The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 16, 1901, Image 1

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    rTe ,'i"JTrv9irpyt-wrty
iVV 'v lf " ' VW
rr-T i "i
Reports Received Indicate That
the Order to Stop Work Was
Generally Obeyed.
Vumber of Men on Strlko Is Placed
at 74,000 President Shnflor Has
It in His Power to Close All tho
Pittsburg Mills, but It Is Not
Thought That Ho Will Do Any
thing Radical A Conforonce of
Bteol Men Will Bsj Hold to Decldo
Upon a Plan of Action.
By nc1uic Wire firm The Associated Tress.
Plttsbutg, Jul 15 Repot ts leceived
from all suuiccs connected with the
gteat stiIKo of the steel wotkeis totlny
Indicate Unit the nicmbois of the Amal
gamated association have matters well
in hand and that the .strike order was
geiieiallv obc.vcd Telegi.iius from atl
ouk points vvhete the mills of tho
A milium Tlnplate cnmpaii, tho
Amcrkan felcf l Hoop oompaii and the
Ann r Iran Shoot riteel coinp.uo nie
loc.itod told of tho shutting down of
thof.e plants In laige numbeis. In many
eases the plants had hcon .shut ilmin
b the 111. t strike oidoi, which affeited
the Shoot htocl ancl the Meel Hoop
companies only. Tho last oidoi In ought
out all of the union plants of tho
Amcrkan Tlnplate lompany, with tho
Mngle exception of the now mill In
Monesen, whkh Is still running. At
the Amalgamated association head
quartet p. It was stated that the tlgines
given out Satin day night ior.ii ding
the number of men who would bo ne
tually Idle In tho mills of tho thiee
companies had been pinven louect.
This mimboi was plated at 74 000.
Tho Mi ike although ono of the
est that has been declined In locent
j ears, will affect Plttesbitig but slightly.
Despite tho fact that this city is, and
fot oais has been, the iecognl7rd In
dustilal ccntet of tho woild I'lCsldcnt
fc-liaffei's notion In talllnR tho men of
tho Ameikan Shoot Steel, Arnold an
Tlnplate and Ameiioaii Stool Hoop
onipanles out on Mi ike will have but
little healing on the lonituon inl life of
Plttsbuig This Is a peculiar fact, but
it is ncei tholess ti lie
Of th men idle, 2,500 are in
Pittsburg. 00 In AlleRhcn and 1 o00 In
McKeeispoit Piesldent Shnffor has It
in his power to dose ninny moie Pitts
burg mills, but It is not thought that
ho will do .nothing of a radical nntuio
until ho is compelled to.
Painter's Mill Closed.
Tho American Stool Hoop company's
tuppot-dh non-union mill, known as
tho Pdttitci mill. In West t'aison
f-treet was c losod this moining in all
lis blanche Tho tlo-up at this mill
was said t" lino boon a surpilse to
the mill owners and ollklals in chaigo
o4 it The othoi pi int. known as the
l.lndsa Mii'iidlioon mill, in Alleghe
n was shut down completed In thi
puddling and bai mills All the skilled
voikmon refused to tntoi the mill this
moining and tho company did not oven
opr. te the the furnace. Tho fin
ishing depaitmeiit of tho mill was
woi king dining tho day, as tho men
nio not In tho union, but It Is claimed
b the woikois that the emplojcs In
thit dcpaitmont will not ro to work
In tho moining
Tho Ameikan Stool Hoop company's
mill at Moonosson was not closed to
day It has been non-union since it
was built, two veus ago. and the eom
pun s.ivs tho mon time will lemaln
lo.val Tho Am ilg miatod people would
not discuss tho situation In that mill
Dt pioont
While all the mills of the rnlted
Ftates Steel corpniatlnii aio Included
in the general conflict, the three com
panies aie the Hist attacked What
the next moe will be tho woikoi.s
would not sn. It Is announced to
night that the circular lettoi. which
was expected to be sent out todiij,
tailing on tho mon In the mills of tlio
1'odeial Steel company, tho National
Steel company and the National Tube
companv to tome out, would not be
Issued at piosont
The iiioxt Interesting leport to the
Amalgamated men today was die dls
patch fiom Now- York which said that
a confeience of m.tnufactuiots was
to be held In Now York tomoiiow, nt
which Warner Anns, co piesldent of
the American Tin Plato company was
to piesent a detailed account of tho
experiences of the committee that met
the Amalgamated association In this
rlty last week
Will Decide on Foaco or War.
It was stated that the question of
igaln extending the olive bianch to
the strikeis or of taking up the fight
ind flushing the association would bo
ietermlned Generally speaking, tho
norkeis, fiom Piesldent Shaffer down
teem to be looking for some bort of a
The general officers of the American
Bteel Hoop company nre In this city
hut It was stated thete today that
President W. K Corey, who Is also ex
etutlve head of tho National Steel
company, had nothing to say concern
ing thp plans of the companies in
meeting the difficulties of the strike,
nor ns to what conditions tho mills'
were In wheio non-union nien had
Joined the forces of the strikers. The
policy of tho nianufactuiers, It Is said,
Is to remain aulet for a time and await
developments. The otllclals of the
Ameilcan Tlnplate company are all In
New York and the company's side of
the trouble was not obtainable heie.
