The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 15, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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tiik jiouru.v ii,vnDVAnn STona.
To keep the flies nncl In
fect from tho food is to
lino n rood Sat. A light,
Minns frame, covrird with
wlro cloth, allows full clr
culitlon of air, cIoca not
allow inHcts to enter.
Three size?. Pi Ices, (3
J3.50 and J3 75.
Footc & Shear Co.
JJ9N. Washington Ave
Little Boys' Dresses
Made of Colored French Per
cale, trimmed with white braid
and feather stitched. A few of
white pique. One or two of a
style In thobo prett lioy's Milan
Straw Hats. All at jour own
Tb? Baby Bazaar,
510 Spruce Street.
Tdfphinf cr mill n a pot?l tn call nt tour
hum and inc(n prtre on lmnkrlnc any quality
or kind c( Jaco or Mh curtains, IlcsulU gujr.
"Mi Imhrlla stanton, ol Fourth jtrfct, i at
UlchflcM S-i tin;. ,
Thomi V l.oftu. ot. CipoiKC aicnue, ii at
tho pjn cposillon.
Mr tn1 Mi. 1' I, Mnlrj, o( Mnshimton,
are pusu ot Mr. in'l Mr V.. V. 1 illman.
A T.oilo, of Wrt Mirkrt ftrret, his re
turned li m .1 two wfflii' trip to Ocoigii,
Rci Pr Kfsm I-racl, rntor of M Luke's
fliunh, pnt jfUcrdij at Mile Itidsc summit.
Mr and Mr Cli irlci Oher, of North Miin
HM-ntir left jfttrnhj for Biitfjlo and thc'Thoua
and Itlinds.
nnoiimomtnt I mid? of the rnnifmrnt of
Tlci iipichrr, of the Linden Mrcct
f.imcocu' md lLs 1', ol Cincinnati.
t inm t h.ilrt H lenihm and fiter, MIm
Acnr Unahm, of Wilkes Hairr, wrie cuott.
jiMm In, o! the Mls Mihon, cf Mulberry
Hubert "proule. of the I.irkamnna railroad
car ffrnre depirtmrnt, and Irnl V in lloin,
ehif to Nipprlntrndcnt K. M. Itine, fcnt
jesttrdaj at the sJ thoic.
Prrd'ruk Ililrhir, who hi' erred his roir
neetion with th t mtfd Mine Woikers of Amen
ri as a nitional orginizfr, left on I.irkauKnm
train No wftrrdi Jttcrnoon, for hit home
in VI imillc, Ohio.
fifoic Wlilti."iic, who was Injured la-t
v, U linK liiown from hi wheil while
li I n.; i'.iuii r'i. W-iVes Ilure nioiintun, l le
roierinc ripldlr and in a few dijs will he able
to resume his usiut vocation,
fiPiise I 'onel llie, ton of I!e. Pr. . l
Have of Hinchimton. formrr pitor of the
Hiinmnre Methodist Iplsiopil ihuuli. fallet
frr rurope on tho Pent blind hi-r l'ridiv U
ter tntine friend? in londnn and Pans, he will
regime hi .Indies at Ihircme, Italj.
Wholo Town Turned Out to Honor
, the Dond Soldier.
One of the largest funerals that was
ever seen In Minooka w.vt that wltbh
yesterday attended the burial of Coi
poral John Dudrh. whose lenmlns ar
rived hete Saturday fiom the Philip
pines, where he was di owned Match
15 last. The whole town, it might be
said, was In J ho cottege which fol.
lowed the icmilns to the lemeteiy.
The set vices were held at St Joseph's
Catholic chinch, at 33". Iiev. T. J.
Rea ofllciating. The ihuuli could not
more than half accommodate the
The Taylor band preceded the hearse,
rendeting funeral dirges, and at the
grave plajed twoapproprlatecelootlons.
