The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 15, 1901, Image 1

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Struoolc Between flinalaamatcd
Association and Steel Com-
panu Is On.
In the Union Mills It It Predicted
That Not a Wheel Will Turn To
morrow Amalgamated People Are
Very Sanguine of Succoss-Tho
Strike Intended Merely as a Show
of Strongth Address of President
Arms, of the Steel Hoop Company.
Br Exclusive Wire In m The r elated Press.
PIMshuig. .Iul II Tumi ptcspiit In
(llrHtlnns thp outlook is that Piesldont
Fhr.ffpi'8 stiller ohIpi. IsstiPd Inst night
to thp Amalgamated lnpinbots In the
(itiplnv of the Atnoiluin Stcrl Hoop
(''inpciny, tlio AiiiPtli'iiu Shept Steel
i mip.uiv and Hip AinciUan TlnplatP
co.npany, will he obeyed, and tlio gtrnt
snuggle between tin- Ain.ilRam.ied as
Foolation and the steel companies will
be on In earnest tomnirow.
In th" imln mills of the tlitee coni
piplp". against which .1 MtlKo 1ms been
Hei-l.itPfl It is piodloted that not a
whrel will linn tomonow An pffoit
will be in.ulp a No to c lose down some
of the non-union mills of thp companies
rnd to nipple the test. The Amalga
mated people aie veiy sanguine of suc
cess The stilke was not of 0111 seeking,"
said Piesldent Shaffer today. "It was
foiccd upon ii". Wo weie not contend
1ns: for wages, but for ptlneiple for
self-pteservntlon The tin and sheet
people will not he able to tut n a single
wheel totnouow. We 1ihp oiii foi cos
thoroiiRhly oiRaulzed and thete will he
some surpiises In stoio 1 hae not
beard today fiotn a single IoiIrp In an
swer to my stilke oidei. but an answer
Is not ueconciiy. The oidei will bp
piomptly obp.ed by all our men Hut
theie will be no tiouhle. Labor organ
izations have changed. Tlio Amalga
mated association If not the association
Ir was twentv yens iiro, not een five
yeais aRo. The men are mote teadlly
continued, in fin t, we pave nur men
under control "
Developments today Indicate that
TMttsbiirR Is going to be a piPtt lively
Ftllkf COlltCI.
The most IntPtost attaches to the
paintets' mill on tlio South Side and
to that of LlncKay A McCtitchcon, In
Allegheny. Holli mills ate (ontiolled
bv the Ameilian Sheet Hoop iompan,
anl hae bltheito been iggiesivedv
non-union, and niiiib dt ponded upon
the aitlon taken bv the men In those
plants The oinplovos of both mills
held open meetings toda and both de
cld il to stilke tomonow. The Painter
i .' employs about Ida men, and the
Lindsay & MiCimhPon mill about ."00.
I W Jenkins, manager of the Ameri
can Steel Hoop compan, said tonlRht
that he had hcaid of tho attempt to be
made to tie up tlio two mills, but he
had hea id sin h stiikc talk for seeial
months past.
Both Sidos Are Stubborn.
Mr. Jenkins .t il hnth mills would ie
ume tomonow morning ns usual. The
fiRbt at the Paintei mill is to be made
thp fight of the stilke Both slds will
make stubborn leslstmiee If the Amal
gamated people tan ( lno this mill they
believe they will haw won the Ricaler
pait of the stilke. Thp mill l not onlv
an Impoitant one. but the SIppI Hoop
company has foi yenis succeeded In
thwattlnB tho clients made to utilonle
Piesldent Shaffei was asked todav If
he had set a time when, if no settle
ment having been cfie ted, he would
extend tho stilke to - s'lhMdltiiy
steel companies of the e ' Mates
Steel coiporatlon. Ho said he h.ust de
dine to make his plans known at pips-.
It iiiav bo .'aid, however, on the
stienRth of tollable Infoimatlon, that
the stilko within Its piesont limits Is
intended meiely as a show of sttonglh.
At the (onlPieiKO last wiok the iep-
tesputathes of tho stee! (oipoiatloii
were lepeatedly warned that the asso
( lotion was muih stinnger than tl.oy
knew, They were oen told of tho 01-'
K'nilatlon of mills of which they hud
no knowledge Hut the isteel men would
not believe that tho association was as
strong us II was claimed to bo.
Thus It Is believed tho Hist puipoo
of tho assoi lation l.s to show Its
stiength by confining tho stilke to the
three companies When that show of
strength has been made, whatever It
may prove to bo, the association ex
pects the companies to ask for another
conference. If the companies show no
Inclination to makp a settlement, the
strike will be extended to thteo more
companies. If the trust will not yield
then, the stilke will be extended to
such independent companies as sell
their finished pioducts or law inateilals
to companies against which a stilke
has been decl.ued. Should the stilke
attain such piopoitlons, It would bo
likely to go still further. The Amalga
mated association and the Fedeintlon
of Labor two yeats agofouned a seciet
alliance, It Is claimed, when li was
agreed that tho association, when on
strike, could also call out the steel men
of the Kedeiatlon.