At the dlsttlct ofllceH of the Ameikan
Bheet Steel company a meeting of
managers was held today, it was a
closely guai ried meeting and Infoinin..
tlon was hard to secure. It was said,
however, that the reports fiom the
managers refened to the condition of
affairs In the non-union plants of the
company. It was claimed that tho men
In the old Meadow mill In Hcottdule
would not go out on strlko. The Scott
dale Iron and Steel mill Is also woik
Ing and no signs of a strike aio visible
there. The attempt on tho part of the
association to attaik tho forces In the
big Vandergrlft mills In Vandei grift,
Ta., was not lrgarded seriously, though
the company Is wntchlng closely alt
such movements.
When Piesldent Shaffer was Inform
ed of tho granting of thotidvnnco to
thf Mfoespoit Tube workers he said:
'I anticipated such notion on the
part of the manufai turers and have
wamod our mon to guard against being
blinded by such dust-throwing meth
ods The tube men In McKoespoit nre
tinoigiiiilzed and this advance coming
with tho beginning of the strlko of the
einplovcs of the three companies with
whkh wo nre at Issue, Is an Indication
that tho steel corporation appreciates
tho strength of the Amalgamated as
sociation and Is trjlng to thwart Its
glow th nnd alms by uch means as
have boon adopted In McICeespmt I
export that similar advances will bo
given to tho men In other woiks of the
I'nltod States ooi potation that have
not been affected by tho stilke oider,
In the hope that the workers may re
fuse to come out should we decide to
extend the strlsV to nil thp plants of
tho corpointlon."
Surprises of Strike
In addition to tho very general, and
In some lnstnnces rather unexpected,
compliance to the strike order, the
Amalgamated association tonight has
added two mote mills to Its list, both
of which weio claimed today b the
companies to be bevond the reach of
organbatlon. VMien the William Clarke
Sons' company's mill at Thirty-fifth
Ft! cot, which opoiatod all day non
union, came to shift tho turns tonight,
none of tho skilled men lepoited for
dittv and tho plmt had to close down.
Later the following was received con
tenting the mill lonslderod by the
manufacturers unext optionally lojal
"Moonosson. Pa -Thp' Moenesscn steel
hoop plant Is closed, and has been or
ganised by district delegates of the
Amalgamated association.' The dele
gates armed in town this moining and
went to work immediately. Hy 3 o'clock
this afternoon the had all the local
mon In the association, and left this
evening for Plttsbuig, nfloi advising
the men to stand flim. The men held
a meeting tonight to elect ofllecrs and
name t licit lodge.
Tlio conquest of these two plans is
considered by the nwoc latlon people as
an Instance of theli strength, nnd an
Indication that Piesldent Shaffer's as
sertion that silipiisps would follow the
stilke order was not all bluff.
Reports from Other Towns.
Following aio cxttaets of icpoits
fiom neat b) towns up to 3 o'clock.
V Philadelphia, O Thice liun Ired and fifty
cnipUnci of the New Philadelphia rolling mill
are idle Tho Vnulgamatcd s.oc.iation lodge
with two hundred members Is revoked tu stand
I j bluffer
Carnegie Pa So attempt wan made to Mart
work at th Lharlicrs steel work in Carnegie
todav, as the mill are well organised, ahnut
two hundred ot the emplojcs belonging to the
Amilgamatcd axocUtlou.
scottdule Pi VII dcpirtments of the s, ti
dalo and old Vndrw rollins mill at this pine
who running full todn and there is emj Indi
t it ion tint thet will continue to run fur an in
tltiinili' periol
lolnMon, I'a Sow tint the creat Mrike is on
It has deeloped tint umiderahlv mote than half
f tlio l.'tmo empIors of tho Cambria Steel com
panj In this sits arc members of the smalea
ruatid asoiiation, tho hum of them beins mem
bers of Pittihurr; lodges The t ambrla mills no
lion union arid It was lielleird until tolav that
tliv would not he affected In the strike. Pionil
neut tiel woikers here sit, howewr, that it
1'iesident Shatter rillt on the men here to go
out the entire tjint of the Cimhrii company
will be lied up
Mi heeport I'a lliere wis no excitement In
MrKcfport todat on ;uc;oiuit of the htrlke W,
)eurrn w.tiud and the Ciiltid Mates tin plate
plants nre idle mil no attempt was mad tu ie
sumo wrrk it either plant during the daj. llio
nun aie looking for an tark settlement
( nnnrllstillr, I'l The rolling departments of
the Humbert plant of the Vmerlean Tin plite
compim were Idle Iodic, berau'C to a man the
ktrikeis olievnl the nUct of President Shaffer to
onngiown O The nnlv plant ol (he I'nlteil
states steel torpor ttiru in t Ills villev in open
tlnn tonight Is tlio Ohio plint of the Satlonil
steel lompinv, rion uni n. ind which is nrt ton.