It was expeited that the membeis of
Company A, of tho Thirteenth legl
ment, of which the deceased was a
member befote enlisting In the Cnlted
States set vice, would attend In a body,
but onlv a few of them aulved. l'tom
these nnd the Spanish War vetetans
present the pall bearets were selected
Two brothei s of the deceased from
Pittsburg and two slsteis from Cleve
land weie among the mourners.
Twelve Thousand Persons at Nny
Aug Park, Yesterday.
Another hlg crowd, estlmited nt 12,
000, enjoyed the shade, cool breezes
and the few other attractions that Nay
Aug park offers.
The day passed off without any nc
cldents or untoward events. The tiol
ley company ran cais every four
minutes, nncl, according tn Supetin
tendent Pattei son's estimate, they
carried between seven and eight thous
and passengers.
If vou have n weak stomach and
suffer trom indigestion dtlnk COFo,
Iced water Is Injurious. Iced COFo
1 healthful.
Hanley'a Ice Cream
Is absolutely pute. 420 Sprnco street.
nppruucu i'lc.uuua g
in all the details of this bust-
ness we seek out and follow m
the safest and most approved I
Sank j
The People's Bank
Members of Col. Monies Post Don't
Want to Join Griffin Post.
Some of the members of Lieut. Kzra
S. Orimn poit, No. H9, G. A. It., hftVO
lecently stnrted a movement to have
tho members of Col. Wm, N. Monies
post, No. M9, rIvo up their separate
otganlzatlnn nml come Into the Gtlf
fln fioit, thui uniting all the O. A. II.
men In the city In one organization.
The nigument advanced In favor of
this plan was that It would strengthen
the otgunlzatlon financially and other
wife nn el would tend to Inciease Its
power and Indueme. Commander A.
H Stevens of Oilllln pot nppe.ucd
befoio the members of Moines pot
nt ii recent meetlnc and submitted a
proposition for consolidation.
One of the leading members of Mon
ies pot stated ctcrday afternoon
to a Tribune man that there was no
probability of a conoolldatlon, for the
piesent nt nny inte. He said that to
his knowledge there was not n single
member of Monies pot who fa voted
the Plan nnd that for this leason the
attention had not even been put to a
Monies pot, he said, Is In splendid
condition tlnauelally and hns mustered
In at least one new member nt every
meeting but one held so this year,
Theiefote, he said, the members see
no good reason for Joining the other
Decision Arrivod nt by Grievance
Committeo of Stationary Fire
men's Association of Stato,
Tho giicvanco committee of the
Statlonniy Klrcnicn's association of
Northern Pennsylvania held a meet
ing In AVIIkes-Hane yestetday nnd
lesolved to call a sti Ike Tuesday mot n
lng unless the demands of the firemen
for nn eight, hour dny are gt anted by
that time. There Is no probability
that the demand will be gtapted. In
thlT section the coal mines will bo the
principal suffetets, neatly a the tlre
meu employed nt tho mines ate union
A notice has been received ftotu
Piesldent John Mitchell of the V tilted
Mine Workers In which he epiesed
sympathy for the cause of the firemen
nnd s.ild ho did not think that any
union miner would be guilty of taking
the place oj a fit email If a sttike oc
i uried
A meeting of tho flienien of the val
ley from Plttston to Maylleld will be
held in O Malley's hall, Notth Scran
ton, tonight. State President J. r
Mullahy of Kingston will deliver an
Joseph Swartz, Aged Eight Years,
Taken Into Custody.
Patrolman Ro'c, while Btiolllng along
Lackawanna avenue last night, near
the Lackawanna station, spied seveial
Hiiall bovs acting suplciouly, near
one of the ftoiglu rars standing on the
siding nearby.