The latter has oianl?atlons in many
mills whoso workmen aie not eligible
to membership in the association,
The Conference,
In dcsrilblng the final conclusion of
the ronfpionce In tho hotel Lincoln on
Saturday, President Shaffer said that
after tho tlnal pioposltlou of the man
ufacture! s had been taken up and
from tourtesy on tho pait of the
woikers had been dHcus3cd theio was
n pilnful silence for about five min
utes The workeis waited for some
futtlior lemnik on tho pait or the
tiiaiiufiK tuieis and tho latter nppeared
ti bo watlng for a teniaik fiom the
woikois. Finally one of the mauufar
turois eoinmltteo bioko tho stillness
b, saying:
"Well. I riioss thpro is no fuithpr
uo In waiting for other developments.
Tho men have nothing to otfor and tho
manufacturei have gone as far s
they can in justice to themselves."
Prpsldpnt Shaffpr ippllod that he
accoided with this view. If tho inati
ulaituiPis had no other pioposltlon to
offer. It was useless to remain.
llaih side uioso to leave Warner
Aiiu, president of the Ameilean
Steel Hoop eompiny, said then'
"I am soi iv that our fi loudly io
latlons lu tlio past should have to be
luokPii In this way. Wo have done all
In our power to moot this trouble In an
amicable manner. With this breach
onco opened, It must be uudeistood
that tho onus Is on tho side of tho
Amalgamated association and the pub
lic will undei stand this "
While kei nlv logrcttlng the bioak In
the peaceful lelatlons between the or
Ranbiitlon and the manufacturers.
Piesldent Shaffer said that theie
sec mod no other com so to put sue. Ills
offer to the hoop company to trcon
sttuct tho scale for cotton tie mid hoop
mills, was one of the most impoitant
saciillcos that had ever been offoted
by thp association. Again, in tho offer
to exclude the tin plate mills, thp hoop
mills nnd the shept mills fiom all fur
ther dltllcultles with plants owned by
the I'nltPd States Steel corpoiatlon,
should the ngteemnt be leached on the
final proposition of the Amalgamated
association was giantlng the manu
facture! s their movt earnest wish, of
recognizing the individual responsi
bility of each of the constituent corpoi
atlous of tlic paiPtit organization
known as the I'nlted States Steel coi
poratlon It was thought that the
m.iiiufacluteis would have (illicitly ac
cepted this dual proposition. Their
refusal was a surprise to tho Amal
gamated men. Of course, this proposi
tion is not now open to the manufac
tuieis. Willis L. King, lcc chaliman
of Jones & Laiighlius, an indeppiidcnt
corporation, did not hesitate to say
when apptoached today that the In
ability of the (onfeiees to agiee was
a most unfortunate condition nnd
meant an immense less, not only to all
concerned, but to tho countiy gener
ally. No Chance for Arbitration.
"A claim for lncieascd wages on the
pait of the wotklugnien," ho said, "Is
a conipaiatlvoly easy nutter to nibl
ti ate. foi, as a ililo, both sides will
make some (omessions, butwheie thpie
Is a pilnciplp Involved, as thpro soems
to bo In this i ase, then It reaches a
point wheio aibltiation Is Impossible,
nnd elthoi one side or the other must
acknowledge defeat by surrendering.
"Mr Moigaii and associates, as I
understand It, nio not opposed to
unionism, wheiever It exists, but they
ate opposed to taking stub a step a
will neees-dtato their non-union cni
plojos joining the Amalgamated asso
ciation If In these non-union mills the
Amalgamated association has mu h a
bold as It claims, then, In m.v judg
ment, It Is a veiy easy matter and only
light that it should show Its stiength,
and if tlio majority of the oniplojes
aie in favor of mganUatlnn, possihly
it would be in a better position to go
befoio a boaid of .ubltiatloti and ask
contiol of such mill or mills, but If It
has not sinli a innjniit.v, 1 cannot spo
any justice in Its claims, Theie Is but
one phase of the tnattei which I think
can bo left to aibltiation, so long as
the piesent pilmlple I involved, and
that Is whether It Is light foi tho steel
coipoiatlon to foice Its: men Into an
oiganlatloti against their will, I think
the men nio nrblttaiy In this inattei."
Will Stand by Shaffer.
A tepnit fiom Now Castle, Pa., to
night snss-
Fully -1,000 men will bo affected in
this city by tho Amalgamated stilke.
Ot .thesp U.OOO aie outplayed In tho
Shenango plant nnd 1,100 In the Olioor
plant of tho American tlnplnle com
pany nnd coo at the steel plant of tho
National Steel eompiny. Tlio men of
the latter mill woio not called out
by Piesldent Shafter, but notices wrto
lostod theio today stating that tho
plant will not bo In nperalnn tomonow.