siilercil In the pieegt trouble ern thouund
men olttihlb went on a strlko this morning,
although neirk all of tin in hate tuen Idle since
JuU 1 when the scale expired
Cumlcilind Md Tho emplotej of the msrd
cm tln-plite mill to thf number of about 3i0
went out on trik this momlne.
tat T.itrrpool, O Ihe strike order w u obeyed
t) ' Utter In tho Vnnlpirmtcd lodges in thll
The Steol Strike Not Likely to Roach
That City.
P. I'xelusiie Wire from The Xssochted Press
Hanisbuig. .luly 1." Tho stocl stilke
Is not likely to extend to tho Hnrris
buig dlstrltt None of tho mllNln
this district has nnv tonnectlon with
the Amalgamated association Tho
Pennsylvania Stepl woiks nt Steoltnn
Is mslied with orders and thtronio no
sIriis of tiouble The American Tube
and lion company at Mlddlctovvn ap
piehonds no trouble.
All the mills In Hanisbuig nre In op
ointlon nnd the Indications are that
the strike will not seriously aftect
Governor Dockery, of Missouri, Has
Issued a Proclamation.
By Kxcluske Wire liom The Associated Tress
Jefferson City, Mo, Inlv 15 fioernor Dock
erj, who has reieiced mnj requests to issue a
proclamation rilling upon the piople to observe
a day ol fasting and praier that the drouth
mlRht be broken, has set apart fundat, Julj si,
to which the people are requested to assemble
at their usual placet ol worship to invoke the
hlffctlnci el Mmighti lioil "
l.lttle rain hat fillen In the state tince April 27.
No Further Respite for Winnornolra
Ujr Fieluske Wire from The Associated Press
Newbursh, S' , Jul. U Ooternor 0&-II to.
tli relused further respite to Krank H Wenner.
holm, convicted tif the murder of fits sweetheart
iinr Juneiinun Wennerholm, under respite
Itranlcd last J tne, it to be executed on Tuesday
Puddlors Get an Increase,
lb Fxelmke Wire fnm The Associated Press
Lebanon, Pa , July IS The puddlert employed
bj the nierlean Iron and hteel compan) will
be paid $.1.73 per ton after lolaj. The new rate
Is an increae of 25 cents a ton. The men hue
organized a union
Portions o! the Stricken Southwest
Have Been Relieved bu
Many Thousands of Dollars Will Bo
Saved tho Farmers on Stock nnd
Crops In Sections of Western
Missouri nnd Western Kansas
Tempornturo Rangas from 08 to
106 Where Prayers for Rain
Woro Made.
Hy I icliukc Wire (rom Tho Associated I'rcsj
Kansas C'lt.v, July In A poitlon of
the tliottth-strlcken southwest has been
relieved by mln dining tho past twenty-four
hours. Much good has alicady
lesulted to crops, and as there aie ptos.
pects tonight of more tain, It la bo
Hevcd many thousands of drtflars will
be saved farmers on Ftock and ciops.
Nevertheless, much greater quantities
of rain must come befoio a lasting
benefit shall be done. In the portions
of Central nnd Western Missouri, West
ern Kansas nnd the terrltoties still un
touched by rain, conditions i cumin un
changed, tho temperature) lnnglng fiom
9S to 106, the latter at Hutchinson, Kan
sas. .loplln, Mo., July 1"). A violent thun
dci storm pi ev ailed here today and
bioke the pi ott acted heat wave.
Kansas City, Mo, July 15 Light
show ois fell list night at Spiingflcld
and Lamar, Mo , and at Manhattan,
Kan. They icsulted In no mateiial
bcnellt. The tcmptiatuie litre Is hov
eling around 90.
Jeffeison City. Mo., July 15 At all
the chinches jesterday prajeis weio
made for tain. At the Itoman Catholic
churches such ptajcis are said at each
mass dally, under an order of Archl
blshop Kiln, ot St. Louis. Last night
the Methodist. Haptlst, Christian and
Presbyterian congregations united in a
union fioivlce at the Piesbyterian
church and prajeis for lain wcie of
fered. novernor Docket y Is receiving hun
dreds of requests beseeching him to is.
sue a proclamation to tho people to
assemble and piay for a cessation of
the drouth.
Topcka, July 15. An ham's lain was
lepoited at Neosho Rapids, Claio and
(lat diner. A light lain also fell oast of
Topcka. The mourn y legMoied !5 at
noon. One death from heat was le
poited. Omaha. Neb, July 15 lUIn Is loport
od at Ashland and l'reiuont, Nob , In
small quantities. Thunder stoims are
also repoited In cistern South Dakota.