He went over closer and saw that
the ynungsteia had btoken Into the car
and taken out a number of heads of
cabbage, v hlch they had plied on the
giound and which they weie just pte
paring to load into bags which they
had with them. They spied the pa
trolman, and made oft thtough the
He followed them, and after a long
chase managed to capture the smallest
of the crowd, a wee little mite of a
chnp, bate-footed and dirty. This little
fellow, when questioned, gave his name
as Joseph SwatU and his age as S
He volunteered the information that
this wai the first time he had ever
"stoled." and that the othff boys with
him were named Mike Wassoll and
John Hie.ik.iw. They nil live down on
the flats, he said. He was allowed to
go, after Lieutenant fioeilltz had given
him a little lecture on ethics, AVat
lants for the aitest of the other two
beys will be sworn out today.
James Lothor Rode to Wilkes-Barre
on a Locomotive's Pilot.
James Lothor, of Archbald, rode
from Carbnndale to AVIlkes-Barre on
Friday night on the pilot of a Dela
vvaie and Hudson locomotive dtawlng
a regulai passenger train.
Lother missed his exclusion train
nt Caibondale nnd lay down on the
nairow platfoim above the pilot to
steal a llde. He went past Archbald
nnd tluough this city, und was not
discovered by the engineer until the
tinin was nearlng Wilkes-Haire. The
engineer whistled for the xtatlnn ofll
cer and Lother was aricsted when the
tialn stopped.
Thomas Ruddy Disappears After
Drawing His Pay.
Thomas Ituane, aged IS ,oars, of the
High Works, after dtawlng his pay,
amounting tn $30, from the Scranton
Oas and Water company on Satur
day moinlng, went home and after
putting on his best clothes, left the
When he had not returned late nt
night the police were notified, as his
parents berame alarmed. An investi
gation has been made and the police
have learned tluough conversation
with his filends, that Thomas wanted
to see the Pan-American, and they
feel confident that he is now enJoIng
tho sights nt Huffalo.
Scranton Man's Animals Capture
Prizes at Atlnntio City.
Horses owned by Dr. John L. Wentz,
of this illy, are winning some more
prizes. Lord Brilliant, one of the doc
tor s tlnest animals, won the challenge
cup last week at tho Atlantic City
hnrso show. TIiIb was tho chief prize
and Is valued nt $300. Lord Billllant
captuted tho prize In a Held of six from
Rurllngham, owned nnd entered by
Trank Could.
Loid Golden, another one of the doe
tor's hoises, took tho blue ilbhon In
another clnss.
Company D, Attention.
Scranton, Pa,, July 13, 1901.
Older No. 7.
Company D will assemble at tho
new armory, Monday evening, July 15,
at 7 30 o'clock, to receive new duck
unlfouns nnd other equipment.
By order of
Aithur B. Foote, Captain.
Picnics nnd Large Gatherings
Promptly furnished with best Ice
Cream. Hanley, 420 Spruce street.
Smoke the Pocono 5c cigar.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
Company Securos a Preliminary
Injunction with a Rule to Make It
Permanent, Restraining the Strik
ers from Molesting tho Company's
Workmen or Property Alleged
Illegal Acts of Which tho Company
Specifically Complains.
Application was made to court, Sat
urday, by the Delaware, Lackawanna
nnd Western Hnllroad comapny for nn
Injunction to restrain the striking car
builders and others ftom Interfering
with tho company's operations by In
timidating Its workmen, nnd )he like.
Judge Kelly granted a temporary In
junction, returnable next Thursday nt
U a. m., with a rule on tho defendants
to show cnu" why the Injunction
flhould not bo made permanent.