Tho local inembeis of "tho
od aspoi lation are hlrhlv pleased over
the decision to stilke. They will stand
by President Shaffer to a man. To
monow not one wheel will bo turned
In either the Gicer or Shonango tin
mills, the laigest plants of the kind
in the lonntiy Tho men aie toady
for a long strike. They will offer no
violence. At Shaion the strike will
afteet a compaiatlvoly small number
of men the plants hero in nearly nil
caves being Independent and not af
feted by the strike oidei.
iConnellsvllle says' Tho omploves
at tho Humbert plant of the Ameri
can Tlnplato company, at South L'on
nellsvlle, aie hanging In the baancc
tonight. Thev don't know just how
tho situation stands and aie waiting
for tho other tinplate plants to take
the lead Tho Humbert mill Is run as
a npn-uulou mill, nlthouch both tin
plate lahor unions have hranches es
tablished at South Connellsvllle.
Sympathy Strike.
At Oieenvllle. some 700 men will be
affected by the stilke, and the gieat
niajntlty are favoiable to a hold-nut to
the end In suppoit of tho demands of
their leadeis.
The repent fiom New Kensington to
night Is1 In aecordaneo with the stilke
older Issued by Piesldent Shaffer, the
emplo( In tho Pittsburg and Penn
sylvania plants of tlio Ameilean Tin
plate company at this plaro will not
lesiimo work tomorrow. What action
will bo taken by tho tin house employes
Is not jot known. They nrp not iiipiii
beis of tho Amalgamated association.
Thoy will probably tesume work, but
the opinion ptevalls that a (sympathy
strike will bo dpclnicd among them, as
they ni-e deeply In sympathy with the
Amalgamated association.
At Johnrstoun, I'n., the strike will not
affect the U'.OOO men working In tho
mills In that city, except that the Unit
ed States Ptrel corporation may Induce
great numbers of them to leave Johns
town to take the places of strlkets.
Tho mills there aio non-union
Five thousand workmen In Wheeling
and vicinity will be affected by the
strike. Of this number .1000 mo em
plojod nt the Aetna Standard In
Hrldgoport, the largest shoot mill In
tho wot Id, with one exception. Tho
men are heaitlly In ntcoul with Shaf
She Sails for Europo with Her Throo
Children After Evading Renowed
Efforts to Sorvo a Writ.
Dy Exclusive wlre from The Awndatpd rrm.
Now York, July 14. Mis Mary Har
rington Hnnna, who obtained a div
orce from Dan It. Hnnna, of Cleveland,
three yeats ago, sailed for Luiopo yes
terday on tho Campania, with her
three chldicu.
The young woman succeeded In
boat ding the Campania and in remain
ing hidden until it was too late to
sei-vo a writ of habeas col pus icciuli
Ing her to pioduce tho chlldion In
ceiutt on Monday next. This writ was
obtained after service of similar one
had boon avoided In Ohio. Hoth wilts
weto Issued on tho application of Mr.
llaiina, who did not wish his children
taken to Huiopo.
Mr. lliuimi, who Is a son of Senator
M. A. Haiina, ai rived In New York
this morning mid after a consultation
with Taylor & Seymour, attorneys, ho
applied for and obtained from Justice
M,cAdam. a wilt of habeas eoituis
commanding Mrs. Hanna. to pioduce
tho chlldion In court on Monday.
As soon as tho writ was obtained
Mr. Hanna nnd a detective wont to
the Savoy Hotel, wheio Mrs Hanna
and seveinl friends had boon stopping,
to servo it. There It was learned that
the entlte party had left the IioipI
eaily in tho morning and It was le
potted thoy had sailed on tho Menom
inee On hearing this Mr. Hanu.i went to
the Atlantic Transport dock, wheio bo
wa.s told that his wife had not snllpd
on the MPtioinlneo. Then he wont to
the Cuniird deck, wheio the Campania
was being made roadv to sail.
On tho Campania. Mr. Hanna met
the Raioinss do Palandt, and they
had a long (onvot.satlon. Then Mr.
Hanna. and sevoial detectives search
ed tho ship and found that tootu.s I, E,
and fi had been engaged by Mrs. Han
na, but also that her name bad been
stilckon fiom the passenger list. Her
in, lid was ahoaid. however, and all
her baggage was on the steainei'tf
I'pon nnlval at room 6 the detec
tives found that It was locked and
guarded by a member of the ship's
crew. As no cilmlnal oftenro was
charged, tho detectives did not date
break In the cabin.
About half an hour before the Cam
pinla sailed, Mr. Haiuia loft the ship
nnd tho clock In u cab accompanied by
a Cleveland nttoieny.
A ropoiter who knows Mis. Hanu.i
said that ho aw her in loom G and a
detective tonoboiated this assertion.
Glass Industry Employes 0800
Skilled Workmen and 0404
Ity rielnsivo Wire from The Associated Tres'.