Is Not Prepared to Express Opin
ions as to the Action of
tho Miners.
Pv I'm lush e Wire fnm The Associated I'resa
Kansas City, July 13. John Mitchell,
national president of tho United Mine
"Wotkeis of Amoilcawas aijjpd today
what action the coal miners of Ameika
would take lelatlve to the htiiko ot
the Amalgamated Association of Steel
Workers, which has boon declined at
"I can tell you better what effect the
steel strlko will have on the conl Illin
ois," he leplled. "Tho coal and steel
Industries are so closely allied that a
gieat strlko of the steel woikeis and
the closing down of the gioat steel
mills will voiy gieatly lessen the con
sumption of coal. That will mean
that many coal mines will cease opera
tions." "Is there likely to bo a s.vmpathotlc
strike ordered among the coal
"I don't care to say anything about
that," replied Mr. Mitchell. "The
sttlkc of the steel workers has not
jet assumed definite piopottions. It
cannot be told how- far l caching It will
be, even within the oulor Immediately
affected, I would not cue to say
whether or not the coal miners will
be drawn into It, or even whether such
a thing has been lonsldeied."
Mr. Mitchell nrrlved here this morn
ing fiom Indianapolis, to attend a con
ference of Knnsas nnd Missouri Illinois
and opeiutois over wages. The con
feience adjoin ned today from a week
Fighting Men Seriously Cut Each
Dy Fieluske Wire from The Associated Press.
Atlantic Clt), X I , July 15 James Peny anl
Prank R.uam, of Philadelphia, quaircled early
this mornlnc, when warm eonlj developed into
fluht Teiry was cut scmcly on the arm, an
arter beins ojicned lie lost so much blool
that whin the oiticcr found him he was uncon
scions fhram bad a six inch cut in his neik,
anl was also bleeding profuse!).
Doth were taken to the hospital, wriTe they
are repotted io be doing veil.
Peace Union Celebrates.
By Fxclushe Wire from The Associated Press,
Buffalo, July 13 The Universal Pcaie union
met heie toda to celebrate the thlrtj firth an
niversary of its organization A number of paperi
ne read, most of which and the disunion
which followed, were given over to the depreia
tlon ol wars, criticism ol dersjtnen and puhiio
men who defend an appeals to aims as Jut under
suih circumstances and sarcastic references to
the motites of the t'omnments which have sanc
tioned war.
Strong's Resignation Accjopto d.
Br Kseluske Wire fsom The Associated Press.
Washington, Juk 15 Secretary ftoot has d.
reded the war department to accept the rcslgni.
tlon el Captain Putnam Bradlee Strong; to take
effect Immediately laptaln Strong will h noil
fled by telegraph and he will not sail for Manila
tomorrow. Ihe acceptance ol the resignation
precludes anv action by tho lnllltar) authors.
ties against Captain Strong
All-Americas Win with a Scoro of
634 Out of a Possible 500.
By Pxeluske Wire from Tho Assocliled PrcM.
New York, July 15. Nearly a bun
dled of the leading trap shooters In
the Culled States nssomblod nt Intct
stiitc pink, Queens, 1,. I., today and
took pait In seveial events piellinlnnry
to tho giand American handicap tour
nament at luanliiiatn tatgets which
will begin tomoirow. The most im
pel taut contest of the day was a spe
cial match between k men teams icp
l fronting All-Ameika and tho Now
I'trecht (iuii club. Tho All-America
tfiim was made up of six of tho ten
trap shooters who returned last week
fiom Ihiglautt after a most successful
tour. The eondltloiis of a match were
flint tho All-Aiueilcn team should only
hne the use of ono but i el, while the
New Utiecht men could use both bar
cls. Tho All-America shooters won with
a totnl scoro of (ill out of a possible
fiOO. The New Utiecht men broke 511
of the tin gets.
Tho Now Jersey Central Machinists
Hold Conference with Superin
tendent Thomas.
B. Prelusive Wire from Tho tsociiled Press
AVilkes-Rnrre, Pa., July 15. A com
mittee icpiesentlng the 800 striking
machinists nnd car topahers of the
Ashley shops of the Contial Itallroad
of New Jet soy, who have been on
strlko since Mny 20, held a confeience
with Superintendent Thomas this af
ternoon to bilng about a settlement
of the dillkulty. Suprilntcndont
Thomas listened patiently to what tho
committee hid to say, and then said
that ho had no authority to settle the
strike on the terms pioposed by the
men, but If they wished to teturn to
woik at tho old scale ho would com
municate with tho higher officials of
tho lompanj.
The committee said they had not
been nuthoil7od to make any such
pioposltlon and then withdrew. So the
matter stands now just where It did
pievlous to the conference. It Is un
derstood the committee representing
tho strlkois wcie willing to modify
their digital demands .somewhat.
They Apply for the Positions Left
About Nino Weeka
Hy rvcluske Wire (rom The Associated Press.