The petition In the Injunction bill, to
which the Injunction order substan
tially eonfoim, tends as follows:
Tint i temporar) Injunction nnj iwie inv
midljtely as herelnalter piaiul, anl thit, on
final henrin of this ease, a porpetml Injunc
tion tniy he allowed and lvuid, retrilnln? the
defendant, to wit, "The Carhnllders' Aociv
tlon, No. 7.101, of Sainton, I'enn'jlvinh." thilr
offiier, .ikenK, fonant", tmploje, members and
each and eieiy one of them, II T. llnlej, r.lmer
urrry, ugust Iliurr, lli'hop llcrEcr, ,loeph nla.
hollbere, C harles II Cunpbell, ( hirles Cordier,
Charles Connor, William 1 onnors, 1' Clui",
Jinie Ciowlej, ,loeph Coollsun, Thomis,
In frofl, llobirt (amphell, Patrick Cojne,
Iiietan, I ucenc Ilnjrr, I'atrlik Deter, (ieorno
Iiillcr, riillllp r.hrhart, Itohert l.ldred, Tred
lltflman, Kduard llillfgan. laiob Mom, 1-red
lrf'ter, Chirle Iehman, Ceortc Linlnc, Vml
Miller, .lohn Monn, II II II MlntrenberKcr,
Thomas Murrat, Oeorce Mooreland, Henri Melil,
Ditld Mter. I' I. McAndre, Dnnatd McCjII,
llobert Met all, J. II Sarrar, John Mteb, loo
Nilih, Nlehrhs Phllll, lohn Poll, fieorue I'ld
ace, - 1'ldme. Otten r.itteron, (!io Iloherls,
(Inrlcs ltopcr, W 11 tmton, Theodire mlth,
Vilim 's.tlio.kie, fleorce s.nder, 1 I Snider,
.toseph Mnkntitcli, Wlllnni chiilt. .limes
Thompson, Ihnlel Then, Anthont W Intermintel,
llenrt Mirliis, and such other pirtles is miv
heieatter by allowance of this honorable cotnt
be inide defrndi'its ii this rise, anl all others
that mat act In comcrt with ibem or bt their
direction, tiotn m "iij dinner interferinz with
the emplntes or olnfci of jour orator, now in
its emplot, and from in anv minner inlerferlni;
with anj person who may desire to enter the
employ of jour oritor, bt the wiv of threats,
persoml tlolenie, intimhlitioii, memie, oppro
ItIous epithet", rldliule, horcott, or annojinie,
or other means nlcuhted or Intenled to pretcnt
sin h percon to leite the emploi- of tour orator
anl from bojcottlmj tour orator 01 It em
plojes, either by threats, intlmichtlnir, bo.tiot
tine, molesting or throitcninjr, In anj in inner,
anv peron or persons fir the purpose of Indw
Intr ueh person or persons not to deal with or
do business with tour oritor, fiom roncre.-atlDe
or loiterinc about In the nclnhborhood of the
rremles of jour oritor, or at nnj other plaie
with intmt to Intrrfcre with the emplntes of
jour oratir or with the prosecution of their
business, nr to Interfire with or obstruct In inv
minner the business or tride of jour oi.ilor, an'l
to pretent or Induce the public not tn deit or
Inde with tour oritor, from picketing or pi
trolinc the shops, or other property or prem
ises of tour orator, or the homes or topplmr
places ef its emploies, or ipproaihcs and en
trances thereto, or Interim; in or nbont anv
of the places named, or from mikins anj- loud
or boisterous noise in the slelnitv theieof, for
the purpose of Interfering with or Intlmlditine
tour orator's officers, emplotes, l.iiinos or
pr'perlt, from interfering with tlie fire access
of the emplot es of jour orator to jour oritor's
premises, and their places of work, and the free
and unmolested return of nid emploies to their
plares of business or their homes from impid
inc. obstructing or Interfering with In hntmtt,
threat or otherwise, anv peron fiom triding or
dealing with tour oritor, from, by umrerted
action or otherwise, doing anv let or causing
ounotiiire which will interfere in int minner
with the emplotes of tour oritor or its business,
or ciuse Injtirt or damage lei its business or
propertt. from glting anv instnution or orders
to committees, avor lations o otlierui-e for thn
performiiife of ant mih acts or threats herein
before enjoined, and from in ant manner whit
eter Impeding, obstructing or Interfering with
the regular opentlon anil conduct of the busi
ness of tour oritor, or the emploies now- in
the etnpiot cf tour oritor, or that mat here
after be emplot ed bv It
Vul that pending the hearing of this i mr a
temporirt inlunetinn mat Issue agalnt the de.
fendints and ill of them, and their associates
and oonfedmlcs, ml all others who mit ho
acting In concert with them, and rrstnlnlnjr
them as rlcne prajed for
n I sucli other and further relief miy be
giantcd .s to tlto court miv crni mete, anl
the cue of jour orator require
Walter . rios., VMIlard. Wirren A Knipp,
Solicitors for Complainant.