Haulshutg, July 11 James M.
Clink, thief of the buieau of statistic,
lias completed the compilation of hi
report on tho glass liidustiles of tlio
state for the year ending Juno 30, l'.mo,
and piesents an Intel Pstlng nil ay of
tlgincs Hhowing the vnstness of tho
glass Industiy in Pennsylvania.
The eptlic glass Industiy employed
O.SOrt sklled workmen nnd 9.104 un
skilled, 1 fiG3 temiiles and 2,130 chil
dren. The average earnings of tho
skilled workmen weie $712.07, of tho
unskilled. JJ11 J7: of women. $107 J:.
ot tho children, $ I S1.7G. The aveuige
dally wage of all was $1.0. The aver
age dally wage of the skilled woik
incn was $.101, of the unskilled men
anil boys, $1 ?,1; of tho females, Me,
nnd of the children, fiOe.
In tho window glass works, the
wages i an fiom $t.r0 for engineers to
$111 for bloweis. Flattenors and out
lets made fiotn $10 to $U pet clay. In
plate glass factntles, the dally wage
for skilled wotknien was from $1 7.1 to
$4. Flint bottle blowers inadr fiotn $1
to $7 per day. fit eon and amber bot
tle blowers and guffors earned fiom
$J.&0 to $7 per day. Hloweis In lamp
shade and chimney fnctoiles made
fiom $1 to $7.10 per day. Tableware,
piessed and blown glassware bloweis
made fiom $.' to $ii per day. Unskilled
woikmen nnd laboiers made ftom $125
to $J 75 per day. The condition of tho
glass Industiy is said, to bo at piesont
the best In Its hlstoiy.
Body of tho Late President of Chili
Lies in State.
By Excluilvc Wire Ironi The Aisnclatcd Picjs.
Santiago Do Chill. July It Tho
body of President Lua.iuU, who died
Filday, was brought to this city today
and received with solemn public ceie
monlal, no fewer than one bundled
thousand people paitlclpatlng in tlio
ptocesslon and ns spectators. it will
llo In tho hall of tins chamber of o.
putles until Tuesday, when Intctment
will tnko place.
All tho theaters aio closed and tho
occasion Is ono of general inoutnlng.
Wilbur Found Dead.
M) Fseluhe Wire from The Associated l'res
WllVea llure, IiiU It Cbarlr Wilbur, of Iai
rerne horuusli, vcj Iniuvl le,icl on road noir
V'erulirook toil.ii. ll kull n cnuhed In,
There il a i.iilclii that he met with foul jiliy.
About Ono Half of tho Saloon Keep
ers of Atlantic City Keop Open,
By F.tcltuhe Wire from The Aoeltfd Prc.
Atlantic City, N. J . July 14. About
one-halt tho hotel ptopilotors and
saloonkeepeis of this tesott today car
lled out their Intention to lct the Sun
day dosing law, and as a icsult this
losort was "wide open" Tho pavilions,
grottoes, infos and saloons that wpip
open did their usual big Sunday busl
npss. No iniestH weie made for vio
lation of tho law. Tho mayor say that
unjfoimed policemen nio prohibited
from entoilng dt Inking places except to
auell a i lot or serve a wairant. and
theiofore the police have no direct evi
dence that the law was violated.
It was said that tho Law and Order
society, which up to a year ago was
quite active, feiretlng out lUenscd
saloons, had a corps of detectives out
todny gathering ev Idenco for the pur
pose of piosccutlng the violators of the
The hotclinen nnd alnnnkeepers are lug to defend themselves In case
they aio prosecuted.
Sad Ending of a Picnic at Dausfl
Beach Near Savanah,
Hy F.xrltiio Wire from The Avaehtrd I'rm
Savnunh, Ga July 14 The Hebrew
Cainahl Ha.'id held Its annuil plcnlo at
Dausflo beach today and a number of
the picnickers went Into thp ocean for
a suit bath. Tho tide suddenly lose
and out of twelve bathers six weie
The dead are: Mrs, Abo Dlckstoln,
aged 21; Annie Krostadt, aged 10; Ida
Krostadt, agpd 16; Leah Sllversteln,
aged 17, Annlp Horowitz, nged 13;
Isaac Zaeht, aged 22.
Tho bodies of tlio unfortunates were
swept out to sea nnd only the body of
Mrs Dicksteln was recovered.
Present Week Promiso3 to Bo Ono of
tho Most Dolightful Yot Planned.
Programme of Events.
Dy Lxrluslve Wire fiom I lie Vssoclited Prefs
nuffnlci, July II. The present week
at tlio Pan-Ameilcan exposition ptoiu
ics to bo ono of the most dellghttul
yet planned. Mllltaiy features abound.