Heading, July 1 Kaily this morning
men began lsltlng the dlffeiont de
p irtments of the Iteadlng Iron com
pany and npplvlng for their positions,
which they had left about nine weeks
Thev were told that they would be
notified when each department would
lesunie, and wore told to hold them
selves in icadlncbs. Their names weio
The only men who wont to woik nt
once nt the pipe mill wore a number
of laboiois, who aio needed to get
things In order for an early vtsump
tlou all mound.
Commitment Papors Signed Sheriff
Ordorod to Arrost Eight Persons.
By Ficluslve Wire from The Associated Press.
I'aterson, Jul ir Ordeis of lommltment In
the cics of the I'aterson null strikers, who weie
kdjudged guilt) of contempt of court in hivltu
violate 1 an injunction restraining them from
"sen nailing" lion union woikeiv, weie signed be
Vice ( chancellor Pitney In chancery chambers, In
Jersot ( It), todaj.
lohn N II irding,counel for 1 rank iV Dugan,
the mill owners, handed up the papers lo the
vice chaticellcr, who promptk signed them Ihe
paper are directed to Sheriff stuhr, of Pawle
count. The pipers call for the c-ommltment of
elalit person", two men and six women
One of tho men was sentenced to slxtv days
Imprisonment and to pav a fine of $5(1. The other
nun was sentenced to thirt dcs' imprisonment,
with a line of SS0 tine of $,0 wis imposed
on one of the girls and the others were fined $.'J
An Advanco in Wagos Has Been
Bv rxduske Wire from The Asroclatoil Press.
Wilmington, Del, Jutv 11 The striking ma
chinists of the llarlind A. Ilolllngsworlh company
to the number of 110 returned to work this tnoiii
ing In accordance with the asreement leached
Siturltv an ideanec in wage of l per week
fr tho.o who had been receiving fH a week or
oici and V) cents'for tho,e who had been re
ceiving under l I I lie men are to woik .'mtj
liouis per week during the Mturdi) half holi.
daj s ascn and (O hours per week d iring the rest
rl tho far The strikers returned to work .is
though iioihlng hid happened, each nun taking
the iiich or machine that he hid deserted eight
weeks ago aril resuming the occupation then lu
te irupled
The Milklnc machinist! of the 1 Morton Poole
etinpane are still out, that firm refusing to make
jiij concession.
Thoy Are Not Strongly Enough Or
ganized to Make a Fight.
By Exclusive Wire from The Vssociatcd Press
llaileton. Pa , Jul 15 rrom present Indica
tion the statlonarj firemen rf the llazltton dls
trict will not Join the threatenei strike that is
to be Inaugurated br that els. of labor in the
anthracite eoal fields tomorrow The firemen here
aie not strongly enough organised to make a
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Presv
Philadelphia, Julj 15-ldward P,
formerly vies piesldent of the Knlckeibocker
lee cotnpanj, Is dead at his home here, lie had
long been a sufferer (rom rheumatic gout Mr
herslioev was born In New mk In HI2, and t.
an early age imbarked In the lee business, in
which be continued until 1ST), when he rellred,
lie was one of the earl membeii of the Union
leaaiic and other prominent organliarioru
Marietta, (I, Julv 15 William S, firs fey, a
prominent and wealth) oil operator and manager
of the- Boston Oil comp-ss), dropped dead today.
Perfect Weather Greets Thirteenth
Annual Meetlno of the Blue
Ribbon Glub.
He Tafcos with Comparative Ease the
Chamber of Commerce Stakes of
$5,000 for 2:24 Class Paces-Other
Events of tho Afternoon Tho
Famous $10,000 Merchants nnd
Manufacturers Stakes for Trotters
Will Bo Today's Features.
By FxcIusIto ire from The AssocIaUd Press
Detroit, July 12. Perfect weather,
splendid i.icIiir and a larpe crowd com
bined till afternoon to inako the thir
teenth annual Hluo Ribbon meeting of
the Detiolt Drlvlnjr club and the oieii
ItiK of the srand Hotting circuit on the
CJnwe Point track n sticccs. The sun
was hot enough to bring out nil the
speed In the hoirieM, nnd a gentle breeze
kept tho occupants of the stand com
foi table. Tho fenttne of the afternoon,
the Chamber of Commerce stakes, $5,
000, for 2.'J4 class pacers, was won with
comparative ease by Star Pugh, a
chestnut stallion, bred at Jackt-on.
Mich., and owned by Kdgar HrouV. of
New York. Star Pugh -vvas the favor
ite In tho betting, although there was
fonldeirible play on Harry Logan and
Plenl, a bay gelding, owned by Goodell
Pros., of Sioux City. In the Jirst heat
Star Pugh took tho lead nt the stait
nnd held It to the wlie, with Harry
Logan second. I.ogan got off In the
lead In the sesiond heat, hut as they
turned Into the back stretch Pugh went
out In front and staed there. In the
last heat Pugh led all the way.