A part of the bill Is a letter to and
an answer from Iticoider Council, re
garding the companj's plea for protec
tion for its W'otkmen and property.
The company sets fotth that
Htrikets "dog" the footsteps of
company workmen on their way to
nnd from wotk, icvlllng them with op.
prohrlous names, threatening them, and
forming picket lines about tho com
pany's property to intimidate men who
want tn rettiin to work. Because of
this state of affairs, the company
further sas in its letter to tho te
corder. It Is compolled tn house nnd
feed a large number of men In the
shops, anil hlte a large fotce of special
ofllceis to protect them. The letter con
eludes by calling upon the reorder, as
the clty'e chief magistrate, to give the
company "tho protection that the law
guarantees tn eveiy pi,nn nnd corpor
ation engaged in a lawful calling" To
this lettor, necordcr Connell sent the
following reply:
Scranton, Pi . Inly fl, lioj
Mewi Willard, Warren A Knipp, ttornrj.
Delaware, I.nkawanna and Western Itailroad
eompanj. Scranton, Pa
fientlemen' I lute reeelted tour communi
cation of this date In reference to jour request
Our Store
Will Be Closed
July 15, Which
is a Holiday
for Grocers and
E. G. Coursen
that the city of scranton furnish you idequiU
protection or "4 sufficient forre of men" to pro.
tect the workmen of the Delaware, Laekawannt
and Western Ilallroad cempanv and allow them
to pef'flrm their woik ttltnout fear ol molesta
tion, In icplj t would Myi
s I understand the duties of the recorder el
the ill) of ,-crinlon and the ohllgstlons thtt
'he ellt cf sranton Is under to rorporatlonn and
Indltlcltials alike, some ntert action must occur
on the part of the Individual or Individuals,
tlrreby creating riot tending to destroy life or
properly or pietentlng the full exertlne of the
lndltldual rights ol the eltlren, before the city
can csll out Its poller toice or any other au
thority that It may hlte at Its lommind, to
uppies uh riot. As I understind the condb
tlon that now exists In the affair of the Dcla-w-aie,
Larkanmni and Western lUllroad com
piny the men who are at the present time in
Its employ In going to and from their work
are met bj various Indltiduals and are solicited
ti refrain from work; in nnny cases violent
Imguiue and epithets are used, their Hies ara
threitened. creating fear In their minds suf
ficient In miny uses to ciuse them to refuse
to work. The right of the lndltldual tn work
or not tn work bate neter been questioned under
the constitution by any reason ihlc person. The
man who works enjot the same full right as
the man who will not work and Intimidate,
and It teems to me the workmin If he will In a
legal way present to the proper authorities the
names of those who attempt to Intimidate him,
he would fin 1 thit the authorities would be will
ing to protect him In the full rights of hit cltl
ienhlp I hellete jou will agree with me when I siy
that If I should attempt to carry out the request
of jour petition, it would be neiessary for the
ellv of Scranton tn furnish hodj guard for etery
Indiildiiil workman of jour company. Thit Is
Impossible for me to do I beg to assure you.
howeter, that this administration atands reidr
at anj md all times to protect the properly
of the corporation or Indiilduil alike; but it
requires nn niert aitlon on the part of thoe
who disregard the law before the local authori
ty can intertene. t am,
ery respectfully tours,
W. I, Connell, City Recorder.
Tho full text of tho company's bill
of complaint would till four columns.