Tin eo companies of the Seventieth
icginient, Nntioniil tiuatd of Vliglnla,
unci Ainiour's cadets, of Chicago, aio
also hoie. The Klghtb Ohio, which l.s
populaily known as 'the ptcsldenfs
own" and the Twenty-second Now
Yoik will go into lamp at Camp l'lll-
Tuesday, July 16, will be Chautauqua
clay, with pppakeis fiom all paits of
the country, Kiank Chapln Ht.iy, editor
of The Chautauaunn, and Pi of. S. 11.
Claik, among otheis. The musical pait
of the progianimo Includes tiumbeis by
William S. hlietwood, of Boston, the
pianist, Sol Maicosviin, Nlllnlst, and I.
V. riaglei. orgatiKt, In addition to
ooal numbers Wednesday will be
electric conti actors' day.
A large number of Invitations have
been sent out by the Ohio Pan-Amerl-er.
commissioners for the e.eiciscs of
Ohio day. Thursday, July IS. A big
attendance is anticipated, as lhMO aie
to be Imposing ceremonies and exciir-
slen.s at low i.ites will be mn by tho
lallioads. In addition to tho exotcisos
In the Temple of Music at 11 a m.
Thursday, when many distinguished
statesmen will nppear on the platform,
an Infouual muslcale Is planned for the
attetnoon at the Ohio building Theio
will also bo n loceptlon in tlio Ohio
building In the onlng and a. display
of fliowoiks will conclude tho celebra
tion. Friday will bo HaglP day. Spvoral
thousand membeis of tho different
cyiies will bo pipsent.
Tho Steamer Humbolt Brings Four
Hundred Pnssengors and Quarter
of a Million in Yellow Dust.
Ity Fvcluslio Wire from The s.0( htccl Press.
rioattlo, July 11. The steamer Hum
bolt at lived from Skaguay today with
400 passengers and a laigo amount of
Klondike gold, estimated lit a (piai
ter of a million dollars. News Is
bi ought of the pattlal w locking of
steamers on the Yukon between Daw
son and White Hniso laplds.
A latgo amount of gold has left
Paw son, to iiinio out l.i the St.
Michaels iciute.
Colorado Smelter Employes Will
Work on Eight Hour Basis.
Ily I'xcliislvo Wire from The Associated I're
Hutte, Mont., July 14. After being
Idles six weeks on account of the ellf
fetenees with employes over the eight
hour nuestlon, tho Colorado smelteis
will start up tomonow with a full
force of men. Tho trouble aroso over
the demand fiom the smelter men that
tho outside men, Including machinists,
should recelvo tho benellt of the eight
hour law,
The men will go to woik on tho old
aitangenient, by all men actually em
ployed In the work of smelting getting
eight hotus. a day at the same wuges
as foimeily paid for ton.
Murder or Suicide,
Dy Exclusive Wire from Tho Anoclated Press
HvrrUI'iirir. Inly II brn nwllsli, o Williams,
port, aa fi unci dead lodij In a field near
Itockvllle liriclic, one mll oa.t ol Maiyailllc.
Ills throat wi cut In fain rlace-s and liy Ida
Me lav a hloody rareu, The authorities aie
not ponlllvc whether llmllth committed Hilel'le
K mj. inuidncil. lie vcat J years eld and uai
a wood
Gould Have Been Averted Had Not
Gonaress Pressed the Presi
dent to notion.
Tho American Minister to Spain
Asked for n Dolay, Declaring That
Ho Could Get Poaco and Justice
for Cuba if Not Hurried Dovolop
mont of tho Government's Policy.
Facts Brought Out in tho Foreign
Relations Volumn for 1808 Tho
Philippines Question Mr. Day
Disagreed with tho Other Com
missioners. Dy Txcluslve Wire from The Associated rress.
Now Yotk. July 14. The Hot aid's
Washington coi respondents furnish to
day the following Interesting review of
the events of tho beginning of the war
with Spain, which shows that tho con
flict could have been avetted but for
tho action of congiess:
"If conditions at Washington still en
able you to give me the necessary time
1 am sine that before next October 1
will get peace in Cuba, with justice to
Cuba and protection to our great
Ameilean Interests."
This statement was made by Stew ait
L. Woodford, minister of the I'nlted
States to Spain, In a cablegiam which
bo sent to tho piesldent on Ant II .1.
KOS. Of Itself It Indicates that war
with Spain could have been av cited
had not congress been piesslng tho
pi evident for notion. Replying to Oen
otal Woodtotd's dispatch, Assistant
secretary Day cabled: "Would tho
pi ace you aio so confident of secuilng
mean the Independence of Cuba?"
Two days later General Woodfotd
cabled tho piesldent, asking whether If
tho queen should pioclalni Immediate
and unconditional cessation of hostil
ities In the island of Cuba, hostile ac
tion by congiess could be pi evented.