The first event of the afternoon, the
214 Hot, was won by lately Thlsbe,
after Dr. Book had taken the first two
heatft. Palm Leaf all but nosed the
fourth heat away from Lady Thlsbe.
Ida Hlghvvood, the favoilte, lost the
first htat of the 2.20 trot, because of a
break at the stait, but took the second
and thlid with little trouble.
In tho 2.0fi pace, Kdlth W. forced
Hetty G., the favoilte, to go In 2 05Vi
to win the first heat, and Plley B.
ninde t bid for the second heat.
Tomorrow Is Merchants' and Manu
factuieis' day, when the famous J10.000
Merchants' and Manufacturer' stake
tor 2.24 ti otters will be tho featuie.
The Summaries,
Following are summaries of the llrnt
five horses In each race:
Hotel Cadillac stakes, $J,jO0, 211 class, trot
ting Dr. Book, by Mllrol (Klnne) 3 2 111
Palm Leal (Mclarth) J 3 i 2 2
xtello (Marsh) 2 S 4 ( S
Graele Onward (Vlacey) 6 4 7 7 3
rime, s ni2, t i2v, : nu, 2 n4, . ms
Chambet ol Commerce spikes, ',000, 2 21
Mar Pugh, bv Tom Pugh (lckwood) ... 1 1 1
llarre Logan (Boucher) 2 2 2
( harlie Downing (Huston) 7 .( .1
Fred H, (Harding) 1 4 I
1 (' OhlpfO 4 6 5
Mollle hnov. King Willis, Plent. Mesothc, Id.
Penned, llijah, P.eckless and Staunton Wilkes
also started.
2 20 class, trotting; pure, $1,300:
Ida lllgligoo'l, bv lllglinood (Huston) ., S 1 1
Ml ltlght (MMiwiu) i 12 2
Sphinx lassie ( turner) 2 .1 A
1 Iflcc O. (Walker) 3 5 8
Tic 'vheller (Hokkelen) (I 7 J
Neighbor flltl, Pov Itene, Pettlgren, Jcanctte,
Mlnka and Onwaul .lunior alo started.
lime, 2 12i, 2 13, 2 13';.
2 01 diss, pacing; purse, M.VX):
llettv (I , bt I gg Hot (McCoj) 1 1 II (Frnin 6 2
V .11 1 it V (Turner) 2 6
Paul Revere (tkinon) S 4
Hariri, Hairy O and l.velet also started.
Time, 2 0J'S, 2 0e,'s.
Lewis Elkin Leaves the Bulk of
His Fortune for Their
By Fxeluaire Wire from The Associated Press
Philadelphia, Pa, .luly 1" Under th piovP
sions of the will of Levels I Ikln, who was well
known in financial and railroad circles, admitted
to piobatc toda, the hulk ot his large fortune
Is left in trust to create a fund for the benefit
ol disabled female teachers who have taught In
the public schools of the clt for twenty flee
ears and hue no rn'ans of support
fhe testator was a member of the board of
eduiation (or ten (ears. The estate Is valued at
about S.3.0CHJ 000 I lie found Is to be known as
"Hie lewis HUln fund for the relief of dis
abled school teachers in the emploe of tho cite
ol Phllidelphla " The beneficiaries of the fund
are to receive an annuity of V40O a )ear.
Senator Hanna at Canton.
Be Xvrluslee Wire from The .ssoeiated TrcM,
Canton, O, Julv U Senator Hanna spent the
afternoon with President Mckinley He arrived
from Cleveland and was met at Ihe station by
s-ecretary Cortel.vou. He returned to Cleveland
tonight It is said there Is no significance in his
viflt, thit he hail not seen the piesldent for a
lonrf time and that he came here to pj h ic.
spects and talk over some personal matters.
There were a number of social calleri on the
president today.
Paper in Hands of Receiver.
Be Fxcluslve Wire fiom The ocated Press
Columbus, O, Jul 15 The Post Press con
tinued In the hjnds of needier "tephena toda),
but President Jones, of the Publishing eompiny,
made a motion before Judge lllggat to remove
the proceedings from Judge Badgei'a court, alleg
ing prejudice. The paper vvas Issued tola) under
the direction ot the rcecttcr.
Fuddle Mills in Operation,
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press
Reading, July 15 The puddle mills at the
Blandon rolling mills were put Into eperatlun
this morning with 12) men Ihe product of the
mills is largely used b) the Iteadlng Iron com
pany, The lolling mills will hardly be put Into
eperatjr before no,vt week, when 100 more
hand will be givsn employment.
Weather Indications Todayt
1 rSciienl-Mrlkr In the 'teel Trade.
Opening of Pacing reason at Detroit.
Southwestern Prouth Helleeed by Haln.
Spread ol the Iteadlng Strike.
2 General Carbond lie Department.
3 lVical Peter Hombach Released from tha
Husband and W Ife r Ight for Their Child.