It lecltes the Incorporation nnd pur
poses of the company, states tho kind
nnd nmount of bulness it does: sets
forth how necesnrv It Is, not only to
the eompanj,, but the public which It
serve, that Its operations should not
be hampcied, outlines the history of
the strike and the evideneo leadl ; up
to It and concludes by telling of the
alleged Illegal nets performed by the
strikers to pi event the company from
chrrjlng out its charter rights,
Among the nets specifically com
plained of ate. Callng the workmen
opproblous names; noiaultlng the
woikmen, gathering in large crowds
about the company's piemlses to In
timidate and coerce tho employes re
maining at work, nnd others who want
to return to wotk, stoning the houes
of these men, sending them threaten
ing letters and nttempflng to lure
them from their homes at night to do
them bodily harm, making threats to
the wives and chlldten of tho work
men; stoning the company's prop
el ty nnd thtentenlng to desttoy it,
and lntiiiildatlnc nnd coctclng met
chants nnd othets from pitronUIng
the company.
In one paiagiaph of tho bllll It is set
foith that the company has 600 work
men quaiteied at the shops.
Tho car builders of Local union, No.
710 J, held a special meeting nt 10
c'ciork, jesteiday morning, in Cnr
pontet's hall. H. C. Newromb, attor
ney for tho union was directed to ap
pear .it the Injunction healing next
Tliurdny to oppose the perpetuating
of tho ten' pointy dectee.
The car builders will make denial of
the allegations that they have done
tho several unlawful nets chaiged
against them in the Injunction bill.
From the very outset of the sttike,
they sn-, they have carefully avoided
anj thing leading to the cieatlon of
disorder and tho strikcis hao been
time and time ngnln warned by their
leaders against ttespasslng on the
company's property or using nny vio
lence or Intimidation ngainfet the men
at wotk.
If there have been unlawful acts,
they say. it is not the htrlkeis, hut
misguided, over-zealous sympathizers
who have been gulty of them.
It is not to ptevent the enjoining
of the acts complained of In the in
junction that tho strikcis will oppoo
the injunction but to show that there
Is no neecsilty for nn injunction of
nny kind against the men to whom
this iniunctlon is directed.
In this connection, It Is claimed by
thn stilkers, that many of tho men
who have been made defendants In the
Injunction ptoceedlngs have had no
active part in the conduct of the strike
not even to the extent of ft cementing
the headquaiteis.
Tho machinists will have a mass
meeting aft Catpenlei's hall, at 10
o'clock this morning, to levlew th
At the regular meeting of Scranton
Typogtaphlcal union, No. 11.', jester
day afternoon, $100 was voted to the
nid of the striking car bulldcts and
Interferes with Securing of Plot of
Land nt Binghamton.
A will made four years ago Is delay
ing the removal of the Lackau anna's
$l,noo,ono car ishops to Pdnghamton.
.Sltuaied Just west of tho Blnghnmton
Beet Sugar company Is the old Michael
McBride farm. Mlchnel MeBrlde died
four yeais ago, leaving the fatm In
truot for his daughters, and under the
will tho farm cannot bo sold or other
wise disposed of for bcveral jeats to
come, unless some legal technicality
can be brought Into the case.
This farm Is situated Jtift east of the
Jones farm, which is one of the farms
In the tslto selected by the Plnghamton
board of trade and the Ivukavvanna for
the shops. Together with the Jones and
McMurdy pioportles the SleBrlde farm
forms a continuous mile and a half of
land ljlng nlong the Lackawanna
Hacks, and would make an acceptable
site for the shops One other fnim lying
In tho site is held nt what is regarded
as an exorbitant price, nnd If the Mc
BMde place were substituted the cost
of the site to tho board ot trade would
be much less.
Attorneys me pioblng the provisions
of the will and it Is nndci stood every
step will be taken to so secure legal
"Juggling" n3 to admit of the farm
either being sold or else leased upon
condition of its sale ultimately. Bing
hamton Ileiald.