"I believe," added Genet al Woodfoid,
"that this means peace, which tho sober
Judgment of our people will npprove
long befoie next November nnd which
must be appiovcd at the final bar of
llespondliig, the piesldent stated that
ho highly appi eclated the queen's de
alt p for peace, but could not assume to
inllupiice the action of congress beyond
a dischaigo of his constitutional duty
in ttansmittlng the whole matter to it,
with such recommendations as he
deemed necessary. General Woodford
went to so far as to suggest the pur
(bavo of Cuba, p suggestion which was
not, however, entettalned by the piesl
dent. Development of Govornment's Policy
Those facts aie brought out in the
foreign iclatlons olumo for 1S0S, le
contly published by the state depait
inent. Tho eoricspoudenee also throws
much Intoi estlng light on the evolu
tion of the policy of the ndmlnstra-.
lion, which Dually led to the demand
for the cession of .he Philippine nichl-
Tho piotocol signed by William It.
Day, then seciotaiy ot state of the
United States, and M. Jules Canibon,
Krone h ambassador, on behalf ot Spain,
which teimlnatpcl hostilities, piovidpd
for the occupation by tlio I'nlted
States of tho city and Bay of Manila,
ponding tho conclusion of a treaty of
peace which should dototmlno "tho
contiol, disposition and government of
tho Islands." This protocol was
signed on August 12, 1S9S. On Septem
ber It?, In his liistiuttlons to the com
mission appointed to negotiate tho
tieaty of poaco, the piesldent said:
"Tlio United States cannot accept
less than tho cession In full right and
sovereignty of the Island of Luzon.
It l.s desliablo, however, that the Uni
ted States shall acqulie the light of
cntiy tor essols and nieichandlso be
longing to .citizens ot tho United
States Into such poits of the Philip
pines as iiio not ceded to tho Unlt-d
States upon teims of equal favor with
Spanish ships ami metchandise, both
In i elation to poit and customs chaiges
and rates of ttado and commerce, to
gether with other tights of pioteotlon
and tiado accorded to tlio cltlons of
oiip countiy within tlio territory of tho
Mr. Day Objected.
Consideration of tho Philippines ques
tion moused differences of opinion
among tho cnnimlbsloneis. Mr. Day
doclated ho was unable to agiee with
Commissioners DivK Fry and Held
tint the United States should peiemp
torlly demand tho Philippine gtoup. llo
held that tho Islands weie likely to
piove a buulcn lather than a benefit
to the United States, and stated that
ho would "minimize out holdings thero
to the lowest point consistent with nur
obligations. Our advantage Is a naval
and cotnmeiclal base In tho Kast. Moto
than this wo should not seek. Our ob
ligations seem to lequiro us to tako
Luzon and islands so neai ns to be es
sential thereto."
Tho piesldent, however, stood firm,
and Secictary Hay, on October 2fi,
cabled to the commission that "the In
foimatlon which has come to the piesl
dent since your depaiture. com lines
hlin that tho acceptance of the cession
of Luzon alone, leaving tho lest of tho
Islands stibjeqt to Spanish itile, cannot
bo lustlfipd on political, (oniniPicial or
humanitarian giounds. The cession
must bo of the whole archlpelngo or
Thete was n shaip dlffeience of opin
ion between the piesldent nnd Mi. bay
nnd Ambashiuloi ('million tegAidlng tho
put poses of the president with respect
to the Philippines, us desetlbeil In tho
conversations which lesulted In tho
signing of tho piotocol. The diplomatic
correspondence shows that M. Cmnbon,
In his reports to the Spanish govern
ment, etated that he asked the ptesl-
Weather Indication! Todai
L (Irnoral sirrl Slrlkc Order to lie Obejnl
niMatMaetlon Willi Kite lienor in south Africa,
Cmilcl tho Spjnlfh War lUie Item Averted.
2 (leneral Carlmnddr Drpirtment.
Nortlicatcrn rmrylvanli.
3 Local Lawyer l)oMni; lor VUs In Law At-
fectlnc Corporations.
Fcrmrn ly Itev. II. O Ducliltr.
Swnio Men cf the Hour,
I UltorUI.
Note ind Comment.
5 Loral Court !rant. Injunction ltetralnlnff
Siiinniai) ot WccK'a Work In the Educational
6 IicjI Wt s'cranton ind Sumirlan.
1 A II. Societies In Convention.
7 Story "twin Mill "
I inanclil and ('milium Ml.
R Loi al Industrial and Ijlinr.
stout to state as pieclsoly as possible
his Intentions In t elation to the Phil
ippine islands. Mr. McKlnlcy an
swoied: "I do not want any misunderstanding
to icmaln upon this subject, and neither
of the two countries shall be the ones
to bo called upon to dci Ide what ate
the peiiiiancnt adatitagc wo shall ask
for In tho aichlpelago, and Mindly to
decide the Intel ventlon, disposition nnd
government of the Philippine islands.
The government of Mndild can test as
suied that up to the present nothing
against Spain has been settled a ptlorl
In my own mind."