To KstablUh n Modern Race Track.
4 Kdltorlal. 7
Note and Comment.
5 Tical "stationary Firemen Will Strlko Today.
Progress ot the rdueitbmat Contest,
Grocers' Kxcurslon to Ijkc Lodorc.
6 1ical Wet .Vrnnlon and Suburban.
7 (ieneral Northeastern Penns)lvanla.
financial and Commercial
8 local Induslrlil and labor.
Whltnej'n W'eeklr News Budget.
Msr-"llls List Trip" '
Two Porsons Killed Outright Ono
Fatally Injured and Sev
eral Wounded.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Trcsa.
Parkersburg, W. Vn July 15. Two
perons weie killed outright, one fatl
ly Injured, several others were less seri
ously Injured In n head-end collision
between an express tialn and a loose
engine on tho Ohio Hlver railroad, at
r.illens VaJley, this cvenlrg.
The dead aie: Engineer Al. Court
rite, of the Ohio Valley cxpiess, of
Wheeling, and William Poothby, his
flieman, of Parkersburg.
William Day, of Parkersburg, en
gineer of the loose engine, was fatally
Injured and will ptobably die before
Thinks Ohloins Made a Mistake in
Not Adopting tho Kansas
City Platform.
By Fxclusivc Wire from The Associated PresJ.
Lincoln, Neb., July 15. In an ex
tended comment on the platform
adopted by the Ohio Democrat la con
entlon for its failure to reafllrm the
Kansas City platform, nnd for what
he rcg.uds as the weakness of some of
the planks It did adopt, Mr. Prjan In
sists that the convention made a mis
take In making himself 1111 Issue, anil
6.1 s:
"Mr. Bryan Is not a candidate for
tiny oflice, and a mention of him might
have been construed by some as an
endorsement of him for office. The
vote should have been upon the naked
proposition to endoite the platfoim of
last ear, nnd then no one could have
excued his abandonment of Demo
ciatlc ptlnclples by pleading his dis
like for Mr. Bryan."
Firemen Ordered to Begin Strike
Today No Response from
By Fxclusiee Wire from The Associated Prcsj
Wllkes-Barre, July 13. President
Mullahy, of the Firemen's
Association of Pennsjlvanla, has given
up all hope of an nmlcable settlement
of the strike of tin men cndeied to be
gin tomonovv moining. There were no
responses today fiom Pinployeis, nnd
nothing new lemalns to bo done but
to put Into execution the ultimatum
of the executive committee of the as
sociation, t.x That all stationary
fliemen affiliated with the state asso
ciation refuse to go to work tomonovv
unless their demands for mi elght
houi day ate gianted.
It Is expected that six bundled flie
men In the Wyoming region will le-fut-e
to go to woik tomorrow. Most
of ther-e men am employed at the
mines and unless new men can be se
em eel to take their places many of
the collieries will have to suspend
opeiatlons. This will throw a great
many miners out of emplojment, but
Just how many will not be known until
The toal opeintors ate confident that
they will be able to man their boiler
rooms and that tho stilko of tho fire
men will not cause a gmeial suspen
sion of woik. Piesldent Mullahy and
the other ofllecrs of the Firemen's as
sociation seem to think that the stilke
will be of short duration In tho coal
legions, its It will bo Impossible, ne
1 ci ding to their way of thinking, to'
operate the mines without the aid of
the old fliemen
Captuie of Schalk-Burger's Wife.
Be Ixeluslve Wire from Ihe Undated Tres
London, July 13 -Lord Mtc hener. In a dis
patch to the war office, confirms tho report of
the captuie ot the wite oMhe acting president,
bchalk Ruigrr, and sj9 tho prisoner has been
brought into Prctoiia
Steamship Arrivals.
Bv Fxcluslve Wire from The Associated Tresj
New York, lul H riivcd. riirncssij, Glas
gow, Maatdam, Rotterdam, (.eorglan, Ilvcrpool,
Iraee, Naples and fienoa; Rotteidam, Rottcrdim
fllbraltai rriecd Mler Sew ork, Antwerp
Arrived: Kensington, e ork Kllly
1'aued. Matcndam, New ork for Rotterdam.
Deaths in Berlin.
By Fxcluslve Wire from The Woelated Pren
Berlin. July 13 The weather today was the
hottest known In Berlin for sevfial jears. A
number of persons died of sunstroke.
11 1
Five Persons Killed.
By Fxcluslve Wire from The Associated Piejj
Muskegee, I T., July 15 live persona, an
engineer, two brakemen and te tramps, were
killed In a collision of freight twins three miles
north ol Muskegee today,
Shops Hands Are Determined to
Stall Out and Spread
the Trouble.
Ho States That It Is tho Desire of
the Company to Pay Wages Equal
to the Average Rato Paid by Othei
Railroad Companies in This Terri
tory The Striko in Philadelphia,
Throats to Tie TJp tho Entire Rt
pair Systom of tho Roading.