A Young Child Drowned Under
Peculiar Circumstances.
The thlitecn months' old child of
Mr. and Mis. Mai tin Llnnon, of S36
Capouse avenue, was di owned on
Satuiday night In a tub containing
only nbout six Inches of water.
Tho child was playing about the
yard with some other children and
disappeared lather suddenly. A
search resulted In tho discovery of
Its body, with the face lying down
ward, In the tub. It Is presumed that
tho child fell over Into the tub and
was unable to extricate itself before
It was drowned.
m m
Try the new Be clear "Kleon."
Tho Providence Young Lady Brought
in 104 Points Lnst Week in the
Tribune's Educational Contest and
Advnnccd from Sixth Place to
Third What tho Different Contest
nnts Did The Contest Will Not Be
Open to New Entries After August
Standing of Contestants,
If this vu the last day, these would win: 1
Points. I
1. Meyer Lewis, Scran
ton 530
2. Henry Schwenker,
South Scranton... 330 T
3. Miss Wilhelmlna
Griffin, Providence. 254 T
4. William Jkiles. Hyde
Park 252
5. Garfield Anderson,
Carbcndale 178
O. It a v Buckingham,
Elmhurst 121 T
7. Miss Norma Mere
dith, Hyde Park.. 103
8. August Brunner, Jr., X
Carbcndale 83
T How rnsny ot these will be In Table No. T
1 on the closing da I 4,
rolnts. X
0. Miss Vidn. Pedrick.
Clark's Summit . . 02 ; ,
10. Prank Kemmerer,
Pactoryvllle en ,,
11. David O. Emery,
Wimmers, Pa. . . . 45
t 12. Arthur C. Griffts,
Montrose 37
4. 13. W. H. Harris, Hyde
Park 23
X 14. MIbs Minnie Wallis,
Carbondalo 17 '
15. Harry Freeman, .
Bellevuo T '
& 10. E. J. Sheridnn, Haw-
ley 0
3. 17. Miss Jennie Ward,
Olyphant 0
J. 18. Robert Campbell, .,
Qreen Kid go IS '
Miss GtlfTIn of Piovldence Is third
In the list of the leadeis fhls morning
In The Tribune's Hducatlonal Contest,
leading William Miles by 2 points nnd
being S3 points behind Schvvenker for
secoml plice. Mi'. MMes has held
third place since May ii, with the ex
ception of two dajs, when Garfield
Anderson was In third position. This
Is the highest point yet attained by a
nung lady In The Tribune's Educa
tional Contest, either Inst year or
this nnd if she can hold It or better It
ehe will have accomplished a record,
The dally returns made by each con
testant last week, are as folows:
fnntestsnts Mou Tuc WH lhurs Frl.Sat Totsl
Miss r,tll(ln 25 3 SO S3 M 4 1M
May IlurUlneham IS .. 11 .. 5?
Miss Mmdilh ... 11 .. 2 .. J .. 21
William Miles .. 1 12 .. 3 ,. .. 15
Me.ter I-ettls 9 3.... 4 1
II VhwpnlvPr ... 1 .. 11 It
r. Vnder'on 9 .. .1 .. 12
P O rmery .... in in
II Freeman 7 7
F. krmmrrcr 3 .. X
A. Driinncr 2 .. .. 2
Totals 63 21 72 57 71 S 205
Neither Miss Pedrick. A. C. GrlfrK
W H. Harris. Miss Wallis. E. J. Sher
idan, Mlrs Ward or Robeit Campbell
brought In a point the past week.
Mls Wilhelmlna Grlftln of Provi
dence made the record week's work of
the contest, bringing in 161 points and
Not a shirt waist, but
P a Negligee Shirt suitable
r for coatless wear. Box
E plaits both front and back.
t Plain colors, with attach-
t ed cuffs. 14 to 16
j KnoJs Straw Hals. J
rwuht-nvsis As!ir
Of Office Supplies and Blank
Books in Northeastern Pennsyl
General Stationers and Engravers, Scranton, Pa.