Mr. Day's nioiuoinndum showed that
the piesldent leplled to M. Cambon
that tho disposition of the Philippines
must depend upon the treuty to be ne
Twenty Excursionists Are Victim
of a Gang of Pickpockets Who
Take Money and Rail
road Tickets.
Dy Exclusive. Wire from The vwoclateil Press
Glenvvood Springs. Col . July 14. The
thoioughly organized gang ofplckpnck
ets operating at Colorado Springs Is
losponslble for a patty of about twen
ty Kpworth Leagucis becoming
stranded here. Men and women alike
have boon robbed, not only of every
cpnt thoy had with them, but ot rail
lead tickets as well, and unless the
railioads will Issue tickets back homo
on their proof of h-ivlng pur wsecl
and paid for ildes to San Kcanclsco
tin 1 back, they will bo coinpe'led to
ask aid f i out tho county ctitliorlllrs.
In at least ten oases, thl-vs even
denied tho victims' ti links on the
stolen baggao checks.
Among those robbed aio: Dr. J. II.
Wilson, wife and daughter, and Mis.
II. It. Haiilngtoii. of Dovoi, Del; Di.
Wilson's wallet containing tickets for
the patty, dtafts on San Francisco
banks and baggage cheeks, being
stolon In the ciush at the depot at
Ccloiado Spiings.
Major S. K. Hooper, gciipral passen
ger agent of the Denver & Mo Grandn
railroad, authorUed tlio (ilenwood
Spiings agent to tutnlsli passes to Og
elin to stiandod passengets who de
bited to continue tlieli Jouinoy west.
His Last Voyage Through Niagara
Whirl Pool Rapids in a Barrel
Witnessed by 3,000 People.
Dy fxcluJivc Wire (rom The ssocialrd Press
NI.irhih Falls, July 11 About I! nno
saw Cai lisle D. Giaham make his llfth
successive voyage tluough the whlil
pool laplds in a batrol tills afternoon.
Tho start was made from tho old Maid
ot tho Mist landing below tlio falls.
Tho ban el was caught in an eddy and
ill clod about a little above tho canti
lever btldgo for a qu.utor of an houi.
The e.tiong ctirient in tlio middle of
the stienin finally Jeiked It out of tho
eddy Into tho foaming wateis of tlio
The passage through the laplds was
swift. It took tho barrel llvo minutes
to teach tho eddy fiom tho stinting
point and twenty minutes to get out of
it, but It took only thtee nnd a hnlf
minutes to pass tluough the Lipids and
the whli lpool, a distance of about a
mile It was taken from tho water after
it had cite led about In the whirlpool
for a few minutes. Graham was
slightly biulsed about the elbows and
knees, but ho was othoiwUe unliuit.
Dy Fscliidvo Wire from I'he Aacouatcd Press.
Cleveland, .lulv 11 On .lulv 31 Ohio Dtmo.
cuts who pel lev c In llrjun, Hie Issues which ho
repiMcnti, and ivlikli the recent Peinncrilic
convention icimrrel, nil! awmhle In ColunihiK
ami make up a l.ite ticket. Ten men met lo
day in this cilv iml decided that a holt ihuiild
lm mado and tint a new jutty IioiiM enter
the Held ol Ohio pnjlllo.
McKinleys nt Canton.
Dy Kxcluiita Wire (rom The sodaleiI Tiess
(anion, (l, Juls II President and .Mr Mc.
Millet paused cpilet Sunday, 'cndinc moot ot
the day at h'ime. During tho earlv niornlmr thev
took a drive to the cemetery and on the return
the pretldcnt lelt the cairUce at the 1 li.t
yictho.llil I pliHopa! church and remained lor
mornlne M-rvIc" Theie were almost no oilier
at the hou-e dunns the di Sevei il relative!
took dinner unit the family this evening.
Gibbons Will Soon Sail.
Dy Fxcludie Whe from The Associated Press
Parlf, lulv II -(lidlnal fiihbous It expected
to irrlve in Pails clioiilv, Iml It U undei.lo.vl
tint lie vclll proceed nlmojr Immediately an I
embark for the I'nlted sutej.
Steamship Arrivals.
New York, .Inly II. vrrlved; t'nihrli, liver
pool and ()ueinlovvn, l,',cjultjliie, llavie I Iv
erpool Vrrived- I Inula, New ork via (Juceiii.
town, tailed; Lui.anli (fmm Uvcipuo'), hew
Dissatisfaction with His Conduct
ol the War Appears to Be
on the Increase.
Tho Differoncos with Lord Milner
Liablo to Lead to tho Appointment
of a Now Commandor of tho South
African Forces Blamo for tho
Consorship But Liberal Party So
Divided That It Cannot Tako Ad
vantage of tho Situation.
Dy rvolmlvc Wire from 'Hie ochtcd Tress.