By Fxelmho Wire from Tlio Associated Press.
Rending, July 15. Vice President
Voorhees' letter was received by tho
Milking shop bands with a determina
tion to stay out nnd endeavor to spread
the stilke. They say that they went
out for an Inc-ieasc and that they will
stay out until they definitely know
want they ate going to get.
Not one man went back today, and
It Is expected that tho 1,000 machinists
In tho locomotive works will be or
dered by tho company on nhortcr work
ing das nt once, since the strikers
have completely tied up the boller
muklng unci bl.icksmlthlng depart
ments of that plnnt. In local Hbor
clitles It Is well known that several
moves of considerable moment are un
der way nnd that In forty-eight hours
they will be almost. If not wholly de
veloped nnd put into process of execu
tion. Just what the moves ate the leaders
will not say, nnd Chairman A. H.
Hcschor, who is nt the head of tho
stilke, was out of the city.
It Is known that theiq Is consider
able rl Neon tent nmong the trainmen
and other employes over tho entire
sjstem operated by the Heading com
pany, and this fact Is looked upon as
being significant nnd In hnrmony with
the now moves now on foot.
Will Investigate Pay Rates.
First Vice President Vooihees, ot the
Philadelphia and Rending Railroad
company, today nddiessrd a letter to
Superintendent of Power Prince at
Reading, where 2,fi00 shopmen nre on
strike, In which he states that it Is
the desire of the company to piy wages
equal to the average rate paid by oth
er rallioad companies In this territory.
To that end Mr. Voorhees writes ho
Is having a oat ef ill comparison made
of the lates In foice In the shops of
the ten largo eastern lailroads
The letter continues: "We have up
wards of 1,000 men on shop pay rolls.
They Include men of mnnv different
trades, w 01 king under many different
conditions. A compailsnn ot the
wages paid to them and to the men
empIoed b tho nbove-mcntloned rntl
wiy companies involves a comparison
of seveial hundred dlffeient rates.
This woik Is being done carefully and
as inpidly ns possible. It Is expected
that this will be completed by or be
fore July 23, when definite Information
will be put In your hands In regard
to the rates of pay for each employe
"When It Is found that the pay here
tofoio lecelved by them, or any of
them, does not conform to the above
standaid, you are authoilzcd to make
proper chnnges on the pay rolls, dat
ing fiom July 1, 1001."
The Strike at Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, July If. The boiler
makers and their helpers, and tho
blacksmiths and helpers employed by
the Philadelphia and Reading Railway
company In this district, went on strlko
today to enforce their demands for a
betterment of existing conditions and
In sjmpathy with the shop men al
ready on strike at Reading. It Is
claimed that several hundred men aie
affected by this stilke and that all of
tho repair Bhopa in this Iclnlty, In
cluding Camden, N. J., lire ulppled. At
the Port Richmond lepalr shops 100
bolleimakeis and helpers are out and
one blacksmith and two helpeis also
quit, leaving eight blacksmiths and
about fifteen helpers at woik. This is
the main repair shop in this city. The
strike oider was not generally obejed,
but the organlzeis of tho American
1'cdeiatlon of Labor claim that they
will tie tip the entire tepalr fratera ol
tho Reading toad ,
Judge Yorkes Endorsed.
By Fxclusiee Wire from The Associated Press
Altoona, Pa , July 15 The Blair counlv Pemo
critic convention held here today elected A V.
Plvel, J 1' Mmtc. 1 II (licvij, R, ,. i,n.
derson ancl I.011U fjeey delegates to the state
convention Resolutions were adopted condemn
lug the Republican state administration for pro
fligacy anl gcneial unfliaru, anl endorsing
Judge Verkes fir tho Supreme court nomination
and Representative Cora, in Impendent Repuhli
cin, for the nomination (or state treasurer. The
countv committee was instructed to name a
county ticket at Its earlieat convenience.
They Aro Now Cash Stores.
By Fxcluslve Wir- (rom The ssoclated Press
Hulcton. Julv Vir, n Maikle V Compant
placed their eonipjni stores at .leddo and Ober
vale on a strietly cih basis Iodic, In ronse.
quenee of which thev lannot, It Is clslmed, be
tixed in accordance with the company store hill
recentlv signed b (governor stone Before next
month a majorite of the company stores in this
distill t will do business on a cash basis,
local dati fnr lul l l'li
Hlghrst trnipei ituie
Lowest temperature
Relative Humidity:
S a in
8 p 111
M degree!
70 degrees
SJ per cent.
Ti per cent
Preelpliaiiin. .:i noiira endco 8 p. in,
Inch, weather, iloud.
4 Washington, Jul U Foiectet fir Fast. 4.
ern Pennslinla Continued warm and 4-
general! (sir luesdt and probably W4- 4-
-f nesds; light southerly winds. -f
r- -T-T- T- T-"f"f srs-