning today with eight yearly sub
scriptions, counting 96 points, would go
right Into Table No, 1. Remember, no
entries will be received nfter the 15th
of August, for reasons set forth In the
advertisement on the fourth page of
this morning's Tribune. A pcstal ad
dressed "Kdltor Kducatlonal Contest."
Scranton Tribune, Scinnton, Pa., will
bo responded to with a handsomely
Illustrated description of the contest, or
a set of subscription blanks If you are
desirous of participating In the contest.
There Is Now Only $1,000 in the
City Treasury.
When tho doore of the city treasurer's
office were closed, yesterday afternoon
nt 5 o'clock, there was only about $1,000
remaining In the treasury charged to
the general city account. This Is the
low-water mark for a good many
moons past.
There was a rush on the treasury In
the afternoon, caused by the Issuance
of a large number of orders from the
city clerk's office. These orders were
not signed by Recorder Connell until
yesterday morning, and were largely I
In payment of work done on the streets.
About $4,000 was paid out during the
The tax duplicates have been in the
Haue Caiigbf on.
I Have you caught on to -
the stocks? They're the ::
proper thing for all out
i of door sports. Here is "
f a new lot of them in all ::
of the prevailing colors,
50 c.
Oils, Paints and Varnish
Maloney Oil & ManliJactiiring Company,
141-149 Meridian Street.
JaBr l
Mm '
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
treasurer's hands for some little time,
now, but the tajces are coming In very,
very slowly, th pciccntage of taxpay
ers who pay their taxes before the last
few days of grace being very smatl,
The only sourrte of revenue outside
of tho taxes, which will not come In
to any great extent for a month or two
yet, W the $118,000 due the city by the
county treasurer for liquor licenses.
Piano for Bala.
A tine upright grand piano, of an old
nnd reliable make, finished In the
finest mnhogany wood, nnd In perfect
condition. Just received nnd Is now
on sale. The case Is beautiful; the
tone Is delightful, and tho piano Is
absolutely perfect. Just as good as
new, and has been used only a few
weeks. Tho piano must be sold. It Is
a rare bargain for tho ono who Is for
tunate enough to get It. It will be
sold for cash only. A rnre chance;
come quick, and the prtzo will be
On sale nt Guernsey Hall, 314-316
Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa.
Moses Drown, General Agent, Scran
ton, Pa
Dear sir: I take pleasure In ac
knowledging recellpt of our favor
enclosing $71.43 In setlemcnt of In
demnity for time lost as the conse
quence of tho burning of my hand by
the catching fire of a box of matches
held In my hand.
Accept my thanks for the same, es
pecially as I received double Indemnity
on account of the accident occurlng
while I was riding on a tiolley car.
I most heartily commend tho Aetna
Accident Department nnd Its Scranton
representative to all my friends.
Very truly youis,
A. S. Nye.
Order Ice Cream
From Hanley's. None better.
Spruce street.
The popular Punch cigar is still the
leader of tho 10c cigars.
The greatest commercial
economist in tho world today.
Compared to any necessary
Investment in business,
theprofitfrom aTELEPHONE
1 is Incalculable.
Resldenco and Commercial
rates at a modorato cost.
Managtr'a office, 117 Adtmi avenue.
Straw Hats
New Stock Just Arrived.
Al styles, from the $i.oo
Alpine Straw to the $12.00
Don't forget we are herl
quarters for
Summer Shirts,
Underwear, Etc
Try Our Special 10c Linen Collars
Suits to Order
$15.00. Worth $30.00
Pants $3.50, Worth $7,00
MILLER, the Tailor
Merchant Tailor.
319 Lackawanna Avenue.
A careful examination of our. . .
Ports and Sherries
will fully convince you that
we do not make a statement
that we cannot back up with
i: fl Mid-
:: Slimmer Special
During this week only, Z
we will sell our entire
line of exquisite
f China Silksi
65c a Yard.
Sec Window Display $
Cramer-Wells Co., t
130 Wyoming Ave.
The Stock flscoli Tie
This tie i3 exceedingly populat
among tho young men this season
because it is cool and stylish. We
have just received a new Una ir
wbito and colors.
"A Gentlemen's Furnisher."
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
takes. The most careful
men sometimes mike
mistakes. The most
experienced lawyer
may err in his opin
ion. 1 here are many aeiecis in
titles which no amount of skill or
care on the lawyer's part could de
tect. There is no guarantee that
the opinion of a lawyer Is a correct
one, or that the title is free from,
these elusive delects, A title insur
ance policy gives absolute protec
tion against fraud, errors ot judg
ments and mistakes of fact.
516 Spruce Street.
t. 'X. Watrr. resident.
A. H, McClintock,
H. A. Knapn. V.-rrH.
Ralpb S. Hull,
Trust Olfiecr.
Ice Chests
Were too small for
s o m'e families' use !
Maybe your require
ments of this special
Chest are not so great
they were $4.98 due to
advanced season. We of
fer them at
"The Great Carpet Opportun
ity" is creating many newly cov
ered floore Carpets aewed free.
f 40i
't, - .