London, July II The Vlakfontpln In
cident has lotne no ir to spplllng
"WatPiloo" foi the government. An
appaiently iinlinpoi tnnt Incident, tho
censorship ot one npwspqper dispatch,
has had tlio effect of eiystalllzlng all
tho vvidoly dlffotlng snits of public ells,
satisfaction concerning tlio conduct ot
the win in South Aftlca. This dissat
isfaction had long been pent up, nnd
now finds ft ce ont, not. stiangely
enough, tluough the miliums of the
opposition newspapcis, hut In tho gov
ernment join tints.
For months past the public belief and
adniltatlon of Loid Kite lienor hud be-on
waning, now ho Is openly nnd severely
critic lecl A minor, which cannot bo
substantiated, is i intent that he will
shortly be eiueopoeled in the c omiiiand of
the Hiltlsh fences in South Afilca by
Ocnoial Sir nindon Mood, who has
been operating In L'astein Transvaal.
Should this change occur, It would
piobably bo ehlelly duo to thp differ
ences of opinion ousting between Lonl
Milner, of Capo Town, and Loid Kitch
ener, and it would bo announced In the
fotni of a piomotlon, accompanied by
the statement that the opoiatlons in
South Aftlca no longer Justified tho
presence theie of an officer of the seni
ority of Lord Kitchener.
Disagrees with Milner.
Thete ls little doubt Hint Louis Mil
ner and Kitchener have had sovetal
dlsagi cements, and tho high commis
sioner does not want to return to South
Africa as long as the hard, hlgh-haudod
Geneinl Kitchener lemalns In contiol
Amid the stonn of cllsnppioval tesult
Ing fiom the Vlakfonteln affair which
the government's suppoiteis arc pour
ing nut upon the wai otllc e on account
ot tho suppression of news and tho
flagrant vagailee, of the consulship, tho
Liliet al patty, tluough Its hopeless dif
ferences of opinion, is obliged to sit
supine and see tho best opportunity
piobably ever offoied out ot Its
Tho exttaiiidlnaiy spectacle has been
pipsented ot an adv allied i.tdlcal nows
pappr, the Dally Kpws, patting the war
olllce and Lonl Kitchener on the back
tor suppiesslng the alleged Hoor out
inges to British wounded, while tho
Times and other government, though
less radical, oigans say the feeling
aroused in the genet al public, which
has up to this time blindly nnd enthusi
astically suppoitoel tho government's
war policy, can scateoly bo estimated.
Olllclals of tlio war olllce ate moio
woiiIpcI now than nt imv pievlous time
din lug tlie w ir, and thoy me woiking
Hticnuously to atone for and explain
tlio mistake. The incident hns awak
ened In the public mind an eagerness,
most iintortunate for the government,
to know tho details of opeiatlons, nlll
an ever Inci easing dissatisfaction with
the piogicss of the Hiltlsh aims In
South A tile a.
I'loinlnciit niPinbPts of the Conserva
tive patty believe that If their party
had to go to the countiy now It would
bo defeated, ptovldeil a semblance of
opposition could be musieioil.
Now Liberal Organization.
In this connection theie Is some talk
of the possibility of a now Lilieinl oi
ganlzatlon consisting of a combination
of the old Llbi iiil-L'nlonlsts and tho
Llbeial-Itnpi ilalists, many of whom
would like to see n cabinet Including
Lord liosoboiy, the Duke of Dovonshlie
(piesldent of (lie council), Joseph
(TinmliPilain (colonial scciel.ny) and
H. II A-qulth deader of tho Llbeial
Inippiiiillcsts), which some men believe
may eventually bo lealhlo.
Sir Ch.ules Dllko, advanced lladknl
member of paillameut, speaking at
Forest of, Uloueesteishiie, this
evening, said:
"Mr. Cliaiubeilaln must Indeed bo an
optimist Having ontoiod parliament
as nn advanced lladleal twenty-five
years ago, ho has been advancing over It Is a dfllcult task for a patriot
to bo an optimist at piesont, when tho
failure of tho government to finish the
wai is t.o (llsastiotis to the Inteiests of
the country. I have never iceognized
patty nbllg itlous In cousldotlng the in
teiests of the army, and It will be nec
essary to conquer both parties In solv
ing the iPotganUatlon of tho mllltaiy
pyrtem, and I am convinced that this
will csooner or later bo done."
Pensions Gianted.
W'aalilnxion, July II 4rt pendon Ins lieen
cranied Vlmon T. Mamlialt, of Plymouth, Lu
zcruc county.
Local dell lor Inly II, I'pOI.
Ili6h(el tuiipcijiuie '., M decreet
l.nue.t tcmpti Utile KO desreei
Helative Humidity:
R a m 5- per rem.
fi p. in 71 per cent.
Pre. iplum n. .'I hours culed s p. in., none,
weather, partly cloudy
W anhlnsten, .'"'y II I'oreeut for Mon.
div md Tuetihv: IVc-lcin Pennaylvmll
I'alr, warmer Monday, Tuesday, fair;
light wiulherly winu.
tttftt tf H Tt