Oils, Paints
MaIon?y Oil & Manufacturing Company,
141-149 Meridian Street.
I KSi "MM Wt ARtt
Ir&saJsB O-i ACAIN?
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
going from sixth to third places from
Monday morning to Patuiday night.
This shows what energy nnd perse
verance will accomplish If rightly di
rected, Thcie Is plenty of loom even yet for
ambitious joung people to enter the
ranks of the contestants. A contest
ant beginning todny with seven early
subscriptions, cnuntlhg S4 points,
would go right Into the Table No. 1
Kemember, no entries will be received
after the loth of August, for teasons
set forth In the ndvertlsemcnt on the
fourth pago of this morning's Tribune.
A postal nddrescd "Kdltor Kducn
tlonal Contest," Scranton Tilbune,
Scranton, Pa., will be lesponed to
with a handsomely illustrated descrip
tion of the contest, or a set ot sub
set Iptlon blanks, If you are dcsrlous ot
participating in the contest.
Piano for Salo.
A fine upright grnnd piano, of nn old
nnd reliable make, finished In the
finest mahogany wood, nnd In rerfect
condition. Just received nnd Is now
on sale. The case is beiutlful; the
tone is delightful, and the piano Is
absolutely perfect. Just ns good as
new, and has been used only a few
weeks. The piano must be sold. It Is
a lare bargain for the one who is for
tunate enough to get It. It will bo
sold for cash only. A rare chance:
come Quick, and the ptlze will be
On sale nt f!uerncy Hall, .1U-31R
Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa.
Order Ico Cream
From llanley's,
Spruce stieet.
None better.
Tho popular Punch cigar is still tho
leader of tho 30c cigars.
JJ For the Boys.
I Knee Pants
j5 Several hundred pairs
M in dozens 'of new pat- J
" terns.made from Cass- K
?5 imeres and Cheviots. ,K
S5 Will give the live, grow- 5
W ing boy plenty of hard C
j wear. Sizes 6 to 16 v
5f years; worth 73c and
A 98c per pair. K
j Vacation special per
I "49c I
Suits to Order
$15.00, Worth $30.00
Pants $3.50, Worth $7.00
Merchant Tailor.
319 Lackawanna Avenue.
and Varnish t
p Vacation
!i special
I a
A careful examination of our
Ports and Sherries
will fully convince you that
we do not make a statement
that we cauuot back up with
fl Mid-
Siimmer Spial
During this week only,
we will sell our entire
line of exquisite
China Silks
65c a Yard.
Sec Window Display
I Cramer-Wells Co., j
S 130 Wyoming Ave. 1
Straw Hats
New Stock Just Arrived.
All .styles, from the $1.00
Alpine Straw to the $12.00
Don't forget we are
quarters for
Summer Shirts,
Underwear, Etc
Try Our Special 10c Linen Collars
fJia The most careful
I"I1S men sometimes make
mistakes. The most
L9KSi experienced lawyer
may err in his opin
lon. There are many defects in
titles which no amount of skill or
care on the lawyer's part could de
tect. There is no guarantee that
the opinion oi a lawyer is a correct
one, or that the title is free from
these elusive delects, A title insur
ance policy gives absolute protec
tion against fraud, errors ot judg
ments and mistakes of fact.
516 Spruce Street.
I. A. Wjtrn, President. II A. hnapp. V..Pr.
A. U. Mcnintock, Ralph S. Hull.
ue prcsiJcnt. I Truit Otflctr.
Ice Chests
Were too small for
a om!e families' use I
Maybe your require
ments of this special
Chest are not so great
they were $4.gS due to
advanced season. We of
fer them at
"Tho Great Carpet Opportun
ity" Is creatine many newly cov
ered floors Carpets sewed free.
J 4.